Beyond Antibiotics - Michael A. Schmidt (Orthomolecular Medicine)

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50 (or so) Ways to
Boost Immunity and
Avoid Antibiotics

Michael A. Schmidt
Lendon H. Smith
Keith W. Sehnert
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Praise for Beyond Antibiotics:

“Abounds with clues to the healthy life. Makes me want to take a walk,
laugh more, pass a copy to a friend.”
Mothering Magazine
“Excellent book. Conclusions are discussed in detail in a clear and easy-
to-read manner. But, even better is the description of how we can diag¬
nose our own ills, the reasons for them, and what we can do about them.”
Abram Hoffer, M.D., author of Orthomolecular Nutrition
“Beyond Antibiotics sends a clarion warning to the consumer—change
your microflora at your own peril! Chemical solutions to problems of
internal balance are always risky—and Drs. Schmidt, Sehnert, and Smith
amply document the dangers of overuse of antibiotics.”
Marc Lappe, author of When Antibiotics Fail
“It is excellent to see such a comprehensive approach to patient care by
experienced physicians who are interested in helping their patients as
much as possible, without having to resort to potentially toxic pharma¬
ceutical preparations, but at the same time not denying patients avail¬
able effective drug treatment where there is no obvious nutritional
Dr. Stephen Davies, author of Nutritional Medicine
“The scope of this book reflects the newer and better trend in regards
to 20th century medical care. More and more informed adults realize
that the best answers for children and adults is to find out exactly why
they are ill and try to eliminate the cause. This is particularly true if
antibiotics are repeatedly required to treat recurrent infections.
“I can hardly wait to see this book in print and I will definitely rec¬
ommend it for my allergic and environmentally-ill patients because so
many are sensitive to antibiotics, or to the dyes, sugar, corn, and artifi¬
cial flavors used in many drugs.”
Doris J. Rapp, M.D., Environmental Allergy Center,
author of Is This Your Child?

“This book is enlightening and informative on how to raise a healthier

child and have a healthier family. Few physicians have more tried-and-
true experience than Drs. Sehnert, Smith, and Schmidt. This book will
find a place on my ‘most recommended list’ and is likely to soon become
dog-eared from much use.”
Russell M. Jaffe, M.D., Health Studies Collegium
50 (or so) Ways to
Boost Immunity and
Avoid Antibiotics

Dr. Michael A. Schmidt

Dr. Lendon H. Smith
Dr. Keith W. Sehnert

North Atlantic Books
Berkeley, California
Beyond Antibiotics:
50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics

Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Dr. Michael A. Schmidt. No portion of this

book, except for brief review, may be reproduced in any form without
written permission of the publisher.

Published by
North Atlantic Books
P.O. Box 12327
Berkeley, California 94712

Cover and book design by Paula Morrison

Printed in the United States of America

Beyond Antibiotics: 50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibi¬
otics is sponsored by the Society for the Study of Native Arts and Sciences,
a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to develop an edu¬
cational and crosscultural perspective linking various scientific, social, and
artistic fields; to nurture a holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and
healing; and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of
mind, body, and nature.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Schmidt, Michael A., 1958-

Beyond antibiotics: 50 (or so) ways to boost immunity and avoid
antibiotics / Michael Schmidt, Lendon Smith, Keith Sehnert
p. cm.
Previously published in 1993 with subtitle: healthier options for
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-55643-180-5
1. Natural immunity—Popular works. 2. Antibiotics—Health
aspects. 3. Naturopathy. 4. Health. 5. Infection—Prevention.
I. Smith, Lendon H., 1921- . II. Sehnert, Keith W. III. Title.
QR185.07’9—dc20 93-42356

6 7 8 9 / 98 97
Dedicated to the spirit of holism
in medicine and to all those who strive
to bring about meaningful change.

We would like to thank the many physicians, healers, researchers

and educators whose ideas and concepts appear in this book. As
with any area of human endeavor, the work of our predecessors
and peers is vital to the advancement and illumination of new ideas.
There are numerous friends and colleagues who have con¬
tributed ideas and insights that have helped make this book what it
is. To them we are grateful: Russell M. Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., Jeffrey
S. Bland, Ph.D., William G. Crook, M.D., Sidney Wolfe, M.D.,
Leo Galland, M.D., Jonathan Wright, M.D., Paul Westby, D.C.,
Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D., Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.,
Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., Alan Gaby, M.D., Linus Pauling, Ph.D.,
Doris Rapp, M.D., Sherry Rogers, M.D., Marc Lappe, Ph.D., Dana
Ullman, M.P.H. and Stephen Davies, M.D. These individuals are
among the leaders in the field of preventive medicine.
We are also grateful for the work of Martin Seligman, Ph.D.,
Larry Dossey, M.D., George Solomon, M.D., Robert Ornstein,
Ph.D., David Sobel, M.D., Stephen Locke, M.D., Jean Achter-
berg, Ph.D. and others for their exciting and pioneering work in
the field of brain/mind/body and psychoneuroimmunology.
We would also like to thank the Milbank Memorial Fund Quar¬
terly for permission to reprint material that appears in Chapter 2 of
this book. A special thanks also to The National Geographic Society.
We are grateful to Kathy Glass and Paula Morrison who put
their editorial and artistic touches on this book. Their efforts have
helped give clarity and consistency to what began as a mountain
of paper.
We owe a special debt of gratitude to our wives who continue to
offer their patience, understanding and insight to the work we do.
They seem always willing to endure our humorous ways as well as
our sometimes intense intellectual gymnastics.
Finally, we are indebted to our patients, who have been the
greatest teachers of all. They have taught us compassion, under¬
standing and a true wisdom that is gained only from the world of
A Note to Readers

We have written this book to serve as a general reference for those

concerned about the use of antibiotics and ways to reduce the chance
of infections. While we have made some basic recommendations
about health and illness, we cannot accept medical or legal respon¬
sibility for having the contents of this book considered as a pre¬
scription for any person. Some of the guidelines outlined in this
book are based on time-honored, common sense approaches that
anyone can safely use. However, before undertaking any specific
recommendations outlined in this book, it would be wise to consult
with your doctor. You and your physician or licensed health care
professional must take full responsibility for the use of the infor¬
mation in this book.
The information contained in this book is an analysis of the evi¬
dence that diet, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and stress have
an important impact on our resistance to infection. We further high¬
light the problems of antibiotic overuse. We urge you to consult the
scientific and medical references provided, and decide for yourself
whether our analysis makes sense. You should also pursue other
references, as this is only one book and represents a particular view¬
point. The best way to make appropriate health decisions is to be
as informed as possible. Beware of anyone who claims to have all
the answers.
The decision of whether to use antibiotics is neither straight¬
forward nor easy. Individual circumstances will always determine
the best approach. Therefore, we urge you to make all your deci¬
sions based not on philosophy, but on careful analysis of the facts.
While antibiotic overuse is a common and serious problem, avoid¬
ing their use under appropriate circumstances can be serious as
Tabic of Contents

Foreword, Dr. Michael A. Schmidt.xv

Introduction, Dr. Lendon H. Smith.xxi
Preface, Dr. Keith W. Sehnert.xxv
Part I: Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?.1
Chapter 1. Casualties of the War on Germs.3
The War on Germs.5
Ask the Right Questions.9
Chapter 2. Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You . 13
The Paradoxes of Antibiotic Use.14
Antibiotics and Infection: Not What You Think.15
The Perils of Antibiotic Use.18
Bugs, Drugs and Susceptibility.30
Science, Politics or Economics.32
Age- and Sex-Related Concerns.33
In the Hospital.38
At the Dentist.40
Doctor and Patient Attitudes.42
Public Perception: The Myths of Antibiotic Use.45
But Doctor, Are You Sure?.47
Doctors Are Different.48
Doctors Are Not Taught Alternatives in Medical School.. 51
Are Antibiotics Being Overused in Your Care?.53
Why Use Antibiotics?.54

Part II: Why We Get Sick 59

Chapter 3. The Miracle of Immunity.61
Chapter 4. Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility.69
How Nutrition Affects Immunity and Infection
How Infection Affects Nutritional Status.72
Food Allergy, Intolerance and Immunity.74
Nutritional Deficiency: More Common Than You Think .. 80
What Affects Your Nutritional Needs?.82
Excess Sugar and Fat Can Lower Immunity.83
The Importance of Fiber.85
Anti-Nutrients and Immunity.87
The Eating Environment.88
Food, Nutrition and Coping.89
Thyroid Problems and Altered Immunity.91
Infections From Your Food.93
Eating for Optimum Immunity.94
Do You Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements?.96
Immune-Boosting Nutrients.97
A Summary of Things to Do.103

Chapter 5. Environmental Threats to a Healthy

Immune System.105
Environmental Illness.107
Toxins Inside and Out.107
Your Total Toxic Load.108
Toxins From Within.109
Parasites Lurking About.110
Heavy Metals and Immunity.Ill
Dental Amalgams: A Threat to Immunity?.113
The Electromagnetic Sea.115
Are You Exposed to Toxic Substances?.117
Is Your Building Making You Sick?.118
Mold in the Home: Common Environmental Insult.120
Air Pollution and Respiratory Infection.120
Exposure on the Job.122
Pollutants Cause Malnourishment.123
A “Good Diet” is Not Enough.124
Signs of a Toxic Body.125
Reducing Toxins in Your Body.125
Testing for Toxic Exposure.126
The Low Temperature Sauna: Powerful Detoxifier.127
A Strategy for Living in Modern Times.128
A Summary of Things to Do.130
Chapter 6. Heredity and Lifestyle.131
Is it in Your Genes?.131
A Legacy for Our Children.135
Hygiene, Lifestyle and Personal Habits.136
A Summary of Things to Do.152
Chapter 7. Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections.155
Stress, Life Events & Infections.156
Stress and the Common Cold.160
Black Monday Syndrome.161
Stress and the Immune System.161
Negative Effects From Stress Are Not Inevitable.163
It’s Not Always the Stress, But How We Cope.164
Power Coping and the Art of Letting Go.167
Are You an Optimist or Pessimist? Your Cells Know .... 168
Great Expectations.171
Abuse and Illness.172
Power and Self-Efficacy.172
Social Support and Meaningful Relationships.172
Anger, Cynicism and Hostility.174
The Power of Beliefs.176
Giving Mirth: Laughter May Be the Best Medicine.177
Illness as Metaphor.178
Don’t Blame the Victim.179
Is There an Immune-Competent Personality?.180
A Summary of Things to Do.181

Part III: Natural Medicine.183

Chapter 8. Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment .. 185
Different Needs.186
On the Wrong Course.188
Vitamin C and Infectious Disease.188
Vitamin C in Action: What It Can Do.192
The Right Dose.193
Vitamin C and Animals.195
Deficiency Signs.195
Is Vitamin C Safe?.196
The Vindication of Vitamin C.197
Basic Rules for Vitamin C Use.198
Chapter 9. Boosting Immunity Naturally: Complementary
Treatments Old and New.201
Herbal Medicine: Is the Cure in the Jungle?.202
Essential Plant Oils: A Medical Breakthrough
for Infection?.206
Homeopathy and Infection:
Stellar History, Brilliant Future.212
Hands-On Healing.215
The Logical Step.218

Part IV: Selfcare/Wellcare.221

Chapter 10. Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics
Are Prescribed: What You Can Do.223
Bladder Infection Cystitis).226
The Common Cold.230
Influenza (The Flu).237
Intestinal Infection with Diarrhea.238
Post-Antibiotic Syndrome.239
Rhinitis/Stuffy Nose.241
Teething in Children.245
Tonsillitis/Sore Throat.246
Vaginitis (Yeast Infection).248
In General.250
Chapter 11. 50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid
Mood, Mind and Emotions.251
Diet and Nutrition.255
When You Feel Illness Approaching.258
Environment. 258
Medicine Has Become Serious Business.259
Chapter 12. About the Healthier Options.261
Should You Say “No” When the Doctor Says “Yes”? .... 264
Your Health Care Team.265
The Cause of Illness.266


In March 1991, I appeared on a Miami radio program with two

holistic physicians. The topic was how we manage and prevent
infections using nutrition, botanical medicine and other means.
The discussion eventually centered on the health of our own chil¬
dren. One doctor commented that of his five children between the
ages of 3 and 13, none had ever been on antibiotics. The other doc¬
tor remarked that none of his five children between the ages of 3
and 11 had ever received antibiotics. I added that my then three-
year-old son had also never been on antibiotics. Several weeks lat¬
er, I spoke with a nurse who was the wife of a holistic physician.
Of their nine children between the ages of 3 and 21, none had ever
been treated with antibiotics.
This was astonishing. Was it possible that these children never
got sick? Had they never suffered from bacterial (or viral) infec¬
tions? What was the magic formula that allowed all these families
to avoid antibiotic use while their friends and neighbors received
the drugs for many common ailments? While generally very healthy,
these children did experience bacterial and viral infections like all
other children (although less frequent). However, rather than being
treated with antibiotics, which kill germs but do nothing else for
the child, they were treated with immune-building alternatives.
The course of their illnesses were generally very short and recurrent
infections were rare.
This was in stark contrast to the families of a group of family
practice residents I was recently asked to speak to at a large Min¬
neapolis hospital. The problem: their own children were constant¬
ly sick and were on antibiotics off-and-on for the better part of the
winter. The children were sickly, coughing and had perpetual run¬
ny noses. These physicians wondered if there was any way they
could improve the health of their children and get them off antibi¬
otics (The view changes when it hits close to home!) They were

Beyond Antibiotics

frustrated by the limitations of using antibiotics alone and hoped I

might provide them with information on using diet, nutrition, herbs,
acupressure and other ways of boosting immunity.
The differences between the families just described reflect a
basic difference in philosophy. The holistic doctor views the patient
as a whole and directs treatment to the patient during infection.
The allopathic doctor typically views this type of illness as the
result of bacterial invasion. Their treatment is directed toward the
bacteria. We are of the former philosophy. We believe there are
better ways to approach illness than the means being used by most
allopathic doctors today.
The title of this book, Beyond Antibiotics, suggests that we must
expand the sometimes nearsighted view of merely killing bacteria
and look for the reasons we succumb to infection. We go beyond
antibiotics by addressing these underlying factors.
The subtitle Healthier Options for Families implies that there
are better approaches to many illnesses for which antibiotics are
now given. The options are:

1. Use antibiotics alone. Although this is how antibiotics are

traditionally used, it is never the healthier option because
it does not:
• Address the underlying reasons we become sick.
• Address the side effects that can occur with antibiotic use.
• Address the bodily effect of infection itself (eg. zinc and
vitamin A loss).
2. Address the dietary, nutritional, psychological, social,
lifestyle and other factors discussed in this book in
conjunction with antibiotics. Used in this way, antibiotics
may be the healthier option.
3. Address the factors discussed in this book, thereby
eliminating the need for antibiotics. Sometimes, avoiding
antibiotics is the healthier option.
4. Avoid becoming sick. This is perhaps the healthiest option.
If one uses some basic strategies, common illnesses can be
avoided or reduced. In this way, the use of antibiotics is


For example, pessimists suffer twice the number of infectious ill¬

nesses as optimists. If you are a pessimist, you might improve your
health by becoming more of an optimist. Similarly, couch potatoes
have more sluggish immune systems and experience more infec¬
tions than those who exercise moderately. By simply increasing
your level of physical activity, perhaps by walking 30 minutes dai¬
ly, you might improve immunity and avoid the use of antibiotics. In
this book, we discuss over 100 additional ways to boost immunity
that may help you avoid the need for antibiotics.
This is not a book about disease, but a book about health. We
are not urging you to treat diseases for that is the domain of doc¬
tors. Our goal is to empower you by giving you the means to
enhance health, boost resistance to illness and use sound preventive
strategies that will help you and your family avoid the use of antibi¬
otics where possible.
The reader should recognize that the views expressed in this
book do not represent the consensus opinion among allopathic
doctors. Our views may, in fact, be considered heretical. However,
the views expressed here are being shared by a growing number
of physicians, researchers and public health officials who find it
increasingly more difficult to overlook the emerging evidence. It is
our hope that this book stirs debate and rouses both the public
and medicine out of the complacency with which it has so long
been afflicted regarding antibiotics and our resistance to infectious
I recognize that many physicians accustomed to using antibi¬
otics as a first line of defense in treating illness will balk at the
interpretation of the evidence presented in this book. Indeed, many
will likely become irate at the notion that antibiotics are being mis¬
used to the extent we suggest. Yet, one cannot reject our thesis
out-of-hand. The evidence is compelling, if not overwhelming, that
we must take a new look at the current approach to the treatment
of infectious illness and a new approach to the use of antibiotics.
We expect to be criticized for being against the use of antibi¬
otics. This criticism will be undeserved for we are not against the use
of antibiotics when the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic meth¬
ods have been used. It is the abuse of antibiotics that we oppose.
The evidence that we present that antibiotics are being abused and

Beyond Antibiotics

how is startling. Critics will also argue that to consider our advice
would be to risk taking us back to the pre-antibiotic era when infec¬
tious diseases were rampant. The paradox in this argument is that
the reverse may be true. Organisms associated with staph infec¬
tions, gonorrhea and other diseases, once easily treated with antibi¬
otics, are now resistant to almost all antibiotics typically used.
According to Harvard professor and Nobel Laureate Walter
Gilbert, “there may be a time down the road when 80 percent to 90
percent of infections will be resistant to all known antibiotics.” A
chilling thought!
We hope to avoid this by bringing about changes in the way
antibiotics are used and by showing ways to boost immunity, thus
reducing reliance upon antibiotics. In this book, we will show that
changes in lifestyle, nutrition, diet, hygiene and other factors were
largely responsible for the past decline in infectious disease—not
antibiotics. These will be the tools used in the future. In addition,
there have been many breakthroughs in the use of natural medi¬
cines to boost immunity.
In the final analysis, the important question remains, “Is it pos¬
sible to care for illness without antibiotics, or at least reduce our
reliance upon antibiotics?” To answer this, we can look at many
scientific studies and also speak theoretically, but the real answer
lies in whether anyone has done this in real life. In the beginning of
this foreword, I spoke of four families, a total of 20 children who
had never received antibiotics. In Chapter 6, we discuss a survey
comparing the health of 200 pediatricians’ children with that of
the children of 200 holistic doctors. Nearly 50 percent of the chil¬
dren of these holistic doctors had never received antibiotics. This
was in stark comparison to the pediatricians’ children in whom
less than 12 percent could say the same. Were the children in the
former group merely fortunate? Perhaps, but such examples suggest
that it is possible to minimize our use of these drugs.
What is the model used to accomplish this. What are the secrets?
Can the principles be applied to the average family? The answer to
the third question is “yes.” The principles used by these families
and holistic doctors are shared in this book. One of the most impor¬
tant factors, however, is that you become what Dr. Sehnert calls
an “Activated Patient.” This means that you agree to take charge of


your own and your family’s health. Do not surrender control of

your health to doctors. Use your doctors for diagnosis and advice,
and consider their recommendations thoughtfully. Become edu¬
cated in basic methods of selfcare. Simply saying “no” to antibi¬
otics, then doing nothing, is unwise. I, for one, am comforted by
the knowledge that antibiotics exist, should I need them. The oper¬
ative word is “need.”
There is no guarantee that using the methods in this book will
prevent you from getting infections, or that they will ensure that you
will recover from an infection without using antibiotics. The infor¬
mation contained in this book has been taken from the medical
literature, the clinical experience of different physicians world¬
wide and our clinical experiences. We can say that, in the past,
people have been able to prevent infections and build immunity
during infection without antibiotics by “wise” applications of meth¬
ods similar to those discussed in this book.
Do not be a martyr. After reading this book you may decide
that you will never use antibiotics again. The evidence for this
viewpoint is compelling and tempts one to think this way. How¬
ever, that would be foolish. Gather all the evidence you can. Ques¬
tion your doctors. Take charge of your health.
In Beyond Antibiotics we provide you with ways to find the
healthier options for your family.

Michael A. Schmidt, B.S., D.C., C.C.N.

Anoka, MN


I am a consultant in the clinic at the National College of Naturo¬

pathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. I have been acting as an
observer and advisor while the junior and senior students work up
patients. Many of the patients are there because they have been
treated by allopathic methods and they have found them unac¬
ceptable. They are disappointed, sometimes disgusted, and fre¬
quently angry about the treatment they have received from their
medical doctors.
Naturopathic medicine incorporates the use of vitamins, min¬
erals, herbs, massage, hydrotherapy, homeopathy and other modal¬
ities. The students interview and examine patients and then present
their findings to one of the naturopathic physicians who serve as
clinic consultants. The students outline their treatment plan and
then, with the doctor, they work out the best method of dealing
with the problem. As a pediatrician, I am anxious to discover drug¬
less ways to treat the conditions that were so common in my general
Here is an example: A child was brought to the emergency clin¬
ic at the school on a Saturday with a cold, a fever of 101 degrees,
pain, and a red hot, bulging ear drum—a typical otitis media case.
The child fit the criteria for a Calc carb homeopathic remedy. In
addition he was given mullein ear drops, 500 mg of vitamin C every
three or four hours and the herb Echinacea. The student on call
was also able to massage the pharyngeal outlet of the Eustachian
tube. When I saw the child along with the student four days later,
the mother reported that in ten hours the child had fallen asleep.
Moreover, the fever returned to normal, the phiegm of the cold
was almost gone and the boy had become his old, cheerful self. I
looked in the ear that had been bulging four days earlier, and I
was amazed that it had cleared so well. It had the appearance of an
eardrum that had been treated with an antibiotic for a few days.

Beyond Antibiotics

There was no redness nor bulging; it was a little pink and dull look¬
ing. That is, it was about 89 percent healed. Incredible.
I know that about 80 percent of ear infections do not need to be
treated, and that many clear by themselves, but to get such a rapid
response without any antibiotics was a near miracle for my “antibi-
otics-for-ear-infections” trained mind. And the wonderful thing
about this method is that the child’s immune system has learned
a thing or two about how it can handle future viral and bacterial
infections. This child may not get sick again. It reminded me about
my own ear infection and subsequent mastoiditis after the measles
when I was a five-year-old in the pre-antibiotic days. The ENT
doctor had to curette out the pus-filled mastoid cells. It was a sad
and painful week for me, but I’ve never been sick since (until I
began to eat hospital food in my internship).
I am increasingly impressed with natural methods of dealing
with bronchitis, skin infections, bladder infections and many other
illnesses thought to involve bacteria. It is a valid approach that
deserves our special consideration.
Nutrition plays an important role in this regard. The influence of
nutrients on health is obvious to most of us who take supplements
(it is also verified by research). The more the food industry purifies
the farmers’ goods so the products are sweet and stay on the gro¬
cers’ shelves forever, the sicker we become. Even the Department
of Agriculture back in 1933 admitted that the U.S. topsoil had been
washed and blown away and the trace minerals—which are need¬
ed for optimum health—were just about gone. The farmers have
found that if they put phosphates, nitrates, and potash on the soil,
the plants will be big and beautiful, but the minerals and vitamins
needed for human health rre often sorely lacking.
I believe our alkalinizing diet and our nutrient-deficient bod¬
ies contribute to the development of allergies, chronic fatigue,
arthritis, and crime, as well as overreaction to pollutants, additives,
perfumes, and modern living. If we eat properly, take the proper
supplements, and control our acid/base balance, the enzymes are
able to function and diseases will be less common. To a certain
extent, we do not need to know the name of the disease, we only
need to balance our body chemistry. If we give the body what it
needs to function, and keep the ratios of the minerals and vita-

mins in the proper proportions, the body will heal itself. Couple
this with exercise, a healthy attitude and a balanced lifestyle and we
can be free of many of our 20th century maladies.
Whenever I am on the radio, television, or giving a lecture I
hear story after story from people who relate their disturbing med¬
ical histories. Their doctors were only interested in making a diag¬
nosis and treating with a drug, usually an antibiotic. There does
not seem to be any interest in finding the reason for the sickness.
I believe sickness is an opportunity. It means the owner of the
body was not careful (or perhaps was given poor advice) and some
nasty virus, germ, or degenerative disease slipped in to tell the
owner that he was doing something wrong. Sickness is not an antibi¬
otic nor a tranquilizer deficiency. It is a sign that some biochemical
tilt has occurred.
There are reasons for everything. This book is a big start. It
needs to get out to the public, who should have more of a voice
in the treatment of their own illness.

Lendon H. Smith, M.D.

Portland, Oregon

Each person I know, each parent, each spouse, each relative, and,
yes, each reader of this book would like to know they can make a
difference. They want to be a good mother or father, a better citizen.
They want to improve the lot of their family, community, church,
workplace, school or college.
My claim to making a difference comes from my work as an
educator, writer and family doctor who developed the concept of
“The Activated Patient.” I have been called the “George Wash¬
ington of medical self care” and over 20 years have directly or indi¬
rectly trained an estimated 100,000 people with such skills. I have
described in my dozen or so books these three self care assump¬
1. Lay people supplied with clear, simple information can
safely handle many uncomplicated ills, injuries and
emergencies earlier, cheaper and sometimes better than
health care professionals.
2. Those with little formal education can be trusted just as
much as the highly educated to wisely deal with common
3. Medical and nursing knowledge need not and should not
be closely guarded secrets of the health professional, but
should be shared lay persons.
Such concepts and philosophies have been the uniting force
behind us as Dr. Schmidt, Dr. Smith and myself came together to
write Beyond Antibiotics. You must become Activated Patients in
a very direct way. When your doctor says:
“Here’s your prescription for the antibiotic for
you/your child.”

Beyond Antibiotics

... “I think this might be a strep throat, take this.”

... “Just to be on the safe side, take this amoxicillin for
ten days.”
You must have more to say than, “Thanks, doctor.” You must
clear your throat, look the doctor straight in the eyes and learn to
... “Are you sure this is a bacterial infection and not a
viral or fungal infection (which are not susceptible to
... “Have you ordered a culture and sensitivity from the
lab to determine what kind of bacterial infection is
... “I’d rather not take an antibiotic. Is there something
else I can do (like the things we describe in our book)?”
For some people as they deal with the fast-paced and rapidly-
changing medical world, that is tough to do. If you are a young
parent, a “working mom” or someone who is looking to the doctor
for a quick fix, a “silver bullet,” such questions may be considered
disrespectful or just plain unnecessary. Doesn’t your doctor know
what’s best for you? Isn’t that what you are paying him/her for?
Maybe your pediatrician/family doctor/internist is not into this
“health partnership” business. Perhaps they don’t think kindly of
people who come in with the latest Reader's Digest article on health.
Perhaps your M.D. is too busy to think about cultures and extra
requisitions. Besides, didn’t he/she just come from that big med¬
ical meeting with an update on the latest and strongest (and perhaps
most expensive) antibiotic? Aren’t you really too busy earning a
living, taking care of kids, cleaning the house to bother with extra
reading and thinking?
As you think this over you might ask, “How is it that you
authors know so much about antibiotics anyway?”
Well, one advantage I have is that I’ve been doctoring longer
than most of today’s doctors—for over 40 years. I’ve seen trends;


I’ve gained experience as a researcher, professor and clinician. I

worked inside the pharmaceutical industry as medical director of a
major Swiss drug firm. I was a professor at both Georgetown School
of Medicine and the University of Minnesota School of Medicine.
I’ve learned how drug studies are done, how universities make
grant applications and do research. I’ve done many clinical studies
I have also never forgotten the pledge I took when I graduated
from medical school, Primum non nocera (first, do no harm). Help
the patient if you can, but don’t hurt them in the process. I remem¬
ber the early days of antibiotic therapy (1950-1965) when we were
advised to routinely use Lactobacillus acidophilus to compensate for
antibiotic overkill. I read the warnings of Sir Alexander Fleming
(the man who discovered penicillin) about the development of
bacterial resistance to antibiotics. I recall the first patient I had
who developed an allergic reaction to penicillin, and nearly died. I
have vivid memories of the death of the wife of one of our local
bankers who did die after she took the powerful antibiotic,
I have had my little granddaughter given a prescription for 10
days of amoxicillin because she had a “red ear” at six months of
age. When her mother confronted the pediatrician about the wis¬
dom of such advice she was told, “If you don’t like what I tell you,
go get another doctor!” (Incidentally, the baby did not take the
antibiotic and the “red ear” disappeared as soon as her first tooth
came in two days later!)
Such experiences have made me leery of using antibiotics over
the years. It culminated in a recent survey I made of 3,000 patients
I have treated for candida-related complex (CRC). Over 90 per¬
cent of the patients reported excessive and prolonged use of broad-
spectrum antibiotics prior to the onset of this common yeast-related
illness—a problem that frequently produces sinusitis, ear infec¬
tions, gastrointestinal dysfunction, depression, hormonal problems,
mental confusion, chronic fatigue and vaginitis (in women). Most of
these patients took antibiotics prescribed in good faith by their
doctors, but what was meant to be helpful turned out to be harmful.
So, as you prepare to read Beyond Antibiotics, I ask you to
become Activated Patients. Investigate what you can do to improve

Beyond Antibiotics

your nutritional and immunological resources. Become curious

about options you can use instead of antibiotics. Become evange¬
listic as you tell others about what you’ve learned.
It will help you make a difference.

Keith W. Sehnert, M.D.

