1.0 TITLE Centrifugal Pump

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0 TITLE Centrifugal Pump

The most common equipment used in industry to transport fluid through pipes is the centrifugal
pump. The centrifugal pump is applicable to circumstances requiring moderate to high flow rates
and measured increases in pump head or intake pressure. A centrifugal pump converts the input
power to kinetic energy in the liquid by accelerating the liquid by a revolving device an impeller.
Fluid enters the pump through the eye of the impeller which rotates at high speed. The fluid is
accelerated radially outward from the pump chasing. A vacuum is created at the impellers eye that
continuously draws more fluid into the pump. The energy created by the pump is kinetic energy
according the Bernoulli Equation. The energy transferred to the liquid corresponds to the velocity
at the edge or vane tip of the impeller. The faster the impeller revolves or the bigger the impeller
is, the higher will the velocity of the liquid energy transferred to the liquid be. This is described
by the Affinity Laws it is important to understand that the pump will pump all fluids to the same
height if the shaft is turning at the same rpm. Centrifugal Pumps are "constant head machines".
Example for mechanism for centrifugal pump working. In this experiment, we are using single,
pump in series and parallel to test the best pump.

Figure 1.0 : Basic elements for centrifugal pump

The purpose of this experiment is

 to study the performance characteristics of a typical Centrifugal.

 to test set-up can that can be run with a single pump, two pumps in series, or two pumps
in parallel.
3.0 Theory

The performance curve is the easiest and most satisfactory way to show graphically the
relationship between head, capacity, horsepower, efficiency of any pump. For a given rotational
speed and impeller size, the performance of a pump can be represented on a head‐capacity curve
of total developed head in feet of water versus flow in gallons per minute. The "Performance
Characteristics" of a pump at a fixed speed are represented by the following graphical

Total Head (HP) versus Discharge (Q)

Power Input (W) versus Discharge (Q)

Efficiency (ɳ %) versus Discharge (Q)


Flow rate, Q = (0.196 √h) × 10−3m3/s

Where h is the difference in………

(Force ×velocity)
Power inlet, W = 1

Where (F) force in Newton and velocity (V) in rounds per minute
Power outlet, W2 = ρgQH W

ρ = fluid density (kg/m3)

H = pump head (m)

Q = flow rate (m3/s)


ɳ = W2 × 100 (%)
4.0 Methodology

4.1 Equipment :

Pump speed


Fully open
Motor valve

Centrifugal pump

4.2 Method

4.2.1 Single pump

1. The discharge control valve on the manifold was closed after that the auxiliary pump was turn
on , then the discharge control valve was completely opened.

2. Pump speed was set up to 2000 rpm

3. With maximum flow (control valve fully open), the pump head, H, the discharge pressure (D1) ,
the suction pressure (S1) and Force (F) was recorded.

4. The control valve was adjusted to change the flowrate and 5 readings at different flowrate was

5. Procedure (steps 1-4) was repeated for pump speed of 3000 rpm.
4.2.2 Pumps in series

Procedure (Steps 1-4 in single pump) was repeated and the pump head, H, the discharge
pressure (D2) , the suction pressure (S1) and Force at pump 1 and pump 2 (F1 and F2) was

The control valve was adjusted to change the flowrate and take 5 readings at different

Procedure (steps 1-4 in single pump) was repeated for pump speed of 3000

4.2.3 Pumps in Parallel

Procedure (Steps 1-4 in single pump) was repeated and the discharge pressure at
pump 1 and pump 2 (D1 and D2) , the suction inlet pressure (S1 and S2) and Force (F1
and F2) was repeated.

The control valve was adjusted to change the flowrate and take 5 readings at
different flowrate.

Procedure (steps 1-4 in single pump) was repeated for

pump speed of 3000 rpm
5.0 Result

5.1 Data

Table 1: Data collection for single pump

Table 2: Data collection for Series pump

Table 3 : Data collection for Parallel pump

5.2 Graph

Graph 1 : Total Head(H) versus Discharge (Q) for 2000rpm

Graph 2 : Power input (w) versus Discharge (Q) for 2000rpm for 3 type of pump

Graph 3: Efficiency ŋ% versus Discharge (Q) for 2000rpm for 3 pumps

Graph 4: Total head vs Discharge at 3000rpm

Graph 5 : Power input vs Discharge at 3000rpm

Graph 6 : Efficiency vs Discharge at 3000rpm

From the experiments, characteristic of pumps ran at different conditions are observed and drawn
in graph. Initially , we study the variation of head available with change in flowrate. The graph
above (Graph 1 and 4) showing that the relationship between total head and discharge between
three pump that we do in the experiment which is single pump, pump in series and pump in
parallel. We can see that series pump are the greater head lost plot in the graph for 2000 rpm and
3000 rpm. We see that overall efficiency of the pumps against flow rate. It should be efficiency
of pumps in combination is higher than a single pump. And,efficiency of pumps in series is
higher than that in parallel. More closely, we can also see that efficiency of pumps in series is
better in lower flow rate which is at higher head delivered and pumps in parallel is better for
higher flow rates and low head delivered. Series has the higher efficiency compare parallel and
single pump

As the pumps are connected in series or parallel, the input power to the pumps decreases than
that of a single pump in (Graph 2 and 5) and parallel and series for power input was drawn.
With pumps in parallel we increase the flow almost twice for the same head delivered , while
head delivered can be increased twice by arranging pumps in series. Hence , where a single
pump is appropriate for large flow rate or high head, pumps can be arranged in series and parallel
or combination of both to suite our requirement.

This experiment didn’t give an exact value cause by some errors in the system and other factors
such as parallax error. It could happen while the reader taking a reading using apparatus and stop
watch where the reader didn’t use a proper way to get a right reading. It could be prevent by this
problem by the reader should learn and practice by understand the procedure to get reading
otherwise get some help. Other than that, the reader should have sharp eye because the apparatus
don’t give a small scale to use . The reader must estimate the value correctly for right value that
can be used.

Other than that, systematic error cause by apparatus that are not perfect and some problem such
as leaking or a big losses energy cause by friction in the pipe. It is because the apparatus were
very old and didn’t do the service for a long time. To prevent this error ,the apparatus should be
test and being maintenance before the experiment begins. Moreover, random error could be done
by this experiment because there are many data that was taken mistakenly and sometimes the
data didn’t give a good results cause by randomly results. To minimize this mistake , reader
should take more than one reading and take the average .Futhermore, a person who takes the
reading should not be changed. Finally, cavitations is the problems in the pump.It is defined as
the phenomenon of formation of vapour bubbles of a flowing liquid in a region where the
pressure of the liquid falls below its vapour pressure.Cavitation can damage the blade and make
the efficiency of pump got worsen.

7.0 Conclusion

According to the experiments, we can evaluate the pump characteristics and performances of
single, two pumps in series and two pumps in parallel at a fixed speed which is 2000rpm and
3000rpm .Pumps are used to convert mechanical energy into fluid energy and allow liquids to be
moved from one place to another. From this experiment, can understand fully the types of
pumps available and their different characteristics. Measurements of head, flow, speed and
efficiency allow the performance of each pump to be determined and compared which pump is
suitable for requirement.

8.0 Reference

 https://www.scribd.com/doc/22278098/Lab-Report-Performance-Characteristics-of-
 https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/pumps-parallel-serial-d_636.html
 https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1LENN___MY768MY768&ei=PsRuXOLQB

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