Problem Causes Recommendations

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Problem Causes Recommendations

The plane used exploded There might be a pilot error Cloud seeding requires
mid-air, killing all four and certain precautionary aircraft in order to operate.
people on board. protocols are not observed It is highly needed that all
during the operation. pilots that will fly the
aircraft are trained, skilled
and specialized to prevent
accidents. Safety protocols
should also be strictly

The effects of drought had There is difficulty to operate The process of cloud
not eased which results to cloud seeding due to the wind seeding is expensive
waste of funds. movement. The amount of rain therefore a lot of
is insufficient to bring relief to preparations are needed
the farmers because the and careful planning is
destruction of farmlands is necessary to achieve better
enormous. results. Since there is still
doubt about the
effectiveness of this process
instead of spending for
cloud-seeding operations,
the government should
allocate fuel to farmers so
they can use their water
pumps to draw water from

Cumulus clouds are not The wind direction was It is important to

present in the areas to be going east, leaving areas of determine the type of
operated with cloud seeding. interest with nothing but blue clouds to be seeded for the
skies. success of the operation.
Thus, weather bureau
should generate enough
data and information about
the current weather
condition as well as the
wind speed to know the
different implications that
may occur during the
operation. This will increase
the chance of success of the
cloud seeding operation
and funds to be used won’t
go to waste.
There are still enough Disappearance of cloud Climate patterns are to be
crops to be salvaged even formations due to the determined as accurately as
with the impending cloud southeast monsoons that blow possible and the
seeding operations. these clouds away before they temperature as well. It is
could fall as rain. Huge relevant to consider the
amounts are also needed for climate condition because it
the airplane and the needed takes great effect during the
chemicals to induce rains. The operation and to the result.
estimated hectares to be It is recommended to
salvaged has stretched which determine initial cost of the
needs a lot amount of rain. operation for further
Cloud seeding killed Cloud seeding increases the Cloud seeding involves
vegetables salt concentration in rain and chemicals whose effects
this rain falls on farms through include plants to wither.
osmosis which makes the Further research about this
leaves wither. process should be studied
to know the various effects
to the environment. This
means that significant
environmental impacts
should be studied for
evaluation to prevent
further deterioration of
Is cloud seeding really necessary in the country? Why do you say so?

Cloud seeding is a great advancement in technology considering that it is

beneficial in areas where there is scarcity of water or areas affected by droughts.

According to the weather bureau, 65 percent chance of dry spell will occur in the

first quarter of 2019 in the Philippines. Considering this situation, I think that it is

necessary for our country to cloud seed but with certain limitations and extent.

The weather condition in our country keeps varying due to global warming and

climate change. We are currently experiencing El Niño and the dry spell has

already started affecting some irrigated areas because the water levels in major

dams have started dropping. If this continues, this will lead to huge losses in

agricultural production and to the economic status of our country. There is a little

chance of occurrence of rain, thus there will be no sufficient water to supply the

farms and vegetation. This disaster should be addressed by cloud seeding

although the effectiveness of this process is still on study, safety protocols and

limitations are to be observed. Our country should be prepared for this disaster

for less damage to happen and prices of products won’t increase dramatically.

The complete effect of cloud seeding on the environment as a whole is

not fully known yet. Therefore programs, trainings, and seminars are necessary

to prevent accidents during the operation and for further assessment and

evaluation of this process to be conducted.

Is it justified for our country to spend money on this? Why?

Cloud seeding can be referred to as a weather modification process that helps

in producing rain. Spending money on cloud seeding for our country is a risk since

this process doesn’t guarantee complete success. Despite this situation, I think that it

is still justifiable to allocate funds for cloud seeding but only when deliberation of

plans and proper evaluations are conducted to prevent accidents during the

operation. Cloud seeding is an expensive process that requires an aircraft and flying

around can be dangerous if pilots are not properly trained.

There are already attempts in cloud seeding in our country and some of them

are declared as failure. It is because certain implications and unforeseen

circumstances in executing this process are not evaluated carefully. Thus,

government funds that are used became a waste. It would be a major loss in the

funds as well as investors if failure continues in operating this process. But there are

also successful attempts that are reported in executing cloud seeding in our country.

This can be helpful to further assess in carrying out the process. Programs and

trainings should be done to lessen the chance of failure. Some areas in our country

are already experiencing drought, which can be a disaster if the effects of drought

are not mitigated. Cloud seeding may be expensive but if it is conducted properly

with greater chance of success then it might be worth it to allocate funds for this

operation. It would be a great benefit in our country especially for those farmers.
If cloud seeding is necessary, is it a priority for the country to undertake? Why?

Droughts are sometimes the impetus of implementing a cloud seeding

program. It is a natural phenomenon that cloud seeding can’t actually end droughts

but can potentially soften the impact of it. Cloud seeding is indeed a great

advancement in technology but there are still doubts about the effectiveness of this

technique and improvements are yet to be made for the enhancement of this

technology. Further research and study are to be carried out to determine the

probable long term impacts in our environment. Thus, it should not be a priority for

our country to undertake even if it is necessary. Since it is still on study, the country

should focus more on providing other solutions to farmers such as allocate funds for

fuels to be used with their water pumps, strict implementation of water conservation

and other methods that can mitigate drought.

Our country is facing other issues and challenges which should be addressed

and should be given focus as well. Drought can be disastrous if preparations are not

carried out. Being prepared for before disaster strikes and take precautionary steps

to reduce the consequences of destruction is important. I think that although drought

is one of the biggest challenges our country is currently facing, interventions and

preparedness can help to cope with drought. Develop more strategies and

techniques rather than focusing on cloud seeding which it is still on study and funds

may go to waste if failures may continue to happen.


A Research Submitted to the

Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering & Architecture
Saint Louis College

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Course Requirements in
CE 423: Hydrology
Second Semester, School Year 2018-2019
MWF 10:30-11:30

Submitted by:
Shania Rose R. Carbajal

Submitted to
Engr. Leonora F. Quarte

March 2019

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