Final BSC Syllabus 2018-19 PDF

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Course Handbook

Curriculum and Syllabus

for the B.Sc. (Honors) Degree in Physics
(For students admitted in session: 2018-19 to 2021-22)

Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka -1342, Bangladesh.

Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 1

Guideline to use this handbook.............................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
What is Physics? ................................................................................................................................. 4
What will I study as part of my degree? ............................................................................................ 4
What are the opportunities for graduates in Physics? ...................................................................... 5
The Physics Department .................................................................................................................... 5
Teaching and Research Activities ...................................................................................................... 6
Resources and Locations .................................................................................................................... 6
Student Support and Guidance ......................................................................................................... 6
Student Engagement and Interaction ................................................................................................ 7
Structure of Undergraduate (Physics) Curriculum .............................................................................. 8
Four-year B.Sc. Program in Physics .................................................................................................. 8
The Physics Courses – Aims and Objectives ..................................................................................... 8
Year One and Two ........................................................................................................................... 8
Year Three (Junior Year) .................................................................................................................. 9
Year Four (Senior Year) ................................................................................................................... 9
Freshman Year (First Year): Courses of studies for Part-I Examination ..................................... 10
Sophomore Year (Second Year): Courses of studies for Part-II Examination .............................. 10
Junior Year (Third Year): Courses of studies for Part-III Examination ...................................... 10
Senior Year (Fourth Year): Courses of studies for Part-IV Examination ..................................... 11
Teaching and learning methods and strategies ............................................................................... 11
Vacations .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Coursework and Assessment ........................................................................................................... 12
Examinations.................................................................................................................................. 12
Past Exam Papers ........................................................................................................................... 13
Assessment of Class ....................................................................................................................... 13
Assessment of Practical Work ........................................................................................................ 14
Senior Honors Project ...................................................................................................................... 15
Prizes................................................................................................................................................. 15
Eligibility for Bachelor (Honors) Degree......................................................................................... 16
Award of Bachelor (Honors) Degree ............................................................................................... 16
Award of Bachelor (Pass) Degree .................................................................................................... 16
Grading Scheme ............................................................................................................................... 16
Syllabuses for Freshman Year (First Year) Courses of Studies ......................................................... 17
PHY-101: Mechanics........................................................................................................................ 17
PHY-102: Properties of Matter and Waves .................................................................................... 19
PHY-103: Electricity and Magnetism.............................................................................................. 21
PHY-104: Mathematical Method for Physics ................................................................................. 23
PHY-105: Chemistry-I ..................................................................................................................... 25
PHY-106: Principle of Statistics ...................................................................................................... 27
PHY-107: Functional English .......................................................................................................... 29
PHY-108: Physics Lab-I................................................................................................................... 31
Syllabuses for Sophomore Year (Second Year) Courses of Studies ................................................... 34
PHY-201: Thermal Physics .............................................................................................................. 34
PHY-202: Optics .............................................................................................................................. 36
PHY-203: Mathematical Physics ..................................................................................................... 38
PHY-204: Classical Mechanics ........................................................................................................ 40
PHY-205: Basic Electronics ............................................................................................................. 42
PHY-206: Computer Programming and Numerical Methods ....................................................... 44
PHY-207: Chemistry -II ................................................................................................................... 46
PHY-208: Physics Lab–II ................................................................................................................ 47
PHY-209: Computer Programming Lab ......................................................................................... 50
PHY-210: Chemistry Laboratory for Physics ................................................................................. 51
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 2

Syllabuses for Junior Year (Third Year) Courses .............................................................................. 52

PHY-301: Quantum Mechanics-I .................................................................................................... 52
PHY-302: Electrodynamics.............................................................................................................. 54
PHY-303: Atomic and Molecular Physics ....................................................................................... 56
PHY-304: Statistical Mechanics ...................................................................................................... 58
PHY-305: Solid State Physics-I........................................................................................................ 61
PHY-306: Nuclear Physics-I ............................................................................................................ 64
PHY-307: Digital Electronics ........................................................................................................... 67
PHY-308: Computational Physics ................................................................................................... 69
PHY-309: Physics Lab – III ............................................................................................................. 72
Syllabuses for Senior Year (Fourth Year) Courses ............................................................................ 76
PHY-401: Quantum Mechanics-II................................................................................................... 76
PHY-402: Astrophysics .................................................................................................................... 78
PHY-403: Plasma Physics ................................................................................................................ 81
PHY-404: Solid State Physics – II.................................................................................................... 83
PHY-405: Nuclear Physics -II .......................................................................................................... 85
PHY-406: Reactor Physics ............................................................................................................... 87
PHY-407: Geophysics....................................................................................................................... 89
PHY-408: Renewable Energy .......................................................................................................... 91
PHY-409: Biomedical Physics .......................................................................................................... 94
PHY-410: Senior Honors Project .................................................................................................... 97
PHY-411: Physics Lab - IV ............................................................................................................ 100
Department Teaching and Learning Academic Team...................................................................... 104
Important Examination Regulations for the Four-Year Bachelor (Honours) Degree according to
Ordinance 2003, JU ............................................................................................................................ 106
Important Rules Pertaining to Discipline and Examination Offences as per Ordinance 2003, JU . 108
Policy on Academic Malpractice including Plagiarism .................................................................... 111
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 3

Guideline to use this handbook

Students in their first year should read the two sections ‘Introduction’ and ‘First Year’ in detail and skim
the remainder for an overview of the courses. Students in later years should read the sections on Final
Honors examination structure, the details for the relevant year. The handbook gives telephone numbers
and e-mail addresses for contacting members of the academic staff, a comprehensive book list for the
whole course.

Members of faculty will be happy to answer any questions you might have that are not answered in our
printed documentation, but for particular information about teaching, students should contact their course
teachers. Further information about the courses can be obtained from the Department of Physics web site and from the Physics Teaching Faculty in the faculty offices.

For full and up-to date information on lecture timetables, contact respective course teachers or the office
at the Physics Department.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 4


What is Physics?
Physics is a fundamental subject that serves as a foundation for most areas of science and engineering.
Physics is a fundamental science, which seeks to investigate and understand the physical world, from the
outermost reaches of the universe, to the innermost parts of the atom. It reaches from the quark to the
largest of galaxies, through the material world we perceive directly with our senses, and encompassing
all matter and timescales within these extremes. Physics is the subject that constantly asks “how and
why?” of the material world, questioning why matter and energy exist and act as they do, and
discovering the underlying rules which govern their behavior. Such a profound understanding of nature
comes from the interplay of careful observation and critical reflection. Observations of the physical
world lead physicists to formulate hypotheses which can be tested by experiments whose results allow
even more refined theories to be advanced. Physicists now believe that all phenomena observed in the
universe can be explained in terms of a handful of forces: gravity, electricity, magnetism, weak nuclear,
and strong nuclear interactions. This combination of theory and experiment has progressed over the last
four hundred years and is directly responsible for the technological advances that are central to our
everyday lives. Wireless communications, radio, television and mobile phones are all made possible
through an understanding of the theory of electromagnetism. X-rays, radioactivity and particle beams
have led to advances in medicine. The invention of lasers and solid-state transistors by physicists paved
the way for computers, DVD players and iPods. Understanding physical principles and discovering new
laws that explain our universe at an even deeper level are the challenges that confront physicists and
advance the subject in the 21st century. Physics graduates are equipped with the skills to understand
these phenomena and prepared for a range of career pathways.

What will I study as part of my degree?

A physics graduate is someone who has demonstrated an ability to work through a demanding course of
study and gained a wide variety of transferable technical skills. The physics degree provides a strong
foundation in the core of the subject with opportunities to specialize in areas of particular interest.
Among the physics subjects that can be studied at Jahangirnagar University (JU) are: Newtonian
Dynamics; Quantum Mechanics; Special Relativity; Electromagnetism; Optics; Thermodynamics and
Statistical Mechanics; Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Astrophysics;
Biophysics; Nanophysics; Atmospheric Physics; Medical Physics. The course achieves a balance
between theoretical aspects, delivered by lectures, tutorials or small group projects, and practical work
where students perform experiments to test the theory. Tackling problems in physics, describing the
physical world using mathematics, carrying out experiments and comparing results critically with
predictions from theory are all part of the training of a physics student. Due to their training, physicists
are adaptable and proficient at mathematics and problem solving.

The department of Physics at JU aims to guide Physics graduates through these territory and to equip
them with a range of thinking and practical skills which they will need for a subsequent career in
Physics. The Four-year B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics degree programme at JU allows student to develop:

 Knowledge and understanding of the physical world and the underlying appropriate mathematical
or experimental methodologies used to describe it;
 The attitude of mind conducive to critical questioning and creative thinking and the capacity to
formulate ideas mathematically and explore them algebraically, graphically, and numerically;
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 5

 An understanding of laboratory experimentation and the ability to analyze experimental data and
assess what can be inferred from it in the light of theoretical expectations and experimental
 The skills to formulate a coherent written and oral presentation based on material gathered and
organized independently, use initiative, organize your time to meet deadlines and interact
constructively with other people on a given physics topic;
 Knowledge of frontier activities capitalizing on the strengths of a thriving and diverse research
 The skills required for employment in science-based industry, education and the wide spectrum of
professions calling for numerate problem-solvers;
 General transferable skills related to IT & computing, problem-solving and communication.

What are the opportunities for graduates in Physics?

The spectacular expansion of our comprehension of the physical world forms an impressive part of the
intellectual and cultural heritage of our times. The opportunity to add to this heritage is an important
source of motivation for young physicists. The application of discoveries in physics to the solution of
complex modern technological problems offers a vast field in which physicists make decisive
contributions. The interplay of pure and applied physics has always been fruitful and today ensures
many rewarding career opportunities for physics students. A physics graduate will have a sound
knowledge of the fundamental theories of physics and how to apply them to practical problem solving,
and will be well-prepared for a career in research, as a professional physicist, or for other high-flying
positions in a wide range of areas. The physics degree trains students to think independently and
critically, and to understand and analyze scientific and technological information. Many employers,
across a wide variety of sectors, express a preference for hiring physics graduate because of their
problem-solving abilities and their excellent mathematical and scientific literacy. The key transferable
skills that graduate employers look for, includes:

 excellent communication skills

 work independently or as part of a team
 the ability to analyze problems
 time management
More than 30% of recent Physics graduates from JU go on to study for a higher degree, leading to
careers in universities, in research and development in industrial and national laboratories like BCSIR,
Atomic Energy Commission etc., nuclear power plant, medical imaging, radiological protection, the
government institutions, meteorology, telecommunications, secondary and tertiary level teaching,
computing and software design. Many others enter professions unrelated to Physics, such as finance and
business, where the analytical and problem-solving skills they have developed are highly sought after.
Many graduates pursue research degrees to MSc or PhD level and some continue their research careers
both in Bangladesh and abroad at world renowned institutions.

The Physics Department

The Department of Physics at Jahangirnagar University (JU) is one of the leading Physics department in
Bangladesh, with an average annual intake of about 70 undergraduates and it has 37 faculty positions in
the department. The Department of Physics was established in 1973 and from then it successfully
engaged in teaching and research activities. From those pioneering days and throughout the illustrious
history of the department, the students and faculty members have aspired to contribute significantly to
JU’s reputation as one of the premier institutions for higher study in the country by conducting many
researches and developing the careers of the next generation of physicists.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 6

Teaching and Research Activities

The Physics department offers the four-year B.Sc. (Honors) degree programme where students are
taught courses in Physics and other basic sciences (Chemistry, Statistics), computer programming as
well as English Language course. The department also runs a 1.5-year M.S. in Physics degree
programme as well as an active Ph.D. programme with specialization in many major and frontline areas
of Physics. Sharing a strong tie with Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), Bangladesh
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) and other major research institutions of the
country, research students work to develop experimental techniques and theoretical methods to
investigate nature. The department conducts research on condensed matter physics, material science,
plasma physics, computational physics, nuclear physics, radiation and health physics, bio- and medical
physics, atmospheric physics and electronics. These represent the main areas of research carried out in
the department. Students and faculties of the department have authored numerous articles published in
international peer-reviewed journals and preceded on international conferences and seminars. They have
regularly worked in many academic institutions and research facilities abroad as well.

Resources and Locations

The Department is located in the Physics buildings on the north side of the newly established Wazed
Miah Science Research Centre (WSRC) and south side of the central Shaheed Minar, a monument
established in memory of those who were killed during the 1952 Bengali Language Movement
demonstrations. The main entrance to the Physics building is directly opposite to the Chemistry
building. The Physics building is surrounded by a well tendered beautiful garden. There are 5 lecture
rooms in the building, the lecture gallery is on the ground floor left to the main entrance. All the
undergraduate practical laboratories are in the Physics building. The seminar library at the Physics
building is well stocked with the recommended physics textbooks. The central library at JU also has a
comprehensive collection of physics books and journals and physics student may use this library with
their library card. There are numerous computer workstations in the computer laboratories on third floor
of the Physics building. Students can use the computers at any time during office hours as well as use
the computers to save and analyze data taken during practicals.

Student Support and Guidance

Student support and welfare are primarily University responsibilities: tutors, proctors, and other advisers
make up a sympathetic and effective network of support for students. The Proctors’ and Assistant’s
provides general information on welfare, health and recreation, as well as on student conduct and on the
running of University examinations. In particular, complaints, appeals and advice on illness during
examinations is provided. In addition, the University has a Counselling Service available to help student
for personal development planning and also a Careers Service which provides careers advice for both
undergraduates and graduates, both based in the Teacher and Student Center (TSC) Office, and the
Physics department has dedicated faculty member for working actively to promote student support and
welfare. Students are encouraged to make an appointment to responsible faculty member for further
information and to ask any of the academic staff for help regarding Physics courses and practicals.
Information on research opportunities is also available from the faculty members. Faculty members may
also be contacted by telephone or by e-mail. A list of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and research
affiliations is given in this booklet.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 7

Student Engagement and Interaction

To enhance student engagement and interaction, the department of Physics hold a wide range of events
associated with the undergraduate/postgraduate student journey including, Welcome Week, Study Tour,
Physics events and Graduation celebration events. Physics students are encouraged to participate in
Physics conferences and professional events to build up their knowledge of the science community and
enhance their professional development. Students can also take part in:
 the department’s Physical Sciences Colloquia, a popular series of talks given by internal and
external experts on relevant and current topics
 the student-run Physics Societies, which organize talks with renowned physicist, practical
demonstrations and social events
To ensure the student voice is heard and appropriate feedback obtained, department hold informal
meetings with the Undergraduate and Postgraduate representatives who are elected across all years.
Student reps facilitates communications between faculty members and students. Student feedback is also
provided via student surveys and we encourage students to take part in these when they are invited to do
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 8

Structure of Undergraduate (Physics) Curriculum

Four-year B.Sc. Program in Physics

Jahangirnagar University’s four‐year BSc program is intended to provide a broad‐based education at
undergraduate level to facilitate an early induction to global research scenario. The undergraduate
curriculum in physics has been carefully designed to encompass theoretical, experimental and
computational aspects of physics education, to provide a firm knowledge of the basic principles of
physics, an appreciation of a wide range of physical problems of current interest, and the capacity to
formulate and solve new problems. In addition to classwork and problem solving, the curriculum
includes studying physical phenomena in the laboratory. Sufficient exposure is to be provided on
mathematics, chemical and engineering sciences; moreover, elements of computer programming,
statistical science and communication skills are added for an all-round intellectual development. The
exposure to physics and interdisciplinary research is to be provided through a plethora of departmental
and non‐departmental optional courses pitched at the appropriate level and also by involving students
to undergraduate research programs through departmental projects. Physics students are strongly
encouraged to go beyond the formal theoretical and experimental course work and become involved in
research projects under the guidance of individual faculty members. These opportunities render the
present program unique and attractive for the students motivated to make important contribution to
research at the cutting edge not only in Physics but also in related science and engineering science

The Physics Courses – Aims and Objectives

The BSc Physics degree forms the core of department’s teaching programme. Across the four years
students will learn the fundamentals of modern physics, together with the mathematical, practical and
computational skills that will need to fully appreciate the subject. The four-year undergraduate degree
allows students to cover physics in more breadth and depth. Building on the core physics programme,
students will study a range of specialized allied courses delivered by esteemed faculty members. On
completion of BSc courses, students should have developed a thorough understanding and broad
knowledge of the general theoretical and experimental scientific principles of physics, so that they have
the resources to apply their knowledge to a wide range of physical phenomena. They should have
learned the techniques required in a modern mathematically-based physics course, gained an
understanding of the conceptual structure associated with the major physical theories, understood how to
set up simple models of physical problems and learned a wide range of problem-solving skills, both
analytical and computational, and how to apply them in contexts that may not be familiar. Students will
also have learned the experimental techniques required by working physicists involving sound and safe
procedures, how to record and analyze data and how to write accounts of laboratory work which can be
clearly understood by other scientists, and will have investigated experimentally some of the most
important physical phenomena. On completion of their course, BSc students will have gained some
experience of working on an open-ended assignment and all students will have had the opportunity
either to acquire some expertise in a more specialized area of physics of their choice. MS students, in
addition, will have acquired in-depth knowledge in chosen specialization within physics, and – from
their thesis/project work – they will have learned how to plan and execute an open-ended piece of work,
and will have gained experience of a research environment.

Year One and Two

First years courses offer extensive student support to assist the transition into higher education and
develop independent learning skills. Physics students will build up their knowledge of the subject
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 9

through courses in the core elements of physics. In their freshman and sophomore year, physics students
get to grips with the broad knowledge base on which physical science is built, including electricity and
optics, mathematics, mechanics, thermodynamics and matter. They will also develop the mathematical
skills needed to speak the language of advanced physics, and carry out laboratory work to provide the
background they need in experimentation and computation. Students also develop their experimental,
statistical and analytical skills.

Year Three (Junior Year)

The first and second-year courses lead into more advanced areas of the subject such as statistical physics
and quantum mechanics. They will build on the core skills developed in the freshman and sophomore
year to study aspects of physics including solid-state physics, nuclear physics and electrodynamics.
Similarly, students will have the opportunity to develop the core practical skills learned in the freshman
and sophomore year to undertake more advanced laboratory work, making frequent use of computer
control in their experiments.

Year Four (Senior Year)

In the fourth year of the BSc, student will finish off the core physics syllabus. In addition to the
coursework carried out during the senior year, the student is required to write a senior project based on
their own research which will be supervised by a dedicated research faculty member. The topic might be
chosen from one of the active experimental or theoretical research fields of the Physics Department, or
might be suggested by a faculty member with some subsidiary interest. A student could also choose a
topic relating physics and another field in an area that interests them, such as biophysics, geophysics, or
engineering physics. The purpose of the project is to give students exposure to how physics research is
actually performed by immersing them in journal, as opposed to textbook, literature and apply the
theoretical, computational and experimental techniques they have learned to a problem at the cutting-
edge of physics. During the project, BSc students will receive additional support to help them prepare
for independent learning by continuously assessed activities such as the preparation of scientific reports
and student presentations in their final year. Each project will be written in close consultation with a
faculty adviser, who is typically performing research in the subject area of the paper. The combination
of specialist courses and an attachment to one of department’s research teams opens avenues for even
deeper exploration: for example, in electronics, medical physics, space physics, fiber optics, the atomic-
scale structure of a new engineering material, or neutron scattering work.

The B. Sc. (Hons.) in Physics consists of the following theoretical and laboratory courses spread over
four academic years: Part-I, Part-II, Part-III, Part-IV and carries a total of 140 credits and 3500 Marks.
These courses develop transferable skills related to communication, computing, and problem solving.
Their aim is to ensure that, on graduation, all students will be in a position to choose from many
different careers, and have the skills, knowledge and understanding to make a rapid contribution to their
chosen employment or research area, and that those with the aptitude are prepared for postgraduate
study in physics, and thus contribute to the vitality of Bangladesh research.

The following pages outline the compulsory and optional elements for BSc Honors degree programme
for each year of study. This structure may be modified in future academic years as a part of a process of
curriculum review and development.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 10

Freshman Year (First Year): Courses of studies for Part-I Examination

Course No. Course Title Course Nature Credit Unit Marks

PHY-101 Mechanics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-102 Properties of Matter and Waves Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-103 Electricity and Magnetism Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-104** Mathematical Methods for Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-105** Chemistry-I Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-106** Principle of Statistics Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-107** Functional English Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-108 Physics Lab.-I Practical 4.0 1.0 100
Viva Voce Oral 2.0 0.5 50
Total 28 7.0 700

Sophomore Year (Second Year): Courses of studies for Part-II Examination

Course No. Course Title Course Nature Credit Unit Marks
PHY-201 Thermal Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-202 Optics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-203 Mathematical Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-204 Classical Mechanics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-205 Basic Electronics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
Computer Programming &
PHY-206** Theory 4.0 1.0 100
Numerical Methods
PHY-207** Chemistry-II Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-208 Physics Lab.-II Practical 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-209 Computer Programming Lab. Practical 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-210 Chemistry- Laboratory for Physics Practical 2.0 0.5 50
Viva voce Oral 2.0 0.5 50
Total 36 9.0 900

Junior Year (Third Year): Courses of studies for Part-III Examination

Course No. Course Title Course Nature Credit Unit Marks

PHY-301 Quantum Mechanics-I Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-302 Electrodynamics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-303 Atomic and Molecular Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-304 Statistical Mechanics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-305 Solid State Physics-I Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-306 Nuclear Physics-I Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-307 Digital Electronics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-308 Computational Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-309 Physics Lab.-III Practical 4.0 1.0 100
Viva voce Oral 2.0 0.5 50
Total 38 9.5 950
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 11

Senior Year (Fourth Year): Courses of studies for Part-IV Examination

Course No. Course Title Course Nature Credit Unit Marks

PHY-401 Quantum Mechanics-II Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-402 Astrophysics Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-403 Plasma Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-404 Solid State Physics-II Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-405 Nuclear Physics-II Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-406 Reactor Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-407 Geophysics Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-408 Renewable Energy Theory 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-409 Biomedical Physics Theory 4.0 1.0 100
PHY-410 Senior Honors Project Practical 2.0 0.5 50
PHY-411 Physics Lab.-IV Practical 4.0 1.0 100
Viva voce Oral 2.0 0.5 50
Total 38 9.5 950

Grand Total Credits: 140 Units: 35 Marks: 3500

** Indicates Allied courses

Teaching and learning methods and strategies

Physics students will learn through a mixture of scheduled teaching and independent study. The teaching
of the courses is carried out through lectures, practical sessions in the laboratories and tutorials. The bulk
of the teaching programme is conducted through lectures. This teaching is supported through study
resources generally delivered during the class lectures or through WWW. These resources vary in extent
and character; they invariably include a detailed syllabus, reading list and problem-set; in some
instances they incorporate substantial multimedia material including animations and illustrative
simulations. Additional directed study and reading will also be recommended. There are comprehensive
and challenging lecture courses, in which faculties are allowed flexibility in their approach, which may
frequently lead to the inclusion of material reflecting developments in the field not contained in standard
textbooks. If there is something you do not understand, you are always welcome to discuss it with a
faculty member.

Students need to learn how to take good lecture notes, and supplement them with their own private
study, using textbooks and other sources recommended by the faculties. Students are encouraged to take
their own notes or to amend handouts as they find appropriate. Teaching material, including lecture
notes or handouts must not be made available on the web without permission.

Physics depends on experimental observations, and learning how to perform and design experiments
effectively is an essential part of physics education. Practical work is recorded in logbooks, and
practicals have to be written up. The practical modules involve working between three and six hours per
week in laboratories, where, in addition to traditional experimental techniques, we emphasize the
importance of computer control and simulation throughout the course. Students will learn a modern
programming language so that they can solve equations and model physical situations. Computing
courses are conducted through supervised sessions in dedicated teaching laboratories in groups of 20-30.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 12


At JU, the teaching terms are quite short – they add up to about 30 weeks in one year. Therefore it is
essential that you set aside significant amounts of time each vacation for academic work. The course
assumes that you will do this in preparation for final examination that are held at the end of each
academic year. You should go over your notes, revising the material and supplementing it by
information gained from tutorials and from your own reading. In addition to consolidating the previous
term’s work, there may be preparatory reading for the next term’s courses. Your faculties may also set
you some specific vacation work.

Coursework and Assessment

The course structure ensures there are formative assessments throughout the year to help students to
guide their studies and gain regular feedback on how they’re getting on. To ensure they make steady
progress and achieve the required grades, their learning will be assessed through coursework and
examinations. Physics students have an average of twenty one-hour lectures and one or two days of
practical each week.


Course units are normally assessed formally at the end of the year via written examinations and by
continuous assessment of practical classes and other written assignments. Laboratory or computer based
course units also employ assignments and other methods of continuous assessment such as class tests,
projects, group work or presentations. Experimental and other practical work is continually assessed
through laboratory notebooks and formal reports. The Final Year exams (Part-I/ Part-II/ Part-III/
Part-IV) consist of compulsory and allied papers, and satisfactory completion of practical work.
Assessment of a student in a particular course will be based on marks obtained in (i) the particular
course-end examinations (written examination in the case of a theoretical course and practical
examination in the case of a practical field-work course). (ii) Class work in the form of tutorial tests,
assignments, presentations and class attendance. The distribution of marks for a course will be as

(a) Part-end examinations: 70%

(b) In-course work which will include
(i) Tutorial (written)/ Practical tests 20%
(ii) Class attendance 10%

The compulsory papers are individually classified as Pass and Fail, with a Pass mark of 40%. A failed
compulsory or allied paper can be re-taken in the final exam of the following year. The University requires
that these papers must be passed at no more than two sittings: see the Examination Regulations (please
contact exam controller office) for full details. The Examiners are chosen by an exam committee set up
each year by the Department’s Academic Committee. The Finals Examiners include external examiners
from other Bangladesh Universities to set and mark some individual papers, projects, etc. In general,
papers are set and marked by the internal and external examiners; indeed the identity of the examiners
for any paper is confidential. The identity of the candidates is hidden from the examiners; no
communication with the candidate is allowed. The questions are required to be set in conformity with
the syllabus, whose interpretation is guided by previous papers except where there has been an explicit
change of syllabus. The current syllabuses for the final examinations in physics are printed in this
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 13

Past Exam Papers

Past examination papers and other information regarding past exam papers are available on the Physics
Seminar Library. Also visit for more details.

Assessment of Class

Each course has its own assessment criteria appropriate to the specified Learning Objects of the course
as detailed in the course specification. All courses are assessed using the University Common Marking
Scheme. The typical assessment methods for a student on this programme are outlined below, however
the balance between written exams, practical exams and coursework will vary depending on what
courses you choose to study. These might include written or practical exams or coursework such as class
tests, projects, group work or presentations.
There will be a minimum number of class tests spread over the entire academic year, each of at least
one-hour duration in each course as prescribed below:
(a) For a 4 credit theoretical/practical/field work course: 3 written/practical tests
(b) For a 2 credit theoretical/practical/field work course: 2 written/practical tests
These are marked throughout the year and returned with feedback comments typically within weeks of
submission. Group presentation typically involve teams of about 3-5 students working largely
autonomously; written feedback is given on all aspects. All lecture based courses offered examination
feedback where student can view their marked scripts and receive personal feedback from the course
faculties. Class performance and common error feedback on class tests are supplied during classes. How
the examiners work is their responsibility, subject to guidance from the Physics Academic Committee,
and regulations laid down by the central bodies of the University. However, the following gives some
indication of recent marking practice.
A mark of 90% and above: the candidate shows excellent problem-solving skills and excellent
knowledge of the material, and is able to use that knowledge in unfamiliar contexts;
A mark of 80% to less than 90%: the candidate shows good problem-solving skills and good knowledge
of the material;
A mark of 70% to less than 80%: the candidate shows basic problem-solving skills and adequate
knowledge of most of the material;
A mark of 60% to less than 70%: the candidate shows some problem-solving skills and adequate
knowledge of at least part of the material;
A mark of 40% to less than 60%: the candidate has made a meaningful attempt of at least some

Class Attendance

A student with class attendance of less than 60% in any course will be debarred from appearing at the
course-end examination of that particular course. Credits in the form of marks will be given to students
attending classes over the minimum 60% mandatory requirement. Basis for awarding marks for class
attendance will be as follows:

Class attendance Marks allocated for 4 credit courses Marks allocated for 2 credit course
90 % and above 10 5.0
85 % to less than 90 % 09 4.5
80 % to less than 85 % 08 4.0
75 % to less than 80 % 07 3.5
70 % to less than 75 % 06 3.0
65 % to less than 70 % 05 2.5
60 % to less than 65 % 04 2.0
Less than 60% 00 00
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 14

Regulations of Classes

As the program is running with yearly system,

(i) Usually class duration should be one (01) hour and there will be minimum three (03) classes in a
week for a full unit course and two 1-hour class for half unit course. A full unit course should be
conducted with 60-80 Lectures and 30-40 Lectures for a half unit course in one academic year.
(iii) Students are not allowed to carry mobile phone in the class room.

Assessment of Practical Work

Practical and computing classes are assigned by continuous assessment either via written submitted
reports, laboratory notebooks or, for computing classes, specified checkpoints assessed by during the
assigned classes. All submitted reports and notebooks are returned with written feedback, and students
receive verbal feedback and advice on computer checkpoints from the assessors. The Examination
Regulations read: “Failure to complete practical work without good reason will be deemed by the Exam
Moderators as failure in the examination and the candidate will be required to complete the outstanding
practicals by completing them alongside next year study, before entry to the upper year examination will
be permitted.”

