T9A-FB FAB Online UD 2-0 EN PDF
T9A-FB FAB Online UD 2-0 EN PDF
T9A-FB FAB Online UD 2-0 EN PDF
Head of Art Pages 24, 25
Michele Bertilorenzi Ukkuimini
Pages 8, 13
Francesco Sturlese
Kingdoms of the Dead......................... 8 Sand Scorpions....................................27
The Great Dying...................................11 Sphinxes.................................................28
Monarchs Of The Dead......................15 Colossi.....................................................29
Death Cult Hierarch...........................16 Sand Stalkers........................................30
Tomb Harbingers................................18 Charnel Catapult.................................31
Tomb Architects..................................19 Tomb Cataphracts...............................32
Ark of Ages............................................21 Necropolis Guards..............................33
Skeletons...............................................22 Shabti......................................................34
Skeleton Chariot..................................23 Tomb Reapers......................................35
Great Vultures......................................24 Dread Sphinx........................................36
Scarab Swarm.......................................25 Casket of Phatep..................................37
Skeletons Cavalry................................26 Epilogue.................................................62
Army Model Rules...............................40 Characters ............................................44
Hereditary Spell..................................41 Character Mounts...............................48
Special Items........................................42 Core.........................................................50
Monarchs of the Undeath.................43 Special....................................................52
Army Organisation.............................44 Ancient Ordnance...............................54
Quick Reference Sheet......................58 Entombed..............................................55
Mason's Menagerie.............................56
—By Beatrix von Ueblingen, Wizard of the Imperial Society of Eichtal
The following excerpt is from Abd al-Latif’s seminal translation of the Naptaan Book of the Dead.
It is reproduced here in the Imperial tongue by permission of the Great Library of Eichtal.
I beg yer forgiv’ness Sire. The lads and me, we marched on the hill like we was ordered. There was
a few of the skellingtons there, but nuthin we couldn’t handle. Until the bits of bodies started fall-
in’. One first, then two, it were just rainin’ bones and gristle. We went from 50 brave lads to just a handful
of us in minutes. We tried ta stand, we truly did Sire, but we was dyin’ by the score. But that weren’t the
worst. They spoke. I ‘eard them in my head, whispering and laughin’. I ain’t heard nuthin like it.
Told us they was coming fer us, they wanted to kill us all. Like they was alive and mad, and they
wanted to be chucked at us. And we knew those voices. Friends who died last week. Me wife, dead
these five years. Me old mam. Our own friends, our family, whisperin’ how they were coming for
us, how we failed them all, laughin’ at us. I know I shouldn’t have run. Shoulda stayed, shoulda
reported to the army. But once we was running, we couldn’t stop to save oursel’s. And now I can’t
get the voices out me head. I hafta ask Sire, beg you, please take me home with you. Don’t bury
me here. The laughin’ won’t stop, and I don’t want ta be one of them. Lady and Land have mercy
on me.”
—Final words of Robert de Sadoul, leader of the 2nd Levy of Lord Auvray’s Crusade
before being hanged for desertion, recorded by the scribe Lukas Bernstein.
During the fall of Naptesh, many of the Naptaan people fled the crumbling empire. Among those
recorded was Haskhunet, high architect of Hanaphuk and builder of the queen’s own tomb. Ac-
cording to the Gods’ Sea Annals, Haskhunet fled east, past the Barren Mountains and out of
recorded history.
Some years later, the histories of the eastern empire of Tsuandan make note of a sage from the
west who aided the Emperor in the construction of a terracotta army, to guard his tomb for all
eternity. If the stories of the Naptaan proficiency with war golems are true, this could well have
been Haskhunet, plying his skills in a foreign land. Unfortunately, few records of the Xun Dynasty
remain, most having been destroyed with the coming of the Dragon Emperor. No-one now knows
the resting-place of the last Xun Emperor – or, if the legends are true, of his slumbering army.
—Excerpt from Chapter VI of Death Knows No Borders,
Alberich Hauptmann, Eichtal Press 911 A.S.
2nd of Damos, 962 A.S. 3rd of Damos, 962 A.S. 4th of Damos, 962 A.S. The similar iconography of this chariot and the
riders we encountered nearby seems to con-
8th of Damos, 962 A.S. bearing what I believe to be a pharaoh’s crown – possibly this 9th of Damos, 962 A.S. the magic of the Naptaan priests. He claims they were used
was once a likeness of King Kharatep himself, although the as labour to construct the pyramids of the pharaohs, quite ig-
28 Sphinxes Colossi 29
I remember as a boy I once went out into the desert. Funny thing is, when I got back, I thought my fa- On the remains of the necropolis walls, we have are, I do not think these engines will be of much
Some friends and I had wanted to do it for weeks ther would be angry about the camel, but other found remnants of siege weapons – likely value to the Society, and likely would not
but my father had always forbidden it. I stole one of than me, he seemed more worried that he would used at the height of the Naptaan civil survive transportation home.
