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The document discusses different types of hydraulic motors and their applications.

The three main methods of power transmission are mechanical, electrical, and fluid power.

The two main types of fluid power systems are hydraulic systems and pneumatic systems.


Hydraulics and Pneumatics


In the industry we use three methods for transmitting power from one
point to another.

ϞMechanical transmission is through shafts, gears, chains, belts, etc.

ϞElectrical transmission is through wires, transformers, etc.

Ϟ Fluid power is through liquids or gas in a confined space.

we shall discuss on fluid power, hydraulic system, advantages, limitations,

applications, Pascal's law, structure of hydraulic control system Classification.
Fluid Power and Its Scope

Fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation, control and
transmission of forces and movement of mechanical element or system with
the use of pressurized fluids in a confined system. Both liquids and gases are
considered fluids. Fluid power system includes a hydraulic system (hydra
meaning water in Greek) and a pneumatic system (pneuma meaning air in
Greek). Oil hydraulic employs pressurized liquid petroleum oils and synthetic
oils, and pneumatic employs compressed air that is released to the
atmosphere after performing the work.
Fluid Power Applications Can Be
Classified Into Two Major Segments

Stationary Hydraulics
Stationary hydraulic systems remain firmly fixed in one position. The
characteristic feature of stationary hydraulics is that valves are mainly solenoid

The applications of stationary hydraulics are as follows:

ϞProduction and assembly of vehicles of all types.

ϞMachine tools and transfer lines.
ϞLifting and conveying devices.
ϞMetal-forming presses.
ϞPlastic machinery such as injection-molding machines.
ϞRolling machines.
ϞFood processing machinery.
ϞAutomatic handling equipment and robots.
Mobile hydraulics

Mobile hydraulic systems move on wheels or tracks such as a tower

crane or excavator truck to operate in many different locations or while
moving. A characteristic feature of mobile hydraulics is that the valves are
frequently manually operated.

The applications of mobile hydraulics are as follows

ϞAutomobiles, tractors, aeroplanes, missile, boats, etc.

ϞConstruction machinery.
ϞTippers, excavators and elevating platforms.
ϞLifting and conveying devices.
ϞAgricultural machinery.
The following are the two types of hydraulic systems:

1.Fluid transport systems

Their sole objective is the delivery of a fluid from one location to
another to accomplish some useful purpose. Examples include pumping
stations for pumping water to homes, cross-country gas lines, etc.

2. Fluid power systems

These are designed to perform work. In fluid power systems, work is
obtained by pressurized fluid acting directly on a fluid cylinder or a fluid
motor. A cylinder produces a force resulting in linear motion, whereas a fluid
motor produces a torque resulting in rotary motion.
Advantages of a Fluid Power System
Oil hydraulics stands out as the prime moving force in machinery and
equipment designed to handle medium to heavy loads. In the early stages of
industrial development, mechanical linkages were used along with prime movers
such as electrical motors and engines for handling loads. But the mechanical
efficiency of linkages was very low and the linkages often failed under critical
loading conditions. With the advent of fluid power technology and associated
electronics and control, it is used in every industry now.

1. Fluid Power Systems Are Simple, Easy To Operate And Can Be

Controlled Accurately

Fluid power gives flexibility to equipment without requiring a complex

mechanism. Using fluid power, we can start, stop, accelerate, decelerate,
reverse or position large forces/components with great accuracy using simple
levers and push buttons. For example, in Earth-moving equipment, bucket
carrying load can be raised or lowered by an operator using a lever. The
landing gear of an aircraft can be retrieved to home position by the push
2. Multiplication and variation of forces
Linear or rotary force can be multiplied by a fraction of a kilogram to
several hundreds of tons.

3. Multifunction control
A single hydraulic pump or air compressor can provide power and
control for numerous machines using valve manifolds and distribution systems.
The fluid power controls can be placed at a central station so that the operator
has, at all times, a complete control of the entire production line, whether it be a
multiple operation machine or a group of machines. Such a setup is more or less
standard in the steel mill industry.

4. Low-speed torque
Unlike electric motors, air or hydraulic motors can produce a large
amount of torque while operating at low speeds. Some hydraulic and pneumatic
motors can even maintain torque at a very slow speed without overheating.

