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In this chapter we study continuous-wave modulation, which is basic to the operation of

analog communication systems. The chapter is divided into two related parts. In the first
part we study the time-domain and frequency-domain descriptions of two basic families of
continuous-wave modulation:

b Amplitude modulation, in which the amplitude of a sinusoidal carrier is iaried in

accordance with an incoming message signal.
b Angle modulation, in which the instantaneous frequency or phase of the sinusoidal carrier
is varied in accordance with the message signal.

The second part of the chapter focuses on the effects of channel noise on the performance
of the receivers pertaining to these modulation schemes.
Advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of continuous-wave
modulation are highlighted in light of the material presented herein.

The purpose of a communication system is t o transmit information-bearing signals through

a communication channel separating the transmitter from the receiver. Information-
bearing signals are also referred to as baseband signals. The term baseband is used to
designate the band of frequencies representing the original signal as delivered by a source
of information. The proper use of the communication channel requires a shift of the range
of baseband frequencies into other frequency ranges suitable for transmission, and a cor-
responding shift back to the original frequency range after reception. For example, a radio
system must operate with frequencies of 30 kHz and upward, whereas the baseband signal
usually contains frequencies in the audio frequency range, and so some form of frequency-
band shifting must be used for the system t o operate satisfactorily. A shift of the range of
frequencies in a signal is accomplished by using modulation, which is defined as the process
by which some characteristic of a carrier is varied in accordance with a modulating wave
(signal),A common form of the carrier is a sinusoidal wave, in which case we speak of a
continuous-wave modulation1 process. The baseband signal is referred to as the modulat-
ing waue, and the result of the modulation process is referred to as the modulated wave.
Modulation is performed at the transmitting end of the communication system. At the
receiving end of the system, we usually require the original baseband signal to be restored.
This is accomplished by using a process known as demodulation, which is the reverse of
the modulation process.
In basic signal-processing terms, we thus find that the transmitter of an analog com-
munication system consists of a modulator and the receiver consists of a demodulator, as
corresponding amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated waves, respectively; fre-
quency modulation is a form of angle modulation. This figure clearly illustrates the basic
differences between amplitude modulation and angle modulation, which are discussed in
what follows.

Consider a sinusoidal carrier wave c(t) defined by

where A, is the carrier amplitude and f, is the carrier frequency. To simplify the expos~tion
without affecting the results obtained and conclusions reached, we have assumed that the
phase of the carrier wave is zero in Equation (2.1). Let m(t) denote the baseband signal
that carries the specification of the message. The source of carrier wave c(t) is physically
independent of the source responsible for generating m(t).Amplztude modulation (AM) IS
defined as a process in which the amplitude of the carrier wave c(t) is varied about a mean
value, linearly with the baseband signal m(t). An amplitude-modulated (AM) wave may
thus be described, in its most general form, as a function of time as follows:

where k, is a constant called the amplitude sensitwity of the modulator responsible for the
generation of the modulated signal s(t).Typically, the carrier amplitude A, and the message
signal m(t) are measured in volts, in which case k, is measured in volt-'.
Figure 2 . 3 ~shows a baseband signal m(t), and Figures 2.36 and 2 . 3 ~show the cor-
responding AM wave s(t)for two values of amplitude sensitivity k, and a carrier amplitude
A, = 1 volt. We observe that the envelope of s(t) has essentially the same shape as the
baseband signal m(t) provided that two requirements are satisfied:
1. The amplitude of k,m(t) is always less than unity, that is,
I k,m(t) I < 1 for all t (2.3)
This condition is illustrated in Figure 2.3b; it ensures that the function 1 + k,m(t)
is always positive, and since an envelope is a positive function, we may express the
envelope of the AM wave s(t) of Equation (2.2) as A,[1 + k,m(t)]. When the am-
plitude sensitivity k, of the modulator is large enough to make I k,m(t) I > 1 for any
t, the carrier wave becomes overmodulated, resulting in carrier phase reversals when-
ever the factor 1 + k,m(t) crosses zero. The modulated wave then exhibits envelope
distortion, as in Figure 2 . 3 ~ .It is therefore apparent that by avoiding overmodula-
tion, a one-to-one relationship is maintained between the envelope of the AM wave
and the modulating wave for all values of time-a useful feature, as we shall see later
on. The absolute maximum value of kpz(t) multiplied by 100 is referred to as the
percentage modulation.
2. The carrier frequency f, is much greater than the highest frequency component W of
the message signal m(t), that is