his camels and we took a tent between us. We took lose the tent. war. Without exception they are di-
As a result, we decided to test one
it in turns: two of us would ride the camel and the lapidated and rotted, certainly
—Adil El-Amin, Qassari trader of those catapults to destruc-
other would Qassari walk. not capable of useful function.
tion, gathering valuable in-
I doubt they would teach our
We only stayed out there one night; we awoke to formation as to their former
own fine engineers anything,
find our camel frozen into stone. I was sick I think – power. Yet try as we might,
but they give the lie to those
what kind of a thing can do that? All around our those ancient materials flexed
who paint this ancient civili-
tent were ridges and valleys of sand, rising over but would not break, while
sation as “primitive”. During
and under one another for tens of feet in every di- launching rocks hundreds of
my readings on Naptesh I have
rection. yards into the desert. How-
come across claims that these
ever they were constructed,
To the south of us, five valleys met and carried on weapons have been used more
these things were intended to last.
together as far as the eye could see. Must have been recently. The tales make chilling
I could almost imagine them brought
their tracks, whatever they were. Needless to say reading, but can be largely dismissed as
into battle now.
we packed up the tent and fled. I’ve never been hyperbole or invention. Interesting though they
comfortable in the desert since.
You want to hear about the Kingdom of the Dead, you say. You
ever heard about statues that walk, twelve feet tall and swing-
ing blades bigger than a man? I thought not.
three days into the journey when sud-
denly the rats went all twitchy. There
was a big sandstorm blowing in, and
I write this late at night, having been woken by a frankly
alarming turn of events.When we made camp this evening,
one of Gilles’ men found a curious onyx bauble in the sand.
In my sleep, angelic figures visited
my dreams. They reached out to me,
gently – but as their fingers brushed
I used to fight for the empire, but the vermin-kin caught me. they could feel it in their whiskers. The It was marked with Naptaan hieroglyphs, so they brought it my face they became talons of sharp
Made a slave out of me, sweating down in the dark, ‘til they overseer screams something in their to me for study. I deciphered some parts – most intriguingly bone. The flesh shrivelled from their
rounded a dozen of us up for their expedition into the desert. filthy language and next thing we’re all the infamous name Setesh, and a strange mention of “winged faces,showing snarling, inhuman
All us humans had heard the stories about that place, but you running for cover in a crack in the cliff- guardians”. Finding Grunstein in a rare moment of lucidity skulls, and I sat bolt upright, tearing
don’t say no to a rat with a whip. face. Us slaves in the back barely make (the way the qat juice blackens his lips is repulsive!), I got myself from sleep. To my dismay, the
Some people call the rats cowards. They’re probably right. But it in before the storm hit. him to confirm my findings before tiredness got the better of precious artefact was gone. Bursting
rats are damn good at saving their skins – a rat will be run- It wasn’t just a cave, though – it was me, and I fell asleep with the thing in my hand. out of my tent, I saw the thief had not
ning before a man has even soiled his breeches. We were about a tomb. With the rats’ green lamps we got far. It was one of Gunther’s por-
can see the walls are covered in marks – ters, the thin boy with the weasel eyes
glyphs – and there are these statues, huge – he was still clutching his pilfered
things, surrounding us. The floor around prize as he ran. Woken by my shout
them’s covered with pots and boxes, I fig- of alarm, Gilles went to intercept him
ure valuable stuff – but the rats go dead with a dagger in his hand.
quiet, all twitchy again. Next thing I know, I still do not trust my senses as to what
the overseer flies across the room, stuck happened next, but I will record what I
with an arrow the size of a spear. saw all the same. It seemed that some-
The statues are moving. There are four thing huge dropped suddenly from
closing off the exit, each with the head of the sky, its wings hiding the moon for
some animal; a bull and a crocodile and a brief instant. It landed heavily, block-
an eagle and a fox. It’s hard to see their ing the boy’s path, towering over him.
movements in the flicker of those damn It appeared only in silhouette, but in
lamps, but they’ve got giant bows, bigger’n the moonlight that filtered through
me. The rats get ut their pistols and start its ragged wings I thought I caught
firing back, but it’s no good. Behind us, the the gleam of bone. With a sweep of
other statues are coming alive too, one its blade it severed the heads of both
right next to me. This thing is fifteen feet Gilles and the boy, then stooped down
tall if it’s an inch, all stone and bone, with a to recover the stolen treasure. With a
blade even bigger than those damn bows. single beat of its wings, it disappeared
I’ve never been so scared in my life. After into the night sky, leaving nothing in
that it was a blur. The rats’ stolen horses its wake but dancing motes of sand.
are shrieking and the monster is slam-
The camp is now in a state of ferment.
ming its jaws open and shut, making an
Abdullah and his guides have struck
awful clacking sound as it kills. Seeing
their tents, saying they will leave at
the rats running, I grab the pack horse
dawn – they say I am cursed. Half of
beside me, motion my friend Lora to do
Gilles’ guards are leaving with them.
the same and we flee the cave, out into
The remainder I have persuaded to
the storm. Never looked back, not once.
press on – whatever the thing was
—Wully Schmidt, once of the that struck in the night, we have come
Seventh Auldheim Spears too far to turn back now.
