Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Report On Project Criteria, Guidelines and Technologies

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Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants

Phase 1

Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plant Project



July 1999 SOPAC Technical Report 288

The Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Project is funded by NZAID through a cash grant to
the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission.

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Table of Contents
1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 GENERAL .......................................................................................................................................................................3

1.2 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT .........................................................................................................................................4

2: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 5

3: SCOPE OF THE PROJ ECT........................................................................................................................................... 6

4: SCOPE OF THIS REPORT............................................................................................................................................ 6

5: WASTEWATER TREATMENT................................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 INTRODUCTION - WHAT IS WASTEWATER AND WHAT IS IT MADE UP OF?............................................................7

5.2 W HY IS IT NECESSARY TO TREAT HUMAN WASTE OR EXCRETA?...........................................................................7
5.3 DECIDING WHICH TREATMENT OPTION TO USE ........................................................................................................8
5.4 W HAT IS W ASTEWATER TREATMENT ?.....................................................................................................................8
LEVELS OF W ASTEWATER TREATMENT .............................................................................................................................9
5.6 SEPARATION OF SOLIDS.............................................................................................................................................10
5.7 W HAT ARE AEROBIC AND ANAEROBIC PROCESSES?..............................................................................................12
5.8 SLUDGE ACCUMULATION..........................................................................................................................................12
5.9 ELIMINATION OF NITROGEN.....................................................................................................................................12
5.10 ELIMINATION OF PHOSPHORUS ...........................................................................................................................13
5.11 ELIMINATION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES. ...............................................................................................................13
5.12 REMOVAL OF PATHOGENS....................................................................................................................................13
5.13 CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................................................14


6.1 INTRODUCTION:..........................................................................................................................................................15
6.2 GENERAL A SSUMPTIONS...........................................................................................................................................15
6.3 EFFLUENT QUALITY...................................................................................................................................................15
6.4 W ATER SUPPLY ..........................................................................................................................................................15
6.5 LAND SPACE ...............................................................................................................................................................16
6.6 M AINTENANCE AND OPERATION .............................................................................................................................16
6.7 COST .............................................................................................................................................................................16
6.8 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENT : ....................................................................................................................................17
6.9 TOPOGRAPHY ..............................................................................................................................................................17
6.10 TECHNOLOGY RATING SHEET .............................................................................................................................18
6.11 CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................................................20

7: SMALL-SCALE TECHNOLOGIES ..........................................................................................................................21

7.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................................................................21

7.2 IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGIES ......................................................................................................................................21
7.2.1 Primary Processes ..........................................................................................................................................21
7.2.2 Secondary Processes......................................................................................................................................28
7.2.3 Tertiary Processes ..........................................................................................................................................39
7.2.4 Package Plant Types......................................................................................................................................43

8: REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................................47

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1: Introduction
1.1 General

In general, the sanitation field seems to live the life of an orphan in many Pacific Island
Countries. In many cases this important sector of public health has been left alone when
major upgrading projects improved the water supply systems in many countries and
provinces. This basically ignored the downstream effect of improved water supply, that of
increased discharges into rivers or aquifers. Two reasons appear to be the major cause for
that: firstly, wastewater collection and treatment is costly and their benefit often hard to show;
and secondly, even if low-cost solutions are being implemented many projects fail to deliver
the expected outcome.

Without pretending to reflect the complexity of sanitation projects three principal reasons may
be held accountable for the non-delivery problems:

• The technology was not appropriate,

• The beneficiary was not involved and consulted sufficiently, and

• The responsibilities within government were not resolved to ensure the necessary

During the last years many rural areas were provided with some kind of water supply system.
The availability of water leads to wider spread use of flush toilet systems. These systems
mainly use simple toilets to discard the waste water either directly into the porous
underground or into simple holes. At the same time many villages still supplement their water
supply from shallow wells which are often located in the direct neighbourhood of the toilets.
Even if landowners consider the possible contamination of their well through their own toilet
and locate them far apart they can not avoid the location of their neighbour’s toilet close to
their well. A similar risk of water body contamination occurs where villages situated on the
banks of a small estuary/lagoon discharge their wastewater without treatment. It is expected
that Small Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants (SSWTP), under certain circumstances, are
the solution for these problems. More specifically the SSWTP technology could be applied

• conventional sewage is simply too costly,

• environmental conditions require a high effluent quality,

• conventional on-site treatment proved to be of low community acceptance,

• low technology solution, such as composting toilets seem to be inappropriate.

In July 1998 the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved a regional project that
aimed at introducing SSWTP into three Pacific Countries. NZ$ 20,000 was allocated to
investigate the implications of implementing this important sanitation technology in Fiji,
Marshall Islands and Tonga. During the SOPAC 27th Annual Session Niue specially
requested to be included in the project.

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While it is hard to resolve the problem of government responsibilities for practitioners in the
sanitation engineering field, the first and the second problem of non-delivery may be relieved
through ensuring certain procedures during project planning and implementation. However,
the aim of the SSWTP Project in its first phase is to contribute to technological discussion
and provide insight into government structures and procedures within the relevant countries.
The method used to achieve this challenging goal was to involve as many experts as
possible experts, be they scientists or practitioners, in the early phases of the project. The
use of Internet and Email facilities allowed for an extensive technology research and valuable
feedback from virtually anywhere in the world. Along with good contacts with government
officials at national and district level, project is ensured to reach its addressee during this

1.2 Purpose Of The Project

The main purpose of the project is to identify:

• current wastewater disposal and treatment techniques,

• ongoing sanitation initiatives and projects,

• stakeholders in the sanitation sector,

• the administration structures related to sanitation projects,

• a possible project implementation agency,

• sites for future pilot projects.

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2: Acknowledgement
This project is funded by the New Zealand Official Development Assistance through an extra-
budgetary cash grant and the German Government through its funding of an United Nations
Associate Expert.

Special thanks should be given to the participants of the water and sanitation applied
research newsgroup who have provided very valuable information.

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3: Scope of the project

Traditionally, sanitation work in developing countries concentrates on research on very
rudimentary sanitation facilities such as stand-alone septic tanks, composting toilets or pit
toilets. Little is known about the viability of SSWTP. Therefore this project has been designed
to provide a comprehensive study to establish guidelines for their application. It is anticipated
that on completion of this project, money will be available to implement pilot projects in the
participating countries. Consequently the objectives of the project can be summarised as

• To identify appropriate waste water treatment technologies for selected villages in Fiji,
Marshall Islands, Niue and Tonga (e.g. treatment by plants, high-loaded treatment
lagoons, community septic tanks).

• To identify conditions under which a certain number of toilets can be connected to a single
small-scale waste water treatment plant (economic, technical and social viability).

• The formulation by participating countries of specific project proposals for further


In the context of the project, these objectives mean that the project is not necessarily trying
to find the best sanitation technology for a given problem but to list the conditions where
SSWTP represents an efficient alternative to either conventional sewage or on-site
wastewater treatment/disposal technologies. To detail these points is within the scope of the
SSWTP project.

As the former point basically refers to technical points the project focuses also on non-
technical problems. Here it is anticipated that the planning and implementation framework for
sanitation projects will be described in a way that allows the future implementation of such

4: Scope of this report

This report describes technologies the authors believe to be reflecting a fair selection out of
the numerous technologies and possible combinations that are available. Experts familiar
with the general topic of wastewater treatment or on-site sanitation will understand that this
report has to have some 'guidelines' to stay focussed on the South Pacific context.

In order to achieve that, this report gives technical criteria for the selection of wastewater
treatment technologies and suggests a rating scheme to find a technology suitable for a
particular situation. As with all such rating systems it is unavoidable that some readers may
consider the suggested scheme arbitrary. The authors will be happy to discuss any
suggestions readers may have.

Since the authors believe that wastewater treatment knowledge is basically non-existent in
the South Pacific a general description that summarises the basics of wastewater treatment
has been included. It is hoped that this facilitates the 'digestion' of this report.

