By Eva Broch Pierrakos 2000 The Pathwork Foundation

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Pathwork Additional Material No.

January 3, 1960


1. Devotion, commitment, risking investment without seeking immediate return. Practically

this means to give time and effort with little, sometimes no remuneration, until this test is
completed. With everyone various spiritual aspects are being tested this way. For instance faith,
trust, perseverance, investment of self, giving. Also personal problems manifest in the helper's
approach and in his reactions to the session and they must be recognized.

2. Regular meditation and prayer for help in regard to purifying the motives for being a
helper. Recognize the ego trip, the power game, or whatever -- but at the same time state that you
wish to be motivated primarily by wanting to help others to fulfill their lives.

3. Realize that work with others will always reflect where you are on your own path. It will
manifest in material success, as well as in success in the actual work; in the type of workers you
attract, in regard to their receptivity etc. To whatever degree you are stuck you will be stuck with
similar problems in your workers.

4. Use the life story in order to determine the worker's inner problems. His fulfillment or
lack of it is a map, which clearly shows where he is inwardly. This picture may come faster or slower
as the case may be. Always wait for the manifestation to appear as a revelation.

5. Beware of super-imposing opinions of your own mind, no matter how logical they may
appear. Always keep open; tune in on the inner path of the worker, and allow it to show itself. You
can say what you see, but keep it light, consider there may be more to it.

6. Apparent contradiction in which two opposites are true: worker must feel the truth, and
also he cannot feel it as long as it is not conscious. The resistance may use the latter, in order to
ward off an unpalatable truth -- "I can't feel it, therefore it isn't so." The skill of the helper is needed
to convey this fact to the worker so as to prepare him. Perhaps shelve the issue for the moment,
until the feeling is opened up by attacking the problem from another side. Explain the fact that he
cannot feel what he represses.

7. The spiral movement of the Path may give the appearance of going around in circles and
being stuck. This may not be true. It is always necessary to make the same recognitions or
sequence of recognitions, over and over again until the circles get smaller and smaller to finally
converge at the key point from which the problem can actually be resolved. It is important to
convey this to the worker so as to avoid discouragement. Another aspect of this is the rhythm
pattern of breakthrough, release, relief, new hope and light and then renewed contraction, self-
doubt, doubt about the Path, hopelessness etc. It is also important to prepare the worker and
explain that the rhythm changes as the Path progresses. The good periods increase in depth and

by Eva Broch Pierrakos

 2000 The Pathwork Foundation
Additional Pathwork Guide Material No. 8
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duration while the negative periods decrease. The only exceptions are deep crises of very strongly
resisted material, which may manifest in a different rhythm pattern. For instance, first a longer
period of the aforementioned regular rhythm pattern and then a crash crises that brings up
heretofore-unexplored material. Time elements vary.

Explain Meditation and the Daily Review. Lectures:

#28 Communication with God-Daily Review.
#182 Process of Meditation
#194 Meditation Its Laws & Various Approaches

8. Meditation changes from phase to phase. It is part of the work in private sessions to find
out what to meditate on at any given phase. The session notes are the clue. Also explain the power
of thought, working with the meditation lectures. Discuss any problem regarding discipline.
Meditation and the Daily Review serve as a tool of learning, concentration and focusing.

9. Gauge worker's habits regarding order, being organized in money and other daily affairs.
Make him see the significance and inner meaning of his attitudes.

10. At one point or another (which varies greatly from one worker to another) he will be
ready to work on his images and his idealized self-image. If you are prepared you will recognize the
message from the workers' path as it manifests. Study carefully, and know the basic aspects of the
lectures, for instance the images; misconceptions; subsequent behavior based on the misconception;
subsequent result that proves the misconception correct, thereby reinforcing a continuous vicious
circle. The pertinent aspects of the idealized self-image (which can be much worse than reality as
well as better) are always for show or pretense, as well as getting the result without working for it.

11. Be clear that the private work is divided into the following sometimes alternating,
sometimes overlapping aspects:

A) Search for mental distortions (images, misconceptions etc.)

B) Concentration on the Defenses

C) Concentration on cheating and dishonest attitudes to life.

These aid in gaining insight, teaching aspects of the pathwork, dealing with the
mental-conceptual level.

D) Getting into the feelings and expressing the irrational.

E) Applying the Spiritual Power through meditation to affect a change of the negative.

12. All neurotic problems and distortions always form a vicious circle. It is necessary to find
the specific breaking point. As long as there seems no way out, the worker is in defense and the
helper is yet unable to see how and where to go. The search must go on in full awareness of this
fact. When the way out is clear, the specific vicious circle has been broken. This way out is always,
in the last analysis, a question of choice and intentionality. To see no way out always means that the
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game of helplessness, dependency and victimization is being played. The way out always lies in self-
responsibility and volition. As the problem seems insoluble the negative intentionality is still hidden.
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