Minneapolis, MN

Are Antibiotics
the Best Medicine?
Casualties of
the War on Germs
“Half of what we have taught you is wrong. Unfortunately, we do
not know which half.”
Dean Burwell, M.D., addressing
medical students at Harvard University1

You’ve come down with a cold, the flu, a sore throat, a cough, sinus
congestion or perhaps a bladder infection. The symptoms are
sufficiently bothersome that you choose to go to the doctor. You
already know what that doctor is likely to do—prescribe an antibi¬
otic for ten days. For some individuals in this predicament, the
antibiotic does its work and the problem is gone. For others, the ini¬
tial symptoms are unaffected and are now accompanied by unwant¬
ed side effects. For yet others, the antibiotic treatment results in
aggravation of their health, perhaps even in chronic problems. For
those still less fortunate, antibiotic is followed by antibiotic in a
seemingly endless effort to kill the alleged invaders.
Antibiotics are prescribed at an alarming rate in this country.
Obstetricians and gynecologists write 2,645,000 antibiotic pre¬
scriptions every week. Internists give out 1,416,000 in the same
period.23 Pediatricians and family physicians lead the way, pre¬
scribing over $500 million worth of antibiotics each year to treat just
one problem—ear infections in children. Another $500 million-
plus is spent on antibiotics to treat other pediatric illness.4 Over
the past 15 years, antibiotic prescriptions to young children have

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

risen a staggering 51 percent.5 Antibiotics continue to be pre¬

scribed for conditions that do not even warrant their use.
This heavy prescribing of antibiotics is not without costs in both
dollars and human suffering. Perhaps the worst tragedy is that
many doctors consider much of the antibiotic prescribing medically
unnecessary or worse—harmful! Consider the views expressed by
leaders in the fields of infectious diseases and medical consumerism,
much of which has been published in medical textbooks and peer-
reviewed medical journals:
• “After Congressional hearings and numerous academic
studies on this issue, it has become the general consensus
that 40 to 60 percent of all antibiotics in this country are
• “Pharyngitis and tonsillitis ... are among the worst-treated
of all illnesses, primarily because of the overprescription of
• “In 1983, more than 51 percent of the more than 3 million
patients who saw doctors for treatment of the common
cold were unnecessarily given a prescription for an
antibiotic.”8 Antibiotics do nothing for the common cold
because the condition is viral in nature.
• “It is no accident that the most allergic generation in history
has been raised on antibiotics. Several times a week I see a
new patient whose allergies appeared or became much
worse after a course of antibiotics.”9
• “Researchers are questioning whether the routine use of
antibiotics is a contributing factor to frequently occurring
acute otitis media [middle ear infection] and persistent
middle ear fluid—conditions that were rare before the
advent of antimicrobial therapy.”10
• “Recurrence rates [of middle ear fluid] were significantly
higher in the antibiotic-treated group than in the placebo
group.” Children receiving amoxicillin for chronic middle
ear infection experienced two to six times the rate of
• Antibiotics used to treat upper respiratory infections have
been shown to cause urinary tract infections.12

Casualties of the War on Germs

• Antibiotics can disrupt the vaginal flora, making the

patient more susceptible to vaginal infections such as that
due to the yeast Candida albicans.13
• “Candida albicans infection, often associated with
antibiotic-induced alterations in microbial flora, may cause
defects in cellular immunity.”14
While no one can argue the fact that antibiotics have saved
lives, many authorities believe that doctors’ efforts to “eradicate
microbes at all costs” represent an undeclared war that is not with¬
out a price. In fact, some suggest there are numerous circumstances
in which the risks of antibiotics outweigh the benefits.

The War on Germs

The war on germs was declared when doctors first realized that
bacteria were associated with various illnesses, and antibiotics then
became available that were effective in killing bacteria. This war
was pursued with vigor for some 50 years and has yet to show signs
of relenting. As with any war, there are casualties. However, the
casualties are often the patients, not just the germs.
In pre-antibiotic days, hospital beds were largely occupied by
people with pneumonia complicated with pleurisy and empyema,
typhoid fever, osteomyelitis, peritonsillar abscesses, peritonitis,
and furuncles, boils and other pus-filled sequelae of infections and
accidents. It was smelly and messy. The discovery of penicillin and
the ensuing quick cascade of antibiotic formulations propelled the
medical profession out of the bed-side hand-holding empathic
method into the aggressive modern therapeutic paradigm.
Doctors believed it was safe and appropriate to give antibiotics
to anyone who looked like he may be coming down with an infect¬
ed ear or whose post-nasal drip might turn into pneumonia. If a
patient happened to be in the hospital, it was almost axiomatic
that he would get an antibiotic. Hospitalized patients got secondary
infections while in for “observation” of their heart attack, control
of diabetes, or a viral respiratory infection, for example. Antibi¬
otics were prescribed prophylactically (preventively) in the major¬
ity of patients. After about five years of this method of “covering”
the possibilities, hospitals began to report the increased incidence

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

of secondary infections, despite the routine use of these antibiotics.

While there were many medical miracles and many lives saved by
the prudent use of antibiotics, there came a mounting list of casu¬

Case 1: Jeff was a 13-year-old boy who complained of pain in his

lower right abdomen and began to run a fever of 101 degrees. The
white blood cell count was 12,000, almost twice normal, and he
had tenderness and guarding in the right lower quadrant of his
belly. The surgeon agreed that it must be a “hot” appendix. He
operated and was chagrined to find a normal appendix. The boy
was sent home in a few days after the wound healed, but some¬
thing went wrong. The symptoms he experienced before the surgery
had returned. The mother called Dr. Smith about a week after the
surgery. “Can someone have two appendices?” she queried.
No one had heard of this anomaly—two appendices! What was
going on? Everything was as it was before Jeff got sick. The only
thing his mother could recall was that the boy had resumed his
anti-acne antibiotic (erythromycin), which had been interrupted
by the hospital stay. Dr. Smith suggested that the boy quit the
antibiotic for a while and see what happens. It worked. When he
was off the antibiotic he was free of symptoms. Every time he
began the erythromycin, he got a bellyache.

Case 2: Mark was a 26-year-old man who had suffered as a child

from recurrent tonsillitis and ear infections. For seven years of his
life, he was on antibiotics almost constantly to “prevent” and treat
tonsillitis. At age 12, he developed severe acne. From age 12 to
age 18 he was on tetracycline. There was little improvement in his
acne, yet Mark’s dermatologist was convinced antibiotics were the
solution. Mark began to lose weight and to suffer from diarrhea
and chronic fatigue.
Mark was not a healthy adult by any means. He was at least 35
pounds underweight in spite of a ravenous appetite. He had mul¬
tiple food sensitivities and physical signs of nutritional deficiency.
He was tired most of the day, could not exercise without pain, and
found it difficult to work a full day without sleeping for a couple of
hours after lunch. He had been to countless doctors in his search for
solutions, with little success.

Casualties of the War on Germs

Mark’s most prominent symptom was diarrhea which had per¬

sisted for years without relenting. He had seven to eight bowel
movements a day, all of which were loose. Mark was found to have
a profound disruption of the normal intestinal bacteria, with an
overgrowth of the yeast Candida albicans and an infection by the
parasite Giardia lamblia. Mark was a casualty of the war on germs.
His immune system had been disrupted, his intestinal tract dam¬
aged, and he became susceptible to all kinds of opportunistic bugs.

Case 3: Karen was a 33-year-old secretary. She had recurrent

tonsillitis and ear infections as a child for which antibiotics were
prescribed liberally. Her comment “I was on antibiotics more than
I was off them” is a common theme in such patients. At about age
12, she developed recurrent bladder infections which were treated
using sulfonamides. The bladder infections continued off and on
throughout her adult life. She also suffered from recurrent vagi¬
nal yeast infections, which had been treated with antibiotics.
At age 22, Karen developed acne vulgaris, which is a serious
form of acne where large pustules riddle the face. Her physicians
treated her acne with tetracycline. Whenever she received a dose of
antibiotic, her vaginitis became severe. She reacted adversely to
most foods eaten. Remarkably, her body swelled like a balloon,
gaining 10 pounds of fluid within days.
Karen also suffered from severe depression which was aggra¬
vated markedly while she was on antibiotics. When she felt an
infection coming on, she dreaded the trip to her doctor for yet
another prescription because she knew that within one or two days,
she would plunge into deep depression. She was caught in a vicious
cycle. Because of repeated infections of the ears, tonsils, bladder
and vagina, her doctors prescribed antibiotics. The antibiotics had
a short-term effect upon her symptoms, but caused her health to
plummet downward.
Case 4: Brooks developed his first earache at nine months of
age. He received antibiotics, which appeared to dear up the prob¬
lem. In three weeks the earache returned. Antibiotics again seemed
to solve the problem. This cycle of earaches and antibiotics con¬
tinued for 16 months. Meanwhile, Brooks began to develop aller¬
gies to foods. After eating beans he would vomit. He had severe

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

diarrhea from bread and headaches from fruit. As time passed he

became sensitive to pollen, dust and mold, all of which aggravated
his ear problems, which required more antibiotics. Brooks was on
a vicious merry-go-round from which he could not exit.
Brooks’ behavior began to change. He was put on Ritalin for his
emergent hyperactive behavior, but this seemed to further aggravate
his allergies. At age seven, Brooks once entered a room and with¬
in moments began to throw a tantrum, storming into the hallway
with his hands covering his nose. When his mother asked what the
problem was he shouted, “It’s that varnish in the room. It gives
me a bad headache!” Sure enough, the trim in the room had been
varnished some two months previously. No one but the highly
chemically sensitive Brooks could detect it. All of his problems
seemed to begin with the multiple rounds of antibiotics. He devel¬
oped intestinal problems that led to allergies. The allergies led to
nutritional problems that influenced his behavior and immunity.
His immune system became overwhelmed by the things in his envi¬
ronment to which he was exposed.

The fundamental lesson in these cases is that antibiotics were not

a solution. Not only did the antibiotics fail to correct the patients’
problems and actually aggravated their health, but the underlying
reasons for their illness went untreated.
The war on germs has also led to more serious immediate con¬
sequences. An article in the British medical journal, The Lancet,
reported on an outbreak of serious penicillin-resistant infections
of Haemophilus influenzae among hospitalized children in Dallas,
Texas.1516 Haemophilus influenzae is a bacterium responsible for
some cases of ear infections, meningitis and epiglottitis. It was dis¬
covered that those contracting the infection were twice as likely
to have been treated with antibiotics in the month preceding admis¬
sion than were hospitalized children who did not get the infection.
The war on germs in the animal population has potentially seri¬
ous consequences for humans as well. Antibiotics are used as
growth enhancers and to prevent the spread of disease among
chickens, turkeys, pigs and cattle. In 1983, a Midwestern outbreak
of intestinal disease in 18 people was associated with an antibiotic-
resistant form of Salmonella newport (resistant to ampicillin, car-

Casualties of the War on Germs

benicillin and tetracycline). The source of the infection was traced

to hamburger in which chlortetracycline had been used for growth
promotion. (The use of this antibiotic led to the development of
antibiotic-resistant S. newport.) Twelve of the people had been
taking penicillin-derived antibiotics in the 24- to 48-hour period
before the onset of intestinal symptoms.
According to scientists at the State Health Department in Min¬
nesota and North Dakota, the patients had been infected before
they took antibiotics. Their use of antibiotics, to which the S. new¬
port was resistant, led to a reduction in the normal intestinal bac¬
teria, resulting in more serious intestinal infection.
Researchers in charge of this case concluded that “. . . antimi¬
crobial-resistant organisms of animal origin cause serious human ill¬
ness,” and urged “. . . far more prudent use of antimicrobials in
both humans and animals.”17

Ask the Right Questions

It is odd that billions of dollars are spent on the development of
new antibiotics to kill bacteria associated with infections, but no
one seems to be interested in asking the vital question, “What is it
that renders us susceptible or resistant to infection?” Why does
Ed frequently succumb to bronchitis, sinus infections and colds
while his wife Emily never gets sick? Why does Megan get repeat¬
ed vaginal and respiratory infections, while her sister Amy, who
stays out late and eats poorly, remains untouched by such illness?
Most researchers today are asking “How can we kill this bac¬
teria” or “How can we prevent the spread of that bacteria,” and
this is fine. There is value in asking and answering these questions.
But far too many doctors and researchers almost completely ignore
the more important issue of factors that influence susceptibility. A
classic example is tonsillitis. Doctors have called this one of the
worst-treated of all illnesses because of the overprescription of
antibiotics. Indeed, up to 80 percent of all cases of tonsillitis are
due to viruses against which antibiotics have no impact. It is com¬
mon for people to have the strep bacteria in their throat yet have no
evidence of illness whatsoever. These people have been dubbed
“carriers” because they carry the germ but don t become ill. They

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

are thought to be able to pass the infection on to other people, but

they themselves are unaffected. Why do they remain well despite
the presence of large numbers of “disease-causing” organisms in
their bodies? What is peculiar to their immune systems that renders
them unaffected? What is unusual about their diet and lifestyle
that keeps them free of illness? If bacteria “cause” disease, these
people should become sick, yet they don’t. During epidemics of
tonsillitis, the number of carriers in the population may reach an
astonishing 60 percent. Yet we spend virtually no time studying these
Perhaps it is because our medical system is intent on studying
disease rather than health. It is interested in spending money and
resources on learning about pathology rather than wellness. (As
one medical analyst said, “There is more money to be made in
searching for a cure than in finding one.”) This view is exemplified
in an encounter described by Russell Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D., former
researcher with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and a cur¬
rent leader in the field of preventive medicine. Some years ago,
Dr. Jaffe approached the director of NIH noting that some 125
divisions of NIH are devoted to the study of disease, but not one
was dedicated to the study of health. Dr. Jaffe proposed that a new
division be opened at NIH specifically for the purpose of study¬
ing health, which is a very different endeavor than studying dis¬
ease. This division, Jaffe suggested, would investigate the biology,
physiology, biochemistry and psychology of people who remain
healthy to learn what makes them unique. Knowledge of such peo¬
ple could then be applied to people with illness in order to pre¬
vent disease. Jaffe was cordially told that the National Institutes
of Health was doing just fine studying disease and that there was no
reason to study health. Since then, Dr. Jaffe has said rather tongue-
in-cheek that perhaps they should change the name to the Nation¬
al Institutes of Disease.19
With the discovery of new germs each year, the effort to find a
specific drug to kill them all grows more futile. More and more
research is revealing that diet, nutrition, environment, lifestyle,
habits, attitude and stress have a profound effect on our immunity
and resistance to disease. The National Cancer Institute has pro¬
claimed that 60 to 70 percent of all cancer, which is deeply rooted

Casualties of the War on Germs

in the immune system, is related to diet, lifestyle and environment.

Physician and researcher Thomas McKeown summarizes nicely
the broader view of infectious illness and the arrogance involved in
suspecting that man can combat it with a pill. He states, . . the
conclusion which seems inescapable is that the influences which
determine man’s response to infectious disease—genetics, nutri¬
tional, environmental, behavioral, as well as medical—are infinite¬
ly complex, and we need to be very cautious before assuming that
we fully understand the infection, or that we have in our hands
the certain means of their control.”20
This book is about boosting immunity and improving resistance
to infections and disease in general. We ask “the right questions”
and provide helpful answers in areas of life known to affect immu¬
nity. But before looking into this mystery, it is important to under¬
stand why antibiotics are problematic and why their use should be

What Your Doctor
May Not Tell You
“Deaths from common infections were declining long before effec¬
tive medical intervention was possible.”
Thomas McKeown, M.D.
The Role of Medicine1

Around the turn of this century, cholera claimed the lives of hun¬
dreds of thousands of people. Medicine seemed almost helpless in
the face of this epidemic. Most doctors blamed the cholera bac¬
terium for these ravages on the population, but all were not con¬
vinced. Many doctors believed that a healthy person would not
become sick and die merely because of exposure to the bacteria.
They believed more was required. Some endeavored to prove it.
As Bernard Dixon reports in Beyond the Magic Bullet, “Around
1900, when he was 74, a Bavarian doctor, Max von Pettenkofer,
knowingly consumed a culture containing millions of cholera bacil¬
li, isolated from a fatal case of the disease. At about the same time
the Russian pathologist Elie Metchnikoff conducted the same
bizarre experiment. So did several of their colleagues. Some of the
intrepid experimenters experienced mild diarrhea. All had enor¬
mous numbers of cholera bacilli in their faeces. But none devel¬
oped anything like cholera. Metchnikoff is celebrated as the
discoverer of . . . white blood cells which can engulf and destroy

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

invading germs. His life’s work centered upon the healing power of
the body in its battles against infection. Metchnikoff . . . taught
that the correct way to deal with infectious disease was not by
administering chemicals but by strengthening and, where neces¬
sary, exploiting the body’s own defenses.”2
This view was in stark contrast to that of Louis Pasteur, who
believed a germ could be found for every malady. He contended
that if the germ could be isolated and a treatment devised to kill the
germ, virtually all disease might someday be eradicated. Indeed,
history has remembered Pasteur as the father of microbiology. Yet,
in the final years of his life, Pasteur came to realize that his theories
about germs were erroneous. Just prior to his death, he is said to
have uttered the words “The terrain is everything, the bacteria is
nothing.”3 Pasteur recognized that it was not bacteria that were
responsible for disease, but the “terrain” (the surrounding land), the
inability of the host to combat them. If the host was “strong” (i.e.,
the immune system was active), the organisms could not get a
foothold. If the host was weak, the organisms could “settle in” and
“overcome.” Pasteur had come to the conclusion that myriad fac¬
tors, including diet, nutrition, stress, heredity, environment and
state of mind, had a profound effect on resistance to microbes.
The view of infectious disease was divided into two camps: those
who adhered to Pasteur’s original germ theory and those who
believed health of the host was more important. The discovery of
sulfa drugs and penicillin in the 1930s and 1940s launched medi¬
cine fully into the chemotherapeutic approach to infection and all
but laid to waste the notion of host resistance. Thus was born the
Antibiotic Age.

The Paradoxes of Antibiotic Use

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines
paradox as “a situation or action exhibiting inexplicable or con¬
tradictory aspects.” There are inherent contradictory aspects asso¬
ciated with the use of antibiotics. They are used to aid the body
in fighting infection but may actually give rise to or encourage the
development of recurrent infections, thus increasing the reliance
upon antibiotics. They kill bacteria, but can foster the develop-

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

ment of bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Because of this, diseases

once responsive to antibiotics can no longer be treated with those
same antibiotics. In addition, antibiotics are used to bridge the gap
in times of insufficient immune response, yet they may undermine
the immune response. Moreover, antibiotics are frequently not
appropriate, yet doctors are discouraged from using alternatives.
The greatest paradox of all may be that persistence in using
antibiotics and pursuit of newer and newer antibiotic drugs have
drawn attention away from other means of managing infections.
This pursuit has consumed valuable research dollars that might
have been used to develop methods that stimulate immune func¬
tion, or to discover why some of us get sick while others remain

Antibiotics and Infection:

Hot What You Think
Antibiotics are rightly credited with saving countless lives over the
past 40 years that might have been lost to overwhelming infection.
Sulfanilamide was effective against specific forms of bacterial infec¬
tions such as pneumococcal pneumonia. This was followed by the
introduction of penicillin, which proved to be nearly miraculous
in its effect upon stubborn bacterial diseases. Today, antibiotics
save lives, reduce suffering and will continue to do so. Yet, these
“miracle drugs” can hardly be given credit for the general decline
of infectious diseases. The incidence of tuberculosis, rheumatic
fever, pneumonia, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough and
typhoid had declined substantially before the introduction of antibi¬
otics. Antibiotics did not appear to cause further decline in these
diseases. According to epidemiologist R. R. Porter, “Nearly 90
percent of the total decline in the death rate during this epoch
[1860-1965] had occurred prior to the introduction of antibiotics.”4
According to Dr. Thomas McKeown, physician and professor of
social hygiene at the University of Birmingham in England “. . .
the decline in mortality in the second half of the 19th century was
due wholly to a reduction of deaths from infectious diseases; there
was no evidence of a decline in other causes of death. Examina¬
tion of the diseases which contributed to the decline suggested that

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

the main influences were: (a) rising standards of living, of which

the most significant feature was a better diet; (b) improvements in
hygiene; and (c) a favorable trend in the relationship between some
micro-organisms and the human host. Therapy [medical treatment]
made no contributions, and the effect of immunization was restrict¬
ed to smallpox, which accounted for only about one twentieth of the
reduction of the death rate.” [emphasis added]5 McKeown cites
tuberculosis as one example. He writes, “By the time streptomycin
was introduced, mortality from the disease had fallen to a small
fraction of its level during 1848 to 1854. ... Its contribution to the
decrease in the death rate since the early 19th century was only
about 3 percent.”6
In a presidential address to the Infectious Diseases Society of
America in 1971, infectious disease expert Dr. E. H. Kass argued
that most of the decline in mortality for most infectious conditions
occurred prior to the discovery of either “the cause” of the dis¬
ease or some purported “treatment” for it.7 Dr. Kass appears to
be saying that finding bacteria associated with a disease and the
ensuing antibiotic treatment had little or no impact on the decline
of infectious diseases. This is in agreement with other researchers.
John B. McKinlay and Sonja M. McKinlay, researchers at
Boston University, have done an extensive analysis of the impact of
medical treatment on infectious disease. Regarding ten common
infectious diseases, their analysis suggests that “. . . at most, 3.5
percent of the total decline in mortality since 1900 could be ascribed
to medical measures introduced for the diseases considered here.”
They conclude, “In general, medical measures (both chemothera¬
peutic and prophylactic) appear to have contributed little to the
overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900—
having in many instances been introduced several decades after a
marked decline had already set in and having no detectable
influence in most instances.”8 Marc Lappe, Ph.D., professor at the
University of Illinois, suggests similarly that “no antibiotic can be
said to have proven successful in truly eradicating any infectious
disease in modern times.”11
Writing in the Journal of Infectious Disease, Dr. L. Weinstein
points out that despite the supposed value of antibiotics, the inci¬
dence and mortality of many infectious conditions (such as subacute

Measles Scarlet Fever

1900 1920 1940 1960 1900 1920 1940 1960


The Fall in the Standardized Death Rate (per 1,000 population) for Nine Common
Infectious Diseases in Relation to Specific Medical Measures, for the United States
1900-1973 Reprinted with permission, Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 1977. -

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

bacterial endocarditis, streptococcal pharyngitis, pneumococcal

pneumonia, gonorrhea and syphilis) have actually increased. He
notes, somewhat paradoxically, that the incidence and mortality
of other diseases such as chickenpox have decreased in the absence
of any treatment.12
So what are we to make of this evidence? While antibiotics
have undeniably proven valuable on a case-by-case basis, there
are serious questions regarding whether they are responsible for
past declines in infectious disease or whether they will be the means
by which current or future declines in infectious disease are realized.
Having raised these questions about the value and effectiveness
of antibiotics, at least from a historical perspective, we must take a
close look at a variety of problems presented today by the use of

The Perils of Antibiotic Use

For decades we have heard of the miracles brought about by antibi¬
otic treatment. Lately, doctors have begun to more seriously explore
the problems associated with antibiotic use. In this section we look
at many of the problems that can result from antibiotic use and
overuse. This presentation may seem biased because we give lit¬
tle consideration to the benefits of antibiotics. But the purpose of
this book is to point out the fallacies and weaknesses of antibiotic
drugs as they are used today. We do not deny the benefits of antibi¬
otics and would be among the first to admit their inherent value.
Our effort is to bring about changes in the way antibiotics are used
and changes in the overall approach to infections.

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Antibiotics work by interfering in some way with the life cycle or
metabolism of bacteria. Some antibiotics interfere with the manu¬
facture of the cell wall. Others mimic certain natural substances
that confuse the bacteria. Others disrupt the bacteria’s biochemical
machinery. Unfortunately, bacteria are very crafty characters. It
takes them little time to adapt to our most sophisticated attempts
at thwarting their advances. They do so by changing their chemistry
and genes in such a way that the antibiotic has little or no effect.

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

Since they multiply so rapidly, they can evolve many generations in

just hours. These new generations are resistant to our drugs so we
must develop newer, more sophisticated antibiotics to keep up.
This pursuit has perpetuated a cycle of having to constantly devel¬
op new drugs to remain one step ahead of the bacterial world.
The man who discovered penicillin, Alexander Fleming, warned
that overuse of this new miracle drug might lead to problems with
resistant bacteria. But his words seem to have been given little
heed. According to Harvard professor and Nobel Laureate Walter
Gilbert, “There may be a time down the road when 80 percent to 90
percent of infections will be resistant to all known antibiotics.”13
A chilling thought.
Unfortunately, Dr. Gilbert’s warnings may be giving way to real¬
ity. According to Dr. Richard Krause, senior scientific advisor to
the National Institutes of Health and former director of the Nation¬
al Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, “We have an epi¬
demic of microbial resistance.” An article in Science (August 1992),
one of the world’s leading scientific journals, provides this somber
assessment: “... doctors in hospitals and clinics around the world
are losing the battle against an onslaught of new drug-resistant
bacterial infections including staph, pneumonia, strep, tuberculosis,
dysentery, and other diseases that are costly and difficult, if not
impossible, to treat.”*
Dr. Schmidt reported in his book Childhood Ear Infections that
“the trend in bacterial development of antibiotic resistance is not
unlike the increasing resistance of agricultural pests to pesticides.
In 1938, scientists knew of just seven insect and mite species that
had acquired resistance to pesticides. By 1984 that figure had
climbed to 447 and included most of the world’s major pests. In
response to heavier pesticide use and a wider variety of pesticides,
pests have evolved sophisticated mechanisms for resisting the action
of chemicals designed to kill them. Pesticides also kill the pests
natural enemies, much like antibiotics kill the natural enemies of
harmful bacteria in the body.”14
The trouble with antibiotics is that the weaker, more susceptible

*Exploring new strategies to fight drug-resistant microbes. Science 1992,


Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

bacteria are usually killed while the hearty bacteria develop resis¬
tance. In the words of Gilbert H. Welch, M.D., a specialist in the
study of antibiotic resistance, .. antibiotic use, while contributing
to the immediate demise of bacteria, serves to ‘educate’ microbes
by establishing selective pressure that favors the ‘smarter’ bacteria,
i.e., those that can resist the antibiotic.”15 Darwin would call this
“survival of the fittest.”
If Dr. Welch’s contention is true, we would expect those who
have received repeated doses of a particular antibiotic to harbor
more bacteria that are resistant to that antibiotic. This is indeed
the case. In Drug Information, published by the American Hospi¬
tal Formulary Service, it states that “children who have received
repeated doses of ampicillin, or other antibiotics in the penicillin
group, harbor more antibiotic-resistant Haemophilus influenzae
than those with little or no exposure to these drugs.”16 (Haemo¬
philus influenzae is a bacterium associated with ear infections and
When children harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria as a result
of prior antibiotic therapy, the consequences can sometimes be
severe. An article in the British medical journal, Lancet, reported
on an outbreak of serious penicillin-resistant infections of H.
influenzae among hospitalized children in Dallas, Texas. It was dis¬
covered that those contracting the infection were twice as likely
to have been treated with antibiotics in the month preceding admis¬
sion than were hospitalized children who did not get the infec¬
tion.17 From 1975 to 1977 the number of antibiotic-resistant strains
of H. influenzae rose by almost 35 percent.18 The medical litera¬
ture has other similar accounts.
The bane of antibiotic resistance has affected nearly every form
of bacteria known to cause disease in humans. It has even caused
previously harmless bacteria to become disease-producing. The
common intestinal bacteria E. coli has long been a normal inhabi¬
tant of the human intestinal tract. But, as a result of the widespread
use of antibiotics, some E. coli have mutated into a more virulent
form that has been implicated in bladder infections, diarrhea and a
variety of other human ills.
Gonorrhea was once quickly and easily treated with penicillin.
However, as more strains developed resistance to penicillin, larger

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

and larger doses were required to treat the disease. Other antibi¬
otics such as tetracycline were also used. Today these drugs, for¬
merly the cornerstones of treatment, are only minimally effective
in treating gonorrhea. In September 1990, officials from the Centers
for Disease Control issued a statement that penicillin and tetracy¬
cline should be abandoned as a treatment for gonorrhea because
of a sharp rise in the numbers of bacteria resistant to these drugs.19
The CDC now recommend the use of the more toxic and more
costly cefoxitin and spectinomycin.
Harold C. Neu, professor of medicine and pharmacology at
Columbia University, wrote a paper in Science (August 1992) enti¬
tled “The Crisis in Antibiotic Resistance.” In this article, he points
out that in 1941, only 40,000 units of penicillin per day for four
days were required to cure pneumococcal pneumonia. “Today,”
says Neu, “a patient could receive 24 million units of penicillin a day
and die of pneumococcal meningitis.” He adds that bacteria that
cause infection of the respiratory tract, skin, bladder, bowel and
blood “... are now resistant to virtually all of the older antibiotics.
The extensive use of antibiotics in the community and hospitals
has fueled this crises.”*
Mitchell L. Cohen, a researcher with the National Center for
Infectious Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control, issued this
warning about antibiotics in 1992: “Unless currently effective
antimicrobial agents can be successfully preserved and the trans¬
mission of drug-resistant organisms curtailed, the post-antimicro¬
bial era may be rapidly approaching in which infectious disease
wards housing untreatable conditions will again be seen.”1 Patients,
doctors, scientists and public health officials must all play their
part in finding ways to reduce reliance upon antibiotics.

Destruction of Friendly Bacteria

We have been conditioned to perceive all bacteria as “bad.” Indeed,
bacteria such as Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneu¬
moniae, encountered in common upper respiratory infections, are

*Neu, HC. The crisis in antibiotic resistance. Science 1992;257:1064-1073.

+Cohen, ML. Epidemiology of drug resistance: implications for a post¬
antimicrobial era. Science 1992;257:1050-1055.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

for the most part “bad guys.” However, we would probably die
from all sorts of opportunistic infections if not for the “good” bac¬
teria. These bacteria live in the mouth, on the skin, in the vagina
and in the intestinal tract. Bacteria that normally live on your skin,
for example, secrete substances that protect against bacterial and
fungal infections of the skin. Lactobacillus bacteria living in the
gut and the vagina help protect against invasion by yeast and oth¬
er germs.
The intestinal tract is home to countless different varieties of
microbes, most of which live in harmony together. They exist in
what scientists call a symbiotic relationship, meaning they benefit
from the existence of one another. Most people are surprised to
learn that microbes in the intestinal tract outnumber the total num¬
ber of cells in the human body by a factor of 10! The functions
performed by many of these organisms are vital to optimum health.
The bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus is one of the more
important beneficial bacteria. It plays a role in the digestion of food
and the manufacture of vitamins Bi, B2, B3, B12 and folic acid. It
also secretes substances that destroy invading infectious bacteria,
parasites and fungi (e.g. acidophilin, a natural antibiotic, various
organic acids and peroxides). Bifidobacterium bifidus is another
important intestinal bacterium, especially in children. One reason
breastfed children suffer from fewer intestinal infections than bot-
tlefed children is the high number of Bifidobacteria in the intestines
of breastfed babies. When breastfeeding is discontinued, the number
of Bifidobacteria (Bifidus) in the intestine decreases dramatically.
Another way that the normal intestinal bacteria protect against
infection by invaders is by occupying space. They attach themselves
to the wall of the intestines, leaving no available space to which
parasites and other organisms can attach. If the good bacteria are
eliminated, opportunists can move in and set up shop. The oppor¬
tunists compete with the other intestinal organisms for nutrients.
Worse, they rob nutrients from the host. As they gain a stronger
hold, they make it easier for other members of their species to
invade and get a foothold—they multiply. This reduces the integri¬
ty of the intestinal tract, sometimes called a “leaky gut,” increas¬
es the chance of developing allergies, and lowers the level of health.
Finally, the immune response of the host is reduced.

