Notes Stress Management
Notes Stress Management
Notes Stress Management
Module I: Stress
Stress can be defined as actions and circumstances to which you cannot respond
adequately or to which you respond at the cost of excessive wear and tear on the body.
Stress is an emotional and physical reaction to change.
Stress is defined as “The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other
types of demand placed on them”
Stress can act as a creative force that increases drive and energy, but once it reaches a
certain degree, the results can be negative.
Due to inappropriate usage, the word stress has assumed bad connotations. In its original
sense a stress is neither good nor bad. It becomes good or bad, desirable or undesirable,
healthy or unhealthy depending upon what it does to us. For example, the demands of an
examination could make one child work hard and pass creditably. In the case of another
child the very same examination could appear very demanding and he might end up in a
break down, as his resources are poor. Thus by itself a stressor or a stress is neither good
nor bad. They are neutral in nature.
When a stressor becomes too demanding or when we do not have adequate resources to
meet the demands, we get ‘stressed up’. The stressed up experience is called a ‘Distress’.
Distress is bad and unhealthy. Prolonged distress initiates a number of reactions at the
level of the body and mind. As it depletes our resources we become impoverished and
susceptible to diseases and disorders. The child who has poor resources to write an
examination falls ill. The executive who went on worrying depleted his resources and
developed hypertension. The housewife spent a sizable portion of her resources to
suppress her constant anger and ended up with bronchial asthma. Thus any stress that
becomes distressing is unhealthy.
When a stressor puts demand on our resources and we experience stress that need not
always lead to distress. If the stressor is within limits and we have enough resources we
will be able to cope up with the stress. When a stress makes us cope up with it, there is a
feeling of satisfaction and joy. Stresses that make us cope up with them culminate in
better integration of our personality. Such stresses are called ‘Eustress’ or useful stress.
The child, who prepared well for the examination, wrote it effectively and came out
successfully experiences better self worth and increased self-esteem. The examination
though a stress had indeed beneficial effects on him. Such beneficial stresses are required
for our motivation and growth. No wonder it is then called a useful stress.
There are three stages a person goes through while suffering from stress.
Alarm Stage: Look at a student's face just before he is going to give an exam. Isn't the
fear and tension clearly evident? When something has just started stressing you and you
feel a fight or flight kind of attitude, then you are in the alarm stage of stress. It is the start
up stage which defines the first reaction to the stressor.
Resistance Stage: When a child is sitting in the examination hall and writing his exam,
he is bothered about completing it in time. He is making full efforts to cope with the
situation and his whole body is engaged in fighting against the condition. This is the
resistance stage. In this stage, the body keeps making continuous efforts to cope with
stress and therefore feels run down and exhausted. The person starts feeling irritated, over
reacts to minor situations and gets mentally and physically weak. Psychological, physical
and behavioral changes are also clearly visible.
Exhaustion Stage: If a student is preparing for his exam and despite of every possible
effort, he is not able to relate to his studies, he is bound to get stressed. The stress could
reach a height where he/she may feel completely exhausted and helpless to the extent of
committing suicide. This is the exhaustion stage. This stage is further divided into two
Initial phase: The stress persists and due to lack of appropriate measures the
person is not able to concentrate and work efficiently.
Burnout: The person is completely exhausted and drained of all energy reserves.
There is a complete physical, psychological and emotional breakdown. This
requires immediate attention.
While preparing for flight or fight response our body undergoes following changes:
Increased heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Pumping more blood to the
muscles, supplying more oxygen to the muscles and heart-lung system.
Increased sugar rates in the blood. Allowing rapid energy use, and accelerating
metabolism for emergency actions.
Thickening of the blood - to increase oxygen supply (red cells), enabling better
defence from infections (white cells) and to stop bleeding quickly (platelets).
Sharpening of senses. The pupils dilate; hearing is better etc., allowing rapid
Prioritising - increased blood supply to peripheral muscles and heart, to motor and
basic-functions regions in the brain; decreased blood supply to digestive system
and irrelevant brain regions (such as speech areas), this also causes secretion of
body waists, leaving the body lighter.
Secretion of Adrenaline and other stress hormones - to further increase the
response, and to strengthen relevant systems.
Secretion of endorphins - natural painkillers, providing an instant defence against
Stimulus-oriented approach.
Stimulus-based definitions view stress as an independent variable that disturbs the
individual: it leads to distress.
This is the stimulus based model, i.e. the stimulus causes the stress but our response is
the same physiologically. Any perception of a stress stimulus triggers the body's
physiological response. We speak of being 'under stress’; the external event causes the
stress. Managing stress comes down to avoiding the stressor.
Response-oriented approach
Stress can be defined as dependent upon the person's response to the stressor. This is a
more negative way of looking at stress. The person is described as 'suffering from stress',
'feeling stressed'. The individual is seen as having inadequate coping mechanisms. This
internal reaction may also be down to different personality type or cultural influence, but
the management of stress is seen as coming from internal change.
Causes of stress vary from person to person. Some common causes of stress can be a
death of a family member, illness, taking care of your family, relationship changes, work,
job change, moving and money. Even small things such as long waits or delays or traffic
can cause stress.
Some of the leading personal causes of stress are:
Finances; who name finances as the leading cause of stress cite major purchases
they have to make, such as a home or car. Others are stressed by a loss of income,
or mounting credit card debt. For some, financial stress will eventuate in
bankruptcy. While college students stress over paying for an education, Baby
Boomers and older senior ci tizens find that retirement income can be a major
cause of stress.
