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ME 4001:Principles of Management


Functions of management:STAFFING
❖ Staffing is a critical organizational function which consists of the process of
acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality
to create positive impacts on the effectiveness of the organization.
❖ Supply the talent, skills, knowledge, and experience to achieve the organizational
goals and objectives.
❖ The performance of the organization largely depends on the quality of its people.
❖ the staffing function of the management is an important function and it involves
in the building of the organizational workforce.
❖ The management is faced with the challenge of not only finding the right person
for each job but also to match the personnel with the jobs identified and to
provide for their long-range growth and welfare as members of the organization.
❖ Concerned with acquiring, developing, employing, appraising, remunerating and
retaining people.
❖ So that right type of people are available at the right positions and at the right
time in the organization.
❖ Staffing apparently cannot be done once and for all, since people are frequently
leaving, getting fired, and retiring.
❖ The transformations in the organization generate new positions, and these must
be filled.
❖The process of staffing is also the never-ending process in the organization.
❖The transformations in the organization generate new positions, and these must be filled.
❖Concerned with determining two aspects

(i) The number

(i) The type of person required

❖ Four building blocks for the staffing function the organization are

(i) the division of work

(ii) the departmentalization

(iii) the hierarchy

(iv) the coordination.

❖ “Filling and keeping filled, positions in the organizational structure. This is done
by identifying work-force requirements, inventorying the people available,
recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting, appraising, planning the careers,
compensating, training, developing existing staff or new recruits, so that they
can accomplish their tasks effectively and efficiently.”
❖ “The managerial function of staffing involves manuring the organizational
structure through proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of
personnel to fill the roles designed into the structure.” – Koontz and O’ Donnell

❖ “Staffing relates to the recruitment, selection, development, training,

compensation of subordinate managers.” – Theo Haimann
❖ “Staffing is the function by which managers build an organization through the
recruitment, selection, and development of individuals as capable employees.” –
❏ Main Objectives Of Staffing

❖ To understand all function of an organization.

❖ To understand manpower planning so that people are available
at right time and at a right place.
❖ To understand issues related to job analysis and to overcome
the problem.
❏ Functions of staffing
1. The first and foremost function of staffing is to obtain qualified personnel for
different jobs position in the organization.
2. In staffing, the right person is recruited for the right jobs, therefore it leads to
maximum productivity and higher performance.
3. It helps in promoting the optimum utilization of human resource through various
4. Job satisfaction and morale of the workers increases through the recruitment of the
right person.
5. Staffing helps to ensure better utilization of human resources.
6. It ensures the continuity and growth of the organization, through development
❏ Characteristics of staffing


Staffing can broadly view as people-centered function and therefore it is relevant for
all types of organization. It is concerned with categories of personnel from top to
bottom of the organization.
1. Blue collar workers (i.e., those working on the machines and engaged in
loading, unloading etc.) and white collar workers (i.e., clerical employees).
2. Managerial and Non Managerial personal.
3. Professionals (eg.- Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary)
Responsibility of Manager
Staffing is the basic function of management which involves that the manager is
continuously engaged in performing the staffing function. They are actively
associated with the recruitment, selection, training, and appraisal of his subordinates.
Therefore the activities are performed by the chief executive, departmental managers
and foremen in relation to their subordinates.
Human Skills
Staffing function is mainly concerned with different types of training and development
of human resource and therefore the managers should use human relation skill in
providing guidance and training to the subordinates. If the staffing function is
performed properly, then the human relations in the organization will be cordial and
mutually performed in an organized manner.
Continuous Function
Staffing function is to be performed continuously which is equally important for a new
and well-established organization. Since in a newly established organization, there
has to be recruitment, selection, and training of personnel. As we compare that, the
organization which is already a running organization, then at that place every manager
is engaged in various staffing activities.

Therefore, he is responsible for managing all the workers in order to get work done for
the accomplishment of the overall objectives of an organization.
❏ Importance Of Staffing

❖ Staffing helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs.
❖ It helps in the optimum utilization of the human resources.
❖ It helps in developing professionals in every field of organizational activity.
❖ It helps to improve the quantity and quality of the output by putting the right person
on the right job.
❖ It reduces the cost of manpower by eliminating the wastage of the human
❖ It ensures the continuous survival and growth of the enterprise through the
succession planning for managers.
❖ It improves job satisfaction and morale of the employees through objective
assessment and fair rewarding for their contribution.
❏ External Factors Affecting Staffing
1. Level of Technology
❖ Many companies require candidates to have extensive technology training
❖ technological advances may impact staffing by automating a number of processes
previously completed by humans, decreasing the number of employees needed.

