Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r111
Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r111
Basic Fantasy RPG Rules r111
It was our third foray into the dungeons beneath the ancient fortress in the middle of the river. We were on the
second level down from the ruins, standing before the great bronze doors beyond which we believed lay the tomb
of an ancient barbarian chieftain. I hadn't believed the tales of the old drunk at the tavern back at Morgansfort,
but for some reason Apoqulis, the Cleric, believed him. Turned out his stories were true… mostly, anyway.
I held a torch for Barthal, the Thief, as he tried briefly to pick the lock. He turned around and said, "It must be
held by magic. The lock won't even wiggle."
Morningstar, the Elf, smiled. "I have just the thing," she said, drawing from her backpack the scroll we took from
the goblins. She unrolled it and began to read, and though I couldn't understand her words I could see the
characters burning away as she read them, little wisps of smoke as from a candle rising up from each in turn.
Seeing that she was nearly through, I turned my attention to the lock. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but the
little puff of dust that came from it as she finished didn't seem like much. She turned to Barthal and said, "Try
I'm tempted to say that Barthal bent to his work, but he's a Halfling; at just over three feet tall he could look
straight into the lock without stooping a bit. I must have looked impatient, as Apoqulis leaned over to me and
said, "Be still, Darion, he'll be through in a moment or two."
Then I heard a loud click, and Barthal turned to me with a smile. "It's open, my friend. After you!" I handed him
the torch, then stepped to the doors, sword drawn, and Morningstar joined me, likewise ready. I steeled myself
and opened the doors…
Beyond lay a stone sarcophagus, resting atop a raised platform. Strewn about the floor were many human
skeletons. Apoqulis made a sign with his hand that I didn't recognize; then we walked in carefully, trying not to
trip over the bones. I noticed among the bones several bronze swords, covered in verdigris. I stepped to the
sarcophagus. "The lid is likely very heavy," I said. "Come, Morningstar, rather than lift it, let's turn it about so we
can see what treasures lie inside."
Morningstar called "Wait!" but it was too late… I had already laid hands upon the sarcophagus. The bones on the
floor began to rattle, then rose up and assembled themselves in a mockery of life. Without delay they picked up
their swords from the floor and began to attack us. I would have to wait until later to kick myself, I mused, as I
put my back against the sarcophagus and began to fight the monsters…
What is This?
The Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game is a rules-light
game system written with inspiration from early role-
playing game systems. It is intended for those who are
fans of "old-school" game mechanics. Basic Fantasy
RPG is simple enough for children in perhaps second or
third grade to play, yet still has enough depth for adults
as well.
same regardless of the title). Each player generally Using the Dice
plays one character, called a player character or PC,
while the Game Master is responsible for running the The 20 sided die, or d20, is one of the
world, creating and managing the towns, nations, ruins, most important dice in the game: it is
non-player characters (or NPCs), monsters, treasure, used to resolve attack rolls and saving
and all other things that aid or challenge the players. throws (concepts that will be explained
Dice are often used to determine the success or failure later). In general, the die is rolled,
of most actions that take place in the game; Basic modifiers added or subtracted, and if the total result
Fantasy RPG uses polyhedral dice, described below, for equals or exceeds a target number, the roll is a success;
this purpose. otherwise it has failed.
In effect, role-playing games are just grown-up games The 10 sided die, or d10, is used to
of pretend. If you remember playing pretend as a child, generate numbers from 1 to 10; it is
you may recall having some difficulty deciding whose numbered 0 to 9, but a roll of 0 is
idea should have precedence… if one child plays a normally counted as 10. A pair of d10's
knight and the other a dragon, who will win? Surely are also used together to generate
the knight doesn't win every time. Role-playing games numbers from 1 to 100, where a roll of 00 is counted as
have rules to determine such things. These rules can 100. The two dice should be different colors, and the
range from the very free-form and simple to the very player must declare which is the tens die and which is
complex and detailed. the ones die before rolling them! (Or, the player may
have a die marked with double digits, as shown.)
This game attempts to walk the line between simple Rolling two d10's in this way is called a percentile roll,
and complex, free-form and detailed. Too much detail or d%. These rolls are generally against target
and complexity slows the game down as players and numbers, but for the roll to be a success, the result must
GM spend much time leafing through the rules and little be equal to or less than the target
time actually playing. Free-form games with simple number. So for example, a character
resolution systems demand more mental agility from using a Thief ability (described later) with
the participants, and are much more dependent on the a 30% chance of success rolls the dice: if
good judgment of the Game Master to maintain the result is 01 to 30, the roll is a success.
balance. Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game falls
between these two extremes, having rules for the most The 4 sided die, or d4, is a special case.
common activities and guidelines to help the Game It is not so much rolled as "flipped," and
Master judge the unexpected. the number which is upright is the result
of the roll. Note that d4's
What Do I Need to Play? are made in two different
styles, as shown; regardless of which style
If you are to be a player, you should have a pencil, you have, the number rolled is the one
some notebook paper, and a set of dice. Someone in which is upright on all visible sides.
your player group probably needs to have some graph
The other dice normally used have 6, 8,
paper (4 or 5 squares per inch is best) for drawing
and 12 sides, and are called d6, d8, and
maps. You can use preprinted character sheets (such
d12. d6's may be made
as those available on the Basic Fantasy RPG website) if
with either numbers or pips;
you wish, but notebook paper works fine.
it makes no difference which
If you are the Game Master, you need all of the above. type you choose.
If this is your first time as GM, or you have limited
When multiple dice are to be rolled and
preparation time, you might wish to use a pre-written
added together, it's noted in the text like
adventure (called a module) rather than create one
yourself. Several modules are distributed on the this: 2d6 (roll two d6 dice and add them website; several modules available for together), or 3d4 (roll three d4 dice and
free on the website are specifically designed for use with add them together). A modifier may be
a party of new players. Adventure modules written for noted as a "plus" value, such as 2d8+2 (roll two d8 dice
other game systems may also be used, but the Game and add them together, then add 2 to the total).
Master may need to spend some time "converting" such
a module before beginning play.
Character Races
Dwarves Elves
Halflings Humans
Description: Halflings are small, slightly stocky folk Description: Humans come in a broad variety of
who stand around three feet tall and weigh about 60 shapes and sizes; the Game Master must decide what
pounds. They have curly brown hair on their heads sorts of Humans live in the game world. An average
and feet, but rarely have facial hair. They are usually Human male in good health stands around six feet tall
fair skinned, often with ruddy cheeks. Halflings are and weighs about 175 pounds, while females average
remarkably rugged for their small size. They are five feet nine inches and weigh around 145 pounds.
dexterous and nimble, capable of moving quietly and Most Humans live around 75 years.
remaining very still. They usually go barefoot.
Restrictions: Humans may be any single class. They
Halflings are typically outgoing, unassuming and good-
have no minimum or maximum ability score
natured. They live about a hundred years.
Restrictions: Halflings may become Clerics, Fighters
or Thieves. They are required to have a minimum Special Abilities: Humans learn unusually quickly,
Dexterity of 9. Due to their small stature, they may not gaining a bonus of 10% to all experience points earned.
have a Strength higher than 17. Halflings never roll Saving Throws: Humans are the "standard," and thus
larger than six-sided dice (d6) for hit points regardless have no saving throw bonuses.
of class. Halflings may not use Large weapons, and
must wield Medium weapons with both hands.
Combination Classes
Special Abilities: Halflings are unusually accurate with
all sorts of ranged weapons, gaining a +1 attack bonus To become a member of a combination class, a
when employing them. When attacked in melee by character must meet the requirements of both classes.
creatures larger than man-sized, Halflings gain a +2 Combination class characters use the best attack bonus
bonus to their Armor Class. Halflings are quick-witted, and the best saving throw values of their original two
adding +1 to Initiative die rolls. In their preferred forest classes, but must gain experience equal to the
terrain, they are able to hide very effectively; so long as combined requirements of both base classes to advance
they remain still there is only a 10% chance they will be in levels. Elves are the only characters eligible to be a
detected. Even indoors, in dungeons or in non- member of one of these combination classes:
preferred terrain they are able to hide such that there is Fighter/Magic-User: These characters may both fight
only a 30% chance of detection. Note that a Halfling and cast magic spells; further, they are allowed to cast
Thief will roll only once, using either the Thief ability or magic spells while wearing armor. These characters roll
the Halfling ability, whichever is better. six-sided dice (d6) for hit points.
Saving Throws: Halflings save at +4 vs. Death Ray or Magic-User/Thief: Members of this combination class
Poison, Magic Wands, Paralysis or Petrify, and Spells, may cast spells while wearing leather armor. These
and at +3 vs. Dragon Breath. characters roll four-sided dice (d4) for hit points.
Character Classes
Cleric Fighter
Exp. Spells Exp.
Level Points Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level Points Hit Dice
1 0 1d6 - - - - - - 1 0 1d8
2 1,500 2d6 1 - - - - - 2 2,000 2d8
3 3,000 3d6 2 - - - - - 3 4,000 3d8
4 6,000 4d6 2 1 - - - - 4 8,000 4d8
5 12,000 5d6 2 2 - - - - 5 16,000 5d8
6 24,000 6d6 2 2 1 - - - 6 32,000 6d8
7 48,000 7d6 3 2 2 - - - 7 64,000 7d8
8 90,000 8d6 3 2 2 1 - - 8 120,000 8d8
9 180,000 9d6 3 3 2 2 - - 9 240,000 9d8
10 270,000 9d6+1 3 3 2 2 1 - 10 360,000 9d8+2
11 360,000 9d6+2 4 3 3 2 2 - 11 480,000 9d8+4
12 450,000 9d6+3 4 4 3 2 2 1 12 600,000 9d8+6
13 540,000 9d6+4 4 4 3 3 2 2 13 720,000 9d8+8
14 630,000 9d6+5 4 4 4 3 2 2 14 840,000 9d8+10
15 720,000 9d6+6 4 4 4 3 3 2 15 960,000 9d8+12
16 810,000 9d6+7 5 4 4 3 3 2 16 1,080,000 9d8+14
17 900,000 9d6+8 5 5 4 3 3 2 17 1,200,000 9d8+16
18 990,000 9d6+9 5 5 4 4 3 3 18 1,320,000 9d8+18
19 1,080,000 9d6+10 6 5 4 4 3 3 19 1,440,000 9d8+20
20 1,170,000 9d6+11 6 5 5 4 3 3 20 1,560,000 9d8+22
Clerics are those who have devoted themselves to the Fighters include soldiers, guardsmen, barbarian
service of a deity, pantheon or other belief system. Most warriors, and anyone else for whom fighting is a way of
Clerics spend their time in mundane forms of service life. They train in combat, and they generally approach
such as preaching and ministering in a temple; but there problems head-on, weapon in hand.
are those who are called to go abroad from the temple
Not surprisingly, Fighters are the best at fighting of all
and serve their deity in a more direct way, smiting
the classes. They are also the hardiest, able to take
undead monsters and aiding in the battle against evil
more punishment than any other class. Although they
and chaos. Player character Clerics are assumed to be
are not skilled in the ways of magic, Fighters can
among the latter group.
nonetheless use many magic items, including but not
Clerics fight about as well as Thieves, but not as well as limited to magical weapons and armor.
Fighters. They are hardier than Thieves, at least at
The Prime Requisite for Fighters is Strength; a character
lower levels, as they are accustomed to physical labor
must have a Strength score of 9 or higher to become a
that the Thief would deftly avoid. Clerics can cast spells
Fighter. Members of this class may wear any armor
of divine nature starting at 2 nd level, and they have the
and use any weapon.
power to Turn the Undead, that is, to drive away
undead monsters by means of faith alone (see the
Encounter section for details).
The Prime Requisite for Clerics is Wisdom; a character
must have a Wisdom score of 9 or higher to become a
Cleric. They may wear any armor, but may only use
blunt weapons (specifically including warhammer,
mace, maul, club, quarterstaff, and sling).
Magic-User Thief
Exp. Spells Exp.
Level Points Hit Dice 1 2 3 4 5 6 Level Points Hit Dice
1 0 1d4 1 - - - - - 1 0 1d4
2 2,500 2d4 2 - - - - - 2 1,250 2d4
3 5,000 3d4 2 1 - - - - 3 2,500 3d4
4 10,000 4d4 2 2 - - - - 4 5,000 4d4
5 20,000 5d4 2 2 1 - - - 5 10,000 5d4
6 40,000 6d4 3 2 2 - - - 6 20,000 6d4
7 80,000 7d4 3 2 2 1 - - 7 40,000 7d4
8 150,000 8d4 3 3 2 2 - - 8 75,000 8d4
9 300,000 9d4 3 3 2 2 1 - 9 150,000 9d4
10 450,000 9d4+1 4 3 3 2 2 - 10 225,000 9d4+2
11 600,000 9d4+2 4 4 3 2 2 1 11 300,000 9d4+4
12 750,000 9d4+3 4 4 3 3 2 2 12 375,000 9d4+6
13 900,000 9d4+4 4 4 4 3 2 2 13 450,000 9d4+8
14 1,050,000 9d4+5 4 4 4 3 3 2 14 525,000 9d4+10
15 1,200,000 9d4+6 5 4 4 3 3 2 15 600,000 9d4+12
16 1,350,000 9d4+7 5 5 4 3 3 2 16 675,000 9d4+14
17 1,500,000 9d4+8 5 5 4 4 3 3 17 750,000 9d4+16
18 1,650,000 9d4+9 6 5 4 4 3 3 18 825,000 9d4+18
19 1,800,000 9d4+10 6 5 5 4 3 3 19 900,000 9d4+20
20 1,950,000 9d4+11 6 5 5 4 4 3 20 975,000 9d4+22
Magic-Users are those who seek and use knowledge of Thieves are those who take what they want or need by
the arcane. They do magic not as the Cleric does, by stealth, disarming traps and picking locks to get to the
faith in a greater power, but rather through insight and gold they crave; or "borrowing" money from pockets,
understanding. beltpouches, etc. right under the nose of the "mark"
without the victim ever knowing.
Magic-Users are the worst of all the classes at fighting;
hours spent studying massive tomes of magic do not Thieves fight better than Magic-Users but not as well as
lead a character to become strong or adept with Fighters. Avoidance of honest work leads Thieves to be
weapons. They are the least hardy, equal to Thieves at less hardy than the other classes, though they do pull
lower levels but quickly falling behind. ahead of the Magic-Users at higher levels.
The Prime Requisite for Magic-Users is Intelligence; a The Prime Requisite for Thieves is Dexterity; a
character must have an Intelligence score of 9 or higher character must have a Dexterity score of 9 or higher to
to become a Magic-User. The only weapons they become a Thief. They may use any weapon, but may
become proficient with are the dagger and the walking not wear metal armor as it interferes with stealthy
staff (or cudgel). Magic-Users may not wear armor of activities, nor may they use shields of any sort. Leather
any sort nor use a shield as such things interfere with armor is acceptable, however.
Thieves have a number of special abilities, described
A first level Magic-User begins play knowing read below. One turn (ten minutes) must usually be spent to
magic and one other spell of first level. These spells are use any of these abilities, as determined by the GM.
written in a spellbook provided by their master. The The GM may choose to make any of these rolls on
GM may roll for the spell, assign it as they see fit, or behalf of the player to help maintain the proper state of
allow the player to choose it, at their option. See the uncertainty. Also note that the GM may apply
Spells section for more details. situational adjustments (plus or minus percentage
points) as they see fit; for instance, it's obviously harder
to climb a wall slick with slime than one that is dry, so
the GM might apply a penalty of 20% for the slimy wall.
Thief Abilities
Thief Level Open Locks Remove Traps Pick Pockets Move Silently Climb Walls Hide Listen
1 25 20 30 25 80 10 30
2 30 25 35 30 81 15 34
3 35 30 40 35 82 20 38
4 40 35 45 40 83 25 42
5 45 40 50 45 84 30 46
6 50 45 55 50 85 35 50
7 55 50 60 55 86 40 54
8 60 55 65 60 87 45 58
9 65 60 70 65 88 50 62
10 68 63 74 68 89 53 65
11 71 66 78 71 90 56 68
12 74 69 82 74 91 59 71
13 77 72 86 77 92 62 74
14 80 75 90 80 93 65 77
15 83 78 94 83 94 68 80
16 84 79 95 85 95 69 83
17 85 80 96 87 96 70 86
18 86 81 97 89 97 71 89
19 87 82 98 91 98 72 92
20 88 83 99 93 99 73 95
The numbers above are percentages; instructions for Hide permits the Thief to hide in any shadowed area large
making these rolls are in Using the Dice on page 2. enough to contain their body. Like Move Silently, the
Thief always believes they are being successful, so the GM
Open Locks allows the Thief to unlock a lock without a
makes the roll. A Thief hiding in shadows must remain still
proper key. It may only be tried once per lock. If the
for this ability to work.
attempt fails, the Thief must wait until they have gained
another level of experience before trying again. Listen is generally used to listen at a door, or to try to
listen for distant sounds in a dungeon. The GM must
Remove Traps is generally rolled twice: first to detect the
decide what noises the Thief might hear; a successful roll
trap, and second to disarm it. The GM will make these
means only that a noise could have been heard. The GM
rolls as the player won't know for sure if the character is
should always make this roll for the player. Note that the
successful or not until someone actually tests the trapped
Thief and their party must try to be quiet in order for the
(or suspected) area.
Thief to use this ability.
Pick Pockets allows the Thief to lift the wallet, cut the
Finally, Thieves can perform a Sneak Attack any time
purse, etc. of a victim without being noticed. If the roll
they are behind an opponent in melee and it is likely the
fails, the Thief didn't get what they wanted; but further, the
opponent doesn't know the Thief is there. The GM may
intended victim (or an onlooker, at the GM's option) will
require a Move Silently or Hide roll to determine this. The
notice the attempt if the die roll is more than two times the
Sneak Attack is made with a +4 attack bonus and does
target number (or if the die roll is 00).
double damage if it is successful. A Thief usually can't
Move Silently, like Remove Traps, is always rolled by the make a Sneak Attack on the same opponent twice in any
GM. The Thief will usually believe they are moving given combat.
silently regardless of the die roll, but opponents they are The Sneak Attack can be performed with any melee (but
trying to avoid will hear the Thief if the roll is failed. not missile) weapon, or may be performed bare-handed
Climb Walls permits the Thief to climb sheer surfaces with (in which case subduing damage is done, as explained on
few or no visible handholds. This ability should normally page 55. Also, the Sneak Attack can be performed with
be rolled by the player. If the roll fails, the Thief falls from the "flat of the blade;" the bonuses and penalties cancel
about halfway up the wall or other vertical surface. The out, so the attack has a +0 attack bonus and does normal
GM may require multiple rolls if the distance climbed is damage; the damage done in this case is subduing
more than 100 feet. See Falling Damage on page 59 for damage.
the consequences of failing this roll.
This list represents common adventuring equipment at
average prices. Prices and availability may vary.
Weights are expressed in pounds. Items marked *
weigh very little; ten such items weigh one pound.
Items marked ** have almost no weight and should not
usually be counted.
Item Price Weight Item Price Weight
Backpack (Standard or Halfling) 4 gp * Paper (per sheet) 1 gp **
Belt Pouch 1 gp * Pole, 10' wooden 1 gp 10
Bit and bridle 15 sp 3 Quill 1 sp **
Candles, 12 1 gp * Quill Knife 1 gp *
Chalk, small bag of pieces 2 gp * Quiver or Bolt case 1 gp 1
Cloak 2 gp 1 Rations, Dry, one week 10 gp 14
Clothing, common outfit 4 gp 1 Rope, Hemp (per 50 ft.) 1 gp 5
Glass bottle or vial 1 gp * Rope, Silk (per 50 ft.) 10 gp 2
Grappling Hook 2 gp 4 Sack, Large 1 gp *
Holy Symbol 25 gp * Sack, Small 5 sp *
Holy Water, per vial 10 gp * Saddle, Pack 5 gp 15
Horseshoes & shoeing 1 gp 10 Saddle, Riding 10 gp 35
Ink, per jar 8 gp ½ Saddlebags, pair 4 gp 7
Iron Spikes, 12 1 gp 1 Spellbook (128 pages) 25 gp 1
Ladder, 10 ft. 1 gp 20 Tent, Large (ten men) 25 gp 20
Lantern 5 gp 2 Tent, Small (one man) 5 gp 10
Lantern, Bullseye 14 gp 3 Thieves' picks and tools 25 gp 1
Lantern, Hooded 8 gp 2 Tinderbox, flint and steel 3 gp 1
Manacles (without padlock) 6 gp 4 Torches, 6 1 gp 1
Map or scroll case 1 gp ½ Whetstone 1 gp 1
Mirror, small metal 7 gp * Whistle 1 gp **
Oil (per flask) 1 gp 1 Wineskin/Waterskin 1 gp 2
Padlock (with 2 keys) 12 gp 1 Winter blanket 1 gp 3
Explanation of Equipment
A Backpack will hold a maximum 40 pounds or 3 cubic Hemp Rope is ½ inch in diameter and has a breaking
feet of goods. Some items may be lashed to the outside, strength of 1,600 pounds. Safe working load for a rope is
and thus count toward the weight limit but not the volume normally one-quarter of the breaking strength. One or
limit. A Halfling's backpack holds at most 30 pounds more knots in a rope cut the breaking strength in half.
and/or 1½ cubic feet, but costs the same as a full-sized This does not affect the safe working load, because knots
item. are figured into the listed one-quarter ratio.
A Candle will shed light over a 5' radius, with dim light Silk Rope is about 3/8 inch in diameter and has a
extending 5' further. A normal candle will burn about 3 breaking strength of 1,600 pounds, although it weighs
turns per inch of height. considerably less than hemp rope. The notes regarding
Chalk is useful for "blazing a trail" through a dungeon or rope strength given for hemp rope, above, apply here also.
ruin. A Large Sack will hold at most 40 pounds or 4 cubic feet
Holy Water is explained in the Encounter section. of goods.
Iron Spikes are useful for spiking doors closed (or spiking A Small Sack will hold at most 20 pounds or 2 cubic feet
them open) and may be used as crude pitons in of goods.
appropriate situations.
A pair of Saddlebags will hold at most 10 pounds or 1
A Lantern will provide light covering a 30' radius; dim light cubic foot of goods (divided evenly between both bags).
will extend about 20' further. A lantern will consume a
flask of oil in 18+1d6 turns. A Hooded Lantern allows the Thieves' Picks and Tools are required for the use of Thief
light to be hidden or revealed as the user pleases; in all abilities such as opening locks and removing traps. These
other ways it performs as an ordinary lantern. A Bullseye abilities may not be usable without appropriate tools, or
Lantern projects a cone of light 30' long and 30' wide at may be used at a penalty at the option of the Game
the widest point, with dim light extending an additional 20' Master.
beyond that point. This type of lantern is generally A Tinderbox is generally purchased with a flint and steel;
hooded. the flint, a piece of hard rock, is struck vigorously against a
A Map or Scroll Case is a tubular oiled leather case used C-shaped piece of high-carbon steel. When done
to carry maps, scrolls, or other paper items. The case will correctly, hot sparks will fly from the flint and steel into the
have a water-resistant (but not waterproof) cap which tinder, hopefully starting a fire. The best tinder is a dried
slides over the end, and a loop to allow the case to be piece of prepared tinder fungus, carried in the tinderbox to
hung from a belt or bandolier. A standard scroll case can keep it dry; char cloth, hemp rope, or even very dry grass
hold up to 10 sheets of paper, or a single scroll of up to can substitute if prepared tinder fungus is not available.
seven spells. The time required to start a fire should be determined by
the GM according to the prevailing conditions; under ideal
A Mirror is useful in a dungeon environment for many conditions, starting a fire with a flint, steel and tinder takes
reasons; for instance, it is the only way to look at a about a turn.
Medusa without being turned to stone. Mirrors are also
useful for looking around corners, and can be used A Torch sheds light over a 30' radius, with dim light
outdoors to send signals using reflected sunlight. extending about 20' further, and burns for 1d4+4 turns.
Of course, a torch is also useful for setting flammable
A Quiver is an open container used to hold arrows. A materials (such as cobwebs or oil) alight.
Bolt Case is a similar sort of container for crossbow bolts.
In either case, the standard capacity is 20 missiles. The A Whetstone is used to sharpen and maintain edged
length of a quiver or bolt case must match the length of weapons such as swords, daggers, and axes.
the ammunition for it to be useful; therefore, there are
longbow and shortbow quivers and light and heavy Wineskin/Waterskin is a container for drinking water or
crossbow bolt cases. The price is the same for all types. wine; though generally water is taken into a dungeon or
wilderness environment. The standard waterskin holds
Dry Rations may consist of dry bread, hard cheese, dried one quart of liquid, which is the minimum amount
fruit, nuts, beans, jerky, or any other food which will not required by a normal character in a single day. If
"go bad" in less than about a month (if not longer). Dry adventuring in the desert or other hot, dry areas, a
rations are generally sold in quantities sufficient for one character may need as much as ten times this amount.
character for a week, and are packaged in waxed or oiled Note that the given 2 pound weight is for a full skin; an
cloth to protect them. empty skin has negligible weight.
The following tables give details of various land and sea vehicles. Game Masters should feel free to create their
own vehicles, in which case the table can be used for guidance. Some of the statistics given below are explained in
detail later.
Land Transportation
Vehicle Length x width* Weight Cargo Movement Hardness / HP Cost (gp)
Chariot 15' x 6' 300 750 lbs 60' (10') 10 / 10 400
Coach 30' x 8' 1,000 2,000 lbs 40' (15') 6 / 12 1,500
Wagon 35' x 8' 2,000 4,000 lbs 20' (15') 6 / 16 500
* Includes hitched horses or mules.
Water Transportation
Vehicle Length x Width Cargo Crew Movement Miles/Day Hardness / HP Cost (gp)
Canoe 15' x 4' ½ ton 1 40' (5') 30 4/4 50
Caravel 55' x 15' 75 tons 10 20' (20') 42 8 / 75 10,000
Carrack 60' x 20' 135 tons 20 30' (30') 48 10 / 120 20,000
Galley, Small 100' x 15' 210 tons 90 20' (20') 36 / 24 8 / 75 15,000
Galley, Large 120' x 20' 375 tons 160 30' (25') 42 / 24 10 / 120 30,000
Longship 110' x 15' 10 tons 70 30' (25') 42 / 24 9 / 110 25,000
Raft/Barge per 10' x 10' 1 ton 2 40' (10') 18 6 / 12 100
Riverboat 50' x 20' 50 tons 10 20' (20') 30 8 / 30 3,500
Rowboat 15' x 6' 1 ton 1 30' (10') 24 6/8 60
Sailboat 40' x 8' 5 tons 1 40' (15') 36 7 / 20 2,000
Siege Engines
These are weapons used to attack strongholds, or sometimes ships. Their cost may be up to twice as high in a
remote location. A siege engine that throws missiles (a ballista, onager, or trebuchet) must have a trained artillerist
to fire it; this is the character who makes the attack rolls for the weapon. Missile-throwing engines have attack
penalties, detailed below. Note: siege engines are not generally usable against individuals or monsters; the GM
may make exceptions for very large monsters like giants or dragons. Review the rules in the Stronghold section
on page 198 for details regarding attacking fortified buildings such as castles, towers, fortresses, and so on.
Rate Attack Short Range Medium Range Long Range
Weapon Cost of Fire Penalty Damage (+1) (+0) (-2)
Ballista 100 gp 1/4 -3 2d8 50' 100' 150'
Battering Ram 200 gp 1/3 +0 2d8 N/A N/A N/A
Onager 300 gp 1/6 -6 2d12 100' 200' 300'
Screw 200 gp N/A N/A 1d8 N/A N/A N/A
Sow 100 gp N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Trebuchet 400 gp 1/10 -8 3d10 N/A 300' 400'
Ballista: This is effectively a very large crossbow that Sow: This is a kind of portable roof, used for
may fire a spear-like bolt or a large stone. It is usually protection while performing slower attacks on a fortified
mounted on a tripod or wagon, but may also be building. Those under a sow will be harder to hit,
mounted on a ship. When firing bolts, a ballista cannot receiving at least a +6 bonus to Armor Class against
damage brick or stone. A ballista requires a crew of ranged attacks while taking cover under it. The sow
three to operate. itself has a hardness of 9 and 50 hit points.
Battering Ram: These are usually operated under a Onager: This weapon throws a stone with a fairly flat
sow. They require a crew of eight or more. trajectory. Operating an onager requires a crew of four.
Screw: This device may be used to attack a stronghold, Trebuchet: This mighty weapon uses a counterweight
by means of boring through the walls. A crew of at to fling a stone on a high, arcing path. It cannot fire at
least eight is required to operate it. It is only used at the targets within 200 yards. If it is aimed at a target that is
base of a wall, and it is usually operated under a sow. more than 20’ higher than the weapon, there is an
additional –2 attack penalty. A trebuchet requires a
crew of eight to operate.
The number of spells of each level which a Cleric or Second Level Clerical Spells
Magic-User may cast per day is shown on the 1 Bless*
appropriate table in the Characters section starting on 2 Charm Animal
page 3. Each morning spellcasters prepare spells to 3 Find Traps
replace those they have used. Clerics pray, while 4 Hold Person
Magic-Users must study their spellbooks. Spells 5 Resist Fire
prepared but not used persist from day to day; only 6 Silence 15' radius
those actually cast must be replaced. A spellcaster may 7 Speak with Animals
choose to dismiss a prepared spell (without casting it) in
8 Spiritual Hammer
order to prepare a different spell of that level.
Spellcasters must have at least one hand free, and be Third Level Clerical Spells
able to speak, in order to cast spells; thus, binding and 1 Continual Light*
gagging a spellcaster is an effective means of preventing 2 Cure Blindness*
them from casting spells. In combat, casting a spell 3 Cure Disease*
usually takes the same time as making an attack. If a 4 Growth of Animals
spellcaster is attacked (even if not hit) or must make a 5 Locate Object
saving throw (whether successful or not) on the 6 Remove Curse*
Initiative number on which they are casting a spell, the 7 Speak with Dead
spell is spoiled and lost. As a specific exception, two 8 Striking
spell casters releasing their spells at each other on the
same Initiative number will both succeed in their Fourth Level Clerical Spells
casting; one caster may disrupt another with a spell only 1 Animate Dead
if they have a better Initiative, and choose to delay 2 Create Water
casting the spell until right before the other caster. 3 Cure Serious Wounds*
Some spells are reversible; such spells are shown with 4 Dispel Magic
an asterisk after the name. 5 Neutralize Poison*
6 Protection from Evil 10' radius*
Cleric Spells 7 Speak with Plants
8 Sticks to Snakes
Clerics receive their spells through faith and prayer.
Each day, generally in the morning, a Cleric must pray Fifth Level Clerical Spells
for at least three turns in order to prepare spells. Of 1 Commune
course, the Cleric may be expected to pray more than 2 Create Food
this in order to remain in their deity's good graces.
3 Dispel Evil
Because they gain their spells through prayer, a Cleric 4 Insect Plague
may prepare any spell of any level they are able to cast. 5 Quest*
In some cases the Cleric's deity may limit the availability 6 Raise Dead*
of certain spells; for instance, a deity devoted to healing 7 True Seeing
may refuse to grant reversed healing spells. 8 Wall of Fire
First Level Clerical Spells Sixth Level Clerical Spells
1 Cure Light Wounds* 1 Animate Objects
2 Detect Evil* 2 Blade Barrier
3 Detect Magic 3 Find the Path
4 Light* 4 Heal*
5 Protection from Evil* 5 Regenerate
6 Purify Food and Water 6 Restoration
7 Remove Fear* 7 Speak with Monsters
8 Resist Cold 8 Word of Recall
Geas* Range: 5' per level creature such items resume normal size instantly. Any
Magic-User 6 Duration: special magical properties of enlarged items are not changed.
By means of this spell the caster compels a living
creature to perform some specific action or services, or Growth of Plants* Range: 120'
alternately to avoid performing some action. The target Magic-User 4 Duration: permanent
creature must be able to hear and understand the This spell causes normal vegetation of any sort within
caster, or it cannot be affected. This spell will range to become thick and overgrown. The area of
automatically fail if used to compel a creature to engage effect is determined by the caster, but cannot exceed
in some obviously self-destructive action. 1,000 square feet (a 10'x100' area or equivalent) per 5
A saving throw vs. Spells will allow an unwilling target caster levels. The plants become densely entangled,
to resist a geas when it is first cast. However, the target and characters or creatures wishing to move through
may choose to accept the geas, typically as part of a must hack or force their way through it. All movement
bargain with the caster for some service. Once within the affected area is reduced to no more than 5’
subjected to this spell the subject must obey the per round for less than giant sized creatures; giant sized
instructions given by the caster indefinitely, though if creatures are reduced to half normal movement rate.
the geas is to perform some action the spell effectively This spell cannot take effect in an area that does not
ends when that action has been completed. already have some plants present. Any sort of
For every 24 hours that the subject chooses not to obey animated plant creature affected by this spell is allowed
the geas (or is prevented from obeying it), it suffers a a saving throw vs. Spells to resist, but if this save fails it
penalty of -2 to each of its ability scores, up to a is affected as with growth of animals above.
maximum penalty of -8. No ability score can be The reverse form, shrink plants, may be used to
reduced to less than 3 by this effect. If the subject render overgrown areas passable. The area of effect is
resumes obeying the geas, all such penalties are identical to the normal version. Animated plant
removed after 24 hours. creatures are normally unaffected by this spell, but if
If the task assigned to the subject of this spell is open- such creatures have already been enlarged by growth
ended or otherwise unable to be completed, the subject of plants this spell will reverse the effect. In the latter
is still compelled to try to perform the task, but the spell case, a saving throw vs. Spells is allowed to resist.
will end in no more than one day per caster level. Both forms of this spell are permanent until countered,
Very clever creatures may be able to subvert the either by the reverse of the spell or by dispel magic.
instructions given; the GM must decide on the results of
any such attempts. Hallucinatory Terrain
This spell can be ended by remove curse cast by a Magic-User 4 Range: 400'+40'/level
character of higher level than the caster of the geas, but Duration: 12 turns/level
is never affected by dispel magic. This spell makes one 10 yard cube per level of outdoor
terrain appear to be a different type (i.e. field into
Growth of Animals Range: 60'+10'/level forest, grassland into desert, or the like). This spell
Cleric 3 Duration: 1 turn/level requires a full turn to cast.
This spell causes an animal to grow to double its normal The affected terrain looks, sounds, and smells like
size and eight times its normal weight. The affected another type of normal terrain. The magic does not
creature will do double normal damage with all physical affect creatures nor any sort of fabricated item; such
attacks, and its existing natural Armor Class increases things retain their appearance and visibility. A save vs.
by 2. The animal's carrying capacity is also doubled. Spells is allowed to see through the illusion, but only if
Unfriendly animals may save vs. Spells to resist this the creatures or characters viewing the area actively
spell; normally, domesticated animals will not attempt attempt to do so.
to resist it, though they may become confused or
panicky afterward (at the GM's discretion).
This spell does not give the caster control of the animal.
