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Ruth Victoria Pritchett, Amanda J Daley and Kate Jolly

Does aerobic exercise reduce postpartum

depressive symptoms?
a systematic review and meta-analysis

INTRODUCTION Aim and objectives

Abstract Postpartum depression is a global mental The aim and objectives of this study were to
Background health issue, annually affecting 13 million undertake a meta-analysis of randomised
There is currently no specific guidance on women worldwide.1–3 Postpartum depression controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the
the role of exercise in managing postpartum can lead to thoughts of self-harm and/or effect of aerobic exercise interventions,
depression in the UK and US, and international
harm of the child,4 and negatively affect compared with usual care, on depressive
guidance is inconsistent.
children’s development.5,6 There can be symptoms in women up to 1 year
Aim reluctance by women to take antidepressants postpartum. The study aimed to explore the
To assess the effectiveness of aerobic exercise
postnatally, particularly if they are effect of exercise on depressive symptoms
on postpartum depressive symptoms.
breastfeeding.7,8 Cognitive behavioural in three subgroup analyses:
Design and setting therapy can be effective but waiting lists are
Systematic review and meta-analysis. There
was no restriction to study site or setting.
often long in the UK.9 Exercise can have a • women with possible depression and
moderate effect in reducing general adult general postpartum populations;
Method depression (standardised mean difference
The databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane • interventions based only on exercise and
Library, PsycINFO, SportDiscus, Clinical
[SMD] ]–0.62, 95% confidence interval those with co-interventions; and
Trials.gov, and the World Health Organization [CI] = –0.81 to –0.42).10
• interventions providing structured group
International Clinical Trials Registry Platform Practitioner-led group exercise is
were searched. Titles and abstracts, then exercise and those supporting participant
recommended by the UK National Institute
full-text articles, were screened against choice of exercise.
inclusion criteria: RCTs measuring depressive for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
symptoms in mothers ≤1 year postpartum; for persistent subthreshold depressive METHOD
and interventions designed to increase aerobic symptoms and mild-to-moderate The review was registered on PROSPERO:
exercise compared with usual care or other depression.11 However, women in the CRD42016047656.
comparators. Included studies were assessed
using the Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of postpartum period have particular physical,
bias tool. Meta-analysis was conducted. practical, and psychological challenges to Data sources and searches
Pre-planned subgroup analyses explored exercising.12,13 The Cochrane Collaboration’s guidance
A 2009 review provided some support was followed on reviews of interventions18
Results for exercise as an adjunctive treatment and PRISMA guidelines.19 The following
Thirteen RCTs were included, with 1734 eligible for postpartum depressive symptoms.14 bibliographic databases were searched
participants. Exercise significantly reduced
depressive symptoms when all trials were
Despite its challenges, exercise provides electronically for eligible trials: MEDLINE,
combined (standardised mean difference another intervention option when many EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO,
–0.44; 95% confidence interval = –0.75 to mothers are reluctant to seek treatment SportDiscus, and Clinical Trials.gov.
–0.12). Exploration of heterogeneity did not find and/or take antidepressants.8 The World Health Organization (WHO)
significant differences in effect size between
women with possible depression and in general
Exercise also offers improved fitness and International Clinical Trials Registry
postpartum populations; exercise only and weight loss, and opportunities for social Platform was searched for trials in
exercise with co-interventions; and group interaction at a time when women experience progress. Searches were conducted for grey
exercise and exercise counselling. decreased exercise and weight retention.15–17 literature in Open Grey (http://opengrey.
This systematic review provides support
for the effectiveness of exercise in reducing RV Pritchett, PhD, research fellow, AJ Daley, PhD, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK.
postpartum depressive symptoms. Group reader, behavioural medicine, Institute of Applied E-mail: [email protected]
exercise, participant-chosen exercise, and Health Research; the Murray Learning Centre;
Submitted: 19 January 2017; Editor’s response:
exercise with co-interventions all may be K Jolly, PhD, MFPH, professor of public health
effective interventions. These results should be 27 March 2017; final acceptance: 5 April 2017.
and primary care, Institute of Applied Health
interpreted with caution because of substantial Research, Public Health Building, University of ©British Journal of General Practice
heterogeneity and risk of bias. Birmingham, Birmingham. This is the full-length article (published online
Address for correspondence 29 Aug 2017) of an abridged version published in
Kate Jolly, Institute of Applied Health Research, print. Cite this version as: Br J Gen Pract 2017; DOI:
depression; depression, postpartum; exercise;
postnatal; review, systematic. Public Health Building, University of Birmingham, https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp17X692525