5. Constant force or torque

Fluid power systems can deliver constant torque or force regardless of
speed changes
6. Economical
Not only reduction in required manpower but also the production or
elimination of operator fatigue, as a production factor, is an important element
in the use of fluid power.

7. Low weight to power ratio

The hydraulic system has a low weight to power ratio compared to
electromechanical systems. Fluid power systems are compact.

8. Fluid power systems can be used where safety

is of vital importance
Safety is of vital importance in air and space travel, in the production and
operation of motor vehicles, in mining and manufacture of delicate products. For
example, hydraulic systems are responsible for the safety of takeoff, landing and
flight of airplanes and space craft. Rapid advances in mining and tunneling are
the results of the application of modern hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Basic Components of a Hydraulic System

Hydraulic systems are power-transmitting assemblies employing

pressurized liquid as a fluid for transmitting energy from an energy-generating
source to an energy-using point to accomplish useful work. Figure shows a
simple circuit of a hydraulic system with basic components.
1. The hydraulic actuator is a device used to convert the fluid power
into mechanical power to do useful work. The actuator may be of the linear
type (e.g., hydraulic cylinder) or rotary type(e.g., hydraulic motor) to provide
linear or rotary motion, respectively.

2. The hydraulic pump is used to force the fluid from the reservoir to rest of
the hydraulic circuit by converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.

3. Valves are used to control the direction, pressure and flow rate of a fluid
flowing through the circuit.

4. External power supply (motor) is required to drive the pump.

5. Reservoir is used to hold the hydraulic liquid, usually hydraulic oil.

6. Piping system carries the hydraulic oil from one place to another.

7. Filters are used to remove any foreign particles so as keep the fluid system
clean and efficient, as well as avoid damage to the actuator and valves.

8. Pressure regulator regulates (i.e., maintains) the required level of

pressure in the system
Pascal’s Law
Pressure exerted anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is
transmitted equally in all direction Throughout the fluid such that the
pressure variation is equally distributed.

a force is being applied to a piston,

which in turn exerts a pressure on
the confined fluid. The pressure is
equal everywhere and acts at right
angles to the containing surfaces.
Pressure is defined as the force
acting per unit area and is expressed
Pascal’s Law
Multiplication of Force
The most useful feature of fluid power is the ease with which it is able to multiply
force. This is accomplished by using an output piston that is larger than the input
piston. Such a system is shown

This system consists of an input cylinder on the left and an output cylinder on the right
that is filled with oil. When the input force is Fin on the input piston, the pressure in
the system is given by
• Manufacturing Cost is high – Precision

• Leakage of Oil

• Special Care is needed to Protect from Dust, Dirt,


• Fire Hazards

• Disintegration due to aging and chemical Deterioration

Desirable Properties Of a Hydraulic Fluid

The components in a hydraulic system contains many surfaces which are in

close contact and which move in relation to each other. The hydraulic
fluid must separate and lubricate such surfaces.
Protection against wear is a principal reason for selecting a fluid having
good lubricating characteristics as a hydraulic medium


Viscosity is very important fluid property from the point of view of actual
use. In general viscosity of the fluid varies with temperature and pressure.
Maximum and minimum operating temperatures, along with the system's
load, determine the fluid's viscosity requirements. The fluid must maintain
a minimum viscosity at the highest operating temperature. However, the
hydraulic fluid must not be so viscous at low temperature that it cannot be
Fluid characteristics should remain unchanged during an extended useful
life and during storage. The fluid in a working hydraulic system is
subjected to violent usage- large pressure fluctuations, shock, turbulence,
aeration, water and particulate contamination, high shear rates, large
temperature variations. During its service and storage period it should not
react with any of the parts of the hydraulics system components or


From the design point of view , it is expected that the hydraulic fluid should
be inert to those materials used in or near the hydraulic equipments. If the
fluid in anyway attacks, destroys , dissolves or change parts of the hydraulic
system , the system may lose its function efficiency and may start

Replacement of one hydraulic fluid with another involves the consideration of


An important requirement of the fluid is to carry heat away from the

working parts. Pressure drops, mechanical friction, fluid friction, leakages, all
generates heat. The fluid must carry the generated heat away and readily
dissipate it to the atmosphere or coolers.
Therefore high thermal conductivity and high specific heat values are desirable
in the fluid chosen


In general , oil is taken as incompressible. However in practice all materials

are compressible and so is oil. The bulk modulus is a measure of the degree of
compressibility of the fluid and is the reciprocal of the compressibility. The
higher the bulk modulus , the lesser the material will be compressed with
increasing pressure.

