Tables of Proportional Relationships-Lesson

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Jaime’s Lesson Plan

 Prominently display Target Standards Poster for Unit.
 “Touch” the standards for the day on the Target Standards Poster to begin each lesson.
CA Standard:7.RP.2d Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.
b. Identify the constant of proportionality (unit rate) in tables, graphs, equations, diagrams, and verbal descriptions
CCC Standard: 7.RP.2d of proportional relationships.
d. Explain what a point (x, y) on the graph of a proportional relationship means in terms of the situation, with special
attention to the points (0, 0) and (1, r) where r is the unit rate.
Main Point for Today By the end of today’s lesson, students will show
 How to find the unit rate by comparing values from a table.
 Explain what a point (x, y) on the graph of a proportional relationship means in terms of the situation, with
special attention to the points (0, 0) and (1, r) where r is the unit rate.
Emotional Hook
 Prior Knowledge Directions: 1Determine whether option A or option B is the better deal.
 Relevance Option A: box of 128 diapers for $26.99
 Curiosity Option B: box of 216 diapers for $45.99
2. It costs $2.00 for 5 oranges. Complete the table and graph to represent this situation.

Time: __6-8mins

I DO Students will be given various situations Student Task Energizer
Teacher will facilitate modeling a real-world situation applying Students will work in groups assigned by (Cognitive
discussion among tables and the characteristics of ratios and teacher and they all have a role and will State
groups by walking around proportions. Students will work on for 12- contribute accordingly to solve the Change)
tables/groups. Next, teacher 13 minutes. They will need to spend 4 problems. After assigned time of 12-13
will have the entire groups minutes per problem and choose one minutes, we are going to have a class
present to the class their problem to present to class. discussion on some of the problems,
strategy on how to solve including student showing their work and
given problem describing a Key Vocabulary: justify their work/steps to the class.
real world situation. Unit Rate, Constant of proportionality,
point (x, y) Students will work in groups collaborating
with the groups on solving the Unit rate,
constant of proportionality, and explaining
the significance of a point (x, y) in the
Time: 15_mins

Copyright 2012 Principal’s Exchange

Mr. Jaime’s Lesson Plan
WE DO Teacher Task Student Task: 10/2
Join the discussion about Teacher will facilitate Students will work as a team to present their work and Energizers
the process involving discussion about real-life reasoning to the class with problems involving (Quick
answering the various examples of proportional proportional relationships. State
situations involving relationships during students Change
proportional rates/tables discourse. every 10

Time: ___15 min

Sentence Frames for Students to Use
We decided
Our work help us to determine

 Exit Ticket or MVP
(Most Valuable Point)
 “Touch” the standard Determine whether option A or option B is the better deal.
for the day on the Option A: box of 128 diapers for $26.99
Target Standards
Poster to end each Option B: box of 216 diapers for $45.99

Time: _5__mins

Copyright 2012 Principal’s Exchange

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