The practical mark consists of marks for the experiments, the oral or written skills exercise and an
assessed practical. The total marks are made up as follows:

Marks (%)
(i) Experiments (Final Exam) 50
(ii) Oral Skills (Final Exam) 10
(iii) Written Skills (Class Tests) 20
(iv) Assessed Practical 10
(v) Attendance 10
Total 100

For an overview of the marking Scheme for Oral and Written Skills
• A mark of 100%: Students can attract the top mark for exceptional performance for their oral
presentation (talk) or for their written skills report.
• A mark of 80%: Students will attract this mark if the oral presentation or written skills report is
regarded as very good.
• A mark of 70%: Students will be awarded this mark if the presentation or written skills report was
acceptable and average in quality.
• A mark of 60% or below: Students will be awarded this mark if the presentation or written skills
report is deemed to be below standard.

An average student with an average presentation or written skills report should achieve 60% marks.
Students who put in little or no effort can score very low marks. The marks which will be awarded by
faculty, will be based on both the quality of the entire logbook and the understanding of the assessed
practical demonstrated by the student. An average student with an average logbook should expect to
achieve ~ 60% marks. It is important that students consult their faculties early in the event of
difficulty with practical work.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 15

Senior Honors Project

The project work provides the opportunity to study a topic in depth that has been chosen or which has
been suggested by a faculty member. Project work as Senior Honors is assessed via written report and
oral presentation; written feedback is given on all aspects.

Guidelines for doing project

1. Project work should be done as an extension of topics in the syllabus.

2. Project can be experimental / theoretical or done in collaboration (association) with a recognized
lab. or organization.
3. Project work may be done individually or as group of maximum of six students.
4. A supervisor has to guide a group of maximum 12 students. For an additional group another
supervisor has to be appointed. However the existing work load should be maintained.

The student’s first carryout a literature survey which will provide the background information necessary
for the investigations during the research phase of the project. The various steps in project works are the
1. Wide review of a topic.
2. Investigation on an area of Physics in systematic way using appropriate techniques.
3. Systematic recording of the work.
4. Reporting the results with interpretation in written and oral forms.

The assessment will be done on the basis of the following.

1. Performance during the Project [Initiative, motivation, log book keeping and overall work]
2. Written report [contents and understanding]
3. Presentation and viva-voce

The components of Evaluation.

There should be a both internal and external evaluation.

Component Weightage

1. Written report 30
2. Presentation & Performance (10+10) 20
Total 50

Only internal evaluation shall apply for item 2 and both internal & external evaluation for item 1

A number of prizes are awarded annually for excellence in various aspects of the BSc and MS final
 Talent Pool Prizes for overall best performances (separately for BSc and MS)
 A Gold Medal for excellence in the BSc and MS examination in the whole faculty
 The S Nahar Prize for Outstanding Performance in each year’s final examinations
 A complementary prize for the top 50% student in each final examinations
 Various prizes are available in the Physics Department’s Poster, Physics Quiz, Project Competition
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 16

Eligibility for Bachelor (Honors) Degree

A student who has
a) secured at least GPA of 2.00 for theoretical and practical courses as well as viva voce in Part-I,
Part-II and Part-III examinations,
b) secured at the end of Part-IV a CGPA of 2.25 will be deemed to have qualified for the Bachelor
(Honors) Degree in the subject offered.

Award of Bachelor (Honors) Degree

a) A successful candidate who has secured a minimum of 2.25 at the end of part-IV will be awarded
a Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honors [cited as B. Sc. (Honors)] in the Faculties of
Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
b) Students attaining a CGPA of 3.75 or above will be awarded a Bachelor (Honors) Degree with
distinction and citation to be made in the transcript and certificate.

Award of Bachelor (Pass) Degree

Bachelor Degree (Pass) will be given to students under the following circumstances:
a) A student with poor results defined by the situation where he fails to secure a minimum CGPA of
2.25 after the regular Part-IV final examination (that is, without taking any improvement
examination) but succeeds in securing a CGPA between 2.00 and 2.25 after availing all chances
of improvement will be eligible for Bachelor Degree (Pass).
b) After completing three years of study and attaining a CGPA of 2.00 or higher a student may
decide to discontinue the course and can apply in written for a Bachelor (Pass) Degree.

Grading Scheme

Based on the total marks obtained in the class attendance, tutorial and final examinations grading
scheme will be as follows:

Marks (%) Letter Grade Grade Point

80 % and above A+ 4.00
75 % to less than 80 % A 3.75
70 % to less than 75 % A 3.50
65 % to less than 70 % B+ 3.25
60 % to less than 65 % B 3.00
55 % to less than 60 % B- 2.75
50 % to less than 55 % C+ 2.50
45 % to less than 50 % C 2.25
40 % to less than 45 % D 2.00
Less than 40 % F(Fail) 0
Incomplete I 0

All the necessary examinations are conducted as per provisions of the relevant examinations rules of this
university and the ordinance for the Bachelor (Honors) Degree.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 17

Syllabuses for Freshman Year (First Year) Courses of Studies

PHY-101: Mechanics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 hours Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week
Physics and Mathematics

Course Description

Fundamentals of Mechanics is a first year course for students who intend to major in Physics. It’s a basic
Physics course which study mechanics phenomena. It is an introduction to the phenomena, concepts, and
theories of classical physics, including: Newtonian mechanics, kinematics, dynamics, momentum,
energy, rotational motion and vector.

Aims and objectives

To introduce the fundamental concepts of Newtonian mechanics. To develop the knowledge and skills
required to solve a variety of mechanical and dynamical problems using Euclidean space.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To explain the basic laws of nature and relation with science and engineering.
2. To understand how physics approach and solve problems in mechanics.
3. Solve one- and two-dimensional motion problems (including projectile motion) using kinematic
relationships involving an object's position, velocity, and acceleration.
4. Explain Newton's Laws and apply them to the analysis of objects and systems in motion or in
equilibrium while under the influence of forces, including forces and friction.
5. Apply the concepts of work, energy, and momentum and the conservation laws for energy and
momentum to the solution of motion and collision problems.
6. To understand the relation between linear and circular motion and solve circular motion problems.
7. Solve rotational motion problems using torque, rotational inertia, kinetic energy, momentum and
rotational conservation laws.
8. To make understanding about all scalar and vector quantities and there different operations,
explain scalar and vector fields.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:

1. the concept of a frame of reference and its associated coordinate systems.
2. Newton's laws and know how to apply them in calculations of the motion of simple systems.
3. the concepts of energy, work, power, momentum, force, impulse, angular velocity, angular
acceleration and torque.
4. the concepts of conservation of energy, momentum, and angular momentum and be able to perform
calculations using them.
5. the concepts of simple rotation of rigid bodies and be able to perform calculations using them.
6. the concepts of simple motion in a gravitational field and be able to perform calculations using them.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 18

No. of
Course Contents

1. Vector Algebra: Vector and scalar quantities; Vector addition and subtractions; 10
Vector differentiation and integration; Gradient of scalar quantities; Divergence and
curl of vector quantities; Scalar and vector products and their significance.

2. Vector Integral Theorems & Coordinates: Line, surface and volume elements; 10
Gauss’s divergence theorem, Stokes’ theorem and Green’s theorem; Polar, spherical
and cylindrical coordinates; Del and Laplacian operators in polar, cylindrical and
spherical coordinates.


3. Kinematics and Particle Dynamics: Concept of motion and frames of reference; 08

Equations of motion; Tangential and normal components of acceleration in a plane;
Projectile motion; Uniform circular motion; Newton’s laws of motion; Concept of
mass and force; Frictional forces.

4. Work, Energy and Power: Work done by constant and variable forces; Kinetic and 08
potential energies; Work-energy theorem; Conservative and non-conservative forces;
One dimensional forces depending on position only; Two and three dimensional
conservative systems; Principle of conservation of energy.

5. Conservation of Linear Momentum: Centre of mass; Motion of a system of 09

particles and its linear momentum; Conservation of linear momentum for a system of
particles; Application of the linear momentum in the case of rocket propulsion;
Collision phenomena.

6. Rotational Kinematics & Dynamics: Rotational motion; Rotational quantities as 15

vectors; Rotation with constant angular acceleration; Relation between linear and
angular kinematics of a particle in circular motion. Torque and angular momentum
and their relation; Kinetic energy of rotation and moment of inertia; Rotational
dynamics of a rigid body; Parallel and perpendicular axis theorems for moment of
inertia, Calculation of moment of inertia; Conservation of angular momentum.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books
1. Spiegel, M.; Vector Analysis; McGraw Hill Book Company.
2. Tinker, M. & Lambourne, R. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences (Wiley)
3. Resnick, R. and Halliday, D. and Walker, J.; Fundamentals of Physics; John Wiley and Sons.
4. Resnick, R., Halliday, D. & K. Krane; Physics; John Wiley & Sons.
5. Sears, F.W. Zemansky, M.W. and Young, H.D.; University Physics; Addison Wesley
Publishing Company.
6. Symon, K.R.; Mechanics; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
7. Tipler, P.A., Physics for Scientists and Engineers (W.H. Freeman and company)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 19

PHY-102: Properties of Matter Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

and Waves Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Physics Core Course Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Physics and Mathematics, PHY 104

Aims and objectives

1. To show how the properties of macroscopic bodies can be derived from the knowledge that matter
is made up from atoms.
2. To explore the detailed behavior of vibrating systems and wave motion in many different physical

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:

1. techniques for finding appropriate averages to predict macroscopic behavior.

2. how these techniques are applied to the calculation of the properties of matter.
3. demonstrate understanding of the behavior of oscillating systems and wave motion.
4. use the mathematical formalism that describes them.
5. recognize examples across many areas of physics.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Gravitation : Kepler’s laws; Newton’s law of gravitation; Gravitational attraction; 08
Determination of gravitational constant; Mass and density of the earth; Inertial and
gravitational mass; Gravitational field; Gravitational potential energy; Escape
velocity; Energy and orbits; The acceleration due to gravity; Variations in ‘g’;
Measurement of the acceleration due to gravity.

2. Elasticity: Stress; Plane stress; Examples of plane stress; Hydrostatic pressure; 07

Strain; Hooke’s law; Stress-strain diagram; Elastic hysteresis; Elastic moduli;
Internal elastic potential energy; Relations between elastic constants; Torsion; Coil
spring; Determination of the elastic constants; The bending of beams; Cantilever.

3. Hydrostatics and Surface Tension: Hydrostatic pressure; Change of pressure with 08

elevation; Pascal’s law; Hydrostatic paradox; Thrust on an immersed plane; Center
of pressure; Equilibrium of floating bodies; Pressure gauges: Force against a dam.
Surface tension; Surface energy; Pressure difference across a surface film; Minimal
surfaces; angle of contact and capillarity; Measurement of the angle of contact;
Experimental determination of surface tension; Factors affecting surface tension.

4. Hydrodynamics and Viscosity: Lines and tubes of flow; Equation of continuity; 08

Bernoulli’s equation and its applications; Flow in a curved duct; Viscosity;
Coefficient of viscosity: Poiseuille’s law; Stokes’ law; Determination of coefficient
of viscosity of liquids and gases; Variation of viscosity with temperature.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 20


5. Oscillations: Harmonic motion; Simple harmonic motion (SHM); Energy 08

consideration in SHM; Applications of SHM; Relation between SHM and uniform
circular motion; Combination of harmonic motions; Damped harmonic motion;
Forced oscillations and resonance,

6. Traveling Waves: Equation of traveling waves; Speed of propagation of waves in a 07

stretched string; Longitudinal waves in a bar; Plane waves in fluid; Transmission of
energy by traveling waves; The superposition principle; Waves in a canal; Ripples;
Fourier series; Group speed and phase speed.
7. Stationary Waves: Reflection and transmission at a junction; Reflection at a fixed 07
end of a stretched string; Boundary conditions for no reflection; Normal modes and
proper frequencies of a stretched string.

8. Sound Waves: Intensity and intensity levels; Loudness and pitch; Waves in three 07
dimensions; Interference of spherical (sound) waves; Diffraction of sound waves;
Radiation efficiency of a sound source; Beats; Combination of tones; Doppler effect
and its applications.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Sears F.W.; Mechanics, Wave Motion and Heat; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
2. King G.C., Vibrations and Waves (Manchester Physics Series, Wiley, 2009)
3. Halliday, D. and Zemansky, M.W & Young, H.D; University Physics; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
4. Mathur, D. S.; Elements of Properties of Matter; Shyamlal Charitable Trust.
5. Neuman & Searle; Properties of Matter.
6. Flowers, B.H., Mendoza, E. Properties of Matter (Wiley)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 21

PHY-103: Electricity and Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Magnetism Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Physics Core Course Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Physics, PHY 104

Aims and objectives

To develop a basic understanding of electric and magnetic fields in free space using the integral forms of
Maxwell’s laws. To ensure that students can competently use an electric device and to foster an
understanding of the way electrical signals are shaped by passive circuit elements.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. describe the electric field and potential, and related concepts, for stationary charges.
2. calculate electrostatic properties of simple charge distributions using Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law
and electric potential.
3. describe the magnetic field for steady currents and moving charges.
4. calculate magnetic properties of simple current distributions using Biot-Savart and Ampere’s
5. describe electromagnetic induction and related concepts, and make calculations using Faraday and
Lenz’s laws.
6. understand the behavior of capacitors and inductors.
7. describe the basic physical content of Maxwell’s laws in integral form.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Electric Field: Electric charge; Coulomb’s law; Electric field; Point charge in an 08
electric field; Dipole in an electric field; Electric flux; Gauss’s law and some of its

2. Electric Potential: Potential and field strength; Potential due to a point charge, A 08
group of point charges and a dipole; Electric potential energy; Calculation of field
strength from potential; Insulated conductor; Electrostatic generator.

3. Capacitors and Dielectrics: Capacitor and capacitance –its calculations for 07

different geometry; Dielectric and Gauss’s law; Parallel plate capacitor with and
without dielectric; Three Electric vectors; Energy stored in an electric field.

4. Current and Resistance: Current and current density; Drift speed of charge carrier; 08
Resistance, resistivity and conductivity; Ohm’s law; Resistivity: Atomic view;
Energy transfer in an electric circuit, Electromotive force and potential difference;
Kirchhoff’s laws: Single loop and multi loop circuits; Potentiometer, ammeter,
voltmeter and galvanometer; RC circuits. Thermoelectricity: Peltier effect; Seeback
effect; Thermocouple.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 22


5. Magnetic Field: Magnetic induction and magnetic effects of currents; Magnetizing 07

force; Magnetic force on a charge and on a current; Torque on a current loop;
Moving coil galvanometer; The Hall effect; Ampere’s law and its applications;
Magnetic effects of currents; Biot-Savart law and its applications.

6. Electromagnetic Induction and Inductance: Faradays’ law of electromagnetic 07

induction; Lenz’s law; Self and mutual inductance and their applications; LR circuit;
Energy stored in a magnetic field.

7. Alternating Current: The simple AC generator; Alternating voltage and current 08

and their graphical representation; R.M.S. Value of an AC voltage applied to
resistors, capacitors and inductors; AC current and voltage in series RL and RC
circuits; LCR circuits; Power dissipation in an AC circuit; Transformer.

8. Circuit Analysis & Network Theorems: Thevenin’s theorem; Superposition 07

theorem; Maximum power transfer theorem; Norton’s theorem; Transient currents.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Edward M. Purcell, David J. Morin; Electricity and Magnetism 3rd Edition

2. Halliday, D.; & Resnick, R; Physics; New Age International Publishers
3. Sears, F.W. & Zemansky, M.W; University Physics
4. Serway, Raymond A., and John W. Jewett, Jr. Physics for Scientists and Engineers.
5. Grant, I. S. & Phillips, W. R. Elements of Physics (OUP)
6. Dakworth, H. E.; Electricity and Magnetism.
7. Halliday, Resnick, Walker, Fundamentals of Physics (Wiley)
8. Young, H. D. & Freedman, R. A. University Physics (Addison-Wesley)
9. Dobbs, E. R. Basic Electromagnetism (Chapman-Hall)
10. Duffin, W. J. Electricity and Magnetism (McGraw-Hill)
11. Kip, A. F. Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism (McGraw Hill)
12. Feynman, Lectures in Physics Volume 1
13. Grant, I. S. & Phillips, W. R. Electromagnetism (Wiley)
14. Griffiths, D. J. Introduction to Electrodynamics (Wiley)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 23

PHY-104: Mathematical Method Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

for Physics Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Physics Allied Course Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Mathematics

Aims and objectives

To allow students to develop their mathematical competence with functions, calculus, complex numbers,
power series, linear algebra and differential equations to a level where they can cope with the demands of
the first year of the physics course and beyond.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. understand the properties of different types of functions and be able to sketch them in both 2D
cartesian and polar coordinates.
2. integrate and differentiate functions of one variable using a range of techniques and be able to
apply integration and differentiation to a range of physical problems.
3. show how smooth functions can be expressed in terms of power series.
4. demonstrate an understanding of the properties of complex numbers and be familiar with some
basic complex functions.
5. solve first and second order ordinary differential equations using a range of techniques.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Set Theory: Algebra of sets; Union, Intersection and Cartesian product; Relations 10
and functions; Elements of logic.

2. Complex Numbers and Their Properties: Complex numbers; De Moivere’s 09

theorem and its applications; Hyperbolic functions and their relations to
trigonometric functions.

3. Analytic Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions: General equations of second 09

degree for two and three dimensions and reductions to standard form; General
properties of conic sections.


4. Introduction of Elementary Calculus: Limits; Continuity and related theories; 10

Derivatives of elementary functions; Chain rule; Higher derivatives; Taylor series;
Partial differentiation; Euler’s rule for partial differentiation of homogeneous
functions; Maxima; Minima; L’ Hospitals rule; Asymptotic and tangent normal of
curves, Arc length and radius of curvature of curves.

5. Integral Calculus: Definite integral as the limit of a sum; Indefinite integrals and 11
different techniques of integration; Fundamental theorem of integral calculus;
Determination of length and area of plane curves and volume obtained by revolution
of plane curves.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 24

6. Ordinary Differential Equations: Introduction of Linear, non-linear and 11

homogeneous differential equations; Solutions of linear first order differential
equations; Solutions of second order differential equations with constant and
variable coefficients; Solutions by the method of variation of parameters and
undetermined coefficients. Solutions of the differential equations by the method of
variable separation. Applications of ordinary differential equations in physics

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Tinker, M. & Lambourne, R. Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences (Wiley)
2. Lambourne, R. & Tinker, M. Basic Mathematics for the Physics Sciences (Wiley)
3. Barnard and Child; Higher Algebra; S. G. Wasani for Macmillan India Ltd.
4. Jordan, D. & Smith, P. Mathematical Techniques (OUP)
5. Schaum’s Series, Complex Variable.
6. Askwith, H., Analytic Geometry of Conic Sections.
7. Bacon, H.M., Differential and Integral Calculus.
8. Ayers, F. (Schaum Series), Calculus.
9. Ayers, F. (Schaum Series), Set Theory.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 25

PHY-105: Chemistry-I Theory: ~ 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Allied Course Contact Hours: ~ 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week
Chemistry and Physics

Aims and objectives

The physics explains the world around us by building various models. The models such as kinetic theory
of gases, collision theory of reactions etc. are purely classical-based. In contrast, for subatomic world,
one needs to go beyond classical world and invoke the laws of quantum mechanics to describe small
particles like electron. In classical and quantum worlds alike, the physics needs the support of
mathematics to construct its models. The general goal of learning physical chemistry is to obtain an in-
depth understanding of why and how chemical reactions occur, which in turn may enable us to accurately
design reactions leading to novel molecules of the future.

This course will introduce concepts of physical chemistry while developing the tools to solve quantitative
problems in the physical sciences, an emphasis will be placed on developing a deeper conceptual
understanding of the physics that forms the foundation of chemistry.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course the successful students should be able to:

1. discuss fundamental theoretical principles and models and solve conceptual problems in chemical
reaction dynamics, electron- and energy transfer.
2. describe the basic principles of thermochemistry and electrochemistry .
3. solve numerical problems related to the course content.
4. perform advanced laboratory experiments related to the course content, analyze and report the
results and discuss them in context.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Thermochemistry: Heats of reaction; Exothermic and endothermic reactions; Energy 05

units; Sign convention; Heats of formation; Thermochemical laws; heats of
combustion; Heats of solution; Problems relating to thermochemistry.

2. Surface Chemistry and Colloids: Adsorption; Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm; 04

Determination of Surface Area; Colloids- Classification, Preparation, Purification,
Properties and Importance; Elementary Ideas about Emulsion and Gels.

3. Solution: Various types of standard solution; Preparation of standard solution; 06

Titrimetry; Nernst distribution law; Deviations from distribution laws; Solvent
extraction; Properties of non-volatile, non-electrolytic dilute solutions; Raoult’s law
of vapour pressure lowering; Elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing
point; Vant Hoff’s law of osmotic pressure; Determination of molecular weight of
substances using Raoult’s law; Application of Vant Hoffs law for measuring
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 26

molecular weight of monomers and polymers; Determination of molecular weight of

gases and volatile liquids using ideal gas equation.


4. Chemical Equilibrium: Equilibrium states; Law of mass action; Equilibrum 05

constants; variation of units for different types of reaction; examples; Le Chatelier
principle and variables affecting equilibrium concentration; Specific example of each
case; Calculation of equilibrium constants; Dissociative and associative reactions;
Homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria; Examples.

5. Electrochemistry: Electrolytic conduction; Generation of electricity involving 05

chemical reaction; Examples; Faraday’s law of electrolysis; Faraday cell; Constant
equivalent conductance; Specific conductance; Transport numbers; Mobility of
hydrogen and hydroxyl ions; Electrochemical cell; Reversible and irreversible cell;
reactions and e.m.f. of standard cells.

6. Oxidation Reduction Reactions: Oxidation number; the modern concept of acids 05

and bases according to Arrhenius, Browsted-Lowry, and Lewis; Frankline and Lux-
flood Concepts; Neutralization Reactions; Strength of acids and bases, measurements
of pH of a buffer solution; Hydrolysis of salts and pH of salts solutions.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Atkins, P. W.; De Paula, Julio. Physical Chemistry. 10 ed. Oxford University Press, 2014
2. Karplus, M., and R. Porter. Atoms and Molecules: An Introduction for Students of Physical Chemistry.
3. Hoque, M.M. and (Nawab, M. A) Molla Y.A,; Brothers’s Publication
4. Silbey, R., R. Alberty, and M. Bawendi. Physical Chemistry. 4th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 27

PHY-106: Principle of Statistics Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Allied Course Contact Hours: ~ 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week
Mathematics and Statistics

Aims and objectives

 To introduce basics of statistical methods and modern day advanced data analysis techniques, as
required in all fields working with data.
 To deepen the understanding of how data analysis works for small and large data samples.
 To obtain a comprehensive set of tools to analyze data.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the basics of the statistical analysis of data.

2. Explain methods of data analysis and their idea.
3. Apply a set of analysis techniques as required for basic and advanced datasets.
4. Critically assess new results derived from datasets.
5. Use the knowledge of statistical data analysis to understand more advanced and new techniques.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Elements of Statistics :-

(a) Statistics: Its nature and scope; Nature of statistical data; Attributes and variables; 04
Discrete and continuous variable; Method of data collection; Tabulation; Graphs
and diagrams.
(b) Measures of Location: Arithmetic mean; Geometric mean; Harmonic mean; 03
Median; Mode; Quartiles; Deciles; Percentiles.
(c ) Measures of Dispersion : Characteristics of an ideal measure of dispersion; 04
Absolute measure; Relative measure; Range; Standard Deviation; Mean deviation;
Quartile deviation; Coefficient of dispersion; Coefficient of variation; Skewness
and kurtosis.
(d) Regression and Correlation: Relationship between variables; Fitting of simple 03
linear regression; Simple correlation; Multiple correlation and multiple regression.


2. Elements of Probability: Meaning and definition of probability; Apriori and a 05

posteriori probability; Experiment; Sample space and event; Theorems of total,
compound and conditional probability; Random variables; Probability functions;
Expectation of sum and products; Concepts of Binomial, Poisson’s and Normal
3. Sampling Technique: Simple random sampling; Stratified random sampling and 04
systematic sampling.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 28

4. Tests of Significance: Type -1, Type -11 level of significance, size of the test, 05
power of the test; Tests of means; Variance; Correlation coefficient and regression
coefficient; Contingency table analysis.

5. Theory of Errors: Error; Causes of variation of measurements; Measurement of 04

error; Distribution of error; Methods of estimation of error; Minimizing error,
examples related to physics problems.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Barlow, R., Statistics – A Guide to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences, Wiley
2. Behnke, O., et al, Data Analysis in High Energy Physics: A Practical Guide to Statistical Methods, Wiley
3. Devor, T. L.; Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Sciences.
4. Hines, W.W. and Montgomery, D. C.; Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Management Science;
John Wiley and Sons.
5. Chung, K. L.; Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes.
6. Cowan, G., Statistical Data Analysis, Oxford
7. Millor, I.R., Freund, J.E. and Johnson, R.; Probability and statistics for Engineering.
8. Helstrom, C.W.; Probability and Stochastic process for Engineers.
9. Woonacolt, R. J. and Woonacolt, T. H.; Introduction to Statistics.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 29

PHY-107: Functional English Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Allied Course Contact Hours: 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: Intermediate Level Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week

Course Description

The basic idea behind offering English as a subject at the undergraduate level is to acquaint students with
a language held by common consent to be the most popular language and predictably the most used in
countries across the globe. The lessons included as part of syllabus, aim to take the nuances of English to
students as it reveals its strengths and complexity when used to perform a variety of functions.

Aims and objectives

At the end of the course, students will have enough confidence to face competitive examinations (IELTS/
TOEFL/GRE etc.) to pursue MS/PhD degree. They will also acquire language skills required to write
their Reviews/Projects/Reports. They will be able to organize their thoughts in English and hence face
job interviews more confidently. The Curriculum designed is student-centered and it is guidance for their

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce different social situations to learners for developing their communication skills and
enhance English language proficiency in social and work situations.
2. To make learners aware of the special features of the format and style of informal communication
through various modes.
To make learners familiar with the sub-skills of writing, the use of specific formats of the written
discourse and enhance learners’ writing skills.
3. To familiarize the learners with English sounds through listening.
4. To enable the learners to achieve an optimum level of intelligibility and fluency in speech and
achieve accuracy in oral production by encouraging the use of a pronunciation dictionary (Oxford
Advanced Learners’ Dictionary).
5. To introduce corrective measures to eliminate grammatical errors in speaking and writing.
Theoretical and conceptual understanding of the elements of grammar.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate listening and reading skills in speaking and writing technical contents.
2. Explain in one’s own words the steps for performing a complex tasks: group discussion and
3. Analyze information in science and technological context.
4. Evaluate approaches, methods and solutions related to learning LSRW Skills.
5. Design a strategy to perform a specific task.
6. Equip themselves with critical reading and get information from the context with the help of root
words and contextual clues.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 30

No. of
Course Contents
1. Grammar: Review: Parts of speech; Articles; Verb patterns; Tenses; Voice; 08
Narration; Prepositions; Sentences and its classifications; Transformations of
sentences; Analysis of sentences; Synthesis of sentences; Group verbs; Common
idioms and phrases; Glossaries. Common errors, Transformation of Sentences,
2. Technical & Scientific Writing: Spelling: Rules of spelling; Word formation; 06
difficult spellings; Punctuation; Common confusable; Writing definition of scientific
terms; Writing physical phenomena, designing posters; Features of Technical
Writing, Writing Scientific Projects, Technical Report writing, Writing Project
Proposals, Writing Research papers, Writing Manuals, Writing paragraphs on
instruments and devices;. Word building (English words /phrases derived from other
languages), Technical Jargons, Synonyms/Antonyms, Analogies.

3. Reading: Skimming; Scanning; Extracting main ideas; Summarizing. 06
4. Listening: Strategies for listening; Barriers to effective listening. 04
5. Speaking: Pronunciation: General points of pronunciation; Difficult pronunciation; 06
How to invite, ask questions, make request and give instructions; How to respond to
queries, invitations and statements; How to thank, introduce, express gratitude,
regret or appreciation; How to express different concepts: ability, possibility,
futurity, necessity, obligation, assumption, regularity, continuity, arrangement,
comparison, etc.; Conversation with classmates; teachers, neighbors, and people in
bus, train, plane etc.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Hornby, A S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. 8 th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
2. Leech, Geoffrey, and Jan Svartvik. A Communicative Grammar of English. 2 nd Edition. London and New
York: Longman, 1996.
3. Brown et al. Houghton Mifflin English Grammar and Composition: First Course. Boston. Houghton
Mifflin Company, 1984.
4. Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press, 1995.
5. Murphy, Raymond. Intermediate English Grammar. 2nd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
6. Jonathon Law; Oxford English Language References; Oxford University Press; Oxford, 2001.
7. Thompson and Martinet; Practical English Grammar. Oxford; Fourth Edition
8. The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid 2nd ed. 2013
Edition by Michael Alley,Springer
9. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 8th Edition by Barbara Gastel and Robert A. Day,
10. Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 1st Edition by
Joshua Schimel, Oxford University Press
11. Technical Writing- Process and Product by Sharon J. Gerson & Steven M. Gerson, 3rd edition, Pearson
Education Asia, 2000
12. Hargie, Owen.Ed. The Handbook of Communication Skills. New York: Routledge, 2006.
13. Baker, Joanna and Heather Westrup. Essential Speaking Skills. London: VSO Books, 2003.
14. Bygate, Martin. Speaking. New York: OUP, 2003.
15. Francois Grellar Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge University Press.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 31

PHY-108: Physics Lab-I Lab: ~ 25 Sessions Credit: 4

Physics Core Practicals Contact Hours: ~ 200 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 102, 103 Practical: 1 sessions/week, 6-8 hour/session

Aims and objectives

To teach basic laboratory skills and illustrate physics topics such as basic principles of electric circuit
analysis, damping and resonance in electric circuits and mechanics, illustrated by experiment. They are
designed to teach specific experimental skills and techniques e.g., experimental data collection and
analysis, ethical standards in a scientific investigation through individual experiments drawn from various
topics in physics.

