Judul Augmented Reality Fix

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Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Km 2 (024) 7601295 Fax. 7615387
Semarang 50185

Name : SitiRobiah
Student Number : 1503046078
Planning of the Title
The Effectiveness Of Using Augmented Reality Application To Enrich
Vocabulary Building At Seven Grader Students Of Mts N 2 Kendal In The
Academic Year Of 2018/2019
Background of Study
English is as an international language used as a tool for communication in
daily life and in academics, functioned as a first, second, or foreign language.
As international language, people are demanded to master English, because
most people all over the world communicate each other in English. English is
useful for establishing and maintaining the relationship with the people.
Furthermore, the people have to be ready to face global competition in
understanding and developing the scientific and technological knowledge in
this modern era.
As we know that in the modern era this cannot be separated from
technology. Technology can enhance literacy development, impact language
acquisition, provide greater access to information, support learning, and
motivate students. This project purposes a conceptual for exploring the
viewpoint of a new form of Virtual Reality (VR) application called
Augmented Reality (AR) technology in education field. AR sets itself
separately from VR by allowing mixing of 3D virtual objects into real
environment in real time thus allowing student to communicate with their
physical environment and also making learning more interesting. Overall
project has less difference in term of materials of learning, changes will be
made in term of performances and how represent the materials in Augmented
Reality such as adding multimedia elements and sound. This project will
benefits teachers as well as students. It provides the teachers teaching supports
and changes the learning session to be more interactive, attractive and
effective. It will assist students in building their imaginative thinking,
improving their understanding, and changing the model of learning.
Literature Review
Argumented Reality
Augmented reality technology has its roots in the field of computer science
interface research. Chen (2006) described AR as a technology that integrates
three-dimensional virtual objects with the outside world, allowing the user to
simultaneously interact with virtual objects and with reality. While,Yuen,
Yaoyuneyong, and Johnson (2011) identified AR as a form of technology that
enhances the real world through content produced by the computer. AR
technology enables the seamless addition of digital content to the user’s
perception of the real world. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes
can be added in addition to audio, video, animation, and/or text. These
enhancements work to expand individual knowledge and understanding of
what is happening around them.
The Importance of Argumented Reality in Education
AR has already begun to help students learn more efficiently as well as
increase their knowledge retention (Billinghurst&Dunser, 2012). However,
before AR becomes mainstream in education, like desktops, laptops, tablets,
and even cell phones have become, special consideration must be taken into
account on the usability, cost, power usage, visual appearance and the like, in
order for content AR simulations activities to become part of the regular
academic curriculum (Van Krevelen&Poelman, 2010). AR has proved to be an
engaging way for students to participate in their learning. This new technology
allows the learning to be student-centered and create opportunities for
collaboration that fosters a deeper understanding of the content. AR is on the
way to becoming an important part of education, and its use will continue to
Vocabulary, as one of the knowledge areas in language, plays a great role for
learners in acquiring a language (Cameron, 2001). Harmon, Wood, &Keser,
(2009) as well as Linse (2005) statethat learners’ vocabulary development is
an important aspect of their language development.
The importance of learning Vocabulary
Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language
learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes successful
The importance of vocabulary is demonstrateddaily in and out the school. In
classroom, the achieving students possess the most sufficient vocabulary.
Researchers such asLaufer and Nation (1999), Maximo (2000), Read (2000),
Gu (2003),Marion (2008) and Nation (2011) and others have realised that the
acquisition of vocabulary is essential for successful second language use and
plays an important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts.
In English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language
(EFL) learning vocabulary items plays a vital role in all language skills (i.e.
listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Nation,2011).
Research Questions
1) How is the effectiveness of (AR)Argumented Reality application to
enrich vocabulary building at seven grader students of Mts N 2 Kendal In
the academic year of 2018/2019?
Objective of Study:
1) To investigate the effectiveness of using (AR) Augmented Reality
application to enrich vocabulary building at seven grader students of Mts
N 2 Kendal In the academic year of 2018/2019?
Research Setting:
The researcher will conduct the research in Mts N 2 Kendal.
Research Subject:
The subject of this research is the students of the seven grader students of Mts
N 2 Kendal in the Academic Year 2018/2019.
Research Design:
The research in this study is quantitative approach, Quantitative research is a
process of research to field the knowledge that used the data in the form of
number as a tool to find information about what do you want to know. This
research will use experimental design. The result of the analysis is then
interpreted to find out the effectiveness of augmented reality application to
enrich student’s vocabulary.
Research Instrument:
The research instrument used in this study is the researcher herself acts as a
human instrument (a planner, data collector, data interpreter, data analyst, and
reporter). In collecting data, researchers use research tools such as writing
stationery, mobile phone for notes and teach, then mobile/camera as a tool to
record the learning process in the classroom.
Data Collection Technique:
1) Observation & Note Taking: In this case, the researcher is just going to
observe and write the atmosphere in the classroom. The researcher
directly observes the process of learning process of the students and
teaching process of teacher. Data are obtained from observe teaching
learning in the class and interview the teacher to get more information.
2) Documentation: Photos are used as proof in the attachment that the
researcher has conducted a research in the speaking classroom.
3) Questionnaire :questioner is use to measure variable (X) and variable (Y)
of this research is about comic books and students reading
comprehension. The question consist of positive question and negative
Significant of Research:
This field is considered important to research in order to open our mind
and insight that there is an application that can be used to facilitate
students in learning.
1. Theoretically
a) English Teachers
The product of this research will give new reference for the teacher to
teach using new method with augmented reality application.
b) Students
Student will be easier and efficient to understand the material.
c) Other Researchers
The research findings are useful for the next researchers to get
information about augmented reality.
2. Practically
a. The result of this study is suggested to apply augmented reality
application to enrich student’s vocabulary.
b. The use of augmented reality can make the students more interesting and
understandin learning process, because using augmented reality
application make the picture real.

