Transport vs. Laguesma

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R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

G.R. No. 106830. November 16, 1993.


BIENVENIDO E. LAGUESMA, in his capacity as
Undersecretary of the Department of Labor and
LABOR UNIONS (ALU-TUCP), respondents.

Remedial Law; Elements of Res Judicata.—Before the

principle of res judicata can be operative, the following requisites
must be




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R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

compresent: a) the former judgment or order must be final; b) it

must be a judgment or order on the merits; c) it must have been
rendered by a court having jurisdiction over the subject-matter
and the parties; and d) there must be, between the first and
second actions, identity of parties (Nabus v. Court of Appeals, 193
SCRA 732 [1991]).
Same; Same; Labor Law; Certification Election; No identity of
parties where the first action did not include parties essential to
the bargaining unit while the second action did include all the
employees who are excluded in the first action.—In the case at
bench, it cannot be said that the parties in the first and second
actions were identical. The first action was dismissed by the Med-
Arbiter because it excluded parties essential to the bargaining
unit such as inspectors, inspectresses, dispatchers and washer
boys. The second petition included all the employees who were
excluded in the first petition. Therefore, the Med-Arbiter was
correct when he gave due course to the second petition for
certification election after respondent CLOP corrected its mistake.
Labor Relations; Certification Election; Rule provides that no
certification election may be held within one year from the date of
issuance of a final certification election result.—Likewise
untenable is petitioner’s contention that the second petition for
certification election should have been filed after one year from
the dismissal of the first petition for certification election under
Section 3, Rule V, Book V of the Omnibus Rules Implementing the
Labor Code as amended. Said section provides as follows: “When
to file—In the absence of collective bargaining agreement duly
registered in accordance with Article 231 of the Code, a petition
for certification election may be filed any time. However, no
certification election may be held within one year from the date of
issuance of a final certification election result” (italics supplied).
Same; Same; By “final certification election result” is meant
that an actual election, that is, ballots were cast and there was
counting of votes that was conducted.—Apparently, petitioner
misread the above-mentioned provision of law. The phrase “final
certification election result” means that there was an actual
conduct of election i.e., ballots were cast and there was a counting
of votes. In this case, there was no certification election conducted
precisely, because the first petition was dismissed, on the ground
of a defective petition which did not include all the employees who
should be properly included in the collective bargaining unit.
Same; Same; Employees are entitled to vote in certification
election regardless of the period or status of their employment.—
Devoid of



R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

merit is petitioner’s contention that the employment status of the

members of respondent CLOP who joined the strike must first be
resolved before a certification election can be conducted. As held
in the case of Philippine Fruits and Vegetables Industries, Inc. v.
Torres, 211 SCRA 95 (1992): “At any rate, it is now well-settled
that employees who have been improperly laid off but who have a
present, unabandoned right to or expectation of re-employment,
are eligible to vote in certification elections (Rothenberg on Labor
Relations, p. 548). Thus, and to repeat, if the dismissal is under
question, as in the case now at bar whereby a case of illegal
dismissal and/or unfair labor practice was filed, the employees
concerned could still qualify to vote in the elections.”
Same; Same; Employees who participated in the strike remain
as such until their employment status is resolved by NLRC.—
Therefore, the employees of petitioner who participated in the
strike, legally remain as such, until either the motion to declare
their employment status legally terminated or their complaint for
illegal dismissal is resolved by the NLRC.
Same; Same; Employer has no right to interfere in the election
and is merely regarded as a bystander.—It should be noted that it
is petitioner, the employer, which has offered the most tenacious
resistance to the holding of a certification election. This must not
be so for the choice of a collective bargaining agent is the sole
concern of the employees. The employer has no right to interfere
in the election and is merely regarded as a bystander (Divine
Word University of Tacloban v. Secretary of Labor and
Employment, 213 SCRA 759 [1992]).
Labor Law; Pleadings and Practice; Resort to Supreme Court
without waiting for the resolution of motion to dismiss with the
Undersecretary of Labor is premature. Petitioner is guilty of forum
shopping in pursuing the same cause of action, involving the same
issue, parties and subject matter between two different fora.—
Finally, petitioner’s Comment and Objection to the Order dated
October 29, 1992 with Urgent Motion to Dismiss the Petition for
Certification Election is still pending with the Undersecretary of
Labor. The resort to judicial action by petitioner is premature.
Hence, it is also guilty of forum-shopping in pursuing the same
cause of action involving the same issue, parties and subject
matter before two different fora.

PETITION for certiorari to set aside the resolutions of the

Undersecretary of Labor and Employment.


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R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Gaspar V. Tagalo for petitioner.
          Jose Torregoza for Christian Labor Organization of
the Philippines.
     Joji Barrios for intervenor ALU-TUCP.
     Villy Cadiz for National Federation of Labor Unions.