The objectives of physics practical labs are as follows:

1. to introduce and develop group-working skills and enhance writing and written presentation skills
2. to develop the appropriate skills and confidence to use computers for the tasks required in
laboratory work
3. to introduce the basic concepts and methods required for laboratory data analysis.
4. to develop sound judgement in interpreting experimental results and uncertainties.
5. to develop the skills required for good scientific communication.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Link the experimental findings to underlying physics in lecture courses, textbooks and scientific
journals and apply their physics knowledge and problem-solving skills to model problems in
2. recognize a wide range of measurement instrumentation, develop and extend prescribed
experimental procedures
3. use and measure with common instrumentation and handle sophisticated apparatus with
4. work independently and also co-operatively with colleagues
5. keep professional quality systematic records of laboratory work in a log book while demonstrating
high ethical standards during a scientific investigation
6. critically evaluate the results of an experiment, assess the significance of the experimental results
compared to expected outcomes and draw valid conclusions
7. appreciate the importance of uncertainties in experimental measurements and be able to apply
them in an appropriate manner
8. estimate the precision of experimental results, from an understanding of the experimental
procedure and from a statistical analysis of repeated measurements
9. describe the sources of random and systematic error, calculate their effects on the results and
evaluate ways of reducing the dominant error
10. use specific computer applications to manipulate and present experimental data in the form of
graphs and tables and to describe experiments in coherent, structured formal written reports based
on their experiments
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 32

Feedback methods

Feedback will be offered orally by demonstrators in lab sessions, orally by demonstrators when they
mark each experiment and in writing for all lab reports.

Lab: Laboratory group will be allocated, and supported by, a demonstrator who will monitor progress and
provide continuous feedback. A demonstrator is assigned to each group of students for the duration
of each experiment. The demonstrator gives guidance and instruction and may be consulted at any
time during the laboratory hours. Each laboratory has attendant/technicians who maintain the
equipment and have a pool of special items (such as stopwatches) for loan.

During discussions, advice on how to improve the measurement, analysis and presentation of results will
be given orally and also written on the assessment sheets, copies of which will be given to the

In written reports, detailed comments on how the report might be improved are written on the reports.
More general comments are written on the marked sheets, copies of which are returned to the
students along with the marked reports. Students are strongly encouraged to collect their marked
reports from the markers, when any written comments can be elaborated upon.


The first year teaching laboratories are located on the 3rd floor (properties of matter, waves and
oscillation, electrical measurements).


The demonstrator assesses each group of students during the course of the experiment by considering
physics understanding, experimental results, quality of data analysis, innovation, quality of notes in
laboratory book and a short interview at the end. During the year students are required to submit
written reports on all of the experiments undertaken. The total laboratory mark for the year is based
on the experiments and the written reports. Failure to submit such a report will constitute a failure to
satisfy the work and attendance requirements and hence the student will not be allowed to proceed
to the second year.

(A student will be required to perform two experiments in the final examination taking one from
each group).


A1. Experiment with spring:

a. To verify Hooke’s law for a spring.

b. To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of the spring.
c. To observe the harmonic motion of the spring for different loads attached to it.
A2. To determine the acceleration due to gravity, ‘g’ by a compound pendulum.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 33

A3. To determine the acceleration due to gravity, ‘g’ by Kater’s pendulum.

A4. To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
A5. To determine Young’s modulus of the material of a wire by Searle’s apparatus.
A6. To determine rigidity modulus of the material of a wire by dynamic method.
A7. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of water at room temperature.
A8. To determine the moment of inertia of a flywheel.
A9. To determine the surface tension of mercury by Quincke’s method and hence to determine the angle
of contact.


B1. To verify Ohm’s law by using a tangent galvanometer.

B2. To verify laws of series and parallel resistances by a P. O. Box.
B3. Experiment with sonometer:
a. To draw n  l and n  1 curves and hence to determine the unknown frequency of a tuning fork.
b. To verify the laws of a stretched string from the n  l curve.
B4. a. To determine the resistance of a voltmeter.
c. To determine the resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
B5. To determine the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic moment of a
bar magnet by magnetometer.
B6. To determine the internal resistance of a cell by using a potentiometer.
B7. To determine the frequency of a tuning fork by Melde’s experiment.
B8. To determine the end-corrections of a meter bridge and hence to determine the specific resistance of
B9. To compare the E. M. F. of two cells and to determine the E. M. F. of the cells by using a standard

N.B.: In addition to the above experiments the Department may include/exclude some experiments.

Recommended Books

Each experiment is described in a laboratory script which is provided for the student. References to
relevant text-books for background reading are given in the script.

The following is the recommended book for a discussion of general experimental techniques:

 Taylor, John Robert. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical
Measurements. University Science Books, 1997.
 Bevington, Philip R., and D. Keith Robinson. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical
Sciences. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
 Squires, G.L. Practical Physics, 4th edition (Cambridge, 2001).
 Melissinos, Adrian Constantin, and Jim Napolitano. Experiments in Modern Physics. Academic
Press, 2003.
 Preston, Daryl, and Eric Dietz. The Art of Experimental Physics. John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
 Ahmed, G and Uddin, MS, Practical Physics
 H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 34

Syllabuses for Sophomore Year (Second Year) Courses of Studies

PHY-201: Thermal Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 104 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to teach a working knowledge and understanding of various fundamental thermal
properties of matter and relate these to the fundamental mechanical properties of these systems. In
particular the objectives are:
1. to develop the ideas of classical thermodynamics and their consequences.
2. to provide an appreciation for the use of thermodynamic potentials and associated thermodynamic
relations to describe thermal behavior;
3. to provide a basic knowledge of phase transition and their classification;

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. appreciate the role of thermodynamics in describing macroscopic physical situations.
2. display a familiarity with fundamental thermal phenomena;
3. demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts through which the phenomena are described,
in particular those of temperature, work, heat, internal energy, the laws of thermodynamics, and of
the concept of entropy;
4. explain and derive the fundamental thermodynamic relation;
5. use the formalism of thermodynamics, including the thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s
relations, and apply these tools to simple systems in thermal equilibrium;
6. apply their knowledge to modelling real phenomena and situations.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Zeroth and First Law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamical Equilibrium. 06
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics and Concept of Temperature. Work and Heat
Energy. State Functions. First Law of Thermodynamics. Differential form of First
Law. Internal Energy. First Law and Various Processes. Applications of First
Law: General Relation between Cp and Cv. Work Done during Isothermal and
Adiabatic Processes. Compressibility and Expansion Coefficient. Atmosphere and
Adiabatic Lapse Rate.

2. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Reversible and Irreversible Changes. 07

Conversion of Work into Heat and Heat into Work. Heat Engines. Carnot Cycle.
Carnot Engine and its Efficiency. Refrigerator and its Efficiency. Second Law of
Thermodynamics: Kelvin-Planck and Clausius Statements and their Equivalence.
Carnot Theorem. Applications of Second Law of Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamic Scale of Temperature and its Equivalence to Perfect Gas Scale.

3. Entropy: Change in Entropy. Entropy of a State. Clausius Theorem. Clausius 08

Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 35

Inequality. Second Law of Thermodynamics in terms of Entropy. Entropy of a

Perfect Gas. Entropy of the Universe. Entropy Changes in Reversible and
Irreversible Processes. Principle of Increase of Entropy. Impossibility of
Attainability of Absolute Zero: Third Law of Thermodynamics. Temperature-
Entropy Diagrams. First and second order Phase Transitions.

4. Thermodynamic Potentials: Extensive and Intensive Thermodynamic Variables. 07

Thermodynamic Potentials U, H, F and G: Their Definitions, Properties and
Applications. Surface Films and Variation of Surface Tension with Temperature.
Magnetic Work. Cooling due to Adiabatic Demagnetization. Approach to
Absolute Zero.

5. Maxwell’s Thermodynamic Relations: Derivations of Maxwell’s Relations. 08

Applications of Maxwell’s Relations: (1) Clausius Clapeyron equation, (2) Values
of Cp-Cv, (3) Tds Equations, (4) Joule-Kelvin Coefficient for Ideal and Van der
Waal Gases, (5) Energy Equations and (6) Change of Temperature during an
Adiabatic Process.
6. Heat and Transfer of Heat: Newton’s law of cooling; Heat capacities; 07
Conduction; Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity; Fourier’s equation for
heat conduction – its solution for rectilinear and radial (spherical and cylindrical)
flow of heat. Heat flow through a compound wall; Experimental measurements of
thermal conductivity; Convection; Wiedemann-Franz law.

7. Radiation: Spectral emissive and absorptive powers, Kirchoff’s law, blackbody 07

radiation, energy density, radiation pressure. Stefan-Boltzmann law; Wien’s
displacement law; Rayleigh-Jeans formula; Planck’s radiation law; Solar constant;
Temperature of the sun; Application of radiation laws.

8. Transport Phenomena in Gases: Mean Free Path. Collision Probability. 10

Estimates of Mean Free Path. Transport Phenomenon in Ideal Gases: (1)
Viscosity, (2) Thermal Conductivity and (3) Diffusion. Brownian Motion and its
Significance. Deviations from the Ideal Gas Equation. The Virial Equation. Van-
der Waal’s Equation of State for Real Gases. Values of Critical Constants. Gibbs’
phase rule and simple applications. P-V Diagrams. Joule’s Experiment. Free
Adiabatic Expansion of a Perfect Gas. Joule-Thomson Effect for Real and Van der
Waal Gases. Temperature of Inversion. Joule-Thomson Cooling.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Thermodynamics By Enrico Fermi (Courier Dover Publications, 1956)

2. Heat and Thermodynamics; 7th edition, Zemansky, M.W. & Dittman, R.H.; McGraw-Hill.
3. H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
4. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, and Statistical Thermodynamics by Francis W. Sears & Gerhard L.
Salinger. ( Narosa, 1986).
5. Mechanics, Wave Motion & Heat; Sears, F.W.; 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
6. A Treatise on Heat : Including Kinetic Theory of Gases, Thermodynamics and Recent Advances in Statistical
Thermodynamics By Meghnad Saha, B. N. Srivastava (Indian Press, 1958)
7. Thermal Physics – S. Garg, R. M. Bansal, C. K. Ghosh (Tata Mc Graw Hill).
8. Heat Transfer; Holman, J.P; 5th Edition McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 36

PHY-202: Optics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 104, 203 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week


To develop the concepts of wave optics and establish a firm grounding in modern optics.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of the application of waves in optics and be competent in the use of
complex notation.
2. analyze simple examples of interference and diffraction phenomena.
3. be familiar with a range of equipment used in modern optics, particularly the Michelson
interferometer and the Fabry-Perot etalon.
4. demonstrate an understanding of the physical processes involved in producing laser radiation

No. of
Course Contents
1. Interference ( Division of wavefront ): Huygen’s principle; Superposition of 09
waves; Young’s experiments; Theory of interference; Fringe width; Fringe shape;
Intensity distribution curve; Conditions of interference; Fresnel’s biprism; Lloyd’s

2. Interference ( Division of amplitude ): Stoke’s treatment; Reflectance, reflectivity, 09

etc.; Reflection from a film of varying thickness; Color of thin films; Antireflection
coating; Interference filters; Newton’s ring; Michelson’s interferometer; Multiple
beam interferometry; Fabry-Perot interferometer; Co-efficient of fineness, fringe
half-width. Microscope; Telescope.

3. Diffraction (Fresnel Class): Two classes of diffraction phenomena; Half period 09

zones and strips; Area of half-period zones and strips; Diffraction at a straight edge;
Diffraction by a circular aperture; Diffraction by a circular obstacle; Zone plates;
Cornu’s spiral; Fresnel’s integrals.

4. Diffraction (Fraunhofer Class): Diffraction by a single slit; Diffraction by double 09

slit; Diffraction by Plane diffraction grating, formation of spectra; Spectrometer;
Dispersive and resolving power of grating; Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution;
Resolving power of a prism.

5. Polarization: Concept of Polarization of light; Methods of obtaining polarized 07

light; Brewster’s law; Double refraction axes of crystals and their types ; Nicol
Prism; Analysis of polarized light; Elliptical & circular polarization; Retardation
plates; Optical activity. Polarimeter; Polarising Microscope.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 37


6. LASER: Fundamental principles; Stimulated emission; Einstein’s relations; 07

Population inversion; Optical feedback; Classification of LASERs; Types of
LASERs; Practical LASERs ( Ruby, Nd-YAG, He-Ne, CO2, Argon-ion, Dye,
Semiconductor); Applications of LASERs.

7. Fourier Optics: Fourier transforms in two dimensions; Inverse transforms, 10

examples; Dirac delta function; optical applications; Convolution and convolution
theorem; Fourier methods in diffraction theory; Lens as a Fourier transformer;
Fraunhofer diffraction single and double slits; spectra and correlation; Interpretation
of Parseval's formula; auto-correlation and cross-correlation; Wiener-Khintebine
theorem, Example in Optics.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Jenkins, F.A and White, H.E.; Fundamentals of Optics. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill Intl. Ed.
2. Hecht, E., Optics, (Addison Wesley)
3. Smith, F.G. & King, T.A. Optics and Photonics - An Introduction (Wiley)
4. F L Pedrotti & L S Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics, Prentice Hall.
5. Lasers, Milloni, P.W. & Eberly, J.H.
6. Morgan, J.; Introduction to Geometrical & Physics Optics. McGraw-Hill.
7. Sears, F.W. and Zemansky, M.W.; University Physics; 6th Ed.;
8. H D Young & R A Freedman University Physics, Addison-Wesley.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 38

PHY-203: Mathematical Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 104 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The aim of this course is to achieve an understanding and appreciation, in as integrated a form as
possible, of some mathematical techniques which are widely used in theoretical physics and to introduce
and develop the mathematical skills and knowledge needed to understand classical fields and quantum
mechanics. The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To develop a knowledge of series and functions.

2. To introduce partial differential equations and train in methods of their solution.
3. To introduce students to complex variable theory and some of its many applications.
4. To introduce the concepts of complex functions and relate these to applications in modelling
physical ideas.
5. To introduce the concept of vector space and provide a basic working knowledge of linear
algebra, transformations, matrices and matrix operations.
6. To introduce Pauli matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and commutation relations.
7. To provide skills and techniques for solving various common types of linear equations.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. solve partial differential equations using the method of separation of variables and use them to
model wave, heat flow and related phenomena.
2. state how a Fourier transform differs from a Fourier series, and solve linear ODE's and PDE's
using Fourier techniques.
3. calculate the Fourier series associated with periodic functions and apply them to selected physical
problems and Fourier transforms of simple functions.
4. recognize when a Green's function solution is appropriate and construct the Green's function for
some well-known physical equations.
5. have an understanding of complex variable theory.
6. solve a variational problem by constructing an appropriate functional, and solving the Euler-
Lagrange equations.
7. know how to evaluate integrals using the residue theorem, and understand how this can also be
used to evaluate certain integrals along the real axis.
8. understand the basic concepts of vector spaces and the relation between vectors and operators and
their representations in a given basis.
9. define the term “orthogonality” as applied to functions, and recognize sets of orthogonal functions
which are important in physics (e.g. trigonometric functions and complex exponentials on
appropriate intervals, Legendre polynomials, and spherical harmonics).
10. represent a given function as a linear superposition of orthogonal basis functions (e.g. a Fourier
series) using orthogonality to determine the coefficients.
11. derive the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of operators in particular cases and solve eigenvalue
problems (differential equations subject to boundary conditions) either in terms of standard
functions or as power series.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 39

12. describe the basic properties of the eigenfunctions of Sturm-Liouville operators and make basic
use of Dirac notation.
13. solve some common types of linear equations, such as the wave equation in 3D using Cartesian,
cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates.
14. solve problems involving systems of coupled linear equations and display a basic competency in
matrix manipulations;

No. of
Course Contents
1. Partial Differential Equations: Power series solutions; Solution of the differential 12
equations by the method of separation of variables; Solution of Laplace’s equation in
spherical polar and cylindrical coordinates: and their applications. Solution of
Poisson’s equation, Solution of heat flow equation. Solution of wave equations.

2. Special Functions: Gamma and beta functions; Orthogonal functions; Legendre; 12

Bessels; Laguerre and Hermite polynomials; Generating functions and recurrence
relations; Fourier series and integrals; Fourier and Laplace’s transform; Inverse
Laplace’s transform; Hypergeometric functions.

3. Theory of Complex Variables: Complex functions; Analytic function; Harmonic 12

functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy’s integral theorem; Cauchy’s integral
formulas; Taylor’s Series; Lorentz theorem; Differentiation of complex functions;
Residue theorem and evaluation of residues; Evaluations of definite integrals.

4. Theory of Matrices: Different types of matrices and their definitions; Determinants 12
of a square matrix; Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix; Solution of linear
equations by matrix method and by Cramer’s rule: Caley-Hamilton theorem:
Similarity transformation.

5. Tensor Analysis: Definition; Contra variant and covariant tensors; Invariance of 12

tensors; Addition: subtraction: multiplication of tensors; Differentiation of tensors;
Kronecker delta; Invariance of Kronecker delta; Kronecker delta as a mixed tensor.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Boas, M.L. Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences, 3rd edn. (Wiley, 2006)
2. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, G.B. Arfken, H.J. Weber, and F.E. Harris (AP).
3. Martin, B.R. & Shaw, G, Mathematics for Physicists. (Wiley 2015)
4. Riley, K.F. Hobson, M. P. Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering (CUP)
5. Special Functions By George E. Andrews, Richard Askey, Ranjan Roy (CUP, 2000)
6. Fourier series and Boundary value problems, R. V. Churchill (McGraw Hill).
7. Differential Equations with Applications, G. Simmons (Pearson Education).
8. Partial differential equations for scientists and engineers, Stephenson, G. (Imperial College)
9. Theory of Complex Variables; Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill International.
10. Theory of Matrices; Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill International.
11. Tensor Analysis for Physicists, J. A. Schouten (Dover).
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 40

PHY-204: Classical Mechanics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 102, 104, 203 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

To introduce the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of classical mechanics. To develop the
knowledge and skills required to solve a variety of dynamical problems involving more than one degree
of freedom.
The objective of this course are as follows:
1. to give on overview of theoretical methods used in classical mechanics. In particular: to teach
methods of integration of equations of motion for dynamical problems in classical mechanics.
2. to train in using variational calculus in application to functionals.
3. to exploit the generality of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian techniques by using an appropriate
generalized coordinates.
4. to acquaint students with the concept of the phase space, stability of motion and chaos.
5. to describe rotation of a rigid body.
6. to enhance problem-solving and mathematical skills by requiring students to apply their
mathematical skills to mechanics examples.
7. to provide students with a working knowledge of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity, both
conceptually and mathematically.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. choose an appropriate set of generalized coordinates to describe a dynamical system and obtain its
Lagrangian in terms of those coordinates and the associated 'velocities'.
2. derive and solve the corresponding equations of motion and treat small oscillations as an
eigenvalue problem.
3. obtain generalized momenta and thus the Hamiltonian of a dynamical system.
4. derive and solve the equations of motion in Hamiltonian form.
5. apply a variational principle to solve simple problems involving constraints.
6. appreciate symmetries and how they manifest themselves in terms of constants of the motion and
integrate equations of motion in one and two dimensions.
7. use variational methods and to relate Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approach to theoretical
mechanics and canonical transformations.
8. understand the notion of an inertial frame and the concept of an observer.
9. appreciate the failure of classical relativity theory and explain how Einstein's theory of Special
Relativity replaces the Newtonian concepts of absolute space and absolute time.
10. understand and use the Lorentz transformation formulae with particular emphasis on the
breakdown of simultaneity, time dilation and length contraction.
11. appreciate the role of energy and momentum in a relativistic context.
12. understand the idea of spacetime and the role of four-vectors
13. solve problems in relativistic mechanics.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 41

No. of
Course Contents
1. Review of Elementary Principles: Mechanics of a system of particles; 06
Generalized co-ordinates; D’Alembert’s principle & Lagrange’s equations; The
Lagrangian; Velocity dependent potentials and dissipation function.
2. Variational Principle and Lagrange’s Equations: Hamilton’s principle; 08
Derivation of Lagrange’s equations from Hamilton’s principle; Extension of
Hamilton’s principle to non-conservative and non-holonomic systems. Application
of Lagrange’s equations.
3. Central Force: Two-body central force problem; Reduction to equivalent one- 08
body problem; Differential equation of orbit; Kepler’s law and classification of
orbits; The Virial theorem; Scattering in a central force field; Transformation of
scattering problem to laboratory co-ordinates.
4. The Rigid Body Motion: Independent co-ordinates and generalized co-ordinates 08
for rigid body; Orthogonal transformation & transformation matrices; Eulerian
angles; Euler’s theorem; Concepts of matrix, tensors and dyadic. Euler’s equation
of motion for solving rigid body problems; Finite & infinitesimal rotations;
Symmetrical top.

5. Hamilton’s Equations of Motion: The Hamiltonian; Configuration space and 08
phase space; Legendre transformation & Hamilton’s equations of motion;
Application of Hamilton’s equations. Variational principles and the principle of
least action.
6. Canonical Transformations: Equations of Canonical transformations; Legendre 07
transformations; Lagrange and Poisson’s brackets; Equations of motion in
Poisson’s bracket notation. The integral invariance of Poincare; The Jacobian.
7. Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson and Morley experiment; Galilean 07
transformations; Postulates of special theory of relativity; Lorentz transformations;
Length contraction and time dilation.
8. Relativistic Mechanics: Basic postulates; Four-dimensional (World / Minkowski ) 08
space; Space-like and time-like intervals; Relativity of mass and momentum;
Relativistic energy; Equivalence of mass and energy; Momentum-energy four-
vector; Relativistic force law.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books
1. Goldstein, H., Poole, C. & Safko, J. Classical Mechanics, 3rd edition (Addison-Wesley)
2. Kibble, T.W.B. & Berkshire, F.H. Classical Mechanics, 5th edition (Longman)
3. John R. Taylor; Classical Mechanics, Univ Science Books; null edition edition (January 1, 2005)
4. Landau, L.D. and Lifshiftz, E.M. Course on Theoretical Physics: Mechanics (Pergamon Press)
5. Stephen T. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems 5th Edition
6. Patrick Hamill; A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians (Student's Guides), CUP.
7. Symon, K. R.; Mechanics; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
8. Rindler, W. Relativity: Special, General & Cosmological (Oxford)
9. Resnick, R.; Introduction to Special Relativity; John Wiley and Sons.
10. French, A.P.; Special Relativity ELBS/Van Nostrand Reinhold.
11. Adler, Bazin, Schiffer; Introduction to General Relativity, McGraw-Hill.
12. Bergmann, P. G.; Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 42

PHY-205: Basic Electronics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101,103, 104 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

To provide an insight into common electronic materials and devices in everyday life, with reference to;
solid state lighting, solar energy, security & infrared imaging, mobile communications and computing
technologies. To understand the relevant properties of semiconductor materials and physical principles of
device operation in this extremely active and interesting research area. To understand how analogue
signals may be amplified, manipulated and generated in a controlled manner, and how they may be
interfaced to digital systems for subsequent processing.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. give a quantitative description of the operating principles of different modern semiconductor

2. explain the principles of today's semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors in particular
their I-V (current-voltage) and C-V (capacitance-voltage) characteristics
3. understand the behavior of an ideal amplifier under negative feedback.
4. apply the developed theory to simple circuits; adders, integrators and phase shifters.
5. understand the limitations of a real amplifier in terms of its gain, bandwidth, and input/output
6. understand positive feedback, especially the schmitt trigger.
7. understand basic methods of communication.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Semiconductor diode, Rectifier and Filter Circuits: Semiconductors; Energy 10

Band Description of semiconductors; Effect of temperature on semiconductors;
Hole current; Intrinsic semiconductor; Extrinsic semiconductors; P-type
semiconductors; N-Type semiconductor; Properties of PN junction; Half-wave
rectifier; Full-wave rectifier; Filter circuits; Ripple Factor Capacitor filter; L-section
filter; Pi-section filter; Zener diode; Voltage stabilization.

2. Transistor Devices and Circuits: Transistors: Naming the transistor terminals; 12

Transistor action; Transistors connections; Common base, common emitter,
common collector connections, and their characteristics; Transistor load line
analysis; Transistor biasing; Methods of transistor biasing: base resistor method,
biasing with feedback resistor, voltage divider biasing method; Field effect
transistors: Construction and characteristics of JFET; Construction and
characteristics of depletion and enhancement type MOSFET.

3. Power Electronics: SCR: Construction, V-I characteristics and applications; UJT: 06

Construction, V-I characteristics and applications; Triac: Construction and
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 43

characteristics; Diac: Operation, characteristics and applications.


4. Transistor Amplifier: Classifications of amplifiers: Single stage and multi-stage 08

transistor amplifiers; R-C coupled and transformer coupled transistor amplifiers;
Power amplifier: Class A, class B, and class C amplifiers; Push-pull amplifier.

5. Feedback and Oscillators: Positive feedback; Negative feedback: Voltage 08

feedback, current feedback; Oscillators: Tuned collector oscillator, Colpitts
oscillator, Hartley oscillator, phase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillators, Crystal

6. Modulation, Demodulation and Radio Receivers: Radio broadcasting: 10

Transmission and reception; Modulation: Amplitude modulation, frequency
modulation, modulation factor; analysis of amplitude modulated wave; Sideband
frequencies in AM wave; Transistor AM modulator; Power in AM wave; Frequency
modulation; Demodulation: Essentials in demodulation; AM diode and transistor
detectors; Types of AM radio receivers: Straight radio receiver, superheterodyne
radio receiver.

7. Basic Operational Amplifier: Ideal Op-amp; Inverting and non-inverting Op-amp; 06

Adder and subtractor; Integrator; Differentiator.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. James J. Brophy; Basic Electronics for Scientists; McGraw-Hill Company Limited.

2. Jacob Millman and Arvin Grabel; Microelectronics; McGraw-Hill Company Limited.
3. Robert L. Boyelstad, Louis Nashelsky; Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory.
4. Agarwal, Anant, and Jeffrey H. Lang. Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits
5. Horowitz P., Hill W., The Art of Electronics (3th ed., 2015), Cambridge University Press.
6. Paul Scherz, Simon Monk; Practical Electronics for Inventors, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill.
7. S.M. Sze and K. Ng, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Wiley, 2006.
8. Cathey, Jimmie J. Schaum's Outlines Electronic Devices and Circuits. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill.
9. Neamen, Donald. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design. 2nd ed., McGraw Hill.
10. Johnson, D. E., and V. Jayakumar. Operational Amplifier Circuits. Prentice Hall
11. B. Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall, 2005.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 44

PHY-206: Computer Programming Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

and Numerical Methods Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Physics Core Course Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 104

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to give a practical introduction to computer programming for physicists
assuming little or no previous programming experience. The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To learn the fundamentals of Object Oriented Analysis and Design.

2. To become fluent in the C++ programming language.
3. To develop good programming style.
4. To be able to apply coding quickly and efficiently to realistic (physics) applications.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. write programs in C++ to aid them in practical situations they will face in their degree course and
future work in physics or in other fields.
2. have an understanding of programming appropriate to writing code in C++, but also be able to
transfer this understanding to other languages.
3. use numerical methods to find solutions of ordinary differential equations and to analyze the
behavior of a physical system (such as a driven oscillator).

No. of
Course Contents

1. Programing Concepts: Concepts of Algorithm, Good algorithm Vs. bad algorithm; 15

Flowchart, Pseudopodia, Program Control Structure, Programming Paradigms and
Languages, Types of computer languages; Generation of Programming Languages,
Compilers, Interpreters, Program design: structured programming; Representation of
Numbers: Fixed and floating point numbers, Overflow and underflow, Machine

2. Programming with C++: Principles of object oriented programming; Basic data 15

types; Choice and decisions; Loops, array and string; Pointer; Functions; Program
files and the preprocessor; Class; Operator overloading; Inheritance; Virtual functions
and polymorphisms; Constructor and destructors; Program errors and exception
handling; Class templates; Input and output operations; Introduction to standard
template library etc.


3. Transcendental Equations: Error Analysis; Classification and Order of Algorithms; 6

First and Second Order Iteration Methods; Rate of Convergence; Acceleration of the
Convergence; Efficiency of a Method.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 45

4. System of Linear Equations: Matrix Representation; Basic Matrix Operations; 6

Direct Methods - Matrix Inversion; Gauss Elimination Methods; Gauss-Jordon
Method; Triangularization Method; Iterative Methods - Jacobi Method; Gauss-Seidel

5. Interpolation and Curve Fitting: Newton’s Forward and Backward Difference 6

Interpolation Formula; Hermite and Lagrange’s Interpolation Formula; Spline
Interpolation; Linear and Polynomial Least Squares Curve Fitting.

6. Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical Differentiation using 6

Interpolation; Cubic Spline Method; Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal Method;
Simpson’s Method; Errors in these Methods; Romberg Method.

7. Ordinary Differential Equations: Solution by Taylor Series; Euler’s Method; 6

Runge-Kutta Methods; Predictor-Corrector Methods: Adams-Moulton; Milne-

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Kernigham & Ritchie; C programming language, 2nd Ed. 2004 (PH).

