Oral Surgery Board 2008

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Some key takeaways from the passages include common oral surgical procedures, fracture classifications, flap design principles, and potential postoperative complications.

Techniques mentioned for frenectomy include vestibuloplasty, elliptical incision excision, and various Z-plasty and V-plasty techniques. Alveoloplasty involves compression of lateral walls, removal of intraseptal bone, and recontouring of bony irregularities.

Important considerations for flap design include maintaining blood supply, adequate visualization, sound bone support, and tension-free closure. The flap should be wedge-shaped for larger procedures like removal of the maxillary tuberosity.


Techniques for frenectomy includes the following:

I. localized vestibuloplasty with secondary epithelialization
II. excision of a narrow elliptical incision around the frenal area supraperiosteally
III. Z-plasty technique
IV. Y-V and V-Y plasty
A. I, II & III B. II, III & IV C. I, III & IV D. IV only

This procedure maybe necessary when inflammation and infection persists in the area around the root tip after RCT.
A. Root amputation
B. Root-end surgery
C. Apical surgery
D. Apicoectomy
E. All of the above

Alveoloplasty consist of the following:

I. Compression of the lateral walls of the extraction site
II. Removal of intraseptal bone and repositioning of the cortical bone
III. Recontouring bony irregularities using ronguer and bone files
IV. Gross removal of bone to increase interarch space.
A. I, II & III B. I, III & IV C. II, III & IV D. IV only

The most common fracture of the mandible is:

A. Le Fort I
B. Nasal bone fracture
C. Naso-orbital ethmoid fracture
D. Zygomatic arch fracture
E. None of the above

Wiring technique that embraces only two adjacent teeth in the posterior quadrant and provides two hooks for the elastics.
A. Risdon
B. Multiple loop
C. Ivy loop wiring
D. Circumferential loop wiring
E. All of the above

Required period of fixation for the fractured mandible:

A. 2-3 weeks
B. 4-6 weeks
C. 6-8 months
D. 4-6 months

The simplest form of temporary fixation if definitive fixation is not feasible in a trauma patient.
A. plates and screws
B. Risdon
C. Head bandage
D. Ivy loop
E. Circumferential wiring

The following are life threatening conditions of a trauma patient and should be given first attention, except:
A. nerve deficit
B. hemorrhage
C. obstruction of the patient’s airways
D. abnormal vital signs
E. asymmetry

The most frequent cause of airway obstruction in an unconscious person.

A. avulsed tooth
B. tongue
C. tooth fragment
D. bone fragment
E. blood clot

Excisional biopsy should be employed on small lesions that on clinical examination appear benign and measuring about:
A. less than 1 cm in diameter
B. less than 1 mm in diameter
C. more than 1 cm in diameter
D. more than 1 mm in diameter
The approach for removal of a foreign object in the anthrum is?
A. through the socket
B. by weber-Ferguson incision
C. through the canine fossa
D. by nasal antrostomy

A patient complains of significant discomfort in all the left maxillary posterior teeth, all teeth are sensitive to percussion but react
normally to vitality testing. Palpation in the mucobuccal fold produces discomfort. The most probable diagnosis is:
A. acute periapical abscess with referred pain
B. generalized periodontal disease
C. acute maxillary sinusitis’
D. tic douloreaux

In doing a palatal rotational flap which of the branches of the maxillary nerve should be anesthesized?
I. anterior palatine
II. anterior superior alveolar
III. middle superior alveolar
IV. posterior superior alveolar
V. posterior palatine
A. I, II & III B. I, IV & V C. II, III & IV D. III & IV E. II,IV & V

Following removal of a lower molar tooth, the patient complains of numbness of the lower lip on the same side even after 10 days
have passed. The dentist explains that:
A. all lower molar extractions result in temporary numbness and that it will get better when the wound is completely
B. There must have been an infection at the root ends and it will get better
C. Numbness is a sign of a tumor & the patient should see a specialist.
D. The nerve was traumatized during the extraction & will heal in a month or so.
E. The patient did not follow the postoperative instructions & an infection developed following the extraction

A 19 year old female patient presents with pain, trismus, swelling associated with a partially erupted lower third molar and fever. The
most likely diagnosis is:
A. ameloblastoma
B. fracture at the angle of the mandible through the alveolus of the third molar
C. pericoronitis
D. peritonsillar abscess
E. none of the above are correct.