Gear worn or carried by the animal are also enlarged
but not altered in any other way. If removed from the
Ice Storm Range: 300'+30'/level invisible item, it instantly becomes visible again; on the
Magic-User 4 Duration: 1 round other hand, items picked up do not automatically
become invisible. If the target places a visible item
This spell causes a powerful storm of sleet and hail to entirely inside its invisible clothing, backpack, pouch, or
fall in a 20' radius around the target spot for a full other container so that if the target were visible the item
round. This effect causes 5d6 points of damage to could not be seen, it will become invisible just as if it
every creature within the area, with a save vs. Spells were held when the spell was cast.
allowed to reduce damage by half. The ice storm fills a
vertical volume of 40', so creatures higher than that Note that casting this spell upon another makes the
distance above the target spot are unaffected. Any target invisible to the caster as well as everyone else. A
creature naturally resistant to cold takes half damage (or party of invisible characters will likely experience
one-quarter damage if it makes its save). problems with running into or tripping over each other.
Visibility within the storm is very poor, such that most The spell lasts at most 24 hours if not ended sooner. It
creatures will attack with a penalty of -2 on the attack ends instantly if the target attacks an opponent or casts
roll. Walking movement is reduced to half speed, and any spell. Other actions do not normally end the spell.
running is not possible within the storm; anyone who The target may end the spell at will.
tries will fall down and be forced to remain on the Objects that shed light may be made invisible but the
ground until the spell ends. Flying is likewise light itself will remain visible, and the source of that light
impossible, and any flying creature within the area will (and the character carrying it) can thus be discovered.
be driven to the ground. A penalty of -20% is applied Rain, dust, paint, and any other visible substance
to any Listen rolls made by those in the storm's area. thrown or applied to an invisible creature will also
When the spell ends, the hail and ice deposited by the render it detectable.
storm disappears as if it had never existed.
Invisibility 10' Radius
Insect Plague Range: 300'+30'/level Magic-User 3 Range: touch
Cleric 5 Duration: 1 round/level Duration: 1 turn/level
This spell summons one swarm of locusts per three The target of this spell becomes invisible just as with
caster levels, with a maximum of 6 swarms. See Insect invisibility, but in addition all other creatures within 10
Swarm on page 114 for the effects of a swarm. As feet of the target at the time of casting (referred to as
explained there, a normal swarm of insects occupies a members of the group) also become invisible. Unlike
contiguous area equal to three 10 foot cubes; all with normal invisibility, all members can see each other
swarms summoned by this spell must be contiguous and themselves normally.
with each other such that they effectively form a single If any member negates the effect by attacking or casting
huge swarm, though the caster may stretch them out in a spell, it becomes visible but all other members remain
a line, form them into a block, or indeed arrange them invisible. However, if the original subject takes an
in some serpentine form if desired. action that negates the invisibility, it ends for the entire
The summoned swarms persist for the duration above, group. If a member negates its own invisibility, that
or until they are slain, whichever comes first. The member will no longer be able to see the still-invisible
caster may summon them in areas where creatures are group members. Moving further than 10 feet from the
already located. Once summoned, the swarms are target also causes a group member to become visible;
stationary until they disappear or are slain, and they returning to the area does not reinstate the invisibility.
attack any creatures who are within their area.
Invisible Stalker Range: 0
Invisibility Range: touch Magic-User 6 Duration: special
Magic-User 2 Duration: special The caster summons an invisible stalker to do their
This spell causes the creature touched (who may be the bidding (see the Monsters section, below, for details).
caster) to become invisible, undetectable by normal The spell persists until dispel evil is cast on the
vision or Darkvision. Invisible creatures may be creature, it is slain, or the task is fulfilled. The GM is
detected by those with non-visual sensory abilities. advised to review the monster entry for the invisible
stalker (found on page 115) when this spell is used, as
All items worn or carried by the target when the spell is they may not always perform reliably.
cast become invisible as well. If the target lays down an
Lightning Bolt Range: 100'+10'/level layer of lead or gold no thicker than foil surrounding the
Magic-User 3 Duration: instantaneous item will prevent it from being located.
Casting this spell causes a bright thin spark about the
thickness of a string to fly forth from the caster's Lower Water Range: 20'/level
pointing finger, which indicates the direction. The spark Magic-User 6 Duration: 1 turn/level
stretches as fast as an arrow's flight until it reaches the Using this spell the caster lowers the level of the water
caster's chosen distance (but not more than the range in a river, a lake, or even the sea by up to 2 feet per
given above) or strikes a solid or liquid surface, at which caster level for the given duration, but to no less than 1
point it explodes into a full-fledged bolt of lightning inch deep. The spell affects an area with radius of at
extending another 60 feet further. The lightning bolt most 10 feet per level centered on the caster's chosen
passes through an area 5 feet wide, arcing and jumping, location (within the range given).
so that while it is not actually 5 feet wide, for game
purposes it is treated as if it were. There will be a steep slope up to the surface of any area
of un-lowered water that falls outside the spell's radius.
Those within the area of the lightning bolt suffer 1d6 Ships which were already in the area of effect as well as
points of damage per caster level, with a saving throw any that dare to enter it will, if not outright beached by
vs. Spells allowed for half damage. the spell, be unable to climb the slope and thus unable
If a lightning bolt is targeted at a body of water it to leave the area.
explodes at the point of impact, as described above, but This spell has the effect of slow (the reverse of haste)
within the water volume struck it expands like a fireball when cast upon water elementals and other creatures
to a maximum radius of 20 feet instead of performing formed from water; a save vs. Spells is allowed, with
as it does in the air. If a lightning bolt is cast success negating the effect. It cannot be cast upon any
underwater it explodes in the same way, but at the tip other kind of creatures.
of the caster's outstretched finger.
The lightning bolt sets fire to combustibles and damages Magic Jar Range: 60'
objects in its path. It can damage metals with a low Magic-User 5 Duration: special
melting point; metals such as gold, silver, lead, copper,
or bronze may be softened briefly and thus deformed, This spell allows the caster to attempt to possess the
but the lightning does not persist long enough to body of another living creature. The caster begins by
actually melt the metal items unless they are very small placing their spirit into a gem, jewel, or large crystal of
(such as a thin gold neck chain for example). some sort within the spell range, called the magic jar.
The caster needs to know where the magic jar is
If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters located, but does not have to be able to see it. While
or breaks through it, the bolt may continue beyond the the caster's spirit is outside their body, that body
barrier if the spell’s range permits; otherwise, it may appears to all intents and purposes to be dead, but
reflect from the barrier back toward the caster, or in a does not undergo decay as a normal dead body would.
random direction at the GM's option. Creatures already
affected by the lightning bolt do not take additional Each round after entering the magic jar the caster's spirit
damage if struck by the reflection of the same bolt. can attempt to take control of the body of a living
creature within the spell range; the target is allowed a
save vs. Spells to resist. If the saving throw fails, the
Locate Object Range: 360' spirit of the target (now called the host) is trapped in the
Cleric 3, Magic-User 2 Duration: 1 round/level magic jar and the caster's spirit takes possession of the
This spell grants the caster knowledge of the location of host's body. Possession of a creature by means of this
an object. The caster must know the object well or be spell is blocked by protection from evil or a similar
able to clearly imagine it. (Viewing an accurate drawing ward.
or painting will suffice for the latter option.) A general If the attempt to possess a victim fails, the caster's spirit
item can be located; if more than one such item is in remains in the magic jar, and that target creature is
range, the spell will lead the caster to the nearest one. immune to further attempts for the duration of the spell.
Unique or unusual items can only be located if the The caster may make an attempt to possess another
caster has first-hand knowledge (not merely through target on the following round, if desired.
divination such as clairvoyance or a crystal ball). The If on the other hand the possession attempt is
spell cannot be used to locate creatures of any sort. A successful, the caster may remain in control of the host's
body for as long as desired. The caster's spirit may used to drive the caster's spirit from the body, which
return to the magic jar at any time when it is within spell departs as noted, ending the spell. A stranded caster
range, restoring the host's spirit to its own body. The may use another casting of this spell (with another
caster may not return to the same host's body again for magic jar, of course) to return to their own body, which
the remainder of the duration of this spell, but may of course kills the host's body.
attempt to possess it again on a subsequent casting.
Whenever the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, it may Magic Missile Range: 100'+10'/level
choose to return to its own body if it is within spell Magic-User 1 Duration: instantaneous
range. If the body is not in range, the caster's spirit may This spell causes a magical arrow of energy to fly from
become trapped if no vulnerable creatures are in range. the caster's finger and unerringly hit its target, inflicting
Whenever the caster's spirit returns to their own body, 1d6+1 points of damage. The target must be at least
the spell ends. There is a 50% chance that the magic partially visible to the caster, and no saving throw is
jar will shatter when the spell ends (if the spell did not normally allowed. It's not possible to target a specific
end because it was broken), becoming worthless and part of the target. Inanimate objects are not affected by
unusable. this spell.
When the caster's spirit possesses a host, the caster has For every three caster levels beyond 1 st, an additional
access to the physical abilities of the host's body, missile is fired: two at 4 th level, three at 7th, four at 10th,
including Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, while and the maximum of five missiles at 13 th level or higher.
still retaining their own Intelligence, Wisdom, and When multiple missiles are fired in this way, the caster
Charisma. The caster has access only to their own can target one or several creatures as desired, as long
knowledge, class and level, attack bonus, saving as all are visible to the caster at the same time. All such
throws, spell casting ability, and any other purely targets must be designated before any damage is rolled.
mental capabilities.
The caster does not gain access to supernatural or Magic Mouth Range: 30'
otherwise extraordinary powers of the host, and may Magic-User 1 Duration: special
not be able to perform physical actions that the caster This spell places a simple form of programmed illusion
has never done before (such as flying, if a winged body on a non-living object within range. When triggered,
has been possessed). The caster does have access to the spell causes the illusion of a mouth to appear on the
the host's sensory capabilities, such as Darkvision, the object and a message to be said aloud. The
enhanced sense of smell of a dog, and so on. enchantment can remain in place indefinitely, but is
If the caster's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is expended when triggered (i.e. the message is normally
broken (whether by dispel magic or physical damage), delivered only once).
the caster's spirit will return to its own body if it is in The message recounted may be up to three words per
spell range; if not, the caster's spirit departs (i.e. the caster level in length. The caster may insert pauses in
caster dies). In either case, the spell ends. the message, but the entire message must be delivered
If the caster's spirit is driven from the host body by in a time period of no more than a turn. The voice of
dispel evil, and the magic jar is in range of the host the spell can be made to speak at any volume
body, the caster's spirit returns to the jar and the host's attainable by a normal human. It will sound enough
spirit returns to its body. The caster will not be able to like the caster's own voice to be recognized by a close
possess the same host again for the remaining duration associate of the caster, but not identical.
of the spell. If the magic jar is not in range of the host The illusionary mouth moves as if actually speaking the
body, the caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit is freed message being delivered, and remains visible during
from the jar and also departs, and the host's body dies. pauses. If placed on an artistic depiction of a creature
If the host's spirit is in the magic jar, and the jar is with a mouth (such as a painting or statue), the spell
broken while in spell range of the host body, the can be made to appear to animate the mouth of the
caster's spirit departs, the host's spirit returns to its body, object.
and the spell ends. If the jar is broken while out of This spell cannot be used to activate magic items which
range of the host's body, the host's spirit departs, the have command words, nor to activate any other
caster's spirit is stranded in the host body. Note here magical effects.
that the spell has not ended. Dispel evil can still be
The caster must choose the conditions under which this the effect of this spell or any similar form of telepathy
spell is triggered. The conditions may be as will instantly know and be able to sense the direction of
complicated or simple as desired, but must depend only the caster.
on sight and hearing; the spell has no other sensory
Rock more than 2 inches thick or even a very thin
capabilities. The spell also has no particular
covering of lead or gold will block the spell. All undead
intelligence, and can be fooled by disguises or illusions.
creatures are immune to this effect, as are mindless
The spell does have the capability to effectively see in
creatures and constructs such as golems.
normal darkness, but not in any sort of magical
darkness, and it cannot detect invisible creatures nor
see through doors, walls, or even opaque curtains. Mirror Image Range: self
Likewise, stealth or magical silence are effective in Magic-User 2 Duration: 1 turn/level
preventing audible triggers. Finally, the spell cannot This spell allows the caster to create multiple illusory
detect a character's class, level, ability scores, or any duplicates (called figments) which seem to swirl and
other feature not obvious to a normal NPC. move around and through each other as well as the
Triggers have an effective sensory range of 10 feet per caster more or less constantly, making it impossible for
caster level; sounds, sights, or actions outside that range most creatures to determine which is the real one. A
will never trigger the spell. total of 1d4 images plus one image per three caster
levels (maximum eight images total) are created.
Massmorph Range: 100'+10'/level The figments mimic the caster's actions, going through
Magic-User 4 Duration: 1 hour/level the motions of casting spells, drinking potions,
levitating, and so on, just as the caster does. Figments
With this spell the caster causes 1d4+1 man-sized (or
always look exactly like the caster.
smaller) creatures per four caster levels to appear as if
they are natural effects of the terrain (for example, trees Any opponent who attacks or casts spells directly on the
in a forest, stalagmites in a cave, coral underwater, caster will always hit a figment instead. Attacking a
boulders in a cavern, etc.). All creatures to be affected figment destroys it, whether or not the attack roll is
must be within a 120' radius of the caster at the time successful, as does any attack spell directed at one.
the spell is cast. Only those creatures the caster wishes Area-effect spells are not cast directly on the caster, and
to hide are affected, and then only if they are willing to thus appear to affect all figments exactly as they affect
be concealed. The caster may include himself or the caster; for instance, if the caster is subjected to a
herself among the affected creatures. fireball, all figments will appear to be injured just as the
caster was.
Those affected are thus concealed from other creatures
passing through the area for so long as they remain still.
If an affected creature chooses to move or attack, the Neutralize Poison* Range: touch
illusion is dispelled for that creature, but those who Cleric 4 Duration: instantaneous
remain still continue to be hidden. The caster may end This spell neutralizes any poison or venom in the
the spell early if they wish by speaking a single word. creature or object touched. A creature suffering from
The illusion can also be ended by dispel magic. poison or venom suffers no further effects from it.
If cast upon a creature slain by poison in the last 10
Mind Reading Range: 60'
rounds, the creature is revived with 1 hit point. If cast
Magic-User 2 Duration: 1 turn/level
upon a poisonous object (weapon, trap, etc.) the
This spell, sometimes incorrectly called ESP, permits poison is rendered permanently ineffective.
the caster to hear (and possibly see, if the target
Reversed, this spell becomes poison. The caster must
visualizes anything) the surface thoughts of one or more
make a successful attack roll; if the attack is a success,
living creatures within range. The caster must designate
the target must save vs. Poison or die. The caster's
a direction or select a visible target, and then
touch remains poisonous for 1 round per caster level,
concentrate for a turn in order to "hear" the thoughts.
or until discharged (i.e. only one creature can be
Each turn the caster may choose to "listen" in a different
affected by the reversed spell).
direction. The caster may stop listening, then resume
again later, so long as the duration has not expired.
The target creature is not normally aware of being spied
upon in this way, though any creature already under
Equipment worn or carried will be dropped if the new creature who receives this protection after being
form is unable to wear or carry the items. If any such possessed is not cured of the possession.
item would be constricting or physically harmful to the
Third, any and all summoned creatures and extraplanar
new form, the transformation slows and alters such that
creatures of evil nature are unable to physically touch
the item is dropped without damage to the items nor
the subject. Attacks by such creatures using their
harm to the target creature. If the GM decides that any
natural weapons simply fail. This effect is canceled if
such item cannot be removed in this way, the spell fails.
the subject performs any form of physical attack (even
The caster can remain transformed up to one hour per with a ranged weapon) on any affected creature, but
level of ability, or may choose to end the spell before the other features of the spell continue in force.
that point if they wish.
Reversed, this spell becomes protection from good. It
functions in all ways as described above, save that
Projected Image Range: 240' "good" creatures are kept away, rather than "evil" ones.
Magic-User 6 Duration: 6 turns
This spell creates a quasi-real, illusory version of the Protection from Evil 10' Radius*
caster. This illusory projected image looks, sounds, and Cleric 4, Magic-User 3 Range: touch
smells like the caster, in addition to mimicking gestures Duration: 1 turn/level
and actions (including speech, which is projected from
This spell functions exactly as protection from evil, but
the caster to the illusory image as if by a form of
with a 10' radius rather than a 1' radius. All within the
ventriloquism). Any further spells cast seem to
radius receive the protection; those who leave and then
originate from the illusion, not the actual caster.
re-enter, or who enter after the spell is cast, receive the
A line of sight between the caster and their illusory self protection as well.
must be maintained or the spell ends. Any effect or
Reversed, this spell becomes protection from good 10'
action that breaks the line of sight dispels the image, as
does the illusionary caster being struck in combat. Note radius, and functions exactly as the reversed form of
that this spell grants no special sensory powers to the protection from evil, except that it covers a 10' radius
caster; for example, if the illusory self is positioned so as around the target rather than the normal 1' radius.
to be able to see something the caster can't directly see,
the caster does not see it. Also, all spell ranges are still Protection from Normal Missiles
figured from the caster's actual position, not the illusory Magic-User 3 Range: self
self's position. Duration: 1 turn/level
The caster is completely protected from small sized,
Protection from Evil* non-magical missile attacks. Therefore, magic arrows,
Cleric 1, Magic-User 1 Range: touch hurled boulders, or other such are not blocked, but any
Duration: 1 turn/level number of normal arrows, sling bullets, crossbow bolts,
This spell protects the caster or a creature touched by thrown daggers, etc. will be fended off. Note that
the caster (the "subject") from evil; specifically, the spell normal missiles projected by magic bows count as
wards against summoned creatures, creatures with magical missiles for the purposes of this spell.
significantly evil intentions, and extraplanar creatures of
evil nature. A magical barrier with a radius of just 1 Purify Food and Water
foot is created around the subject. The barrier moves Cleric 1 Range: 10'
with the subject, and provides three specific forms of Duration: instantaneous
magical protection against attacks or other effects
With this spell the caster makes contaminated food or
attempted by the affected creatures against the subject.
water pure and safe to eat or drink. Poison is
First, the subject receives a bonus of +2 to their Armor neutralized and spoilage is reversed by this spell. The
Class, and a similar bonus of +2 on all saving throws. spell does not protect against future decay, however,
nor does it affect magic potions (including,
Second, the barrier blocks all attempts to charm or
unfortunately, potions of poison). Unholy water, if it
otherwise control the subject, or to possess the subject
exists in your campaign, is ruined by the casting of this
(such as with magic jar). Such attempts simply fail
spell. The spell affects about 2 pounds of food and/or
during the duration of this spell. Note however that a
drink per caster level; note that a quart of water or
similar drink weighs just over 2 pounds.
Quest* Range: 5'/level The body of the target must be adequately intact to
Cleric 5 Duration: special support life, but all wounds no matter how major are
healed. Body parts missing when the target is raised
By means of this spell the caster compels a living are still missing afterward. Normal poison and normal
creature to perform some specific action or services, or disease are cured in the process of raising the subject,
alternately to avoid performing some action. The target but magical diseases and curses are not undone.
creature must be able to hear and understand the
caster, or it cannot be affected. This spell will Creatures brought back from the dead always suffer
automatically fail if used to compel a creature to engage some loss or penalty from the ordeal. Characters lose
in some obviously self-destructive action. one level of ability permanently (i.e. it does not accrue
a negative level, but rather loses an actual level, being
A saving throw vs. Spells will allow an unwilling target reduced to the minimum number of experience points
to resist a quest when it is first cast. However, the required for the previous level). First level characters
target may choose to accept the quest, typically as part are reduced to Normal Man status; if the character was
of a bargain with the caster to perform some service. already a Normal Man they lose a point of Constitution.
Once subjected to this spell, the subject must obey the These losses are permanent, though of course the
instructions given by the caster indefinitely, though if character may gain levels in the normal fashion.
the quest is to perform some action the spell effectively (Characters reduced to Normal Man status must gain
ends when that action has been completed. 1,000 XP to return to 1st level).
For every 24 hours that the subject chooses not to obey Monstrous humanoids (orcs, goblins, and the like) lose
the quest (or is prevented from obeying it), it suffers a one hit die, or are reduced to ½ hit dice if the monster
penalty of -2 to each of its ability scores, up to a has just one to start with. Such humanoids who
maximum penalty of -8. No ability score can be already have ½ hit dice are reduced to a single hit point.
reduced to less than 3 by this effect. If the subject These losses are generally permanent, though the GM
resumes obeying the quest, all such penalties are may allow such creatures in service to a player
removed after 24 hours. character to recover by gaining 1,000 XP per hit die the
If the task assigned to the subject of this spell is open- creature would be returning to (so a lizard man who has
ended or otherwise unable to be completed, the subject been reduced to 1 hit die must earn 2,000 XP to return
is still compelled to try to perform the task, but the spell to its original 2 hit dice); treat such a creature as being a
will end in no more than one day per caster level. retainer for this purpose.
Very clever creatures may be able to subvert the Upon being raised, the target has 1 hit point per level or
instructions given; the GM must decide on the results of hit die (using its current reduced figure, of course), with
any such attempts. a minimum of 1 hit point. A character who died with
spells prepared has none prepared upon being raised.
A quest (and all effects thereof) can be ended by a
remove curse spell from a caster two or more levels The reverse of this spell, slay living, will kill instantly
higher than the caster of the quest, or by a wish, or by the creature touched (which may be of any sort, not
the reverse of this spell. Dispel magic does not affect a just a humanoid) unless a save vs. Spells is made. If
quest spell. the saving throw is successful, 2d6 points of damage is
dealt to the victim instead. An attack roll is required to
apply this spell in combat.
Raise Dead* Range: touch
Cleric 5 Duration: instantaneous
Read Languages Range: 0
This spell restores life to a deceased humanoid (as Magic-User 1 Duration: special
defined in charm person). The caster can only raise a
being that has not been dead for more days than the This spell grants the caster the ability to read almost any
caster has levels. The spirit of the target of this spell written language. It may be cast in one of three modes:
must be willing to return. If the target's spirit is trapped In the first mode, the spell allows the caster to read any
or contained in any way, the spell will fail. It will also number of written works in a variety of languages. This
fail if the target died of old age, as the body simply has mode lasts for 1 turn per caster level.
no life left in it. Similarly, undead creatures are not
affected by this spell as they can no longer be returned In the second mode, the spell allows the caster to read
to life in any normal sense. any one book or tome; this mode lasts 3 hours per
caster level.
In the third mode, the spell allows the caster to read Roll on the following table to determine the new form
any one non-magical scroll or other single-sheet of the target creature:
document; this mode is permanent.
d% New Form
This spell does not work on any sort of magical text, 01 Bugbear
such as spell scrolls or spellbooks; see read magic, 02-15 Dwarf
below, for the correct spell to use in such cases. 16-29 Elf
30 Gnoll
The spell grants the ability to read the texts, but does 31-39 Gnome
not in any way hasten the reading nor grant 40-46 Goblin
understanding of concepts the caster doesn't otherwise 47-60 Halfling
have the ability to understand. Also, for this spell to 61-88 Human
function, there must be at least one living creature that 98-91 Kobold
can read the given language somewhere on the same 92-93 Lizard Man
plane. The knowledge is not copied from that 94-98 Orc
creature's mind; rather, it is the existence of the 99-00 Choice*
knowledge that enables the spell to function.
If "choice" is rolled for a player character being
reincarnated, the player is allowed to choose the new
Read Magic Range: 0 form from among those on the table above. If an NPC
Magic-User 1 Duration: permanent is being reincarnated, the GM may choose or roll again.
When cast upon any magical text, such as a spellbook When the spell is cast, a new body forms in a nearby
or magic-user spell scroll, this spell enables the caster to location selected by the caster. The body forms over a
read that text. Casting this spell on a cursed text will period of 6 turns (i.e. an hour), first as a misty outline,
generally trigger the curse. All Magic-Users begin play then becoming more solid moment by moment until it
knowing this spell, and it can be prepared even if the takes its first breath and awakens. The new form is a
Magic-User loses access to their spellbook. young adult, unless the target was younger than that
when they died, in which case the new body is the
Regenerate Range: touch same age as the deceased body.
Cleric 6 Duration: permanent The target creature's new body has obviously suffered
This is the most powerful of healing spells, able to cause none of the harm that may have befallen the old one,
lost or destroyed body parts, even internal organs, of a and is completely healthy (at least, to start with).
living creature to grow back and heal. Severed body The target remembers their previous life, and retains
parts can be put back in place and will reattach fully in the same class (if possible for the new form) as well as
a round (or one round per body part if multiple parts its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Strength,
are to be reattached), but regrowing any number of lost Dexterity, and Constitution scores should be rerolled.
body parts requires a full turn. In addition, the spell (If the character's ability scores are outside the allowable
heals 3d8 points of damage just as if it were a normal range for the new form, they should be adjusted up or
cure wounds spell. down by the GM as needed.) The target loses one
level (or hit die); this is a real reduction, not a negative
Reincarnate Range: touch level, and is not subject to magical restoration. The
Magic-User 6 Duration: instantaneous target's hit points should be rerolled completely, as this
is an entirely new body. If the target was 1st level,
By touching the body of a deceased humanoid (as instead of a hit point reduction its new Constitution
defined in charm person), the caster brings them back score is reduced by 2.
in an entirely new body. The whole body is not
needed; in fact, even the smallest fragment of body is Characters turned into non-character humanoids (such
sufficient, so long as that fragment was part of the body as an elf who returns as a kobold) will require
at the time of the target's death. adjudication by the GM; if the restored target is a player
character, the GM is counseled to give as much leeway
The caster can only reincarnate a being that has not to the player as possible with the character's new form.
been dead for more than a week. The spirit of the Conversely, non-character humanoids who return as
target of this spell must be willing to return. If the characters will need all ability scores rolled; such
target's spirit is trapped or contained in any way, the characters will usually be fighters with a level equal to
spell will fail.
the target's previous hit dice minus 1, or as Normal Men Resist Cold Range: touch
if the target's previous hit dice were 1 or less. Cleric 1 Duration: 1 round/level
Undead creatures are not affected by this spell; such This spell makes the caster, or any living creature the
creatures can no longer be returned to life in any caster touches, completely immune to normal cold.
normal sense. The spell also gives protection against magical or
otherwise superior cold such as the breath of an Ice
Remove Curse* Range: 30' Dragon or the ice storm spell. Specifically, the spell
Cleric 3, Magic-User 4 Duration: instantaneous gives the protected creature a bonus of +3 on all saving
throws against such effects, and reduces any damage
This spell removes any and all ordinary curses afflicting suffered by half (so that for example a successful save
a creature. It does not generally remove the curse from vs. the Ice Dragon's breath would reduce damage to
a magic item such as a sword or suit of armor, but a just one-fourth normal, and even if the saving throw
character afflicted by a cursed item of this type will be fails the protected creature only takes half damage).
freed of it long enough to discard the item (a turn, at
Resist Fire Range: touch
Some special curses are more difficult to remove, and Cleric 2 Duration: 1 round/level
may require a caster of a certain minimum level. A
very few curses created by godlike beings cannot be This spell makes the caster, or any living creature the
removed by this spell at all. caster touches, completely immune to normal heat or
fire. The spell also gives protection against magical or
The reverse of this spell, bestow curse, allows the otherwise superior heat or fire such as the breath of a
caster to place a curse on the subject. A save vs. Spells Mountain Dragon or the fireball spell. Specifically, the
is allowed to resist. The caster must choose one of the spell gives the protected creature a bonus of +3 on all
following three effects: saving throws against such effects, and reduces any
–4 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1). damage suffered by half (so that for example a
–4 penalty on attack rolls and saves. successful save vs. the fireball spell would reduce
damage to just one-fourth normal, and even if the
Each round of combat, the target has a 50% saving throw fails the protected creature only takes half
chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no damage).
The caster may also invent their own curse, but it Restoration Range: touch
should be no more powerful than those described Cleric 6 Duration: permanent
above. The curse thus bestowed cannot be dispelled,
but it can be removed with a remove curse spell. Each casting of the spell removes a single negative level
from a creature who has suffered energy drain. At 16th
level, two negative levels may be removed. See the
Remove Fear* Range: touch (120')
rules for Energy Drain (in the Encounter section) for
Cleric 1 Duration: instantaneous
more details.
(2 turns)
Alternately, this spell can be used to restore drained
This spell will calm the creature touched. If the target
ability score points. If applied to a character who has
creature is currently subject to any sort of magical fear,
suffered temporary loss of ability points, it will restore
it is allowed a new save vs. Spells to resist that fear, at a
up to 1d4 lost points to any one drained ability
bonus of +1 per level of the caster.
immediately. If applied to a character who has suffered
The reverse of this spell, cause fear, causes one target permanent loss of ability points, 1 point can be
creature within 120' to become frightened; if the target restored.
fails to save vs. Spells, it flees for 2 turns. Creatures
This spell cannot restore any levels lost permanently,
with 6 or more hit dice are immune to this effect.
such as those lost due to death as described for the
spells raise dead and reincarnate.
Shield Range: self the affected creatures may continue sleeping normally
Magic-User 1 Duration: 5 rounds+1/level at the GM's option.
This spell creates an invisible shield made of magical
force which floats in front of the caster, protecting them Speak with Animals Range: special
from various attacks. The spell totally blocks magic Cleric 2 Duration: 1 turn/4 levels
missile attacks directed at the caster, and improves the This spell allows the caster to speak to and understand
caster's Armor Class by +3 vs. melee attacks and +6 vs. any single animal (normal or giant sized, but not
missile weapons. The Armor Class benefits do not magical or monstrous) that is in sight of the caster and
apply to attacks originating from behind the caster, but able to hear them. The caster may change which
magic missiles are warded off from all directions. animal they are speaking with at will, once per round.
The spell doesn’t alter the animal’s reaction or attitude
Silence 15' Radius Range: 360' towards the caster; a standard reaction roll should be
Cleric 2 Duration: 2 rounds/level made to determine this. The GM should ensure that
the animal's manner of speaking reflects its intelligence
This spell creates a spherical area with a 15 radius and nature.
where no sound will pass. No one within the affected
area can make nor hear any sound. Neither does
sound issue from the affected area; those outside Speak with Monsters
cannot hear those inside. This effect blocks verbal Cleric 6 Range: special
communication, of course, as well as spell casting. Duration: 1 turn/5 levels
This effect can be cast in a fixed area, upon an item This spell allows the caster to speak to and understand
(making it portable), or upon a creature. An unwilling any single living monster that is in sight of the caster
target receives a save vs. Spells to negate the spell. If and able to hear them. The caster may change which
an item in another creature’s possession is targeted, that monster they are speaking with at will, once per round.
creature also receives a save vs. Spells to negate. Others able to understand the language spoken by the
target monster (if any) will be able to understand the
This spell can be used to protect against any kind of caster. The spell doesn’t alter the monster’s reaction or
attack or magic where the victims must be able to hear attitude towards the caster. Mindless monsters, plant
the attacker, for such attacks cannot pass into or out of creatures and undead are unaffected by this spell.
the affected area.
Speak with Plants Range: 20'
Sleep Range: 90' Cleric 4 Duration: 1 turn
Magic-User 1 Duration: 5 rounds/level
This spell allows the caster to speak to and understand
This spell puts several creatures of 4 or fewer hit dice any single plant (either normal plant or animate plant
into a magical slumber. Creatures of 5 or more hit dice creature). The GM should remember that normal
are not affected. The caster chooses a point of origin plants have a limited sense of their surroundings, and
for the spell (within the given range, of course), and most never move from the place where they sprouted.
those creatures within 30' of the chosen point may be The spell doesn’t alter the plant’s reaction or attitude
affected. Each creature in the area of effect is allowed a towards the caster; however, normal plants will
save vs. Spells to resist the effect. generally communicate freely with the caster, as they
Victims of this spell can always be hit if attacked. have nothing else of importance to do. Plant creatures
Injuring such a creature will cause it to awaken, and it will tend to be slightly more intelligent, and a reaction
may begin fighting back or defending itself on the very roll should be used to determine how such creatures
next round. Slapping or shaking such a creature will respond to the caster's words.
awaken it in 1d4 rounds, but normal noises will not
awaken one. Speak with Dead Range: 10'
Cleric 3 Duration: 3 rounds/level
Sleep does not affect unconscious creatures, constructs,
or undead creatures. With this spell the caster causes the corpse of an
intelligent creature to become animated and to answer
When the duration elapses, the sleeping creatures
the caster's questions. It does not matter how long the
normally wake up immediately; however, if they are
corpse has been dead, but it must be essentially intact
made very comfortable and the surroundings are quiet,
with at least a complete mouth in order to answer types of snakes.) The snakes follow the commands of
questions. the caster. When slain, dispelled, or the spell expires,
the snakes return to their original stick form. Magical
The corpse will answer at most one question per two
"sticks" such as enchanted staves cannot be affected.
caster levels, but if the duration expires any remaining
questions are lost. The corpse only knows what it knew
when it was alive; this includes the languages it knew in Striking Range: touch
life. Thus, the caster must share a language with the Cleric 3 Duration: 1 round/level
deceased in order to get any questions answered at all. This spell bestows upon one weapon the ability to deal
The answers given are drawn from knowledge 1d6 points of additional damage. This extra damage is
"imprinted" on the corpse during life; the caster does applied on each successful attack for the duration of the
not in any case actually communicate with the spirit of spell. It provides no attack bonus, but if cast on a
the deceased creature. The corpse cannot retain any normal weapon, the spell allows monsters only hit by
information given to it, and does not even remember magical weapons to be affected; only the 1d6 points of
any previous instances of communication via this spell. magical damage applies to such a monster, however.
The answers given may not be useful for various
reasons. If the corpse knew the caster when it was Telekinesis Range: self
alive, or if the caster is a member of a group the Magic-User 5 Duration: 3 turns
deceased disliked, it may choose to lie or mislead the This spell permits the caster to move objects or
caster. If the caster asks the corpse questions of a creatures by concentration alone; the caster can move
personal nature, or questions that indicate the caster such things weighing up to 50 pounds per caster level
may be working against whatever interests the corpse at a rate of up to 20 feet per round. Creatures targeted
had in life, it will almost certainly seek to mislead the by this spell are allowed a saving throw vs. Death Ray
caster. to resist, whether it is the creature itself being affected
If the corpse has been roused by this spell within the or an object in its possession.
last seven days, the spell will fail. Undead creatures In order to use this power the caster must maintain
(including the remains of defeated undead creatures) concentration, moving no more than normal movement
cannot be affected by this spell. (no running), making no attacks and casting no further
spells. If concentration is lost (whether intentionally or
Spiritual Hammer Range: 30' not), the power may be used again on the next round
Cleric 2 Duration: 1 round/level but the target of the effect is allowed a new saving
This spell causes a warhammer made of magical force
to appear, attacking any foe chosen by the Cleric within
range once per round. The weapon moves about as if
wielded by a person of about the caster's stature, but no
such person is present. It deals 1d6 hit points of
damage per strike, +1 point per three caster levels
(maximum of +5). It uses the caster’s normal attack
bonus, striking as a magical weapon, and thus can
inflict damage upon creatures that are only hit by magic
weapons. If the Cleric loses sight of the weapon,
causes it to move out of the spell range, or ceases to
direct it, the hammer disappears. The weapon is
immune to any normal attack, but can be destroyed by
disintegrate, dispel magic, or a rod of cancellation.
Teleport Range: self definition of Knows Somewhat but has failed to acquire
Magic-User 5 Duration: instantaneous enough information (in the GM's opinion).
