Presentation +Past+Simple+Irregular+Verbs

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Past Simple

Irregular Verbs

Stop this video and get a notebook and

a pen or a pencil to take notes!
I had a cup of coffee today.
You finished your homework last night.
She went to the UK on holiday.
I stayed in a big hotel.
They gave me a better job.
I sent you an email 3 days ago.
By the end of this lesson you will:

revise the conjugation of any REGULAR or IRREGULAR

verb in the past simple;
learn 50 most common irregular verbs in English.
Past Simple

regular irregular

+ He worked until late. I had a good day.

- He didn't work until late. I didn't have a good day.

? Did he work until late? Did I have a good day?

short Yes, he did. Yes, I did.
answer No, he didn't. No, I didn't.
Past Simple

S + Ved/V2

S+V+ed S+V2
You You
worked had
He He
finished spoke
She She
studied went
It It
looked got
We We
cried was/were
You You
They They
Irregular Verbs Lifehack

1. Learn by heart the lists of verbs according to

your level!
2. Use apps to learn the correct pronunciation and
3. Make flashcards.
4. Revise&repeat the verbs 24/3/7.
5. Learn 10 verbs a day.
Apps to Learn Irregular Verbs

type: irregular verbs in app store/playstore

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
1. be was / were been 26. let let let
2. become became become 27. lose lost lost
3. begin began begun 28. make made made
4. bring brought brought 29. meet met met
5. buy bought bought 30. pay paid paid
6. choose chose chosen 31. put put put
7. come came come 32. read read read
8. do did done 33. run ran run
9. drink drank drunk 34. say said said
10. drive drove driven 35. see saw seen
50 Most Common 11. eat ate eaten 36. sell sold sold
12. fall fell fallen 37. send sent sent
13. feel felt felt 38. sing sang sung
14. find found found 39. sit sat sat
Irregular Verbs 15. fly flew flown 40. sleep slept slept
16. forget forgot forgotten 41. speak spoke spoken
17. get got got 42. stand stood stood
18. give gave given 43. swim swam swum
19. go went gone 44. take took taken
20. have had had 45. teach taught taught
21. hear heard heard 46. tell told told
22. keep kept kept 47. think thought thought
23. know knew known 48. understand understood understood
24. leave left left 49. wear wore worn
25. lend lent lent 50. write wrote written
Infinitive Past Simple Past participle

1. see _____________ _____________

2. have _____________ _____________
3. take _____________ _____________
4. go _____________ _____________
5. choose _____________ _____________
6. be _____________ _____________
7. write _____________ _____________
8. speak _____________ _____________
9. give _____________ _____________
10. make _____________ _____________
Test Yourself
Now you:

know the conjugation of any REGULAR or IRREGULAR

verb in the past simple;
are familiar with 50 most common irregular verbs in

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