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5: Wastewater Treatment
5.1 Introduction - what is wastewater and what is it made up of?

Human waste or more technically referred to as ‘excreta’ is defined by Chamber’s Concise

20th Century Dictionary as “useless matter discharged by animal alimentary”, animals being
humans in this context. Excreta is made up of a solid matter, faeces, and a liquid matter,
urine and is essentially an organic compound. The constituents making up the compound are
carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur and hydrogen. Also present are fats, carbohydrates,
enzymes, proteins, trace elements, pathogens and many different bacteria.

5.2 Why is it necessary to treat human waste or excreta?

It is necessary to treat human waste or excreta for many reasons, but the most important
reason is to preserve health. Untreated human excrement contains a variety of pathogenic
organisms, which include protozoa, bacteria, viruses and eggs of helminthes that are
disease-causing organisms. The presence of these in the environment transmits various
types of diseases. They could be:

• Water borne where pathogens are present in water supplies

• Soil–based where the excreted organism is spread through the soil

• Insect-vector borne where the pathogen is spread by insects that feed or breed in water
e.g. flies and mosquitoes.

• Faecal-oral transmission routes by which pathogens from faeces reach the mouth by
either hand, clothes food etc.

Figure 1: Faecal-oral transmission. Source: Pickford J., 1991

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5.3 Deciding which treatment option to use.

Once excrements have been produced, it is necessary to decide what to do with the waste
and determine the wastewater treatment option. There is a general distinction : Waste being
treated on-site via various treatment options e.g. VIP latrines, water seal toilets, composting
toilets etc. or by the use of water to carry the waste off-site to be treated some place else
either not too far from the compound as with septic tanks or to specialised treatment plants
through sewer lines. This form of waste often is reffered to as wastewater or sewerage.

The total management of wastewater can be separated into four categories:

• wastewater collection,

• wastewater treatment,

• treated wastewater disposal and,

• sludge management.

Waste only becomes non-hazardous to human health after treatment.

5.4 What is Wastewater Treatment?

“The term treatment means separation of solids and stabilisation of pollutants. In turn
stabilisation means the degradation of organic matter until the point at which chemical or
biological reactions stop. Treatment can also mean the removal of toxic or otherwise
dangerous substances (for e.g. heavy metals or phosphorous) which are likely to distort
sustainable biological cycles, even after stabilisation of the organic matter.”(Sasse, 1998)

General Parameters to measure organic pollution.

COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is said to be the most general parameter to measure
organic pollution. COD describes how much oxygen is required to oxidise all organic and
inorganic matter found in the wastewater sample. BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand)
describes what can be oxidised biologically, with the help of bacteria and is always a fraction
of COD. Usually BOD is measured as BOD5 meaning that it describes the amount of oxygen
consumed over a five-day measurement period. It is a direct measurement of the amount of
oxygen consumed by organisms removing the organic matter in the waste. SS (Suspended
Solids) describes how much of the organic or inorganic matter is not dissolved in water and
contains settleable solids that sink to the bottom in a short time and non-settleable
suspended solids. It is an important parameter because SS causes turbidity in the water
causing clogging of filters etc. The mentioned parameters are measured in 'mg/l'.

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Figure 2 Composition of solids in raw wastewater. Source: Small Wastewater System

Operation and Maintenance Vol. 1

5.5 Levels of Wastewater Treatment

Wastewater treatment options may be classified into groups of processes according to the
function they perform and their complexity:

Preliminary Treatment – includes simple processes that deal with debris and solid material.
The purpose of preliminary treatment is to remove those easily separable components. This
is usually performed by screening (usually by bar screens) and grit removal. Their removal is
important in order to increase the effectiveness of the later treatment processes and prevent
damages to the pipes, pumps and fittings.

Primary Treatment – is mainly the removal of solids by settlement. Simple settlement of the
solid material in sewage can reduce the polluting load by significant amounts. It can reduce
BOD by up to 40%. Some examples of primary treatment is septic tanks, septic tanks with
upflow filters, Imhoff tanks.

Secondary Treatment – In secondary treatment the organic material that remains in the
wastewater is reduced biologically. Secondary treatment actually involves harnessing and
accelerating the natural process of waste disposal whereby bacteria convert organic matter
to stable forms. Both aerobic and anaerobic processes are employed in secondary
treatment. Some examples of secondary treatment are UASB, reed bed systems, trickling
filters and stabilisation ponds.

Tertiary treatment – is the polishing process whereby treated effluent is further purified to
acceptable levels for discharge. It is usually for the removal of specific pollutants e.g.
nitrogen or phosphorus or specific industrial pollutants. Tertiary treatment processes are
generally specialised processes. Some examples of tertiary treatment are bank’s clarifiers,
grass plots, etc.
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The majority of secondary treatment processes are biological in their nature – i.e. they use
the natural activity of the bacteria to break down polluting material. Biological treatment
processes can themselves be divided into two general sub-divisions – aerobic and anaerobic

Advanced or quartiairy treatment are applicable only to industrial wastes to remove

specific contaminants.

Figure 3 gives an overview on technologies and their categorisation

Secondary Advanced
Primary treatment Tertiary Treatment
Treatment Treatment

Activated Sludge
Bar or Bow Screen Nitrification Chemical treatment
Extended aeration
Grit removal Denitrification reverse Osmosis
Aerated lagoon
Sedimentation Chem. Precipitation Electrodialysis
Trickling filter
Oil/ fat removal Disinfection Carbon adsorption
Rotation bio-discs
Flow equalisation Filtration Selective ion
unaerobic Sequence
pH neutralisation Chemical oxidation exchange
batch reactor
Imhoff tank Biological P reomval Hyperfiltration
Anaerobic filter

Constructed wetlands

Figure 3: Treatment categorisation and technologies, Source: Veenstra and Alaerts


5.6 Separation of solids

Wastewater treatment also relies on the separation of solids, both before and after
stabilisation. The choice of method of solid removal will depend on the size and specific
weight of pieces and particles of suspended solids.

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For the larger pieces of solids for e.g. diapers, cloth, etc. in wastewater treatment. Screens
require cleaning at very short intervals. Materials captured through screening require a safe
place to be disposed of. Below is a diagram of waste stabilisation ponds showing screening
as the first stage.

Figure 4: Schematic drawing of a stabilisation ponds system, Source: Pickord J., 1991


Separation of solids happens primarily by gravity, predominantly through sedimentation.

Coarse and heavy particles settle within a few hours or minutes while smaller and lighter
particles may need days and weeks to sink to the bottom.


Flotation is the predominant method to remove fat, grease and oil. Unwanted flotation occurs
in septic tanks and other anaerobic systems where floating layers of scum are easily formed.
Accumulated scum could be removed manually or left purposedly to seal the surface of
anaerobic ponds to prevent bad odour. Below is a diagram of a septic tank showing scum
floating on the surface.

Figure 5: Wastewater separation in a septic tank. Source: Sasse L. 1998

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Filtration becomes necessary when suspended solid particles are to be removed that cannot
be forced to settle or float within a reasonable time. Most filters have a double function, they
provide a fixed surface for treatment of bacteria and they form a physical obstacle for the
smaller solid particles by creating adhesion of particles to their surfaces. Filtration can be
both on the upstream and the downstream. E.g. Upstream Anaerobic Sludge Blanket.
Anaerobic filters direct flow upwards through the filter material. Trickling filters allow the
wastewater to descend in a downward direction through the filter material. The speed at
which filtration occurs depends on the type of filter material used. Smaller grain sizes and
fine mesh sizes would cause filtration to be slower than larger, wider-spaced material, but
would cause the retention of many more solids and clog faster.

5.7 What are aerobic and anaerobic processes?

With aerobic processes, bacteria use oxygen to feed on the organic material (which is a food
source) to produce carbondioxide and water, with the production of quantities of extra
bacterial mass (sludge). Most aerobic processes require the mechanical addition of oxygen
and that can be expensive.

