Supreme Court Jusrisdiction
Supreme Court Jusrisdiction
Supreme Court Jusrisdiction
3. Appellate Jurisdiction
Appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 against the:
1. Court of Appeals
2. Sandiganbayan
3. Regional Trial Courts on:
pure questions of law
in cases involving the constitutionality or validity of a law, or treaty,
international or executive agreement, law, presidential decree,
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation
legality of a tax, impost, assessment, toll or penalty, or jurisdiction
of a lower court.
4. Court of Tax Appeals in its decisions rendered en banc
* Except those falling within the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in
accordance with the Constitution, the Labor Code of the Philippines under
Presidential Decree No. 442, as amended, the provisions of this Act, and of
subparagraph (1) of the third paragraph and subparagraph 4 of the fourth
paragraph of Section 17 of the Judiciary Act of 1948.
4. Appellate Jurisdiction
Decisions of MTC in cadastral or land registration cases
4. Special Jurisdiction
petitions for habeas corpus in the absence of RTC judges in the
province or city, including applications for bail
5. Exclusive Jurisdiction
Cases falling under Summary Procedure:
(1) All cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer, irrespective of the
amount of damages or unpaid rentals sought to be recovered. Where
attorney's fees are awarded, the same shall not exceed twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00)
(2) All other civil cases, except probate proceedings, where the total
amount of the plaintiff's claim does not exceed ten thousand pesos
(P10,000.00), exclusive of interest and costs.
Cases falling under the Rule of Procedure for Small Claims: payment
of money where the value of the claim does not exceed Two Hundred
Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00) exclusive of interest and costs.
3. Appellate Jurisdiction
All cases decided by MeTC, MTC, and MCTC in their respective
territorial jurisdictions
4. Special Jurisdiction
The Supreme Court may designate certain branches of the Regional
Trial Courts to handle exclusively criminal cases, juvenile and
domestic relations cases, agrarian cases, urban land reform cases
which do not fall under the jurisdiction of quasi-judicial bodies and
agencies, and/or such other special cases as the Supreme Court may
determine in the interest of a speedy and efficient administration of
1. Criminal cases where one or more of the accused is below eighteen (18)
years of age but not less than nine (9) years of age but not less than nine (9)
years of age or where one or more of the victims is a minor at the time of the
commission of the offense: Provided, That if the minor is found guilty, the court
shall promulgate sentence and ascertain any civil liability which the accused
may have incurred.
b. Divorce recognized under this Code;
1. Original Jurisdiction:
a. All cases involving custody, guardianship, legitimacy, paternity and c. Betrothal or breach of contract to marry;
filiation arising under this Code;
d. Customary dower (mahr);
b. All cases involving disposition, distribution and settlement of the estate
of the deceased Muslims, probate of wills, issuance of administration e. Disposition and distribution of property upon divorce;
or appointment of administrators or executors regardless of the nature
f. Maintenance and support, and consolatory gifts, (mut'a); and
or the aggregate value of the property;
c. Petitions for the declaration of absence and death and for the g. Restitution of marital rights.
cancellation or correction of entries in the Muslim Registries
c. All cases involving disputes relative to communal properties.
mentioned in Title VI of Book Two of this Code;
d. All actions arising from customary contracts in which the parties are
Muslims, if they have not specified which law shall govern their
relations; and
e. All petitions for mandamus, prohibition, injunction, certiorari, habeas
corpus, and all other auxiliary writs and processes in aid of its
appellate jurisdiction.
3. Appellate jurisdiction.
a. Shari'a District Courts shall have appellate jurisdiction over all cases
tried in the Shari'a Circuit Courts within their territorial jurisdiction.
b. The Shari'a District Court shall decide every case appealed to it on the
basis of the evide