Master of Commerce-First Semester 101 - Business Environment

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(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5 ppw
Credits: 5
Unit-I: Business Environment – significance – Types of Environment – Internal and External
Environment – Micro and Macro Environment – Environmental Analysis Stages –
Approaches – Techniques of Environmental Analysis – Steps – Types and Techniques of
Environmental forecasting – Benefits and limitations.

Unit-II: Economic Environment – Economic System – Capitalism – Communism and Mixed

Economy – Economic Reforms – Economic Policies – Industrial Policies – Trade policies –
Fiscal and Monetary Policies – Economic Development and Role of Government –
Technological Environment – features – Impact – Technology transfer.

Unit-III: Politico – Legal Environment – Political Institutions – Legislative – Executive and

judiciary – Constitution of India – Fundamental rights – Directive Principles of State policy
– Business Responsibilities to Government – Government responsibilities to business –
Legal framework of Business- Regulatory Institutions- TRAI-SEBI-IRDA- Electricity
Regulatory Agencies- Central Electricity Regulatory Commission-Telangana State
Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC) .

Unit-IV: Socio-Cultural Environment – Business and Society – Objectives of Business – Social

Responsibilities of Business – Business and culture – Cultural dimensions – Social audit –
Nature – Evolution – benefits – Social Audit in India – Business Ethics – Nature Sources –
Managing Ethics – Corporate Governance – Nature and Mechanism.

Unit-V: Global Environment – Globalisation – Meaning and Dimensions –Stages – Drivers and
effects of Globalisation – Players in Global Business – Benefits and problems of MNCs –
Challenges of global Business – WTO and India – Foreign Direct Investment – (FDI)
Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIS).
Suggested Readings
1. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Text
and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, 2014.

2. Aswathappa K, Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, 2014.

1. Faisal Ahmed and Absar Alam.M, Business Environment: Indian and Global Perspective,
Prentice Hall of India, 2014.

2. Veena Keshav Pailwar, Business Environment, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2014.

3. Justin Paul, Business Environment: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, 2008.

4. Sukumar Nandi, International Business Environment, McGraw-Hill Education Company

Limited, 2010.
5. Fernando A.C, Business Environment, Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd, 2011.

6. Ian Worthington and Chris Britton, The Business Environment, Pearson Education Limited,
(Common to M.Com, M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)

Class Hours : 5 ppw

Credits: 5

Unit-I: Introduction to Managerial Economics – Nature – Scope – Applications of Micro

Economics and Macro Economics – Need and Significance – Theory of firm - Business
objectives of Organization

Unit-II: Demand and Supply Analysis – Concepts – Determinants of Demand – Law of Demand-
Elasticity of Demand – Price Elasticity of Demand- Income Elasticity of Demand-Cross
Elasticity of Demand- Supply function – Law of Supply – Exceptions to the Law of Supply
– Demand forecasting – Objectives and methods

Unit-III: Production and Cost functions – Cobb Douglas Production function – Isoquants – Isocosts
– Production Equilibrium – Returns to Scale – Cost function – Behaviour of costs in Short
run and Long run – Economies and Diseconomies of Scale

Unit-IV: Structure of Competition – Price and Output decisions in Perfect Competition – Monopoly
– Monopolistic Competition – Oligopoly – Barriers to Entry – Pricing – Dual Pricing –
Discriminatory Price – Pricing methods and Strategies.

Unit-V: Concept of Industry – Plant – Firm - Industry – Factors influencing size of firm – Optimum
firm – Location and size decisions – Measurement of Efficiency – Productivity – Profit-
Policy – Planning- Controlling and Forecasting

Suggested Readings

1. Mote V.L., Paul Samuel, Gupta G.S., Managerial Economics – Concepts and Cases, Tata
McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2013.

2. Varshney R.L., Maheshwari K.L., Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2014.


1. Mehta P.L., Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand & Sons (P) Limited, 2007.

2. Joel Dean, Managerial Economics, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Limited, 2010.

3. Mithani, D.M., Managerial Economics, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Limited, 2010.

4. Robinson E.A.G., Structure of Competitive Industry, NISBET & Co. Limited, 1958.

5. Justin Paul, Leena Kaushal and Sebastian VJ., Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning India,

6. Christopher R.Thomas and Charles Maurice.S., Managerial Economics, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2014.

