Cloud Seeding Quiz

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Make a comprehensive analysis of the successes and failures of

cloud seeding in the country by identifying the problems

encountered and the probable causes for these problems.

2. Recommend actions and measures which can be done to address

the identified problems. Tabulate your answers by using the

given format.

During draught water is scarce. Farmers are the very affected by

this situation, processing of crops come to stand still due to the lack of

water supply to irrigate crops. Cloud seeding is needed in order to help

ease the impact of the draught in agriculture. But not all the times

cloud seeding processes are successful.

Problem Causes Recommendations

Not any kind of clouds The success of cloud Cooperate with

can be induced to seeding operation PAGASA in doing the

produce rain. depends on the operation, get data

availability of about weather like

cumulus clouds. wind direction. The

Cumulus clouds wind direction should

produce little or no be ascertained first

precipitation, but they before the operation to

can grow into the increase the

precipitation-bearing percentage of success.

congestus or

cumulonimbus clouds. Look for cumulus

Cumulus clouds can clouds, or wait for the

be formed from water chance where in

vapor, supercooled cumulus clouds are

water droplets, or ice gathered in order to

crystals, depending induce large amount of

upon the ambient rain.

temperature. Having

a cloud seeding

process triggers the

cumulus clouds to be

a cumulonimbus

cloud which easily

induces rain.

If cloud seeding

process is done in

clouds other than

cumulus clouds there

is a high percentage

that the cloud

seeding will fail due

to the clouds

property. Not all

clouds are the same,

they differ in

properties and those

properties affect the

rate of success of the

cloud seeding.
Not all aircraft are Not all planes are Invest in purchasing

suitable for cloud able to do cloud cloud seeding

seeding operation. seeding operations. equipment. . In

Planes must be addition, The type of

installed with cloud seeding method

seeding equipment, should also be

emphasizing determined, whether

functionality, safety, its cloud top seeding

reliability, and ease of or cloud base seeding,

use and the type of


required often

determine the model

of aircraft in order to

maximize the cloud

seeding operation and

for the safety of the

personnel involve in

the operation.
Cloud seeding Cloud seeding Before doing cloud

operation kills crops. operations increases seeding operation,

The operation dries the amount of salt gather data about the

up the leaves of some concentration in rain. crops planted; analyze

plants causing it to Plants differ with each them if they would be

die. other in terms with greatly affected if the

their limitation in salt cloud seeding

absorption, some operations proceed.

plants can’t handle Check and decide

too much salt and carefully if the cloud

some can withstand seeding would be help

it. or not, if it is better to

do pick other options

than cloud seeding.

Wind cancels or Before cloud seeding before doing the cloud

interrupts cloud operation begins, seeding operation,

seeding operations. difficulties in the secure that the

operation start to position of clouds, be

occur due to cumulus certain that it would

clouds being swept not be blown away

away by wind or before, during and

clouds being swept after the operation

away during the begins. Study the

operation. Worst case behavior and path of

scenario, clouds that monsoons and the

are already cloud weather. Prepare

seeded are blown another plan incase

away before they worst case scenario

could fall as rains. happens, always have

a backup plan.
Reducing the When the Study the salt

concentration of silver concentration of salt concentration

iodide aerosol to save is reduced in the limitations of plants

crops but decreases cloud seeding that would be affected.

the rate of success of operation, it saves If possible provide a

the cloud seeding plants prone to dying balance mixture for

operation in salt absorption but the cloud seeding

it greatly affects the process. In case high

success of the concentration of salt is

operation. The needed, reduce the

concentration of salt days of cloud seeding

determine the have intervals of the

percentage of operation in order for

stimulation of the the plants to adopt

precipitation process and survive.

and form rain,

reducing it means

reducing the chance

for the clouds to

induce rain.

3. As a concluding part of your paper, answer the given questions


Is cloud seeding really necessary in the country? Why do you

say so?

Yes, cloud seeding is necessary in the country because the

country faces extreme draught effects every summer season. Springs

are drying up, dams that are supplying for irrigation water are going to

critical levels and they are force to release water even in critical level,

in order to save remaining harvestable crops.

Extreme drought damage the country’s agricultural production

creating prices of crops to increase, there would also be a big problem

in supplying for the demand of the market. Potable water would be

limited and be rationed in the community because of its insufficiency.

In order to ease the problem, cloud seeding operations must be done.

Is it justified for our country to spend money on this? Why?

Yes, the country should spend money for cloud seeding

operations. The country should invest in purchasing aircrafts for cloud

seeding and supplies for the operation in order to be ready for worst

cases of draught. Being prepared help prevents difficulties in the

future. Having investment and planning of operation of cloud seeding

helps improve the situation of farmers little by little in drought times, it

shows that the government are doing something in order to help them.

The government should a lot a budget for cloud seeding in order

to cope up with drought problems, having no solution or ways to deal

with the lack of supply of water leads to disaster, panic, and damage in

the economy of the country, so it is justifiably that the country should

spend money for cloud seeding operations.

If cloud seeding is necessary, is it a priority for the country to

undertake? Why?

In some areas, the cloud seeding is highly necessary; it should

be prioritized because prolonging lack of supply of water would create

chaos, so there is a need for cloud seeding in order for things to be in

place. Careful decisions and deliberations should be done in

undertaking where cloud seeding should be done, the authorities must

analyzed very well the problem if the area really needs cloud seeding

or if they can help in other way aside from cloud seeding. Not all the

time when drought cases appear we need cloud seeding, I recommend

initiating cloud seeding in extremely affected areas of drought.


A Research Submitted to the

Department of Civil Engineering & Architecture

Saint Louis College

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Course Requirements in

CE 423: Hydrology

Second Semester, School Year 2018-2019

MWF, 8:30 – 9:30

Submitted by

Sobredo, Alaine G.

Submitted to

Engr. Leonora F. Quarte

March 2019

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