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PREAMBLE ( revised )

DX4 – Naga City

CQ DU NET (3x)

Good Evening Naga, Good Evening Bicolandia, Good Evening Philippines.

Good Evening to the Amateur World ...

This is the (National Traffic System) NTS and the (Ham Emergency Radio
Operations) HERO of the (Amateur Communication and Emergency
Services) ACES, Inc., with the Club call sign of DX4 NAGA CITY

DX4NC is affiliated with the (Philippine Amateur Radio Association) PARA

and duly authorized by the National Telecommunication Commission
NTCwith license no. FB-EE-01986-14 to operate on the Amatuer
Frequency from 144.00 MHz to 146.00 MHz on the 2 meter band. We are
operating on 144.740 MHz the club's calling frequency ...

Today is the 27th of June 2016 and this is your net control DU4MX with the
handle of SONNY and my QTH or location is Dayangdang St., Naga City,
Camarines Sur, Philippines.

So, listening for any station with priority, emergency and medical traffic
DX4NC (3x)
Any station for the OPENING PRAYER, DX4NC (3x)

Amateurs' Prayer

God of Truth Father of All

Yours is the beauty of Creation
and all the good things You have given us
May we use these gifts in Loving service of You and our neighbors
Bless all Amateurs, Grant that our hobby
might not be abused by our selfish motives
but be used to develop better communication
among human beings regardless of our belief, class or color
Give us the courage, strength and grace to build a world
of unity, peace and love manifested in service for all
A world full of compassion ...
We ask these through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God Forever and Ever Amen.
Any station for the RADIO AMATEURS CODE, DX4NC (3x)



We never knowingly use the air for our own amusement in such a way as to
lessen the pleasure of others


We offer loyalty, encouragement and support to our fellow amateurs, our

local club and the national organization through which amateur radio is


We keep our stations abreast of science, being built well and efficiently. Our
operating practice is clean and regular.


Slow and patient-sending when requested. Offer friendly advice and counsel
to the beginners, extend kindly assistance and cooperation for the
broadcast listeners, these are the marks of the amateur spirit.


Radio is our hobby. We never allow it to interfere with any of the duties we
owe to our home, our school, our work or our community.


Our stations are always ready for the service of our country and our


We share our knowledge to our fellow amateurs and pay our due regularly.

Any station for the WEATHER UPDATE or WX Report, DX4NC (3x)

Any ANNOUNCEMENT from club officers and members, DX4NC (3x)

Any further announcement from the different local clubs (3x)

• We are in the Amatuer frequency so please refrain from using the 10
codes and the CB lingo and other coded or commercial messages; the
use of Q codes or plain language is encouraged
• Please use your complete Amateur call sign, the Prefix, the District
Number and the Suffix for proper and easy identification.
• Kindly mention also your handle or name and your QTH or location for the
complete log in .
• On the use of breaks:
1 break is used to join an ongoing conversation.
2 breaks are used to when there is urgency or priority traffic.
3 breaks are used when there is an emergency and medical traffic that
involves a matter of life and death and all station on monitor are requested
to stand by and assist.

So, calling now for any station for the early check in, check out ... DX4NC

Any station on monitor who would like to join the ACES net ... DX4NC (3x)

Any station portable, mobile or base who could copy MY signal ... DX4NC

Any late station with late traffic, DX4NC (3x)

Any pahabol station with pahabol traffic, DX4NC (3x)

For the CLOSING PRAYER, any station (3x)

Go forth in peace, for you have followed the good road, Go forth
without fear, for God who created you has made you Holy, has always
protected you and loves you as a mother. Amen

To all the 27stations who did check in tonight, and supported the DX4NC
net, Thank you very much and hope to catch you again tomorrow for
another edition of DX4 Naga City net.

This is your Net control DU4MX saying goodnight and 73

The net is closed and the frequency is now open for regular operation. 88
and Thank you!

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