(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)

Class Hours : 5 ppw

Credits: 5
Unit-I: Company Accounts – Legal provisions relating to Company Accounts – Profit and Loss
Account – Balance Sheet – Valuation of Shares and Goodwill – Methods(simple problems)

Unit-II: Accounting for Mergers and Amalgamations –Types of Restructuring –Nature of Merger
and Amalgamation- Purchase Consideration –Exchange Ratio- Minimum and Maximum
Exchange Ratio-Intrinsic Value of Share-Accounting Entries in the Books of Transferring
Company- Accounting in the Books of Transferee Company- Pooling of Interest method –
The Purchasing Method (simple problems)

Unit-III: Inflation Accounting – Meaning – Need – Scope – Approaches –Current Cost Accounting
– Current Purchasing Power (simple problems)

Unit-IV: Investment Accounting – Meaning – Need – Investment Transactions – Ex-dividend – Cum

– Dividend – Treatment of Interest and Dividend – Lease Accounting-Disclosure- Journal
Entries- Schedule of Payment – Sale and Lease back Transactions (Simple problems)

Unit-V: Accounting of Public utilities – Nature – Significance – Public utility Accounts –– Fund
Accounting- Double Accounting – Accounting of Electricity Undertakings including
Distribution of Surplus (Simple Problems) –Human Resource Accounting – Approaches.

Suggested Readings

1. Gupta R.L. and Radhaswamy M., Advanced Accountancy, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2014.

2. Jain SP. And Narang KL, Advanced Accountancy, Kalyani Publishers, 2013.
1. John Gabriel S., and Marcus A., Financial Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private
Limited, 2010.

2. Bhattacharyya S.K., and John Dearden, Accounting For Management: Text and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House Private Limited, 2009.

3. Shukla M.C., Grewal T.S., and Gupta S.C., Advanced Accounts, Sultan Chand Limited, 2006.

4. Narayana Swamy R., Financial Accounting – A Managerial perspective, PHI Learning Private
Limited, 2014.

5. Mukherjee A., and Hanif M., Corporate Accounting, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, 2006.

6. Rajasekaran V. and Lalitha R., Financial Accounting, Pearson Education, 2011.

7. Mukherjee A and Hanif M., Financial Accounting., Mc Graw Hill Pvt Ltd 2012


(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5 ppw
Credits: 5
UNIT – I : Statistical Decision Theory: Decision Theory Introduction – Meaning and Definition –
Steps in Decision Theory –– Ingredients of Decision problem: Acts, States of nature or
events, Payoff table, Opportunity Loss table – Decision making under Certainty – Decision
making under Risk – Decision making under Uncertainty – Optimal. Game Theory:
Concept and applications of game – Two – Person – zero-sum game – Value of the Game –
Competitive situations – Pure (with saddle point) and Mixed strategy (without saddle point)
Games – Dominance Method – Limitations of Game theory. (Theory and Problems.
UNIT – II: Theory of Probability and Probability Distributions: Probability Meaning and
definition of probability – Approaches – Axioms – Additive and Multiplicative theorems –
Conditional probability theorem; Bayes theorem: Meaning and its application;
Theoretical frequency Distributions: Classification – Binomial – Poisson – Normal
Distributions (Theory and Problems).
UNIT – III: Sampling and Testing of Hypothesis: Sampling Meaning – Random and non-random
sampling - Merits and demerits; Hypothesis: Meaning and steps in testing of hypothesis –
Type I and Type II errors – Standard Error – Point and Interval estimates; Testing of
Hypothesis: Sampling of Attributes – Sampling of Variables –Parametric Tests -Large
Sample tests: Difference between means and Standard Deviation tests; Small Samples
Tests – t-distribution and its application
UNIT - IV: Analysis of Variance: ANOVA - Meaning – Significance– Classification of ANOVA:
One-way classification –Two-way classification (Problems).
UNIT – V: Non-Parametric Tests: Meaning – Difference between Parametric and Non-parametric
tests –Types of non-parametric tests: One sample sign test -One sample run - The Mann
Whitney U-test – Kruskal Wallis H-test; Chi-square test: Types of Association and
Coefficients – Yule’s Coefficient - – Yates Correction – Coefficient of Contingency – Test
for Goodness of Fit (Problems)

Suggested Readings
1. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2014.
2. Beri G.C., Business Statistics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2010.