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

A Minnesota biologist once said that if you had two mice, gave
them all the food they needed and took away all their predators, at
the end of one year there would be one million mice. A staggering
figure, but not an unusual outcome when one disturbs the balance
of Mother Nature. In a similar way, antibiotics can disrupt the bal¬
ance in the intestines, leading to the overgrowth of a host of
unwanted pests such as yeast.

Antibiotics and the Yeast Connection

Doctors have known for many years that antibiotics can cause
yeast overgrowth. A pregnant mother is given antibiotics for her
bladder infection and develops a vaginal yeast infection. She then
delivers her child, who develops oral thrush—that fluffy white
coating of the tongue due to yeast. According to William G. Crook,
M.D., author of The Yeast Connection, “Broad-spectrum antibi¬
otics resemble machine gun-shooting terrorists in a crowded air¬
port. While they’re killing enemies, they also kill friendly and
innocent bystanders. In a similar manner, antibiotics knock out
friendly bacteria on the interior membranes of a person’s body
while they’re eradicating enemies. When this happens, yeasts flour¬
ish and put out a toxin that affects various organs and systems in the
body, including the immune system.”20 Recently doctors at the Uni¬
versity of Southern California found that excessive antibiotics used
to treat ear infections in children contributed to the growth of yeast
in the middle ear. It was only after treatment with an antifungal
drug, ketoconazole, that the middle ears of these children im¬
Immune suppression by way of yeast infection is another adverse
effect brought about by antibiotics. In the May/June issue of In¬
fections in Medicine, published in 1985, Steven S. Witkin, M.D.,
writes “Candida albicans infection, often associated with antibiotic-
induced alterations in microbial flora, may cause defects in cellular
immunity. . . . Recent studies suggest that the infection itself may
cause immunosuppression, resulting in recurrences in certain
patients. In addition to creating an increased susceptibility to the
Candida reinfection, the immunological alterations may also be
related to subsequent endocrinopathies and autoantibody forma¬

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

Leo Galland, M.D. was the keynote speaker at a 1988 confer¬

ence on Candida related complex. In his address, he noted that anti¬
biotics were a precipitating factor in 82 percent of the patients with
Major symptoms of Candida related complex (CRC) include:
Fatigue or lethargy Constipation
Poor memory Bloating, intestinal gas
Feeling “spacy” or “unreal” Vaginal itching, burning, discharge
Numbness, burning, tingling Prostatitis
Insomnia Premenstrual tension, PMS
Muscle aches, weakness Attacks of anxiety or crying
Abdominal pain Shaking or irritability when hungry

Other symptoms include:

Headaches, sinusitis Food sensitivity or intolerance
Moodiness Mucus in stools
White tongue Rectal itching
Tendency to bruise easily Hoarseness, loss of voice
Chronic rashes, itching Nasal itching

Antibiotics and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The media has recently begun to publicize a condition known as
chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS. People with CFS suffer from
myriad symptoms, which their doctors are often unable to treat.
The major symptom is chronic fatigue. Such people are often
unable function in a normal way. They are commonly exhausted,
irritable, depressed, confused, suffer from muscle and joint pains
and are unable to sleep.
In 1989 and 1990, Carol Jessop, M.D., a California researcher of
CFS and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Califor¬
nia at San Francisco, presented case studies of patients with chron¬
ic fatigue syndrome. She reported that 80 percent of these patients
had a history of recurrent antibiotic treatment (as a child, adoles¬
cent or adult). William G. Crook, M.D., author of Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome and the Yeast Connection concludes similarly that the
overuse of antibiotics is a major contributing factor to the devel¬
opment of chronic fatigue.24

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

In 1991, David S. Bauman, Ph.D. and Howard E. Hagglund,

M.D. reported in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, on a
study of 43 women who were classified as “Polysystem Chronic
Complainers.” These women suffered from 10 or more symptoms,
including poor memory, fatigue, mood swings, head pressure, mus¬
cle aches, digestive symptoms and inability to concentrate. Of these
43 women, 29 (or 67%) reported having been on prolonged cours¬
es of antibiotics. Only 5 of 33 controls (reporting fewer than 4 com¬
plaints) had a history of prolonged antibiotic use.25

Antibiotics and Immune Suppression

One irony of antibiotic use is that while they are intended to “bol¬
ster” the immune response by killing bacteria, they may in some
cases have a suppressive effect on immunity. Evidence for this
comes from two basic sources: studies of the effect of antibiotics on
the activity of white blood cells, and the outcome of infections
treated with antibiotics.
In an article published in The American Journal of Medicine in
1982, Drs. William Hauser and Jack Remington of Stanford Uni¬
versity School of Medicine reported on the ability of some antibi¬
otics to alter the immune response. Tetracycline was shown to
inhibit the ability of white cells to engulf and destroy bacteria (pha¬
gocytosis) and to delay the ability of white cells to move to the site
of infection. Sulfonamides inhibited the microbiocidal activity of
white cells. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole inhibited antibody
production. Similar action of numerous antibiotics was reported.26
Antibiotics have also been shown to increase the likelihood of
repeat infections. In one report, children with strep throat who
were given antibiotics recovered from the initial infection in short
order. However, they experienced a rate of recurrent infections
two to eight times higher than those not receiving antibiotics. This
was especially true if antibiotics were given in the first two days
of illness.27
Similar findings have been reported with antibiotics used to
treat ear infections. A study published in 1974 showed that chil¬
dren with acute earaches who received antibiotics within the first
few days of the illness experienced up to 2.9 times more recurrent
infections than those in whom antibiotic use was delayed (7 or

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

more days) or avoided.28 This study was met with some skepticism
and seemed to have little impact on medical practice. A 1991 arti¬
cle published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
has renewed the debate raised by the 1974 study. It showed that
children with chronic earaches who received antibiotics experi¬
enced two to six times more recurrent middle ear effusion than
those receiving placebo.29
Such evidence seems to suggest that antibiotics may in some
cases limit the body's ability to recognize and destroy invading
bacteria. It appears that when antibiotic treatment is delayed, chil¬
dren are able to develop natural immunity, thereby insulating them
from future episodes. Early antibiotic therapy may inhibit the ini¬
tial immune response, which may increase the likelihood of repeat

Predisposition to Infection by Parasites

For most of this century, intestinal parasites were considered (by
Western standards) a disease of the Third World. Parasitic infection
usually occurred in countries where hygiene was poor, water impure
and human waste treatment nonexistent. Today, parasitic infec¬
tion is becoming more common in the U.S. In several recent stud¬
ies, from 30 to 50 percent of various childhood populations was
found to harbor some kind of parasite. Parasite infection has be¬
come more common in North America for several reasons:

1) antibiotics, 2) day care, 3) foreign travel, 4) immigration,

5) water contamination of rivers, streams and public water
supplies, 6) changes in fiber consumption, 7) bottlefeeding of
infants and 8) overall changes in diet.

Parasites can cause fever, intestinal pain, poor absorption of

nutrients and many other symptoms. These symptoms are com¬
monly misdiagnosed as a bacterial infection and treated with antibi¬
otics, which only serve to tighten the parasite’s grip on its host.
The use of antibiotics often results in increased susceptibility
to intestinal infection by fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasites
because antibiotics drastically alter the balance of intestinal organ¬
isms. They kill not only the “bad guys” but also the “good guys,” the
friendly, helpful bacteria in the digestive tract. Two such bacterial

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

species are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus.

When these organisms are wiped out, an environment is created
in the intestines that favors the growth of undesirables such as the
common fungus Candida albicans.
Marc Lappe, Ph.D., author of When Antibiotics Fail, summa¬
rizes some of the intestinal effects of antibiotics as follows: “Lin-
comycin eliminates virtually all of the bacteria that require oxygen,
while neomycin and kanamycin decrease the number of oxygen-
requiring germs and gram-positive anaerobic ones, leading to over¬
growth of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. Polymyxin
can reduce the native E. Coli to the point of extinction, leaving
the terrain open for staph and strep organisms. Erythromycin has
a similar favorable effect on streptococci, while bacitracin and
novobiocin lower both strep and clostridia. Ampicillin and clin¬
damycin, by contrast, appear to favor the growth of Clostridium
dificile. ”30

Nutrient Loss
Antibiotics can contribute to loss of important nutrients. Ironical¬
ly, the nutrients that are lost because of antibiotic use are some of
the same nutrients needed by the immune system to fight infec¬
tion. In some cases, these same nutrients are deficient before the
person becomes ill and may be one reason an infection persists.
Leo Galland, M.D., author of Superimmunity for Kids and many
scientific papers on nutrition and immune function, states that
“Some [antibiotics] behave like magnesium sieves.”31 Antibiotics are
notorious for causing diarrhea. With this diarrhea comes an impor¬
tant loss of nutrients. In a study of children with recurrent infec¬
tions, those who experienced diarrhea had lowered magnesium
levels in their blood. In these children the duration of illness was
longer. According to an article published in the Journal of Envi¬
ronmental Health, “When diarrhea lasts for a week or more, nutri¬
ent losses, anorexia, and post-enteritis malabsorption may lead to
marginal malnutrition and subtle but detectable loss of immune
function.”32 For example, in one kg of diarrhea—about 2 pounds,
or one day’s output from the “runs”—over 17 milligrams of zinc can
be lost. Zinc is important in fighting both bacterial and viral infec¬
tion and plays an important role in regulating inflammation. One

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

study of people with recurrent infections showed zinc deficiency

to be a problem.
Nutrient losses due to antibiotic prescribing that lasts only a
week or a little more are not likely to pose any real danger. How¬
ever, many children and adults are placed on antibiotics for months
or years. Negative effects of this sort of treatment are more likely.
As we mentioned in Chapter 1, it is not unusual for a person to
report “I’m on antibiotics more than I’m off them.” We’ve seen 5-
and 6-year-old children who have spent virtually their entire lives
on antibiotics. This is a tragedy!

The Food Allergy Problem

Antibiotics have also been associated with the development of
food allergy or food intolerance. For many of the reasons described
in previous sections, antibiotics disrupt the normal ecology and
functioning of the gut. Absorption of nutrients is effected along
with normal repair of the lining of the gut. Many patients of all
ages have developed food allergies following antibiotic therapy.
Food allergies are discussed in greater depth in Chapter 4.

Allergic Reactions
Allergic reactions are another problem associated with antibiotic
use. A woman was recently admitted to Mercy Hospital in Coon
Rapids, Minnesota with hives and swelling of the throat. Her airway
had begun to close and would have suffocated her if not for the
emergency team. She had just taken a dose of the antibiotic
Keflex®. These reactions are not unexpected when you consider
that in addition to the drug itself, antibiotic preparations contain
sweeteners, dyes and coloring agents, flavorings and numerous
unnamed excipients. In one survey of common antibiotic prepa¬
rations, 85 percent contained sucrose while 34 percent contained the
sweetener saccharin. Red dye #40, a coal tar derivative, was present
in 45 percent of the antibiotic preparations. Many also contained
FD & C yellow #5 and #6. Both of these dyes have been shown to
be cross-reactive with aspirin and acetaminophen, drugs commonly
taken to relieve pain and fever during infection. Moreover, FD &
C yellow #5 is known to cause excessive elimination of zinc from the

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

The myriad chemicals found in antibiotic preparations may or

may not pose a problem for the average person. However, for those
with allergies or environmental sensitivity illness (ESI), they pose
a special dilemma since exposure to only tiny amounts of these
synthetic substances can provoke serious reactions. For instance,
yellow #5 and #6 have been associated with hives, anaphylactic
shock, retching, belching, vomiting, angioneurotic edema and
abdominal pain.34 If you have allergies or are environmentally sen¬
sitive and must be on antibiotics, get a full disclosure of the contents
of the particular antibiotic being considered before you use it to
make sure it contains no substances to which you might react.

The Economic Cost

Antibiotics were once considered an economical means of treat¬
ing infections. The benefit, treating an illness, usually outweighed
the expense. As newer and more expensive antibiotics came into
use for more common, less life-threatening disorders, one could
argue that the cost is not always justified. There are wide disparities
in the cost of antibiotics available to the consumer. For example,
Keflex®, which is a brand name for the antibiotic cephalexin, costs
$97 for a 10-day course of 500 mg tablets. The generic brand of
the same antibiotic can be purchased for as little as $30. It seems
reasonable that, given the choice between treating an infection
with a $30 drug and a $97 drug of equal effectiveness, one would
choose the cheaper.
There are also costs to society. For example, over $500 million
are spent each year on antibiotics to treat ear infections. Studies
have shown that many children receiving antibiotics for earaches
have no bacteria present, meaning that antibiotics might be unnec¬
essary in 30 to 50 percent or more of these children.35 American
doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for ten days, but recent stud¬
ies of earaches have shown that two-, four-, five- and seven-day
courses are equally effective.3637’38’39’40’41 Cutting the duration of
therapy in half—as many physicians have in Holland—might
reduce our tab for antibiotics considerably.
In 1983, roughly 50 percent of those receiving treatment for the
common cold were given an antibiotic prescription. Yet, antibi¬
otics do nothing for the common cold because of its viral origin.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

Up to 80 percent of cases of tonsillitis are viral, yet the majority

of patients receive antibiotics. This represents yet another unnec¬
essary antibiotic expenditure. Another disorder, vaginitis, is often
a direct result of antibiotic use. Many hundreds of thousands of
doctor visits each year are needed to treat this disorder.
Roughly 40 percent of all antibiotics produced are used in ani¬
mal husbandry. In most cases, antibiotics are used in animals raised
for slaughter and eventual sale to consumers. These foods are often
contaminated with antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella, Campy¬
lobacter and other strange bugs that create intestinal illness in un¬
suspecting diners.
Taken together, antibiotics, despite their inherent value, rep¬
resent an enormous cost in personal and public health, and cost
to society. As our health care costs skyrocket, doctors should care¬
fully review the role that antibiotics might play. As is usually the
case, however, consumers will probably have to be the driving force
behind such change.

Bugs, Drugs and Susceptibility

The Physician’s Desk Reference is used by almost all doctors to get
their drug information. In the case of many of the most common
antibiotics, the following recommendation is usually given: “Culture
and susceptibility tests should be initiated prior to and during ther¬
apy.”42 Thus, drug manufacturers urge that doctors do a culture to
determine the type of bacterium present and then test the chosen
antibiotic against the bacterium—all before prescribing the antibi¬
otic to the patient.
Unfortunately, culture and susceptibility tests are rarely done
with the most common illnesses for which antibiotics are prescribed.
Doctors argue that culture and susceptibility tests are impractical
because their patient is ill, needs help now, and cannot wait the
two or three days needed to obtain test results. Moreover, they
argue, doctors usually “know” which bacteria are present. Based on
this assumption, they prescribe the antibiotic.
Let’s examine the problems with this logic by taking a look at
ear infections, a condition which accounts for roughly 42 percent of
all antibiotics prescribed to children.43 A doctor faced with a child

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

complaining of an earache must choose between only a few

options—prescribe an antihistamine, prescribe an antibiotic, per¬
form surgery or do nothing. He looks in the ear, sees some red¬
ness and fluid, assumes there is a bacterial infection and prescribes
an antibiotic. But, what has convinced him there are bacteria pre¬
Recall that harmful bacteria are absent in the middle ear fluid of
about 30 to 50 percent of children with middle ear complaints. Dr.
David R Skoner reports that in children who have not responded to
antibiotic therapy and tubes, the percentage of middle ears that
contain no harmful bacteria is as high as 70 percent.44
The chances of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing are quite
high when you consider the likelihood that no bacteria are pre¬
sent! Admittedly, middle ear cultures are difficult to perform unless
the ear is draining because an incision (myringotomy) must be
made in the eardrum to take a sample. Yet, not knowing the type of
bacteria or its susceptibility to the chosen antibiotic can lead to
choice of the wrong antibiotic. When no bacteria are present, antibi¬
otic prescription is wholly inappropriate.
In one study, doctors were confronted with the case of a patient
hospitalized for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia who was being
treated with penicillin. They were also told the patient had a urinary
tract infection confirmed by laboratory. When asked what they
would do about it, only 59 percent of physicians said they would
recheck the urine to see if the infection had subsided. Others said
they would add other antibiotics to the therapy without a culture.45
Another recommendation in The Physician’s Desk Reference
reads as follows: “Prolonged use of X antibiotic may result in the
overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms.”46 Nonsusceptible organ¬
isms are those that are “supposed” to be susceptible to the antibi¬
otic but have developed resistance, and those upon which the
antibiotic normally has no effect—yeast, for example. Doctors
should be aware of the ability of antibiotics to cause overgrowth of
nonsusceptible organisms and take steps to minimize the impact.
This was taken seriously years ago when many antibiotic prepara¬
tions also contained substances to prevent the overgrowth of yeast.
In the 1950s, physicians were advised to use acidophilus products
such as Lactinex® (a product then from Parke Davis) when antibi-

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

otics were prescribed. Yet today, it seems to be given little consid¬


Science, Politics or Economics?

Contrary to popularly held beliefs, modem medicine is often based
as much on philosophy, beliefs, politics and economics as it is on sci¬
ence. Perhaps no story better illustrates the tapestry interwoven
by science, politics and economics than that of Dr. Erdem Can-
tekin, former director of a research center at the University of
Pittsburgh. Dr. Cantekin, an international authority on ear dis¬
ease, was co-investigator on a five-year National Institutes of Health
study to evaluate the effectiveness of the antibiotic amoxicillin in
the treatment of childrens’ ear infections. Americans spend over
$500 million annually to treat this one condition.
Cantekin’s analysis of the data from this study showed that
amoxicillin was ineffective and possibly harmful. His findings were
further analyzed and corroborated by a statistical analyst from
Carnegie Mellon University. But another researcher disagreed.
According to an article entitled “Corporate-Funded Research May
Be Hazardous to Your Health” published in the Bulletin of the
Atomic Scientist, “the primary investigator on the $15 million fed¬
eral grant, a colleague of Cantekin’s at the medical school inter¬
preted the data differently: after changing the study protocol, he
determined that amoxicillin is effective against children’s ear infec¬
tions.” [emphasis added]
“The primary investigator had also, over the period when the
government was paying for the research, accepted perquisites
amounting to over $50,000 per year in lecture fees and travel mon¬
ey from drug companies that produce antibiotics. Between 1981
and 1986, the ear center received more than $1.6 million in research
grants from pharmaceutical companies to test the effectiveness of
antibiotics on ear infections.”
Dr. Cantekin wrote a paper arguing that amoxicillin “while
appropriate for many uses, is not effective in the treatment of secre¬
tory otitis media [fluid behind the ear drum].” He submitted his
paper for publication in hopes that other physicians could view his
interpretation of the research and compare it with that of his col-

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

league. But this was not to be. Both the New England Journal of
Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association
rejected Dr. Cantekin’s paper. Meanwhile, the paper presented by
his colleague, which supported antibiotic use, was published in the
New England Journal of Medicine (1987). Antibiotic sales soared
following publication of this paper.
This case is filled with tragic irony. As a result of Dr. Cantekin’s
efforts “his data tapes were erased, he was taken off all the depart¬
ment’s grants, fired as director of the ear research clinic, and for¬
bidden by the chairman to publish the paper. . . . Because he has
tenure the School of Medicine cannot fire Cantekin, but he has
been stripped of the resources needed to conduct research.”4748
Sadly, as a result of these actions physicians throughout the United
States were deprived of the opportunity to base their judgment on
conflicting viewpoints, and were left to ponder only that which
supported the prevailing belief.
Nearly five years later, Dr. Cantekin’s paper was finally pub¬
lished in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Decem¬
ber 1991). The results have seriously challenged the prevailing
belief about the value of antibiotics in treating ear infections, espe¬
cially those that are chronic. Cantekin’s data showed that not only
did children on amoxicillin fare no better than those taking place¬
bo (sugar pill), but those on amoxicillin suffered from two to six
times the rate of recurrent ear effusion. Cantekin also remarked
on two other popular antibiotics. He wrote, “... those data indicate
that amoxicillin was not effective and that two other antibiotics,
Pediazole and cefaclor, also were not effective according to the
method of analysis the OMRC [Otitis Media Research Center] had
chosen to use.”49 It is interesting to note that the “negative” data
regarding Pediazole and cefaclor was never published by the orig¬
inal investigators, but came out during a Congressional investigation.

Age- and Sex-Related Concerns

Concerns for the Elderly
The average age of .Ainencans increases each year. For the next
50 years, the 85-and-older age group is expected to be the fastest-
growing segment of the United States population. The number of

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

people between the ages of 65 and 85 is expected to grow from 26

million to 30 million by the year 2000.50
According to a report in Primary Care, four out of five elderly
persons have one or more chronic diseases. Conditions such as
diabetes, atherosclerotic heart disease, chronic obstructive pul¬
monary disease and cerebrovascular disease may all predispose
elderly people to infection. Older adults also are the most heavily
medicated group of Americans. Drug therapy to treat chronic dis¬
eases may also increase the risk of infection. Many elderly people
receive more than one drug. The average person over age 65
receives 10.7 prescriptions per year, compared with 4.3 for other
age groups.51 The risk of adverse drug reactions and risk of immune
suppression go up with the number of drugs prescribed.
Elderly persons also have decreased kidney function. This makes
prescribing of antibiotics, or any drug, a tricky matter. Medication
can easily become toxic when kidney function is impaired. The
most common infections in the elderly are pneumonia (which is
the leading cause of death from an infectious disease in this age
group), bronchitis, urinary tract infections, prostatitis and skin
infections.52 Diarrhea due to the bacterium Clostridium dificile is
commonplace in hospitals and nursing homes (though by no means
restricted to such places) largely because of the wide use of antibi¬
otics. This bacteria can contribute to pseudomembranous colitis, a
painful inflammatory condition of the bowel.53
Researchers believe that many of the immune problems asso¬
ciated with aging are due to poor nutritional status. In fact, poor
nutrition is one of the most critical factors affecting infection sus¬
ceptibility. People in nursing homes are at especially high risk for
poor nutrition. When Dr. N.D. Penn and his co-workers supple¬
mented elderly hospitalized patients with vitamins A, C and E,
they noticed a significant improvement in immune function.54 We
also have noticed improved resistance to infection in elderly
patients who have been placed on the proper diet with nutritional
supplements. When one ages, the need for protein, fat and carbo¬
hydrate gradually goes down, but the need for vitamins and min¬
erals generally does not.
One reason is that the ability to properly absorb nutrients
decreases with age. A condition known as atrophic gastritis affects

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

about 20 percent of people aged 60 to 69 and 40 percent of peo¬

ple over 80. This adversely influences the absorption of B12 and
other nutrients. Elderly people are commonly deficient in B6, B2,
vitamin C and vitamin D.
While important, vitamin and mineral supplements are not a
panacea for the elderly. Vitamin A is not well-tolerated by some
elderly people, especially if they have liver problems. In such cas¬
es, beta-carotene should be given. Also, elderly persons who take
fish oils (EPA) for inflammatory or circulatory problems may be at
risk to decreased immunity. The solution is to take extra vitamin E.
For you or an elderly family member in the hospital, nursing
home or at home, you may wish to do the following:
• Elave medications reviewed by an independent doctor.
Often, one drug is given to treat the side effects of another
drug. It is not uncommon for a person to have more than
one doctor prescribe medication with none being aware of
what the other is prescribing. This increases the risk of side
effects and lowers immunity, increasing the risk of infection.
• Have an evaluation of nutritional status done by a clinical
nutritionist or physician knowledgeable in clinical nutrition
(an important distinction). Simple changes in diet can work
wonders for health and immunity.
• Consider providing a nutritional supplement. A multi¬
vitamin is useful, but antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins
C, E and beta-carotene are critical to immunity and to
prevent some of the damage associated with aging.
• A supplement of acidophilus should be given whenever
an elderly person is on antibiotics, and for three to four
months thereafter. Acidophilus should also be considered
if digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or
indigestion are present. These supplements are also
important if a person has been treated with radiation or if
they’ve had surgery.

Infants and Young Children

Antibiotic prescriptions to children under three have increased an
incredible 51 percent over the past ten years. It is in this age group

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

that antibiotic overprescribing is most likely to occur. Middle ear

problems account for roughly 42 percent of all antibiotics prescribed
to children. Some doctors now wonder whether the misuse of antibi¬
otics might actually be one cause of persistent earaches in children.
Recurrent earaches may be linked to hyperactivity as well. In
one study, “69 percent of children evaluated for school failure who
were receiving medication for hyperactivity gave a history of greater
than 10 ear infections. By comparison, only 20 percent of non¬
hyperactive children had more than 10 infections.”56 Recurrent ear
infections and hyperactivity have some common underlying dietary
and nutritional features.
Dr. William Crook has long contended that there is a progres¬
sion that begins with an upper respiratory infection or ear infec¬
tion that is treated with antibiotics. This leads to overgrowth of
yeast followed by more infections, which are then treated with
more antibiotics. The yeast problem is aggravated, food allergies,
earaches and behavior problems develop and the child is beset
with recurrent infections for which antibiotics are again prescribed.
This vicious cycle can repeat for months, even years!
Antibiotics have also been shown to contribute to bladder infec¬
tions in children—even those with no history of bladder infec¬
tions. In a study by Dr. K.J. Lidefelt, young girls treated with
antibiotics for upper respiratory infections were found to develop
subsequent bladder infections. This was believed to occur because
the antibiotics suppressed one kind of bacteria while allowing
another type to grow in the urethra and bladder.57
Many of the health problems of children aged zero to five years
are related to food. Infants raised on formula are more prone to
infections than those raised on breastmilk. Allergy or intolerance
to food can lead to chronic mucus secretion in the middle ear,
lungs, sinuses and nasal passages. The mucus-rich environment is
ripe for the growth of bacteria, yeast and viruses. Any child who has
persistent infections should be evaluated for food allergy or intol¬
erance. Millions of children could avoid antibiotic exposure if such
problems were addressed.
Nutrition also plays an important role in childhood illness. The
dietary practices of today are vastly different from those of 50
years ago. Nutrient-depleted processed foods loaded with sugar

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

and fat can make a child’s smooth-running immune machinery turn

into a “klunker.” Nutrition is discussed later in this book.
For a discussion of diet, nutrition, allergy and earaches, see Dr.
Schmidt’s book Healing Childhood Ear Infections and Dr. Doris
Rapp’s Is This Your Child?

Women’s Health
Women are among those most adversely affected by antibiotic use.
They readily develop vaginal infections following antibiotic ther¬
apy. Bladder infection following antibiotic treatment for upper res¬
piratory problems is also common. In some cases, vaginal infection
causes a change in the acidity of the vagina, which sets the stage for
bladder infections. Such women are caught in a vicious cycle of yeast
infections and bladder infections. The antibiotics prescribed for
bladder infection temporarily halt the illness, but it is followed by
an aggravation of the vaginal infection. Women who have a history
of bladder infections or yeast infections usually have deficiencies
in the normal bacteria that live both in the intestines and the vagina.
Supplementation by mouth with acidophilus (powder or capsules)
and a vaginal douche used for several weeks (in severe cases,
months) often solve this recurrent problem. Any woman who must
take antibiotics should begin an oral supplement with acidophilus,
and ask her doctor for a prescription of Nystatin to use as a douche
(V4 teaspoon Nystatin powder USP in 4 ounces of water) to pre¬
vent the vaginal yeast overgrowth. See Chapter 10 for more on this
Many doctors fail to warn their female patients that antibiotics
can interfere with the action of birth control pills. Numerous cases
of pregnancy have occurred in women on oral contraceptives who
took antibiotics with no knowledge of this effect.
Like any drug, antibiotics can cause problems when taken dur¬
ing pregnancy. Some antibiotics, such as tetracycline, have been
shown to cause birth defects or miscarriage, especially when taken
during the first trimester. Antibiotics are also readily passed into
breastmilk. Thus, a lactating mother on antibiotics can pass a hefty
dose of the drug to her nursing child. Whenever an antibiotic is pre¬
scribed during pregnancy or lactation, it is essential that women
question the doctor about the necessity of such treatment.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

Teenagers and Their Troubles

The teenage years seem to be a challenge to virtually everyone—
the child, the parents, the school and society. We can add doctors to
this list because the medical challenges of adolescence are formi¬
dable. Teenage acne is among them. It is estimated that up to 90
percent of teenagers will show some evidence of acne.58 For this,
physicians will prescribe substantial amounts of antibiotics, often
keeping a child on them for years. The evidence that such antibi¬
otics are effective for acne is not overwhelming, and many doc¬
tors believe that antibiotics used in this way contribute to ill health
in teenagers. Dr. William G. Crook, pediatric allergist and author
of numerous books on health and nutrition, believes the use of
tetracycline and other antibiotics for acne is uncalled for. He states,
“I’ve seen a number of patients with severe candida-related prob¬
lems who gave a history of long-term tetracycline treatment for
acne. ... I now feel that routine use of tetracycline in managing
teenage acne should be discontinued.”59
Dietary and nutritional approaches to acne have been used with
some success. It may be worthwhile to try the approach described
in Chapter 10. Anyone who has been on antibiotics for acne should
use an acidophilus supplement for several months to restore the
normal balance of bacteria to the gut.
Teenage girls present another problem because many are
becoming sexually active (obviously, boys are also). This increases
the risk for bladder infections because intercourse is a common
predisposing factor for bladder infections in females. Bladder infec¬
tions are usually treated with antibiotics (although there are better
means outlined in Chapter 10), but when treated in this way often
give rise to vaginal yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infections present
problems of their own. Both topics are discussed in Chapter 10.