2. Tondo & Gimped; C Answer Book, 2nd Ed., PHE.
3. Herbert Schildt; C++ The Complete Reference, 4th edition, 2000.
4. Balagurusamy, E.; Introduction to C++, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000
5. A. Koenig and B. E. Moo. Accelerated C++ (Addison Wesley, 2000)
6. Jain, MK et al. Numerical Methods for Sc. and Eng Computation
7. Hamming, RW Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
8. Scheid, F Introduction to Numerical Analysis.
9. Scarborough, JB Numerical Mathematical Analysis
10. Titus, A.B. Introduction to Numerical Programming: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers
11. Garcia, A.L. Numerical Methods for Physics (Prentice Hall)
12. Bau III, David, and Lloyd N. Trefethen. Numerical Linear Algebra.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 46

PHY-207: Chemistry -II Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: PHY-105 Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to help the students to review undergraduate organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry
and prepare them for advanced graduate courses.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this class, students will be able to predict bonding and three-dimensional structure,
including chirality of organic compounds. Students will be able to predict the reactivity of specific
functional groups, and construct efficient, simple mechanistic pathways for the synthesis of a given
No. of
Course Contents
1. The Chemical Bonds: Electronic theory of valency; Types of bonds; ionic bonds, 5
covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond; Electronegativity; Metallic bond;
Hydrogen bond; Vander Waal forces.
2. Molecular Geometry and Covalent Bond: Resonance; Hybrid orbitals; Valence 5
shells; Electronic pair repulsion theory and molecular geometry; Molecular orbitals.
3. Chemistry of Elements: 5
a. Group III Elements: General remarks: Occurrence; isolation and properties;
Chemistry of boron.
b. Group IV Elements: General remarks: occurrence, isolation and preparation of the
metals as semiconducting materials.
c. Group V Elements: General remarks; Occurrence, Preparation and properties;
Allotropic forms; Binary compounds; Oxides and oxiacids.
d. Transition of Rare-earth Elements.
4. A Brief Introduction to Organic Chemistry: Elements of organic chemistry; 5
Orbital representation of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons; Nomenclature,
structural formula and important properties of simple organic compounds belonging
to the following classes; Alkanes, amides, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.
5. Elements of Biochemistry: Cell sand tissue; structure and function; lon and pH 5
balance of the body fluid; Blood constituents; Metabolism of protein and
carbohydrate; DNA, RNA.
6. Synthesis: Synthesis Involving Grignard Reagent; Malonic Ester; Aceto-Acetic Ester 5
and Diazonium Salts.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books
1. K. Peter C. Vollhardt and Neil E. Schore, W. H. Freeman, Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition;
2. Bodie E. Douglas, Darl H. McDaniel, John J. Alexander, Concepts and Models of Inorganic Chemistry,
John Wiley and Sons; 3rd edition.
3. L. G. Wade, Jr. Organic Chemistry. 5th ed.
4. Haider, S. Z.; Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry; S. Chand and Company Ltd.
5. Cotton and Wilkinson; Basic Inorganic Chemistry; John Wiley and Sons Inc.
6. Mortimer, C.; Chemistry-A Conceptual Approach, D. Van Nastrond Company.
7. Sienke and Plane; Chemistry: Principles and Properties, McGraw-Hill 1966.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 47

PHY-208: Physics Lab–II Lab: 20 Sessions Credit: 4

Physics Core Practicals Contact Hours: 120 hr Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-103,201,202,205 Practical: 1 (6hr) session/week

Aims and objectives

To teach basic laboratory skills and illustrate physics topics such as basic principles of electric circuit
analysis, damping and resonance in electric circuits and mechanics, illustrated by experiment. They are
designed to teach specific experimental skills and techniques e.g., experimental data collection and
analysis, ethical standards in a scientific investigation through individual experiments drawn from various
topics in physics.

The objectives of physics practical labs are as follows:

1. to introduce and develop group-working skills and enhance writing and written presentation skills
2. to develop the appropriate skills and confidence to use computers for the tasks required in
laboratory work
3. to introduce the basic concepts and methods required for laboratory data analysis.
4. to develop sound judgement in interpreting experimental results and uncertainties.
5. to develop the skills required for good scientific communication.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Link the experimental findings to underlying physics in lecture courses, textbooks and scientific
journals and apply their physics knowledge and problem-solving skills to model problems in
2. recognize a wide range of measurement instrumentation, develop and extend prescribed
experimental procedures
3. use and measure with common instrumentation and handle sophisticated apparatus with
4. work independently and also co-operatively with colleagues
5. keep professional quality systematic records of laboratory work in a log book while demonstrating
high ethical standards during a scientific investigation
6. critically evaluate the results of an experiment, assess the significance of the experimental results
compared to expected outcomes and draw valid conclusions
7. appreciate the importance of uncertainties in experimental measurements and be able to apply
them in an appropriate manner
8. estimate the precision of experimental results, from an understanding of the experimental
procedure and from a statistical analysis of repeated measurements
9. describe the sources of random and systematic error, calculate their effects on the results and
evaluate ways of reducing the dominant error
10. use specific computer applications to manipulate and present experimental data in the form of
graphs and tables and to describe experiments in coherent, structured formal written reports based
on their experiments
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 48

Feedback methods

Feedback will be offered orally by demonstrators in lab sessions, orally by demonstrators when they
mark each experiment and in writing for all lab reports.

Lab: Laboratory group will be allocated, and supported by, a demonstrator who will monitor progress and
provide continuous feedback. A demonstrator is assigned to each group of students for the duration
of each experiment. The demonstrator gives guidance and instruction and may be consulted at any
time during the laboratory hours. Each laboratory has attendant/technicians who maintain the
equipment and have a pool of special items (such as stopwatches) for loan.

During discussions, advice on how to improve the measurement, analysis and presentation of results will
be given orally and also written on the assessment sheets, copies of which will be given to the

In written reports, detailed comments on how the report might be improved are written on the reports.
More general comments are written on the marked sheets, copies of which are returned to the
students along with the marked reports. Students are strongly encouraged to collect their marked
reports from the markers, when any written comments can be elaborated upon.


The second year teaching laboratories are located on the ground floor and hosts experiments on heat and
thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and optics. The laboratory unit includes packages on
wave optics PHY-202, Basic Electronics PHY-205 and Circuits PHY-103.


The demonstrator assesses each group of students during the course of the experiment by considering
physics understanding, experimental results, quality of data analysis, innovation, quality of notes in
laboratory book and a short interview at the end. During the year students are required to submit
written reports on all of the experiments undertaken. The total laboratory mark for the year is based
on the experiments and the written reports. Failure to submit such a report will constitute a failure to
satisfy the work and attendance requirements and hence the student will not be allowed to proceed
to the second year.

(A student will be required to perform two experiments in the final examination taking one from
each group).



A1. Determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat, ‘J’ by electrical method.

A2. Determination of the specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling.
A3. Determination of the thermal conductivity of a good conductor by Searle’s apparatus.
A4. Determination of the thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s method.
A5. Investigation of the variation of the resistance of a Copper wire with temperature and determination
of its temperature coefficient of resistance.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 49

A6. Investigation of the variation of the capacitive and inductive reactance’s with frequencies.
A7. Investigation of the properties of an LRC series resonance circuit.
A8. Investigation of the characteristics of a junction diode.
A9. Investigation of the properties of a parallel LRC resonance circuit.
A10. To use resistance thermometer in particular to measure (a) the room temperature and (b) the boiling
point of a liquid.
A11. To measure a small thermoelectric e.m.f and its variation with temperature using a milli-ammeter
and a standard resistance.
A12. To construct and calibrate a direct reading thermoelectric thermometer and to measure; (a) the room
temperature (b) the body temperature (c) the boiling point of a saturated brine solution and (d) the
melting point of solder.


B1. Determination of the refractive index of water and glycerine by pin method.
B2. Determination of the (i) refractive index and (ii) the dispersive power of the material of the prism
by a spectrometer.
B3. Investigation of the principal types of optical spectra, calibration of the spectrometer and hence to
determine the unknown wavelength.
B4. Determination of the Cauchy’s constant and the resolving power of a prism using a spectrometer.
B5. Determination of the thickness of a paper and a wire by means of interference fringes in air wedge.
B6. Determination of the radius of curvature of a plano-convex lens and the wavelength of sodium light
by Newton’s rings method.
B7. Determination of the unknown wavelength by using discharge tubes and diffraction grating.
B8. (A) Investigation of the voltage-current relationship for a simple ac inductive circuit and hence
determination of the inductance.
(B) Investigation of the voltage-current relationship for a simple ac capacitive circuit and hence
determination of the capacitance.

N.B.: In addition to the above experiments the Department may include/exclude some experiments.

Recommended Books

Each experiment is described in a laboratory script which is provided for the student. References to
relevant text-books for background reading are given in the script.

The following is the recommended book for a discussion of general experimental techniques:

 Taylor, John Robert. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical
Measurements. University Science Books, 1997.
 Bevington, Philip R., and D. Keith Robinson. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical
Sciences. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
 Squires, G.L. Practical Physics, 4th edition (Cambridge, 2001).
 Melissinos, Adrian Constantin, and Jim Napolitano. Experiments in Modern Physics. Academic
Press, 2003.
 Preston, Daryl, and Eric Dietz. The Art of Experimental Physics. John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
 Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz; Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course,
 Paul B. Zbar and Albert Paul Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual
 Ahmed, G and Uddin, MS, Practical Physics
 H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 50

PHY-209: Computer Programming Lab Lab: ~ 30 Sessions Credit: 2

Physics Allied Practical Contact Hours: ~ 150 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: PHY-205, 207 Practical: 1 sessions/week, 3-4 hour/session

Aims and objectives

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To learn the fundamentals of Object Oriented Analysis and Design.

2. To become fluent in the C++ programming language.
3. To develop good programming style.
4. To be able to apply coding quickly and efficiently to realistic (physics) applications.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

 design and write programs in C++ using a wide range of ANSI standard features.
 write computer programs that can be used for numerical simulation and data analysis

(A student will be required to solve two problems in the final examination- one program from each

Group A: Structured Programming

1. Introduction to Computer and C programming.

2. Implementation of Branching. Looping Control Statements
3. Programming with Array and Strings.
4. Declaring and Defining Functions and Parameter Passing.
5. Programming with Structures and unions.
6. Implementation of different sorting algorithms: Bubble sort, Insertion, Selection sort, and Radix sort.

Group B: Programming for Numerical Analysis

1. Implementation of the Solution of Linear Algebra and Nonlinear Algebraic Equations.

2. Implementation of Linear and Cubic-Spline Interpolation.
3. Implementation of Curve Fitting: Linear and Polynomial Regression.
4. Implement of Numerical Differentiation.
5. Implement of Numerical Integration- Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule.
6. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation.
7. Implementation of Runge-Kutta Method.

Recommended Books

1. Bjarne Stroustrup; The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition).

2. A. Koenig and B. E. Moo. Accelerated C++ (Addison Wesley, 2000)
3. Balagurusamy, E.; Numerical Methods, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
4. Titus, A.B. Introduction to Numerical Programming: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers
5. Robert J. Schilling, Sandra L Harries; Applied Numerical Method for Engineers, Thomson Books.
6. Bau III, David, and Lloyd N. Trefethen. Numerical Linear Algebra.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 51

PHY-210: Chemistry Laboratory Lab: ~ 12 Sessions Credit: 2

for Physics
Physics Allied Practical Contact Hours: ~ 90 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: 105,208 Practical: 1 sessions/week, 4 hour/session

Aims and objectives

The general aim for the students of the practical course in chemistry is to get familiar with simple
experimental procedures in a chemical laboratory. In general, first experiences with the principal reaction
behavior of a variety of different substances will be made. The chemical characteristics of these will be
elucidated by a series of quantitative experiments alongside with the corresponding qualitative analyses.
In order to get an overview of classes of substances as well as some general phenomena in chemistry
suitable experiments have been chosen.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. recognize and follow principals of laboratory safety
2. conduct basic scientific measurements of mass, volume and temperature
3. analyze and interpret data associated with the following concepts:
 density of solids and liquids
 reactions in aqueous solutions
 stoichiometry
4. students should be able to use the ideal gas law to determine the molar mass of an unknown


5. Calibration of volumetric glassware (pipette)

6. Determination of gram equivalent weight of magnesium
7. Determination of Avogadro’s number
8. Determination of:
a) Molar volume of oxygen
b) Molecular weight of condensable vapor
9. Experiment on preparation of sodium thiosulphate
10. Experiment on preparation of ferrous ammonium sulpahte
11. Standardization of approximately 0.1N HCl by titration with standard 0.1N NaOH (acid-bases
12. Determination of (a) ferrous and (b) ferric ion by oxidation with K2Cr2O7 solution (oxidation-
reduction titration)
13. Investigation of the stoichiometry of potassium chlorate

Recommended Books

1. Practical Inorganic Chemistry B. Pass & H. Sutcliffe, Chapman and Hall.

2. Practical Physical Chemistry, Alexander Friendly, Longmans
3. Practical Physical Chemistry, S.R. Pall, Science Book Agency, Calcutta.

N.B.: In addition to the above experiments the Department may include/exclude some experiments.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 52

Syllabuses for Junior Year (Third Year) Courses

PHY-301: Quantum Mechanics-I Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 hours Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 104, 203 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to describe the quantum world, introducing the uncertainty principle and the
probabilistic description furnished by quantum mechanics.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. to teach the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and the skills necessary to solve some common
types of physical problems.
2. to provide basic working knowledge of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and the Schrodinger
3. to provide the skills necessary to apply quantum mechanics to simple, exactly solvable problems,
including the hydrogen atom, piecewise constant potentials and the quantum harmonic oscillator.
4. to provide the skills necessary to evaluate expectation values and probabilities in the context of
experiments on quantum systems, and to understand the significance of these quantities.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. appreciate that the ultimate description of the physical universe requires quantum not classical
2. display a familiarity with the specific experiments which led to the breakdown of classical
3. understand the basic ideas of wave mechanics, especially wave particle duality, the probabilistic
nature of phenomena, and the uncertainty principle.
4. demonstrate an understanding of how quantum states are described by wave functions.
5. solve the Schrödinger equation and describe its solution for simple situations such as the
properties of a particle in simple potential wells.
6. solve one-dimensional problems involving transmission, reflection and tunneling of quantum
probability amplitudes.
7. demonstrate an understanding of the significance of operators and eigenvalue problems in
quantum mechanics.
8. demonstrate an understanding of how quantum mechanics can be used to describe the hydrogen
and helium atoms.
9. apply their knowledge to modelling real phenomena and situations.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 53

No. of
Course Contents

1. Physical Basis: Failures of classical mechanics and emergence of quantum 08

mechanics; Bohr atom and old quantum theory; Domain of quantum mechanics;
Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

2. Formulation: Concepts and postulates of quantum mechanics; Operators and 10

commutation of operators; State function and state function space; Hilbert space;
Eigenvalue equations; Eigenfunctions and basis vectors; Hermitian operators;
Measurements in quantum mechanics: Expectation values; Orthogonality and the
sharing of eigenfunction sets.

3. Schrödinger’s Equation: Hamiltonian operator; Time-dependent and time- 12

independent Schrödinger’s equations; Time variation of expectation values;
Probability current density; Ehrenfest’s theorems.


4. Problems in One-dimension: Potential step; Potential barrier; Potential well; 08

Quantum mechanical tunneling.

5. Harmonic Oscillator: Solution of Schrödinger’s equation for the one-dimensional 11

harmonic oscillator; Eigenenergies and eigenfunctions of harmonic oscillator;
Expectation values of some observables for the pure and mixed states of harmonic

6. Hydrogen atom : Schrödinger’s equation for the hydrogen atom in spherical 11

coordinates; Angular momentum; Operators in Cartesian coordinates;
Commutation relations; Angular momentum operators in spherical polar
coordinates; Solution of the angular and radial part of the Schrödinger’s equation
of the hydrogen atom.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Griffiths, David J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.

2. Shankar, Ramamurti. Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Plenum Press, 1994.
3. Feynman, R. P. Feynman Lectures On Physics. Vol. 3. Addison Wesley Longman, 1970.
4. Cohen-Tannoudji, et al. Quantum Mechanics, Vols. 1 & 2. Wiley, 1991.
5. Liboff, Richard L. Introductory Quantum Mechanics. Addison Wesley, 2002.
6. Messiah, P.T.; Quantum Mechanics.
7. Powell, J. L. & Crasemann, B.; Quantum Mechanics; Narosa Publishing House.
8. Sherwin, C.W.; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.
9. H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 54

PHY-302: Electrodynamics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 hours Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101,103,104,203,204 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to cover theoretical aspects of electromagnetic fields and radiation by providing an
understanding of the basic principles of electrodynamics and the skills required to solve some common
electromagnetic problems. The objective of this course are as follows:

1. to provide an understanding of Maxwell's equations, in various forms, and the basic laws of
2. to provide the skills and techniques for using vector calculus in electromagnetism and to solve
Maxwell's equations in some common physical problems;
3. to provide a understanding of electromagnetic fields and waves;
4. to provide a knowledge of the effects of media on the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
5. to provide the skills and techniques for using Maxwell's equations to derive properties of
electromagnetic waves and to introduce simple models for the interaction of electromagnetic
fields with matter.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. know and demonstrate an understanding of Maxwell's equations , in various forms, for the
description of electromagnetic phenomena and their derivation from the empirical laws of
2. to appreciate and utilize the power of vector calculus to solve Maxwell's equations in some
common physical problems
3. use the fundamental laws of electromagnetism to solve simple problems of electrostatics,
magnetostatics and electromagnetic induction in a vacuum.
4. understand how to formulate Maxwell’s laws in the presence of simple materials and solve simple
problems involving them.
5. to understand the effects of media on the propagation of electromagnetic waves.
6. know and understand the electromagnetic boundary conditions which apply at the interface
between two simple media, and to use them to solve simple problems.
7. demonstrate understanding of the properties of plane electromagnetic waves in a vacuum and in
simple media and to be able to derive these properties from Maxwell's equations.
8. to describe electromagnetic fields and waves created by various simple configurations of charges
and currents;
9. calculate the radiated power produced by accelerating charges.
10. distinguish between radiation fields and other electromagnetic fields.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Electromagnetic Field Equations: Maxwell’s modification of Ampere’s law; 10

Equation of continuity; Maxwell’s equations; Energy in electromagnetic fields;
Poynting vector.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 55

2. Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: Wave equations for E and H and their 10

solutions; Propagation of electromagnetic waves in free space; Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in isotropic non-conducting media; Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in conducting media; Skin depth; Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in ionized gases.

3. Waves in Bounded Regions: Boundary conditions on the field vectors; Reflection 10

and refraction at the boundary of two non-conducting media (normal and oblique
incidence); Total internal reflection; Metallic reflection; Propagation between
parallel conducting plates; Wave guides; Cavity resonators.


4. Potentials, Fields and Radiation: Scalar and vector potentials; Retarded 12

potentials; Lienard-Wiechert potentials; Field of a moving point charge; Fields of
an accelerated charge; Electric dipole radiation; Magnetic dipole radiation;
Radiation fields of charges moving with low velocities; Radiation from an
oscillating dipole; Radiation from a half-wave antenna; Radiation from a group of
moving charges.

5. Scattering: Scattering cross section; Scattering by a free electron; Forced 09

vibration; Scattering by a bound electron; Resonance scattering.

6. Dispersion: Normal and anomalous dispersion; Drude-Lorentz harmonic oscillator 09

model; Resonance absorption by bound charges; The Drude free electron theory;
Dispersion in gases; Dispersion in liquids and solids.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Jackson, J.D.; Classical Electrodynamics; 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Griffiths, D.J.; Introduction to Electrodynamics; 3rd edition, Prentice Hall.
3. Reitz, J. R., Milford, F. J. and Christy, R. W.; Foundation of Electromagnetic Theory; Narosa Publishing.
4. Lorrain, P and Corson, D.; Electromagnetic fields and Waves; 2nd edition, CBS Publishers.
5. Heald, M.A. & Marion, J.B. Classical Electromagnetic Radiation, (Academic Press).
6. Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II (Addison Wesley, 1964)
7. Schwartz, M., Principles of Electrodynamics, (Dover Publications, 1972)
8. Grant, I.S. & Phillips, W.R. Electromagnetism (2nd ed.) (Wiley)
9. L.D. Landau & E.M. Lifshitz, Mechanics and Electrodynamics, Pergamon Press.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 56

PHY-303: Atomic and Molecular Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-101, 104, 203, 301 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

To use the results of basic quantum mechanics to explain the basic characteristics of atomic structure and
to describe the processes of atomic transitions.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To explain the need for and introduce the principles of the Special Theory of Relativity.
2. To develop the ability to use the Special Theory of Relativity to solve a variety of problems in
relativistic kinematics and dynamics.
3. To explain the need for a Quantum Theory and to introduce the basic ideas of the theory.
4. To develop the ability to apply simple ideas in quantum theory to solve a variety of physical

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. understand the notion of an inertial frame and the concept of an observer.
2. appreciate the failure of classical relativity theory and explain the principles of special relativity.
3. understand and use the Lorentz transformation formulae with particular emphasis on the
breakdown of simultaneity, time dilation and length contraction.
4. appreciate the role of energy and momentum in a relativistic context.
5. understand the idea of space-time and the role of four-vectors.
6. solve problems in relativistic mechanics.
7. appreciate the failure of classical mechanics and the need for a quantum theory.
8. understand and use the ideas of wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle to solve simple
problems in quantum mechanics.
9. appreciate the existence of atomic spectra and perform simple calculations relating to the quantum
behavior of atoms.
10. have an elementary understanding of the role of the wave function in the quantum theory.
11. explain how quantum mechanics can be used to describe the ground states and excited states of
atoms with two electrons in the outer shell, and how these ideas can be extended to describe the
states of atoms with several such electrons via the Russell-Saunders and j - j approximations.
12. apply quantum mechanics to the transitions between atomic states and to explain the origin of
selection rules.
13. use their understanding of atomic states to explain chemical bonding.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Special theory of Relativity: Inertial systems; Michelson and Morley experiment; 11

Galilean transformations; Basic Postulates of special theory of relativity;
Minkowskian space time and four vectors; Four velocity; Lorentz transformations;
length contraction and time dilation; Velocity addition; Space like; Time like and
Light like separated events; Light cone; Proper frame; Proper length; Proper time;
Covariance of Maxwell's Field equations; Relativistic Mass and Energy.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 57

2. Particle Properties of Waves: Particles and waves in nature; Electromagnetic 12

radiation; Photoelectric effect and its important features; Compton effect; Pair
production and pair annihilation; Concept of light; Photons and gravity; Black holes;
X-rays: Production of continuous and characteristic X-rays; X-ray diffraction.

3. Wave Properties of Particles: de Broglie’s hypothesis; Phase velocity and group 07

velocities of matter waves; Particle diffraction; Davission-Germer experiment;
Uncertainty principle and its applications.


4. Atomic Structure: Thomson model of atom; Alpha-particle scattering experiment 08

and Rutherford model; Nuclear dimensions, Electron orbit; Atomic spectra-the Bohr
atom, Energy levels and spectra; Atomic excitation-Frank-Hertz experiment; Nuclear
motion and reduced mass.

5. Quantum Concepts and Detailed Atomic Structure: Schrodinger equation; Four 12

quantum numbers; Normal Zeeman effect; Stern-Gerlach experiment; Electron Spin,
Fine structure and anomalous Zeeman effect; Pauli exclusion principle and the
periodic table; Vector atom model l-s and j-j coupling; Many-electron atoms and
atomic spectra.

6. Molecular Physics: Molecular bonds; Electron sharing; The H2 molecular ion; the 10
hydrogen molecule; Complex molecules; Rotational and vibrational energy levels;
Electronic spectra of molecules; Types of spectra; Raman effect.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Beiser, A.; Concepts of Modern Physics; McGraw-Hill International.

2. R M Eisberg and R Resnick Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles, Wiley.
3. Semat, H.; Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics.
4. Weidner, R.T. and Sells R.L.; Elementary Modern Physics; Allyn and Bacon Inc.
5. White, H. E.; Introduction to Atomic Spectra; McGraw-Hill.
6. Beiser, A.; Perspective of Modern Physics; McGraw Hill International.
7. Forshaw, J. R. & Smith, G, Dynamics & Relativity (John Wiley & Sons)
8. Cox, B. E. & Forshaw, J. R. Why does E=mc2? (and why should we care?) (Da Capo)
9. Cox, B. E. & Forshaw, J. R. The Quantum Universe (Allen Lane)
10. Rindler, W. Relativity: Special, General & Cosmological (Oxford)
11. H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 58

PHY-304: Statistical Mechanics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-106, 203, 204, 301 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to demonstrate the power of statistical methods in physics and provide a unified survey
of the statistical physics of gases, including a full treatment of quantum statistics. Basic principles are
examined in this course, such as the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work,
heat, and entropy. The objective of this course are as follows:

1. to deepen the appreciation of the link between the microscopic properties of individual atoms or
other particles and the macroscopic properties of many-body systems formed from them.
2. to provide an appreciation of the links between microscopic physics and thermal behavior.
3. to give fuller insight into the meaning of entropy.
4. to show how fundamental properties of solids can be described in statistical terms.
5. to show how the properties of macroscopic bodies can be derived from the knowledge that matter
is made up from atoms.
6. to discuss applications of statistics to various types of gas.
7. to use the methods of quantum mechanics and statistical physics to calculate the behavior of gases
of identical particles and to apply the results to some important physical systems.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. describe the role of statistical concepts in understanding macroscopic systems;

2. techniques for finding appropriate averages to predict macroscopic behavior and how these
techniques are applied to the calculation of the properties of matter;
3. use the formalism of thermodynamics, including the thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s
relations, and apply these tools to simple systems in thermal equilibrium;
4. demonstrate an understanding of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, and of the concept
of entropy, including the derivation of the general formula for entropy in terms of the ensemble
partition function;
5. explain the statistical origin of the laws of thermodynamics and construct a partition function for a
system in thermal equilibrium and use it to obtain thermodynamic quantities of interest.
6. demonstrate an understanding of the implications of particle indistinguishability for the properties
of systems of non-interacting particles.
7. deduce the Boltzmann distribution for the probability of finding a system in a particular quantum
8. write down the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distribution functions and apply them to calculate
the properties of ideal Bose and fermi gases.
9. compare and contrast the properties of the ideal Bose gas with those of real Bose systems, in
particular black body radiation, phonons in solids.
10. compare and contrast the properties of the ideal fermi gas with those of real fermi systems, in
particular electrons in metals.
11. deduce the equation of state and the heat capacity of an ideal gas and an electron gas;
12. deduce the Einstein and Debye expressions for the heat capacity of an insulating solid and
compare the theory with accepted experimental results;
13. describe super fluidity in liquid helium, Bose-Einstein condensation;
14. describe different transport phenomena and phase transition of a macroscopic system.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 59

No. of
Course Contents

1. Classical Statistical Mechanics: The scope of statistical physics; Assemblies; 08

Phase Space and Phase Trajectory; Volume in Phase Space; Specification of States
of a System; Density of States and its General Behavior; Liouville's theorem and
its Consequences; The Postulates of Classical Statistical Mechanics; Stirling
Approximation; Thermodynamic Probability; Statistical Equilibrium; Macrostates
and Microstates;

2. Statistics and Thermodynamics: Statistical concept of Temperature; Ensembles: 10

Microcanonical Ensemble, Canonical Ensemble-its Connection with
thermodynamic parameters and grandcanonical ensemble; Entropy, Free energy
and other thermodynamic functions and their equilibrium conditions; Statistical
Distribution Function; The Boltzmann partition function; Maxwell velocity
distribution and mean values; Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its Applications;
Ideal monatomic gas; Harmonic oscillator; Specific heat of solids.

3. Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Postulates of Quantum Statistical Mechanics; 10

Transition from Classical to Quantum Statistical Mechanics; Particle Statistics:
Principle of indistinguishability for quantum particles, Spin-statistics connection,
Exchange degeneracy; Average value and Quantum Statistics; The Density Matrix;
Statistics of various Ensembles.


4. Fermi Systems: Fermi-Dirac distribution function; Fermi-Dirac gas; Fermi 08

Energy; Fermi Temperature; Fermi Velocity and Mean Velocity of a free electron
in a Metal; Degenerate Fermi systems; Landau Diamagnetism; Pauli
Paramagnetism; Thermionic Emission; Statistical equilibrium in White Dwarfs.

5. Bose Systems: Bose-Einstein distribution function and it's application; Planck’s 08

radiation law; The Photon Gas; The Specific heat of Solids; The Phonon gas;
Bose-Einstein Condensation; Superfluidity in Liquid He; Thermodynamics of
Bose systems; Thermodynamic Properties of Diatomic Molecules; Nuclear Spin
Effects in Diatomic Molecules.

6. The Condensed State: Solids at low and high temperature; Debye’s interpolation 08
formula; Thermal expansion of solids; Quantum liquids with Bose-type spectrum;
Quantum liquids with Fermi-type spectrum; the electronic spectra of metals; the
electronic spectra of solid dielectrics.