1. Richard I. Levin and David S.Rubin., Statistics for Management, Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Gupta.S.C., and Kapoor V.K., Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons (P)
Limited, 2008.
3. Srivastava U.K., Shenoy G.V., and Sharma S.C., Quantitative Techniques for Managerial
Decisions, New Age International (P) Limited., 2005.
4. Amir D. Aczel, and Jayavel Sounderpandian., Complete Business Statistics, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education Private Limited, 2012.
5. Vohra N.D., Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited, 2007.
6. Bruce L.Bowerman, Richard T.O’Connell and Emily S.Murphree., Business Statistics in
Practice, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited, 2014.

(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5 ppw
Credits: 5
Unit I: Introduction to Organisation and Behaviour: Organisation – Definitions and Characteristics –
Principles of Organisation. Organisational Behaviour: Meaning – Definition - Factors
influencing organisational behaviour - Significance - Emergence of Organisational Behaviour -
Contributing Disciplines - Emerging challenges to organisational behaviour -Understanding Human
Behaviour: Similarities and dissimilarities.
Unit-II: Individual Behaviour in Organisations: Personality – Definitions – Characteristics –
Determinants - Personality Traits Influencing Organisational Behaviour - Models of Human
Personality: Rational Economic, Administrative, Social, Organisational, Self-Actualising -
Perception: Definitions, Process, Factors influencing Perception, Distortions in Perception -
Attitudes: Definitions and Formation of Attitudes - Learning: Definitions, Learning Process,
Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theories.
Unit III: Group Behaviour in Organisations: Groups Meaning – Formation - Group Development -Types
of Groups - Group Dynamics: Definitions Group Behaviour: Group Cohesiveness, Norming,
Thinking, Risk Shift, Social Loafing - Team Development: Meaning, Definitions, Groups vs.
Teams, Team Development, Using Teams for Organisational Building - Conflicts: Definitions,
Process, Drives for Conflicts, Types, Outcomes, Conflict Resolution Techniques.
Unit IV: Behavioural Basis of Organisation Theory: Organisation Process - Elements of Organisation
Structure: Types of Organisational Designs – Behaviour implications of Organisational Design –
Authority and Power – Delegation and Decentralisation - Span of Management – Line and Staff.
Organisational Change: Meaning – Need - Types – Resistance to Change and Overcoming
Unit V: Organisational Communication and Leadership –Communication- Meaning - Process – Barriers
– Overcoming Barriers. Leadership: Meaning – Styles – Managerial Grid – Traits Vs. Situational
– Transformational Leadership – Leadership for Millennium Organisations. Motivation: Meaning
– Motivators – Maslow and Herzberg Theories of Motivation – Approaches to Motivating
Employees. Stress: Meaning –Individual - Organisational dimensions of Stress- Stress Management
Techniques: Individual and Organisational.

Suggested Readings
1. Greenberg Jerald and Baron A Robert, Behaviour in Organisations, Prentice Hall of India
Learning Private Limited, 2009.
2. Sarma V S Veluri, Organisational Behaviour - An Interactive Learning Approach -Text and
Cases, Jaico Publishing House, 2009.
1. Robbins P Stephen, Judge A Timothy and Sanghi Seema, Organizational Behavior, Pearson
Education, 2009.
2. McShane L Steven and Mary Von Glinow., Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill Education
India, 2010.
3. Rae Andre., Organizational Behavior – An Introduction to Your Life in Organizations,
Pearson Education, 2009.
4. Slocum W John and Hellriegel Don, Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, Cengage
Learning India Private Limited, 2007.
5. Newstrom W John, Organizational Behavior – Human Behavior at Work, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, 2008.
6. Suja R Nair, Organisational Behaviour – Text & Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010.
(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5ppw
Credits: 5
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION:– Marketing Management – Definition – Core concepts – Nature,
scope and importance of marketing – Evolution of marketing concepts – Role of marketing
in economic development – Functions and tasks of marketing management – Marketing
mix – Recent trends in marketing.

