CLP Lesson Plan: Activity/Procedure/Stage - Interaction Types Time

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CLP Lesson Plan

Teacher/s: Annie Chang & Felicia Feng

Level: Lower-Intermediate 1 Date/Time: April 10, 2019
Goal: Use true stories of survivors to learn adjectives that describe personality &
to practice using past-continuous tense.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To…
1. Use the adjectives and the negative forms of adjectives to describe people’s
personalities and finish a worksheet.
2. Talk about the risks shown in the table of mountaineering accidents causes. They will
also be able to listen to an audio,and do matching and multiple choices.
Theme: Survival Stories & Past Continuous
Materials & Technology:
· Textbook: Life 3 Unit 4 pp. 48-49
· Other materials: PPT, word puzzles (6 sets), vocabularies and sentences matching cards (6
sets), worksheet 1 (13), Table of mountaineering accidents causes (6)


Inside and outside circle:
Use simple past tense. Talk about an activity you did last weekend. 4mins
What did you do? How was the activity?
Shift partners and tell your new partner what your first partner did last weekend.
What did he/she do? How was the activity?

Activity 1: Vocabulary and Speaking – personal qualities

1.1 Pre-Stage: Word puzzle 4mins

 Let students do the word puzzle in pairs. 1min
 Check the answers with them.
Interaction: S-S → T-Ss
1.2. During Stage: Personality quality vocabulary building
 Briefly explain the vocabularies. 2mins
 Give students vocabulary cards and the sentence cards.
 Ask students to work in pairs. One student say the sentences and the other 8mins
student pick the adjective that describes the person in the sentence.
Interaction: T-Ss → S-S
1.3 Post-Stage: Negative forms of adjectives
 Give students worksheet 1. Give more adjectives.
 Introduce the negative prefixes, and tell them to use the negative forms to
finish the table.
 Ask students fill in the table with both positive and negative forms of adjectives.
 Talk about the reasons why they choose the qualities with partners.
 un-
ambitious, active, decisive, determined, creative, athletic, kind
 Im-
patient, precise, persistent
 ir-
reliable, responsible, responsive
 dis-
honest, organized
 Check the answers with them.
Interaction: T-Ss → S-S → T-Ss

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will be able to use the adjectives and the negative forms of adjectives.
to describe people’s personalities.

Transition to #2:
Next, we are going to discuss about risks and practice listening.

Activity 2: Listening – radio interview

2.1 Pre-Stage: Risk analysis 4mins

 Show students the table of mountaineering accidents causes.
 Introduce some new vocabularies. 4mins
 Ask students to talk with their partners about the risks those people took. Ask
them if those people were decisive or not. 2mins
 Ask one or two students to share their opinions.
Interaction: T-Ss → S-S → T-Ss
2.2. During Stage: Listening and comprehension 8mins
 Play the audio once. Students take note and do exercise 4.
 Listen for the second time and choose the right answers for exercise 5.
 Give the answers to students. If they are confused, play the audio again.
Interaction: T-Ss
2.3 Post-Stage: Discussion
 Discuss with partners:
 Do you ever need the personal qualities of a survivor?
 For example, are there other situations when you need to be decisive or 4mins
 Ask one or two students to share their opinions.
Interaction: T-Ss → S-S
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will talk about the risks shown in the table of mountaineering accidents causes.
They will also be able to listen to an audio and do matching and multiple choices.

Transition to #3
In next part of the class, Annie will introduce the past continuous tense for us.

Activity 3: Grammar – past continuous

3.1 Pre-Stage: Differentiating simple past from past continuous 4mins

 Show a short story that uses both past continuous and simple past tenses 3mins
(PPT). Ask Ss to discuss with a partner how the yellow-highlighted verbs (past
continuous) are different from the blue-highlighted verbs (simple past). 1min
 Elicit the meaning of past continuous by asking the following questions: 3mins
- Do all the highlighted verbs talk about the past? 5mins
- Which verbs describe a completed action? 5mins
- Which verbs describe actions in progress at a particular time? 5mins
 Elicit the form of past continuous.
Interaction: S-S → T-Ss 3mins
3.2. During Stage: The Mysterious Stalker Story 3mins
 Show ‘The Mysterious Stalker’ story video. Stop at 2:20.
 Hand out ‘The Mysterious Stalker’ story script.
 Ask Ss to read the story. As they read, have them underline all past continuous
tense phrases. Model with the first sentence. (“was working”)
 With a partner, have Ss check each underlined verb and discuss why past
continuous is used instead of simple past tense. Model with the first sentence.
- Elissa was still working at the time (on a cold night in the past).
Interaction: T-Ss → S-S
3.3 Post-Stage: Complete the story
 Have Ss complete ‘The Mysterious Stalker’ story using the past continuous
and/or simple past tense. Ask them to be creative and write their own ending of
the story on the script handout.
 Have Ss share their endings with two other students.
 Show the video again, including the ending of the story (~2:40)
Interaction: S → Ss-Ss

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Ss differentiate past continuous tense from simple past tense.
Ss write their own ending for the story.

Transition to #4
“Let’s continue to practice using past continuous tense in our speaking.”
Activity 4: Speaking & Writing using past continuous

4.1 Pre-Stage: Sentence completion 3mins

 Have Ss read the first short story in exercise 8. As they read, ask them to 1min
choose the correct form of the verb. 2mins
 Check the answers as a class. 5mins
 Elicit from Ss the pattern in the 3 sentences in the story in terms of the tense
used. Explain that we often use past continuous with simple past using words 2mins
when or while to talk about one action taking place at the same time as 5mins
another. 2mins
Interaction: S → T-Ss
4.2. During Stage: Talking about personal experiences
 Provide a list of events on the PPT:
- Broke a bone
- Got your first job
- Felt scared
- Saw an accident happen
 In pairs, ask Ss to talk about these events and explain:
- When it happened
- What you were doing at the time
 Model with a sample story.
 Ask 2-3 Ss to share their experiences with the class.
Interaction: S-S → T-Ss
4.3 Post-Stage: Writing about personal experiences
 Ask Ss to think about a special event that happened to them in the past. Have
Ss write a paragraph explaining the event, using both past continuous and
simple past tense.
 Model by providing examples.
- “While I was working in…I…”
- “I was living abroad when I…”
- “When I was traveling in…I…”
 Have Ss exchange their writing with a partner and read it. Ask Ss to underline
all past continuous forms in their partner’s writing and decide if it is used
 Tell Ss to talk to their partner about possible errors. If there are no errors, Ss
should explain why the partner was right to use each of the underlined past
continuous forms.
Interaction: S → S-S

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer feedback:

Ss share their personal experiences using the past continuous tense.
Ss write a paragraph about their personal experiences using the past continuous

Hand back Unit 3 Tests 3mins
Exit Tickets 5mins
Homework: WB p.23

Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:

- Ss may be confused about when to use past continuous vs. simple past. Explain the
difference between the two tenses by drawing a timeline on the board.
- Ss may have a difficult time understanding ‘The Mysterious Stalker’ story from the video due
to the British accent. Provide the script for the story so that Ss can identify the past continuous
tense more easily.
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
- Have Ss complete exercise 8 on p.49 (2 and 3 stories).
nd rd

Post-Lesson Reflections:
 Send WB answers to Ss.

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