e684 British Journal of General Practice, October 2017

and findings were extracted independently
How this fits in by two researchers using standardised,
piloted, extraction spreadsheets. Reviewers
UK clinical guidance recommends were not blinded to authors, institution,
psychological therapy and antidepressants
or journal. Authors were contacted if
for postnatal depression. However, women
can be reluctant to take antidepressants clarification was required.
postnatally and the availability of Two researchers independently applied
psychological therapies is often limited. the Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias
Exercise is effective in treating depression tool18 in relation to sequence generation,
in the general adult population; however, allocation concealment, blinding of
there are particular challenges to be outcome assessors, incomplete outcome
overcome in the postnatal period. This data, selective outcome reporting, and other
systematic review found that exercise is an
sources of bias.18 Blinding of personnel and
effective intervention for reducing postnatal
depressive symptoms. participants to group allocation was not
assessed because of the impracticalities
of this in exercise trials. Each study was
allocated an overall risk of bias: with
eu/) and OAIster Worldcat (http://oaister. a low risk of bias being assigned if the
worldcat.org/). risk of bias was deemed to be low in all
Searches were conducted on a range of subdomains; an unclear risk of bias if the
psychological outcomes; only the results risk was considered unclear in one or more
for depression are presented. The following subdomains; and a high risk of bias if
terms were searched as text words and MeSH the risk was considered high in one or
terms where applicable: exercise, physical more subdomains.18 Publication bias was
activity, postpartum, postnatal, mother, birth, assessed by visually inspecting a funnel plot
perinatal, depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, of the SMDs for depressive symptoms.
quality of life, mother and infant bonding,
and child development (the MEDLINE search Data synthesis and analysis
strategy is available from authors on request). Populations indicating possible depression
Searches were unrestricted by date or on screening questionnaires or in the
language and undertaken up to September clinical judgement of a health professional
2016. Bibliographies of eligible studies and are referred to as ‘depressed’ postpartum
reviews were searched for additional trials, populations.
and authors contacted if required. Two Meta-analyses and meta-regressions
researchers independently reviewed titles, were conducted using Review Manager 5.3.
abstracts, and full-text articles. Eligibility An SMD18 was calculated for continuous
discrepancies were discussed with a third outcomes of depressive symptoms. If more
reviewer. than one measure for depression was
reported, the primary continuous outcome
Study selection measure was used. The final point of
Inclusion criteria were: follow-up was used because the aim was
to report long-term outcomes. A weighted
• populations of mothers <1 year mean difference (WMD) was calculated for
all trials using the Edinburgh Postnatal
Depression Scale (EPDS) to assess
• interventions designed to increase depressive symptoms.20 Where the standard
aerobic exercise (activity causing deviation of the difference in score was not
increased heart rate, respiratory rate, reported, this was calculated. A correlation
and sweating), including those with of 0.6 was used in the assumptions to
co-interventions such as social support estimate standard deviations of differences,
or nutrition elements; based on a previous sample of postpartum
• comparator groups receiving no care or women.21 A random effects model was
any form of usual care; used throughout because of known clinical
• depressive symptoms measured by heterogeneity between populations and
questionnaire or diagnostic interview; and methodological heterogeneity between
• RCTs. An initial pooled SMD difference was
Exclusion criteria were trials comparing calculated with 95% CI, with all trials
two types of exercise. included. Statistical significance was defined
as having a 95% CI that did not include
Data extraction and quality assessment zero. Clinical heterogeneity was explored
Data describing the population, intervention, (by qualitatively comparing characteristics

