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Operating - The - Forklift - Parts (Safety Forklift) PDF

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The following are the major parts of a forklift. This discussion focuses on the most
common types of forklifts. Be sure to read the operator's manual for your forklift and
follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Mast and Carriage

The mast is the vertical assembly that does the

work of raising, lowering, and tilting the load. The
mast supports the carriage that allows its vertical
movement with the hydraulic lift. The carriage is
made of flat metal plates that move along the mast
by chains or are directly attached to the hydraulic
cylinder. The hydraulic lift cylinder supplies the
power to lift the load.

Mast Types

There are a number of mast types:

Figure 1. Reach truck with mast
The features of a simplex mast are:

 Single stage mast.

 Limited Free Lift (4-6") Free lift is the distance the forks go up before the mast is

 Recommended Use: In loading and unloading trucks and in areas where

overhead clearance is a problem.

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The features of a duplex mast are:

 Two stage mast.

 Has greater Free Lift (50-60") than the

simplex mast.

 Can load and unload higher-tiered stacks

than simplex.
Figure 2. Triplex mast in narrow
TRIPLEX: aisle rider reach truck. Note that
the forklift is removing stock from
The features of a triplex mast are: a rack. Foot and truck traffic in
the opposite aisle way should be
 Three stage mast. controlled to prevent injury from
falling materials.
 Has same Free Lift (50-60") as duplex mast
but extends further.

 Can load and unload higher-tiered stacks than simplex or duplex.


The features of a quad mast are:

 Four stage mast.

 Has same Free Lift (50-60") as duplex or triplex mast but extends further.

 Can load and unload higher-tiered stocks than the duplex or triplex, but requires
precautions at its highest lifting heights.

Note: The lifting capacity of the forklift decreases as its load is raised. For more
information, see Load Handling and Narrow Aisles.

Mast configuration can affect the operator's visibility. Newer mast designs, such as those that
use two side cylinders, can provide substantially improved visibility compared with some older
mast designs that have a single central cylinder. (Figures 3 and 4)

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The operator should travel with the load trailing and/or use a spotter whenever necessary to
achieve adequate visibility.

Figure 3. Mast with central Figure 4. High visibility mast

cylinder obscuring visibility. with hydraulic cylinders on the


The forks (also known as tines or blades) carry the

load. They have a heel where they curve upward
and an upright shank where they are attached to
the carriage.


Potential Hazards:
Figure 1. Forks.
A fork that shows any of the following defects shall
be withdrawn from service and discarded or properly repaired:

 Surface cracks.

 Blade or shank are not straight.

 Fork angle from blade to shank is not


 Difference in height of fork tips.

Figure 2. Damaged fork.

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 Positioning lock not in working order.

 Fork blade or shank wear.

 Fork hooks wear.

 Fork marking not legible.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Do not operate the forklift if the forks show any of the defects listed above.

 Always inspect forks during the pre-operation inspection. Repair or replace the
forks if they are not in good working order. Replacement parts shall be
equivalent as to safety with those used in the original design. [29 CFR

 Do not operate a forklift from which the positioning lock has been removed or is
inoperable. As the forklift travels, the positioning lock holds the forks in position
and prevents sliding of the forks and loss of the load.

Additional Information:

 Fork inspection requirements for powered

industrial trucks. OSHA Standard
Interpretation, (1999, October 22).


Powered industrial trucks often use various

attachments in place of traditional forks. These
attachments increase the versatility of the truck, Figure 1. Carton clamp carrying
cotton bales.
but can present important safety considerations,
including stability, capacity, and visibility.

Some common attachments are:

 Slipsheet attachments which avoid the use

of pallets. (Figure 2)

 Sideshifters shift the forks right and left.

(Figure 3)
Figure 2. Slipsheet attachment
eliminates need for pallets.

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 Container handlers designed to lift shipping containers.

 Carton clamps equipped with a pressure valve to squeeze the load.

 Cotton or pulp bale clamps that grab and hold bales.

 Paper roll handlers.

 Barrel clamps. (Figure 4)

 Rotators that grab and rotate the load.

