Infinitive and Gerund

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1. To express purpose.
I bought milk to make ice cream.
I went to Real Plaza to buy clothes.

2. After an adjective:
The new computer is easy to use.
It´s nice to be back home.
It´s great to meet you.

3. After certain verbs (with to)

He refused to pay the bill.
I hope to get on time.
They have promised to be honest.
 afford  hesitate  promise
 agree  hope  refuse
 appear  learn  want
 arrange  manage  wish
 beg  mean  would like
 choose  offer  would love
 decide  plan  would prefer
 expect  prepare
 fail  pretend

4. After too and enough

It´s too late to visit them now. She´s old enough to drive a car.

5. After question words: what, where, how

Do you know how to get there?
I know how to use it.
I don´t know what to do.

6. Infinitive without TO or Bare infinitive

Modals: I can swim / I should go now. / I must park here.
Make – let: I make you do your homework.
Let me tell you that.
Had better: “You had better start at once”, he said.
Auxiliaries (negative ones): I don´t drink much alcohol.
She didn´t call me.

M. Sc. Johanna Elena Santa Cruz Arévalo

1. As the subject of a clause.
Cycling is good for your health.

2. After a preposition.
I did my homework before going out.

3. Verbs followed by Gerund.

I enjoy cooking. She is finishing doing the project.
 admit  enjoy  miss
 advise  fancy  permit
 allow  finish  practice
 avoid  hate  suggest
 continue  keep  waste
 deny  like  start
 dislike  mind

4. Verbs with prepositions followed by Gerund

I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.
 accuse of  carry on  insist on
 agree with  complain about  keep on
 apologize for  concentrate on  look forward to
 ask about  depend on  object to
 believe in  dream about/of  think of
 be used to  feel like  succeed in
 blame for  forgive for  use for
 care for  give up

5. After expressions such as:

Chiclayo is a wonderful city so it is worth visiting.

 be busy  how about  what´s the

 be good at  it´s no use use of
 can´t help  it´s (not)  what about Commented [japc1]: No puedo evitarlo

 can´t stand worth  have Commented [japc2]: Vale o no vale la pena

 crazy about  there´s no difficulty in

 don´t mind point

M. Sc. Johanna Elena Santa Cruz Arévalo

Gerund or Infinitive
1. A lot of people are worried about___________ their jobs. (lose)
2. He agreed___________ a new car. (buy)
3. The question is easy___________ (answer)
4. Not everybody can afford___________ to university. (go)
5. I look forward to___________ you at the weekend. (see)
6. Are you thinking of___________ London? (visit)
7. He apologized for___________ so late. (arrive)
8. Stop___________ noise, please; I’m studying. (make)
9. She doesn't mind___________ the night shift. (work)
10. I learned___________ the bike at the age of 5.(ride)
11. We decided___________ a new car. (buy)
12. I regret___________ you we won’t lend you the money. (tell)
13. Peter gave up___________.(smoke)
14. He'd like___________ an airplane.(fly)
15. I enjoy___________ picture postcards. (write)
16. He offered___________ with the cleaning. (help)
17. Avoid___________ silly mistakes.(make)
18. My parents wanted me___________ home at 11 o'clock. (be)
19. I dream about___________ a big house. (build)
20. He advised me___________ so much money. (not spend)

M. Sc. Johanna Elena Santa Cruz Arévalo

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