We call W the message bandwidth. If the condition of Equation (2.4) is not satisfied,
an envelope cannot be visualized (and therefore detected) satisfactorily.
FIGURE2.4 (a) Spectrum of baseband signal. (b) Spectrum of AM wave.

3. For positive frequencies, the highest frequency component of the AM wave equals
f, + W, and the lowest frequency component equals f, - W. The difference between
these two frequencies defines the transmission bandwidth B , for an AM wave, which
is exactly twice the message bandwidth W, that is,


Amplitude modulation is the oldest method of performing modulation. Its greatest virtue
is the simplicity of implementation:
R- In the transmitter, amplitude modulation is accomplished using a nonlinear device.
For example, in the switching modulator discussed in Problem 2.3, the combined
sum of the message signal and carrier wave is applied to a diode, with the carrier
amplitude being large enough to swing across the characteristic curve of the diode.
Fourier analysis of the voltage developed across a resistive load reveals the generation
of an AM component, which may be extracted by means of a band-pass filter.
In the receiver, amplitude demodulation is also accomplished using a nonlinear de-
vice. For example, we may use a simple and yet highly effective circuit known as the
envelope detector, which is discussed in Problem 2.5. The circuit consists of a diode
connected in series with the parallel combination of a capacitor and load resistor.
Some version of this circuit is found in most commercial AM radio receivers. Pro-
vided that the carrier frequency is high enough and the percentage modulation is less
than 100 percent, the demodulator output developed across the load resistor is nearly
the same as the envelope of the incoming AM wave, hence the name "envelope
Recall, however, that transmitted power and channel bandwidth are our two primary
communication resources, and they should be used efficiently. In this context, we find that
the standard form of amplitude modulation defined in Equation (2.2) suffers from two
major limitations:
1. Amplitude modulation is wasteful of power. The carrier wave c ( t ) is completely
independent of the information-bearing signal m ( t ) .The transmission of the carrier
wave therefore represents a waste of power, which means that in amplitude modu-
lation only a fraction of the total transmitted power is actually affected by m ( t ) .
2.3 Linear Modulation Schemes 93

2. Amplitude modulation is wasteful of bandwidth. The upper and lower sidebands of

an AM wave are uniquely related to each other by virtue of their symmetry about
the carrier frequency; hence, given the magnitude and phase spectra of either side-
band, we can uniquely determine the other. This means that insofar as the transmis-
sion of information is concerned, only one sideband is necessary, and the commu-
nication channel therefore needs to provide only the same bandwidth as the baseband
signal. In light of this observation, amplitude modulation is wasteful of bandwidth
as it requires a transmission bandwidth equal to twice the message bandwidth.

To overcome these limitations, we must make certain modifications: suppress the

carrier and modify the sidebands of the AM wave. These modifications naturally result in
increased system complexity. In effect, we trade system complexity for improved use of
communication resources. The basis of this trade-off is linear modulation, which is dis-
cussed in the next section. In a strict sense, full amplitude modulation does not qualify as
linear modulation because of the presence of the carrier wave.

