Synchrophasor Measurement Based Assessment of Voltage Stability in Power System

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Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

p-ISSN: 2349-5804; e-ISSN: 2349-5812 Volume 6, Issue 1 January-March, 2019, pp. 43-47
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Synchrophasor Measurement based Assessment of

Voltage Stability in Power System
Nivedita Singh1, Vikas Sharma2 and S.P. Singh3
Global Institute of Technology
Sitapura, Jaipur, India
Global Institute of Technology
Sitapura, Jaipur, India
Arya College of Engg & IT, Kukas, Jaipur
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper, voltage stability assessment methodology The authors in [4, 5] developed an optimal placement
using Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) has been proposed. For algorithm for PMUs by using integer linear programming.
observability of the power network, PMU has been installed at the Communication Infrastructure and Islanding based optimal
buses of the system. Due to higher installation cost of PMU, Integer placement of PMUs have been documented in [6-8] and [9,
Linear Programming (ILP) has been used to optimize the number of
PMUs at the buses. PMU’s data are used for voltage stability
10] respectively. Voltage stability ranking for OPP has been
assessment with the help of L-Index. As the PMU gives real time proposed in [11]. Authors in [12] presented a multi-objective
voltage and current phasors and L-index is dependent on voltage and function to optimize the number of PMUs and maximize the
admittance values, thus the L-index so obtained can be used as real observability by using Binary Gravitational Search Algorithm
time voltage stability indicator. All the results have been tested on (BGSA). In this paper, a voltage stability index has been
IEEE 30-bus test system. proposed as an application of PMUs. A static voltage stability
index has been proposed in [13] which has been used the
1. INTRODUCTION synchrophasor technology to early detection of impending
voltage instability.
Power System supports the world economy to a great extent.
Therefore, stability of power system is a key concern for In this paper, PMUs are placed at strategically obtained
power engineers. For this purpose, it is important to analyze location such that minimum number of PMU’s can make all
the system for every instant of time, so use of real-time load buses observable and provide the on-line voltage phasors
measurements are necessary. Voltage stability is one of the to predict the voltage stability. For this purpose, a formulation
most important areas for engineers to maintain the operation of optimal PMU placement problem is done by Integer Linear
of power system within contractual and steady voltage limits Programming. These PMUs provide voltage phasors of all
before and after any disturbances. These disturbances are, may load buses at very small intervals. Thus the rate of change of
be, sudden loss of generation or lines, or changing loads, voltage angle due to change in load with respect to successive
which affects the operating point of system and frequency. So, intervals of time and this can be used as the VSP to estimate
it is necessary to rapidly monitor and adjust to system changes the voltage stability. As the PMU gives real time voltage and
to attain a new operating point or an equilibrium point keeping current phasors, thus voltage stability predictor can be used for
generation to load balance. This ability of system is the goal of on-line voltage stability prediction. The voltage stability
voltage stability assessment and control [1]. Series of assessment problem using PMU is more efficient and can be
blackouts encountered in recent years in power system, have used in practice.
been occurred because either of voltage or angle instability or
both together was not detected within time and progressive 2. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION OF
voltage or angle instability further degraded the system PROPOSED METHOD
condition, because of increase in loading [2, 3]. So,
synchronized phasor measurements are very important for 2.1. Optimal PMU placement methodology
wide area measurement systems used in advanced power A novel objective function has been proposed to optimize the
system monitoring, protection, and control applications. number of PMUs which provides the full observability of the
Several algorithms and approaches have been published in the power network. OPP results consider the presence of zero
literature for the optimal placement of PMUs in power system. injection buses into the system [7]. The proposed objective
function can be written as follows:
444 Nivedita Siingh, Vikas Sh
harma and S.P. Singh

n n
 w z   (c

S D* Vo
i 1
i i
i 1 cl * NCi )  c p
 1 (7)
Minimize (1) VD2 Y11 VD
Suubject to: f= A.Z ≥ 1 (22)
When the load is zero, i.e. SSD=0, thenL= =0, if the volttage at
Connectivity matrix
m (A) defiines the intercconnection off system buus 1 collapses,,L=1. The dettailed informaation of L-inddex has
buuses by transm
mission lines. The entries in A are deffined as been given in [114].
1 if i = j

