Mock Test 6 P 1 Bks C

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IIT – JEE, 2019

Paper Code
PAPER-I 100394.3
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 210

A. Question Paper Format:

1. The question paper consists of 3 Parts (Physics-Part-I, Chemistry-Part-II, and Mathematics-Part-III).
2. Section A(i) contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which only one is correct.
3. Section A(ii) contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which one or more is/are correct.
4. Section C contains 5 questions. The answer to each of the questions is a single – digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9.
The answer will have to be appropriately bubbled in the ORS as per the instructions given at the beginning of the

B. Marking Scheme:
5. For each question in Section A(i) you will be awarded 3 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the
correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In case of bubbling of incorrect answer, minus one (-1)
mark will be awarded.
6. For each question in Section A(ii), you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble(s) corresponding to the
correct choice(s) for the answer, and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other cases, Minus one (-1) mark
will be awarded.
7. For each question in Section C, you will be awarded 4 marks if you darken the bubble corresponding to the
correct answer and zero mark if no bubble is darkened. In all other cases, minus one (-1) mark will be awarded.

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Batch : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-2

Chemistry PART – I

Single Correct Choice Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. H3C C Cl/AlCl 3
 i LDA I /NaOH
P     Q  
 R   S  T 
O Salt of Acid Salt of Acid ppt.

(ii) Me C Cl
R and S are?
O Na+
(I) (II) +
H3C C O Na

(III) CH2 C O Na

(A) I only (B) I and II

(C) III only (D) none of these

2. N2Cl

  

The reagents/conditions K, L and M are respectively

(A) Ba(OH)2, KCN and CHCl3/NaOH heat, H3O+
(B) H2O (boil), CO2/KOH and Ac2O – AcONa, heat
(C) Steam ; CHCl3/NaOH, heat, H3O+ and Ac2O – AcONa, heat
(D) Cu2Cl2/HCl, NaOH/high P and CO2|NaOH, heat

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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-3

3. Heat of dissociation of CH4 is x. The bond energy of C –C is y. The heat of dissociation of acetone is
Calculate the approximate bond dissociation energy of C = O.
6x  6x 
(A) Z    2y (B) Z    y
4  4 
6x x
(C) 4 Z  y (D) Z  y
2 4

4. A mixture of NH3 (g) and N2H4 (g) is placed in a sealed container at 300K .The total pressure of
the gaseous mixture is 0.5 atm . The container is heated to 1200 K at which both NH3 and N2H4
decomposed completely according to the following equation.
2NH3 (g)   N2 (g)  3H 2 (g)
N 2H 4 (g)  N 2 (g)  2H 2 (g)
After decomposition is complete, the total pressure at 1200 K is found to be 4.5 atm. The mole % of
N2H4 in the initial mixture at 300 K was
(A) 20% (B) 25%
(C) 50% (D) 75%

5 Calculate the entropy change at 373K for the following transformation.

H2O (l, 1.01325 bar)  H2O (g, 0.101325 bar). Given  vap H H2 O   37.3 kJmol1
(A) 19.14 JK-1 mol-1 (B) 119.14 JK-1 mol-1
(C) 80.86 JK-1 mol-1 (D) 180.86 JK-1mol-1

6. 1.0 M solution of weak acid HA is only 0.5% ionized. If 2ml of 1M solution of HA is mixed with
30 ml water, the degree of dissociations of the acid in the resulting solution and [OH-] ion
concentration of the solution will be respectively.
3 3
(A) 0.02 and 1.25  10 M (B) 0.08 and 3.5  10 M
4 12
(C) 0.04 and 3  10 M (D) 0.02 and 8  10 M

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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-4

7. Choose the answer that has the following compounds located correctly in the separation scheme.
4-Nitrotoluene (P), Para – cresol (Q), Para-toluidine (R)
dil.NaOH ppt.(i)

ether 

P  Q  R   ether ppt.(ii)
 PPt.  iii 
dil. HCl 

ppt. (i) ppt.(ii) ppt.(iii)

(A) P Q R
(B) P R Q
(C) Q P R
(D) R Q P


i t BuOK /  i CF COO  Hg/H O18
ii D2 /Ni1eq   P    Q 
3 2
 2
ii NaBH , OH 4

O 2N
P and Q respectively are
O2N C C ; O2N C C

(B) O2N C C ; O2N C C

(C) O2N C C ; O2N C C

(D) O 2N C C ; O 2N C C


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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-5