In its most general form, linear modulation is defined by

where sI(t) is the in-phase component of the modulated wave s(t), and sQ(t)is its quad-
ratuye component. Equation (2.7) is recognized as the canonical representation of a nar-
rowband signal, which is discussed in detail in Appendix 2. In linear modulation, both
sr(t) and sQ(t)are low-pass signals that are linearly related to the message signal m(t).
Indeed, depending on how these two components of s(t) are defined, we may identify
three types of linear modulation involving a single message signal:

1. Double sideband-suppressed carrier (DSB-SC) modulation, where only the upper and
lower sidebands are transmitted.
2. Single sideband (SSB) modulation, where only one sideband (the lower sideband or
the upper sideband) is transmitted.
3. Vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation, where only a vestige (i.e., trace) of one of the
sidebands and a correspondingly modified version of the other sideband are

Table 2.1 presents a summary of the definitions of these three special forms of linear
modulation. There are two important points to note from Table 2.1:

1. The in-phase component sr(t)is solely dependent on the message signal m(t).
2. The quadrature component sQ(t)is a filtmed version of m(t). The spectral modifi-
cation of the modulated wave s(t) is solely due to sQ(t).

To be more specific, the role of the quadrature component (if present) is merely to interfere
with the in-phase component, so as to reduce or eliminate power in one of the sidebands
of the modulated signal s(t), depending on how the quadrature component is defined.
2.1 Different.formso f linear modulatiovz
In-Phase Quadrature
Component Component
Type of Modulation so(t) Comments
DSBSC m(t) 0 m(t) = message signal
(a) Upper sideband h(t) $zit) &(t) = Hilbert transform of m(t)
(b) Lower sideband
(a) Vestige of lower sideband fm(t)
(b) Vestige of upper fm(t)
sideband transmitted For the definition of He(f),
see Eq. (2.16)
"For the mathematical description of single sideband modulation, see Problem 2.16.

This form of linear modulation is generated by using a product modulator that simply
multiplies the message signal m(t) by the carrier wave A, cos(2?rf,t), as illustrated in Figure
2 . 5 ~ .Specifically, we write
~ ( t=) A,m(t) cos(2?rf,t) (2.8)

signal m(t)

A, cos (2vfCt)

s(fl I Phase reversals


FIGURE2.5 ( a ) Block diagram of product modulator. (b) Baseband signal. (c) DSB-SC modu-
lated wave.
(a) (b)

FIGURE2.6 (a)Spectrum of baseband signal. (b) Spectrum of DSB-SC modulated wave.

Figure 2.Sc shows the modulated signal s(t)for the arbitrary message waveform of Figure
2.Sb. The modulated signal s(t) undergoes a phase reversal whenever the message signal
m(t) crosses zero. Consequently, the envelope of a DSB-SC modulated signal is different
from the message signal; this is unlike the case of an AM wave that has a percentage
modulation less than 100 percent.
From Equation (2.8), the Fourier transform of s(t) is obtained as
s(f = Z A , [ M ( ~- L)+ ~ (+ ff,)~ (2.9)

For the case when the baseband signal m(t) is limited to the interval - W 5 f 5 W, as in
Figure 2.6a, we thus find that the spectrum S(f) of the DSB-SC wave s(t) is as illustrated
in Figure 2.6b. Except for a change in scale factor, the modulation process simply translates
the spectrum of the baseband signal by tf,.Of course, the transmission bandwidth re-
quired by DSB-SC modulation is the same as that for amplitude modulation, namely, 2W.

The baseband signal m(t) can be uniquely recovered from a DSB-SC wave s(t) by first
multiplying s(t) with a locally generated sinusoidal wave and then low-pass filtering the
product, as in Figure 2.7. It is assumed that the local oscillator signal is exactly coherent
or synchronized, in both frequency and phase, with the carrier wave c(t)used in the prod-
uct modulator to generate s(t). This method of demodulation is known as coherent detec-
tion or synchronous demodulation.
It is instructive to derive coherent detection as a special case of the more general
demodulation process using a local oscillator signal of the same frequency but arbitrary
phase difference measured with respect to the carrier wave c(t).Thus, denoting the local

f A; cos (2vfct+ 4)


2.7 Coherent detector for demodulating DSB-SC modulated wave.
FIGURE2.8 Illustrating the spectrum of a product modulator output with a DSB-SC modulated
wave as input.

oscillator signal by A: cos(2?rfCt+ I$), and using Equation (2.8) for the DSB-SC wave s(t),
we find that the product modulator output in Figure 2.7 is

