Balancing Tak T Time

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Productivity Enhancement by Balancing Takt Time in a Cellular

Manufacturing Industry

Article  in  International Journal of Applied Engineering Research · January 2015


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6 authors, including:

Paramasamy Shanmugam Kps Paramasamy

Sethu Institute of Technology Sethu Institute of Technology


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.28 (2015)
© Research India Publications;

Productivity Enhancement by Balancing Takt Time

in a Cellular Manufacturing Industry
G.Nagaraj A.Manimaran
Associate Professor Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India SBM College of Engg. & Technology,
[email protected] Tamilnadu, India

S.Sheik Syed Abuthahir* A.S. Rakesh S.Paramasamy

PG Scholar Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India Sethu Institute of Technology, Virudhunagar,
[email protected] Tamilnadu, India

Abstract— In this paper a case study is presented in which and material handling costs, decreasing work in process
bottlenecks are identified in the assembly shop of a cellular inventories, improving space utilization and simplifying
manufacturing automobile company. The cellular manufacturing planning and scheduling.
has become an effective tool for improving productivity.
Attainment of full benefit of cellular manufacturing depends
firstly on the design of machine cells and part families and
secondly on method of operation which take full advantages of
cell properties. The takt time results in the removal of bottlenecks
by reducing cycle time, increasing the productivity. Incase of
varying the model of the components are alternate by the other
components to behind the successful takt time enrichment. To
maintain the takt time is to be performed without bottlenecks or
delays. This method will eliminate wasteful activities by linking
and balancing equal amounts of work steps together, enabling
products to be consumed directly into the next step, one piece at a
time until completed. Identification of the bottleneck activities,
Fig.1 Analyzing of Takt Time Description
root cause analysis for the severity ranking was done and finally many heuristic and non-heuristic methods are available in the
solutions were identified by the action plan. All the actions are literature for concurrent classification of parts and machines.
standardized. Business opportunity and Agricultural productivity has
significantly increased in recent years because of advances in
Keywords: Bottleneck, cycle time, time study & productivity mechanization and automation. Agricultural automation has
enhancement. resulted in lower production costs, reduced reliance on manual
labours, and increased product quality. In a heavy load vehicles
I. INTRODUCTION such as tractor-semitrailer are widely used in today’s trucking
Takt Time differs from Cycle Time, which is the actual time it industry due to their great capability and operational flexibility.
takes to make one unit of production output. The takt time is the From a system standpoint, handling and stability characteristics
amount of time that must elapse between two consecutive unit of a vehicle are not only related to its dynamic properties and
completions in order to meet the demand. Cellular interactions with the road, but also to the driving control
Manufacturing is the grouping of different equipments to capability.
manufacture set of family of parts. Cells can involve various
technologies to cover a complete production process. Within II. LITERATURE SURVEY
machining cells in particular work contents are distributed from For rejection of bottleneck in a cellular manufacturing
one complex machining center to several basic machine tools. industry, to contain the takt time analysis for balancing work
Ideally, this equipment is adapted to the concrete sized piece is range by implementing the actions to overcome the potential
taken from machine to machine where it is processed in root cause. Further improvement was achieved by increasing in
different sequential clamping. The advantages derived from on time delivery of tractors. Detailed survey of literature has
Cellular manufacturing include reducing the number of setups