The caster of this spell is instantly transported to If the caster attempts to travel to a location that
another location up to 100 miles away per level of does not exist, or perhaps once existed but has been
ability. The spell transports the caster only within their destroyed or otherwise changed so much that the caster
current plane of existence. Other creatures would not recognize it, roll 2d20 instead d% for the
(passengers) and inanimate objects (cargo) may be result of the casting. In this case, if Success! is rolled
transported along with the caster, up to a maximum of the spell simply fails and no one is transported
300 pounds plus 100 pounds per level above 10th. anywhere.
The caster must be in contact with all objects and/or
Success! means exactly what it says. The caster,
creatures to be transported (although creatures to be
passengers, and cargo arrive safely exactly where the
transported may be in contact with one another, with at
caster intended.
least one of those creatures in contact with the caster).
Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. Fell Short indicates that the caster, passengers, and
Spells to resist the spell, and the caster may need to cargo arrive safely 1d8x10% of the way to the intended
make an attack roll to make contact with such a destination. Note that arriving "safely" does not mean
creature. Likewise, a successful save vs. Spells will that the destination is safe, but only the trip.
prevent items in a creature's possession from being
Wrong Place means that the caster, passengers, and
cargo arrive at some place that resembles the intended
The spell is directed by the mind of the caster, who destination. This means that the caster appears in the
must visualize the destination area; failure to visualize it closest similar place within range, as decided by the
properly can cause the spell to fail in a variety of ways, GM. If no such area exists within the spell’s range, the
and destinations heavily saturated with magical energy spell simply fails instead.
(as defined by the Game Master) will cause the spell to
Disaster indicates that the caster, passengers, and
fail automatically.
cargo have encountered dimensional turbulence and
To determine the results of this spell, choose the have crashed, becoming separated (if passengers
appropriate column on the table below, then roll d%. and/or cargo accompanied the caster) and being injured
Knows Knows Saw in the process. Each creature including the caster
Well Somewhat Once Spell Result suffers 1d12 points of damage, and then rolls again on
01 01-02 01-03 Disaster the same column using 2d20 instead of d%. If another
02 03-07 04-13 Wrong Place Disaster is rolled for any creature, apply another 1d12
03 08-13 14-25 Fell Short points of damage and roll once more. Cargo objects
04-00 14-00 26-00 Success! are not normally damaged but the result must be rolled
for each such item to determine where it has appeared;
Knows Well applies when the caster has visited the
in this case, if Disaster is rolled the cargo item
destination frequently and/or spent a substantial
disappears forever.
amount of time there; generally, the caster should have
spent at least 7 days (not necessarily in a row) at the
destination within the last year to qualify for this True Seeing Range: touch
category. Any place where a caster lived for more than Cleric 5 Duration: 1 round/level
a month in the last ten years, or more than a year in This spell confers on the target the ability to see all
their life, also qualifies. things as they actually are. The subject sees through
Knows Somewhat applies when the caster has spent normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors, sees
substantial time in the destination area, but not enough the exact locations of displaced creatures or objects,
to qualify for Knows Well. Alternately, the caster may sees through normal or magical disguises, sees invisible
have made an in-depth study of the area, looking at creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions,
accurate drawings, maps, and floorplans or spending and sees the true form of transformed, changed, or
hours listening to descriptions from one or more people transmuted things. The range of true seeing conferred
who Know Well the destination. is 120 feet.
Saw Once applies when the caster has visited a place True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects.
for as much as a day, but no more, or when the caster It in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. It
has attempted the study required for the second does not negate concealment, including that caused by
fog and the like. In addition, the spell effects cannot be Wall of Iron Range: 90'
further enhanced with known magic, so one cannot use Magic-User 6 Duration: permanent
true seeing through a crystal ball or in conjunction
with clairvoyance. Using this spell the caster creates an iron wall. The wall
stands upright, and consists of up to one 10'x10' square
section, one inch thick, per caster level. The caster can
Ventriloquism Range: 60' increase the thickness of the wall with a proportionate
Magic-User 1 Duration: 1 turn/level reduction in the area; for example, doubling the
This spell causes the caster's voice to appear to come thickness halves the area. The caster may choose to
from another location within range, for example, from a make the wall smaller than the maximum size if desired.
dark alcove or statue. The caster may choose a new The wall may not be made less than one inch thick, and
location each round if desired, and can cause the spell must always be created in contact with the ground or
to temporarily abate without ending it and then resume floor beneath it. It is always a flat plate with no bends,
it again at any time within the given duration. but the edges do not have to be straight; indeed, the
caster can cause the wall edge to mold itself around any
obstructing object very closely. The wall cannot
Wall of Fire Range: 180' otherwise be created such that it occupies the space of
Cleric 5, Magic-User 4 Duration: 1 round/level any object or creature.
(or special)
If the caster wishes, the wall edges will bond to any
This spell creates a vertical sheet of flames in an area inanimate materials they touch (stone walls, soil,
indicated by the caster, which is either a wall of flame furnishings, and so on). If this is not done, the wall may
up to 20' in length per caster level, or a ring with a be unsupported (as determined by the GM based on
radius up to 5' per caster level. The caster may choose the situation) and will thus likely fall. If left unattended,
to make the wall smaller if desired. The wall may be up there is an equal chance it will fall in either direction in
to 20' tall (as desired by the caster and/or constrained 1d6 rounds, but it can be pushed in a specific direction
by the ceiling). The entire wall must lie within the range by any character having a minimum of 13 Strength, or
given above. One or both sides of the wall may be hot, any monster with 4 or more hit dice. Several creatures
as determined by the caster at the time of casting. can work together to do so if desired. (If the optional
Once created, the wall cannot be moved or changed. Ability Roll rule is being used, a Strength roll at -3 is
Any creature within 20 feet of a hot side of the wall will sufficient to topple the wall.)
suffer 1d4 points of damage each round, or 2d4 points When the wall falls, any creatures it falls upon are likely
if within 10 feet. Damage is applied on the round the to be injured or killed. If it is possible for a character or
spell is cast and each round thereafter. Actually passing creature to escape the area (i.e. it has sufficient
through the wall causes 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 movement rate and is not otherwise prevented from
per caster level, even if the side the character or doing so), it is allowed to roll a save vs. Death Ray (with
creature entered from was not a hot side. Dexterity bonus added). If this save is successful, the
Undead creatures are particularly susceptible to this creature or character moves by the most direct route to
spell, and suffer twice the damage described above. the nearest safe space; if the save fails or it is for some
reason impossible to flee, 10d6 points of damage are
If the caster evokes the wall so that it appears where inflicted on that victim. Creatures larger than ogre-sized
creatures are, each creature takes damage as if passing are immune to being crushed and will simply be
through the wall; a save vs. Spells is allowed, with knocked down if the save fails.
success indicating that damage is rolled as if the
creature is within 10' of the wall. The wall is permanent, as indicated, but being made of
iron is susceptible to rust and corrosion.
The caster may choose to maintain the spell indefinitely
(within reasonable limits of endurance) by
concentration, or may cast it with the standard duration
of 1 round per level, at their option.
Wall of Stone Range: 15' per level Web Range: 10' per level
Magic-User 5 Duration: permanent Magic-User 2 Duration: 2 turns/level
Using this spell the caster creates a stone wall. The wall This spell creates a volume of sticky strands resembling
is composed of up to one 10'x10' square section, one a spider's web but much larger and thicker. The spell
foot thick, per caster level. The caster can form this fills a volume of up to 8,000 cubic feet (equivalent to
wall into almost any shape, with some restrictions. The eight 10'x10'x10' cubes). The webs must be attached
caster can increase the thickness of the wall with a to adjacent solid objects such as walls, pillars, and the
proportionate reduction in the area; for example, like; any unsupported section of webbing collapses to
doubling the thickness halves the area. The wall cannot the ground and disappears. Within this limitation, the
be created such that it occupies the space of any object caster may choose any arrangement of webs they wish,
or creature. It must be adequately supported by up to the limit of range and the given 8,000 cubic foot
existing stone, which it will bond with automatically, but volume. The caster may choose to create a smaller
need not be supported over its entire area. For volume if they wish.
example, a wall of stone may be formed into a bridge
Creatures within the web at the time the spell is cast, as
over a stream or chasm, so long as both ends of the
well as anyone entering the area afterward, will become
bridge rest solidly upon (and bond with) existing stone.
entangled. Each should roll a save vs. Death Ray, and
Bridges longer than 20 feet must be arched, buttressed, any creatures who succeed at this save may move
or both in order to stand; this extra construction through the webbing but are reduced to one-half
reduces the wall's usable volume by half, as does normal movement rate. Such creatures may not cast
creating a wall with battlements, crenelations, and spells or perform normal attacks; whether other actions
similar basic structural elements. No complex structural are possible is left to the GM to decide. Once an
elements may be created by this spell. entangled creature leaves the area of effect of the web,
it will be able to act normally again.
Though made by magic, the wall is made of stone and
can be broken or damaged just as if it were ordinary Those who fail the save are fully entangled and
stone. trapped. They cannot move, cast spells, or perform
normal attacks or any other physical action. Speech
The wall can be formed into a container to trap
remains possible, however. Creatures with Strength of
creatures, and if this is attempted the targets of the spell
13 or higher (or 4 or more hit dice) may be able to
are allowed to save vs. Death Ray to avoid being
break loose, however; each round, such creatures are
trapped. If the save is successful the targets are able to
allowed another save vs. Death Ray with results as
make up to one full move to a space outside the
given above. Creatures failing the initial save and
having Strength of 12 or less (or fewer than 4 hit dice)
are trapped until the duration expires or the webs are
Water Breathing Range: touch otherwise removed.
Magic-User 3 Duration: 2 hours/level
Attacks against an entangled creature by one outside
This spell grants living creatures touched by the caster the webbing will not normally entrap the attacker, so
(including the caster, if desired) the ability to breath in long as they do not need to venture into the web to
water as a fish does. The duration may be divided reach the entangled target.
evenly if the caster touches multiple targets one after
another. Affected targets do not lose the ability to The web can be ignited; any application of fire to the
breathe air. webbing will cause a 10 foot cube to burn away in one
round, with all 10 foot cubes adjacent to the destroyed
one burning in the next round, and so on. If any part
of the web becomes unsupported it will collapse and
disappear as noted above.
Creatures trapped within the burning web suffer 2d4
points of damage when the cube they are trapped in
burns, but they are thereafter completely free of the
Dungeon Adventures
Carrying Capacity This may seem slow, but this rate of movement
includes such things as drawing maps, watching out for
Normal Human, Elven, and Dwarvish player characters
traps and monsters (though they may still surprise the
are able to carry up to 60 pounds and still be
party), etc. In a combat situation, on the other hand,
considered lightly loaded, or up to 150 pounds and be
everyone is moving around swiftly, and such things as
considered heavily loaded. Halflings may carry up to
drawing maps are not important.
50 pounds and be considered lightly loaded, or up to
100 pounds and be heavily loaded. Note that armor A character's movement rate is adjusted by their
for Halfling characters is about one-quarter as heavy as Encumbrance (the load they are carrying) as follows:
armor for the other races.
Lightly Heavily
These figures are affected by Strength; each +1 of Armor Type Loaded Loaded
Strength bonus adds 10% to the capacity of the No Armor or Magic Leather 40' 30'
character, while each -1 deducts 20%. Thus, carrying Leather Armor or Magic Metal 30' 20'
capacities for normal characters are as shown below
Metal Armor 20' 10'
(rounded to the nearest 5 pounds for convenience):
Dwarf, Elf, Human Halfling Count the weight of armor worn when calculating
STR Light Load Heavy Load Light Load Heavy Load encumbrance, because armor counts both for bulk and
3 25 60 20 40 restrictiveness as well as for weight. Magic armor
4-5 35 90 30 60 counts for its full weight but is not as bulky and
restrictive as normal armor, thus granting an improved
6-8 50 120 40 80
movement rate.
9-12 60 150 50 100
13-15 65 165 55 110 For animals such as horses, being heavily loaded
16-17 70 180 60 120 reduces movement rate as shown below:
18 80 195 65 130
Normal Mv Heavy Load Normal Mv Heavy Load
The carrying capacities of various domesticated animals 10' 5' 130' 100'
are given in the Monsters section, in the entry for each 20' 10' 140' 110'
type of animal.
30' 20' 150' 120'
Movement and Encumbrance 40' 30' 160' 130'
A stuck door can be opened on a roll of 1 on 1d6; add
the character's Strength bonus to the range, so that a
character with a bonus of +2 can open a stuck door on
a roll of 1-3 on 1d6.
Locked doors can be forced by rolling the same range,
but on 1d10. Metal bars can sometimes be bent on a
roll of this range on 1d20.
A careful character might choose to listen at a door
before opening it. Thieves have a special ability, Listen,
which should be applied if the listener is a Thief. For
other characters, the GM rolls 1d6, with 1 indicating
success. Sounds heard might include voices, footsteps,
or any other sound the GM considers appropriate. Of
course, the room beyond the door might really be
In any dungeon expedition, making maps is important. silent; thus, the Game Master must make the roll, so
Generally one player will do this, drawing a map on that a roll of 1 in such a case will not give anything
graph paper as the Game Master describes each room away to the players.
or corridor. Absolute accuracy is usually not possible;
the main thing is to ensure that the party can find its Traps
way back out of the dungeon.
Dungeons and ruins frequently contain traps, including
spear-throwers, covered pits, etc. The GM will decide
what is required to trigger a trap, and what happens
A torch or lantern will provide light covering a 30' when the trap is triggered. (Some guidance on this is
radius; dim light will extend about 20' further. Normal provided in the Game Master section later in this book.)
torches burn for 1d4+4 turns, while a flask of oil in a In general, there will be some way to avoid or reduce
lantern will burn for 1d6+18 turns. A candle will shed the effect of the trap being sprung. For instance, a save
light over a 5' radius, with dim light extending 5' further. vs. Death Ray is often used to avoid falling into a
In general, taper candles such as are used for covered pit (with Dexterity bonus added), while spear-
illumination will burn about 3 turns per inch of height. throwers, automated crossbows, and the like are
sometimes treated as if they were monsters (attacking
Darkvision vs. the victim's Armor Class at some given attack
Some character races as well as almost all monsters
have Darkvision, an ability which allows them to see Normal characters have a chance equal to a roll of 1 on
even in total darkness. Such vision is in black and 1d6 to detect a trap if a search for one is made. Note
white, but otherwise like normal sight. Magical that this is about a 16.7% chance; Thieves have a
darkness obstructs Darkvision just as it does normal special ability to find and remove traps, which
vision. The range of Darkvision is typically either 30' or supersedes this roll, as does the stonework trap-finding
60'; if not given for a particular creature, assume the 60' ability of Dwarves. A Dwarven Thief is a special case;
range. apply whichever trap-detection ability is higher. In all
cases, a search for traps takes at least a turn per 10'
Darkvision is totally ineffective in any light greater than square area. A single character may only effectively
moonlight. search a given area for traps once, even if the character
has more than one trap-detection roll "type" allowed
(such as the Dwarven Thief above).
Trap detection may not be allowed if the trap is purely
magical in nature; on the other hand, in such cases
Magic-Users and/or Clerics may be able to detect
magical traps at the given 1 in 1d6 chance, at the Game
Master's option.
Wilderness Adventures
Wilderness Movement Rates usual 8 hours per day. Sailing ships may travel 24
hours per day if a qualified navigator is aboard, and so
The table below shows wilderness travel rates for
may be able to cover twice the normal distance per day
characters or creatures based on encounter movement.
of travel. This is in addition to the multiplier given
Naturally, any group traveling together moves at the
below. If the ship stops each night, as is done by some
rate of the slowest member.
vessels traveling along a coastline as well as those
Normal Mv Miles/Day Normal Mv Miles/Day having less than the minimum number of regular crew
10' 6 70' 42 on board, the two-times multiplier does not apply.
20' 12 80' 48 Movement of sailing ships is affected by the weather, as
30' 18 90' 54 shown below. Sailing movement modifiers apply
40' 24 100' 60 when sailing with the wind; sailing against the wind
50' 30 110' 66 involves tacking (called "zigzagging" by landlubbers)
60' 36 120' 72 which reduces movement rates as indicated.
d12 Wind Direction
Overland Travel 1 Northerly
The movement rates shown on the table above are 2 Northeasterly
figured based on an 8 hour day of travel through open, 3 Easterly
clear terrain. The terrain type will alter the rate 4 Southeasterly
somewhat, as shown on this table: 5 Southerly
Terrain Adjustment 6 Southwesterly
Jungle, Mountains, Swamp x1/3 7 Westerly
Desert, Forest, Hills x2/3 8 Northwesterly
Clear, Plains, Trail x1 9-12 Prevailing wind direction for this locale
Road (Paved) x1 1/3
d% Wind Conditions Sailing Tacking
Characters may choose to perform a forced march, 01-05 Becalmed x0 x0
traveling 12 hours per day and adding 50% to the 06-13 Very Light Breeze x1/3 x0
distance traveled. Each day of forced march after the 14-25 Light Breeze x1/2 x1/3
first inflicts 1d6 points of damage on the characters (and 26-40 Moderate Breeze x2/3 x1/3
their animals, if any). A daily save vs. Death Ray with 41-70 Average Winds x1 x1/2
Constitution bonus applied is allowed to avoid this 71-85 Strong Winds x1 1/3 x2/3
damage, but after this save is failed once, it is not rolled 86-96 Very Strong Winds x1 1/2 x0
again for that character or creature. A day spent resting 97-00 Gale x2 x0
"restarts" this progression.
Becalmed: Sailing ships cannot move. Oared ships may
Becoming Lost move at the given rowing movement rate.
Very Strong Winds: Sailing against the wind (tacking) is not
Though adventurers following roads, rivers, or other possible.
obvious landmarks are unlikely to become lost, striking
out into trackless forest, windblown desert, and so on is Gale: Sailing against the wind is not possible, and ships
another matter. Secretly roll a save vs. Death Ray, exposed to a gale may be damaged or sunk; apply 2d8 points
of damage to any such ship, per hour sailed.
adjusted by the Wisdom of the party leader (i.e.,
whichever character seems to be leading). An Ability
Roll against Wisdom may be rolled, if that optional rule Traveling by Air
is in use. The GM must determine the effects of failure. When traveling by air, overland movement rates are
doubled, and all terrain effects are ignored. Most
Waterborne Travel winged creatures must maintain at least one-third
normal forward movement in order to remain airborne;
Travel by water may be done in a variety of boats or however, devices such as flying carpets generally do
ships; see Vehicles on page 13 for details. Travel not have this limitation.
distances are for a 12 hour day of travel, rather than the
Refusal, -1 on further rolls means that all further Experience for Retainers: Unlike other hired NPCs,
reaction rolls made toward that player character in the retainers do gain experience just as other adventurers
given town or region will be at a penalty of -1 due to do; however, as they are under the command of a
unkind words said by the NPC to his fellows. If the player character, only one-half of a share of XP is
player character tries again in a different town, the allocated to each retainer. See Character
penalty does not apply. Advancement, below, for an example.
Mercenaries are hired warriors. They are generally
hired in units as small as platoons: 32 to 48 Fighters,
divided into two to four squads of soldiers; each squad
is led by a corporal, while the platoon is led by a
lieutenant plus a sergeant. Platoons are joined together
into companies, each generally consisting of two to five
platoons and led by a captain with a sergeant as his
assistant (called a first sergeant).
As mercenaries are almost always veteran troops, the
average mercenary is a 1st level Fighter; 10% of
corporals and 50% of sergeants are 2nd level. A
mercenary lieutenant will generally be 2nd level, while a
captain will be 2nd to 4th level and his first sergeant will
be 2nd or 3rd level. Larger mercenary units will usually
be beyond the reach of player characters until they
have reached fairly high levels, and are left to the Game
Master to detail.
Mercenaries will virtually never go into a dungeon, lair,
or ruin, at least until it has been fully cleared. Rather,
they are used in outdoor military engagements; high demand better living conditions.) See the Stronghold
level player characters may hire mercenaries to defend section on page 198 for more details.
or help defend their castles or other holdings.
Statistics are given below for the most common sorts of
Mercenaries housed in a player character's stronghold mercenaries; the statistics are for first level characters,
require 200 square feet each but cost 25% less per and should be adjusted when higher level characters
month, as this is covered by their room and board. are indicated (as given above). In particular, multiply
(Elven mercenaries, however, require 500 square feet the given cost of each mercenary by their level. Listed
of space each in order to reduce their pay, as they costs are in gold pieces per month.
Character Advancement
Experience Points (XP) receive a one-half share; so a group with four player
characters and a retainer is counted as having 4½
Experience points are given for monsters defeated, and
members. If 2,000 XP are earned by this group, one
for other challenges as the GM sees fit. The following
share is 444 XP, and the retainer receives 222 XP.
table provides XP values for monsters. Where a
monster has both a character level and hit dice given, No character may advance more than one level due to
use the larger value as the monster's level. Non-combat the experience points from a single adventure. For
challenges may be assigned a level, or a flat XP value example, Barthal the Thief is 1st level and has 1,000
assigned, as the GM wishes. XP before going on an adventure; during the
adventure, he earns 2,000 more XP (an amazing feat).
If asterisks appear after the hit dice listing for a monster,
This would make his total 3,000 XP, and he would be a
each asterisk adds the special ability bonus once; for
3rd level Thief. This is not allowed; instead, he
example, a creature with a hit dice figure of 2** is
advances to 2,499 XP, one short of the amount
worth 125 XP.
required for 3rd level, and starts his next adventure at
For monsters with more than 25 hit dice, add 750 XP 2nd level.
to the XP Value and 25 XP to the Special Ability Bonus
per additional hit die. Monster Hit Dice XP Value Special Ability Bonus
less than 1 10 3
NPCs should be treated as monsters of a number of hit
dice equivalent to the character's level. Add a special 1 25 12
ability bonus for Clerics and Magic-Users if they are 2 75 25
able to cast useful spells during the encounter. 3 145 30
After tallying the XP earned in a given adventure, the 4 240 40
amount should be divided by the number of 5 360 45
adventurers. As described above, each retainer should 6 500 55
7 670 65
8 875 70
9 1,075 75
10 1,300 90
11 1,575 95
12 1,875 100
13 2,175 110
14 2,500 115
15 2,850 125
16 3,250 135
17 3,600 145
18 4,000 160
19 4,500 175
20 5,250 200
21 6,000 225
22 6,750 250
23 7,500 275
24 8,250 300
25 9,000 325
not available, so a facing change is the 60º turn to face and the path to the target must be reasonably clear.
toward the hex-side to the right or left of the current Finally, the attacker must be using a weapon such as a
facing. spear, lance, or pole arm which is suitable for use while
charging. Certain monsters, especially including those
There are a few exceptions to this rule:
with horns, are able to use natural attacks when
First, any creature that does not move away from its charging. If the attacker does not have line of sight to
starting position during the combat round may make as the opponent at the start of the charge, that opponent
many facing changes as desired (though circumstances, can’t be charged.
such as trying to turn a horse around in a narrow
The attack made after the charge is made at +2 on the
corridor, may prevent this).
attack roll. The charging character or creature suffers a
Incorporeal flying creatures, such as spectres, can turn -2 penalty to Armor Class for the remainder of the
freely at any point while moving. round. If the attack hits, it does double damage.
Creatures which are running (moving at double speed) Set Weapon Against Charge: Spears, pole arms, and
may not make facing changes of more than 60º, and certain other piercing weapons deal double damage
their turning distance increases by 10' (or, if it is 5' when "set" (braced against the ground or floor) and
normally, it increases to 10'). used against a charging creature. For this to be done,
the character or creature being charged must have
Also, most creatures can shift one space laterally while
equal or better Initiative; this counts as holding an
preserving their facing (this is called "sidestepping"), but
action: both attacker and defender act on the attacker's
this may only be done when moving at normal
Initiative number and are therefore simultaneous.
("walking") speed, not at fast ("running") speed. "One
space" means either 5' or 10', depending on the map
or board being used. Evasion and Pursuit
Sometimes a party of adventurers will want nothing
Climbing and Diving more than to avoid a group of monsters (or sometimes,
it's the monsters avoiding the adventurers). If one
For battles involving three dimensions, each creature or
group is surprised, and the other is not, the unsurprised
vehicle has an altitude (when flying) or depth
group may be able to escape automatically (unless
(underwater). For air or sea battles, at least one of the
something prevents them from making an exit).
creatures or vehicles should start at an altitude/depth of
0, and a new 0 level can be established at any time, to Otherwise, the characters wanting to flee begin doing so
simplify play, by adjusting the altitudes of each creature on their Initiative numbers. The GM may easily play
or vehicle. out the pursuit, following along on their map (note that
the players can't draw maps while they run headlong
A winged flier can gain up to 10' of altitude after
through the dungeon or wilderness area). Any time a
moving forward by the distance shown for its
character must pass through a doorway, make a hard
maneuverability class, and can dive (lose altitude in a
turn, etc., the GM may require a saving throw vs. Death
controlled fashion) at up to twice the normal movement
Ray (with Dexterity bonus added); if the save is failed,
rate; if the creature does not move horizontally by at
the character has fallen at that point and moves no
least one-third its normal speed, it will stall, being forced
further that round; they may stand up and make a full
to dive at maximum rate for one round. Floating
move on their Initiative number in the next round.
creatures or vehicles (balloons, fly spell, flying carpets,
etc.) can climb vertically without horizontal motion up If at any point the pursuers are within 5' (melee range)
to half the normal movement rate, but such "floaters" at the start of a round, they may begin melee combat;
can only descend at the normal movement rate, unless the fleeing characters will be subject to "parting shots"
they have lost the ability to float entirely. as described under Defensive Movement if they
continue to flee after the pursuers close to melee range.
Charging If the fleeing characters or creatures are ever able to get
Under some circumstances, characters or creatures may beyond the pursuer's sight for a full round, they have
be allowed to attack at the end of a running move. evaded pursuit… the pursuers have lost them.
This is called a charge, and some specific limitations
apply. The charging character or creature must have
moved at least 10 feet. The movement must be in a
more or less straight line toward the intended target,
Wrestling attacks against creatures with touch attacks A monster that fails a Morale check will generally
(such as wights) will cause the attacker to suffer one attempt to flee; intelligent monsters or NPCs may try to
such attack automatically every round. surrender, if the GM so desires.
Note that special rules apply to retainers, as explained
Morale further on page 46.
NPCs and monsters don't always fight to the death; in
fact, most will try to avoid death whenever possible. Turning the Undead
Each monster listing includes the monster's Morale
Clerics can Turn the undead, that is, drive away
score, a figure between 2 and 12. To make a Morale
undead monsters by means of faith alone. The Cleric
check, roll 2d6; if the roll is equal to or less than the
brandishes their holy symbol and calls upon the power
Morale score, the monster or monsters are willing to
of their divine patron. The player rolls 1d20 and tells
stand and fight. If the roll is higher, the monster has lost
the GM the result. Note that the player should always
its nerve. Monsters with a Morale score of 12 never fail
roll, even if the GM knows the character can't succeed
a Morale check; they always fight to the death.
(or can't fail), as telling the player whether or not to roll
In general, Morale is checked when monster(s) first may reveal too much.
encounter opposition, and again when the monster
The GM looks up the Cleric's level on the Clerics vs.
party is reduced to half strength (by numbers if more
Undead table, and cross-references it with the undead
than one monster, or by hit points if the monster is
type or Hit Dice. (The Hit Dice row is provided for use
alone). For this purpose, monsters incapacitated by
with undead monsters not found in the Core Rules;
sleep, charm, or hold magic are counted as if dead.
only use the Hit Dice row if the specific type of undead
The Game Master may apply adjustments to a monster is not on the table and no guidance is given in
monster's Morale score at their discretion. Generally, the monster's description. Note that the hit dice given
adjustments should not total more than +2 or -2. No are not necessarily the same as the hit dice of the
adjustment is ever applied to a Morale score of 12. monster given for that column.) If the table indicates
"No" for that combination, it is not possible for the
Energy Drain
Sometimes characters are exposed to energy drain from
undead or evil magic. Such energy drain is manifested
Cleric to affect that type of undead monster. If the in the form of "negative levels." For each negative level
table gives a number, that is the minimum number a victim receives, they suffer a semi-permanent loss of
needed on 1d20 to Turn that type of undead. If the one hit die worth of hit points, a penalty of -1 on all
table says "T" for that combination, that type of undead attack and saving throw rolls (and any other roll made
is automatically affected (no roll needed). If the result on 1d20), and -5% to any percentile roll such as thief
shown is a "D," then that type of undead will be abilities. In addition, an affected spell caster loses
Damaged (and possibly destroyed) rather than Turned. access to one of their highest-level spell slots. The
If the roll is a success, 2d6 hit dice of undead monsters victim may or may not be allowed a saving throw to
are affected; surplus hit dice are lost (so if zombies are resist the effect (depending on the specific monster
being Turned and a roll of 7 is made, at most 3 zombies type).
can be Turned), but a minimum of one creature will If the character's hit points are reduced to zero or less
always be affected if the first roll succeeds. by means of energy drain, the victim is immediately
If a mixed group of undead (say, a wight and a pair of slain. If the energy drain is caused by an undead
zombies) is to be Turned, the player still rolls just once. monster, the victim will usually be transformed into that
The result is checked against the weakest sort first (the sort of undead (exact details vary by type of monster).
zombies), and if they are successfully Turned, the same Negative levels may be removed by magic, such as the
result is checked against the next higher type of restoration spell. When a negative level is to be
undead. Likewise, the 2d6 hit dice are rolled only removed, divide the total number of hit points lost by
once. For example, if the group described above is to the number of negative levels (rounding normally) to
be Turned by a 2nd level Cleric, they would first need to determine how many hit points are restored.
have rolled a 15 or higher to Turn the zombies. If this
is a success, 2d6 are rolled; assuming the 2d6 roll is a 7, For example, a character suffers three negative levels of
this would Turn both zombies and leave a remainder of energy drain. The hit point losses rolled were 6, 5, and
3 hit dice of effect. Wights are, in fact, 3 hit die 2, for a total of 13 points lost. The first negative level
monsters, so assuming the original 1d20 roll was a 20, removed restores 13 / 3 = 4.3333 hit points (which is
the wight is Turned as well. Obviously, were it a group rounded to 4 even). Now the character has two
of 3 zombies and a wight, the 2d6 roll would have to be negative levels and has lost 9 hit points. The next time
a total of 9 or higher to affect them all. a negative level is removed, the character recovers 9 / 2
= 4.5 hit points, which is rounded to 5 even. Now the
If a Cleric succeeds at Turning the undead, but not all character has one negative level and 4 hit points lost.
undead monsters present are affected, they may try Removal of the last negative level will restore the
again in the next round to affect those which remain. If remaining 4 points.
any roll to Turn the Undead fails, that Cleric may not
attempt to Turn Undead again for one full turn. A
Saving Throws
Saving throws represent the ability of a character or • Saving throws against charm spells (and other
creature to resist or avoid special attacks, such as spells forms of mind control) are adjusted by the
or poisons. Saving throws are made by rolling a d20 character's Wisdom modifier.
against a target number based on the character's class
The GM may decide on other saving throw adjustments
and level; for monsters, a comparable class and level
as they see fit.
are provided for the purpose of determining the
monster's saving throw figures. As with attack rolls, a
natural (unadjusted) roll of 20 is always a success, and Item Saving Throws
a natural 1 is always a failure. Area effects (such as fireball or lightning bolt spells) may
The five categories of saving throw as follows: Death damage items carried by a character as well as injuring
Ray or Poison, Magic Wands, Paralysis or Petrify, the character. For simplicity, assume that items carried
Dragon Breath, and Spells. Spells and monster are unaffected if the character or creature carrying them
special attacks will indicate which category applies makes their own saving throw. However, very fragile
(when a saving throw is allowed), but in some unusual items (paper vs. fire, glass vs. physical impact, etc.) may
situations the Game Master will need to choose a still be considered subject to damage even if the bearer
category. One way to make this choice is to interpret makes their save.
the categories metaphorically. For example, a GM In any case where one or more items may be subject to
might be writing an adventure wherein there is a trap damage, use the saving throw roll of the bearer to
that pours burning oil on the hapless adventurers. determine if the item is damaged or not. For example,
Avoiding the oil might be considered similar to avoiding if a character holding an open spellbook is struck by a
Dragon Breath. Or perhaps a stone idol shoots beams fireball spell, they must save vs. Spells, and then save
of energy from its glaring eyes when approached. This again at the same odds for the spellbook.
attack may be considered similar to a Magic Wand, or if
especially potent, a Spell. The saving throw vs. Death The GM should feel free to amend this rule as they
Ray is often used as a "catch all" save versus many of wish; for instance, a backpack full of fragile items might
the "ordinary" dangers encountered in a dungeon be given a single saving throw rather than laboriously
environment. rolling for each and every item.
Cleric Magic-User
Death Death
Ray or Magic Paralysis Dragon Ray or Magic Paralysis Dragon
Level Poison Wands or Petrify Breath Spells Level Poison Wands or Petrify Breath Spells
1 11 12 14 16 15 1 13 14 13 16 15
2-3 10 11 13 15 14 2-3 13 14 13 15 14
4-5 9 10 13 15 14 4-5 12 13 12 15 13
6-7 9 10 12 14 13 6-7 12 12 11 14 13
8-9 8 9 12 14 13 8-9 11 11 10 14 12
10-11 8 9 11 13 12 10-11 11 10 9 13 11
12-13 7 8 11 13 12 12-13 10 10 9 13 11
14-15 7 8 10 12 11 14-15 10 9 8 12 10
16-17 6 7 10 12 11 16-17 9 8 7 12 9
18-19 6 7 9 11 10 18-19 9 7 6 11 9
20 5 6 9 11 10 20 8 6 5 11 8
Fighter Thief
Death Death Spells
Ray or Magic Paralysis Dragon Ray or Magic Paralysis Dragon
Level Poison Wands or Petrify Breath Spells Level Poison Wands or Petrify Breath
NM 13 14 15 16 18 1 13 14 13 16 15
1 12 13 14 15 17 2-3 12 14 12 15 14
2-3 11 12 14 15 16 4-5 11 13 12 14 13
4-5 11 11 13 14 15 6-7 11 13 11 13 13
6-7 10 11 12 14 15 8-9 10 12 11 12 12
8-9 9 10 12 13 14 10-11 9 12 10 11 11
10-11 9 9 11 12 13 12-13 9 10 10 10 11
12-13 8 9 10 12 13 14-15 8 10 9 9 10
14-15 7 8 10 11 12 16-17 7 9 9 8 9
16-17 7 7 9 10 11 18-19 7 9 8 7 9
18-19 6 7 8 10 11 20 6 8 8 6 8
20 5 6 8 9 10
Name: The first thing given for each monster is its they are marked 1 weapon. Ghouls are marked
name (or its most common name, if the monster is 2 claws, 1 bite as they can attack with both claws and
known by more than one). If an asterisk appears after also bite in one round. Some monsters have alternate
the monster's name, it indicates that the monster is only attacks, such as the Triceratops with an attack of 1 gore
able to be hit by special weapons (such as silver or or 1 trample which means that the creature can do a
magical weapons, or creatures affected only by fire, gore attack or a trample attack, but not both in the
etc.) which makes the monster harder to defeat. same round.