Hypothesis of the Research

The hypothesis of the research is as follows:
Ho : Using augmented reality doesn’t affect the students ability in enrich
vocabulary at seventh grade students of MTS N 2 Kendal.( Control
Ha : Using augmented reality application significantly affects the students in
enrich vocabulary at seventh grade students of MTS N 2 Kendal. (
Experimental Class)
A. Data Analysis Technique
The data analysis method that use in this research is quantitative analysis.
Analysis of the data is use to determine the use of augmented reality in enrich
student’s vocabulary, as for the step is as follow.
1. Descriptive Analysis
To analyze the data of this research, researcher used the statistical
analysis techniques in calculating the value and quantity by giving an
assessment of the answers to the questionnaire that has been distributed
to the respondents, where each item is given alternative of answers
with score that is unequal.
a.) For an alternative "Strongly agree" answer was given a score of 4
b.) For an alternative answer "Agree" was given a score of 3
c.) For alternative "less agree" answers was given a score of 2
d.) For an alternative "Disagree" answer was given a score of 1
As for the students’ comprehension of vocabulary by using
augmented realityfor the correct answer each column got 1 point. the
score as follow.
 For the correct answer is “4” columns get 4 point
 For the correct answer is “3” columns get 3 point
 For the correct answer is “2” columns get 2 point
 For the correct answer is “1” column get 1 point
Next this score made in the tables form, then serve as the basic for
calculating statistics in the next step. Research Instrument test includes
two things, as follow.
a. Validity of Test Instrument
The valid nature is shown by the high validity of a test result
.An Invalid tool will provide misinformation about the subject state or
individuals subject to the test. If the information is wrong used as a
basis for consideration in making a decision, then the decision is
certainly not a right decision. To determine the validity of the
instrument the researcher is use the product moment correlation
formula is:1
𝑁 (∑ 𝑋𝑌)−(∑ 𝑋) (∑ 𝑌)
rxy =
√[𝑁 ∑ 𝑋 2 −(∑ 𝑋)2 ][𝑁 ∑ 𝑌 2 −(∑ 𝑌)2

rxy = Coefficient Correlation Between X and Y

N = Number of Cases
∑ 𝑋𝑌 = Total Score X and score Y
∑𝑋 = Total Scorer X
∑𝑌 = Total score Y2
In this research not all of instrument is valid. To get good results in
instrument validation, researchers is use the principle of representation
which means to represent. It means that all instrument is valid has
represented another item of invalid instrument.
Validity test is perform using the person product moment with
tools SPSS program version 16.0 with guidance: If r arithmetic> r table
then the item is considered valid and conversely, If r arithmetic <r
table Then the item is said to be invalid.
b. Reliability of Test Instrument
To calculate the reliability of the instrument uses the alpha formula.3
𝑘 Σ𝑆𝑖
𝑟11 = ( ) (1 − )
𝑘−1 𝑆𝑡
𝑟11 : index reliability 1: constant numeral

EkoPutroWidoyoko, EvaluasiProgramPembelajaran,(Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar,
2009), p. 137
SuharsimiArikunto, ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik, (Jakarta:
RinekaCipta, 2013), p. 213.
EkoPutroWidoyoko, Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran,(Yogyakarta: PustakaPelajar,
2009), p. 152
∑Si : total score varians/ items k: Total items
St : Varians total
Then continue determining qualification and interval percentage.
The score was put in the table of score each the data collection. Then,
interval and the quality score in variable are found in this step:
a. Finding out the highest score (H) and the lowest (L)
b. Interval Total (K)
K = 1+3.3 log N4
c. Range
R =H-L+1
R = Range
H = Highest score
L = Lowest score5
d. Interval Class (i)
i =𝐾

i = Interval
e. Look for the Mean with formula Me =  𝑛

Look for the quality of student’s enrich vocabulary use augmented reality in
the seventh grade students of MTS N 2Kendal in the Academic Year of
Previous Research:
a) The first previous study is the research of Kestha, Awad (2016). The
Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Applications on Developing Third
Grader’s English Vocabulary in Gaza Governorate. Gaza: The Islamic
This previous research is simililar to my research planning which
discusses the effectiveness of augmented reality application.The data
collection techniques also will be the same with my reseach planning,
namely using observation. However, it has some differences. The subject
of this previous research is different major with my research planning.
The subject of the research is different. In this previous research the

