Çrî Vraja-Vilåsa-Stava: Çrîla Raghunåtha Dåsa Goswåmî

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Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

Composed by
Çrîla Raghunåtha dåsa Goswåmî

Ã˘¤Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‚œ®-¥ŸÆŸΩ∏‹ú‰ªæË ≤ºÅ
çrî çrî-rådhå-k®ß√a-pådåmbujebhyo nama˙
Obeisance unto the lotus feet of Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a

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prati߆hå-rajjubhir vaddhaµ kåmådyair vartma-påtibhi˙
chitvå tå˙ saµharantas tånnaghåre˙ påntu måµ bha†å˙ (1)

Having fallen into a helpless condition due to being bound with the rope of prati߆hå by the
plunderers headed by lust and anger, I implore those heroic personalities (headed by Çrî Svarüpa,
Çrî Rüpa, and Çrî Sanåtana) who protect the path of bhakti by which one attains the destroyer of
sin, Çrî Hari, to protect me by cutting that rope and vanquishing those plunderers.

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æ‰≤Ê™Ÿ≤∆∞¤æ@ –≥™™º“Ä ∞¤¿Ë ∫∆≥™Ä ∫ú‰ ||2||
dagdhaµ vårddhaka-vanya-vahnibhir alaµ da߆aµ duråndhyåhinå
viddhaµ måmati-påra-vaçya-viçikhai˙ krodhådi-siµhair v®tam
svåmin prema-sudhå-dravaµ karu√ayå dråk påyaya çrî-hare
yenaitån-avadhîrya santatam ahaµ dhîro bhavantaµ bhaje (2)

As I burn in the forest fire of old age, the wicked serpent of blindness is devouring me, from all
directions the sharp arrows of my dependence on others are piercing me, and I am fully surrounded
by the lions headed by lust and anger. Hey Swåmin! Hey Çrî Hari! Be merciful and make me drink
the liquid nectar of Your prema which will enable me to disregard these anxieties and perform res-
olute bhajana for You.
2 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

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sm®te˙ ka√enåpy ati-lolitåtmå
padyair vraja-sthån-akhilån vrajaµ ca
natvå sva-nåthau vata tau did®kße (3)

Remembering a mere particle of the divinely sweet ambrosial rasa-ocean of my worshipable

Deities, Çrî Rådhå-Govinda, I yearn to offer pra√åma to, and give a nectarean analysis of, Their
Vraja-dhåma and all of its specific locations in poetry.

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íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-⁄í⁄¿∞Ÿ⁄¿®È ∆™ éÆŸ Æ˙÷æŸ⁄º ¿Ÿí‰® ™È ||4||
prådurbhåva-sudhå-drave√a nitaråm-a∫gitvam-åptvå yayor-
go߆he ’bhîkßnam ana∫ga eßa parita˙ krî∂å-vinodaµ rasai˙
prîtyollåsayatîha mugdha-mithuna çre√î-vataµsåv-imau
gåndharvå-giridhåri√au vata kadå drakßyåmi råge√a tau (4)

Who make it seem as if having been profusely showered with liquid nectar, the disembodied
Kåmadeva has now assumed transcendental form, and who with rasas comprised of playful sporting
eternally enjoy pastimes of great affection—when with great love will I receive darçana of the very
embodiment of enamoured lovers, Çrî Çrî Gåndharvå-Giridhårî?

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æ& Ã˘¤∆˘ú ä∆ ¿Ÿú⁄™™¿Ÿ~ ™Ÿº‰∆ ⁄≤´æÄ ∫ú‰ ||5||
vaiku√†håd api sodaråtmaja-v®tå dvåråvatî så priyå
yatra çrî-çata-nindi-pa††a-mahißî-v®ndai˙ prabhu˙ khelati
premakßetram asau tato ’pi mathurå pre߆hå harer janmato
yatra çrî-vraja eva råjatitaråµ tåm eva nityaµ bhaje (5)

Vaiku√†ha is the eternal dhåma where Bhagavån is served by Çrî Lakßmî and unlimited other
eternal associates, but even more exalted than Vaiku√†ha is Çrî Hari’s supremely dear Dvårakåpurî
where He resides surrounded by His own relatives such as brothers and sons and where He perpetu-
ally sports with principal queens whose virtues, beauty, and good fortune mock those of even hun-
dreds of Lakßmîs. But due to being the place of His birth, Çrî Mathuråpurî, which is the very
embodiment of prema in the form of land and within which Çrî Vraja-ma√∂ala is magnificently
manifest, is even more dear to Him than Dvårakåpurî is—I eternally worship that Mathurå-dhåma.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava 3

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yatra krî∂ati mådhava˙ priyatamai˙ snigdha˙ sakhînåµ kulair-
nityaµ gå∂ha rasena råma-sahito ’py adyåpi gocåra√ai˙
yasyåpy adbhuta-mådhurî rasa-vidåµ h®dy eva kåpi sphuret
pre߆haµ tan-mathurå-puråd api harergo߆haµ tad evåçraye (6)

I take shelter of that kingdom of Çrî Hari’s where, accompanied by Çrî Baladeva and His dearly
beloved sakhås, with great love Çrî Mådhava eternally performs sporting pastimes headed by taking
the cows out to graze. The wonderful sweetness of this kingdom appears in the hearts of only a
select few rasika devotees and it is superior even to Mathurå.

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vaidagdhottara-narma-karma†ha-sakhî-v®ndai˙ parîtaµ rasai˙
pratyekaµ taru-kuñja-vallari-giri-dro√îßu råtrin-divam
nånå keli-bhare√a yatra ramate tan navya-yünor yugaµ
tat-pådåmbuja-gandha-bandhurataraµ v®ndåvanaµ tad bhaje (7)

With skilful pranks and accompanied by the supremely clever sakhîs, the youthful couple Kiçora
and Kiçorî day and night forever perform various rasa-laden amorous pastimes amongst the kuñjas,
trees, vines, and mountain caves of the V®ndåvana forest. I worship that V®ndåvana, which is
beautified by the fragrance of the Divine Couple’s lotus feet.

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yatra çrî˙ parito bhramaty avirataµ tåstå mahå-siddhaya˙
sphîtå˙ s®ß†ir alaµ gavåm udayanî våso ’pi go߆haukasåm
våtsalyåt paripålito virahate k®ß√a˙ pit®bhyåµ sukhais
tan nandîçvaram ålayaµ vraja-patergo߆hottamå∫gaµ bhaje (8)

In V®ndåvana is the village of Nandîçvara where Çrî Laksmî is always wandering in all directions,
where the entirety of mahå-siddhis exist eternally, where cows are served by everyone, where the
Vraja-våsîs happily reside, and where Çrî K®ß√a roams freely whilst enjoying His pastimes under the
loving protection of His parents. I worship this Nandîçvara, which is the home of Vrajaråja Çrî
Nanda Mahåråja and the most exalted location within his kingdom.
4 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

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putrasyåbhyudayårtham ådara-bharair mi߆hånna-pånotkarair
divyånåµ ca gavåµ ma√i-vraja-yujåµ dånair iha p®aty-aham
yo viprån ga√aça˙ pratoßayati tad-bhavyasya vårttåµ muhu˙
snehåt p®cchati yaç ca tad-gata-manås taµ gokulendraµ bhaje (9)

I worship the king of Gokula, Çrî Nanda Mahåråja, whose very life is Çrî K®ß√a. For the welfare of
his son, he daily pleases the bråhma√as by respectfully donating them varieties of sweetmeats,
drinks, and celestial cows decorated with jewels. Being overwhelmed with love for his son, he
repeatedly beseeches those bråhmanas to offer blessings for K®ß√a’s well-being.

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putra-sneha-bharai˙ sadå-snuta-kuca-dvandvå tadîyocchala-
dagharmmasyåpi lavasya rakßa√a-vidhau sva-prå√a-dehårvudai˙
åsaktå kßa√a-måtram apy akalanåt sadya˙ prasüteva gaur-
vyagrå yå vilapaty alaµ bahu-bhayåt så påtu go߆heçvarî (10)

May the queen of Vraja, Çrî Yaçodå, whose breasts incessantly trickle milk due to her immense
love for her son, who is always prepared to give up her life millions of times to protect Him from
even a single drop of perspiration, and who upon not seeing Him for even one second becomes
apprehensive with various fears and cries like a cow frightened for her new-born calf, protect me.

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íË@⁄∆≥ÆÄ æŸÉÆÍ∫‹™-¿–∆™¤ ¥˘⁄é˚柖‹ ¥˘∆¤®Ÿ |
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íË¥‰≥Æ˙Ä æŸ –‹êæ⁄™ ∫ú‰ ¿Ë⁄“®¤º¤Õ∆¿¤Ä ™ŸºÍ ||11||
putråd uccair api haladharåt siñcati sneha-pürair
govindaµ yå ’dbhuta-rasavatî prakriyåsu pravî√å
sakhya-çrîbhir vraja-pura-mahå-råja-råjñîm nayaistad
gopendraµ yå sukhayati bhaje rohi√îm îçvarîµ tåm (11)

I worship the îçvarî Mother Rohi√î who out of great love blesses Çrî Govinda even more than she
does her own son Haladhara by abundantly sprinkling sanctified water on His head, who is
supremely expert in the art of cooking, and who pleases the queen of Vraja with the brilliance of
her sincere friendship and the king of Vraja with her saintly virtues.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 5

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snehåd apy unnimeßaµ nijam anujam ito ’ra√ya-bhümau sva-vîtaµ
tad-vîryajño ’pi yo na kßa√am apanayate staumi taµ dhenukårim (12)

I pray to the killer of Dhenakåsura, Çrî Baladeva, whose tremendously resplendent beauty mocks
the shining effulgence of millions of rising moons, who with His plough very easily vanquishes the
mad frenzy of demons who possess frightful strength, and who although knowing full well the
supernatural strength of His younger brother Çrî K®ß√a, due to immense affection for Him will not
leave Him alone in the forest for even the blink of an eye.

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parjanya-nåmå nija-napt®-garvai˙
parjanya-lakßå√y abhito vinindan
yo narma tanvan ramate ’sya kar√e
namåmy aho k®ß√a-pitåmahaµ tam (13)

Aho! I offer pra√åma unto Çrî K®ß√a’s paternal grandfather, Çrî Parjanya-gopa, who proclaims his
pride in having K®ß√a as his grandson in a voice which mocks the roaring of millions of thunder-
clouds, and who always delights his grandson by speaking joking words into His ear.

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∆¿¤æ–¤Ä é‚œ®-⁄¥™Ÿº“¤Ä ™ŸºÍ ||14||
priyasya naptu˙ sukhato ’ti-garvåt
pådau na yasyå˙ patata˙ p®thivyåm
namåmi narmårcita-napt®-candråµ
varîyasîµ k®ß√a-pitåmahîµ tåm (14)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî K®ß√a’s paternal grandmother, Çrî Varîyasî, who always delights K®ß√a,
the moon of grandsons, with her joking words. She is so elated due to her pride in having K®ß√a as
her grandson that it is as if her feet no longer touch the ground when she walks.
6 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

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–Ÿ“Ÿ¿‰ ⁄≤∆–≤Í – íË}º∆™Ÿ≥≤ŸΩ≤Ë¥≤≥ÆÅ –ÆŸ ||15||
çveta-çmaçru bhare√a sundara-mukha˙ çyåma˙ k®tî mantra√å-
bhijña˙ samsadi santataµ vraja-pate˙ kurvan sthitiµ yo ’rcita˙
sva-prå√årvvuda-kha√∂anair mura-bhidaµ bhråtu˙ sutaµ toßayet
såhåre nivasan sa go߆ham avatån nåmnopananda˙ sadå (15)

May Çrî Upananda, whose handsome face is beautified by a great white beard, whose bodily com-
plexion is dark, who is a supremely expert advisor, who is always present in the king of Vraja’s
assembly and is highly respected there, who is prepared to give up his life millions of times over to
please his nephew Çrî K®ß√a, and who resides in the village of Såhåra, always protect the kingdom
of Vraja.

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Õ柺-ÕºÃ˘‹¿ƒÄ ™Æ¤æ ò¿®‰ ∫è™Å –‹≤≥ÆŸ-⁄¥™Ÿ |
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–≥≤≥Æ—™≤‹™‰ – ¥Ÿ™‹ ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ≤Š韖¿¤®ŸÄ ¥⁄™Å ||16||
gaura˙ komala dhîr udåra-carita˙ snigdho vrajendrånuja˙
çyåma-çmaçrur alaµ tadîya cara√e bhakta˙ sunandå-pitå
ya˙ prå√ai˙ parimañchya mådhava-sukhaµ dadhnå mahißyå˙ paraµ-
sannandas tanute sa patü nitaråµ na˙ kåsarî√åµ pati˙ (16)

May Çrî Sannanda, whose bodily complexion is golden, whose intelligence is distinguished by its
tenderness, who is both generous and affectionate, who is Nanda Mahåråja’s younger brother,
whose beard is black, who is deeply devoted to Nanda’s feet, who is Sunandå-gopî’s father, who has
given his very life for the pleasure of Mådhava, and who is the master of a herd of unlimited buffa-
lo, protect us.

Õ柺Š–›÷ºº⁄™æ‹@∆Ÿ⁄™-º∞‹¿Ë ùæË⁄™⁄∆@ÆŸºí˘®¤Å

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º≥&‰®Ÿµæ‹¥≤≥Æ-–›≤‹⁄º“ ™Ä ¥˘¤´æŸ –‹∫Æ˙Ä ≤‹ºÅ ||17||
çyåma˙ sükßma-matir yuvåti-madhuro jyotir-vidåm agra√î˙
på√∂ityair jita-gîßpatir vrajapate˙ savye k®tåvasthiti˙
k®ß√aµ pålayatîha ya˙ priyatayå prå√årvudair apy alaµ
mantre√åpy upananda-sünum iha taµ prîtyå subhadraµ numa˙ (17)

With great love I offer praÌma unto Subhadra, whose bodily complexion is dark, who is highly
intelligent, whose nature is very mild, who is the foremost astrologer, who surpasses even B®haspati
in learning, who is always at the king of Vraja’s left side, who by lovingly performing activities such
as offering good advice is prepared to give up his life millions of times to protect Çrî K®ß√a, and
who is the son of Upananda-gopa.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 7

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ÆÊ´æ-ï≤Ä æŸ –‹™ºú≤æ™Í –Ÿ⁄Ω∏éŸ ¥Ÿ™‹ ∞Ÿ&¤ ||18||
daityåd bhîter ati-vikala-dhî˙ komalå∫gasya süno˙
k®ß√asyoccai˙ satatam avane vatsalå vyagra-cittå
k®cchrair ambåµ bahubhir abhito hanta santoßya çüraµ
daitya-ghnaµ yå sutam ajanayat såmbikå påtu dhåtrî (18)

Frightened that delicate K®ß√a may be harmed by demons, Ambikå performed severe austerities
to satisfy the goddess Pårvatî, who then granted her a son who could destroy such demons. May
K®ß√a’s wet nurse Ambikå, whose mind is always absorbed in thoughts of maternal affection for
Him, protect us.

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é‚œ®—柿Ÿ™Í ¥¿⁄º“ ∫ú‰ “≥™ ∞Ÿ&¤-–‹™Ä ™ºÍ ||19||
nådair yasya sphu†ati parito divya-vidhy-a√∂a-ko†i˙
ke te tåvat kila diti-sütå˙ kßudra-jîvå˙
snehån måtrå vijayam abhito rakßa√e sanniyuktaµ
k®ß√asyåråt param iha bhaje hanta dhåtrî-sutaµ tam (19)

I perform special worship of Vijaya, the son of K®ß√a’s wet nurse, who is appointed by his mother
to always remain near K®ß√a to protect Him. His thunderous roar seemingly bursts millions of
divine universes, so what to speak of how it terrifies the most insignificant of all living entities, the

º≥&≥柖Ê⁄¿“ º‹¿-⁄¿¥Ë—™™Í¥‹¿Ë∞ŸÅ ¥‹¿—™Ÿ™Í

–∆@ŸóÓŸ⁄≤ ¥˘é¢-⁄≤íºË ∫ŸÄí‹⁄¿æË@É⁄∫¿÷æ |
ÇŸÀ¤⁄∫@Õò ¥˘⁄™⁄Æ≤º“Ë ™⁄ôö¿Ë ⁄ú¤ÆÄ
∆≥Ɖ ™Ÿ∆≥º‹⁄≤-–‹¿-¥™‰—™—æ ¥ŸÆŸπú-æ‹ìººÍ ||20||
mantra-nyåsair iha mura-ripos tat-purodhå˙ puraståt
sarvå∫gåni praka†a-nigamo bhå∫gurir yo ’bhirakßya
åçîrbhiç ca prati-dinam aho tac-chiro jighratîdaµ
vande tåvan muni-sura-pates tasya pådåbja-yugmam (20)

I worship the lotus feet of Bhågurî Muni, who is the best of sages, the embodiment of the Vedas,
and the king of Vraja’s family priest. He ceremoniously recites mantras for the protection of each of
Çrî K®ß√a’s limbs, and repeatedly smells K®ß√a’s head while offering Him countless daily blessings
for auspiciousness.
8 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

é‚œ®—æËôòÊÅ ¥˘®æ-∆–⁄™Å –Ä¥˘∆¤®Å –ê¤≤ŸÄ

Õ柺ŸóÓ—™™Í-–º-í‹®-∆æË-∆‰À-–È≥Ææ@-Æ¥@Å |
—≤‰“ŸB˝≥∞ËÅ ’®ºéƒ≤ŸùúŸæ™‰ æËÉ∆∞›™Å
Ã˘¤ÆŸºŸ≤Ä “⁄¿-–“ò¿Ä –∆@ÆŸ ™Ä ¥˘¥Y‰ ||21||
k®ß√asyoccai˙ pra√aya-vasati˙ sampravî√a˙ sakhînåµ
çyåmå∫gas tat-sama-gu√a-vayo-veça-saundarya-darpa˙
snehåd vandho˙ kßa√am akalanåj jåyate yo ’vadhüta˙
çrîdåmånaµ hari-sahacaraµ sarvadå taµ prapadye (21)

I always take shelter of K®ß√a’s constant companion Çrîdåmå Sakhå, who is the object of K®ß√a’s
abundant love, who is the most skilful amongst all the sakhås, whose bodily complexion is darkish,
and whose qualities, age, attire, beauty, and mood are very similar to those of K®ß√a Himself. When
Çrîdåmå cannot see his dear friend K®ß√a for even an instant, overcome by his great affection for
K®ß√a he becomes as if mad.

íŸß˛Ÿ≤‹¿Ÿí-∫¿™Ë ⁄∆¿“—æ ∫¤´æŸ

—∆µ≤‰É⁄¥ íË鋃⁄∆∞Ë≤@ ú“Ÿ⁄™ “—™ºÍ |
æË ¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-¥˘®æ-⁄≤û@¿-⁄–è™-ò‰™Ÿ–Í
™Ä ¥˘‰º ⁄∆vƒ-™≤‹Ä –‹∏ƒÄ ≤ºŸ⁄º ||22||
gå∂hånuråga-bharato virahasya bhîtyå
svapne ’pi gokula-vidhor na jahåti hastam
yo rådhikå-pra√aya-nirjhara-sikta-cetås
taµ prema vihvala-tanuµ subalaµ namåmi (22)

I offer pra√åma unto Çrî Subala Sakhå, who is always moist with the cascade of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s
love for him and who exhibits the bodily symptoms of one completely immersed in prema. His love
for Çrî K®ß√a, the moon of Gokula, is so deep that, out of fear of separation from Him, he will not
let go of K®ß√a’s hand even in a dream.

é‚^∆Êé& í∆ŸÄ 鋃Ÿ⁄≤ ¥⁄¿™Å é‚œ®‰≤ –ŸØÄÛ@ º‹ÆŸ

“—™Ÿ“⁄—™-⁄∆≤ËÆ-≤º@-é¨≤ÊŠꉃ⁄≥™ ⁄º&Ë´é¿ŸÅ |
™´¥ŸÆŸ⁄¥@™-⁄ò%-ú¤⁄∆™-郟 æ‰ ™Ÿ≤Í ¥˘¥YŸº“‰ ||23||
k®ttvaikatra gavåµ kulåni parita˙ k®ß√ena sårddhaµ mudå
haståhasti-vinoda-narma-kathanai˙ khelanti mitrotkarå˙
premåmbhodhi-vidhauta-gaurava-mahå-pa∫kås tad-a∫kårcitås
tat-pådårpita-citta-jîvita-kalå ye tån prapadyåmahe (23)

Assembling the cows in one place, with great delight K®ß√a’s cowherd boy friends play hand in
hand and amuse each other with joking words. The great mud of the tendency towards awe and
reverence when in K®ß√a’s presence has been thoroughly cleansed from them by the ocean of pure
love. I take shelter of these sakhås who have placed their hearts, lives, knowledge and everything
they possess as an offering at Çrî K®ß√a’s feet.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 9

º‹%Ë@ “Ÿ—æ-¿–Å –ÆÊ∆ –‹º≤ŸÅ éŸºÄ ∏‹∫‹’Ÿ™‹¿Å

¥˘Ÿ®-¥˘‰}-∆æ—ææË¿≤‹⁄Æ≤Ä ∆ŸìƉ“-∫ñÍìæ‹´é¿ÊÅ |
“Ÿ—æÄ æË º∞‹ºóӃŠ¥˘é¢æ≤Í –Ä∫˘Ÿú™‰ éÈ™‹é¤
™Ä ∆‡≥ÆŸ∆≤-ò≥Æ˙-≤º@-–⁄ò∆Ä ¥˘¤´æŸ –‹∆≥ÆŸº“‰ ||24||
murtto håsya-rasa˙ sadaiva sumanå˙ kåmaµ bubhukßåtura˙
prå√a-pre߆ha-vayasyayor anudinaµ våg-deha-bha∫gy-utkarai˙
håsyaµ yo madhuma∫gala˙ praka†ayan sambhråjate kautukî
taµ v®ndåvana-candra-narma-sacivaµ prîtyå suvandåmahe (24)

With special devotion I worship V®ndåvana-candra’s priya-narma-sakhå Çrî Madhuma∫gala, who

is the embodiment of the devotional mellow of humour, who is always pure-hearted and jovial,
who is expert in taking his meals, and who with comical words and various bodily gestures always
makes his dearmost friends K®ß√a and Balaråma laugh.