British Journal of General Practice, October 2017 e685

between trials) and statistical heterogeneity on the eligibility criteria. Thirteen trials were
using c2 tests of heterogeneity and the I 2 included in the meta-analysis (Figure 1).
Three a priori subgroup analyses Trial characteristics
were performed, investigating whether All 13 RCTs had been peer reviewed and
the effectiveness of exercise in reducing published as journal articles,22–24,26–33 a
postpartum depressive symptoms varied PhD thesis,25 or abstracts.34 Four trials
in relation to the population of women were conducted in the US,25,27,29,31 three in
(women with possible depression or England, UK,28,33,34 two in Australia,22,26 one in
general postpartum populations); the Canada,23 one in India,30 one in Japan,32 and
presence of co-interventions (exercise only one in Taiwan.24
or exercise with co-interventions such as The total population of the combined
diet or social support); and the context of studies was 1734 eligible participants, with
exercise (exercise groups or participant follow-up data provided by 1307 participants
choice; participant choice often consisted who were included in the primary meta-
of exercise counselling interventions analysis. Seven trials recruited participants
in which participants typically elected to with possible depression,22–25,28,33,34 of which
exercise alone, often by walking). For each three required participants to score above
hypothesis, the trials were categorised into a threshold on the EPDS questionnaire
subgroups; and a random effects meta- (from ≥10 to >12),26,27,32 and two required
regression model was used to determine a diagnosis of depression (International
the effects of exercise in each subgroup Classification of Diseases version 10 [ICD-
and the significance of differences between 10]33 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
subgroups. of Mental Disorders fourth edition [DSM-IV]
criteria).34 Despite not reporting baseline
RESULTS depression threshold criteria, two trials
Trial selection reported mean baseline depression scores
Of the 9165 records identified after the indicating depressed populations (EPDS
removal of duplicates, 9043 were excluded scores of 18.9–19.8,25 Beck Depression
Figure 1. PRISMA flow chart. The 40 records in the after reading titles and abstracts. A further Inventory [BDI] 15.8–16.9).27 These
top right-hand box are additional papers found. 109 full-text records were excluded based trials were therefore considered to have
‘depressed’ postpartum populations.
Six trials recruited general postpartum
populations (Table 1).26,27,29–32
Number of additional records identified
from bibliographies of eligible papers: 38
Intervention characteristics
Number of additional records identified All trials included interventions designed
while searching for full-text versions of
papers: 1
to increase exercise levels. In addition, two
trial interventions also aimed to improve
Number of records identified through Number of additional records identified by diet and encourage a healthy lifestyle,24,27
database searching: 9300 communication with the authors: 1 two also provided social support,22,31 and
one also provided education on postpartum
issues.26 Six trials had group exercise
Number of records after duplicates removed: 9165 interventions;22,26,30–32,34 seven trials had
interventions in which exercise counselling
was provided and the participant was free
to choose their own form of exercise (Table
Number of records screened: 9165
Number of records excluded: 9043 1).23–25,27–29,33 The interventions ranged from
(abstracts not relevant to this review)
4 weeks’ duration30,32 to 6 months.24,29,33
Most aimed to achieve 30 minutes
of moderate activity three to five times
Number of full-text articles assessed Number of full-text articles excluded: 109 weekly,22,23,25,27–29,32–34 although some
for eligibility: 122
consisted of once-weekly group exercise.26,30
Reasons for exclusion:
63 (58%): not an RCT
Eight of the studies reported adherence to
11 (10%): intervention not aerobic exercise the intended intervention.22,23,25,28,29,32–34
Number of trials included in review: 13 2 (2%): intervention and control were two
different types of exercise, no comparator Risk of bias in included studies and
without exercise present
21 (19%): depressive symptoms not publication bias
measured Six trials were considered at unclear
12 (11%): population not females <1 year risk22,23,28–30,34 and seven at high risk of
bias.24–27,31–33 Principal factors introducing
a risk of bias were a lack of intention-to-