Armor Class: This line lists the creature’s Armor Class. Damage: The damage figures caused by successful
If the monster customarily wears armor, the first listed attacks by the monster. Generally this will be defined in
AC value is with that armor, and the second, in terms of one or more die rolls.
parentheses, is unarmored. Some monsters are only
able to be hit (damaged) by silver or magical weapons; No. Appearing: This is given in terms of one or more
these are indicated with (s); some monsters may only die rolls. Monsters that only appear underground and
be hit with magical weapons, indicated by (m). have no lairs will have a single die roll; those that have
lairs and/or those that can be found in the wilderness
Hit Dice: This is the creature’s number of hit dice, will be noted appropriately. For example, a monster
including any bonus hit points. Monsters always roll noted as "1d6, Wild 2d6, Lair 3d6" is encountered in
eight sided dice (d8) for hit points, unless otherwise groups of 1d6 individuals in a dungeon setting, 2d6
noted. So for example, a creature with 3+2 hit dice individuals in the wilderness, or 3d6 individuals in a lair.
rolls 3d8 and adds 2 points to the total. A few monsters
may be marked as having ½ hit dice; this means 1d4 Note that number appearing applies to combatants.
points, and the creature has "less than one hit die" for Non-combatant monsters (juveniles, and sometimes
attack bonus purposes. females) do not count in this number. The text of the
monster description should explain this in detail where
One or two asterisks (*) may appear after the hit dice it matters, but the GM is always the final arbiter.
figure; where present, they indicate a Special Ability
Bonus to experience points (XP) awarded for the Save As: This is the character class and level the
monster. See Character Advancement in the monster uses for saving throws. Most monsters save as
Adventure section for more details. Fighters of a level equal to their hit dice.
If the monster's Attack Bonus is different than its Morale: The number that must be rolled equal to or
number of Hit Dice, for convenience the Attack Bonus less than on 2d6 for the monster to pass a Morale
will be listed in parentheses after the Hit Dice figure. Check. Monsters having a Morale of 12 never fail
morale checks, and fight until destroyed (or until they
Movement: This is the monster's movement rate, or have no enemies left). Morale is explained further on
rates for those monsters able to move in more than one page 57.
fashion. For example, Bugbears have a normal walking
movement of 30', and this is all that is listed for them. Treasure Type: This describes any valuables the
Mermaids can only move about in the water, and so monster is likely to have. See the Treasure section on
their movement is given as Swim 40'. Pegasi can both page 162 for more details about interpreting the letter
walk and fly, so their movement is listed as 80' Fly codes which usually appear here. A monster's treasure
160'. is normally found in its lair, unless described otherwise;
sometimes for monsters who live in towns or other large
In addition, a distance may appear in parentheses after groups this line will describe both the lair treasure as
a movement figure; this is the creature's turning well as treasure carried by random individuals.
distance (as explained in Maneuverability on page 51).
If a turning distance is not listed, assume 5'. XP: This is the number of experience points awarded
for defeating this monster. In some cases, the figure will
Attacks: This is the number (and sometimes type or vary; for instance, Dragons of different age categories
types) of attacks the monster can perform. For will have different XP values. Review the Experience
example, Goblins may attack once with a weapon, so Points awards table in the Adventure section on page
49 to calculate the correct figure in these cases.
Beasts of Burden
Camel Donkey Horse, Draft Horse, Riding
Armor Class: 13 13 13 13
Hit Dice: 2 2 3 2
No. of Attacks: 1 bite/1 hoof 1 bite 2 hooves 2 hooves
Damage: 1 point bite, 1d4 hoof 1d2 bite 1d4 hoof 1d4 hoof
Movement: 50' (10') [ 40' (10') ] 40' (10') 60' (10') 80' (10')
No. Appearing: Wild 2d4 Wild 2d4 domestic only Wild 10d10
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 3 Fighter: 2
Morale: 7 7 7 7
XP: 75 75 145 75
For convenience, animals commonly used to carry Riding Horses are smaller horses bred and trained for
loads and/or characters are listed here together. Such riding. They cannot effectively fight while the rider is
creatures obviously have no treasure. mounted. A light load for a riding horse is up to 250
pounds; a heavy load, up to 500 pounds.
Camels are large animals found in arid environments
that bear distinctive fatty deposits known as "humps" on War Horses are large, powerful horses which are both
their backs. There are two relevant species of camel bred for their size, strength, and combat ability and
described here: the far more common one-humped trained to tolerate the sounds and stresses of battle.
dromedary, and the two-humped Bactrian camel. They are able to attack while the rider is mounted due
Statistics presented above are for the dromedary; the to their training. A light load for a warhorse is up to
Bactrian camel is slower and its movement is given in 350 pounds; a heavy load, up to 700 pounds.
brackets. A light load for a camel is up to 400 pounds;
Mules are a domestic equine hybrid between a donkey
a heavy load, up to 800 pounds.
and a horse. Mules vary widely in size, and may be of
Donkeys are hoofed mammals in the same family as any color. They are more patient, hardier and longer-
the horse. They are smaller, but are strong and hardy. lived than horses, and are perceived as less obstinate
Burros are a similar species, and the statistics herein can and more intelligent than donkeys. Like donkeys, they
be used for either; both varieties are capable of being are capable of being taken into dungeons as pack
taken into dungeons as pack animals. A light load for a animals. A light load for a mule is up to 300 pounds; a
donkey is up to 70 pounds; a heavy load, up to 140 heavy load, up to 600 pounds.
A Pony is a variety of small horse. Compared to a
Draft Horses are large horses bred to be working larger horse, a pony may have a thicker coat, mane and
animals doing hard tasks such as plowing and other tail, with proportionally shorter legs, a wider barrel,
farm labor. There are a number of breeds, with varying heavier bone, a thicker neck and a shorter, broader
characteristics, but all share common traits of strength, head. Ponies can be trained for war, and the morale in
patience, and a docile temperament. A light load for a parentheses above is for a war pony; this does not
draft horse is up to 350 pounds; a heavy load, up to allow them to fight while a rider is mounted, however.
700 pounds. A light load for a pony is up to 275 pounds; a heavy
load, up to 550 pounds.
Monster Descriptions
Ant, Giant (and Huge, Large) Antelope
Giant Huge Large Armor Class: 13
Armor Class: 17 15 13 Hit Dice: 1 to 4
Hit Dice: 4 2 1 No. of Attacks: 1 butt
No. of Attacks: – 1 bite – Damage: 1d4 or 1d6 or 1d8 (see below)
Damage: 2d6 bite 1d10 bite 1d6 bite Movement: 80' (10')
Movement: 60' (10') 50' 40' No. Appearing: Wild 3d10
No. Appearing: 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, Save As: Fighter: 1 to 4 (as Hit Dice)
Lair 4d6 Lair 4d8 Lair 4d10 Morale: 5 (7)
Save As: Fighter: 4 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 1 Treasure Type: None
Morale: – 7 on first sighting, 12 after engaged – XP: 25 - 240
Treasure Type: – U or special –
XP: 240 75 25 The statistics above represent common sorts of wild
herd animals, including deer (1 hit die), aurochs (2 hit
Giant ants are fantastically enlarged versions of the dice), elk or moose (3 hit dice) and bison (4 hit dice).
more common variety of ants. Normal workers are 5 to Such creatures are often skittish and likely to flee if
6 feet long; queens are larger, growing up to 9 feet in provoked, but males are more aggressive in the
length. Giant ants may be red or black; there is no presence of females (the parenthesized morale applies
statistical difference between them. Though relatively in this case).
shy when first encountered, once combat begins they
will fight to the death. They are known to collect shiny Ape, Carnivorous
things, and so will sometimes have a small amount of
treasure in their lair. Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 4
Giant ants may occasionally mine shiny metals such as No. of Attacks: 2 claws
gold or silver; one in three (1-2 on 1d6) giant ant lairs
Damage: 1d4 claw
will contain 1d100 x 1d100 gp value in relatively pure
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
Large and huge ants are similar to giant ants in all ways Save As: Fighter: 4
except for size; large ants are 1 to 2 feet long, while Morale: 7
huge ants are 3 to 4 feet in length. Though smaller, Treasure Type: None
their colonies have more members, and so their lair XP: 240
treasures are of similar size to those found in the lairs of
giant ants. Carnivorous apes appear much like ordinary gorillas,
but are bad-tempered and aggressive. They are
actually omnivores, but have a marked preference for
meat. Adult females are 4½ to 5 feet tall and weigh up
to 300 pounds, while males are larger, being 5½ to 6
feet tall and weighing up to 400 pounds.
Assassin Vine
See Strangle Vine on page 148.
Bear when on all four feet are up to six feet high at the
shoulder. They are ferocious killers, attacking almost
Bears attack by rending opponents with their claws,
anything of equal or smaller size.
dragging them in and biting them. A successful hit with
both paws indicates a hug attack for additional damage
(as given for each specific bear type). All bears are very Bear, Grizzly (or Brown)
tough to kill, and are able to move and attack for one Armor Class: 14
round after losing all hit points. Hit Dice: 5
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite + hug
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d8 bite, 2d8 hug
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 360
Bear, Cave
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 7
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite + hug
Damage: 1d8 claw, 2d6 bite, 2d8 hug
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1d2, Wild 1d2, Lair 1d2
Save As: Fighter: 7
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
XP: 670
growls, and yips which is somewhat limited but can Each blood rose plant will have 1, 2 or 3 whiplike canes
convey useful tactical information. They are shy, studded with thorns with which it can attack. When a
generally avoiding a fight if possible, but they hate cane hits, it wraps around the victim and begins to drain
deceivers and will generally attack them on sight. blood, doing 1d6 points of damage per round. A blood
rose which has recently (within one day) "eaten" in this
Blood Rose way will have flowers ranging from pink to deep wine
red in color, which will fade slowly back to white or
Armor Class: 13 yellow as the plant digests the blood it has consumed.
Hit Dice: 2* to 4*
No. of Attacks: 1 to 3, each + blood drain Boar
Damage: 1d6 bite, 1d6/round blood drain
Movement: 1' Armor Class: 13
No. Appearing: Wild 1d8 Hit Dice: 3
Save As: Fighter: 2 No. of Attacks: 1 tusk
Morale: 12 Damage: 2d4 tusk
Treasure Type: None Movement: 50' (10')
XP: 100 – 280 No. Appearing: Wild 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 3
Blood roses appear to be normal rose bushes, but are Morale: 9
actually animated plants, dimly aware of their Treasure Type: None
surroundings. These plants are always in bloom, XP: 145
bearing beautiful flowers that are normally white (or
rarely, yellow) in color. Wild boars are the natural variety of swine. They are
surly and aggressive, prone to attacking characters just
The fragrance of the flowers is detectable up to 30' from
because they are present. Note that "boar" refers
the plant in ideal conditions. Blood roses can move
specifically to the male of the species, but females are
about slowly, and will try to find locations sheltered
equally large and fierce, more so if they have offspring.
from the wind in order to achieve those ideal
conditions. Living creatures who smell the fragrance Wild boars have stocky and muscular bodies, covered
must save vs. Poison or become befuddled; such a with bristly hair which may be black, brown, or gray in
victim will drop anything carried and try to approach color. Those in colder climates will have an under-layer
the plant. Each round an unaffected living creature can of warm fur, while those found in warmer areas will not.
smell the fragrance it must make this save. Befuddled
creatures will not resist the attacks of the blood rose; if
affected creatures are removed from the area, the effect
of the fragrance will expire 2d4 rounds later. Undead
monsters, constructs, etc. are not affected.
Cattle are large mammals with cloven hooves and Giant cave locusts are pale, cricket-like creatures that
horned heads. Cattle are raised mostly for their meat live underground. An average giant cave locust is 2 to
(beef), leather, and milk. Cattle eat grass and are fairly 4 feet long. They are eyeless, depending on their
gentle unless spooked, in which case they will stampede sound-sensitive antennae, vibration-sensitive feet and a
(run in a group). Anyone caught in the path of the variety of touch-sensitive "hairs" on their legs to sense
stampede will suffer at least one trampling attack, as the environment around them.
determined by the GM. Male cattle are called bulls,
These creatures eat subterranean fungus (including
females are cows, and young are calves (calf is
wailing morels) as well as carrion; they are not
singular). If attacked, cattle will charge, generally using
predators, but if disturbed they will attack, shrieking
their horns to attack. A bull will become aggressive if
loudly, biting, jumping wildly around, or spitting nasty
he sees quick movements from creatures he might be
able to reach with a charge.
All giant cave locusts in a group will shriek when
A typical small farm with cattle will have a bull, 5d4 disturbed, attracting wandering monsters. The GM
cows, and 2d10 calves (but not more than the number should roll a wandering monster check each round that
of cows). one or more cave locusts are attacking; if wandering
An ox is typically a castrated bull used as a draft animal; monsters are indicated, they will arrive in 1d4 rounds.
females may be used, rarely, but males are preferred Any giant cave locust that is engaged (adjacent to an
due to their greater size and strength. Oxen are usually opponent) will attempt to bite, doing 1d2 damage on a
paired as a team to pull a fully-loaded wagon (or the successful hit. This does not interrupt the monster's
equivalent of 3,000 lb). Oxen require less food and shrieking.
water, being able to eat rough grass better than draft
horses, which makes them valuable to merchants with A giant cave locust can leap up to 60' horizontally, or
large caravans going over semi-arid prairie. up to 30' up. If one of these creatures is not engaged at
the beginning of the round, it will leap toward one of
the opponent creatures; roll a normal attack roll, and if
the attack hits, the target creature takes 1d4 points of
non-lethal damage from the impact.
Finally, a giant cave locust can spray a greenish-brown
goo (its digestive juices) up to 10' away. Each giant
cave locust can perform this attack just once per
encounter. This spit attack will usually be reserved until
they fail a morale check, in which case all remaining
giant cave locusts will spit at their nearest opponent,
and then all will attempt to flee in the next round. To
spit on an opponent, the giant cave locust rolls an
attack against Armor Class 11 (plus Dexterity and
magical bonuses, but no normal armor value applies).
If the attack hits, the target must save vs. Poison or be
unable to do anything for 3d6 rounds due to the
horrible smell.
Armor Class: 15 (13)
Hit Dice: 4
No. of Attacks: 2 hooves, 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 hoof, 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: 50' Unarmored 60' (10')
No. Appearing: Wild 2d10
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: A
XP: 240 Centipede, Giant
Centaurs appear to be half man, half horse, having the Armor Class: 11
torso, arms and head of a man in the position a horse's Hit Dice: ½* (1d4 hit points)
head would otherwise occupy. The horse part of a No. of Attacks: 1 bite
centaur is as large and powerful as a warhorse; males Damage: poison bite
average 7 feet in height and weigh about a ton (2,000 Movement: 40'
pounds), while females are just a bit shorter and very
No. Appearing: 2d4, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
close to the same weight. Centaurs may charge with a
Save As: Normal Man
spear or lance just as a man on horseback, with the
Morale: 7 (see below)
same bonuses. They typically wear leather armor when
prepared for combat. Treasure Type: None
XP: 13
Centaurs are generally haughty and aloof, but very
honorable. Most would rather die than allow any sort Giant centipedes are larger versions of the normal sort,
of humanoid to ride on their backs. being 2 to 3 feet long. Centipedes are fast-moving,
predatory, venomous arthropods, having long
segmented bodies with exoskeletons. They prefer to
live in underground areas, shadowy forested areas, and
other places out of direct sunlight; however, there are
desert-dwelling varieties that hide under the sand
waiting for prey to wander by.
These creatures are aggressive and always hungry,
attacking any living creature and only checking morale
if injured. Giant centipedes attack with a poisonous
bite, and those bitten must save vs. Poison or die;
however, the poison is somewhat weak and thus grants
a bonus of +2 on the saving throw.
Dinosaur, Stegosaurus
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 11 (+9)
No. of Attacks: 1 tail/1 bite or 1 trample
Damage: 2d8 tail, 1d6 bite, 2d8 trample
Movement: 20' (15')
No. Appearing: Wild 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,575
Dragons are large (sometimes very large) winged
reptilian monsters. Unlike wyverns, dragons have four
legs as well as two wings; this is how experts distinguish
"true" dragons from other large reptilian monsters. All
dragons are long-lived, and they grow slowly for as long
as they live. For this reason, they are described as
having seven "age categories," ranging from 3 less to 3
more hit dice than the average. For convenience, a
table is provided following the description of each
dragon type; this table shows the variation in hit dice,
damage from their various attacks, and other features
peculiar to dragons.
If one dragon is encountered, it is equally likely to be a
male or female ranging from -2 to +3 hit dice (1d6-3);
Doppleganger two are a mated pair ranging from -1 to +2 hit dice
(1d4-2). If three or four are encountered, they consist
Armor Class: 15 of a mated pair plus one or two young of -3 hit dice in
Hit Dice: 4* size. If this is the case, the parents receive a Morale of
No. of Attacks: 1 fist or by weapon 12 in combat since they are protecting their young.
Damage: 1d12 fist, 1d6 or by weapon
In combat dragons use a powerful bite, slashing claws,
Movement: 30' a long, whiplike tail, and most famously some form of
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 1d6, Lair 1d6 breath weapon. Tactically, dragons prefer to fight while
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: E
XP: 280
Desert dragons have rough, gritty-feeling hide which is Forest dragons are bright leaf green in color, with a tan
a dark steel blue color with a smoother, streaky brown underbelly. They have long sinuous bodies and move
underbelly. Their bodies are wiry and serpentine. with catlike grace. They are cruel monsters, but they
are renowned for their curiosity. They especially like to
They hunt by day in the heat of the sun, sometimes
question adventurers to learn more about their society
flying high overhead looking for prey, or sometimes
and abilities, what is going on in the countryside, and if
choosing to bury themselves in the sand and lie in wait
there is treasure nearby. Adventurers may be allowed
with only eyes and nostrils exposed. One will wait in
to live so long as they remain interesting… but woe to
this fashion until victims come within 100 feet, then
them when the dragon becomes bored.
spring out and attack (surprising on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6
in this case). Forest dragons are immune to all poisons. Note that,
despite their breath weapon being described as "poison
A desert dragon will usually choose to lair in an
gas," damage done by it is exactly the same as with
underground cavern, or perhaps in a ruined castle or
other dragons. More specifically, those in the area of
desert outpost. They are evil monsters, though not so
effect do not have to "save or die" as with ordinary
fierce as mountain dragons. They particularly enjoy
poison, but rather save vs. Dragon Breath for half
tricking intelligent prey into entering their lairs or
passing by their hiding places to be ambushed and
killed; usually one member of a party attacked by a Forest Dragon Age Table
desert dragon will be left alive for a while, and the Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
dragon will play with that person as a cat plays with a Hit Dice 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
mouse. Attack Bonus +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9
Desert dragons are immune to normal lightning, and Breath Weapon Poison Gas (Cloud)
suffer only half damage from magical lightning. Length - 70' 80' 90' 95' 100' 100'
Width - 25' 30' 40' 45' 50' 55'
Desert Dragon Age Table
Chance/Talking 0% 15% 20% 30% 45% 55% 65%
Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Spells by Level
Hit Dice 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Level 1 - 1 2 3 3 4 4
Attack Bonus +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10
Level 2 - - 1 2 3 3 4
Breath Weapon Lightning (Line)
Level 3 - - - - 1 2 3
Length - 80' 90' 100' 100' 110' 120'
Level 4 - - - - - - 1
Width - - - - - 55' 60'
Claw 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d10
Chance/Talking 0% 15% 20% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Bite 2d4 3d4 3d6 3d8 3d8 3d8 3d10
Spells by Level
Tail 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8
Level 1 - 1 2 4 4 4 5
Level 2 - - 1 2 3 4 4
Level 3 - - - - 1 2 2
Level 4 - - - - - - 1
Claw 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10
Bite 2d6 3d6 3d8 3d8 3d8 3d8 3d10
Tail 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d8
Ice dragons have pale blue-white skin, ranging from sky Mountain dragons are red in color, ranging from the
blue for a hatchling to the stark pure white of an ancient brilliant blood red of a hatchling to the dull terracotta
individual. They are the same color all over, having no color of an ancient individual. These dragons are
contrasting underbelly color. powerfully built, with heavy-jawed heads and thick
muscular bodies, yet their necks are still long enough to
They prefer to live in cold regions, whether in the
give them the legendary flexibility of a true dragon.
highest mountains or in the cold northern lands. They
are the least intelligent of dragons, though this does not They are cruel monsters, actively seeking to hunt,
mean that they are stupid by any stretch of the torment, kill and consume intelligent creatures. They
imagination. They are motivated completely by a drive are often said to prefer women and elves, but in truth a
to live, to reproduce, and (of course) to accumulate mountain dragon will attack almost any creature less
treasure; they kill to live, not for pleasure. powerful than itself.
In a fashion similar to swamp and desert dragons, an They are intelligent and self-assured, but also impatient
ice dragon will sometimes choose to bury itself in snow and overconfident. One will often plan strategies in
and wait, with only its eyes and nostrils exposed, in a advance and then choose one at random when facing
place where prey is likely to pass by. The ice dragon unknown opponents, without regard to whether or not
will then burst out when likely prey approaches within the strategy is likely to work. The sheer power of a
100', surprising on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6. mountain dragon is often the only reason one is still
Ice dragons are immune to normal cold, and take only
half damage from magical cold or ice. Mountain dragons are immune to normal fire, and
suffer only half damage from magical fire.
Ice Dragon Age Table
Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mountain Dragon Age Table
Hit Dice 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Attack Bonus +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 Hit Dice 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Breath Weapon Cold (Cone) Attack Bonus +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +11
Length - 60' 70' 80' 85' 90' 95' Breath Weapon Fire (Cone)
Width - 25' 30' 30' 35' 40' 45' Length - 70' 80' 90' 95' 100' 110'
Chance/Talking 0% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% Width - 30' 35' 45' 50' 55' 60'
Spells by Level Chance/Talking 0% 15% 30% 50% 60% 70% 85%
Level 1 - 1 2 3 3 3 3 Spells by Level
Level 2 - - - - 1 2 3 Level 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 5
Level 3 - - - - - - 1 Level 2 - - 1 2 3 4 5
Claw 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d8 Level 3 - - - 1 2 2 3
Bite 2d4 2d6 2d6 2d8 2d8 2d10 2d10 Level 4 - - - - 1 2 2
Tail 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 Level 5 - - - - - 1 2
Claw 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 1d10
Bite 2d6 3d6 4d6 4d8 5d8 5d8 6d8
Tail 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10
Plains dragons are the smallest of the true dragons. Young sea dragons are light bluish-gray in color (similar
They have yellow skin dappled with light green patches, to dolphins), darkening to a deep slate color in older
spots, or sometimes thin stripes. The color dulls and individuals. Their skin is smooth and sleek, and their
darkens with age until it reaches an almost uniform tan bodies are more compact than most dragons, though
color at the oldest age category. They have long their long neck gives them the same flexibility.
sinuous bodies and unusually long legs, giving them the
Though they live in the water and are somewhat
fastest land movement rate of any dragon, but they are
adapted to it, sea dragons still must breathe air, similar
also accomplished fliers, as fast and maneuverable as
to dolphins or whales. A sea dragon may hold its
any dragon.
breath up to three turns while swimming or performing
Plains dragons may hunt on the wing, attacking other moderate activity.
suddenly from above and surprising on 1-3 on 1d6; or,
These dragons have much the same physical structure
they may lie in wait in tall grass or a copse of trees,
as other dragons, but their feet are webbed and their
using their coloration as camouflage. As one ages and
tails are short, flat and broad; these adaptations help
its colors dull, this ability improves; when lying in wait,
the sea dragon swim efficiently, but severely limit their
they gain surprise on 1-3 on 1d6 at age categories 2
ability to walk on dry land. Unlike other dragons, sea
and 3, on 1-4 in age categories 4 through 6, and on 1-5
dragons do not have a tail attack. The breath weapon
at age category 7.
of a sea dragon is a cloud of steam; they are immune to
The breath weapon of the plains dragon is a scorching, damage from non-magical steam (including the breath
shimmering cone of heat, barely visible to the naked weapon of another sea dragon), and suffer only half
eye; at night, however, a glow like steel being forged damage from magical steam attacks.
can be seen streaming from the dragon's open mouth.
Sea dragons are neutral in outlook, in much the same
Plains Dragon Age Table way as ice dragons. They often maintain lairs in air-
Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 filled undersea caverns.
Hit Dice 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sea Dragon Age Table
Attack Bonus +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Breath Weapon Heat (Cone) Hit Dice 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Length - 50' 60' 70' 80' 85' 90' Attack Bonus +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9
Width - - - - - 35' 40' Breath Weapon Steam (Cloud)
Chance/Talking 0% 10% 15% 20% 30% 40% 50% Length - 70' 80' 90' 95' 100' 100'
Spells by Level Width - 25' 30' 40' 45' 50' 55'
Level 1 - 1 2 3 3 3 3 Chance/Talking 0% 15% 20% 30% 45% 55% 65%
Level 2 - - - - 1 2 3 Spells by Level
Level 3 - - - - - - 1 Level 1 - 1 2 3 3 4 4
Claw 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 Level 2 - - 1 2 3 3 4
Bite 2d4 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d10 2d10 2d12 Level 3 - - - - - 1 2
Tail 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8 1d8 1d10 Claw 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d10
Bite 2d4 3d4 3d6 3d8 3d8 3d8 3d10
Swamp dragons have green skin so dark as to appear Dragon turtles are so large, up to 200 feet long, that
to be black, especially in uncertain light or while wet. they are occasionally mistaken for rocky outcroppings
They often choose to hide underwater, leaving only or even small islands. Though they are not true
part of the head above the waterline, and leap up dragons, they do advance through the same sort of age
suddenly when prey comes within 100' (surprising on a categories as the true dragons do; however, each age
roll of 1-4 on 1d6 in this case). category changes the dragon turtle's Hit Dice by 5.
Though swamp dragons are more cruel than ice Due to their massive size, dragon turtles are immune to
dragons, they are still motivated mostly by the urge to virtually all poisons.
live, breed and collect valuable items.
Dragon Turtle Age Table
Swamp dragons are immune to all forms of acid. A Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
swamp dragon may hold its breath up to three turns Hit Dice 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
while lying in wait underwater. Attack Bonus +11 +13 +14 +15 +16 +16 +16
Swamp Dragon Age Table Breath Weapon Steam (Cloud)
Age Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Length - 50' 75' 100' 125' 150' 175'
Hit Dice 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Width - 25' 50' 75' 100' 125' 150'
Attack Bonus +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 Chance/Talking 0% 15% 20% 30% 45% 55% 65%
Breath Weapon Acid (Line) Spells by Level
Length - 70' 80' 90' 95' 100' 100' Level 1 - - 1 2 2 3 3
Width - - - - - 40' 45' Level 2 - - - 1 2 2 3
Chance/Talking 0% 15% 20% 25% 35% 50% 60% Claw 1d6 2d4 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 3d10
Spells by Level Bite 4d6 6d6 8d6 10d6 12d6 14d6 16d6
Level 1 - 1 2 4 4 4 4
Level 2 - - - - 1 2 3
Level 3 - - - - - 1 2
Claw 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8
Bite 2d4 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d10 2d10 2d12
Tail 1d4 1d4 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8 1d8
Dryad tree, and dies when the tree dies; likewise, if the dryad
is killed, her tree dies also.
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 2* A dryad resembles an elf woman, with skin that
No. of Attacks: 1 dagger or 1 fist resembles fine polished wood or smooth bark and hair
Damage: 1d4 dagger or 1d4 fist like leaves; the hair color of a dryad usually changes
Movement: 40' with the seasons, being brown in the winter, pale green
No. Appearing: Lair 1d6 in the spring, darker green in the summer, and yellow,
orange, or red in the fall.
Save As: Magic-User: 4
Morale: 6 Though they are usually content to live alone, dryads
Treasure Type: D are often friends with creatures such as treant or other
XP: 100 nature spirits who might live nearby. Once per day a
dryad can cast a charm similar to the spell charm
Dryads are female nature spirits; each is mystically person, and one may choose to use this ability to
bound to a single, enormous oak tree and must never compel an interesting human or elf to remain with her
stray more than 300 yards from it. Any who do as a companion for a period of up to a year. The
become ill and die within 4d6 hours. A dryad’s oak companion can be taken into and brought out of the
does not radiate magic. A dryad lives as long as her dryad's tree so long as the charm is still in effect.
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2
No. of Attacks: 2 talons, 1 beak
Damage: 1d6 talon, 1d4 beak
Movement: 10’ Fly 160’ (10’)
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 145
Eagle, Giant
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 4
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d8 bite
Movement: 10' fly 90'
No. Appearing: 2d6
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 7 (12 if defending a nest)
Treasure Type: Nil
XP: 240
An elemental is a being formed from one of the
foundational elements of reality. In Western traditions,
the classical elements are air, earth, fire, and water;
Asian traditions include a different group: fire, earth,
metal, water, and wood. This book presents the full
range needed for either tradition, and to those types are
added cold and lightning elementals for those who wish
to be less traditional. As always, the Game Master
decides what sort of monsters appear in their world,
and so not all of the following creatures may be
Each type of elemental may be summoned to the
material plane by means of one of three different
Conjured by the 5th level Magic-User spell conjure
elemental; or,
Summoned by means of a magical staff; or,
Summoned by a device (as given in the Miscellaneous
Magic subsection of the Treasure section of this book.
These three types of elementals are quite reasonably
called staff, device, and conjured elementals. The hit
dice of an elemental depends on the type, as follows:
Type Hit Dice
Staff 8
gestures): become invisible, with unlimited uses per
Device 12
day; assume gaseous form, as the potion, up to one
hour per day; create illusions, as the spell phantasmal Conjured 16
force but including sound as well as visual elements,
three times per day; create flame, with unlimited uses; The summoner of an elemental must concentrate on it
and create a wall of fire (as the spell), once per day. to control it, and may take no other action, including
Create flame allows the efreet to cause a flame to attacking, being attacked, or moving, or control will be
appear in its hand or otherwise on its person at will; it lost. Once control is lost it cannot be regained, and the
behaves as desired by the efreet, becoming as large as uncontrolled elemental will move directly toward the
a torch flame or as small as a candle, and ignites summoner and attack.
flammable material just as any ordinary flame does. Elementals must be summoned from a large quantity of
The flame can be thrown as a weapon with a range of the appropriate natural material. For example, air
up to 60', causing 1d8 points of damage on a successful elementals require a large quantity of air (so small
hit. The efreet can create another flame, and throw it underground spaces will not support the summoning of
as well if desired, once per round. one); earth elementals require access to natural earth or
Efreet may assume the form of a column of fire at will, stone (and worked stone such as the stone walls of a
with no limit as to the number of times per day this castle will not work); fire elementals require a large fire
power may be used; an efreeti in flame-form fights as if such as a bonfire; and water elementals require access
it were a fire elemental. to a substantial body of water, at the very least a river
or lake (small streams and artificial pools will not work).
Due to their highly magical nature, efreet cannot be Finally, when an elemental is summoned, no other
harmed by non-magical weapons. They are immune to elemental of the same type may be summoned in the
normal fire, and suffer only half damage from magical same day within a radius of 100 miles of the location.
fire attacks.
Non-magical weapons cannot harm an elemental.
Attacks made by an elemental should be considered
magical for purposes of determining how much damage a 5' radius to the ground; if the latter attack is used, all
creatures resistant to the elemental's attack form should creatures of 2 hit dice or less must save vs. Death Ray
suffer. or fall prone. Creatures of 3 or more levels or hit dice
are not so affected. Air elementals do an additional
Generally, elementals are immune to both normal and
1d8 points of damage against creatures or vehicles
magical forms of their own attack form. Most are more
which are airborne.
susceptible to attacks from one or two specific other
types of elemental; this is noted in the text for each
type. Elemental, Cold*
Staff Device Spell
Elemental, Air* Armor Class: 18 (m) 20 (m) 22 (m)
Staff Device Spell Hit Dice: 8* 12* (+10) 16* (+12)
Armor Class: 18 (m) 20 (m) 22 (m) No. of Attacks: 1 1 1
Hit Dice: 8* 12* (+10) 16* (+12) Damage: 1d12 2d8 3d6
No. of Attacks: – special, see below – Movement: – 40' –
Damage: 1d12 2d8 3d6 No. Appearing: – special –
Movement: – Fly 120' – Save As: Fighter: 8 Fighter: 12 Fighter: 16
No. Appearing: – special – Morale: – 10 –
Save As: Fighter: 8 Fighter: 12 Fighter: 16 Treasure Type: – None –
Morale: – 10 – XP: 945 1,975 3,385
Treasure Type: – None – A cold elemental resembles a crude, headless ice statue
XP: 945 1,975 3,385 with long sharp icicles in place of hands. A cold
elemental suffers double damage from fire attacks,
Air elementals resemble "dust devils," that is, small
including the attacks of fire elementals. It deals an
whirlwinds, but they are much more powerful. Air
additional 1d8 points of damage against creatures that
elementals take double damage when attacked by
are hot or flaming in nature, as well as creatures made
earth-based attacks (including by earth elementals). An
of liquids or jelly. A cold elemental's body is so bitterly
air elemental may choose either to attack a single
cold that creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 points of
opponent, thus receiving one attack per round at the
damage automatically, unless they are immune to the
listed damage, or may choose to knock all opponents in
effects of cold. Any liquids the cold elemental touches
A lightning elemental resembles dark clouds lit from Metal elementals resemble lithe, somewhat abstract
within by flashes of lightning. One can magnetically humanoid figures formed from metal. They are able to
draw metal items towards itself as if using telekinesis. move as if liquid, though they are cool and hard to the
It deals 1d8 extra points of damage to creatures that are touch. Their semi-liquid form permits them to form
in contact with water or metal but not touching solid their extremities into wickedly sharp blades, which is
ground. A lightning elemental takes double damage their preferred means of attack. Those wearing metal
when attacked by air or wind attacks (including air armor receive no protection against a metal elemental
elementals), and from the attacks of wood elementals (except for magical bonuses, if any); indeed, on a
as well. A lightning elemental can choose either to successful hit one deals an additional 1d8 points of
strike a single creature or create a mighty thunderclap. damage to creatures, vehicles, or structures that are
If the latter attack is used, all creatures within a 3" made of or in direct contact with some form of metal.
radius must save vs. Paralysis or be deafened for 1d8 Lightning attacks deal double damage to a metal
turns. elemental. Like an earth elemental, a metal elemental
cannot cross a body of water greater than its own
Water elementals resemble roiling waves of water, A wood elemental appears to be a large, leafless tree.
which seem to fall upon any creature attacked, only to They deal 1d8 points of extra damage to creatures in
reform the next round. They take double damage contact with any woody materials, living or dead
when attacked with air or wind attacks (including air (including weapons or shields made mainly of wood).
elementals). A water elemental cannot move more On the other hand, they suffer double damage from fire
than 60' from a body of water. They do an extra 1d8 or lightning attacks of any kind, including the attacks of
points of damage against creatures, vehicles, or fire or lightning elementals.
structures which are in the water.
