Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives

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Emerging GO & NGO

⬡ Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:
1. Poverty Reduction
2. Community Driven Development (CDD)
3. Social Enterprise
5. GAD Programs
6. Migration-related Programs

⬡ Social Marketing Techniques and Strategies

Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:

⬡ Poverty Reduction
⬡ As of 2009 the Philippines had a poverty incidence of 26.5% of population against a 2015 target of
16.6%. This means that from 2010 to 2015, an estimated 10 million poor Filipinos must rise above

UNDP Poverty Reduction

⬡ As of 2009 the Philippines had a poverty incidence of 26.5% of

population against a 2015 target of 16.6%. This means that from 2010
to 2015, an estimated 10 million poor Filipinos must rise above poverty.
Goal of UNDP
⬡ Through advocacy, technical assistance and capacity development, the Program will ensure that:
MDGs are monitored and mainstreamed in development plans and policies;
Policies and schemes for social protection and inclusive and greener growth will be promoted;
Access to and use of revenues from environmental and mineral resources, and overseas remittance
for local development will be facilitated; and
Local poverty reduction convergence efforts will be strengthened.
Advocacy, Capacity Building, Monitoring and Pro-
Poor Policies
⬡ The Program promotes and enhances partnerships with government and other stakeholders
to achieve the MDGs by 2015. It will advocate the MDGs to and engage government
institutions, civil society, business and private sectors. This will be reflected in policies,
plans, budget, and implementation strategies to meet MDG targets.
Advocacy, Capacity Building, Monitoring and Pro-
Poor Policies
⬡ UNDP will also support regular national MDG needs assessment, analyze policy constraints,
help monitor precise trends and gaps and update input targets. Additional efforts in capacity
building of basic sectors and LGUs to strengthen convergence efforts and anti-poverty
interventions at the local level will also be undertaken.
On advocacy, UNDP supports
interventions that include:

⬡ The preparation of the MDG Country Progress Report to generate national and public awareness and
policy dialogues for the MDGs and pro-poor policies;
The National Human Development Report (NHDR) for continuing discussion and action towards human
development targets;
Country needs assessments and dialogues on the policy environment related to the projected trends
in achieving targets based on MDG horizons; and (iv) internal and external assistance in closing
financing gaps and scaling up of investments and resources required to meet the MDGs by 2015.
MDG-based Poverty Reduction Strategy
⬡ UNDP’s approach in reducing human poverty in the Philippines is to promote growth with equity
entailing the creation of more wealth while closing the gap between the rich and the poor.
⬡ The country needs to be on the road towards sustainable development to achieve the MDGs in 2015.
⬡ UNDP will support the development and implementation of national policies that are pro-poor and
gender-balanced, with clear linkages to specific programs designed to contribute to the
empowerment of the poor.
⬡ The Microfinance component will respond to the need for an exponential increase in the supply of
microfinance services to three million entrepreneurial poor by increasing coverage to the very
poor and underserved, including women, and hard-to-reach poor areas. This requires a two-
pronged strategy that consists of priming both vertical and horizontal outreach growth of
breakthrough Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) from the previous phase of the UNDP Microfinance
Sector Strengthening Project (MSSP I) to promising new and expansion areas.
Indigenous People
⬡ UNDP will continue to support the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) through the
preparation and development of models of implementation of Ancestral Domains Sustainable
Development and Protection Plans (ADSDPPs).
⬡ Central to the assistance to Indigenous Peoples is capacity building on leadership and the
management of ancestral domains.
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Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:

⬡ Community Driven Development (CDD)

CDD refers more to the way a policy or a project is designed and implemented than to the content of a policy or to the
components of an investment project or program.

Community Driven Development Project in the Philippines
✔ Since 2002, a community driven development project backed by
the World Bank has benefited more than 1.6 million households
in the Philippines
✔ Through almost 6,000 projects
✔ Providing new water systems, school buildings, day care
centers, health stations and post-harvest facilities among
✔ The Kapitbisig Laban sa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and
Integrated Delivery of Social Services Project (KALAHI-CIDSS)
is also empowered communities to participate in the local
governance and boosted their capacity to create, implement and
manage poverty-fighting development projects.
CDD deals with communities. CDD is a way to design and implement
development policy and projects that facilitates access to social human and
physical capital assets for the rural poor by creating the conditions for:

⬡ Transforming rural development agents from top-down planners into

client-oriented providers;
⬡ Empowering rural communities to take initiative for their own socio-
economic development;
⬡ Enabling community-level organizations- especially those of the rural
poor-to play a role in designing and implementing policies and
programs that affect their livelihoods;
⬡ Enhancing the impact of public expenditure on the local economy at
the community level.
Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:

⬡ Social Enterprise
⬡ The term “social enterprise” came about from the
recognition that in the UK and across the world, there
were organizations using the power of business to bring
about social and environmental change without a single
term to unite them.