 Extending or telescoping forks such as in

reach and turret trucks. (Figure 5)

 Personnel platforms specially designed for Figure 3. Side-shifter controls

lifting personnel. enable the forks to be moved
right and left.
Operators must be trained in the proper use of
attachments because they alter the performance of the forklift. Attachments affect the
truck's performance by changing its center of gravity, visibility, and capacity.

Potential Hazards:

 Overloading. The weight of the attachment

reduces the lifting capacity of the truck.

 Tipover and falling loads. The attachment

increases the load center by moving the load
further away from the balance or fulcrum


 Train operators in the fork and attachment

adaptation, operation, and use limitations.
[29 CFR 1910.178(l)(3)(i)(G)] Figure 4. Forklift equipped with a
barrel clamp attachment.
 Retrain an operator if a new attachment is
added to the forklift. Consult the operator's manual for instructions on how to
use the new equipment.

 Do not exceed the rated capacity of the forklift/attachment combination.

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 Know the mechanical limitations of your

 Change capacity, operation, and

maintenance instruction plates, tags, or
decals when a forklift truck is equipped with
an attachment.

 Treat an unloaded forklift with an

attachment as partially loaded. [29 CFR Figure 5. Reach stacker used in
1910.178(o)(4)] marine terminals and
 Include attachments in a scheduled
maintenance and inspection program. Tailor inspection steps to the attachment.

 Examine load-bearing components for deformation.

 Examine load-bearing welds for cracks.

 Inspect mechanical and hydraulic

components and maintain in
accordance with the manufacturer’s
 If the truck is equipped with front-end
attachments other than factory installed
attachments, request the truck be marked to Figure 6. Data plate for an
identify the attachments and show the attachment (sideshifter).
approximate weight of the truck and
attachment combination at maximum elevation with load laterally centered. [29
CFR 1910.178(a)(5)]

 Modifications or additions that affect capacity or safe operation shall not be

performed without prior written approval from the forklift truck manufacturer.
Capacity, operation, and maintenance instruction plates, tags, or decals shall be
changed accordingly. [29 CFR 1910.178(a)(4)]

 If no response or a negative response is received from the manufacturer,

written approval of the modification/addition from a qualified registered
professional engineer is acceptable. A qualified registered professional
engineer must perform a safety analysis and address any safety or
structural issues contained in the manufacturer’s negative response before
granting approval. The forklift nameplates must be changed accordingly.

 See Forklifts: Free Rigging Requires Manufacturer's Approval, OSHA

Standard Interpretation, (1999, October 22). Free rigging is the direct

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attachment to or placement of rigging equipment (slings, shackles, rings,
etc.) onto the forks of a powered industrial truck for a below-the-forks lift.
This type of lift does not use an approved lifting attachment. Although
free rigging is a common practice, it could affect the capacity and safe
operation of a powered industrial truck.


Each operator is required to be aware of the truck

specifications on the nameplate and what they
mean. If there is a special attachment, it must be
listed on the nameplate.

Figure 1. This data label indicates
that this forklift has a 156"
The nameplate (also called the data plate)
upright mast height in column A
provides important information for the forklift and a 24" load center in column B.
operator, including the fuel type, forklift weight, Its stated capacity is 5,000 lbs
and capacity. Operators should read the with just its forks. With the
nameplate to know the forklift’s capabilities and sideshifter attachment, its stated
capacity is 4,500 pounds. The
truck weighs 8,600 pounds.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

OSHA requirements state:

"Approved trucks shall bear a label or some other identifying mark indicating approval
by the testing laboratory. See paragraph (a)(7) of this section and paragraph 405 of
"American National Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks, Part II, ANSI B56.1-1969",
which is incorporated by reference in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and which
provides that if the powered industrial truck is accepted by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory, it should be so marked." [29 CFR 1910.178(a)(3)]

 Train employees to properly read and understand the nameplate and to know
what the information means.

 Ensure every truck has its durable, corrosion-resistant nameplate legibly

inscribed with the following information:

 Truck model and serial number

 Truck weight

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 Designation of compliance with the mandatory requirements of ASME
B56.1, "Safety Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks," applicable to the

 Type designation to show conformance with the requirements, such as

those prescribed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and Factory Mutual
Research Corporation

 Capacity
 Do not operate a truck with an illegible or missing nameplate.