Bulk modulus is an important characteristic of a hydraulic fluid because of

control problems, especially in servomotors
This is an important consideration for hydraulic system which must operate
in outdoors, in low temperature environments or at high altitudes. Low
temperature properties may be described by the pour point or viscosity –
temperature characteristics of fluid.


the commonly used hydraulic liquids are petroleum derivatives, and
consequently they burn vigorously once they pass the flash point
The flash point of a hydraulic oil is defined as the temperature at which
flashes will be generated when the oil is brought in contact with any heated
matter. When Hydraulic Systems Are Used At Elevated Temperatures This
Should Not Cause Any Fire Hazard And Explosions.
 for critical applications artificial or synthetic hydraulic fluids are used
which have high fire resistances.
Various grades of fluid with high water content are also available
now a days for oil hydraulic system

When foam is carried by a fluid, it degrades system performance and

therefore should be eliminated. Foam usually can be prevented by eliminating air
leaks within the system. However, two general types of foam still occur
•surface foam, which usually collects on the fluid surface in a reservoir, and
•entrained air.
Surface foam is the easiest to eliminate, with defoaming additives or by
proper sump design so that foam enters the sump and has time to

Entrained air can cause more serious problems because this foam is
drawn into the system. In worst cases, it causes cavitations, a
hammering action that can destroy parts. Entrained air is usually
prevented by properly selecting the additive and base oils. Caution:
certain anti-foam agents, when used at a high concentration to reduce
surface foam, will increase entrained air.
Also linked to the foam problem, is fluid viscosity, which determines
how easily air bubbles can migrate through the fluid and escape.
Two potential corrosion problems must be considered: system rusting and
acidic chemical corrosion. System rusting occurs when water carried by the
fluid attacks ferrous metal parts. Most hydraulic fluids contain rust inhibitors
to protect against system rusting. The tests used to measure this capability are
ASTM D 665 A and B. To protect against chemical corrosion, other additives
must be considered. The additives must also exhibit good stability in the
presence of water (hydrolytic stability) to prevent break down and acidic
attack on system metals.


the fluid should have a low volatility. i.e. low vapour pressure or high
boiling point characteristics. High vapour pressure may cause high back
pressure or vapour – lock resulting in lack of adequate flow. The vapour
pressure of the fluid varies with temperature and hence the operating
temperature range of the system is important in determining the stability o f
the fluid.
Pumping Theory

P ump operates on the principle whereby a partial

vacuum is created at the pump inlet due to the internal
operation of the pump. This allows atmospheric pressure to
push the fluid out of the oil tank ( reservoir)and into the
pump intake. The pump then mechanically pushes the fluid
out the discharge line
Classification of Pump
Fixed Displacement Pumps
A fixed-displacement pump has a set flow rate — every stroke of the
motor moves the same amount of fluid.
• Fixed-displacement pumps are Simple
•Relatively inexpensive
•Easier to maintain
The simplest type of fixed-displacement pump is the gear pump, in
which the hydraulic fluid is pushed by rotating gears. In some
models, the gears are sequential; in the quieter and more efficient
version, the gears are interlocking. Another common variation is the
screw pump, which uses the classic Archimedes screw, which looks
much like a drill bit, to move the fluid. They have the advantage of
providing a high rate of flow at relatively low pressures.
Variable Displacement Pumps

In a variable-displacement pump, the flow rate and outlet pressure can

be changed as the pump operates. This results in pumps that are
•More complex
•More expensive
•Capable of doing a wider variety of jobs
The most common type of variable-displacement pump is the rotary
vane pump, which is a variation of the gear pump in which the ‗gear‘ is
offset and the ‗cogs‘ aren‘t fixed, but rather extend and retract as the
gear turns, allowing the pump to increase the pressure of the fluid by
compacting it as it pushes the fluid through. The top-tier pumps,
however, are bent-axis piston-and-cylinder pumps, much like the ones
that are used in an internal combustion engine.
Simple, fixed-displacement pumps are perfect for single jobs that need
to be repeated indefinitely over long periods of time; variable-
displacement pumps can be used to power a wider variety of tools, but
require more expense and more attention.
Non Positive Displacement Pump

This pump design is used mainly for fluid

transfer in systems where the only resistance
found is created by the weight of the fluid
itself and friction
Most non-positive displacement pumps shown in the figure
operate by centrifugal force. Fluids entering the center of the pump
housing are thrown to the outside by means of a rapidly driven
impeller. There is no positive seal between the inlet and outlet ports,
and pressure capabilities a function of drive speed.