2. Required Education Levels

❖ Certain career paths require extensive education to prepare for work in the field. If
the number of people pursuing this career path decreases, the talent pool shrinks.
3. Laws Impacting Staffing

Government regulations may also impact the staffing process of an organization.

Companies are required to adhere to certain labor laws regarding issues such as hiring,
firing, compensation, work hours and health insurance.

4. Economic Environment

The level of external economic activity can impact hiring. When the economy is going
through a recession, many workers are laid off from their jobs, causing companies still
hiring new employees to receive a higher volume of applications from qualified
5. Emerging Industries

Industries experiencing above-average growth levels must hire additional staff at

rapid pace. Employers in these fields are in direct competition with one another for
the top candidates

6. External Influences

➔ Employers have to face freshers from political parties or politicians as new

➔ Concept of employment to “Sons of the soil” is getting popular in all countries
➔ External influences affect the staffing policy of business units.
❏ Internal Factors Affecting Staffing
1. Size of organization:

Small organization can not have same staffing practices that a large organization
may have; it may not be able to attract highly talented staff. Even if it tries to do so it
may increase the staffing cost.

2. Organizational Business Plan:

Organizational business plan directly affect the staffing function because it

determines the type of personal that may be required in future. On the basis of
business plan growing organization may need more staff in the future and declining
organization will have to shunt out its staff and stagnating organization will work for
retaining its staff. Staffing strategies may be different for these organizations.
3. Organizational Image:

Organization image also affects the staffing practices. Organizational image depends
upon facilities to staff for training and development promotional policies, working
conditions and compensation incentives etc. if all these factors are positive then
organization will attract more candidates.

4. Technology used:

Staffing is also affected by the technology used by the organisation. If the

organisation uses modern technologies then it must have a continuous training
programs to update the technical knowledge of their staff.
❏ Eight process of staffing

1. Human resource planning

2. Recruitment
3. Selection
4. Induction and orientation
5. Training and development
6. Performance appraisal
7. Transfers and promotions
8. compensation
1. Human resource planning
❖ It is the very first step of the staffing function. It involves forecasting and
determining the future manpower needs of the organization.
❖ Such planning accomplished through
1. Internal factors: current and expected skill needs, vacancies,skill needs and
departmental expansions and reductions.
2. Factors in the external environment such as the labour market,changes i
technology,changes in government policies and regulations.
Four basic steps of human resource planning
1. Planning for future needs: how many people with what abilities will the organisation need to
remain in operation for the foreseeable future.

2. Planning for the future balance: how many people presently employed can be expected to
stay within the organisation.

3. Planning for recruiting or selecting or for laying off:how can the organisation bring in the
number of people it will need.

4. Planning for development: how should the training and movement of people within the
organisation be managed so that the organisation be assured of a continuing supply of
experienced and capable personnel.
❖ Once the requirements are known, the organization invites and solicits applications from
the desirable candidates. Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization. The candidates
are usually located through advertisements,employment agencies,word of mouth and
visits to campuses.

Two kinds of recruitment

1.General recruitment

2.Specialised recruitment
Sources of recruitment:
External sources: Internal sources:

1. Direct Recruitment 1. Promotion

2. Casual Callers 2. transfer
3. Advertisement
4. Employment Exchange
5. Placement Agencies and Management
6. Campus Recruitment
7. Recommendations of Employees
8. Labour Contractors
9. Advertising on Television
10. Web Publishing
3. Selection
❖ It is the screening step of staffing in
which the solicited applications of
those candidates which are not found
suitable as per the requirements of the
notified post are screened out.

❖ Application forms,
resumes,interviews,employment and
skill tests and reference checks are the
most commonly used aids in selection
Seven steps of selection
1. Application form

➢ Formally indicates the applicant’s desire

➢ Provides interviewer with the basic information needed for the interview
➢ Becomes the part of the organisation’s personnel information

2. Initial screening interview

➢ Used to make a quick evaluation for the applicant’s suitability for the particular job.