⬡ According to the 2015 report by the British Council, social enterprise in the Philippines is
vibrant and growing, and in years to come, will have a much wider presence and impact.
More than quarter of the 107 million population live below the poverty.
⬡ The country’s strong entrepreneurial culture that includes one million Medium and small
Enterprises, account for 99% of all businesses. According to the survey in 2007 there were
30, 000 social enterprises established in the country
✔ A social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial
strategies to maximize improvements in human and
environmental well-being.
✔ This may include maximizing social impact alongside profits for
external stakeholders.
✔ Social enterprise can be structured as for-profit or non-profit,
and may take the form (depending in which country the entity
exists and the legal forms available) of a cooperative, mutual
organization, a disregarded entity, a social business, a benefit
corporation, a community chest or a charity organization.

What differentiates social enterprises is that their

social mission is as core to their success as any
potential profit.
Social Enterprise in the Philippines
❑ BAMBIKE (Gawad Kalinga) - hand-made bamboo bicycle. It social mission
include environment, employment and development and skills training,
poverty eradication.

❑ FASHION AND LIFESTYLE GALLERY (ANTHILL) -a social enterprise that

gives importance to cultural tradition/ identity.


made up of a team designers and crafters who create colorful and
whimsical pieces made from felt cloth. It support out-of-school youth and
their families who live in marginalized communities in Talon Tres, Las Piῆ
as City, Manila.
brew uses local & indigenous ingredients sourced from organic farming
communities such as Gawad Kalinga Enchanted farm. It provides housing
and sustainable livelihood in certain rural villages across the country.


Collection) - a social enterprise dedicated to promote livelihood
opportunities for women in poor communities in the Philippines.


(TACLOB) - made of recycled jeans and high-grade Japanese tarpaulins
called compassion. For each of these backpacks sold, Taclob gives out
a courage backpack to a student affected by Hurricane Haiyan in
❑FIRST HARVEST: ECO FOOD SPREADS (Gawad Kalinga) - a social
enterprise that aims for quality of life through jobs as well as to enrich
agricultural industries. The company buys only locally sourced products
from the local farms and markets contributing to the development of nearby
farming communities.


social enterprise that create sustainable livelihoods for communities in
creating stylish products using Philippines indigenous materials while
helping control the proliferation of the Hyacinth plant which is considered
by experts as one of the leading causes of floods.

❑ SUSTAINABLE LIGHTNING (Isang Litrong Liwanag: My Shelter

Foundation) - movement began in the Philippines with one bottle light. The
movement grew to brighten not just homes in the Philippines, but in India,
Indonesia and even as far as Switzerland.
Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:

⬡ DRRM (Disaster Risk and Reduction Management)

⬡ The Philippines is highly exposed to natural hazards because it lies along
the Pacific Typhoon Belt and is within the Pacific Ring of Fire. For a country
like the Philippines, a proactive risk management approach is imperative.
⬡ The enactment of R.A.10121 otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2011 has laid the basis for a
paradigm shift from just disaster preparedness and response to disaster
reduction and management (DRRM).

⬡ Child-centered disaster risk management by LGUs (UNICEF)
⬡ Prevention & Mitigation (DOST)
⬡ Disaster Preparedness (DILG)
⬡ Disaster Response (DSWD)
⬡ Rehabilitation & Recovery (NEDA)
⬡ Integration of DRR Education in school curricula at the primary,
secondary and tertiary levels
Emerging GO & NGO Initiatives:
⬡ Migration-related Programs
⬡ Migration is the movement of people from one place to live in
⬡ Emigrants leave their country, while immigrants enter a country.
⬡ Migration impacts on both the place left behind, and on the place
where migrants settle.
⬡ People have many reasons why they might want to move from one
place to another. These reasons may be economic, social, political
or environmental. For migration to take place there are usually
push factors and pull factors at work. 24
Push factors
⬡ These are the reasons that make someone decide to move. This is their own experience of
life in one place which gives them good reasons to leave it. Often push factors are negative
things such as unemployment, crop failure, droughts, flooding, war, poor education
opportunities or poor services and amenities.

Pull factors
⬡ On the other hand, these are the expectations which attract people to the new place.
They are usually positive things such as job opportunities, a better standard of living,
better education or better healthcare.

⬡ Many people choose to migrate. These are voluntary migrants. Many are economic migrants.
⬡ Other voluntary migrants include older dependants who want to live somewhere warm and
sunny in their retirement.
⬡ However many other people have no choice and are forced to leave their homes. These are
involuntary migrants. Their lives and homes may be in danger due to war or a natural disaster.
These people are also called refugees.

Resources on the programs and services for
⬡ You may want to access the link to find out: https://www.ilo.org/manila/projects/lang--

⮚ Building Youth Capacity and Network in Asia Pacific

⮚ Bringing Back Jobs Safely under the COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines: Rebooting
Small and Informal Businesses Safely and Digitally
⮚ Promoting productive employment and skills development in BARMM: Assessing
the economic and labour market situation and skills needs in the Bangsamoro
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
⮚ Improved social dialogue, tripartism and better application of basic rights on
freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

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