= - AJI
cos(4?rfCt+ 4)m(t) + -21 A& cos 4 m(t)

The first term in Equation (2.10) represents a DSB-SC modulated signal with a carrier
frequency 2fc, whereas the second term is proportional to the baseband signal m(t). This
is further illustrated by the spectrum V(f) shown in Figure. 2.8, where it is assumed that
the baseband signal m(t) is limited to the interval - W 5 f W. It is therefore apparent
that the first term in Equation (2.10) is removed by the low-pass filter in Figure 2.7,
provided that the cut-off frequency of this filter is greater than W but less than 2f, - W.
This requirement is satisfied by choosing f, > W. At the filter output we then obtain a
signal given by
u,(t) = - AJ: cos 4 m(t)
The demodulated signal u,(t) is therefore proportional to m(t) when the phase error 6
is a constant. The amplitude of this demodulated signal is maximum when 4 = 0, and
it is minimum (zero) when 4 = 2 ~ 1 2 The . zero demodulated signal, which occurs for
4 = L?r/2, represents the quadrature null effect of the coherent detector. Thus the phase
error I$ in the local oscillator causes the detector output to be attenuated by a factor equal
t o cos 4. As long as the phase error 4 is constant, the detector provides an undistorted
version of the original baseband signal m(t). In practice, however, we usually find that the
phase error 4 varies randomly with time, due to random variations in the communication
channel. The result is that at the detector output, the multiplying factor cos 4 also varies
randomly with time, which is obviously undesirable. Therefore, provision must be made
in the system to maintain the local oscillator in the receiver in perfect synchronism, in both
frequency and phase, with the carrier wave used to generate the DSB-SC modulated signal
in the transmitter. The resulting system complexity is the price that must be paid for
suppressing the carrier wave to save transmitter power.

One method of obtaining a practical synchronous receiver system, suitable for demodu-
lating DSB-SC waves, is to use the Costas receiver2 shown in Figure 2.9. This receiver
2.3 Linear Modulaticm Schemes 97

+A, cos + m(t)

Low-pass Demodulated
1 * signal

DSB-SC signal
A, cos ( 2 4 d m(t1


2.9 Costas receiver.

consists of two coherent detectors supplied with the same input signal, namely, the incom-
ing DSB-SC wave A, cos(2?rfCt)m(t),but with individual local oscillator signals that are
in phase quadrature with respect to each other. The frequency of the local oscillator is
adjusted to be the same as the carrier frequency f,, which is assumed known a priori. The
detector in the upper path is referred to as the in-phase coherent detector or I-channel,
and that in the lower path is referred to as the quadrature-phase coherent detector or
Q-channel. These two detectors are coupled together to form a negative feedback system
designed in such a way as to maintain the local oscillator synchronous with the carrier
To understand the operation of this receiver, suppose that the local oscillator signal
is of the same phase as the carrier wave A, cos(2~rf~t) used to generate the incoming
DSB-SC wave. Under these conditions, we find that the I-channel output contains the
desired demodulated signal m(t), whereas the Q-channel output is zero due to the quad-
rature null effect of the Q-channel. Suppose next that the local oscillator phase drifts from
its proper value by a small angle $Jradians. The I-channel output will remain essentially
unchanged, but there will now be some signal appearing at the Q-channel output, which
is proportional to sin 4 a: 4 for small 4. This Q-channel output will have the same polarity
as the I-channel output for one direction of local oscillator phase drift and opposite po-
larity for the opposite direction of local oscillator phase drift. Thus, by combining the
I- and Q-channel outputs in a phase discriminator (which consists of a multiplier followed
by a low-pass filter), as shown in Figure 2.9, a DC control signal is obtained that auto-
matically corrects for local phase errors in the voltage-controlled oscillator.
It is apparent that phase control in the Costas receiver ceases with modulation and
that phase-lock has to be reestablished with the reappearance of modulation. This is not
a serious problem when receiving voice transmission, because the lock-up process normally
occurs so rapidly that no distortion is perceptible.

