Stability Checks

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The key takeaways from the document are guidelines and checklists for structural design of columns, beams, shear walls and considerations for analysis techniques like finite element method and P-Delta analysis.

The different types of structural analysis that can be performed include finite element method, P-Delta analysis, wind load analysis and earthquake analysis.

The different load combinations that should be considered for structural design include 1.5D + 1.5E, 1.2D + 1.2L + 1.2E, 0.9D + 1.5E based on the type of structural element.

stability checks

1. Inter story drift ratio should not be less than 0.004 X floor height
2. Maximum deflection against wind a lot is H /500.
3. Maximum deflection against earthquake allowed =H/250
4. Maximum deflection against cantilever or any individual element allowed is equal to
span/350 of 20 mm which ever is less. As per IS 456 clause 23.2
5. Guideline for fundamental time period equal to 0.9 x N Where N is equal to numbers
of floor.
6. Number of mode given should be in such a way that around 95 to 90% model
participating mass ratio salary check.
7. First mode of vibration is preferred to be in translation mode.
8. If the frequency of the building is less than 1 hertz then wind dynamic analysis need
to be done by considering the wind gust factor. Refer IS 875 Part 3 Chapter number 7
9. for key element (elements acting as a transfer beams) design over strength factor
of 1.5 need to be used for earthquake loadings
load combination :-( additional factor of 1.5 need to be multiplied for earthquake
load case for the following load combination
i. 1.5D + (1.5X1.5)E
ii. 1.2D + 1.2L + (1.2X1.5)E
iii. 0.9D + (1.5X1.5)E
10. If the expansion joint is there in the building expansion joint need to be as per is
1893 2016 clause no.7.11.3
11. All the structural elements need to be well the strength design limit criteria.
Kindly use static and dynamic analysis depending upon requirement
Don not use Static and dynamic load combination together for design the
structural element.
Check list for column design
1. Check the grade of concrete.
2. Check the grade of Steel.
3. Check concrete cover as per the Indian Standard are suitable for the site.
4. Check the arrangements of the rebar system in pre process.
5. Check if the proper load combination are taken into consideration while
designing the column
6. Check the unsupported length and unbraced length of the column
7. Check the code IS 456 is selected
8. Check the ductility clause if R=5 then use ductile otherwise choose ordinary
ductile - software shall consider the Is 13920 code for designing the column
ordinary- software design the column as per IS 456 without consideration of
IS 13920


1. Check the grade of concrete.

2. Check the grade of Steel.
3. Check concrete cover as per the Indian Standard are suitable for the site.
4. Check the arrangements of the rebar system in pre process.
5. Check if the proper load combination are taken into consideration while
designing the beam
6. Check the code IS 456 is selected
7. Check the ductility clause if R=5 then use ductile otherwise choose ordinary
ductile - software shall consider the Is 13920 code for designing the column
ordinary- software design the column as per IS 456 without consideration of
IS 13920
8. Check the bending moment diagram and shear force diagram, Torsion
diagram (After specify Release.)
1. Check the grade of concrete.
2. Check the grade of Steel.
3. Check concrete cover as per the Indian Standard are suitable for the site.
4. Check the arrangements of the rebar system in pre process.
5. Check if the proper load combination are taken into consideration while
designing the shear wall.
6. Check the code IS 456 is selected
7. Check the ductility clause if R=5 then use ductile otherwise choose ordinary
ductile - software shall consider the Is 13920 code for designing the column
8. ordinary- software design the column as per IS 456 without consideration of
IS 13920
9. Give proper pier/spandrel lebelling as follows
Post processing / Analysis Techniques
Finite element method concept
Thin shell elemens
Inpalne and out of plan stiffness shall be taken into consideration while
performing the analysis
Finite element meshing is compulsory for such modelling type of element
Application- normal rcc slab ,beam combination regular slab PT slab shear
wall flat slab,etc
Thick slab elements
In plane and out of plane stiffness along with shear deformation shall be taken
into consideration while performing the analysis
Finite element meshing is compulsory for such modelling type of element
Application – foundation slab, Raft, column drop, flat slab, transfer girder
transfer slab
Membrane element
Only in plane stiffness shall be taken into consideration while performing
FEM meshing not given
Application – staircase, precast slab, profile slab etc deck slab

Second order geometric nonlinear analysis
Due to self weight
Diagram –
Define – P Delta
Automation method
Iterative –Based on loads
Dead -1.5
In which over is critical
Relative convergence tolerance .0001
Run analysis
Wind load
1. Exposer from extent of diaphragm
2. Exposer from shell objects
3. Gust factor
4. Wind tunnel analysis
Chapter 7 IS 875 PART 3
Earthquake engg
Static base shear vb= X W

Sum % of total weight of building

Vb = Ah.w
Ah= some multification factor (Horizontal acceleration coefficient )
- Bar=vector –direction
Z= zone factor
Factor = problity of history

0.1 0.16 0.24 0.36

2 3 4 5

I = Importance factor
1 1.2 1.5
General building +200 population Hospitals/ community
R = response reduction factor
3 ---- 5
3 – OMRF ( ordinary moment resisting frame
5- SMRF ( special moment resisting frame) IS 13920
W = seismic wt. of building
1.5DL+0.25LL ---- IF LL <3 KN /M2
1DL + 0.5LL ---------IF LL > 3KN / M2
Sa/g value depends on time period
Sa/g – how much more to normal gravity
Depends upon time periods and type of soil
Sa/g – spectral acceleration with respect to gravity
Building system
1. Building with frame
2. Building with shear wall
3. Dual system 1 + 2
4. Flat slab

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