9. The Vander Waal’s constants (a and b) of two gases A and B are

a / dm 6 atm mol 2 b / dm3 mol 1
A 1.360 0.0318
B 3.592 0.0426
The critical parameters Pc , Vc , Tc are related as
(1) Pc  A  Pc ( B) (2) Vc  A  Vc ( B) (3) Tc  A  Tc ( B)
Select the correct one
(A) 1 alone (B) 2&3
(C) 1&2 (D) 1,2 & 3
10. A cell consists of two hydrogen electrodes, the negative electrode has [H ] = 107 M.
Find the minimum pH of the other electrode at which, the cell reaction will be spontaneous. (Consider
both cells have equal H2(g) pressure)
(A) less than 7 (B) greater than 7
(C) can not calculated (D) can have any value

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-6

Multiple Correct Choice Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

11. 2 gm of fuming sulphuric acid is diluted with water to make the volume 1 litre, 100 ml of this solution is
then titrated with 0.1 M NaOH solution , the volume of NaOH consumed at equivalence point is
43.25ml . which of the following is/are correct for the above titration-
(A) % of oleum is 105.96 (B) % of free SO3 is 26.5
(C ) Equivalent of SO3 are 0.013 (D) wt of H2SO4 is 1.85

12. Which of the following does not give the positive Fehling test?
(A) (B) Ph–CHO
(C) (D)

13. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) A solution of Ni2+ on addition of NaOH produce a green precipitate. Which does not dissolve on
addition of excess NaOH.
(B) On addition of NH3 solution to a solution of Ni2+ a green precipitate appears which dissolve on
excess of reagent.
(C) When H2S is passed through a solution of Ni2+, a black colored precipitate is obtained which
dissolves in dil. HCl.
(D) On addition of excess KCN, Ni2+ it forms [Ni(CN)4]-2 whose geometry is square planar.

14. Which of the following will produce H2O2 as one of the product.
(A) K 2 S 2O8  H 2O  (B) CH 3CHOHCH 3  O2 
(C) BaO2  CO2  H 2O  (D) PbO2  H 2O 

15. For the reactions: Reaction-I : A   B and Reaction-II : C 

 D , the following curves are
plotted. Identify the correct statements.
(A) (t100%) of reaction-I = 2/3(t100%) of reaction-II
(B) [A] = [C] at t  minutes [A]
(C) When [B] = [A] at that time [C] = [D] 0.5M
(D) if [A0] = [C0] = 1M then (t80%) of reaction-I = 1/3(t80%) of reaction-II
O . 0
60 300

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-7


Integer Answer Type

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. An inorganic compound (A) is a strong reducing agent. Its hydrolysis in water gives a white turbidity (B).
Aqueous solution of (A) gives a white precipitate (C) with NaOH solution which is soluble in excess of
NaOH. (A) reduces auric chloride to produce purple of cassius. (A) also reduces iodine and gives
chromyl chloride test. Find total number of OH group present in one molecule of product C is

2. Calculate the pH of a 0.1 M solution of Fe(NO3)2 at 25°C, given that

Fe(OH)2   
 Fe(OH)  OH

K 1  10 4

Fe(OH)  2
 Fe  OH

K 2  1 107

3. Find isoelectric point for the given amino acid. ( pK a1  2.2, pK b2  4.2 )
NH 3

4. What is the sum of the basicity for the following acids H 3 PO4 , H 3 PO3 and H 3 BO3

5. Two Solid compound X and Y dissociate at a certain temperature as follows


X  s  
 A  g   2B  g  ;K P1  7.2  10 atm
2 3


Y  s  
 2B  g   C  g  ;K P2  3.6 10 atm
2 3

The total pressure of gases over the mixture of X and Y is P × 10-1 atm. Find the value of P.

