(Abram Hoffer) Hoffer Laws of Natural Nutrition

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MEEK >PD>_ Books by Abram Hoffer Dr Hoffer’s ABC of Natural Nutrition for Children and Schizophrenia ery, Contn Vitamin Gand Cancer Discovery, Recovery, Controversy (with Linus Pauling) Masks of Madness Onthomolecular Treatment of Mental liness aOrFER’S LAWS OF NATURAL NUTRITION A GUIDE TO EATING WELL FOR PURE HEALTH Abram Hoffer M.D. Dedicated to Fran Fuller, for without her secretarial help this book cond not have been written, and for her dedication, interest, and care of our patients, which has made my office o comfortable for them. Rasely do they leave me office witht saying good ye to ran, and often they appear ‘move disappointed sohen she i away, than if Twere away Thanks, Fran. Copyright © Abram Hoffer, 199 Second printing, 2001 All rights reserved, ‘The nutritional, medical, and health information presented in this book is based on the research, training, and personal experiences of the author, and is true and complete to the best of the sutho Knowledge. However, this book is intended only as an informative _ulde for those wishing 10 know more about nutrition. Its not intended to replace or countermand the advice given tw you by you physician. Because each person and each sitation is lisher urges the reader to check with a qualified healt before using any procedure where there is any question as to its appropriateness ‘The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular supple ment program, but believes that the information presented in this book should be available to the public, Because there is always some athor and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the Suggestions in this book. Please feel free to consulta physician oF other qualified health professional. It isa sign of wisdom, not cow- ardice, 1o seek a second or third opinion. nique, the pub- profesional risk invoked, the: The publisher acknowledges the financial assistance of the Book Publishing Development Program of the Department of Canadian Heritage ISBN 1-55082.005.8 Printed and bound in Canada by AGMV Marquis, Ine Gap St Ignace, Quebec. Published by Quarry Press Ine P.O. Box 1061, Kingston, Ontario K7L. 4Y5 Canada cONTENTs I ‘THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY DILEMMA IN HEALTH 1. Beyond the High-Tech Diet 2. Towards a Natural Diet ny ‘THE HEALTH COSTS ‘THE HIGH-TECH DIET oO 1. The Junk Food Er Vomit Reflex Rew, Cooked, Refined, ‘and Processed Foods Dead, Stale, Toxic 2. Dietary Diseases Low Filer High Sugar High Fat Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Exeessiow Additives Combined Diseases Food Allergies Public Malnutrition Health-Care Crisis Inesponsible Medicine 10 17 24 24 32, 4 51 54 61 61 64 84 86 90 m1 ‘THE HEALTH BENEFITS OF A NATURAL DIET 1. The Optimum Diet Individual Adapiation Orthomolectlar Medicine Whote, Ative, Fresh Balanced Diet Nutrient Supplements Paradigm Shift Nutrient Dependency 3. Vitamin C Chief Antioxidant Optimum Dosage Remarkably Safe Treatment for Aging, ITP, Cancer 4. Vitamin B Complex Vitamin B-l (Thiamin) Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) Vitamin B-3 (Niacin and Niacinamide) Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) Pantothenic Acid, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12 96 192 103 109 14 121 197 128 130 134 140 14g 143. 158 161 96 113. 124 140 6. x Vitamin E (The Tocopherols) 166 Uses 167 Dose 7 Vitamin A (Carotene: 172 Minerals 174 Absolutely Essential 174 Passibly Essential 194 Non Essential Toxic 195 mino and Essential Fatty Acids ..203 Amino Acids 203 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) 208, Iv ‘THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY DIRECTION IN HEALTH Orthomolecular Prevention and Therapy Case Studies 216 Hong Kong Veteran Improved 1.Q. Down's Syndrome ‘Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Orthomolecular Health-Care 231 Economical 231 Responsible 239

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