Tut 3

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Meddicorp sells medical supplies to hospitals, clinics and doctors’ offices.

The company currently markets in 3

regions: South, West and North. These regions are divided into many smaller sales territories. Meddicorp’s sales
manager is concerned about the effectiveness of a new bonus program that provides bonuses to salespersons
based on their performance. He would like to know if the bonuses paid in 2018 were related to sales, taking the
effect of advertising into account.

Data on SALES (sales in thousands of dollars), ADV (advertising expenditure in hundreds of dollars) and BONUS
(bonuses paid in hundreds of dollars) for 60 sales territories has been collected for 2018.

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

SALES 1285.842 222.265 60

BONUS 277.821 26.720 60
ADV 520.535 70.227 60

Correlation Matrix
ADV 0.891 1
BONUS 0.554 0.396 1

A multiple linear regression equation is developed using the Forward Method on SPSS and the model
summary is given below:

Model 1 and 2 Summaryc

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .891a .794 .790 101.8198


a. Predictors: (Constant), ADV c. Dependent Variable: SALES

b. Predictors: (Constant), ADV, BONUS

Model 1 and 2 Coefficientsa

Models Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Correlations
Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part

Error order

1 (Constant) -181.89 99.130 -1.835 .072

ADV 2.820 .189 .891 14.938 .000

2 (Constant) -576.70 129.433 -4.456 .000

ADV 2.521 .182 13.868 .000 .891 .878 .731

BONUS 1.981 .478 .554 .481 .219

a. Dependent Variable: SALES

Question 2.1
What are the values of zero-order, partial and part correlation for ADV in Model 1 above? Explain.

Question 2.2
What percentage of the variation in SALES is explained by Model 2?

Question 2.3
Conduct an appropriate hypothesis test at a 95% confidence level to decide if BONUS is a significant
variable? State the hypothesis clearly.

Question 2.4
Which of the variables, ADV or BONUS, has a greater impact on SALES in Model 2? Show all work.

Question 2.5
Compare the coefficient of ADV in Models 1 and 2 and comment on the decrease in the value. What
is the likely reason for the decrease?

Question 2.6
Calculate the VIF for ADV and BONUS in Model 2. What do these values imply?

Meddicorp’s sales manager believes that in addition to ADV and BONUS, two other variables might be
important in explaining the variation in SALES. These are:

MKTSHR – Market share currently held by Meddicorp in each territory

COMPET – largest competitor’s sales in each territory

A regression model is developed (Model 3) using the ENTER method to predict SALES with all the 4
explanatory variables. The SPSS model summary is given below:

Model 3 Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

.919a .844 .833 90.86720

a. Predictors: (Constant), COMPET, BONUS, MKTSHR, ADV

b. Dependent Variable: SALES
Model 3 ANOVAa

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 2460583.610 4 615145.903 74.501 .000b

Residual 454126.635 55 8256.848

Total 2914710.246 59

a. Dependent Variable: SALES

b. Predictors: (Constant), COMPET, BONUS, MKTSHR, ADV
Model 3 Coefficientsa

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) -662.385 170.294 -3.890 .000
BONUS 1.997 .483 .240 4.137 .000
ADV 2.523 .204 .797 12.395 .000
MKTSHR 2.761 3.058 .051 .903 .370
COMPET -.009 .237 -.003 -.040 .968
a. Dependent Variable: SALES

Question 2.7
Perform an appropriate hypothesis test at 95% confidence level to determine if in addition to ADV and
BONUS, the variables MKTSHR and COMPET are important in explaining the variation in SALES.

A 4th model is developed (Model 4) taking COMPET, BONUS and ADV as the independent variables, and
the regression summary is given below:

Model 4 Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

.918a .842 90.71747

a. Predictors: (Constant), COMPET, BONUS, ADV

b. Dependent Variable: SALES
Model 4 Coefficientsa

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
(Constant) -566.744 133.140 -4.257 .000
BONUS 1.979 .481 .238 4.110 .000
ADV 2.552 .201 .806 12.715 .000
COMPET -.083 .222 -.022 -.372 .711

a. Dependent Variable: SALES

Question 2.8
Calculate the Adjusted R Square value for Model 3. Compare the R square and Adjusted R square
values for Models 2 and 3 and comment on the change in these values.
Question 2.9
Which of the 4 models above is the most appropriate for predicting SALES? Explain clearly.

Question 2.10
Use the model chosen above to predict SALES given:
ADV = 530, BONUS = 300, Stamp = 5, MKTSHR = 25, COMPET = 350

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