í›ß˛Ä ™´–‹-⁄∆Æì∞™Ÿ⁄ò@™-–ê¤-B˝Ÿ¿Ë≥≤æ≥™¤ ™æËÅ

¥˘‰Ω≤Ÿ –‹œ§‹-⁄∆Æì∞æË¿≤‹⁄Æ≤Ä ºŸ≤Ÿ⁄∫–Ÿ¿Ë´–∆ºÍ |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-ºŸ∞∆æËÅ –‹êŸº‡™-¿–Ä æÊ∆Ë¥∫‹ñÍ虉 º‹“‹-
íË@œ§‰ ∫…æ-⁄∆∞Ÿ⁄æ≤¤Ä ∫í∆™¤Ä ™ŸÄ ¥È®@ºŸ–¤Ä ∫ú‰ ||25||
gü∂haµ tat-su-vidagdhatårcita-sakhî-dvåronnayantî tayo˙
premnå su߆hu-vidagdhayor anudinaµ månåbhisårot-savam
rådhå-mådhavayo˙ sukhåm®ta-rasaµ yaivopabhu∫kte muhur
go߆he bhavya-vidhåyinîµ bhagavatîµ tåµ paur√amåsîµ bhaje (25)

I worship Bhagavatî Paur√amåsî, who provides for the perpetual auspiciousness which exists in
the kingdom of Vraja. Secretly and with great love, she daily inspires the skilful sakhîs to make
wonderful arrangements for the clever lovers, Çrî Rådhå-Mådhava, to meet. Nourishing the Divine
Couple’s blissful festivals of måna (jealous anger) and abhisåra (secret rendezvous), she time and
again relishes the happiness which is produced by drinking the resultant nectarean rasa.

ê∆@-ÕºÃ˘‹º‹ÆŸ¿º‹ùú∆ƒ-é‹ƒÄ íÈ¿Ä –ºŸ≤Ä —∂‹¿™Í-

¥°òŸÀ%º-∆Œ@-∆⁄≥Æ™-∆æÅ-é˚Ÿ⁄≥™Ä ¥˘∆¤®Ä ∫ú‰ |
íËœ§‰À—æ –êŸæº‹≥≤™™¿-Ã˘¤ÆŸº™ËÉ⁄¥ ⁄¥˘æ-
Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞Ä ∆‡Œ∫Ÿ≤‹º‹Øˆ¢-æÀË-∆˘Ÿ™Ä –ÆŸ ™Ä ∫ú‰ ||26||
kharva-çmaçrum udåram ujjvala-kulaµ gauraµ samånaµ sphurat-
pañcåçattama-varßa-vandita-vaya˙-k®åntiµ pravî√aµ bhaje
go߆heçasya sakhåyam unnatatara-çrîdåmato ’pi priya-
çrî-rådhaµ v®ßabhånum udbha†a-yaço-vråtaµ sadå taµ bhaje (26)

I forever worship the renowned Çrî V®ßabhånu, who has a small beard, who is very generous, who
is of splendid lineage, whose complexion is golden, who is fifty years old, who is very wise and
highly respected by everyone in Vraja, who is Nanda Mahåråja’s most intimate friend, and who
loves his younger daughter Çrîmatî Rådhikå more than he does his eldest child Çrîdåmå.
10 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

Ç≤‹⁄Æ≤⁄º“ ºŸ&Ÿ ¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-∫…æ-∆Ÿ%Ÿ@Å

éƒ⁄晋º⁄™-æ´≤Ÿ™Í ¥˘‰Õ晉 ∞Ÿ⁄&éŸæŸÅ |
Æ‹⁄“™‡-æ‹íƒº‹ôòÊÅ ¥˘‰º-¥›¿-¥˘¥°òÊ-
⁄∆@éƒ-º⁄™ ææŸÉ–È é¤⁄™@ÆŸ –ŸÉ∆™Ÿ≥≤Å ||27||
anudinam iha måtrå rådhikå-bhavya-vårttå˙
kalayitum ati-yatnåt preçyate dhåtrikåyå˙
duhit®-yugalam uccai˙ prema-püra-prapañcair-
vikala-mati yayå ’sau kîrtidå så ’vatån na˙ (27)

Overcome with anxiety, Rådhikå’s mother Çrî Kîrttidå-devî carefully and lovingly sends two
daughters of her nurses to Vraja daily to gather the news of her daughter’s welfare. May that Kîrt-
tidå-devî protect me.

¥˘¨º-¿–-⁄∆ƒŸ–‰ “≥™ ¿ËŒ‰® ™Ÿ∆™Í

¥˘é¢⁄º∆ ⁄∆¿Ë∞Ä –≥Æ∞Ÿ≤Ÿ⁄¥ ∫óÓÒŸ |
¥˘∆ƒæ⁄™ –‹êÄ æŸ ≤…æ-æ›≤ËÅ —∆≤µ&ËÅ
¥¿⁄º“ º‹ê¿ŸÄ ™ŸÄ º›⁄±≤@ ∆‡ØÛŸÄ ∆“Ÿ⁄º ||28||
prathama-rasa-vilåse hanta roße√a tåvat
praka†am iva virodhaµ sandadhånåpi bha∫gyå
pravalayati sukhaµ yå navya-yüno˙ sva-naptro˙
param iha mukharåµ tåµ mürdhni v®ddhåµ vahåmi (28)

I carry the elderly Mukharå-devî on my head, because by angrily and deviously contriving many
obstacles to impede the amorous pastimes of her youthful grandchildren, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, she
merely increases Their boundless bliss.

–Ÿ≥Æ˙-¥˘‰º-¿–ÊÅ µƒ‹™Ÿ ⁄¥˘æ™æŸ ¥˘ŸíƒÍªæºŸµ™Ÿ ™æËÅ-

¥˘Ÿ®-¥˘‰}-∆æ—ææË¿≤‹⁄Æ≤Ä ƒ¤ƒŸ⁄∫–Ÿ¿Ä é˚ºÊÅ |
∆ÊÆì±æ‰≤ ™¨Ÿ –ê¤Ä ¥˘⁄™ –ÆŸ ºŸ≤—æ ⁄À’ŸÄ ¿–Ê-
æ‰@æÄ éŸ¿æ™¤“ “≥™ ƒ⁄ƒ™Ÿ í‡mŸ™‹ –Ÿ ºŸÄ í®ÊÅ ||29||
såndra-prema-rasai˙ plutå priyatayå prågalbhyam åptå tayo˙
prå√a-pre߆ha-vayasyayor anudinaµ lîlåbhisåraµ kramai˙
vaidagdhyena tathå sakhîµ prati sadå månasya çikßåµ rasair
yeyaµ kårayatîha hanta lalitå g®hnåtu så måµ ga√ai˙ (29)

Solely out of great love for Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, who are more dear to her than life itself, Lalitå-
sakhî daily displays a mood of slight impudence as she first arranges the pastime of the Divine Cou-
ple’s rendezvous, and then with clever and nectarean words instructs her sakhî Rådhikå on how to
best utilise Her mood of jealous anger. May that Lalitå, who is always immersed in the deepest
prema-rasa, admit me into her own party.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 11

∆˘ú-¥‹¿-≤∆ æ‹≤ËæŸ@ ò 驧Ÿ≤Í ⁄¥éŸ≤ŸºÍ |
≤æ⁄™ ¥¿º∞—™Ÿ⁄¶…æ íŸ≤‰≤ ™‹{ÒŸ
¥˘¨æ™‹ ºº Ƥ’ŸÄ “≥™ –‰æÄ ⁄∆ÀŸêŸ ||30||
pra√aya-lalita-narma-sphåra-bhümis tayor yå
vraja-püra-nava yunor yå ca ka√†hån pikånåm
nayati param adhaståd divya gånena tu߆yå
prathayatu mama dîkßåµ hanta seyaµ viçåkhå (30)

Çrî Viçåkhå is the great object of love and charming playfulness for the youthful couple of Vraja,
Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a, and the loveliness of her voice when she sings divine glorifications of Them
defeats even that of the cuckoo. Aho! May Viçåkhå be pleased with me and teach me the art of

¥˘⁄™ ≤∆-≤∆-é‹°úÄ ¥˘‰º-¥›¿‰® ¥›®Ÿ@

¥˘ò‹¿-–‹¿⁄∫-¥›œ¥Ê∫›@Œ⁄æ´∆Ÿ é˚º‰® |
¥˘®æ⁄™ ∏™ ∆‡≥ÆŸ ™& ƒ¤ƒË´–∆Ä æŸ
⁄¥˘æ-í®-∆‡™-¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‚œ®æË—™ŸÄ ¥˘¥Y‰ ||31||
prati nava-nava-kuñjaµ prema-püre√a pür√å
pracura-surabhi-püßpair bhüßayitvå krame√a
pra√ayati bata v®ndå tatra lîlotsavaµ yå
priya-ga√a-v®ta-rådhå-k®ß√ayos tåµ prapadye (31)

I always worship V®ndå-devî who, being immersed in prema-rasa, decorates all the ever-fresh
kuñjas in Vraja with fragrant flowers, thereby expanding the festival of blissful pastimes enjoyed by
Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a and Their beloved sakhîs.

–ëæ‰≤ŸƒÄ ¥¿º-¡⁄ò¿Ÿ ≤º@-∫…æ‰≤ ¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ

¥ŸéŸ¨@Ä æŸ ∆˘ú-¥⁄™-º⁄“œæŸ◊æŸ –≥≤æ≥™¤ |
¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ ÀÕ∆™Í ¥⁄¨-¥⁄¨ “¿‰∆@Ÿ%@æŸ ™¥@æ≥™¤
™‹œæ´∆‰™ŸÄ ¥¿⁄º“ ∫ú‰ é‹≥Æ-¥›∆ŸÄ@ ƒ™ŸÄ ™ŸºÍ ||32||
sakhyenålaµ parama-rucirå narma-bhavyena rådhåµ
påkårthaµ yå vraja-pati-mahißy-åjñayå sannayantî
prem√å çaçvat pathi-pathi harer vårttayå tarpayantî
tußyatv etåµ param iha bhaje kunda-pürvåµ latåµ tåm (32)

I worship Kundalatå, who on the order of Queen Yaçodå comes daily to take Çrîmatî Rådhikå to
Nanda-bhavana to cook for K®ß√a. Because she possesses a playful, friendly mood towards Çrî Çrî
Rådhå-K®ß√a, as she hurries Rådhikå along to Nanda-bhavana she pleases Her by continually
speaking about K®ß√a. And because she loves Them both so much, she herself is also most satisfied
with this.
12 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

∆˘ú‰Õ∆æŸ@≤¤™ŸÄ ∏™ ¿–∆™¤-é‚´æ-⁄∆∞æ‰
º‹ÆŸ éŸºÄ ≤≥ƤÕ∆¿ ⁄í⁄¿-⁄≤é‹°ú‰ ¥˘®⁄æ≤¤ |
öƒÊÅ é‚œ®Ä ¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ Æ⁄智⁄∫ ™ŸÄ –Ÿ¿æ⁄™ æŸ
∞⁄≤}ŸÄ ™´¥˘Ÿ®-⁄¥˘æ™¿-–ê¤Ä ™ŸÄ ⁄éƒ ∫ú‰ ||33||
vrajeçvary ånîtåµ bata rasavatî-k®tya-vidhaye
mudå kåmaµ nandîçvara giri-nikuñje pra√ayinî
chalai˙ k®ß√aµ rådhåµ dayitam abhi tåµ sårayati yå
dhani߆˙åµ tat-prå√a-priyatara-sakhîµ tåµ kila bhaje (33)

I worship Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s prå√a-priya sakhî Dhani߆hå, because after Rådhikå has been
brought to Nanda-bhavana on Yaçodå’s order to cook for K®ß√a in the morning, Dhani߆hå very
happily and cleverly arranges a rendezvous for Rådhikå with Her beloved Çrî K®ß√a in a kuñja on
Nandîçvara Mountain.

Ç∆≥™¤™Å é¤%ÊÅ@ Ã˘∆®-∫¿™Ë º‹ì∞-HÆæŸ

¥˘íŸß˛Ë´é©§Ÿ⁄∫∆˘@ú-∫‹∆º‹¿¤-é‚´æ ⁄éƒ æŸ |
º‹ÆŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‚œ®Ëùù∆ƒ-¿–Å –‹êÄ ∆ØÛ@æ⁄™ ™ŸÄ
º‹ê¤Ä ≤Ÿ≥Ƥ-¥›∆Ÿ@Ä –™™º⁄∫∆≥Ɖ ¥˘®æ™Å ||34||
avantîta˙ kîrttai˙ çrava√a-bharato mugdha-h®dayå
pragå∂hotka√†håbhir vraja-bhuvam urî-k®tya kila yå
mudå rådhå-k®ß√ojjvala-rasa˙ sukhaµ varddhayati tåµ
mukhîµ nåndî-pürvåµ satatam abhivande pra√ayata˙ (34)

After hearing the glories of Vraja-dhåma, Nåndîmukhî became enchanted and with great eager-
ness abandoned her village of Avantî to reside in Vraja, where she blissfully increases Çrî Rådhå-
K®ß√a’s amorous enjoyment. With great love I worship Nåndîmukhî.

º‹ÆŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‚œ®-¥˘ò‹¿-úƒ-鉃¤-¿–-∫¿-
—êƒ™Í é—™›¿¤-™ÆÍî‹Ã‡®-î≤-òòŸ@⁄ò@™-úƒŸ |
¥˘ºËÆŸ%È ∂‰≤-⁄—º™º‹⁄Æ™º›⁄º@-—∂‹¢-é¿-
⁄Ã˘æŸ ⁄–°ò≥™¤∆ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –‹êÄ ≤—™¿⁄®úŸ ||35||
mudå rådhå-k®ß√a-pracura-jala-kelî-rasa-bhara-
skhalat kastürî-tad-ghuç®√a-ghana-carcårcita-jalå
pramodåt tau phena-smitam uditam ürmi-sphu†a-kara-
çriyå siñcantîva prathayatu sukhaµ nas tara√ijå (35)

As Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a blissfully commence Their rasa-laden water sports in the Yamunå River,
the substances such as ku∫kuma, kastürî (musk), and candana which were applied to Their bodies
wash off and make the Yamunå’s waters very beautiful and fragrant. The Yamunå is so overjoyed at
this that it is as if her foam becomes a gentle smile and her waves become hands with which she
performs abhißeka of the Youthful Lovers. May Yamunå, the daughter of the sun, expand my happi-
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 13

–∆Ÿ@≤≥Æ éÆΩ∏é‰≤ “⁄¿®Ÿ ¥˘ŸíÍæŸ⁄ò™Ÿ ǵ溛Å

—∆Ê¿Ä òŸ¡ ⁄¿¿Ä–æŸ ¿“⁄– æŸÅ é˚Ë∞ŸÆ≤ŸB‡´æ ™ŸºÍ |
¥˘Ÿ®-¥˘‰}-–ê¤Ä ⁄≤úŸº≤‹⁄Æ≤Ä ™‰≤Ê∆ –ŸØÄÛ@ º‹ÆŸ
¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ –Ä¿ºæ⁄≥™ ™ŸÅ ⁄¥˘æ-–ꤺ›@±≤Ÿ@ ¥˘¥Y‰™¿ŸºÍ ||36||
sarvånanda kadambakena hari√å pråg yåcitå apy amü˙
svairaµ cåru riraµsayå rahasi yå˙ krodhåd anåd®tya tåm
prå√a-pre߆ha-sakhîµ nijåm anudinaµ tenaiva sårddhaµ mudå
rådhåµ samramayanti tå˙ priya-sakhîr mürdhnå prapadyetaråm (36)

I carry on my head Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s dear sakhîs who, although beseeched by the embodied
aggregate of all bliss, Çrî K®ß√a, to individually meet with Him in private, they lovingly kick Him
away and instead with great happiness daily arrange for their sakhî Rådhikå, who is more dear to
them than life itself, to meet with Him.

¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ æ‰ ¥⁄¿∏©¢≤‰≤ é⁄ƒ™ŸÅ –‰∆ŸÅ –ÆÊ∆Ë´–‹éŸÅ

é‹∆Ÿ@®ŸÅ ¥¿ºŸÆ¿‰® –™™Ä ÆŸ–Ÿ ∆æ—æË¥ºŸÅ |
¥˘Ÿ®‰ÀÄ ¥⁄¿™ËŒæ⁄≥™ ¥⁄¿™—™Ÿ≤Í ¥⁄&-º‹ëæŸ≤Í ∫ú‰ ||37||
prem√å ye pariba√†anena kalitå˙ sevå˙ sadaivotsukå˙
kurvå√å˙ paramådare√a satataµ dåså vayasyopamå˙
prå√eçaµ paritoßayanti paritas tån patri-mukhyån bhaje (37)

I worship K®ß√a’s servants headed by Patri who in all circumstances lovingly and respectfully
arrange for His happiness by performing such services as handing Him His flute, offering Him a
mirror, some water, and camphor-scented betel, by carrying messages for Him, and by playing the
vî√å for Him. Dividing these services amongst themselves, they perpetually attend the Lord of
their lives with their minds, bodies, and words.

∆‡@≥ÆŸ¿©æ-º“‰Õ∆¿¤Ä ⁄¥˘æ™æŸ 柗™ËŒæ⁄≥™ ⁄¥˘æŸÅ |
¥˘Ÿ®-¥˘‰}-–ê¤-鋃ŸÆ⁄¥ ⁄郟–ÄéË⁄ò™Ÿ ∫›⁄ºéŸÅ
鉃¤-∫›⁄ºŒ‹ ¬¥-º°ú⁄¿-º‹êŸ—™Ÿ ÆŸ⁄–éŸÅ –ÄÃ˘æ‰ ||38||
v®ndåra√ya-maheçvarîµ priyatayå yås toßayanti priyå˙
prå√a-pre߆ha-sakhî-kulåd api kilåsa∫kocitå bhümikå˙
kelî-bhümißu rüpa-mañjari-mukhås tå dåsikå˙ saµçraye (38)

I take shelter of Rüpa Mañjarî and the other very dear maidservants of the great queen of V®ndå-
vana, Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who please Her by offering Her betel, massaging Her feet, offering Her
water, and arranging for Her rendezvous with K®ß√a. Because these maidservants can enter the area
where the Divine Couple enjoy Their most confidential pastimes without feeling shy, they are
even more dear to Rådhikå than sakhîs such as Lalitå, who themselves are more dear to Her than
life itself.
14 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

™‡®¤-é‚´æ —∂Ÿ¿Ä –‹ê-úƒ⁄∞-–Ÿ¿Ä —∂‹¢º⁄¥

—∆é¤æÄ ¥˘‰Ω®ŸÄ æ‰ ∫¿-⁄≤é¿-≤º˘Ÿ º‹¿-⁄¿¥ËÅ |
–‹êŸ∫Ÿ–Ä ÀÕ∆™Í ¥˘¨⁄晋ºƒÄ ¥˘È߲-é‹™‹éŸÆÍ-
æ™—™‰ ™Ÿ≤Í ∞≥æŸ≤Í ¥¿⁄º“ ∫ú‰ ºŸ∞∆-í®Ÿ≤Í ||39||
t®√î-k®tya sphåraµ sukha-jaladhi-såraµ sphu†am api
svakîyaµ prem√åµ ye bhara-nikara-namrå mura-ripo˙
sukhåbhåsaµ çaçvat prathayitum alaµ prau∂ha-kutukåd-
yatas te tån dhanyån param iha bhaje mådhava-ga√ån (39)

I worship the blessed devotees of Çrî K®ß√a who, considering the abundant nectar of their own
happiness to be as insignificant as blades of grass, always lovingly and humbly strive to bring happi-
ness to the lord of their lives.

™—æŸÅ ’®ŸÆÀ@≤™Ë ⁄º˘˘æ≥™‰

–‹ê‰≤ ™—æŸÅ –‹⁄ê≤Ë ∫∆⁄≥™ |
⁄—≤ì∞ŸÅ ¥¿Ä æ‰ é‚™-¥‹©æ-¥‹ÄúŸÅ
¥˘Ÿ®‰Õ∆¿¤-¥˘‰}-í®Ÿ≤Í ∫ú‰ ™Ÿ≤Í ||40||
tasyå˙ kßa√ådarçanato mriyante
sukhena tasyå˙ sukhino bhavanti
snigdhå˙ paraµ ye k®ta-pu√ya-puñjå˙
prå√eçvarî-pre߆ha-ga√ån bhaje tån (40)

I time and again worship Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s maidservants, who upon not seeing Rådhikå for even
an instant become as if dead, who consider Rådhikå’s happiness to be their own greatest happiness,
whose hearts are melted with affection for Her, and who have accumulated masses of pious credits
through the course of many lifetimes.

–Ÿ¥´≥æËôòæ-¿ùæÆfiùù∆ƒ-¿–—æËôòÊÅ –º‹ÆÍ∆‡ØÛæ‰
–È∫ŸìæËÆÍ∫¢-í∆@-⁄∆∫˘º-∫‡™Å Ã˘¤¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸæŸÅ —∂‹¢ºÍ |
íË⁄∆≥ÆÅ —º¿-∂‹≈ƒ-∆≈ƒ∆-∆∞›-∆í‰@® æ‰≤ ’®Ä
é˚¤•˛´æ‰Œ ™º& ⁄∆—™‡™-º“Ÿ-¥‹©æÄ ò ∆≥ÆŸº“‰ ||41||
såpatnyoccaya-rajyad-ujjvala-rasasyoccai˙ samudv®ddhaye
saubhagyodbha†a-garva-vibhrama-bh®ta˙ çrî-rådhikåyå˙ sphu†am
govinda˙ smara-phulla-vallava-vadhü-varge√a yena kßa√aµ
krî∂aty eßa tam atra vist®ta-mahå-pu√yaµ ca vandåmahe (41)

I forever worship the highly fortunate gopîs headed by Candråvalî. Solely for the purpose of
increasing Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s amorous love for Him, Çrî Govinda briefly enjoys with these rival
gopîs who are endowed with all the qualities of heroines such as awareness of their own good for-
tune, pride, and loving delusion.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 15

∏˘“˜Ÿ©•Ÿ™Í ¥¿º‹ôöƒ´–‹ê-∫¿Ä ™´éË⁄¢-–ÄëæŸÆ⁄¥

¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ é‚œ®-–‹¿⁄’™ŸÅ ¥˘⁄™º‹“‹Å ¥˘ŸPŸÅ ¥¿Ä ⁄≤∆‡@™ŸÅ |
éŸºÄ ™´¥Æ-¥Ø˜-–‹≥Æ¿-≤ê-¥˘Ÿ≥™-—êƒÆ‰˙®‹éŸ-
¿’Ÿ-…æí˘-⁄∞æÅ —∂‹¿⁄≥™ ⁄éƒ æ‰ ™Ÿ≤Í íË¥-∆æŸ@≤Í ∫ú‰ ||42||
brahmå√∂åt param ucchalat-sukha-bharaµ tat-ko†i-sa∫khyåd api
prem√å k®ß√a-surakßitå˙ pratimuhu˙ pråptå˙ paraµ nirv®tå˙
kåmaµ tat-pada-padma-sundara-nakha-prånta-skhalad-re√ukå-
rakßå-vyagra-dhiya˙ sphuranti kila ye tån gopa-varyån bhaje (42)

I forever worship the exalted gopas, who at every moment consider themselves to be blessed with
a happiness that is greater than the aggregate of all the happiness in the universe multiplied unlim-
itedly, who are protected by Çrî K®ß√a with more prema than can be found in millions of universes
put together, and whose minds always remain fervently alert to protect even the specks of dust
which fall from the tips of the beautiful nails of K®ß√a’s lotus feet.

