Fleming's Right Hand Rule:: 2. DC Machines
Fleming's Right Hand Rule:: 2. DC Machines
Fleming's Right Hand Rule:: 2. DC Machines
Fleming’s Right Hand rule is used to determine the direction of the induced e.m.f in a conductor
moves in a magnetic field. The right hand is held with the thumb, first finger and second
finger mutually perpendicular to each other (at right angles), as shown in the diagram.
of the conductor.
Key Point: Fleming’s Right Hand Rule is applied in generator to find the direction of induced e.m.f.
At 𝛉=00 :
When the loop A B C D is just parallel to the faces of filed magnets N and S, no flux is cut by
the coil sides AB and CD which are just moving parallel to them. Hence induced e.m.f is zero when
the loop is in this position.
At 𝛉=900 :
In this position the coil sides are moving at right angles to the field and are, therefore, cutting
across the field at maximum rate, consequently, the e.m.f induced at this instant is maximum value.
The direction of induced e.m.f in the coil, as given by Fleming’s right hand rule, is from B to A and
from D to C.
At 𝛉=1800 :
In the next quarter of the revolution of the loop i.e between radians and π radians (900 to
1800), the rate at which the conductors cut across the magnetic field gradually decreases, causing the
magnitude of induced e.m.f to fall gradually and becomes zero at the instant the loop becomes
again parallel to the faces of the field magnets but with the AB and CD’s position interchanged with
respect to Zero position.
At 𝛉=2700 :
In the third quarter of the revolution of loop i.e. between π and radians (1800 to 2700)
the rate at which the conductors cut across the magnetic field hence induced e.m.f gradually
increases as the loop moves and becomes maximum at the instant, the loop assumes the position
shown in figure. However, the direction of e.m.f in the loop is now from A to B and from C and D
i.e. opposite to that in the first two quarters.
3600), the induced e.m.f decreases as the coil moves and becomes zero when it completes 2π
radians or 3600 from the starting instant. At this instant the loop comes to its absolute original
position and hence the loop is said to have completed one cycle.
The e.m.f thus generated in the loop is of the form shown in above figure, from which it is
obvious that e.m.f induced in armature conductors is of pulsating nature. Such an e.m.f is known as
an alternating e.m.f and the current flowing through the circuit is alternating current.
The current induced in the coil is collected and conveyed to the external load circuit by
connecting the coil terminals to two continuous and insulated rings, known as slip rings or collector
rings and brush combination as shown in below figure.
To obtain the uni-directional or direct current in the external circuit, the slip rings are
replaced by the split rings. A split ring is made of a conducting material and splitted into two halves
separated from each other by insulation and brushes are placed diametrically opposite instead of
being side by side.
It will be observed that in the first half revolution current flows along ABMLCDA i.e. the brush M in
contact with segment ‘a’ acts as the +ve pole of the supply and brush L in contact with segment ‘b’
acts as the –ve pole.
In the next half revolution, the direction of induced currents in the coil is reversed, but at the
same time the positions of segments ‘a’ and ‘b’ are also reversed, with the result that brushes M and
L again come in contact with +ve segment ‘b’ and –ve segment ‘a’ respectively. Thus the direction
of current in the external load circuit remains the same.
1. Field System:
The object of the field system is to create a uniform magnetic field. Electro magnets are
used for this purpose. Field system consists of four parts given below: (i) yoke or frame (ii)
pole cores (iii) pole shoes (iv) magnetizing coils (or) field winding.
1. Cylindrical yoke is usually used which acts as a frame of the machine and carries the half of
the magnetic flux produced by the poles.
2. In small machines, cast iron yokes are used, because of cheapness but yoke of large
machine is invariably made of fabricated steel due to its high permeability.
Pole core:
Pole core is usually of circular section and is used to carry the coils of insulated wires carrying
the exciting (or field) current. Pole cores are usually not laminated and made of cast steel.
Pole shoe:
1. Pole shoe acts as a support to the field coils and spreads out the flux over the armature
periphery more uniformly .
Field winding:
1. The object of the magnetizing or field coils is to provide the required flux through the
armature to induce the desired e.m.f
2. Armature:
1. It is a rotating part of a DC machine and is built up in a cylindrical or drum shape. Its
outer periphery usually slotted to hold an evenly distributed winding.
2. The purpose of armature is to rotate the conductors in the uniform magnetic field. When
the armature is rotated in a magnetic field electric currents are induced in these
3. In addition, its most important function is to provide a path of very low reluctance to
the magnetic flux.
4. The armature core is made from high permeability silicon-steel stampings.
3. Commutator:
5. Bearings: With small machines, ball bearings may be used at both ends. For larger
machines, roller bearings are used at the driving end, and ball bearings may be used at the non-
driving end. Sleeve bearings, with ring lubrication are used for motors when very silent running
is required. For larger achiness pedestal bearings are generally used.
Working of a DC generator:
A machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is called as Generator. DC
generator works on the principle of Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. In simply, from
these law necessary requirements in a machine to induce e.m.f is (i) conductor (ii) magnetic field (iii)
relative motion between them. In DC Generators it can be achieved by the moving conductor in
stationary magnetic field (Dynamically induced e.m.f). The mechanical energy is supplied to the
machine by prime mover, which will induce an alternating e.m.f in the armature under stationary
magnetic field developed y field magnets (Electro magnets). As the name gives out DC generator is
to generate in DC form, the produced alternating e.m.f is converted into DC form by means of a
commutator and brush mechanism through a process of commutation.
= ØP * *
60 A
Total induced e.m.f (E) = Volt
Key Point: in case of DC Generator it is named as generated e.m.f (Eg), where is DC motor it is back
e.m.f (Eb), for the both machines above equation is holds good.
DC Generators Excited DC Shunt Generator
Generators Long shunt
Self Excited DC
Series Generator
Short shunt
Ia = IL
Eg = V + IaRa + BCD
Ia = IL + Ish
Ish = Rsh
Eg = V + IaRa + BCD
Ia = IL = Ise
Eg = V + Ia (Ra+Rse) + BCD
Ia = IL + Ish Ise = Ia
Ish = Rsh
Eg = V + Ia (Ra+Rse) + BCD
Ia = Ise + Ish IL = Ia
V+Ise Rse
Ish = Rsh
Eg = V + IaRa + BCD