The quadrature null effect of the coherent detector may also be put to good use in the
construction of the so-called quadrature-carrier multiplexing or quadrature-amplitude
slgnal s(t) modulator

A, cos (2ff1,t) 2 cos (2wfc?1

s~gnals(t) -90"
phase-shlfter phaseshifter

s~gnaim p ( t )
4 Product
~ 1 modulator f~lter A.m~(rl

2.10 Quadrature-carrier multiplexing system. (a)Transmitter. (b) Receiver.

modulation (QAM). This scheme enables two DSB-SC modulated waves (resulting from
the application of two physically independent message signals) to occupy the same channel
bandwidth, and yet it allows for the separation of the two message signals at the receiver
output. It is therefore a bandwidth-conservation scheme.
A block diagram of the quadrature-carrier multiplexing system is shown in Figure
2.10. The transmitter part of the system, shown in Figure 2.10a, involves the use of two
separate product modulators that are supplied with two carrier waves of the same fre-
quency but differing in phase by -90 degrees. The transmitted signal sit) consists of the
sum of these two product modulator outputs, as shown by

where ml(t) and m,(t) denote the two different message signals applied to the product
modulators. Thus s(t) occupies a channel bandwidth of 2 W centered at the carrier fre-
quency f,, where W is the message bandwidth of m,(t) or m2(t). According to Equation
(2.12), we may view Acml(t) as the in-phase component of the multiplexed band-pass
signal s(t) and -A,m2(t) as its quadrature component.
The receiver part of the system is shown in Figure 2.106. The multiplexed signal s(t)
is applied simultaneously to two separate coherent detectors that are supplied with two
local carriers of the same frequency but differing in phase by -90 degrees. The output of
the top detector is A,m,(t), whereas the output of the bottom detector is A,m,(t). For the
system to operate satisfactorily, it is important to maintain the correct phase and frequency
relationships between the local oscillators used in the transmitter and receiver parts of the
To maintain this synchronization, we may send a pilot signal outside the passband
of the modulated signal. In this method, the pilot signal typically consists of a low-power
sinusoidal tone whose frequency and phase are related to the carrier wave c(t); at the
receiver, the pilot signal is extracted by means of a suitably tuned circuit and then trans-
lated to the correct frequency for use in the coherent detector.

In single-sideband modulation, only the upper or lower sideband is transmitted. We may

generate such a modulated wave by using the frequency-discrimination method that con-
sists of two stages:
2.3 Linear Modulatwlr Scltemes 99

The first stage is a product modulator, which generates a DSB-SC modulated wave.
The second stage is a band-pass filter, which is designed to pass one of the sidebands
of this modulated wave and suppress the other.
From a practical viewpoint the most severe requirement of SSB generation using the fre-
quency discrimination method arises from the unwanted sideband. The nearest frequency
component of the unwanted sideband is separated from the desired sideband by twice the
iowest frequency component of the message (modulating) signal. The implication here is
that for the generation of an SSB modulated signal to be possible, the message spectrum
must have an energy gap centered at the origin, as illustrated in Figure 2.11a. This require-
ment is naturally satisfied by voice signals, whose energy gap is about 600 Hz wide (i.e.,
it extends from -300 to +300 Hz). Thus, assuming that the upper sideband is retained,
the spectrum of the SSB modulated signal is as shown in Figure 2.1 1b.
In designing the band-pass filter used in the frequency-discriminator for generating
a SSB-modulated wave, we must meet the three basic requirements:
t- The desired sideband lies inside the passband of the filter.
The unwanted sideband lies inside the stopbznd of the filter.
The filter's transition band, which separates the passband from the stopband, is twice
the lowest frequency component of the message signal.
This kind of frequency discrimination usually requires the use of highly selective filters,
which can only be realized in practice by means of crystal resonators.
To demodulate a SSB modulated signal s(t), we may use a coherent detector, which
multiplies s(t) by a locally generated carrier and then low-pass filters the product. This
method of demodulation assumes perfect synchronism between the oscillator in the co-
herent detector and the oscillator used to supply the carrier wave in the transmitter. This
requirement is usually met in one of two ways:
A low-power pilot carrier is transmitted in addition t o the selected sideband.
A highly stable oscillator, tuned to the same frequency as the carrier frequency, is
used in the receiver.
In the latter method, it is inevitable that there would be some phase error in the local
oscillator output with respect to the carrier wave used to generate the incoming SSB mod-
ulated wave. The effect of this phase error is to introduce a phase distortion in the de-
modulated signal, where each frequency component of the original message signal under-
goes a constant phase shift This phase distortion is tolerable in voice communications,