Elephant Falcon
Asiatic African Armor Class: 11
Armor Class: 16 18 Hit Dice: 1d4 HP
Hit Dice: 9 (+8) 10 (+9) No. of Attacks: 2 talons, 1 beak
No. of Attacks: – 2 tusks, 1 trunk grab, 2 tramples – Damage: 1d4 talon, 1d4 beak
Damage: 2d4 tusk, 2d6 tusk, Movement: 10’ Fly 160’(10’)
2d6 grab, 2d6 grab, No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4
2d8 trample 2d8 trample Save As: Fighter: 1
Movement: 40' (10') 50' (15') Morale: 8
No. Appearing: Wild 1d20 Wild 1d12 Treasure Type: None
Save As: Fighter: 9 Fighter: 10 XP: 10
Morale: 8 8
Treasure Type: special special Falcons are birds with wingspans of 16 to 20 inches;
XP: 1,075 1,300 they stand about 1.5 to 2 feet tall and weigh about 3
pounds. These are the most popular of the hunting
A light load for an African elephant is 7,500 pounds; a birds used by royalty. Falcons can only carry prey up
heavy load, up to 15,000 pounds. For an Asiatic to 1 pound. They will hunt snakes, small rodents, and
elephant, a light load is up to 7,000 pounds, and a even other birds such as wild ducks. Falcons appear in
heavy load up to 14,000 pounds. a variety of colors, typically ranging from dark gray on
Though elephants have five distinct attack modes (two top to white with dark stripes on the bottom; kestrels, a
tusks, a trunk grab, and two tramples with the front variety of falcon, have reddish brown to dark brown
feet), a single elephant can apply no more than two of feathers with dark stripes. A falcon typically attacks
these attacks to any single opponent of small or prey by diving, striking first with the talons before
medium size; large opponents may be targeted by three making the kill with its sharp beak.
of these attacks in a round. However, an elephant can
attack multiple opponents in its immediate area at the
same time.
An elephant has no treasure as such, but the tusks of an
elephant are worth 1d8 x 100 gp each.
Giant flies look much like ordinary houseflies, but are Giant frogs are enlarged versions of the common frog;
about 3' long. Some are banded yellow and black, and most resemble bullfrogs in appearance, but an adult
are thus mistaken for giant bees. Giant flies are giant frog is 3' long and weighs about 250 pounds.
predators; after killing prey, they will sometimes lay They are predators, but will normally only attack
eggs in the remains. creatures smaller than themselves. Giant toads are
statistically just like giant frogs; however, they are often
found in "drier" areas as they do not have to maintain a
wet skin surface.
A giant frog can stretch its tongue out up to 15' and
drag up to dwarf-sized prey to its mouth; on every
subsequent round, the victim is hit automatically. On a
natural 20 attack roll, the victim is swallowed whole,
taking 1d6 points of damage per round thereafter.
Each giant frog can swallow only one such victim.
Gargoyle* Ghast
Armor Class: 15 (m) See Ghoul (and Ghast) on page 97.
Hit Dice: 4**
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite, 1 horn Gelatinous Cube
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d6 bite, 1d4 horn
See Jelly, Glass on page 117.
Movement: 30' Fly 50' (15')
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 11 Armor Class: 20 (m)
Treasure Type: C Hit Dice: 10* (+9)
XP: 320 No. of Attacks: 1 touch, 1 gaze
Damage: 1d8 + special touch, special gaze
Gargoyles are demonic-looking winged humanoid Movement: 30'
monsters with gray stone-like skin. They can remain No. Appearing: 1
still for an extended period, and are thus often mistaken
Save As: Fighter: 10
for stone statues. Gargoyles use this disguise to
Morale: 10
ambush their foes, surprising on 1-4 on 1d6 if their foes
Treasure Type: E, N, O
do not otherwise suspect them. They are cruel
monsters, inflicting pain on other creatures for the sole XP: 1,390
purpose of enjoyment. A ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased sentient
Gargoyles can go for very long periods of time, on the creature that has for some reason remained on the
order of decades, without air or sustenance. Due to material plane. They usually appear as they did in life,
their highly magical nature, they can only be harmed by but sometimes the appearance of a ghost is altered by
magical weapons. its original personality; for instance, the ghost of an
angry person might have a threatening or even
demonic visage. Ghosts are undead, and as such are
immune to sleep, charm, and hold magic.
Seeing a ghost is so terrible that any living creature who
does so must save vs. Spells or flee for 2d6 rounds.
Anyone who successfully makes this save may not be
so affected by that ghost again.
A ghost that hits a living target with its touch attack does
1d8 points of damage, and at the same time
regenerates the same number of hit points. In addition,
the victim loses 1 Constitution point. Elves and
dwarves (and other long-lived creatures such as
dragons) are allowed a saving throw vs. Death Ray to
resist this effect, which must be rolled on each hit.
Characters who lose Constitution appear to have aged.
If a ghost is fighting a living creature which does not
have a Constitution score, the GM should assign
whatever score they see fit.
Like most incorporeal creatures, ghosts may normally
be hit only by magical weapons. However, if a ghost
makes use of its touch attack, it becomes vulnerable to
non-magical weapons until the beginning of the next
round of combat.
Lost Constitution can be regained at a rate of one point
per casting of restoration; nothing else (except a wish)
can restore Constitution lost to a ghost. If a character's
Constitution falls to 0, they die permanently and cannot Ghoul (and Ghast)
be raised (but still may be reincarnated).
Ghoul Ghast
Once per turn, a ghost can use telekinesis (as the spell) Armor Class: 14 15
as if it were a 10th level Magic-User. Hit Dice: 2* 2**
Instead of attacking, a ghost may attempt to possess a No. of Attacks: – 2 claws, 1 bite –
living creature. This ability is similar to a magic jar spell Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d4 bite, 1d4 claw, 1d4 bite,
(as if cast by a 10th level Magic-User), except that it all plus paralysis + paralysis +
does not require a receptacle. To use this ability, the
Movement: 30' 30'
ghost must be able to move into the target (so it is
possible to avoid this attack by outrunning the ghost). No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d8, 1d4, Wild 1d8,
Lair 2d8 Lair 1d8
The target can resist the attack with a successful save
vs. Spells. A creature that successfully saves is immune Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2
to being possessed by that ghost for 24 hours. If the Morale: 9 9
save fails, the ghost enters the target's body and Treasure Type: B B
controls it; control may be maintained until the ghost XP: 100 125
chooses to leave the victim's body, or until it is driven
Ghouls are undead monsters which eat the flesh of
out by means of a remove curse or dispel evil spell.
dead humanoids to survive. They are vile, disgusting
While it is possessing a living creature, a ghost may not
carrion-eaters, but are more than willing to kill for food.
use any of its special abilities.
Those slain by ghouls will generally be stored until they
begin to rot before the ghouls will actually eat them.
Living creatures hit by a ghoul’s bite or claw attack
must save vs. Paralysis or be paralyzed for 2d8 turns.
Elves are immune to this paralysis. Ghouls try to attack
with surprise whenever possible, striking from behind
tombstones or bursting from shallow graves; when they
attack in this way, they are able to surprise opponents
on 1-3 on 1d6. Like all undead, they may be Turned
by Clerics and are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
Humanoids bitten by ghouls may be infected with
ghoul fever. Each time a humanoid is bitten, there is a
Giant, Frost and fur (the first AC given above), and weapons of the
same material. A frost giant can throw large stones up
Armor Class: 17 (13)
to 200' for 3d6 points of damage. Frost giants are
Hit Dice: 10+1* (+9) immune to all ice or cold-based attacks.
No. of Attacks: 1 giant weapon or 1 thrown rock
Damage: 4d6 giant weapon or 3d6 rock
Giant, Hill
Movement: 20' Unarmored 40' (10')
No. Appearing: 1d2, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4 Armor Class: 15 (13)
Save As: Fighter: 10 Hit Dice: 8
Morale: 9 No. of Attacks: 1 giant weapon (club)
Treasure Type: E + 1d10x1,000 gp Damage: 2d8 giant weapon
XP: 1,390 Movement: 30' Unarmored 40'
No. Appearing: 1d4, Wild 2d4, Lair 2d4
Frost giants have pale, almost white skin, blonde or Save As: Fighter: 8
pale blue hair, and bright blue eyes. Average males Morale: 8
stand 15 feet tall and weigh around 2,800 pounds, Treasure Type: E + 1d8x1,000 gp
while females average 14 feet tall and 2,500 pounds. XP: 875
Frost giants are, first and foremost, cunning. They
dislike the smaller races as much as any giant, but The smallest of giants, adult
rather than attacking outright they will try to use their hill giants stand between 10
advantages to convince those weaker than them to and 12 feet in height and
submit. If faced with a stronger force, frost giants will weigh about 1,100 pounds.
parley or withdraw if possible, attacking only if victory They have medium brown
seems assured. skin, though they are often
so dirty as to hide their true
In combat frost giants prefer brightly-polished steel skin color; their hair is dark,
chainmail worn over their customary clothing of leather lank, and greasy, and their
eyes are dark as well. They
wear crude clothing made
of leather; the lack of
livestock or game of great
enough size often results in
whole pelts being stitched
Whether attacking with a
weapon or fist, hill giants deal 2d8 damage. Hill giants
are brutish and aggressive. They are sometimes found
leading groups of ogres or bugbears. Hill giants often
keep dire wolves as pets.
Mountain giants are the largest of all giants, with adult Stone giants are not the largest of giants, but with an
males averaging 24 feet in height and weighing around average adult standing 12 feet tall and weighing roughly
16,000 pounds. Females are slightly smaller, standing 1,500 pounds they are still formidable. There is no
22 feet tall on the average and weighing around 14,000 substantial difference in height between males and
pounds. They look very much like enormous, thickly females. They usually dress in heavy leather clothing
built hill giants, and among humans they are often seen with sections having been boiled to stiffen them; these
as little more than that. This is underselling the outfits serve as armor and give them the first AC above.
mountain giants, however, for though their crafting is Stone giants are reclusive, but they will defend their
primitive they have an intricately detailed social territory (typically in rocky mountainous terrain) against
structure. any who trespass therein.
Mountain giants live in clans, led by the oldest male and A stone giant can throw large stones up to 300' for 3d6
female (or by their oldest offspring if the elders choose points of damage. They will fight in groups to defend
to delegate leadership due to advanced age). Each clan their territory but use only simple, basic tactics and
rules over and controls a group of 1d6 mountain peaks, strategy.
generally spanning an area with a 5-6 mile diameter.
They prefer peaks connected by high ridges so that
they do not have to descend too far when walking their
territory. Clan members who are mated establish
households within the territory; unmarried members
typically live with their parents until they are wed. The
"lair" encounter figures above are for a single
household, but if one household is attacked and the
attackers subsequently retreat, upon their return they
will usually find much of the rest of the clan waiting for
them in ambush.
They wear armor made of wood held together with
heavy rope, and wield giant clubs or staves carved from
fully grown trees harvested from the lower reaches of
their territory. If they live near storm giants, they may
trade for better weapons (the second damage rating
given above) but usually cannot afford storm giant
A mountain giant can throw large stones up to 240' for
4d6 points of damage each.
Giant, Storm Storm giants have the ability to throw lightning bolts
as if they were spears (which work just as the spell
Armor Class: 19 (13)
does, and can be used once per five rounds; a save vs.
Hit Dice: 15** (+11)
Spells reduces damage to half). They prefer to attack
No. of Attacks: 1 giant weapon or 1 lightning bolt first with lightning before moving on to other attack
Damage: 8d6 giant weapon or 15d6 lightning forms. Not surprisingly, storm giants are resistant to all
Movement: 30' Unarmored 50' (10') forms of lightning or electrical attack, suffering only half
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d3, Lair 1d3 damage normal when so attacked.
Save As: Fighter: 15
Also note that 10% of storm giants have the abilities of
Morale: 10
a Magic-User of level 2 to 12 (2d6).
Treasure Type: E + 1d20x1,000 gp
XP: 3,100
Storm giants are nearly the largest of the giants, with Armor Class: 15 (13)
adult males standing 21 feet tall and weighing around Hit Dice: 2
12,000 pounds; adult females average 20 feet and
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
typically weigh around 11,000 pounds. Most storm
Damage: 2d4 or by weapon +1
giants have pale skin and dark hair, but some
individuals have skin of a lavender color, and some Movement: 30' Unarmored 40'
have pale white or silver hair. Their eyes range from No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 3d6, Lair 3d6
bright blue to deep gray in color. Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 8
They prefer to dress in light clothing, such as tunics, Treasure Type: Q, S each; D, K in lair
sandals, and so on, but in battle they wear finely-crafted XP: 75
plate mail armor of bright metal and wield weapons of
the same sort. Their equipment usually appears to be Gnolls are large fur-covered humanoids, averaging 7½
silver but those of the highest class or rank wear armor feet in height and weighing about 300 pounds. They
and bear arms of a bright and shining golden color. are best recognized by their heads, which resemble
Unlike most other giants, storm giants have been those of hyenas or perhaps wolves but with shorter
known to befriend humans, elves, or dwarves. muzzles than either.
Gnolls are nocturnal and have Darkvision with a 30'
range. They are cruel carnivores, preferring intelligent
creatures for food because they scream more. They
show little discipline when fighting unless they have a
strong leader.
Armor Class: 15 (11)
Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: 20' Unarmored 40'
No. Appearing: 1d8, Wild 5d8, Lair 5d8
Save As: Fighter: 1 (with Dwarf bonuses) Gnomes encountered in the wilderness (who are not
Morale: 8 traders or merchants) are likely to be unfriendly, but not
Treasure Type: D hostile. They tolerate dwarves but dislike most other
XP: 25 humanoid races. When forced to interact with other
races, a gnome will generally be recalcitrant, unless
Gnomes are humanoids distantly related to dwarves; offered a significant amount of treasure.
they have a similar appearance, but are smaller
The statistics given above are for warriors. In a
(averaging 3 to 3½ feet tall and weighing 40 to 45
settlement or lair, for every warrior there will be an
pounds) and less stocky. Their ears are pointed, not in
average of three civilians having 1-1 Hit Dice and
as pronounced a fashion as elves but certainly
Armor Class 11; such gnomes have Morale of 7. One
noticeable, and their noses likewise are pointed a bit
out of every eight gnome warriors will be a sergeant
more than those of most other kinds of humanoids.
having 3 Hit Dice (145 XP). Gnomes gain a +1 bonus
Their preferred habitat is the forest, preferably in a hilly
to their morale if they are led by a sergeant. Both
temperate region.
warriors and sergeants commonly wear chainmail. In
They have Darkvision with a 30' range. When attacked gnomish communities, one out of every sixteen warriors
in melee by creatures larger than man-sized, gnomes will be a captain of 5 Hit Dice (360 XP) with an Armor
gain a +1 bonus to their Armor Class. Outdoors in their Class of 16 (11), adding a shield. In addition, in
preferred forest terrain they are able to hide very communities of 35 or greater, there will be a king of 7
effectively; so long as they remain still there is only a Hit Dice (670 XP), with an Armor Class of 18 (11), in
20% chance they will be detected. If one or more plate mail and carrying a shield, having a +1 bonus
gnomes who are successfully hiding attack from damage due to strength. In their community, gnomes
ambush, they surprise their foes on 1-4 on 1d6. never fail a morale check as long as the king is alive.
There is a chance equal to 1-4 on 1d6 that a
Gnomes have their own language, and many also know
community will have a Cleric of level 1d6+1, and 1-2
the language of the dwarves. Some gnomes make their
on 1d6 of a Magic-User of level 1d6. Gnomish Clerics
living as traders, often acting as go-betweens for
use 1d6 hit dice and Magic-Users use 1d4 hit dice, and
dwarves and humans, and those gnomes naturally tend
in all other ways behave as if they were normal
to learn Common. Those who are engaged in
defending their forest settlements from humanoid
incursions often choose to learn Goblin or Orc.
Armor Class: 14 (11)
Hit Dice: 1-1
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: 20' Unarmored 30'
No. Appearing: 2d4,Wild 6d10, Lair 6d10
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 7 or see below
Treasure Type: R each; C in lair
XP: 10
Golem, Bone*
Armor Class: 19 (m)
Hit Dice: 8*
No. of Attacks: 4 weapons
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon (each)
Movement: 40' (10')
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 945
Golem, Bronze*
Armor Class: 20 (m)
Hit Dice: 20** (+13)
No. of Attacks: 1 fist + special
Damage: 3d10 fist + special
Movement: 80' (10')
No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter:10
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 5,650
Clay golems are made of clay, naturally, and thus may Flesh golems are horrible creations made of body parts
be any natural clay color; generally, one is will be from deceased humanoids (including all character races
grayish in color, but common clay containing iron oxide as well as humanoid monsters), crudely stitched
may be used which results in a red, brown, or even together and animated by magic. A flesh golem is 8
orange clay golem. They are usually unclad, but some feet tall and weighs about 450 pounds.
golem-makers choose to put a leather belt, girdle, or
A magical attack that deals cold or fire damage slows a
apron on their creation. A clay golem weighs about
flesh golem (as the slow spell) for 2d6 rounds, with no
600 pounds.
saving throw. Attacks using lightning or electricity heal
Wounds inflicted by a clay golem do not heal normally; 1 point of damage per every 3 points the attack would
worse, magical healing cures only 1 point per die rolled normally inflict, rounded down; further, such an attack
(but add all bonuses normally). breaks any ongoing slow effect on the golem. As usual,
healing will not increase the monster above its normal
hit points. For example, a flesh golem hit by a lightning
bolt which should deal 14 points of damage instead
receives up to 4 points of healing.
Wood golems are small constructs, not more than 4' in Gorgons are magical monsters resembling cattle made
height, and are crudely made. Being made of wood of iron. Their breath can turn living creatures to stone;
makes them vulnerable to fire-based attacks; thus, it covers an area 60' long by 10' wide, and can be used
wood golems suffer one extra point of damage per die as many times per day as the monster has hit dice, but
from fire; any saving throws against such effects are at a no more often than every other round. A save vs.
penalty of -2. They move stiffly, suffering a -1 penalty Petrification is allowed to resist.
to Initiative.
An adult male gorgon weights up to 4,500 pounds and
can be as much as 7 feet tall at the shoulder and up to
9 feet long. Females (cows) will be a bit smaller,
perhaps no more than 6 feet at the shoulder and 8 feet
long with a weight of around 4,000 pounds. However,
their combat statistics are much the same as the males.
Any group of more than one gorgon will consist of one
bull with the rest being cows.
Gray Jelly
See Jelly, Gray on page 118.
Green Slime
See Jelly, Green on page 117.
Hangman Tree
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 5
No. of Attacks: 4 limbs plus strangle
Damage: 1d6 per limb or strangle
Movement: 0
No. Appearing: Wild 1
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 360
Armor Class: 14 (11)
Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d8 or by weapon
Movement: 30' Unarmored 40'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d4, Lair 4d8
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Q, R each; D, K in lair
XP: 25
half damage before being destroyed. Magic weapons Jelly, Black* (Black Pudding)
or armor lose one "plus" each time they make contact
Armor Class: 14
with the ironbane; this loss is permanent.
Hit Dice: 10* (+9)
The metal oxides created by this monster are its food; No. of Attacks: 1 pseudopod
thus, a substantial amount of metal dropped in its path Damage: 3d8
may cause it to cease pursuit of metal-armored Movement: 20'
characters. Use a morale check to determine this. No. Appearing: 1
Metals that do not normally oxidize, such as gold, are of Save As: Fighter: 10
no interest to an ironbane and will be ignored. Silver Morale: 12
and copper on the other hand are candy for this Treasure Type: None
creature and one will pursue the tastiest-smelling XP: 1,390
adventurer in any party.
Black jellies are amorphous creatures that live only to
Jaguar eat. They inhabit underground areas throughout the
world, scouring caverns, ruins, and dungeons in search
Armor Class: 16 of organic matter, living or dead. They attack any
Hit Dice: 4 creatures they encounter, lashing out with pseudopods
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite or simply engulfing opponents with their bodies, which
Damage: 1d4 claw, 2d4 bite secrete acids that help them catch and digest their prey.
Movement: 70' Swim 30'
If attacked with normal or magical weapons, or with
No. Appearing: 1d2, Wild 1d6 lightning or electricity, a black jelly suffers no injury, but
Save As: Fighter: 4 will be split into two jellies; the GM should divide the
Morale: 8 original creature's hit dice between the two however
Treasure Type: None they see fit, with the limitation that neither pudding may
XP: 240 have less than two hit dice. A two hit die black jelly is
simply unharmed by such attacks, but cannot be split
These great cats are about 8 to 9 feet long (from nose further.
to tail-tip) and weigh about 165 pounds. Unlike other
great cats, they enjoy swimming and often hunt near Cold or ice based attacks do not harm a black jelly, but
rivers or lakes. Jaguars kill with their powerful bite, such an attack will paralyze the jelly for one round per
preferring to deliver a fatal wound to the skull of their die of damage the attack would normally cause. Other
Jellies are strange creatures made of amorphous
protoplasm. They are similar to tiny single-celled
creatures such as a few wizards may have studied using
magic, but far larger. Jellies are always completely non-
intelligent, and are thus immune to sleep or charm
magic as well as any form or mind reading or
telepathy. Generally they also do not check morale,
but simply move toward any potential meal and attack
attack forms will affect a black jelly normally; the long as it took to pass the constriction before the
preferred method of killing one usually involves fire. monster begins to flow into a shape that fills the
available space again.
The typical black jelly measures 10 feet across and 2
feet thick, and weighs about 10,000 pounds. Black Glass jellies move quietly, making a faint sucking or
jellies of smaller sizes may be encountered, possibly as slurping sound if anyone thinks to listen. Combined
a result of the splitting described above. with their transparency, they are able to surprise prey
on a roll of 1-3 on 1d6. Worse, any living creature hit
Jelly, Glass (Gelatinous Cube) by a glass jelly must save vs. Paralysis or be paralyzed
for 2d4 turns in addition to suffering damage from its
Armor Class: 12 acid secretions.
Hit Dice: 4*
No. of Attacks: 1 Any treasure indicated will be visible inside the creature,
Damage: 2d4 + paralysis which must be slain if the treasure is to be recovered.
Movement: 20'
No. Appearing: 1
Jelly, Green* (Green Slime)
Save As: Fighter: 2 Armor Class: hit only by fire or cold
Morale: 12 Hit Dice: 2**
Treasure Type: V No. of Attacks: 1 special
XP: 280 Damage: special
Movement: 1'
The glass jelly travels slowly along dungeon corridors
No. Appearing: 1
and cave floors, absorbing carrion, creatures, and trash.
Save As: Fighter: 2
Inorganic material remains trapped and visible inside
the jelly’s body. Glass jellies are huge, averaging 1,000 Morale: 12
cubic feet and weighing as much as 20,000 pounds. Treasure Type: None
The body of a glass jelly is more viscous than that of XP: 125
other jellies, and it tends to take on the shape of its Green jelly devours flesh and organic materials on
surroundings such that one in a dungeon with 10' wide contact and is even capable of dissolving metal given
corridors might have a shape similar to that of a cube, enough time. Bright green, wet, and sticky, it clings to
while one living in round sewer drains under a city walls, floors, and ceilings in patches, reproducing as it
would have a cylindrical or half-cylindrical shape. consumes organic matter. It drops from walls and
If a glass jelly encounters a narrow place (a doorway, ceilings when it detects movement (and possible food)
for example) it will need 2d4 rounds to push through below. Green jelly cannot grow in sunlight; even the
the constriction and will have assumed a new shape indirect sunlight of a dense forest will stunt it and
after doing so; such a new shape will persist for twice as prevent it from spreading, and direct sunlight will kill it
On the first round of contact, the jelly can be scraped Jelly, Ochre*
off a creature (most likely destroying the scraping
Armor Class: 12 (only hit by fire or cold)
device), but after that it must be frozen, burned, or cut
away (dealing the same damage to both the victim and Hit Dice: 5*
the jelly). A cure disease spell will destroy a patch of No. of Attacks: 1 pseudopod
green jelly. It does not harm stone or enchanted metal, Damage: 2d6
but can dissolve normal metal or enchanted wood in a Movement: 10'
turn and normal wood in 2d4 rounds. No. Appearing: 1
Save As: Fighter: 5
If not destroyed or scraped off within 6+1d4 rounds,
Morale: 12
the victim will be completely transformed into more
Treasure Type: None
green jelly; such a character or creature cannot be
XP: 405
retrieved by any magic short of a wish.
Ochre jellies are yellowish-brown amorphous monsters.
Jelly, Gray (Gray Ooze) Average individuals will be up to 10 feet in diameter,
Armor Class: 12 about 6 inches thick (high), and weigh up to 2,500
Hit Dice: 3*
No. of Attacks: 1 pseudopod Ochre jellies can only be hit (damaged) by fire or cold.
Damage: 2d8 Attacks with weapons or electricity/lightning cause the
Movement: 1' creature to divide into 1d4+1 smaller jellies of 2 hit dice
No. Appearing: 1 apiece. If divided, the resulting smaller jellies do 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 3 points of damage with each hit. Other attack forms
Morale: 12 simply have no effect on the monster.
Treasure Type: None
XP: 175 Kobold
Armor Class: 13 (11)
Gray jellies are amorphous creatures that live only to
Hit Dice: ½ (1d4 hit points)
eat. They inhabit underground areas, scouring caverns,
ruins, and dungeons in search of organic matter, living No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
or dead. Average individuals will be up to 10 feet in Damage: 1d4 or by weapon
diameter, about 6 inches thick (high), and weigh up to Movement: 20' Unarmored 30'
2,500 pounds. No. Appearing: 4d4, Wild 6d10, Lair 6d10
Save As: Normal Man
The acid secretions of the gray jelly can dissolve most
Morale: 6
organic matter and most metals; stone and glass are not
Treasure Type: P, Q each; C in lair
affected, however. After a successful hit, the jelly will
stick to the creature attacked, dealing 2d8 damage per XP: 10
round automatically. Normal (non-magical) armor or Kobolds are diminutive, dog-faced humanoids with
clothing dissolves and becomes useless immediately. reptilian skin. They stand between 2½ and 3½ feet tall
Any non-magical weapon made of metal or wood and typically weigh around 40 pounds. They are
which hits a gray jelly will be similarly destroyed. cowardly by nature, and in combat they prefer
Magical weapons, armor, and clothing are allowed a ambushing their foes and constructing traps both clever
saving throw (use the wearer's save vs. Death Ray, and deadly; to simply stand and fight is considered the
adding any magical "plus" value to the roll if applicable). worst possible strategy, and kobolds may fake
withdrawing in fear in order to draw enemies into a
Kobolds prefer to rely on ranged combat whenever
possible. They tend to favor daggers and short spears
since both can be used in close quarters or thrown at
foes at range. Some may be armed with diminutive
bows or crossbows which inflict 1d4 points of damage
on a hit.
Leech, Giant
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 6
No. of Attacks: 1 bite + hold
Damage: 1d6 bite + 1d6/round hold
Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: Wild 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: None
XP: 500
Leopard (Panther)
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 4
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 claw, 2d4 bite
Movement: 60’ (10’)
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 240
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 5
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d10 bite
Movement: 50'
No. Appearing: Wild 1d8
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: None
XP: 360
Crystal living statues have no particular special powers, Giant draco lizards are able to extend their ribs and
unlike those made of iron or stone. connected skin to form a sort of wing, allowing them to
fly for short distances (no more than three rounds, and
Living Statue, Iron ascending is impossible). An average giant draco lizard
is 8' long, including its nearly 3' long tail.
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 4*
Lizard, Giant Gecko
No. of Attacks: 2 fists
Damage: 1d8 fist + special Armor Class: 15
Movement: 10' Hit Dice: 3+1
No. Appearing: 1d4 No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Save As: Fighter: 4 Damage: 1d8
Morale: 12 Movement: 40' (special)
Treasure Type: None No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 1d10
XP: 280 Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 7
If struck by a non-magical metal (even partially metal) Treasure Type: None
weapon, the wielder must make a successful save vs. XP: 145
Spells or the weapon will become stuck in the monster.
If this happens, it cannot be removed until the statue is Giant gecko lizards range from 4' to 6' in length, and are
"killed." generally green in color, though grey or white versions
can be found underground. They can climb walls and
Living Statue, Stone even walk across ceilings at full movement rate due to
their specialized toe pads. They are carnivores,
Armor Class: 16 typically attacking weaker prey from above.
Hit Dice: 5*
No. of Attacks: 2 lava sprays
Damage: 2d6 lava spray
Movement: 20'
No. Appearing: 1d3
Save As: Fighter: 5
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: None
XP: 405
Lizard Man
Common Subterranean
Armor Class: 15 (12) 15
Hit Dice: 2 2
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d6+1 or 1d4 claw,
by weapon +1 1d4 bite
Movement: 20' 30'
Unarmored 30' Swim 40'
Swim 40' (no
No. Appearing: 2d4, Wild 2d4, 1d8, Lair 5d8
Lair 6d6
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2
Morale: 11 9
Treasure Type: D D
XP: 75 75
Lycanthrope, Werewolf*
Armor Class: 15 (s)
Hit Dice: 4*
No. of Attacks: 1 bite (or 1 weapon, as given below)
Damage: 2d4 bite, 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: 60' Human Form 40'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d6, Lair 2d6
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: C
XP: 280
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 4**
No. of Attacks: 1 snakebite, gaze
Damage: 1d6+poison bite, petrification gaze
Movement: 30'
No. Appearing: 1d3, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 4
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: F
XP: 320
Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1*
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
Movement: Swim 40'
No. Appearing: Wild 1d2 or 3d6 (see below)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: A
XP: 37
As they are undead, mummies are immune to sleep, year (unless dispelled). A save vs. Spells is allowed to
charm, and hold magic. They can only be injured by resist. Each nixie can cast water breathing once per
spells, fire, or magical weapons; furthermore, magic day, with a duration of one day. Finally, a group of
weapons do only half damage, while any sort of fire- nixies will often have a school of giant bass living
based attack does double damage. Those injured by nearby who can be called to their aid (see Fish, Giant
mummy attacks will contract mummy rot, a disease Bass for details).
that prevents normal or magical healing; a cure disease
Nixies are fey creatures, and thus unpredictable.
spell must be applied to the victim before they may
However, they are rarely malicious, attacking only
again regain hit points.
when they feel threatened. They do not like leaving
their safe, comfortable river or lake and will do so only
Nixie in the most dire need.
Armor Class: 16
Hit Dice: 1* Ochre Jelly
No. of Attacks: 1 dagger See Jelly, Ochre on page 118.
Damage: 1d4
Movement: 40' Swim 40'
Octopus, Giant
No. Appearing: Wild 2d20, Lair 2d20
Save As: Fighter: 2 Armor Class: 19
Morale: 6 Hit Dice: 8
Treasure Type: B No. of Attacks: 8 tentacles, 1 bite (see below)
XP: 37 Damage: 1d4 tentacle, 1d6 bite
Movement: Swim 30'
Nixies are small water fairies, just 4 feet tall and about No. Appearing: Wild 1d2
40 pounds at most. As far as anyone knows, all nixies Save As: Fighter: 8
are female. Most nixies are slim and comely, with Morale: 7
lightly scaled, pale green skin and dark green hair. Treasure Type: None
They often twine shells and pearl strings in their hair
XP: 875
and dress in wraps woven from colorful seaweed.
Ten or more nixies can work together to cast a powerful The giant octopus is, obviously, an enormous version of
charm (similar to charm person). The charm lasts one the normal creature. They are physically powerful as
well as being clever, which makes them a serious threat
to seagoing vessels.
In order to bite a creature, the giant octopus must hit
with at least two tentacles first. Further, any time a
giant octopus hits with at least one tentacle per each
100 pounds of weight of its prey, it has grabbed it;
unless the victim can find a way to resist (using
whatever method the player might think of and
whatever rolls the GM may choose), they will be pulled
into the water and thus be in danger of drowning.
Don't forget to account for the weight of armor worn!
If a giant octopus fails a morale check, it will squirt out a
cloud of black "ink" 40' in diameter and then jet away at
twice normal speed for 2d6 rounds. Any characters
being held will normally be released at this point.
Ogre Orc
Armor Class: 15 (12) Armor Class: 14 (11)
Hit Dice: 4+1 Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 1 huge weapon No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 2d6 huge weapon Damage: 1d8 or by weapon
Movement: 30' Unarmored 40' Movement: 30' Unarmored 40'
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 2d6, Lair 2d6 No. Appearing: 2d4, Wild 3d6, Lair 10d6
Save As: Fighter: 4 Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 10 Morale: 8
Treasure Type: C + 1d20x100 gp Treasure Type: Q, R each; D in lair
XP: 240 XP: 25
Ogres appear as large, very ugly humans. They are Orcs are short humanoids (around 5' tall) with solidly-
brutish and aggressive, but inherently lazy. They built bodies. Their upturned noses, wide pointed ears,
employ direct attacks in combat, typically using large and beady eyes give their faces a piglike appearance.
clubs, axes, or pole arms, generally causing 2d6 An adult weighs about 200 pounds, and this weight
damage. If normal weapons are employed, an ogre has does not differ much between males and females. Orcs
a +3 bonus to damage due to strength. If an ogre fights utilize all manner of weapons and armor scavenged
bare-handed, it does 1d8 subduing damage per hit. from battlefields.
One out of every six ogres will be a pack leader of 6+1 Orcs have Darkvision to a range of 60'. They suffer an
Hit Dice (500 XP). Ogres gain a +1 bonus to their attack penalty of -1 in bright sunlight or within the
morale if they are led by a pack leader. In ogre lairs of radius of a spell causing magical light. They speak
10 or greater, there will also be an ogre bully of 8+2 Hit their own rough and simple language, but many also
Dice (875 XP), with an Armor Class of 17 (13) speak some Common or Goblin.
(movement 20') and having a +4 bonus to damage due
One out of every eight orcs will be a warrior of 2 Hit
to strength. Ogre bullies generally wire together pieces
Dice (75 XP). Orcs gain a +1 bonus to their morale if
of chainmail to wear over their hides. Ogres gain +2 to
they are led by a warrior. In orc lairs, one out of every
morale so long as the ogre bully leads them.
twelve will be a chieftain of 4 Hit Dice (240 XP) in
chainmail with an Armor Class of 15 (11), a movement
20', and having a +1 bonus to damage due to strength.
In lairs of 30 or more, there will be an orc king of 6 Hit
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 1
No. of Attacks: 2 talons/1 beak
Damage: 1d4 talon, 1d4 beak
Movement: 10’ Fly 160’ (10’)
No. Appearing: 1, Wild 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 1
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 25
Owls are birds of prey with large eyes and the ability to
fly without making a sound. They are nocturnal, and
have superior Darkvision of 120' range. An owl will
stand about 6 to 18 inches tall with a wingspan of 20
inches. An owl’s vision is very sharp and comparable
to that of a falcon. It can also hear very well, even to
the point that a rodent creeping through grass will draw
attention. The owl will fly over a field and listen and
watch for movement and then dive for a kill with its
These are decorative birds about the size of a falcon, The pegasus is the winged horse of legend. They are
known for their ability to learn to mimic speech and prized as aerial steeds as they are the swiftest of fliers,
other sounds. Parrots usually have green or blue but they are shy creatures who live in the highest
feathers with multi-colored tail feathers. Cockatiels are mountains, making them rare indeed in captivity.
white with crested heads. While these birds can learn
An average female pegasus stands 5 feet high at the
to imitate human speech when raised in captivity, most
shoulder, weighs 1,200 pounds, and has a wingspan of
cannot actually carry on a conversation.
20 feet; males are somewhat larger, averaging 6 feet in
height and weighing 1,400 pounds, with a wingspan of
22 feet. A light load for a pegasus is up to 400 pounds;
a heavy load, up to 900 pounds.