e686 British Journal of General Practice, October 2017

Table 1. Trial characteristics
Study Country Population N Intervention Comparator Outcomes Result
Armstrong 200322 Queensland, Depressed population 20 Group exercise programme Phone support at 6 weeks EPDS and DASS Intervention group depression
Australia (pram walks) with social post-randomisation 6 and 12 weeks improved significantly
co-intervention 12 weeks compared with control
Daley 200828 Birmingham, UK Sedentary population 38 Exercise counselling 12 weeks Usual care EPDS No significant difference
Depressed population Exercise consultion 24 weeks in EPDS between groups
of trial
Robichaud 200825 Tennessee, US Depressed population 48 Exercise programme Usual activity EPDS No significant
(home-based walking) 6 weeks Intervention after 8 weeks difference in EPDS
trial between groups
Da Costa 200923 Montreal, Canada Sedentary population 88 Exercise counselling 12 weeks Usual care EPDS and 17-item No significant change in EPDS
Depressed population HAM-D 3 and 6 months from baseline to follow-up
Norman 201026 Melbourne, General postpartum 161 Group exercise programme with Education on topics unrelated EPDS 8 and 12 weeks Significant decrease in EPDS
Australia population co-intervention (weekly educational to diet or physical activity in intervention compared with
session on postpartum issues) Booklet of exercises, list of gyms comparator
8 weeks and community facilities
Huang 201124 Northern Taiwan Depressed population 160 Exercise counselling with dietary ‘Standard care’ discussions BDI Significant increase in BDI in
co-intervention with nurses and leaflets 6 months intervention and comparator
Postpartum group: 6 months on unrelated topics groups
Surkan 201227 Northeast US General postpartum 679 Exercise counselling with dietary Usual WIC care: CES-D Modest decrease in CES-D in
population co-intervention nutrition assessment, Mean follow-up intervention compared with
12 months education, food vouchers 13.3 months (SD 3.7) control. Difference was
significant in fully adjusted
Haruna 201332 Tokyo, Japan General 110 Group exercise programme No details provided EPDS No significant
postpartum 4 weeks Intervention at 2 and 4 months difference in EPDS
population end of trial between groups
Thiruppathi 201430 Nellore, India General 45 Group exercise Healthcare education EPDS Significant decrease in
postpartum programme 4 weeks programme. Written materials 12 weeks intervention group from baseline
population on nutrition, baby care, to follow-up. No significant
posture change in comparator group
Keller 201431 A southwestern General postpartum 139 Exercise counselling with group Attention control. Monthly EPDS No significant difference
city, US population exercise (walking) and a newsletters and weekly 6 and 12 months between groups
co-intervention of ‘promotoras’ phone calls on unrelated
(peer support) 12 weeks topics
Lewis 201429 Minnesota, US General postpartum 130 Exercise counselling Counsellor delivered SCID-1 at 6 months only Significant decrease in PHQ-9
population 6 months telephone sessions on PHQ-9 and EPDS in intervention
stress management, EPDS at 6 months only compared with control
sleep, nutrition
… continued

British Journal of General Practice, October 2017 e687

treat analyses (some studies excluded non- interventions had a significant effect in

HAM-D = The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. PHQ-9 = The Patient Health Questionnaire-9. SCID = Structured Clinical Interview for DSM. SD = standard deviation. WIC = Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women,
Decrease in EPDS in intervention adherent participants), a lack of clarity on reducing depressive symptoms (SMD
selective outcome reporting, a lack of robust difference –1.10, 95% CI = –1.99 to –0.21,
significant at 6 months not at
No significant difference in

sequence generation and concealment of I 2 93%).22,26,30–32,34 Participant choice

versus comparator, only
EPDS between groups

randomisation procedures, and unclear interventions such as exercise counselling

blinding of those conducting outcome with personal choice of exercise (often
assessments and analyses (details of the exercise alone) had a significant effect in
risk of bias in included studies are available reducing depressive symptoms (–0.20, 95%
12 months

from the authors on request). CI = –0.33 to –0.06, I 2 0%).23–25,27–29,33 The

BDI =The Beck Depression Inventory. CES-D = The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. DASS = The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. EPDS = The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale.