In the Hospital
When people are hospitalized, they’re often at their most vulner¬
able. They enter with an illness, are fearful and uncertain, will
undergo invasive procedures, will receive medication and are
exposed to countless varieties of germs. This puts the body at risk

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

to developing a hospital-acquired infection. For these and other

reasons, doctors are quick to put hospitalized patients on antibi¬
otics. However, this does not always bode well for the patient.
One hospital study of antibiotic usage revealed that in 64 percent
of the cases where antibiotics were involved, their use was either not
indicated or they were improperly administered in terms of drugs
or dosage.60 The journal Internal Medicine News reported in 1983
that roughly 50 percent of surgeon-prescribed antibiotics are given
• No infection is present.
• An incorrect drug is selected.
• A less expensive drug could have been selected.
• The dose is excessive.
• The duration of treatment or prophylaxis is excessive.
Surgeons often use antibiotics prophylactically in hopes of pre¬
venting the development of a postoperative infection. In most cases,
the patient does not have an infection, but the doctor is “playing it
safe.” According to one study, 70.9 percent of such prescribing was
considered “irrational on the basis of proved efficacy.” Only 7.6 per¬
cent of antibiotics used in this manner was considered “rational.”62
Hospitals have also become havens for bacteria that are resistant
to antibiotics. We like to think of hospitals as sterile environments
where hygiene and cleanliness are tightly controlled. Despite all
the valiant efforts of hospitals to prevent the spread of infectious
disease, germs run rampant. Many of these germs are highly resis¬
tant to antibiotics. Therefore, the germs have the potential to cause
serious illness in hospitalized patients who are already immune-
suppressed because of the debilitated states in which they find
themselves. Who has not heard of someone who entered the hos¬
pital for “routine” surgery, but suffered a serious staph infection
that required intravenous antibiotics and a lengthy stay.
According to Mnrti Kheel, when people enter the hospital they
are at risk for iatrogenic (doctor-induced) disease. “Prescription
drugs are causing more deaths each year than accidents on the
road. . . . According to the FDA, 1.5 million Americans had to be
hospitalized in 1978 as a consequence of taking prescription drugs.
And some 30 percent of all hospitalized people get further damage

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

by the therapy imposed upon them. The number of people killed in

the U.S. by the intake of drugs has been estimated at 140,000 each
It comes as no surprise that hospitalized patients are susceptible
to nosocomial infections (those acquired in the hospital) when you
consider their nutritional status. Some patients entering the hospital
have disorders reflective of nutritional deficiency. If they have not
entered with nutritional problems, they are likely to develop them
during their stay. Dr. Joseph D. Beasley cites hospital studies in
which 44 percent of general medical patients and as high as 50 per¬
cent of surgical patients suffered from protein-calorie malnutri¬
tion.64 This does not include those with marginal, subclinical or
single nutrient deficiencies. Optimal nutrition is a vital part of a
healthy immune system. When nutritional status declines, suscep¬
tibility to infection increases. It seems negligent on the part of doc¬
tors and hospital staffs to prescribe volumes of antibiotics to
hospitalized patients and pay no attention to nutrition—a factor so
critical in boosting resistance to infections.
If you, a friend or a loved one is hospitalized for any reason,
pay careful attention to nutritional status. Consuming red gelatin,
mashed potatoes, white bread and cow’s milk—common hospital
fare—is no way to build immunity in a sick body. It is remarkable
that nutritional supplements are so rarely given to hospital patients.
In hospital situations where nutritional supplements have been
prescribed, doctors have been able to prevent complications, speed
recovery and manage infections. Unfortunately, such actions do
not always sit well with the general hospital medical staff. As part
of his routine surgical procedure, one physician customarily added
a few grams of vitamin C to the intravenous fluids when putting
in the closing stitches. The patients would awaken in 30 seconds
and could walk back to the ward. This doctor was relieved of his
hospital privileges for practicing this bit of “quackery.”

At the Dentist
For many years it has been routine dental practice to treat all
patients with a history of rheumatic fever, mitral valve prolapse
or other such disorders with antibiotics. It was believed that strep-

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

tococcal bacteria in the mouth could enter the bloodstream dur¬

ing routine dental procedures, such as cleaning teeth, and lodge
themselves in the valves of the heart leading to a condition known
as valvular endocarditis.
This practice exposes many thousands of patients to antibiotics
each year who are not ill. It presents a special dilemma to patients
who have yeast-related illness. Many suffer from mitral valve pro¬
lapse, a condition of the heart valve that puts them at “greater
risk” for valve-related problems anyway. However, they also expe¬
rience aggravation of their health when they are on antibiotics for
any reason.
Physicians and dentists have followed the routine prescribing
of antibiotics during dental work almost without question for some
decades. It is interesting to note the contents of a paper entitled
“Preventing Bacterial Endocarditis: A Statement for the Dental
Profession,” written by the Council on Dental Therapeutics of the
American Heart Association. In this paper it states that, “Endo¬
carditis may occur despite appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis....”
It also states, “Because no adequate, controlled clinical trials of
antibiotic regimens for the prevention of bacterial endocarditis in
humans have been done, recommendations are based on indirect
information... .”65
A recent study conducted in the Netherlands attempted to assess
the value of antibiotics used in this way. It has raised serious ques¬
tions about whether the practice affords any benefit. The doctors
found that in individuals undergoing a procedure for which pre¬
ventive antibiotics were “indicated,” there was little effect on the
occurrence of endocarditis. Following the conclusion of this case-
control study the investigators remarked that, in a country such as
the Netherlands, complete compliance with endocarditis prophy¬
laxis (prescribing preventive antibiotics during dental work to
patients “at risk”) would prevent only about five cases of the disease
each year.66
Does this mean that dentists should no longer prescribe antibi¬
otics for preventive purposes such as that described above? The
American Dental Association and the American Heart Associa¬
tion are not likely to change their recommendations based on this
one study. However, it is yet another study that raises questions

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

about the way in which antibiotics are used and points to another
area of possible antibiotic overuse.
According to Dwight Tschetter, D.D.S., a holistic dentist prac¬
ticing in Minneapolis, the most frequently asked questions of holis¬
tic dentists are, “Are antibiotics necessary in my dental work?”
and “Are there any alternatives to antibiotics?” Many patients
seeking care from holistic dentists do not wish to receive antibi¬
otics for routine dental procedures. Others have health conditions
that are likely to be aggravated by antibiotics. Since prescribing
antibiotics to “at risk” patients undergoing routine dental proce¬
dures is the legal standard of practice, all dentists are expected to
comply—they are obligated to do it. If they do not comply, they risk
losing their licenses or risk legal reprisal. Patients who choose not
to use antibiotics during dental procedures do so at their own risk
and are usually asked to sign a release stating that they choose not
to use antibiotics and absolve the dentist of any liability should
unforeseen consequences arise.
Patients and doctors who are concerned about this issue should
obtain copies of the report by van der Meer entitled “Efficacy of
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Prevention of Native-valve Endocardi¬
tis.” Lancet 1992;339:135-139, and “Preventing Bacterial Endo¬
carditis: A Statement for the Dental Profession,” Council on Dental
Therapeutics, American Heart Association.

Doctor and Patient Attitudes

The doctor-patient relationship is distinct and unique. There are
few relationships in which so much power and authority are giv¬
en from one person to another. Each patient has his or her own
personal relationship with a doctor, but there are certain expecta¬
tions that are universal. One such expectation is that when you
seek care from a doctor, he or she will “do something for you.”
Usually this means perform a procedure or prescribe a medica¬
tion that might presumably solve your problem. You want to leave
knowing someone understands what is going on in your body and
that something is being done to correct the malady.
The dynamic of this relationship can have a significant impact on
whether or not you receive treatment, and what kind of treatment

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

that is. Doctors have a strong desire to determine what your prob¬
lem is and then fix it. They also have a strong desire to please you
by making you well and, no less important, perform well so they will
retain you under their care. This can present a dilemma that can be
characterized in the following example.
Imagine your child is feverish, coughing, irritable and has a run¬
ny nose. Although she is not seriously ill, you’re concerned that
she might become worse. You rush her to the pediatrician. Exam¬
ination reveals some congestion in the lungs, a stuffed nose and a
little redness of the eardrum. The temperature is 103 degrees
fahrenheit. Whether it is due to a teething reaction, a virus or per¬
haps a bacterial infection of the middle ear, it is frightening. Your
comfort zone is exceeded.
The doctor remarks, “Your daughter has some bronchial con¬
gestion and may be coming down with an ear infection.” You reply,
“Doctor, isn’t there something you can do? I’m so worried about the
coughing and waking at night. If she has an earache, won’t she lose
her hearing? Can’t you give her something to make her more com¬
fortable? I have to go to work in the morning and I won’t sleep a
One of several things is occurring in this situation. The out¬
come will be based on the attitudes of both doctor and parent. If the
doctor is one who prescribes antibiotics freely, he or she may sim¬
ply say, “I’m going to write you a prescription for amoxicillin. Make
sure you give it for the full 10 days. Also give your child some
Tylenol to keep the fever down.” If you are unquestioning, you
will simply assume that the doctor knows “what’s best” and fol¬
low the recommendations.
Alternatively, you might ask a series of questions about how
the doctor arrived at this decision and whether your daughter is
really sick enough to warrant the treatment. You may even question
the doctor’s judgment. Finally, you may waltz out the door, pre¬
scription in hand, feeling satisfied that “something” was done and
that you’ve gotten your money s worth. Your day is saved!
The doctor who is more reluctant to write out the prescription
may say, “Your daughter’s fever isn’t uncomfortably high, the ear
congestion is slight, and the lung congestion isn t too bad. I would
just like to wait and see if your daughter can beat this on her own.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

This scenario also has several possibilities. The unquestioning par¬

ent will likely say, “I’m so glad to hear that she is not too ill.” This
mother will probably take her child home, watch her daughter
improve, yet remain somewhat uncomfortable at her inability to
facilitate her daughter’s recovery. The next mother may inquire as
to why the doctor decided as he did and ask if there are any other
supportive things she can do. The third case involves the mother
who is not satisfied with the result of this doctor visit. Her daugh¬
ter is “sick” and “needs” treatment! This mother will not be
satisfied until the doctor “does something!” In the third case, the
mother may either overtly or covertly make her wishes known. In
either case, the pressure will be on for the doctor to “come
through,” meaning to prescribe a drug.
Here is where the real dilemma arises. Many patients are dis¬
satisfied if they leave the doctor’s office without a treatment of
some kind. They’ve just spent roughly 40 dollars on an office call
and now they have to go back home and do what they were doing
prior to the visit. These patients often place significant demands
on their doctors to prescribe. They will often go elsewhere if the
doctor does not comply with their wishes. In today’s highly com¬
petitive world of medicine, the loss of any patient means a loss of
revenue—perhaps even a temporary loss of esteem.
This side of doctors’ behavior was made abundantly clear in a
recent report by researchers at Harvard Medical School who stud¬
ied the attitudes of doctors who were moderate to heavy prescribes
of three drugs. According to a 1989 report in the Wall Street Jour¬
nal: “Almost half the doctors said they were merely satisfying their
patients’ demands for these drugs and indicated fears that failure to
meet such demands would risk losing patients to more obliging
physicians. Many conceded that the prescribing couldn’t be justified
on scientific grounds. Another quarter of the doctors cited a ‘place¬
bo’ effect as justification. Writing a prescription, they argued, can
have a positive psychological benefit for the patients and thus pos¬
sibly bring some relief.”67
In one analysis published in the New England Journal of Medi¬
cine, doctors were presented with a hypothetical case in which a
patient had been receiving procaine penicillin twice daily for pneu¬
monia confirmed by blood culture. The patient demanded another

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

drug when she still had a fever four days after the antibiotic had
been started. Depending on their specialty, 29 to 47 percent of the
doctors yielded to their patient’s demands, even though the change
in medication was not medically warranted.68
Pressure from a distraught patient is not good rationale for
treatment of any kind. This is especially true with antibiotics, since
the consequences can be far-reaching—especially in children.
• Don’t demand an antibiotic from your doctor. He or she
may be uncertain of the need for an antibiotic. Your
pressure may force him to choose that course when he
might not otherwise do so. One of our colleagues in
Minneapolis remarked, uMy patients would be irate if I
sent them out of here without an antibiotic.” He admitted
to often prescribing antibiotics, albeit reluctantly, to please
his patients.
• Ask your doctor if there is anything that can be done short
of giving an antibiotic. He may feel it is appropriate to wait
a day or more, meanwhile using another means of
• Learn as many medical selfcare skills as possible about
earaches, colds, sinus infections and other ailments.

Public Perception: The Myths of Antibiotic Use

Consumer demand is a powerful driving force in the world of medi¬
cine. When driven by inaccurate information, this demand can lead
to inappropriate use of medical treatment. Over the years, many
myths have emerged surrounding the application of antibiotics. In
1975, researchers at Mater Children’s Hospital, South Brisbane,
Australia asked 103 people a series of questions regarding antibi¬
otic use. Their startling results are summarized below.69
What the public believed.
1. Antibiotics kill viruses. 55%
2. Antibiotics kill bacteria. 46%
3. Antibiotics are a stronger form of aspirin 13%

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

4. Penicillin is not an antibiotic.15%

5. Antibiotics should be given for colds and flu.75%
6. Antibiotics should be given for gastroenteritis ... 40%
The responses given by those surveyed showed a remarkable
degree of ignorance about antibiotics. One cannot expect layper¬
sons to be educated to the extent of a physician. Yet, misconcep¬
tions about the usefulness of medical treatments make patients
potential victims of improper care. The correct responses to the
survey questions are given below.
1. No. Antibiotics do not kill viruses (or yeast). Viral
infections are not helped by antibiotics.
2. Yes. Antibiotics kill bacteria. This is what they are
designed for. That less than one half of those surveyed
knew this is disconcerting.
3. No. Antibiotics kill bacteria; aspirin (and acetaminophen)
combats fever and inflammation.
4. No. Penicillin is one of the most widely used antibiotics in
the world.
5. No. Antibiotics should almost never be given for cold or
flu because both conditions are due to viruses. Antibiotics
are sometimes used when the flu becomes complicated by
6. No. Antibiotics should be used for gastroenteritis only
when the cause is found to be bacterial by stool culture
and testing.
Vast quantities of antibiotics are inappropriately given for viral
and yeast infections. Since there is often confusion among the gen¬
eral public about what constitutes these and other microorganisms,
let us define them briefly here. Bacteria are one-celled living things.
They have their own metabolism and can live outside of living cells.
Staph and strep are examples of bacteria. In contrast, viruses are
not living. They are more like pieces of genetic material (DNA or
RNA) surrounded by a coat of protein. Viruses must live inside a liv¬
ing cell in order to survive and reproduce. The common cold, flu,
herpes and measles are caused by viruses. Yeast are single-celled
creatures that belong to the plant kingdom. They are cousins to the

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

molds you find in your damp basement or on old bread. There are
many classes of yeast including that in brewer’s and baker’s yeast.
One type, Candida albicans, accounts for much human illness.

But Doctor, Are You Sure?

Medicine is both an art and a science. It is not exact. The stand¬
ing joke among doctors—uWhy do you think they call it medical
practice?”—reflects this. While medicine is constantly evolving in
an attempt to be more accurate in diagnosis and treatment, there is
sometimes substantial room for error. This can have chilling impli¬
cations, especially when the treatment prescribed is not without
harm. We would like our doctors to be sure of their assessment of
our health—for example, that an infection is present and an antibi¬
otic is needed. However, they are often limited by beliefs, time,
technology and a host of other factors.
In one study, to assess the diagnostic accuracy of physicians, 10
board-certified or board-eligible medical school faculty members
were asked to examine 308 patients who complained of sore throat.
The doctors were to estimate the probability of these patients hav¬
ing strep throat and reveal what form of treatment they would rec¬
ommend. Treatment was to be recommended before laboratory
results were known, as is commonly done in private practice.
These experienced and highly trained physicians estimated that
81 percent of the patients had strep throat. In reality, only 4.9 per¬
cent were found to have positive cultures for strep after laborato¬
ry analysis. Perhaps most alarming was the fact that 104 of the 308
patients were actually started on antibiotic therapy. Only eight of
the patients required antibiotics. According to the researchers, “If
overtreatment is defined as the use of antibiotics in culture-negative
patients, the physicians’ probability overestimation was associated
with substantial overtreatment.”70’71
This phenomenon appears not to be limited to just one group of
doctors in one study. In a recent study (1989) of z22 people with
sore throat, doctors believed that 50.5 percent had strep infections.
However, culture results showed that only 13.5 percent were posi¬
tive for strep. Most of these patients would have been given antibi¬
otics needlessly.72

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

This phenomenon is surprising when you consider the view

expressed in the textbook Infections: Recognition, Understanding,
Treatment, which states “Pharyngitis and tonsillitis affect many
people each year and have a considerable socioeconomic impact.
These disorders are the most common reasons for consulting a
physician. Unfortunately, however, they are also among the worst
treated of all illnesses, primarily because of the overprescription of
antibiotics. ” [emphasis added]73
Antibiotics are commonly used in the treatment of fever, based
on the belief that fever is often due to bacterial infection. Dr. David
M. Jaffe studied the course of high fever in 955 children under 3
who were treated at hospital emergency rooms. He wondered if
antibiotics should be given routinely in such cases. One half of the
children were given amoxicillin while the other half received a
placebo. Dr. Jaffe found that there was virtually no difference in
fever outcome in antibiotic-treated children when compared with
those given the placebo. Only a few children, who were later found
to have bacterial infection, responded to amoxicillin. Dr. Jaffe con¬
cluded that antibiotics are “not advisable” for most children with
high fever.74 This study is somewhat alarming. Antibiotics were
given needlessly in over 90 percent of these children with fever.
What effect might this have on their health? In how many emer¬
gency rooms across the U.S., Canada and Europe are antibiotics
used in this way?
There are other such accounts of mistakes in judgment that
have resulted in overuse of antibiotics. These are but a few that
serve to remind us that doctors do not have all the answers; they are
not always right. They are, in fact, very often wrong. This should
send a signal that we must each be the guardian of our own and
our children’s health. Be an informed consumer of health care.
Become an activated patient (described in Chapter 10). Ask ques¬
tions. Enter into a health partnership with your doctor rather than
surrender your control to the doctor.

Doctors Are Different

In our world of high-tech medicine and standardized medical train¬
ing, we would like to believe that one doctor will treat a problem

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

much like the next doctor. However, anyone who has sought a sec¬
ond or third opinion for a health problem knows that disagree¬
ment among doctors is often the rule rather than the exception.
Finding doctors who agree is sometimes like asking a Republican
or a Democrat which is the best solution for balancing the bud¬
get! Personal opinion, philosophy, belief systems, and even case
load are important determinants, as illustrated by the following
classic study of physician judgment.
Doctors were asked their opinion on the need for tonsillectomy
in 1,000 children. The author reported, “Of these [1,000 children],
some 611 had had their tonsils removed. The remaining 389 were
examined by other physicians, and 174 were selected for tonsillec¬
tomy. This left 215 children whose tonsils were apparently normal.
Another group of doctors was put to work examining these 215
children, and 99 of them were adjudged in need of tonsillectomy.
Still another group of doctors was then employed to examine the
remaining children, and nearly one half were recommended for
the operation.”75 Were all these tonsillectomies necessary? On what
basis did one group of doctors decide tonsillectomy was not need¬
ed while another group believed surgery was indicated? It becomes
obvious from such a study that there is a strong degree of person¬
al opinion and bias involved when doctors decide which proce¬
dures are needed.
Doctors also vary regarding their basic medical knowledge.
Knowledge about proper use of antibiotics is no exception. In a
recent issue of Pediatrics, F. A. Disney, M.D., former president of
the American Board of Pediatrics, discussed a telephone conference
dealing with the choice and use of antibiotics. Disney remarked
that he was “astonished” and “alarmed” at the methods that cer¬
tified pediatricians in practice were using to select antibiotics. Most
disconcerting were assertions that the antibiotic was commonly
“picked at random or was selected by the doctor’s preference for
one drug or another chosen on the basis of available samples or
side effects ...” One doctor stated that “if the child wasn’t better by
the end of a period of time, then all drugs were stopped and sub¬
sequently the child sometimes did recover.” Dr. Disney suggested
that in such cases “possibly the drugs were contributing to the
child’s illness.”76

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

In 1975, a televised “National Antibiotic Therapy Test” was

held in the United States to assess doctors’ knowledge in the use of
antibiotics in treating infectious disease. A total of 4,500 medical
specialists participated in the test. Cases were presented that sim¬
ulated real-life clinical problems a doctor might encounter in dai¬
ly practice. Doctors were then asked about appropriate treatment.
The results can only be described as frightening when one con¬
siders the extent to which antibiotics are prescribed. Only two doc¬
tors out of 4,500 received perfect scores. Researchers analyzed the
results to determine which doctors scored above 80 percent (below
75 percent is a failing grade on most medical school, graduate
school and state medical board examinations). The results were
further broken down by specialty. The percentage of doctors in
each specialty who scored above 80 percent is shown below:77

Family practitioners.15%
Infectious disease experts.83%

Doctors who had been in practice the longest (>15 years)

received the lowest scores, as did those who saw the most patients
per day (>30 patients). Are the results of this study reflective of
the average doctor in practice? It is difficult to know. But this study
seems to raise serious questions about antibiotic use and whether
most doctors are appropriately equipped to deal with the com¬
plexities of antibiotic therapy.
One medical analyst noted that “the majority [of doctors] dis¬
played a potentially dangerous degree of ignorance.”78-79 That most
doctors displayed this degree of ignorance about antibiotics is itself
frightening. That the busiest doctors tended to score the worst
does not bode well for patients who must seek care from already
overworked doctors. Doctors who see more patients per hour are
more likely to be poor prescribers, use drugs inappropriately more
often, and do incomplete physical exams.80 This commonly results
in more adverse drug side effects because the drug was either not

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

needed or incorrectly chosen. It also frequently leads to more

patient visits because the patient’s original problem was not solved.
According to pharmacologist Arabella Melville, Ph.D., “These
physicians set up a vicious circle, creating a heavier workload,
which in turn leads to higher prescribing and increased risk because
non-pharmacological options become more remote.”81

Doctors Are Not Taught About

Alternatives in Medical School
A basic tenet of allopathic medicine is that infections are due to
organisms (bacteria, viruses or parasites). Organisms can be killed
with antibiotics. Therefore, infections should be treated with antibi¬
otics. This view has changed little during the past fifty years despite
evidence that the underlying theory is fragmentary and insufficient
to explain why we succumb to these organisms.
Antibiotics are usually chosen without regard to factors such
as diet and nutrition. This is remarkable when you consider that
deficiency of key nutrients has a substantial impact on our resis¬
tance to infection. For example, deficiency of zinc and vitamin A
can increase susceptibility to infection by bacteria and viruses. Dis¬
regard of nutritional factors is even more surprising in light of evi¬
dence that infection itself can cause nutrient deficiencies that further
hinder our infection-fighting capabilities.
There has been a virtual explosion of information about clinical
nutrition in the scientific literature over the past decade. The gen¬
eral public often believes that their physician has kept abreast of
these breakthroughs and has considered nutritional therapy in the
course of treating their patients. The sad reality, however, is quite
different. In 1986, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National
Academy of Sciences concluded that “nutrition education pro¬
grams in U.S. medical schools are largely inadequate to meet the
of the medical profession. The committee also found
that “nutrition is seldom taught as a separate course . . .” and that
there are an “insufficient number of hours devoted to nutrition
and inconsistency in the scope and depth of topics.
Medical doctors receive almost no training in nutrition. In med¬
ical schools where nutrition is offered, it is usually offered as an

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

elective course. In 1991, Dr. Sehnert spoke to a medical resident

while returning home on a flight from San Diego. When Sehnert
asked the young doctor how much training he had received in
nutrition, the reply was, “We had an eight-hour elective in nutrition,
but most people didn’t take it.” He went on to say that the Uni¬
versity of Illinois Medical School, where he was a student, had one
of the better programs.
Medical licensing exams do not even test specifically in the area
of clinical nutrition. Unless the individual doctor takes the initiative,
he or she is not likely to learn about nutrition or utilize it in practice.
Thus, when you seek care for illness, your treatment options are
often limited to drugs.
Several years ago, one of Ralph Nader’s organizations, the Cen¬
ter for Science in the Public Interest, which publishes the monthly
Nutrition Action, conducted an unusual survey. They gave a basic
nutrition quiz to two groups of people—M.D.s and their recep¬
tionists. The results were shocking if not alarming. Nearly all the
receptionists passed with flying colors. We won’t mention who
flunked most of the time!
Reliance upon drugs as the backbone of therapy causes doc¬
tors to overlook viable alternatives that may help their patients
who suffer not only from infections, but illness of all types. Consider
the following discoveries about non-antibiotic approaches to infec¬
tion that have been reported in scientific studies:
• The plant Lentinus edodes has been shown in numerous
trials to inhibit the replication of viruses and slow the
progress of viral infections.
• Hypericum triquetrifolium, better known as St. John’s
Wort, prevents the growth and infectivity of viruses.
• Extracts of the herb Echinacea have been used by
European doctors to successfully treat infections of the
upper respiratory tract, including whooping cough,
bronchitis and tonsillitis.
• Intravenous doses of vitamin C have been used to
successfully treat meningitis, pneumonia and other

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

• Oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, or tea tree oil, has some of the

widest-ranging antimicrobial properties of any plant.
• Vitamin A has been used to reduce the rate of pneumonia
and croup in children suffering from severe measles.
• The juices of blueberry and cranberry have been shown in
university trials to be effective in the treatment of bladder
infections in women, even in cases involving antibiotic-
resistant bacteria.
All of this work is published in the medical literature! (It will be
discussed in more detail in later chapters of this book.) If doctors
had training in the use of these alternatives, we would be able to
sharply reduce the use of antibiotics and the untoward effects that
often follow.

Are Antibiotics Being Overused in Your Care?

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics with sincere motives. That
is, they hope the antibiotic will help their patients get well and pre¬
vent complications. Obviously, no doctor sets out to intentionally
harm patients. Yet doctors have different comfort zones with
respect to antibiotics. Some doctors use antibiotics with full aware¬
ness of the consequences and restrict their use to only clear indi¬
cations. Other doctors are somewhat cautious yet quite confident
that antibiotics are the solution—thus prescribing somewhat lib¬
erally. Others prescribe antibiotics in an almost knee-jerk fashion,
giving them at the mere hint of something wrong.
The following guidelines will help you decide if your doctor
might be prescribing antibiotics too liberally. Place a “1” next to
each item that applies.
_ Prescribes antibiotics over the phone.
_ Grants a refill of an antibiotic prescription without
seeing you or your child.
_ Prescribes antibiotics to a child who is relatively
Prescribes antibiotics without at least ordering a
differential blood count.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

_ Prescribes antibiotics without addressing your diet

and nutritional status.
_ Prescribes antibiotics after only a brief or cursory
_ Seems to ignore or “write off” your descriptions of
antibiotic reactions in you or your child.
_ Remarks to you that antibiotics are harmless and
cause no side effects.
_ Does not take your concerns about antibiotic safety
_ Has prescribed several courses of one or more
antibiotics without improvement in you or your child,
and simply proceeds to prescribe another antibiotic.
_ Prescribes antibiotics when there are clear indications
the illness is viral in origin (for instance, a cold).
_ Prescribes antibiotics without doing a culture.
_ Does your doctor seem overworked or overbooked?
_ Does he/she tend to cut your visit short by handing
you a prescription and walking out the door?
_ Total

If the total score is more than 5 you may be receiving antibiotics

needlessly. One solution is to bring your concerns to the attention of
your doctor. Ask for a full re-evaluation of the situation. If you are
not comfortable with your progress, seek another opinion.
One patient, upon bringing her concerns about antibiotic safe¬
ty to her doctor’s attention, was confronted with a gruff “what
medical school did you go to?” Could this doctor be seriously con¬
cerned about his patient’s welfare? It seems that in such circum¬
stances, we believe, a change of doctor is in order.

Why Use Antibiotics?

Does this mounting evidence against antibiotics suggest their use be
discontinued? The answer is an obvious “no.” But we must draw a
distinction between appropriate use and overuse. As we stated

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

earlier, many lives have been saved by the prudent use of an

otics. There are many circumstances in which antibiotics have b _
the deciding factor over whether the patient remained in the here-
and-now or moved on to the “Hereafter.” People get sick with
infections that overwhelm them for one reason or another. Mas¬
ter puppeteer Jim Henson died of acute pneumonia. One day he
was fine, the next day he checked into the hospital, the next day
he died. Jim Henson needed heroics, he needed antibiotics, as do
many others.
There are two important considerations in the use of antibi¬
otics: whether an infection is acute or chronic, and whether the
person’s immune system is compromised such as in AIDS. In acute
infections, or those that come on rapidly with severe symptoms,
antibiotics seem more justified, provided the correct diagnosis is
made. In chronic infections where antibiotics have been used
repeatedly with minimal success, the use of antibiotics is more
questionable. In immune-compromised individuals, antibiotics are
perhaps necessary to treat opportunistic infections, but such people
also need tremendous support in the way of diet, nutrition, social
and psychological help and lifestyle changes.
Many of the problems described in this chapter could be avoid¬
ed or minimized if doctors adopted some of the following guide¬

1. Limit the number of antibiotics in use. In the U.S. some

3,000 antibiotics are available for doctors to use. In some
European countries, the authorities restrict the use of
many antibiotics. This ensures that there will always be
antibiotics available should life-threatening bacteria be
resistant to the antibiotics currently in use.
2. Always perform cultures to determine if bacteria are
present and which type of bacteria are present.
3. Perform susceptibility tests to identify the antibiotic that
will be most effective against the bacteria in question.
4. Use the antibiotic with the narrowest spectrum of action.
This minimizes the negative effects on normal body
bacteria and optimizes the effect on the infecting bacteria.