(a) (b)

FIGURE2.1 1 (a) Spectrum of a message signal m(t) with an energy gap of width 2f, centered
on the origin. (b) Spcctrum of corrcsponding SSB signal containing the upper sideband.
because the human ear is relatively insensitive to phase distortion. In particular, the pres-
ence of phase distortion gives rise to a Donald Duck voice effect. In the transmission of
music and video signals, on the other hand, the presence of this form of waveform distor-
tion is utterly unacceptable.

In vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation, one of the sidebands is partially suppressed and
a vestige of the other sideband is transmitted to compensate for that suppression. A popular
method for generating a VSB-modulated wave is to use the frequency discsimination
method. First, we generate a DSB-SC modulated wave and then pass it through a band-
pass filter, as shown in Figure 2.12; it is the special design of the band-pass filter that
distinguishes VSB modulation from SSB modulation. Assuming that a vestige of the lower
sideband is transmitted, the frequency response H ( f ) of the band-pass filter takes the form
shown in Figure 2.13. To simplify matters, only the response for positive frequencies is
shown here. This frequency response is normalized, so that at the carrier frequency f, we
have 1 H(f,)J = 112. The important feature to note from Figure 2.13 is that the cutoff
portion of the frequency response around the carrier frequency f, exhibits odd symmetry.
That is, inside the transition interval f, - f, 5 I f I 5 f, + f, the following two conditions
are satisfied:
1. The sum of the values of the magnitude response I H ( f ) ( at any two frequencies
equally displaced above and below f, is unity.
2. The phase response arg(H(f))is linear. That is, H ( f ) satisfies the condition

Note also that outside the frequency band of interest (i.e., I f 1 1 f, + W), the frequency
response H(f) may have an arbitrary specification. Accordingly, the transmission band-
width of VSB modulation is

where W is the message bandwidth, and f, is the width of the vestigial sideband.
According to Table 2.1, the VSB modulated wave is described in the time domain as

where the plus sign corresponds to the transmission of a vestige of the upper sideband,
and the minus sign corresponds to the transmission of a vestige of the lower sideband. The
signal m1(t)in the quadrature component of s(t)is obtained by passing the message signal

signal m(t)
4 7 d=-
filter. ~ ( f )

A, cos (2?rf,t)
carrier wave

2.12 Filtering scheme far the generation of VSB modulated wave.
phase modulation and resultant distortion. It is therefore important to keep the AM-to.
PM conversion at a low level. For example, for a good microwave repeater, the AM-to.
PM conversion constant K is less than 2 degrees per dB.

In a broadcasting system, irrespective of whether it is based on amplitude modulation or