Underground Ambush
ARMY RULES The model follows the rules for Ambush, with the following exception: instead of entering the Battlefield from a
Board Edge, place the unit anywhere on the Battlefield in a legal formation and following the Unit Spacing rule. Then
roll a D6:
• If 5–6 is rolled, the unit arrives where it was initially placed.
• If 1–4 is rolled, move the unit (without changing the direction it is facing) 2D6″ in a randomly chosen direction.
Undying Will
If this would bring the unit within 1″ of other units, Impassable Terrain, or the Board Edge, the unit stops
Army Model Rules Units 1″
each with
models model
a Pivot (and
in the Ambushing
Aim must
Will gain +2unit
with (4+).
must take
the Unit Spacing
Skill,a +2
the Pivot).
(1) Test.
Skill, Lethal
of these
The unit
Strike, and
and manoeuvres
model parts
prevent the
with Harnessed areunit
notfrom moving
affected followingWill.
by Undying the rules for Ambush afterwards.
Some unit profiles contain the additional Characteristic Resurrected, shortened Rsr, which determines the number Armoury
of Health Points Raised with Death is Only the Beginning (Hereditary Attribute Spell).
Aspen Bow – Shooting Weapon
Universal Rules Range 24″, Shots 1, Str 3, AP 0, Volley Fire.
This HS SI always
AMR weapon MoU hitsAO onQRS
a roll equal to or greater than
2 its Aim. Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM
Undead units consisting entirely of models with Autonomous may perform March Moves as normal even when Great Aspen Bow – Shooting Weapon
outside the range of friendly models’ Commanding Presence. The unit must still pass a Discipline Test in order to do Range 36″, Shots 1, Str 5, AP 2, Volley Fire.
so if within 8″ of non-Fleeing enemy units. This weapon always hits on a roll equal to or greater than its Aim.
Dust to Dust
Special Attacks
At the end of any phase in which the Hierophant is removed as a casualty, every unit in the army with Dust to Dust
must pass a Discipline Test or lose a number of Health Points equal to the amount by which the test was failed, with Mummy’s Curse
no saves of any kind allowed. These lost Health Points are allotted following the rules for Unstable. The number of
When the model with Mummy’s Curse is removed as a casualty, the model which caused the final wound suffers 1 hit
Health Points lost is reduced by 1 if the unit is within range of Rally Around the Flag.
with Strength 6 and Armour Penetration 10. This is treated as a Ranged Attack. If more than one model was part of
At the end of the Player Turn in which the Hierophant was removed as a casualty, a new Hierophant may be selected. the action which brought the downfall of the model with Mummy’s Curse, randomise which of those models suffers
In order to do so, nominate a friendly Wizard Character. This Character becomes the new Hierophant. the hit.
At the start of each friendly Player Turn after the army’s Hierophant has been removed as a casualty and no new
Hierophant has been selected, every unit with Dust to Dust must once again pass a Discipline Test or lose Health
Points as described above.
Ensouled Statue
Hereditary Spell
The model gains Undead and Dust to Dust. If more than half of the models in a unit have Ensouled Statue, reduce Undying Dynasties do not have a regular Hereditary Spell. Instead, all Death Cult Hierarchs know the Hereditary
the number of Health Points lost by this unit due to Dust to Dust and Unstable by 1. Attribute Spell Death is Only the Beginning (in addition to Path Attributes). Whenever the Wizard successfully casts a
non-Attribute non-Bound Spell of type Augment, the Hereditary Attribute Spell is automatically cast.
Hierophant Casting Value Range Type Duration Effect
One of a Kind. An Undying Dynasties army must include a single model with this Universal Rule. When the Hierophant
The target Raises a number of Health Points equal to the
casts Death is Only the Beginning as a non-Bound Spell, you may choose to set the spell range to 18″ (instead of the
Resurrected value of the R&F models in the unit. If the
spell’s normal target restrictions).
target contains any Characters, you may instead choose a
A Death is Only the Beginning single Character in it. This Character Recovers a number
Undying Will Ambush
Underground See below* Augment Instant of Health Points equal to its Resurrected value.
Units with one or more models with Undying Will gain +2 Offensive Skill, +2 Defensive Skill, Lethal Strike, and Characters and models with Towering Presence cannot
replace their Shooting Weapons’ Aim with (4+). Characters, Beasts, models with Ensouled Statue, and model parts Recover more than 2 Health Points in each Magic Phase
with Harnessed are not affected by Undying Will. from Death is Only the Beginning.