Anaerobic processes take place in the absence of oxygen and bacteria break down the
organic wastes to produce carbondioxide and methane. This mixture of gases, called Biogas,
can potentially be harnessed as an energy source. Anaerobic process produces much less
excess sludge than aerobic processes however the treatment efficiency is not as high as it is
for aerobic processes.

The aerobic process happens much faster than anaerobic digestion and for that reason
always dominates when free oxygen is available. The high speed at which decomposition
occurs is caused by the shorter reproduction cycles of aerobic bacteria as compared to
anaerobic bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria leave some of the energy unused and it is this
unused energy which is released in the form of biogas. Aerobic bacteria use a larger portion
of the pollution load for production of their own bacterial mass compared to anaerobic
bacteria, which is why the aerobic process produces twice as much sludge as the anaerobic
process. Aerobic treatment is highly efficient when there is enough oxygen available.

5.8 Sludge accumulation

Sedimentation and particles that escape filtration lead to sludge accumulation at the bottom
of vessels. This sludge gets compacted over time, consequently older sludge occupies less
volume than fresh sludge. Sludge removal is important and removal should be performed as
specified for each technology.

5.9 Elimination of Nitrogen

Nitrogen is a nutrient that causes algal growth in receiving waters and needs to be removed
from wastewater before discharge. It is also poisonous to fish in the form of ammonia gases
and also may become poisonous in the form of nitrite. The basic process of nitrogen removal
occurs in two steps, namely, nitrification (aerobic conditions) followed by denitrification

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(anaerobic conditions) with the result that pure nitrogen diffuses into the atmosphere. Nitrate
is the most stable form of nitrogen and its’ presence indicates complete oxidation

Figure 6: Simplified illustration of Nitrogen cycle. Source: Small Wastewater System

Operation and Maintenance Vol. 1

5.10 Elimination of Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a nutrient that is water soluble, often recycled and is required to support living
plants and organisms. Bacteria cannot transform phosphorus into a form in which it loses its
fertiliser quality permanently. This implies that no appropriate biological process either
aerobic or anaerobic can remove phosphorous from wastewater. Phosphorus removal from
water normally takes place by removal of bacterial mass (active sludge) or by removal of
phosphate fixing solids via sedimentation or flocculation. This process is normally performed
in the tertiary stage of treatment.

5.11 Elimination of toxic substances

Most heavy metals are toxic or carcinogenic and therefore should not remain in the
wastewater because they harm the aquatic life of the receiving water or could enter the
human nutritious cycle when wastewater or sludge is used in agriculture. Since heavy metals
settle easy their removal is not difficult however soluble toxic substances may be difficult to
remove. There are numerous methods for converting toxins into non-toxic substances for
e.g. ion exchange procedures.

5.12 Removal of pathogens

Pathogens are present in many forms in excreta e.g. bacteria, viruses and protozoa and
accumulate in the sediment sludge and are largely retained inside the treatment system
where they stay alive for several weeks. Most bacteria and viruses caught in the sludge die
after shorter periods. Those bacteria, which are not caught in the sludge but remain
suspended in the liquid portion, are hardly affected, meaning, these bacteria and viruses exit
the plant fully alive. Exposure to UV rays has a substantial hygienic effect. High pathogen
removal can also be experienced in shallow ponds with long retention times. Constructed

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wetlands with their multifunctional bacterial life in the root zones can also be very effective.
Using chlorination to kill pathogens is only advisable for hospitals in the case of epidemics
and other such special circumstances as chlorine kills all forms of bacteria both beneficial
and non-beneficial. Apart from this chlorine has an adverse impact on the environment.
Water is made unstable as chlorine itself has a high chemical oxygen demand (COD).

5.13 Conclusion

Wastewater treatment involves a variety of processes performed at different levels of

treatment. The basic form of treatment is the breaking down of organic waste by bacteria
either aerobically or anaerobically or a combination of both which occurs in secondary
treatment. Primary treatment offers the settlement of solids. Tertiary treatment involves the
removal of phosphorus, nitrogen and toxic substances. Pathogen removal occurs throughout
treatment but becomes more effective mostly at tertiary levels through the use of UV rays
and chlorination. The higher the treatment efficiency the better the quality of effluent

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6.1 Introduction:

The preliminary criteria of the small-scale wastewater project, given its objectives, was
determined by careful consideration of what was important when making wastewater
technological choices. Criteria were then prioritised, after which a table was set up rating
each technology against these criteria for better evaluation.

6.2 General Assumptions

General assumptions need to be made to keep a clear focus on the project objectives. If
these assumptions were not made then the choice of technology would be restricted to a
selected few. The assumption is that there is enough sustainable water supply for the use of
waste disposal

6.3 Effluent Quality

The technology chosen should produce effluent quality that is up to standard with regards to
the various quality measurements: BOD, suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphates etc.
Different technologies provide different levels of waste treatment, removing contaminants by
various methods. All options must be carefully considered with respect to the treatment
quality that is provided for by the different technologies. This is an important criterion and is
the determining factor in the effectiveness of the different technologies chosen

In terms of effluent quality produced the ratings are as follows:

Low Effluent Quality, Moderate Effluent Quality, High Effluent Quality

6.4 Water Supply

Water is used in waste disposal mainly for the transportation of sewage from one place to the
next although it is used in the biological degradation of organic matter to a certain degree as
well. The assumption made by us is that there is enough water supplied for this use as well
as sustained for continuing future use for either purpose. Water is placed here in the criteria
because it is a key aspect in differentiating technologies. Without water, it would be difficult to
transport the sewerage to another site to be treated. This allows only one option for on-site
treatment, by the use of composting toilets. Locations that are not capable of providing this
water requirement would then be limited to on-site treatment options.

To sustain water supply, a moderate amount must be used for this.

The water supply ratings are as follows:

Water Supply: Yes

Water Supply: No

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6.5 Land Space

The reason for a limited land space requirement is that land issues are always a problem and
must be handled carefully. In a village, land may be owned by many families each claiming
their own piece. This family ownership does not only include the immediate family, but
encompasses the extended family as well, resulting in many people owning a piece of land.
Land secured for waste treatment would be difficult to obtain. This is also placed high on the
list because often there is limited land available and this needs to be taken into account
when choosing a technology. Although this would restrict our options, limited land availability
most often can’t be overcome.

In terms of land space the ratings are as follows:

Low land requirement, moderate land requirement, high land requirement

6.6 Maintenance and Operation

It is assumed that a certain degree of maintenance is required and also a skilled workforce to
perform maintenance and operational duties when needed. The maintenance of a
wastewater treatment system is then left up to the villagers themselves after implementation
where it is assumed that at least one villager has the capability to oversee the operation and
maintenance of the system. Although the operation and maintenance of the system may be
reviewed from time to time by the relevant parties it is most often left to the villagers
themselves in the long run. The proper maintenance of the chosen system would be a
limiting factor in terms of the sustainability of the project at the village level, as it has been
seen from past experiences that most often maintenance has not been satisfactory. To
overcome this, proper maintenance and operation training should be made available to
certain people who are responsible for this duty. Sometimes mechanical equipment is
imported and when parts need repair or replacement they are not available locally so the
system becomes non-operational for a period of time.

This criteria is placed here because maintenance and operation are important and need to
be considered when making a technological choice because the sustainability of chosen
technology rely on the proper workings of the two. Some skill would be required for any
technology, choice made as there is no technology that does not require maintenance at all.
Choices should perhaps be directed towards relatively low maintenance systems.

In terms of maintenance and operation the ratings are as follows:

Low O & M, Moderate O & M, and High O & M

6.7 Cost

Financial support may be supplied by many sources. On a village level, funding may be
provided by the villagers themselves with the assistance of local government departments
e.g. Department of Health etc. Apart from this, financial service may also be provided from
other sources like foreign aid programs and so forth. Initially there would be cost of
construction after which the running costs may come into effect e.g. cost of maintenance
etc.Cost is not to be placed first on the list because within the scope of this project it should
not be the determining factor in the type of treatment system chosen. However, people

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sometimes take the option of a less-than-adequate system that does not perform
satisfactorily giving out poor quality effluent for the sake of cutting costs. The financial
resources of the local area under consideration may not be much, but there may often be
foreign donor support for well-presented projects etc.

