Fs 5 Episode 4
Fs 5 Episode 4
Fs 5 Episode 4
Learning Episode 4
Assessing Learning
In Different Levels
My Learning Episode Overview
My Map
My Learning Activities
3. Applying
4. Analyzing
5. Evaluating
6. Creating
Kendall’s and Marzano’s New Taxonomy
Level of Learning Outcome Resource Teacher’s Resource Teacher’s
Learning Outcome / Assessment Task
Lesson Objective
1. Retrieval-recalling, Identifying the parts of Matching Type
recognizing the Asia Column A
Illustration of a cell
Column B
Parts of a Asia
2. Comprehension Determine the parts of Give the location and
Asia specific details of the
parts of Asia
3. Analysis
4. Knowledge utilization
(investigating, experimenting,
problem solving, decision
Levels of Learning Outcomes (TLE)
Resource Teacher: Jonalyn C. School: Lanigay High School
Grade/Year Level: 9 Subject Area: TLE
Level of Learning Assessment Is the level of assessment
Learning Outcome/Lesson Task aligned to the level of the
Outcome- Objective from (Evaluation objective? E.g. objective
Cognitive Teacher’s lesson from is “recall the names of
(Bloom) Plan (Write lesson Teacher’s ____”; Assessment task is
objective in the Lesson “Distinguish between
appropriate level Plan( Write it animal and plant cell”-Not
outcome in the aligned.
level outcome)
1. Identifying the parts Performance YES NO
Remembering of the Computer Assessment
Hardware and
and equipment’s computer hardware
3. Analysis
Knowledge utilization
(investigating, experimenting,
problem solving, decision
5. Metacognitive System Learners were sometimes bored. But when the
(Students set learning goals, evaluation comes they answer it intently.
monitor their learning)
My Analysis
3. What did you did you discover about assessment task and learning
outcomes? Are they aligned? Explain.
Yes they are aligned; assessment tasks were based on the learning
outcomes or the learning objectives of the teacher.
My Reflections/Insights
Marzano’s new taxonomy of objectives / to teachers regarding the
assessment process.
My Learning Portfolio
Directions: Read the items given below and choose the correct answer.
A. Understanding C. Recalling
B. Applying D. Synthesizing
3. You have to remember the steps in opening the computer if you want to
do it on your own. In what level of assessment is remembering the steps?
A. Retrieval C. Comprehension
B. Analysis D. Metacognitive system
4. Teacher Joji’s intended learning outcome is this: “interpret the given
poem”.Which assessment task is aligned? Teacher Joji
A. gives the students a written test and asks them to paraphrase the poem.
B. give an oral test and ask them to recite the poem with feelings
C. gives a written test and asks the students what the poem expresses.
D. marks them memorize the poem then recite it with feelings to prove
5. Is the test item “classify the given teaching methods” aligned to this
intended learning outcome “to select the appropriate teaching method?”
A. Yes.
B. No.
C. A little because classify and select are related
D. Yes, if you change “select” in the learning outcome change to classify
My Learning Portfolio
Kendall’s and Marzano’s New Taxonomy
4. Knowledge Check condition of tools and List down at least five safety
Utilization equipment. measures in assembling
tools and equipment.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
2. Understanding Prepare tools and equipment Read the given recipe carefully
for specific baking purpose. and list down all the tools that you
need to prepare in order to finish
the activity.
3. Applying Apply basic mathematical Computation
operations in calculating Convert degrees Centigrade to
weights and measures. degrees Fahrenheit and degrees
Fahrenheit to degrees
Centigrade. Show your
C = F – 32 x 5 / 9
F = C x 9 / 5 + 32
1. 100 degrees Centigrade to
degrees Fahrenheit.
2. 320 degrees Fahrenheit to
degrees Centigrade.
4. Analyzing Measure dry and liquid Show the Proper measuring of
ingredients accurately. the ffg. 1. Oil 2. White sugar 3.
Milk 4. Flour 5. Margarine
5. Evaluating Check condition of tools and List down at least five safety
equipment. measures in the use of baking
tools and equipment.
Cake Recipe here.
Select an appropriate competency from the K to 12 Curriculum. Choose
and construct a performance assessment task following GRASPS of
Wiggins and McTighe.
2. In your free time, start surfing the net for world famous parabolic
arches. As you search, keep a record of where you go, and what
you find on the site.
Multimedia presentation
5. You will be assessed based on the rubric for this activity.
My Learning Rubric
Name of FS Student: Mark Anthony N. Rafallo Date Submitted: __________
Year & Section: 4-B Course: BSED
Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs
4 3 2 Improvement
All tasks were done with All or nearly all tasks Nearly all tasks were Fewer than half of
outstanding quality; work were done with high done with acceptable tasks were done; or
Learning Activities exceeds expectatio quality. quality. most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions were Analysis questions
answered completely; in answered completely. not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the Learning depth answers; completely.
Episode thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Vaguely related to the Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. theories spelling
grammar and spelling. unsatisfactory
Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling
are superior. acceptable 1
3 2
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection
are profound and clear; are clear, but not clearly are shallow; supported statements are
Reflections/ Insights supported by supported by by experiences from the unclear and
experiences from the experiences from the learning episodes shallow and are not
learning episodes learning episodes supported by
experiences from
the learning
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions
clear, well-organized and clear, well-organized; supporting were not answered.
Learning Portfolio all supporting; most supporting documentations are
documentations are documentations are organized but are Grammar and
located in sections available and logical and lacking spelling
clearly designated clearly marked locations unsatisfactory
3 1
4 2
Submission of Learning Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days
Episode deadline deadline the deadline or more after the
4 3 2 1
Over-all score (Based on
Signature of FS Teacher Date: _________________