The funnel plot was visually inspected effects of group exercise and participant
for the main analysis including all trials. choice exercise on depressive symptoms
There appeared to be a lack of smaller were not significantly different (test for
studies with results indicating an increase subgroup differences: c² 3.89, P = 0.05), I 2
6 and 12 months

in depression in exercise intervention 74%) (Table 2) (further details available from

3 and 6 months

groups compared with comparator groups. the authors on request).

This may be an indication of publication


bias (details available from the authors on DISCUSSION

request). Summary

There is no specific guidance on the role

One discussion about their

Provision of additional data of exercise in management of perinatal

postpartum depression

Authors of four trials provided additional mental health in the UK or the US.7,35
postpartum lifestyle
goals for managing

data for this review: DaCosta et al,23 Surkan This systematic review provides support
Leaflet on healthy

et al,27 Lewis et al,29 and Boath et al.34 for exercise as an effective treatment for
reducing postpartum depressive symptoms,
Usual care

Data analysis whether or not women meet robust criteria

Overall effect of exercise on depression for postpartum depression. Additionally,
scores.  Exercise interventions significantly characteristics of exercise interventions
reduced depressive symptoms (SMD –0.44, have been explored that are most likely to
95% CI = –0.75 to –0.12, n = 1307, I  ² 85%, be effective for the postpartum population.
(pram walk or facility based)

13 trials) (Figure 2).22–34 The WMD was

Group exercise programme

–1.54 EPDS units, 95% CI = –2.97 to –0.12, Strengths and limitations

n = 652, I 2 87%.22,23,25,26,28,30–34 Caution should be taken when interpreting
Exercise counselling

the present results, as a substantial level of

Population.  Exercise interventions had heterogeneity was present. Heterogeneity
a significant effect in reducing depressive was present in the design of the trials,
6 months
12 weeks

symptoms in ‘depressed’ postpartum including exercise-only interventions and

populations (SMD –0.32, 95% CI = –0.63 those also promoting a healthy diet or

to –0.00), I 2 55% (Table 2),22–25,28,33,34 and in social support among peers. Exercise
general postpartum populations (-0.57, 95% contexts also varied between structured,


CI = –1.12 to –0.02, I 2 92%) (Table 2).26,27,29–32 group-based exercise and tailored exercise

The effect of exercise interventions in the counselling with participant choice of

‘depressed’ and general postpartum exercise. A random effects model was used
Depressed population

Depressed population

populations was not significantly different in analyses to account for this variation,
(test for subgroup differences c² 0.62, and potential causes of heterogeneity were
P = 0.43, I 2 0%) (further details available from explored in subgroup analyses; however,
Table 1 continued. Trial characteristics

the authors on request). there were insufficient numbers of trials

to explore this heterogeneity in depth. The
Intervention type.  Exercise-only interventions last follow-up point was used because the
had a non-significant effect in reducing focus of the present study was on long-term
Stoke-on-Trent, UK

depressive symptoms (SMD –0.56, 95% outcomes; the median duration of follow-
Birmingham, UK

CI = –1.13 to 0.01, I 2 89%).23,25,28–30,32–34 Exercise up was 6 months from recruitment (IQR
with co-interventions had a significant effect 3.6 months).
on reducing depressive symptoms (–0.35, The methodological quality of several of
95% CI = –0.66 to –0.04, I 2 72%).22,24,26,27,31 the included trials was low. Exclusion of
The effect of exercise-only interventions non-adherent participants, insufficiently
and exercise co-interventions on depressive robust sequence generation, and unclear
Infants, and Children.