¥˘Ÿ®‰ªæËɵæ⁄∞éÊÅ ⁄¥˘æÊ¿⁄¥ ¥¿Ä ¥‹&ʺ‹@é‹≥Æ—æ æŸÅ

—≤‰“Ÿ™Í ¥ŸÆ-–¿Ëú-æ‹ìº ⁄∆íƒÆÍîº@—æ ⁄∏≥ÆËÅ é®ºÍ |
⁄≤º@°öÒË¡-⁄Àê©•-–‹≥Æ¿-⁄À¿Õò‹Ω∏⁄≥™ í˵æ⁄Õò¿Ä
™Ÿ–ŸÄ ¥ŸÆ-¿úŸÄ⁄– –≥™™º“Ä ⁄≤º@°öæŸ⁄º —∂‹¢ºÍ ||43||
prå√ebhyo ’py adhikai˙ priyair api paraµ putrair mukundasya yå˙
snehåt påda-saroja-yugma vigalad-gharmasya bindo˙ ka√am
nirmañchyoru-çikha√∂a-sundara-çiraç cumbanti gopyaç ciraµ
tåsåµ påda rajåµsi santatam ahaµ nirmañchayåmi sphu†am (43)

I perpetually worship the foot-dust of the elderly gopîs. Because they love Çrî Mukunda even
more than they do their own sons, whom they love more than life itself, with the borders of their
fine garments they wipe away the drops of perspiration which fall from K®ß√a’s lotus feet and
repeatedly kiss His head which is so nicely decorated with a peacock feather.

Ñ≥Æ˙≤¤ƒ-ê‹¿-¿Ÿ⁄ú™ŸÅ ¥¿Ä
—∆®@-∏ØÛ-∆¿-ÇóÓ-¿Ä⁄ú™ŸÅ |
¥Ÿ≥™‹ ≤Å –¥⁄Æ é‚œ®-∞‰≤∆Å ||44||
indranîla-khura-råjitå˙ paraµ
påntu na˙ sapadi k®ß√a-dhenava˙ (44)

The hooves of Írî K®ß√a’s cows are entwined with blue sapphires and are therefore wonderfully
lustrous, their gold-studded horns are very attractive, and their radiant white complexions cripple
the pride of small white mountains. May these cows protect me.
16 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

柖ŸÄ ¥Ÿƒ≤-ÆË“≤Ë´–∆-¿™Å –ŸØÛ@Ä ∆æ—æË´é¿ÊÅ

éŸºÄ ¿Ÿº-⁄∆¿Ÿ⁄ú™Å ¥˘⁄™-⁄Æ≤Ä ™´¥ŸÆ-¿‰®›ùù∆ƒÅ |
¥˘¤´æŸ —∂¤™-∆≤Ë¡-¥∆@™-≤Ƥ-éôö‰Œ‹ ∏ØÛ-—¥‡“Ë
íË}Ÿê©•ƒ-≤≥Æ≤Ë ⁄∆“¿™‰ ™ŸÅ –È¿∫‰æ¤∫@ú‰ ||45||
yåsåµ pålana-dohanotsava-rata˙ sårddhaµ vayasyotkarai˙
kåmaµ råma-viråjita˙ prati-dinaµ tat-påda-re√üjjvala˙
prîtyå sphîta-vanoru-parvata-nadî-kaccheßu baddha-sp®ho
go߆håkha√∂ala-nandano viharate tå˙ saurabheyîr bhaje (45)

I worship these cows, the daughters of Surabhi, who daily immerse Çrî K®ß√a, Çrî Balaråma, Çrî
Çrîdåma, and the other sakhås in festivals headed by herding and milking them, and who are won-
derfully decorated with the dust raised by their own hooves as they lovingly roam around the dense
forests, high mountains, and river banks.

¿⁄–™-º⁄®-º≤Ë◊-ùæË⁄™¬Y´ê‹¿ŸßÒÅ |
– úæ⁄™ ∆é-À&ËÅ ¥Ø˜í≥∞Å éé‹Ø˜¤ ||46||
sa jayati vaka-çatro˙ padma-gandha˙ kakudmî (46)

All glories to Çrî K®ß√a’s pet bull named Padmagandha, whose gold-studded horns are radiant,
whose charming hooves are entwined with sapphires which emanate an enchanting lustre, and
around whose neck a red necklace swings.

º‡Æfi-≤∆-™‡®º≈¥Ä –—¥‡“Ä ∆è&-º±æ‰

⁄’¥⁄™ ¥¿º-æ´≤ŸÆ≈¥-é©•‹°ò íŸ&‰ |
¥˘¨æ⁄™ º‹¿∆Ê¿¤ “≥™ æB˝´–éŸ≤ŸÄ
–¥⁄Æ ⁄éƒ ⁄ÆB‡’‰ ™%Ɵߤé≤Ÿ⁄≤ ||47||
m®du-nava-t®√am alpaµ sa-sp®haµ vaktra-madhye
kßipati parama-yatnåd alpa-ka√∂uµ ca gatre
prathayati muravairî hanta yad-vatsakånåµ
sapadi kila did®kße tat-tad-å∂hîkanåni (47)

With great love Çrî K®ß√a places small amounts of soft, fresh grass in the calves’ mouths and gen-
tly scratches their bodies—O, when will I be able to see these calves jump about and play?
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 17

≤è™⁄≥Æ∆Ä º‹¿-⁄¿¥Ë¿∞¿Ÿº‡™Ä æŸ
—∂¤™Ÿ ⁄¥∏´æƒº∏Ÿ∞º“Ë –‹∫ŸìæŸ |
Ã˘¤¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-¥˘⁄¨™-ºŸ≤º¥¤“ ⁄Æ…æ-
≤ŸÆÊ¿∞Ë ≤æ⁄™ ™ŸÄ º‹¿ƒ¤Ä ≤ºŸ⁄º ||48||
naktan-divaµ mura-ripor adharåm®taµ yå
sphîtå pibaty alam abådham aho subhågyå
çrî-rådhikå-prathita-månam apîha divya-
nådair adho nayati tåµ muralîµ namåmi (48)

I always offer pra√åma unto the Muralî flute who is nourished by drinking the nectar of Muråri’s
lips day and night without obstruction, and aho! who breaks Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s steadfast mood of
jealous anger with its sweet notes.

Æ›™¤⁄∫∏@“‹-òŸ¢‹⁄∫Å –⁄ê-鋃‰≤ŸƒÄ ∆òË-∫⁄óÓ⁄∫Å

¥ŸÆŸ≥™‰ ¥™≤Ê∆˘@ú‰≥Æ˙-™≤æ‰≤Ÿ⁄¥ é˚‹∞Ÿƒ¤-í®ÊÅ |
¿Ÿ∞ŸæŸÅ – ⁄“ Àè晉 Æ∆⁄æ™‹Ä æË ≤Ê∆ ºŸ≤Ë ææŸ
∂‹´é‚´æÊ∆ ⁄≤¿—晉 –‹é‚⁄™≤¤Ä ∏ÄÀ¤Ä –ê¤Ä ™ŸÄ ≤‹‹ºÅ ||49||
dütîbhir bahu-cå†ubhi˙ sakhi-kulenålaµ vaco-bha∫gibhi˙
pådånte patanair vrajendra-tanayenåpi krudhålî-ga√ai˙
rådhåyå˙ sa hi çakyate davayituµ yo naiva måno yayå
phut-k®tyaiva nirasyate suk®tinîµ baµçîµ sakhîµ tåµ numa˙ (49)

That unrelenting mood of jealous anger of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s which cannot be mollified by sweet
words of flattery from Her dear girlfriend messengers headed by V®ndå, by varieties of joking words
from the sakhås headed by Madhuma∫gala, by Her fellow sakhîs’ angry rebukes, and even by Çrî
K®ß√a Himself falling at Her lotus feet and repeatedly offering pra√åma, can easily be pacified by
some notes from the flute. I always offer pra√åma unto that most fortunate sakhî, the Vaµçî flute.

—∂¤™—™Ÿ©•⁄∆éË “¿‰º‹@¿⁄ƒéŸ-≤ŸÆ‰≤ ≤‡´æË´–∆Ä

î›®@ôòŸ¡-⁄Àê©•-∆≈í‹ –¿–¤-™¤¿‰ ⁄≤é‹°úŸí˘™Å |
™≥∆≤Í é‹°ú-⁄∆“Ÿ⁄¿®ËÅ –‹ê-∫¿Ä –Ω¥ŸÆæ‰ÆÍæ—™æËÅ
—º‡´∆Ÿ ™Ä ⁄À⁄ê-¿Ÿúº‹´–‹é™æŸ ∏Ÿß˛Ä ⁄ÆB‡’Ÿº“‰ ||50||
sphîtas tå√∂aviko harer muralikå-nådena n®tyotsavaµ
ghür√ac cåru-çikha√∂a-valgu sarasî-tîre nikuñjågrata˙
tanvan kuñja-vihåri√o˙ sukha-bharaµ sampådayed yas tayo˙
sm®två taµ çikhi-råjam utsukatayå bå∂haµ did®kßåmahe (50)

Joyful upon hearing the melody of Hari’s Muralî flute, the peacock named Tå√∂avika spread his
enchanting tail-feathers at the entrance of a kuñja situated on the banks of Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a and
enacted a festival of dancing which delighted the enjoyers of that kuñja, Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a.
Remembering this exalted peacock, with great eagerness I yearn to receive his darçana.
18 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

–PŸ“Ä º‹¿-º¶@≤Å ¥˘®æ™Ë æËœ§Êé-¿’Ë´–‹éË

⁄∆∫˘≥ºŸ≤º‹ÆŸ¿-¥Ÿ⁄®-¿º®Êæ@—ºÊ –ƒ¤ƒÄ ÆÆÈ |
—™´ê£Ÿ⁄æ™-¿´≤-–‹≥Æ¿-⁄ÀƒË íË∆ØÛ@≤Å ¥Ÿ™‹ ∆Å ||51||
saptå˙aµ mura-marddana˙ pra√ayato yo߆haika-rakßotsuko
vibhran månam udåra-på√i-rama√air yasmai sa-lîlaµ dadau
tat-kha††åyita-ratna-sundara-çilo govardhana˙ påtu va˙ (51)

Eager to protect the kingdom of Vraja, Çrî Muråri lovingly held Govardhana Hill aloft on His
lotus hand for one week, thereby promoting Govardhana to the status of a worshipable personality.
May this Govardhana, whose caves are coloured with the ku∫kuma which falls from the bodies of
Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a as They enjoy Their amorous pastimes there, and whose boulders serve as jew-
elled sofas for the Divine Couple, protect me.

≤¤¥ÊÕòΩ¥é-¥Ÿ⁄ƒ⁄∫≤@∆-∆¿ŸÀËéÊ ¿–ŸƒË´é¿ÊÅ
¥‹≥≤ŸíÊ∆@鋃ʃ@∆óÓ-ƒ⁄™éŸ-∆Ÿ–⁄≥™éŸ⁄∫∆‡@™ÊÅ |
„YÄ ™⁄´¥˘æ-é‹©•æË—™¢-⁄ºƒ≥º±æ-¥˘Æ‰ÀÄ ¥¿Ä
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-ºŸ∞∆æËÅ ⁄¥˘æ-—¨ƒ⁄ºÆÄ é‰≈柗™Æ‰∆ŸÃ˘æ‰ ||52||
nîpaiç campaka-pålibhir nava-varåçokai rasålotkarai˙
punnågair vakulåir lava∫ga-latikå-våsantikåbhir v®tai˙
h®dyaµ tat priya-ku√∂ayos ta†a-milan madhya-pradeçaµ paraµ
rådhå-mådhavayo˙ priya-sthalam idaµ kelyås tad evåçraye (52)

I take shelter of the central area between Çrî Çrî Rådhå-Mådhava’s dear ponds, Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a
and Çrî Çyåma-ku√∂a, named Keli-priya-sthala where the Divine Couple enjoy the råsa dance and
which is very charming due to being surrounded by kadamba trees, campaka vines, excellent young
açoka trees, mango trees, någakeçara trees, vakula trees, lava∫ga vines, and mådhavî vines.

Ã˘¤∆‡≥ÆŸ⁄∆⁄¥≤Ä –‹¿Ωæº⁄¥ ™ôö˙¤ºŸ≤Í – íË∆∞@≤Å

– ¿Ÿ–-—¨⁄ƒéŸµæƒÄ ¿–ºæ¤ ⁄éÄ ™Ÿ∆Æ≥æ™Í —¨ƒºÍ |
æ—柵æÄÀ-ƒ∆‰≤ ≤Ÿ“@⁄™ º“ŸéÍ –ŸΩæÄ º‹é‹≥Æ—æ ™™Í
¥˘Ÿ®‰ªæËɵæ⁄∞é-⁄¥˘æ‰∆ Æ⁄æ™Ä ™´é‹©•º‰∆ŸÃ˘æ‰ ||53||
çrî-v®ndåvipinaµ suramyam api tac chrîmån sa govardhana˙
sa råsa-sthalikåpy alaµ rasamayî kiµ tåvad anyat sthalam
yasyåpy aµça-lavena nårhati mahåk såmyaµ mukundasya tat
prå√ebhyo ’py adhika-priyeva dayitaµ tat ku√∂am evåçraye (53)

The supremely charming V®ndåvana forest, the most resplendent Çrî Govardhana, and even the
rasa-laden arena of the råsa dance, what to speak of any other places of K®ß√a’s pastimes, are not
equal to even a particle of Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a. I take shelter of that Rådhå-ku√∂å, which is as dear to
Mukunda as His dearmost beloved Çrîmatî Rådhikå Herself is.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 19

—∂¤™‰ ¿´≤-–‹∆®@-ºÈ⁄è™é-∫¿ÊÅ –⁄≥≤⁄º@™‰ º©•¥‰

¨‹´éŸ¿Ä ⁄∆⁄≤∞Ÿæ æ& ¿∫–Ÿ%È ÆΩ¥™¤ ⁄≤∫@¿ºÍ |
™≥∆Ÿ™‰ ¿⁄™-≤Ÿ¨-≤º@-–⁄ò∆È ™Æ˙Ÿùæ-òòŸÄ@ º‹ÆŸ
™Ä ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-–¿–¤-™¢Ëùù∆ƒ-º“Ÿ-é‹°úÄ –ÆŸ“Ä ∫ú‰ ||54||
sphîte ratna-suvar√a-mauktika-bharai˙ san-nirmite ma√∂ape
thutkåraµ vinidhåya yatra rabhasåt tau dampatî nirbharam
tanvåte rati-nåtha-narma-sacivau tad-råjya-carcåµ mudå
taµ rådhå-sarasî-ta†ojjvala-mahå-kuñjaµ sadåhaµ bhaje (54)

I perpetually worship the great radiant kuñja on the bank of Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a wherein the youth-
ful Divine Couple, having abandoned as insignificant an enormous pavilion which is beautifully
studded with varieties of jewels, gold, and pearls, appoint the god of amorous affairs (Cupid) as
Their own minister and, becoming thoroughly enthralled in the supreme bliss, hold lengthy discus-
sions on the matter within his kingdom.

éŸ≥´æŸ “≥™ ⁄º¨Å —∂‹¢Ä „⁄Æ-™¢‰ –⁄Ω∏⁄Ω∏™Ä YË™™‰

¥˘¤´æŸ ™⁄≥º¨‹≤Ä º‹ÆŸ ¥Æé∆Æ˙Ÿí‰® ⁄∆∫˘Æ ææËÅ |
∞Ÿ&Ÿ ∫Ÿìæ-∫¿‰® ⁄≤⁄º@™™¿‰ &ʃËèæ-ƒ÷Ω柗¥Æ‰
íÈ¿-Õ柺™º‰ Ѻ‰ ⁄¥˘æ™º‰ ¬¥‰ éÆŸ“Ä ∫ú‰? ||55||
kåntyå hanta mitha˙ sphu†aµ h®di-ta†e sambimbitaµ dyotate
prîtyå tan-mithunaµ mudå padakavad råge√a vibhrada yayo˙
dhåtrå bhågya-bhare√a nirmitatare trailokya-lakßmy-åspade
gaura-çyåmatame ime priyatame rüpe kadåhaµ bhaje? (55)

Aho, how wonderful! Overcome with love for one another, the Divine Couple’s respective bodily
hues brilliantly shine as they reflect in the mirror of each others’ hearts and in the colour of Their
garments. The Creator has beautifully fashioned Them from the fabric of good fortune, and They
are the abode of all the opulence in the three worlds. When will I be able to worship my dearmost
golden Rådhikå and dark-bluish K®ß√a?

≤‰&Ë¥Ÿ≥™-⁄∆î›®@≤Ê¿ƒî‹ ™¶Ëº›@ƒ-–°òŸƒ≤Ê-
¿¤ŒØÛŸ—æ-¿–ÊÅ –‹∞Ÿ∞¿-∞æÊÕò‹Ω∏ÊB‡@߲Ÿ⁄ƒóÓ≤ÊÅ |
¥˘¤™æŸ æÄ ∫ú™‰ ™º‹ùù∆ƒ-º“Ÿ-¿ŸúÄ ¥˘∆≥ÆŸº“‰ ||56||
netropånta-vighür√anair alaghu tad-dor-müla-sañcålanair-
îßad-dhåsya-rasai˙ sudhådhara-dhayaiç cumbair d®∂håli∫ganai˙
etair i߆a-mahopacå®a-nicayais tan navya-yunor yügaµ
prîtyå yaµ bhajate tam ujjvala-mahå-råjaµ pravandåmahe (56)

Those devotees who are highly rasika lovingly worship the Youthful Divine Couple and Their
amorous love by silently remembering the great paraphernalia which Çrî K®ß√a Himself craves; that
is, to look at Çrîmatî Rådhikå with restless sidelong glances, to pull His arms back to show Her His
broad chest, to gently smile at Her, to drink the nectar of Her lips, to kiss Her, and to firmly
embrace Her. With mind, body, and words I always worship Ujjvala Mahåråja Çrî K®ß√a, the king
of the erotic devotional mellow.
20 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

≤‰&‰ Æʱæ@º¥ŸóÓæËÅ é‹⁄¢ƒ™Ÿ ∆’Ëú-∆’Å-—¨ƒ‰

—¨È≈æÄ ™≥º‡Æfi ∆Ÿ⁄ò ∆⁄é˚-º∞‹¿Ÿ Ã˘Ë®È ¥‡¨‹-—∂Ÿ¿™Ÿ |
–∆Ÿ@óÓ‰ ∆¿-ºŸ∞‹¿¤ —∂‹¢º∫›ÆÍæ‰≤‰“ ƒËéË%¿Ÿ
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-ºŸ∞∆æË¿ƒÄ ≤∆-∆æÅ-–⁄≥∞Ä –ÆŸ ™Ä ∫ú‰ ||57||
netre dairdhyam apå∫gayo˙ ku†ilatå vakßoja-vakßa˙-sthale
sthaulyaµ tan m®du våci vakri-madhurå çronau p®thu-sphåratå
sarvå∫ge vara-mådhurî sphu†am abhüd yeneha lokottarå
rådhå-mådhavayor alaµ nava-vaya˙-sandhiµ sadå taµ bhaje (57)

I worship Çrî Rådhå-Mådhava’s early adolescence (the juncture of Their pauga√∂a and kaiçora
ages) in which the following supernatural symptoms become fully manifest: elongated eyes,
crookedness of Their sidelong glances, an increase in the size of Her breasts and His chest, clever-
ness in speech, broadness of Their hips, and an unprecedented sweetness pervading all of Their
bodily limbs.

Æfi{Ÿ⁄¿{-∆∞‰ —∆æÄ –º‹Æ∫›™Í é‚œ®ŸñÍ⁄î˘-¥Ø˜Ÿ⁄ÆÆÄ

—∂¤™Ä æ≥ºé¿≥Æ-⁄∆—™‡⁄™⁄¿∆Ÿ⁄¿{Ÿëæ⁄º{Ä –¿Å |
–Ë¥Ÿ≤ÊÅ ¥⁄¿¿⁄°ú™Ä ⁄¥˘æ™æŸ Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞æŸ éŸ⁄¿™ÊÅ
¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ⁄ƒóÓ⁄Æ∆ ⁄¥˘æŸ-–¿ ÑÆÄ ™≥≤¤´æ ⁄≤´æÄ ∫ú‰ ||58||
du߆åri߆a-vadhe svayaµ samudabhüt k®ß√å∫ghri-padmåd idaµ
sphîtaµ yan-makaranda-vist®tir ivåri߆åkhyam i߆aµ sara˙
sopånai˙ parirañjitaµ priyatayå çrî-rådhayå kåritai˙
prem√åli∫gad iva priyå-sara idaµ tan nîtya nityaµ bhaje (58)

Just as nectar automatically trickles from a blooming flower, when the appropriate time for
Ari߆åsura to be killed came, the nectarean Çrî Çyåma-ku√∂a automatically sprang from Çrî K®ß√a’s
lotus feet. Lovingly decorated with staircases (to facilitate bathing, etc.) by Çrîmatî Rådhikå Her-
self, Çyåma-ku√∂a forever embraces my most beloved Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a. I always worship that
Çyåma-ku√∂a, which is non-different from Çyåma Himself.