UNIT-II: MARKET ANALYSIS - Marketing environment – Macro and Micro components and
their impact on marketing decisions- Competitive Marketing Strategies- Market Leader,
Challenger, Follower and Nicher – STP marketing – Market segmentation – Concept –
Bases and process – Target market selection – Positioning – Concept , bases and process -
Consumer behavior- Concept - Factors influencing consumer behavior – Consumer buying
decision process – Marketing research - Steps and process.
UNIT-III: PRODUCT AND PRICING DECISIONS – Concept of product – Classification – Levels
–Product line decisions - New product development – Product life cycle and its
implications – Branding and packaging decisions. Price – Concept –Objectives - Factors
influencing pricing decisions – Methods of Pricing- Cost based, demand based and
competition based pricing strategies – Initiating and responding to price changes.
UNIT-IV: PLACE DECISIONS – Channels of distribution – Concept – Levels – Functions and
types of distribution channels – Channel management decisions – Channel conflict –
Channel cooperation – Retailing and wholesaling. Physical distribution decisions - Concept
- Importance – Components of physical distribution (market logistics) – Market logistics
decisions – Direct marketing – Major channels of direct marketing.
UNIT-V: PROMOTION DECISIONS – Promotion mix – Integrated marketing communication –
Concept , process – Nature and importance of advertising – Advertising copy – Media
selection – Advertising budget – Measurement of advertisement effectiveness - Personal
selling – Nature and importance – Process – Sales force management – Recruitment
,selection ,training ,compensation and control of sales force – Sales promotion – Objectives
– Techniques.

Suggested Readings
1. Kotler.P, Keller K.L., Koshy.A., and Jha.M, Marketing Management : A South Asian
Perspective, Pearson Education Limited, 2014.
2. Stanton W.J., Michael J.Etzel and Bruce J.Walker, Fundamentals of marketing, McGraw-Hill
publications, 1997.
1. Ramaswamy V.S., and Namakumari S., Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation
and Control, Macmillan India publishers, 1991.
2. Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2009.
3. Gandhi, J.C., Marketing: A Managerial Introduction, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, 1985.
4. Kazmi S.H.H., Marketing Management : Text and Cases, Excel Books, 2007.
5. Michael R.Czinkota and Masaaki Kotabe, International Marketing, Cengage Learning, 2013.
6. Arun Kumari and Meenakshi N, Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2010.
(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications,
M Com –Financial Accounting and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5ppw
Credits: 5
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Finance Function – Concept, Classification, Scope, Goals and
Functions of Finance, Risk-Return – Trade-off; Forms of Business Organization –Tax
Environment, Financial Environment and Financial Regulation; Time Value of Money –
Concept, Time Preference for Money, Present Values, Future Values and their
UNIT-II: FINANCING DECISION: Capital Structure – Concept, Source of Long Term Capital
and their relative merits and demerits, Optimum Capital Structure, and Determinants of
Capital Structure; Cost of Capital – Definition, Concepts of Cost, and Measurement of
Specific Costs of Capital and Firm’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Capital Structure
and Firm’s Value – Net Income Approach, Net Operating Income Approach, Traditional
Position, Modigliani and Miller Position, and Taxation and Capital Structure; Capital
Structure Decision - Leverage Analysis: Concepts of Operating and Financial Leverage
and EBIT – EPS Analysis ( Simple Problems).
UNIT-III: INVESTMENT DECISION: Capital Budgeting Decision – Meaning, Characteristics,
Process and Significance; Estimation of Cash Flows – Elements of Cash Flow Stream and
Basic Principles of their Estimation Methods of Evaluating Alternative Investment
Projects – Payback Period, Adjusted Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return, Net
Present Value, Internal Rate of Return and Modified Internal Rate of Return, and Benefit-
Cost Ratio(Simple Problems), Capital Rationing and Capital Budgeting; Inflation and
Capital Budgeting.
UNIT-IV: DIVIDEND DECISION: Dividend Policy and Firm’s Value – Models in which
Investment and Dividend Decisions are related- Walter and Gordon’s Models, Traditional
Position, Miller and Modigliani Model(Simple Problems) - Financial Signaling; Dividend
Decision – Types of Dividend, Stock Dividend, Stock-Splits, Bonus Shares, Share
Repurchase and Managerial Considerations in Dividend Policy Formulation.
UNIT-V: WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Working Capital Decision – Concept,
Characteristics, Components, Operating Cycle, Cash Cycle, Determinants of Working
Capital, and Estimation of Working Capital (Simple Problems); Cash and Liquidity
Management – Objectives, Cash Budgeting – Cash Collection and Disbursement –
Optimum Cash Balance, and Investment of Surplus Funds; Credit Management – Credit
terms – Credit Policy Variables, Credit Evaluation and Granting Decision, and Control of
Receivables; Inventory Management - Need, Objectives, Order Quantity, Monitoring and
Control of Inventories; Working Capital Financing – Sources and Financing Strategies.