The following are the functions of the paranasal sinuses, except:

A. it reduces the weight of the skull
B. as a reserve chamber to warm the respired air
C. give resonance to the voice
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

Type of third molar impaction generally considered to be the most difficult to remove.
A. mesioangular
B. distoangular
C. horizontal
D. vertical

The mechanical principles involved in the use of dental elevators are the following, except:
A. lever
B. wedge
C. wheel and axle
D. rotational
E. none of the above

A probable prospect as to the recovery from a disease which is dependent upon the severity of symptoms, location, etiology and
resistance of the patient:
A. differential diagnosis
B. probable diagnosis
C. final diagnosis
D. prognosis
The act of delivering tooth from the socket once bony expansion is achieved:
A. extraction
B. dehiscence
C. tractional force
D. odontectomy
E. none of the above

The goals of forcep use are:

A. luxate the tooth
B. expand the alveolar bone
C. remove the tooth
D. both A & C
E. all of the above

. The first major movement applied by the forcep resulting in minimal movement of the tooth in apical direction and expansion of
tooth socket.
A. tractional force
B. rotational
C. apical
D. buccal and lingual pressure
E. all of the above

During tooth luxation, the fulcrum used by the elevators is the:

A. adjacent teeth’
B. sulcus
C. gingival
D. interseptal bone
E. all of the above

Open technique of extraction is also known as:

A. simple forcep technique
B. flap technique
C. elevator technique
D. none of the above

Type of radiograph that provides the most accurate and detailed information concerning the root tooth and surrounding tissues.
A. panoramic
B. cephalometric
C. periapical
D. bite wing

An angled double ended instrument to remove soft tissue from bony defects:
A. file
B. curette
C. hemostat
D. allis forcep
E. none of the above

Instrument for removing bone are the following, except:

A. ronguer
B. mallet and chisel
C. surgical burs
D. bone file
E. none of the above

In using chisel and mallet, mono bevel chisel is used for:

A. tooth reduction
B. bone reduction
C. tooth removal
D. root removal

A surgical procedure where cuts are made in the alveolar bone and increase the rate of tooth movement.
A. Decortification C. alveoplasty
B. Corticotomy D. Ostectomy E. Osteotomy

The procedure of choice for correction of soft tissue attachment on or near the crest of the alveolar ridge.
A. Alveoplasty C. osteotomy
B. Ostectomy D. alveolectomy E. vestibuloplasty
Alveoloplasty consists of the following, except:
A. compression of the lateral walls of the extraction site
B. removal of intraseptal bone and repositioning of the cortical bone
C. recontouring bony irregularities using ronguer and bone files
D. gross removal of bone to increase interarch space
E. all of the above.

Procedure involving the correction of a prominent chin but the occlusal relationship is normal.
A. Ostectomy C. Alveolectomy
B. Genioplasty D. Corticotomy E. none of these

This procedure maybe necessary when inflammation and infection persists in the area around the root tip after root canal therapy:
A. apical surgery C. root-end resection
B. root amputation D. both A & C E. all of these

Implant that has a stabilizing bone plate with multiple short retaining posts and 2 long posts imbedded in the mandible from the
inferior border to alveolar crest.
A. Endosteal B. Transosteal C. Subperiosteal implant

A Class III, 3rd molar impaction:

A. the highest point of impacted tooth is below the level odf the occlusal plane of
the adjacent 2nd molar but above the cervical line
B. the highest point is at or above the level of the occlusal plane of the adjacent
2nd molar
C. has insufficient space between the anterior border of the ramus and the
distal surface of the 2nd molar
D. has sufficient space between the anterior border of the ramus and the distal
surface of the 2nd molar
E. none of the above

Process of creating a fistula in the labial or buccal plate of bone to locate the root apex.
A. Marsupialization C. trephination
B. Hemisection D. replantation E. transplantation

A procedure that horizontally splits the mandible, the cranial fragment is repositioned superiorly and an interpositional bone graft is
A. sandwich ostectomy C. maxillary osteoplasty
B. visor osteotomy D. genioplasty

Ideal solution for storing avulsed tooth or tooth used for transplantation.
A. Milk C. Hank’s solution
B. saline solution D. saliva E. water

Open technique of extraction is also known as:

A. simple forcep technique C. elevator technique
B. flap technique D. both A & C E. none of these

In using chisel and mallet, monobevel chisel is used for:

A. tooth reduction C. tooth removal
B. bone reduction D. root removal E. none of these.

Healing process that takes place following extraction of a tooth may be described as:
A. healing by first intention D. both A & C
B. healing by secondary intention E. none of these
C. healing by granulomatous tissue formation

Dressings like gelfoam, bone chips or other substitutes are used to:
A. obliterate the surgical cavity D. promote healing
B. prevent hematoma formation E. both A & C
C. control bleeding

The Z-plasty procedure may be used to correct:

1. ankyloglossia 2. interfering labial frenum
3. oroantral fistula 4. sharp mylohyoid ridge
A. 1,2 B. 2,3,4 C. 1,2,3 D. 1,2,3,4

Surgical blade most commonly used for intraoral flap incisions:

A. #11 B. #12 C. #15 D. #10 E. none of these
Surgical blade which is used mainly for incision and drainage.
A. # 11 B. #12 C. #15 D. #10 E. none of these.