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.28 (2015)
© Research India Publications;
been carried out to identify the findings and directions given by
the researchers. The contributions and directions of selective
research works reported in the literature have been presented
below. Atul Agarwal., et al.[1] defined that the cellular
manufacturing had done by the help workers and to easily
self-balance within the cell and reduce lead times, resulting in
the ability for the industries being able to manufacture high
quality products at a low cost, in a flexible way and on time.
Alhourani Farouq and Seifoddini Hamid., et al.[2] Proposed a
new ordinal production data similarity co efficient based on the
sequence of operations and the page size of the parts. Shayan, E
et al.[3] proposed to investigate performance and cost issues in
an integrated manner during conversion of an existing
functional layout by partitioning it to a corresponding cellular Fig.2 Time study analysis in takt time range
manufacturing (CM) layout. Miltenburg, J., et al. [4] proposed The number of activities which consumes more time in the
a cellular Manufacturing reduces setup time and gives the concerned stage and contribute for the bottleneck are as
workers the tools to be multiprocessing, operating different follows,
processes at the same time, and multifunctional that led to
quality improvements, simple machine maintenance and waste TABLE I. THE TAKT TIME FOR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES
reduction. Massoud Bazargan et al.[5] refers the distance
Takt time in
travelled by materials, inventory and lead times. Cellular Activity Description Stages
Manufacturing reduces setup time and gives the workers the Shuttle Lever, Ball Joint
Stage 1 0:06:00
tools to be multiprocessing, operating different processes at the Connection
same time, and multifunctional that led to quality ROPS top frame manufacturing Stage 8 0:03:00
improvements, simple machine maintenance and waste Main harness routing and
Stage 8 0:03:00
strapping process
reduction. Laraia et al.[6] defines a product is made one unit at Fender, extension plates & dummy
a time at a constant rate during the net available work time, Stage 9 0:02:00
Irani SA et al.[7] proposed the cells can involve various Swinging drawbar fitment process Stage 9 0:10:00
technologies to cover a complete production process. Within TC top cover Stage 14 0:02:00
machining cells in particular work contents are distributed from Propeller shaft manufacturing Stage 14 0:06:00
Surround & Cluster fitment Stage 20 0:08:00
one complex machining center to several basic machine tools. Hood seating Stage 20 0:12:00
Ott et al.[8] developed the capability of the approach, which
has been widely adopted in assembly lines. Additionally, the The findings that cause bottleneck are:
implementation of the principles of Lean Production into
Designed takt time is less than the actual assembly time
Cellular Manufacturing leads to high flexible production
Man dependant process
systems. Morris, S.J et al.[9] describes properly trained and
Lack of adequate Assembly facility
implemented cells are more flexible and responsive than the
traditional mass-production line, and can manage scheduling, Manual handling of parts – Operator fatigue
equipment, maintenance processes, defects, and other Improper line balancing
manufacturing issues more efficiently. Need for Productivity Improvement
Present assembly is time consuming


The focused work was taken by the operators and to study CYCLE TIME BY THE SOURCE OF BOTTLENECK
their work and do their work for an alerted time were the work ACTIVITY
had finished their level. The systematic work flow has done by
the workers on their period of working hours. Some of the The stage wise activity details with the cycle time of each
people were take much of time to finish the work, in which the process and the total cycle time for each process was
area of buffering and to handle the near one, who was finished calculated. Total manpower employed in the respective stage
his work before the takt time range. By the way to distribute the and the available time was taken. Both the values are compared
work through entire level of cell 5 unit and consume the break and the bottle neck activity (Time consuming process) was
even analysis. Major bottleneck contributing factors has been identified in the bottleneck stages.
identified by plotting graph between the Actual time and the
designed Takt time.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.28 (2015)
© Research India Publications;
TABLE II. OPPORTUNITY FOR PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT the similar process and were implementing our new method of
takt time process was proved the work load was reduced. Here
process and the improvement are listed below. In cell 5, 20
Actual stages were maintained. The following table exhibits the
Bottleneck Cycle
No. of
Designe Scope for existing setup and its improvement with the cycle time saving.
Activity Stages Time d Cycle Productivity
Description of the Time Improvement TABLE. III THE SUGGESTION FOR IMPROVEMENT
Cycle time
The existing The improvement
Shuttle Lever, Stages saving in
setup suggested
Ball Joint seconds
Connection The existing lever Special provisions
sub assembly has 2 made for sub
racks and occupied assembly along with
more space in fixture and proper
Main harness 1 1444 3 360 364 assemble line. binning arranged for
routing and Stage 1 70
loose parts. Operator
strapping fatigue reduced and
process morale improved and
repeated quality
issues eliminated.
ROPS top The existing oil Using sensor
frame 8 1013 2 360 393 draining process was system, the air
mounting done manually with purging system was
Fender, the help of air automated. Once the
Extension purging for both air line is picked, it
plates & engine and gearbox will start to dispense
9 972 2 360 352 Stage 1 240
dummy plugs oil which was found air for 280 seconds
during gearbox for engine oil and
testing, Improper then 2nd sensor will
draining (Man be actuated and start
TC top cover
dependant) and Time purging air for 280
14 594 1 360 234 consuming. seconds for gear oil.
The existing The procedure was
process of executed the new
component binned in system are developed
19 1315 3 360 235 assembly point and by the work on kitting
milk run concept system introduced for
used for part line feeding
Surround & Stage 1 50
replenishing. The component pick up
Cluster operator movement time reduced and
fitment high for picking each inventory reduced at
Hood seating 20 2806 5 360 1006 part and large assembly point.
inventory at
assembly point.
The existing The new lifting hoist
ROPS & Fender facility provided for
manipulator draw bar lifting
introduction has which has reduced
V. RESOLVING OF BOTTLENECK REMEDIES previously, manual the operator fatigue
handling of the and only one man
Based on the Cycle time analysis on the Bottleneck stages,
ROPS bottom frame, power is enough to
Productivity needs to be improved in Stage 1, Stage 8, Stage 9, then top frame and handle the process,
Stage 14, Stage 19 and Stage 20. With the Improvement in Stage 8 235
then the fender. one workman can do
productivity, the cycle time of the bottleneck activity can be Couples of workers the complete work.
balanced with the actual takt time of the Main line assembly. are engaged to lift
the draw bar and
Analysis of takt time applying sources shows the area of safety related issue to
production, it made the identification time reducing factors the operator more
from the regular work of production process. For applying that fatigue due to weight
kind of work, fertilizers may done the quality of the work and more cycle time.
The existing fender Fender Handling
enhancement in this tractor manufacturing industry. Applying handling, manually improved by clubbing
takt time beneficiary has done on the part for avoiding handled. The couple the Fender along
bottleneck struggles. The following activities are contributing Stage 9 of workers supported with the ROPS 252
the main purpose to avoiding overload problems in cell 5. In to maintain a single mounting.
unit of fender.
the production process and identifying a time would taken by

