Format Template Hirarc (Hydrogen) New

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Function / Department : Research Laboratory

Legal : FMA 1967/ OSHA1994 Assessors : 1)

Job performed by : Section: -

Prepared by / Date : Checked by / Date :

Name of Chemicals Structure CAS No form of Purity DG Class Hazard Identific
wt% v/v%

May cause frostbite on liquefi

Induce headache dizziness, w
consciousness and death on i
Hydrogen H2 1333-74-0 Gas 2.1 Flammable liquid and gas.
Explosive when mix with oxid


Health Effect √ Hazardous Reaction √ Route of Exposure √
Irritant Explosive Inhalation √
Corrosive Flammable √ Skin Absorbtion √
Sensitiser Peroxide forming chemicals Eye contact √
Asphyxiant Water reactive Ingestion
Toxic Oxidising agents Needlestick
Carcinogenic Cryognic
Mutagenic Pyrophoric

Engineering Controls Administrative Controls Training Control PPE Controls Waste Disposal
1. Use with adequate ventilation to maintain 1. Contaminated work clothes 1. Where possible, enclose 1. Wear working gloves 1. Do not discharge into areas where
oxygen levels above 19.5% in the workplace. should be laundered by individual operations and use local when handling gas there is a risk of forming an explosive
2. Local exhaust ventilation is preferred, who have been informed of the exhaust ventilation at the site containers. Standard EN mixture with air.
because it prevents Hydrogen dispersion into hazards of exposure to hydrogen. of chemical release. If local 388 - Protective gloves 2. Waste gas should be flared
the work place by eliminating it at its source. 2. Eye wash fountains should be exhaust ventilation of against mechanical risk. through a suitable burner with flash
3. If appropriate, install automatic monitoring provided in the immediate work enclosure is not used, 2. Personal eye-protection back arrestor.
equipment to detect the level of oxygen and area for emergency uses. respirators should be worn. - Standard EN 166 3. Do not discharge into any place
the presence of potentially explosive air-gas 3. If there is the possibility of skin 2. Wear protective work 3. Consider the use of where its accumulation could be
mixtures. exposure, emergency shower clothing. flame resistant anti-static dangerous.
4. Monitoring devices should be installed facilities should be provided. 3.Post hazard and warning safety clothing. 4. Ensure that the emission levels
near the ceiling. 4. On skin contact with hydrogen, information in the work area. 4. Wear safety shoes while from local regulations or operating
immediately wash or shower to 4. Communicate all handling containers - permits are not exceeded
remove the chemical. At the end of information on the health and Standard EN ISO 20345
work shift, wash any areas of the safety hazards of hydrogen to
body that may have contacted potentially exposed workers.
hydrogen, whether or not know
skin contact has occurred.
5. Do not eat, smoke, or drink
where hydrogen, processed, or
stored since the chemical can be
swallowed. Wash hand carefully
before eating, drinking, smoking or
using the toilet.


Approved by / Date :

d Identification Classification of the substance SDS

Flam. Gas 1
Press. Gas(Comp.)
Gases under pressure
on liquefied contact. R12
zziness, weakness, loss of F+
death on inhalation. Y
nd gas.
with oxidizing agent.

Evidence of Exposure
Presence of dusts/ fumes/ odours
Leaks/ spills/ residues
Workers symptom and complaints
Neighbouring activities and impact

Storage incompatibility Safety Instructions

1. Cylinders should be stored in dry, well- 1. Protect cylinders against
ventilated areas away from sources of heat. physical damage.
2. Compressed gases can present significant 2. Store in cool, dry, well-
safety hazards. ventilated area, away from
3. Store containers away from heavily sources of heat, ignition and
trafficked areas and emergency exits. direct sunlight.
4. Post “No Smoking or Open Flames” signs in 3. Do not allow area where
storage or use areas. Note: Liquid Hydrogen cylinders are stored to
must always be handled in air-tight systems exceed 52°C (125°F).
specifically designed and installed for liquid 4. Isolate from oxidizers
Hydrogen, according to the appropriate such as oxygen, chlorine, or
standards, NFPA-50B, CGA G-5, G-5.3, G-5.4, fluorine. Use a check valve
and the supplier’s internal specifications. or trap in the discharge line
5. This gas is lighter than air and must not be to prevent hazardous
allowed to accumulate in elevated locations. backflow.
5. Post “No Smoking or
Open Flame” signs in
storage and use areas.
6. Cylinders should be
stored upright and be firmly
secured to prevent falling or
being knocked over.
7. Cylinders can be stored in
the open, but in such cases,
should be protected against
extremes of weather and
from the dampness of the
ground to prevent rusting.
8. Never tamper with
pressure relief devices in
valves and cylinders.
9. Electrical equipment
should be non-sparking or
explosion proof.
from the dampness of the
ground to prevent rusting.
8. Never tamper with
pressure relief devices in
valves and cylinders.
9. Electrical equipment
should be non-sparking or
explosion proof.

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