éÆΩ∏Ÿ≤ŸÄ ∆˘Ÿ™Êº@∞‹¥-鋃-ûÄ響-ƒ⁄ƒ™ÊÅ
¥¿¤™‰ æ&Ê∆ ⁄¥˘æ-–⁄ƒƒ-ƒ¤ƒŸ„⁄™ ⁄ºŒÊÅ |
⁄∆≤ËƉ≤ ¥˘¤´æŸ ™⁄Æƺ∆™Ÿ™Í ¥Ÿ∆≤-–¿Å ||59||
kadambånåµ vråtair madhupa-kula-jha∫kåra-lalitai˙
parîte yatraiva priya-salila-lîlåh®ti mißai˙
muhur gopendrasyåtmajam abhisaranty ambuja-d®ço
vinodena prîtyå tad idam avatåt påvana-sara˙ (59)

Lined with charming kadamba trees which resound with the buzzing of black bees, Påvana-
sarovara is where the lotus-eyed gopîs, on the pretext of fetching especially pure water, repeatedly
meet Çrî Gopendra-nandana with great love. May that Påvana-sarovara protect me; that is, please
grant me a residence on your bank and, by removing all of my obstructing anarthas, mercifully
enable me to directly realise the sweetness of Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a’s pastimes.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 21

¥ú@≥æ‰≤ ⁄¥™Ÿº“‰≤ ⁄≤™¿ŸºŸ¿Ÿ±æ ≤Ÿ¿Ÿæ®Ä

´æè´∆Ÿ“Ÿ¿º∫›Æ¥‹&é Ñ“ —∆¤æŸ´ºú‰ íË}¥‰ |
æ&Ÿ∆Ÿ⁄¥ –‹¿Ÿ⁄¿-“Ÿ ⁄í⁄¿∞¿Å ¥È&Ë í‹®ÊéŸé¿Å
’‹©®Ÿ“Ÿ¿™æŸ ¥˘⁄–ØÛº∆≤È ™Ÿ≥º‰ ™•˛ŸíÄ í⁄™Å ||60||
parjanyena pitåmahena nitaråm årådhya nåråya√aµ
tyaktvåhåram abhüd aputraka iha svîyåtmaje go߆hape
yatråvåpi suråri-hå giridhara˙ pautro gu√aikåkara˙
kßu√√åhåratayå prasiddham avanau tån me ta∂ågaµ gati˙ (60)

Where Grandfather Parjanya, seeing that his son Vrajaråja Nanda had no son of his own, ardent-
ly worshipped Çrî Nåråya√a Bhagavån by maintaining a fast and thereby received as a grandson the
lifter of Govardhana, Çrî K®ß√a, the abode of all good qualities and the slayer of demons—may that
pond, which is famous all over the world by the name of Kßu√√åhåra, by my shelter.

–ŸØÛ@Ä ºŸ≤–-úŸm∆¤-º‹ê-≤Ƥ-∆íÊÅ@ –¿óÓË´é¿ÊÅ

–Ÿ⁄∆_æŸ⁄Æ –‹¿¤-鋃ÊÕò ⁄≤™¿ŸºŸéŸÀ-∆Ÿ©æŸ ⁄∆∞‰Å |
∆‡≥ÆŸ¿©æ-∆¿‰©æ-¿Ÿùæ-⁄∆Œæ‰ Ã˘¤¥È®@ºŸ–¤ º‹ÆŸ
¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ æ& ⁄–Œ‰ò ⁄–°ò™‹ –‹êÄ –Ë≥º%-¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-—¨ƒ¤ ||61||
sårddhaµ månasa-jåhnavî-mukha-nadî-vargai˙ sa-ra∫gotkarai˙
såvitry-ådi surî-kulaiç ca nitaråm åkåça-vå√yå vidhe˙
v®ndåra√ya-vare√ya-råjya-vißaye çrî-paur√amåsî mudå
rådhåµ yatra sißeca siñcatu sukhaµ sonmatta-rådhå-sthalî (61)

Where in accordance with Brahmå’s directive from the sky, Bhagavatî Çrî Paur√amåsî-devî,
accompanied by many jubilantly dancing celestial goddesses headed by Såvitri, coronated Çrîmatî
Rådhikå as the queen of the super-excellent kingdom of V®ndåvana by performing Her abhißeka
ceremony with water from all the primary holy rivers such as Månasa-ga∫gå—may this place
named Unmatta Rådhå-sthalî similarly shower me with happiness.

¥˘¤´æŸ ≤≥ƤÕ∆¿-⁄í⁄¿-™¢‰ —∂Ÿ¿-¥ŸŒŸ®-∆‡≥ÆÊ-

ÕòŸ™‹œéË©æ‰É≤‹é‚⁄™-í‹¡⁄∫⁄≤@⁄º@™Ÿ æŸ ⁄∆Æì∞ÊÅ |
¿‰º‰ é‚œ®Å –⁄ê-¥⁄¿∆‡™Ë æ& ≤ºŸ@⁄® ™≥∆-
≥≤Ÿ—¨Ÿ≤¤Ä ™ŸÄ “⁄¿-¥Æ-ƒ–™Í-–È¿∫Ÿè™ŸÄ ¥˘¥Y‰ ||62||
prîtyå nandîçvara-giri-ta†e sphåra-påßå√a-v®ndaiç
cåtußko√ye ’nuk®ti-gurubhir nirmitå yå vidagdhai˙
reme k®ß√a˙ sakhi-pariv®to yatra narmå√i tanvann
åsthånîµ tåµ hari-pada-lasat-saurabhåktåµ prapadye (62)

I take shelter of Çrî K®ß√a’s playground named Åsthånî, which was lovingly fashioned by learned
architects in a quadrangular shape from large boulders found near Nandîçvara Mountain, where
K®ß√a and His friends headed by Çrîdåma play many funny games, and which is fragrant with the
scent of Çrî Hari’s lotus feet.
22 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

∆ÊÆì±æËùù∆ƒ-∆≈í‹-∆≈ƒ∆-∆∞‹-∆í‰@® ≤‡´æ≥≤–È
⁄“´∆Ÿ ™Ä º‹¿⁄úÆ˙–‰≤ ¿“⁄– Ã˘¤¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸÄ º©•æ≤Í |
¥‹œ¥ŸƒñÍé‚⁄™-–°òæ‰≤ ¿º™‰ æ& ¥˘ºËÆË´é¿Ê-
—&ʃËèæŸÆÍ∫‹™-ºŸ∞‹¿¤-¥⁄¿∆‡™Ÿ –Ÿ ¥Ÿ™‹ ¿Ÿ–-—¨ƒ¤ ||63||
vaidagdhyojjvala-valgu-vallava-vadhu-varge√a n®tyann asau
hitvå taµ murajid rasena rahasi çrî-rådhikåµ ma√∂ayan
pußpåla∫k®ti-sañcayena ramate yatra pramodotkarais-
trailokyådbhuta-mådhurî-pariv®tå så påtu råsa-sthalî (63)

Dancing with the clever gopîs, Çrî K®ß√a, the subduer of the Mura demon, abandoned those gopîs
and took Çrîmatî Rådhikå to a solitary place where, after decorating Her with varieties of flower-
ornaments, He enjoyed love-sports with Her. May this place known as the Råsa-sthalî, which is
permeated by all the wonderful sweetness of the three worlds, grant me a residence there and pro-
tect me from all the obstacles to my devotion.

ƒ¤ƒŸ-⁄∆≤ËÆ-¿–-⁄≤∫@¿-∫Ë⁄í≤¤æºÍ |
∆¤ò¤-∫¿Ê¿∆™‹ ºŸ≤–-úŸm∆¤ ºŸºÍ ||64||
govardhanojjvala-çilå-kulam unnayantî
vîcî-bharair avatu månasa-jåhnavî måm (64)

May Månasî-ga∫gå, who forever relishes the fun of Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a’s boating pastimes and
who with her waves always submerging Govardhana’s brilliant boulders, protect me from every-
thing which is unfavourable to relishing the rasa of the Divine Couple’s pastimes.

扌ŸÄ è∆Ÿ⁄¥ ò ºŸ∞∆Ë ⁄∆“¿™‰ ⁄—≤ì∞Ê∆@æ—æË´é¿Ê-

—™ØÛŸ™‹-Æ˙∆-¥‹°ú-⁄ò⁄&™™¿Ê—™Ê—™ÊÅ —∆æÄ ⁄ò⁄&™Å |
ꉃŸ⁄∫Å ⁄éƒ ¥Ÿƒ≤Ê¿⁄¥ í∆ŸÄ é‹&Ÿ⁄¥ ≤ºË@´–∆ÊÅ
Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-–⁄“™Ë í‹“Ÿ–‹ ¿º™‰ ™Ÿ≤Í Àʃ-∆æŸ@≤ ∫ú‰ ||65||
yeßåµ kvåpi ca mådhavo viharate snigdhair vayasyotkarais
tad-dhåtu-drava-puñja-citritatarais tais tai˙ svayaµ citrita˙
khelåbhi˙ kila pålanair api gavåµ kutråpi narmotsavai˙
çrî-rådhå-sahito guhåsu ramate tån çaila-varyån bhaje (65)

I worship Giriråja Govardhana, the best of mountains, where Çrî K®ß√a and His beloved sakhås,
having decorated themselves with the multi-coloured pigments found there, joyfully play as they
herd the cows, and where K®ß√a enjoys love-sports with Çrîmatî Rådhikå in the secluded caves.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 23

—∂¤™‰ æ& –⁄¿™Í-–¿Ë∆¿-鋃‰ íŸÅ ¥Ÿƒæ⁄≥≤∆‡@™Ë

í˘¤œº‰ ∆Ÿ⁄¿-⁄∆“Ÿ¿-é‰⁄ƒ-⁄≤∆“ÊíË@¥‰≥Æ˙-⁄ƅ柴ºúÅ |
¥˘¤´æŸ ⁄–°ò⁄™ º‹ì∞-⁄º&-⁄≤é¿Ÿ≤Í “Œ@‰≤ º‹ì∞Å —∆æÄ
éŸÄ’≤Í —∆¤æ-úæÄ úæŸ⁄¨@≤ ѺŸ⁄≥≤´æÄ ™Æ‰™ÆÍ∫ú‰ ||66||
sphîte yatra sarit-sarovara-kule gå˙ pålayan nirv®to
grîßme våri-vihåra-keli-nivahairgopendra-divyåtmaja˙
prîtyå siñcati mugdha-mitra-nikarån harßena mugdha˙ svayaµ
kå∫kßan svîya-jayaµ jayårthina imån nityaµ tad etad bhaje (66)

As Vrajendra-nandana Çrî K®ß√a tends the cows in the summertime, He blissfully enjoys varieties
of playful games with His friends in the cool waters of the expansive rivers (such as the Yamunå)
and lakes (such as Rådhå-ku√∂a) of V®ndåvana. Desiring victory in these games, K®ß√a splashes
His friends, who also desire victory. I worship these sakhås as well as these rivers and lakes.

扌ŸÄ éôö⁄¥éŸ-ƒ–≥º‹‹¿⁄ƒéŸ-≤ŸÆ‰≤-“ŒË@´é¿ÊÅ
–˘—™ŸØÛ@—™‡®-í‹ôö äŒ ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ∆è&‰Œ‹ –Ä—™Ω∫™‰ |
–ëæ‰≤Ÿ⁄¥ ™æËÅ ¥¿Ä ¥⁄¿∆‡™Ÿ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-∆éB˝‰⁄Œ®Ë-
—™‰ „YŸ º‡í曨¥ŸÅ ¥˘⁄™-⁄Æ≤Ä ºŸÄ ™ËŒæ≥™‹ —∂‹¢ºÍ ||67||
yeßåµ kacchapikå-lasan-muralikå-nådena-harßotkarai˙
srastårddhas t®√a-guccha eßa nitaråµ vaktreßu saµstambhate
sakhyenåpi tayo˙ paraµ pariv®tå rådhå-vakadveßi√os
te h®dyå m®ga-yüthapå˙ prati-dinaµ måµ toßayantu sphu†am (67)

Upon hearing the sound of Çrîmatî Rådhikå playing Her Kacchapî vî√å and Çrî K®ß√a playing
His Muralî flute, the deer become overcome with elation. As half-chewed bunches of grass hang
from their mouths, with deep feelings of friendship they stand surrounding Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a on
all sides, lifting their heads slightly to see Their lotus faces. May these charming group-leaders of
the deer daily delight me.

í‹°úÆÍ∫‡óÓ-鋃‰≤ ú‹{-é‹–‹ºÊÅ –≥≤B˝-º°ú‹-⁄Ã˘æŸÄ

é‹°úŸ≤ŸÄ ⁄≤鿉Œ‹ 扌‹ ¿º™‰ –È¿ªæ-⁄∆—™Ÿ⁄¿®ŸºÍ |
™‰ŒŸÄ ⁄∆—™‡™-é‰À-¥ŸÀ-⁄≤é¿ÊÅ é‹æŸ@º“Ë ºŸùú@≤ºÍ ||68||
guñjad-bh®∫ga-kulena ju߆a-kusumai˙ sannadva-mañju-çriyåµ
kuñjånåµ nikareßu yeßu ramate saurabhya-viståri√åm
udyat-kåma-tara∫ga-ra∫gita-manas tan navya-yünor yugaµ
teßåµ vist®ta-keça-påça-nikarai˙ kuryåmaho mårjjanam (68)

In kuñjas which are permeated with flowers which exude charming and even bewildering fra-
grances and with swarms of humming bees, the youthful couple Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a enjoy loving
pastimes, Their minds blissfully immersed in the rising waves of desire. I will sweep those kuñjas
with my own hair.
24 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

扌ŸÄ òŸ¡-™ƒ‰Œ‹ À¤™-⁄≤⁄∆•˛ôöŸæ‰Œ‹ ¿Ÿ⁄&⁄≥Æ∆Ä

¥‹œ¥Ÿ®ŸÄ ⁄∆탙Í-¥¿Ÿí-⁄∆ƒ–%≈¥‰Œ‹ 胇PŸÃ˘æºÍ |
¥˘¤´æŸ ⁄—≤ì∞º∞‹∆˘™Êº@∞‹-é®ÊÅ –Ä–‰⁄∆™Ä ™≥≤∆Ä
æ›≤Ëæ‹@ìº-™¿Ä º‹ÆŸ ⁄∆“¿™‰ ™‰ ¥Ÿ≥™‹ ºŸÄ ∫›¡“ŸÅ ||69||
yeßåµ cåru-taleßu çîta-nivi∂a-cchåyeßu råtrin-divaµ
pußpå√åµ vigalat-paråga-vilasat-talpeßu kl®ptåçrayam
prîtyå snigdha-madhuvratair madhu-ka√ai˙ saµsevitaµ tan navaµ
yünor yugma-taraµ mudå viharate te påntu måµ bhüruhå˙ (69)

Under trees which provide pleasant deep, cool shade, day and night the youthful couple Çrî Çrî
Rådhå-K®ß√a enjoy loving pastimes on a flower-bed which is splendorous due to the nectar which
drips from the flowers and which is joyfully served by restless bees who are greedy for drops of that
nectar. May those trees protect me.

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-º‹¿∆Ê⁄¿®ËÅ ¥˘®⁄æ®ËÅ ¥‹œ¥Ÿ⁄® –Ä⁄ò≥∆™ËÅ

—∆Ê¿Ä —º‰¿-–ê¤-鋃‰≤ ∆‡™æË¿¤Œ™Í⁄—º™‰≤ B˝æËÅ |
B‡{˝Ÿ é‰⁄ƒé⁄ƒÄ ™æË≤@∆-≤∆Ä “Ÿ—æ‰≤ ¥‹œ¥ôöƒÊÅ
éŸºÄ æŸ ⁄∆ƒ–⁄≥™ ™ŸÅ ⁄éƒ ƒ™ŸÅ –‰…æŸÅ ¥¿Ä ¥˘‰º⁄∫Å ||70||
gåndharvå-muravairi√o˙ pra√ayi√o˙ pußpå√i sañcinvato˙
svairaµ smera-sakhî-kulena v®tayor îßat-smitena dvayo˙
d®ß†vå keli-kaliµ tayor nava-navaµ håsyena pußpa-cchalai˙
kåmaµ yå vilasanti tå˙ kila latå˙ sevyå˙ paraµ premabhi˙ (70)

Surrounded by Their sweetly smiling sakhîs and gently smiling Themselves, the loving couple Çrî
Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a engage in ever-fresh playful quarrelling as They slowly move along picking flowers
from the creepers, who themselves are smiling and expressing their joy at witnessing this pastime
through the very presence of their flowers. I lovingly worship these creepers.

¥⁄¿òæ-¿–-ºì≤ŸÅ 韺ºŸ¿Ÿ%æËæ‰@
º∞‹¿™¿-¡™‰≤Ë≈ƒŸ–º‹≈ƒŸ–æ⁄≥™ |
∆˘ú-∫‹⁄∆ ≤∆-æ›≤ËÅ –‹⁄¥˘æŸÅ ¥⁄’®—™‰
⁄∆Æ∞™‹ ºº –ÈëæÄ —∂Ÿ¿ºŸƒËé≤‰≤ ||71||
paricaya-rasa-magnå˙ kåmam åråt tayor ye
madhuratara-rutenollåsam ullåsayanti
vraja-bhuvi nava-yuno˙ su-priyå˙ pakßi√as te
vidadhatu mama saukhyaµ sphåram ålokanena (71)

May the birds of Vraja, who are immersed in the nectar of being so well acquainted with the
youthful Divine Couple and who delight Them both with their sweet singing, bring me happiness
by granting me their darçana.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 25

ò›™‰œ∆‰Œ‹ éÆΩ∏鉌‹ ∆鋃‰œ∆≥扌‹ ∆‡’‰œ∆ƒÄ

¥˘¤´æŸ ºŸ∞⁄∆éŸ⁄Æ-∆⁄≈ƒŒ‹ ™¨Ÿ ∫ŸóÏŸ¿-≤ŸÆÊB˝@æËÅ |
æ‰ ∫‡óÓŸÅ ¥⁄¿™—™æËÅ –‹ê-∫¿Ä ⁄∆—™Ÿ¿æ⁄≥™ —∂‹¢Ä
í‹°ú≥™Ë ∏™ ⁄∆∫˘º‰® ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ™Ÿ≤‰∆ ∆≥ÆŸº“‰ ||72||
cüteßv eßu kadambakeßu vakuleßv anyeßu v®kßeßv alaµ
prîtyå mådhavikådi-vallißu tatha bhå∫kåra-nådair dvayo˙
ye bh®∫gå˙ paritas tayo˙ sukha-bharaµ vistårayanti sphu†aµ
guñjanto bata vibhrame√a nitaråµ tån eva vandåmahe (72)

I carefully worship the bees of Vraja who while hovering about the mango, vakula, and kadamba
trees and vines like the mådhavî, greatly increase Çrî Çrî Rådhå-Govinda’s pleasure by eulogising
Them with their melodious buzzing.

¥‹œ¥Êæ@—æ-º›ÆŸ —∆æÄ ⁄í⁄¿∞¿Å —∆Ê¿Ä ⁄≤é‹°ú‰Õ∆¿¤Ä

∂‹≈ƒŸÄ ∂‹≈ƒ™¿Ê¿º©•æÆƒÄ ∂‹≈ƒË ⁄≤é‹°ú‰Õ∆¿Å |
ÖŒ≥≤‰&-⁄∆î››®@≤‰≤ é⁄ƒ™-—∆Ÿ∞¤≤ ÜôòÊ—™æŸ
Ã˘¤ºŸ≤Í – ¥˘¨æ´∆“Ë ºº B‡ÀËÅ –ÈëæÄ éÆΩ∏‰Õ∆¿Å ||73||
pußpair yasya-müdå svayaµ giridhara˙ svairaµ nikuñjeçvarîµ
phullåµ phullatarair ama√∂ayad alaµ phullo nikuñjeçvara˙
îßan-netra-vighür√anena kalita-svådhîna uccais tayå
çrîmån sa prathayatv aho mama d®ço˙ saukhyaµ kadambeçvara˙ (73)

With a joyous heart Giridhara Çrî K®ß√a, the master of the kuñjas, decorates the mistress of the
kuñjas, Çrîmatî Rådhikå, with fully-bloomed flowers which He has selected with his own lotus
hands from an exalted kadamba tree. Then Rådhikå, having been decorated with such beautiful
flowers, subjugates K®ß√a with Her sidelong glances. May that king of kadamba trees increase the
happiness of my eyes (by granting me his darçana).

≤¤òÊÅ ¥˘È߲-∫æŸ™Í —∆æÄ –‹¿-¥⁄™Å ¥ŸÆÈ ⁄∆∞‡´æ‰“ æÊÅ

—∆í@óÓŸ-–⁄ƒƒÊÕò響 –‹¿⁄∫-B˝Ÿ¿Ÿ⁄∫Œ‰éË´–∆ºÍ |
íË⁄∆≥Æ—æ ≤∆Ä í∆Ÿº⁄∞¥™Ÿ ¿Ÿùæ‰ —∂‹¢Ä éÈ™‹éŸ-
%Êæ@™Í ¥˘ŸÆfi¿∫›™ –ÆŸ —∂‹¿™‹ ™ÆÍíË⁄∆≥Æ-é‹©•Ä B‡ÀËÅ ||74||
nîcai˙ prau∂ha-bhayåt svayaµ sura-pati˙ pådau vidh®tyeha yai˙
svar-ga∫gå-salilaiç cakåra surabhi-dvåråbhißekotsavam
govindasya navaµ gavåm adhipatå råjye sphu†aµ kautukåt
tair yat prådurabhüta sadå sphuratu tad govinda-ku√∂aµ d®ço˙ (74)

Greatly fearful that he had committed an offence to Çrî K®ß√a, Indra humbly grasped His lotus
feet and, with water from the celestial Ga∫gå, through the medium of Surabhi festively performed
the fresh abhißeka ceremony which coronated K®ß√a as Govinda, the universal monarch of cow-
tenders. May Çrî Govinda-ku√∂a, the lake which was created by that ceremony, become visible to
26 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

∞‡@´∆Ÿ ∆‡“´éŸæºîŸ⁄¿¡´éÅ |
∆¿‰® ¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ öƒæ≤Í ⁄∆∫‹ñÍ虉
æ&Ÿ≥≤-é›¢Ä ™Æ“Ä ¥˘¥Y‰ ||75||
vrajendra-varyårpita-bhogam uccair
dh®två v®hat kåyam aghårir utka˙
vare√a rådhåµ chalayan vibhu∫kte
yatrånna-kü†aµ tad ahaµ prapadye (75)

I take shelter of the place named Annakü†a, where Vrajaråja Nanda offered Giriråja Govardhana
the massive annakü†a feast and where, by assuming a gigantic form and proclaiming “I am the king
of mountains, please take a boon from Me”, K®ß√a deceived even Çrîmatî Rådhikå and ate the huge

⁄í¿¤≥Æ˙-∆æË@¥⁄¿ “Ÿ⁄¿-¬¥¤
“⁄¿Å —∆æÄ æ& ⁄∆“Ÿ¿-響¤ |
–ÆŸ º‹ÆŸ ¿Ÿú⁄™ ¿Ÿú-∫ËíÊ-
“@⁄¿-—¨ƒÄ ™%‹ ∫ú‰É≤‹¿ŸíÊÅ ||76||
girîndra-varyopari håri-rüpî
hari˙ svayaµ yatra vihåra-kårî
sadå mudå råjati råja-bhogair
hari-sthalaµ tat tu bhaje ’nurågai˙ (76)

With great love I worship the place located at the summit of Govardhana named Hari-sthala
where Çrî K®ß√a performed many enchanting pastimes including joyfully eating all the preparations
which were offered to Him by the Vraja-våsîs.