7. Transport Phenomena and Phase Transition: Boltzmann transport equation; H- 08

theorem, validity of the equation; Mean free path, Viscosity and Diffusion;
Electrical Conductivity, Brownian motion. Thermodynamic classification of Phase
transition; Difference between first and second order phase transition; Mean-field
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 60

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Reif, Frederick, ed. Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics. McGraw-Hill, 1965.
2. L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Statistical Physics I, Pergamon Press (any edition)
3. Huang, Kerson. Statistical Mechanics. 2nd ed. Wiley, 1987.
4. Mandl, F. Statistical Physics, (Wiley)
5. Bowley, R. & Sanchez, M. Introductory Statistical Mechanics, (Oxford)
6. S.J. Blundell and K.M. Blundell, Concepts in Thermal Physics (Oxford Univ. Press 2006)
7. Pathria, R. K. Statistical Mechanics. Pergamon Press, 1972.
8. A M Guenault Statistical Physics (2nd ed), Chapman and Hall (1995)
9. Kittel, D. & Kroemer, H. Thermal Physics, (Freeman)
10. Hook, J.R. and Hall, H.E, Solid State Physics, (Wiley)
11. D. Yoshioka, Statistical Physics: An Introduction (Springer 2007)
12. M. Gitterman and V. Halpern, Phase transitions: A brief account with modern applications, World
Scientific (2004).
13. D. Chandler, Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics, Oxford University Press.
14. D.J. Amit, Statistical physics: An introductory course, World Scientific.
15. Harald J. W. Muller-Kirsten, Basics of Statistical Physics – A Bachelor Degree Introduction, World
Scientific 2010.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 61

PHY-305: Solid State Physics-I Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 hours Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 203, 301, 304 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course aims to provide a general introduction to theoretical and experimental topics in solid state
physics. This course deals with crystalline solids and is intended to provide students with basic physical
concepts and mathematical tools used to describe solids. The course deals with groups of materials, as in
the periodic table, in terms of their structure, electronic, optical, and thermal properties.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. to introduce the fundamental principles of solid state physics, taking wave motion in a crystal as
the unifying concept; the waves include X rays, lattice vibrations and de Broglie waves of
2. to show how crystal symmetry leads to substantial mathematical simplifications when dealing
with solids.
3. to describe basic experimental measurements, to show typical data sets and to compare these with
4. to show how the form of the electron wave functions, their energies, and their occupation by
electrons help us to understand the differences between metals, insulators and semiconductors.
5. to introduce models which describe the structure, properties and interactions of one-electron and
many-electron atoms.
6. to allow the students to understand the fundamentals of semiconductor behavior and the operation
of basic semiconductor devices.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. identify lattice and basis for simple crystal structures and construct the reciprocal lattices.
2. describe the main features of crystal lattices and phonons and the thermal properties of solids;
3. describe the main features of the physics of electrons in solids, show an understanding of how
electron wave functions and energies are changed by the presence of the periodic crystal potential;
4. demonstrate an understanding of wave motion in periodic structures leading to an understanding
of the temperature dependence of specific heat, as well as being able to calculate the phonon
dispersion relation for a chain of atoms;
5. describe and make use of the relationship between bonding and electronic structure of
semiconductors, metals and metal alloys.
6. demonstrate a detailed understanding of the quantum-mechanical description of one-electron and
multi-electron atoms
7. describe major pieces of experimental evidence supporting the key theoretical ideas, including the
experimental techniques used;
8. demonstrate an understanding of the Fermi surface and how it is modified by the presence of a
weak crystal potential.
9. demonstrate an understanding of the semiclassical dynamics of electrons in solids.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 62

10. describe the main features of the optical properties of solids

11. explain how the electrical properties of metals, insulators and semiconductors are related to their
electronic structure.
12. demonstrate an understanding of the functionality of the p-n junction and low dimensional
system, e.g., quantum dots.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Crystal Structure: The Crystalline State of Solids; Unit Cell; Bravais Lattice; 10
Symmetry operations; Miller Indices; Simple Crystal Structures; Packing Factor;
Inter-planar Spacing; Concept of Reciprocal Lattice; Bragg Diffraction in
Reciprocal Lattice; Brillouin Zones; Diffraction of X-rays by crystals; Laue
equations and Bragg law; Experimental diffraction methods-Laue method:
Rotating crystal method and power methods. Defects;

2. Crystal Bonding: Interatomic forces and crystal bonding; Ionic crystals; 10

Calculation of electrostatic energy, binding energy, Madelung constant and bulk
modulus; Covalent crystals; Crystals of inert gases; Van der Waals` and repulsive
interactions; Metal crystals and hydrogen bonded crystals.

3. Lattice Vibrations and Thermal Properties: Vibrations of monatomic linear 10

lattice; Vibrations of diatomic linear lattice; Nonelectronic dynamical properties:
Phonon; Phonon momentum; Elastic vibration of a continuous medium;
Enumeration of normal modes; neutron scattering by a crystal; Theories of lattice
specific heat - Einstein model and Debye model; Lattice thermal resistivity;
Anharmonicity; Thermal expansion; Heat conductivity; Normal and Umklapp

4. Multi-electron atoms: Wave functions of identical particles. Exchange symmetry. 6

Pauli exclusion principle. Helium atom; Hartree approximation; X-ray spectra.
Hund’s rules. Molecular orbital theory applied to covalent bonding. Hydrogen ion.
Hydrogen molecule.


5. Free Electron Theory of Metals: Drude phenomenology of electronic properties, 10

Fermi gas, Energy levels and density of states in one dimension; Free electron gas
in three dimensions; Heat capacity of the electron gas; Effect of temperature on F-
D distribution; Electrical conductivity and Ohm’s law; Hall effect; Wiedmann-
Franz law; Electrical and thermal conductivity: scattering of electrons from crystal
defects and phonons, Pauli paramagnetism, Sommerfeild theory of conduction in

6. Electronic structure of solids: Wave functions of electrons in a one-dimensional 10

crystal; crystal momentum. Modification of free-electron dispersion relation;
energy bands and band gaps; Classification of solids by their electrical properties
at zero temperature: metals and insulators; Nearly Free electrons model of
electronic structure, The tight binding approximation; Fermi surfaces, Properties of
the fermi surface; band structures; Semi-classical dynamics of Bloch electrons;
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 63

concept of hole charge carriers and effective mass, dynamics in presence of

magnetic field; Semiclassical transport; Optical properties.

7. Dielectric Properties: Macroscopic Electric Field; Local Electric Field at an 8

Atom; Dielectric Constants and Polarizabilities; Clausius-Mossotti Relation;
Dielectric Phenomena in an Ac Field; Debye Equations for Dielectric Constant and
Dielectric Loss; Dielectric Response of an Electron Gas - Concept of Plasmon and
Calculation of Plasma Frequency; Screened and Unscreened Coulomb Potential;
Motion in Magnetic Fields; Pyro, piezo and Ferroelectricity; Light propagation in

8. Semiconductors: general properties and band structures, impurities, intrinsic and 6

doped semiconductors, concept of hole charge carriers and effective mass,
Electron statistics; carrier concentration and transport; conductivity; mobility;
Impurities and defects; Magnetic field effects: cyclotron resonance and Hall effect;
Optical properties; absorption, photoconductivity, luminescence and excitons, p-n
junctions; Basic semiconductor devices: light-emitting diodes, photovoltaic cells,
transistors, quantum dots: elements of quantum confinement and quantum

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Kittel, C.; Introduction to Solid State Physics; Wiley India.

2. N. W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, Solid State Physics (Thomson Press).
3. J.R. Hook and H.E. Hall, Solid State Physics, (Wiley).
4. Eisberg, R.M. & Resnick, R. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles.
5. Mckelvey, JP; Solid State and Semiconductor Physics
6. Steven H. Simon; The Oxford Solid State Basics
7. Dekker, A. J.; Solid State Physics; S.G. Wasani for Macmillan India.
8. Omar, M. Ali; Elementary Solid State Physics; Addison Wesley.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 64

PHY-306: Nuclear Physics-I Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 hours Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 302, 304 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course introduces the fundamentals of nuclear physics and applications, as well as mathematical
tools needed to grasp these concepts.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces between them, and to explore
how these lead to the main features of the structure and interactions of subatomic systems
(particles and nuclei).
2. To develop the ability to look for patterns and similarities in various nuclear and particle
interactions in order to unpack and simplify seemingly-complicated problems.
3. To describe radioactivity and related phenomena and explain the various interactions of nuclear
radiation with matter
4. To introduce the main features of the reactions between nuclei, and to link nuclear physics to
other areas of physics.
5. To understand nuclear interactions and elementary particles involved in the interactions

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. outline the basic constituents of matter and the fundamental forces between them and use simple
models to explain the patterns of nuclear masses, sizes and understand the mechanisms behind
nuclear decay processes.
2. use the quark model to explain the patterns of light hadrons.
3. explain basic properties of excited states in nuclei using simple models and describe the shell and
liquid drop models of the nucleus.
4. describe radiations from the nucleus and use radioactivity disintegration laws to solve problems.
5. identify and decide the type of equilibrium for a given series decay and apply the radioactivity
law (half-life) in carbon dating.
6. describe interaction of light and heavy charged particles with matter.
7. understand the general features of nuclear reactions and use symmetries and conservation laws to
identify the forces responsible for particular reactions and decays.
8. show how simple models can explain the main features of nuclear reactions and explain how
specific nuclear reactions are responsible for the formation of the elements.
9. identify and describe the four major interactions of photons with matter.
10. describe the neutron interaction and the slowing down of fast neutron to be thermal by scattering
11. describe gas filled, scintillation and semiconductor detector.
12. describe the main features of the forces between protons and neutrons, and their relation to the
underlying forces between quarks.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 65

No. of
Course Contents

1. Nuclear Properties: Constitution of the nucleus; Quarks, hadrons and leptons; 07

Measurements of nuclear mass and charge radii: electron scattering, muonic atoms;
Mirror nuclei; Coulomb displacement energy; Semi-empirical mass formula; Mass
defect; Binding energy: Binding energy curve; Semi-empirical mass formula;
Angular momentum: Spin, parity and symmetry; Magnetic dipole moment and
electric moments; Electromagnetic moments: hyperfine structure. Nuclear
deformation; Mirror Nuclei; Coulomb energy; Nuclear forces; Liquid drop model
and Shell model.

2. Radioactivity: Nuclear stability; Natural and artificial radioactivity; Radioactive 08

decay law; Successive radioactive transformations; Radioactive equilibrium;
Radiometric dating, Types of decay.

3. Mechanisms of Nuclear Decay:

α decay: Alpha decay properties; Condition of alpha decay; Fine structure;
Measurement of alpha-particle energies; Geiger-Nuttal law and theory of alpha

β decay: Introduction; Conservation of energy; Conservation of angular 07

momentum; Neutrino hypothesis; Measurement of disintegration energies; Fermi
theory of beta decay and selection rules.

γ decay of excited states: Properties of gamma rays; Interaction and absorption of 07

gamma rays; multipolarity, selection rules and decay probabilities; measurements
of gamma-ray energies and life-times of excited states; Internal conversion; Photon
interactions - photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, pair production and


4. Nuclear Reactions: Nuclear and chemical reactions, Reaction dynamics; The Q- 08

value equation and threshold energy; Neutron and neutron flux; Reaction cross
sections, Resonances, Optical potential, Direct and compound-nuclear
mechanisms; Fission and fusion reactions; Fission energy and thermonuclear

5. Stopping and Detecting Nuclear Radiations: Stopping power, range and 09

strangling for charged nuclear particles; Stopping of neutrons; Gas-filled counters -
ionization chambers, proportional and Geiger-Müller counter; Solid state counter;
Scintillators - properties of different phosphors; Semiconductor detectors: silicon,
germanium, HPGe detector; neutron detection; Counting statistics; Neutron
scattering and absorption; Attenuation and shielding.

6. Accelerators and Sources of Atomic Particles: Van de Graff accelerator; 07

Cyclotron; Betatron; Proton synchrotron; Neutron sources; Standard Model of
Particle Physics, Three generations of particles; Flavours and flavour mixing,
Quark model with three flavours, Heavy-quark hadrons, CP violation, The origin
(s) of mass.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 66

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Krane, K. S. Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley)

2. B. R. Martin, Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Wiley)
3. Wong, S. S. M. Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley)
4. Bertulani, C. Nuclear Physics in a Nutshell (Princeton University Press)
5. Martin B. R. and Shaw, G. Particle Physics (Wiley)
6. Hodgson, P.E., Gadioli, E. & Gadioli Erba, E. Introductory Nuclear Physics, (OUP)
7. Perkins, D. H. Introduction to High Energy Physics (CUP)
8. Enge, H. A.; Introduction to Nuclear Physics; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 4th Edition.
9. W S C Williams, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Clarendon)
10. Lilley, J. Nuclear Physics Principles and Applications (Wiley)
11. Burcham, W.E. Elements of Nuclear Physics, (Longman)
12. Bennet, D.J. & Thompson, J.R. Elements of Nuclear Power, (Longman)
13. David Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particles (Wiley)
14. Kaplan, I.; Nuclear Physics; Norosa Publishing House; 2 nd Edition.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 67

PHY-307: Digital Electronics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-103, 205, 206, 209 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

To achieve a basic understanding of logic systems and to use this understanding in simple circuit designs.
The objective of this course are as follows:

1. Develop an ability to design and build basic digital circuits: logic gates (NAND/NOR/Inverter,
2. Design and analyze synchronous sequential logic circuits
3. Develop an ability to perform basic time-domain and frequency-domain analysis of these circuits
4. Understand the function and construction of basic memory circuits: DRAM, SRAM, non-volatiles
5. Understand the basics of integrated semiconductor electronics
6. Understand the basic functional elements of an integrated circuit (current sources, active loads)

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. design combinational and sequential logic circuits.

2. show familiarity with basic logic gates, Boolean algebra and binary numbers.
3. understand how particular logical functions may be implemented and to design systems to
implement simple truth tables.
4. illustrate how binary addition may be implemented using logic gates.
5. describe latches and simple memory devices.
6. categorize the progression from latches to flip-flops and understand the operation of the J-K flip-
7. be able to use and predict the behavior of simple circuits involving J-K flip-flops.
8. understand basic methods of ADC (analogue-to-digital conversion) and be able to build 2-bits
9. apply the developed theory to simple circuits; adders, integrators and phase shifters (requiring
complex number analysis).
10. design interfaces to digital computer systems.

. No. of
Course Contents
1. Numbers and Binary Codes: Different number systems: Binary numbers; 08
Decimal numbers; Octal numbers; Hexadecimal numbers; Number base
conversion. Weighted codes: The 8421 code; Other 4-bit BCD codes; The parity
bit; The Gray code; Hamming code; Error detection and correction; The ASCII
code; Code conversion.

2. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra; 08
Boolean functions; Simplification of Boolean functions; De Morgan’s theorems;
Digital Logic gates: AND gate; OR Gate; NOT gate; NOR gate; The universal
building block; XOR and XNOR gates; TTL circuits.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 68

3. Simplifying Logic Circuits: Minterm and maxterm; SOP and POS circuits; 10
Algebraic simplification; Map method: Truth table to Karnaugh maps;
Simplifications; Tabulation method: Determination and selection of Prime-
Implicants. Arithmetic Circuits: Complements: The r’s and (r-1)’s complements;
Subtraction with r’s and (r-1)’s complements; Adders: half-adder and Full-adder;
Binary parallel adder, Decimal adder, BCD adder; Subtractors: Half-subtractor and
full subtractor; Binary multiplier.

4. Flip-Flops: SR Latches: Transistor latch; NAND and NOR latch; Clocked SR 08

flip-flop; D-type flip-flop: Unclocked and clocked D flip-flop; JK flip-flop: Edge-
triggered JK flip-flop; Jk master-slave flip-flop; Multivibrators.

5. Counters and Registers: Ripple counter, Design of synchronous counter, Parallel 07
Counter; Combination counter; BCD shift registers; Decoders: BCD- to decimal
decoder; Demultiplexers; Encoders; Multiplexers.

6. D/A and A/D Conversion: Variable-resistor network; Binary ladder, D/A 06

converter; D/A accuracy and resolution; A/D converter, A/D accuracy and
resolution; Advanced A/D techniques.

7. Memory Devices: Semiconductor memory technologies; Memory addressing; 05

ROM architecture; Types of PROMS and EPROMs; RAM architecture; Static and
dynamic RAM; DRAM; SDRAM; Magnetic Core and bubble memory Cache

8. Integrated Circuit Technology: Integrated Circuit; IC Fabrication: Purification 08

and preparation of silicon wafer; Epitaxial growth; Oxidization; Photolithographic
process; Isolation diffusion; Base and emitter diffusion; Metallization;
Encapsulation; Formation of integrated circuit elements; Transistors, capacitors
and resistors for integrated circuits; Sheet resistance.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Malvino, A. P., and Leach, D. P.; Digital Principles and Applications; Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Tocci; Digital Systems, Principles and Applications; Prentice Hall.
3. Floyd, T. L., Digital Fundamentals, Merrill.
4. Malvino, A. P.; Digital Computer Electronics; Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
5. Horowitz, Paul and Hill, Winfield, The Art of Electronics, Cambridge University Press; 3rd edition.
6. Safa O. Kasap; Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill Education
7. Mano, M. Morris; Digital Logic and Computer Design.
8. Nashelsky, L.; Introduction to Digital Computer Technology.
9. Agarwal, Anant, Jeffrey H. Lang. Foundations of Analog & Digital Electronic Circuits. Elsevier.
10. Katz, R. H., Contemporary Logic Design, Benjamin.
11. Cahill, S. J., Digital and Microprocessor Engineering, Ellis-Horwood.
12. Peatman, J. B., Design of Digital Systems.
13. Pappas, N. L., Digital Design.
14. Charles Platt, Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery, Maker Media, Inc.
15. Charles Platt, Make: More Electronics: Journey Deep Into the World of Logic Chips, Amplifiers, Sensors,
and Randomicity, Maker Media, Inc.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 69

PHY-308: Computational Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY- 104, 203, 206, 209 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Course Description

The use of computers in physics, as well as most other branches of science and engineering, has increased
many times along with the rapid development of faster and cheaper hardware. This course aims to give
the student a thorough grounding in the main computational techniques used in modern physics. It is
particularly important in this course that the students should learn by doing. The course is therefore
designed such that a significant fraction of the students' time is spent actually programming specific
physical problems rather than learning abstract techniques. The course will cover problems in 4(5) broad
 Ordinary differential equations, such as those of classical mechanics.
 Partial differential equations, such as Maxwell's equations and the Diffusion and Schrödinger
 Matrix methods, such as systems of equations and eigenvalue problems applied to Poisson's
equation and electronic structure calculations.
 Monte Carlo and other simulation methods, such as the Metropolis algorithm and molecular
 Computer Application; a number of examples illustrate the utility of numerical computations in
various domains of physics.
This is not a short course in computing science, nor in programming. It focuses specifically on methods
for solving physics problems. There is no requirement that the practical work be done using
FORTRAN/Python/Matlab/C++ on the departmental computers, but anyone wishing to use some other
programming language or computer should consult the lecturer beforehand. This is to make sure there is
both help available from demonstrators and that it will be possible to assess the work satisfactorily.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to introduce the techniques of computational physics and dynamic high-level
scripting programming languages. This course teaches the students practical skills needed for solving
modern physics problems by means of computation. A number of examples illustrate the utility of
numerical computations in various domains of physics.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

(a) model a physical problem of temporal or spatial evolution
(b) choose or select an appropriate numerical method, design a numerical code implementing the
method and evaluate the quality of the numerical solution obtained
(c) choose the most suitable algorithm for solving given problem and integrate algorithms in
computer codes and evaluate their performance
(d) write programs using dynamic high-level scripting programming languages and carry out data
analysis in them.
(e) compare numerical solution and analytical solution if it exists
(f) use classical numerical methods (Euler and higher order) to find solutions of ordinary differential
equations and to analyze the behavior of a physical system (a driven oscillator)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 70

(g) use Monte Carlo techniques and associated statistical methods

(h) understand and use the principles underlying particle transport calculations.
(i) use current computer tools as well as those specific to their discipline.
(j) solve actual physics problems using numerical tools
(k) compile a scientific report presenting the results and analyzes

No. of
Course Contents
1. Review of Numerical Methods and the Solution of Ordinary Differential 12
Introduction to Numerical Computing; Errors in Numerical Methods, Numerical
Instabilities; Discretization, integration and differentiation; disintegrations.
Movement of particles in various fields of forces. Oscillations, resonances, chaos.
Gravitational problem with N body. Movement of rigid solids; Numerical Methods
for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations; Euler’s Method; Higher-Order
Methods; The Leap-Frog Method; The Runge-Kutta Method; The Predictor-
Corrector Method; The Intrinsic Method; Stability analysis of numerical schemes;
Implementation of Numerical Methods in dynamic high-level scripting
programming languages; Adaptive Integration Methods; Advanced Integration
Methods; The Chaotic Pendulum; Phase Space; Conserved Quantities; Analytic
Solution; Numerical Solution; Sources of Simulation Error; The Poincaré Section;
Spatial Symmetry Breaking; The Fast Fourier Transform and applications; Map-
Based Schemes; Introduction to Nonlinear Systems -- Period-Doubling
Bifurcations, The Route to Chaos, Sensitivity to Initial Conditions, The Definition
of Chaos, Periodic Windows.

2. Partial Differential Equations: Types of Equations; Elliptic Equations -- 12

Laplace's Equation; Hyperbolic Equations -- Wave Equations, wave propagation,
initial conditions and limits, modes, Eigen frequencies, stability analysis; The 1-D
Advection Equation, The Lax Scheme, The Crank-Nicholson Scheme, Upwind
Differencing, The 1-D Wave Equation, The 2-D Resonant Cavity; Waves in
inhomogeneous medium; Eulerian and Lagrangian Methods; Parabolic Equations –
Diffusion; The Diffusion Equation -- 1-D Problem With Dirichlet, Neumann,
Mixed Boundary Conditions, Explicit schemes, finite differences. Von Neumann
Stability Analysis, 1-D, 2-D And 3-D Solution Of the Diffusion Equation;
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition. Conservative Methods -- The Equation Of
Continuity, Maxwell's Equations; Dispersion.

3. Matrix Algebra: Introduction; Types of Matrices; Simple Matrix Problems; 12

Elliptic Equations -- Poisson's Equation, 1-D Problem with Dirichlet Boundary
Conditions, 2-D Problem with Neumann Boundary Conditions, Example Solution
of Poisson's Equation in 1-D, 2-D And 3-D; Two-dimensional case: equations of
electrostatics and magnetostatics; Finite Difference and Finite Element Schemes;
Systems of Equations and Matrix Inversion -- Exact Methods, Iterative Methods,
The Jacobi Method, The Gauss-Seidel Method; Matrix Eigenvalue Problems --
Schrödinger's Equation, General Principles, Full Diagonalization, The Generalized
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 71

Eigenvalue Problem, Partial Diagonalization, Sturm Sequence, Sparse Matrices

and The Lanczos Algorithm, Numerical Solution of Schrodinger Equation for
Spherically Symmetric Potentials – Scattering States, Calculation of Phase Shifts,
4. The Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation: Monte Carlo - Random Number 12
Generators, Distribution Functions; Monte-Carlo Integration; Diffusion and
random walk; Stochastic Processes, Markov Chain; The Metropolis Algorithm --
The Ising Model, Thermodynamic Averages; Quantum Monte-Carlo; Molecular
Dynamics -- Interacting Particles with Lennard-Jones Potentials, Classical and
Tight Binding Molecular Dynamics, Simulation of Ar; Introduction to Particle
Transport Simulation -- Cross-Sections; Simulation of Neutron Transport and
Scattering -- Nuclear Criticality with Monte Carlo.

5. Computer Applications: Particle-In-Cell Codes --Introduction, Normalization 12

Scheme, Solution of Electron Equations of Motion, Evaluation of Electron
Number Density, An Example 1D PIC Code; The theory of quantum mechanics.
From many-body to single-particle: Quantum modeling of molecules; Density
Functional Theory, Car-Parrinello Simulation; Hubbard Model -- Motivation,
Representation of Sz Basis, Generation of Basis States, Construction of
Hamiltonian. Exact Diagonalization, Calculation of Correlation Function. Lanczos
Method and Applications to Tight Binding Hamiltonians, Calculation of Spectral
Properties. Quantum modeling of solids: Basic properties. Electrons in Periodic
Potential, Calculation of Band Structure using Plane Wave Methods.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Chapman, S.J. MATLAB Programming for Engineers (Brooks and Cole 2000)
2. Higham, D.J. & Higham, N.J. MATLAB Guide 2nd edition (2005)
3. Garcia, A.L. Numerical Methods for Physics (Prentice Hall 1994)
4. A first course in Numerical Methods, U.M. Ascher and C. Greif, 2012, PHI Learning
5. Press, W.H. 2007. Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing. 3rd ed. CUP
6. Elementary Numerical Analysis, K.E. Atkinson, 3rd Edn., 2007, Wiley India Edition.
7. A first course in Computational Physics, Paul, L. Pavries (John Wiley & Sons).
8. Monte Carlo Methods, M. H. Kalos and P. A. Whitelock (John Wiley & Sons).
9. Understanding Molecular Simulation, Daan Frenkel and B. Smit (Academic Press).
10. Computational Physics, J. M. Thijssen (Cambridge University Press).
11. A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, Landau & Binder (CUP).
12. Statistical Mechanics - Algorithms and Computations, Krauth (Oxford University Press).
13. Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Haile (Wiley Professional).
14. N. J. Giordano, Computational Physics, Pearson Prentice Hall 2006
15. F.J. Vesely, Computational Physics, an Introduction, Kluwer Academic Plenum 2001
16. Titus, A.B. Introduction to Numerical Programming: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 72

PHY-309: Physics Lab – III Lab: 20 Sessions Credit: 4

Physics Core Practical Contact Hours: 120 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-103,202,205,305,306 Practical: 1 session/week, 6 hour/session

Aims and objectives

To teach basic laboratory skills and illustrate physics topics such as basic principles of electric circuit
analysis, damping and resonance in electric circuits, optics, solid state physics and nuclear physics,
illustrated by experiment. They are designed to teach specific experimental skills and techniques e.g.,
experimental data collection and analysis, ethical standards in a scientific investigation through individual
experiments drawn from various topics in physics.

The objectives of physics practical labs are as follows:

1. to introduce and develop group-working skills and enhance writing and written presentation skills
2. to develop the appropriate skills and confidence to use computers for the tasks required in
laboratory work
3. to introduce the basic concepts and methods required for laboratory data analysis.
4. to develop sound judgement in interpreting experimental results and uncertainties.
5. to develop the skills required for good scientific communication.
6. to ensure that students can competently use an oscilloscope and to foster an understanding of the
way electrical signals are shaped by passive circuit elements.
7. to understand how simple optical instruments work.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Link the experimental findings to underlying physics in lecture courses, textbooks and scientific
journals and apply their physics knowledge and problem-solving skills to model problems in
2. recognize a wide range of measurement instrumentation, develop and extend prescribed
experimental procedures
3. use and measure with common instrumentation and handle sophisticated apparatus with
4. work independently and also co-operatively with colleagues
5. keep professional quality systematic records of laboratory work in a log book while demonstrating
high ethical standards during a scientific investigation
6. critically evaluate the results of an experiment, assess the significance of the experimental results
compared to expected outcomes and draw valid conclusions
7. appreciate the importance of uncertainties in experimental measurements and be able to apply
them in an appropriate manner
8. estimate the precision of experimental results, from an understanding of the experimental
procedure and from a statistical analysis of repeated measurements
9. describe the sources of random and systematic error, calculate their effects on the results and
evaluate ways of reducing the dominant error
10. use specific computer applications to manipulate and present experimental data in the form of
graphs and tables and to describe experiments in coherent, structured formal written reports based
on their experiments
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 73

Feedback methods

Feedback will be offered orally by demonstrators in lab sessions, orally by demonstrators when they
mark each experiment and in writing for all lab reports.

Lab: Laboratory group will be allocated, and supported by, a demonstrator who will monitor progress and
provide continuous feedback. A demonstrator is assigned to each group of students for the duration
of each experiment. The demonstrator gives guidance and instruction and may be consulted at any
time during the laboratory hours. Each laboratory has attendant/technicians who maintain the
equipment and have a pool of special items (such as stopwatches) for loan.

During discussions, advice on how to improve the measurement, analysis and presentation of results will
be given orally and also written on the assessment sheets, copies of which will be given to the

In written reports, detailed comments on how the report might be improved are written on the reports.
More general comments are written on the marked sheets, copies of which are returned to the
students along with the marked reports. Students are strongly encouraged to collect their marked
reports from the markers, when any written comments can be elaborated upon.


The third year teaching laboratories are located on the second floor and hosts experiments on electricity
and magnetism, electronics, solid state physics and nuclear physics. The laboratory unit includes
packages on wave optics Circuits PHY-103, PHY-202, Basic Electronics PHY-205, Solid State
Physics PHY-305 and Nulcear Physics PHY-306.


The demonstrator assesses each group of students during the course of the experiment by considering
physics understanding, experimental results, quality of data analysis, innovation, quality of notes in
laboratory book and a short interview at the end. During the year students are required to submit
written reports on all of the experiments undertaken. The total laboratory mark for the year is based
on the experiments and the written reports. Failure to submit such a report will constitute a failure to
satisfy the work and attendance requirements and hence the student will not be allowed to proceed
to the second year.

(A student will be required to perform two experiments in the final examination taking one from
each group).


1. Determination of the logarithmic decrement of a ballistic galvanometer and hence determining its
critical damping resistance.
2. Determination of the absolute capacitance of a condenser.
3. Determination of the self-inductance of a coil by Rayleigh’s method.
4. For a series LRC circuit, determine the following (a) The phenomenon of resonance (b) The effect
of variation of R on the frequency response curve (c) The effect of variation of L/C ratio on the
frequency response curve.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 74

5. To construct a full-wave bridge rectifier and observe the filtering action of capacitors.
6. To study the output and transfer characteristics of a p-n-p (or n-p-n) transistor in common emitter
7. To construct of a T.R.F. receiver and to explore the functions of the various components of the
8. To study the characteristics of a vacuum triode valve and to determine the plate resistance r P,
mutual conductance gm and amplification factor .
9. Determination of mutual inductance by direct throw method.
10. Determination of the resistance of an inductive coil and loss factor of a capacitor by voltmeter
11. Construction of a transistor radio transmitter.
12. Construction of a two stage R-C coupled transistor voltage amplifier.
13. Polarization of light by 4 plates and investigation of intensity of polarized light (I) as a function of
the position of the analyzer and (ii) also as a function of the angle between the optic axis of the 4
plate and that of the analyzer.
14. To study the characteristics of a junction diode.
15. To study the characteristics of a p-n-p transistor in common emitter circuit.