Suggested Readings:
1. Prasanna Chandra., Financial Management- Theory and Practice, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, Eighth Edition, 2008.
2. Van Horne, James C., and Wachowicz John M. Jr., Financial Management and Policy, Pearson
Education Inc., 2012.
1. Brigham., and Ehrhardt, Financial Management: Theory & Practice, Cengage Learning, 2014.
2. Shashi K.Gupta, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Kalyani Publishers, 1996.
3. Srivastava R.M., Financial Management: Management and Policy, Himalaya Publishing
House, 2003.
4. Khan M.Y., and Jain P.K., Financial Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2007.
5. Pandey I.M., Essentials of Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, 2014.
6. Hampton, John J., Financial Decision making: Concepts, Problems and Cases, Prentice Hall
of India Learning, 2012.
(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications and M Com –Banking & Insurance - under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5ppw
Credits: 5
Unit I: Human Resource Management: Nature – Scope – Functions - Roles of HR Manager,
HRM and PM Distinctions – Models of HRM: Fombrun, Harvard, Warwick Models –
HRM in Changing Environment - Impact of Technology on HRM – Workforce Diversity
– Contemporary issues in HRM - Employee Engagement – Talent Management –
Competency Management – Internationalization of HRM.
Unit II: Human Resource Planning: Forecasting Human Resource Requirements – Job Analysis
– Reasons for conducting Job Analysis:– Job Analysis Methods: Questionnaire,
Observation and Interviews – Job Description – Job Specification - Job Design Concepts –
Job Enrichment – Job Enlargement – Reengineering – Recruitment – Recruitment Process
– Recruitment Methods: Online Recruitment Methods
Unit III: Selection – Significance of Employee Selection – Factors affecting the Selection –
Selection Process: Preliminary Interview, View of Resumes – Selection Tests –
Characteristics of properly designed Selection Tests - Types of Employment Tests:
Cognitive Aptitude Tests, Job Knowledge Tests and Personality Tests – Online Testing –
Employment Interview- General Types of Interviews – Methods of Interview: One-to-
One Interview, Group Interview, Panel Interview and Stress Interview – Interviewing
Unit IV: Training and Development – Socialization – Assumptions – Socialization Process –
Employee Orientation – Employee Training - Factors influencing Training and
Development – Training and Development Process – Training and Development Methods:
On-the -Job Training Methods, Off-the-Job Training Methods – Employee Development –
Employee Development Methods – Evaluating Training and Development Effectiveness.
Unit V: Performance Management – Purposes – Performance Appraisal Process – Appraisal
Methods – Critical Incident Appraisal, Checklist appraisal, Graphic Rating Appraisal,
Forced Choice Appraisal and Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales- Career Planning
and Development – Career Planning – Career Paths: Traditional Career Path, Lateral Skill
Path, Dual Career Path and Demotion – Career Development Methods –Workshops –
Personal Development Plans.

