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Ssecond Peer Observation

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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Bashayer Topic or Theme: Addition


Class: Grade 1 Date & Duration: 25 February2019

Trainee Personal Goals

- To work in differentiate between the student’s levels and activities.

- To divide the lesson equally and work on all parts I planned for.
- To use the time wisely and work equally in each part.

Lesson Focus

Students will be able add two numbers together.

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to learn how to add two numbers and get the sum.

Links to Prior Learning: students in first semester, they studied how to count numbers up to 100.

21st Century Skills

 Collaboration: students will be working in groups and share their answers together.
 Communication: teacher will be questioning the students in the model part and the students will
be responding to her.
 Communications: students will be communicating with their group members while doing the

Key vocabulary




Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

- Students might face some difficulties - Teacher will provide the instructions visually
understanding the instructions of the using (pictures).
- Students might face challenging while Provide concrete material to help them
try to add two numbers.

Resources/equipment needed


Small objects


Check list



& Time
Tr: will introduce a scenario. “Mohammed has 4 apples and her friend give her 1 apple
more ,how many are there?”
Tr: will ask the students to talk with their partner for 30 second.
15 minutes Tr: will pike a student to answer by saying the reason.

Two flags. Tr: will ask the students about the date.
Tr: will introduce the outcome which is “I am learning to add numbers” and students
will repeat after her.
Tr: will explain the meaning of addition, by showing them on the board that they have
to combine to number and get the total. The number will be always bigger.
Pictures Active engagement activity:
Tr: will present some addition equation from the book on the board.
Tr: will explain the first one by using concrete object which is cubes.
Tr will ask the students to come on the bard and do some.

Main activities
& Time

High level:
15 minutes
Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.
Tr: are already put a number line on the students table.
Pictures Tr: will distributes some cards that have some equations like 4+7=.

Objects Tr: will ask the students to pick one card, write it on their note book, and they will use
the number line to find out the answer.

Tr: will model how to do the first one by saying” this is 4 so we will point into 4 on the
number line, then due to + 7 we will more 7 steps 7 times to find answer which 11”

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

middel level:

Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.

Tr: will distribute 2 dices for each student, small pictures of flower, and a big card that
have a large picture of flower on it.

Tr: will ask the students to throw the first dice and the number appear will put it in the
first square of the equation and the second dice in the second square.

Tr: will ask the students to put the small pieces of flower on the big flower that
presenting the number of each square. And finally wire the two number down and
write the sum.

Tr: will model it to the students by throwing the 2dices, put them of the two squares,
put the small pice4 of the flowers, and finally write then sum.

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

Ss: will have some numbers they must write <, >, =. To compare them.

low level:

Tr: will divide the students into 4 groups based on their levels.

Tr: will distributes some cards that have some addition equation. Some clips.

Tr: will ask them to take one pice of the card and put the clips behind each numbe.
Tr: will model how to do the first one by taking one card, put the clips, and write the
sum by counting all the clips.

Ss: will interact with each other to complete the whole cards.

Ss: will raise their hand if they finish.

Extra activity: work sheet, students will take the worksheet from the back of the

Differentiation activities (Support)


Using pictorial pictures

Concreter objects.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

5 minutes
Tr: will make a quick revision to the whole class.
Tr: will write equation on the board and will ask the students to tell her the anwer.
Then she will dicuss it with them
Homework Tr: will ask students to complete page 300 and 301.

Assessment Tr: will presnt an online game. The online game has some equations. Each equation has
Strategies: 4 diffrernt answer.
Ss: will come and click on the correct answer
10 minutes

☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment


☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation ☐ Written work and ☐ Verbal feedback


First reflection
The lesson was for grade 1, It took place in Shamma bint mohammed school. The learning
outcome was “Students will be able to add numbers”. This is was linking to the student’s prior
knowledge, before they were able to count numbers forward. And in my lesson, they have to add
two numerbs and get the sum .I was trying to achieve my goal which is working in differentiate
between the student’s levels and activities, dividing the lesson equally and work on all parts I
planned for, to use the time wisely and work equally in each part. And as the I have notice, each
group did they activity, except for the high level, they have faced some challenging at they are
begging of doing the activity, but once they have got the direction, they were able to finish it.
Each part took time as I planed The student responded the way that I taught because the lesson
was step by step. First, I introduced a senirao and students had to add numbers together. Then
we had some equations presenting on the bard, we did them gatherer. Second, they had the the
three different activites. Third, they had qa quick revision. And finally, our assessment. There are
some strategies I have used, and it worked well. Praising the good students. Use this strategy tr
“class,class,class”, ss” yes yes yes”. Using different level of voices. Using a bill in transition. Using
timing. my lesson meets my teaching goals, because As I noticed 3 from 10 students were unable
to complete the assessment, and this is means 70% of the learning have been delivered. Most of
the students were engaged and motivated and they did their activity well, however, there were
some students talking. In my next lesson there are something I will fix it. I Will use classdojo, I will
print out the direction visually, I will use the checklist while the assessment part(closing)

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