Black Woolly
Armor Class: 17 19
Hit Dice: 8 12 (+10)
No. of Attacks: 1 butt or 1 trample
Damage: 2d6 butt, 2d8 butt,
2d8 trample 2d12 trample
Movement: 40' (15') 40' (15')
No. Appearing: Wild 1d12 Wild 1d8
Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 8
Morale: 6 6
Treasure Type: None None
XP: 875 1,875
Normal Large Giant
Armor Class: 18 18 18
Hit Dice: 6 12 (+10) 32 (+16)
No. of Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d8 claw, 3d6 claw,
load up to 1,200. Giant rocs can easily lift up to 3,000
2d6 bite 2d10 bite 6d6 bite
pounds, and are heavily loaded when carrying up to
Movement: 20' Fly 160' (10')
6,000 pounds. Tales of giant rocs carrying off full-
No. Appearing: Wild 1d12 Wild 1d8 Wild 1
grown elephants are somewhat exaggerated, but note
Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 12 Fighter: 20 that a young elephant would be reasonable prey for
at +5
these monstrous birds.
Morale: 8 9 10
Treasure Type: I I I A roc attacks from the air, swooping earthward to
XP: 500 1,875 14,250 snatch prey in its powerful talons and carry it off for
itself and its young to devour. Any successful hit with
Rocs are birds similar to eagles, but even a "normal" roc both claw (talon) attacks against a single creature results
is huge, being about 9 feet long and having a wingspan in that creature being carried off, unless of course the
of 24 feet. Large rocs are about 18 feet long and have creature is too large for the roc to carry. While being
wingspans of around 48 feet; giant rocs average 30 feet carried, the victim will not be further attacked, so as to
long and have massive wingspans of around 80 feet. A be as "fresh" as possible when given to the hatchlings
roc’s plumage is either dark brown or golden from head (or consumed by the roc itself if it is solitary).
to tail. Like most birds, the males have the brighter
When rocs are encountered they are almost certainly
plumage, with females being duller in color and thus
hunting, and will generally attack creatures of horse size
more easily hidden (if anything so large can even be
or less. If facing a large group the rocs may make
hidden, that is).
passes close overhead to scatter them first before each
A light load for a normal roc is 150 pounds, while a chooses a single target to prey upon. Mated pairs
heavy load is 300 pounds. Obviously only the smallest found in their nests will fight to the death to protect
characters can hope to ride upon a normal roc. For a their eggs or offspring (morale of 12 in this case).
large roc, a light load is up to 600 pounds and a heavy
Rock baboons are a large, particularly intelligent variety Rot grubs are 1-inch long vermin found in carrion,
of baboon. An adult male rock baboon is 4' to 5' tall dung, and other such garbage and organic material.
and weighs 200 to 250 pounds, with females being a Their skin color is white or brown. When a living
bit smaller and lighter. creature contacts an area (dung heap, offal, etc)
infested with rot grubs, the grubs will attack if they can
Rock baboons are omnivorous, but prefer meat. They
come in contact with the victim’s skin. A rot grub
are aggressive, naturally cruel creatures. They will
secretes an anesthetic when it bites and will burrow into
prepare ambushes in rocky or forested terrain and
the flesh. A burrowing grub can be noticed if the victim
attack any party they outnumber.
makes a successful save vs. Death Ray with Wisdom
bonus applied in order to notice a strange rippling
beneath their skin. Otherwise, the victim does not
notice the grubs. During the first two rounds, a
burrowing rot grub can be killed by applying fire to the
infested skin or by cutting open the infested skin with
any slashing weapon. Either method deals 1d8 points
of damage to the victim, but kills the grubs. After the
second round, only cure disease can kill the grubs
before they burrow to the victim’s heart and devour it
in 1d3 turns.
Lightning Salamanders come from the Elemental Plane Sand salamanders come from the Elemental Plane of
of Air. A lightning salamander resembles a giant snake Earth. A sand salamander resembles a giant sea turtle
more than 12 feet long with two dragon-like heads (on with six flippers and a serpentine neck and head, with
short but flexible necks). Its scales are all the colors of scales of varying shades of gray or brown.
lightning: white, blue, purple, and yellow. A lightning
The sand salamander's most feared attack is its bite, for
salamander constantly emits little bolts of lightning; all
any living creature bitten by one must save vs.
creatures within 20 feet of the salamander that are not
Petrification or be turned to stone. In addition to
lightning-resistant suffer 1d8 points of damage per
attacking, a sand salamander can temporarily transform
round. A lightning salamander is immune to damage
any stone within a 20 foot radius into sand. Characters
from any type of electrical or lightning attack. It is
in the affected area must save vs. Paralysis each round
intelligent and can speak the language of the Plane of
in order to move through the sand, and if the save is
Air, and many will also know Elvish, Common, and/or
successful, the character is still reduced to half their
normal movement. Whenever the sand salamander
Despite having two heads a lightning salamander has moves out of range, the sand "congeals" back into
only one mind; either head may speak or both may, stone, and any character in the affected area must save
but it is very rare to meet a lightning salamander who
can speak different words with each head at the same
time (although those who can are known to sing duets
with themselves, which may give away one's location to
those listening).
Sea Serpent
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 6
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2d6
Movement: Swim 50' (10')
No. Appearing: Wild 2d6
Save As: Fighter: 6
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: None
XP: 500
Bull sharks are so named because of their stocky, broad Great white sharks range from 12' to 15' in length on
build. Male bull sharks can grow up to 7' long and the average, though specimens ranging up to 30' in
weigh around 200 pounds, while females have been length have been reported. They are apex predators.
known to be up to 12' long, weighing up to 500 Great white sharks have the ability to sense the
pounds. Bull sharks are able to tolerate fresh water, electromagnetic fields of living creatures, allowing them
and often travel up rivers in search of prey. to find prey even when light or water clarity are poor,
and are able to smell blood at great distances.
Spitting cobras average about 7' in length at adulthood. Spectres are incorporeal undead monsters. On any
They use their spreading hood to warn other creatures successful hit against a living creature, a spectre drains
not to bother them, and generally refrain from attacking two life energy levels in addition to doing normal
if possible to allow larger creatures time to retreat. damage. Any character slain by a spectre will arise at
Failure to retreat from the spitting cobra will likely result the next sunset (but not sooner than 6 hours after
in the cobra spitting venom; the cobra can project its death) as a spectre under the control of its killer.
venom up to 5', and any living creature hit must roll a
A spectre will normally resemble the living creature it
save vs. Poison or be blinded permanently (though the
used to be. Most spectres are formed from humanoid
cure blindness spell can heal this injury). If the cobra
creatures, but some may have other forms and sizes;
cannot deter a creature by spitting, it will attack using its
statistically, most such creatures will be as given above,
bite. In this case, those hit must save vs. Poison or die.
but of course the GM may create special types.
Like all undead, they may be Turned by Clerics and
are immune to sleep, charm, and hold magics. Due to
their incorporeal nature, they cannot be harmed by
non-magical weapons.
The giant black widow spider is a much enlarged Giant tarantulas are huge, hairy spiders, about the size
version of the ordinary black widow; a full-grown male of a pony. They run down their prey much as wolves
has a leg-span of 2 feet, while an adult female will be 3' do. The bite of the giant tarantula is poisonous; those
or more across. Despite the size difference, both bitten must save vs. Poison or be forced to dance
genders are statistically equal. Both genders are wildly. The dance lasts 2d10 rounds, during which time
marked with an orange "hourglass" on the abdomen. the victim has a -4 penalty on attack and saving throw
rolls. If the victim is a Thief, they cannot use any Thief
The venom of the giant black widow is strong, such that
abilities while dancing. Onlookers must save vs. Spells
those bitten must save vs. Poison at a penalty of -2 or
or begin dancing themselves; such "secondary" victims
die. Giant black widow spiders spin strong, sticky,
suffer the same penalties as above, but they will only
nearly invisible webs, usually across passageways or
dance for 2d4 rounds.
cave entrances, or sometimes between trees in the
wilderness; those who stumble into these webs become Each round the original victim dances, they must save
stuck, and must roll to escape just as if opening a door. vs. Poison again or take 1d4 points of damage.
Any character stuck in such a web cannot effectively Secondary victims do not suffer this effect. Neutralize
cast spells or use a weapon. poison will cure the original victim, and dispel magic
will stop the dance for all victims in the area of effect,
Spider, Giant Crab whether they are original or secondary.
Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 2*
No. of Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d8 + poison
Movement: 40'
No. Appearing: 1d4, Wild 1d4, Lair 1d4
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 100
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 12 (+10)
No. of Attacks: 1 butt or 1 trample
Damage: 2d6 butt, 3d8 trample
Movement: 40' (10')
No. Appearing: Wild 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 8
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 1,875
Troll (and Trollwife) The regenerative power of trolls is so great that limbs or
other body parts (even a head!) can be reattached if
Troll Trollwife
severed simply by pressing the severed ends back
Armor Class: 16 17
together for a moment. Trolls in a group will generally
Hit Dice: 6* 7* help dismembered fellows to reassemble themselves,
No. of Attacks: – 2 claws, 1 bite – but only if it's convenient. If the severed part is not
Damage: 1d6 claw, 1d8 claw, restored, a new one will grow in its place in 1d4 turns.
1d10 bite 2d6 bite Note that a troll with a new head will not remember its
Movement: 40' 40' former life, nor will it yet know how to speak; it will
No. Appearing: 1d8, Wild 1d8, 1 (special, see behave as would any confused and hostile animal.
Lair 1d8 below)
Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 7 Trolls speak a primitive language, and are often fluent
Morale: 10 (8) 10 (8), see below in Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Ogre, or Giant depending
Treasure Type: D D
on which of these species live nearest them. A few
(20% or so) speak Common.
XP: 555 735
Trolls are hateful creatures, reveling in combat and
Trolls are huge, rangy humanoids with lumpy skin that bloodshed. Though trolls could easily use a variety of
is a dull grayish green in color. They stand up to 9 feet weapons, they much prefer the sensation of flesh being
tall despite having a rather hunched posture, and may rent by their teeth and claws.
weigh as much as 600 pounds. Their skin is rubbery
and slightly damp to the touch, and they have long A trollwife is a female troll; despite the name, there is
sharp black claws and long sharp white teeth. Trolls no requirement that she be married (nor, in fact, do
have a disconcerting tendency to smile toothily most of trolls normally engage in formal marriages). A typical
the time, as if their brutal lives are the most entertaining adult trollwife stands 11 feet tall and weighs 700
thing imaginable. pounds. They have no outward appearance of
femininity, at least according to the standards of
Trolls have the power of regeneration; they heal 1 hit humans, elves, or even orcs; rather, a trollwife simply
point of damage each round after being injured. A troll looks like an extraordinarily large troll. Like a normal
reduced to 0 hit points is not dead, but only disabled male troll, a trollwife has lumpy skin that is a dull
for 2d6 rounds, at which point it will regain 1 hit point. grayish green in color.
Note that the troll may "play dead" until it has
regenerated further. Damage from fire and acid cannot Trollwives have all the abilities and weaknesses of the
be regenerated, and must heal at the normal rate; a troll males of the species; in particular, they regenerate
can only be killed by this sort of damage. The lower exactly as do the males.
morale rating (in parentheses) is used when the troll When encountered, a trollwife may be alone,
faces attackers armed with fire or acid. cohabitating with a male (her "husband"), or raising a
brood of trollkin. Roll 1d10; on a result of 1, she is totals more than 6, you must increase the number of
living alone; on a roll of 2-3, she is raising her young; individuals. The referee should feel free to round the
on 4 or higher, she is living with a male. If one has a number of hit dice up or down as they see fit, or to
mate or offspring, there is a 1-3 on 1d10 chance she is allocate them in an approximately equal fashion if
encountered alone, 4-7 that her mate or young are desired. Trollkin broods are rolled in this way owing to
encountered in her absence, or 8-10 that all are the fact that bigger or tougher individuals are likely to
present. kill and eat the weaker ones, generally when their
Add 1 to the trollwife's morale score if she is with her mother is out hunting.
mate, or 2 if she has young present. This means that, Refer to the entry for trolls for details regarding
unless threatened with fire or acid, a trollwife will fight regeneration, morale checks, and so on; except as
without checking morale while her offspring are noted above, trollkins share all these features with the
present. If a trollwife's mate or offspring are slain in her adults.
absence, she will track the killers unerringly, and upon
finding them will attack with the same morale bonus. Turtle or Tortoise
Trollwives are solitary with respect to other adult Box Turtle Snapping Turtle
trollwives, for they hate each other with a fierce
Armor Class: 15 16
passion. If forced together they will put aside their
Hit Dice: 1d4 HP 1
enmity until all non-troll enemies are dead (at which
No. of Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite
point they may well fight over who will eat the choicest
of the remains). Damage: 1d2 1d6
Movement: 5' Swim 20' 5' Swim 20'
Trollkin No. Appearing: Wild 1d4 Wild 1d4
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 1
Infant Juvenile Adolescent Morale: 5 6
Armor Class: 14 15 16
Treasure Type: None None
Hit Dice: 1*-2* 3*-4* 5*-6*
XP: 10 25
No. of Attacks: – 2 claws, 1 bite –
Damage: 1d4 claw, 1d4 claw, 1d6 claw/ Turtles and tortoises are reptiles with a hard shell into
1d4 bite 1d6 bite 1d6 bite which the animal can pull its head and legs if
Movement: 30' 50' 40' threatened. Turtles will be found in marshes and near
No. Appearing: – special, see below – rivers or ponds, while tortoises are terrestrial and
Save As: Fighter:1-2 Fighter:3-4 Fighter:5-6 typically found in arid regions. (The specific names
Morale: – 9 (7) – given to these animals are often misleading, as a
Treasure Type: – None – tortoise might be called a turtle and vice versa.) The
statistics given above are representative, and can be
XP: 1 HD 37, 3 HD 175, 5 HD 405,
2 HD 100 4 HD 280 6 HD 555 used for other species as needed. These animals are
well-camouflaged, gaining surprise on a roll of 1-3 on
Trollkin are young trolls. They have all the powers and 1d6 in their natural habitat.
weaknesses of trolls, and look exactly like smaller than
normal adult trolls. Even an infant has the same ability
to regenerate as an adult troll.
When you encounter trollkin, you can rest assured that
there is a trollwife nearby (unless, of course, you've
already slain her). They are as bloodthirsty as their
parents; as such, determining the number appearing is
done in a particularly unusual fashion:
Roll 1d6 for the number of individuals, and 2d6 for the
number of hit dice. Divide the number of hit dice by
the number of individuals to arrive at the hit dice of
each individual. Note that a trollkin won't be
encountered having more than 6 hit dice, so if only one
individual is indicated by the 1d6 roll but the 2d6 roll
Unicorn (and Alicorn) male unicorns have beards similar to those of goats.
The eyes of a unicorn are almost always a bright, often
Unicorn Alicorn
unlikely color such as gold, sea-blue, deep green, violet,
Armor Class: 19 19
or even a luminous-looking magenta. Adult male
Hit Dice: 4* 4* unicorns stand an average of 5 feet at the shoulder and
No. of Attacks: 2 hooves, 1 horn 2 hooves, 1 horn weigh 1,100 to 1,300 pounds. Females are slightly
(+3 attack bonus) smaller, generally 4¾ feet at the shoulder with a weight
Damage: 1d8 hoof, 2d4 hoof, from 950 to 1,200 pounds.
1d6+3 horn 2d6 horn
Movement: 80' 70' Three times per day a unicorn can cast cure light
No. Appearing: Wild 1d6 Wild 1d8 wounds by a touch of its horn. Once per day a unicorn
Save As: Fighter: 8 Fighter: 6 can transport itself 360' (as the spell dimension door),
Morale: 7 9 and can carry a full load (possibly including a rider)
Treasure Type: None None while doing so. A light load for a unicorn is up to 300
XP: 280 280
pounds; a heavy load, up to 550 pounds.
An alicorn resembles a unicorn in all details, save that
Unicorns are horse-like creatures having a single they always have yellow, orange or red eyes, and (if
spirally-twisted horn in the middle of the forehead. This one gets close enough to see) pronounced, sharp
horn is in fact a magic weapon with an added attack canine teeth. Alicorns are as evil as unicorns are good,
and damage bonus of +3; if removed from the unicorn using their razor-sharp horns and clawlike hooves as
or the unicorn dies the horn loses this effect. A unicorn weapons. They attack weaker creatures for the sheer
may perform a charging attack with its horn, but it pleasure of killing, but will try to avoid stronger parties.
cannot also attack with its hooves in the same round. They may make charging attacks just as unicorns do.
Most unicorns are white, sometimes with the faintest Alicorns cannot heal or transport themselves by magic
tinge of lavender, pink, or gold visible in sunlight. Adult as unicorns do. However, alicorns may become
invisible at will, exactly as if wearing a Ring of
Armor Class: 14 (11)
Hit Dice: 2*
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d8 or by weapon
Movement: 30' Unarmored 40'
No. Appearing: Special
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Q, R, S each; special in lair
XP: 100
Armor Class: 18 to 20 (m)
Hit Dice: 7** to 9** (+8)
No. of Attacks: 1 weapon or special
Damage: 1d8 or by weapon or special
Movement: 40' Fly 60' (as giant bat, see below)
No. Appearing: 1d6, Wild 1d6, Lair 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 7 to 9 (as Hit Dice)
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: F
XP: 800 - 1,225
Narwhals are aquatic mammals resembling large Wights are undead monsters who have been twisted
dolphins with a single (or rarely, double) tusk and deformed by their transformation. Their eyes are
protruding straight forward from the mouth. The tusk is entirely black, and their bodies radiate a coldness that
helical in shape, and they are sometimes cut short and living creatures can feel from several feet away.
sold as "unicorn horns." However, they have no
If a wight touches or is touched by a living creature, that
particular magical value. Narwhals are found in cold
creature suffers one level of energy drain (as described
northern seas. They are not particularly aggressive.
in the Encounter section). No saving throw is allowed.
Striking a wight with a weapon does not count as
Whale, Sperm "touching" it, but punching or kicking one does.
Armor Class: 22 Any humanoid slain by a wight becomes a wight by the
Hit Dice: 36* (+16) next sunset (but not less than 12 hours later). They are
No. of Attacks: 1 bite or special slaves to the wight who created them until and unless
Damage: 3d20 that wight is destroyed. Wights remember almost
Movement: Swim 60' (20')
No. Appearing: Wild 1d3
Save As: Fighter: 8
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: None
XP: 17,850
nothing from their previous life, though a few very close Wraith*
friends or loved ones might be recalled (and hated, and
Armor Class: 15 (m)
possibly hunted by the monster).
Hit Dice: 4**
Like all undead, wights may be Turned by Clerics and No. of Attacks: 1 touch
are immune to sleep, charm, and hold magics. Wights Damage: 1d6 + energy drain (1 level)
are harmed only by silver or magical weapons, and take Movement: Fly 80'
only half damage from burning oil. No. Appearing: 1d4, Lair 1d6
Save As: Fighter: 4
Wolf (and Wolf, Dire) Morale: 12
Normal Dire Treasure Type: E
Armor Class: 13 14 XP: 320
Hit Dice: 2 4
Wraiths are fearsome incorporeal monsters who drain
No. of Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite
the very life energy from their victims. Being
Damage: 1d6 2d4
incorporeal, they are immune to non-magical weapons
Movement: 60' 50' and are effectively flying at all times. They are
No. Appearing: 2d6, 1d4, semitransparent and exude the same kind of coldness
Wild 3d6, Wild 2d4, as wights. Wraiths usually appear as they were in life,
Lair 3d6 Lair 2d4
including such things as clothing or armor, though such
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 4
things do not affect the monsters actual armor class or
Morale: 8 9 other statistics.
Treasure Type: None None
XP: 75 240 Like all undead, they may be Turned by Clerics and are
immune to sleep, charm, and hold magics. Due to
The wolf is a large canine found in a broad range of their incorporeal nature, they cannot be harmed by
habitats. They travel in packs consisting of a mated pair non-magical weapons.
accompanied by their offspring. Wolves are also
territorial, and fights over territory are among the
principal causes of wolf mortality. The wolf is mainly a
carnivore and feeds on large wild hoofed mammals as
well as smaller animals, livestock, and carrion.
Dire wolves are huge relatives of the ordinary wolves,
being as large as horses. They live and hunt in packs,
and are sometimes tamed by smaller humanoids as
battle steeds or by larger ones as pets.
If disturbed, a patch of this mold bursts forth with a Zombies are the undead corpses of humanoid
cloud of poisonous spores. Each patch covers from 10 creatures. They are deathly slow, but they move
to 25 square feet; several patches may grow adjacent to silently, are very strong and must be literally hacked to
each other, and will appear to be a single patch in this pieces to "kill" them. They take only half damage from
case. Each patch can emit a cloud of spores once per blunt weapons, and only a single point from arrows,
day. All within 10 feet of the mold will be affected by bolts or sling stones (plus any magical bonus). A
the spores and must save vs. Death Ray or take 1d8 zombie never has Initiative and always acts last in any
points of damage per round for 6 rounds. Sunlight given round. Like all undead, they may be Turned by
renders yellow mold dormant. Clerics and are immune to sleep, charm, and hold
magics. As they are mindless, no form of mind
reading is of any use against them. Zombies never fail
morale checks, and thus always fight until destroyed.
"Your idea was good, Darion," said Morningstar after we had turned the sarcophagus lid halfway around. "You
just got in a bit of a hurry to try it."
"Indeed," I said, feeling foolish. I looked into the sarcophagus; lying atop the mummified remains inside I saw a
sword, held in both bony hands with the point toward the corpse's feet. The golden blade was untarnished; the
huge ruby set into the cross-guard shone in the torchlight.
I didn't reach for it, though I found myself sorely tempted. "Barthal," I said, "tell me, is it safe to reach within?"
The Halfling climbed up onto the edge of the platform and leaned over the sarcophagus, peering around within.
"I don't see a trap," he remarked after careful study. "Do you think the dead one, there, will rise up if you touch
his sword?"
"He might," answered Apoqulis, "but I doubt it. The skeletons were likely the only guardians in this tomb."
All eyes seemed to be on me. Reluctantly I reached within, grasping the sword by the blade with my mailed
glove so as to avoid touching the corpse. The long-dead chieftain didn't want to part with his weapon, but after a
bit of twisting I worked it loose.
Shaking bits of desiccated flesh from the hilt, I grasped the weapon properly and held it aloft. It felt good in my
hand… I wondered what magic it might contain?
Barthal's voice shook me out of my contemplation. "Look here!" he said, and I looked down. He had opened a
secret panel in the platform… and as I looked on, gold and silver coins began to spill out. Barthal cried out
gleefully, "Jackpot!"
Placed Treasures
The Game Master is never required to roll for treasure;
rather, treasure may be placed, or random treasures
amended, as desired or needed for the purposes of the
adventure. Special treasures are always placed; for
example, a special magic item needed to complete an
Treasure Types
Lair Treasures
100's of 100's of 100's of 100's of 100's of Gems and
Type Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Jewelry Magic Items
A 50% 5d6 60% 5d6 40% 5d4 70% 10d6 50% 1d10 50% 6d6 30% any 3
50% 6d6
B 75% 5d10 50% 5d6 50% 5d4 50% 3d6 None 25% 1d6 10% 1 weapon or
25% 1d6 armor
C 60% 6d6 60% 5d4 30% 2d6 None None 25% 1d4 15% any 1d2
25% 1d4
D 30% 4d6 45% 6d6 None 90% 5d8 None 30% 1d8 20% any 1d2
30% 1d8 + 1 potion
E 30% 2d8 60% 6d10 50% 3d8 50% 4d10 None 10% 1d10 30% any 1d4
10% 1d10 + 1 scroll
F None 40% 3d8 50% 4d8 85% 6d10 70% 2d8 20% 2d12 35% any 1d4 except
10% 1d12 weapons
+ 1 potion
+ 1 scroll
G None None None 90% 4d6x10 75% 5d8 25% 3d6 50% any 1d4
25% 1d10 + 1 scroll
H 75% 8d10 75% 6d10x10 75% 3d10x10 75% 5d8x10 75% 9d8 50% 1d100 20% any 1d4
50% 10d4 + 1 potion
+ 1 scroll
I None None None None 80% 3d10 50% 2d6 15% any 1
50% 2d6
J 45% 3d8 45% 1d8 None None None None None
K None 90% 2d10 35% 1d8 None None None None
L None None None None None 50% 1d4 None
M None None None 90% 4d10 90% 2d8x10 55% 5d4 None
45% 2d6
N None None None None None None 40% 2d4 potions
O None None None None None None 50% 1d4 scrolls
Individual Treasures
Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Pieces of Gems and
Type Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Jewelry Magic Items
P 3d8 None None None None None None
Q None 3d6 None None None None None
R None None 2d6 None None None None
S None None None 2d4 None None None
T None None None None 1d6 None None
U 50% 1d20 50% 1d20 None 25% 1d20 None 5% 1d4 2% Any 1
5% 1d4
V None 25% 1d20 25% 1d20 50% 1d20 25% 1d20 10% 1d4 5% Any 1
10% 1d4
Unguarded Treasures
Level 100's of 100's of 100's of 100's of 100's of Gems and Magic Items
Copper Silver Electrum Gold Platinum Jewelry
1 75% 1d8 50% 1d6 25% 1d4 7% 1d4 1% 1d4 7% 1d4 2% Any 1
3% 1d4
2 50% 1d10 50% 1d8 25% 1d6 20% 1d6 2% 1d4 10% 1d6 5% Any 1
7% 1d4
3 30% 2d6 50% 1d10 25% 1d8 50% 1d6 4% 1d4 15% 1d6 8% Any 1
7% 1d6
4-5 20% 3d6 50% 2d6 25% 1d10 50% 2d6 8% 1d4 20% 1d8 12% Any 1
10% 1d6
6-7 15% 4d6 50% 3d6 25% 1d12 70% 2d8 15% 1d4 30% 1d8 16% Any 1
15% 1d6
8+ 10% 5d6 50% 5d6 25% 2d8 75% 4d6 30% 1d4 40% 1d8 20% Any 1
30% 1d8
Note: Unguarded treasures should be rare; see the Game Master section, below, for advice on placement of
unguarded treasure.
d% Type d% Type d% Type
01-03 Clairaudience 26-32 Delusion 64-68 Invisibility
04-06 Clairvoyance 33-35 Diminution 69-72 Invulnerability
07-08 Cold Resistance 36-39 Fire Resistance 73-76 Levitation
09-11 Control Animal 40-43 Flying 77-80 Longevity
12-13 Control Dragon 44-47 Gaseous Form 81-84 Mind Reading
14-16 Control Giant 48-51 Giant Strength 85-86 Poison
17-19 Control Human 52-55 Growth 87-89 Polymorph Self
20-22 Control Plant 56-59 Healing 90-97 Speed
23-25 Control Undead 60-63 Heroism 98-00 Treasure Finding
Miscellaneous Items
Effect Subtables Effect Subtable 2
d% Subtable d% Effect Form
01-61 Effect Subtable 1 01-02 Panic G
62-00 Effect Subtable 2 03-05 Penetrating Vision D
06-08 Protection from Energy Drain F
Effect Subtable 1 09-14 Protection from Scrying F
d% Effect Form 15-17 Regeneration C
01 Blasting G 18-23 Scrying H
02-05 Blending F 24-26 Scrying, Superior H
06-12 Cold Resistance F 27-34 Speed B
13-16 Comprehension E 35-37 Spell Storing C
17-21 Control Animal C 38-46 Spell Turning F
22-27 Control Human C 47-67 Stealth B
28-33 Control Plant C 68-70 Telekinesis C
34-35 Courage G 71-72 Telepathy C
36-38 Deception F 73-74 Teleportation C
39-46 Defense +1 F 75-76 True Seeing D
47-49 Defense +2 F 77-87 Water Walking B
50 Defense +3 F 88-98 Weakness C
51-60 Delusion A 99-00 Wishes C
61-63 Djinni Summoning C
64 Doom G Roll on the first table above to select a subtable, then
65-74 Fire Resistance F roll again on the selected subtable to determine the
75-86 Invisibility F exact effect. Finally, roll on the specified column of the
87-91 Levitation B Form table below to determine the physical form of the
92-00 Mind Reading C item.
Form of Item
Bell (or Chime) 01-02 01-17
Belt or Girdle 03-05 01-07
Boots 06-13 01-25
Bowl 14-15 01-17
Cloak 16-28 08-38
Crystal Ball or Orb 29-31 18-67
Drums 32-33 18-50
Helm 34-38 01-40
Horn 39-43 51-00
Lens 44-46 01-17
Mirror 47-49 18-17 68-00
Pendant 50-67 26-50 01-40 18-50 41-80 39-50
Ring 68-00 51-00 41-00 51-00 81-00 51-00
Magic Weapons
Magic weapons are created with a variety of powers and
will usually aid the wielder in combat. A magical weapon's
bonus is applied to all attack and damage rolls made with
the weapon.
Casts Light on Command: By drawing the weapon and
uttering a command word, the wielder may cause it to
glow; it will then shed light with the same radius as a light
spell. Sheathing or laying down the weapon, or speaking
the command word again, dispels the effect. This power
may be used as often as desired.
Charm Person: This power allows the wielder to cast
charm person once per day, as if by an 8th level Magic-
User, by brandishing the weapon, speaking a command
word and gazing at the target creature. (The wielder's gaze
does not have to be met for the spell to be cast.) The
target creature is allowed saving throws just as described in
the spell description.
Drains Energy: A weapon with this power drains one life
energy level on a hit, as described under Energy Drain in
the Encounter section; up to 2d4 levels can be drained by
a weapon with this power, after which time the weapon
loses this power but retains any other magical effects or
Flames on Command: Upon command, the weapon will
be sheathed in fire. The fire does not harm the wielder.
The effect remains until the command is given again, or
until the weapon is dropped or sheathed. While it flames,
all damage done by the weapon is treated as fire damage,
and an additional +1 bonus (in addition to the weapon's
normal bonus) is added to damage when fighting trolls,
treant, and other creatures especially vulnerable to fire. It
casts light and burns just as if it were a torch.
Locate Objects: This power allows the wielder to cast the
spell locate object once per day, as if by an 8 th level the weapon. There are two possible forms the curse
Magic-User. may take: Obsession and Affliction. The GM may
decide which to use at their option.
Special Enemy: These weapons are created to combat a
specific sort of creature, as rolled on the Special Ability Obsession: Regardless of how severe the penalty is,
table. When used against that specific enemy, the second the character wielding the weapon will believe it is a
listed bonus applies instead of the first; so a sword +1, +3 bonus and refuse to use any other weapon in combat.
vs. Undead would provide +1 attack and damage against A remove curse spell is the only way to rid a character
giant rats, but +3 attack and damage rolls against zombies. of such a weapon; but as they will believe the weapon
Wishes: Weapons with this power have the ability to is the best magical weapon ever, the character receives
grant 1d4 wishes. The GM must adjudicate all wishes, a saving throw vs. Spells to resist.
and instructions are given in the Game Master section Affliction: The character knows the weapon is cursed
regarding this. After these wishes have been made, the as soon as they use it in combat; however, any attempt
weapon loses this power, but retains any other bonuses to throw it away fails, as the weapon magically appears
and powers. back in the character's hand whenever they try to draw
Cursed Weapons inflict a penalty to the wielder's attack any other weapon. In this case, the remove curse spell
rolls, as rolled on the Weapon Bonus table. The curse needed to rid the character of the weapon will be
causes the afflicted character to be unable to get rid of unopposed (i.e. no saving throw).
Magic Armor Control Plant: This potion grants the drinker control
over one or more plants or plant creatures within a 10'
Magic armor (including shields) offers improved,
square area up to 50' away. Normal plants become
magical protection to the wearer. In general, magic
animated, having a movement rate of 10', and obey the
armor grants the normal Armor Class for its type, plus
drinker's commands. If ordered to attack, only the
the magical armor bonus, as rolled on the Magic Armor
largest plants can do any real harm, attacking with a +0
table; for example, Plate Mail +2 provides an Armor
attack bonus and inflicting 1d4 points of damage per
Class of 19.
hit. Affected plant creatures (who fail to save vs. Spells)
There are two varieties of cursed armor: Cursed can understand the drinker, and behave as if under a
Armor -1 and Cursed Armor AC 11. The first variety's charm monster spell.
AC is reduced by the rolled penalty; for example, Plate
Control Undead: This potion grants the drinker
Mail -1 grants Armor Class 16. The second type is
command of 3d6 hit dice of undead monsters. A save
much worse, for regardless of the type, it only provides
vs. Spells is allowed to resist the effect. Mindless
Armor Class 11. Dexterity and shield bonuses still
undead follow the drinker's commands exactly; free-
willed undead act as if under a charm person spell.
Cursed armor cannot be removed from the wearer
Delusion: This cursed potion will appear, if tested or
once the curse is proven, that is, once the wearer is hit
analyzed, to be one of the other potions (other than
in combat. Once the curse has taken effect, only a
poison). When imbibed, the drinker will briefly believe
remove curse spell, or some more powerful magic
he has received the benefits of the "other" potion, but
(such as a wish), will enable the wearer to remove it.
the illusion will be swiftly exposed…
The armor will detect as magical, like any other magic
armor; the curse cannot be detected by any means Diminution: This potion reduces the drinker and all
other than wearing the armor in combat. items worn or carried to one-twelfth of their original
height (so that a 6' tall character becomes 6" tall). The
Potions drinker's weight is divided by 1,728; this makes an
armed warrior weigh less than 2.5 ounces. The
A potion is an elixir concocted with a spell-like effect affected creature cannot make an effective attack
that affects only the drinker. Unless otherwise noted, a against any creature bigger than a house cat, but may
potion grants its benefits for 1d6+6 turns (even if the be able to slip under doors or into cracks and has a
duration of an associated spell is longer or shorter). 90% chance of moving about undetected (both in terms
Clairaudience: This potion enables the drinker to hear of sound and vision).
sounds in another area through the ears of a living Fire Resistance: This potion grants the imbiber the
creature in that area, up to a maximum 60' away. This power of the spell resist fire.
effect otherwise functions just as the spell clairvoyance.
Flying: This potion grants the power of the spell fly.
Clairvoyance: This potion grants the imbiber the effect
of the clairvoyance spell. Gaseous Form: The drinker and all of their gear
become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. He or
Cold Resistance: This potion grants the imbiber the she becomes immune to non-magical weapons, and
power of the spell resist cold. has an Armor Class of 22 vs. magical weapons. The
Control Animal: This potion functions like a control imbiber can’t attack or cast spells while in gaseous form.
human potion, but affects only normal, non-magical The drinker also loses supernatural abilities while in
animals. gaseous form. A gaseous creature can fly at a speed of
10', and can pass through small holes or narrow
Control Dragon: This potion functions like a control openings, even mere cracks, as long as the potion
human potion, but affects only dragons. persists. The gaseous creature is subject to the effects
Control Giant: This potion functions like a control of wind, and can’t enter water or other liquid. Objects
human potion, but affects only giants. cannot be manipulated in this form, even those brought
along when the potion was imbibed. The drinker
Control Human: This potion allows the drinker to cannot resume material form at will, but must wait for
charm any humanoid by gazing at it. The effect the potion to expire; however, the potion may be
functions like the charm person spell. If the charm is quaffed in thirds, in which case each drink lasts 1d4+1
resisted, the drinker can attempt to charm up to two turns.
more targets before the potion’s benefit is exhausted.
penalty assigned for not knowing the spell does not Wands, Staves and Rods
A wand is a short stick, generally 12 to 18 inches long,
Spell Scrolls: Spell Level imbued with the power to cast a specific spell or spell-
like effect. A newly created wand has 20 charges, and
d% Level of Spell
each use of the wand depletes one of those charges; a
01-30 1st
wand found in a treasure hoard will have 2d10 charges
31-55 2nd remaining. If a wand generates an effect equivalent to
56-75 3rd a spell, assume the spell functions as if cast by a 6 th
76-88 4th level caster, or the lowest level caster who could cast
89-97 5th that spell (whichever is higher), unless otherwise noted.