Are Antibiotics the Best Medicine?

5. Avoid broad-spectrum antibiotics when possible.

They wipe out nearly everything in their path. Examples
include Keflex, Bactrim, Septra, ampicillin, Ceclor and
amoxicillin. William Crook, M.D. states, “If I feel an
antibiotic is indicated in treating a respiratory or skin
infection, I nearly always first use penicillin V, penicillin G
or erythromycin. These antibiotics do not wipe out the
normal intestinal flora, which encourages the growth of
Candida albicans.”83
6. Prescribe a short course of the antifungal drug nystatin.
According to Dr. Crook, “If I prescribe a broad-spectrum
antibiotic, I always give nystatin along with the antibiotic
to discourage yeast overgrowth.”84 Dr. Crook’s
recommendation that nystatin be given along with the
antibiotic is offered by many physicians concerned about
antibiotic side effects. When your doctor prescribes a
broad-spectrum antibiotic ask if he or she will also
prescribe a short course of nystatin.
7. Prescribe antibiotics for the shortest possible duration.
Some studies have shown two-, three-, five- and seven-day
courses to be as effective as ten-day courses (for ear
infections). It has also been shown that 500 mg of vitamin
C given with every 250 mg of tetracycline increased the
blood level of the antibiotic 15-fold compared with
tetracycline alone. Such an approach (providing
antibiotics are needed) could reduce the amount of
antibiotic given and shorten the course of antibiotic
therapy, thus minimizing the side effects.85
8. Always recommend acidophilus for adults or bifidus for
children under five whenever antibiotics are taken. This
will help prevent yeast infection, intestinal upset and food
9. Always try to identify the underlying reasons why the
patient became ill. Consider diet, nutrition, lifestyle,
hygiene, stress and environmental factors.
10. Always recommend nutritional supplements during times
of infection.

Antibiotics: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

11. Consider the use of homeopathic or botanical medicine

along with antibiotic therapy.
Only your doctor can make the precise determination of
whether an antibiotic is needed and which antibiotic is best in a
given situation. In our view, antibiotics should never be used alone.
They should always be used in conjunction with methods that boost
immunity and improve resistance! These are what we call the
healthier options for families, and are described throughout the
remainder of this book.

Why We Get Sick
The Miracle of Immunity
“We have given too much attention to the enemy and have to some
extent overlooked our defenses.”
M. Behar
World Health Organization1

The amazing immune system we each possess is not only priceless

and complex, it makes possible what all of us have in common.
We may be different in gender, color of hair and skin, religion and
job. But we have a common bond—we are all survivors. Our par¬
ents survived long enough to conceive us. Grandparents had the
same claim for your parents. The thing that made this possible is
that precious commodity—the immune system. With it functioning
well, one has good health. Without proper functioning, one sim¬
ply can’t survive!
Your immune system does much more than help you recover
from a cold or the flu or the chicken pox. It is an awesome net¬
work that involves defender cells and lymph nodes and bone mar¬
row. It is more than a bunch of “PAC-man” cells that gobble up
viruses, bacteria, yeasts and other invaders. It could be described as
a sophisticated storm warning weather service/strategic air com¬
mand-national guard/garbage collection-clean-up service/antibody
manufacturing-storage company/delivery and information net¬
It has been said that to learn humans seem to need the “three
Ms* Misery, Murder and Muyhem. That seems to be the case
regarding many of our major breakthroughs in science and health.

Why We Get Sick

It took the misery of World War I to develop antisepsis and the

improved techniques of modern surgery. It took World War II and
the Japanese prison camps of Singapore to demonstrate that mal¬
nutrition can cause schizophrenic-type mental disorders that can be
reversed by nutritional means. It took the mayhem of today’s AIDS
epidemic to show us some of the insights we now have concern¬
ing our amazing immune system.
This system has a complex assignment: locate and destroy all
substances, living or inert, not properly part of your human body. It
has the miraculous ability to sort substances that you breathe, drink
or ingest into two classes: “self” or “not self”—or in other words,
“friend” or “foe.”
This complex task is accomplished in orderly phases, some well
but others poorly understood. These have now been described in
hundreds of articles and scores of books. Each response is deter¬
mined by the nature of the foe. There is one response to pathogens
such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa or yeasts like Candida albicans.
There is another response to substances like alcohol, nicotine,
marijuana or cocaine. There is still another to the environmental
toxins so common in today’s world—car exhaust, pesticides, paint
fumes or substances such as asbestos fibers. In many people even
common foods like milk/dairy products, chocolate, wheat and corn
can cause immune reactions. And, finally, there are the everyday
reactions to ragweed, dusts, pollens and molds that can plague so
many of us.
The immune response may last only a few minutes if you inhale
a small puff of ragweed dust, or months for some bacteria or par¬
asites. Some symptoms may be obvious like a headache or skin
rash. Others may be much harder to spot, with general symptoms
such as fatigue, frequent infections or loss of stamina. When
patients go to their doctor and say, “Doctor, I’m tired all the time”
or “I just don’t have the strength I used to have,” a physician can be
perplexed about what to check or what to advise.
While these puzzling symptoms are being played out, the “war
within” is being fought. The white cells (one trillion strong) are
banded together to do “battle.” An excellent description of this
“army” of defenders was presented not in a medical journal, but in
the June 1986 National Geographic.2

The Miracle of Immunity

This excellent article, “The Wars Within,” by Peter Jaret and

Steven B. Mizel described the components of the immune system
using military terms:*

Macrophages—“Frontline defender” and housekeeper, these

cells digest debris in the bloodstream with a PAC-man-like
maneuver when they encounter a foreign organism (virus, bac¬
teria, yeast, etc.).

Helper T-cells—As “army generals,” these cells direct the

immune system. They identify the “enemy” and then rush to
the spleen and lymph nodes. There they stimulate the produc¬
tion of other cells to fight the infection. Called T-cells (or thymus
cells), they originate in the thymus gland, the “West Point Acad¬
emy” of the immune system. The thymus is located in the chest
between the sternum (breast bone) and the heart.

Killer T-cells—“Recruited” and activated by helper T-cells, these

specialists kill the cells (mucous cells of the lungs or throat, for
example) that have been invaded by outside organisms. They
also destroy cells that have turned cancerous.

B-cells—These cells are an “arms factory” that reside in the

spleen (an organ in the upper left part of the abdomen under the
ribs) or the lymph nodes. They are induced by the helper T-
cells to produce antibodies.

Antibodies—These protein molecules are manufactured by the

B-cells and target specific “invaders.” They are rushed to the

*The military analogy is used here because many facets of the immune
response can be easily described in military terms, terms that are familiar to
many readers. However, a growing number of researchers are uncomfort¬
able with the military analogy, preferring one that is more harmonious. Doc¬
tors working with seriously ill patients, using guided imagery to help boost
immune function, find that visualizing the immune system in violent or mili¬
tary terms is less successful than viewing it in more harmonious terms. We
wholeheartedly agree in theory and in practice. For example, psychologist
Stephen Levine reports on a woman who overcame her cancer only after
switching from battlefield imagery (sending heavily armed soldiers) to send¬
ing loving troubadours to “caress and massage and sing and tickle my tumors
away.”3 Still, for the purposes of illustration and simplicity, we have employed
the more commonly used military analogy here.

Why We Get Sick

“front line” where they neutralize the enemy or tag it in some

way for attack by other cells.

Suppressor T-cells—This third type of T-cell, also a “graduate of

West Point,” is able to slow down or stop the activity of the B-
cells and other T-cells. They call off the “attack” after the acute
phase of the infection while the body goes into the convales¬
cent or recovery phase.

Memory cells—These cells are generated by the initial infec¬

tion and may circulate in the blood or lymph for years. Some
give lifelong immunity to you after the initial infection of, for
example, chickenpox. They enable the body to respond quick¬
ly to subsequent invasions of that virus.

Using more military terms, here is a summary of what happens.

When a flu virus arrives in your body by way of droplets in a sneeze
or direct contact with your hands, the scene is set for the cell wars.
1. The “battle” begins—As the virus invades your body,
the first few are given the PAC-man treatment by “sentry
dog” macrophages, which seize the virus’s antigens
(toxins) and gobble them up. Some cells display this event
on their own surface like a neon “help wanted” sign.
Among frontline defender cells, a select few are
programmed to “read” these neon signs. They bind
themselves to the macrophage cell. Other helper T-cells
“seeing” this take place rush to the spleen and lymph
nodes for more help.
2. The forces multiply—With this “red alert” from the
helper T-cells, there is a “mobilization of the National
Guard” back home in the lymphatic system. Next, there is
a multiplication of killer T-cells, which start arriving at the
“front lines.” The B-cells, the tiny arms factories described
earlier, start production of antibodies. An “airlift” of these
supplies then begins.
3. Conquering the infection—As the invasion of the virus
continues more trouble occurs, especially if the host has its
defenses down because of stress overload, poor nutrition,
faulty lifestyles, etc. This happens as a few of the viruses

The Miracle of Immunity

begin to enter the inside of cells. There they unite with

the DNA in the nucleus and begin to replicate and
multiply. They steal nourishment at the cellular level, and
a miniature virus factory is started. Killer T-cells that
arrive on the scene must first destroy the body’s own cells.
This is done by chemically puncturing their membranes.
This in turn lets the viral contents spill out and disrupts
viral multiplication. Antibodies have by this time arrived
to neutralize the viruses and clump around the viral
surfaces to prevent them from attacking other cells.
4. Calling a truce—As the infection becomes confined to a
part of your body, for example a carbuncle on your leg or
a crypt in your tonsil, the “headquarters battalion” in the
thymus sends out suppressor T-cells to slow down the
immune response. Memory cells (the “Intelligence
Corps”) make notes called cellular memory that can then
quickly respond the next time some virus shows up to try
to make trouble.
It should be noted here that not only do the memory cells make
notes about what happened, but on the other side of the fight,
some of the virus enemies do the same evolving devious methods to
sabotage and escape detection. The viruses that cause influenza
may mutate and change their “fingerprints.” (Examples of this are
the Asian flu and Hong Kong flu.) The AIDS virus is one of the
most crafty of all and can hide for months in healthy cells. In some
cases this deadly virus short-circuits the entire immune process
and eventually kills its host.
This ability to short-circuit the immune system is also true of
the yeast Candida albicans—the culprit candida-related complex
(CRC) or systemic candidiasis. Researcher David Soil of the Uni¬
versity of Iowa has documented that Candida albicans and several
of its yeast “cousins” are capable of gene jumping and not only
switching forms but colony shapes. Soil and his co-workers have
called this fungus a “maddening Jekyll-Hyde yeast” because of
this tactic it uses for survival.4
Integral to all the activity noted above are several chemical
messenger services. The “Signal Corps” has protein messengers
that have these mind-boggling biochemical names:

Why We Get Sick

1. Interleukin-1—This is secreted by the macrophage and

signals or activates helper T-cells. These then rush back to
the spleen and lymph nodes to get white blood cell
production going.
2. Interleukin-2—Activated T-cells produce this lymphokine
messenger to stimulate production of other helper cells
and killer T-cells.
3. B-cell growth factor—This is also secreted by T-cells to
make B-cells stop replicating and start making antibodies.
4. Gamma interferon—Made by helper T-cells, it activates
killer T-cells and enables them to attack the invading
organisms. It also affects macrophages, keeping them at
the site of the infection and helping them digest the
invaders they have trapped.
With this insight into how your amazing immune system works,
the next question that comes to mind is why doesn’t it work some¬
times? Why can people go for years and have no trouble, and all of
a sudden they are “allergic” to peanuts or chocolate or sunflower
seeds? Why are some people driven beyond the borders of physi¬
ological tolerance by certain stressors? Are viral, bacterial or Can¬
dida infections causative or opportunistic? In other words, do they
cause trouble alone or do they seize the opportunity to invade when
your defenses are down for one reason or another?
Whoever provides the answer will likely go directly to Stock¬
holm to pick up the Nobel Prize for Medicine. The reality is that we
still don’t know. There are, however, some common roots. Some
of these are specific while others are more general. Most sources of
illness involve one or more of these Five Vital Factors:
1. Excessive antibiotics—As explained previously, since the
introduction of broad spectrum antibiotics in the 1950s—
both in medical and veterinary use—bacterial resistance
and other problems related to antibiotic abuse have
become far too common. The normal balance of essential
microflora has been disturbed in some people by excessive
use of antibiotics which kill not only the “bad guys” but
also the “good guys” such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, a
friendly bacteria needed for proper digestion.

The Miracle of Immunity

2. Food and nutrition—Whether it’s the Alar on apples,

the yellow dye #5 in certain foods, the MSG in the Chinese
soup, the lead, pesticides and chlorine in our tap water, or
whatever, these foreign substances take their toll on one’s
immunity. The amount of “anti-nutrients,” or substances
that antagonize nutrients in our bodies, has increased
dramatically over the past 50 years. As we eat more
calorie-rich, nutrient-poor, refined food, the nutrients
needed for proper immunity become less available to us.
3. Environment—The damage to our environment, whether
it’s the Exxon oil spill in Alaska, the acid rain in Vermont
or Quebec, the Love Canal damage in New York or smog
in California, takes its toll both without and within our
bodies. Each day we are being exposed to more and more
synthetic chemicals. Together, they exert a cumulative
effect that puts a heavy load on an immune system already
taxed by the complexities of the twentieth century.
4. Heredity, lifestyle and hygiene—The lifestyle changes
of the past 50 years have been striking. We work longer
hours, have less time for leisure, exercise less, watch more
TV, sleep less, have more sleep disorders, spend less time
outdoors with nature and fresh air, and on and on. Our
lifestyle and habits have a profound effect on our immune
system and resistance to disease. With the social changes
of the last 25 years has come greater use of not just the
illegal drugs (cocaine, marijuana and crack) but also the
legal drugs (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine). These chemicals
are all viewed by the immune system as foes and must be
detoxified. This makes extra demands on the immune
system and can wear it down.
Our individual genetic tendencies influence how we
respond to the varied stresses present in our environment.

5. Mood, mind and stress—These days we are all

experiencing more types and larger episodes of stress that
affect us in many ways. For some it is caused by divorce,
others by mobility and still others by the great number of
changes we make through different homes, new jobs, and

Why We Get Sick

so on. There is more depression and stress-related

disability than at any time in our history. Most of us
experience much more such stress than did our parents or
grandparents. Stress can cause the immune system to
come “unglued.”
The immune system will function best when we consider the
Five Vital Factors, remove or minimize those factors that are harm¬
ful, and utilize or optimize those that are beneficial. It is not com¬
plicated. It is based on common sense, moderation and balance.
In fact, balance may be the most important part of building a
healthy immune system. Balancing the Five Vital Factors is the
focus of the next four chapters.

Food, Nutrition and
Infection Susceptibility
“There is no longer reason to doubt that nutritional status does
influence the course of infectious disease in man and animals.”
Drs. Paul M. Newberne and Gail Williams
Massachusetts Institute of Technology1

“The best vaccine against common infectious diseases is an ade¬

quate diet.”
World Health Organization2

Carol was a 35-year-old woman with a degree in nutrition science.

She suffered from severe chronic fatigue, recurrent vaginal infec¬
tions, recurrent bladder infections and recurrent upper respiratory
infections. For years she was on antibiotics on a regular basis. After
treatment of a respiratory infection, she developed a bladder infec¬
tion. Once the bladder infection was resolved, she developed ton¬
sillitis. She suffered from chronic sinus pain and postnasal drip.
Each new year was accompanied by a roller coaster of infections
and antibiotics. Despite all the antibiotic prescriptions by the best
doctors in town, Carol did not improve. It seemed as though there
was no solution in sight.
Carol had reached the limits of her tolerance. She finally realized
that she was continually sick for a reason a reason that was not
being addressed by antibiotic therapy. She wanted a change in
medical philosophy, which brought her to the office of Dr. Schmidt.
Schmidt took a close look at Carol’s diet and history. When Carol

Why We Get Sick

revealed she was a food tester for a large Midwest food manufac¬
turer, a “red flag” went up. This began to look like a food allergy
problem. Then she specified she was a food “taster” in the dairy
division. Essentially, she spent her days at work tasting specialty
foods that contained dairy products—all day long, day after day,
month after month, year after year. It appeared as though Carol’s
body was so burdened by the high daily doses of dairy products
that her immune system went on the blink.
Food elimination tests and blood tests revealed that Carol was
extremely allergic to dairy products. She took a three-month med¬
ical leave during which she avoided dairy products entirely. Grad¬
ually her immune system began to respond. The respiratory and
bladder infections she had at the time of her first visit improved
without antibiotics. After the elimination of dairy-containing foods,
her recurrent infections ceased.
After many months of markedly improved health, Carol drank
a cup of cow’s milk. Within 24 hours, she developed a high fever,
tonsillitis and a deep cough. Many symptoms persisted for two
months after this exposure. These were some of the same symp¬
toms from which she suffered before. She was indeed sensitive to
cow’s milk and the “challenge” confirmed it.
This is just one example of the way food can affect immunity
and infection susceptibility. Doctors have known for centuries that
nutrition is one of the greatest influences on our resistance to all

How Nutrition Affects Immunity

and Infection Susceptibility
Nutritional deficiency comes in all shapes and sizes. General mal¬
nutrition as seen commonly in Third World countries is a well-
known example. Infection is a major killer of children in these
countries. Diseases such as measles, which is rarely fatal in the
West, are a common cause of death among the malnourished.
According to Bernard Dixon, Ph.D., author of Beyond the Mag¬
ic Bullet, nutrition can influence infection in a two-way interac¬
tion. Nutritional deficiency makes it easier for organisms to invade
the body and establish themselves. It also slows recovery and con-

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

valescence from illness.3 In addition, infection adversely affects

nutritional status in several ways. First, infection may impair
appetite and absorption, thus limiting the amount of nutrients
available to the body. Second, the presence of bacteria or viruses
may cause the body to rapidly use its stores of nutrients such as
vitamin C and zinc, and may cause vitamin A to be used up faster
than it can be mobilized from the liver stores.
In 1970, Drs. Paul Newberne and Gail Williams, then at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, contributed to a book enti¬
tled Nutritional Influences in the Cause of Infectious Disease. They
describe four important ways in which nutrition can influence infec¬
tion. Nutritional deficiency can:4
1. Adversely affect the body, which makes it easier for the
bacteria or virus to invade.
2. Have an effect on the bacteria or virus once it has
established itself in the body.
3. Increase susceptibility to secondary infection.
4. Retard convalescence after infection.
Physician and researcher Thomas McKeown has spent consid¬
erable time investigating the underlying reasons humans become ill.
He states that “the relationship [between man and microorgan¬
ism] is stable and finely balanced according to the physiological
states of the host and parasite; an improvement in nutrition would
tip the balance in favor of the former, and a deterioration in favor
of the latter.”5 McKeown further states, “A severe degree of defi¬
ciency of almost any of the essential nutrients may have a marked
effect on the manner in which the host responds to an infectious
agent. The same infection may be mild or even unapparent in a
well-nourished host, but virulent and sometimes fatal in one that is
There is growing evidence that vitamin and mineral deficiency
can lead to diminished immunity and increased infection suscepti¬
bility, and that supplementation can boost immunity and build
resistance to infection. For instance, in a group of 100 elderly
patients, low blood levels of vitamin E were associated with an
increased number of infections.7 In another study, vitamin E sup¬
plementation was shown to increase resistance to a number of

Why We Get Sick

infectious agents.8 These are but two of many studies that have
begun to verify the link between nutrition and immunity.
A case can also be made that even when antibiotics are used, it
is important that nutrients be supplemented as well. In 1985, a
report in The Lancet described a woman suffering from trichomonal
vaginitis and low blood levels of zinc who responded to drug treat¬
ment only after supplements raised her zinc level to normal.9 In
Chapter 2, we discussed a report showing that vitamin C, when
used along with tetracycline, was associated with a 3- to 15-fold
rise in the blood level of the antibiotic.10 This would appear to be
beneficial (if an antibiotic is needed), since an elevated blood lev¬
el of antibiotic would optimize its effectiveness, minimize the
adverse intestinal effect (since more is absorbed) and probably
reduce the duration of antibiotic treatment. Another study showed
that a zinc-erythromycin solution worked better for acne than ery¬
thromycin alone.11

How Infection Affects Nutritional Status

Not only does nutritional deficiency affect resistance to infection.
Infection itself can alter nutritional status. Doctors have known
for many years, for example, that conditions such as rheumatoid
arthritis, acute tonsillitis, fever, pneumonia, and measles result in
inadequate amounts of vitamin A in the tissues. These conditions
often lead to depletion of vitamin A, which renders one more sus¬
ceptible subsequent infections.
In 1987, an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutri¬
tion raised some very interesting points about nutrition and infec¬
tion. Dr. F. A. Campos and his colleagues found that after an episode
of chickenpox, children had inadequate body reserves of vitamin A
for three months or longer after the infection.12 Commenting on
this and similar studies of measles, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden of the
New York City Department of Health states, “In developing coun¬
tries, children who survive measles have increased morbidity [ill¬
ness] and mortality [death] from respiratory infections and diarrhea
for at least 1 year. Since vitamin A deficiency increases the severi¬
ty of bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, and is associated with
increased diarrheal morbidity and mortality, the decline in total

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

body stores of vitamin A caused by measles may contribute to

increased postmeasles mortality.”13
Deficiency of nutrients prior to or as a result of infection has
important consequences. As Dr. Frieden’s groups showed, chil¬
dren with measles who had low levels of vitamin A, were more
likely to have fever and to be hospitalized. Other studies have
shown that such children are more likely to suffer from pneumonia
and diarrhea.
Another group of nutrients adversely influenced by infection is
the essential fatty acids. These fats play an important role in regu¬
lating inflammation and immune function. Infection by the Epstein-
Barr virus, associated with some cases of chronic fatigue syndrome
and immune dysfunction, blocks the body’s ability to manufacture
vital compounds known as prostaglandins. Other viruses are known
to do the same. When this occurs, susceptibility to infection by bac¬
teria or reinfection by viruses increases. In people who do not seem
to recover from an infection, blood and tissue levels of certain fatty
acids (e.g. GLA and EPA) are depressed when compared with those
who recover from such infections.14 When essential fatty acids are
given as a supplement, resistance to infection improves markedly.
These studies suggest that infection can cause the loss of nutri¬
ents important to immune function. Unless corrected, these deficien¬
cies can render a child or adult susceptible to future viral, bacterial
or parasitic illness. This is not a new discovery. In 1976, researchers
discovered that during infection, levels of vitamin C in the blood
and tissues fell so low that the mechanisms used by white cells to
attack bacteria was impaired. At such low levels, one is at risk to
secondary infection. Similar findings have been reported with zinc
and magnesium. Other nutrients are probably also effected.
One wonders why medical physicians continue to ignore the
growing evidence that nutrition influences infection susceptibility
and that infection further degrades nutritional status. Logic would
suggest that all patients suffering from infection would at least
receive some form of nutritional support. But this is not the stan
dard of care in the U.S. Other providers such as chiropractors,
naturopaths and holistic M.D.s must take the lead in this regard. It
seems negligent on the part of doctors to ignore such basic factors
that influence health!

Food Allergy, Intolerance and Immunity
Allergy or intolerance to foods is one of the most commonly over¬
looked contributors to altered immunity and susceptibility to infec¬
tion. According to James C. Breneman, M.D., former chairman
of the Food Allergy Committee of the American College of Aller¬
gists, “The incidence of food allergy is greater than the incidence of
any other type of illness affecting mankind. By some estimates, 60
percent of the population has unknown food intolerances or aller¬
gies. This constitutes a hidden iceberg of food allergy with only a
small percentage, roughly 5 percent, of the iceberg showing. The
other 95 percent of the food allergy patients go about their suffer¬
ing unrecognized and untreated.”
If food allergy and intolerance are so prevalent, why do most
doctors seem to ignore their existence? Dr. Breneman shares his
view on this when he states, “A society has developed that suffers
increasingly from food allergy and intolerance while inadequate
numbers of professional people have been educated to cope with
the problem. Medical school curricula usually offer studies in aller¬
gy as elective courses. The student is taught allergy, not as a pri¬
mary science, but as an art subordinate to the Department of
Internal Medicine or Pediatrics.”15
Dr. Breneman uses the terms “allergy” and “intolerance” when
describing adverse reactions to food. This is an important distinc¬
tion. True allergy involves a response by the immune system. Aller¬
gists usually consider an adverse food reaction to be allergy only
when elevated blood levels of certain antibodies, usually IgE (also
IgG and IgM), are demonstrated. An example is the runny nose,
sneezing and itchy eyes associated with hay fever. The term intol¬
erance is used when there is an adverse food reaction due to almost
any other cause. Many doctors note that this type of reaction is
growing in frequency as we consume more processed food, are
exposed to more synthetic chemicals and use more antibiotics.
There is an old adage that says, “Allergy doesn’t cause every¬
thing, but it can cause anything.” Research and clinical experience
have shown this to be true. Food intolerance has been associated
with many disorders typically thought due to infection by bacte-

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

ria. A classic example is ear infection in children. At the 1991 meet¬

ing of the American College of Allergy and Immunology, Dr. T.
M. Nsouli presented a study of 104 children with chronic middle ear
“infections.” Seventy-eight percent of these children tested positive
for reactivity to foods. After excluding offending foods from the
diet for 11 weeks, 70 of 81 children experienced significant improve¬
ment. When offending foods were later reintroduced—to verify
the significance of the food allergy—66 of the 81 children experi¬
enced aggravation of their middle ear condition.16
Tonsillitis has also been linked to food intolerance. According to
an article published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medi¬
cine, intolerance to cow’s milk may be one of the principal causes of
chronic tonsillitis. Chronic tonsillitis frequently leads to overuse
of antibiotics and eventual tonsillectomy. How many doctors have
ignored the very simple measure of suggesting that their patients
eliminate dairy products from the diet? What is to be lost by with¬
holding antibiotics for a time while dairy products are removed?
Respiratory tract infections are often related to food or air¬
borne allergy. According to William G. Crook, M.D., writing in
Pediatric Clinics of North America, “I agree . . . that allergy of
the respiratory tract almost always masquerades as respiratory
tract ‘infection.’” He also stressed the importance of cow’s milk
allergy as a causative factor in recurrent bouts of respiratory disease,
including bronchitis and pneumonia.17
Bladder infections have been linked to food intolerance as have
sinus infections. Dr. Schmidt reported on a child with impetigo, a
staph infection of the skin, that only improved after wheat and
other gluten-containing foods were removed from the child’s diet.

The Most Common Offenders

Although almost any food can contribute to or cause sluggish
immunity or susceptibility to infection, certain common offenders
are the most likely culprits. If a mother is breastfeeding and her
child suffers from chronic infections that may be linked to food,
the most likely offenders in the mother’s diet are cow’s milk,
peanuts and eggs. In an infant or toddler, cow s milk, peanuts, egg
and soy account for roughly 80 percent of adverse reactions to
food. In adults, the following foods are most commonly found to

Why We Get Sick

cause problems (though they also commonly cause problems in

• Dairy products, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt,
cottage cheese and ice cream.
• Wheat, including not only bread and cereal, but anything
that contains wheat such as gravies, crackers and cookies.
• Eggs or anything containing eggs.
• Chocolate.
• Citrus, especially oranges and orange juice.
• Corn, or anything containing corn, such as corn flakes.
• Soy.
• Peanuts and other nuts.
• Shellfish.
• Sugar.
• Yeast.

The Trouble with Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk is often touted on television as the “perfect food.” It is
supposedly needed by everyone. “If you don’t drink milk, your
bones will become brittle from osteoporosis” hint many advertis¬
ers and even some physicians. Yet, cow’s milk consumption may
contribute to many of the health problems commonly encoun¬
tered in our society. Excessive consumption of cow’s milk may be
one of the major factors contributing to susceptibility to common
According to Dr. Schmidt in his book Childhood Ear Infec¬
tions, simply eliminating dairy products is often all that’s required
to solve the riddle of recurrent ear problems in children. These
sentiments are echoed by Dr. Fred Pullen, an ear, nose and throat
specialist in Miami, Florida. Patients are referred to Dr. Pullen for
the sole purpose of having tubes surgically implanted in their
eardrums. Before undergoing surgery, however, all patients are
first placed on a diet that eliminates dairy products. The result:
“three-fourths [of these children] never need tubes.”18 The problems
with cow’s milk are so numerous that noted professor of pediatrics

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Frank Oski, wrote a book

entitled Please, Don’t Drink Your Milk.

What Causes Food Allergy and Intolerance?

Food allergy and intolerance are caused or aggravated by many,
many factors. Some people have a genetic predisposition to the
development of allergy. Overuse of antibiotics may contribute to
thinning of the intestinal lining, overgrowth of yeast, susceptibility
to invasion by parasites, poor absorption of nutrients and ulti¬
mately the development of intolerance to food. Overuse of antacids
or anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen also may
lead to the development of intestinal “leakage” and development
of food intolerance.
Infection of the intestines by viruses, bacteria or parasites also
contributes to food intolerance. In one study of patients infected
with the common parasite Giardia lamblia, 100 percent were intol¬
erant of the milk sugar lactose. Doctors have known for years that
viral infection of the intestine results in temporary intolerance to
food. For example, children who experience diarrhea due to the
common rotavirus suffer from food intolerance that lasts several
weeks. If antibiotics are used in such infections, the likelihood of
encouraging the development of allergy to food increases.
When the number of acidophilus and bifidus bacteria become
too low (due to antibiotic use or for other reasons), the tendency to
develop intolerance to food increases. Consumption of heavily
chlorinated tap water is another means by which these bacteria
are reduced.
Poor nutritional habits also contribute to development of food
intolerance. Consumption of the wrong types of fats, too much
sugar, too much junk food, too little fiber, too few vegetables and
too little fruit makes it difficult for the absorption of nutrients to
take place properly. It also makes it difficult to build new cells that
line the digestive tract.