Which of the following surgical techniques can be used for ridge extension in the mandible?
A. secondary epithelialization D. all of these
B. mucosal graft vestibuloplasty E. none of these
C. skin graft vestibuloplasty

Which is most important in preventing post-extraction bleeding problems?

A. Local pressure C. suturing of flaps
B. ice on the face D. transfusion of fresh whole blood

It is a method of flushing out or lavage of the TMJ that gives three-dimensional images of the joint, bony relation and bony quality of
the TMJ’s
A. orthopantomograms C. CT Scan
B. arthrography D. MRI

This procedure is used for recurrent jaw dislocation, exposing the joint eminence, is then excised by bur and fine osteome in order
to prevent the obstruction of joint head from returning into the fossa.
A. Eminectomy C. condylectomy
B. Condyllotomy D. arthrocentesis E. meniscal plication

A convenient method of performing incisional biopsy that employs disposable instrument that makes a circular incision with a
A. Punch biopsy C. incisional biopsy
B. Brush biopsy D. excisional biopsy E. oral cytology

Type of fixation used for fractured mandibular arch:

A. plates and screws C. head bandage
B. Risdon D. Ivy loop E. circumferential wiring

A type of fracture wherein the bone is shattered, split into several pieces.
A. Comminuted C. simple
B. Complicated D. Greenstick E. Compound

A typical surgical flap for odontectomy:

A. should not extend more than half of a tooth on both side
B. should be the “split” thickness flap
C. should elevate the mucoperiosteum as one tissue
D. should be replaced by interrupted stures.
E. both A & D

The following sealants maybe used for retrograde filling, except:

A. zinc free amalgam C. ethoxy benzoic acid
B. mineral trioxide aggregate D. glass ionomer E. ZOE

Flap design of choice for apicoectomy:

A. semilunar C. “L” or inverted “L” shaped flap
B. envelope D. elliptical E. none of these

Fusion of the condyle, disk and fossa complex that results to fibrous tissue and bone fusion or both characterized by reduced
mandibular opening that ranges from partial reduction in function to complete immobility of the jaw.
A. Rheumatiod arthritis D. Intracapsular ankylosis
B. Degenerative joint disease E. Extracapsular ankylosis
C. Myofacial pain and dysfunction

The simplest form of temporary fixation if definitive fixation is not feasible in a trauma patient:
A. plates and screws C. head bandage
B. Risdon D. Ivy loop E. circumferential wiring

An intraoral approach of TMJ management exposing the lateral aspects of the ramus, a cut is made below the condyle with an
oscillating jaw that reduces pressure on the
meniscus and anterior movement of the condylar head.
A. Eminectomy C. Condylectomy
B. Condylotomy D. Arthrocentesis E. Meniscal Plication
Procedure done after tooth extraction to reduce the width of the socket & undercuts:
A. simple alveoloplasty C. alveolar compression
B. alveolectomy D. molding E. all of these

The principal deterrent to normal wound healing:

A. poor nutrition C. infection
B. torn wound edges D. excessive bleeding E. inadequate suturing

Which of the following are the requirements for a proper flap design.
1. Always maintain blood supply
2. Adequate visualization of the site of surgery
3. Sound bone for support
4. Suture with tension
A. 1,2 B. 1,2,3 C. 2,3,4 D. 1,3,4 E, 1,2,3,4

In designing the flap to remove a large maxillary tuberosity, which of the following is true:
A. wedge-shaped or elliptical incision should be done first
B. oblique vertical incision may be placed buccally
C. incision must be placed buccal to the ridge
D. all of the above
E. both B & C

Graft material used for ridge augmentation or bone replacement include the following, except:
A. autogenous grafts C, alloplastic grafts
B. allogenic grafts D. hydroxyapatite crystal E. none of these

What muscle is most likely to be involved when deepening the lingual vestibule for preprosthetic surgical preparation?
A. genioglossus m. C. platysma m.
B. diagastric m. D. mylohyoid m. E. hyoglossus m.

During removal of a torus palatinus, the midportion of the palatine process of the maxilla is inadvertently removed. One would
expect to see:
A. an opening into the nasal cavity C. a vertical fracture of the maxilla
B. an opening into the maxillary antrum D. a horizontal fracture of the maxilla.

A severe dull ache in the jaw three or four days after a dental extraction usually indicates:
A. loss of the alveolar blood clot
B. a need for prescription of a narcotic
C. exposure of cementum of an adjacent tooth
D. a need for prescription of an antibiotic
E. the beginning of acute pulpitis of an adjacent tooth.

The most common complication of an open fracture is:

A. nonunion C. infection
B. malunion D. crepitation E. poor alignment of the fracture

The most commonly encountered postoperative conditions that may require attention after surgical removal of impacted teeth are:
A. pain and edema C. paresthesia and nausea
B. diarrhea and vomiting D. infection and elevated temperature

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