98-00 6th Wands are generally usable only by Magic-Users.
Saving throws are rolled as normal, but on the Magic
A Cursed Scroll inflicts some curse upon whoever Wands column rather than the Spells column.
reads it. It need not be read completely; in fact, merely
glancing at the text is enough to inflict the curse. A A staff has a number of different (but often related)
saving throw may or may not be allowed, as spell effects. A newly created staff has 30 charges, and
determined by the GM (though a save vs. Spells should each use of the staff depletes one or more of those
usually be allowed). The GM is encouraged to be charges. A staff found in a treasure hoard will have
creative when creating curses; the spell bestow curse 3d10 charges remaining. Spell effects generated by a
(the reverse of remove curse) can be used for staff operate at 8th level, or the lowest caster level the
inspiration, but cursed scrolls can contain more spell could be cast by, whichever is higher, unless
powerful or inventive curses at the GM's discretion. otherwise stated. Staves are usable only by Magic-
Users, except where noted. Saving throws against
Protection Scrolls can be read by any character class, magic from a staff are rolled on the Spells column.
assuming the character can read the language the scroll
is written in (see the notes under Language in the A rod is a scepter-like item with a special power unlike
Character section for details). When read, a protection that of any known spell. Rods are normally usable by
scroll creates a 10' radius protective circle around the any class.
reader; preventing the warded creatures from entering. Rod of Cancellation: This rod may only be
The circle moves with the reader. Any creature other successfully used once. If struck against another magic
than the sort the scroll wards may enter, including of item, it utterly destroys all enchantments within the
course the allies of the scroll-reader, who are item; this expends the rod's magic. A roll to hit is
themselves protected so long as they remain entirely required if the target item is held by another character
within the circle. If any creature within the circle or creature.
performs a melee attack against any of the warded
creatures, the circle is broken and the warded creatures Snake Staff: This item is a walking staff +1. When
may freely attack. Normal protection scrolls last for 2 used by a Cleric, the user may command the staff to
turns after being read. transform into a constrictor snake (instead of causing
damage) on a successful hit. The snake will wrap
Protection from Magic scrolls are special, as they around a target up to man sized and hold them fast for
protect against magic spells and items rather than 1d4 turns, unless a save vs. Spells is made. The snake
creatures. No magical effect can cross the 10' circle of does not attack in any other way, nor cause any
protection in either direction for 1d4 turns. As with the damage. The snake may be recalled by the user at any
other protection scrolls, the circle created by this scroll point, in which case it returns to their hand and returns
moves with the reader. to staff form. It also returns in this way when the
Treasure Maps are generally non-magical. They must duration expires, or if the save is made. The snake has
be created by the GM, although they may delay Armor Class 15, moves 20' per round and has 20 hit
creating the map until the characters can actually use it. points; any hit points of damage taken are healed
The treasure indicated on the map will normally be completely when the snake returns to staff form; if killed
guarded by some sort of monster, determined by the in snake form, the magic is destroyed and it turns into a
GM as desired. broken stick. The staff may be used any number of
times per day, and neither has nor uses charges.
Staff of Commanding: This staff can cast charm may not be seen by the user. An "enemy" is any
person and charm monster spells, and can grant a creature which is thinking of or otherwise intending to
power equivalent to a potion of plant control. Each harm the user; also, all undead monsters and animated
function uses one charge. constructs within range will glow in this way regardless
of intent or thoughts (or lack thereof).
Staff of Healing: This staff can heal 1d6+1 hit points
per charge expended, as the spell cure light wounds. Wand of Fear: This wand generates the effect of the
Alternately, with an expenditure of two charges, the spell cause fear (the reverse of the spell remove fear).
staff can cast cure disease. This staff is only usable by Wand of Fireballs: This wand generates fireballs,
a Cleric. exactly as the spell, doing 6d6 damage.
Staff of Power: This staff has the following powers Wand of Illusion: This wand allows the user to create
costing one charge per use: lightning bolt (6d6 illusions equivalent to the spell phantasmal force.
damage), fireball (6d6 damage), cone of cold (as the
wand, for 6d6 damage), continual light, and Wand of Lightning Bolts: This wand generates
telekinesis (as the ring, lasting at most 1d6 turns). The lightning bolts, exactly as the spell, doing 6d6 damage.
staff is also a walking staff +2, and can be used exactly Wand of Magic Detection: This wand grants the user a
as a staff of striking. A staff of power can be used for power equivalent to the spell detect magic.
a retributive strike, requiring it to be broken by its
wielder. All charges currently in the staff are instantly Wand of Paralysis: This wand creates the effect of the
released in a 30' radius, doing 1d6 points of damage spell hold person.
per charge remaining (save vs. Spells for half damage).
Wand of Transform: This wand can be used to cast
All within the area, including the wielder, are affected
either polymorph self or transform other.
by this. Even after all charges have been used, it
remains a walking staff +2. Wand of Secret Door Detection: This wand grants
the user a power similar to the spell find traps, but
Staff of Striking: This staff has no attack bonus, but is
which reveals secret doors rather than traps.
treated as a +1 weapon with respect to what sorts of
monsters it can hit (and is usable by any class in that Wand of Trap Detection: This wand grants the user a
mode). This staff's primary power may only be used if power equivalent to the spell find traps.
wielded by a Cleric: By uttering a command word, the
Cleric may create an effect similar to the spell striking. Miscellaneous Items
Expenditure of one charge adds 1d6 points of damage
to the weapon's next strike; expenditure of two charges These items may take any of several forms, and have a
adds 2d6, and expenditure of three charges adds 3d6 variety of effects; when randomly rolled, the effect is
damage. If the weapon is not successfully used after determined first (as explained with the tables above)
the command word has been spoken, the effect and then the form is rolled on a separate table.
dissipates after one turn. Generally, such an item is written as a [Form] of
[Effect], for example, a Cloak of Fire Resistance.
Staff of Wizardry: This staff is equivalent to the staff
of power, above, and has the following powers as well: Items with forms meant to be worn are limited in that
invisibility, passwall, web, and conjure elementals only a normal number may be used at one time: at
(as the spell, but conjuring staff elementals as described most two rings (one on each hand), one cloak, a pair of
in the Monsters section). These powers each use one boots, one helm, and one pendant. If a character is
charge when activated. wearing two items that grant a continuous effect, such
as Cold Resistance or Defense, only one such item will
Wand of Cold: This wand generates a conical blast of function. If the items have differing levels of effect,
cold doing 6d8 damage (save vs. Magic Wands for half such as a Cloak of Defense +1 and a Ring of Defense
damage). The cone spreads from the tip of the wand to +3, only the more powerful item will operate (in this
a width of 30' at a distance of 40' away. case, the ring).
Wand of Enemy Detection: The effect of this wand is
to make all enemies of the user within 60' glow with a
greenish white light for one round. Even hidden or
invisible enemies glow in this way, revealing them, but
enemies completely out of sight (such as behind a wall)
Miscellaneous Item Effects creatures as well as anything more intelligent than a dog
or cat). The wearer can activate the power at will,
Blasting: When this device is played (as appropriate targeting any animal within 60' that they can see. The
for its form), it creates a powerful blast of sound filling a wearer may choose to end the effect for one or more
cone 10’ long and 2’ wide at the base. Those within controlled creatures at any time, in order to "free"
the area of effect suffer 2d6 points of damage and are enough hit dice to control a new target.
deafened for 1 full turn. A successful saving throw vs.
Death Ray reduces damage by half and reduces the Control Human: The wearer of this device may cast
period of deafness to a single round. the spell charm person at any target they can see
within 60'. The wearer can use this power once per
The device can also be used to damage or destroy
round, at will. If more than one humanoid is to be
buildings, fortifications, etc. Double the damage listed
affected, the wearer cannot control more than 6 hit dice
above when this item is used against a structure. The
or levels of humanoids at a time; however, the wearer
Stronghold rules in the Game Master section contains
may choose to end the effect for one or more
further guidance on this.
controlled creatures at any time, in order to "free"
Blending: The wearer of this item becomes nearly enough hit dice or levels to control a new target.
invisible, granting an 80% chance that the wearer can
move about unnoticed. If detected by onlookers, the Control Plant: The wearer of this device may create
wearer can be attacked without significant penalty. an effect equivalent to a potion of plant control at will,
affecting plants or plant creatures within 60' that they
Cold Resistance: The wearer of this device receives can see. The effect lasts as long as the wearer remains
protection as the spell resist cold, but the protection within 60' of the plants or plant creatures. A saving
works continually. throw is allowed just as for the potion.
Comprehension: The wearer of this device is granted Courage: When this device is played, all characters
the ability to read any language, including any form of and creatures friendly to the user within 60 feet are
magical script. Being able to read magic does not affected as by the spell remove fear.
confer magical abilities upon the wearer, but if worn by
a magic-user it grants the effects of read magic Deception: This device grants to the wearer the power
constantly. Note that when reading non-magical texts, of the Deceiver (as described on page 75). Any
attacker will believe the wearer is 3 feet from their true
the limitations described under the spell read
location, and the attacker's first strike will always miss.
languages apply to this device also.
Thereafter, the attacker suffers a penalty of -2 on all
Control Animal: The wearer of this device can charm attack rolls. This ring does not affect mindless
up to 6 hit dice of animals. The effect works much like creatures, constructs such as golems or living statues, or
a charm person spell, but only affects animals any sort of undead. Living creatures which are not
(including giant-sized animals, but excluding fantastic mindless will be affected even if they do not use sight to
target the wearer.
Defense: The wearer of an item with this power
receives the listed benefit (from +1 to +3) to their
Armor Class for so long as the ring is worn. This bonus
is also applied to the wearer's saving throw die rolls.
Delusion: Whoever wears this device believes it is
some other form of useful magical device, and behaves
thus (so a character who believes he is wearing a Ring
of Invisibility will believe himself to actually be
invisible). Unlike the potion of the same name, the
device's effect is not dispelled by the wearer suffering
damage; in fact, the only way to rid a character of this
cursed item is with the spell remove curse.
Djinni Summoning: Each device of this type has a
specific djinni bound to it, which will be summoned to
the wearer's location when they rub the device while
wearing it. The djinni appears in the next round and
protects, serves, and obeys the wearer. The djinni will The device may be used three times per day, and each
serve at most 1 hour per day, and can be summoned at use lasts at most one turn.
most once per day. If the djinni bound to a device is
Protection from Energy Drain: This device has the
ever slain, the ring loses all magical properties.
power to absorb and neutralize energy-draining attacks,
Doom: When this device is played (as appropriate for death spells or effects (such as slay living), and curses
its form), this device will create animated skeletons or that would otherwise affect the wearer. The device has
zombies as if by the spell animate dead. Up to 3d6 hit 2d6 charges when found, and each negative level,
dice of undead monsters will be so created from curse, or spell absorbed consumes one charge. When
remains within a 60' radius of the character who the device's charges are exhausted it disintegrates into
activated the device. If both skeletal and fleshy remains golden sparkles and disappears.
are available in the area of effect, skeletons will be
Protection from Scrying: The wearer of this item is
animated in preference over zombies. If the user is a
immune to all forms of scrying (including crystal balls,
magic-user or cleric, the created undead may be
clairvoyance, clairaudience, and any other means of
controlled so long as that character retains the device.
location or spying at a distance) as well as any form of
If played by a fighter or thief, the undead created will
mind reading. Other characters who are within 30' of
be uncontrolled, and will attack any living creatures
the wearer are also immune to scrying, but not to mind
nearby. The device may be used once per day, but no
more than 18 hit dice of undead created by it may exist
at any one time. Regeneration: This device grants the wearer the
power of regeneration, exactly as described in the
Fire Resistance: The wearer of this device receives
description of the Troll on page 151, including the
protection as the spell resist fire, but the protection
weakness with respect to acid and fire damage. Note
works continually.
that this device will only heal damage suffered while it is
Invisibility: The wearer of this device can become worn; pre-existing damage is not healed by putting on
invisible (as the spell invisibility) on command. If the the device.
invisibility is dispelled (as described for the spell), the
Scrying: This device can be used to spy upon other
device may not be reactivated for one full turn. The
people or locations, regardless of distance. A scrying
invisibility effect otherwise lasts for 24 hours.
device may only be used by Magic-Users. It can be
Levitation: The wearer of this device may levitate (as used three times per day, for up to a turn each time.
the spell) at will by concentrating. There is no limit to The chance of success when using a scrying device is as
how long this device may be used. shown below. Total chances equal to or greater than
Mind Reading: Whoever wears this device has access 100% do not require a roll.
to a permanent form of the spell mind reading; it is
Knowledge and Connection Chance
always available but only activates when the wearer
Secondhand Knowledge (heard of) 25%
spends a full round concentrating upon it, and persists
Firsthand Knowledge (seen briefly) 55%
until the wearer ceases to use it. The effect can be
activated as many times per day as the wearer wants. Familiar (known well) 95%
Possession or garment +25%
Panic: When this device is played (as appropriate for Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc. +50%
its form), all creatures more than 20 feet from the user
but not over 120 feet away must save vs. Spells or be The user of the device is the only one who will see the
affected as by the spell cause fear. image. No sound will be heard normally. Detect
Penetrating Vision: On command, and for so long magic, detect evil, and mind reading have a 3%
thereafter that the wearer concentrates on it, this device chance per level of the caster of operating correctly if
confers the power to see through solid matter as if it used with a scrying device.
were transparent as glass. The effect extends at most Scrying, Superior: This item works exactly like a
20 feet, and the wearer sees as if in normal light even if standard scrying device, as described above, but also
they are in fact in total darkness. allows the user to hear any sounds in the location
viewed as if they were there.
This effect is blocked by certain materials; the wearer
can see through at most 3 feet of wood or soil, 1 foot of Speed: The wearer of this device can activate it with a
stone, or 1 inch of most metals. Gold or lead no thicker command word (or by clicking their heels together, if
than foil will completely block the effect. the item takes the form of boots) and gain the effect of
a haste spell, and can end the effect the same way. day as the wearer wishes, but lasts only as long as the
The effect can be used for a total of 10 rounds each wearer concentrates on it.
Telepathy: Three times per day this item can be
Spell Storing: These much sought-after devices each activated by use of its command word, at which point it
contain a number of spells which can be cast by the will grant the wearer the power of a special version of
wearer. Most of them contain Magic-User spells, but 1 the mind reading spell which has a range of 90 feet
in 10 contains Clerical spells instead. No device may and lasts for 1 turn. During this time the wearer can
contain spells of both types! Each spell stored in the send thoughts to the mind of any creature whose
device is cast as if by the lowest-level character who thoughts the wearer is already reading, allowing
could normally cast the spell, but not less than 6 th level communication.
in any case.
Teleportation: Upon command the wearer of this item
Any class may wear and use this device, but it can only may cast the spell teleportation as if by a wizard of the
be recharged by casting the appropriate spell into it. A 12th level of ability. This power can be used up to 3
table is provided below to determine how many spells, times per day.
and what levels they are. A spell storing device must be
True Seeing: Three times per day this device can grant
recharged with the same spells that were placed into it
the user the power of the spell true seeing. Each use
when it was made; so a Pendant of Two Spell Storing
lasts at most one turn.
containing fireball and fly can only be recharged with
those two spells. Water Walking: This device allows the wearer to walk
on any liquid as if it were firm ground. Mud, oil, snow,
The wearer of one of these devices automatically knows
quicksand, running water, ice, and even lava can be
the names of the spells stored within it, but is not
traversed easily, since the wearer’s feet hover an inch or
granted detailed knowledge of how each spell works. If
two above the surface. Molten lava will still cause the
the wearer is not a magic-user and no such character is
wearer damage from the heat since they are still near it.
available to advise the wearer, there may be some
The wearer can walk, run, or otherwise move across
difficulty in using it successfully (and safely).
the surface as if it were normal ground.
A device of this type found in a treasure hoard may be
Weakness: Whoever puts this device on is cursed;
completely charged, or discharged, or partially charged,
their Strength score is reduced immediately to 3. The
at the GM's option.
device can only be removed with remove curse.
d% # of Spells d% Level of Spell
Wishes: This device contains the power to grant
01-24 1 01-30 1st
wishes to the wearer. 1d4 wishes will remain within the
25-48 2 31-55 2nd
ring when it is found. The GM must adjudicate all
49-67 3 56-75 3rd
wishes, and instructions are given in the Game Master
68-81 4 76-85 4th section regarding this.
82-91 5 86-97 5th
92-96 6 98-00 6th Rare Items
97-00 7
Bag of Devouring: This device appears, to all tests, to
Spell Turning: This device reflects spells cast directly be a normal Bag of Holding, and in fact it performs
at the wearer, but not area effect spells, back at the exactly like one at first. However, all items placed
caster; so a hold person spell would be reflected, but within disappear forever 1d6+6 turns later. The bag
not a fireball. It will reflect up to 2d6 spells before its continues to weigh whatever it did after the items were
power is exhausted. placed within it (that is, one-tenth the total weight of the
items), until it is opened and discovered to be empty.
Stealth: The wearer of this device can move quietly in
virtually any surroundings, granting a 90% chance of Bag of Holding: This device is a bag which appears to
success when moving silently (as the Thief ability of the be about 2 feet wide and 4 feet deep. It opens into an
same name). extradimensional space, and is able to hold more than
should be possible: up to 500 pounds of weight, and up
Telekinesis: The wearer of this device can use the to 70 cubic feet of volume. The bag weighs one-tenth
power of the spell telekinesis, as if cast by a 12 th level as much as the total of the objects held within. Any
Magic-User. The effect may be used as many times per object to be stored in the bag must fit through the
opening, which has a circumference of 4 feet.
Puncturing or tearing the bag will destroy its magic and rolled, the efreeti will serve the user for up to one hour
cause all contents to be lost forever. If this item is per day for 101 days, after which time it is freed and
turned inside out all contents are dumped. The bag is will disappear. Note that after the first activation, every
unharmed, but it will no longer work until it is turned day that passes is counted toward the 101 days
right side out again. If living creatures are placed inside whether or not the user activates the bottle.
they will suffocate within a turn (with exceptions for
Flying Carpet: This item appears to be a fancy rug of
creatures resistant to suffocation as determined by the
the sort found in the castle of a king. It has the power
GM). The bag's volume cannot be overfilled (as excess
to fly, carrying those upon it as if they stand upon a
items simply cannot be put inside), but if overloaded
solid surface. A flying carpet is typically 5' x 8' in size
above 500 pounds and then lifted it will be torn.
and can carry up to 500 pounds at a movement rate of
Getting any particular item from the bag requires the 100' per round, or up to 1000 pounds (its maximum
bearer to spend a round searching during which no capacity) at a rate of 50' per round. A flying carpet can
movement may be made. fly at any speed up to its maximum, and can hover on
Boots of Traveling and Leaping: These boots allow
the wearer to make great leaps, jumping up to 10' high Gauntlets of Ogre Power: These thick leather gloves
and/or 30' across. They improve the wearer's grant the wearer a Strength bonus of +4 (instead of
movement so greatly that they also increase their their own Strength bonus). Both gauntlets must be
movement rate on land by an additional 10' per round. worn for the magic to be effective.
Broom of Flying: This broom is able to fly through the Girdle of Giant Strength: This broad leather belt
air for up to 9 hours per day (split up as its owner grants the wearer the Strength of a giant. For so long
desires). The broom can carry 200 pounds and fly at a as it is worn, the wearer gains a Strength bonus of +5
speed of 40 feet, or up to 400 pounds at a speed at 30 (instead of their own Strength bonus), and can throw
feet. In addition, the broom can travel alone to any large stones just as a stone giant does.
destination named by the owner as long as they have a
Mirror of Imprisonment: This item can appear as any
good idea of the location and layout of that destination.
style of full-length or larger mirror. It is a form of
It comes to its owner from as far away as 300 yards
magical trap, which can be set or deactivated by
when the command word is spoken.
speaking a command word followed by "activate" or
Efreeti Bottle: This item may appear as an ornate "deactivate."
bottle, or sometimes as a magic lamp. It can be
When in its active state, any character or creature who
activated once per day, by opening it if it takes the form
stands within 30 feet of the mirror and sees its reflection
of a bottle or by rubbing it if it takes the form of a lamp.
must save vs. Spells or be drawn bodily into the mirror,
When activated, smoke pours out and forms into an
including all items worn or carried. The victim is placed
within one of 20 metaphysical cells inside the mirror.
The efreeti released was trapped in the bottle and Those trapped in the mirror are mere reflections and
forced to serve whoever activates it. However, an are unable to take any action. The last character who
efreeti who has spent too long in a bottle may have lost spoke the command word to the mirror is immune to its
its mind, and if this happens the efreeti will begin a power, as are undead, constructs, and any creature that
frenzied attack upon whoever activated the bottle, lacks eyes.
disappearing when either the user of the bottle or the
A character who speaks the command word and then
efreeti is dead. There is, fortunately, only a 1 in 10
calls the number of a cell will cause the reflection of the
chance this will happen.
occupant of that cell to appear in the mirror. The
On the other hand, there is also a 1 in 10 chance that trapped creature can move and speak, but cannot cast
the efreeti of the bottle is able to grant three wishes to spells or take any other real action. The controlling
the user. If this is the case, the efreeti will perform no character may interrogate the trapped victim if desired,
other service, and cannot return to the bottle after it is though the mirror does not compel the victim to
activated until the user makes a wish. Subsequent respond or to be truthful. The controller may at any
wishes require additional activations, and upon the final time speak the command word again and say "return"
wish being granted the efreeti disappears for good. and the victim will be returned to its cell; or, the
Roll 1d10 when the bottle is first activated; on a roll of controller can say the command word followed by
1, the efreeti is insane, while on a roll of 0 the efreeti "come out" to free the victim, who appears standing
has three wishes to grant. If neither of these results is beside the controller.
Should all cells be full when a creature is drawn inside, To activate this device, incense must be placed in the
one cell chosen at random will be emptied with the bowl, lit, and covered, and the command words
freed creature appearing where the trapped one had inscribed around the edge of the lid must be spoken,
been standing. The freed creature is safe from the which requires a full round to complete.
mirror for one turn thereafter before it can again be
Crucible of Summoning Metal Elementals: This
trapped. All victims will be freed instantly if the mirror
device appears to be a small crucible, an open-topped
is broken.
vessel used for melting metal. To activate this device, it
Rope of Climbing: This 50 foot long rope is about ½ must be placed on a solid, adequately heat-resistant
inch in diameter, but is capable of supporting up to surface and the command words inscribed around the
3,000 pounds if tied to a secure anchor point. When edge of the lid must be spoken, which requires a full
the user holds one end of the rope and speaks the round to complete.
command word, the rope animates, moving like a The crucible becomes very hot while the metal
snake at a rate of 10' per round in whatever direction is elemental is present, causing 2d8 points of damage to
commanded by the user. The rope is even able to any character who dares to touch it barehanded and
move into a completely vertical position if so ordered. 2d6 points even if wearing armor or ordinary fabric or
It can be commanded to tie itself to any anchor point leather gloves. The crucible requires a full turn to cool
within reach (since the user must continue holding one after use.
end of the rope, it can reach no more than 50 feet from
that point). The rope has no real strength and thus Ice Sculpture of Summoning Cold Elementals: This
cannot lift or support any weight if not tied to an anchor device is a circular plate of marble about 9 inches in
point. diameter and about ¾ of an inch thick. To activate this
device, it must be placed level on a solid, stable surface
Devices of Summoning Elementals and a full skin of fresh water must be poured upon it; as
the water touches the base it magically freezes into a
These devices all grant the power to summon and small sculpture of a cold elemental. The command
control an elemental. As noted, the GM is likely to words inscribed around the rim of the plate must then
choose to allow only certain types of Elementals, so not be spoken, which requires a full round to complete.
all of these devices may be available in your campaign.
Mallet of Summoning Wood Elementals: This is a
When one of these devices is activated in accordance wooden mallet of the sort used by builders to drive in
with the summoning rules described for the Elemental pegs; though it could be used as a weapon, it is a poor
monster entry on page 88, a water elemental appears excuse for one as it does just 1d4 points of damage on
and follows the commands of the summoner. a hit and is not treated as a magic weapon. To activate
Bowl of Summoning Water Elementals: This wide this device, it must be held in the hand and the
bowl is about the size of a punch bowl, and will be command words inscribed on one side of the hammer-
made of precious metals set with jewels. To activate head must then be spoken, which requires a full round
this device, it must be filled with fresh water (at least a to complete.
quart) and the command words inscribed around its rim Rod of Summoning Lightning Elementals: This
must be spoken, which requires a full round to device appears as a copper rod about ¾ inch thick and
complete. 2 feet long, tipped with a polished ball of amber. The
Brazier of Summoning Fire Elementals: This device rod will have a smooth, polished green surface (a thin
appears to be a small brazier, a metal bowl with legs coating of verdigris) but will not be pitted or damaged
and cage-like sides which stands about a 1½ feet tall. by the corrosion. To activate this device it must be held
Braziers are meant to hold fire. To activate this device, in the hand and the command words inscribed on the
a fire must be built in this brazier and the command length of the rod must then be spoken, which requires a
words inscribed around its rim-band must be spoken, full round to complete.
which requires a full round to complete. Stone of Summoning Earth Elementals: This device
Censer of Summoning Air Elementals: This device is a roughly-cut but highly-polished stone in which a
appears to be an ornate but ordinary censer, a kind of vein or cluster of precious or semi-precious stones is
bowl with a perforated lid and a chain which is used to visible. To activate this device, it must be held in the
lift and swing the device. These are normally used in user's hands and the command words inscribed on the
worship, but this device is made for a different purpose. smoothest area of the stone must be spoken, which
requires a full round to complete.
Dungeon Encounters
Besides "placed" monsters, dungeons usually contain wandering monsters. The Game Master may create special
wandering monster tables for specific dungeons, or the general wandering monster tables (below) may be used.
In an average dungeon, a wandering monster encounter will occur on a roll of 1 on 1d6; the Game Master should
check once every 3 turns. The circumstances of a specific dungeon may call for higher odds or more frequent (or
possibly less frequent) wandering monster checks.
Die Roll Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 Bee, Giant Beetle, Giant Bombardier Ant, Giant
2 Goblin Fly, Giant Ape, Carnivorous
3 Jelly, Green* Ghoul Beetle, Giant Tiger
4 Kobold Gnoll Bugbear
5 NPC Party: Adventurer Jelly, Gray Doppleganger
6 NPC Party: Bandit Hobgoblin Gargoyle*
7 Orc Lizard Man Jelly, Glass
8 Stirge NPC Party: Adventurer Lycanthrope, Wererat*
9 Skeleton Snake, Pit Viper Ogre
10 Snake, Cobra Spider, Giant Black Widow Shadow*
11 Spider, Giant Crab Lizard Man, Subterranean Tentacle Worm
12 Wolf Zombie Wight*
Wilderness Encounters
The Game Master should check for random encounters in the wilderness about every four hours of game time; this
translates nicely to three night checks and three daytime checks. If your players choose to stand three night
watches, you simply check for each watch; in the daytime, check morning, afternoon, and evening.
To check for a wilderness encounter, roll 1d6; on a roll of 1, an encounter occurs. If a wilderness encounter is
indicated, roll 2d8 on the appropriate table below. The Game Master should think carefully about how the
encounter happens; check for surprise in advance, and if the monster is not surprised, it may be considered to have
had time to set up an ambush (at the GM's option).
Beggar encounters will often begin with a single beggar Merchants are a common feature of towns, and may
approaching the party, but there will generally be 2d4 be encountered performing any sort of business. As
beggars in the area, and if any party member gives with mercenary encounters, merchants may offer jobs
anything to the first beggar, the others will descend on to interesting player characters, particularly those with
the party like flies. Each beggar is 90% likely to be a good reputations. See Creating an NPC Party, below,
normal man, and 10% likely to be a 1 st level Thief, for details on this type of encounter. (A merchant in a
possibly scouting for the Thieves Guild or a local gang. town may not have a full entourage as described below;
the GM should use their discretion in creating the
Bully encounters will be with 2d4 young toughs; each
is 70% likely to be a normal man, 30% likely to be a 1 st
level Fighter. Bullies generally appear unarmed, Nobles encountered may also offer positions to player
depending on their brawling ability in a fight (but characters, or possibly offer a reward for some
keeping a dagger or shortsword hidden, to be used in dangerous task. Player characters with bad reputations
case the fight is going against them). Bullies can be a may be confronted, ordered to leave town, or even
bit unpredictable, such that the GM may want to use a arrested if the noble is able to call for the city watch.
reaction roll to determine the leader's mood. (See Creating an NPC Party, below, for details on this
type of encounter.) A noble in a town may not have a
City Watch encounters will be with 2d6 watchmen, all
full entourage as described below; the GM should use
1st level Fighters save for the squad leader, who will be
their discretion in creating the encounter.
from 2nd through 4th level. They will confront
"suspicious-looking" characters, but generally will need Press Gangs will consist of 2d6 Fighters, all 1 st level
a good reason before they attempt to arrest or except for one or two leaders of 2 nd through 5th level.
otherwise interfere with player characters. They will be armed with blunt weapons or possibly will
fight with their bare hands, since their goal is to capture
Doppleganger encounters will, of course, appear to be
rather than kill player characters; however, it is likely
some other type of encounter; the GM should roll again
that at least some members of a press gang will have
to determine what the doppleganger is masquerading
daggers or swords on their persons in case a serious
as. 1d6 dopplegangers will be encountered; any extra
fight breaks out. A press gang will not confront a party
group members will be humans who do not know they
of equal or greater size unless the party is obviously
are traveling in the company of shapeshifting monsters.
weakened, drunk, etc. If the party loses, they will
If the party is "interesting" to the dopplegangers, one or
awaken aboard a ship at sea or in a military camp
more of the monsters will attempt to follow them and
(depending on whether sailors or soldiers captured
replace a party member (as described in the monster
them), unarmed and at the mercy of their captors.
description). In many cases, player character parties
will not discover the true nature of the encounter until Priest encounters will usually be similar to a group of
much later. pilgrims (see Creating an NPC Party, below, for
details), though the group encountered will not be as
Giant Rat encounters will generally involve alleys, the
large as would be encountered in the wilderness.
docks, or other "low" places. Rats are generally not
Generally, a single priest of 1 st through 4th level will be
dangerous unless provoked, but if surprised they may
encountered, accompanied by 1d4 of the faithful.
attack. See the monster description for details of this
encounter type. Shadow encounters in a town will be much like the
same encounter underground; see the monster
Lycanthrope, Wererat encounters will appear to be
description for details.
some other type of encounter, either another sort of
"normal" encounter or a giant rat encounter (depending Thief encounters will be with a group of 1d6 Thieves,
on the circumstances). Wererats are cowardly and will generally disguised as ordinary townsmen or sometimes
not attack a party of equal or larger size. as beggars. One Thief in the group will be from 2 nd to
4th level, with the others being 1 st level only. They will
Mercenary encounters will involve 2d6 members of a
seek to steal from the party, of course, unless watched
mercenary company, going about some business or
very carefully.
other. A mercenary leader may offer a position to
Fighter-classed player characters if they have any Wizard encounters will involve a Magic-User of 4 th
reputation at all. through 7th level, accompanied by 1d4-1 apprentices of
1st level. The GM must decide on the temperament
and mood of the wizard.
Here's an alternate suggestion: Allow the player to Magic-User will maintain a relationship with their
"flip" all of their scores by subtracting them from 21. original master, who will teach the character new spells
This will turn a roll of 15 (+1 bonus) into a 6 (-1 either for free or in return for services. Sometimes two
penalty) but turn a roll of 3 (-3 penalty) into an 18 (+3 Magic-Users will agree to exchange known spells. In
bonus). This will result in a character who previously many cases the only option available to a Magic-User
had mostly penalties becoming one with mostly will be to pay another Magic-User (often an NPC)
bonuses. If this is allowed, all scores must be flipped, anywhere from 100 gp to 1000 gp per spell level in
not just the bad ones! Doing this ensures the character return for such training.
is playable while still allowing the possibility of some
Magic-Users may also create entirely new spells (or alter
penalty scores.
existing spells); see the Magic Research rules, below, for
It is of course possible to roll all average scores, such details.
that the character has neither bonuses nor penalties and
would not gain any benefit from flipping scores. The Weapon and Armor Restrictions
choice here should be the player's; if they wish to reroll
all scores, the GM should probably allow it. Several races and classes have weapon and/or armor
restrictions applied to them. What happens when a
Acquisition of Spells player declares that their character is going to use a
prohibited weapon or wear prohibited armor?
Clerics have an obvious advantage over Magic-Users, in
that, in theory, they have access to any spell of any Clerics: The prohibition against edged weapons is a
level which they can cast. However, note that Clerics matter of faith for Clerics. Therefore, if a Cleric uses a
are limited in their spell selection based on their deity, prohibited weapon, they immediately lose access to
faith or ethos; for instance, a Cleric of the goddess of their spells as well as the power to Turn the Undead. A
healing should not be surprised that their deity refuses higher-level NPC Cleric of the same faith must assign
to grant reversed healing spells. If a Cleric prays for a some quest to the miscreant which must be completed
spell that is not allowed, the Game Master may choose in order for the fallen Cleric to atone and regain their
to grant the character a different spell, or optionally (if powers. If unrepentant, the character is changed
the deity is angered) no spell at all for that "slot." permanently from a Cleric to a Fighter. Re-calculate
the character's level, applying the current XP total to the
Magic-Users begin play knowing two spells, read magic Fighter table to determine this. Hit points and attack
plus one other (unless the GM grants more starting bonus remain the same; change the attack bonus only
spells). Each time the character gains a level, they gain after a new level is gained as a Fighter, and roll Fighter
the ability to cast more spells; in addition, every other hit dice as normal when levels are gained.
level the Magic-User gains access to the next higher
level spells (until all levels are available). However, Magic-Users: These characters are simply untrained in
gaining the ability to cast these spells does not any weapon other than those normally allowed to
necessarily mean the Magic-User instantly learns new them, and should suffer a -5 attack penalty when using
spells. any prohibited weapon. A Magic-User in armor can't
cast spells at all; any attempt fails, and the spell is lost.
Magic-Users may learn spells by being taught by
another Magic-User, or by studying another Magic- Thieves: Wearing armor heavier, more restrictive
User's spellbook. If being taught, a spell can be learned and/or noisier than leather armor prevents the use of
in a single day; researching another Magic-User's any Thief ability, including the Sneak Attack ability.
spellbook takes one day per spell level. In either case, Thieves may choose to wear such armor, but this only
the spell learned must be transcribed into the Magic- makes them a poor excuse for a Fighter.
User's own spellbook, at a cost of 500 gp per spell level Dwarves and Halflings: These characters are
transcribed. prohibited from using large weapons, mainly due to
A Magic-User may add a new spell of any level they their small stature and relatively low weight. It's hard to
may cast at any point; however, spells of higher levels swing a weapon when the weapon is trying to swing
may not be learned or added to the Magic-User's you. If such a character tries to use a prohibited
spellbook. The Magic-User must find a teacher or weapon, the Game Master may either apply a -5 attack
acquire a reference work (such as another Magic-User's penalty based on the difficulty of using the weapon, or
spellbook) in order to learn new spells, and the cost of alternately declare the attempt unsuccessful, at their
such is in addition to the costs given above. Often a option.