In terms of the ratings are:

Low Cost , Medium Cost, High Cost

6.8 Electrical requirement:

Electrical power may be used in many different ways in the waste treatment system for e.g. it
may be used for pumps to transport the sewerage from one place to the next and also may
be used in technologies involving aeration etc. Those technologies that are dependent on
electrical power for operation can sometimes become non-operational due to power cuts.
The assumption made is that the requirement of electrical power for operation is not
essential because there are technologies that can be chosen which do not need electricity to
operate. If electricity can be provided this just broadens the options of technological choices.

This criteria is not placed high on the list as there are technological options available that
don’t require electricity and it is often not essential in the choices made. It is included in the
list of criteria because often the use of package plant type options requires electrical power
for operation.

The ratings for electrical requirement are:

Electrical Requirement – Yes

Electrical Requirement – No

6.9 Topography

Topographic conditions e.g. the slope of an area etc. have an influence over the type of
technology chosen and these conditions change from one site to the next. Some areas have
a topography that allows easier implementation of wastewater technologies then others. The
types of wastewater technologies chosen with consideration of topographic conditions work
more efficiently as with these technical considerations in mind they become more effective,
producing better quality effluent. Topographic conditions should be considered as a criterion
however is not included in the rating sheet as it is very site specific.

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6.10 Technology Rating Sheet

Technology Criteria

PROCESS TYPES Effluent Water Land O&M Cost Electrici

Quality ty

(Primary Treatment)

Composting Composting Toilets, Enviroloo, Low No Low Low Low No

Toilets Soltran II.

Composting Composting Toilets, Nature-Loo, Low No Low Low Low Yes

Toilets Rota-Loo, Biolet

Septic Tank Septic Tank to disposal field Low Yes Low Low Low No

Septic Tank with up -flow filter Moderate Yes Low Low Moderate No

Imhoff Tanks Low Yes Low Low Low No

Ponds/Lago Small Anaerobic Ponds Low Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

treating domestic wastewater

High loaded Anaerobic Ponds Moderate Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

with long HRT

Low loaded Anaerobic Ponds Low Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

with short HRT

Low loaded Anaerobic Ponds High Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

with long HRT

Low loaded Sedimentation Tanks Low Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

short HRT

Low loaded Sedimentation Tanks High Yes Moderate Low Moderate No

with long HRT

Secondary Treatment

Activated UASB Moderate Yes Low Moderate Low No

Upflow Anaerobic Sludge

Septic Baffled Septic Tanks Moderate Yes Low Moderate Low No


Slow Rate Process

Land Moderate Yes High Low Moderate No

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Technology Criteria

PROCESS TYPES Effluent Water Land O&M Cost Electrici

Quality ty

Overland Flow Process

Moderate Yes High Low Moderate No

Rapid Infiltration Treatment

High Yes High Low Moderate No

Ponds/Beds Reed Bed System/(SSF) High Yes Moderate Moderate Moderate No

Subsurface Flow Wetlands/Root
Zone TP/Horizontal Gravel Filter

Aerobic Stabilisation High Yes High Low Moderate No

Ponds/Oxidation Ponds/Algal

Ponds/ Waste Stabilisation Ponds High Yes High Low Moderate No


Filters Anaerobic Filters Moderate Yes Low High High Yes

Trickling Filters/Percolating High Yes Moderate High High Yes


Activated Activated Sludge Treatment High Yes Low High High Yes

Tertiary Treatment

Hybrid Hybrid Toilet Systems (HTS) High No Low Moderate Moderate Yes

Package N-DN Biofilter Treatment Plants High Yes Low High High Yes
Plant Types

Enviroflow Biofilter Treatment

Package High Yes Low High High Yes
Plant System
Plant Types

Package Cromaglass Unit High Yes Low High High Yes

Plant Types

Intermittent Decanted Extended

Package High Yes Low High High Yes
Aeration System. (IDEA)
Plant Types

Tertiary Lagoons High Yes High Low Moderate No

Banks’ Clarifiers High Yes High Low Moderate No

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Technology Criteria

PROCESS TYPES Effluent Water Land O&M Cost Electrici

Quality ty

Grass Plots High Yes High Low Moderate No

6.11 Conclusion

The table ratings were done from the available information. It can be seen from the different
ratings that each technology has its strong and weak points and therefore an effective
combination of these treatment technologies together would maximise treatment options.

Due to the fact that not all information is presented in the table a conclusive result cannot be
made to totally represent all technologies present.

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7: Small-Scale Technologies
7.1 General

The following pages provide an overview of the identified small-scale wastewater treatment
technologies. The list does not claim to be complete but comprehensive. The outline follows
the complexity of the different systems as well as the effluent quality that can be achieved by
the respective treatment technology.

The sheets do not contain designing criteria. A separate software will be designed and
distributed once this report has been approved by the NZODA and the participating Pacific
Island Countries.

7.2 Identified technologies

7.2.1 Primary Processes

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Primary Process Treatment Information

Composting Toilets There are many different types of composting

toilets on the market today namely, Natureloo,
Carousel composting toilet, Enviro Loo, Soltran
II, Rotaloo, Biolet. Other types of composting
toilet systems are prevalent which have been
designed by consultants using local materials.
All these toilets have utilised the idea of
composting to treat wastes and have in their
different ways made modifications to their
products. Composting is a natural process
through which organic material is decomposed
and returned to the soil which are then acted
upon by organisms in the soil producing a
valuable soil conditioner (humus). In a
composting toilet, water is not used at all and
human waste and other organic material (dried
leaves) are deposited into a digestion chamber
where solid portions are decomposed by
Aerobic bacteria and liquids are left to
evaporate through a specially designed
ventilation system. Digestion chambers will
take a certain period of time to fill up depending
on the particular system and finished compost
can be cautiously removed avoiding contact
Source: Rotaloo Composting Toilets, Environment Equipment with hands and can be buried in a shallow hole
Rotaloo Brochure. or trenched around roots of trees.

• Simple construction
• Requires manual removal and disposal of finished composting material after a period of time.
• Need to keep toilet lid closed when not in use
• Some composting toilet systems require the addition of bulking material (wood chips, dried leaves, coconut
husks etc.) e.g. Soltran II to assist with the composting process while other systems don’t e.g. Enviroloo.

Some composting toilet systems do not require electricity however a few systems do to power ventilation fans.
Low land requirement
Does not require water for use.
Finished Compost can still be contaminated with pathogens and should always be handled with care.
• Low land space requirement • Finished compost still contaminated with
• No electrical requirements pathogens
• Low operational and maintenance requirements • Low cost
• No water required • Problems with acceptability
Important Sources of Information –
Del Porto, D. The Soltran II Non-Polluting Biological Toilet and Wastewater Garden
Environment Equipment, Rotaloo Composting Toilet Brochure
Environment Equipment, Biolet Composting Toilet Brochure

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Septic Tank Septic tanks are mainly designed for on-site treatment
of domestic sewage and are small, rectangular
Septic Tank, Longitudinal Section
chambers situated just below ground level where
sewage is retained for 1-3 days. They usually consist
of 2 compartments with the first larger then the
second. Solids settle to the bottom of the tank where
they are digested anaerobically. A thick crust of scum
is formed at the surface and helps maintain anaerobic
conditions. Some sludge accumulates at the bottom
of the tank that needs regular desludging. Biogas is
produced in a septic tank as sludge decomposes and
gas rises to the surface as bubbles. The gas then
accumulates on the surface above the liquid from
where it should allowed to escape into the air. Septic
Source: Flow Principle of the septic tank after Ludwig, S. tank effluent is then left to drain away in soakaways.

General Information
Effluent Quality
• This is rough primary treatment prior to secondary or tertiary treatment
• 25-50% COD removal
• 40% BOD reduction of raw sewage
• 65% Suspended Solids reduction
• Effluent still contains pathogenic bacteria, cysts and worm eggs.
Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Since only accepts liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce or
• Construction of septic tank requires skilled labour
• Little maintenance however requires regular desludging.

