Minutes of Preliminary Conference Group 5 Final

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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Judicial Region

Branch 1, Manila


Civil Case No. 1237-CV
-versus- For: Unlawful Detainer
with Damages





For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

Rafa A. Dela Cruz Cherry A. Dela Cruz

Assisted by: Assisted by:

Atty. Maria C. Aguinaldo Atty. Shashing Eses
Atty. Joyie Cy

Marking of Documentary Evidence:

For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

1. Exhibit “A” – Transfer 1. Exhibit “1” – Transfer

Certificate of Title (original) Certificate of Title of the
2. Exhibit “B” – Final subject parcel of land
Demand Letter to Vacate (also Exhibit “A” for the
(original) Plaintiff)
3. Exhibit “C” – Barangay 2. Exhibit “1-A” – name
Conciliation Certificate to “Ruffa A. Dela Cruz”
File Action (original) 3. Exhibit “2” – Tax
4. Exhibit “D” – Property Declaration of the
Location Picture (original) subject parcel of land
5. Exhibit “E” – (reserved for (original)
marking) Judicial Affidavit 4. Exhibit “2-A” – name
of Rafa A. Dela Cruz “Ruffa A. Dela Cruz”
5. Exhibit “3” – Tax
Declaration of the

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residential house built
on the subject parcel of
land (original)
6. Exhibit “3-A” – amount
of the market value
7. Exhibit “4” – Official
Receipt for the payment
of the real property tax
for year 2015 (original)
8. Exhibit “4-A” – amount
9. Exhibit “5” – Official
Receipt for the payment
of the real property tax
for year 2016 (original)
10. Exhibit “5-A” – amount
11. Exhibit “6” - Official
Receipt for the payment
of the real property tax
for year 2017 (original)
12. Exhibit “6-A” – amount
13. Exhibit “7” – Official
Receipt for the payment
of the real property tax
for year 2018 (original)
14. Exhibit “7-A” – amount
15. Exhibit “8” – (reserved
for marking) Judicial
Affidavit of Cherry A.
Dela Cruz
16. Exhibit “8-A” –
signature of Cherry A.
Dela Cruz

with reservation to present

additional documentary
evidence during the course of
the trial.

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Genuineness and Due Execution Admitted:

For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

The Defendant admits the The Plaintiff admits the

genuineness and due genuineness and due
execution of the following execution of the following
Plaintiff’s exhibits only: Defendant’s exhibits only:

1. Exhibit “A” – Transfer 1. Exhibit “1” – Transfer

Certificate of Title (original) Certificate of Title of the
2. Exhibit “C” – Barangay subject parcel of land
Conciliation Certificate to 2. Exhibit “2” – Tax
File Action (original) Declaration of the subject
parcel of land (original)
3. Exhibit “3” – Tax
Declaration of the
residential house built on
the subject parcel of land
4. Exhibit “4” – Official
Receipt for the payment of
the real property tax for
year 2015 (original)
5. Exhibit “5” – Official
Receipt for the payment of
the real property tax for
year 2016 (original)
6. Exhibit “6” - Official
Receipt for the payment of
the real property tax for
year 2017 (original)
7. Exhibit “7” – Official
Receipt for the payment of
the real property tax for
year 2018 (original)

Listing of Witnesses and Object Evidence:

For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

1. Rafa A. Dela Cruz 1. Cherry A. Dela Cruz

2. One (1) reserved witness

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Object Evidence:
For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

- None - - None -

Possibility of Settlement:

For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

The Plaintiff is open to an The Defendant is willing to

amicable settlement with the enter into an amicable
Defendants provided it is fair settlement provided that:
and reasonable.
1. Plaintiff is open to settling
this dispute amicably subject
to a concrete proposal that is
fair and reasonable from a
reciprocal manifestation of
openness from the
Defendant; and

2. The desired terms of any

amicable settlement would
involve, first, an admission of
amount due and owing to the
Defendant, and, second, a
schedule of payments.

Proposed Stipulations:

For the Plaintiff: For the Defendant:

1. Personal circumstances of 1. The Plaintiff and the

the parties [ADMITTED] Defendant are both
2. Sending and receipt of legitimate children of Ruffa
Defendant of the final A. Dela Cruz. [ADMITTED]
Final Ddemand Lletter to 2. The 2-storey residential
Vacate [ADMITTED] house standing on the
3. Barangay conciliation subject parcel of land was
proceedings were built from the Defendant’s
unsuccessful [ADMITTED] own funds. [NOT
4. Plaintiff is the absolute ADMITTED]
owner and title holder of 3. The Plaintiff, from 2015 up
the parcel of land [NOT to the present, did not pay
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ADMITTED] nor shared in the payment
5. That there is already the of the real property tax of
need to use the property, the subject parcel of land.
hence, repeated demands [NOT ADMITTED]
to vacate was were made
to the Defendant [NOT
6. Plaintiff filed a complaint
for ejectment at MeTC
Branch 1, Manila
7. Failure of the Defendant to
vacate constrained the
Plaintiff to retain services
of herein counsel
[attorneys fees and cost of
litigation same in the
Complaint] [NOT
8. No Plaintiff has no
knowledge of the building
of the 2-storey concrete
residential house nor the
approval of the
construction of the same
by the deceased mother

Other Matters:

Pre-trial is set on May 5, 2019 at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon.



Plaintiff Defendant

Assisted by: Assisted by:

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Counsel for the Plaintiff

Counsels for the Defendant

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