Judging Wishes
Wishes are one of the most potentially unbalancing
things in the game. With a carefully worded wish, a
player character can make sweeping, dramatic changes
in the game world, possibly even rewriting history.
Before allowing the player characters in your game
access to even one wish, think about how you will deal
with it.
Wishes are granted by a variety of beings. Even when
a wish comes from a device (a ring or a sword, for
instance), some extradimensional being, god or devil or
whatever, has placed that wish in the device. A wish
will tend to further the goals of the granting being; if the
granter is an evil efreeti, for instance, it will attempt to
twist the meaning or intent of the wish so that it does
not really accomplish what the player character wants.
On the other hand, if the granter is one of the good
powers, it will grant the wish as intended so long at the
player character isn't being greedy or spiteful. In general, a wish is granted with at least literal
Game balance is the main issue that must be accuracy… the words of the wish must be fulfilled. The
considered. Using a wish to heal the entire party, exception is wishes that are unreasonable for game
teleport everyone without error to a distant location, or balance purposes; they are still at least literally
to avoid or redo a catastrophic battle, is reasonable. A interpreted, but may be only partially granted. In the
wish that a character be restored to life and health is last example above, for instance, the granting power
reasonable, but a wish that not only restores but also would likely restore the character to life and health but
improves the character is not. ignore the "improvements" wished for.
Optional Rules
Death and Dying But the adventurer(s) are dead… how can they agree
to the indenture? There are two options: the priests
The rules state that, at zero hit points, the character is
can use speak with dead to attain agreement, or the
dead. If this is too harsh for you, here are several
adventurers can sign an agreement with the church
approaches to changing the situation:
before leaving on the potentially dangerous adventure.
Raise Dead: The first approach doesn't change the The latter might even be considered a standard
rules a bit. Arrange matters so that characters killed in procedure in some places.
an adventure can be easily raised (but at a substantial
Save vs. Death: The first actual rule alteration is to
cost). This not only "deals" with the mortality issue, it
allow characters reduced to zero hit points to save vs.
also soaks up excess treasure, preventing the player
Death Ray to avoid death. If the save is failed, the
characters from becoming too rich to be interested in
character is immediately dead, just as in the normal
adventuring. It also tends to reward the cautious (since
rules. If the save is made, the character remains alive
they get to keep their gold more often).
for 2d10 rounds; if the character's wounds are bound
What if the characters don't have enough money when (or they receive healing magic) within this time frame,
they die to afford to be raised? Allow the local religious death is averted. The character remains unconscious
establishment to raise dead adventurers in return for for the full 2d10 rounds rolled, either dying if left
their indenture… that is, the adventurers, upon being untreated or awakening if their wounds are bound.
restored to life, owe the church or temple the money it Binding the wounds of the dying character stabilizes
would have cost to be raised, or an equivalent service. them at zero hit points. Non-magical healing will
Thus, the local religious leaders would have a ready require a full week to restore the first hit point; after this,
pool of adventurers to undertake dangerous missions healing proceeds at the normal rate.
for them.
Magical healing will restore the character to whatever against Ability Scores that still gives better odds to
total is rolled on the healing die roll (up to the usual higher level characters:
maximum of course).
The player rolls 1d20 and adds their Ability Bonus for
Any spellcaster reduced to zero hit points who then the score the GM thinks is most appropriate, as well as
survives loses all remaining prepared spells. any bonus or penalty the GM assigns. Consult the
following table. If the total rolled is equal to or higher
This rule might be combined with the suggestions under
than the given Target number, the roll is a success.
Raise Dead, above.
Level Target
Negative Hit Points: Instead of stopping at zero hit
NM or 1 17
points, keep track of the current negative figure. At the
2-3 16
end of each round after they fall, the character loses an
additional hit point. If a total of -10 is reached, the 4-5 15
character is dead. Before this point is reached, the 6-7 14
character may have their wounds bound and/or receive 8-9 13
magical healing, which will stabilize the character. The 10-11 12
injured character may not move more than a few feet 12-13 11
without help, nor fight, nor cast spells, until their hit 14-15 10
points are again greater than zero. This rule should not 16-17 9
be combined with the Save vs. Death option. 18-19 8
Just as with the Save vs. Death rule, spellcasters who 20 7
survive being reduced to zero or negative hit points lose
all currently prepared spells. Human Experience Bonus Option
As a further option, the GM may choose to use a Some Game Masters find that the standard 10% bonus
negative number equal to the character's Constitution to earned experience for Human player characters is
score rather than a straight -10. not enough to encourage people to play as Humans. If
Ability Rolls
There will be times when a player character tries to do
something in the game that seems to have no rule
covering it. In some of those cases, the only attribute
the PC has that seems appropriate may be an Ability
Score. Here is a suggested method for making rolls
you feel that this is the case in your campaign, there is Abilities table, you'll discover its secret: from levels 2-9,
absolutely no reason not to give double that bonus. the Thief improves 30 percentiles (total) each level;
Because of the exponential (doubling) nature of the from levels 10-15, 20 percentiles; and from level 16 on,
character advancement tables from 1 st to 9th levels, 10 percentiles. If you wish to allow Thief customization,
giving a larger bonus will not significantly unbalance simply let the player allocate these points as they wish
your game in any way. rather than following the table. Allow no more than 10
percentiles to be added to any single Thief ability per
Awarding Experience Points for level gain. Note also that no Thief ability may be raised
Treasure Gained above 99 percent.
The Game Master may also assign experience points for Preparing Spells From Memory
treasure gained, at a rate of 1 GP = 1 XP. This is
optional; GMs wishing to advance their players to Sometimes a Magic-User will want to prepare spells, but
higher levels more quickly may choose to do this, while their spellbook may be unavailable; this includes when
those preferring a more leisurely pace should omit it. If the book has been destroyed or stolen as well as times
experience is awarded for treasure, it should be when the Magic-User has been captured or trapped.
awarded only for treasure acquired and returned to a A Magic-User can always prepare read magic from
place of safety. Alternately, the GM may require memory. Other spells require an Intelligence ability roll,
treasure to be spent on training in order to count it for as described above, with the spell level as a penalty on
experience. This is a highly effective way to remove the die roll.
excess treasure from the campaign.
Failure exhausts the spell slot being prepared, just as if
Thief Abilities it had been successfully prepared and then cast; so if a
5th level Magic-User attempts to prepare fireball from
Some players of Thieves may wish to have more memory, and fails, they will have no 3 rd level spells for
control over their Thief abilities. If you study the Thief the day.
Magical Research
General Rules for Research Spell Research
At some point a Magic-User or Cleric may wish to start Researching new spells is the most common type of
creating magic items or inventing spells. This is termed magical research. A Magic-User may research a
magical research. For any research, a Magic-User standard spell, removing the need for a teacher or
must have a tower or laboratory, while a Cleric requires reference; alternately, a Cleric or Magic-User may
a properly consecrated temple or church of their faith. invent an entirely new spell. No character may invent
In addition, there will be a cost for the creation of each or research a spell of a higher level than they can cast.
item, a minimum time required to create it, and a given
If the character is inventing a new spell, the GM must
chance of success. If the roll fails, generally the time
determine the spell's level and judge whether or not the
and money are wasted and the procedure must be
spell is possible "as is." The GM does not have to tell
started again from the beginning; however, consult the
the player whether the spell is possible, and in fact this
detailed rules below for exceptions.
may be preferable.
In almost all cases, the Game Master should make this
The cost to research a spell is 1,000 gp per spell level
roll in secret. There are many situations where the
for "standard" spells, or 2,000 gp per spell level for
character (or the player) should not know whether the
newly invented spells; in either case, one week is
roll has actually failed, or whether the GM has decided
required per spell level to complete the research. The
the research is impossible for the character. The GM
chance of success is 25%, plus 5% per level of the
may decide to tell the player that the research is
character, minus 10% per level of the spell; the
impossible if the roll succeeds; if the roll is a failure, that
maximum chance of success is 95%.
is all the player should be told.
If the research roll is successful, the character may add
In general, Clerics may only create magic items
the spell to their spellbook (if a Magic-User) or may
reproducing the effects of Clerical spells; Clerics may
subsequently pray for the spell (if a Cleric). On a
also make enchanted weapons and armor, even those
failure, the money and time are spent to no avail.
sorts which they may not use themselves (since they
Clerics of the same deity, faith or ethos may teach each
may be creating weapons or armor for other followers
other the prayers required to access new spells; this
of their faith). Magic-Users may create any sort of
takes one hour per spell level. The procedure to
magic item except for those reproducing Clerical spells
exchange spells with other Magic-Users has already
for which no equivalent Magic-User spell exists.
been explained (under Acquisition of Spells, above).
Time spent doing magical research must be eight-hour
As mentioned above, the GM may decide that a
days with interruptions lasting no more than two days.
proposed new spell is not "correct" for their campaign;
Longer interruptions result in failure of the project.
too powerful, too low in level, etc. Rather than tell the
The GM may wish to grant Experience Points to player this, there are two strategies that may be used.
characters who successfully complete magical research.
First, the Game Master may decide to revise the spell.
It is suggested that the rate of such awards be 1 XP per
If the roll is a success, the GM then presents the player
10 gp spent on the research. This award may be
with a revised writeup of the spell, adjusted however
granted for all research, or only for creation of magic
the GM feels necessary for game balance purposes.
items, or not at all if the GM prefers to emphasize
adventuring for advancement purposes. The alternative, more appropriate when the GM
believes the spell should be higher level than the player
character can cast, is to make the roll anyway. If the
roll fails, that is all the player needs to know; but if it
succeeds, the GM should then show the player the
revised version of the spell and explain that the
character may try again when they attain a high enough
level to cast it. In this case, the GM may allow the
character to reduce either the time or the cost by half
when the research is attempted again at the new level.
Chance of Success
If the roll fails, the enchantment of the scroll has failed;
Unless given differently below, the base chance of however, if the caster tries again to inscribe the same
success creating a magic item is 15% plus 5% per level spell, either the cost or the time is reduced by half (at
of the spellcaster, plus the spellcaster's full Intelligence the player's option, if a player character is involved).
(if a Magic-User) or Wisdom (if a Cleric). Thus, a 9 th
level spellcaster with a 15 Prime Requisite has a base Other Single-Use Items
chance of 75%.
Scrolls (other than spell scrolls), potions, and a few
Spell Scrolls other items (such as the Rod of Cancellation) are
single-use items. These items may be created by
A spellcaster may create a scroll containing any spell Magic-Users or Clerics of the 7th level or higher.
they have access to (for a Magic-User, spells in their
spellbook; for a Cleric, any spell the character might The chance of success is as given for scrolls, above,
successfully pray for). The cost is 50 gp per spell level, when the item being created reproduces a known spell
and the time required is 1 day per spell level. Reduce (or when the GM decides a spell must be created, as
the chance of success based on the level of the spell described above). For other types of items, the GM
being inscribed, at a rate of -10% per level. should assign a spell level as they see fit, and the cost
and time required is doubled (making up for the spell
research or knowledge required for spell-reproducing
items). The time required is one week plus one day per
spell level (or equivalent), and the cost to enchant the
item is 50 gp per spell level, per day.
Potions are a special case; the character creating a
potion may make a large batch, consisting of several
doses, which may be bottled in separate vials or
combined in a larger flask. For each additional dose
created at the same time, reduce the chance of success
by 5% and increase the time required by one day.
Note that increasing the time required will directly
increase the cost. If the roll to create the item fails, the
entire batch is spoiled.
automatically. Note that self-recharging items are never words and gestures to the item. Adding this feature
"rechargeable" in that they may not be recharged other costs 1,000 gp per effect. Note that all the item's effects
than by themselves. do not have to be covered; it is possible to create an
item where some effects may be used by any class, but
Charging Cost Time Chance
other effects may only be used by the creator's class.
1 per day x3 x2 - 10% Item operates continuously or automatically: This
All per day x5 x3 - 30% feature supersedes both the charges and item use
All per week x4 x2 - 20% features. The item works whenever properly worn, or
activates automatically when required. A Ring of Fire
Charges are generic: This means that all the effects of Resistance is a good example; also, the Ring of
the item draw power from the same pool of charges; Invisibility is in this category. Adding this feature
most Magic-User staffs are in this category. Items with multiplies the final cost and time figures by 3 and
generic charges are always rechargeable; don't apply applies a 20% penalty to the chance of success.
the normal costs for this feature. Instead, combine the
normal costs for the charge pools of each effect (which Each feature above applied to a magic item will require
must all have the same number of charges), and then a valuable, rare and/or magical material to support the
divide the charge cost, time and chance adjustments by enchantment. For example, a wand of fireballs has a
two. Thus, two effects sharing one pool costs the same spell effect that is powered by charges; these are two
as a single effect with a single pool. relatively ordinary features, so the Magic-User creating
the item proposes a rare wood for the shaft and a
Item may be used by any class: By default, magic 1,000 gp value ruby for the tip. The GM may, of
items may only be used by the class that created them; course, require something more rare or valuable if the
so a Wand of Fireballs is normally usable only by magic item is particularly powerful.
Magic-Users, or a Staff of Healing only by Clerics.
This feature allows the item to be used by any class of The base cost of a spell effect feature can be reduced
character, and involves assigning simple command by 25% by applying limits to the ability. For example, a
Ring of Charm Dryad is an example of limited charm
person spell effect, which would qualify for the
deduction. This does not affect the chance of success
or the time required.
Weapons which are to be enchanted with additional
powers other than the normal bonus require combining
the standard weapon enchantment rules with the rules
given above. Perform the weapon enchantment first; if
it is successful, then the character enchanting the
weapon must immediately (within two days, as
previously explained) begin the spell or spell-like power
enchantment process. Failure of the second procedure
does not spoil the weapon enchantment.
Cursed Items
Some cursed items, such as cursed scrolls, are created
that way specifically by the spellcaster. The difficulty of
creating such an item is roughly the same as the
difficulty of creating a spell scroll of bestow curse.
Other cursed magic items may be the result of a failed
attempt to create a useful item. The GM must decide
whether or not a failed research project will actually
create a cursed item.
The GM may choose the contents of any room, or may Empty rooms contain no monsters, traps, unguarded
roll on the table below: treasures, or specials. This does not mean that they are
truly "empty;" a room might contain a fireplace,
d% Contents upholstered chairs, side tables, torch sconces, and curtains,
01-16 Empty and still be considered empty. Hide a treasure in a secret
17-20 Unguarded Treasure drawer in a side table, and it becomes an unguarded
21-60 Monster treasure room; in other words, to be empty there has to be
61-84 Monster with Treasure basically nothing of serious interest to the player characters
85-88 Special in the room.
89-96 Trap
97-00 Trap with Treasure 6. Finishing Touches
The GM may wish to create one or more custom
An unguarded treasure will generally be hidden (such as wandering monster tables for the dungeon; monster
in a secret room, inside an unusual container, etc.) or patrols, if any, may need to be described; and possibly
protected by a trap (a poison needle in the lock of a chest, some locations may have unusual sounds, smells, graffiti,
or a poison gas canister that explodes if the container is etc. which need to be noted. Don't spend too much time
opened, or something similar); such a treasure might even on this, though.
be hidden and trapped! Again, some sort of saving throw
should be allowed if a trap is used. It's not a bad idea to Remember, if you only detail the "interesting" things, your
hide a treasure so well that the player characters are players will begin to guess what might be in a room.
unlikely to find it; don't be concerned if they don't. If you Some extra description will help make things uncertain for
give away the location of all your unguarded treasures, the players. For instance, a room with an unguarded
your players will not appreciate it properly when they treasure:
manage to find one by cleverness or luck.
Game Master: This room contains a chest, centered
A monster might be selected by the GM or rolled on the against the far wall.
random encounter tables. It's traditional that the first level Player 1: We look for monsters, and if we don't see any,
(below ground) contains monsters of 1 hit die or less, the the thief will check the chest for traps.
second level contains monsters of around 2 hit dice, and
so on, but the GM may choose to arrange their dungeon Kind of boring, right? This might be better:
in any way desired.
Game Master: In this room you see a comfortable-
A monster with treasure might indicate a lair, or it might looking upholstered chair, a side table with a drawer and
be a group of monsters carrying loot, possibly camping for a foot stool. Two burned-out torches are held by sconces
some reason before moving on. on each wall.
A trap is, obviously, some sort of device intended to harm Player 1: If we don't see any monsters, the thief will
the player characters, including such things as pendulum check the table and the footstool for traps and see if
blades, hidden pits, spear-chucking devices, and so forth. anything is hidden inside them, while the rest of us check
A trap with treasure is such a trap protecting a treasure, for secret doors… one of those sconces might open one.
which might be in the room beyond the trap or actually A little extra detail can add a lot to the adventure.
within it (such as in a pit). See the Traps section, below,
for more information.
A special might be a puzzle of some sort, such as a door
that can only be opened by a combination (hidden
elsewhere in the dungeon); or perhaps an oracle that
answers questions about the dungeon (but possibly it lies).
The classic "magic fountain" that randomly changes the
ability scores of the drinker is another possibility; if this is
done, some sort of limit should be imposed (such as, the
device only affects a given creature once, or the device
causes harm more often than it gives aid) to prevent
abuse. In general, a "special" room is any room containing
something that either interests or obstructs the player
characters but is not a monster, trap, or unguarded
2. What Kind Of Setting Is It? Go ahead and place any interesting sites such as towns,
ruins, and significant monster lairs. Remember, in most
Decide whether the area is deep in the wilderness, or in cases your party of adventurers will need some base of
more inhabited territories, what sort of climate will be operations, be it a city, town, village, or border fortress.
found there, how many towns, and of what size, are
present, and so on. 4. Detail Interesting Sites And People
You may choose to design a new territory based on the Describe at least the base town, and the dungeon you
goals of the player characters in your campaign. For expect the party to visit first. Also detail any set or
example, if the player characters decide to seek their placed encounters you laid out in the step above.
fortunes in the richest city in the world, you could There is a lot of room for creativity here: a distant,
decide where this is and begin to describe it by unfamiliar town may have different laws, traditions, or
providing rumors of its wealth and splendor told by far- currency. You should also describe key NPCs and their
wandering merchants. If these descriptions intrigue the connections to each other. NPCs have their own goals
characters and they travel toward the city, you will have and plans, which may or may not involve the PCs, and
time to decide what terrain – and dangers – lie in their the actions of player characters toward one person will
path. often influence how others treat them. Don't go
On the other hand, your setting should make sense, overboard trying to detail every single place on the
which will help players make meaningful choices when map… leave some room for expansion later, after you
traveling. For example, areas under human control will have a feel for your players and their characters.
be settled, with signs of civilization such as cleared land
for agriculture, roads, strongholds, etc. Areas 5. Create Encounter Tables
dominated by humanoid monsters, or which are being When designing a wilderness area, one touch that will
raided by wandering humanoids, will be battle-scarred really set it apart is a custom encounter table. Choose
and will not have food or other goods available. A those monsters that seem most appropriate to the area,
valley that was settled many years ago but abandoned using the standard encounter tables as a guide. If you
after a dragon attacked could contain ruined buildings, have placed humanoid lairs or encampments, you may
their walls likely still bearing the marks of flame and wish to include their patrols on the custom table.
claw, and fields grown high with saplings.
Another alternative is to roll six or eight or ten random
3. Draw An Area Map encounters using the "generic" encounter table for the
relevant terrain type, and use that list as your random
Now it's time to draw the area map. Some Game Masters encounter table for the area. When doing this, you
prefer to draw maps freehand, while others like to use hex probably should re-roll duplicates.
or graph paper; of course, programs are available to create
maps on a computer as well. It is a good idea to provide a
scale for the map, which can be whatever best fits the
map and the area you want to depict. A scale of 18 miles
per square or hex is a good choice for a large-scale map,
as this is the distance that a group of humans can cover in
Many player characters, upon reaching higher levels, Wall material 1' thick 5' thick 10' thick 15' thick
choose to settle down and build a stronghold. Maximum height 40' 60' 80' 100'
Generally this is allowed when a character reaches 9th Wood (H 6) 10 gp n/a n/a n/a
level or higher. The player character must obtain land Brick (H 8) 20 gp 50 gp n/a n/a
on which to build. In some lands, frontier territory may Soft stone (H 12) 30 gp 70 gp 200 gp n/a
be made available to any freeman (or freewoman) who
Hard stone (H 16) 40 gp 90 gp 260 gp 350 gp
can tame it; in others, land may be available for
someone with enough gold; while in other cases the A 1' thick wall is made of solid pieces of material held with
character will need to petition the local Count, Duke or mortar (or pegs and ropes for wooden walls); such walls
King for a land grant. may be at most 40' tall. A 5' thick wall consists of two 1’
thick walls sandwiching 3’ of earth and rubble; such a wall
Usually, Fighters build castles, Magic-Users build
may be at most 60' tall. A 10' thick wall consists of a 4’
towers, Clerics build temples and Thieves build thick outer wall and a 2’ thick inner wall sandwiching 4’ of
guildhouses, but this is not always so. Any character earth and rubble, and may be built up to 80' tall. A 15'
who builds a stronghold suitable to their class will attract thick wall consists of a 6’ thick outer wall and a 2’ thick
1st level followers of the same class as follows: inner wall sandwiching 7’ of earth and rubble; these walls
Class Number of Followers may be built up to 100' tall. To attain the maximum
Fighter 3d6 height, thinner walls can be used on upper stories. For
example, an 80 ft. tower must have at least 20’ of 10’
Magic-User 1d8
thick walls at the base, but more could be used.
Cleric 2d8
Thief 2d6 The character will have to pay engineering costs for
designing the stronghold, and tall structures are more
These followers will assist the character, but will not go difficult to design and to build. For each portion of the
on adventures away from the stronghold in most cases stronghold (wall, tower, and so on), each 10' of height
(especially dangerous dungeon adventures). Their adds 10% to the costs in both time and money. The GM
living comes from the income generated by the should feel free to add a multiplier to reflect the
stronghold. The primary sources of this income are difficulties of building in a remote area, obtaining
taxes on peasants for castles, fees for magical services materials, etc. In particular, if materials need to be
and students' tuition for towers, tithing from the faithful transported, they require 1 ton of cargo space per 5 gp
for temples, and criminal activities for guildhouses. A of wood or stone construction. (The increased weight
stronghold must have 200 square feet of living space of stone compensates for its compactness compared to
for each follower, as well as quarters for guests, stables wood.)
for horses, and so on.
A building over 40’ high must have a solid foundation,
A player who wants to build a stronghold should draw and if over 60’ high, it must rest on bedrock.
its floor plan. Each story is usually 10 feet tall. The
A stronghold requires one worker-day of construction
construction costs for the stronghold are determined by
labor for every gp it costs to build. Adding more
the square footage of its walls, floors and roofs, the
workers reduces construction time, but the time cannot
materials used, and the thickness of the walls.
be reduced below the square root of the time for one
Make sure not to double-count corners on walls that are worker to build the stronghold. Assume that there are
5' thick or thicker; count the length of only one face. 140 working days per year (seven months of 20
When determining wall length for round walls and working days each) in temperate climates.
towers, approximate pi by 3, since the inner face of the
Floors and thatched roofs cost as much and take as
wall has a shorter circumference. The table below gives
long to build as it would take to build the square
costs in gp for each 10 foot square section of wall. The
footage of their bases of 1’ thick wood walls. Wood-
number by the material is its hardness which is
shingled roofs cost twice this amount and take twice as
deducted from damage to the wall, just as with
long to build, while slate-shingled roofs cost four times
Attacking a Vehicle as explained on page 60.
as much and take four times as long. (You don't need
to calculate the greater surface area of a pitched roof,
since the increased height increases construction costs
enough to cover this.)
These costs include normal features of construction what might happen in this time, given that the area is
such as stairs, doors and windows. Interior walls are dangerous enough to warrant building a castle.
not included; they are usually 1’ thick. Parapets, which
Dungeons: A stronghold may also have a dungeon
provide cover for defenders atop castle walls and
excavated under it. A dungeon is an excellent place to
towers, are usually 1' thick and 5' high (so they are half-
store perishable supplies, a good shelter if the castle is
overrun, and often incorporates an escape route if all is
Note that guildhouses are almost always built in cities lost for the castle’s defenders or a secret way out for
and thus are usually built with 1’ thick exterior walls, when a raid is desired. Magic-Users sometimes
but they cost twice as much to build due to the traps encourage monsters to take up residence in their
and secret passageways that are designed into them. A dungeons, as they provide a convenient source of
Magic-User's tower costs three times as much to build, supplies for magical research and help keep away
due to the need for ancient books, alchemical unwanted guests. Use the following figures for skilled
equipment, and other supplies for conducting research. workers, such as dwarves or goblins, to create
dungeons; double the times for less skilled miners.
For example, Sir Percy, a 9th-level Fighter, desires to
build a 60’ tall square keep (50’ walls with a 10’ peaked Time for one worker to
slate-shingled roof) that is 50’ square. The keep will Material excavate a 5’ cube
have four stories and an attic, and the first story, which Earth 5 days (supports are required)
will contain the great hall, will be 20’ high. Sir Percy Soft stone 10 days
wishes his keep to be strongly built, so he tells his Hard stone 20 days
architect to build with hard stone and use 10’ thick
walls for the first two stories and 5’ thick walls for the Structural strength and breaches: A section of
rest. The first and second floors will thus be 30’ square stronghold wall has as many hit points as its base cost in
gp (for example, a section of 10’ thick soft stone wall has
or 900 square feet, and the third and fourth floors will
200 hit points). Stone and brick walls only take damage
be 40’ square or 1,600 square feet. With a total floor
from crushing blows, while wood walls are also affected by
area of 5,000 square feet, Sir Percy’s keep will house fire and chopping attacks. If a given section of wall loses
him and up to 24 other people (or animals such as all of its hit points, it is breached, allowing attackers to pass
horses, which during an attack may be stabled in the through. If a breach occurs on a lower course of wall,
great hall!) in acceptable comfort. Its floor plans are there is a 40% chance that the 10’ section above it will be
shown on the next page. breached by collapse, and a 20% chance that the section
The first floor has 30 (= 5 [for 50’ length] x 2 [for 20’ below it will be breached. These secondary breaches have
height] x 4 walls, minus 8 sections double-counted at the same chances of affecting the next 10’ section
the corners and 2 sections for the entrance) 10’ square above or below them, and so on until the top or bottom
sections of 10’ thick hard stone walls, which cost 7,800 course of wall is reached. If a breach occurs on a right
gp, and 9 10’ square sections of floor, which cost 90 or acute corner (90 degrees or less), the chances of
gp, for a total cost of 7,890 gp. The second floor is the breaches double in each direction.
same as the first, except that the walls are 10’ high and Attacking a Castle: Siege engines (as listed on page
there is no deduction for an entrance, giving a cost of 14) are difficult to aim, but as castles don't dodge
4,250 gp. The third and fourth floors each require 18 around, each successive shot by a given siege engine
sections of 5’ thick hard stone walls, costing 1,620 gp, with a given crew has an increasing chance of hitting.
and 16 sections of floor, costing 160 gp, for a total of To reflect this, the first attack on a castle's walls is made
1,780 gp per floor. The 50’ square roof costs 4 x 25 x against Armor Class 20; each subsequent attack by that
10 = 1,000 gp, and the 40' square attic floor adds 160 weapon, fired by that crew, at that same point in the
gp. The design calls for a total of 770’ of 1’ thick wall, is made against an Armor Class one lower than
interior walls and doors, which would cost 30,800 gp if the previous shot, to a minimum AC of 11.
made of hard stone; Sir Percy uses wood, which costs
only 7,700 gp. These costs total 24,560 gp, but since Attacks on a castle's defenders are at -4 on the attack
the keep is 60’ high, its cost is increased by 60% to roll if they are standing on the parapets, and at -10 if
39,296 gp. The keep will require 39,296 worker-days. they are behind arrow slits. Since characters defending
Sir Percy may employ up to 198 workers to build the the castle do move around, the odds of hitting them
keep, in which case it will take 198 working days to with a siege engine do not improve from shot to shot.
build, or a year and three months’ time. Keep in mind There is an additional -2 on the attack roll for missile
attacks if the defenders are more than 20' higher than
the attackers; this is not specifically due to altitude, but
rather because the defenders can use more of the wall wall to collapse. It is also slow, and if the castle has a
for cover. The defenders can take advantage of their moat, the tunnel must avoid it; this requires that it be
height by dropping objects on attackers near the castle's dug deeper, requiring twice the time. A mine is dug like
base; these missiles do 2d10 points of damage, but they a dungeon, and once its supports are fired, the wall
have a -2 attack penalty if dropped from a height of 30' above is breached; if the mine is only 5’ wide, there is
or more. only a 50% chance of causing a breach.
Siege engines can damage several adjacent characters; Finally, a screw may be used to attack a stronghold.
roll damage separately for each character in the 10' This device is used to bore through castle walls. A crew
square hit by the missile. Of course, the attack roll must of at least eight is required to operate it. It is only used
be high enough to damage each one; a roll of 19 at the base of a wall, and it is usually operated under a
against characters having Armor Classes of 18 and 20 sow, or portable roof, as it is slow. The device does
would hit the former but not the latter. 1d8 points of damage per turn, but it ignores hardness.
A breach caused by a screw is small, so it has only half
A castle may also be attacked by mining. This method
the usual chance of spreading to the next course of
of attack involves tunneling under the castle wall, then
wall, unless widened by miners. As a defensive
setting fire to the supports of the tunnel to cause the
structure, a sow has hardness 12 and 200 hit points.
Alphabetical Index
Ability Rolls......................188 Dungeons..........................43 Maneuverability..................51 Running.............................51
Adjusting Treasure Awards162 Dwarves.........................5, 43 Mapping.............................43 Savant...............................47
Adventurers......................183 Electrum piece....................10 Melee Combat....................54 Save As..............................62
Alchemist...........................47 Elves....................................5 Mercenaries........................48 Save vs. Death.................187
Animal Trainer...................47 Encounter........................179 Mercenary........................182 Saving Throws................6, 60
Armor and Shields..............11 Encumbrance.....................42 Merchants................182, 183 Scrolls......................166, 171
Armor Class4, 50, 53, 59, 62, Energy Drain......................58 Miscellaneous Items. .167, 173 Secret Doors......................44
170 Engineer............................47 Missile Fire.........................54 Set Weapon Against Charge
Armorer (or Weaponsmith). 47 Equipment.........................10 Missile Weapon Ranges......11 ..........................................52
Attack Bonus..........53, 54, 62 Evasion and Pursuit............52 Missile Weapon Rate of Fire 54 Shadow...........................182
Attack Bonus Table............53 Experience.......................188 Missiles That Miss...............55 Ship's Crew........................47
Attacking a Vehicle.......13, 60 Experience Points.......49, 189 Money...............................10 Siege Engines.....................14
Attacking From Behind.......53 Explanation of Equipment...12 Monster Attack Bonus.........54 Silver piece.........................10
Attacks (no. of)...................62 Explanation of Magic Items Monster Reactions..............50 Silver pieces.......................10
Bandits.............................183 ........................................168 Morale....................46, 57, 62 Sneak Attack........................9
Becoming Lost...................45 Falling Damage...................59 Move Silently.......................9 Specialists..........................47
Beggar.............................182 Fighter.................................7 Movement........42, 45, 53, 62 Spell Research..................190
Brawling.............................56 Fighting withdrawal.............53 Movement rate.............42, 62 Spells.................................17
Brigands...........................183 Game Master........................1 Negative Hit Points...........188 Spells (save).......................60
Buccaneers and Pirates.....183 Game turns........................42 No. Appearing....................62 Strength.........................4, 42
Bully................................182 Gems and Jewelry............164 Nobles.....................182, 184 Strongholds......................198
Carrying Capacity...............42 Giant Rat.........................182 Non-Human Parties..........184 Subduing Damage..............55
Character Abilities................4 GM......................................1 Non-player characters...........2 Surprise.............................50
Character Advancement.....49 Gold piece.........................10 Normal men.......................53 Thief............................8, 182
Charging............................52 Grenade-Like Missiles.........54 NPC.............................2, 183 Thief Abilities....................189
Charisma..................4, 46, 50 Halflings...............................6 Oil.....................................55 Thieves...........8, 43, 181, 182
City Watch.......................182 Healing..............................59 Open Locks.........................9 Thieves' Picks and Tools.....12
City, Town or Village Hide....................................9 Optional Rules..................187 Time..................................42
Encounters.......................181 Highwaymen....................183 Order of Play......................50 Traps.........................43, 196
Cleric.............................7, 57 Hit Dice..............................62 Overland Travel.................45 Traveling by Air..................45
Clerics vs. Undead Table....57 Hit points.........4, 55, 59, 187 Paralysis or Petrify..............60 Treasure...........................162
Climb Walls..........................9 Holy Water...................12, 55 Parting shot..................52, 53 Treasure Type....................62
Climbing and Diving...........52 Hopeless Characters.........185 PC.......................................2 Treasure Types.................163
Combat..............................51 How to Attack....................53 Percentile roll.......................2 Turn....................................8
Combat round........42, 50, 51 Human Experience Bonus Pick Pockets.........................9 Turn the Undead............7, 57
Combination Classes............6 Option.............................188 Pilgrims............................184 Undead........7, 17, 55, 57, 58
Common.............................4 Humans...........................4, 6 Placed Treasures..............162 Unguarded Treasures.......164
Constitution...................4, 59 Individual Treasures..........163 Platinum piece....................10 Using the Dice......................2
Constitution Point Losses....59 Initiative.............4, 50, 51, 52 Player character....................2 Vehicles.............................13
Copper pieces....................10 Intelligence.......................4, 8 Poison................60, 171, 188 Wandering Monsters.........179
Cost of Weapons and Item Saving Throws............60 Potions.....................166, 170 Wands, Staves and Rods 166,
Equipment.........................10 Judging Wishes.................187 Preparing Spells From 172
Creating An NPC Party.....183 Lair Treasures..................163 Memory...........................189 Water Transportation..........13
Damage.......................55, 62 Land Transportation...........13 Press Gangs.....................182 Waterborne Travel..............45
Darkvision..........................43 Languages............................4 Priest................................182 Weapon and Armor
Deafness and Blindness......59 Light..................................43 Prime Requisite................7, 8 Restrictions.......................186
Death and Dying..............187 Listen...................................9 Raise Dead.......................187 Weapon Size......................11
Death Ray or Poison...........60 Lycanthrope, Wererat.......182 Random Treasure Generation Weapons............................11
Defensive Movement..........53 Magic Armor............165, 170 ........................................162 Wilderness Encounters......180
Dexterity..........................4, 8 Magic item. .47, 165, 168, 184 Rare Items........................176 Wilderness Movement Rates
Doors.................................43 Magic Item Generation......165 Remove Traps......................9 ..........................................45
Doppleganger...................182 Magic Item Research.........191 Repairing a Vehicle.............60 Wisdom...........................4, 7
Dragon Breath....................60 Magic Wands......................60 Rest...................................59 Wizard.............................182
Dungeon Encounters........179 Magic Weapons........165, 169 Retainers............................46 Wrestling............................56
Dungeon Survival...............44 Magic-User...........................8 Role-Playing.........................1 XP.........................46, 49, 62
Magical research...............190 Round................................42