Lesson Plan For Simple Past Vs Past Continuous Tenses
Lesson Plan For Simple Past Vs Past Continuous Tenses
Lesson Plan For Simple Past Vs Past Continuous Tenses
Nant Paung
Teacher Observer Josh McIver Class SPI 3
Time 12:00 – 1:00 Date 2. 11 .19 Class size 20
Class profile (a brief description of the class including learner needs)
The class consists of altogether 20 students, 9 males and 11 females, ages between 13 15. They meet for three hours once a week with
me on Saturday and three hours on Sunday with Ei Aung.
Almost all the students have been attending classes at BC for at least three terms and only one student is new to the BC. Most of the
students are high school students and they are all attending government school on weekdays. They are learning English to have a
better learning opportunity in the future.
All students like games and activities during lessons and they response quite well to all speaking activities with different people and
group tasks except Chan Yu who is very shy and always just whispers to the class. They work better when they are in the same group
with their close friends.
As for today lesson, they will talk about their unforgettable memory in the past using simple past and past continuous theses.
Teaching aim(s) for the lesson – language/skills
Main aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to understand the meaning and usage of past simple and past
continuous tenses and will have practiced using them in the context of “unforgettable memory”.
Subsidiary aims: To provide clarification and practice saying their unforgettable memory using past simple and past continuous
Outcomes for the learners
By the end of the lesson, learners will have prepared and talked about their unforgettable memory to the class.
Language/skills analysis
The past simple and the past continuous help us to show how two past actions or situations are connected.
Past simple
The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present.
Regular past simple verbs have -ed at the end (e.g. wanted, played, arrived).
Irregular verbs have a different form, usually with a different vowel sound (e.g. wake → woke, find → found, feel → felt).
i. Me and my friends wanted to play with firecrackers on my 25th birthday.
ii. We felt very nervous when we found out the firecracker was very loud.
We make the question form with did and then the subject and infinitive verb.
Did you feel scared at that time?
Past continuous
The past continuous shows us that the action was already in progress at a certain time in the past.
What was your friend doing when her mom came out? She was hiding.
The past continuous can also show that an activity was in progress for some time, not just for a moment.
We were cleaning the house all morning.
We make the past continuous with was or were and the -ing form of the verb.
She couldn't come to the party. She was working.
was in progress.
My friend was hiding when her mom came out.
hiding Action in progress Her mom came out during that time
We often use these tenses to show an action interrupting another action. (First / longer action and immediate action)
First and longer action is in past continuous tense and immediate action in past simple tense.
I broke my leg when I was skiing.
Broke immediate action
Was skiing First/ Longer action
Simple Past Past Continuous Tense
• Completed actions • Actions that start first
• Immediate actions • Longer actions
• General actions at a specific time • Actions in progress at a specific time
• when • While
• when
My friend was hiding when her mom came out.
/maɪ 'frend wɒz 'haɪdɪŋ wen hɜ: ‘mʌm keɪm 'aʊt /
Stress and Intonation
Differentiation (considering any individual/subgroup needs)
All students have equal level of communicative skills and are all from similar backgrounds, so no differentiation is needed for the class.
Course fit (Why are you teaching this content at this point in the course?)
This is the beginning of unit 2 and in unit 1 the learners have learnt and practiced simple present and simple past in the context of my
generation and my life. This lesson stays on similar theme and will prepare the learners to look back to their past and extend their
knowledge on using past tenses correctly. In the next lesson, they will practice reading skills in the context of inventions so that they
will be prepared to talk about what inventors invented in the past and how they think about them.
Anticipated problems and solutions
Problems Solutions
1. learners may omit was or were 1. Monitor and remind students
when using past continuous to use the target language
tense. correctly.
2. Students may practice saying 2. Make students notice the
the target language using stress and intonation by
monotone without stress and drilling.
3. Some students may be too shy to 3. Monitor and encourage the
speak in front of the class. learners to speak confidently.
Reference for materials/resources
Materials in TC / Teachers/ Whity/ TLR/ SPI
Selfcreated worksheets
Teacher learning focus
To design materials to encourage learners’ engagement
2. To engage learners’ interest and Stick parts of tr’s story on the walls
Text curiosity in the topic Ss
Ss go around and read the story in 2 min
5 mins
Share what they remember with group members S – Ss
(s – 4)
3. Ask some questions about the story to get marker sentences. T – Ss
Noticing To make ss notice the TL 5 mins
Write the answers on the board
4. To highlight the meaning of the target Ss observe the marker sentences and answer the questions Ss – Ss
Meaning language related with the meaning of TL.
(groups compete answering the questions)
Feedback on power point
8 – 10
Give ss a table titled simple past vs past continuous and Ss – Ss
different situations.
Ss in group think carefully and put the situations under correct
5. To clarify the form of the target The forms of TL with blanks on IWB Ss
form language
Ss work out together to fill in the form
5 mins
To check the understanding of ss Feedback S – Ss