No electrical requirement.
Low land requirement
Advantages Disadvantages
• Low cost • Low effluent quality.
• Low land space required • Still heavily contaminated with pathogens,
• No electrical requirements cysts and worm eggs.
• Low operational and maintenance requirements
• Construction material locally available
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Mara, D. Sewage Treatment in Hot Climates
Loetscher T., 1998. SANEX Sanitation Expert System

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Primary Process Treatment Information

Septic Tank This is essentially a septic tank with an Upflow

Filter that is incorporated directly after the
Septic Tank With Upflow Filter
second chamber of the septic tank. Effluent after
Longitudinal Section
leaving the second chamber of the septic tank is
directed upwards through the bottom of the
filter before exiting to be disposed of either in
leach fields etc. It is also mainly designed for
on-site treatment of domestic sewage. In the
upflow filter the effluent enters at the base and
flows up through the layer of coarse aggregate
which is then discharged over a weir at the top.
Anaerobic bacteria grow on the surface of the
filter material and oxidise the effluent as it
flows past. Disposal of the effluent may be into
a stream or into soakage pits etc.

F – Filter, W – Effluent Weir,

C – Effluent Channel

Source: Septic tank with upflow filter after Mara, D

Effluent quality:
• Can affect 70% reduction in BOD
• Changes a malodorous highly turbid, grey to yellow influent to an odourless clear light yellow effluent.
Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system.
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce
or unreliable.
• Construction of septic tank and upflow filter requires skilled labor
• Filter may be expected to operate without maintenance for 18-24 months. Need to then drain filter and wash it
with freshwater.
• Septic tank needs regular desludging. Filter and the septic tank can be cleaned together.

No electrical requirement
Low land requirement
• Low cost and low land space required • Needs skilled construction
• No electrical requirements
• Low operational and maintenance requirements
• Construction material locally available

Important Sources of Information –

Mara, D. Sewage Treatment in Hot Climates

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Imhoff Tanks Imhoff tanks are used for domestic or mixed

wastewater flows where effluent will undergo
Imhoff Tank
further treatment on ground surface.
The Imhoff tank is divided into an upper settling
compartment in which sedimentation of solids
occurs. Sludge then falls through opening at the
bottom into the lower tank where it is digested
anaerobically. Methane gas is produced in the
process and is prevented from disturbing the
settling process by being deflected by baffles into
the gas vent channels. Effluent is odourless
because the suspended and dissolved solids in the
effluent do not come into contact with the active
sludge causing it to become foul. When sludge is
removed needs to be further treated in drying beds
or such for pathogen control

Source: Flow Principle of the Imhoff Tank after Ludwig, S. 1998

Effluent quality:
• Treatment efficiency equivalent to primary treatment.
• 40% BOD reduction
• 65% Suspended solids reduction
• Poor pathogen removal Effluent still contaminated with pathogens.
Water Information
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce or
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Construction of Imhoff tanks requires skilled labor
• Require removal of scum and sludge at regular intervals.
• Apart from desludging and removal of scum no significant maintenance required.

No electrical requirement
Low land requirement
• Low cost • Needs skilled contractors for construction
• Low land space required • Poor effluent quality. Effluent still
• No electrical requirements contaminated with pathogens
• Low operational and maintenance requirements
• Construction material locally available
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L, 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Loetscher,T. 1998. SANEX Sanitation Expert Systems

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Ponds/Tanks Anaerobic ponds use the same biological process

and same basis for loading as septic tanks but on a
Anaerobic Ponds
much larger scale. Anaerobic Ponds as the name
High Loaded Anaerobic Pond implies operates in the absence of air. Therefore
deep tanks with small surface areas operate more
efficiently then shallower ponds. Before use
ponds should be filled with water to prevent foul
conditions from occurring. After the addition of
raw sewage sludge will accumulate on the bottom
of the pond and in a week or so a crust will form
on the surface which eliminates all odours. The
wastewater type and the method of post treatment
Low Loaded Anaerobic pond outlines the role of the anaerobic ponds.
Anaerobic ponds are designed for hydraulic
retention times of between 1-30 days depending
on strength and type of wastewater and also the
desired treatment effect. Stormwater could cause
shock volumetric loads which may affect the
Source: Principles of anaerobic ponds after Ludwig, S. 1998 performance of ponds and should be taken into
account in earlier stages of pond development.
Effluent quality:
• Treatment efficiency of small ponds treating domestic wastewater 50-70% BOD removal
• Treatment efficiency of high loaded ponds with long Hydraulic Retention Times, 70-95% BOD removal, 65-90%
COD removal
• Treatment Efficiency of low loaded ponds with short Hydraulic Retention Time of 72 hours, 57% BOD removal,
53% COD removal
• Treatment efficiency of low loaded ponds with long Hydraulic Retention Time of 480 hours, 98% BOD removal,
96% COD removal
Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Apart from being filled with water before use the start up of these ponds require no significant arrangements.
• Sludge gradually accumulates in ponds and requires removal at regular intervals.

Moderate land requirements for both ponds with short HRT and long HRT as in comparison with other technologies
presented in this report however ponds with long HRT require significantly more land than short HRT ponds.
No electrical requirement
Moderate Costs
• No electrical requirements • Poor effluent quality for low loaded ponds
• Low operational and maintenance requirements with short HRT or domestic water.
• Construction material locally available • Low effluent quality for small ponds treating
• High effluent quality for low loaded ponds with long HRT domestic wastewater

Important Sources of Information –

Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Mann, H.T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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Ponds/Tanks Raw sewage contains a lot of insoluble suspended

Sedimentation Tanks matter which can be settled in properly designed
sedimentation tanks of which there are two types
upward flow and horizontal flow. The tank has a
sloping floor to assist sludge removal that is done
by gravity through a valve at the lowest point of
the tank. The main action that occurs here is the
settling of the insoluble suspended particles and a
properly designed sedimentation tank can remove
about half of this polluting matter. Effluent
leaving here can be further treated in stabilization
ponds, percolating filters etc.

Source: Horizontal Flow Type after Mann, H.T.,Williamson,D.,


Effluent quality:
• Treatment Efficiency of low loaded tanks with short Hydraulic Retention Times 57% BOD removal, 53% COD
• Treatment efficiency of low loaded tanks with long Hydraulic Retention Times 98% BOD removal, 96% COD
Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce or
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site.
• Sludge removal is important and must be done regularly
• Other then desludging no significant maintenance required.

No electrical requirement
Moderate land requirements for both ponds with short HRT and long HRT as in comparison with some technologies
presented in this report however ponds with long HRT require significantly more land than short HRT ponds.
Moderate Costs
• No electrical requirements • Low effluent quality for low loaded tanks
• Low operational and maintenance requirements with short HRT
• Construction material locally available
• High effluent quality for low loaded tanks with long HRT
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Mann, H.T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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7.2.2 Secondary Processes


Reactors This process is suitable for all kinds of wastewater

including domestic. The baffled septic tank consists of
Baffled Septic Tanks
an initial settler compartment and a second section of a
series baffled reactors. Sludge settles at the bottom and
the active sludge that is washed out of one chamber
becomes trapped in the next. The reason for the tanks
in series is to assist in the digestion of difficult
degradable substances especially towards the end part
of the process. For the purpose of quicker digestion
influent upon entering the process is mixed with active
sludge present in the reactor. Wastewater flows from
bottom to top causing sludge particles to settle on the
upflow of the liquid wastewater allowing contact
Source: Flow Principle of baffled septic tank after Ludwig, S. between sludge already present with incoming flow. A
1998. settler can be used for treatment after effluent has left
the tank. Hydraulic and organic shock loads have little
effect on treatment efficiency.