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-8

Mathematics PART – II

Single Correct Choice Type

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. The orthogonal of trajectory of the family of curve (x + 2y)2 = a(x + y) and at what angle do the curves
of one family cut the curves of the other family at the origin
1 1
(A) tan1 (B) tan1
2 3
1 2
(C) tan1 (D) tan1
4 3
2. The value of C0 – 200C1 + 200C2 – 200C3 ….. + 200
(A) 200C148 (B) 199C148
(C) 198C148 (D) 197C148

3. Number of ordered pair of positive integer (a, b, c, d) such that LCM of a, b, c, d is 729
(A) 670 (B) 671
(C) 672 (D) 673

4. The quadratic polynomials defined on real coefficients

P(x) = a1x2 + 2b1x + c1
Q(x) = a2x2 + 2b2x + c2 where a1  0, a2  0 and P(x) and Q(x) both take positive values
 x  R g(x) = a1a2x2 + b1b2x + c1c2 then
(A) g(x) takes positive value only (B) g(x) takes negative value only
(C) g(x) takes both positive and negative value (D) nothing can be said about g(x)

5. The range of values of k (k  R) for which the equation 2 sin2 x – k sin x – 1 = 0, will have a real
solution is
(A) (0, ) (B) (–, 0)
(C) (–, 0] (D) (–, )

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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-9

6. Two regular polygons are inscribed in the same circle. The first polygon has 1982 sides and second
has 2973 sides. If the polygons have common vertices, the numbers of such vertices is
(A) 1 (B) 990
(C) 991 (D) 992

7. The value of (nC0 – nC2 + nC4 – …..)2 + (nC1 – nC3 + nC5 – …..)2 is equal to
(A) 2n (B) 2n – 1
(C) 3 (D) 3n – 1

8. Let f(x) be a positive function differentiable on [0, a] such that f(0) = 1 as

1/6 4 –2
f(a) = 3 if f(x)  (f(x)) + (f(x)) then maximum value of a is
 
(A) (B)
12 3
 
(C) (D)
6 36

BD 1 AE 1 A
9. In a ABC as in given figure  and  find
CD 4 CE 5 E
ratio of
5 4
(A) (B)
3 3
2 1
(C) (D)
3 3

10. If f(x) < 0  x  R, then for any two real number x 1 and x2 (x2 > x1)
 x  x2   x  x2 
(A) 2f  1   f  x1   f  x 2  (B) 2f  1   f  x1   f  x 2 
 2   2 
 x  x2   x  x2 
(C) 2f '  1   f '  x1   f '  x 2  (D) 2f '  1   f '  x1   f '  x 2 
 2   2 

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-10

Multiple Correct Choice Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out which ONE OR MORE is/are correct.

4 3 2
11. Let f(x) = x + Ax + Bx + Cx + D assume that the graph of y = f(x) is symmetric with respectively to
the y–axis, has a relative maximum at (0, 1) and has an absolute minimum at (k, –3), then
(A) the value of A and C = 0 (B) the value of D = 2
(C) the value of B = –4 (D) the value of k =  2

12. The number of isosceles triangle with integer sides if no side exceeds 2014 is
(A) (1007) if equal sides do not exceed 1007
(B) 2(1007) if equal sides exceed 1007
(C) 3(1007) if equal sides have any length  20014
(D) (2014) if equal sides have any length  2014

13. Maximum and minimum of cos cos (sin x) is

(A) maximum cos cos 1 (B) minimum cos 1
(C) maximum cos sin 1 (D) minimum cos cos 1

a2 b2 c 2
14. Let a, b, c be complex numbers such that |a| = |b| = |c| = 1 and    1  0 then
bc ac ab
|a + b + c| can be
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

15. If f be a function such that f(x)f(x) < 0  x  R, then

(A) |f(x)| is decreasing  x  R
(B) f(x) is not continuous if it is not always of same sign
(C) f(x) is odd function
(D) none of these

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-11


Integer Answer Type

This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. If a, b, c are integers such that f(x) = x4 + 4x3 + 6ax2 + 6bx + c is divisible by

3 2
(x + 3x + 9x + 3). Then the value of (a + b + c) is equal to _____
2. Let g(x) = x – 5x + 6 x  R the minimum value of expression g(cos x) is _____

3. If (x2 – 5x + 4)(y2 + y + 1) < 2y for all real y then x belongs to the interval (2, b) then b can be _____

4. Suppose that the function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, c are real constants, satisfy the condition
|f(x)|  1,  |x|  1 than maximum value of |f(x)| is _____
   