This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules

of Court which seeks to set aside the Resolutions of the
Undersecretary of the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE), dated July 22, 1992, affirming the
order of the Med-Arbiter calling for the conduct of the
certification election, and August 25, 1992, denying
petitioner’s motion for reconsideration.
On January 4, 1991, respondent Christian Labor
Organization of the Philippines (CLOP), filed with the Med
Arbitration Unit of the DOLE a petition for certification
election among the rank and file employees of the
petitioner (NCR-OD-M-91-01-002).
On April 8, 1991, Med-Arbiter A. Dizon dismissed the
petition on the ground that the bargaining unit sought to
be represented by respondent CLOP did not include all the
eligible employees of petitioner but only the drivers,
conductors, and conductresses to the exclusion of the
inspectors, inspectresses dispatchers, mechanics and
washer boys.
On May 10, 1991, respondent CLOP rectified its mistake
and filed a second petition for certification election, which
included all the rank and file employees of the company,
who hold non-managerial and non-supervisorial positions.
Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the second petition
and contended that the dismissal of the first petition
constituted res judicata. Petitioner argued that respondent
CLOP should have interposed an appeal to the dismissal of
the first petition and its failure to do so barred it from
filing another petition for certification election.
On July 3, 1991, Med-Arbiter R. Parungo rendered a
decision, which ordered that a certification election among
the regular



R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

rank and file workers of petitioner company be conducted

(Rollo, pp. 87-91).
On October 16, 1991, the Associated Labor Unions
(ALU-TUCP) filed a motion for intervention (NCR OD-M-
91-01-002) and alleged that it has members in the proposed
bargaining unit. Subsequently, the National Federation of
Labor Unions (NAFLU) filed a separate petition for
certification election (NCR-OD-M—91-10-058) and a
motion to consolidate related cases to avoid confusion.
Dissatisfied with the Decision dated July 3, 1991
rendered by Med-Arbiter R. Parungo, petitioner appealed
to the DOLE Secretary, who, through Undersecretary
Bienvenido E. Laguesma, affirmed the order of the Med-
Arbiter in its Resolution dated July 22, 1992 calling for the
conduct of the certification election (Rollo, pp. 25-28). The
Resolution, in pertinent part, reads as follows:

xxx      xxx      xxx

“The defense of res judicata is not obtaining in the present
petition for certification election. It is settled that for res judicata
to apply there must be a final judgment on the merits on matters
put in issue. In the instant case, it could not be said that there is a
final judgment on the merits of the petition simply because the
composition of the present proposed bargaining unit is different
from that in the first petition. Moreover, there are now other
parties involved, and therefore, it would not be correct to say that
the parties in the said two cases are identical.
xxx      xxx      xxx
With regard however, to the question on propriety of
consolidation, there is merit in the argument of respondent-
appellant on the need to consolidate the separate petitions for
certification election because they involve the same bargaining
unit. Case No. NCR-OD-M-91-10-058 should be consolidated with
that of Case No. NCR-OD-M-91-05-062, where the petition of
NAFLU should be treated as an intervention and resolved by the
Med-Arbiter together with the intervention of ALU-TUCP.
PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Order of the Med-Arbiter
calling for the conduct of the certification election is hereby
affirmed subject to the resolution of the Med-Arbiter of the
motions for intervention aforementioned” (Rollo, pp. 27-28; italics

On July 31, 1992, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsidera-


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R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

tion, again stressing the principle of res judicata. Petitioner

further argued that the second petition for a certification
election by respondent CLOP, NAFLU and ALU-TUCP
were barred at least for a period of one year from the time
the first petition of CLOP was dismissed pursuant to
Section 3, Rule V, Book V of the Omnibus Rules
Implementing the Labor Code as amended.
On August 25, 1991, Undersecretary Laguesma denied
the motion for reconsideration (Rollo, pp. 32-34).
On September 3, 1992, petitioner filed a Motion to
Suspend Proceedings Based on Prejudicial Questions as an
Addendum to the Motion for Reconsideration filed on July
31, 1992. Petitioner argued that the present case must be
indefinitely suspended until the following cases are
resolved by the NLRC and the Supreme Court: a) NLRC-
NCR Case No. 00-08-04708-91 entitled “R”. Transport
Corporation v. Jose S. Torregaza, et. al., wherein Labor
Arbiter de Castro declared the strike staged by respondent
CLOP illegal and ordered the strikers to pay petitioner the
amount of P10,000.00 as exemplary damages; b) NLRC-
NCR Case No. 06-03415092 filed by respondent CLOP and
its members for illegal dismissal; and c) NLRC-NCR Case
No. 00-08-04389-92 filed by respondent CLOP in behalf of
its affected members for illegal dismissal (Rollo, pp. 139-
On September 29, 1992, Undersecretary Laguesma in a
resolution denied the motion to suspend the conduct of the
certification election. The pertinent portion of said
resolution reads as follows:

“The pendency of NLRC-NCR Cases Nos. 00-08-04708-91, 06-

03415092 and 00-08-04389-92 before the NLRC is not a valid
ground for the suspension of the already stalled petition for
certification election which must be resolved with dispatch.
This must be so, because the employees subject of the pending
cases before the NLRC legally remain as employees of respondent
until the motion to declare them as having lost their employment
status by reason of the illegal strike or their complaint for illegal
dismissal is finally resolved.” (Rollo, pp. 181-182; italics supplied).

On October 14, 1992, petitioner filed a motion for

reconsideration of the Resolution dated September 29, 1992
which was subsequently denied by Undersecretary
Laguesma on October 29, 1992 (Rollo, pp. 29-31).


R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

Petitioner filed a Comment and Objection to the Order

dated October 29, 1992 with Urgent Motion to Dismiss the
Petition for Certification Election. Without waiting for the
resolution of the motion to dismiss, petitioner resorted to
this Court by way of the instant special civil action.
This petition is without merit.
Before the principle of res judicata can be operative, the
following requisites must be compresent: a) the former
judgment or order must be final; b) it must be a judgment
or order on the merits; c) it must have been rendered by a
court having jurisdiction over the subject-matter and the
parties; and d) there must be, between the first and second
actions, identity of parties (Nabus v. Court of Appeals, 193
SCRA 732 [1991]).
In the case at bench, it cannot be said that the parties in
the first and second actions were identical. The first action
was dismissed by the Med-Arbiter because it excluded
parties essential to the bargaining unit such as inspectors,
inspectresses, dispatchers and washer boys. The second
petition included all the employees who were excluded in
the first petition. Therefore, the Med-Arbiter was correct
when he gave due course to the second petition for
certification election after respondent CLOP corrected its
Likewise untenable is petitioner’s contention that the
second petition for certification election should have been
filed after one year from the dismissal of the first petition
for certification election under Section 3, Rule V, Book V of
the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code as
amended. Said section provides as follows:

“When to file—In the absence of collective bargaining agreement

duly registered in accordance with Article 231 of the Code, a
petition for certification election may be filed any time. However,
no certification election may be held within one year from the date
of issuance of a final certification election result” (italics supplied).

Apparently, petitioner misread the above-mentioned

provision of law. The phrase “final certification election
result” means that there was an actual conduct of election
i.e., ballots were cast and there was a counting of votes. In
this case, there was no certification election conducted
precisely because the first peti-

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R. Transport Corporation vs. Laguesma

tion was dismissed, on the ground of a defective petition

which did not include all the employees who should be
properly included in the collective bargaining unit.
Devoid of merit is petitioner’s contention that the
employment status of the members of respondent CLOP
who joined the strike must first be resolved before a
certification election can be conducted.
As held in the case of Philippine Fruits and Vegetables
Industries, Inc. v. Torres, 211 SCRA 95 (1992):

“At any rate, it is now well-settled that employees who have been
improperly laid off but who have a present, unabandoned right to
or expectation of re-employment, are eligible to vote in
certification elections (Rothenberg on Labor Relations, p. 548).
Thus, and to repeat, if the dismissal is under question, as in the
case now at bar whereby a case of illegal dismissal and/or unfair
labor practice was filed, the employees concerned could still
qualify to vote in the elections.”

Therefore, the employees of petitioner who participated in

the strike, legally remain as such, until either the motion
to declare their employment status legally terminated or
their complaint for illegal dismissal is resolved by the
It should be noted that it is petitioner, the employer,
which has offered the most tenacious resistance to the
holding of a certification election. This must not be so for
the choice of a collective bargaining agent is the sole
concern of the employees. The employer has no right to
interfere in the election and is merely regarded as a
bystander (Divine Word University of Tacloban v.
Secretary of Labor and Employment, 213 SCRA 759
Finally, petitioner’s Comment and Objection to the
Order dated October 29, 1992 with Urgent Motion to
Dismiss the Petition for Certification Election is still
pending with the Undersecretary of Labor. The resort to
judicial action by petitioner is premature. Hence, it is also
guilty of forum-shopping in pursuing the same cause of
action involving the same issue, parties and subject matter
before two different fora.
WHEREFORE, the Court Resolved to DISMISS the

Cruz (Chairman) and Davide, Jr., JJ., concur.



People vs. Baligod

     Bellosillo, J., On leave.

Petition dismissed.

Note.—The petition for certification election may be

filed by any union, not by the employees (Celine Marketing
Corp. vs. Laguesma, 205 SCRA 849).


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