Although it provides a smooth, continuous flow, the output from this

type of pump is reduced as resistance is increased.

In fact, it is possible to completely block off the outlet while the pump is
running. For this and other reasons, non-positive displacement pumps
are seldom used in power hydraulic systems today.

These properties make it a more likely choice for a water pump in a car
engine, dishwasher or washing machine. It could also be used as a
supercharge pump for a positive displacement pump.
The positive displacement pump is most commonly used in
industrial hydraulic systems. A positive displacement pump delivers to the
system, a specific amount of fluid per stroke, revolution, or cycle. This type of
pump is classified as fixed or variable displacement.

Fixed displacement pumps have a displacement which cannot be changed

without replacing certain components. With some, however, it is possible to
vary the size of the pumping chamber (and the displacement) by using
external controls. These pumps are known as variable displacement pumps.

Certain vane pumps and piston units can be varied from maximum to zero
delivery. Some are capable of reversing their flow as the control crosses a
center or neutral position.

The pressure is determined by the workload, and except for leakage losses,
the output is independent of outlet pressure. This makes the positive
displacement pump more appropriate for use in the transmission of power.

The three best-known positive displacement pumps: gear pumps, vane

pumps, and piston pumps.
It comprises mainly a housing (1), in
which a pair of gears run with such low
axial and radial play, that the unit is
practically oil-tight.

The suction side (blue) is connected to

the tank. The pressure side (red) is
connected to the hydraulic system.

The inner gear 2 is driven in the direction of the arrow, and takes external gear
3 along with it in the same direction.
The rotary movement causes the gears to separate, so that the gear spaces are
The negative pressure caused by this and the atmospheric pressure on the fluid
level in the tank cause fluid to run from the tank to the pump. One generally
says ―the pump sucks‖.
The fluid fills the gear spaces, which form closed chambers with the housing and
the crescent 4, during further movement, and is pushed to the pressure side
The gears then interlock once more and push the fluid from the gear chambers.
the figure above illustrates the operation of an external gear pump, which
develops flow by carrying fluid between the teeth of two meshing gears. one of
the gear is connected to a drive shaft connected to the prime mover. The second
gear is driven as it meshes with the driver gear. Oil chambers are formed
between the gear teeth, the pump housing , and the side wear plates. The
suction side is where the teeth come out of the mesh, and it is here that
bringing about a reduction in pressure to below atmospheric pressure. Fluid is
pushed into this void by atmospheric pressure because the oil supply tank is
vented to the atmosphere. The discharge side is where teeth go into mesh, and it
is here that the volume decreases between mating teeth.
Volumetric Displacement And Theoretical Flow Rate

D0 outer diameter of gear teeth

Di inside diameter of the gear teeth
L width of gear teeth
VD displacement volume of pump
N rpm of pump
QT theoretical pump flow rate

Volumetric displacement of the pump can be found by calculating the volume

of hollow cylinder of outside diameter D0 and inside diameter Di, where length
of the cylinder is L.
There are actually two such cylinder volumes(because there are two gears)
where oil would fill inside of the pump if there is no gear teeth.
However one half of these two volumes is taken up by the gear teeth of both
gears . Thus , the volumetric displacement can be written as

VD = (D02 – Di2) L

Theoretical flow rate QT = VD * N

Volumetric Efficiency

there must be a small clearance (about 0.001 in) between the tip and
pump casing. As a result, some of the oil at the discharge port can leak
directly back towards the suction port.