Sugiono, StatistikuntukPenelitian(Bandung: Alfabeta,2014), p. 35
Shodiq, AplikasiStatistikadalamPenelitianKependidikan,(Semarang: CV
KaryaAbadi Jaya, 2016), p. 44
subject in Third Graders. While, in my research planning in Mts N 2
b) The second previous study is the research of Safar H Ammar, et al.
(2016). The effectiveness of using Augmented Reality Apps in Teaching
the Englsih Alphabet to Kindergarten Children: A case Study in the State
of Kuwait. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology
Education. Kuwait: Kuwait University.
This previous research is simililar to my research planning which
discusses the effectiveness of augmented reality applications. The data
collection techniques also will be the same with my reseach planning,
namely using observation. However, it has some differences. The subject
of this previous research is different from my research planning. The
subject of this research is kindergarten children, while the subject in my
research planning in Mts N 2 Kendal. This previous research just focuses
on the English alphabet, while my research planning will focus on
vocabulary building.
c) The third previous study is the research of Markamah, Nisaun.et al.
(2018). The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality App to improve Students
Achivement in Learning Introduction to Animals. Journal of Education
and Learning (EduLearn) Vol.12, No.4. Indonesia: UniversitasNegeri
This previous research is simililar to my research planning which
discusses the effectiveness of augmented reality applications. The data
collection techniques also will be the same with my reseach planning,
namely using observation. However, it has some differences. The subject
of this previous research is different from my research planning. The
subject of this research is kindergarten children, while the subject in my
research planning in Mts N 2 Kendal. This previous research just focuses
on introduction to animals, while my research planning will focus on
vocabulary building.
a. Kesta, Awad(2016). The Effektiveness of Augmented Reality
Applications in Developing Third Grader’s English Vocabulary in Gaza
Governorate. Gaza: The Islamic University.
b. H. Ammar. Safar.(2017). The Effectiveness of Using Augmented Reality
Apps in Teaching the English Alphabet to Kindergarten Children : A Case
Study in the State of Kuwait. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science
and Technology Education.Kuwait : Kuwait University.
c. Ramli. Binti. Nurliana.(2012). Interactive Learning Using Augmented
Reality. Malaysia: Universiti Malaysia Pahang.
d. G. Ramya, Madhumati.(2017). Adopting Augmented Reality for English
Language Teaching and Learning. Language in India ISSN 1930-2940
Vol17. India : VIT University.
e. Sarracino. Fernando.(2014). Can Augmented Reality Improve Student’s
Leaning ? A proposal for an augented museum experience.
ProfesoradoRevista de Curriculum y Information del Profesorado. Italy :
University Sour OrsalaBenincasa-Naples.
f. Alqatani. Mofareh.(2015). The Importance of Vocabulary in Language
Learning and How to be Taught. International Journal of Teaching and
Education Vol III, No 3. Saudi Arabia: King Khaled Academy.
g. Markamah. Nisaun. Et al. (2018). The Effectiveness of Augmented
Reality App to Improve Students Achievement in Learning Introduction
to Animals. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) Vol.12 No.4.
Semarang: UniversitasNegeri Semarang.
h. Ida UbaidahHidayati.(2017). The Use of Think, Pair, Share Learning
Method to Improve Vocabulary Mastery of the Second Class Students of
Muhammadiyah Vocational High School, Salatiga in Academic Year
2011/2012. Vision : Journal for Language and Foreign Language
Learning Vol6 No2. Semarang: UinWalisongo Semarang.
i. Fadhli Noor Romadlon, Gudnanto.(2017) Promoting English Vocabulary
for Autistic Students by Using Speech Therapy( An Action Research in
SunanMuria Extraordinary School, Kudus). Vision : Journal for
Language and Foreign Language Learning Vol 6 No 2. Semarang:
UinWalisongo Semarang.
j. Mustafa Sirikaya, EbruKilikCakmak(2018). The Effect of Augmented
Reality Use on Achievement, Misconception, and Course Engagement.
Contemporary Educational Technology. Turkey :Gazi University.
k. Walter J Zenjede. Et al.(2017). Use of Augmented Reality to Support
Education( Creating a Mobile E-Learning tool and Using it with an
Inquiry Based Approach.International Conference on Computer
Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1 . Brazil: Universidade
Federal de goias.

Acknowledged by, Semarang, 18 March 2019

Secretary of English Language Proposer,

SayyidatulFadlilah, M.Pd. SitiRobiah

NIP : 19810908 200710 2 001 NIM : 1503046078

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