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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (Template)

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Bashayer Topic or Theme: ten more, ten less.


Class: Grade 1 Date & Duration: 12 March 2019 2th period.

Trainee Personal Goals

- To work in differentiate between the student’s levels and activities.

- To divide the lesson equally and work on all parts I planned for.
- To use the time wisely and work equally in each part.

Lesson Focus

How to add 10 more, and Munsie 10 less.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to learn how to add 10 more, and Munsie 10 less.

Links to Prior Learning:

Students have learned addition and subtraction.

Students have learned greater than, less than, and equal to.

21st Century Skills

Ø Collaboration: students will be working in groups and share their answers together.
Ø Communication: teacher will be questioning the students in the model part and the students will
be responding to her.
Ø Communications: students will be communicating with their group members while doing the

Key vocabulary

Ten more

Ten less

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Students might face some difficulties - Teacher will model each activity orally.
understanding the instructions of
the (activities).
- Students might have some problems - Teacher will provide a cube to help students
while they are adding 10 or adding and subtracting 10.
subtracting 10.

Resources/equipment needed


Small objects


Check list






& Time
Tr: will ask 10 students to come on front.
Tr: will give students a kind of board and students have to wear it. Each board has
one number which is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.
15 minutes Tr: will put them in order.
Tr: will ask students to count forward, and then backward.
Boards Ss: will be counting.
Tr: will ask the students what is the date of yesterday? And then, the date is 13 of
march 2019.
Tr: will say the outcome and students will repeat after her. “ I am learning more that
10, less than 10”.
Ss: will be repeating after the teacher.
Tr: will say here we have some gifts and she will post it in front of the class so
everybody can see them. And she will tell the class that she will be using classdojo
and if you aren’t sitting quietly you will lose points.

Tr: will ask students “what does more than means?” and what dose less than
means?” turn and talk to your partner.
Ss: in pairs they will discuss.
Tr: will pick a name from classdojo.
Tr: will show the students if they see word more, they have to use +. And if they see
less they will – .
Tr: will have some cards that has equation. For example, 10 more than 7 is …….
Tr: will ask them when we have word more what we will do? +
Ss: will come and do some and explain their answer.

Resources Main activities

& Time High level activity:
Tr: will separate the students into 4 groups based on their academic level.
15 minutes Tr: will distribute some big cards and some small. The small cards have number and the
Cards big card have one sentence and two spaces. The sentence (10 less than) or (10 more
Cubes than) and then empty space students have to put one of the cards on it, and there will
Clips be one more space, students will write the right the answer by marker.
Tr: will model how to it. She will take one big card and one small card. She will put the
small card which is a number 31 in the first empty space, then she will read the
sentence which is “10 less than 31 is” she will write 21 on the second empty space.
Tr: will ask the students do the remaining in group.
Ss: will do the activity.
Tr: will be walking around the groups to check their working.
St: will rise their hand if they have any question.
Extra activity: worksheet.

Middle level activity:

Tr: will separate the students into 4 groups based on their academic level.
Tr: will distribute some cards. Some of the cards are numbers and the other pictures of
Tr: will ask the students to match the number with the picture.
Tr: will model how to do one of them. She will take the two cards and the once that has
cubes, she will count it then she will say “here it says 10 more than 31, so we will add
10 more”. Then she will present cubes to help them understand
Tr: will ask the students to do it in group.
St: will do the activity.
Tr: will be walking around the groups to check their working.
St: will rise their hand if they have any question.
Extra activity: worksheet.

Low level activity:

Tr: will separate the students into 4 groups based on their academic level.
Tr: will distribute some cards. Each card has one question and 3 multiple choices.
Tr: will ask the students to read the question and put the clips on the correct answer.
Tr: will model the first one. she will pick one card and will say “the question is what is
ten more than 15” she will be using some cubes to help her by adding 10 then she will
count the whole to find the answer.
Tr: will ask the students to start.
Tr: will monitor them to see if they do it.
Ss: will do their activity and they will raise they hand if they finish.
Extra activity: worksheet.

Differentiation activities (Support)

Using pictorial pictures

Concreter objects.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes Tr: will make a quick revision to the whole class.

