Regresi: Variables Entered/Removed

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Variables Entered/Removedb

Model Variables Variables

Entered Removed Method

1 Kriteria Proses . Enter
Kriteria Tarif,
Kriteria Lokasi,
ikasi, Kriteria
Fasilitas Fisik,

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatan

Model Summary

Model Adjusted R Std. Error of the

R R Square Square Estimate

1 ,827a ,683 ,657 ,112

a. Predictors: (Constant), Kriteria Proses Pelayanan, Kriteria Tarif,

Kriteria Lokasi, Kriteria Promosi/Komunikasi, Kriteria Fasilitas Fisik,
Kriteria Pegawai

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1,973 6 ,329 26,266 ,000a

Residual ,914 73 ,013

Total 2,888 79

a. Predictors: (Constant), Kriteria Proses Pelayanan, Kriteria Tarif, Kriteria Lokasi, Kriteria
Promosi/Komunikasi, Kriteria Fasilitas Fisik, Kriteria Pegawai
b. Dependent Variable: Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatan


Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 1,009 ,113 8,947 ,000

Kriteria Tarif -,011 ,038 -,021 -,293 ,771

Kriteria Lokasi -,003 ,067 -,003 -,044 ,965

Kriteria Promosi/Komunikasi -,020 ,052 -,029 -,374 ,709

Kriteria Pegawai -,969 ,131 -,797 -7,402 ,000

Kriteria Fasilitas Fisik ,914 ,086 1,049 10,672 ,000

Kriteria Proses Pelayanan ,083 ,035 ,175 2,342 ,022

a. Dependent Variable: Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatan

Regresi mulitvariat

Case Processing Summary

N Percentage

Kriteria Keputusan Berkeputusan 77 96,3%

Pemanfaatan Tidak Berkeputusan 3 3,8%
Valid 80 100,0%
Missing 0
Total 80
Subpopulation 11a

a. The dependent variable has only one value observed in 10 (90,9%)

Model Fitting Information

Model Model
Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests

-2 Log Chi-
Likelihood Square df Sig.

Intercept Only 20,981

Final 4,181 16,801 7 ,019

Pseudo R-Square

Cox and Snell ,189

Nagelkerke ,692
McFadden ,657

Likelihood Ratio Tests

Effect Model
Criteria Likelihood Ratio Tests

-2 Log
Reduced Chi-
Model Square df Sig.

Intercept 1,897a . 1 .
K.Produk 4,181a ,000 1 ,990
K.Tarif 4,220a ,040 1 ,842
K.Lokasi 4,181a ,001 1 ,980
K.Promosi 4,239a ,059 1 ,809
K.Pegawai 1,896 . 1 .
K.Fasilitas 1,896 . 1 .
K.Proses 6,097a 1,916 1 ,166

The chi-square statistic is the difference in -2 log-likelihoods

between the final model and a reduced model. The reduced
model is formed by omitting an effect from the final model. The
null hypothesis is that all parameters of that effect are 0.
a. Unexpected singularities in the Hessian matrix are
encountered. This indicates that either some predictor variables
should be excluded or some categories should be merged.
Parameter Estimates

Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatana 95% Confidence Interval for


B Std. Error Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Bound Upper Bound

Berkeputusan Intercept 4,009 9,479 ,179 1 ,672

K.Produk ,055 7,030 ,000 1 ,994 1,057 1,095E-6 1019185,577

K.Tarif ,312 2,448 ,016 1 ,899 1,367 ,011 165,805

K.Lokasi ,083 5,117 ,000 1 ,987 1,086 4,793E-5 24609,019


K.Promosi ,542 3,139 ,030 1 ,863 1,719 ,004 807,588

K.Pegawai 26,879 8,086 11,050 1 ,001 4,713E11 61746,111 3,598E18

K.Fasilitas -25,381 ,000 . 1 . 9,491E-12 9,491E-12 9,491E-12

K.Proses -2,297 1,419 2,622 1 ,105 ,101 ,006 1,622

a. The reference category is: Tidak Berkeputusan.

Regresi bivariat

Classification Tablea,b

Observed Predicted

Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatan

Tidak Percentage
Berkeputusan Berkeputusan Correct

Step 0 Kriteria Keputusan Berkeputusan 77 0 100,0

Pemanfaatan Tidak Berkeputusan 3 0 ,0

Overall Percentage 96,3

a. Constant is included in the model.

b. The cut value is ,500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant -3,245 ,588 30,409 1 ,000 ,039

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.

Step 0 Variables K.Produk 24,953 1 ,000

K.Tarif ,550 1 ,458

K.Lokasi ,121 1 ,727

K.Promosi ,299 1 ,585

K.Pegawai ,080 1 ,777

K.Fasilitas 24,953 1 ,000

K.Proses 12,468 1 ,000

Overall Statistics 54,674 7 ,000

Block 1: Method = Enter

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.

Step 1 Step 19,085 7 ,008

Block 19,085 7 ,008

Model 19,085 7 ,008

Model Summary

Step -2 Log Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R

likelihood Square Square

1 6,502a ,212 ,775

a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 20 because
maximum iterations has been reached. Final solution cannot
be found.

Classification Tablea

Observed Predicted

Kriteria Keputusan Pemanfaatan

Tidak Percentage
Berkeputusan Berkeputusan Correct

Step 1 Kriteria Keputusan Berkeputusan 77 0 100,0

Pemanfaatan Tidak Berkeputusan 1 2 66,7

Overall Percentage 98,8

a. The cut value is ,500
Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 1a K.Produk -,210 31957,888 ,000 1 1,000 ,811

K.Tarif -16,293 10351,673 ,000 1 ,999 ,000

K.Lokasi -,310 23739,566 ,000 1 1,000 ,733

K.Promosi -17,047 15095,401 ,000 1 ,999 ,000

K.Pegawai -9,176 47552,192 ,000 1 1,000 ,000

K.Fasilitas 23,610 42767,328 ,000 1 1,000 1,793E10

K.Proses 18,696 5007,528 ,000 1 ,997 1,316E8

Constant -20,163 44045,473 ,000 1 1,000 ,000

a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: K.Produk, K.Tarif, K.Lokasi, K.Promosi, K.Pegawai, K.Fasilitas,


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