5. If a , b , c and d are non–zero vectors such that no three of them are in the same plane and no two
   
b  c    a  d    c  a   b  d 
are orthogonal then the value of the scalar   is _____
 a  b    d  c 
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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-12

Physics PART – III

Single Correct Choice Type
This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. The radioactivity of a sample is A1 at a time T1 and A2 at time T2. If the half life of specimen is T, the
number of atoms that have disintegrated in the time interval (T2  T1) is proportional to
(A) (A1  A2)T (B) (A1  A2)T2
(A1  A 2 ) (A1  A 2 )
(C) (D)
T T2

2. As shown in the figure, there exists a uniform magnetic field B into            

the plane of the paper. A ring of radius  and total resistance R is          
fixed. Rod OA and OB are résistanceless and rotating with constant    A    B    
angular velocity ‘’, in the same plane as that ring, about hinge          
point ‘O’ and the separation between O and C (centre of ring) is 2          
           
as shown in the figure. Find the current in the rod ‘OA’ when the          
both rod becomes tangent to the ring.
         
17B 2          
(A) zero (B) ‘B’
2R          
27B 27B 2          
(C) (D)
4R 2R          
     O     
         

3. A body starting from rest slides down an inclined plane of inclination . The coefficient of friction down
the plane varies as  = kx. Here k is a positive constant and x is the distance moved by the body
down the plane. Then kinetic energy (K.E.) versus distance (x) graph is
(A) K.E. (B) K.E.

x x
(C) K.E. (D) K.E.

x x

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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-13

4. In the given figure, a point charge particle ‘q’ lies at the

centre C and both the shells are conducting. The outer
shell is thick and has charge ‘q’ and inner shell is thin and
is earthed, then the graph of potential versus distance 2a a

from centre (r) is C q


(A) V (B) V

Kq Kq
5a 5a

a 2a 3a r a 2a 3a r
(C) V (D) V

Kq Kq
5a 5a

a 2a 3a r a 2a 3a r

5. Two blocks of masses 5 kg and 10 kg are

connected through string and lies inside the cavity
which is created in the wedge as shown in the 5kg 25 kg 10 kg
figure, mass of the wedge is 25 kg and there is no
(1) (2)
friction between wedge and ground. Coefficient of
friction between the block 5 kg and cavity (1) is ‘m’
1/2 and between the block 10 kg and cavity (2) is
1/4. For what value of ‘m’ both block 5 kg and 10
kg is in rest w.r.t. wedge. (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 40 kg (B) 5 kg
(C) 10 kg (D) not possible

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Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-14

6. In the given figure system is in equilibrium. Now the block of mass m is

projected horizontally with initial velocity v. Find the minimum value of v
such that one of blocks, either A or B just loses contact with the ground.
(M  2m)g (M  2m)g
(A) (B)
2m 2m 
(M  m)g (M  m)g
(C) (D) v
2m 2m A B m

7. Resistance of each part is ‘R’ and

resistance of circumference is negligible as
shown in figure. Find the equivalent
resistance across AB.
(A) 3R
(B) 3R/2 B
(C) 3R/4
(D) 3R/16

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FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-15

8. Two charged particles 4q and q lies on x-axis as shown in the figure. Which of the following graphs
will show the variation of electric field on the x-axis (take the +ve x-axis towards right).
(A) E (B) E

4q q 4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x (a, 0) O (a, 0) x

(C) E (D) E

4q q 4q q
(a, 0) O (a, 0) x (a, 0) O (a, 0) x

9. A charged particle ‘q’ lies at ‘P’ and the line PC is perpendicular

to the surface of ABC (part of disc). Find the flux passing through
the surface ABC. A B
q q
(A) (B) 30 3 a
40 160 P
q q q C
(C) (D) a
320 480

10. A positively charged particle of charge ‘q’ enters in a uniform          

magnetic field ‘B’ directed inward and is deflected a distance y0  y         
after traveling a distance x 0 as shown in the figure. Then the         
magnitude of linear momentum of the particle is          y0 
qBx0 2
qB  x0          
(A) (B)   x0  q    x0     x
2 2  y0          
qB 2 qB 2         
(C) (x 0  y 20 ) (D) (x 0  y 02 )
2y 0 2y 0

Space for Rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-16

Multiple Correct Answer(s) Type

This section contains 5 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) out
of which ONE or MORE are correct.