î£-é˚¤•˛Ÿ-é‹™‹⁄é™-º≤Ÿ ≤Ÿí¿‰≥Æ˙Ë ≤∆¤≤Ë

ÆŸ≤¤ ∫›´∆Ÿ ºÆ≤-≤‡¥™‰í@…æ-ÆŸ≤ôöƒ‰≤ |
æ& ¥˘Ÿ™Å –⁄ê⁄∫¿⁄∫™Ë ∆‰⁄{™Å –Ä¡¿Ë∞
Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆ŸÄ@ ⁄≤ú-í®-∆‡™ŸÄ ≤È⁄º ™ŸÄ é‚œ®-∆‰Æ¤ºÍ ||77||
gha††a-krî∂å-kutukita-manå någarendro navîno
dånî bhütvå madana-n®patergavya-dåna-cchalena
yatra pråta˙ sakhibhir abhito ve߆ita˙ saµrurodha
çrî-gåndharvåµ nija-ga√a-v®tåµ naumi tåµ k®ß√a-vedîm (77)

I time and again offer pra√åma unto K®ß√a-vedî, the place where one morning the youthful king
of romantic heroes, Çrî K®ß√a, accompanied by His friends and secretly desiring to enjoy the revelry
of the dåna-keli pastime, proclaimed Himself to be a toll-collector for the king of love (Cupid) and
obstructed Çrîmatî Rådhikå and Her girlfriends from passing by on the pretext of collecting taxes
from them in the form of the milk products which they were carrying.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 27

⁄≤∫‡™ºú⁄≤ æ—ºŸ¶Ÿ≤⁄≤∆‡@⁄%¿⁄—º-
≥≤™ Ñƺ⁄∫∞Ÿ≤Ä ¥˘Ÿ¥æ%´–∫ŸæŸºÍ |
¿–-⁄∆º‹ê-⁄≤í›ß˛‰ ™& ™úÍ◊Êé-∆‰Y‰
–¿⁄– ∫∆™‹ ∆Ÿ–Ë ÆŸ≤-⁄≤∆@%@≤‰≤ ||78||
nibh®tam ajani yasmåd dåna-nirv®ttir asminn
ata idam abhidhånaµ pråpayat tat sabhåyåm
rasa-vimukha-nigü∂he tatra taj-jñaika-vedye
sarasi bhavatu våso dåna-nirvarttanena (78)

May I always reside at the solitary pond where the confidential dåna-lîlå was completed and
which has therefore become famous amongst the sakhîs as Dåna-nivarttana-ku√∂a. This pond is
hidden from those who are averse to tasting transcendental devotional mellows and is known only
to the rasika devotees.

ùæË´—≤Ÿ-ºË’®-ºŸ≈æ“Ÿ¿-⁄∆∆‹∞Ÿ¿¤≥Æ˙-±∆úŸYŸëææŸ |
æŸ⁄≤ Ã˘‰}-–¿ŸÄ⁄– ∫Ÿ⁄≥™ ¥⁄¿™Ë íË∆∞@≤ŸÆ˙‰¿º›-
≤¤•˛‰ òé˚é-™¤¨@-ÆÊ∆™-⁄í⁄¿-Ã˘¤¿´≤-¥¤§Ÿ≥æ⁄¥ ||79||
yåni çre߆ha-saråµsi bhånti parito govardhanådreramü-
nî∂e cakraka-tîrtha-daivata-giri-çrî-ratna-pî†håny api (79)

I praise all the exalted ponds situated around Govardhana Hill such as Baladeva-kuöa, Brahma-
ku√∂a, Kadamba-kha√∂î, Kusuma-sarovara, Rudra-ku√∂a, Apsarå-ku√∂a, Gaurî-ku√∂a, Jyotsnå-
mocana-ku√∂a, Målyahåra-ku√∂a, Vibudhåri-ku√∂a, and Indra-dhvajå-ku√∂a, as well as holy
places such as Cakratîrtha and Çrî Ratna-pî†ha, the jewelled throne which is situated upon Daivata

Ç“Ë Æ˃Ÿ-ꉃŸ-¿–-∆¿-∫¿Ë´∂‹≈ƒ-∆Æ≤È
º‹“‹Å Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-⁄í⁄¿∆¿∞¿È ™È ¥˘⁄™º∞‹ |
–ê¤-∆‡≥ÆÄ æ& ¥˘é⁄¢™-º‹ÆŸ≥Æ˃æ⁄™ ™™Í
¥˘⁄–ØÛÄ íË⁄∆≥Æ-—¨ƒ⁄ºÆº‹ÆŸ¿Ä ∆™ ∫ú‰ ||80||
aho dolå-khelå-rasa-vara-bharotphulla-vadanau
muhu˙ çrî-gåndharvå-girivaradharau tau pratimadhu
sakhî-v®ndaµ yatra praka†ita-mudåndolayati tat
prasiddhaµ govinda-sthalam idam udåraµ vata bhaje (80)

Aho! I worship the famous and munificent place known as Govinda-sthala where in the spring
season the sakhîs time and again blissfully swing Çrî Çrî Rådhå-Govinda, whose faces beam as They
relish the rasa of the swinging pastime.
28 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

⁄¥˘æŸ™Í ⁄¥˘æ-¥˘Ÿ®-∆æ—æ-∆í‰@
∞‡™Ÿ¥¿Ÿ∞Ä ⁄éƒ éŸ⁄ƒæÄ ™ºÍ |
æ&Ÿ¶@æ™Í ¥ŸÆ-™ƒ‰≤ ≤‡´æ≤Í
“⁄¿∫@ú‰ ™Ä ⁄éƒ éŸ⁄ƒæÄ HÆºÍ ||81||
priyåt priya-prå√a-vayasya-varge
dh®tåparådhaµ kila kåliyaµ tam
yatrårddayat påda-talena n®tyan
harir bhaje taµ kila kåliyaµ hradam (81)

Because Kåliya-någa offended Çrî K®ß√a’s friends, who are more dear to K®ß√a than life itself,
K®ß√a subdued him by dancing on him with His lotus feet. I worship Kåliya-hrada, the place where
this pastime took place.

–›æÊ@B@˝ŸÆÀ⁄∫Å ¥¿Ä º‹¿⁄¿¥‹Å À¤™Ÿ%@ Üí˘Ÿ™¥Ê-

∫@⁄è™-¥˘‰º-∫¿Ê¡ÆŸ¿-ò⁄¿™Å Ã˘¤ºŸ≥º‹ÆŸ –‰⁄∆™Å |
æ& —&¤-¥‹¡ŒÊÅ è∆®™Í ¥À‹-鋃ʿŸ∆‰⁄{™Ë ¿Ÿú™‰
—≤‰“ÊB˝Ÿ@ÆÀ-–›æ@-≤Ÿº ™⁄ÆÆÄ ™¤¨@Ä –ÆŸ –ÄÃ˘æ‰ ||82||
süryair dvådaçabhi˙ paraµ muraripu˙ çîtårtta ugråtapair
bhakti-prema-bharair udåra-carita˙ çrîmån mudå sevita˙
yatra strî-purußai˙ kva√at paçu-kulair åve߆ito råjate
snehair dvådaça-sürya-nåma tad idaµ tîrthaµ sadå saµçraye (82)

I take shelter of the holy place which is famous as Dvådaça-åditya-†îlå, where surrounded by the
men, women, and bellowing cows of Vraja and feeling very cold due to His performance of playful
pastimes (in the waters of Kåliya-hrada), the munificent Çrî K®ß√a appeared splendid as He was
warmed with loving devotion by the strong rays of twelve suns.

Ç´æ≥™Ÿ™¥-–‰∆≤‰≤ ¥⁄¿™Å –ÄúŸ™-îºË@´é¿Ê-

íË@⁄∆≥Æ—æ À¿¤¿™Ë ⁄≤¥⁄™™Êæ@%¤¨@º‹ôòÊ¿∫›™Í |
™%™Í é˺ƒ-–Ÿ≥Æ˙-–‹≥Æ¿™¿-Ã˘¤º´–ÆóÓËôöƒÆÍ
í≥∞Ê“Ÿ@⁄¿ –‹∆Ÿ⁄¿ –‹Y‹⁄™ ∫ú‰ ¥˘—é≥Æ≤Ä ∆≥Æ≤ÊÅ ||83||
atyantåtapa-sevanena parita˙ sañjåta-gharmotkarair
govindasya çarîrato nipatitair yat tîrtham uccair abhüt
gandhair håri su-våri su-dyuti bhaje praskandanaµ vandanai˙ (83)

While offering prayers I take shelter of Praskandana-kuöa, the exalted holy place which was
created by the drops of perspiration which trickled from Çrî Govinda’s body as He was served by
the intense heat of the twelve suns. The waters of this pond are most fragrant and possess a charm-
ing splendour due to the sweet fragrance of K®ß√a’s very soft and beautifully lustrous limbs.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 29

韴æŸæ≥晋ƒŸò@≤Ÿ¨@ººƒ‰ é‚œ®-úƒ‰ ºùú™Å

é≥æŸ≤ŸÄ ¥˘é¿—æ ò¤¿-⁄≤é¿Ä –Ä¿⁄’™Ä ™¤¿™Å |
„´∆Ÿ¡“¯ éÆΩ∏º‹ùù∆ƒ-¥¿¤“Ÿ–‰≤ ™Ä ƒùúæ≤Í
—º‰¿—™Ä ¥˘ÆÆÈ –‹∫⁄óÓ-º‹¿⁄ú%Ä ò¤¿-î£Ä Ã˘æ‰ ||84||
kåtyåyany atulårcanårtham amale k®ß√a-jale majjata˙
kanyånåµ prakarasya cîra-nikaraµ saµrakßitaµ tîrata˙
h®tvåruhya kadambam ujjvala-parîhåsena taµ lajjayan
smeras taµ pradadau subha∫gi-murajit taµ cîra-gha††aµ çraye (84)

I take shelter of Cîra-ghå†a where to worship Çrî Kåtyåyanî-devî the unmarried gopîs left their
clothes on the river-bank and bathed in the Yamunå, and where Çrî K®ß√a then stole those clothes,
climbed a nearby kadamba tree, embarrassed those gopîs with His unrestricted joking words, and
smiled as He eventually returned their clothes to them.

“‰ŒŸ⁄∫ú@홤-&æÄ ºÆ-∫¿Ê¡´éΩ¥æ≥™Ä ¥¿ÊÅ

∂‹≈ƒ≥≤‰&-⁄∆î›®@≤‰≤ ¥⁄¿™Å ¥›®Ä@ Æ“≥™Ä úí™Í |
™Ä ™Ÿ∆%‡®∆⁄B˝Æ¤æ@ ∆é⁄∫⁄B˝B‰˝⁄Œ®Ä é‰⁄À≤Ä
æ& ’Ÿ⁄ƒ™∆Ÿ≤Í é¿È –¡⁄∞¿È ™™Í é‰⁄À-™¤¨@Ä ∫ú‰ ||85||
heßåbhir jagatî-trayaµ mada-bharair utkampayantaµ parai˙
phullan-netra-vighür√anena parita˙ pür√aµ dahantaµ jagat
taµ tåvat t®√avad vidîrya vakabhid vidveßi√aµ keçinaµ
yatra kßålitavån karau sa-rudhirau tat keçi-tîrthaµ bhaje (85)

With his frightful neighing, the hostile horse-demon Keçî made the three worlds tremble in fear,
and he was so angry that his red eyes seemed to burn the Earth. After effortlessly ripping this
demon apart like a simple blade of grass, Çrî K®ß√a washed His blood-stained hands in the Yamunå
at a place which has since become known as Keçîtîrtha or Keçî-ghå†a—I worship that sacred place.

Ç≥≤Êæ@& ò™‹⁄∆@∞ÊÅ ¥‡¨‹-í‹®ÊÅ —∆¿Ä –‹∞Ÿ-⁄≤⁄≥Æ⁄∫Å

éŸºÄ ¿Ÿº-–º‰™ºôæ‹™º“Ë ⁄—≤ì∞Ê∆@æ—æÊ∆‡@™ºÍ |
Ã˘¤ºŸ≤Í æŸ⁄◊é-⁄∆◊-–‹≥Æ¿-∆∞›-∆í@Å —∆æÄ æË º‹ÆŸ
∫è´æŸ ∫Ë⁄ú™∆Ÿ≤Í —¨ƒÄ ò ™⁄ÆÆÄ ™°òŸ⁄¥ ∏≥ÆŸº“‰ ||86||
annair yatra catur-vidhai˙ p®thu-gu√ai˙ svaraµ sudhå-nindibhi˙
kåmaµ råma-sametam acyutam aho snigdhair vayasyair v®tam
çrîmån yåjñika-vijña-sundara-vadhü-varga˙ svayaµ yo mudå
bhaktyå bhojitavån sthalaµ ca tad idaµ taµ cåpi bandåmahe (86)

I pray not only to the place where the supremely beautiful wives of the learned yåjñika-
bråhma√as fed the freely-playing Çrî K®ß√a, Balaråma and Their beloved sakhås a meal of variegat-
ed preparations which rebuked the taste of nectar, but to those wives of bråhma√as as well.
30 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

º‹ÆŸ íË¥‰≥Æ˙—柴ºú-∫‹ú-¥⁄¿œ∆óÓ-⁄≤∞æ‰
—∂‹¿ÆÍíË¥¤-∆‡≥ÆÊæ@⁄º“ ∫í∆≥™Ä ¥˘®⁄æ⁄∫Å |
∫úÆÍ⁄∫—™Ê∫@è´æŸ —∆º⁄∫ƒ⁄Œ™Ä ¥˘Ÿµ™º⁄ò¿ŸÆÍ-
溤-™¤¿‰ íË¥¤Õ∆¿º≤‹⁄Æ≤Ä ™Ä ⁄éƒ ∫ú‰ ||87||
mudå gopendrasyåtmaja-bhuja-parißva∫ga-nidhaye
sphurad-gopî-v®ndair yam iha bhagavantaµ pra√ayibhi˙
bhajadbhistair bhaktyå svam abhilaßitaµ pråptam aciråd-
yamî-tîre gopîçvaram anudinaµ taµ kila bhaje (87)

To obtain the jewel of being embraced by the arms of Vrajendra-nandana Çyåmasundara, the
gopîs, who possess firm loving attachment for Çrî K®ß√a, worshipped Sadåçiva with great devotion
and had all their internal desires fulfilled without delay. Daily I worship that Gopîçvara Mahådeva
who resides on the bank of the Yamunå.

∫æŸ™Í éÄ–—柿Ÿ™Í –Ææº⁄ò¿Ÿôö≥™≤‹¥Æ‰

⁄∆⁄≤⁄’PŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ ¿“⁄– ⁄éƒ ⁄¥&Ÿ ¥˘é‚⁄™™Å |
—∂‹¿≥™Ä ™Ä B‡{˝Ÿ éº⁄¥ î≤-¥‹°úŸé‚⁄™-∆¿Ä
™º‰∆Ÿµ™‹Ä æ´≤ŸÆÍæº∫ú™ –›æË@É∆™‹ – ≤Å ||88||
bhayåt kaµsasyåråt sa-dayam aciråc chantanupade
vinikßiptå rådhå rahasi kila pitrå prak®tita˙
sphurantaµ taµ d®ß†vå kam api ghana-puñjåk®ti-varaµ
tam evåptuµ yatnåd yam abhjata süryo ’vatu sa na˙ (88)

Out of fear of Kaµsa and overcome with feelings of parental affection, V®ßabhånu Mahåråja kept
Çrîmatî Rådhikå in a hidden place for Her own welfare. There, desiring to attain as Her chosen
husband a certain youth whose natural beauty is as dark as a host of monsoon clouds, She earnestly
worshipped Süryadeva. May that Süryadeva, who removes obstacles which prevent one from
attaining Çrî K®ß√a, protect us.

ÇŸ⁄∆∫Ÿ@∆-º“Ë´–∆‰ º‹¿⁄¿¥ËÅ —∆®Ë@¡-º‹è™Ÿ∂ƒ-

Ã˘‰®¤-⁄∆∫˘˘º-º⁄©•™‰ ≤∆-í∆¤-ƒ’‰ ÆÆÈ B˝‰º‹ÆŸ |
⁄B˝¥˘‰ªæÅ ⁄éƒ æ& – ∆˘ú-¥⁄™∆@≥Ɖ ∆‡“™ÍéŸ≤≤ºÍ ||89||
åvirbhåva-mahotsave muraripo˙ svar√oru-muktåphala-
çre√î-vibhrama-ma√∂ite nava-gavî-lakße dadau dve mudå
divyåla∫k®ti-ratna-parvata-tila-prasthådikaµ cådaråd
viprebhya˙ kila yatra sa vraja-patir vande v®hat-kånanam (89)

I pray to Mahåvana where on the occasion of Çrî K®ß√a’s birth festival, Vrajaråja Çrî Nanda with
great respect blissfully donated to the bråhma√as not only two-hundred thousands young cows who
were decorated with golden necklaces of resplendent pearls, but also a mountain of celestial orna-
ments and massive heaps of sesame.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 31

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@æŸ ú⁄≤-º⁄®¿∫›ÆÍæ& –óϤ⁄%@™ŸæŸ-

ºŸ≤≥ÆË´éÊÅ –‹¿-º‹⁄≤-≤¿ÊÅ é¤⁄%@ÆŸ-í∫@-ê≥æŸºÍ |
íË¥¤-íË¥ÊÅ –‹¿⁄∫-⁄≤é¿ÊÅ –Ä¥¿¤™‰É& º‹ëæ‰-
¿Ÿ∆≈æŸëæ‰ ∆‡Œ¿⁄∆-¥‹¿‰ ¥˘¤⁄™-¥›¿Ë ººŸ—™ŸºÍ ||90||
gåndharvåyå jani-må√ir abhüd yatra sa∫kîrttitåyåm
ånandotkai˙ sura-muni-narai˙ kîrttidå-garbha-khanyåm
gopî-gopai˙ surabhi-nikarai˙ samparîte ’tra mukhyer-
åvalyåkhye v®ßaravi-pure prîti-püro mamåståm (90)

May I have the greatest love for V®ßabhånu Mahåråja’s kingdom of Råvala which is densely popu-
lated with gopas, gopîs, and cows. There the gem of Çrî Rådhikå emerged from the mine of Çrîmatî
Kîrtidå’s womb, which was glorified by demigods and sages as well as ordinary human beings.

æ—æ Ã˘¤ºôò¿®-麃‰ é˺ƒ‰ é˺ƒŸ⁄¥

Ã˘¤¿Ÿ∞ËòÊ⁄≤@ú-–‹ê-é‚™‰ –≥≤æ≥™¤ é‹òŸí˘‰ |
∫¤™ŸÉµæŸ¿ŸÆ¨ ≤ ⁄“ Æ∞Ÿ´æ—æ éŸé@Õæ-ÆËŒŸ™Í
– Ã˘¤íËœ§‰ ¥˘¨æ™‹ –ÆŸ À‰Œ-ÀŸæ¤ ⁄—¨⁄Ä™Ä ≤Å ||91||
yasya çrîmac-cara√a-kamale komale komalåpi
çrî-rådhocair nija-sukha-k®te sannayantî kucågre
bhîtå ’py åråd atha na hi dadhåty asya kårkaçya-doßåt
sa çrî-go߆he prathayatu sadå çeßa-çåyî sthitiµ na˙ (91)

Although for Her own happiness Çrîmatî Rådhikå desires to place Çrî K®ß√a’s soft lotus feet on
Her raised breasts, She does not, because even though Her body is very soft, She fears that Her
breasts are very hard and may therefore somehow harm His delicate feet; She even desires to keep
His feet away from Her. May Çeßaçayî Çrî K®ß√a kindly bestow upon us eternal residence in His
V®ndåvana kingdom.

æ& 韺-–¿Å –Ÿ’ŸÆÍ

íË⁄¥éŸ-¿º®Ä –¿Å |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-ºŸ∞∆æËÅ ¥˘‰œ§Ä
™B˝≤Ä éŸΩæéÄ ∫ú‰ ||92||
yatra kåma-sara˙ såkßåd
gopikå-rama√aµ sara˙
rådhå-mådhavayo˙ pre߆haµ
tad vanaµ kåmyakaµ bhaje (92)

I worship the forest of Kåmyavana where Kåma-sarovara is magnificently situated to facilitate

K®ß√a’s amorous pastimes with the gopîs and which is exceedingly dear to Çrî Rådhå and Mådhava.
32 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

º≈ƒ¤-é‚´æ ⁄≤úŸÅ –ê¤Å ⁄¥˘æ™ºŸ í∆‰@® –Ä∫Ÿ⁄∆™Ÿ

º≈ƒ¤-∫›æ ºÆ¤Õ∆¿¤ ¿–ºæ¤ º≈ƒ´∆º‹´é©§æŸ |
æ⁄—º≤Í –Ωæí‹¥‰æ‹ŒŸ ∆é⁄∫ÆŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ ⁄≤æ‹ØÛÄ º‹ÆŸ
é‹∆Ÿ@®Ÿ ºÆ≤—æ ™ËŒº™≤ËÆÍ∫Ÿ©•¤¿éÄ ™Ä ∫ú‰ ||93||
mallî-k®tya nijå˙ sakhî˙ priyatamå garve√a sambhåvitå
mallî-bhüya mad-îçvarî rasamayî mallatvam utka√†hayå
yasmin samyag upeyußå vakabhidå rådhå niyuddhaµ mudå
kurvå√å madanasya toßam atanod bhå√∂îrakaµ taµ bhaje (93)

I worship that Bha√∂îravana where my rasamayî-îçvarî Çrî Rådhikå dressed Herself and Her clos-
est friends as wrestlers and when She proudly wrestled with Çrî K®ß√a, She pleased the god of love.