This means that the actual flow rate QA is less than the theoretical
flow rate QT , which is based on volumetric displacement of the pump
speed. This internal leakage is called as pump slippage and is defined by
the term volumetric efficiency, which is about 90% for positive
displacement pumps operating at design pressure

hv =


Configuration and operation of the internal gear pump is as shown. This design
consists of an internal gear. A regular spur gear , a crescent –shaped seal, and
an external housing. As power is applied to either gear, the motion of the
gears draws fluid from the reservoir and forces it around both sides of the
crescent seal, the crescent seal, which acts as a seal between the suction and
discharge ports. When the teeth mesh on the side opposite to crescent seal. The
fluid is forced to enter the discharge port of the pump
Classification of Pumps
3. Lobe Pump
This pump works in a fashion similar to the external gear pump. But unlike
the external gear pump, both lobes are driven externally so that they do not
actually contact each other. Thus they are quieter than other types of gear
due to smaller number of mating parts , the lobe pump output will have a
somewhat greater amount of pulsation, although its volumetric displacement
is generally greater than that of other types of gear pump.
• The gerotor pump operates very mush like the internal gear
pump. Thinner gear rotor (gerotor element ) is power driven
and draws the outer gear rotor around as they mesh together.
This forms inlet and discharge pumping chambers between the
rotor lobes. The tip of the inner and outer rotor make contact to
seal the pumping chamber from each other. The inner gear has
one tooth less than the outer gear, and the volumetric
displacement is determined by the space formed by the extra
tooth in the outer rotor.
the screw pump is an axial flow positive displacement unit. Three precision
ground screws, meshing within a close fitting housing , deliver nonpulsating
,flow quietly and efficiently. The two symmetrically opposed idler rotors acts
as rotating seals confining the fluid in a succession of closures or stages. The
idler rotors are in rolling contact with the central power rotor and are free to
float in their respective housing bores on a hydrodynamic oil film. There are no
radial bending loads . Axial hydraulic forces on the rotor set are balanced,
eliminating any need for thrust bearing
The figure illustrates the operation of vane pump, the rotor, which contains
radial slots are splined to the drive shaft and rotates inside the cam ring. Each
slot contains a vane designed to mate with the surface of the cam ring as the
rotor turns. Centrifugal forces keeps the vanes out against the surface of the cam
ring. During one half revolution of rotor rotation, the volume increases between
the rotor and the cam ring. The resulting volume expansion causes a reduction
of pressure. This is the suction process, which causes fluid to flow through the
inlet port and fill the void. As the rotor rotates through the second half
revolution, the surface of the cam ring pushes the vanes back to their slots, and
the trapped volume is reduced. This positively ejects the trapped fluid through
the discharge port
Balanced Vane Type pump

A balanced vane type pump is one that has two intake and two outlet ports.
Diametrically opposite to each other. Thus pressure ports are opposite each
other and a complete hydraulic balance is achieved. Instead of having a
circular cam ring, a balanced design has an elliptical housing, which forms
two separate pumping chamber on opposite sides of the rotor.

Balanced vane pump cannot be designed as variable displacement unit.
Axial Piston Pump

Axial piston pumps are positive displacement pumps which converts

rotary motion of the input shaft into an axial reciprocating motion of
the pistons. These pumps have a number of pistons (usually an odd
number) in a circular array within a housing which is commonly referred
to as a cylinder block, rotor or barrel. These pumps are used in jet
aircraft. They are also used in small earthmoving plants such as skid
loader machines. Another use is to drive the screws of torpedoes. In
general, these systems have a maximum operating temperature of about
120°C. Therefore, the leakage between cylinder housing and body block
is used for cooling and lubrication of the rotating parts. This cylinder
block rotates by an integral shaft aligned with the pistons.

These pumps have sub-types as:

Bent axis piston pumps
Swash plate axial piston pump
Swash Plate Axial Piston Pump
A swash plate is a device that translates the rotary motion of a shaft into the
reciprocating motion. It consists of a disk attached to a shaft as shown in
Figure If the disk is aligned perpendicular to the shaft; the disk will turn
along with the rotating shaft without any reciprocating effect. Similarly, the
edge of the inclined shaft will appear to oscillate along the shaft's length.
This apparent linear motion increases with increase in the angle between
disk and the shaft (offset angle). The apparent linear motion can be
converted into an actual reciprocating motion by means of a follower that
does not turn with the swash plate.
In swash plate axial piston pump a series of
pistons are aligned coaxially with a shaft
through a swash plate to pump a fluid. The
schematic of swash plate piston pump is shown
in Figure The axial reciprocating motion of
pistons is obtained by a swash plate that is either
fixed or has variable degree of angle. As the
piston barrel assembly rotates, the piston rotates
around the shaft with the piston shoes in contact
with the swash plate. The piston shoes follow
the angled surface of the swash plate and the
rotational motion of the shaft is converted into
the reciprocating motion of the pistons.
•Swash plate pumps have a rotating cylinder containing pistons.
•A spring pushes the pistons against a stationary swash plate, which sits at an angle to
the cylinder.
•The pistons suck in fluid during half a revolution and push fluid out during the other
•Shown on edge on the far right in the animation is a dark stationary disk. It contains
two semi-circular ports. It is shown again in a head-on view below, right.
•These ports allow the pistons to draw in fluid as they move toward the swash plate
(on the backside and not shown here) and discharge it as they move away.
•For a given speed swash plate pumps can be of fixed displacement like this one, or
variable by having a variable swash plate angle. The greater the slant the further the
pistons move and the more fluid they transfer.
When the swash plate is perpendicular to the shaft; the reciprocating motion to the
piston does not occur. As the swash plate angle increases, the piston follows the
angle of the swash plate surface and hence it moves in and out of the barrel. The
piston moves out of the cylinder barrel during one half of the cycle of rotation
thereby generating an increasing volume, while during other half of the rotating
cycle, the pistons move into the cylinder barrel generating a decreasing volume.
This reciprocating motion of the piston results in the drawing in and pumping out of
the fluid. Pump capacity can be controlled by varying the swash plate angle with the
help of a separate hydraulic cylinder. The pump capacity (discharge) increases with
increase in the swash plate angle and vice-versa. The cylinder block and the drive
shaft in this pump are located on the same centerline. The pistons are connected
through shoes and a shoe plate that bears against the swash plate. These pumps can
be designed to have a variable displacement capability. It can be done by mounting
the swash plate in a movable yoke. The swash plate angle can be changed by pivoting
the yoke on pintles.
Swash-Plate-Type Piston Pump

In this type, the cylinder block and drive shaft are located on the
same centerline.
The pistons are connected to a shoe plate that bears against an
angled swash plate.
As the cylinder rotates, the pistons reciprocate because the piston
shoes follow the angled surface of the swash plate.
The outlet And inlet ports are located in the valve plate so that the
pistons pass the inlet as they are being pulled out and pass the
outlet as they are being forced back in.

This type of pump can also be designed to have a variable

displacement capability. The maximum swash plate angle is
limited to 17.5 degree by construct
In a bent-axis piston pump, the cylinder block turns with
the drive shaft, but at an offset angle.
The piston rods are attached to the drive shaft flange by
ball joints and are forced in and out of their bores as the
distance between the drive shaft flange and cylinder block
A universal link keys the cylinder block to the drive shaft to
maintain alignment and assure that they turn together. The
link does not transmit force, except to accelerate and
decelerate the cylinder block and to overcome resistance of
the block revolving in the oil-filled housing.
The displacement of this pump varies between 0 to 30
degrees, depending on the offset angle
Operation of A Swash-plate-type Piston Pump
Volumetric Displacement and Theoretical Flow Rate
of an Axial Piston Pump
θ be an offset angle,
S the piston stroke in m,
D the piston circle diameter,
Y the number of pistons,
A the piston area in m2,
N the piston speed in RPM
and the rate in m3
theoretical flow min. T Q

Pump design with a wide range of operating

characteristics are available.

A designer must select carefully to achieve a

circuit design that meets the functional
objective while minimizing total cost which
includes both ownership cost and operating
cost over the life of component.
Designer must compare the various options available and then
choose the optimum pump.
The major factor in adopting a pump to a
particular system is the system’s overall needs.

It would be wrong to use a pump with high

delivery in a system that requires only a low
delivery rate.
On the contrary,
using a pump that must produce at its peak
continuously just to meet the minimum
requirements of the system is equally wrong.

Making either of these mistakes produces a

poor system due to excessive initial pump
costs or maintenance cost.
Pump Performance

The performance of a pump is a function of the

precision of its manufacture.
An ideal pump is one having zero clearance
between all mating parts
parts.. Because this is not possible,
working clearances should be as small as possible while
maintaining proper oil films for lubrication between
rubbing parts.
The performance of a pump is
determined by the following

Volumetric efficiency

Mechanical efficiency

Overall efficiency
Volumetric efficiency
It is the ratio of actual flow rate of the pump to
the theoretical flow rate of the pump.
Mechanical efficiency
It is the ratio of the pump output power assuming no
leakage to actual power delivered to the pump
p is the pump discharge pressure in Pa or N/m2
Qt, is the theoretical flow rate of the pump in m3/s,
Ta is the actual torque delivered to the pump in Nm
N is the speed of the pump in rad/s.

