Letter of Intent For A Distributorship

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This Letter of Intent is made effective on the ______________, 2008 (hereinafter «The Effective Date»)

SUPPLIER., a Company organized and existing under the laws of _________________, whose principal offices are located in
_____________________________, represented by Mr. _________________, its duly authorized ___________________, hereinafter
referred to as «_____________» or

DISTRIBUTOR, a Company organized and existing under the laws of _________________, whose principal offices are located in
_____________________________, represented by Mr. _________________, its duly authorized ___________________, hereinafter
referred to as «_____________» or
In furtherance of the discussions between Supplier and Distributor regarding an exclusive business relationship, this Letter of Intent is
intended to summarize and set forth the preliminary and non-binding understanding between the parties with respect to the terms and
conditions upon which a formal agreement would be drawn up.
The terms of the distribution will be more particularly set forth in a definitive distribution agreement (hereinafter referred to as «Definitive
Agreement») to be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

1) DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS. Distributor and Supplier are negotiating the terms and conditions of a distribution agreement under which
Distributor will distribute various Supplier products, including but not limited to
____________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as «Products»). The
parties intend that the Definitive Agreement will include an exclusive right of distribution in Italy, Vatican City, San Marino Republic
and Switzerland (hereinafter referred as to «Territory»), with first right of refusal for other territories among the EU and
Mediterranean States.

2) TERM. The initial term of the Definitve Agreement will be for a period of _____ years (hereinafter referred to as «Term»), with
automatic renewal for periods of the same term, unless terminated by either party by 90 (ninety) days written notice, by registered
letter, given before the commencement of any renewal term.

3) PURCHASE PRICES. The parties have identified the following approximate purchase prices for the Products:

 Product n. 1: $ ____________ (USD _______________________);

 Product n. 2: $ ____________ (USD _______________________);
 Product n. 3: $ ____________ (USD _______________________);
 …

4) PRODUCTS. The Products which are subject to the Definitive Agreement shall consist of high quality products sold with standard
warranties including all applicable warranties of title, merchantability, and other uniform commercial code standard warranties.

5) DUTIES OF THE PARTIES. Supplier will act as product developer and manufacturer of the Products. Distributor will act as marketer
and distributor of the Products among the territory

6) GENERAL MATTERS. The parties agree to continue to negotiate all necessary provisions of a distribution relationship, including but
not limited to, packaging, product development, trademark ownership, ordering, shipping and freight, technical training,
representations and warranties, indemnifications, and in particular indemnification from Supplier in favor of Distributor against all
claims and liabilities with respect to breach of Supplier’s representations and warranties, payments, and product return issues.

7) INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Distributor will be considered an independent contractor of Supplier and shall in no way be considered
as an agent of Supplier, nor shall Distributor have the authority to bind Supplier in any manner whatsoever.

8) GOOD FAITH NEGOTIATIONS. The parties agree to use good faith and their best efforts to negotiate a mutually profitable and
beneficial Definitive Agreement, including all relevant terms and conditions thereto. During the negotiations hereunder, both parties
agree to comply with all applicable laws.

9) OBJECTIVES. Both parties agree that the continued negotiations are based on the mutual profitability and benefit of an agreement
and the ability to reasonably market and distribute world class, high quality Products.
10) DEFINITIVE AGREEMENT. The Parties contemplate the Definitive Agreement with respect to matters set forth in this Letter of
Intent shall be executed prior to _______________. The Definitive Agreement shall be subject to the approval of the board of
directors of each party hereto.

11) GOVERNING LAW. The parties agree that the Definitive Agreement prepared between the parties shall be bound by the laws of
Italy, and disputes arising under the agreement will be resolved within the Court of ______________, Italy.

12) EFFECT OF LETTER OF INTENT. It is understood that this Letter of Intent is only an expression of the intention of the parties
hereto and only such of those terms and conditions as incorporated into mutually satisfactory documents executed by the parties
hereto shall be enforceable. In addition, without limiting the foregoing, this Letter of Intent does not and shall not be construed as a
binding agreement nor binding obligation on either party to proceed with the transaction contemplated by this Letter of Intent.

13) CONFIDENTIALITY. By their signature below, each party agrees to keep in strict confidence all information regarding the terms of
the proposed distribution. The parties agree that during the course of the negotiations, they will not entertain any offers from or
conduct any discussions with any other party with respect to the subject matter of the Letter of Intent.

14) BREAK-UP FEE. Each party agrees to pay a break-up fee of $ _________________ (USD ________________________) to
the other party in the event that they break off negotiations for any reason other than by default by the other party.

15) ACCEPTANCE. The parties indicate their acceptance of this document by signing this Letter of Intent at the appropriate space
provided below.
For and on behalf of Supplier For and on behalf of Distributor


Signed By ___________________ Signed By _______________________

Name and Surname Name and Surname

Title: _______________ Title: ________________

Date: ______________________ Date: ______________________

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