Tr: will write one equation on the board which 10 more than 7 is 17
PowerPoint Tr: will ask the students if they agree or disagree.

Homework Students have to complete page 288 and 289.

Assessment Tr: display a game on a powerpoint. Each slide has one question and three multiple
Strategies: choices
Tr: will ask the students to come and circle the correct answer.
10 minutes Ss: will come one by obe infront to answer the question.
Tr: will be using checklist.

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Bashayer Abdul Aziz Saleh School: Shamma Bint

Almansouri Mohammad

MCT/MST Name: Sozan Saed Date: 3/12/19

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give
feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A


Bashayer is committed to prioritizing the needs of the school and student, consistently
ensures that resources and the classroom environment are well prepared and organized.
Ensures that she is addressing behavior issues right away.

Planning for Learning F D C B A


Bashayer always provides clear lesson plans and ensures that she is ready for her lesson.

Managing Learning F D C B A

Class dojo on – there are gifts if you pay attention and listen – Reminded students of the
rules in the classroom. Throughout the lesson you keep reminding students you will
either give or take away class dojo points. Uses class dojo random selection to pick

Implementing Learning F D C B A

Begins lesson by engaging the students in an activity where they have to arrange numbers
by 10 in order. Students are all engaged in the lesson.
I am going to ask you questions – turn and talk to your friend so you can answer together
= - when you are finished raise your hand if you know the answer. Who can tell me what
do we mean by more – It means the bigger number – Who can tell me what less means –
turn and talk to your partner (remind students to do this). Who can show me vertical –
you have the students repeat vertical vertical. 1st question 10 more than 20 – when we
see the word more what will do – students answer plus – so we will add by what? By 10 –
I will do it – look at me – then I will give you a chance to do it by yourself. Minus or plus –
why? Because we have the word more. Bashayer demonstrated – then chooses one
student using random selection to do with her – then all students practice together.
Activities are engaging – Students are focused on the learning. Make sure before you
introduce activities you just recap the lesson again. Clear direction is given to students.

Assessment F D C B A

Used questioning and checklist to keep track of student understanding. Uses thumbs up down
strategy to have the whole class involved when student is up on the board.

Reflection on Practice F D C B A

Action Plan:
Third reflection
The lesson was for grade 1, It took place in Shamma bint mohammed school. The learning
outcome was “Students will be able to do ten more and ten less”. This is was linking to the
student’s prior knowledge, before they were able to count numbers forward and backward
and adding tens and ones. And in my lesson, they had to add by 10 and subtract by 10.I was
trying to achieve my goal which is working in differentiate between the student’s levels and
activities, dividing the lesson equally and work on all parts I planned for, to use the time wisely
and work equally in each part. When I started my lesson, I introduced the date, learning
outcome, using classdojo, there are some gifts for the students, and the sticks for going
bathroom and if they need help. What I have noticed , it’s very important to introduce that you
will be suing classdojo and there are some gifts, because it did encourage the students to
behave. Each part took time as I planned. The student responded the way that I taught because
the lesson was step by step. First, students were sequencing the numbers from 10-100 and
then they counted them forward and backward. Then I explained what dose each vocabulary
means “more, less, vertical, and horizontal, After that, we had an active engagement activity
“students had to identify what is ten less than any numbers and ten more than any numbers”
Second, they had activities, each group had different activity because not all the students are
in the same level. All the groups face a bit difficulty doing their activity, but once they follow
the printed direction, they were able to finish it. Third, we had an assessment, students had a
game, they were circling the correct answer. There are some strategies I have used, and it
worked well. Praising the good students. Use this strategy tr “class,class,class”, ss” yes yes yes”.
Using ClassDojo, using different level of voices, sing a bill in transition, using timing. My lesson
meets my teaching goals, because as I have noticed 3 from 4 students were unable to complete
the assessment, and this is means 75% of the learning have been delivered. Most of the
students were engaged and motivated and they did their activity well, however, there were
some students talking. In my next lesson there are something I will fix it. I Will use positive
reinforcement chart, distributing a happy and sad face, so the students can raise any one of
them when I ask them about their think of the answer given.

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