Suggested Readings
1. Wayne Mondy. R, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education,
2. David A.Decenzo, Stephen P.Robbins and Susan L.Verhulst, Human Resource
Management, Wiley India Private Limited, 2013.
1. Sharon Pande and Swapnalekha Basak, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education,
2. Aswathappa K, Human Resource Management: Text and Cases, McGraw Hill Education
India Private Limited, 2013.
3. Subba Rao .P, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010.
4. Gupta S.K., Joshi.R, Human Resource Management with Case Study, Kalyani Publishers,
5. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Pearson Education, 2009.
6. Pattanayak Biswajeet, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited,

(For M.Com under CBCS)
Class Hours : 5ppw
Credits: 5
UNIT - I: INTRODUCTION: Management Accounting - Meaning, Definitions, Nature and Scope,
Objectives, Functions, Process, Relationship with Financial Accounting and Cost
Accounting, Role of Management Accountant, and Organization of Management
Accounting System; Cost Behavior and Decision-Making -Elements of Costs,
Classification of Costs, Fixed and Variable Costs, Relevant Costs and Opportunity Costs.


Meaning of Marginal Cost and Marginal Costing, Basic Characteristics and Assumptions
of Marginal Costing, Marginal Costing, Differential Costing and CVP Analysis, Meaning,
Objectives, and limitations of CVP Analysis - Concept of Break-Even Point, Profit-Volume
Graph and Profit Planning, and Managerial Applications in Decision Making (Decisions on
Product-Mix, Make or Buy, Add or Drop, Shut Down or Continue, Capacity Utilization,
Equipment Replacement, Exports, Alternative Methods of Production, and Key Factor
Analysis) (Problems).


Control - Meaning and Significance, Types of Budgets, Preparation of Fixed and Flexible
Budgets (Problems); Performance Budgeting and Zero-based Budgeting - Concept,
Importance, and Relevance; Standard Costing - Meaning, Need, Types of Standards,
Advantages of Standards, Standards Setting, Variance Analysis, and Controllability of
Variances, Material, Labour, Overhead and Sales Variances (Problems)


Responsibility Accounting - Meaning, Definition, and Essential Features of Responsibility
Accounting, Steps Involved in Responsibility Accounting; Responsibility Centers -
Concept and Types of Responsibility Centers; Transfer Pricing - Transfer Prices,
Methods/Types of Transfer Prices (Problems), Selection of Transfer Pricing Method,
Performance Reports, Segmented Performance Evaluation, Advantages of Transfer Pricing
and Responsibility Accounting.


Traditional Manufacturing Costing System, Activity Based Costing/Management (ABC)
System, ABC System Vs. Traditional Costing System, Tracing costs from Activities,
Activity Cost Drivers (Problems), ABC for Marketing, Selling and Distribution
Expenses, ABC for Service Companies, and Pros and Cons of ABC.
Suggested Readings:
1. Hongren, Sundem Stratton, Burgstahler and Schatzberg., Introduction to Management
Accounting Pearson Education, 2009.
2. Shashi K. Gupta and Sharma R.K., Management Accounting - Principles and Practice, Kalyani
Publishers, 2014.

1. Khan M Y., and Jain P.K., Management Accounting: Text, Problems and Cases, Mc Graw
Hill Education India Private Limited, 2013.
2. Madegowda.J., Advanced Management Accounting, Himalaya Publishing House, 2012.
3. Colin Drury, Management & Cost Accounting, Cengage Learning India Private Limited, 2014.
4. Maheswari S.N., Principles of Management Accounting, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2011.
5. Jain S.P., and Narang K.L., Cost Accounting- Principles and Practice, Kalyani Publishers,
6. Balakrishnan R., Sivaramakrishnan K., Sprinkle G., Managerial Accounting, Wiley, 2012.