symptoms was not significantly different (test blinding of outcome assessors resulted in
for subgroup differences: c² 0.41, P = 0.52, I 2 an increased risk of bias. Only two included
Boath 201534

Daley 201533

0%) (Table 2) (further details available from trials in ‘depressed’ populations recruited
the authors on request). women with a diagnosis of depression
(ICD-10 or DSM-IV);33,34 the remainder
Exercise context.  Group exercise used screening questionnaires such as the

e688 British Journal of General Practice, October 2017

Exercise Comparator Standard mean difference Standard mean difference
Study or subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random (95% CI) IV, Random, 95% CI
Armstrong 200322 –12.8 3.76 10 –3.7 6.13 10 4.7% –1.71 (–2.77 to –0.66)
Robichaud 200825 –1.68 3.74 25 –0.48 3.11 23 7.6% –0.34 (–0.91 to 0.23)
Daley 200828 –4.8 4.81 16 –4.5 4.8 15 6.7% –0.06 (–0.77 to 0.64)
Da Costa 200923 –5.0 3.98 46 –5.2 4.04 42 8.6% 0.05 (–0.37 to 0.47)
Norman 201026 –3.27 5.17 62 –0.21 4.94 73 9.1% –0.60 (–0.95 to –0.26)
Huang 201124 3.01 5.87 64 4.5 7.02 64 9.0% –0.23 (–0.58 to 0.12)
Surkan 2012 27
–1.3 9.86 203 1.23 10.9 200 9.8% –0.24 (–0.44 to –0.05)
Haruna 201332 –0.5 3.67 48 –1.8 3.24 47 8.7% 0.37 (–0.03 to 0.78)
Thiruppathi 201430 –3.0 0.64 20 –0.24 0.52 21 4.0% –4.65 (-5.88 to –3.43)
Lewis 201429 –2.08 2.75 61 –1.27 3.97 63 9.0% –0.24 (–0.59 to 0.12)
Keller 201431 –1.21 4.9 39 –1.71 4.04 54 8.7% 0.11 (–0.30 to 0.52)
Daley 201533 –5.28 4.24 41 –4.95 4.18 38 8.5% –0.08 (–0.52 to 0.36)
Boath 201534 –8.9 5.52 11 –3.2 4.68 11 5.5% –1.07 (–1.98 to –0.17)

Total (95% Cl) 646 661 100.0% –0.44 (–0.75 to –0.12)

Heterogeneity: τ2 = 0.25; χ2 = 79.17, df = 12 (P<0.00001); I2 = 85%
Test for overall effect: Z = 2.72 (P = 0.006) –4 –2 0 2 4
Favours exercise Favours comparator

Figure 2. Meta-analysis of the effect of exercise on EPDS 20 to indicate women with possible confounding. The effectiveness of exercise
depressive symptoms (standardised mean difference). depression. The EPDS has the advantage of was explored in different populations,
CI = confidence interval. SD = standard deviation.
being relatively short and simple to complete, intervention types, and exercise contexts,
but has been reported to have considerable which has not been previously attempted.
heterogeneity in sensitivity and specificity
for detecting postpartum depression across Comparison with existing literature
different settings and populations.36 The evidence in this field has increased
There was a lack of assessment of substantially since the review by Daley et al
exercise duration and intensity in included in 2009.14 Although the primary effect size
studies; of those that did provide this in this review is smaller than that reported
information, only two included an objective by Daley et al (SMD –0.44, 95% CI = –0.75
measure of exercise.31,33 Exercise intensity to –0.12 rather than –0.81, 95% CI = –1.53
can be difficult to determine accurately by to –0.1014), the CI surrounding the effect is
self-report. For future research, objective narrower here, indicating more precision.
accelerometry would allow for greater In this review, the effect of exercise in
accuracy and more meaningful comparison depressed postpartum populations was
between intervention types. smaller than that reported in a recent
This review has several strengths. review of exercise in general adult
Recommended methods were followed; depressed populations (SMD –0.62, 95%
searching was systematic and not limited CI = –0.81 to –0.42),10 indicating that there
by language of publication. The review was may be differences in the way general adult
restricted to RCTs to reduce the potential for populations and postpartum populations

