Process Technical Information

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4 Process Technical Information

Table 1: Mass flowrate information of oxidative hydrogenation process (Nestlerode, Ngo &
Haidermota, 2015)

Inlets Outlets
Component Flow S-208 S-306 S-307
Propylene 535
Tran-Butene 10025
Cis-Butene 7032
1-Butene 1247 1247
1:3 Butadiene 15622
Carbon Dioxide 2676
Oxygen 7566 27
Nitrogen 24919 24919
H2O 6298
Trans-C6 1 1
Cis-C5 208 208
Trans-C5 633 633
Total mass flowrate 19681 32485 52166

Table 2: Operating temperature and pressure of oxidative hydrogenation process stream

(Nestlerode et al, 2015)

Stream Temperature (OF) Pressure (Psia)

S-208 143 100
S-301 449.2 100
S-302 449.2 44
S-303 752 44
S-304 68 15
S-305 372 44
S-306 752 44
S-307 752 44
S-308 485.3 300
535 lb/hr Propylene, 10025 lb/hr Tran-Butene, 7032 lb/hr Cis-Butene, 1247 lb/hr 1-
Butene, 1 lb/hr Trans-C6, 208 lb/hr Cis-C5 and 633 lb/hr Trans-C5 with total mass flowrate
19681 lbs/hr are in the S-208 stream. The stream (S-208) was condensed and cooled from
240OF and 103 psia to a liquid at 143OF and 100 Psia. The compressed air mixture (7566 lb/hr
Oxygen and 24919 lb/hr Nitrogen) were heated from 372OF to 752OF in a single-pass shell
and tube heat exchanger (H-301). The compressed air mixture at 752OF and 44 psia in S-307
entered the tube side of H-302 and heated the liquid stream in S-208 from 143OF and 100 psia
to 449.2OF and 100 psia at S-301. The pressure is relieved from the stream using V-301, that
reduce the operating pressure from 100 psia to 44 psia. The stream (S-302) is further heated
in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, H-303 from 449.2OF to 792OF. The stream (S-303) and
compressed air stream (S-306) entered the fixed-bed shell and tube packed bed reactor
operating at 752OF and 44 psia. The oxidative dehydrogenation occurred in the fixed-bed shell
and tube packed bed reactor. The reactor effluent leaves at 752OF and 44 psia, the stream is
cooled in a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (H-302) from 752OF to 485.3OF and pressure is
raises to 300 psia. The effluent consists of 535 lb/hr Propylene, 1247 lb/hr 1-Butene, 15622
1:3 Butadiene, 2676 lb/hr Carbon Dioxide, 27 lb/hr Oxygen, 24919 lb/hr Nitrogen, 6298 lb/hr
water, 1 Trans-C6, 208 lb/hr Cis-C5 and 633 lb/hr Trans-C5 (Nestlerode et al, 2015).

Nestlerode, A., Ngo, V., & Haidermota, S. (2015). Production of 1,3-Butadiene from Propylene.
Senior Design Reports (CBE), 77.

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