ÇŸé‚{Ÿ æŸ é‹⁄¥™-“⁄ƒ≤Ÿ ƒŸóÓƒŸí˘‰® é‚œ®Ÿ

∞¤¿Ÿ æŸ≥™¤ ƒ∆®-úƒ∞È é‚œ® –Ω∏≥∞-“¤≤Ÿ |
ÇYŸ¥¤´¨Ä –éƒ-º≤‹úÊB‡@Õ晉 –Ê∆ æ⁄—º≤Í
∫è™æŸ ∆≥ƉÉÆÍ∫‹™⁄ºÆº“Ë ¿Ÿº-î£-¥˘Æ‰ÀºÍ ||94||
åk®ß†å yå kupita-halinå lå∫galågre√a k®ß√å
dhîrå yåntî lava√a-jaladhau k®ß√a sambandha-hînå
adyåpîtthaµ sakala-manujair d®çyate saiva yasmin
bhaktyå vande ’dbhutam idam aho råma-gha††a-pradeçam (94)

With great devotion I worship the Yamunå’s Råmaghå†a, the place where the irate Baladeva
dragged the Yamunå near with the tip of His plough because the Yamunå was slowly flowing
towards the salt ocean due to separation from K®ß√a, and where even today people can see the
river’s crooked course.

¥˘Ÿ®-¥˘‰}-∆æ—æ-∆í@º‹Æ¿‰ ¥Ÿ¥¤æ–ËÉ‹¿-
—柿©æËÆ∫¢-¥Ÿ∆éË´é¢-⁄∆ŒÊÆ‹@œ¢‰ ¥˘⁄∆œ¢Ä ¥‹¿Å |
…æí˘Å ¥˘‰÷æ ¡ŒŸ ¥˘⁄∆Õæ –“–Ÿ “´∆Ÿ êƒÄ ™Ä ∏ƒ¤
æ&Ê≤Ä ⁄≤úºŸ¿¿’ º‹¿⁄ú™Í –Ÿ ¥Ÿ™‹ –¥@—¨ƒ¤ ||95||
prå√a-pre߆ha-vayasya-vargam udare påpîyaso ’ghåsurasy-
åra√yodbha†a-påvakotka†a-vißair du߆e pravi߆aµ pura˙
vyagra˙ prekßya rußå praviçya sahaså hatvå khalaµ taµ balî
yatrainaµ nijam årarakßa murajit så påtu sarpasthalî (95)

Where becoming distressed upon seeing His sakhås, who are more dear to Him than life itself,
enter the greatly sinful Aghåsura’s belly, which burned with a poison as violent and dangerous as a
great forest conflagration, Muråri Himself also entered the serpent’s mouth and within a moment
killed that vile demon and protected His sakhås—may that Sarpa-sthalî similarly protect me.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 33

Æ˙œ¢‹Ä –Ÿ’Ÿ™Í —∆¥⁄™-º⁄“ºËÆ˙‰éº‹´é‰≤ ∞Ÿ&Ÿ

∆´–-∆˘Ÿ™‰ Æ˙fi™º¥„™‰ ∆´–¥ŸƒË´é¿‰ ò |
™%Æ˙fl¥Ë “⁄¿¿¨ ∫∆≤ æ& ™%´¥˘–›≤ŸÄ
ºËÆÄ òé˚‰ÉÀ≤º⁄¥ ∫ú‰ ∆´–“Ÿ¿—¨ƒ¤Ä ™ŸºÍ ||96||
dra߆uµ såkßåt sva-pati-mahimodrekam utkena dhåtrå
vatsa-vråte drutam apah®te vatsapålotkare ca
tat-tad-rüpo harir atha bhavan yatra tat-tat-prasünåµ
modaµ cakre ’çanam api bhaje vatsahårasthalîµ tåm (96)

Where Brahmåjî, eager to see the splendid glories of his master Çrî K®ß√a, kidnapped the cowherd
boys and calves, and where afterwards, by assuming the forms of all those boys and calves, K®ß√a
gave great pleasure to their mothers and with great love ate the delectable foodstuffs prepared by
them—I worship that Vatsahåra-sthalî.

∏ŸßÄ ∆´–é ∆´–¥Ÿƒ „⁄™™Ë úŸ™Ÿ¥¿Ÿ∞ÆÍ ∫æÊ-

∏@˘“˜Ÿ –Ÿ–˘º¥›∆@-¥Y ⁄≤∆“Ê æ@⁄—º⁄≥≤¥´æŸ∆≤È |
™‹{Ÿ∆ŸÆÍ∫‹™ ∆´–¥Ä ∆˘ú-¥™‰Å ¥‹&Ä º‹é‹≥ÆÄ º≤ŸéÎ
—º‰¿Ä ∫¤¡ ò™‹º‹@êŸëæº⁄≤ÀÄ –‰ÀÄ ¥˘Æ‰ÀÄ ≤‹ºÅ ||97||
bå∂haµ vatsaka vatsapåla h®tito jåtåparådhad bhayair
brahmå såsram apürva-padya nivahair yasmin nipatyåvanau
tu߆åvådbhuta vatsapaµ vraja-pate˙ putraµ mukundaµ manåk
smeraµ bhîru caturmukhåkhyam aniçaµ seçaµ pradeçaµ numa˙ (97)

Where, fearful that he had committed a grave offence by stealing the cowherd boys and calves,
Brahmå fell on the ground and while profusely crying offered unprecedented prayers to Çrî Mukun-
da, the prince of Vraja and gently smiling tender of cows—I eternally offer respect to that place
named Bhîru-caturmukha, as well as to Çeßa Çrî K®s√a Himself.

í≥∞-…æŸé‹ƒ-∫‡óÓ-–°òæ òº› –Äî‡{-¥‹œ¥Ë´é¿Ê-

∫˘Ÿ@ú´é≈¥-ƒ™Ÿ-¥ƒŸ⁄À-⁄≤é¿Ê⁄∆@∫˘Ÿ⁄ú™Ÿ⁄≤ —∂‹¢ºÍ |
æŸ⁄≤ —∂Ÿ¿-™•˛Ÿí-¥∆@™-≤Ƥ-∆‡≥Ɖ≤ ¿Ÿú≥´æ“Ë
é‚œ®-¥˘‰}-∆≤Ÿ⁄≤ ™Ÿ⁄≤ ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ∆≥Ɖ º‹“‹B˝Ÿ@ÆÀ ||98||
gandha-vyåkula-bh®∫ga-sañcaya camü sa∫gh®ß†a-pußpotkarair
bhråjat-kalpa-latå-palåçi-nikarair vibhråjitåni sphu†am
yåni sphåra-ta∂åga-parvata-nadî-v®ndena råjanty aho
k®ß√a-pre߆ha-vanåni tåni nitaråµ vande muhur dvådaça (98)

Time and again I worship Çrî K®ß√a’s beloved twelve forests, where hovering about the flowers are
armies of bees that are intoxicated by their sweet fragrance, which are splendorous due to the pres-
ence of wish-fulfilling vines and trees, and which are further beautified by rivers and by large
mountains which are shaped like lotus flowers.
34 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

¥›®@Å ¥˘‰º-¿–ÊÅ –ÆŸ º‹¿⁄¿¥ËÆŸ@–Å –êŸ ò ⁄¥˘æÄ

—∆¥˘Ÿ®Ÿ∆‹@Æ™ËÉ⁄¥ ™´¥Æ-æ‹íÄ ⁄“´∆‰“ ºŸ–Ÿ≤Í ÆÀ |
¥˘¤´æŸ æË ⁄≤∆–Ä—™Æ¤æ-é¨æŸ íË}Ä º‹“‹ú¤@∆æ-
´æŸæŸ™Ä ⁄é™ ¥Õæ 霮⁄º⁄™ ™Ä º›±≤Ÿ@ ∆“ŸΩæ‹ØÛ∆ºÍ ||99||
pür√a˙ prema-rasai˙ sadå muraripor dåsa˙ sakhå ca priyaµ
sva-prå√årvudato ’pi tat-pada-yugaµ hitveha måsån daça
prîtyå yo nivasaµs tadîya-kathayå go߆haµ muhur jîvayaty
åyåtaµ kita paçya k®ß√am iti taµ mürdhnå vahåmy uddhavam (99)

With the utmost reverence I worship Çrî Uddhava, Çrî K®ß√a’s servant and dear friend who is
always filled with prema-rasa. Although K®ß√a’s feet are millions of times more dear to Uddhava
than his own life, he left them to reside for ten months in Vraja where he revived the Vraja-våsîs
by constantly narrating K®ß√a’s pastimes to them, saying, “Look now! K®ß√a is just coming from

º‹ÆŸ æ& ∏˘“˜Ÿ ™‡®-⁄≤é¿ í‹≈ºŸ⁄ÆŒ‹ ¥¿Ä

–ÆŸ éŸÄ’≤Í ú≥ºŸ⁄¥@™-⁄∆⁄∆∞-麟@µæ≤‹⁄Æ≤ºÍ |
é˚ºŸÆÍ æ‰ ™&Ê∆ ∆˘ú-∫‹⁄∆ ∆–⁄≥™ ⁄¥˘æ-ú≤Ÿ
ºæŸ ™‰ ™‰ ∆≥YŸÅ ¥¿º ⁄∆≤æŸ™Í ¥‹©æ-ê⁄ò™ŸÅ ||100||
mudå yatra brahmå t®√a-nikara gulmådißu paraµ
sadå kå∫kßan janmårpita-vividha-karmåpy anudinam
kramåd ye tatraiva vraja-bhuvi vasanti priya-janå
mayå te te vandyå˙ parama vinayåt pu√ya-khacitå˙ (100)

Although Brahmå is always very busy carrying out his many weighty duties such as creating the
material universe, still he longs to take birth as a blade of grass, a shrub, or any other similar species
in V®ndåvana. With the utmost humility I worship each of the dear devotees who eternally reside
in that V®ndåvana. They are all supremely worshipable and highly pious.

¥‹¿Ÿ ¥˘‰ºËÆ˙‰éÊÅ ¥˘⁄™¥Æ-≤∆Ÿ≤≥Æ-º∞‹¿ÊÅ

é‚™ Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@ôæ‹™-ò¿®-∆æŸ@ò≤-∆ƒŸ™Í |
⁄≤éŸºÄ —∆Ÿ⁄º≥æŸÅ ⁄¥˘æ™¿-–¿—™¤¿-∫‹∆≤‰
∏–⁄≥™ —∂¤™Ÿ æ‰ ™ Ñ“ ºº ú¤∆Ÿ™∆ Ѻ‰ ||101||
purå premodrekai˙ pratipada-navånanda-madhurai˙
k®ta çrî-gåndharvåcyuta-cara√a-varyårcana-valåt
nikåmaµ svåminyå˙ priyatara-saras-tîra-bhuvane
basanti sphîtå ye ta iha mama jîvåtava ime (101)

Worshipping the lotus feet of Çrî Çrî Rådhå-Govinda with an abundance of the sweetest prema
and experiencing ever-fresh bliss at each new moment, some devotees have been residing on the
bank of Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s dearmost lake, Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a, since ancient times. These great per-
sonalities are my life and soul.
Çrî Vraja-vilåsa stava 35

æ™Í ⁄é⁄°ò%‡®-í‹≈º-é¤é¢-º‹êÄ íË}‰ –º—™Ä ⁄“ ™™Í-

–∆Ÿ@≤≥ƺæÄ º‹é‹≥Æ-Æ⁄æ™Ä ƒ¤ƒŸ≤‹é›ƒÄ ¥¿ºÍ |
ÀŸ—&Ê¿‰∆ º‹“‹º‹@“Å —∂‹¢⁄ºÆÄ ⁄≤{⁄ó쪀 æŸô†æŸ
∏˘“˜ŸÆ‰¿⁄¥ –—¥‡“‰® ™⁄ÆÆÄ –∆@ ºæŸ ∆≥Y™‰ ||102||
yat kiñcit-t®√a-gulma-kîka†a-mukhaµ go߆he samastaµ hi tat
sarvånandamayaµ mukunda-dayitaµ lîlånukülaµ param
çåstrair eva muhur muha˙ sphu†am idaµ ni߆a∫kitaµ yåcñayå
brahmåder api sa-sp®he√a tad idaµ sarva mayå vandyate (102)

All the grass, shrubs, insects, and other creatures found in Vraja are very dear to He who is the
very embodiment of all transcendental bliss, Çrî Mukunda, and they assist in His pastimes. All the
scriptures have repeatedly established this fact, and devotees ranging from Brahmå to Uddhava
have expressed a desire to take birth in Vraja amongst these species. For these reasons I worship all
the creatures who reside in Vraja.

∫˘º≤ éôö‰-éôö‰ ⁄’⁄™∞¿-¥™‰∆@⁄é˚º-í™Ê-

ƒ@¥≤Í ¿Ÿ∞‰ é‚œ®‰´æ≤∆¿™º‹≥º%∆Æ“ºÍ |
¥™≤Í è∆Ÿ⁄¥ è∆Ÿµæ‹ôö⁄ƒ™ ≤æ≤ B˝≥B˝-–⁄ƒƒÊÅ
éÆŸ é‰⁄ƒ-—¨Ÿ≤Ä –郺⁄¥ ⁄–°òŸ⁄º ⁄∆éƒÅ ||103||
bhramana kacche-kacche kßitidhara-pater vakrima-gatair
lapan rådhe k®ß√ety anavaratam unmattavad aham
patan kvåpi kvåpy ucchalita nayana dvandva-salilai˙
kadå keli-sthånaµ sakalam api siñcåmi vikala˙ (103)

Aho! When will I wander here and there through the mountainous valleys of Govardhana like a
madman calling out “Hey Rådhe! Hey K®ß√a!”, sometimes falling unconscious on the ground, and
sprinkling Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a’s playgrounds with the constant flow of tears from my eyes?

≤ ∏˘“˜Ÿ ≤ ò ≤Ÿ¿ÆË ≤ ⁄“ “¿Ë ≤ ¥˘‰º-∫è™Ë%ºŸÅ

–ΩæíÍ ◊Ÿ™‹⁄º“Ÿ°ú–Ÿ“@⁄™ ™¨Ÿ æ—æËôöƒ≥ºŸ∞‹¿¤ºÍ |
⁄é≥´∆‰éË ∏ƒÆ‰∆ ä∆ ¥⁄¿™Å –ŸØÛ@Ä —∆ºŸ&Ÿ —∂‹¢Ä
¥˘‰Ω≤ŸÉµæ‹ØÛ∆ äŒ ∆‰⁄% ⁄≤™¿ŸÄ ⁄éÄ – ∆˘úË ∆©æ@™‰ ||104||
na brahmå na ca nårado na hi haro na prema-bhaktottamå˙
samyag jñåtum ihåñjasårhati tathå yasyocchalan-mådhurîm
kintv eko baladeva eva parita˙ sårddhaµ sva-måtrå sphu†aµ
premnå ’py uddhava eßa vetti nitaråµ kiµ sa vrajo var√yate (104)

How can I possibly describe this land of V®ndåvana, whose surging sweetness cannot be fully
comprehended even by Brahmå, Çiva, Nårada, or many other of the most exalted premî devotees,
but can only be fully known by Çrî Baladeva, His mother Çrîmatî Rohi√î-devî, and the prema-
intoxicated Çrî Uddhava?
36 Çrî Vraja-vilåsa-stava

Ç≥æ& ’®-ºŸ&ºôæ‹™-¥‹¿‰-¥˘‰ºŸº‡™ŸΩ∫Ë-⁄≤⁄∞-
—≤Ÿ™Ëɵæôæ‹™-–ùú≤ÊÊ¿⁄¥-–ºÄ ≤Ÿ“Ä ∆–Ÿ⁄º è∆⁄ò™Í |
⁄é≥´∆& ∆˘ú-∆Ÿ⁄–≤Ÿº⁄¥ –ºÄ æ‰≤Ÿ⁄¥ é‰≤ŸµæƒÄ
–ăŸ¥Êº@º ⁄≤∫@¿Å ¥˘⁄™º‹“‹∆Ÿ@–ËÉ—™‹ ⁄≤´æÄ ººÍ ||105||
anyatra kßa√a-måtram acyuta-pure-premåm®tåmbho-nidhi-
snåto ’py acyuta-saj-janair api-samaµ nåhaµ vasåmi kvacit
kintv atra vraja-våsinåm api samaµ yenåpi kenåpy alaµ
saµlåpair mama nirbhara˙ pratimuhur våso ’stu nityaµ mam (105)

I have no desire to reside in any other holy dhåma for even one moment, even if there I would be
in the company of pure devotees and immersed in an ocean of nectarean prema. I even prefer to
discuss mundane topics with those residents of Vraja who possess no love of God as long as I can
always reside in Vraja.

¿Ÿí‰® ¬¥-º°úæŸ@ ¿è™¤-é‚™-º‹¿⁄B˝ŒÅ |

í‹®Ÿ¿Ÿ⁄∞™-¿Ÿ∞ŸæŸÅ ¥ŸÆ-æ‹ìºÄ ¿⁄™º@º ||106||
råge√a rüpa-mañjaryå
påda-yugmaµ ratir mama (106)

May my loving attachment always be for the lotus feet of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, to whom Çrî Rüpa
Mañjarî made the already infatuated Çrî K®ß√a very attached to and who is worshipped by all the
divine qualities headed by clever skilfulness.

ÑÆÄ ⁄≤智ŸÆ¿ŸÆÍ ∆˘ú-⁄∆ƒŸ– ≤Ÿº —™∆Ä

–ÆŸ ∆˘ú-ú≤Ë≈ƒ–≥º∞‹¿-ºŸ∞‹¿¤-∆≥∞‹¿ºÍ |
º‹“‹Å é‹™‹é-–Ω∫‡™ŸÅ ¥⁄¿¥§⁄≥™ æ‰ ∆≈í‹ ™™Í
–ºÄ ¥⁄¿é¿ÊB‡@ß˛Ä ⁄º¨‹≤º& ¥Õæ⁄≥™ ™‰ ||107||
idaµ niyatam ådaråd vraja-vilåsa nåma stavaµ
sadå vraja-janollasan-madhura-mådhurî-vandhuram
muhu˙ kutuka-sambh®tå˙ paripa†hanti ye valgu tat
samaµ parikarair d®∂haµ mithunam atra paçyanti te (107)

Those who with great reverence and eagerness regularly recite this Vraja-vilåsa-stava, which is so
lovely because it reveals the splendid and charming sweetness of the eternal residents of Vraja, will
certainly attain the direct darçana of the Divine Couple accompanied by those very devotees.

Çrî Govardhanåçraya-daçakam

–PŸ“Ä º‹¿⁄ú™Í-é¿ŸΩ∏‹ú-¥⁄¿∫˘Ÿú™Í é⁄≤{ŸÄí‹⁄ƒ-

¥˘ËYB˝≈í‹-∆¿Ÿ¢éË¥⁄¿⁄ºƒ≥º‹ì∞-⁄B˝¿‰∂ËÉ⁄¥ æÅ |
¥Ÿ¨Å-’‰¥é-Àé˚-≤é˚-º‹ê™Å é˚Ë•‰˛ ∆˘úÄ Æ˙Ÿí¥Ÿ™Í
é—™Ä íË鋃-∏Ÿ≥∞∆Ä ⁄í⁄¿-∆¿Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||1||
saptåhaµ murajit-karåmbuja-paribhråjat kani߆å∫guli-
prodyad-valgu-varå†akoparimilan-mugdha-dvirepho ’pi ya˙
påtha˙-kßepaka-çakra-nakra-mukhata˙ kro∂e vrajaµ dråg apåt
kas taµ gokula-båndhavaµ giri-varaµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (1)

Govardhana is he who, while resting upon the whirl-like little finger of Çrî K®ß√a’s lotus hand
like an enamoured bumblebee for one week, protected Vraja from the frightful rains which poured
forth from the mouth of the Indra-crocodile—who would not render service to that Govardhana,
the dearest friend of Gokula and the best of mountains?

Ñ≥Æ˙´∆‰ ⁄≤∫‡™Ä í∆ŸÄ –‹¿≤Ƥ-™Ëæ‰≤ Ƥ≤Ÿ´º≤Ÿ

Àé˚‰®Ÿ≤‹í™Ÿ ò響 –‹¿⁄∫æ‰@≤Ÿ⁄∫Œ‰éÄ “¿‰Å |
æ™Í-éôö‰Éú⁄≤ ™‰≤ ≤⁄≥Æ™-ú≤Ä íË⁄∆≥Æ é‹©•Ä é‚™¤
é—™Ä íË-⁄≤鿉≥Æ˙ ¥£-⁄Àê¿Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||2||
indratve nibh®taµ gavåµ suranadî-toyena dînåtmanå
çakre√ånugatå cakåra surabhir yenåbhißekaµ hare˙
yat-kacche ’jani tena nandita-janaµ govinda ku√∂aµ k®tî
kas taµ go-nikarendra pa††a-çikharaµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (2)

Realising that Çrî K®ß√a had protected Gokula by lifting Govardhana, Surabhi, who had been
brought there by Indra, coronated K®ß√a as ‘Govinda’, the lord of the cows, by bathing Him in
Ga∫gå water at a nearby solitary place. The water from this bathing ceremony created Govinda-
ku√∂a, which even today gives great delight to everyone’s eyes—what intelligent person would not
take shelter of that Govardhana, the place where Vrajendra-nandana enjoyed resting?
38 Çrî Govardhanåçraya-daçakam

—∆∞@‹≥æŸ⁄Æ-∆¿‰©æ-™¤¨@-í®™Ë „YŸ≥æú–˘Ä “¿‰Å

–¤⁄¿-∏˘“˜-“¿Ÿµ–¿Å-⁄¥˘æé-™™Í-Ã˘¤ÆŸ≤-é‹©•Ÿ≥æ⁄¥ |
¥˘‰º-’‰º-¡⁄ò-¥˘ÆŸ⁄≤ ¥⁄¿™Ë ∫˘Ÿú⁄≥™ æ—æ ∆˘™¤
é—™Ä ºŸ≥æ-º‹≤¤≥Æ˙-∆⁄®@™-í‹®Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||3||
svar-dhuny-ådi-vare√ya-tîrtha-ga√ato h®dyåny ajasraµ hare˙
sîri-brahma-haråpsara˙-priyaka-tat-çrî-dåna-ku√∂åny api
prema-kßema-ruci-pradåni parito bhråjanti yasya vratî
kas taµ månya-munîndra-var√ita-gu√aµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (3)

He is more dear to the hearts of everyone than all other holy places headed by the Ga∫gå, he is
loved by Çrî K®ß√a, Baladeva, Brahmå, Çiva, and the Apsåras, he is splendorously encircled by
many ponds headed by Çrî Dåna-ku√∂a, he bestows bhakti, auspiciousness, and prema, and his glo-
ries were sung in a special way by the most venerated sage, Çrî Çukadeva—what person who strictly
adheres to their spiritual vows would not take shelter of that Govardhana?

íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@⁄Æ-–¿ŸÄ⁄– ⁄≤û@¿-⁄í⁄¿Å ÇóÓŸ¿-⁄–Ä“Ÿ–≤ºÍ |
íË¥ŸƒËÉ⁄¥ “⁄¿-—¨ƒÄ “⁄¿¿⁄¥ —∂›ú@⁄≥™ æ´–∆@™Å
é—™Ä íË-º‡í-¥⁄’-∆‡’-ƒ⁄ƒ™Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||4||
gåndharvådi-saråµsi nirjhara-giri˙ ç®∫gåra-siµhåsanam
gopålo ’pi hari-sthalaµ harir api sphürjanti yat-sarvata˙
kas taµ go-m®ga-pakßi-v®kßa lalitaµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (4)

He has many waterfalls and is splendorously surrounded by the ponds named Jyotsnå, Mokßa√a,
Målya, Håra, Sumana˙, Gaurî, Balåri-dhvajå, and Gåndharva, he serves as a siµhåsana for Çrî
Rådhå-K®ß√a’s ç®√gåra-rasa pastimes, where Svayam Bhagavån Himself enjoys pastimes as a
cowherd boy, and he is so charming due to the presence of many cows, deer, birds, and trees that
K®ß√a enjoys resting there—who would not take shelter of that Govardhana?

íÄíŸ-éË¢Ò⁄∞éÄ ∏éŸ⁄¿-¥Æ-úŸ⁄¿{Ÿ⁄¿-é‹©•Ä ∆“≤Í

∫#ÒŸ æÅ ⁄À¿–Ÿ ≤™‰≤-–™™Ä ¥˘‰æŸ≤Í ⁄À∆ŸÆµæ∫›™Í |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‹©•-º⁄®Ä ™¨Ê∆ º‹¿⁄ú™Í-¥˘È߲-¥˘–ŸÆÄ Æ∞™Í
¥˘‰æÅ—™…智ËÉ∫∆™Í é Ñ“ ™Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||5||
ga∫gå-ko†y adhikaµ bakåri-pada-jåri߆åri-ku√∂aµ vahan
bhaktyå ya˙ çiraså natena satataµ preyån çivåd apy abhüt
rådhå-ku√∂a-ma√iµ tathaiva murajit-prau∂ha-prasådaµ dadhat
preya˙-stavyatamo ’bhavat ka iha taµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (5)

Govardhana is more venerable than even Çrîmån Mahådeva due to devoutly carrying on his
bowed head the pond which manifested from Çrî K®ß√a’s lotus feet, Çyåma-ku√∂a, and the priceless
jewel Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a, which is superior to even millions of Ga∫gås, and he is highly worshipable
to the devotees due to being the perpetual object of K®ß√a’s favour—who would not take shelter of
that Govardhana?
Çrî Govardhanåçraya-daçakam 39

æ—æŸÄ ºŸ∞∆-≤Ÿ⁄∆éË ¿–∆™¤ºŸ∞Ÿæ ¿Ÿ∞ŸÄ ™¿È

º±æ‰ ò°òƒ-é‰⁄ƒ-¥Ÿ™-∆ƒ≤Ÿ™Í&Ÿ–ÊÅ —™‹∆´æŸ—™™Å |
—∆Ÿ∫¤{Ä ¥®ºŸÆ∞‰ ∆“⁄™ –Ÿ æ⁄—º≥º≤Ë-úŸm∆¤
é—™Ä ™≥≤∆-ÆΩ¥™¤-¥˘⁄™∫‹∆Ä-íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||6||
yasyåµ mådhava-nåviko rasavatîm ådhåya rådhåµ tarau
madhye cañcala-keli-påta-valanåt tråsai˙ stuvatyås tata˙
svåbhî߆aµ pa√am ådadhe vahati så yasmin mano-jåhnavî
kas taµ tan nava-dampatî-pratibhuvaµ-govardhanaµ nåçrayet (6)

Becoming a boatman and sitting rasavatî Çrîmatî Rådhikå down in His boat, Çrî K®ß√a steered
the boat into the middle of turbulent waters. When Rådhikå became fearful and prayed to Him for
protection, He collected from Her as a rescue-fee the fulfilment of His amorous desires. Månasa-
ga∫gå, the river where this pastime took place, always flows at Govardhana, who serves as a mid-
dleman for the youthful Divine Couple—what pious person would not take shelter of that Govard-

¿Ÿ–‰ Ã˘¤-À™-∆≥ÆÍæ-–‹≥Æ¿-–ê¤ ∆‡≥ÆŸ⁄°ò™Ÿ –È¿∫-

∫˘Ÿú™Í é‚œ®-¿–Ÿƒ-∏Ÿ“‹-⁄∆ƒ–™Í-éħ¤ º∞È ºŸ∞∆¤ |
¿Ÿ∞Ÿ ≤‡´æ⁄™ æ& òŸ¡ ∆ƒ™‰ ¿Ÿ–-—¨ƒ¤ –Ÿ ¥¿Ÿ
æ⁄—º≤ éÅ –‹é‚™¤ ™º‹≥≤™ºæ‰ íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||7||
råse çrî-çata-vandya-sundara-sakhî v®ndåñcitå saurabha-
bhråjat-k®ß√a-rasåla-båhu-vilasat-ka√†hî madhau mådhavî
rådhå n®tyati yatra cåru valate råsa-sthalî så parå
yasmin ka˙ suk®tî tam unnatam aye govardhanaµ nåçrayet (7)

Govardhana is where, surrounded by beautiful sakhîs who are worshipable to hundreds of

Lakßmîs and with Çrî K®ß√a’s splendorous, nectarean arms around Her neck, Çrîmatî Rådhikå
danced in the råsa-lîla during the spring season—what person who is actually advanced in piety
would not take shelter of that Govardhana, one of the special locations where the råsa-lîlå took

æ& —∆¤æ-í®—æ ⁄∆é˚º-∫‡™Ÿ ∆ŸòŸ º‹“‹Å ∂‹≈ƒ™ËÅ

—º‰¿-é˚›¿-B‡í≥™-⁄∆∫˘º-À¿ÊÅ ÀÕ∆⁄≥º¨Ë ⁄∆ØÛæËÅ |
™ÆÍæ›≤Ë≤@∆-ÆŸ≤-–‡⁄{ú-é⁄ƒ∫@óÓÒŸ “–≤Í ú‡Ω∫™‰
é—™Ä ™™Í-¥‡¨‹-é‰⁄ƒ-–›ò≤ ⁄ÀƒÄ íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||8||
yatra svîya-ga√asya vikrama-bh®tå våcå muhu˙ phullato˙
smera-krüra-d®ganta-vibhrama-çarai˙ çaçvan mitho viddhayo˙
tad yünor nava-dåna-s®ß†ija-kalir bha∫gyå hasan j®mbhate
kas taµ tat-p®thu-keli-sücana çilaµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (8)

Govardhana is where, pleased by the audacious words of Their friends, and repeatedly pierced by
each others’ laughter and also by the showers of Their mutual sidelong-glance arrows, Çrî Rådhå-
K®ß√a displayed the ever-new pastime of the quarrel over taxes, and where the entire atmosphere
denotes the bliss which They felt in performing such pastimes—who would not take shelter of that
40 Çrî Govardhanåçraya-daçakam

Ã˘¤ÆŸºŸ⁄Æ-∆æ—æ-–°òæ-∆‡™Å –ÄéŒ@®‰≤Ë≈ƒ–≤Í
æŸ⁄—º≤Í íË-òæ-òŸ¡-òŸ¿®-¥¿Ë ¿¤¿¤⁄™ íŸæ´æ–È |
¿Äí‰ í›ß˛-í‹“Ÿ–‹ ò ¥˘¨æ⁄™ —ºŸ¿-⁄é˚æŸÄ ¿Ÿ∞æŸ
é—™Ä –È∫í-∫›⁄Œ™Ÿ⁄°ò™-™≤‹Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||9||
çrîdåmådi-vayasya-sañcaya-v®ta˙ sa∫karßa√enollasan
yåsmin go-caya-cåru-cåra√a-paro rîrîti gåyaty asau
ra∫ge gü∂ha-guhåsu ca prathayati småra-kriyåµ rådhayå
kas taµ saubhaga-bhüsitåñcita-tanuµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (9)

Govardhana is where Çrî K®ß√a, accompanied by Baladeva and His friends headed by Çrîdåma,
took the cows out to graze and sang ‘rî, rî’ in a sweet voice, and where He, after constructing an
arena within a secluded cave, enjoyed amorous sports with Çrîmatî Rådhikå—who would not take
shelter of the immensely fortunate Govardhana?

éŸ⁄ƒ≥Æ¤Ä ™¥≤ËÆÍ∫∆ŸÄ ⁄í⁄¿-í®Ÿ≤´æ‹≥≤ºôö‰ê¿Ÿ≤Í

Ã˘¤∆‡≥ÆŸ⁄∆⁄¥≤Ä ú≤‰⁄µ–™-∞¿Ä ≤≥ƤÕ∆¿Ä òŸÃ˘æºÍ |
⁄“´∆Ÿ æÄ ¥˘⁄™¥›ú@æ≤Í ∆˘ú-é‚™‰ ºŸ≤Ä º‹é‹≥ÆË ÆÆÈ
é—™Ä Ã‡⁄óÓ-⁄鿤⁄¢≤Ä ⁄í⁄¿-≤‡¥Ä íË∆∞@≤Ä ≤ŸÃ˘æ‰™Í ||10||
kålindîµ tapanodbhavåµ giri-ga√ån aty-unnamac-chekharån
çrî-v®ndåvipinaµ janepsita-dharaµ nandîçvaraµ cåçrayam
hitvå yaµ pratipürjayan vraja-k®te månaµ mukundo dadau
kas taµ ç®∫gi-kirî†inaµ giri-n®paµ govardhanaµ nåçrayet (10)

Neglecting the sun-god’s daughter Yamunå, other very high mountains, and Nandîçvara, which is
the shelter of the residents of Vraja and the fulfiller of their heart’s desires, for V®ndåvana’s protec-
tion Çrî K®ß√a offered respect to and worshipped Govardhana, the crown-jewel of mountains—
who would not take shelter of that Govardhana?

™⁄—º≤Í ∆Ÿ–ƺ—æ ¿Ωæ-ÆÀéÄ íË∆∞@≤—打 æ™Í

¥˘ŸÆfi∫›@™⁄ºÆÄ æƤæ-é‚¥æŸ ú¤®Ÿ@≥∞-∆éÍ&ŸÆ⁄¥ |
™—æËYÆÍí‹®-∆‡≥Æ-∏≥∞‹¿-ê≤‰ú¤@∆Ÿ™‹-"¬¥—æ' ™™Í
™ËŒŸæŸ⁄¥ ÇƒÄ ∫∆⁄´∆⁄™ ∂ƒÄ ¥è∆Ä-ºæŸ º‡ì晉 ||11||
tasmin våsadam asya ramya-daçakaµ govardhanasyeha yat
prådurbhütam idaµ yadîya-k®payå jîr√åndha-vaktråd api
tasyodyad-gu√a-v®nda-bandhura-khaner jîvåtu-‘rüpasya’ tat
toßåyåpi alaµ bhavatv iti phalaµ pakvaµ-mayå m®gyate (11)

May I become qualified to satisfy that most elevated, highly exalted jewel and the all-in-all of my
life, my gurudeva Çrî Rüpa Goswåmî, by whose mercy these ten verses, which grant one residence
nearby Giriråja Govardhana, have manifested from the mouth of such an old and blind man as

Çrî Çacî-sünva߆akam

“⁄¿B‡@œ¢Í∆Ÿ íË}‰ º‹é‹¿-홺Ÿ´ºŸ≤º™‹ƒÄ

—∆-ºŸ∞‹æ@Ä ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-⁄¥˘æ™¿-–ê¤∆Ÿµ™‹º⁄∫™Å |
Ç“Ë íÈ•˛‰ úŸ™Å ¥˘∫‹¿¥¿-íÈ¿Êé-™≤‹-∫ŸéÍ
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||1||
harir d®ß†vå go߆he mukura-gatam åtmånam atulaµ
sva-mådhuryaµ rådhå-priyatara-sakhîvåptum abhita˙
aho gau∂e jåta˙ prabhur apara-gauraika-tanu-bhåk
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (1)

That Hari who, after seeing His own incomparable beauty in a mirror, took birth in Gau∂a-deça
and tasted all of His own sweetness as only His dear sakhî Çrîmatî Rådhikå could, and aho! who
even adopted Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s own golden complexion when He did so—when will that Çacî-
nandana Gaurahari again grant me His darçana?

¥‹¿¤Æ‰∆—æŸ≥™Å ¥˘®æ º∞‹≤Ÿ —≤Ÿ≤-º∞‹¿Ë

º‹“‹íË@⁄∆≥ÆËY⁄B˝ÀÆ-¥⁄¿òæŸ@⁄ò@™-¥ÆÅ |
—∆¬¥—æ ¥˘Ÿ®Ÿ∏‹@Æ-麃-⁄≤¿Ÿ⁄ú™-º‹êÅ
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||2||
purî-devasyånta˙ pra√aya madhunå snåna-madhuro
muhur govindodyad-viçada-paricaryårcita-pada˙
svarüpasya prå√årbuda-kamala-niråjita-mukha˙
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (2)

Who was bathed by the honey of love which exists within Çrî ˆçvara Purî’s heart, whose lotus feet
were expertly served by Govinda dåsa, and whose lovely face was constantly worshipped by the
unlimited lotus flowers of Svarüpa Dåmodara’s very life—when will that Çacî-nandana Gaurahari
again be visible to me?
42 Çrî Çacî-sünvå߆akam

Æ∞Ÿ≤Å éÈ¥¤≤Ä ™Æfi¥⁄¿ ∏⁄“∆@—&º¡®Ä

¥˘éŸ©•Ë “‰ºŸ⁄Æ˙ Y‹⁄™⁄∫¿⁄∫™Å –‰⁄∆™-™≤‹Å |
º‹ÆŸ íŸæ≥≤‹ôòÊ⁄≤@ú-º∞‹¿-≤ŸºŸ∆⁄ƒº–È
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||3||
dadhåna˙ kaupînaµ tad-upari bahir-vastram aru√aµ
prakå√∂o hemådri dyutibhir abhita˙ sevita-tanu˙
mudå gåyann uccair nija-madhura-nåmåvalim asau
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (3)

Although He is Bhagavån Himself, He wore kaupînas and above that a saffron outer cloth just to
set an example for His devotees. Upon seeing the molten-gold coloured complexion of His large
body, Mount Sumerü abandoned its pride and worshipped that complexion with all of its own
majestic beauty. In the mood of a devotee and attired as a sannyåsî, He wandered about loudly
singing His own names with great delight—when will that Çacî-nandana Gaurahari again grant me
His darçana?

Ç≤Ÿ∆‰YŸÄ ¥›∆Ê@¿⁄¥ º‹⁄≤-í®Ê∫@⁄#-⁄≤¥‹®ÊÅ

Ã˘‹™‰í›@߲ŸÄ ¥˘‰ºËùù∆ƒ-¿–-∂ƒŸÄ ∫⁄#-ƒ⁄™éŸºÍ |
é‚¥Ÿƒ‹—™ŸÄ íÈ•˛‰ ¥˘∫‹¿⁄™é‚¥Ÿ⁄∫Å ¥˘é¢æ≤Í
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||4||
anåvedyåµ pürvair api muni-ga√air bhakti-nipu√ai˙
çruter gü∂håµ premojjvala-rasa-phalåµ bhakti-latikåm
k®pålus tåµ gau∂e prabhur ati-k®påbhi˙ praka†ayan
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (4)

Out of immeasurable mercy, in Bengal He revealed and expanded the creeper of bhakti which
bears the fruit of ujjvala-prema-rasa and which the munis of previous ages, although they were
highly expert in the science of bhakti, could not attain a true understanding of because the çrutis
kept it hidden like a priceless jewel—when will that Çacî-nandana Gaurahari again grant me His

⁄≤ú´∆‰ íÈ•˛¤æŸ≤Í úí⁄™ ¥⁄¿í‡“¯ ¥˘∫‹⁄¿ºŸ≤Í

“¿‰-é‚œ®‰´æ‰∆Ä í®≤-⁄∆⁄∞≤Ÿ 餙@æ™ ∫ËÅ |
Ñ⁄™¥˘ŸæŸÄ ⁄À’ŸÄ ú≤é Ñ∆ ™‰ªæÅ ¥⁄¿⁄ÆÀ≤Í
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||5||
nijatve gau∂îyån jagati parig®hya prabhur imån
hare-k®ß√ety evaµ ga√ana-vidhinå kîrtayata bho˙
itipråyåµ çikßåµ janaka iva tebhya˙ paridiçan
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (5)

Who taking the residents of Bengal as His own inspired them to chant ‘Hare K®ß√a’ a prescribed
number of times daily and who like a father gave them many cherished instructions—when will
that Çacî-nandana Gaurahari again become visible to me?
Çrî Çacî-sünvå߆akam 43

¥‹¿Å ¥Õæ≤Í ≤¤ƒŸòƒ-¥⁄™º‹¡¥˘‰º-⁄≤∆“ÊÅ

’¿≥≤‰&ŸΩ∫Ë⁄∫Å —≤⁄¥™-⁄≤ú-Ƥ∞Ë@ùù∆ƒ-™≤‹Å |
–ÆŸ ⁄™}≤Í Æ‰À‰ ¥˘®⁄æ-í¡•˛—™Ä∫-ò¿º‰
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||6||
pura˙ paçyan nîlåcala-patim uru-prema-nivahai˙
kßaran-netråmbhobhi˙ snapita-nija-dîrghojjvala-tanu˙
sadå ti߆han deçe pra√ayi-garu∂a-stambha-carame
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (6)

Who bathed His own very beautiful and tall body with the streams of tears caused by His great
prema as He stood behind His beloved Garu∂a-stambha receiving the darçana of Jagannåtha-
deva—when will that Çacî-nandana again become visible to me?

º‹ÆŸ Æ≥™ÊÆ@œ¢Í∆Ÿ Y‹⁄™⁄∆⁄ú™-∏≥∞›é-º∞¿Ä

é¿Ä é‚´∆Ÿ ∆ŸºÄ é⁄¢-⁄≤⁄“™º≥æÄ ¥⁄¿ƒ–≤Í |
–º‹´¨Ÿµæ ¥˘‰Ω®Ÿí⁄®™-¥‹ƒéË ≤‡´æ-éÈ™‹é¤
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||7||
mudå dantair da߆vå dyuti-vijita-bandhüka-madharaµ
karaµ k®två våmaµ ka†i-nihitam anyaµ parilasan
samutthåpya prem√åga√ita-pulako n®tya-kautukî
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (7)

Biting His lips, which defeat the redness of the bandhuka flower, placing His left hand on His
hip, waving His right hand above His head, and with His innumerable bodily hairs all standing on
end due to His absorption in the emotions of Çrîmatî Rådhikå as She felt separation from K®ß√a,
He would dance with the greatest delight—when will that Çacî-nandana Gaurahari again grant me
His darçana?

–⁄¿%¤¿Ÿ¿Ÿº‰ ⁄∆¿“-⁄∆∞‹¿Ë íË鋃-⁄∆∞Ë-

≤@Ƥº≥æŸÄ é‹∆@≥≤æ≤-úƒ-∞Ÿ¿Ÿ-⁄∆™⁄™⁄∫Å |
º‹“‹º‹@ôöŸ@Ä íôö≥º‡™é⁄º∆ ⁄∆Õ∆Ä ⁄∆¿òæ≤Í
Àò¤-–›≤‹Å ⁄éÄ º‰ ≤æ≤-À¿®¤Ä 柗æ⁄™ ¥‹≤Å ||8||
sarit-tîråråme viraha-vidhuro gokula-vidhor
nadîm anyåµ kurvan nayana-jala-dhårå-vitatibhi˙
muhur murcchåµ gacchan m®takam iva viçvaµ viracayan
çacî-sünu˙ kiµ me nayana-çara√îµ yåsyati puna˙ (8)

Who in a garden on the banks of a river shed so many tears while feeling separation from the
moon of Vraja, Çrî K®ß√a, that He created a new river, and who by repeatedly falling unconscious
caused the devotees who were present there to resemble corpses—when will that Çacî-nandana
Gaurahari again grant me His darçana?
44 Çrî Çacî-sünvå߆akam

Àò¤-–›≤Ë¿—æŸ{é⁄ºÆº∫¤œ¢Ä ⁄∆¿òæ™Í
–ÆŸ-ÆÊ≥æËÆ˙‰éŸÆ⁄™-⁄∆ÀÆ-∏‹⁄ØÛÅ ¥§⁄™ æÅ |
¥˘éŸºÄ òÊ™≥æÅ ¥˘∫‹¿⁄™-é‚¥Ÿ∆‰À⁄∆∆ÀÅ
¥‡¨‹ ¥˘‰ºŸΩ∫Ë∞È ¥˘⁄¨™-¿–Ɖ ºùúæ⁄™ ™ºÍ ||9||
çacî-sünor asyå߆akam idam abhî߆aµ viracayat
sadå-dainyodrekåd ati-viçada-buddhi˙ pa†hati ya˙
prakåmaµ caitanya˙ prabhur ati-k®påveça-vivaça˙
p®thu premåmbhodhau prathita-rasade majjayati tam (9)

Whoever with great humility and a pure heart recites this a߆aka which describes He who fulfils
His devotees’ desires, Çrî Çacî-nandana, will receive His mercy and be plunged into the fathomless
ocean of nectarean k®ß√a-prema.

Çrî Premåmbhoja-marandåkhya-stava-råja˙
“The King of Eulogies which is like Honey oozing from the Lotus of Love”

º“Ÿ∫Ÿ∆Ëùù∆ƒ⁄ôò≥™Ÿ-¿´≤ËÆÍ∫Ÿ⁄∆™-⁄∆í˘“ŸÄ |
–ê¤-¥˘®æ-–ÆÍí≥∞∆¿ËØÛ%@≤ –‹¥˘∫ŸºÍ ||1||
sakhî-pra√aya-sad-gandha-varoddharttana suprabhåm (1)

Çrîmatî Rådhikå’s divine form is born from the glistening wish-fulfilling jewel of mahåbhåva, and
Her very beautiful bodily lustre is produced by the fragrant ointment of Her sakhîs’ love for Her.