Table 2. Subgroup analyses: population, intervention type, and exercise context

Standardised Number of Number of
Category mean difference 95% CI P-value I      ² trials participants
Depressed postpartum populations –0.32 –0.63 to –0.00 0.05 55% 7 416
General postpartum populations –0.57 –1.12 to –0.02 0.04 92% 6 891
Exercise-only interventions –0.56 –1.13 to 0.01 0.05 89% 8 528
Exercise co-interventions –0.35 –0.66 to –0.04 0.03 72% 5 779
Group exercise interventions –1.10 –1.99 to –0.21 0.02 93% 6 406
Participant choice exercise interventions –0.20 –0.33 to –0.06 0.003 0% 7 901

British Journal of General Practice, October 2017 e689

respond to exercise or differing abilities to additional health benefits of improved
adhere to an exercise regime. Women in the physical fitness and weight loss, outcomes
postnatal period have the time constraints particularly relevant to postpartum women,
of new parenthood and barriers to exercise who often experience decreased exercise
such as fatigue. These factors could be levels and excess weight.15–17 The finding
explored by qualitative research with that both group exercise and participant
postnatal women. choice of exercise (often solitary exercise)
The effect of exercise on postpartum may be effective in reducing postpartum
depressive symptoms reported in this depressive symptoms is also noteworthy.
review compared favourably with that Current guidance from NICE on the
reported in a review of low-intensity treatment of postpartum mental illness
psychological interventions (such as online refers clinicians to exercise advice for the
cognitive behavioural therapy and self-help general adult population, recommending
literature) versus usual care for depression only group exercise,11 which may not be
in the general population (SMD –0.42, the most feasible or acceptable option for
95% CI = –0.55 to –0.29).37 Despite some women after having a baby.40
temporary changes in the composition of
breastmilk following maximal exercise, the Implications for practice
literature does not suggest any detrimental National and international guidance on
effects of moderate levels of aerobic the use of exercise to reduce depressive
exercise,38 as evaluated by the trials in this symptoms in the postpartum period
review. Such interventions are often among is lacking. Although acknowledging
the first treatments offered to individuals considerable uncertainty about the
presenting with depression.11 The effect present findings because of substantial
reported here of exercise on postpartum heterogeneity, given the high prevalence of
depressive symptoms is also comparable postpartum depression and the potential
with those reported for antidepressants for exercise to be a low-cost, freely available
in depressed adult populations (SMD intervention, aerobic exercise should
–0.49, 95% CI = –0.67 to –0.32 for tricyclic be considered as a management option
Funding antidepressants and –0.24, 95% CI = –0.35 for postpartum women with depressive
This study presents independent research to –0.12 for selective serotonin reuptake symptoms and as a potential preventative
funded by the University of Birmingham, inhibitors compared with placebo).39 measure more generally in postpartum
the National Institute for Health Research Exercise interventions also offer the women.
(NIHR) School for Primary Care Research,
and the Collaboration for Leadership in
Applied Health Research and Care West
Midlands. The views expressed are those
of the author(s) and not necessarily those
of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department
of Health.
Ethical approval
Not applicable.
Freely submitted; externally peer reviewed.
Competing interests
All authors declare no support from any
organisation for the submitted work; there
are no financial relationships with any
organisations that might have an interest in
the submitted work. Ruth Victoria Pritchett
(née Blamey) reports that she is an author
of one of the trials in this review, Amanda J
Daley reports that she is an author of two of
the trials included in this review, and Kate
Jolly reports that she is an author of one of
the trials included in this review.
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e690 British Journal of General Practice, October 2017

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British Journal of General Practice, October 2017 e691

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