11. The electron in a hydrogen atom makes a transition n1  n2 where n1 and n2 are principal quantum
numbers of two states. Assume the Bohr model to be valid. The time period of the electron in the
initial state is eight times that in the final state. Then the possible value of n1 and n2 is/are
(A) n1 = 2, n2 = 1 (B) n1 = 1, n2 = 2
(C) n1 = 4, n2 = 2 (D) n1 = 6, n2 = 3

12. In the given LCR series circuit. Choose the correct V1 V2 V3

option/options (resistance is nonzero).
(A) Reading of voltmeter V2 may be greater than source R XL XC
voltage V. V4
(B) Reading of voltmeter V4 may be equal to V1
(C) Reading of V4 may be equal to source voltage V. ~
(D) Reading of V1, V2 and V3 may be equal. V

13. Pulleys and strings as shown in figure, are massless. At t = 0, system

is released. Then
(A) Acceleration of 40/3 kg block is zero S1
(B) Acceleration of 10 kg block is 10/3 m/s2
(C) Tension in string S1 is (400/3)N 40/3 kg
S3 S2
(D) Tension in string S2 is (200/3)N
10 kg 5 kg

14. Two plane mirrors AM1 and BM2 lying along x and y-axis, as shown in
the figure. Three point object P1, P2 and P3 lies as shown in the figure.
(A) Number of images of point object P1 formed by two plane mirror is B D
two. P1
(B) Number of images of point object P1 formed by two plane mirror is P3 C
A M1
(C) Number of images of point object P2 formed by two plane mirror is three.
(D) Number of images formed of point object P3 by two plane mirror is one.

15. Initially tube is in rest and a spherical ball floats inside the liquid and 
just touches the upper surface of the tube and spherical ball is tied 
with a string as shown in the figure. The tube starts rotating with a
constant angular velocity ‘’. Then closed
(A) ball moves away from axis of rotation.
(B) string becomes loose.
(C) the tension in the string increases.
(D) if string is cut ball moves towards axis of rotation.

Space for Rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-17

Integer Answer Type
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9
(both inclusive).

1. Imagine a light planet revolving around a very massive star in a circular orbit of radius R with a period
of revolution T. If the gravitational force of attraction between the planet and the star is inversely
proportional to R5/2, then the time period of revolution is proportional to Rk/4. Find the value of k.

2. A closed vessel has 6 gm of hydrogen at pressure P and temperature 500 K. A small hole is made in
it so that hydrogen leaks out. How much hydrogen (in gm) leaks out if the final pressure is P/2 and
temperature falls to 300 K.

3. In the given figure the current in 5 20V 50V

40  20 
resistance is k ampere. Find the value of k.
60V 10 V

40  10 

80V 40V


4. Light of wavelength  in air enters into two medium of refractive /2

indices  and /2. Two points P1 and P2 lying along the path of this
x0 2x0
light as shown in the figure. The phase difference between these
( x0 ) P1 P2
two point is k . Then find the value of k.

 
5. Two particle having position vectors r1  3iˆ  5ˆj meters and r2  ( 5iˆ  3ˆj) meters are moving with
 
velocities v1  (4iˆ  3ˆj) m/s and v 2  (a ˆi  7ˆj) m/sec. If they collide after 2 sec, find the value of a.

Space for Rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942
Mock Test-6–Paper-1 (100394.3)-CMP-IITJEE-18


IIT – JEE, 2019
Paper Code
PAPER-I 100394.3
Chemistry [PART-I]
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B
5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C
9. D 10. A 11. A, B, C 12. A, B, C
13. A, B, D 14. A, B, C 15. A, B, D
1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 6
5. 9
Mathematics [PART-II]
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A
5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D
9. C 10. A 11. A, C, D 12. A, B, C
13. A, B 14. A, B 15. A, B
1. 7 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4
5. 1
Physics [PART-III]
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. A
5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A
9. D 10. C 11. A, C, D 12. A, B, D
13. A, B, C, D 14. A, C, D 15. C, D
1. 7 2. 1 3. 3 4. 4
5. 8

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 46106000, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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