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.28 (2015)
© Research India Publications;
In existing New lifting hoist stoppage and short eliminated. By the
practice draw bar facility provided for fitment encountered. utilization of the new
manually lifted from draw bar lifting Finally part pick up system the line
pallet to mounting which has reduced time is more. stoppage and short
trolley caused more the operator fatigue fitment avoided. Also
operator fatigue and and only one man part pickup time
necessity of couple power is enough to reduced.
Stage 19 235
of workers. Both are handle the process, In existing practice, An introducing
engaged to lift the one workman can do binnacle & cluster sub assembly station
draw bar, safety the complete work, were assembled in was fitted a sub
related issues to the operator fatigue mainline. So the assembled
operator, more reduced and safety assembly sections component in
fatigue due to weight ensured. Stage 20 has taking more mainline and the sub 100
and more cycle time. cycle time and much assembly station
The existing The new barcode more difficulty in introduced. And also
method of manual system was assembly in considering main line
selection of the oil introduced for a mainline. assembly cycle time
for each tractor type selection of type of oil was reduced.
of oil manually quantity. The oil
selected quantity of selections are through
Stage 14 oil manually one time scanning 240
selected. Possibility fool proof process. VI. STANDARDIZATION
of wrong selection The productivity improvement in each stage has been
no foolproof method
involved man standardized through layout updation, machine drawing release
dependant & more and hand over the same to maintenance department for
time consuming. preventive and breakdown maintenance reference. The
The existing work The torque followings are the standardization done in the respective
containing the controlled DC nut
pneumatic gun used runner installed for
for initial tightening tightening the 16 1. Engine and Gear oil draining process
for both sides. When bolts on either side. 2. Shuttle lever sub assembly process
using the torque There is a manpower 3. Layout updated for the Kitting trolley feeding
Stage 15 wrench 16 bolts are eliminated and used 360
torquened through in bonnet sub
one manpower work. assembly process, 4. Assembly process using ROPS manipulator
Torqueing process man dependency 5. Oil filling & diesel filling
was more fatigue and avoided, separate 6. Swinging drawbar handling using manipulator
more cycle time. torqueing process
7. Bonnet handling using manipulator
The usage of bunnet The system has
assembly has single implement of Bonnet
fixture previously. manipulator VII. CONCLUSION
The cycle time of introduced. One
each assembly is manpower can handle This project works were enabled a reduction of bottleneck
more than 16 the bonnet and one rejections in tractors by implementing the actions to overcome
minutes. The bonnet out of the two the potential root cause. The corrective actions has been
delivery is once in 16 manpower employed
minutes only and can be eliminated.
effectively implemented and adhered and the results are
then bonnet & sub The line stoppage and consistent and reliable. Further improvement was achieved by
Stage 20 assembly part pickup Short fitment avoided 485 increasing in on time delivery of tractors. Absorption and
time is more line and part pickup time balancing of takt time has done the work of good range
stoppages & Short reduced.
fitment due to
productivity from the time study analysis. By the utilization of
delivery of bonnet balancing takt time has improving productivity and equalize
after 16 min, Line the employment. It has also reduces the cost of the rework by
Stoppage and doing First Time Right. It only increases the effectiveness of
short fitment
encountered. And
the project through mandatory participation and continuously
also part pick up strives to achieve excellence in each of the following areas.
time is more. These are productivity, quality, cost, health & safety and
The existing system The system of bonnet morale of the workers.
of Bonnet manually manipulator
lifted and fitted in in introduced. One
the tractors. There is manpower References
Stage 20 2 Manpower can handle the 485 [1] Atul Agarwal., (2012) Partitioning bottleneck work center
employed for this bonnet and one out of
event and due to the two for cellular manufacturing: An integrated performance and cost
delivery of bonnet manpower model. Department of Business, Kettering University, 1700 W
after 16 minutes, line employed can be Third Avenue, Flint, MI 48504, USA.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.28 (2015)
© Research India Publications;

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