Effluent quality:
• Treatment Efficiency 70-95% BOD removal, 65-95% COD removal.
• Moderate Effluent Quality
Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce or
• Requires skilled labor for construction.
• Sludge removal is important and must be done regularly
• Flow regulation is also important as up-flow velocity should not exceed 2m/h.
• Moderate operation and maintenance requirements

No electrical requirement
Low land requirement
• Low cost • Needs skilled contractors for construction
• No electrical requirements
• Construction material locally available
• Low land space required
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries

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Activated Sludge Treatment This process is suitable for all kinds of

wastewater including domestic. The UASB
Upstream Anaerobic Sludge Blanket
maintains a cushion of active sludge suspended
on the lower part of the digestor and uses this
sludge blanket directly as filter medium. The
sludge blanket is kept in place by the
equilibrium formed between the upstream
velocity and settling speed of the sludge. After
weeks of maturation, granular sludge forms
which improves the stability and filter capacity
of the sludge blanket. The organic load of the
system is responsible for the development of
new sludge. A fully controlled UASB is used
for relatively strong industrial wastewaters
where biogas can be utilised, with slanting
baffles separating gas bubbles from solids.
UASB require several months to mature i.e. to
Source: Flow Principle of UASB Reactors after Sasse, L. 1998 develop sufficient granular sludge for treatment.

Water Information
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce
or unreliable.

Low land requirement

Moderate operation and maintenance required

• Low cost • Needs time to stabilise process
• Low land space required • Requires operator intervention from time to
time to control and adjust treatment process
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L., 1998. DEW ATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries

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Activated Sludge Treatment Activated sludge treatment is a train of

processes designed to treat wastewater collected
Activated Sludge Treatment
from a sewer network. The preliminary
treatment removes coarse solids and grease and
primary settling allows further removal of
solids. It is in the Aeration tank that micro-
organisms use oxygen to breakdown organic
pollutants. Flocs are formed which settle in
clarifier forming a sludge layer that is then
disposed in drying beds etc. at a sludge disposal
site. The clear liquid left in the clarifier can
either be further treated or discharged. Suitable
for blackwater as well as greywater.
Source: After Loetscher T., 1998

Effluent quality:
• Treatment efficiency 95% BOD removed
• 90% Suspended Solids removed
Water Information
• Since they only accept liquid waste must be connected to a flush toilet. Not suitable where water supply scarce
or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site.
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• Implementation requires skilled labour and contractors
• Require expert staff for operation and maintenance.
• Process needs constant monitoring and control.

Use of pumps and control equipment needs electrical energy.

Low land requirement
• Low land requirement • Needs skilled contractors for construction
• High Effluent quality. • Importation of some construction material
• Needs trained operator
• High cost.
• Requires electricity
• High operation and maintenance
Important Sources of Information –
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan
Loetscher T., 1998. SANEX Sanitation Expert Systems

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Land Treatment The processes of land treatment are selected

mainly on the basis of soil permeability of the
Slow Rate Process
treatment site. Prior to land treatment there
(No Diagram Available)
needs to be preliminary treatment through either
screening, grit removal or primary
sedimentation to reduce soil clogging and to
prevent nuisance conditions from occurring.
Slow rate process requires a soil permeability of
5 to 50mm/hr and a depth of a minimum of 1m
to groundwater. It should be in a site with a clay
loam to sandy loam soil type with a slope of less
than 15% for cultivated land and less than 40%
for forested land. Disposal of effluent can be
through evapotranspiration and percolation.
There is a need for vegetation with Slow Rate

Effluent quality:
• No information available
Water Requirement
• Since they only receive liquid waste they are not suitable where water supply scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site.

High land requirement

Low operation and maintenance required.
No electrical requirement
Moderate costs

• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available
Important Sources of Information –
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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Land Treatment This is also a land treatment process and

requires preliminary treatment of grit
Overland Flow Process
screening etc. In overland flow process the
(No Diagram Available)
soil permeability should be less than 5mm/hr.
The depth to groundwater is not critical and
the soil type should be either clay, silts and
soils with impermeable barriers, the slope of
the area being between 1-8%. Surface runoff
and evaporation with some percolation can
dispose of the effluent. There is a need for
vegetation in overland flow process.

Effluent quality:
• No information available
Water Requirement
• Since receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site

High land requirement

Low operation and maintenance required.
No electrical requirement.
Moderate Costs
• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available
Important Sources of Information –
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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Land Treatment Rapid Infiltration Land Treatment process also

needs to also be preceded by preliminary
Rapid Infiltration Treatment Process
treatment in order to reduce soil clogging and
(No diagram available)
prevent nuisance conditions from occurring.
This treatment process can only be used in soils
having a permeability of greater than 50mm/hr.
The depth to groundwater should be a minimum
of 3m in sandy or sandy loam soil types. The
disposal of effluent can be done mainly through

Effluent quality:
• 86-100% BOD removal
• 100% suspended solids removal dependent on several factors e.g. rest cycles, and/or cleaning
• 10-93% nitrogen removal
• 29-99% phosphorus removal
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site

High land requirement

Low operation and maintenance required.
No electrical requirement.
Moderate Costs

• Low operation and maintenance • High land requirement
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available.
• High effluent quality

Important Sources of Information –

Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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Ponds/Beds/Lagoons Reed bed systems are suitable for domestic and

industrial wastewater that has undergone
Reed Bed System/(SSF) Subsurface Flow /Wetlands/Root Zone
preliminary treatment and that has a COD
Treatment Plants/Horizontal Gravel Filter
content not higher than 500mg/l. The reed bed
system is 1m deep basin sealed with clay or
Horizontal Gravel Filter some other form of lining to prevent percolation
into groundwater with the basin itself being
filled with soil in which reeds are then planted.
Oxygen is transported through the pores of the
plant down to the roots whereby the oxygen
content increases the biological activity of the
soil. When wastewater runs through the root
zone soil organic compounds and other
impurities are eliminated by micro-organisms in
the soil.

Source: Principle of the Horizontal Filter after Ludwig, S. 1998

Effluent quality:
• 84% COD removal rates
• 86% BOD removal rate
Water Information
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site
• Low operation and maintenance required.
• Regular maintenance of erosion trenches

No electrical requirement.
Moderate land requirement
Moderate Costs

• Low operation and maintenance
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available.
• High effluent quality
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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Ponds/Beds/ Lagoons In aerobic stabilization ponds the organic matter

causing pollution is consumed by biological
Aerobic Stabilisation Ponds/Algal Ponds/Oxidation Ponds
organisms that need oxygen in proportion to the
amount of organic matter removed. Oxygen is
supplied in these ponds by a growth of algae,
which is dependent on photosynthesis. If there
is not enough oxygen supplied to organisms that
consume organic matter then they will not
function and anaerobic organisms will become
active causing offensive odours and polluted
effluent to be produced. Aerobic ponds should
Source: After Mann,H.T., Williamson, D., 1982 be half-filled with water before use to prevent
offensive conditions from occurring. The
treatment efficiency increases with longer
retention times.
Effluent quality:
• 82% BOD removal rates
• Upto 97% BOD removal rates in multiple pond systems
• 78% COD removal rates
• pathogen removal 95%
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site.

• Low operation and maintenance required
• Regular desludging in defined intervals and start up needs special arrangement.

