Community Development and Community Organizing

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On the other hand Community Organizing is people working

together to get things done.In order to do that, Community
Organizers must first make a plan. And it entails a few more
steps before doing the plan. 1. The organizers must select an
COMMUNITY ORGANIZING area site, where there are lots of potential project being
visioned about. 2. Entry to the community, after the selection
Chapter 5 organizers now enter their choosen area. They should
coordinate accordingly to the officials of that area. 3.
‘To realize the community’s dreams and expectations, by Community Study, organizers will observe, have a good look at
strengthening itself and develop towards its full potentials through the whole area. 4. Spotting Potential Leaders, in the course fo
active participation and effective involvement thus create working with the community organizers will notice those people
empowered and responsible citizens working relentlessly for a who are really concern about their community. 5. Core Group
better Philippines.’ This is the Vision of Community Development Formation of course no work can be done if there is no group
in the Philippines. Basically it is the framework of Chapter 5 with work. Task must be distributed properly for efficient and fast
the title Community Development and Community Organizing. work flow. 6. Community Organization, this is where the Final
Plan is made. In this phase the objectives, projects the time
Community Development was defined as the process of frame are specified. 7.Mobilization, phase where the actual
facilitating people to actualize themselves and therefore discover implementation of the project is done. 8. Evaluation and Follow
their identities and possibilities and connection with each other up, after the project or activity was done it is a must to do a
and with the world. And each of the members of the community post evaluation to see if the activity had something to improve
must bear in mind the First is the People’s Welfare. Welfare of the or made a difference in the community.
people the utmost concern and endeavors must improve quality of
life, give meaning in life and leads to sustainability and self- Chapter 5 main gist is that Community Development and
determination. Second is the People's Capacity, Everyone in the Community Organizing exist for the people. It is important that
community must have the will to build of to participate for every the ordinary people are empowered to participate actively in the
little thing they can make can create a huge difference. Lastly is development of their community. Community Organizers are
People’s Participation and Collective Involvement, ofcourse it is just there to implement and facilitate the community in working ,
not a community if there is no unity. Everyone must be active in making them from dependent to independent so they can make
participating in activities for community development. change for their community.

Management and
Development avoid time wastage. Third stage is the Implementation, the
active part of the project where the actual work is done. Fourth
stage is Monitoring where the implemented projects are made
When someone wants to achieve something, one must devise sure to push through and end properly. The last stage is the
a plan that will be his guide through out his allotted time in Evaluation where organizers consider the value of the project is
achieving that goal. Planning is important because 'Failing to it worth it or not.
plan is planning to fail'. In this module it shows how to create Also important is to recognize and evaluate the significance of
and plan for a program/ project and learn how to execute this project management in community development. The goal of the
plan to put community development into practice. This is inline two is unified in making the life of the people in the community
with the previous chapter which is Community Development more efficient, making a difference. And as organizers it is so
and Community Organizing. much fulfilling to help other people not expecting something in
Project Management was defined as undertaking the task to return.
effectively plan, organize, direct and use resources to achieve Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit
a certain goal on a limited timeframe. Timeframe is much down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to
reiterated because one can want to achieve so much in much complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish
limited time. In Project Management have different stages it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, "This fellow
which are similar to Community Organizing. First is began to build and was not able to finish." Luke 14:28-30.
Assessment, project managers must know where to start. Success in anything requires one to plan carefully, prepare for it.
Know what a community or an organization needs. One should
When one fail to plan, one will most likely to fail. Successful
start solving small problems first before tackling bigger
people knows that planning is important, specially when
problems. Profiling is one the method used in Assessment.
bombarded with difficult task. Good planning is important
Second is Planning, when planning one should be SMART.
because it conserves resources, prevents wasted effort, and
SMART stands for: Specific what particular project or activity
saves time and money. Good planning prevents small problems
should be done; Measurable where managers should consider
from becoming big problems. As a community they must have a
the rate at which the project can be achieved; Attainable of
certain goal that will be achieved together.
course plan for a project that you know that can be attained;
Realistic not some fantasy projects; Time-bound of course to

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