(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications and
M Com –Financial Accounting under CBCS)
Theory – 3 PPW
Lab: 2 PPW
One Period Lab means 2 hours of Lab Session
Credits= 5

Unit-I: Computerized Accounting – Need, Features and merits – Distinction between Manual
Accounting and Computerized Accounting – Limitations of Computerized Accounting –
Accounting Packages – Tally, Wings and Ex- integration of Accounting Packages with
ERP – Features of Tally – Gateway of Tally –Shortcut keys.

Unit-II: Creation of Account groups – Creation Ledgers – With inventory and without inventory –
Voucher Types – Payment voucher – Receipt Voucher – Contra Voucher – Sales Voucher
– Purchase Voucher – VAT voucher – Credit Note Voucher – Debit Note Voucher – Other
types of Voucher – Reversing Journal Voucher. Inventory Management in Tally – Stock
groups, Categories, items – Inventory Masters – Stock Ledgers – Invoicing – Inventory
Vouchers _ Inventory Journals – Purchase and Sales Order Processing – Delivery Notes –
Treatment and posting of Sales, Tax, VAT, and other related Taxes.

Unit- III: Payroll in Tally - Exploring Payroll in Tally.ERP9 – Working with Payroll vouchers –
Defining Payroll Reports – Working with Statement of Payroll Report – Describing Salary
Disbursement – Create a Tax Ledger – TDS Vouchers – Printing a TDS Challan – Tax
Collected at Source in Tally.ERP9 – TCS Reports in Tally.ERP9.

Unit-IV: Financial Reporting - Day Book – Cash/Bank Book – Bank Reconciliation Statement –
Cash Flow and Fund Flow – Sales Book _ Purchase Book – Statement of Accounts – Trial
Balance – Treatment and Accounting for Depreciation – Profit and Loss Accounts –
Balance Sheet – Generation of Financial Reports other than Financial Statements –
Treatment of Income Tax and TDS.

Unit-V: Special Features in Tally - Tally Vault – Import and Export of Data – ODBC
Connectivity – Web enabled Financial Reporting – Split Financial year, Income and
Expenses Statement – Tax Ledgers – Financial Audit – Security in Accounting Packages –
Data integrity and Security – Virus Problems – Overcoming Security issues – Security
Protocols for Accounting Packages – Backup and Restore.

Suggested Readings

1. Namrata Agarwal, Financial Accounting on Computers using Tally, Dreamtech Press,

2. Ashok K Nadhani., Tally.ERP 9 Made Simple Basic Financial Accounting, BPB
Publications, 2012.
1. Kongent Learning Solutions Inc., Tally.ERP 9 in Simple Steps, Dreamtech Press, 2002.
2. Nadhani. A.K., and Nadhani .K.K. , Implementing Tally 9, BPB Publications, 2007.
3. Shraddha Singh and Navneet Mehra., Tally ERP 9, V&S Publishers, 2005.
4. Tally Work Book.
(Common to M.Com, M.Com -Computer Applications and
M Com –Financial Accounting under CBCS)

Lab: 2 PPW
One Period Lab means 2 hours of Lab Session
Lab – Students are required to undergo Lab Sessions with Tally Software.

1. Gateway of Tally and Shortcut Keys

2. Creation of Company, Account Groups, Ledgers, with Inventory and without Inventory
3. Creation of different types of Vouchers, Reversing Journal Voucher
4. Creation of Stock Groups, Categories, Items – Inventory Master
5. Inventory Vouchers , Receipt Note, Return Out, Return In, Inventory Journals
6. Purchase and Sales Order Processing, Treatment of Sales Tax, VAT and other related taxes Entries
into Day Book, Cash/Bank Book, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Cash Flow and Fund Flow
7. Sales Book, Purchase Book
8. Statement of Accounts, Trial Balance, Treatment of Depreciation
9. Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
10. Generation of Financial Reports other than Financial Statements
11. Payroll Vouchers, Statement of Payroll
12. Creation of Tax Ledger, TDS Vouchers, Printing TDS Challan
13. TCS Reports



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