Testing if You’re Allergic

You can discover whether your problems may be related to food
allergy or intolerance by looking in three areas, history, symptoms
and allergy tests.

Why We Get Sick

• Do you have a family history of allergy?
• Did (or do) your mother, father or siblings suffer from
• Did you suffer from allergies as a child?
A history of allergy strongly suggests that allergy or intoler¬
ance may be hiding beneath your present problems.

Do you experience any of the common symptoms typically asso¬
ciated with allergy or intolerance to food? These fall into four basic
1. respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, sinus
or nasal congestion, bronchial congestion, frequent colds
or earaches.
2. intestinal symptoms such as bloating, cramps, diarrhea,
constipation, nausea, gas, loss of appetite or vomiting.
3. skin symptoms such as hives, eczema or non-specific
4. irritability, tension, fatigue, headache, insomnia or
If you have one or more of these symptoms it may suggest aller¬
gy or intolerance to food. There are also physical signs such as
puffy eyes, bags under the eyes, wrinkles under the eyes or patch¬
es of dry skin on the face or body that may signal allergy or intol¬
erance to food.

The third important aspect in identifying whether food allergy
or intolerance exists is the actual testing. This can be done in three
basic ways: blood tests, skin tests or food-elimination tests.
Allergists commonly perform scratch tests of the skin, but this
is not always accurate in identifying allergy or intolerance to food.
According to allergist Albert Rowe, M.D., “It is generally agreed

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

that clinical allergy may exist in the absence of positive skin reac¬
tions, especially those to the scratch test. This is true primarily in
food allergy and to a lesser extent in inhalant allergy.”19 Another
skin test in common use is the intradermal cutaneous test, in which
a small amount of a suspected offender is injected just beneath the
surface of the skin. The doctor observes the area for a characteristic
Blood tests in use today include serum tests for antibodies des¬
ignated IgE, IgG and IgM. These tests look for proteins produced
by the immune system in response to offending substances. Anoth¬
er test called the Leukocyte Histamine Release test (MetaMetrix
Medical Research Laboratory, Norcross, GA) is also helpful in
identifying the presence of allergy. In this test, an allergen is incu¬
bated in blood while the technician tests for the presence of hista¬
mine. Release of histamine indicates reactivity to the test substance.
The ELISA/ACT test (Serammune Physician’s Lab, Reston,
VA) is a well-researched tool for assessing allergic sensitivity. It
measures primarily the delayed-type, or late-phase, allergic reac¬
tions. These are the ones most commonly missed with traditional
allergy tests. ELISA/ACT measures reactivity to environmental
chemicals, foods, environmental allergens (molds, dust, mites), air¬
borne allergens (pollen), food additives, and preservatives. It is
among the most comprehensive tools for assessing one’s sensitivi¬
ty to the environment and to food.
One of the most widely accepted forms of testing is the elimi¬
nation-provocation test. To use this method, one is first placed on
a diet that excludes foods that commonly trigger allergic reactions.
The diet is continued for one to four weeks. After this time, sus¬
pected foods are added back to the diet one at a time. If any food
produces symptoms upon reintroduction, the food is deemed an
offender and must be avoided. Elimination-provocation is still con¬
sidered the “gold standard” among allergy tests. Its main limita¬
tion is that it requires time, effort and compliance on the part of the

Nutritional Deficiency:
More Common Than You Think
Despite the abundance of food in the United States, nutritional
deficiency is quite common. It is important to understand this be¬
cause Americans are often lulled into believing that foods are for¬
tified with needed nutrients, and besides, “the government is
looking out for our health.” We will need to first accept the fact
that nutrient deficiency is common and then act to change the sit¬
Pregnant women in the United States are frequently deficient in
vitamins and minerals. In one study, 78 percent were seriously
deficient in one or more nutrients.20 In one analysis of elderly peo¬
ple, zinc intake was below the RDA in more than 90 percent.21
Children and teenagers are especially susceptible to zinc deficien¬
cy because of their increased requirements for growth and devel¬
opment.22 In a study of U.S. women, 20 to 40 percent had vitamin
C intakes well below the very conservative RDA.23
Many children are deficient in nutrients vital to immune func¬
tion. Leo Galland, M.D., author of Super Immunity for Kids, sums
it up this way: “Unfortunately, American children today get most of
their calories from sugar, processed cereal grains such as wheat
and corn, processed oils, dairy products, and fatty meats. It’s no
wonder that most children today consume less than two-thirds of
the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of magnesium, vit¬
amin B6 and copper.”
“Zinc and vitamin A deficiencies are very common, too. A zinc
deficiency is most likely to occur in the young child who gets most
of her nutrition from milk and cheese. Vitamin A deficiencies most
often show up in adolescents who live on meat, potatoes, and fast
foods, and who shun vegetables and eggs.”24
According to work compiled by Melvyn R. Werbach, Clinical
Professor at UCLA School of Medicine, many Americans do not
meet the RDA for numerous vitamins and minerals, including:
niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, thiamine, vitamin
C, vitamin E, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

It comes as little surprise that the nutritional status of Americans

has declined to this degree. Dr. Joseph Beasley summarizes USDA
figures that reflect the changing dietary habits responsible for this:26
Soft drink consumption rose 182 percent from 1960-1981.
Food color consumption rose 1,006 percent from 1940-1981.
Corn syrup consumption rose 291 percent from 1960-1981.
From 1910 to 1976 fresh produce consumption dropped
Fresh apples.down 75 percent
Fresh cabbage.down 65 percent
Fresh fruit.down 33 percent
Fresh potatoes.down 74 percent
Fresh melons.down 50 percent
Soft drink consumption has actually outpaced consumption of
water in the United States. Luc DeSchepper, M.D., Ph.D., author of
Peak Immunity, reports that in 1986, Americans drank 42 gallons of
soft drinks per capita, while consuming only 41 gallons of water.
In 1964 the per capita consumption of water was 72 gallons com¬
pared with only 17 gallons of soft drinks. This change is one con¬
tributor to our declining levels of health. In one survey, almost 50
percent of children three to eight years of age drank soft drinks,
as did 40 percent of children aged one to two.27 The average soft
drink contains roughly nine teaspoons of sugar! Far too much for
anyone. In addition, the phosphoric acid present in many cola soft
drinks causes the rapid elimination of magnesium in the urine.
We (the authors) recently conducted an informal survey of the
common selections available on children’s menus at various popular
restaurants in the Minneapolis area. We were somewhat surprised
to find unusual consistency. Whether the restaurant was Italian,
Chinese, Dutch, Thai or American, the following items typically
• Cheeseburger, french fries and soft drink.
• Chicken nuggets, french fries and soft drink.
• Grilled cheese sandwich, french fries and soft drink.
• Hot dog, french fries and soft drink.

Why We Get Sick

These foods are far too high in salt, fat, trans fatty acids and

What Affects Your Nutritional Needs

Individual nutritional needs vary tremendously, based on a number
of factors. Genetic differences may cause basic needs to be differ¬
ent. Infection causes the need for certain nutrients to increase.
Trauma or injury causes the need for nutrients used for tissue repair
to go up. Alcohol consumption, especially if heavy, causes loss and
destruction of most of the B-vitamins and many others. Stress
increases the need for certain nutrients. During pregnancy, the
need for folic acid, iron, zinc, essential fatty acids, calcium, mag¬
nesium and many other nutrients goes up substantially. During
periods of rapid childhood growth, zinc, iron, calcium, protein and
other nutrients must be present in greater amounts. As one ages,
nutritional needs change as well.
People who are overweight or obese also have special nutri¬
tional needs. Obesity, paradoxically, is a condition of malnutrition.
Consumption of excess calories often leads to excessive weight,
but the calories are commonly empty so nutrient deficiency ensues.
One often thinks of nutritional deficiency as a contributor to infec¬
tion susceptibility. However, excessive intake of food and calories,
as is common in Western societies where food is plenty, can lower
immunity as well. This was shown years ago when dogs fed high-
calorie diets, to the point of obesity, became much more suscep¬
tible to infection with canine distemper. Those with the highest
caloric intake were also more likely to suffer paralysis from dis¬
temper than their infected counterparts on lower-calorie diets.28
Taking the concept further, Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., nutritional
biochemist and leading lecturer in the field of nutritional medi¬
cine, coined the phrase “overconsumptive undernutrition” many
years ago. He referred to overconsumptive undernutrition as a
state in which caloric intake is high, but nutrient density is low.
The food contains plenty of calories, but many of the nutrients
have been stripped through food processing. All of these calories
must be metabolized by the body, yet there are insufficient vita¬
mins and minerals available to do this. Body reserves must then

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

be utilized, which leads to a gradual depletion of stored nutrients.

This can result in deficiency of important nutrients.
Unfortunately, efforts to lose weight often cause muscle to be
lost, resulting in further nutritional problems. It is not uncommon
for an individual to go on a weight loss program and develop ton¬
sillitis, sinusitis, a cold, the flu or another “opportunistic infection.”
This is because many weight loss programs contribute to protein
starvation. During protein starvation, immune function decreas¬
es. That is why muscle is lost rather than fat. The body is trying to
compensate for inadequate dietary protein by using its reserves—
the muscles.
Dr. Bland, director of HealthComm in Gig Harbor, Washing¬
ton, has developed weight loss programs and formulations that
encourage weight loss from fat, not muscle. When compared with
most of the popular weight loss programs, Dr. Bland’s has proven
superior in this regard. An added benefit of Dr. Bland’s Ultra-
Clear® is that it aids in detoxification of the body, meaning it
encourages the elimination of environmental toxins that build up in
the body over time.
Our nutritional needs are variable and they change over time.
This is why the ultimate health promotion strategy is one tailored
to meet each individual’s body chemistry and circumstances.

Excess Sugar and Fat Can Lower Immunity

In 1951, Benjamin Sandler, M.D., a physician from North Carolina,
wrote a book entitled Diet Prevents Polio. Dr. Sandler’s work with
rabbits and monkeys convinced him that high amounts of sugar in
the diet made one more susceptible to polio. During the polio epi¬
demic of 1948-49, he appeared on an Asheville radio station urg¬
ing parents not to feed their children refined sugar or foods
containing sugar such as ice cream, candy, and soft drinks. His
admonitions also ran in local newspapers. In 1948, the incidence
of polio in North Carolina was 2,402 cases. In 1949, after adopting
the “Sandler diet,” the rate had fallen to 214 cases. During this
time, the national incidence of polio (39 states) had risen.29 Was it a
coincidence that the rate of polio dropped as the rate of sugar con¬
sumption decreased in this state? Did removal of sugar from the

Why We Get Sick

diet improve resistance to polio? It is difficult to prove, but there is

good reason to believe that sugar consumption lowers immunity.
In a report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutri¬
tion, 100 grams of sugar from glucose, fructose, sucrose, honey or
orange juice caused a significant decrease in the ability of white
blood cells to engulf and destroy bacteria. This decrease in immune
function was still present five hours after sugar was consumed.30
There are at least three other studies that show decreases in
immune function following sugar consumption. It is probably not
significant when one only consumes sugar on occasion. However, on
a daily basis it can wreak havoc on your immune system. The prob¬
lem is sugar creeps into virtually every aspect of our diet, often
without our awareness. This is because sugar is added to almost
every packaged food sold today. The average American consumes
more than 130 pounds of sugar each year! This is 14 times more
than was ingested only 100 years ago. It’s far too much for our bod¬
ies to handle.
Breakfast cereal is another problem. Many of the most popular
children’s cereals contain almost 50 percent of their calories as sug¬
ar. The presence of large amounts of sugar in the diet causes a
gradual depletion of zinc in the body. As zinc levels decline, the
sense of taste declines as well. As taste perception declines, there is
a greater need to flavor the food in order to make it “taste good.”
Usually this means putting more sugar on the cereal. This leads to
a further reduction in body zinc levels, which further lowers the
taste perception. As a result, a child heaps more sugar on top of
his cereal. The cycle goes on and on.
In his book Fighting the Food Giants, biochemist Paul A. Stitt
says that it is no accident that children’s cereals are highly sugared.
Food manufacturers were the first to discover that sugar con¬
sumption leads to a gradual loss of zinc, which in turn leads to a
loss of taste perception.31 By marketing cereal high in sugar, they
were able to create virtual addicts to their products. What parent
has not heard the screams of a toddler in the grocery store demand¬
ing his breakfast treat!
Kids enjoy sweet foods. They are unlikely to persist long on
any diet that completely eliminates sweets. You must gradually
add naturally sweetened foods such as fruit to the diet. There are

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

many food items other than refined sugar that lend a sweet taste to
any food. These include:
• Honey
• Pear juice
• Dates
• Raisins
• Rice syrup
• Sorghum
• Maple syrup
A person with allergies may be sensitive to some of the above, so
be alert for changes in mood, behavior or health when you first intro¬
duce these foods. If you or your child are yeast-sensitive or suffer
from intestinal yeast problems, avoid feeding additional sugars. In
general, use all sweeteners sparingly—even those listed above.
Excessive fat in the diet has also been shown to lower immune
function. It seems that when blood levels of fat are too high, the
ability of white blood cells to gobble bacteria decreases significant¬
ly. If your cholesterol or triglycerides are above normal, it may be
interfering with your ability to fight infection. Also, if dietary fat
intake is too high, it would be wise to replace it with low-fat foods.
If you go on a weight loss program, make sure it is one that does not
encourage the loss of muscle. You may wish to contact Health-
Comm, Inc. of Gig Harbor, Washington, for information on this

The Importance of Fiber

Fiber, or roughage, has been a popular topic in the media of late.
While advertisers try to sell us many things we don’t need, they’re
right when they say high-fiber cereals are important for good health.
Lack of fiber has been implicated in the development of colon dis¬
ease, heart disease and numerous other conditions. Dr. Denis
Burkitt was the first to advance the idea of fiber as an important
contributor to health. He based his beliefs on his research of
African tribes. Dr. Burkitt found that African tribal residents suf¬
fered from almost none of the modern diseases of the West such as

Why We Get Sick

colon cancer and heart disease. However, when the Africans moved
to the West and adopted our eating habits, they quickly succumbed
to our most common illnesses.
Dietary fiber is as important to kids as it is to adults. Foods high
in fiber are high in vitamins, trace minerals and essential fatty acids.
Take wheat for example. Almost all of the essential nutrients are
bound in the germ portion of the grain. During milling, the germ is
separated from the endosperm. The germ is sold separately as
wheat germ (long known as a high-nutrient food) while the
endosperm is further milled to make flour. Milling of whole grain to
make refined flour results in loss of 85 percent of the magnesium, 86
percent of the manganese, 40 percent of the chromium, 78 percent
of the zinc, 89 percent of the cobalt, 48 percent of the molybde¬
num and 68 percent of the copper, in addition to comparable loss¬
es of selenium, vitamin E and essential fatty acids.32 Moreover,
heavy metals such as cadmium (which are concentrated in the
endosperm) remain in the flour. (Unfortunately, the body’s antag¬
onist to cadmium—zinc—has been removed.) Since nutrients are
required to properly utilize all calories we consume, the intake of
refined foods leads to a gradual deficiency of nutrients. This is a
strong argument for the use of whole-grain products.
Think about a typical breakfast. If you consume white bread
with butter and peanut butter along with Rice Crispies and milk,
you are getting very little fiber. Moreover, you are getting none of
the important essential fatty acids. Most of the fat in this meal is sat¬
urated fat. White bread and Rice Crispies are fortified with a few
token nutrients, but it is nothing when compared with the nutri¬
ents removed in processing.
Compare this with a breakfast of whole wheat bread using wal¬
nut butter as a spread, a whole orange, cooked rolled-oat cereal
and yogurt. This breakfast has more vitamin C, magnesium, sele¬
nium, essential fatty acids and fiber than the one above with only a
fraction of the saturated fat. Those who follow a diet such as this are
generally healthier than those who follow a diet like the all-too-
common one above.
The real test of the value of refined (fortified) foods would be to
put a group of lab animals on a diet of white bread and compare
them to a group fed a diet of whole-grain bread. In one such exper-

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

iment, two-thirds of rats kept on a diet of enriched white bread

died before the experiment was finished.33
Fiber is also important because it helps keep the intestinal con¬
tents moving through to their ultimate fate—elimination as stool.
If the intestinal contents move too slowly, toxic by-products of
digestion and bacterial fermentation remain in the bowel too long
and are reabsorbed back into the body. Over time, this can con¬
tribute to illness.
When one consumes a diet low in fiber, attachment of parasites
such as Giardia lamblia is easier. When fiber is present in the diet,
the intestinal contents move through more quickly and prevent
the attachment of such parasites. Recall that G. lamblia is one of the
most common parasites found in the United States. It contributes
to immune suppression, poor digestion, food allergies and numer¬
ous other problems. The ability to decrease the likelihood of infec¬
tion by this parasite by simply increasing the intake of fiber is
While fiber is necessary for children and adults, too much fiber
can be a problem as well, since excessive fiber can cause nutrients
to be leached out of the digestive tract. The problems for most of
us, however, is not too much fiber, but too little. (Never put a child
on a high-fiber diet without consulting a health care professional.)
Good sources of fiber include fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains
(oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc.).

Anti-Nutrients and Immunity

Anti-nutrients are substances to which we are all exposed through
food and water that antagonize nutrients needed for health. Some
anti-nutrients bind to other nutrients, making them useless. Others
tie up enzymes needed in digestion and other body functions. Some
cause problems by creating a greater need for certain nutrients.
Others cause nutrients to be excreted more rapidly from the body.
In our world of high technology, the level of anti-nutrients to which
we are exposed is surprisingly high. Many of the anti-nutrients
have a direct or indirect effect on immune function. Anything you
can do to reduce exposure to anti-nutrients will be helpful in pre¬
venting recurrent illness.

Why We Get Sick

Sugar, food coloring, processed fats, additives like BHT, and

most of the 3,000 or so food additives allowed in the United States
often act as anti-nutrients. Pesticides used to grow food can remain
on food and act as anti-nutrients. For example, in 1985 it was report¬
ed that American agriculture uses 1 billion pounds of pesticides
each year. That is 4.5 pounds for every man, woman and child in
the country.34 These chemicals have many potential adverse effects.
They will be discussed further in Chapter 5.
Prescription drugs constitute another important category of
anti-nutrients. If drug therapy is short, the effects are usually not
severe. However, if one takes a drug for months or years, the nutri¬
tional effects of the drugs must be taken into account. If you are on
medication, it is important that you discuss this with your doctor. If
your doctor prescribes medication but fails to address the nutri¬
ent effects of the medication, it may be wise to seek a doctor who
will take this into account. Below is just a sample of the nutrients
adversely affected by drugs.

Drug Clinical Condition Nutrient Affected

Antibiotics bacterial infection vit. K, A, B12, Mg,

folic acid, C, K+
Aspirin pain, fever Bi, vit. C, K+
Cortisone inflammation, allergy Zn, K+, folate,
B6, vit. C, D, Ca
Ritalin hyperactivity, ADD suppress appetite
Phenobarbital seizure disorders vit. C, D, Ca, Mg,
folic acid
Tetracyclines infection Zn, Ca, Fe, Mg, vit. K
B2, B3, C, folate

The Eating Environment

Little consideration is given today to the importance of the tradi¬
tional sit down meal. Parents and children are running off in dif¬
ferent directions to make PTA appointments, soccer practice, dance
classes and cub scouts. Meals are sometimes consumed with a speed
that would make even the most voracious canine blush. The relative

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

calm that presided at mealtime in decades past no longer exists in

most families. “So what?” you may say.
How you eat may not be as important as what you eat, but it
does have an impact. As researchers begin to look at the impor¬
tance of mind and emotions on immune function, it has become
clear that digestive function is also affected. For instance, the out¬
put of digestive enzymes is dramatically affected by the activity
one engages in while eating. Those who perform “left brain” tasks
such as reading or mathematics have significantly lower output of
digestive enzymes than do those who meditate or sit quietly during
meals. (One can almost envision the harried accountant during tax
season, a sandwich in one hand and an adding machine at the oth¬
er.) There are indications that haste or stress during mealtime
might have the same effect.
Why is this important? Nutrient availability is dependent upon
the digestive system’s ability to properly break down and absorb vit¬
amins and minerals. If enzymes are not produced in adequate
amounts, foods are not broken down properly, vitamins and min¬
erals are not released, nutrients are not absorbed and the body
gravitates toward a gradual state of deficiency. Enzymes also pro¬
tect against viral, bacterial and parasitic infection of the digestive
According to a survey commissioned by Ketchum Advertising
of San Francisco, 62 percent of dinners eaten at home are spent
with the TV on, breakfast takes an average of 18 minutes to eat,
while dinner takes an average of 30 minutes.35 This is not the opti¬
mum way to enhance digestion.
The solution is to make mealtime more sacred, more relaxed. It
should be a time when everyone sits down together—peacefully. No
radio, no television, no newspaper. No rushing around. The envi¬
ronment should be as serene as possible—even with a toddler or

Food, Nutrition and Coping

In Chapter 7, the effect of emotional stress on immunity is dis¬
cussed. You will learn that our ability to cope with stressful cir¬
cumstances has much to do with whether our immune systems

Why We Get Sick

become depressed during stress and whether we succumb to infec¬

tions. Coping is generally considered a psychological response.
However, there are dietary and nutritional factors that can have
a profound effect on the ability of both children and adults to cope
with stresses in their world. In some cases, the nutritional factors
prevent us from being able to cope with even normal day-to-day
events. This is not surprising when you realize that the brain has the
highest concentration of nutrients of any organ in the body.
Consider the trace element magnesium. Magnesium deficien¬
cy has been associated with symptoms such as anxiety, confusion,
hyperactivity, insomnia, irritability, nervousness and restlessness.
Magnesium deficient individuals also are commonly hypersensi¬
tive to noise. The typical person with these characteristics often
“flies off the handle” with minimal provocation. Trivial events
seem threatening. The noise created by a cadre of children or
grandchildren is enough to trigger outbursts of hostility or anger. If
one tends to hold their feelings inside, the mounting pressure build¬
ing within causes blood pressure to rise. Others are likely to lash out
easily when stressful circumstances present. When supplemented
with magnesium, such individuals often improve dramatically—
their “coping” skills are enhanced.
Dr. Smith has studied the nutritional status of more than 8,000
hyperactive children. He notes that magnesium deficiency is a com¬
mon finding in such children. Hyperactive children are notorious for
their poor coping skills. They are nervous, anxious, inattentive,
restless, impatient and startled by the slightest sound. They place
extreme demands upon the patience of their parents. Dr. Smith
remarks that hyperactive children are more likely to be abused by
their parents because such children frequently push their parents
beyond the limits of tolerance. When optimal nutritional status is
maintained for these kids, their hyperactive behavior frequently
improves, as does their ability to cope with stressful stimuli.
Food allergies also can have a dramatic effect on brain bio¬
chemistry, leading to changes in coping ability. They can turn a
bright, witty, articulate person into a dull, depressed, irritable and
sometimes confused human being. In his book Brain Allergies,
William Philpott, M.D., describes two cases that illustrate this

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

1. “A twelve-year-old boy diagnosed as hyperkinetic had

the following symptoms on testing for spinach: he became
overtalkative and physically violent, had excessive saliva,
was very hot, developed a severe stomach-ache, and cried
for a long time. Watermelon made him irritable and
depressed; cantaloupe made him aggressively tease other
patients. Once he avoided the incriminating substances in
his diet, his hyperkinesis symptoms diminished

2. The case of a thirty-six-year-old woman: “Pineapple

evoked irritability, blocking of thought, dizziness, and a
severe headache. ... Oranges made her violently angry,
and she fought with her son; her mind functioned so
poorly she could hardly carry on a conversation. Rice
brought on uncontrollable giggling followed by crying.”36

It takes no medical training to realize that neither of these indi¬

viduals would be able to cope well with stressful stimuli. They
exhibited a collapse in their coping skills with no provocation oth¬
er than a change in food consumption.
Studies have also shown that some people with intestinal over¬
growth of yeast convert dietary sugar into alcohol. The alcohol is
then absorbed into the bloodstream. Blood levels of alcohol are
increased even though the person has consumed no alcohol. In
some cases, the blood alcohol is found at levels that would qualify
the subjects as legally drunk. Might this not have a dramatic effect
on coping ability? Might it not have an effect upon perception of
events—stressful or otherwise?
Food and nutrition have a direct and profound effect upon our
ability to tolerate stress. Poor dietary choices, nutrient-deficient
foods, food high in synthetic additives, food allergies or individ¬
ual biochemical imbalances affect brain chemistry and must be
considered when calculating the toll of stress in our lives.

Thyroid Problems and Altered Immunity

One of the most commonly overlooked contributors to lowered
immunity is hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). The thyroid

Why We Get Sick

gland is responsible for maintaining proper body temperature and

for energy production within every cell. People who suffer from
low thyroid function are frequently cold even when others in the
room might be comfortable or perhaps even warm. When body
temperature is low due to poor thyroid function the body’s white
blood cells behave sluggishly. When body temperature is high, as in
fever, infection-fighting ability improves. An increase of two degrees
centigrade of fever, for instance, has been shown to increase T-
cells and antibodies by 2,000 percent over the numbers present at
normal body temperature.
In his fascinating book about thyroid problems entitled Solved:
The Riddle of Illness, Stephen E. Langer, M.D. discusses the link
between thyroid function and immunity in some detail. In Chapter
4 he writes, “Subnormal body temperature and too little thyroid
hormone can reduce the strength and resistance of every cell, includ¬
ing the billions involved in the immune system. One of the most
common results of hypothyroidism which I see daily in my office
is recurrent colds, throat and nose infections and other respiratory
ailments.”* Hypothyroidism can also contribute to depression and
poor coping ability, both associated with lowered immunity.
The connection between hypothyroidism and infection sus¬
ceptibility is especially significant if you consider the estimate by
Broda Barnes, M.D., that possibly 40 percent of the American
population is hypothyroid. Dr. Barnes is a specialist in endocrinol¬
ogy and has worked with thyroid disorder for several decades. He
contends that blood tests are often not sensitive in detecting poor
thyroid function because blood values change only after the con¬
dition has existed for some time. Based on the knowledge that low
thyroid function lowers body temperature, Dr. Barnes devised a
simple test that can be easily applied at home called the Basal
Temperature Test. The test is done as follows: Shake down a ther¬
mometer and leave it on the nightstand before going to bed. When
you awaken in the morning, remain in bed and place the ther¬
mometer snugly in your armpit for 10 minutes. It is important that
you do not get out of bed before or during the test as physical

*Langer, SE, Scheer JF. Solved: The Riddle of Illness, New Canaan, Con¬
necticut: Keats Publishing, 1984;38.

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

activity will elevate body temperature and give a false reading.

Read the thermometer. The normal range for the axillary (under¬
arm) temperature is 97.8 to 98.2. A lower temperature suggests
hypothyroidism. The test should be conducted on three consecutive
days. Women obtain the best results when not menstruating.
If your basal temperature is low, seek care from a doctor who
will follow up with bloodwork. But remember, blood tests do not
always detect thyroid problems that are marginal. Also, see Dr.
Langer’s book. If you seek care for low thyroid, realize that simply
taking synthetic thyroid hormone is usually insufficient. The thy¬
roid is highly dependent upon an adequate supply of nutrients
including vitamins A, C, E, B2, B3, B6, the trace elements zinc and
copper, and essential fatty acids. Many doctors knowledgeable in
nutritional medicine now prescribe these and other nutrients along
with natural or desiccated thyroid tissue.
If you suffer form low immunity, feel as though you easily
“catch” infectious illnesses, or suffer from chronic infections of
the ear, nose, throat, lungs, skin, bladder, or vagina, a simple Basal
Temperature Test may be the first step on your road to wellness.

Infections From Your Food

Most of our discussion thus far has focused on the role of diet and
nutrition in immune function. However, there is another aspect of
the food-infection connection that is gaining more attention. Intesti¬
nal infection by the food-borne bacteria such as Salmonella and
Campylobacter is a growing problem in the United States. The
most common source of this infection is poultry—chicken and
eggs. According to a committee of the National Academy of Sci¬
ences, one in 50 people in the United States gets sick each year
from Salmonella or Campylobacter. The almost 500,000 reported
cases each year are considered only the tip of the iceberg. Some
estimate that from 20 to 80 million people in the United States
suffer from food poisoning each year.37
Food poisoning can occur following consumption of pork, beef,
chicken, eggs, shellfish, sushi and dairy products. Symptoms include:
nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, headache and some¬
times vomiting.

Why We Get Sick

• Cook chicken and turkey thoroughly, until there are no
pink juices running.
• Never let raw meat or its juices touch other food.
• Wash your hands and any utensils that have contacted raw
meat in hot, soapy water.
• Don’t use wooden cutting boards for meat. They harbor
• Thaw frozen birds in the refrigerator, not in the microwave
or on the counter.
• Keep your refrigerator below forty degrees Fahrenheit and
your freezer at or below zero degrees.
• Buy free-range or organic animals. Avoid animals fed
• Avoid consuming raw egg yolk.

Home Care
If you experience diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever or vomiting
following a meal and suspect food poisoning, do the following:
• Take 1 teaspoon of acidophilus powder every hour until
symptoms subside.
• Along with the acidophilus, take V2 teaspoon of Inner
Strength® (see Chapter 10).
• Both can be mixed in warm water and taken together.
• If symptoms show no improvement in 24 to 48 hours, see
your doctor.
• If you experience numbness, tingling or paralysis following
a meal, seek emergency care immediately. This could be a
sign of more serious food poisoning.