1. Experiment with a cathode ray oscilloscope

(a) Synchronizing the time base of an oscilloscope.
(b) Calibration of a cathode ray tube for both d.c. and a.c. sources.
(c) Measurement of an unknown frequency using Lissajou’s figures.

2. To study the characteristics of GM tube and find the resolution time of the GM tube.

3. To demonstrate the random nature of the emission of -particles from radioactive source and to
introduce statistical methods of predicting and interpreting the results of radioactive measurements.

4. (a) To study the temperature dependence of resistance of a noble metal (Platinum). (b) To study
the temperature dependence of resistance of a semiconductor and to find the energy gap of the

5. To determine the inter planer distance‘d’ and index an of X-ray powder diffraction photograph and
hence determine the cell constant “a”.

6. To determine of specific rotation of sugar solution using a polarimeter and to find the concentration
of an unknown sugar solution.

7. Determination of e/m of an electron by Helmholtz coil.

8. Charging and discharging of condensers and studying their various characteristics.

9. (a) Measurement of the background radiation using a G-M tube with a scalar.
(b) Detection and elementary identification of principal nuclear radiations.
(c) Demonstration of the directional emission from a radioactive source.

10. Determination of the current-voltage characteristics of an ionization chamber and the range of alpha

11. Measurement of electrical conductivity of electrolytes of different concentration by Kohlrauch’s

Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 75

12. Measurement of thermal and electrical conductivity of metals and verification of the Wiedemann-
Franz law.

13. Measurement of magnetic flux density between the poles of an electromagnet.

14. Exploration of the magnetic field along the axis of a solenoid and measurement of the self
inductance of the solenoid coil.

N.B.: In addition to the above experiments the Department may include/exclude some experiments.

Recommended Books

Each experiment is described in a laboratory script which is provided for the student. References to
relevant text-books for background reading are given in the script.

The following is the recommended book for a discussion of general experimental techniques:

 Taylor, John Robert. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical
Measurements. University Science Books, 1997.
 Bevington, Philip R., and D. Keith Robinson. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical
Sciences. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
 Squires, G.L. Practical Physics, 4th edition (Cambridge, 2001).
 Melissinos, Adrian Constantin, and Jim Napolitano. Experiments in Modern Physics. Academic
Press, 2003.
 Preston, Daryl, and Eric Dietz. The Art of Experimental Physics. John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
 Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz; Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course,
 Paul B. Zbar and Albert Paul Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual
 George H. Stout and Lyle H. Jensen, Practical Structure Determination X-Ray Structure
Determination: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience.
 Ahmed, G and Uddin, MS, Practical Physics
 H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 76

Syllabuses for Senior Year (Fourth Year) Courses

PHY-401: Quantum Mechanics-II Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 303, 304 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

This course is a continuation of 301 Quantum Mechanics-I, and will introduce some of the important
model systems studied in contemporary physics, including two-dimensional electron systems, the fine
structure of Hydrogen, lasers, and particle scattering.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To deepen understanding of Quantum Mechanics.
2. To prepare students for courses in quantum field theory and gauge theory.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Use Dirac notation to represent quantum-mechanical states and manipulate operators in terms of
their matrix elements.
2. Interpret and analyze a wide range of quantum mechanical systems using both exact analytic
techniques and various approximation methods.
3. Demonstrate familiarity with angular momentum in quantum mechanics at both a qualitative and
quantitative level.
4. Add angular momenta and apply to the fine-structure of atomic energy levels.
5. Calculate first-order shifts in energy levels produced by external fields.
6. Use perturbation theory and other methods to find approximate solutions to problems in quantum
mechanics, including the fine-structure of energy levels of hydrogen.
7. Solve simple eigenvalue problems, calculate expectation values and probabilities for systems of
trapped particles and describe features arising from the associated shell structure.
8. Apply the basic concepts of quantum mechanics to two-state systems to solve eigenvalue
problems, calculate expectation values and probabilities.
9. Understand the mathematical underpinnings of quantum mechanics and solve a variety of
problems with model and more realistic Hamiltonians.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics: Slit experiments; State Vectors in 08
Hilbert Space; Dirac Bra and Ket Notations; Operators and their Representation;
Space as a Continuum; Transformation Theory; Schrödinger, Heisenberg and
Dirac Representation; Parity Operators; Density Matrix; Harmonic Oscillator.
2. Approximate Methods 15
I) Perturbation Method: Time Independent Perturbation Theory: Nondegenerate
Case; First-Order Perturbation; Second-Order Perturbation; Degenerate Case,
Examples. Time-dependent Perturbation Theory: Principle of the Method;
Constant and Harmonic Perturbations; Fermi’s Golden Rule; Radiative and Dipole
Transitions; Selection Rules.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 77

II) Variational Method: Necessity of variational method; Basic principle of

variation method; Description of variation method; Expectation Value of the
Energy; Application to Excited States; Linear Variation Function; Application to
Harmonic Oscillator; Hydrogen Atom and Helium Atom.
III) W.K.B. Method: The Classical Limit; Approximate Solutions and Asymptotic
Nature of Solutions; Validity Criterion; Solutions near a Turning Point;
Connection Formulae; Application to Bound States.
IV) Other Methods: Adiabatic Approximation; Sudden Approximation.
3. Quantum Dynamics: Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Dirac pictures; Equations of 07
motion in Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Dirac pictures; Linear harmonic oscillator.

4. Theory of Angular Momentum: Orbital angular momentum operators and their 08
representation in spherical polar co-ordinates; Eigenvalues and Eigen functions of
Angular Momentum; Commutation relations among orbital angular momentum
operators; Ladder operators; Spin angular momentum; Addition of Angular
Momenta; Eigenvalues and Eigen functions of total angular momentum operators;
Angular momentum matrices. Clebsch-Gordon Coefficients; Pauli’s Exclusion
Principle and Spin Matrices. Wigner-Eckert theorem.
5. Identical Particles: States of Non-Interacting Identical Particles; Pauli Principles; 06
Fermions and Bosons; Degenerate Fermi gas; Charged particles in a magnetic
field; Scattering of Two Bosons; Symmetries of Two Nucleon System; Slater
6. Theory of Scattering: Quantum mechanical description of scattering cross-section 10
- Differential and total scattering cross-section, Center of mass and laboratory
coordinates; Scattering by spherically symmetric potential: Partial wave analysis;
Application to Scattering by Square Well Hard Sphere and Coulomb Potential;
Resonance Scattering; Optical Theorem; S-matrics; Green’s Function Technique
of Solving the scattering Schrodinger Equation; Lippmann-Schwinger Equations;
Formal Solution in the form of Von Neumann Series; Born Approximation;
Validity Criterion, Examples.
7. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Importance of the theory of relativity in 06
quantum mechanics; Schrödinger’s relativistic equation - Klein-Gordan Equation,
Dirac equations; Solution of Free Particle Equations; Electron spin; Electron
Magnetic Moment; Positive energy solution, Negative energy states and hole

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. D. Griffith; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

2. R. Shankar; Principle of Quantum Mechanics
3. J. J. Sakurai; Modern Quantum Mechanics
4. C. Cohen Tannoudji; Quantum Mechanics
5. Nouredine Zettili; Quantum Mechanics
6. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz; Quantum Mechanics
7. E. Merzbacher; Quantum Mechanics
8. A. Messiah; Quantum Mechanics
9. Bransden, B. H., and Joachain, C. J. (2000) Quantum Mechanics 2nd ed., (Pearson)
10. Gasiorowicz, S. (2003) Quantum Physics 3rd ed. (Wiley)
11. W. Greiner; Quantum Mechanics
12. P. A. M. Dirac; Principles of Quantum Mechanics
13. C. W. Sherwin; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 78

PHY-402: Astrophysics Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 104 Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week

Course Description

Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the
birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe. It has two sibling
sciences, astronomy and cosmology, and the lines between them blur.
In the most rigid sense:

• Astronomy measures positions, luminosities, motions and other characteristics

• Astrophysics creates physical theories of small to medium-size structures in the universe
• Cosmology does this for the largest structures, and the universe as a whole.

In practice, the three professions form a tight-knit family. Ask for the position of a nebula or what kind of
light it emits, and the astronomer might answer first. Ask what the nebula is made of and how it formed
and the astrophysicist will pipe up. Ask how the data fit with the formation of the universe, and the
cosmologist would probably jump in. But watch out — for any of these questions, two or three may start
talking at once!

Aims and objectives

This course presents a broad introduction to the science of astrophysics and cosmology and describes in a
simple way the physical processes that explain the universe in which we live. The intent of this course is
to give students a solid background in the primary physical concepts relevant to astrophysics and
cosmology, and a broad exposure to the astronomical universe covering a wide range of topics such as
the quantitative introduction to the physics of the solar system, stars, the interstellar medium, the galaxy,
and the universe, as determined from a variety of astronomical observations and models, the aim of the
course is also to give a general overview of the astrophysical objects around us. In addition to learning
about our universe, a primary goal of this course is to develop scientific thinking and problem-solving

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. to demonstrate how the basic physical laws explain the properties of astronomical objects and the
Universe and how these properties are measured.
2. to describe the physical properties of stars and review the astronomical techniques by which they
are determined.
3. to show how classical physics is successful in modelling many properties of main sequence stars
and in explaining their formation and evolution.
4. to show how many Solar System phenomena may be understood in terms of the physics already
known to first year students.
5. to provide a good understanding of the structure and properties of the presently observed Universe
as well as its evolution.
6. to introduce main ideas about the early Universe.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 79

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. be familiar with our understanding of planets, stars and galaxies and how this developed;
2. the structure of the Universe from the modern perspective,
3. explain how astronomical distances are measured;
4. carry out calculations in using common astrophysical units;
5. understand the properties and uses of electromagnetic radiation in an astronomical context;
6. describe and explain the physics of detectors and telescopes including geometric optics;
7. use the basic laws of physics to explain the global properties and basic evolution of stars;
8. know how to characterize and classify stars and have a broad knowledge of the physical
characteristics of the different types of star and nebulae, and the techniques by which they are
9. relate observed to physical properties of distant objects given the luminosity and angular size
10. describe, as far as is possible using only classical physics, how stars are born and evolve.
11. understand the basic physical principles of stellar stability, energy production and energy loss.
12. perform simple calculations relating to gravitational collapse, stability, lifetime and energy
generation in well-behaved main sequence stars and in nebulae.
13. understand the physical laws of orbital motion and the phenomena which they give rise to;
14. derive Kepler’s Laws and apply them with Newton’s laws and theorems to a range of
astrophysical objects including extrasolar planets;
15. describe the structure of the Milky Way and other galaxies;
16. describe the fundamental constituents of the Universe: baryons, dark matter and dark energy, and
the observational evidence for their presence;
17. describe and explain the evolution of our Universe and summarize the main evidence in favor of
the Big Bang, inflation, dark matter and dark energy.
18. describe the expansion of the Universe and its ultimate fate, cosmological parameters and models,
phenomena in the very early Universe, the Big Bang.
19. relate the density of the universe to its rate of expansion and understand how this relation is
modified by a cosmological constant.
20. be aware of our current understanding of the observed Universe and the early Universe.
21. describe the main events of the universe's history and locate them approximately in time and
22. follow new developments at the level of journals like Nature and Scientific American.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Introduction: Modern astronomy; Astronomical coordinates; Rough scales of the 06

astronomical universe; Contents of the universe.

2. Stars : Properties of stars; Formation of stars; The end states of stars; White 06
dwarfs; Neutron stars; The sun as a star, Surveying the solar system; The interior
of the sun; The sun’s outer layers; The source of energy of the sun.

3. Galaxies : Formation and classification of galaxies; Cosmic rays; The milky way 06
system; Spiral structure; Density wave theory; Active galaxies; Peculiar galaxies
and quasars; Clusters of galaxies.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 80


4. Expansion of the Universe: Red shifts; Hubble’s law regarding expansion of the 06
universe; Age of the universe.

5. Big Bang Theory and Cosmology: Static cosmological models; Expanding 06

cosmological models and the Big bang theory; Early universe; The universe and
the subatomic; Life and intelligence in the universe.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Carroll, B.W. and Ostlie, D.A., An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (Pearson)

2. Maoz, D, Astrophysics in a Nutshell, 2nd edition (Princton University Press)
3. Shu, F. H.; The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, University Science Books.
4. Kippenhahn, Rudolf, and Alfred Weigert. Stellar Structure and Evolution. Springer-Verlag
5. Clayton, D.D. Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis (University of Chicago 1984)
6. Phillips, A.C. The Physics of Stars (Wiley)
7. Rothery, McBride & Gilmour, An Introduction to the Solar System, 2011 (CUP).
8. Binney, James, and Michael Merrifield. Galactic Astronomy. Princeton University Press
9. Liddle, A., An Introduction to Modern Cosmology 2nd ed. (Wiley)
10. Binney, James, and Scott Tremaine. Galactic Dynamics. Princeton University Press
11. Ryden, B., Introduction to Cosmology (Addison Wesley)
12. Unsold, Albrecht. The New Cosmos. Springer, 2001.
13. Sparke, L.S. & Gallagher, J.S. Galaxies in the Universe (CUP)
14. Harrison, E., Cosmology: the Science of the Universe, 2nd ed. (CUP)
15. Hawley, J.F and Holcomb, K.A., Foundations of Modern Cosmology (Oxford)
16. M Roos, Introduction to Cosmology, Wiley (3rd edition).
17. Mo, van den Bosch & White, Galaxy Formation and Evolution, CUP, 2010.
18. M Berry, Principles of Cosmology and Gravitation, CUP.
19. Shapiro, Stuart L., and Saul A. Teukolsky. Black Holes, White Dwarfs, and Neutron Stars. Wiley
20. Longair, Malcolm S. Galaxy Formation. New York: Springer-Verlag
21. Hawking, S. W.; A Brief History of Time; Bantam Books.
22. Weinberg, Steven. The First Three Minutes. Basic Books
23. W J Kaufmann & R A Freedman, W H Freeman, Universe.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 81

PHY-403: Plasma Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 302, 401 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

Plasma physics is one of the advanced field in physics. Plasma is a fourth state of the matter. However,
the studying of this course will identify the student with this new advanced branch in physics and its
technologies as well as understanding many of other related topics and fields.

Learning outcomes

The main learning outcomes for students enrolled in this course are:

1. Students will be able to understand the explanation of plasma in nature, ionization concept and plasma
2. Students will understand the concept of plasma definition, plasma parameters and plasma formation
3. Students will recognize the electron motion and gas discharge.
4. Students will be able to know the basics of the particle motion in presence of magnetic field.
5. Students will learn the concept of plasma as a fluid.
6. Students will learn how to produce plasma state in lab and study different plasma experiments and its
applications in different fields.

No. of
Course Contents

1. Introduction: Occurrence of plasma in nature; Definition of plasma; Basic 12

concepts of temperature; Debye length; Plasma parameters; Distribution function;
Plasma frequency; Criteria for plasmas; Plasma production; Application of plasma

2. Single-particle Motions: The equations of motion; Motion of charged particles in 12

static homogeneous electric and magnetic fields; Motion of charged particles in
nonuniform E and B fields; Motion of charged particles in time-varying E and B
fields; Adiabatic invariants.

3. Plasma as a Fluid: Relation of plasma physics to ordinary electromagnetic; The 12

fluid equation of motion; The complete set of fluid equations; Fluid drifts; Plasma


4. Waves in Plasmas: Representation of waves; Group velocity and phase velocity; 12

Plasma oscillations; Electron plasma waves; Sound waves; Ion waves; Comparison
of ion and electron waves; Electrostatic electron and ion waves in magnetic fields;
Electromagnetic waves in magnetic fields.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 82

5. Kinetic Theory: The meaning of distribution function f (v); Equations of kinetic 12

theory; Derivations of fluid equations; Plasma oscillations and Landau damping.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Krall, N. A and Tricvelpiece, A.W.; Principles of Plasma Physics.

2. Chen, F. F.; Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion; Plenum Press.
3. Bittencourt, J. A.; Fundamentals of Plasma Physics.
4. Ichimau, S.; Plasma Physics.
5. Arimovich, L. A.; Elementary Plasma Physics.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 83

PHY-404: Solid State Physics – II Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 304, 305 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

This is the second part of a theoretical treatment of the physics of solids. This course offers an
introduction to the basic concepts of the quantum theory of solids.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To further develop the understanding of periodicity in solids and how this periodicity and bonding
governs electronic properties.
2. To teach students the basic principles of semiconductor physics and related semiconductor
3. To describe how quantum mechanics defines magnetic properties on a microscopic scale.
4. To describe and explain the unique properties of superconductors and to show how they exhibit
quantum mechanical phenomena on a macroscopic scale.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. demonstrate how the electrical properties of metals, insulators and semiconductors are related to
their electronic structure.
2. explain how simple semiconductor devices (such as the p-n junction) work.
3. characterize intrinsic and doped semiconductors.
4. demonstrate an understanding of the semiclassical dynamics of electrons in solids.
5. describe the microscopic origins of the magnetic properties of solids and explain some ground-
state and finite-temperature properties of ferromagnets.
6. describe and characterize magnetism.
7. explain the electromagnetic properties of superconductors including the Meissner effect and the
distinction between type I and type II behaviour, including the vortex state.
8. use Ginzburg-Landau theory and the fundamentals of BCS theory.
9. explain the DC and RF Josephson effects and use the Josephson equations.
10. describe and explain the applications of superconductors.
11. use the concepts of excitations and optical properties of solids and crystal defects.
12. describe major pieces of experimental evidence supporting the key theoretical ideas, including the
experimental techniques used.
13. compute band structures using the tight-binding approximation, density functional theory etc.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Band Theory of Solids: Electrons in a Periodic potential, E vs. k dispersion, 10
crystal momentum k, conditions for Bragg reflection of electrons; formation of
band gap; Nearly Free Electron Model; Bloch theorem; Kronig-Penney model;
Motion of Electrons in One and Three Dimensions in a Periodic Potential; Band
Theory; Distinction among metals, insulators and intrinsic semiconductors;
Concept of holes and effective mass.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 84

2. Band Theory of Insulators and Semiconductors: A simplified model of an 10

insulator and intrinsic semiconductors; Improved model of an insulator and
intrinsic semiconductors; direct and indirect fundamental bandgap, valence and
conduction bands; Models for an impurity semiconductor; Hall effect in
semiconductors. Hall Effects for One and Two-carrier Systems.

3. Magnetism: Origin of magnetism and its classification; Diamagnetism; 10

Paramagnetism; Ferromagnetism; Langevin equation for diamagnetism and
paramagnetism; Curie Law; Quantum theory of paramagetism; Weiss theory of
ferromagnetism; Curie-Weiss law; Nature and origin of Weiss molecular field;
Concept of domains and hysteresis; Antiferromagnetism; Neel`s theory;
Ferrimagnetism and structure of ferrites; Use of various magnetic materials.
Magnetic resonance; Multiferroic Materials.

4. Superconductivity: Basic properties of superconductors; Meissner effect; Type-I 10
and type-II superconductors; Thermodynamics of superconductivity; London
equation; BCS theory; Ginzburg-Landau theory and coherence length, flux
quantization, vortex state; Tunneling and Josephson Effect; High-Tc
superconductors; SQUID.

5. Excitons, Photoconductivity, Luminescence and Defects in Solids: Excitons; 10

Photoconductivity in crystals; Traps; Space charge effects, Point defects in solids:
Lattice vacancies; Schottky defects; Frenkel defects; Diffusion; Color centers.

6. Theory of band structures in crystals: Electron-Electron Interaction: The 10

Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations, linear response theory, Lindhard
dielectric response function, Thomas-Fermi static screening, Kohn anomaly, the
Friedel sum rule; Fermi Surface of Metals: Wannier States, Fermi Surface,
Wigner-Seitz Cells, Brillouin Zones; Band Structure Calculations: Revision of the
tight binding model, Wigner-Seitz, Pseudopotentials, Density-functional theory,
Hubbard model, Green's function methods and the ab initio GW approximation;
Superlattices, Mott insulators.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. N. W. Ashcroft and N.D. Mermin, Solid State Physics (Thomson Press).

2. Kittel, C.; Introduction to Solid State Physics; Wiley.
3. J.R. Hook and H.E. Hall, Solid State Physics, (Wiley).
4. Marder, Michael P. Condensed Matter Physics. New York: Wiley, 2000.
5. Eisberg, R.M. & Resnick, R. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles.
6. Dekker, A. J.; Solid State Physics; Prentice-Hall, NJ.
7. Omar, M. Ali; Elementary Solid State Physics; Addison Wesley.
8. McKelvey; Solid State and Semiconductor Physics.
9. Stephen Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter (Oxford Master Series in Physics) 1st Edition
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 85

PHY-405: Nuclear Physics -II Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 306, 401 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The course gives an overview of modern nuclear and particle physics, as well as mathematical tools
needed to grasp these concepts. The goal of this class is to give you the tools to further continue student’s
exploration in nuclear and particle physics.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces between them, and to explore
how these lead to the main features of the structure and interactions of subatomic systems
(particles and nuclei).
2. To understand the basic properties of two nucleon bound system (i.e., deuteron)
3. To explain the fundamental theories and application of neutron-proton scattering
4. To acquire fundamental concepts of nuclear forces and their properties
5. To describe and explain the various interactions of nuclear radiation with matter
6. To understand the basic nuclear models for nuclear structure and their applications
7. To develop the ability to look for patterns and similarities in various nuclear and particle
interactions in order to unpack and simplify seemingly-complicated problems.
8. To introduce the main features of the reactions between nuclei and models to describe nuclear
reactions, and to link nuclear physics to other areas of physics.
9. To understand nuclear interactions and elementary particles involved in the interactions.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. describe the nuclear properties of ground and excited state of deuteron.
2. demonstrate knowledge of and apply the basic models used to describe nuclear structure
3. describe the neutron interaction and the slowing down of fast neutron to be thermal by scattering
4. explain the neutron-proton scattering at low and high energy
5. describe interaction of light and heavy charged particles with matter.
6. understand the general features of nuclear reactions and use symmetries and conservation laws to
identify the forces responsible for particular reactions and decays.
7. show how simple models can explain the main features of nuclear reactions and explain how
specific nuclear reactions are responsible for the formation of the elements.
8. identify the interactions in nature and explain their fundamental four forces
9. describe the main features of the forces between protons and neutrons, and their relation to the
underlying forces between quarks.
10. describe elementary particles and use the quark model to explain the patterns of light hadrons.

No. of
Course Contents

1. The Deuteron Problem: Ground state of the deuteron; Excited state of the 08
deuteron; Electric quadrupole moment and deuteron wave function; Radius of
deuteron. Photodisintegration.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 86

2. Two Body Problems: Neutron-proton scattering at low energy; Spin dependence 10

of neutron-proton scattering; Phase shift; Scattering lengths; Effective range theory
in n-p scattering; Neutron-proton scattering at intermediate and high energies;
Coherent and incoherent scattering at low energy neutrons; Ortho- and para
3. Nuclear Force: General properties and characteristics; Symmetries in nuclear 08
physics; From quarks to pions and nucleons; Exchange of virtual particles.
Exchange forces; Yukawa potential; Meson theory of nuclear forces.
4. Interaction of Nuclei with Electromagnetic Radiation: Introduction; Multiple 08
radiation and selection rules; Probability of multiple emission and absorption;
Radiative transition in the two body problem; Internal conversion; Transition
between two low-lying states of nuclei; Transition involving highly excited states.

5. Nuclear Structure Models: (a) Nuclear Shell Model: Independent particle shell 05
model; Fermi gas model; Single particle potentials; Spin-orbit interaction &
potential; Magic numbers; Shell model predictions; Ground state spins; Spin and
magnetic moments of nuclei; Schmidt curves. (b) Collective Phenomena in nuclei:
Liquid drop model; Fermi gas; Mean field; Deformation; Vibrational and
rotational motion; Super and hyper deformation.
6. Nuclear Scattering and Reactions: Optical Model: Complex Potential; Nuclear 09
reaction cross-section; Energy Averaged Cross-sections; Phenomenological
Optical Model Cross-sections by the Method of Partial Waves; Elastic and
inelastic processes; Direct and compound-nuclear mechanisms; Continuum
Theory; Resonance; Breit-Wigner dispersion formula for an s-state.
7. Elementary Particles I: Strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions; Particle- 06
antiparticle; Classification and general properties; Conservation laws: Angular
momentum, Baryon number, lepton number, Strangeness, Isospin, Parity, charge
conjugation and CP; CPT theorem; The quark model; Weak interactions: CP
violation in kaons, Parity violation in β Decay.
8. Elementary Particles II: Spectrum and Interactions of Known Particles; 06
Conservation or Violation of Isospin; Strangeness and Charm in Particle
Interactions; Hadron Spectroscopy and Resonances; SU(3) Flavour Classification of
the Lightest Hadrons; Introduction to the Standard Model and Ideas of Unification;
Neutrino Masses.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. B. R. Martin, Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Wiley)

2. Krane, K. S. Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley)
3. Wong, S. S. M. Introductory Nuclear Physics (Wiley)
4. Bertulani, C. Nuclear Physics in a Nutshell (Princeton University Press)
5. W S C Williams, Nuclear and Particle Physics (Clarendon)
6. Blatt and Weisskopf; Theoretical Nuclear Physics.
7. Martin B. R. and Shaw, G. Particle Physics (Wiley)
8. Hodgson, P.E., Gadioli, E. & Gadioli Erba, E. Introductory Nuclear Physics, (OUP)
9. Perkins, D. H. Introduction to High Energy Physics (CUP)
10. Enge, H. A.; Introduction to Nuclear Physics; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 4th Edition.
11. Lilley, J. Nuclear Physics Principles and Applications (Wiley)
12. Burcham, W.E. Elements of Nuclear Physics, (Longman)
13. Halzen and Martin, Quarks and Leptons (Wiley).
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 87

PHY-406: Reactor Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-203, 301, 306, 405 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

The objectives of this course are to provide students a thorough understanding of the elementary key
elements of nuclear reactor physics. It will also provide basic idea on simple reactor geometries and
describe and understand the main reactivity feedback mechanisms, and their significance, on reactor
design and control. Key concepts such as neutron flux and diffusion are also introduced. These are then
utilized to demonstrate multiplication and criticality. The neutron life cycle in thermal reactors is
described along with fast and delayed neutron production. Reflected reactors and reactor kinetics are
discussed including doubling times, reactivity feedback mechanisms, power and temperature coefficients
and Xenon poisoning.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. discuss aspects of reactor physics and the implications that reactor physics has on the
2. engineering of nuclear systems.
3. perform analyses on simple reactor geometries and describe and understand the main reactivity
feedback mechanisms, and their significance, on reactor design and control.
4. explain the concept of criticality, and its estimation in various idealised geometries.
5. describe basic point kinetics concepts, and prompt and delayed criticality.
6. describe the main reactivity feedback mechanisms and their significance.
7. calculate basic parameters of reactor physics, e.g. multiplication factors, critical sizes.
8. perform point-kinetics reactor transient analyses, and explain the importance of prompt
9. criticality and neutron lifetime.