The model follows the rules for Ambush, with the following exception: instead of entering the Battlefield from a * The spell targets a single unit that was the target of the spell that triggered the Hereditary Attribute Spell.
Board Edge, place the unit anywhere on the Battlefield in a legal formation and following the Unit Spacing rule. Then
roll a D6:
Aspen Bow
• If 5–6
– Shooting Weapon
is rolled, the unit arrives where it was initially placed.
40 Army Rules Army Rules 41
• If24″,
1–4Shots 1, Str
is rolled, 3, AP
move Volley
the Fire. changing the direction it is facing) 2D6″ in a randomly chosen direction.
This weapon always
If this would bring the unit withinto1″orofgreater
hits on a roll equal than its
other units, Aim.
Impassable Terrain, or the Board Edge, the unit stops
Special Items Monarchs of Undeath
Weapon Enchantments Crown of the Pharaohs 85 pts These options represent alternative types of Undead forces that can be encountered in battle. A Pharaoh can choose
Pharaohs and Nomarchs only. to command one of the following forces instead of a standard force of Undying Dynasties.
Godslayer 75 pts The bearer increases the range of its Commanding
Great Weapon enchantment. Presence by 6″. At the start of each of your Player
The wielder gains +1 Attack Value when using this Turns, the bearer may lose Undying Will until the
Commander of the Terracotta Army
weapon. Attacks made with this weapon become Di- start of your next Player Turn and choose a friendly • The following models must be upgraded with +1 Resilience, −1 Agility, and Ensouled Statue:
vine Attacks and Magical Attacks, and gain Multi- unit within 12″. This unit gains Undying Will until
ple Wounds (2, against Aegis) (note that the latter the start of your next Player Turn. – Skeleton Archers and Skeleton Scouts for +1 pt/model.
also applies against models with conditional Aegis
– Skeletons and Skeleton Cavalry for +2 pts/model.
Book of the Dead 60 pts
– Necropolis Guard for +6 pts/model and may only add up to 15 additional models per unit.
The bearer can cast Death is Only the Beginning as a
Scourge of Kings 35 pts Bound Spell with Power Level (4/8) and the follow- – Charnel Catapult for +10 pts/model.
Hand Weapon and Paired Weapons enchantment. ing modifications:
When using this weapon, the wielder’s Attack Value – Skeleton Chariots and Caskets of Phatep for +15 pts/model. Skeleton Chariots may only add up to 3
The spell is considered a Learned Spell (instead of an
is set to 6. Attacks made with this weapon become additional models per unit.
Attribute Spell) and its range is changed to 12″ Aura.
Magical Attacks and must reroll failed to-wound – Pharaohs, Nomarchs, Death Cult Hierarchs, Tomb Harbingers, and Tomb Architects for +15 pts/model,
rolls when fighting a Duel. and lose Flammable if they had it. Models on Ark of Ages or Sha Guardian do not gain +1 Resilience.
Steeds of Nephet-Ra 60 pts
Models with at least one Skeletal Horse model part • All models have their Resurrected value set to 1.
Armour Enchantments in the bearer’s unit gain Ghost Step and +4″ March
• Non-Flying models in the army with Underground Ambush and/or Light Troops lose these Model Rules (and
Jackal’s Blessing 100 pts cannot gain them in any way).
Suit of Armour enchantment. Blessed Wrappings 50 pts • Great Vultures, Scarab Swarms, and Tomb Reapers may not be taken in the army.
The wearer gains +2 Health Points and Forti- The bearer gains +1 Health Point and loses Flamma-
tude (5+). ble if it had it (note that this does not prevent the • Models that gain Ensouled Statue can benefit from Undying Will (despite having Ensouled Statue).
model from gaining Flammable from other sources).
Sun’s Embrace 40 pts
Shield enchantment.
Lord of the Barrow Legion
Sekhem Sceptre 50 pts
The bearer gains Distracting while using this Shield. The bearer gains Autonomous and Stubborn. • Skeletons and Skeleton Archers must take Heavy Armour for +1 pt/model. Skeletons may replace Spear and
Shield with Halberd for +1 pt/model.
Banner Enchantments Ankh of Naptesh 45 pts • Skeleton Cavalry may take Lance for +2 pts/model and may gain +1 Armour and suffer −1″ Advance Rate and
The bearer gains Hierophant. R&F models in the −2″ March Rate for +3 pts/model.
Banner of the Entombed 40 pts bearer’s unit gain Fortitude (6+).
Core and Battle Standard Bearer only. 0–2 per Army. • Skeleton Chariots may replace Halberd with Lance for +3 pts/model.