Eating For Optimum Immunity

It is beyond the scope of this book to present a detailed outline of
an immune-boosting diet. However, eating healthy is a fairly simple
process when certain concepts are understood. If you wish more

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility
specific information on immune building diets, consider the fol¬
lowing books;
For general use: Dr. Berger’s Immune Power Diet.
For those with chronic yeast-related illness: The Yeast Connec¬
tion Cookbook by William G. Crook, M.D. and Marjory Hurt
Jones, R.N.
For children: Superimmunity for Kids, by Leo Galland, M.D.
and Diane Dincin Buchman.
For those with environmental illness: The Cure is in the Kitchen
by Sherry Rogers, M.D.
In general, we encourage our patients to avoid processed food.
This is not always possible, but it is a worthy ideal.
Fiber: Consume fiber-containing foods every day. Sources
include fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains.
Meat: Many of our modern-day illnesses stem from excessive
consumption of meat, especially red meat. Red meat consumption
should be restricted to two to three times a month. Fish and fowl
are good sources of protein.
One need not become a strict vegetarian in order to be healthy.
However, many people suffering from a variety of ills have found
enormous relief and, in many cases, a cure after several months
on a vegetarian diet.
If you are a strict vegetarian or are on a macrobiotic diet, you
should have your vitamin B12 status checked, since many strict veg¬
etarians are low in this vitamin. Children of vegetarian or macro¬
biotic mothers are also at risk for low vitamin B12. In these tender
years, deficiency of B12 can have serious neurologic implications.
The solution is to consume some fish or take a B12 supplement.
Nori and spirulina, two purported sources of B12 for vegetarians,
have been shown to contain a form of B12 that is not utilized prop¬
erly by the body.38
Sugar: Reduce your intake of sugar. Use natural sugars when
necessary. Consume fruit.
Fat: Keep your intake of fat to about 20 percent of your total
calories. The only exception is for infants and toddlers. Infants
must get roughly 50 percent of their calories from fat. This gradu¬
ally goes down as the child ages.
Eat more cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring,

Why We Get Sick

sardines and trout. The fats and oils in these fish are very helpful
and generally deficient in our Western diets. Also consume flax oil
periodically. This contains omega-3 fatty acids commonly deficient
in our diets.
Cook with olive oil and reduce your use of sunflower, safflower
and corn oil. These latter oils are easily destroyed (or oxidized)
when exposed to the high heat of cooking. If the temperature is
kept low, these oils can be used sparingly. They can also be used
raw. Buy cold-pressed oils when possible.
Avoid sources of trans fatty acids, or what have been dubbed
“funny fats.” Trans fatty acids created when unsaturated fats, such as
that found in sunflower or safflower oil, are heated. Heating results
in a change in the shape of the fat molecules, making them extreme¬
ly harmful to the body. Deep-frying is one of the worst processes
for bringing about such a change. Foods high in trans fats include
chicken nuggets, french fries, pastries, com chips, potato chips, can¬
dy, cakes, frosting, cookies, margarine, crackers and fish sticks. Avoid
any food where the words “may contain the following” are followed
by the words “partially hydrogenated.” Up to 50 percent of the fat
in these foods occurs as trans fatty acids. These can influence infec¬
tion-fighting capability and inflammation and should be avoided.

Do You Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements?

The question of whether the average person needs daily supple¬
ments is an area of some controversy. It is our opinion that nearly
everyone can benefit from supplementation. This is especially true
if one has a history of recurrent illness, eats poorly, is under stress,
is on medication, has food or airborne allergies, or suffers from
malabsorption or intestinal complaints. If supplementation is
approached with reason and understanding, the chance for benefit
is high, while the chance for harm is almost negligible.
The type and amount of supplements you take depend on your
motives and individual circumstances. If you are healthy and want
a prevention program, you would likely take smaller amounts than
if you were ill and needed a therapeutic program. Vitamin C can be
used to illustrate this point. A healthy person might do well on
500 mg per day, and do even better on 1,000 to 5,000 mg per day (or

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

1 to 5 grams). Should this person come down with tonsillitis or the

flu, 20 to 30 grams might be more appropriate.
Another commonly asked question is whether megavitamin
supplementation is helpful. In our opinion, there is a place for
megavitamin supplements, but only if a health professional trained
in clinical nutrition has determined that there is a specific need for
large amounts of a certain nutrient. Whenever large amounts of
one nutrient are given over time, there is a chance of creating defi¬
ciencies of other nutrients. Most people do not need megadoses.
However, we also believe that the RDA has been set arbitrarily
low for many important nutrients such as vitamin E, beta-carotene,
vitamin C and others.

Immune-Boosting Nutrients
Scientists will probably some day discover that nearly all nutrients
have some direct or indirect role in immune function. Some of the
more thoroughly understood nutrients are being used in medicine
to prevent infection and to boost immunity during infection. Those
usually discussed include vitamin A, E, C, B-complex, beta-
carotene, zinc, iron, selenium and coenzyme Qio.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a powerful immune stimulant. It has been shown to
increase the size of the master gland of the immune system, the
thymus. When vitamin A levels are too low, the thymus shrinks,
followed by a decrease in the number of circulating white cells.
Vitamin A helps maintain the cells lining the lungs, intestinal tract
and bladder. These cells are the first barrier of the protection mech¬
anism against infection. When vitamin A is deficient, these cells
begin to change, making the tissue susceptible to invasion by virus¬
es, bacteria and parasites.
Vitamin A levels are depleted rapidly during different condi¬
tions, including fever, pneumonia, tonsillitis, rheumatic fever and
measles. In one report of children with severe measles, the rate of
complications such as pneumonia, croup and death was cut in half
as a result of vitamin A supplementation.39
There is one caveat regarding vitamin A; it can be toxic at high

Why We Get Sick

doses (although there are annually only 200 reported cases of vit¬
amin A excess worldwide).40 More is not better. The RDA for chil¬
dren aged one to three is 2,000 units; for children aged four to five,
2,500 units. Children should not be given more than 10,000 IU/day
unless prescribed by a doctor. Pregnant women and persons with
liver disease, viral hepatitis or malnutrition should consult a doctor
before taking vitamin A. When vitamin A is used to treat illness in
adults, from 10,000 to 30,000 IU are often given. Vitamin A should
not be consumed in large amounts for prolonged periods (more
than 1-2 weeks) without consulting a doctor.

Beta-carotene is a fat-soluble nutrient found in orange, yellow and
green vegetables such as carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. It is
important as an antioxidant, meaning it protects cells against dam¬
age by free-radicals and damaging pollutant molecules. This nutri¬
ent is also important in immune function. Beta-carotene is a
precursor to vitamin A, meaning that some beta-carotene is con¬
verted into vitamin A.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E exerts an effect on the immune system through its role
as an antioxidant. This vitamin protects the fats and cell mem¬
branes in the body from oxidation or damage. When vitamin E
levels are low, damage to cell membranes easily occurs. Vitamin
E also affects immune function by regulating the formation of
prostaglandins, the hormone-like substances derived from our
dietary fats. Daily doses of vitamin E in the range of 50 to 100 IU
are considered quite safe. There have been few problems associated
with doses up to 800 IU. Beyond 1,200 IU, immune-suppressive
effects have been reported. During illness, 400 to 800 IU is a rea¬
sonable dose. Any time supplementary foods containing essential
fatty acids are consumed, such as flax oil, primrose oil or fish oil,
additional vitamin E should be consumed.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C seems to influence resistance to bacterial and viral infec¬
tions in two basic ways: by direct inhibition of the virus or bacteria

Food, Nutrition and Infection Susceptibility

and by stimulating white blood cells’ ability to attack bacteria and

viruses. One means by which white blood cells destroy bacteria is
through a process called phagocytosis, meaning engulf and destroy.
It was demonstrated almost fifty years ago that vitamin C is
required for this process. When levels of ascorbic acid are too low,
white blood cells are sluggish and inefficient in combating bacteria
and viruses.
A typical scenario is as follows. A person consumes a diet only
marginal in vitamin C. She is not deficient enough to show overt
signs of scurvy, but her body is not functioning at its peak. Then
a cold or flu strikes and rapidly depletes the remaining stores of
vitamin C. Her immune system responds slowly, allowing the infec¬
tion to gain a foothold. Depending on the severity of the vitamin C
losses, susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections such as pneu¬
monia may follow. Vitamin C also increases the rate at which white
blood cells travel to the site of infection (called chemotaxis).41
It is known that dogs and other animals that make vitamin C
increase production 10- to 15-fold during times of stress or infection.
Since humans do not make vitamin C, it is necessary for us to get
additional vitamin C from a supplement. It only makes sense that
we increase our intake commensurate with our increased needs.
See Chapter 8 for more details on vitamin C.

Zinc is probably the most extensively studied nutrient relative to its
role in infection and immunity. Zinc is relatively safe. However, it
should not be consumed in amounts greater than 25 mg per day
in healthy individuals. Individuals with skin problems, recurring
infections, loss of taste sensation, etc., may need higher amounts
until symptoms improve. Never take more than 75 mg per day
unless directed by your doctor. In one study of 11 men who took
150 mg of zinc twice daily for 6 weeks, there was a reduction in
immune function.42 When doctors prescribe large doses of zinc,
they generally monitor copper status and/or give a copper supple¬
ment concurrently with zinc.
The RDA for zinc in children is 10 mg per day and for adults, 25
mg per day. In a recent case of a child with acute glandular swelling
of the neck, we used 75 mg of zinc plus 10,000 mg vitamin C for

Why We Get Sick

one week. This produced a rapid improvement in symptoms and

since the dose was discontinued after one week, no risk of toxicity.
We should mention that the boy’s pediatrician wanted to prescribe
an antibiotic, but the parents wanted to give nutritional therapy a
chance. It worked.

Iron is essential for proper immune function. Susceptibility to in¬
fections is one of the common conditions associated with iron
deficiency. Although iron deficiency can occur at any age, it is most
common in children under age two (especially if bottlefed or con¬
suming cow’s milk), adolescent girls, some athletes and pregnant
Generally, iron should not be supplemented on a daily basis
(except in bottlefed babies between six and twelve months), unless
it has been established that iron deficiency exists. This can be
determined by a blood test called a serum ferritin test. Hemoglobin
is a useful screening test, but it is not always indicative of iron de¬

Deficiency of selenium results in diminished resistance to bacteri¬
al and viral infections, diminished white blood cell activity, reduced
antibody production and reduced ability of T-cells and natural
killer cells to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Supplementation with
selenium has been shown to reverse these processes. In one study,
supplementation with selenium reduced the frequency of upper
respiratory infections in children with Down syndrome.43
Selenium works with glutathione to act as one of the most
potent antioxidant systems in the body. In this way, it protects the
body from damage by chemicals in the environment. Selenium is
usually taken in microgram amounts. Ten to 20 meg per day is a
common prevention amount. When doctors prescribe selenium,
they will often use 100 to 800 meg or more.

Coenzyme Qio
This is a recent addition to our knowledge of the immune-building
arsenal. CoQio is a powerful antioxidant and immune stimulant.

The Miracle of Immunity

Like vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium, it is pro¬

tective against free-radical damage that can occur with infection,
aging and exposure to toxic chemicals. It is also important for gen¬
erating energy within cells. Many people who suffer from chronic
fatigue can benefit from Coenzyme Qio supplementation. People
who are immune-suppressed are commonly found to have low
blood levels of this nutrient. Moreover, during infection, levels of
C0Q10 decrease, leading to deficiency. Animals and humans who
have been supplemented with this nutrient have been shown to
have more active immune systems. People suffering from post-
viral chronic fatigue syndrome often benefit enormously from
C0Q10. According to reports submitted to the FDA, this nutrient is
Regarding C0Q10 and immunity, Emile G. Bliznakov, M.D.,
Scientific Director of the Lupus Research Institute, asserts, “Over¬
all, the action of C0Q10 on the immune system is profound; it pro¬
motes bioenergetic processes in the human immune cells that may
prove to be the key to curing many of the diseases that ail us.”44
In a prevention program, 5 to 10 mg of C0Q10 are usually rec¬
ommended. During illness, 70 to 100 mg are often used. Under
the supervision of a doctor, even greater amounts are adminis¬
tered. CoQio is found in high amounts in broccoli, spinach, sar¬
dines, mackerel, beef and eggs.

Thymus tissue
The thymus is considered the master gland of the immune system.
Scientists have been studying ways to stimulate this gland for
decades. They have learned that one way to enhance the function
of this gland is to feed thymus tissue extract (derived from cattle)
to people with suppressed immune systems. The extracts contain
active substances that stimulate the activity of the thymus gland
and improve resistance to infection. Only thymus tissue that has
been defatted or azeotrophically processed should be used.
A good immune-building formula for adults might contain the
Vitamin A.2,000 IU
Vitamin E.400 IU

Why We Get Sick

Vitamin C.500 mg
Beta-carotene.100 mg
Vitamin B6.20 mg
Vitamin B5.30 mg
Zinc.10 mg
Copper.200 meg
Selenium.50 meg
C0Q10.10 mg
Bioflavonoids.150 mg

Vitamin C levels could ideally be increased to 1,000 to 6,000

milligrams per day during periods of wellness.
During periods of illness, all of the above can be increased sub¬
stantially. However, vitamin A should not be increased beyond
25,000 IU per day for more than two or three weeks unless a doc¬
tor monitors your liver function. People with liver disease should
not take this amount of vitamin A without first consulting a doctor.
Zinc should not be taken in amounts greater than 75 mg per day for
more than two weeks unless copper levels are monitored.
While nutritional supplements can often be used to overcome
the ill health brought about by poor dietary habits, supplements
are never a substitute for healthy eating habits. When one eats
healthfully and takes supplements, the road to good health is made
Nutrition has a profound effect on our resistance to disease.
One is tempted to think that many or all infections can be pre¬
vented or treated with nutrition. Nutrition is always an important
player in the game of building immunity, but it is not the only play¬
er. You will see that stress, lifestyle and environmental factors can
overcome our limits even during conditions of optimum nutrition.
Thus, we have to recognize nutrition’s role and give it its rightful
place on the wellness team.

A Summary of Things to Do
1. Reduce your intake of refined sugar. Excess sugar can
make the immune system sluggish.
2. Reduce your intake of fat (unless it is already at or below
20 percent of your total calories). Avoid margarine and
hydrogenated fats. If your triglycerides are high, work to
lower them. Elevated blood fats can slow immune function.
3. Increase your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids such
as those found in flax oil and fish oil (salmon, mackerel,
herring, sardines, trout). You may also wish to take a perle
of evening primrose oil daily, which contains the omega-6
oil gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Those in the
industrialized world often consume too little of these oils.
When taking additional oils always take additional vitamin
E (50-400 mg).
4. Avoid white bread and refined flour products. They are
devoid of essential nutrients including the essential fatty
acids mentioned above.
5. Include fiber in your diet in the form of fruits, vegetables,
nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. These foods are
also high in vitamins and minerals.
6. Reduce your intake of pastries, doughnuts, french fries,
chicken nuggets, candies and other foods containing
“funny fats,” or trans fatty acids. When these foods are
consumed in excess, sluggish immunity may follow.
7. Eat several smaller meals a day as opposed to three large
meals a day. It is easier on all aspects of your body.
8. Reduce your intake of coffee. Try the many varieties of
herbal tea available.
9. Reduce your intake of soft drinks. They can leach calcium
and magnesium from the body.
10. Follow the rhythms of your body. Eat when you’re hungry,
stop when you’re full. Don’t let the clock rule mealtime.
Try mealtime without the paper, TV or radio.

Why We Get Sick

11. Rotate your foods to avoid boredom and monotony.

Eating the same foods every day can also lead to the
development of food intolerance.
12. If you have a health problem, consider the possibility that
the foods you consume might be part of the problem.
Remember, allergies don’t cause everything, but they can
cause anything!
13. Take a multivitamin each day with meals. It should contain
no artificial colors or preservatives and should be free of
wheat, corn, soy, dairy and other products likely to cause
problems in sensitive people.
14. Take extra vitamin C each day. 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams is
a good start. Some believe higher amounts are even better.
15. Take other antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin E
and selenium. Antioxidants are important in immune
16. Don’t be obsessive about nutrition. While a healthy,
balanced diet is important to wellbeing, fretting about it
may negate much of the good you’ve accomplished.
17. Splurge on your favorite treats now and then. If you’ve
followed the guidelines above, reward yourself. Rigidity
and abstinence are not the order of the day—just
moderation and balance.

Environmental Threats
to a Healthy Immune System
“Although the body’s immune mechanisms have evolved over mil¬
lions of years into an effective defense system, they can still be
eluded—or damaged—by environmental agents.”
Drs. R.S. Speirs and D.W. Roberts1

The spread of industrialization and technology development in the

twentieth century knows no parallel in history. We have seen the
emergence of some of the most dramatic and brilliant innovations
ever conceived by humans. As our civilization embarked upon this
journey of “progress,” little thought was given to the consequences
of such unbridled growth. With development has come growing
environmental degradation. Our planet is now permeated with
pollutants never dreamed of by our ancestors. The chemicals pro¬
duced by industry and agriculture have now reached every corner
of the globe. Indeed, there is not a place on the planet where DDT
has not been found, even though its use was banned years ago.
Other chemicals still in use contaminate the globe with greater
What this means is that no one is free from exposure to pollu¬
tants, however small. Exposure may come from fungicides on the
food we eat, carbon monoxide drawn into our offices from city
streets, formaldehyde used in construction of our homes, or ben¬
zene leached into our drinking water. With this has come a vari¬
ety of diseases peculiar to the twentieth century, not to mention

Why We Get Sick

the rise of infections that were once controlled by proper hygiene

and good nutrition.
In this chapter we look at some of the fundamental issues sur¬
rounding environment and its impact on immune function. We pro¬
ceed from the assumption that everyone is exposed to one extent or
another. Similarly exposed persons may react in entirely different
ways. One may show no ill effects of low-level exposure. Another
may react because of genetic differences. Yet another may suffer ill¬
ness because poor nutrition has rendered him more susceptible to
damage by toxic substances. In many instances, previously healthy
people have been rendered immune-incompetent because of expo¬
sure to low levels of chemicals. Phil is a classic example.
Phil was a stockbroker and senior vice president of a large inter¬
national brokerage company. A former runner, squash and tennis
player and excellent physical specimen, Phil became debilitated
after moving into a home that was later found to have been treat¬
ed for termites. Phil could no longer run or play squash without
severe pain and fatigue. He developed recurrent sinus infections
and lower respiratory tract infections that were unresponsive to
antibiotics. Phil’s symptoms of environmental illness became so
severe that he could no longer tolerate anything that was made or
treated with synthetic chemicals. A wealthy man, Phil was resigned
to buying old pieces of furniture at garage sales because they were
made without chemicals. He drove an aging station wagon for the
same reason.
After three years of nearly continuous antibiotic therapy for
his recurrent infections, Phil sought the care of a physician prac¬
ticing environmental medicine. Using diet, nutrition, homeopathic
medicine and a detoxification program, Phil’s sinus infections grad¬
ually came under control. There were dramatic changes in just one
year. However, it took almost eight years to fully recover!
Robin was a chemist for a large Midwest manufacturing com¬
pany. He was a healthy and active man with few health complaints.
One day he advised his laboratory assistant to mix two chemicals
together in preparation for an experiment. As the chemicals were
being mixed, Robin realized he had given his colleague the wrong
instruction. The chemical reaction caused a large cloud of vapor
to permeate the lab. Robin was exposed briefly and from that day

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

began to experience multiple health problems including recurrent

sore throats, respiratory infections, chronic fatigue, headaches,
dizziness, depression, food allergies and extreme sensitivity to per¬
fumes and other environmental substances.
Robin saw some of the top physicians in occupational medi¬
cine in the Minneapolis area. All they could tell him was that he
showed high levels of chemical by-products in his tissues and his
immune system was not working. Robin then sought the care of a
physician practicing environmental medicine. After numerous
blood and urine tests that looked at Robin’s metabolism, it became
clear why many systems were not working—his immune system
required significant minerals, vitamins and nutritional cofactors.
After following a specially designed nutritional and detoxification
program, Robin’s health improved markedly.

Environmental Illness
Robin and Phil are examples of healthy people who developed
chronic illness following exposure to some of our twentieth-cen¬
tury creations. They both developed what is now called environ¬
mental illness, or El (sometimes called ESI, or environmental
sensitivity illness). People with environmental illness are often said
to be “allergic to the twentieth century.” They suffer from chronic
illness that is brought about by exposure to chemicals in their envi¬
The symptoms have become so broad and seem to involve so
many body systems that much of the medical profession has
declared El a “psychiatric illness.” This is of little comfort to a per¬
son who is walking around with elevated blood levels of toluene
metabolites or who develops pneumonia after breathing a cloud
of automobile exhaust. The illness is real and the medical system is
only beginning to recognize the true magnitude of the problem.

Toxins Inside and Out

The dictionary defines “toxic” as harmful or destructive. Some¬
thing becomes toxic when it is present in amounts that exceed our
ability to eliminate them without harm. For example, aspirin in

Why We Get Sick

small amounts can help relieve pain and reduce fever. In slightly
greater amounts, aspirin can cause bleeding of the intestinal tract.
In still greater amounts, aspirin can kill. Alcohol consumed in very
small amounts has shown some benefit in cardiovascular health,
yet in large amounts causes liver disease and death. So the question
of toxicity is really one of degree.
Many substances only become toxic when they are present in
certain amounts. Some substances are inherently more toxic than
others. Death can result when only one drop of the toxin that caus¬
es botulism is ingested. Yet, it may take a quart of vodka to produce
Another factor comes into play. When certain toxins exist in
low amounts in the presence of other toxins, their actions can be
accentuated. For example, both aspirin and the food coloring yel¬
low #5 can be toxic at certain levels. However, when present togeth¬
er they act in a synergistic way to produce sometimes-severe
reactions. This can happen when one is exposed to only small
amounts of each substance. In our modem world with tens of thou¬
sands of man-made chemicals circulating through the food, water
and air, this type of synergistic effect is common.
There are both internal (or endogenous) and external (or exoge¬
nous) toxins that can affect our health. An internal toxin is some¬
thing that is produced as a part of our normal bodily operations. An
example is lactic acid. Lactic acid normally builds up in the muscles
during prolonged exercise. Though not serious, lactic acid can pro¬
duce a substantial amount of pain or stiffness in the muscles. Inter¬
nal toxins can also be produced when normal operations go awry.
External toxins are the most obvious to us. These are substances
that we inhale through the air and ingest through food and drink.
Lead, mercury, DDT and gasoline vapors are examples of external

Your Total Toxic Load

The way we are exposed to toxins from our internal and external
environments can have an important effect on our health and
immunity. Exposure to one large dose of the insecticide heptachlor
can have serious lasting consequences on one’s nervous and im-

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

mune systems. Likewise, small amounts of a variety of toxic sub¬

stances over time can have an additive effect on our bodies. Expo¬
sure to low amounts of formaldehyde in the home, gasoline from
the garage, nitrogen oxides from the smog downtown, lead in the
drinking water, colorings in the food, prescription drugs, etc., add
up to what’s known as the total toxic load. Individually, these sub¬
stances may be present in such small amounts as to be insignificant.
Collectively they add up to a heavy burden.
Much of the current toxicology research has involved studying
the cancer-causing effects of different compounds tested individu¬
ally. However, this is rarely the way in which we are exposed. Most
of our exposure occurs in trace amounts from a wide array of sub¬
stances slowly over time. If exposure to low levels of too many
substances occurs for too long, it may eventually exceed the body’s
threshold of tolerance. The result—chronic illness.

Toxins from Within

Toxins can also be produced from bacteria, yeast and fungi that
live in the intestines. These toxins are reabsorbed back into the
bloodstream and must be processed or, if that is impossible, stored
by the liver. In effect, a toxic waste dump develops. One obvious
example of such a toxin is alcohol.
People who have chronic symptoms and suffer from chronic
infections often have “dysbiosis” of the intestines, meaning an im¬
balance in the normal inhabitants of the gut. Overgrowth of yeast in
the gut, usually Candida albicans, is part of the dysbiosis syndrome.
When sugars are eaten, they eventually reach the colon where the
yeast reside. It is a well-known fact that yeast ferment sugar into
alcohol. This is how beer and wine are made (by mixing grain or
grape juice with brewer’s yeast). The bowel is no different. When
yeast in the bowel begin to digest dietary sugars, they ferment them
into alcohol. This is then absorbed into the blood. In some cases,
this raises the blood alcohol to levels at which the person is con¬
sidered legally drunk. This is the so-called “auto-brewery syndrome”
or the “still in the gut” and has been reported in medical journals.2
Another family of toxins, called mutagens or carcinogens, can be
produced from bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. Certain bac-

Why We Get Sick

teria in the gut make dietary proteins and fats into unusual can¬
cer-causing substances. If exposure to these types of toxins con¬
tinues over time, cancer of the colon may develop. By restoring
the balance of bacteria in the gut and changing the diet, exposure
to this type of toxin can be reduced dramatically.
Sometimes we become so toxic from a combination of bacteri¬
al endotoxins, environmental chemicals and metabolic waste prod¬
ucts that our systems of elimination become overloaded and cannot
keep up. In the process, our immune systems become sluggish.
When confronted with an infectious bacteria or virus, we simply
cannot muster adequate defenses to defeat it.

Parasites Lurking About

Another environmental cause of suppressed immunity is brought
about by intestinal parasites. Most of us probably view parasitic
infection as something only associated with Third World countries.
While it used to be true that parasite infections in the West were
uncommon, it is no longer the case. Names like Giardia lamblia
and Entamoeba histolytica are creeping into our everyday language
much like the names Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus viridans
(staph or strep). These organisms have made their way into our
water supply, food supply, day care centers and schools with grow¬
ing frequency. Infection by these organisms is growing worldwide.
Chronic parasitic infection leads to poor digestion, develop¬
ment of allergies, nutrient malabsorption, fatigue and immune sup¬
pression. People with intestinal parasites often suffer from recurrent
bacterial and viral infections because of lowered immunity.
Timothy was a five-year-old boy who had experienced recur¬
rent upper respiratory infections since birth. He had spent most
of his young life on antibiotics, with little improvement in health.
After further review of his history, it was discovered that Timo¬
thy’s mother, an animal caretaker at a veterinarian’s office, had
been infected with the parasite Giardia lamblia during her preg¬
nancy. Yet, the pediatricians who cared for Timothy gave this no
consideration, convinced that antibiotics would resolve his recurrent
bronchial and ear infections. Timothy was finally tested and indeed
was infected with giardia. After treatment of the parasitic infec-

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

tion of the intestine and restoration of the normal ecology of the

bowel, Timothy’s recurrent upper respiratory infections were final¬
ly eliminated. Such intestinal infections commonly lead to sup¬
pressed immunity and generalized declines in health.

Heavy Metals and Immunity

Exposure to lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum, nickel, arsenic
and other metals can take a considerable toll on our immune sys¬
tems. This can occur in infancy, childhood or adulthood. Metals
can cause problems when present individually in high amounts.
When more than one metal is present, which is often the case, even
low levels can be damaging. This is because of a synergistic effect
and the total toxic load. A recent study on prenatal exposure to
heavy metals shows just how dramatic this effect can be.
Amniotic fluid was taken from 92 pregnant women and tested
for the presence of seven heavy metals (cadmium, chromium,
cobalt, lead, mercury, nickel and silver). A prenatal toxic risk score
was assigned based on the presence and amount of the different
heavy metals detected. This score was then correlated with the
health of the children at age three. The researchers found that chil¬
dren with higher toxic risk scores in utero suffered from more infec¬
tious disease and allergies at age three than did children with low
toxic risk scores. Listed in the category of infections were coughs,
fever, sore throat, congestion, diarrhea, vomiting, ear infection and
constipation. The authors of this paper wrote in Pediatrics in 1992,
“The toxic risk score predicted the total number of illnesses and
the number of infectious illnesses.”*
The implications of this study are tremendous. If these children
suffer from altered immunity as a result of toxic metal exposure, is
it logical to treat their infectious episodes as mere bacterial inva¬
sion? Since we understand the importance of heavy metals in low¬
ering immunity, should it not be routine practice to investigate the
possibility of metal toxicity in all disorders involving immune func¬
tion? Such questions should not be limited to childhood. As we

* Lewis, M., et al. Prenatal exposure to heavy metals. Pediatrics 1992; 89

(6): 1011-15

Why We Get Sick

noted earlier, heavy metals affect immunity in people of all ages.

The presence of lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminum and other
metals can take a considerable toll on our immune systems. When
metals are identified and removed from the body, major improve¬
ments in well-being typically follow. Below is a discussion of the
most important heavy metals, their sources and nutrients that are

Sources of mercury in the environment include dental amalgams
(fillings that are mixtures of mercury, silver and other metals), some
freshwater fish, shellfish, plastics, latex paint, DPT vaccine,
organomercurial pesticides with fungicides, grains and seeds treated
with methyl mercury or mercury chloride, and chlorine bleaches.
Nutrients that protect against mercury exposure include sele¬
nium, vitamin C, vitamin E, pectin, and the amino acids cysteine,
cystine and methionine.

Common sources of lead include drinking water, lead dust from
paint used in old homes, atmospheric pollution, leaded gasoline,
lead-glazed pottery, wine and“tin cans” soldered with lead-con¬
taining solder. Canned tuna is a major source of lead in children.
The fall of the Roman empire (their water came from lead pipes
and they drank from lead cups) and the demise of an entire race of
Native Americans, the Omahas, are believed to be due to lead poi¬
soning that slowly impaired the citizen’s senses and destroyed their
immune systems. Excavations of the skeletons of both nations
showed high levels of lead in the bones, a common area of lead
Nutrients that antagonize and protect against lead exposure
include calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, B-complex, pectin, and the
amino acids cystine, cysteine and methionine.

Sources of cadmium include cigarette smoke, shellfish and other
seafood, teas, paints, welding pigments, drinking water, galvanized
pipes, batteries, auto exhaust, industrial smoke and waste. The

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

processing of whole grains such as wheat into white flour strips off
the zinc, a natural antagonist of cadmium, and leaves the cadmium
to be sold to consumers.
Nutrients that protect against cadmium include zinc, vitamin
C, selenium and to a limited extent, calcium.

Sources of aluminum include aluminum-containing antacids, alu¬
minum-containing baking powder, aluminum antiperspirants, alu¬
minum pots and pans, soft water, aluminum foil, DPT vaccine, and
processed food containing aluminum.
Nutrients that protect against aluminum exposure include vit¬
amin C, magnesium and calcium.

