The Study of Slider Crank Mechanism

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The paper compares simulating a slider crank mechanism using the MATLAB and SCILAB software environments and notes some differences in functionality between the two while highlighting their similarities.

The purpose of the comparison is to analyze the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of using the two software for the same task, as well as note any differences in syntax or available functions between them.

Some of the main differences mentioned are that MATLAB has a broader set of functions compared to SCILAB, and some functions have different syntaxes between the two. MATLAB also has a more complex programming environment while SCILAB is free to use.

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The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB

Conference Paper · September 2016


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4 authors, including:

Ciprian Rizescu
Polytechnic University of Bucharest


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The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB


Ioan Sorin Șorlei, 2Adriana Elena Cernat, 3Ciprian Ion Rizescu, 4Dana Rizescu
University of POLITEHNNICA Bucharest/ Department of Mechatronics and Precision Engineering
Splaiul Independentei 313, postal code 060042, Bucharest
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract - The study presents a comparison between a graphic simulation of a slider crank mechanism
developed both in Matlab and Scilab environments. Also some remarks, concerning the software’s
efficiency and an economic analysis efficiency-cost of the two software, are presented in this study which
have an identical use/purpose.
Mainly, the idea of materialization of such a work has come out of necessity of programs usage that imply
low purchase costs. From the point the view of acquisition, SCILAB is a free software through the licence
CeCIILL (CEA CNRS INRIA Logiciel Libre). Both programs, MATLAB and SCILAB, can achieve
certain accounts, can employ matrix and implement utility programs the difference between them are the
used functions, because some of them don't match. MATLAB is a broader program from the point of
view of functions against SCILAB, but from the point of view of cost software SCILAB is the
advantageous solution.
Using SCILAB software in achieving performance and make an animation of the sliding crank
mechanism , it was noticed that the only differences between this program and MATLAB are certain
functions with different syntaxes . In the present study it stands out in particular that both software are
similar in terms of programming language and interface.
Each environment has advantages and disadvantages and their use is identical in terms of performances
compared to results. Considering that SCILAB environment uses a particular programming language
MATLAB is much used in industry and academia worldwide.
The study of present paper can be enhanced with new researches concerning the description and
functionality of the programs as well as the presentation and improvement of the toolbox sites belonging
SCILAB program, in order to achieve more complex animation in terms of the movement mechanisms.

Keywords: SCILAB, MATLAB, slider crank mechanism, leverage, simulation.

1. Introduction 2. Remarks about programming in MATLAB

This paper deals with a mechanism simulation: The MATLAB programming is a graphical
slider crank mechanism using both SCILAB and representation, numerical calculation , graphic
MATLAB programs. Also, in the frame of the paper, differentiation or data read on the graphs based on
there will be highlighted the main advantages and certain applications encountered in practice. It should be
disadvantages of using SCILAB with respect to stressed that the numerous software currently existing in
MATLAB . In principle, the idea of such work arise the market, the most appropriate for the analysis of the
from the need to use some programs involving the static and dynamic mechatronics systems is the program
minimum cost of purchase. From this point of view, MATLAB through the spread of its pronounced in both
SCILAB is a free software. Both of these programs, the academic environment as well as in the industrial
MATLAB and SCILAB, can perform certain uses.
calculations, may use the matrix and deploy algorithms, The MATLAB programming has several commands
the difference between them being the functions used for the numerical analysis, for the purpose of calculating
because some of them do not match. MATLAB is a the matrix vector and, for generating and processing the
much more comprehensive from the point of view of the signals for the analysis of the control systems and for
functions in relation to the SCILAB, but from the point the integration of the numerical systems linear or
of view of the cost price, the SCILAB solution is nonlinear media. Must be and effective controls for
advantageous. generating the performance of the two-dimensional and
Using the SCILAB to achieve performance and three-dimensional, what can easily be customized.
animate slider crank mechanism, it was noted that the Writing models calls the syntax checker and notations
only differences between this program and MATLAB, very similar to those used to define the analytical
there are certain functions with different syntax checker. models, which makes that the programming itself to be

26 The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2016, Issue 50
The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB

quite easy. In the working area of the MATLAB - % - a straight line preceded by the % is interpreted
(Workspace) can be executed all controls, can be as a comment and is not executed;
displayed index, results [1]. - ! - carrying out the orders of the operating system
- WHO - lists all of the variables listed in the DOS, without leaving MATLAB;
Workspace; - QUIT, EXIT - commands to exit the MATLAB;
- WHOS - much like WHO, but in addition it Comments: MATLAB program makes distinction
provides the size of the variable (number of lines or between uppercase and the small ones (g is not the same
columns belonging to the variable); as G). All commands will be written using small letters,
- WHAT - lists the *.m or *.mat, presented in the otherwise it will display error messages that warn that a
current directory; certain command does not exist . In figure 1 is presented
- HELP - provides information on-line" about the simulation the slider crank mechanism. In figure 2 is
MATLAB and its functions; shown the operating of slider crank mechanism from
45° to 45°.