If taken by a Character, the bearer gains Under- Sandstorm Cloak 40 pts • Necropolis Guard must be upgraded with Heavy Armour for +2 pts/model, and may only add up to 20 additional
ground Ambush. If taken by a R&F model, the Models on foot only. models per unit.
bearer’s unit gains Underground Ambush and addi- The bearer gains Fly (5″, 15″), Light Troops, and • Scarab Swarms must be upgraded with Aegis (5+), Aegis (3+, against non-Magical Attacks), Ghost Step,
tional models cannot be added to the unit during Swiftstride, and can perform a Sweeping Attack that Magical Attacks, and have their Resurrected value set to 1 for +28 pts/model. They may only add up to 2
Army List creation. Standard Height models using causes 2D6 hits with Strength 2 and Armour Pene- additional models per unit, and there can only be max. 7 Scarab Swarm models per army.
this banner to Ambush must arrive in a formation tration 1.
containing exactly 5 models per rank (except for the • Models with Towering Presence and/or Large Cavalry may not be taken in the army.
last) and cannot make a Reform (or a Swift Reform) Death Mask of Teput 35 pts • Models with Underground Ambush and/or Scout lose these Model Rules (and cannot gain them in any way).
during this Player Turn. Enemy units in base contact with the bearer suffer
−2 Offensive Skill. • Non-Flying models with Heavy Armour lose Light Troops (and cannot gain it in any way).
A unit with Underground Ambush addition-
ally counts towards Entombed.
Scroll of Desiccation 15 pts
After determining Deployment Zones (at the end of
Artefacts step 6 of the Pre-Game Sequence), choose a Field,
Forest, or Water Terrain Feature. This Terrain Fea-
Sacred Hourglass 95 pts ture ceases to be the Terrain Feature it used to be and
Dominant. loses all its rules. It is treated as Dangerous Terrain
The bearer may reroll failed Casting Attempts that (1) for all enemy units.
were rolled using 2 Magic Dice (by rerolling both
Magic Dice).
42 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 4 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 5 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 43
Army Organisation Standard
Nomarch Height
Type Infantry
140 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
A mount marked with (MM) counts towards Mason’s Menagerie. Additionally, the mount and its rider count
towards Characters.
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
Ancient Mason’s 4″ 8″ 9 1 Dust to Dust, Fear, Fearless, Flammable, Undead, Undying
Characters Core Special Entombed*
Ordnance Menagerie Will
(Max. 40 %) (Min. 25 %) (No limit) (Max. 30 %)
(Max. 35 %) (Max. 35 %)
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
*Units with Underground Ambush
3 4 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
2 4 4 1 3 Mummy’s Curse
Characters (Max. 40 %) Options
Special Items
up to 100
Mount Options
Skeletal Horse
Shield 5 Skeleton Chariot 50
Heavy Armour 10 Sha Guardian (MM) 360
Pharaoh Height
Type Infantry
Aspen Bow (4+) 5
295 pts single model One choice only:
Base 20×20 mm
Paired Weapons 5
A mount marked with (MM) counts towards Mason’s Menagerie. Additionally, the mount and its rider count Great Weapon 10
towards Characters. Halberd 10
Lance 10
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules d
44 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 6 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 7 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 45
Standard Standard
Casket of Phatep Height
Type Construct
Tomb Architect Height
Type Infantry
240 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round 160 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
4″ 4″ 8 2 Channel (1), Divine Light, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Not a 4″ 8″ 7 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Master of Stone,
Leader, Phatep’s Curse, Undead, War Machine Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Tomb Harbinger Height
Type Infantry
180 pts single model Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
3 4 5 0 Light Armour
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
46 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 8 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 9 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 47
Character Mounts Height Large
Ark of Ages Type Construct
Base 60×100 mm
Height Standard
Skeletal Horse Type Cavalry Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Base 25×50 mm 4″ 8″ C Sacred Ark, War Platform, Well of Souls
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm
C C C C+1 Guard (2) 1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Aspen Bow
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Model Rules
Sacred Ark: Universal Rule.
Height Large All friendly Wizards within 12″ of the Ark of Ages add +6″ to the range of their non-Bound Spells. Spells of type
Skeleton Chariot Type Construct Aura only add +3″ to their range.
Base 50×100 mm
Well of Souls: Universal Rule.
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules One use only. May be activated at the start of any of your Magic Phases. Until the start of your next Player Turn,
8″ 10″ C Light Troops, Swiftstride whenever either player would draw a Flux Card, they draw the Well of Souls Flux Card instead (if either player
doesn’t draw a Flux Card, that player ignores this effect).
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Well of 5 Magic Dice When making a casting roll with 3 or more Magic
C C C C+1
Souls (both players) Dice, all doubles count as triples. Note that a
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Caster can suffer multiple Miscast effects from a
(Flux 5 Veil Tokens single casting roll. However no Miscast effect can
Skeletal Horse (2) 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed
Card) (Active Player) be applied more than once.