韡©æŸº‡™-∏¤ò¤⁄∫—™Ÿ¡©æŸº‡™-∞Ÿ¿æŸ |
ƒŸ∆©æŸº‡™-∆≥æŸ⁄∫Å —≤⁄¥™ŸÄ ìƒ⁄¥™‰⁄≥Æ¿ŸºÍ ||2||
kåru√yåm®ta-bîcîbhis tåru√yåm®ta-dhårayå
låva√yåm®ta-vanyåbhi˙ snapitåµ glapitendiråm (2)

Because in the morning She is bathed in waves of nectarean compassion, at noon in streams of
the nectar of youth, and in the evening in floods of the nectar of natural beauty, She puts even
Lakßmîdevî to shame.

H¤-¥£∆—&-í‹PŸóÓ¤Ä –È≥Ææ@-î‹–‡®Ÿ⁄°ò™ŸÄ |
Õ柺ƒËùù∆ƒ-é—™‹¿¤-⁄∆⁄ò⁄&™-郉∆¿ºÍ ||3||
hrî-pa††a-vastra-guptå∫gîµ saundarya-ghus®√åñcitåµ
çyåmalojjvala-kasturî-vicitrita-kalevaram (3)

Her limbs are concealed by the silken cloth of bashfulness, made lovely by the ku∫kuma of beau-
ty, and marked with the splendorous darkish musk of ç®∫gåra-rasa.
46 Çrî Premåmbhoja-marandåkhya-stava-råja˙

éΩ¥ŸÃ˘‹-¥ƒé —™Ä∫-—∆‰Æ-íÆÍíÆ-¿è™™Ÿ |
Ü≥ºŸÆË úŸ•Ò⁄º´æ‰™Ê ¿´≤Ê≤@∆⁄∫¡%ºÊÅ ||4||
éħPŸƒñÍé‚⁄™-–Ä⁄Õƒ{ŸÄ í‹®Ÿƒ¤ ¥‹œ¥-ºŸ⁄ƒ≤¤Ä |
∞¤¿Ÿ∞¤¿Ÿ´∆-–ÆÍ∆Ÿ–-¥¢∆Ÿ–ÊÅ ¥⁄¿œé‚™ŸºÍ ||5||
unmådo jå∂yam ity etai ratnair navabhir uttamai˙
ka√†haptåla∫k®ti-saµçliß†åµ gu√ålî pußpa-målinîµ
dhîrådhîråtva-sadvåsa-pa†avåsai˙ parißk®tåm (4-5)

She is decorated with ornaments which are fashioned with the nine jewels of shivering, shedding
tears, bodily hairs standing erect, being stunned, faltering voice, redness, madness, and inertia. She
wears a garland composed of Her qualities such as beauty and sweetness, and She is anointed with
the fragrant ointment of both Her solemn and unsteady moods.

¥˘ôö≥≤-ºŸ≤-∞⁄ΩºƒŸÄ –È∫Ÿìæ ⁄™ƒéËùù∆ƒŸÄ |

é‚œ®-≤Ÿº-æÀÅÃ˘Ÿ∆-∆™Ä–Ë≈ƒŸ⁄–-é⁄®@éŸºÍ ||6||
pracchanna-måna-dhammilåµ saubhågya tilakojjvalåµ
k®ß√a-nåma-yaça˙-çråva-vataµsollåsi-kar√ikåm (6)

Her braid is Her mood of concealed jealous anger, the tilaka of Her good fortune is radiant, and
Her ears are wonderfully decorated with the hearing of Çrî K®ß√a’s name and fame.

¿Ÿí-™ŸΩ∏›ƒ-¿è™Èœ§¤Ä ¥˘‰º-éÈ⁄¢≈æ éùúƒŸÄ |

≤º@-∫Ÿ⁄Œ™ ⁄≤Å—æ≥Æ-⁄—º™-饛@¿-∆Ÿ⁄–™ŸºÍ ||7||
råga-tåmbüla-raktau߆hîµ prema-kau†ilya kajjalåµ
narma-bhåßita ni˙syanda-smita-karpüra-våsitåm (7)

Her lips are dyed red with the betelnut of passionate love, Her eyes are marked with the collyri-
um of love’s crookedness, and Her joking words are scented with the camphor of Her sweet smile.

–È¿∫Ÿ≥™Å¥‹¿‰ í∆@-¥æ@óÏË¥⁄¿ ƒ¤ƒæŸ |

⁄≤⁄∆{ŸÄ ¥˘‰º-∆Ê⁄ò´æ-⁄∆òƒ%¿ƒŸ⁄°ò™ŸºÍ ||8||
saurabhånta˙ pure garva-parya∫kopari lîlayå
niviß†åµ prema-vaicitya-vicalat taralåñcitåm (8)

Blissfully reclining on the sofa of Her pride within the inner chamber of Her fame, She wears
around Her neck an oscillating locket of Her vipralambha-bhåva.
Çrî Premåmbhoja-marandåkhya-stava-råja˙ 47

¥˘®æ-é˚Ë∞-–ôò˃¤-∆≥∞-í‹P-é‚™-—™≤ŸÄ |
–¥´≤¤-∆è&-„ôöË⁄Œ-æÀÅ-Ã˘¤éôö¥¤-¿∆ŸºÍ ||9||
pra√aya-krodha-sac colî-vandha-gupta-k®ta-stanåµ
sapatnî-vaktra-h®c-choßi-yaça˙-çrî-kacchapî-ravåm (9)

She covers Her breasts with a bodice of the redness born of Her loving anger, and She wilts the
cunning faces and hearts of Her rivals with the vî√å-sound of Her glories.

º±æ™Ÿ´º –ê¤-—é≥∞ ƒ¤ƒŸ-≥æ—™ é¿ŸΩ∏‹úŸÄ |

Õ柺ŸÄ Õ柺-—º¿ŸºËÆ-º∞‹ƒ¤ ¥⁄¿∆‰⁄ÀéŸºÍ ||10||
madhyatåtma sakhî-skandha lîlå-nyasta karåmbujåµ
çyåmåµ çyåma-smaråmoda-madhulî pariveçikåm (10)

She places the lotus hand of Her playfulness upon the shoulder of Her sakhî named youthfulness.
Known as Çyåmå because She possesses so many special attributes, She serves the wine which
intoxicates Cupid, ç®√gåra-rasa.

´∆ŸÄ ≤´∆Ÿ æŸò™‰ ∞‡´∆Ÿ ™‡®Ä Æ≥™Ê¿æÄ ú≤Å |

—∆ÆŸ—柺‡™-–‰é‰≤ ú¤∆柺‹Ä –‹ÆfiÅ⁄ê™ºÍ ||11||
tvåµ natvå yåcate dh®två t®√aµ dantair ayaµ jana˙
sva-dåsyåm®ta-sekena jîvayåmuµ sudu˙khitam (11)

Grasping straw between my teeth and bowing down before You, I pray that You please revive this
most unhappy person by engaging me in the nectar of service to You.

≤ º‹°ò‰ôö¿®ŸæŸ™º⁄¥ Æfi{Ä Æ柺æÅ |

Ç™Ë íŸ≥∞⁄∆@é‰! “Ÿ “Ÿ º‹°òÊ≤Ä ≤Ê∆ ™ŸB‡ÀºÍ ||12||
na muñcec chara√åyåtam api du߆aµ dayåmaya˙
ato gåndharvike! hå hå muñcainaµ naiva tåd®çam (12)

It is said that someone who is merciful never abandons even a wicked person who has taken shel-
ter of them, therefore O Gåndharvike! Do not abandon this poor soul.

¥˘‰ºŸΩ∫Ëú-º¿≥ÆŸëæÄ —™∆-¿Ÿú⁄ººÄ ú≤Å |

Ã˘¤¿Ÿ⁄∞éŸ-é‚¥Ÿ-“‰™‹Ä ¥§Ä—™¶Ÿ—溟µ≤‹æŸ™Í ||13||
premåmbhoja-marandåkhyaµ stava-råjam imaµ jana˙
çrî-rådhikå-k®på-hetuµ pa†haµs tad dåsyam åpnuyåt (13)

Whoever recites this king of prayers known as Premåmbhoja-maranda, which invokes the mercy
of Çrîmatî Rådhikå, will become qualified to be Her servant.

Çrî Sva-niyama-daçakam

í‹¿È º≥&‰ ≤Ÿ⁄Ω≤ ¥˘∫‹∆¿-Àò¤í∫@ú-¥Æ‰

—∆¬¥‰ Ã˘¤¬¥‰ í®-æ‹⁄ú ™Æ¤æ-¥˘¨ºú‰ |
⁄í¿¤≥Æ˙‰ íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-–¿⁄– º∞‹-¥›æŸÄ@ ∆˘ú-∆≤‰
∆˘ú‰ ∫#‰ íË}Ÿƒ⁄挋 ¥¿ºŸ—™ŸÄ ºº ¿⁄™Å ||1||
gurau mantre nåmni prabhuvara-çacîgarbhaja-pade
svarüpe çrî-rüpe ga√a-yuji tadîya-prathamaje
girîndre gåndharvå-sarasi madhu-püryåµ vraje-vane
vraje bhakte go߆hålayißu param åståµ mama rati˙ (1)

May I always have great love for Çrî Gurudeva, the Gåyatrî mantras which he has given me, Çrî
Harinåma, the lotus feet of Çrî Çacî-nandana Gaurahari, Çrî Svarüpa Dåmodara Goswåmî and his
followers, Çrî Rüpa Goswåmî and his elder brother Çrî Sanåtana Goswåmî, Çrî Giriråja Govard-
hana, Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a, Çrî Mathurå-dhåma, Çrî V®ndåvana, the kingdom of Vraja, the pure devo-
tees of K®ß√a and the residents of Vraja.

≤ òŸ≥æ& ’‰&‰ “⁄¿-™≤‹-–≤Ÿ¨‰É⁄¥ –‹ú≤ŸÆÍ

¿–Ÿ—∆ŸÆÄ ¥˘‰Ω®Ÿ-Æ∞Æ⁄¥ ∆–Ÿ⁄º ’®º⁄¥ |
–ºÄ ´∆‰™ÆÍí˘ŸΩæŸ∆⁄ƒ⁄∫¿⁄∫™≥∆≥≤⁄¥ 騟Ä
⁄∆∞Ÿ—æ‰ –Ä∆Ÿ–Ä ∆˘ú-∫›∆≤ ä∆ ¥˘⁄™∫∆ºÍ ||2||
na cånyatra kßetre hari-tanu-sanåthe ’pi sujanåd
rasåsvådaµ prem√å dadhad api vasåmi kßa√am api
samaµ tvetad gråmyåvalibhir abhitanvann api kathåµ
vidhåsye saµvåsaµ vraja-bhüvana eva pratibhavam (2)

Not even for one moment will I reside in any other place than Vraja, even if a Deity of Çrî Hari is
installed in that place and even if I can lovingly relish bhakti-rasa in the company of the Vaiß√avas
who reside there. Birth after birth I will reside in the land of Vraja, even if I may be engaged in idle
conversation with the residents there.
Çrî Sva-niyama-daçakam 49

–ÆŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-é‚œ®ËôöƒÆ™‹ƒ-ꉃŸ-—¨ƒ-æ‹úÄ
∆˘úÄ –—´æùæÊ™ÆÍ æ‹í-⁄∆¿⁄“™ËÉ⁄¥ &‹⁄¢º⁄¥ |
¥‹≤B˝@Ÿ¿Ÿ∆´æŸÄ æÆ-fi¥⁄™º⁄¥ ¥˘Èß-˛⁄∆∫∆ÊÅ
—™‹¿≥™Ä ™B˝ŸòŸ⁄¥ ò ≤ ⁄“ òƒŸº¤⁄’™‹º⁄¥ ||2||
sadå rådhå-k®ß√occhalad-atula-khelå-sthala-yujaµ
vrajaµ santyajyaitad yuga-virahito ’pi tru†im api
punar dvåråvatyåµ yadu-patim api prau∂ha-vibhavai˙
sturantaµ tad våcåpi ca na hi calåmîkßitum api (3)

Even if the immensely opulence king of the Yadus were to personally invite me to go see Him
there and even if I had been feeling separation from Him for millenniums, not for one moment
would I leave the incomparable place where Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a have performed Their pastimes,
Çrî Vraja-bhümi, to go to that Çrî Dvårakå-purî.

í™Ë≥ºŸÆÊ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ —∂‹¿⁄™ “⁄¿®Ÿ ⁄Õƒ{-„ÆæŸ

—∂›¢Ä B˝Ÿ¿Ÿ∆´æŸ⁄º⁄™ æ⁄Æ-Ç®Ë⁄º-Ã˘‹⁄™-™¢‰ |
™ÆŸ“Ä ™&Ê∆ËØÛ™-º⁄™ ¥™Ÿ⁄º ∆˘ú-¥‹¿Ÿ™Í
–º‹•Í•¤æ —∆Ÿ≥™Ÿ⁄∞é-í⁄™ êí‰≥Æ˙ŸÆ⁄¥ ú∆Ÿ™Í ||4||
gatonmådai rådhå sphurati hari√å çli߆a-h®dayå
sphü†aµ dvåråvatyåm iti yadi-ç®√omi-çruti-ta†e
tad åhaµ tatraivoddhata-mati patåmi vraja-puråt
samu∂∂îya svåntådhika-gati khagendråd api javåt (4)

But if I were to hear with my own ears that, overcome with the madness of divine love, Çrîmatî
Rådhikå has gone to Dvårakå and is together there with Çrî K®ß√a, then at that very moment I
would leave Çrî V®ndåvana and with a proud heart fly there even faster than Garu∂a.

Ç≤Ÿ⁄ÆÅ –Ÿ⁄Æ∆Ÿ@ ¥¢‹¿⁄™º‡Æfi∆Ÿ@ ¥˘⁄™¥Æ-

¥˘º¤ƒ™Í韡©æÅ ¥˘í‹®-é¡®Ÿ-“¤≤ Ñ⁄™ ∆Ÿ |
º“Ÿ∆Êé‹©§‰ÀŸ⁄∞é Ñ“ ≤¿Ë ∆Ÿ ∆˘ú¥™‰-
¿æÄ –›≤‹íË@}‰ ¥˘⁄™ú⁄≤ ººŸ—™ŸÄ ¥˘∫‹-∆¿Å ||5||
anådi˙ sådir vå pa†ur ati-m®dur vå pratipada-
pramîlat-kåru√ya˙ pragu√a-karu√å-hîna iti vå
mahå-vaiku√†heçådhika iha naro vå vraja-pater
ayaµ sünur go߆he pratijani mamåståµ prabhu-vara˙ (5)

Whether He is with or without a beginning, whether He is hard or very soft, whether He is mer-
ciful at every step or thoroughly merciless, whether He is more exalted than the master of
Vaiku√†ha, Çrî Nåråya√a, or just an ordinary man, Çrî Nandaråya’s son who is magnificently situat-
ed in the land of Vraja is my Lord birth after birth.
50 Çrî Sva-niyama-daçakam

Ç≤ŸB‡´æËÆÍí¤™Ÿº⁄¥ º‹⁄≤-í®Ê∆@Ê⁄®é-º‹êÊÅ
¥˘∆¤®ŸÄ íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@º⁄¥ ò ⁄≤íºÊ—™™Í ⁄¥˘æ™ºŸºÍ |
æÅ äéÄ íË⁄∆≥ÆÄ ∫ú⁄™ 饢¤ ÆŸÄ⁄∫é™æŸ
™Æªæ®‰@ À¤®‰@ ’®º⁄¥ ≤ æŸ⁄º ∆˘™⁄ºÆºÍ ||6||
anåd®tyodgîtåm api muni-ga√air vai√ika-mukhai˙
pravî√åµ gåndharvåm api ca nigamais tat priyatamåm
ya˙ ekaµ govindaµ bhajati kapa†î dåmbhikatayå
tad-abhyar√e çîr√e kßa√am api na yåmi vratam idam (6)

Not even for one moment will I take the dry association of a hypocritical person who vainly wor-
ships Çrî Govinda alone and does not worship Çrîmatî Rådhikå, who has been declared by the
munis headed by Nåråda ‰ßi and by all the scriptures to be K®ß√a’s dearmost beloved.

ÇúŸ©•‰ ¿Ÿ∞‰⁄™ —∂‹¿Æ⁄∫∞æŸ ⁄–#-ú≤æŸ-

É≤æŸ –ŸéÄ é‚œ®Ä ∫ú⁄™ æ Ñ“ ¥˘‰º-≤⁄º™Å|
¥¿Ä ¥˘’Ÿ≈æÊ™ôò¿®-麃‰ ™ùúƒº“Ë
º‹ÆŸ ¥¤´∆Ÿ ÀÕ∆⁄ôö¿⁄– ò ∆“Ÿ⁄∫ ¥˘⁄™⁄Æ≤ºÍ ||7||
ajå√∂e rådheti sphurad-abhidhayå sikta-janayå
’nayå såkaµ k®ß√aµ bhajati ya iha prema-namita˙
paraµ prakßålyaitac-cara√a-kamale taj-jalam aho
mudå pîtvå çaçvac chirasi ca vahåmi pratidinam (7)

The eminent and splendid name of “Çrî Rådhå” immerses everyone in prema, and that person in
this universe who lovingly offers pra√åma unto and worships Çrîmatî Rådhikå accompanied by Çrî
K®ß√a—aho! I daily wash the lotus feet of that person, perpetually drink their cara√åm®ta with
great delight, and carry that person on my head.

¥⁄¿´æ#Å ¥˘‰æËú≤-–º‹ÆæÊ∏Ÿ@߲º–‹∞¤-
Æfi@¿≥∞Ë ≤¤¿≥∞˘Ä éÆ≤∫¿∆Ÿ∞È @ ⁄≤¥⁄™™Å |
™‡®Ä Æ≥™ÊÆ@{Í∆Ÿ ò¢‹⁄∫¿⁄∫æŸò‰ÉY é‚¥æŸ
—∆æÄ Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@ —∆-¥Æ-≤⁄ƒ≤Ÿ≥™Ä ≤晋 ºŸºÍ ||8||
parityakta˙ preyojana-samudayair bå∂ham asudhîr
durandho nîrandhraµ kadana-bhara-vårdhau nipatita˙
t®√aµ dantair da߆vå ca†ubhir abhiyåce ’dya k®payå
svayaµ çrî-gåndharvå sva-pada-nalinåntaµ nayatu måm (8)

Abandoned by my dear friends headed by Çrî Rüpa and Çrî Sanåtana, ignorant, blind, and having
fallen into an ocean which is filled with various miseries, today I take a blade of straw in my teeth
and fervently pray that Çrîmatî Rådhikå Herself will be merciful and lead me to Her lotus feet.
Çrî Sva-niyama-daçakam 51

¥ÆŸ¨@Ê⁄≤@∆Ÿ@“¯ …æ∆„⁄™ºÆÄ∫Ä –⁄≤æºÅ |
∆–Ÿ⁄ºÀŸ-é‹©•‰ ⁄í⁄¿-鋃-∆¿‰ òÊ∆ –ºæ‰
º⁄¿œæ‰ ™‹ ¥˘‰œ§‰ –¿⁄– ꃋ ú¤∆Ÿ⁄Æ¥‹¿™Å ||9||
vrajotpanna-kßîråçana-vasana-påtrådibhir ahaµ
padårthair nirvåhya vyavah®tim adambhaµ sa-niyama˙
vasåm içå-ku√∂e giri-kula-vare caiva samaye
marißye tu pre߆he sarasi khalu jîvådi-purata˙ (9)

Humbly maintaining my life with the milk, garments, pots, and other objects produced in Vraja-
dhåma, I will live in a regulated manner at Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a and Giriråja Govardhana, and when
the time comes, on the bank of my beloved Çrî Rådhå-ku√∂a I will give up my life in the presence
of the devotees headed by Çrî Jîva Goswåmî.

∆¥‹Å Ã˘¤íŸ≥∞∆Ÿ@-—º¿-⁄≤é¿ Æ¤…æÆÍ⁄í⁄¿∫‡™ËÅ |
⁄∆∞Ÿ—æ‰ é‹°úŸÆÈ ⁄∆⁄∆∞-∆⁄¿∆—æŸÅ –¿∫–Ä
¿“Å Ã˘¤¬¥Ÿëæ-⁄¥˘æ™ºú≤—æÊ∆ ò¿ºÅ ||10||
vapu˙ çrî-gåndharvå-smara-nikara dîvyad-giribh®to˙
vidhåsye kuñjådau vividha-varivasyå˙ sa-rabhasaµ
raha˙ çrî-rüpåkhya-priyatama-janasyaiva carama˙ (10)

Following behind my dearly beloved friend named Çrî Rüpa, in secluded kuñjas and other places
I will blissfully render various services to Çrîmatî Rådhikå, whose incomparable beauty defeats even
the resplendent attractiveness of Lakßmîdevî, and Çrî Giridhårî, who is lustrous like a multitude of

é‚™Ä é‰≤Ÿµæ‰™⁄≥≤ú-⁄≤æº-ÀÄ⁄–-—™∆⁄ººÄ
¥§‰ÆÍ æË ⁄∆Ã˘π∞Å ⁄¥˘æ-æ‹íƒ-¬¥‰É⁄¥@™‰-º≤ŸÅ |
B‡ß˛Ä íË}Ë „{Ë ∆–⁄™ ∆–⁄™Ä ¥˘Ÿµæ –ºæ‰
º‹ÆŸ ¿Ÿ∞Ÿ-éœ®È ∫ú⁄™ – ⁄“ ™‰≤Ê∆ –⁄“™Å ||11||
k®taµ kenåpy etan nija-niyama-çaµsi-stavam imaµ
pa†hed yo viçrabdha˙ priya-yugala-rüpe ’rpite-manå˙
d®dhaµ go߆ho h®ß†o vasati vasatiµ pråpya samaye
mudå rådhå-k®ß√au bhajati sa hi tenaiva sahita˙ (11)

Whoever offers their heart unto the rüpa of the Divine Couple (or unto Their loving servant Çrî
Rüpa) and with faith recites this prayer of self-imposed regulative principles which has been com-
posed by some mendicant, will at the appropriate time obtain blissful residence in Vraja-dhåma
where they will definitely render joyful service to Çrî Çrî Rådhå-K®ß√a in the company of Çrî Rüpa.

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