No. of
Course Contents
1. Introduction: Nuclear reactor physics; Nuclear reactor; Fusion reactor; Nuclear 08
energy; Nuclear force; Nuclear fission; Fissionable materials; Fissile materials;
Fertile materials; Breeding reaction; Doubling time; Mass and energy; Nuclear
reactions; Fundamental laws governing nuclear reactions; nuclear Binding energy:
mass defect, separation energy, Maxwellian distribution of gas, atoms or nuclei;
Atom density: For elements, for isotopes, for chemical composition.
2. Neutron: Discovery; Sources of neutrons; Properties of neutrons; Neutron 08
reaction; Slow neutron reaction; Neutron cross section; Microscopic and
macroscopic cross sections; Determination of cross section; Mean free path;
Attenuation of Neutrons; Neutron flux; Reaction rate; Classification of neutron
according to energy; Energy dependence of neutron cross section; Fission cross
3. Nuclear Reactors: Classification of reactors according to the mean energy of 07
neutrons causing fissions; Classification of reactors according to the material used;
Classification by structure; Classification of reactors according to the purpose;
Basic components of a nuclear reactor: Reactor core, cladding, coolant, moderator,
control rod or control system, blanket, reflector, reactor vessel, shielding, reactor
4. Nuclear Fission: Classification of fissile; Fissionable materials; The mechanism 07
of fission; Practical fission fuels; Products of fission; Yields and mass distribution
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 88

of fission products; Energy distribution of fission fragments; Energy release from

fission; Neutron yield and neutron production ratio; Prompt and delayed neurons;
Energy distribution of fission neutrons; Reactor power; Fissions rate; Fuel burn up;
Fuel consumption.
5. Moderation or Slowing Down of Reactor Neutrons: Neutron moderation by 07
elastic scattering; Collision kinematics; Differential elastic scattering cross section;
Isotropic scattering; Scattering angles in L and C.M systems; Angular and energy
distribution; Forward scattering in the L System; Average energy loss per collision
and average cosine of scattering angle; Average logarithmic energy decrement;
Description of the dynamics of elastic collision in terms of lethargy; Transport
mean free path and transport cross section; Slowing down power and moderating
ratio; Slowing down time; Slowing down density; Resonance escape probability;
The effective resonance integral.
6. Neutron Diffusion: Neutron transport equation: Basic definitions, assumptions; 07
derivation of transport equation; Meaning of neutron diffusion; Fick’s law,
Equation of continuity, One speed diffusion equation; Steady-state diffusion
equation, boundary conditions, solution of diffusion equation for different
geometry; The thermal diffusion length; The exponential piles; The diffusion
length for a fuel moderator mixture; Multi-region problem; Fast neutron diffusion
and Fermi age equation; Assumptions; Slowing down density and derivation of
Fermi age equation, Fermi age, ; Fast diffusion length, Lf; Physical significance
of age, ; Migration area and length.
7. Neutron Chain Reaction: Introduction; Neutron cycle and multiplication factors; 05
Four factor formula; Neutron leakage and critical size; Six factor formula; Nuclear
reactors and their classifications; Homogenous and heterogeneous reactor system;
Effect of heterogeneous arrangement on , p, f, and .
8. The Reactor Critical Equation: Introduction; Diffusion equation applied to a 07
thermal reactor; One-group reactor equation; Solution of one-group reactor
equation: For the slab reactor, for a spherical reactor, for an infinite cylindrical
reactor, for a rectangular parallelepiped reactor, for a finite cylindrical reactor;
Minimum critical volume of a reactor; Maximum to average fluxes and power;
One-group critical equation; Criticality calculations: The group diffusion method,
two-group critical equations, modified one-group critical equation; Critical
equation for continuous slowing down; Thermal neutron diffusion; Critical
equation and reactor buckling; The non-leakage factor; Criticality of large thermal
reactors; Critical size and geometrical buckling; Effect of reflector; Reflected
reactors; Reflector savings.
9. Reactor Control: Control and reactor kinetics; Fission product poisoning, 135Xe 05
poisoning, 149Sm poisoning; Control rod worth; Cylindrical rod; Burnable poisons;
Effects of temperature on reactor kinetics; General feature of reactor control.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books
1. Liverhant, S. E.; Elementary Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics.
2. Glasstone, S. and Edelund M. G.; Elementary of Nuclear Reactor Theory; CBS Publishing and
3. Lamarsh, J. R.; Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Theory; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
4. Lamarsh. J. R.; Nuclear Reactor Engineering; Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
5. Glasstone, S. and Sessonske, A.; Nuclear Reactor Engineering; CBS Publishing and Distributions.
6. Beck L. K.; Nuclear Reactor for Research.
7. Bennet, D.J. & Thompson, J.R. Elements of Nuclear Power, (Longman)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 89

PHY-407: Geophysics Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 203, 204, 303 Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

This course is designed to be a survey of the various sub-disciplines of geophysics (geodesy, gravity,
geomagnetism, seismology, and geodynamics) and how they might relate to or be relevant for other
planets. No prior background in Earth sciences is assumed, but students should be comfortable with
vector calculus, classical mechanics, and potential field theory. Geophysicists are employed in a wide
range of industries, including petroleum and mineral exploration, groundwater, contaminants and salinity
evaluation, state and government geological surveys, defence science and academic research. This course
provides the background for a career in solid-earth, exploration and environmental geophysics.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. demonstrate proficiency in common practical skills in geophysics;

2. describe the difference between a potential field, diffusive field, and a wave field;
3. explain how geophysics is used to predict rock chemistry and/or mineralogy;
4. discuss advantages and limitations to various geophysical methods with respect to sensitivities
and geologic conditions;
5. discuss the differences between the oceanic and continental lithospheres in a variety of
geophysical contexts;
6. discuss the assumptions applied to Maxwell’s equations and the conditions under which they
apply that result in fundamentally different geophysical phenomena;
7. predict the geophysical response to simplified geological structures;
8. develop relationships for characteristic temporal and spatial scales from more complex
mathematical relationships;
9. design an appropriate set of geophysical surveys to investigate a potential subsurface target.

No. of
Course Contents
1. The Earth in the Solar System: Solar System Formation, Accretion, and the 04
Early Thermal State of the Earth; Rotation and Angular Momentum; The Sun;
Planetary Formation; Early Thermal State of the Earth; Meteorites and the Bulk
Composition of the Earth; Chondrites; Secondary Processing; Achondrites; Irons
and Stony-Irons; Cosmic ray exposures of meteorites; Pointing-Robertson effect;
Compositions of terrestrial planets; One-dimensional Earth's Structure; Lateral
Heterogeneity in the Mantle.

2. Rotation and Figure of the Earth: Figure of the earth; Precession of the 04
equinoxes; The Chandler wobble; Tidal friction and the history of the Earth-Moon
system; Fluctuations in rotation and the excitation of the wobble.

3. The Earth's Gravitational Field: Gravity as a gradient of the geopotential, 04

Potentials, Figure of the Earth; Satellite Geoid; Crustal structure and the principle
of isostasy; Gravitational Potential due to Nearly Spherical Body; Earth tides; The
Poisson and Laplace Equations; Cartesian and Spherical Coordinate Systems;
Spherical Harmonics; Global Gravity Anomalies; Gravity Anomalies and the
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 90

Reduction of Gravity Data; Correlation between Gravity Anomalies and

Topography; Flexure and Gravity.

4. Seismology and the Internal Structure of the Earth: Seismicity of the earth: 05
Historical Perspective, Introduction; Elastic waves and seismic rays : Strain,
Stress, Equations of Motion, Wave Equation, P and S-waves, From Vector to
Scalar Potentials – Polarization, Solution by Separation of Variables, Plane Waves,
Some Remarks, Nomenclature of Body Waves in Earth's Interior, More on the
Dispersion Relation, The Wave Field - Snell's Law, Fermat's Principle and Snell's
Law, Ray Geometries of the Wave Field, Travel Time Curves and Radial Earth
Structure, Radial Earth Structure, Surface Waves, Sensitivity Kernels, Excitation
of Surface Waves, Dispersion: Phase and Group Velocity, Dispersion Curves;
Internal density and composition; Seismology: Free Oscillations.

5. Geomagnetism: The Magnetic Field of the Earth; The Main Field; The Internal 05
Field; The External Field; The Magnetic Induction due to a Magnetic Dipole;
Magnetic Potential due to More Complex Configurations; Power Spectrum of the
Magnetic Field; Downward Continuation; Secular Variation; Source of the Internal
Field: The Geodynamo; Crustal Field and Rock Magnetism; Magnetization; Other
Types of Magnetization; Magnetic Cleaning Procedures; Paleomagnetism; Field
Reversals; Qualitative Arguments that explain the need for Core-mantle Coupling;
Magnetic Anomalies; Magnetic Anomaly Profiles; Fundamental equations;
Measurement of the magnetic field; Method of Gauss; Saturation induction
magnetometer; Proton precession magnetometer, Alkali vapor magnetometer.

6. Geodynamics (The Earth’s Internal Heat): Heat Flow, Geothermal Gradient, 04

Diffusion, Thermal Structure of the Oceanic Lithosphere, Bending, or Flexure, of
Thin Elastic Plate; The Upper Mantle Transition Zone; The geothermal flux;
Thermal conduction in the mantle; Temperatures in the interior of the earth;
Energy source for the geomagnetic dynamo.

7. Radioactivity and the Age of the Earth: The pre-radioactivity age problem; 04
Radioactive Decay; Radioactive elements and the principle of radiometric dating;
Radioactivity as a Heat Source; Age of the earth and meteorites; Dating the nuclear

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Sleep, Norman H., Kazuya Fujita, and K. Fujita. Principles of Geophysics. Blackwell Science.
2. Lowrie, William. Fundamentals of Geophysics. Cambridge University Press, September 1997.
3. Fowler, C. M. R. The Solid Earth: An Introduction to Global Geophysics. Second Edition. CUP.
4. Stacey, F. D.; Physics of the Earth; John Wiley and Sons, New York
5. Turcotte, Donald L., and Gerald Schubert. Geodynamics. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.
6. Garland, G. D.; Introduction to Geophysics: Mantle, Core and Crust; W. B. Saunders Company.
7. Grant, F. S. and G.F. West; Interpretation Theory in Applied Geophysics.
8. Parasnis, D. S.; Principles of Applied Geophysics; Chapman and Hall.
9. Telford, F. M., Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R. E. and. Keyes, D. A.; Applied Geophysics; CUP.
10. Stein, Seth, and Michael Wysession. An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes and Earth Structure.
Blackwell Science, 2002.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 91

PHY-408: Renewable Energy Theory: 30 Lectures Credit: 2

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 30 Full Marks: 50
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 103, 204, 305 Lectures: 2 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

This course provides an introduction to energy systems and renewable energy resources, with a scientific
examination of the energy field and an emphasis on alternate energy sources and their technology and
application. The class will explore society’s present needs and future energy demands, examine
conventional energy sources and systems, including fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and then focus on
alternate, renewable energy sources such as solar, biomass (conversions), wind power, geothermal, and
hydro. Energy conservation methods will be emphasized. In the interest of time some mathematical
criteria will be covered, e.g. Betz limit for wind, limit of efficiency of WEC point absorber.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. List and generally explain the main sources of energy and their primary applications in
Bangladesh, and the world.
2. Describe the challenges and problems associated with the use of various energy sources, including
fossil fuels, with regard to future supply and the environment.
3. Discuss remedies/potential solutions to the supply and environmental issues associated with fossil
fuels and other energy resources.
4. List and describe the primary renewable energy resources and technologies.
5. Explain the technological basis for harnessing renewable energy sources.
6. Describe/illustrate basic electrical concepts and system components.
7. Convert units of energy—to quantify energy demands and make comparisons among energy uses,
resources, and technologies.
8. Collect and organize information on renewable energy technologies as a basis for further analysis
and evaluation.
9. Compare different renewable energy technologies and choose the most appropriate based on local
10. Design renewable/hybrid energy systems that meet specific energy demands, are economically
feasible and have a minimal impact on the environment
11. Suggest the best combination of technological solutions to minimize the emission of greenhouse
gases and increase the sustainability of the energy system in specific areas/regions
12. Discuss how to utilize local energy resources (renewable and non-renewable) to achieve the
sustainable energy system

No. of
Course Contents
1. Renewable Energy Sources: Introduction: Energy: Past, Today, and Future, A 05
brief history of energy consumption, Energy & Environment, Non-renewable
energies; Lifetime of Fossil Fuels, Sustainability and Energy Use, Energy
Conversion Technologies; Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydroelectric energy,
Ocean energy, Tidal energy, Wave energy, Geothermal energy, Ocean thermal
energy conversion (OTEC).
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 92

2. Solar Energy: World Energy Requirement and Reserve; Solar Radiation; Solar 10
Constant Solar Geometry; Azimuth; Declination; Day Length; Solar Time; Solar
Radiation of Tilted Surface; Monthly Average Solar Radiation; Measurement of
Solar Radiation.
a) Basic Concept of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation; Heat
Conduction through Different Surfaces; Natural and Forced Convection; Heat
Transfer Coefficients.
b) Solar Collectors: Flat Plate Collectors; General Description of Flat Plate
Collector; Heat Transfer Properties of the Flat Plate Collector; Energy Balance;
Temperature Distribution; Collector Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient; Collector
Efficiency Factor; Heat Removal Factor and Flow Factor.
c) Energy Storage: Applications of Energy Storage; Storage Characteristics;
Energy Storage Technologies; Types of Energy Storage; Sensible Heat Storage;
Latent Heat Storage; Thermochemical Storage; Battery Examples; Sustainability.
d) Solar Photovoltaics: Interaction of Light with Semiconductor; Absorption and
Recombination Process; Photovoltaic Principles; Semiconductor Junction; Power
Output and Conversion Efficiency; Efficiency Limit. Basic Photovoltaic System
for Power Generation; Solar Modules; Module Circuit Design; Application of
Photovoltaic System.

3. Wind Energy: Wind power, Suitability of Wind Power; Estimation of wind 05

power; Factors of Wind Speed; Wind behavior and site selection, Wind power
variations with time, Wind and energy roses, Wind power distribution, Local
power variations with height and terrain; Betz’ Law; Basic Wind Power System;
Wind Generators; Basic wind turbine aerodynamics; Dynamic Modeling of Wind
Turbines; Control of Wind Turbines; Wind Energy and the environment.

4. Water Power (Hydro, Tidal & Wave): Introduction, Methodology for Pelamis to 05
convert wave energy into electricity, Methodology for the LIMPET (Land Installed
Marine Power Energy Transformer) to convert wave energy into electricity,
Methodology for the floating wave power vessel (FWPV) to convert wave energy
into electricity, Methodology for the stingray tidal stream generator to convert
wave energy into electricity, Floating wind mill to convert wind energy into
electricity. Ocean Energy: Ocean Energy Potential against Wind and Solar, Wave
Characteristics and Statistics, Wave Energy Devices, Introduction to Tidal Power,
Tide characteristics and Statistics, Tide Energy Technologies, Ocean Thermal
Energy, Osmotic Power, Ocean Bio-mass; Hydropower: Basic properties of water
energy, Available energy of water flow, Transformation of water energy,
Hydropower plants, Small hydropower plants, Special hydropower plants,
Utilization of hydropower – examples, trends in hydropower utilization.

5. Bioenergy: Introduction, Biogas technology, Mechanism of biogas formation, 03

Design of fixed dome biogas plant, Maintenance of biogas plant, Construction
material and cost of a family size fixed dome biogas plant; Types of biomass and
their basic properties, Transformation of biomass energy, Biomass gasification
process, Types of gasifier, Problems with gasification, Prospects and potential of
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 93

biomass gasification, Biomass gasifier stove and its design, Applications of

biomass, Technologies for utilization of biomass – examples, Economics of
biomass, Trends in biomass energy utilization.

6. Other Non-conventional Systems: Geothermal Energy: Principles, Geothermal 03

Resources, Electricity Production, Geothermal Technologies, Challenges,
Economics; Fuel Cells; Transportation - hybrids, flexfuels, fuel cells; Hydrogen
Energy: Basic properties of hydrogen, Technologies of hydrogen production, Fuel
Cell – operating principle, main parts, properties and types, Chemical Energy
Conversions, Fuel Cell Integration, Modeling of Fuel Cells, Control of Fuel Cells.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Schaeffer, John. 2007. Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook: The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy
Technologies and Sustainable Living (30th anniversary edition). Gaiam.
2. Boyle, Godfrey. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Third Edition. Oxford University
Press, 2012.
3. Bob Everett, Boyle, Godfrey, and Janet Ramage (eds.) 2004. Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for
a Sustainable Future. Oxford University Press
4. Tester, et al. Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options, 2nd Edition. MIT Press, 2012.
5. Aldo V. da Rosa, “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes”, 2005, Academic Press.
6. Gilbert M. Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, 2004, Wiley.
7. Bent Sorensen, “Renewable energy: its physics, engineering, use, environmental impacts, economy, and
planning aspects” Elsevier Academic Press.
8. John Twidell, Tony Weir, Anthony D. Weir “Renewable Energy Resources”, Taylor & Francis.
9. John. A. Duiffie and Willium A. Beckman; Solar Engineering of Thermal Process, 3 edition, Wiley. .
10. K. Sukhatme, Suhas P. Sukhatme; Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage. Tata
McGraw-Hill Education.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 94

PHY-409: Biomedical Physics Theory: 60 Lectures Credit: 4

Physics Core Course Contact Hours: 60 Full Marks: 100
Pre-requisites: PHY-102, 207, 304, 306 Lectures: 3 (1 hour) sessions/week

Aims and objectives

There is an increasing recognition that physics can provide a very real - and very valuable - insight into
the behavior of complex biological systems, and that a physical approach to biological problems can
provide a new way of looking at the world. This course will introduce the students to the basics of
biological systems, and then provide examples of how familiar physical principles (thermodynamics,
statistical mechanics) underlie complex biological phenomena. This course will introduce the wonders of
biology: the organisms, cells, and molecules that make up the living world. We will demonstrate the
power of physical concepts to understand and make powerful predictions about biological systems, the
motions of proteins to drive biological processes. The physical concepts will be substantially familiar, but
their applications will be novel. Students will be taught how to interpret experimental observations of
various biomedical systems by using their physics and mathematics knowledge and by applying problem
solving skills. They will acquire new knowledge and skills that will be applicable to complex systems
quite generally, not only in biomedicine. Where possible, examples will be drawn from the recent
scientific literature.

The objective of this course are as follows:

1. To introduce the topic of biomedical physics, and to show how physical principles help one to
understand the function of living systems at all levels of complexity - starting at the molecular, via
the cellular, to the organ and system levels.
2. To introduce stability analysis of thermodynamically open systems.
3. To convey an appreciation that living systems are structures in time as much as structures in
4. To provide an introduction to coupled oscillatory processes characteristic of living systems.
5. To introduce some analytical techniques for analysis of data related to complex, oscillatory
6. To introduce to key physical principles as applied to medical imaging and radiation therapy.
7. To develop basic understanding of medical physics concepts.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. describe the building units of a living cell at an organelle level and in some cases at a molecular
level and know about the functionality of these units.
2. understand basic atom and binding theory and can describe the electron configuration of simple
molecules, and see this in connection to larger molecules such as proteins and amino acids.
3. explain the physical principles of the functioning of a cell, how cells make ensembles (tissues and
organs), and how they interact within larger biological systems;
4. demonstrate an understanding of the structure of cells, and the major components within a cell
and recognize that biological systems are far from equilibrium
5. explain DNA and DNA replication, as well as the role of RNA in the DNA translation and
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 95

6. apply their knowledge of physics and mathematics to the understanding of basic principles of
living systems - starting from a cell to the cardiovascular system and the brain;
7. discuss the importance of diffusion, random walks, entropy and self-assembly in biological
8. describe electrical signals from cells and how electromagnetic signals are transmitted through
biological tissue.
9. explain the basic characteristics of living systems as thermodynamically open systems and general
physiological processes and how thermodynamics, hydrodynamics and electromagnetism may
describe these processes.
10. explain the difference between imaging with ionising and non-ionising and describe the principles
of a variety of biophysics and medical imaging concepts for each of the imaging modalities
covered including NMR spectroscopy and optical microscopy, computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound imaging and positron emission tomography (PET)
and the basic principles of spectroscopic methods like UV-VIS, EPR and NMR/MRI.
11. compare and contrast the medical imaging techniques that are available in a hospital setting and
explain their relative merits
12. understand the general principles of medical image reconstruction and registration and identify
the key factors that affect image quality and address these factors for the different imaging
13. learn to communicate the physical principles behind medical technology, radiation safety, and
relevant applications, radiation in the context of radiation dosimetry and risk
14. describe radioactivity, radiation doses, RBE, radiation quality, radiation weight factors, organ
weight factors, the oxygen effect, Bq, Gy, Sv, sensing and therapeutic applications of physics in
medicine and able to make simple calculations of radiation doses.

Section A: Biophysics

1. Properties and Structure of Macromolecules: Atomic and molecular forces; Stability and
synchronization in complex and open interacting systems; Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA); Entropy
and information; DNA as an information storage system; Fundamental rate processes: Boltzmann
equation; Methods of replication; Amino-acids.
2. The Cell Membrane: Properties of membrane; Molecular diffusion and Brownian motion;
Transport and diffusion of ions and molecules through the cell membrane; Ion channel dynamics;
Cellular structure and function: passive and active transport across a cell membrane; Basic physics
of membrane potentials: Nernst-Planck and Goldman equations; Oscillatory dynamics of membrane
potential; Measurement of membrane potentials; Membrane model.

3. Basic Enzyme Behavior: Michelis Manten mechanism and MWC model.

4. Neuromuscular Physics: Overview of the central nervous system; Origin of resting and action
potentials in neurons and muscle fibers; Propagation of action potentials through neuromuscular
system; Hodgkin-Huxley model; Neurotransmitters. Integrate and fire model and functioning of the
brain as an information-processing system.

5. Physics of the Cardiovascular System: Introductory concepts; Functioning of the cardiovascular

system as a system that provides energy and matter to cells; Physics of Cardiovascular System:
Work Done by Heart, Blood Pressure, Bernoulli’s principle applied to cardiovascular system;
Generation of Korotkoff sound and indirect measurement of blood pressure; Oscillations and
turbulence in blood flow; Electricity within Body: Electrical Potential of Nerves, Electromyogram,
Electrocardiogram; Interactions between cardiovascular oscillations and brain waves.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 96

Section –B: Medical Physics

6. Physics of the Heart: Mechanical and electrical properties of the heart; Electrical activity of heart;
ECG/EKG measurement; Typical waveforms and physiological origins of the major peaks in the
wave form; Artificial pacemaker.

7. Medical Imaging Techniques: Gamma Camera; Imaging with ionizing radiation: X-ray, CT,
nuclear medicine, SPECT and PET; Imaging with non-ionizing radiation: MRI and ultrasound;
Ultrasound Imaging: Nature, Production and detection of ultrasounds, A-scan, B-scan, M-scan,
Clinical applications.

8. Image Processing and analysis: Digital image fundamentals; General principles of image
reconstruction and registration of images over time and between modalities; Image smoothing;
Restoration and enhancement; Image segmentation and pattern recognition.

9. Nuclear Medicine: Principle, choice of radionuclide and radiopharmaceuticals; Technetium

generator; Imaging and function test of thyroid gland, liver, spleen, kidney, lungs, brain, heart, and

10. X-rays and Radiation Therapy: Production and clinical applications of X-rays; Principles of
radiation therapy; Radiotherapy treatment planning; Isodose curve; Simulator; Teletherapy;
LINAC; Brachytherapy; Radiation Detectors: Scintillation Detector; Semiconductor Detectors;
Radiation Dosimetry: Radiation Units; RBE; QF Absorbed Dose; Bragg-Gray Principle; Kerma,
Internally Deposited Radioisotope; Calculation of Dose Rate from a Point and Distributed Sources.

N.B. (A student will have to answer at least 2 questions from PART-A and 2 questions from PART-
B in the final exam)

Recommended Books

1. Rob Phillips, Jane Kondev, Julie Theriot, and Hernan Garcia; Physical Biology of the Cell, Second Edition
(Garland Science, 2012).
2. W.R Hendee and E.R. Ritenour, Medical Imaging Physics 4th Edition, Wiley-Liss Inc. (2002)
3. Brown B.H. and Small Wood R.H.; Medical Physics and Physiological Measurements.
4. R Glaser, Biophysics, Springer, 2005.
5. Cotterill, R. Biophysics: An Introduction (Wiley 2002)
6. P Nelson, Biological Physics: Energy, Information, Life, 2008.
7. Nelson, P. Physical Models of Living Systems (Freeman, 2015)
8. Cameron J.R. and J. Skofronick; Medical Physics.
9. Brown B.H. and Small Wood R.H; Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering.
10. Cromwell; Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement.
11. Guyton; Textbook of Medical Physiology.
12. Sprawls, P; Physical Principle of Medical Imaging.
13. Refael C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods; Digital Image Processing.
14. Hande, W.R.; Medical Physics of Radiation Physics.
15. Johns and Cunnighum; Physics of Radiology.
16. Cesareo, R. et al.; Nuclear Analytical Techniques in Medicine.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 97

PHY-410: Senior Honors Project Credit: 2 Contact Hours: 100

Physics Core Course Full Marks: 50
Supervised reading, weekly meetings with Supervisor and research work over senior year

Aims and objectives

This course aims to develop independence in the skills of experimental design and project management,
develop oral reporting skills, and to encourage high quality technical presentation and written summaries.
The course includes a substantial experimental or theoretical research project and a related topic in
advanced physics. Project work is student’s main chance to work on their own topic of interest and to
show their own initiative, theoretical and experimental skills.

In this course, students may select any potential topics including but not limited to, depending on the
nature of the project and subject to availability (and not already undertaken by other students):
Astrophysics, Atmospheric Physics, Computational Physics, Electronics, Electrodynamics, General
Relativity, Mathematical Physics, Nonlinear Optics, Nuclear and Radiation Physics, Photonics, Plasma
Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Particle Physics. Students must consult the Senior Honors Project
Coordinator and project supervisor regarding the selection of the topics as it must be unique to other
students’ project topics. The project work provides the opportunity to study a topic in depth that has been
chosen or which has been suggested by a faculty member. The research project is selected at the start of
the Senior Honors year following consultation with the Senior Honors Project Coordinator and depends
on availability of research supervisors in the department in any particular year.

The educational objectives of the senior honors project are to:

1. enable students to explore in depth a topic of personal interest in the physical sciences.
2. enhance information search and selection skills specific to a particular project.
3. develop such transferable skills as scientific report writing and oral presentation.
4. facilitate self-reliance and the application of project management skills (i.e. time management, use
of resources) to the successful completion of the project.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, it is expected that students will be able to:

1. demonstrate a detailed physical and mathematical understanding of an advanced topic in physics;

2. apply the concepts and theories of an advanced topic in physics and solve new problems
3. demonstrate specialized analytical skills and techniques necessary to carry out research in an
advanced topic in physics;
4. undertake independent research in an area of advanced physics;
5. demonstrate initiative and intellectual independence in scientific work;
6. conduct a comprehensive search of the literature relevant to a research topic and to select and
summarize the crucial aspects of the relevant literature
7. use a range of primary source material including library and on-line resources.
8. apply knowledge of physical science to the planning and development of a research/technical
9. critically evaluate information and techniques when deciding upon research methodologies and
analysis, using criteria that can be defended.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 98

10. gain experience of the organization and completion of an extended project where the results and
outcomes are not fully defined at the beginning
11. organize, keep and use a comprehensive log book of the work done in the project
12. comply with regulatory frameworks and practicing professional ethics relevant to physics.
13. manage time and resources to optimal effect to produce a project report to a given deadline.
14. analyze, interpret and critical evaluate research findings;
15. write a full report including a concise summary of the relevant literature, the pertinent aspects of
the method and a critical discussion of the results and conclusions
16. gain experience the preparation of scientific posters and the oral reporting of results
17. demonstrate an understanding of the close relationship between scientific research and the
development of new knowledge in a global context;

Feedback methods

Students are expected to meet with their Supervisor on a weekly basis to work on their research project.
Feedback will be offered by supervisors at each stage of the work, but especially about two weeks prior
to submission, when students should discuss the structure and broad content of students’ project report
with their supervisor, who will offer oral feedback. Students must demonstrate satisfactory progress at the
end of the fourth year of study to be allowed to submit their project report. A project report is submitted
at the end of the senior year of study. The students are required to meet with their Supervisor on a
weekly basis and provide them with an update of their research work.


The project takes place during the senior year of undergraduate study. It is expected that students will
spend 1/2 days per week working on the project. It must be completed and handed in at the end of the
senior year. Students are assigned at the start of senior year a project selected from their list of choices
which is timed to take place when they are free from their coursework’s and lab works. The supervisor
will outline possible approaches and offer guidance and advice during the course of the project.

The student will carry out an individual study of a current topic in physics, which should show evidence
of original thinking and may take the form of a design element. The focus of the project should be clearly
on the physics, broadly construed; students unsure whether their planned approach meets this criterion
should discuss the issue with their supervisor. The student will write a report or essay along the lines of a
scientific article. The length of the report will be notified by the coordinator. At the end of the project
students give a timed presentation followed by a question and answer session. Penalty for late submission
will be decided by the Senior Honors Project Coordinator.

The students should follow the guidelines for doing project at the beginning of this handbook. Some of
the important rules are as follows:

1. Project work should be done as an extension of topics in the syllabus.

2. Project can be experimental / theoretical or done in the department of Physics or in collaboration
(association) with a recognized national research laboratory or organizations.

The student’s first carryout a literature survey which will provide the background information necessary
for the investigations during the research phase of the project. The various steps in project works are the

1. Wide review of a topic.

2. Investigation on an area of Physics in systematic way using appropriate techniques.
3. Systematic recording of the work.
4. Reporting the results with interpretation in written and oral forms.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 99


Assessment is based on a written report and an interview with relative weights 30 and 20 respectively.
The marking is carried out by the supervisor and an independent assessor. A mark of 40% or more in this
course is required in order to obtain an honors BSc degree.

Honors Colloquium

Students will participate in an honors colloquium in which each will give a presentation of their research
project. Students will also be required to attend an oral examination in which they demonstrate their
competency in the research project. This is formative, will happen at the end of the senior year and
carries 40% mark of the course.

Research Report

The research report will provide students with an opportunity to communicate with a literate but non-
specialist physics audience and give them practice in writing and presenting a scientific report. The report
should include an introduction to the research project, showing where it fits within the overall picture of
physics and the nature and aims of the project, including a succinct description of the particular problems
to solve. The report should be prepared in full consultation with the Supervisor.

Late Submission

If an extension is not applied for, or not granted then a penalty for late submission will apply. A penalty
of up to a maximum of 50% of the available marks will be applied. This means that a project report that
is 5 days late or more without an approved extension can only receive a maximum of 50% of the marks
available for that project.

Example project titles

Power for the 21st century – alternative concepts in magnetically confined fusion
Measuring the Temperature of the Troposphere by Radio-Acoustic Sounding
A Tuning Device for a Musical Instrument
The Physics of traffic jams
The carbon crunch: living for the future
A sunlight health policy
Airships: History and Future Potential
The potential impact of LED based solid state lighting
Ultra-fast dynamics of biological molecules
SETI: the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence
Quantum Computers
Accelerator Driven Sub-Critical Reactors
Deceleration and trapping of polar molecules
Negative index of refraction
Helioseismology: a look inside the Sun
Why is water essential for life?
Recent neutron scattering technology development and its application in bio-research
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 100

PHY-411: Physics Lab - IV Lab: 20 Sessions Credit: 4

Physics Core Practicals Contact Hours: 120 Full Marks: 100
Practical: 1 sessions/week, 6 hour/session

Aims and objectives

To teach basic laboratory skills and illustrate physics topics such as basic principles of electric circuit
analysis, damping and resonance in electric circuits, optics, solid state physics and nuclear physics,
astrophysics, biomedical physics, renewable energy, geophysics and computational physics illustrated by
experiment. They are designed to teach specific experimental skills and techniques e.g., experimental
data collection and analysis, ethical standards in a scientific investigation through individual experiments
drawn from various topics in physics.

The objectives of physics practical labs are as follows:

1. to introduce and develop group-working skills and enhance writing and written presentation skills
2. to develop the appropriate skills and confidence to use computers for the tasks required in
laboratory work
3. to introduce the basic concepts and methods required for laboratory data analysis.
4. to develop sound judgement in interpreting experimental results and uncertainties.
5. to develop the skills required for good scientific communication.
6. to ensure that students can competently use an oscilloscope and to foster an understanding of the
way electrical signals are shaped by passive circuit elements.
7. to understand how simple optical instruments work.