Chassis 4 1 Impact Hits (D3+3), Inanimate
Options pts
Two additional Skeletal Horses and base size increased
Height Gigantic
to 100×100 mm free
Sha Guardian Type Beast
Base 50×100 mm
Height Large This mount and its rider count towards Characters. Additionally, this mount counts towards Mason’s Menagerie.
Amuut Type Cavalry
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Base 50×100 mm
6″ 12″ C Ensouled Statue
Global Adv Mar Dis Model Rules
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
7″ 14″ C Ensouled Statue, Fear
7 5 6 4 Eternal Guardian
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
C C C C+1
4 4 5 2 3 Harnessed, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Model Rules
3 3 5 2 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks
Eternal Guardian: Personal Protection.
d When the model suffers a wound from an attack with Multiple Wounds, the number of wounds this is multiplied
into (due to Multiple Wounds) is halved, rounding up.
48 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 10 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 11 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 49
Core (Min. 25 %) Standard
Skeleton Scouts Height
Type Cavalry
130 pts + 16 pts/extra model 5–10 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm
Skeletons Height
Type Infantry This unit counts both towards Core and Ancient Ordnance.
150 pts + 10 pts/extra model 20–60 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
8″ 16″ 6 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Scout, Undead, Van-
4″ 8″ 4 7 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead guard
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Standard Skeleton Chariots Height
Skeleton Archers Height
Type Infantry 290 pts + 65 pts/extra model 3–10 models 0–5 Units/Army
Type Construct
Base 50×100 mm
120 pts + 12 pts/extra model 10–30 models Base 20×20 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
This unit counts both towards Core and Ancient Ordnance.
8″ 10″ 7 3 Bound in Death, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops,
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules Swiftstride, Undead
4″ 8″ 4 6 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Charioteer (2) 2 3 3 0 2 Aspen Bow (5+), Halberd
1 2 3 0 2 Aspen Bow (5+) Skeletal Horse (2) 1 2 3 0 2 Harnessed
Chassis 4 1 Chariot Host, Impact Hits (D3+1), Inanimate
Command Group Options pts Command Group Options pts
Champion 20 Standard Bearer 20 Model Rules Command Group Options pts
Musician 20 Banner Enchantment no limit Bound in Death: Universal Rule. Champion 20
R&F models in this unit must be fewer than 3 be- Musician 20
fore hits can be distributed onto Characters with the Standard Bearer 20
Standard same Type and Height as this unit. Banner Enchantment no limit
Skeleton Cavalry Height
Type Cavalry Chariot Host: Special Attack. Optional Model Rules
190 pts + 17 pts/extra model 10–24 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 25×50 mm If the model part’s unit has at least one Full Rank, Legion Charioteers: Universal Rule.
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
and there is a model in the rank directly behind it The model loses Light Troops and gains Scoring. Its
(in the same file), its Impact Hits cause an additional Charioteers gain Devastating Charge (+1 Str, Fight
8″ 16″ 6 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead, Vanguard hit (normally D3+2 instead of D3+1). in Extra Rank).
Defensive HP Def Res Arm Options pts
1 3 3 1 Light Armour, Shield Legion Charioteers 15/model
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
50 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 12 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 13 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 51
Special (No limit) Large
Shabtis Height
Type Infantry
210 pts + 75 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–5 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Necropolis Guard Height
Type Infantry Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
190 pts + 25 pts/extra model 15–40 models Base 20×20 mm 6″ 12″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm
1 3 4 0 Light Armour 3 4 5 2 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi Options pts Command Group Options pts
1 3 4 1 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks One choice only: Champion 20
Paired Weapons 12/model Musician 20
Options pts Command Group Options pts Halberd 18/model Standard Bearer 20
Shield 1/model Champion 20 Banner Enchantment no limit
One choice only: Musician 20 d
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules 2 3 4 0 Hard Target (1)
7″ 14″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
3 4 4 3 Light Armour d
2 4 4 1 3 Standard
Rider Lethal Strike, Halberd Scarab Swarms Height
Type Beast
Amuut 3 3 5 2 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks 140 pts + 50 pts/extra model 2–6 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm
Options pts Command Group Options pts
Underground Ambush 20/model Champion 20 The unit additionally counts towards Entombed when taking Underground Ambush.
Musician 20
Standard Bearer 20 Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
Banner Enchantment no limit
5″ 10″ 7 5 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Undead
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
52 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 14 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 15 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 53
Ancient Ordnance (Max. 35 %) Large
Charnel Catapult Height
Type Construct
200 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 75 mm round
Shabti Archers Height
Type Infantry Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
200 pts + 80 pts/extra model 3–8 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 40×40 mm 4″ 4″ 4 2 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, War Machine
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm
260 pts + 70 pts/extra model 3–7 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm
The unit additionally counts towards Entombed when taking Underground Ambush.