Additional Information:

ANSI/ITSDF B56.1 calls for additional information on nameplates on high-lift trucks,

electric trucks, and trucks intended for use in hazardous locations. [See ANSI/ITSDF
B56.1, "Safety Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks," Section 7.5, "Nameplates and


The capacity is the manufacturer’s guideline for

how much weight a forklift can safety lift.
Exceeding the capacity of a forklift presents
serious hazards, including tipover.

The nameplate in Figure 2 indicates that the

forklift is an LPS type, which is a liquid Figure 2. The nameplate indicates
petroleum gas powered unit provided with that the capacity of the truck is
additional safeguards to operate in certain 4,500 pounds with the sideshifter
hazardous locations. The truck weight is 8,680 attachment.
pounds and its capacity is 5,000 pounds at a 24
inch load center to a maximum height of 130 inches. The nameplate indicates that
the capacity of the forklift with the sideshifter attachment is 4,500 pounds to a
maximum height of 156 inches.

If the load has a different load center or it is irregular, such as a series of boxes of
varying weights, then the capacity must be recalculated. [See Load Composition].

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Train employees to properly read the nameplate and to understand what the
information means.

 Check the nameplate for maximum capacity and maximum height.

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 Do not exceed the capacity of the truck.

 Understand that the addition of an attachment generally lowers the capacity of a


 Understand that the size, position and weight distribution of the load also affects
the capacity. Capacity assumes the center of gravity of the load is at the load
center shown on the label. If this is not the case, the load may exceed the
forklift's capacity.

Danger, Warning and Caution Labels

In addition to the nameplate, forklifts may have
other warning labels or decals that provide
safety information to operators. Safety labels
should be clearly visible to the operator and
must be replaced if missing, damaged, or

Under one classification system, there are three

types of warning labels or decals:

 DANGER means if the danger is not

avoided, it will cause death or serious

 WARNING means if the warning is not

heeded, it can cause death or serious

 CAUTION means if the precaution is not

taken, it may cause minor or moderate Figure 1. Safety decal on forklift.

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Figures 1 and 2 show examples of warning labels.

Figure 2. The steps to take in a

tipover of a sit-down
counterbalanced forklift: Fasten
seat belt, don't jump, hold on tight
to steering wheel, brace feet, lean
away from impact and lean forward.
Note that the seat belt should
already be fastened.


Before operating a forklift, read and study the

operator's manual discussion on controls. Locate
each control and understand how to use each

 Forward/Reverse Directional Controls

The directional control allows the operator
to move the forklift forwards or backwards.
Directional controls can be column
mounted (mounted on the steering Figure 1. Operator depressing
column) or foot operated (controlled by inching pedal.
shifting the accelerator pedal side to side).

 Hydraulic Lift Controls

Forklifts have hydraulic lift controls to raise and lower the forks and to tilt the
forks. Visually inspect the hydraulic controls before each use and test that they
are working properly. See Load Handling for more information on lifting loads.

 Pedals
Forklifts have accelerator and brake pedals that operate similarly to these pedals
in other vehicles. Some forklifts also have a clutch, which allows shifting into
higher forward gears.

The inching pedal gives the operator more control of the forklift in tight places.
See Steering, Turning and Changing Direction for more information on using inch

 Parking Brake
Forklifts are equipped with a parking brake. Be sure to set the parking brake

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when leaving a forklift and block the wheels if the forklift is parked on an incline.
See Parking for more information on parking a forklift.


Forklifts have a variety of instruments on the

dashboard. Read your operator’s manual and
become familiar with each of the warning lights
and gauges on the dashboard. Never operate a
forklift if a warning light or gauge signals an Figure 1. Dashboard showing
unsafe condition. gauges on a forklift.

Instrument Panel

Read your operator's manual and become

familiar with each of the warning lights and
gauges on the dashboard. Know what each
one indicates.

Potential Hazards:

 Mechanical breakdown
Figure 2. These common forklift
 Forklift malfunction gauges show normal operating
Requirements and Recommended

 Turn on the forklift and check all the warning

indicators on your dashboard.

 Never operate a forklift with a warning light or

gauge signaling an unsafe condition.