Learning outcomes

On completion successful students will be able to:

1. Link the experimental findings to underlying physics in lecture courses, textbooks and scientific
journals and apply their physics knowledge and problem-solving skills to model problems in
2. recognize a wide range of measurement instrumentation, develop and extend prescribed
experimental procedures
3. use and measure with common instrumentation and handle sophisticated apparatus with
4. work independently and also co-operatively with colleagues
5. keep professional quality systematic records of laboratory work in a log book while demonstrating
high ethical standards during a scientific investigation
6. critically evaluate the results of an experiment, assess the significance of the experimental results
compared to expected outcomes and draw valid conclusions
7. appreciate the importance of uncertainties in experimental measurements and be able to apply
them in an appropriate manner
8. estimate the precision of experimental results, from an understanding of the experimental
procedure and from a statistical analysis of repeated measurements
9. describe the sources of random and systematic error, calculate their effects on the results and
evaluate ways of reducing the dominant error
10. use specific computer applications to manipulate and present experimental data in the form of
graphs and tables and to describe experiments in coherent, structured formal written reports based
on their experiments
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 101

Feedback methods

Feedback will be offered orally by demonstrators in lab sessions, orally by demonstrators when they
mark each experiment and in writing for all lab reports.

Lab: Laboratory group will be allocated, and supported by, a demonstrator who will monitor progress and
provide continuous feedback. A demonstrator is assigned to each group of students for the duration
of each experiment. The demonstrator gives guidance and instruction and may be consulted at any
time during the laboratory hours. Each laboratory has attendant/technicians who maintain the
equipment and have a pool of special items (such as stopwatches) for loan.

During discussions, advice on how to improve the measurement, analysis and presentation of results will
be given orally and also written on the assessment sheets, copies of which will be given to the

In written reports, detailed comments on how the report might be improved are written on the reports.
More general comments are written on the marked sheets, copies of which are returned to the
students along with the marked reports. Students are strongly encouraged to collect their marked
reports from the markers, when any written comments can be elaborated upon.


The fourth year teaching laboratories are located on the second floor and hosts experiments on electricity
and magnetism, electronics, solid state physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, geophysics,
renewable energy, biomedical physics and computational physics. The laboratory unit includes
packages on wave optics Circuits PHY-103, PHY-202, Basic Electronics PHY-205, Solid State
Physics PHY-305, Nulcear Physics PHY-306 and PHY-402, 407, 408, 409.


The demonstrator assesses each group of students during the course of the experiment by considering
physics understanding, experimental results, quality of data analysis, innovation, quality of notes in
laboratory book and a short interview at the end. During the year students are required to submit
written reports on all of the experiments undertaken. The total laboratory mark for the year is based
on the experiments and the written reports. Failure to submit such a report will constitute a failure to
satisfy the work and attendance requirements and hence the student will not be allowed to proceed
to the final term exam.

(A student will be required to perform two experiments in the final examination taking one from
each group).


1. (a) (i) To construct stabilized power supply and observe the effect of variation of input
voltage on output voltage.
(ii) To plot a graph of input vs. output voltage and hence to calculate the percentage of
(b) To construct a square wave generator using the constructed stabilized power supply
and to demonstrate its operation.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 102

2. To construct and test a phase shift oscillator using a transistor and observe the following:
(a) measure the frequency of oscillation,
(b) compare the measured value of frequency with that of the calculated value,
(c) observe the effect of using two RC sections instead of three.
3. To study the JFET Characteristics.
4. To design, construct and analyze inverting and noninverting high gain operational
amplifier using 741 Linear IC and hence:
(a) measure the input resistance of the inverting voltage gain amplifier,
(b) measure the output resistance of the non-inverting voltage gain amplifier.
5. To design, construct and test a high-pass Active Filter using LM324 linear integrated
circuit and observe the following:
(a) determine the frequency range where filtering occurs,
(b) plot a voltage gain versus frequency graph.
6. (a) To demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a TTL Logic gate and to show how
it can be used to perform different Logic functions.
(b) To demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a CMOS logics gate and to show
how it can be used to perform different logic functions.
7. To study the UJT Characteristics.
8. (a) To design, construct and test an Astable Multivibrator and hence determine:
(i) frequency of oscillation,
(ii) time period of oscillation by different combination of resistor and capacitor.
(b) To design, construct and test an Monostable Multivibrator using Timer 555 IC and
hence determine the triggering network, and find
(i) Minimum triggering voltage.
(ii) Maximum triggering frequency.


1. To construct an Audio frequency Amplifier and hence

(a) To observe distortion,
(b) measure the output and input impedance,
(c) measure the power gain,
(d) plot its frequency response curve.
2. To study the SCR Characteristics.
3. (a) To demonstrate the operation and characteristics of set –reset (latch) Flip-flop.
(b) To demonstrate the operation and characteristics of a D-type Flip-flop and a storage
4. To design, construct and test a low pass active filter using LM324 linear integrated circuit
(a) determine the low frequency range where filtering occurs,
(b) plot a graph of voltage gain versus frequency graph.
5. (a) To design, Test and evaluate an IC Amplifier operated as a square-wave (Free-
running square wave) oscillator and
(i) measure the output voltage,
(ii) determine the frequency by adjusting R between its limits,
(iii) determine the frequency oscillation where it is dependent on the supply voltage
for oscillation.
(b) To design, construct and evaluate sine wave oscillator using linear IC and
(i) record the output wave shape of the maximum undistorted peak output voltage,
(ii) calculate the frequency of oscillation,
(iii) calculate the output impedance.
6. (a) To determine the operation and characteristics of diode AND & OR gate (Using discrete
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 103

(b) To determine the operation and characteristics of a typical discrete component transistor
logic gate.
7. To verify Stefan’s law and hence to determine Stefan’s constant.
8. To demonstrate the operation and characteristics of exclusive OR and exclusive NOR gates.

N.B.: In addition to the above experiments the Department may include/exclude some experiments.

Recommended Books

Each experiment is described in a laboratory script which is provided for the student. References to
relevant text-books for background reading are given in the script.

The following is the recommended book for a discussion of general experimental techniques:

 Taylor, John Robert. An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical
Measurements. University Science Books, 1997.
 Bevington, Philip R., and D. Keith Robinson. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical
Sciences. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
 Squires, G.L. Practical Physics, 4th edition (Cambridge, 2001).
 Melissinos, Adrian Constantin, and Jim Napolitano. Experiments in Modern Physics. Academic
Press, 2003.
 Preston, Daryl, and Eric Dietz. The Art of Experimental Physics. John Wiley & Sons, 1991.
 Paul B. Zbar and Albert Paul Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual
 Thomas C. Hayes, Paul Horowitz; Learning the Art of Electronics: A Hands-On Lab Course,
 Millman, J and Taub, H; Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms: Devices and Circuits for Their
Generation and Processing, McGraw-Hill.
 Gregory, Philip Christopher. Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences: A
Comparative Approach with Mathematica® Support. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
 George H. Stout and Lyle H. Jensen, Practical Structure Determination X-Ray Structure
Determination: A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Interscience.
 Ahmed, G and Uddin, MS, Practical Physics
 H D Young, R A Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, Pearson, 14th Ed., 2015
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 104


Department of Physics
Jahangirnagar University
Savar, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh.

Department Teaching and Learning Academic Team

Name Designation Research Interest Email

Dr. S M Azharul
Professor Nuclear and Reactor Physics [email protected]
Dr. Md. Nurul Alam Professor Plasma Physics [email protected]
Condensed Matter Physics: Crystal
Dr. Md. Abul
Professor Growth, Phase Transition, Magnetic [email protected]
Hossain Materials, Polymer Composites
Dr. Md. Abdul Atmospheric Physics and Advanced
Professor [email protected]
Mannan Chowdhury Electronics
Solid State physics, Material Science,
Dr.Tahmina ferdous Professor Astrophysics
[email protected]
Plasma Physics; Dusty Plasma Physics;
Dr. M. Salahuddin Professor [email protected]
Nonlinear Waves in Plasmas
Plasma Physics: Nonlinear
electrostatic/electromagnetic waves and
Dr. A A Mamun Professor structures; Collective processes; [email protected]
Nonlinear effects in laser-plasma
interaction processes, etc.
Condensed Matter Physics: Thin Films,
Dr. Farid Ahmed Professor Solar Cells, Magnetic Materials, [email protected]
Polymer Composites
Mohammad Electronics, photonics and condensed
Professor [email protected]
Mominur Rahman matter physics
Md. Abul Quasem Professor Condensed Matter Physics [email protected]
Condensed Matter Physics: Crystal
Dr. Mohammad
Professor Growth, Phase Transition, Magnetic [email protected]
Obaidur Rahman Materials, Solar Cells
Fiber Laser, Photonics Devices,
Dr. Md. Shafiqul Applications of Non-linear Optics ,
Professor Fiber based Biosensors, FSO, Fiber and
[email protected]
Health and Radiation Physics, Medical
Dr. Rubina Rahman Professor [email protected]
Dr. Jahirul Islam jahir-
Professor Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Khandaker [email protected]
Soft condensed matter and Biophysics,
Dr. Md. Kabir Uddin Associate
Medical Physics and Neurophysics, [email protected]
Sikder Professor Physics Education
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 105

Mathematical Modeling, Nonlinear

Associate Dynamics & Applications, Nonlinear
Dr. Sharmin Sultana [email protected]
Professor Waves and Instabilities in Plasmas,
Dusty Plasmas (Complex Plasmas)
Md. Moshiur Associate Nuclear physics, Radiation Physics,
[email protected]
Rahman Professor Medical Physics
Materials Engineering (Nanomaterials,
Biomaterials, Polymeric materials,
Humayun Kabir Composites), Plasma Polymer Thin [email protected]
Professor Films, Condensed Matter Physics,
Materials Engineering and Surface
Analysis; Magnetic Materials and
Dr. M. Mahbubur Associate
Magnetism; Optical Thin Films; [email protected]
Rahman Professor Photovoltaics; Photovoltaic Thermal
Devices; Solar Selective Surface
Dr. M. Arifur Assistant Machine Learning, Gaussian Process,
[email protected]
Rahman Professor Data Science, Computational Biology
Assistant Condensed Matter Physics,
Md. Alamgir Kabir Biomaterials, Thin Film, Solar Cell.
[email protected]
Dr. Budrun Neher Condensed Matter Physics [email protected]
Md. Mahbubur Assistant rahmanmahbubur@ymail
Condensed Matter Physics
Rahman Professor .com
Condensed Matter Physics: Nano-
Md. Kamal Hossain materials, Solar Cells, Materials [email protected]
Professor Modelling and Simulation
Plasma Physics; Dusty Plasma Physics;
Assistant Nonlinear Waves in Plasmas;
Md. Sahadat Alam [email protected]
Professor Computational Plasma Physics,
Nonlinear Optics.
Nonlinear dynamics, Numerical analysis
of PDE, Simulation, Turbulence, Water
Waves, Rogue Waves, Beam-Plasma
Dr. Abdul Mannan based acceleration, Quantum [email protected]
Professor methodologies, Coastal Hydrodynamics,
Modulational Instability, Nonlinear
Phenomena in Plasma Physics, etc.
Mst. Shamima Condensed Matter Physics, Thin Films,
Lecturer [email protected]
Khanom Polymer Composites, etc.
Solar Energy (Thin films),
Nanotechnology (Energy related),
Shariful Islam Lecturer [email protected]
Semiconductor Physics and Solid State
Electronics Devices.
Kazi Golam Martuza Lecturer Electronics, Photonics. [email protected]
Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic
Sujan Kumar Das Lecturer and Magnetic Materials, Thin Film, [email protected]
Renewable energy and Solar Cell
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 106


Important Examination Regulations for the Four-Year Bachelor

(Honours) Degree according to Ordinance 2003, JU

Section 10: Improvement of grade

(i) If a student obtains a grade between D and A in one or more courses in a particular Part, but
obtains more than 2.25 GPA in that Part, the student will not be allowed to repeat any course for
the purpose of grade improvement.
(ii) Students securing only F grades are eligible for improvement examination subject to the condition
that if a student obtains an ‘F’ grade in maximum two courses in any Part. Other than Part IV
examination, and also obtains at least a GPA of 2.00 in the relevant Part, the student will be
allowed to appear for improvement examination for the maximum of two courses of that Part
along with the examinations of the next academic session. The transcript will have no reference
regarding the improvement.
(Amended by Syndicate on 23.08.2009)
Section 11: Qualifying GPA for Promotion

A student securing at least GPA of 2.00 in a particular part of study and at least D grade in all
courses at the end of the academic year, the student will be deemed to have qualified in that part
of study.

Section 12: Promotion to Higher Class

(i) A student must secure the minimum qualifying grade in Part I final examination as
per provision of section 11 of this ordinance in order to be promoted to the 2 nd year class
(Part II).
A Student who fails to satisfy the requirements of section 11 will be deemed to have failed
in the Part I examination. Such a student will, however, be able to repeat the courses in
Part I as per provisions of section 14 of this Ordinance. The same rule will be followed in
Part II examination for promotion to Part III class, and in Part III examination for
promotion to Part IV class, subject to the provisions of section 1.2 relating to 6 year
maximum time limit for course completion.
(ii) If a student fails to appear at one course at the Part-end final examinations due to serious
illness or accident (which should be reported before the commencement of the
examination), but qualifies for promotion the student may be provisionally promoted to
the next higher Part and will be allowed to sit for examination of that course in the course-
end examination in the next academic session This opportunity will be given to a student
only once in the 4-year program of study, either in Part I, Part II, Part III or Part IV.
(iii) 1g ce© n‡Z 3q ce© ch©šÍ mKj cix¶vq EËxY© (F †MÖWmn ) QvÎ-QvÎxivB †Kej 4_© c‡e©i P~ovšÍ cix¶vq Ask
MÖn‡Yi my‡hvM cv‡e| †mwg÷vi c×wZi †¶‡Î 1g n‡Z 7g †mwg÷vi cix¶vq EËxY© (F †MÖWmn ) QvÎ-QvÎxivB ïa~
8g †mwg÷vi cix¶vq Ask MÖn‡Yi my‡hvM cv‡e| (274 Zg wmwÛ‡KU : 23.08.2009)
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 107

Section 13: Irregular Students

(i) A student who appears at the Part IV examination but fails to secure a minimum of 2.25
CGPA will cease to be a regular student of the University.
(ii) Such a student, however, with the approval of the Chairperson of the Department
concerned and after fulfilling the specific requirements of the Department (if any) may be
allowed to sit for examination in the following year as an irregular candidate.
(iii) An irregular candidate will appear in all courses of the Part and in the viva-voce
examination. The course- end examination will be conducted normally according to
the syllabus of the Academic session in which the student applies for examination.
However, if major changes in the syllabus of the course or courses occurs in the
meantime, the relevant Examination Committee of the Department may arrange for
holding the examination for the student according to the old syllabus. Any extra
cost incurred in the process may have to be borne by the candidate as determined by the
University. Marks that had been obtained by the student in the tutorial tests and class
attendance in the courses of Part IV will, however, be credited to the student in the
(iv) 4_© ce© ¯œvZK m¤§vb P~ovšÍ cix¶vq wmwRwcG 2.25 mn mev©waK 2wU †Kv‡m© F ‡MÖW cÖvß QvÎ-QvÎxiv cieZx©
wk¶ve‡l©i mv‡_ AwbqwgZ cix¶v_x© wnmv‡e F ‡MÖW cÖvß †Kvm©¸‡jv‡Z cix¶vq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z cvi‡e
(Aek¨B 6ô wk¶ve‡l©i AvIZvq)| `yB Gi AwaK †Kv‡m© AK…ZKvh© QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K AwbqwgZ cix¶v_x© wn‡m‡e
cieZx© wk¶ve‡l©i mv‡_ mKj †Kv‡m©i cix¶vq AskMÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e| 4_© c‡e©i P~ovšÍ cix¶vq AK…ZKvh© QvÎ-
QvÎx‡`i ¯œvZ‡KvËi †kªYx‡Z mvgwqK fwZ© evwZj e‡j MY¨ n‡e| (274 Zg wmwÛ‡KU : 23.08.2009)

Section 14: Repetition of Courses for Improvement

(a) A student who (i) is debarred from appearing at the examination due to inadequate class
attendance or (ii) fails in Part I examination as per rules of section 11 or (iii) fails to
appear in the course-end examinations for some reasons acceptable to the Department may
be, on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department concerned, allowed by
the Vice-Chancellor to continue for one more year in Part I class and repeat all the courses
of Part I. The same rule will also apply to students who fail in Part II and Part III.
(b) If a student of Part IV class is not allowed to appear at Part IV examination because of
unsatisfactory class attendance, the student may be, on the recommendation of the
Chairperson of the Department concerned, allowed by the Vice-Chancellor to continue for
one more year in Part IV and repeat all the courses of Part IV.

Section 15: Time Limit for Bachelor/Bachelor (Honours) degree Program

No student will be permitted to continue Bachelor/Bachelor (Honours) Degree program beyond

the end of the sixth consecutive academic year after admission into the Bachelor/Bachelor
(Honours) Degree program.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 108


Important Rules Pertaining to Discipline and Examination

Offences as per Ordinance 2003, JU


1. Candidates for different examinations shall strictly follow the following instructions:

i) Candidates are strictly forbidden to write their names on the cover or in any part of the
answer book. If any candidate does so, his answer book may not be assessed.
ii) Each candidate must write legibly on the cover his/her examination Roll Number. If any
candidate omits to write his/her examination Roll Number and the University Registration
Number on the cover of his/her answer book, the paper may not be assessed.
iii) When more than one answer book is used, each additional book should be stitched to the
first book immediately it is supplied and the Examination Roll Number and the University
Registration Number should also be written by the candidate on the cover of the additional
book or books immediately.
iv) No loose paper will be provided for scribbling and no paper is to be brought in for this
purpose. All works must be done in the book provided and pages must not be torn out. The
book provided must be submitted; it cannot be replaced by another, but if necessary, an
additional book will be given. All works intended for assessment by the examination
should be written on both sides of the paper.
v) Candidates are forbidden to write anything what so ever on the question paper or on other
vi) Candidates must get their answer books signed by the invigilator in the examination hall.
vii) In any matter not specifically mentioned in these rules candidates are required to abide by
the decision of the chief invigilator in the examination hall.
viii) No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall within 60 minutes from the
time when the question papers are given out.


1. The followings will be considered examination offences:

a) Communication with one another.
b) Smoking inside the examination hall.
c) Possession of incriminating documents.
d) Copying from incrimination documents or from another’s script.
e) Using abusive language or holding out threats to the invigilator.
f) Creating disturbance or obstruction inside the examination hall.
g) Assault or attempt to assault the chief invigilator or the invigilator or anyone in the
examination hall.
h) Such other acts on the part of a candidate as in the opinion of an invigilator/chief
invigilator may constitute an offence.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 109

2. Disciplinary action against candidates for committing offences described above shall be taken by
the Syndicate on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Board. The Controller of Examinations
Office will communicate the decision of the Syndicate/Vice-Chancellor to the student concerned
before the publication of the relevant result.

3. The following procedure shall be adopted in dealing with the cases of examination offences and
breach of discipline in University examination:

a) The invigilator shall submit separate report for each case stating clearly the nature and
circumstances of the offence supported by all connected documents to the Chairperson of
the Department. The report of the invigilator should be countersigned by the chief

b) On receipt of such report, the Chairperson of the Department will call for explanation from
the candidate concerned asking him why necessary action should not be taken against him
for the offence committed. The candidate must be given at least seven days’ time to
submit his/her explanation.

c) The Chairperson of the Department will then place all relevant documents of the case
together with the explanation of the candidate to the Secretary. Board of Health, Residence
and Discipline through the Controller of Examinations Office within three days of the
receipt of the explanation from the offender.

4. In making recommendations for disciplinary action, the Discipline Board shall follow the
principles mentioned below:

a) Candidates who are detected in the act of communication with one another or found
smoking within the examination hall shall be fined according to the gravity of offence.

b) Candidates who are found with incrimination documents in their possession shall have the
examination on the course concerned cancelled.

c) Candidates who are detected in copying from incriminating documents or from another’s
script or found creating obstruction or disturbance inside the examination hall shall be
debarred from appearing at one or more examinations in addition to the cancellation of the
examination concerned.

d) Candidates who use abusive language or hold out threats to the invigilator or any other
persons in the precincts of the examination hall shall be debarred form appearing at two or
more examinations in addition to cancellation of the examination concerned.

e) Candidates who assault the invigilator or commit such other serious offences would be
liable to maximum punishment up to debarment from all subsequent examinations of the
University in addition to cancellation of the examination concerned.

5. Candidates committing any of the examination offences mentioned in section (1) above except
sub-clause (a), (b) and (c) shall not be allowed to continue with the examination in that course as
well as in the examination on subsequent courses and their scripts shall not be sent for evaluation
till appropriate action is taken on their cases.

Scripts of the candidates committing offences under section 1 sub-clause (a), (b) and (c) shall be
sent for evaluation but separately from the scripts of the other candidates. Such candidates may be
allowed to continue the examination on subsequent courses.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 110

6. Offences Detected During Script Evaluation

Serious examination offences that are detected during evaluation of scripts will be addressed
according to the following procedure for disciplinary action.

a) If an examiner finds during examination of the script sufficient reasons to suspect that the
candidate may have resorted to serious wrongdoing in the matter of the examination the examiner
will immediately bring it to the notice of the Chairperson of the Examination Committee with an
explanatory note clearly giving/substantiating the reasons for such suspicion and suggesting
specific nature of the offence. The Chairperson of the Examination Committee will arrange review
of the case with other members of the Committee within 7 days and come to a definite decision as
to whether the case warrants further action, in which case the matter will be referred to the
Controller of Examinations Office with specific recommendation as to minimum punishment
deemed appropriate.

b) Review of such cases involving post-examination detection of offences that defy the spirit and
purpose of examination will be completed by the Disciplinary Board within 15 days of receipt of
the case from the Controller of Examinations Office following which the candidate will be served
with a notice about the allegations and an opportunity for defense to the candidate, which should
be responded by the candidate within 7 days of receipt of the notice. The Board will arrive at a
clear award within 7 days after the candidate’s response to the charges. The Board thus must
announce a clear verdict on the case within a maximum of 30 days after the case is referred to the
Board by the Controller of Examinations Office.

Relevant clauses of section (1) will apply in dealing with the case as deemed appropriate by the
Disciplinary Board.

7. The Syndicate will take disciplinary action against candidates for committing offences described
above on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Board. The Controller of the Examinations Office
will communicate the decision of the Syndicate/Vice-Chancellor to the student concerned before
publication of the relevant result.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 111


Policy on Academic Malpractice including Plagiarism

Definition of academic malpractice

Academic malpractice is any activity – intentional or otherwise – that is likely to undermine the integrity
essential to scholarship or research. It includes plagiarism, collusion, fabrication or falsification of results,
and anything else that could result in unearned or undeserved credit for those committing it. Academic
malpractice can result from a deliberate act of cheating or may be committed unintentionally. Whether
intended or not, all incidents of academic malpractice will be treated seriously by the University.


1. As a student you are expected to cooperate in the learning process throughout your programme of
study by completing assignments of various kinds that are the product of your own study or
research. You must ensure that you are familiar with, and comply with, the University’s
regulations and conventions: ignorance of the University regulations and conventions cannot be
used as a defence for plagiarism or some other form of academic malpractice

2. This guidance is designed to help you understand what we regard as academic malpractice and
hence to help you to avoid committing it. You should read it carefully, because academic
malpractice is regarded as a serious offence and students found to have committed it will be
penalized. A range of penalties may be applied including the capping of marks, being awarded
zero (with or without loss of credits), failing the whole unit, being demoted to a lower class of
degree, or being excluded from the programme.

3. In addition to the advice that follows, your department will give you advice on how to avoid
academic malpractice in the context of your discipline. It will also design assessments so as to
help you avoid the temptation to commit academic malpractice. Finally, you should take note that
work you submit may be screened electronically to check against other material on the web and in
other submitted work.


Plagiarism is presenting the ideas, work or words of other people without proper, clear and unambiguous
acknowledgement. It also includes ‘self-plagiarism’ (which occurs where, for example, you submit work
that you have presented for assessment on a previous occasion), and the submission of material from
‘essay banks’ (even if the authors of such material appear to be giving you permission to use it in this
way). Obviously, the most blatant example of plagiarism would be to copy another student’s work.

Hence it is essential to make clear in your assignments the distinction between:

The ideas and work of other people that you may have quite legitimately exploited and developed, and
The ideas or material that you have personally contributed.

To assist you, here are a few important do’s and don’ts:

Do get lots of background information on subjects you are writing about to help you form your own view
of the subject. The information could be from electronic journals, technical reports, unpublished
dissertations, etc. Make a note of the source of every piece of information at the time you record it,
even if it is just one sentence.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 112

Don’t construct a piece of work by cutting and pasting or copying material written by other people, or by
you for any other purpose, into something you are submitting as your own work. Sometimes you
may need to quote someone else’s exact form of words in order to analyze or criticize them, in
which case the quotation must be enclosed in quotation marks to show that it is a direct quote, and it
must have the source properly acknowledged at that point. Any omissions from a quotation must be
indicated by an ellipsis (…) and any additions for clarity must be enclosed in square brackets, e.g.
“[These] results suggest… that the hypothesis is correct.” It may also be appropriate to reproduce a
diagram from someone else’s work, but again the source must be explicitly and fully acknowledged
there. However, constructing large chunks of documents from a string of quotes, even if they are
acknowledged, is another form of plagiarism.
Do attribute all ideas to their original authors. Written ‘ideas’ are the product that authors produce. You
would not appreciate it if other people passed off your ideas as their own, and that is what
plagiarism rules are intended to prevent. A good rule of thumb is that each idea or statement that
you write should be attributed to a source unless it is your personal idea or it is common knowledge.
(If you are unsure if something is common knowledge, ask other students: if they don’t know what
you are talking about, then it is not common knowledge!)

As you can see, it is most important that you understand what is expected of you when you prepare and
produce assignments and that you always observe proper academic conventions for referencing and
acknowledgement, whether working by yourself or as part of a team. In practice, there are a number of
acceptable styles of referencing depending, for example, on the particular discipline you are studying, so
if you are not certain what is appropriate, ask your tutor or the course unit coordinator for advice! This
should ensure that you do not lay yourself open to a charge of plagiarism inadvertently, or through
ignorance of what is expected. It is also important to remember that you do not absolve yourself from a
charge of plagiarism simply by including a reference to a source in a bibliography that you have included
with your assignment; you should always be scrupulous about indicating precisely where and to what
extent you have made use of such a source.

So far, plagiarism has been described as using the words or work of someone else (without proper
attribution), but it could also include a close paraphrase of their words, or a minimally adapted version of
a computer program, a diagram, a graph, an illustration, etc. taken from a variety of sources without
proper acknowledgement. These could be lectures, printed material, the Internet or other electronic/AV

Remember: no matter what pressure you may be under to complete an assignment, you should never
succumb to the temptation to take a ‘short cut’ and use someone else’s material inappropriately. No
amount of mitigating circumstances will get you off the hook, and if you persuade other students to let
you copy their work, they risk being disciplined as well (see below).


Collusion is when a student or students collaborate with another student or students, as an individual or
group to gain a mark or grade to which they are not entitled. Students who allow another student to
copy their work are also committing collusion and both the copier and the provider of the work are
liable to be penalized. Where it is proved, collusion will be subject to penalties similar to those for

On the other hand, collaboration is a perfectly legitimate academic activity in which students are required
to work in groups as part of their programme of research or in the preparation of projects and
similar assignments. If you are asked to carry out such group work and to collaborate in specified
activities, it will always be made clear how your individual input to the joint work is to be assessed
and graded. Sometimes, for example, all members of a team may receive the same mark for a joint
piece of work, whereas on other occasion’s team members will receive individual marks that reflect
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 113

their individual input. If it is not clear on what basis your work is to be assessed, to avoid any risk
of unwitting collusion you should always ask for clarification before submitting any assignment.

Fabrication or falsification of data or results

For many students, a major part of their studies involves laboratory or other forms of practical work, and
they often find themselves undertaking such activity without close academic supervision. If you are
in this situation, you are expected to behave in a responsible manner, as in other aspects of your
academic life, and to show proper integrity in the reporting of results or other data. Hence you
should ensure that you always document clearly and fully any research programme or survey that
you undertake, whether working by yourself or as part of a group. Results or data that you or your
group submit must be capable of verification, so that those assessing the work can follow the
processes by which you obtained them. Under no circumstances should you seek to present results
or data that were not properly obtained and documented as part of your practical learning
experience. Otherwise, you lay yourself open to the charge of fabrication or falsification of results.


If you commit any form of academic malpractice, teaching staff will not be able to assess your individual
abilities objectively or accurately. Any short-term gain you might have hoped to achieve will be
cancelled out by the loss of proper feedback you might have received, and in the long run such
behavior is likely to damage your overall intellectual development, to say nothing of your self-
esteem. You are the one who loses.
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 114
Curriculum and Syllabus of B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics 115

Department of Physics
Handy guide to the B.Sc. (Honors) Degree

Undergraduate Booklet
To find out more about the Department of Physics visit following website:

This brochure has been drafted in advance of the academic year to which it applies. Every effort has been
made to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is accurate at the time of publishing, but
changes (for example to course content) are likely to occur given the interval between publication and
commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check our website for any updates by
following Where there is a difference between the contents of this
brochure and our website, the contents of the website take precedence.

Department of Physics | Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka -1342, Bangladesh.

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