i  1 if i andd j are connected (3) In this paper, OPP
O problem
m has been so olved using Integer
0 otherwwise Linnear Program mming (ILP) uunder MATLA AB to determiine the
miinimum num mber of PMU Us such thatt entire systtem is
where zi is thee elements off vector Z, which
w w represeents the obbservable. Thee solution of tthe problem yields
y the minnimum
status of the installation of a PMU at buss i. if zi = 1, itt means nuumber of PM MUs which will make the system m fully
PM MU is installled at bus i, otherwise zi = 0. p is thhe total obbservable. Ressults for IEEEE 14-bus and d IEEE 30-bus test
nuumber of PMU Us. ccl and cp represent thee cost of channnel and sysstems are shoown in Table 1. It can be seen
s from thiis table
coost of PMU respectively.
r N i is the nuumbers of chaannel at
NC thaat 4 locations of PMUs for IEEE-14 bus and 10 locatioons for
buus i. Equationn (1) can alsoo use as a mu ultiobjective function
fu IEEE 30-bus test t systems are sufficien
nt to producee fully
which minimizze the PMU and a maximize the observab bility of obbservable meassurements.
thhe system. Buut in this paaper, Equatioon (1) used only o to
Tablee 1: OPP Resullts for IEEE test systems
opptimize the PMUs.
P In equuation (1), wi is the weightt factor
annd element off column vectoor W, which represents
r the inverse
Number of Locattion of PMUs (bus
off the cost off PMU with respect to number n of chhannels System
PMUs number)
(bbranches) connnected to bus i. wi is definedd as follows: IEEE 14-bus 3 2, 8, 10, 13
1 IEEE 30-bus 7 3,55,10,12,18,23,277
wi  (4)
( ccl * NC i )  c p
In this paper, L-index
L methhod has been used to veriify the
2..2 L-index as a Voltage Staability Assesssment Tool vooltage stabilityy of the differeent load busess of the system m. The
efffect of increasse in load at alll load buses of
o system, from m base
Consider a singgle generator and single load system, ass shown casse, on voltagge stability is assessed by using L-indeex. For
beelow in Fig. 1, for assessmeent of voltage.. IEEE 30-bus tesst system, thee voltage magn nitude, angle and L-
inddex for indiviidual buses annd Lmax for system are giiven in
Taable 2 shown below.
b From T Table 2, it is clear
c that wheen total
loaading of systtem is increassed to the loading nearer to the
collapse point, L-index
L of somme buses is sttill closer to thhe zero
(0)) and for som me buses L-inndex is approaaches towardss unity
(1)). The variation in System m Stability Inddicator (Lmaxx) with
inccrease in loadding at individdual bus of IEE EE-30 bus sysstem is
shoown in Fig. 2 to 4 for inccrease in load ding at load bus-21,
Fig. 1:: Single generaator and single load system
buus-26 and bus--30 of IEEE 300-bus test systtem respectiveely.

Siince, current I D of load bus for two bus system shown
abbove, is given by,

S D*
ID 
 V D YQ  (V D  VG ) YL (55)

S D*  VD2 YQ  VD2 YL  V D* VG YL  V D2 Y11  VO V D* Y11 (66)
Here, Y11  YQ  YL and VO  ( )VG

N L-index iss given in equuation 7:

Now F 2: System Stability
Fig. S Indiccator (Lmax) to
o Loading at Bus
B 21

Advancced Research in
i Electrical annd Electronic Engineering
SN: 2349-58004; e-ISSN: 23349-5812 Volume 6, Issue 1 January-Maarch, 2019
ynchrophasor Measurementt based Assessment of Volttage Stability in Power Systtem 45