frequency modulation, the receiver not only has the task of demodulating the incoming
modulated signal, but it is also required to perform some other system functions:
t+ Carrier-frequency tuning, the purpose of which is to select the desired signal (i.e.,
desired radio or TV station).
Filtering, which is required to separate the desired signal from other modulated sig-
nals that may be picked up along the way.
t Arnplifcation, which is intended to compensate for the loss of signal power incurred
in the course of transmission.
The superheterodyne receiver, or superhet as it is often referred to, is a special type of
receiver that fulfills all three functions, particularly the first two, in an elegant and practical
fashion. Specifically, it overcomes the difficulty of having to build a tunable highly selective
and variable filter. Indeed, practically all radio and TV receivers now being made are of
the superheterodyne type.
Basically, the receiver consists of a radio-frequency (RF) section, a mixer and local
oscillator, an intermediate-frequency (IF) section, demodulator, and power amplifier. Typ-
ical frequency parameters of commercial AM and FM radio receivers are listed in Table
2.3. Figure 2.32 shows the block diagram of a superheterodyne receiver for amplitude
modulation using an envelope detector for demodulation.
The incoming amplitude-modulated wave is picked up by the receiving antenna and
amplified in the RF section that is tuned to the carrier frequency of the incoming wave.
The combination of mixer and local oscillator (of adjustable frequency) provides a het-
erodyning function, whereby the incoming signal is converted to a predetermined fixed
intermediate frequency, usually lower than the incoming carrier frequency. This frequency
translation is achieved without disturbing the relation of the sidebands to the carrier; see
Section 2.4. The result of the heterodyning is to produce an intermediate-frequency carrier
defined by

where f,, is the frequency of the local oscillator and f R F is the carrier frequency of the
incoming RF signal. We refer to f,, as the intermediate frequency (IF), because the signal

2.3 Typicalfiequency parameters of AM and FM
radio receivers
AM Radio FM Radio
RF carrier range 0.535-1.605 MHz 88-108 MHz
Midband frequency of IF section 0.455 MHz 10.7 MHz
IF bandwidth 10 lcHz 200 kHz
2.9 Superheterodyne Receiver 129



FIGURE2.32 Basic elements of an AM radio receiver of the superheterodyne type.

is neither at the original input frequency nor at the final baseband frequency. The mixer-
local oscillator combination is sometimes referred to as the first detector, in which case
the demodulator is called the second detector.
The IF section consists of one or more stages of tuned amplification, with a band-
width corresponding to that required for the particular type of modulation that the receiver
is intended to handle. The IF section provides most of the amplification and selectivity in
the receiver. The output of the IF section is applied to a demodulator, the purpose of which
is to recover the baseband signal. If coherent detection is used, then a coherent signal
source must be provided in the receiver. The final operation in the receiver is the power
amplification of the recovered message signal.
In a superheterodyne receiver the mixer will develop an intermediate frequency out-
put when the input signal frequency is greater or less than the local oscillator frequency
by an amount equal to the intermediate frequency. That is, there are two input frequencies,
namely, f,., k fFl, which will result in fIFat the mixer output. This introduces the
possibility of simultaneous reception of two signals differing in frequency by twice the
intermediate frequency. For example, a receiver tuned to 0.65 MHz and having an IF of
0.455 MHz is subject to an image interference at 1.56 MHz; indeed, any receiver with this
value of IF, when tuned to any station, is subject to image interference at a frequency of
0.910 MHz higher than the desired station. Since the function of the mixer is to produce
the difference between two applied frequencies, it is incapable of distinguishing between
the desired signal and its image in that it produces an IF output from either one of them.
The only practical cure for image interference is to employ highly selective stages in the
RF section (i.e., between the antenna and the mixer) in order to favor the desired signal
and d~scriminateagainst the undesired or image signal. The effectiveness of suppressing
unwanted image signals increases as the number of selective stages in the F S section in-
creases, and as the ratio of intermediate to signal frequency increases.
The basic difference between Aii and FM superheterodyne receivers lies in the use
of an FM demodulator such as limiter-frequency discriminator. In an FM system, the
message information is transmitted by variations of the instantaneous frequency of a
sinusoidal carrier wave, and its amplitude is maintained constant. Therefore, any varia-
tions of the carrier amplitude at the receiver input must result from noise or interference.
An amplitude limiter, following the IF section, is used to remove amplitude variations
by clipping the modulated wave at the IF section output almost to the zero axis. The
resulting rectangular wave is rounded off by a band-pass filter that suppresses har-
monics of the carrier frequency. Thus the filter output is again sinusoidal, with an ampll-
tude that is practically independent of the carrier amplitude at the receiver input (see
Problem 2.42).

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