No electrical requirement
Moderate land requirement, although if aeration provided land required even less.
Moderate Costs
• Low operation and maintenance
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available.
• High Effluent quality
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Mann,H.T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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Ponds/Beds/Lagoons Waste stabilization ponds are 3 or more, large,

shallow, man-made lakes or ponds in a
Waste Stabilisation Ponds
sequence designed to treat wastewater collected
from either a sewer network or from small bore
sewers etc. Simply sewage which has been
screened to remove large solids enters a system
of ponds the first being the anaerobic pond
which receives the raw sewage. Some wastes
float to the surface as scum which then prevents
the pond from being aerated by wind and
turning aerobic. Other wastes sink to the bottom
as sludge where they are digested by anaerobic
bacteria. Effluent then enters the facultative
pond that has an aerobic zone close to pond
surface and a deeper anaerobic zone. Pathogen
removal occurs in the last maturation pond,
which is an aerobic pond whereby oxygen is
transferred to water by wind and algae. Warm
temperatures accelerate the treatment of wastes.
Source: After Pickford, J., 1991

Effluent quality:
• Produce very clear effluent equivalent to activated sludge treatment.
• 95% BOD removal
• 90% Suspended Solids removal
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires high volumes of water for transportation to treatment site.
• Low operation and maintenance required
• Grass around ponds need to cut regularly.
• Regular desludging is required

No electrical requirement.
High Land requirement
Moderate Costs
• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• No electrical requirement
• Construction material locally available.
• High effluent quality
Important Sources of Information –
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan
Pickford, J., 1991. The Worth of Water. Southampton Row, London, UK.
Loetscher T., 1998. SANEX Sanitation Expert Systems

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Filters The anaerobic filter is suitable for domestic

wastewater and all industrial wastewater that
Anaerobic Filters/Fixed Bed Reactor/Fixed Film reactor
have a lower content of suspended solids.
Anaerobic filters allow the treatment of non-
settleable and dissolved solids by bringing them
into close contact with surplus active bacterial
mass. The dispersed or dissolved organic matter
is digested by bacteria within short retention
times. Bacteria fix themselves to filter material
like gravel, rocks, cinder etc. allowing incoming
wastewater to come into contact with active
bacteria. Preliminary treatment may be required
to remove solids of larger size.
Source: Flow principle of anaerobic upflow filter after Ludwig,
S. 1998

Effluent quality:
• 70-90% BOD removal in a well operated anaerobic filter.
• Moderate effluent quality
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Both greywater and blackwater can be flushed through the system
• High operation and maintenance
• Desludging required at regular intervals
• Cleaning of filter material required

Needs electrical power.

Low land requirement
• Low land requirement • High cost
• High operation and maintenance
• Requires electricity
Important Sources of Information –
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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Filters Trickling filters follow the same principle as the

anaerobic filter as it provides a large surface for
Trickling Filters/Percolating Filters
bacteria to settle, however it is an aerobic
process. The Trickling filter consists of either a
rock or gravel medium filling the filters. The
organic pollution in wastes is consumed by
organisms that grow in a thin biological film
over the rock or gravel medium. Oxygen is
obtained by direct diffusion from air into the
thin biological film. Preliminary settlement of
sewage is required after which it is dosed by
mechanical means over the surface of the filters.
To ensure that bacteria are allowed equal access
to air and wastewater, wastewater is dosed in
intervals to allow time for both wastewater and
air to enter the reactor. Wastewater also needs to
be equally distributed over entire surface to
fully utilize the media in filter.
Source: After Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982

Effluent quality:
• 80% BOD removal with organic loading rates of 1kg BOD/m3 x d
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• Requires a high volume of water.
• High operation and maintenance
• Bacterial film has to be flushed away regularly to prevent clogging and to remove dead sludge.

Needs electrical power

Moderate land requirement
• High effluent quality • High cost
• High operation and maintenance
• Needs electrical power
Important Sources of Information –
Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation
Sasse, L. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries
Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan

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7.2.3 Tertiary Processes


Lagoons/Plots The treatment process of Tertiary Lagoons is

similar to that of sedimentation tanks except on
Tertiary Lagoons
a much larger scale. The area of the lagoon at
(No Diagram Available)
which the point of discharge is placed should be
deeper than the rest of the pond to avoid algae
being present in effluent, as algae flourish in
depths of upto 1m. The effluent from the
lagoons should be taken from the middle
portion. Suspended matter may accumulate in
lagoons, however if depths are adequate this
does not prove offence.

Effluent quality:
• Treatment quality performed on secondary treated effluent
• 40% BOD removed
• 40% Suspended solids removed
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volume of water required
• Low operation and maintenance
• Requires maintenance of lagoon banks and control of mosquito breeding.

No electrical requirement.
High land requirement
Moderate Cost
• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• Construction material available locally
• No electrical requirement
• High Effluent Quality
Important Sources of Information –
Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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Lagoons/Plots Banks’ Clarifiers are a compact tertiary

treatment process. It is essentially an upward
Banks’ Clarifiers
flow filter containing a bed of gravel that is
supported on a perforated base. The
accumulation of solids occur within and on the
upper surface of the gravel layer. The bed
should be cleaned when the upper surface is
covered or when suspended solids concentration
in the final effluent rises.

Source: After Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982

Effluent quality:
• Treatment quality performed on secondary treated effluent
• 30% BOD removed
• 50% Suspended solids removed
• 25% E. Coli removed
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volume of water required
• Low operation and maintenance
• Requires removal of solids, which accumulate on the upper surface of the gravel bed layer.

No electrical requirement.
High land requirement
Moderate Costs
• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• Construction material available locally
• No electrical requirement.
• High Effluent Quality
Important Sources of Information –
Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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Lagoons/Plots Grass plots are simple to construct with high

rates of removal. Plots should be even and
Grass Plots
sloped towards collection areas. Basically
effluent passes through the mesh of the grass
blades which then filter out solids in a well-
aerated environment. The possibility of
contamination of groundwater should be
considered, as some effluent will percolate into
porous ground. Coarse natural grass is
satisfactory. Surplus grass needs to be removed
and cuttings should be disposed of properly as
there could be danger of further pollution as
they decompose.
Source: After Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982

Effluent quality:
• Treatment quality performed on secondary treated effluent
• 50% BOD removed
• 70% Suspended solids removed
• 90% E. Coli removed
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volumes of water required
• Simple to construct.
• Low operation and maintenance
• Requires removal of solids but only when they are seen to physically prevent the flow
• Surplus grass needs to be removed

No electrical requirement.
High land requirement
Moderate Costs
• Low operation and maintenance • High land space required
• Construction material available locally
• No electrical requirement.
• High Effluent Quality
Important Sources of Information –
Mann, H. T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation

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Tertiary Process Treatment Information

Hybrid Toilet Systems (HTS) The Hybrid Toilet System consists of a non-flushing,
drop toilet which feeds directly into a septic tank filled
with water (primary tank), which then delivers via
displacement, clarified effluent to the secondary
treatment unit. On completion of treatment the effluent
is then dispersed to the ground via a gravel bed. Due to
the small volumes entering the primary tank there is a
long detention period which allows for effective
breakdown of solids and efficient settling and
clarification to occur with the remaining of the
undigested solids settling to the bottom of the unit
forming a sludge layer. In the secondary tank the
effluent entering from the primary tank is directed
along very specific ascending and descending flow
paths. The majority of the secondary tank and its in
built baffling system are filled with a polyethylene
media. As the effluent flows up and down through
Source: Hybrid Toilet Systems, Gough Plastics Brochure these zones it is subjected to aerobic, facultative, and
anaerobic treatment on four separate occasions which
continues to kill pathogens. The treated effluent then
exits the system and is sent to ground via a gravel bed.
Effluent quality:
• BOD5 1mg/m2 , Non-Filtrable Residue (NFR) ,<1mg/l,
• Total N 1.2mg /l, Total P 0.89 mg/l. (Depending on primary loads)
• Faecal Colifrom <2 organisms/100ml.
• The holding time in the system was increased to include the life period of most pathogens, and decrease water
borne diseases by using the Hybrid as a sanitation barrier in more remote communities.
Water Information
• The system is a wet system, whereby upon installation the tanks are filled with water. The system works through
displacement where if 10L went into the system, approximately 10L would be displaced through the unit.
• The system is designed to operate around volumes generated by the population using the system as a toilet only.
Waste from hand washing facilities may be introduced at the at the effluent exit point of the system.
• Construction of septic tank and upflow filter requires skilled labor
• Requires sludge removal on a regular basis, and disposal at a proper disposal site.