Table 2: Voltagee phasor and L-index
L and Lmax
m at voltage collapse
c In Table 3, the voltage magn nitude, voltagee angle and L-index
point due to in
ncrease in tota
al load off IEEE 30-bus at all load buuses are given when load at bus 21
is increased and
d approaches nnearer to collaapse point. Sim
bus Voltage
V Taable 4 and Taable 5 shows the Voltage magnitude, voltagev
Voltage Anglee Value of L-index
no. Magnitude
M an
ngle and L-ind dex at all thee IEEE 30-bu us test system
m load
3 0.8711 -28.0027 0.0636 buuses when loaad at bus 26 and bus 30 of o IEEE 30-b bus test
4 0.8570 -35.5800 0.0759
sysstem is increased and appproaches nearer to collapsee point
6 0.8837 -42.9663 0.066
7 0.8868 -49.3943 0.0834 resspectively.
9 0.8821 -55.2950 0.178
8 T
Table 3: Voltag
ge phasor, L-in
ndex and Lmax x at voltage colllapse
10 0.8089 -62.5413 0.360
05 po
oint due to load
d increase at node
n 21
12 0.8781 -59.8488 0.214
14 0.8174 -63.6845 0.332
2 B no.
Bus Voltage Voltage Anglle Value of
o L-
15 0.7936 -63.9829 0.3689 Magnitude
M indexx
16 0.8231 -62.1010 0.3152
3 0.9350 -14.3062 0.046
17 0.7940 -63.3538 0.3815
0.9110 -18.0204 0.057
18 0.7517 -66.8613 0.4731
4 0.9113 -21.4970 0.0577
19 0.7391 -67.6807 0.5086
6 0.9228 -22.5794 0.047
20 0.7532 -66.6159 0.4772
7 0.8392 -34.7898 0.2414
21 0.7580 -64.7593 0.4533
9 0.7105 -43.9661 0.547
22 0.7586 -64.7135 0.4519
10 0.9110 -35.9393 0.1713
23 0.7382 -65.9336 0.480
12 0.8672 -38.1883 0.2455
24 0.6970 -66.9351 0.5759
14 0.8307 -38.7009 0.294
25 0.6689 -66.6173 0.6485
15 0.8133 -39.1530 0.323
26 0.5855 -69.6006 0.870
16 0.7329 -42.7241 0.490
27 0.6931 -64.7980 0.5974
17 0.7704 -41.5714 0.414
28 0.8714 -45.2970 0.0954
18 0.7397 -43.1141 0.482
29 0.5718 -73.5453 0.930
19 0.7311 -43.4040 0.5014
30 0.5008 -81.9654 0.984
20 0.5639 -50.7676 0.959
Lmax (sy
ystem stability indicator)
i 0.984
48 21 0.5916 -48.9828 0.8614
22 0.7592 -41.1171 0.427
23 0.6775 -44.3805 0.617
24 0.7646 -38.3516 0.423
25 0.7407 -39.1052 0.468
26 0.8327 -34.7305 0.306
27 0.9078 -23.2520 0.070
28 0.8076 -36.6079 0.3612
29 0.7932 -37.9791 0.3988
Lmax (sy
ystem stability iindicator) 0.959

F 3: System Stability Indiccator (Lmax) to

Fig. t Loading at Bus
B 26

F 4: System Stability Indiccator (Lmax) to

Fig. t Loading at Bus
B 30

Advancced Research in
i Electrical annd Electronic Engineering
SN: 2349-580
04; e-ISSN: 23
349-5812 Volume 6, Issue 1 January-Maarch, 2019
6 Nivedita Siingh, Vikas Sh
harma and S.P. Singh