2 3 4 1 3 Petrifying Gaze (3+), Halberd Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
Model Rules Options pts 7″ 14″ 8 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Underground Ambush
Petrifying Gaze: Shooting Weapon. Underground Ambush 30/model Defensive HP Def Res Arm
Range 12″, Shots D6+1, Str 2, AP 10, Quick to Fire.
Command Group Options pts 4 4 5 2
When rolling to wound with this attack, use the tar-
Champion 20
get’s Agility instead of the target’s Resilience. For Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Multipart Models, use the highest Agility value.
4 4 5 2 3 Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks
54 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 16 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 17 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 55
Mason’s Menagerie (Max. 35 %) Gigantic
Colossus Height
Type Infantry
420 pts single model 0–2 Units/Army Base 50×50 mm
Battle Sphinx Height
Type Beast Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
480 pts single model 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×100 mm 6″ 12″ 8 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules Defensive HP Def Res Arm
5 5 8 3
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
Tomb Reapers Height
Type Infantry
340 pts + 180 pts/extra model 2–4 models 0–3 Units/Army Base 50×75 mm
Global Adv Mar Dis Rsr Model Rules
Ground 6″ 12″ 10 2 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″),
Fly 6″ 12″ Light Troops, Swiftstride
Defensive HP Def Res Arm
4 5 5 2
Offensive Att Off Str AP Agi
4 5 5 2 4 Lethal Strike
Options pts
One choice only:
Halberd 15/model
Paired Weapons 15/model
56 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 18 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 19 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 57
Quick Reference Sheet Skeleton Scouts
Standard, Cavalry
Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis
HP 1 Def 3 Res
Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Scout, Undead, Vanguard
Death Cult Hierarch Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, Wizard Apprentice
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 0
Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Necropolis Guard Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 8 Rsr 3 Bodyguard, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour
Casket of Phatep Adv 4″ Mar 4″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Channel (1), Divine Light, Dust to Dust, Fearless, Not a Leader,
Phatep’s Curse, Undead, War Machine Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks
Standard, Construct HP 5 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0 Aegis (5+), Light Armour Tomb Cataphracts Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Halberd Large, Cavalry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 3 Light Armour
Tomb Harbinger Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Royal Guard, Undead Rider Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Halberd
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 5 Arm 0 Light Armour Amuut Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks
Att 3 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Guardian’s Wrath, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks Shabtis Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Tomb Architect Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 7 Rsr 1 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Flammable, Master of Stone, Undead Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour
Standard, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 0 Light Armour Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3
Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Great Vultures Adv 2″ Mar 4″ Dis 4 Rsr 3 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Fly (9″, 18″), Light Troops, Skirmisher,
Character Mounts Standard, Beast HP 2 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 0 Hard Target (1)
Att 3 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3
Skeletal Horse Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis C Scarab Swarms Adv 5″ Mar 10″ Dis 7 Rsr 5 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Light Troops, Skirmisher, Undead
Standard, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1 Standard, Beast HP 5 Def 3 Res 2 Arm 0 Distracting, Hard Target (1)
Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed Att 5 Off 3 Str 2 AP 1 Agi 3 Chitinous Tide, Poison Attacks
Skeleton Chariot Adv 8″ Mar 10″ Dis C Light Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Construct HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1 Ancient Ordnance
Skeletal Horse (2) Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed
Chassis Str 4 AP 1 Agi Impact Hits (D3+3), Inanimate Shabti Archers Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Scoring
Large, Infantry HP 3 Def 4 Res 4 Arm 2 Light Armour
Amuut Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis C Ensouled Statue, Fear
Att 3 Off 4 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 3 Great Aspen Bow (5+)
Large, Cavalry HP C Def C Res C Arm C+1 d