 Do not attempt a repair unless authorized to do


Figure 3. Typical warning gauges.

 Report any abnormality to your supervisor.

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Oil Pressure Gauge

The oil pressure gauge indicates the oil pressure inside the engine. An oil pressure
warning light may also be present.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Do not operate the forklift if the light comes on or the gauge indicates oil
pressure problems.

 Check for leaks. Clean up any spills or mark the hazard area until it can be

 Notify your supervisor or maintenance personnel.

 Only trained and authorized personnel may service a forklift.

Temperature Gauge/Light
Figure 4. Electronic engine oil
The engine temperature gauge is similar to the gauge, warning indicators.
engine temperature gauge found on a car or truck.

 Engine temperature may be indicat ed by "C" for

cold or green indicating safe operating
temperature, while a hot, overheating engine
may be indicated by an "H" for hot or red.

 Refer to your owner's manual for the

appearance and significance of your engine
temperature gauge.
Figure 5. Engine temperature
Requirements and Recommended Practices: gauge in the normal zone.

 Do not operate a forklift if the light comes on

or the gauge indicates an overheated engine.

 Check for leaks. Clean up any spills or mark the hazard area until it can be

 Notify your supervisor or maintenance personnel.

 Allow an overheated forklift to cool down before removing the radiator cap.
When removing the cap, wear leather gloves and eye protection and open the

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cap slightly to check for stored pressure before completely removing the cap.
Only trained and authorized personnel may service a forklift.

Transmission Temperature Gauge

The transmission temperature warning light or gauge
indicates when the transmission temperature is too

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Do not operate a forklift if the light comes on or

the gauge indicates an overheated
Figure 6. Transmission
 Check for leaks. Clean up any spills or mark the temperature in normal range.
hazard area until it can be cleaned.

 Notify your supervisor or maintenance personnel.

 Transmission fluid may need to be added. Only trained and authorized personnel
may service a forklift.

Fuel Gauge

The fuel gauge shows the amount of fuel remaining.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Do not operate while extremely low on fuel.

 Check the fuel level during your daily


Figure 7. Fuel gauge.

 Refuel only in designated areas. Clean up any
spills or mark the hazard area until it can be cleaned.

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Hour Meter
The hour meter records the number of hours that a
truck has been used. It should be recorded in your
Daily Inspection Log. Maintenance is often scheduled
by hours of truck use, so it is an important indicator.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Log the hours of use daily.

Figure 8. Hour meter indicating

 Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended the total time the forklift has
hours in service. been in service.

 Properly maintain vehicles according to manufacturer's recommended

maintenance schedule. Only trained and authorized personnel may service a

Battery Discharge Meter

Electric forklifts have a battery discharge indicator that shows

when a battery charge is low. Some ways that battery gauges on
the instrument panel indicate the battery is discharged are:

 the warning light indicator is on.

Figure 9. Battery low.
 the gauge needle is in the warning zone.

 a percentage indicator shows the battery charge level.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Return to the battery recharging area if the battery gauge is low.

 Recharge the battery only if you are trained and authorized to do so.

For the procedures, see Battery Charging and Changing Procedures.

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This section reviews the parts of batteries used in

electric forklifts. For information on battery use,
maintenance, recharging, and changing,
see Power Sources: Electrical.

Parts of an Industrial Battery

Figure 1. Recharging battery.
Electric forklift service personnel need to know the
parts of an industrial battery in order to properly and safely handle it at the end of
every shift. The parts of a industrial battery
 Cell: The interior of the battery is divided
into cells, with each cell containing a set of
alternately spaced positive and negative
plates. A negative plate is contained at each
end of the cell to maintain proper electrical
balance. The battery's voltage is determined
by the number of cells.

 Separator: Separators are located between Figure 2. This is a cutaway of an

the plates for insulation. industrial battery showing the
rugged plates, extra heavy grids and
 Battery tray: The cells are in a steel impact-resistant case.
container called the battery tray.

 Electrolyte: The cell elements are fully submerged in a sulfuric acid solution
called theelectrolyte.

 Element: A positive and negative terminal is visible at the top of each cell.
This assembly is known as the element. It is placed in the jar, the acid-proof,
high-impact resistant container. A high-impact cover seals to the jar.
 Positive terminal. All the positive plates are connected to the positive

 Negative terminal. All the negative plates are connected to the negative

Potential Hazards:

 Electrical shock.