Personal Health and Safety; For some, the stress is linked to obesity, and a
desire to lose weight. For others, the stress is a personal bas habit that affects
health and must be changed. For example, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other
drugs. Illness or injury, whether less or more serious, can be a leading cause of
stress for many people. Personal safety is also a leading cause of stress. Women,
more than men, tend to stress about their own and others’ safety. Adults tend to
stress more than young people, who may act invincible.
Death; Probably the most wrenching cause of stress is the death of a loved one or
close friend. Even the death of a pet can be stressful.
All of the above risk factors appear often highly recognizable within the companies.
Employee Risk Factors: Stress can pose a significant risk to the individual in both
mental and physical health. Mental health risks include depression, anxiety and post
traumatic stress disorders. Physical risk factors include damage to immune and
cardiovascular systems. Stress can also increase the risk of other more serious ill health
issues such as Heart Disease. As identified within the Management Standards high
demands within the job such as the working environment and workload are known to be
some of the highest risk factors which have proven to result in stress within any
Employer Risk Factors: Risk factors for employers can be divided into four main
categories these being: Cost, Negative Public Relations, Legal Obligation/Criminal
Prosecution and Civil Action by employees. The risk factors above are often found within
the organisations we have carried out Stress Surveys for. Although employers do have
demanding roles we often find that the most noted form of stress within organizations is
found because they have the inability to make significant changes as ideas are often
unsupported and change within the organisation is met with great resilience.
Hot environment
Cold environment
Poor lighting/too much lighting
Organizational Risk factors
Faulty equipment
Poorly designed and/or maintained equipment
Dangerous equipment
Heavy weights
· Can't listen to conversations, interrupt, · Can listen and let the other person finish
finish others sentences speaking
·Trying to do more than one thing at a ·Can take one thing at a time
·Want everything to be perfect ·Do not mind things not quite perfect
·If in employment, will often take work ·If in employment, will limit working to
home work hours
Effect of stress on performance
Look at the curve. Our ability to perform increases up to a certain level of stress arousal.
This is the healthy tension or eustress. But if this stress continues uncontrolled and a
fatigue point is reached, any further stress arousal will take the performance level down,
ultimately leading to exhaustion, ill-health and, finally breakdown.
Job Burnout
Adverse effects of working conditions where stressors seem unavoidable and
sources of job satisfaction and relief from stress seem unavoidable.
State of emotional exhaustion
Depersonalization of individuals
Feelings of low personal accomplishment
High probability of burnout characteristics
High degree of job related stressors
Idealistic and self-motivating achievers
Seek unattainable goals
Organizational Stress
Participative Problems - a cost associated with absenteeism, tardiness, strikes & work
stoppages, & turnover
Performance Decrement - a cost resulting from poor quality or low quantity of
production, grievances, & unscheduled machine downtime & repair
Compensation Award - an organizational cost resulting from court awards for job
This is a tool to measure the amount of stress you experience in your daily life.
64 statements are included. Read slowly and carefully, state how far it is true in
your case. You may please choose any one of the following five options to each
Once you finish writing your responses to all items, you can go to the scoring
key, given at the end. Now start taking the test.
1. I do things in a hurry.
2. I like to travel slowly.
3. I eat food faster.
4. I never interrupt when others talk.
5. I want to finish works with neatness and perfection.
6. I speak slowly.
7. Seeing lazy people I get angry.
8. I never bet with others.
9. I feel tensed on thinking about my responsibilities.
10. I am not happy to wait in a queue.
11. I always consider the feelings of others while talking.
12. I take intoxicants.
13. I pray regularly.
14. I am interested in religious books.
15. I watch movies and plays.
16. I practice meditation.
17. I don't reveal secrets to others.
18. I can't stay away from home.
19. I fell tensed on unexpected arrival of a guest.
20. I feel disturbed on an unexpected expenditure.
21. I have debts.
22. I feel that some of my family members are against me.
23. I am not properly understood.
24. I feel devaluated in society.
25. I can't plan my financial budget properly.
26. I am not being loved.
27. I have a lot of family problems.
28. I reach home late.
29. I discus my problems with family members.
30. I have experiences of loosing job unexpectedly.
31. I am often scolded by superiors for coming late.
32. I fear my work place.
33. I quarrel with colleagues.
34. I had been a scapegoat in fight between superiors.
35. I don't like in engaging in love affairs.
36. I receive confusing and contradicting instructions from above.
37. My job is boring one.
38. I am not paid adequately.
39. My work evokes prick of conscience.
40. I had to bear injustice silently.
41. I am satisfied at work.
42. I am well trained for my work.
43. I get angry soon.
44. I don't loose opportunities to help others.
45. I believe and spread rumors.
46. I am a patient listener.
47. I am willing to accept my faults.
48. At times I feel like destroying everything.
49. I suffer from headache.
50. I have fre3quent attacks of chest pain.
51. I have poor appetite.
52. I sweat without reason.
53. I don't get adequate sleep.
54. I have nightmares.
55. I loose control soon.
56. I hate criticism.
57. I feel anxious.
58. I feel calm.
59. I usually regret for what has happened.
60. I fell sorry.
61. I feel frustrated.
62. I am happy.
63. I am confident.
64. I feel worthless.
Qns. 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 31, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 60, 64, should be
scored in the opposite order.( Scores 5,4,3,2,1 respectively for A,B,C,D,E)
If it is above 150, you should find out what makes you tensed, may be your life
style... try to change it.