3. Testing

➢ An organisation attempts to measure the candidates relevant job skills and ability to
learn on the job
4. Background investigation

➢ The truthfulness of the candidates resume or application form will be sought from one or
more of the candidate’s references or previous employers

5. In depth selection interview

➢ Designed to fill in gaps on the candidate’s application

6. Physical examination

➢ Designed to ensure that the candidate can perform effectively in the designated position of
the firm

7. Job offer
Difference between recruitment and selection:
● Attracting maximum number of applicants so as to have more options is
Recruitment and where as Selection is picking the best among them.
● Recruitment is known as a positive process as it contain only the process of
creating the application pool. Selection process include rejection and fewer
candidates are selected or sometimes even not a single candidate is selected.
● For the process of Recruitment High Skills are not essentials but whereas for the
later process, Selection, High Skills are must to select only those who are really fit
for the job.
● Output for recruitment process, creating application pool is input for the later
process, selection
4.placement and orientation

❖ Once selection process is over, the selected candidates are appointed. After
this, the placement of the appointed employees takes place by putting right
man on the right job. He is made familiar to the work units and work
environment through the orientation programmes.
5. Training and development
❖ TRAINING: appointment of an employee, the most important and established part of the
personnel programme is to impart training to the new comer. Training is generally given
according to the nature of activities and scope of expansion in it. It is given to acquaint
the appointed employees with the processes and the procedures which they are required
to follow for the job.
❖ DEVELOPMENT:The process of development is for preparing the employees for variety of
jobs. It widens their outlook and enhances their conceptual ideas. With the avenues of
growth available the employees do not get frustrated and remains motivated and this
helps in getting enhanced output from him.
Difference between training and development:
6.performance appraisals
❖ Appraisal is normally done in order to keep a track or record of the behaviour,
attitudes as well as opinions of the employees towards their job .The main objective of
performance appraisal is to improve the efficiency of the employees by mobilizing
their best possible efforts and through them achievement of the objectives and the
goals of the organization.The qualities for which the employees are generally apprised
through performance appraisal include

(i) ability to do work (vi) self-confidence

(ii) spirit of cooperation (vii) initiative

(iii) job knowledge (viii) problem solving abilities,

(iv) discipline and sincerity(ix) intelligence etc.

(v) managerial ability

Objectives of performance appraisal:
1. To help a manager to decide the increase in pay on ground of merits.

2. To determine the future use of an employee

3. To indicate training needs.

4. To motivate the employees to do better in his or her present job.

5. To contribute the growth and development of an employee.

6. To identify employees for deputation to other organizations

7. To help in creating a desirable culture and tradition in the organization.

8. To nominate employees for training programmes.

7.promotion and transfer
❖ Promotion – Promotion implies upgrading of an employee to a higher position
involving increase in rank, prestige or status.Generally increase in pay and
enhancement of powers accompanies promotion but it is not essential
❖ Transfer – It normally implies movement of the employees from one job to
another without any increase in pay, status or responsibilities. Usually
employees are transferred to different work units and branches of the
8. Compensation
The organization should have fair salary or wage structure and should give incentives
to those who deserve it. This means that jobs must be evaluated and ranked in a
manner that contributes to that contribution.

❖ May be resignation ,layoff, discharge or retirement.
❖ Too many separations might signify a non competitive pay scale,recurrent
layoffs sometimes result from poor integration of production with market
demand;and too many discharges may indicate poor selection or training
Essentials of Good Staffing Policy:

1. It should take into account the interests of both employer and employee.

2. It should be consistent with the basic overall policies of the unit.

3. It should be complete in every respect.

4. It should be simple and precise.

5. It should be reasonably stable and permanent.

6. It should be flexible, in relation to changes in environment.

7. It should be responsive to prevailing trends in industry and society.

8. It should take into account variations in the capabilities, interests and attitudes of

9. It should be uniformly applicable to all members of the organization.

10. It should be properly communicated to those for whom it is intended.

11. It should be acceptable to the employees.

❏ Benefits of staffing process
The benefits of an effective staffing function are as follows-

➔ Staffing process helps in getting right people for the right job at right time. The
function of staffing helps the management to decide the number of employees
needed for the organization and with what qualifications and experience.
➔ Staffing process helps to improved organizational productivity. Therefore, through
proper selection of employees in the organization, it can increase the quality of the
employees, and through proper training, the performance level of the employees
can also be improved.
➔ It helps in providing job satisfaction to the employees and thus keeps their
morale high. With proper training and development programmer, the
employees get motivation and their efficiency improves and they feel assured
of their career advancements.
➔ It maintains harmony in the organization. Therefore with an overall
performance of proper staffing in an organization, the individuals are not only
recruited and selected and but as a result, their performance is regularly
appraised and promotions made on merit which fosters harmony and peace in
the organization for the accomplishment of overall objectives of an
❏ Conclusion
Staffing is one of the most important activities of the administration. It decides
who,when,how where will do what type of work for the organization. The staffing
decides how efficiently the organization will be able to achieve the desired outcomes.
Staffing is the most vital asset with an organization, without which it can’t move ahead
in the competitive world.It can be equated with HR ( Human resource) management as
both have same sort of objectives. Staffing is an open system approach.It is carried
out within the enterprise but is also linked to external environment
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