Att 3 Off 3 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 3 Harnessed, Poison Attacks Sand Stalkers Adv 7″ Mar 14″ Dis 8 Rsr 2 Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Light Troops
Large, Beast HP 3 Def 3 Res 4 Arm 2
Ark of Ages Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis C Sacred Ark, War Platform, Well of Souls
Att 2 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Petrifying Gaze (3+), Halberd
Large, Construct HP 5 Def C Res 5 Arm C+2 Aegis (5+) d
Guard (2) Att 1 Off 3 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Poison Attacks, Aspen Bow (5+) Charnel Catapult Adv 4″ Mar 4″ Dis 4 Rsr 2 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Undead, War Machine
Bound Spirits Att 2 Off 2 Str 2 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed, Magical Attacks Large, Construct HP 5 Def 1 Res 4 Arm 0
Chassis Str 5 AP 2 Agi Impact Hits (D6), Inanimate Att 3 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Move or Fire, Charnel Catapult (5+)
d d
Skeletons Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 4 Rsr 7 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour, Shield Mason’s Menagerie
Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2
Battle Sphinx Adv 5″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless
Skeleton Archers Adv 4″ Mar 8″ Dis 4 Rsr 6 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 4 Res 8 Arm 3
Standard, Infantry HP 1 Def 2 Res 3 Arm 0 Light Armour Rider (4) Att 2 Off 4 Str 4 AP 1 Agi 3 Lethal Strike, Light Lance
Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Aspen Bow (5+) Battle Sphinx Att 4 Off 4 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 1 Breath Attack (Str 4, AP 1, Flaming Attacks), Harnessed, Poison
Skeleton Cavalry Adv 8″ Mar 16″ Dis 6 Rsr 4 Dust to Dust, Fearless, Scoring, Undead, Vanguard Attacks
Standard, Cavalry HP 1 Def 3 Res 3 Arm 1 Light Armour, Shield Dread Sphinx Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light
Rider Att 1 Off 3 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Light Lance Troops
Skeletal Horse Att 1 Off 2 Str 3 AP 0 Agi 2 Harnessed Gigantic, Beast HP 5 Def 5 Res 8 Arm 3
Att 5 Off 5 Str 5 AP 1 Agi 0 Colossal Kopesh, Lethal Strike, Poison Attacks
58 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 20 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM AMR HS SI MoU AO QRS 21 Ch Mo Co Sp Army Rules
AO En MM 59
Tomb Reapers Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 10 Rsr 2 Autonomous, Ensouled Statue, Fear, Fearless, Fly (6″, 12″), Light
Troops, Swiftstride
Large, Infantry HP 4 Def 5 Res 5 Arm 2
Att 4 Off 5 Str 5 AP 2 Agi 4 Lethal Strike
Colossus Adv 6″ Mar 12″ Dis 8 Rsr 1 Ensouled Statue, Fearless
The Naptaan empire once spread from shore to shore of the Middle Sea. Many of the
Gigantic, Infantry HP 5 Def 4 Res 6 Arm 3 Light Armour
Att 6 Off 4 Str 6 AP 3 Agi 2 Grind Attacks (D3)
northern tribes who traded with Naptesh absorbed parts of Naptaan culture; those who
warred against them were subjugated and assimilated in turn. From Destria to the Em-
Shooting Weapons pire, barrow mounds can be found imitating the Naptaan tradition of ritual burial.
Name Artillery Aim Range Str AP Shots Rules Like the pyramids of Naptesh, these barrows also have a dark reputation for harbouring
Quick to Fire the undead. Some may have worshipped a bastardised version of the Naptaan pantheon,
Petrifying Gaze - 3+ 12″ 2 10 D6+1
to wound against Agility and so been afflicted by Teput’s curse; others ignorantly imitated the dark arts of Setesh,
Aspen Bow - 5+/4+* 24″ 3 0 1 Volley Fire
inscribing the stones of their tombs with necromantic incantations to keep their rulers
Great Aspen Bow - 5+/4+* 36″ 5 2 1 Volley Fire
Area Attack (1×5) from true death. Such wights can be found haunting the barrowlands of Volskaya and
Giant Aspen Bow - 5+ 48″ 3 [6] 10 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3)] Equitaine, as well as our own dear Empire - the greatest numbers being found near the
Charnel Catapult (1) Catapult (4×4) 5+ 12–60″ 3 [7] 0 [4] 1
[Multiple Wounds (D3, border of cursed Zagvozd.
Clipped Wings)]
Flaming Attacks —Excerpt from Chapter IX of Death Knows No Borders,
Magical Attacks
Charnel Catapult (2) Catapult (6×6) 5+ 12–48″ 3 0 1
Panic Test at 1 casualty and Alberich Hauptmann, Eichtal Press 911 A.S.
with −1 Discipline
*4+ for Characters, 5+ for anyone else.
Pharaoh, Nomarch, Death Cult Hierarch, Tomb Harbinger, Tomb Architect, Battle
Sphinx, Dread Sphinx, Colossus
Casket of Phatep, Tomb Cataphracts, Shabtis, Shabti Archers, Sand Stalkers, Charnel
Catapult, Sand Scorpion, Tomb Reapers
3 Skeleton Chariots, Necropolis Guard, Great Vultures
4 Skeleton Cavalry, Skeleton Scouts
5 Scarab Swarms
6 Skeleton Archers
7 Skeletons
60 ArmyHSRules
AMR SI MoU AO QRS 22 Ch Mo Co Sp AO En MM Army Rules 61
62 Epilogue Epilogue 63
Across the world, and nowhere more than ancient Naptesh,
civilisations have entombed their nobility to endure untold
centuries. Yet not all that rests beneath earth, sand and stone
stays buried. Returned to reclaim lost kingdoms and to cast off
the shackles of flesh and time, the Undying Dynasties arise!