Mechanical efficiency can also be computed in terms of

torque as follows
A gear pump has an outside diameter of 82.6 mm,
inside diameter of 57.2 mm and a width of 25.4 mm.
If the actual pump flow is 1800 RPM and the rated
pressure is 0.00183 what is the volumetric
Hydraulic Motors

Motor is the name usually given to a rotary hydraulic

actuator. Motors very closely resemble pumps in
construction. Instead of pushing on the fluid as the
pump does, as output members in the hydraulic system,
they are pushed by the fluid and develop torque and
continuous rotating motion. Since both inlet and outlet
ports may at times be pressurized, most hydraulic
motors are externally drained.
Overall Efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of actual power delivered
by the pump to actual power delivered to the pump
Hydraulic motors are rated according to displacement (size), torque capacity,
speed, and maximum pressure limitations.
Displacement is the amount of fluid required to turn the motor
output shaft one revolution . The above figure shows that
displacement is equal to the fluid capacity of one motor chamber
multiplied by the number of chambers the motor contains. Motor
displacement is expressed in cubic inches per revolution

Displacement of hydraulic motors may be fixed or variable. With

input flow and operating pressure constant, the fixed-displacement
motor provides constant torque and constant speed. Under the same
conditions, the variable displacement motor provides variable torque
and variable speed.
There are a variety of hydraulic motors used in industrial
applications. The type of motor that is used depends on the demands
of each individual application. The following motors are reviewed in
this chapter:

Gear Motors – external.

Vane Motors – including unbalanced, balanced, fixed, variable and

cartridge (high performance) types.

Piston Motors – including in-line, bent-axis, and radial motors

(fixed, variable and cam type).
External Gear Motor
External gear motors consist of a pair of matched gears enclosed in one housing
shown in the below figure. Both gears have the same tooth form and are driven
by fluid under pressure. One gear is connected to an output shaft, the other is an
External Gear Motor

Fluid pressure enters the housing on one side at a point

where the gears mesh and forces the gears to rotate, as fluid at high
pressure follows the path of least resistance around the periphery of
the housing. The fluid exits, at low pressure, at the opposite side of
the motor.

Note that torque developed is a function of hydraulic imbalance of

only one tooth of one gear at a time; the other gear and teeth are hydraulic

Close tolerances between gears and housing help control fluid

leakage and increase volumetric efficiency. Wear plates on the sides
of the gears keep the gears from moving axially and also help control
In a vane motor, torque is developed by pressure on exposed
surfaces of rectangular vanes which slide in and out of slots in a rotor
splined to the driveshaft. As the rotor turns, the vanes follow the surface of
a cam ring, forming sealed chambers which carry the fluid from the inlet to
the outlet.

In the balanced design shown in the below figure the system working pressure at
the inlet and the tank line pressure at the outlet are both forces in the system.
These opposing pressures are directed to two interconnected chambers within
the motor located 180 degrees apart. Any side loads which are generated
oppose and cancel each other. The majority of vane motors used in industrial
systems are the balanced design.
Piston motor

Piston motors are probably the most efficient of the

three types of hydraulic motors discussed and are
usually capable of the highest speeds and pressures. In
aerospace applications in particular, they are used
because of their high power to weight ratio. In-line
motors, because of their simple construction and
resultant lower costs, are finding many applications on
machine tools and mobile equipment.
The motor comprises a fixed shaft 1, two cam plates 2 fitted on both shaft
ends, and the rotor/piston arrangement 3 as shown in the below figure.

The rotor between the two plates, with,

according to motor type, 5, 8 or 9 bores
fitted with 2 piston/ball combinations 4
lying opposite one another in each bore, is
connected with the external housing 6 by
means of key 5.

Rotor 3 and housing 6 can rotate round the

fixed shaft 1. This movement is brought
about by alternately pressuring the cylinder

he contra-rotating stroke movement of the piston/ball combination us changed

to a rotary movement by its contact with the cam plates. Oil supply (red) and
oil drain (blue) are by means of the fixed shaft in the motor.

The control is by means of radial bores 8, arranged correspondingly in the shaft

(pintel valve).

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