Table 4: Voltag
ge phasor, L-in ndex and Lmax at voltage co ollapse In Fig. 5, L-indeex variations at nodes 21, 10 1 and 3 due tot load
oint, due to loaad increase at node
n 26 inccrease at nodee 21 is given. It is clear fro
om Fig. 5 that the L-
Bus no. V
Voltage Voltage Anglee Value of L-index
L inddex of node 21 2 reaches vaalue 1 as the voltage at no ode 21
Magnitude reaaches its criticcal point. In thhe same Fig. 5, Loading efffect at
3 0.9979 -8.8390 0.02221 noode 21 on L-in ndex of nearbyy node 10 and d a far from no
ode 3 is
4 0.9841 -10.9702 0.02662 givven. The L-In ndex variationn at node 10 0 is from 0.0711 to
6 0.9788 -13.1083 0.02445
0.55472 and at no ode 3 is from 0.0167 to 0.04 464.
7 0.9755 -14.8805 0.02889
9 1.0181 -17.3225 0.05558
10 1.0008 -19.5498 0.10443
12 1.0290 -18.4395 0.06338
14 1.0077 -19.5728 0.09333
15 0.9960 -19.7247 0.10443
16 1.0095 -19.1860 0.08991
17 0.9978 -19.6604 0.10662
18 0.9850 -20.4187 0.12333
19 0.9817 -20.6237 0.12995
20 0.9857 -20.4173 0.12445
21 0.9791 -20.2918 0.12884
22 0.9769 -20.3554 0.13009
23 0.9621 -20.6826 0.14442
24 0.9262 -21.6501 0.18996
F 5: Voltagee/L-index of diffferent buses to loading of Bu
Fig. us 21
25 0.8191 -24.1256 0.34229
26 0.5582 -31.6425 0.96883
27 0.8864 -22.5236 0.24771 Figg. 6 shows L--Index value tends to value near to 1 as voltage
28 0.9649 -14.3237 0.04441 at node 26 is reeaches to critiical point duee to load increease at
29 0.8631 -24.1741 0.29335 noode 26. In the same Fig. 6,, loading effect at node 26 6 on L-
30 0.8496 -25.3721 0.32445 inddex of a nearbby node 25 annd a far node 3 is given. Thee value
Lmax (syystem stability iindicator) 0.96883 off L-index at no t 0.3429 and that of
ode 25 varies ffrom 0.0957 to
noode 3, varies frrom 0.0167 too 0.0221.
Table 5: Voltag
ge phasor, L-inndex, and Lma ax at voltage co
oint, due to loaad increase at node
n 30

Bus no. Voltage Voltage Anglle Value of

o L-
M indeex
3 0.9975 -9.2693 0.0223
0.9838 -11.5089 0.0274
4 0.9775 -13.8009 0.0268
6 0.9747 -15.4936 0.0302
7 1.0223 -17.9049 0.0544
9 1.0101 -20.0509 1
10 1.0379 -18.9183 0.0613
12 1.0182 -20.0509 0.0892
14 1.0078 -20.2504 0.0996 F 6: Voltagee/L-index of diffferent buses to loading of Bu
Fig. us 26
15 1.0186 -19.6693 0.0856
16 1.0072 -20.1521 0.1018 L-index of buss 29, bus 300 and bus 7 varies due to load
17 0.9960 -20.9193 0.1118
inccrease at node 30, as show wn in Fig. 7. It is clear froom the
18 0.9923 -21.1140 0.1224
19 0.9960 -20.9088 0.1193
Fig he voltage at nnode 30 reach
g. 7 that as th hes to criticall point,
20 0.9916 -20.8231 0.1219 vaalue of L-indeex at the node 30 reaches to value 1. The T L-
21 0.9904 -20.9012 0.1239 inddex value varries from 0.02234 to 0.0302 of a far bus 7 from
22 0.9800 -21.3243 0.1335 buus 30 and forr a neighboriing bus 29 L-index
L variess from
23 0.9523 -22.4498 0.1735 0.11172 to 0.6259.
24 0.8780 -25.5667 0.2877
25 0.8574 -26.1336 0.3169
26 0.8446 -27.4899 0.3523
27 0.9568 -15.3127 0.0555
28 0.7192 -34.7600 0.6259
29 0.6125 -44.5881 0.9843
Lmax (system stability
s indicattor) 0.9843

Advancced Research in
i Electrical annd Electronic Engineering
SN: 2349-580
04; e-ISSN: 23
349-5812 Volume 6, Issue 1 January-Maarch, 2019
ynchrophasor Measurementt based Assessment of Volttage Stability in Power Systtem 47

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Advancced Research in
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SN: 2349-580
04; e-ISSN: 23
349-5812 Volume 6, Issue 1 January-Maarch, 2019

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