Requires electricity
Low land requirement
• Low cost and low land space requirement. • Accommodates blackwater only
• Low operational and ma intenance requirements • Electricity required
• High Effluent Quality
Important Sources of Information –
Gough Plastics, The Hybrid Toilet System Brochure
Gough I., Langford M., Gough A., The Hybrid Toilet System: General Princip les And System Design Drivers

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7.2.4 Package Plant Types


Plant Type Enviroflow Plants treat both black and

greywater through a two-stage bacterial
Enviroflow Biofilter Treatment Plant System
digestion process followed by clarification and
disinfection. Essentially wastewater is run from
kitchens, toilets etc. through two treatment
stages before clarification and disinfection. The
first stage is carried out using anaerobic and
aerobic bacteria inside a primary tank. Solids
undergo digestion by bacteria and liquids
containing soluble organic matter then passes to
the second stage. The second stage has a
biological trickling filter in which selected
bacteria grow on a medium where wastes flow
in contact with the air. Any bacterial cell matter
Source: After Enviroflow Wastewater Treatment Brochure that is separated in this step is kept in the
effluent stream and allowed to settle out in the
clarifying chamber. Following this the then
clear effluent is passed to a disinfecting step
where Chlorine is used to disinfect the effluent.
The plants are capable of servicing from just 10
people to communities of 20,000 people as
plants can be modified to suit such varying
Effluent quality:
• Effluent quality contains BOD5 <20mg/l
• Suspended Solids <30mg/l
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volumes of water requirement
• High operation and maintenance
• Manual provided for operation and maintenance
• Small pill kit tester for effluent monitoring

Needs electrical power.

Low land requirement.
• Low land space required • High operation and maintenance required.
• High effluent quality • Requires electricity
• High cost

Important Sources of Information –

Enviroflow Wastewater Treatment Brochure

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Plant Type The N-DN Biofilter treatment plant is a

Reticulating Trickling Filter type. The concept
N-DN Biofilter Treatment Plant
of its operation and performance is similar to a
reticulating sand or gravel filter. N-DN plants
are designed for biological removal of nitrogen
using the Nitrification-Denitrification (N-DN)
process. Soluble BOD is removed by
denitrification in the Anoxic chamber before the
effluent is applied to the trickling filter. The
BOD load to the trickling filter is reduced
allowing the filter to be smaller in plants. This
wastewater unit currently known as the NPL-
6000 and is suitable for upto 6 people.

Source: After N-DN Biofilter Treatment Plant Brochure

Effluent quality:
• Effluent contains BOD5 5-15 g/m3
• Suspended Solids 10-20 g/m3
• Ammonia Nitrogen 0.5-5 g/m3
• Total Nitrogen 15-25 g/m3
• Total Phosphorus Standard Plant –4-10g/m3 , Enhanced P removal 1-2g/m3
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volumes of water required.
Land Requirement
• The unit is 3.8m long, 1.3m wide and 2.1m deep with a total area of 5.07m2 .
• The disposal field requires an area of 200m2

Doesn’t require skill for operation

Needs electrical power.
• High effluent quality • High maintenance.
• Low land requirements • Requires electricity
• High cost

Important Sources of Information –

Neptune Pacific Ltd., On-site and Small Community Sewage Management with the N-DN Biofilter Treatment Plant

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Plant Type The IDEA plant consists of two reaction tanks

and is operated with sewage being continuously
Intermittent Decanted Extended Aeration System. (IDEA)
introduced into the first reaction tank. Aerators
(No Diagram Available)
are provided in the process for mixing as well as
to allow air into the biochemical reactions.
Sewage then overflows into the second tank that
operates on a fill and draw basis that is then
intermittently decanted. Contents of the tank are
left to settle for 30mins or so leaving the treated
effluent on the surface. A special decanting
device is used where effluent is drawn through.
Flow is temp orarily placed in a flow balance
tank. Effluent is then disinfected in a UV unit
after which it is drained into a wet well for
pumping to irrigation. Sludge removal is done
daily and placed into a sludge storage tank.

Effluent quality:
• Expected effluent quality Total Nitrogen less than 10mg/l and often as low as 5mg/l.
• Normal sewage has 8-10mg/l of phosphorus. Effluent Contains 6-8mg/l.
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volumes of water required because the IDEA plant operates with wastewater being continually being
introduced into first reaction tank.
• High maintenance and Operation
• High technology requiring Skilled operation and Maintenance.
• Daily removal of sludge.

Needs electrical power.

No land requirements information available

• High effluent quality • High operation and maintenance.
• Requires electricity
• High cost

Important Sources of Information –

Sinclair, Knight, Merz, 1997 Review of Effluent Management Systems Castaway Resort

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Plant Type The Cromaglass Systems are essentially

Sequencing Batch Reactors where treatment is by
Sequential Batch Reactors Cromaglass Unit
timed sequences within a single vessel. The unit
consists of 3 sections each performing a different
task. In the first section (A) in which fill and
aeration occurs is the Solids Retention Section.
This section is separated from the rest of the unit
by a non-corrosive screen, which retains
inorganic solids. Organic solids are broken up by
turbulence created with mixed liquor being forced
through the screen by submersible aeration pump
Section (B) is the continuing Aeration section
where air and mixing are provided by pumps.
Denitrification which is optional and is performed
by creating anoxic conditions by closing off air to
air intake pumps stopping aeration but allowing
continual mixing. The liquid is then transferred to
Source: After Cromaglass Wastewater Treatment System section (C) the Clarification Section. When the
clarification section is overfilled excess is spilled
back into the aeration section. When this stops the
clarifier is then isolated, solids settle and separate
after which effluent is pumped out of the Clarifier
for discharge. Sludge is removed to a sludge
processing unit.
Effluent quality:
• Over 90-95% reduction of BOD and Suspended Solids.
• BOD5 – 30mg/L, Total Suspendable Solids 30mg/L
Water Requirement
• Since only receive liquid waste not suitable where water scarce or unreliable.
• High volumes of water required because it is a continuously fed activated sludge process.
• High maintenance and Operation
• High technology requiring Skilled operation and Maintenance.

Needs electrical power.

Low land requirement

• Low land space required • High operation and maintenance.
• High effluent quality • Requires electricity
• High cost

Important Sources of Information –

Enviro-Technology Inc., 1998. Cromaglass Wastewater Treatment Systems

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1. Aqua Milieu Pty Ltd. Trading as Enviroflow, Enviroflow Biofilter Wastewater Treatment Plant

2. Del Porto D., SPC Workshop on The Soltran II Non Polluting Biological Toilet and Wastewater
garden, Suva, Fiji, 25 November 1996.

3. Enviro-Technology Inc., 1998. Cromaglass Wastewater Treatment Systems

4. Environment Equipment Pty Ltd. Rota-Loo Composting Toilet Brochure.

5. Environment Equipment Pty Ltd. Biolet Composting Toilet Brochure.

6. Gough I., Langford M., and Gough A. 1999. The Hybrid Toilet System: General Principles and
System Design Drivers. Published by Lanfax Laboratories, Armidale NSW.

7. Gough Plastics Australia, The Hybrid Toilet System Brochure.

8. Khan, A.R. 1995. Appropriate Wastewater Treatment Processes for N-WFP, Pakistan, Master of
Science Research of Loughborough University of Technology.

9. Loetscher T., 1998. SANEX Sanitation Expert Systems

10. Ludwig, S. 1998. DEWATS Decentralised Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries,

Bremen Overseas Research and development Association, Bremen.

11. Mann, H.T., Williamson, D., 1982. Water Treatment and Sanitation, Intermediate Technology
Publications 1973, 1979, 1982., Printed in England by The Russell Press Ltd., Nottingham.

12. Mara, D. Sewage Treatment in Hot Climates, A Wiley Interscience Publication, John Wiley and

13. Neptune Pacific Ltd., On-site and Small Community Sewage Management with the N-DN
Biofilter Treatment Plant

14. Pickford, J., 1991. The Worth of Water. Technical Briefs on health, water and sanitation.
Intermediate Technology Publications 1991.103-105 Southampton Row, London, Printed by
Russell Press Ltd., Nottingham.

15. Sinclair, Knight, Merz, 1997 Review of Effluent Management Systems Castaway Resort

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