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 Explosion.

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

 Never accidentally create an electrical current by connecting the positive to the

negative terminal through any part of your body or through any other conductor.

 Never wear metal jewelry which will conduct electricity when working around

 Never put metal articles or tools on top of the batteries or place conductive
articles across the battery posts.

 Always shut the charger off when connecting or disconnecting the battery. An
arc or spark could cause an explosion.

 Use only non-sparking, non-conductive tools.

 Keep the vent plugs in place at all times except when adding water to the cells or
taking hydrometer readings.

 Check the battery cables and cable connectors regularly. If the insulation is worn
or connector contacts are pitted, the truck should be removed from service and
repairs made immediately.

 Follow proper lockout/tagout procedures [29 CFR 1910.147] when working on a

battery in a forklift.

For more information, see Battery Charging and Changing Procedures.

Additional Information:

 Electrical. OSHA Safety and Health Topics Page.

 Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout). OSHA Safety and Health Topics

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Overhead Guard

An overhead guard is designed to protect the

operator from falling objects.

Overhead Guard

Requirements and Recommended

Figure 1. Overhead guard.

 Use an overhead guard as protection

against falling objects such as small packages, boxes, bagged material, etc., but
not to withstand the impact of a falling capacity load. [29 CFR 1910.178(m)(9)]

 Wear a hard hat when appropriate for additional protection.

 Keep hands and feet within the forklift to avoid danger of falling loads.

 Use a load backrest extension behind the forks whenever necessary to minimize
the possibility of the load or part of it from falling rearward. [29 CFR

 Equip all high-lift rider trucks, order-picker trucks and rough-terrain forklift trucks
with an overhead guard manufactured in accordance with ANSI B56.1-1969,
"Safety Standard for Low and High Lift Trucks," unless operating conditions do
not permit. [29 CFR 1910.178(e)(1)]

 As part of the daily inspection of the forklift, check the overhead guard for
broken welds, missing bolts, or other damage.

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There are several different types of forklift

tires, depending on how the forklift is used.
Common types of forklift tires include
pneumatic, solid, and polyurethane. As part of
the daily inspection of the forklift, check tire
condition, including cuts and gouges, and check Figure 1. Forklift tire.
pressure for air-filled tires.

Other Safety and Warning Devices

Forklifts can incorporate many warning and

safety devices to help protect operators,
pedestrians, other forklift operators and others.

Warning and Safety Devices

Powered industrial trucks may be equipped by

the manufacturer with the following safety

 Seat belts and similar restraints

Figure 1. Forklift operator using a
seat belt.
 Horns

 Backup alarms that sound when forklift


 Fire extinguisher

 Warning lights that flash

 Directional signals and brake lights

Figure 2. Fire extinguisher.
 Mirrors

Requirements and Recommended Practices:

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 Equip every power-propelled truck with
an operator-controlled horn, whistle,
gong, or other sound-producing device.
ANSI B56.1-1969 Incorporated by
reference [29 CFR 1910.178(a)(2)]

 Equip every truck with an operator-

controlled horn, whistle, gong, or other
sound-producing device. ANSI/ITSDF
Figure 3. Safety mirror with
pedestrian in view.

 Where appropriate to the worksite,

equip trucks with additional sound-
producing or visual (such as lights or
blinkers) devices. ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-

Additional Information:

 OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-028 (CPL 2-

1.28A) - Compliance Assistance for the
Powered Industrial Truck Operator Figure 4. Warning strobe light
Training Standards (Nov. 30, 2000). flashes as operator backs up.
Section 1910.178 does not currently
contain requirements for the use of operator restraint systems. However, Section
5(a)(1) of the OSH Act requires employers to protect employees from serious
and recognized hazards.
 OSHA's Seat Belt Policy: OSHA's enforcement policy on the use of seat belts on
powered industrial trucks in general industry is that employers are obligated to
require operators of powered industrial trucks that are equipped with operator
restraint devices, including seat belts, to use the devices.
 ANSI/ITSDF B56.1-2005 - Safety Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks.

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