Figure 1: Simulating non centric slider crank mechanism in MATLAB


0 0
y [mm]
y [mm]

-10 -10

-20 -20

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm] x [mm]

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
y [mm]

y [mm]

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50

-60 -60
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm] x [mm]

The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2016, Issue 50 27
The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB



20 20

10 10

0 0
y [mm]

y [mm]
-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

-50 -50

-60 -60
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm] x [mm]

y [mm]

y [mm]



-50 -50

-60 -60
-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
x [mm] x [mm]

Figure 2: Simulating operating of slider crank mechanism in MATLAB

3. Remarks about programming in SCILAB optimization's no trouble (Linear Matrix Inequality),

processing the signals, statistics.
The SCILAB programming is a development From the license point of view , SCILAB is a free
environment very easy to use. Can be used for software in the sense that the user does not paid for him
calculation and static analysis, enables the manipulation being under license CeCILL (THE INRIA CNRS
array, display the functions, implementing the Logiciel Libre). The software is distributed with the
algorithms, the creation of graphical user interfaces source code so that the user has access to all the
(GUI) and can interact with other applications. The functions of the internal affairs of the SCILAB. Most of
mathematics becomes extremely easy with this the time, the user downloads and installs a binary
application. version of the software, whereas SCILAB consortium
From the point of view of the software, the offers more executable versions on different platforms
SCILAB programming uses an interpreted language, i.e.
like: Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Section online
a language that has certain syntax checker prescribed for
'Help' of the program is offered in a variety of national
to be more easily programmed and used. This, in
general, allows to obtain a rapid processes of execution,
because the operator accesses directly a language, high The general aspects of the two programming
level with a rich feature-set offered in SCILAB library. environments reflect the fact that although they look
Programming language allows the compilation in a similar at a first consideration, they differ very much by
dynamic mode and links to other media program such as syntaxes that are used to create the programs and the
FORTRAN and C: in this way, external libraries can be most representative aspect is by the fact that many
used as and when you were part of the inside of the functions of the MATLAB have no correspondence in
SCILAB. SCILAB, even highlighted in the two programs used to
From the scientific point of view, SCILAB comes the creation of a mechanism with levers - a slider-crank
with many features of which a part are focused on the mechanism, the environment of MATLAB
linear algebraic, but also many areas of the scientific programming being more complex in performing the
computing. A short list of his capacity is presented in functions, more powerful, but with certain disadvantage
the following: algebra linear array and phased array, of the cost . In figure 3 is presented the simulation of
polynomial and rational functions, interpolation and slider crank mechanism. In figure 4 is shown the
approximation, optimization linear and non-linear operating of slider crank mechanism from 45° to 45°
square, solving ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation)
and DAEs (Differential Equations Algebraic),

28 The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2016, Issue 50
The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB

Figure 3: Simulating non centric slider crank mechanism in SCILAB

Figure 4: Simulating operating of slider crank mechanism in SCILAB

The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2016, Issue 50 29
The study of slider crank mechanism using MATLAB and SCILAB

Considering operating simulation from figure 2 and The similarities between the two environments,
figure 4, one can see that there are no major differences. MATLAB and SCILAB, are given in the writing of
Both, Matlab and SCILAB are similar, even some functions, but also of the results of the graphics. The
commands are different. In figure 5 are represented the two software does not have as a result important
stroke, X[mm], versus rotation angle, φ[°] , and differences, which shows us that both programs can
geometric speed v/ω versus rotation angle, φ[°], [2]. easily perform applications relatively simple.
An important aspect to economy mode of approach
4. Conclusions the two software being at different ends when we
discuss about the purchase price of the MATLAB
The work highlights the importance of using programming having a high cost and the environment of
SCILAB program from the point of view of the programming SCILAB having a zero cost being a free
completion of the animations, as well as the side with software by means of the license CeCILL (THE INRIA
the levers, four bar mechanisms or other type of CNRS Logiciel Libre).
animations and opens up Each environment presents the advantages and
new directions regarding the execution of the GUI disadvantages, and their use is the performance of even
interfaces or other applications. the same, as well as the comparison of the results but
with a certain threshold of the complexity of the
programs, complexity is given no more and no less than
the SCILAB environment. Therefore, MATLAB
environment is much more used in the fields of
industrial and academic ones, at the global level.
The study of the work can be enhanced with new
research relating to the description and functionality of
the program as well as the presentation and improve the
toolbox sites that belong to the SCILAB program, in
order to achieve animations , most complex from the
point of view of the machinery movement, [3].

5. References

[1] Rizescu D., Miu S., Rizescu C.I., “Complemente de

mecatronică”, București, Printech 2000;
[2] Prisăcaru,Gh., Bercea,M., Gramescu,B., Ciupe, V., –
“Mecatronica aplicata”, Ed. Academiei Oamenilor de
Stiinta din Romania, Bucureşti, 2011.
[3] Charalampides, G., Dontu, O., Gheorghe, Gh. I.,
Besnea, D., Avarvarei, I., Ciobanu, R., „Considerations
regarding the integration of CAD/CAM design and
manufacturing using CNC processing machines” - The
Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics &
Figure 5: Stroke x and geometric speed v/ω versus Mechatronics, Nr.38/2010;
rotation angle, φ[°] for slider crank mechanism

30 The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 2016, Issue 50

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