Sources of arsenic include tobacco smoke, smog, pesticides, caulks,
glues and building materials that contain fungicides, beer, table
salt, colored chalk and household laundry aids.
Nutrients that protect against arsenic include selenium and vit¬
amin C.
No one can know for sure whether they have toxic metals in
their system without testing. Hair analysis, despite the criticisms
levied against it, is still considered one the most useful tests for
screening for the presence of toxic metals in the body. Hair analy¬
sis is inexpensive and the sample easily taken. Tests of blood serum
are only useful if the exposure has been recent. Tests of white
blood cells and red blood cells are more useful than serum tests.
Urine tests are also very helpful in detecting the presence of
toxic metals. First, a substance is given that chelates, or flushes, the
metal from the system. The metal then shows up in the urine and
can be measured. This test is usually done under a doctor’s super¬
vision. There are also new computer-based health questionnaires
that indicate patterns of toxicity for the person taking the test.

Dental Amalgams: A Threat to Immunity?

There is growing concern among laypersons and health profes¬
sionals about the potential hazards of mercury fillings. Mercury is

Why We Get Sick

undeniably a toxic metal that can have potentially devastating

effects on immune function. Dental amalgams are a greater source
of mercury exposure than any other non-occupational source.
Dr. Hal Huggins was one of the first to bring concern over the
use of mercury in dental amalgams to public attention. Huggins
has focused much of his work on the role of mercury leached from
fillings in disrupting immune function. In 1985, he reported on the
case of a man who had the mercury removed from his fillings. He
writes, “We recently saw a patient with a white cell count of 235,000
(the medical normal is 5,000 to 10,000). After his amalgams had
been out for only 40 hours there was a 60,000 count drop in total
white cells. Other highly significant changes in the types of cells
being produced to fight the infection in his body occurred during
the same two-day period. He had arrived in our office on a Wednes¬
day, certain that he would die of chronic myelogenous leukemia
(CML) in three months. He returned to his home four days later,
certain that he would live. Was he qualified to make this decision?
Yes, he was a physician.”3
Huggins and other dental colleagues have reported on a vast
array of diseases and conditions, previously unresponsive to med¬
ical care, that improved following removal of mercury fillings.
Patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome,
lupus, allergies, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, depression,
immunosuppressive disorders and other maladies have shown sub¬
stantial improvement following removal of mercury from their
Recently, a new controversy has emerged surrounding the poten¬
tial health hazards of mercury fillings. It appears that mercury from
dental fillings can bring about changes in bacteria that cause them
to be resistant to antibiotics. In a paper presented at the 1991 Annu¬
al Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Dr. A.O.
Summers and colleagues reported on their study in which mercury
fillings were placed in the mouths of monkeys. Various types of
bacteria that live in the mouth and intestines were tested for resis¬
tance to antibiotics before and after placement of the fillings.
After installation of the fillings, investigators found a dramatic
increase in bacterial resistance to multiple antibiotics including
tetracycline, ampicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol and sulfa-

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

diazine. After five months, the mercury amalgam fillings were

replaced by composite resin fillings that contained no mercury and
the proportion of antibiotic-resistant bacteria declined. The
researchers concluded that, “Constant exposure to Hg [mercury]
arising from dental amalgams constitutes continuous selective pres¬
sure for the maintenance of multiply resistant bacteria in both oral
and fecal flora of primates.”4 In other words, the fillings favored
development of bacteria resistant to some of the most commonly
used antibiotics in the medical arsenal.
The implications of this and other studies of mercury fillings
and immune function are enormous. Is it possible that a vicious
cycle is set in motion by the placement of amalgam fillings? Is it
possible that the practice of using amalgams in dentistry seriously
undermines the health of humans? Does this practice alter the fun¬
damental nature of bacteria that live within our bodies? Presently
there are a large number of studies that have begun to address
such issues.
Even the attitude of dentists seem to be changing regarding
amalgam safety. Years ago dentists concerned about the effects of
amalgams on health were a distinct minority. In a 1990 survey, 6
percent of dentists did not use mercury amalgams and 39 percent
were “concerned” or “highly concerned” about the safety of this
filling material.5
If you suspect that mercury fillings might be contributing to
poor health, you may wish to bring these concerns to the atten¬
tion of a health professional who is knowledgeable in assessment
and care of such problems. Another option is to contact the Envi¬
ronmental Dental Association (9974 Scripps Ranch Blvd., Suite
36, San Diego, CA 92131, 619-586-7626) or the Huggins Diagnos¬
tic Center (5080 List Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, 800-331-
2303) for more information.

The Electromagnetic Sea

As our society becomes more reliant upon electrical appliances
and instruments, our exposure increases to what was once thought
harmless forms of energy. Whenever an electrical motor is operated
or electricity travels through a wire, an electromagnetic field is

Why We Get Sick

produced. Depending on certain factors such as amperage, wattage,

frequency, wavelength and so on, the field can be projected great
distances. For instance, the electromagnetic field produced by your
television can project more than thirty feet and even travel through
walls into the next room. The field from overhead power lines can
project hundreds of feet into nearby homes. Radio waves and
microwaves are projected nearly everywhere from towers high
atop tall buildings. Exposure to both high-frequency and low-fre¬
quency electromagnetic waves is inescapable.
There is considerable debate over whether electromagnetic
fields have an adverse effect on immune function. But a growing
number of researchers are beginning to uncover a link that raises
serious questions about how we will be able to manage immune
system illness in the future. According to Robert O. Becker, M.D.,
leader in the study of the biological effects of electromagnetism,
“Impaired immune response has been found at many frequencies.
Several groups of Soviet researchers have found a decline in the
efficiency of white blood cells in rats and guinea pigs after the ani¬
mals had been exposed to radio waves and microwaves.” Reporting
on the work of one researcher, Becker writes . . the most dra¬
matic effect on immune response has been produce by ELF
[extremely low frequency] fields. Yuri N. Udintsev found that the
concentration of bacteria needed to kill mice in such an environ¬
ment was only one-fifth that needed without the field.”6
Becker also reports in his book The Body Electric on the work
of Yu N. Achkasova of the Crimean Medical Institute in Simfer¬
opol. Becker writes, “In 1978 they reported the results of expos¬
ing thirteen standard strains of bacteria—including anthrax, typhus,
pneumonia, and staphylococcus—to electric and magnetic fields.
After accounting for magnetic storms, ionospheric flux, passage of
the interplanetary magnetic-field boundaries, and other variables,
they found clear evidence that an electric field only slightly stronger
than earth’s background stimulated growth of all bacteria and
increased their resistance to antibiotics.... Every field tested had an
effect, even after one four-hour exposure. In many cases, longer
exposure produced permanent changes in bacterial metabolism.”7
It may be that with our technology we are altering the way in
which our immune systems function and the virulence of organ-

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

isms that live on this planet. If this work is verified by further

research, it provides yet another strong argument for abandoning
the “magic bullet” approach of allopathic medicine and concen¬
trating our efforts on means of boosting immunity. It also suggests
that we may need to look to our environment to answer some of
our more puzzling medical questions.
Becker’s recent book Cross Currents: The Perils of Electropol¬
lution, The Promise of Electromedicine (Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1990)
looks at many aspects of electromagnetism—how it may cause
disease and how, when used appropriately, it may cure disease.

Arc You Exposed to Toxic Substances?

With regard to environmental toxins there is always a tendency to
take an attitude of “it can’t happen to me.” But, the reality is that
most of us are exposed on a daily basis, albeit to varying degrees.
The National Academy of Sciences reports that an average Amer¬
ican consumes roughly 40 milligrams of pesticides (DDT, DDE,
DDD, etc.) each year in food alone and carries about 100 mil¬
ligrams permanently in his or her body fat. Speaking on the subject
of exposure to chemicals in our environment, Sherry Rogers, M.D.,
Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology and
a specialist in environmental medicine, sums it up quite succinctly.
She states, “Even entering the world, most babies are already born
with detectable levels of phthalates or plasticizers in their blood. It
comes from the plastic in plastic bags and plastic I.V. tubing that was
attached to the mothers before delivery. Studies have been done on
people who just popped in the dry cleaner to pick up clothes. Four
hours later they had measurable blood levels of perchloroethyl-
ene as opposed to negative levels in people who hadn’t gone.
Gassing up your car gives measurable benzene levels, drinking
from a styrofoam cup gives measurable chemical levels.”8
A simple example of how environmental chemicals flow through
our body is found in cigarette smoke. Cotinine is a by-product of
nicotine that is eliminated in the urine of smokers and people ex¬
posed to cigarette smoke. Only eight percent of infants in non¬
smoking households show elevated levels of this chemical. In homes
where one or both parents smoke, 96 percent of infants show ele-

Why We Get Sick

vated levels. Children of smoking parents suffer from more fre¬

quent respiratory infections, asthma and hospitalization than do
other children. The chemicals found in cigarette smoke are known
to contribute to this.9
One group of doctors analyzed the blood of 200 environmentally
sensitive patients for 16 different synthetic compounds. An average
of 3.4 chemical compounds was found per individual. The most
common included hexachlorobenzene, heptachlorepoxide and
members of the DDT family, dieldrin, beta-BHC and endosulfan 1.
These are substances that didn’t even exist 100 years ago, not to
mention the fact that they are not a part of the body’s normal meta¬
bolic machinery. That these compounds were found in the blood is
surprising because the body usually tries to remove toxic substances
from the blood and place them into other organs for storage. These
findings suggest that even higher amounts were stored elsewhere in
the body.10
So, are you exposed? Most of us are. How we respond depends
upon our genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, exercise patterns, stress lev¬
els, attitudes and the level of substances to which we are exposed.

Is Your Building Making You Sick?

We noted earlier that the average person spends only one hour
per day outdoors. This means roughly 23 hours a day are spent in
the home, office or car. The stale air enclosed in these buildings is
deficient in negative ions. It is also often filled with dust, mold,
bacteria, particles and volatile substances that adversely influence
our respiratory tract.
Three main factors have given rise to an increase in illness and
complaints related to buildings. First, since the mid-1970s there
has been a shift to more energy-efficient buildings. This has lim¬
ited the amount of fresh air that circulates through homes, offices
and schools. Second, there has been a dramatic increase in the use
of synthetic building materials and furnishings. Most of these mate¬
rials are made from petrochemicals that slowly release vapors over
time (a process called outgassing). These vapors are known car¬
cinogens and respiratory irritants. Finally, the proliferation of air-
conditioned buildings has led to more bacterial and mold-related

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

illness among people working in such places.

Offices with air conditioning typically produce the greatest num¬
ber of complaints among office workers. According to an article
in the American Journal of Public Health, air-conditioned build¬
ings are “consistently associated with increased prevalence of work-
related headache, lethargy, and upper respiratory/mucous
membrane symptoms.”11
Next on the list of symptom producers are new homes and
offices. Jill was a healthy, 32-year-old real estate agent. She and
her husband had planned many years and now eagerly awaited
completion of their new “dream home.” The move was uneventful.
But after about two months, Jill began to complain of itchy eyes and
nose, and a cough. After six months, she developed a severe cold
that lasted about four months. Just over the cold, she developed
tonsillitis. As time went on, she became more fatigued, weak,
lethargic and seemed to come down with something every month or
so. She received numerous different antibiotics in hopes that her
recurrent illness might be cured, but the antibiotics further aggra¬
vated the situation. With more infections and antibiotics, she devel¬
oped sensitivity to an ever-increasing number of foods. Jill was a
victim of sick building syndrome—a reaction to the toxic vapors
released by the glue, pressed wood, carpet, paint, varnish, fur¬
nishings and vinyl floor coverings used to build the home. This is an
increasingly prevalent problem in modern times.
Use of chemicals within the home can also contribute to immune
suppression. The case of Alex, aged two, is a classic example. Alex’s
parents were holistic physicians who took great pride in their own
health practices. They transferred their diligence to their young
son. Early in life Alex was quite healthy. Then, by some mystery, he
began to develop chronic postnasal drip, stuffiness and middle ear
fluid. None of these symptoms seemed to respond to any treat¬
ment. As they searched for answers, his parents realized that not
long after they had sprayed their home for fleas—courtesy of the
family pet—Alex’s symptoms began. It was believed that the insec¬
ticides contained in the “flea bomb” suppressed Alex’s immune
system, which led to chronic problems. A similar situation occurred
with Dr. Schmidt’s mother, who developed chronic bronchitis and
recurrent respiratory infections following treatment of her bed-

Why We Get Sick

room with “flea powder”—courtesy of the family dog!

Several years ago, and with great irony, workers at the office
of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) were forced to
move out of their new headquarters because of a flood of com¬
plaints of headache, nausea, burning eyes, fatigue and irritability.
The culprits, formaldehyde and other volatile substances, were
being released from building materials and paper supplies such as
file folders. This certainly brought the issue of indoor air pollution
to the fore.

Mold in the Home:

Common Environmental Insult
Mold is something we usually associate with those dark spots lurk¬
ing inside the shower curtain or perhaps that cheese that has spent
too long in the refrigerator. Whatever the source, mold is an insid¬
ious culprit that can permeate the home and be a constant source
of immune system stress. For some, the constant presence of mold
in the home so heavily taxes the immune system on a daily basis
that they easily succumb to opportunistic germs. Researchers in
Canada recently reported that respiratory symptoms such as bron¬
chitis and cough were much more common in homes where there
was dampness or mold. Of the 15,000 homes studied, 32.4 percent
reported mold, 21.4 percent reported flooding and 14.1 percent
reported moisture from other causes.12

Air Pollution and Respiratory Infection

During the 1970s, we became acutely aware of the problems with
air pollution and smog. Not much attention has been paid to these
issues of late, which might lead us to believe the problem has
improved. The unfortunate truth is that air quality in most major
U.S. cities has gotten worse. Cases of asthma (and death from asth¬
ma) in children have been on the rise, as well as an increase in the
rate of pneumonia among the elderly. Many doctors have attributed
this in part to an increase in air pollutants.
According to a 1979 statement by the Surgeon General,
“Increased air pollution has been associated with debilitating res-

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

piratory diseases such as acute and chronic bronchitis and pneu¬

monia, and exacerbation [aggravation] of symptoms in people who
already have pulmonary disease.”
The most common air pollutants are sulfur dioxide, particu¬
lates, nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulfide, and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons. These and other pollutants damage the lining of
the respiratory tract and destroy the tiny hair-like cilia that are
important for removal of bacteria, viruses, mold, pollen and parti¬
cles. Once the respiratory tissues are damaged, we become sus¬
ceptible to infection and allergy.
A classic example of the air pollution-infection link is illustrat¬
ed by the outbreak of Haemophilus influenzae infections. This bac¬
terium is known to contribute to many upper respiratory maladies,
from ear infections to meningitis to bronchitis. Doctors write mil¬
lions of antibiotic prescriptions each year in an effort to thwart
this “virulent” organism. Yet, not everyone exposed to the germ
becomes sick. Indeed, deaths from chronic bronchitis are 30 times
more frequent in the United Kingdom than in the United States.
What are the factors that influence susceptibility to this bug?
Bernard Dixon, Ph.D., sheds light on the matter of Haemophilus
influenzae bronchitis when he states, “This has been termed the
English disease, and the blame has been attached to the country’s
damp, inhospitable climate. Even that is not the full story. Within
Britain, bronchitis is largely a town disease, being rare in rural areas
but widespread in industrial centres. It is also an affliction of the
poor; mortality is highest among unskilled men and women and
falls progressively to reach its lowest level among professional peo¬
ple.” He continues, “Thus the memorable events in the story of
bronchitis are not major epidemics triggered by the emergence of
especially virulent strains of bacteria. They are episodes of hor¬
rendous air pollution, caused by the engines of industry, which kill
people already suffering from the disease. One such episode
occurred at Donora, south of Pittsburgh, in 1948, when there was a
major fog and weather inversion. By the third day of the four-day
incident, over 40 percent of the people in Donora, a town in a river
valley surrounded by hills, were affected by respiratory illness, with
cough, sore throat, nasal discharge, smarting of the eyes, tears, nau¬
sea, headache, weakness and occasional muscle aches and pains.”13

Why We Get Sick

If you live in an area with poor air quality (Los Angeles, San
Francisco, New York City, Detroit and many others), you probably
need to increase your intake of vitamins C and E, beta-carotene
and selenium. Each of these play an essential role in protecting
our cell linings from airborne pollutants. You also may consider
moving, or using an air filter in the home (although this will only
make a small impact).

Exposure on the Job

Some occupations are at particular risk for exposure to toxic chem¬
icals. Examples include farmers, hair stylists, professional painters,
chemists, miners, floor installers, manufacturing technicians, auto
mechanics, dry cleaning workers, custodians, contractors, print
shop operators and so on. If you work in one of these occupations
(or any occupation that uses synthetic chemicals) and suffer from
chronic or recurrent health problems (or infections), chances are
that your body is toxic. This may be having an adverse effect on
your immune system, making you susceptible to a variety of germs.
You should be especially suspicious if you suffer from vague com¬
plaints that your doctors can’t seem to understand or treat.
Ken was a farmer from southern Minnesota. One day he was
loading seed corn into the corn planter in preparation for spring
planting, a ritual he had performed for years. On this fateful day he
squatted down to pick up the open bag of seed com. As he wrapped
his arms around the bag, a huge “puff” of red powder was forced
from the bag, just as Ken was inhaling deeply. He coughed and
began to feel dizzy. Shortly thereafter he noticed blood in his urine.
After several hours his urine had become pure crimson due to the
high number of red blood cells being spilled into his urine. He was
taken to Mayo Clinic. The red powder to which Ken was exposed
was mercury chloride, a commonly used fungicide. Ken had ele¬
vated levels of mercury in his tissues and began to experience kid¬
ney, neurologic and immune problems. His doctors at Mayo Clinic
were unable to offer any assistance. Ken’s problems improved only
after going through a detoxification program provided by his chi¬
ropractic physician.
If you work in an occupation that uses any solvents, cleaning

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

compounds, paints, pesticides, herbicides, lawn care chemicals, var¬

nishes, printer’s ink, dry cleaning supplies, hair care products, plas¬
tics or textiles, you may have exposure to low levels of toxics. If
there are any unusual smells in your workplace or home, they usu¬
ally represent some sort of toxic substance in the air. In either case,
you should consider being evaluated for toxic chemical exposure
and/or going through detoxification or metabolic clearing therapy.

Pollutants Cause Malnourishment

One insidious effect of exposure to chemicals in our environment
is the loss or destruction of nutrients in our bodies. Loss of nutri¬
ents renders us more susceptible to harm by subsequent exposure
to these and other chemicals in the future. For example, vitamin EL
is essential for the enzymes that detoxify the toxic substance
toluene. Yet, EL can be antagonized by exposure to this and other
toxic substances, making the job of detoxication* much more
difficult. Moreover, nutrients antagonized by toxic exposure, such
as vitamins A and C and the mineral zinc, are critical to optimum
function of the immune system. Consider only a few examples cit¬
ed in a chapter entitled “Environmental Medicine” published in
The Kellogg Report, by Joseph Beasley, M.D.:14
• Workers handling pesticides suffer from severe disruption
of vitamin A.
• Exposure to even low levels of PCBs cuts the vitamin A
stored in the liver of animals by 50 percent.
• Deficiency of vitamin E worsens the ill effects of nitrogen
dioxide from smog.
• More than 20 cigarettes per day lowers blood levels of
vitamin C by 40 percent.
Nutrients have also been used to protect against pollutants and
to treat exposure. For example:

*The term detoxication is usually used to describe the body’s own mech¬
anism for handling toxic substances. Detoxification refers to a therapeutic
process used to rid the body of toxins.

Why We Get Sick

• Zinc reduces liver damage by the chemical solvent carbon

• Selenium and vitamin E protect against lung damage by
• In workers exposed to toxic fluorine, vitamin C enabled
the body to excrete the toxin more rapidly.
In Chapter 4, we discussed the adverse effects prescription
drugs can have on nutritional status. It appears that prescription
drugs also influence our bodily response to pollutants. Tagamet® is
one of the most widely prescribed prescription drugs in the Unit¬
ed States. There is evidence that this and other drugs can serve
to intensify the toxicity of pesticides to which one might be
exposed. This evidently happens because the drugs disrupt liver
function. Efficient liver function is crucial to the rapid elimination
of toxins.1516

A "Good Diet" Is Not Enough

Most patients who have asked their doctor to recommend a vitamin
or mineral supplement are rebuffed with, “Vitamin and mineral
supplements aren’t necessary. Just eat a good diet and you’ll get
all the nutrients you need.” This thinking defies logic. First, no one
is sure of what a “good diet” really is. Even when we eat whole
grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat or fish, etc., can we really be
sure we are getting all the nutrients we need? An orange loses 50
percent of its vitamin C 24 hours after harvest. Yet, by the time
you eat it, it may have spent weeks or months in a warehouse.
Food transport and storage have made our lives more convenient,
but we may be paying a price in nutrient content.
Exposure to so many substances in our environment has
changed the ground rules for living in the twenty-first century. As
evidence mounts, it is becoming clear that nutrient amounts beyond
what we get in our daily food may be necessary to merely cope
with the daily exposure to foreign chemicals. Optimum health may
require even greater nutrient amounts depending on our diet,
lifestyle and degree of exposure. This is especially true for the
antioxidant nutrients A, E, C, beta-carotene and selenium.

Signs of a Toxic Body
The signs of a toxic body do not fit neatly into any diagnostic cat¬
egory This is often why allopathic doctors fail to recognize or con¬
sider such symptoms. In general, symptoms of toxicity are very
vague and broad. Fatigue, sluggishness and just a low level of well¬
ness are hallmarks. Common symptoms of toxicity include:
• Fatigue • Chronic infections
• Lethargy • Frequent colds
• Depression • Sluggishness
• Headaches • Nervousness, irritability
• Allergies • Sensitivity to perfume, odors
• Muscle aches • Joint pains

Reducing Toxins in Your Body

For many years it was thought that once chemicals such as toluene,
PCBs or DDT were lodged in our bodies, it was impossible to
remove them. Fortunately, new approaches have been developed
that help us to reduce the toxic load in our tissues. In Human &
Experimental Toxicology it was shown that detoxification tech¬
niques reduced the amount of toxins by 63 percent in the body of a
woman poisoned with PCBs.17
Jeffrey S. Bland, Ph.D., one of the leading researchers and edu¬
cators in the field of nutritional biochemistry, has recently pio¬
neered a detoxification program that significantly improves the
elimination of toxins. He reports that certain individuals who suf¬
fer from chronic or recurrent infections (and other problems) have
an elevated toxic load that adversely affects function of the immune
system. In order for the immune system to function normally in
these people, the toxic load must be reduced or eliminated.18 The
following case illustrates this point.
Ellen was a 40-year-old executive vice president of a growing
Minneapolis company. She suffered from repeated bladder and
upper respiratory infections that were treated with antibiotics.

Why We Get Sick

Vaginal infections often followed. She suffered from extreme fatigue

that caused her to leave work early several days a week. Some
days she was unable to go to work. She experienced frequent
headaches, muscle aches, intestinal bloating and insomnia. Ellen
commonly felt depressed and unhappy about life.
Ellen was placed on a detoxification program using UltraClear®
developed by Dr. Bland and used in many clinics nationwide. The
plan consisted of consuming foods unlikely to provoke allergic
reactions (rice, squash, pears, organic chicken, broccoli, etc.) while
drinking a mixture of UltraClear® and juice or water three times
daily. The total duration of the cleanse was 14 days. During the
first few days of the cleanse, Ellen felt somewhat “foggy” and tired.
Gradually, her energy returned. Most of the symptoms she report¬
ed had resolved. She continued to take UltraClear® twice weekly
for three months and continued to improve. Ellen was able to
return to her normal work schedule with little difficulty.
This case is only one of many accounts of people with lowered
immunity who have benefited from detoxification or cleansing pro¬
grams. If you suspect environmental factors may have diminished
your level of health and well-being, it may be necessary to consult
a doctor who is knowledgeable in environmental medicine, nutri¬
tion and detoxification.

Testing for Toxic Exposure

Numerous tests are now being developed that will help determine
whether we’ve been exposed to toxic substances and how significant
that exposure is to our health. Two such tests in use today can be
part of an important first step in assessing whether toxic exposure
has impaired your health. The first test is known as D-glucaric acid.
This is a test that measures whether you’ve been exposed to toxic
chemicals. It does not specify which chemical, however. D-glucar¬
ic acid is performed on a urine specimen that is collected over a
24-hour period. Your doctor can order this for you.
Another useful test is urinary mercapturic acid. This substance
is an actual by-product of the normal detoxication process of the
body. If mercapturic acid levels in the urine are high, you have
been exposed to foreign chemicals. This test also is performed on

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

a 24-hour urine specimen. (MetaMetrix Medical Research Labo¬

ratory, Norcross, Georgia 30071)
Your doctor can perform both the mercapturic acid and D-glu-
caric acid tests to determine your level of toxic exposure. Using
these tests, researchers have been able to differentiate between
office and industrial plant workers by the level of mercapturic acid
and D-glucaric acid in their urine. Those working in offices have
lower levels of these compounds in their urine compared with co¬
workers in the manufacturing section of the same plant.
Another useful test is the caffeine clearance test (MetaMetrix).
A small amount of caffeine is ingested. Saliva samples are then
measured to determine how efficiently the liver eliminates the sub¬
stance. If high levels of caffeine remain in the saliva it means the liv¬
er is functioning poorly and suggests the need for some kind of
detoxification therapy. Remember, the liver is the primary organ
responsible for eliminating toxic substances from the body. If it is
not functioning properly, even small amounts of a substance can
be detrimental.
A useful blood test is called the ELISA/ACT test (Serammune
Physicians Lab, 1890 Preston White Drive, Suite 200, Reston VA
22091, 800-553-5472). This test is helpful in identifying immune
reactivity to environmental chemicals such as pesticides, herbi¬
cides, food additives and other products.

The Low-Temperature Sauna: Powerful Detoxifier

Saunas are being used by some doctors to stimulate the release of
toxins from the bodies of their patients. They have found that a
lower-temperature (105°-110° F) sauna taken for a longer dura¬
tion (45-90 minutes a day for several weeks) is most beneficial.
These low temperatures stimulate a fat sweat, which eliminates
toxins stored in fat, as opposed to the high-temperature sauna,
which encourages a water sweat.
The principle is summed up as follows: “The body’s fat must
be warmed to increase its solubility; the warmed fat must be trans¬
portable to the sweat glands which excrete fat; the process must
continue long enough for appreciable Tat sweat’ to occur; the tem¬
perature must be low enough that the person does not lose sig-

Why We Get Sick

nificant amounts of water or electrolytes; the sweat oils must be vig¬

orously washed off. We find glycerine soaps (such as Neutrogena,
Black Soap, and similar ‘super-fatted’ soaps) the most effective here.
Use of a loofah as a gentle scrub brush is also helpful.”19
The low-temperature sauna is usually carried out 5 to 7 days a
week for three months and then 3 days a week for three months.
(This should be done under a doctor’s supervision. Our discussion
of it here is meant only to show the value of the procedure.) In
addition, nutrients are given that help to bind the toxins or mini¬
mize their effect on the body. Included are B-vitamins, vitamins
C, E and beta-carotene and trace minerals such as zinc, magne¬
sium, calcium and selenium. Using this method, doctors have been
able to measure toxic compounds released in the sweat of their
patients. These chemicals are often toxic to the immune system,
nervous system, endocrine system and liver. “Sweating them out”
reduces chemical stress on the body and generally leads to
improved health.
Physician and researcher, William Rea, M.D., of the Environ¬
mental Health Center in Dallas, Texas, has developed a compre¬
hensive approach to detoxification that has been used with more
than 20,000 patients. His approach incorporates the use of care¬
fully regulated sauna, nutritional intervention, toxin avoidance,
injection therapy, psychological counseling and other methods
aimed at restoring health. His four-volume series Chemical Sen¬
sitivity (CRC Press) has become the definitive work on environ¬
mental medicine.

A Strategy for Living in Modern Times

We’ve shown that virtually everyone comes in contact with toxic
substances on a daily basis. It is unavoidable. Since we cannot elim¬
inate these substances from our world we must do the next best
1. Try to reduce our exposure.
2. Periodically eliminate toxins from our bodies.
3. Ensure that we take extra nutrients that are helpful in
combating exposure to these chemicals and minimizing
their impact.

Environmental Threats to a Healthy Immune System

We can reduce our exposure by limiting the amount of syn¬

thetic substances we use directly, such as cleaning compounds, nail
polish, paints and varnishes, lawn care chemicals, and so on. The
books Non-Toxic and Natural and The Non-Toxic Home by Deb¬
orah Lynn Dadd contain a detailed description of alternatives that
are also more compatible with the environment.
Above, we described a detoxification program to eliminate tox¬
ins from our bodies. Such programs are usually used with people
who have chronic illness, recurrent infections, known exposure to
toxic substances, or non-specific complaints that befuddle their
doctors. However, because of the constant exposure to low levels of
thousands of man-made chemicals on a daily basis, many doctors
now recommend that people go through a periodic cleanse, per¬
haps every six months. This helps reduce the total toxic load on
our bodies and the untoward effects that might follow.
This recommendation has numerous historical precedents.
Ancient traditions have for centuries recommended periods of
fasting to cleanse the body and the soul. We now have definitive sci¬
entific proof that such cleansings are vital to our health. Most
recently, however, we have learned that a true fast, in which noth¬
ing is eaten, wastes muscle. A cleanse in which a supply of calo¬
ries and nutrients is provided is more sound.
A final solution to living in a toxic world is to take antioxidant
nutrients on a daily basis. The importance of taking adequate vit¬
amin C is described in Chapter 8. Other nutrients vital to our detox¬
ication processes are magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin E and
beta-carotene. Extracts of milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed
are being used extensively to protect the body from toxic expo¬
sure and to repair damaged liver tissue when toxic exposure has
occurred. More than 200 clinical and laboratory studies have shown
that the active constituent in milk thistle, silymarin, is one of the
most potent liver-protecting substances known. We have used this
to treat patients who have environmental illness, who have been
exposed to toxic substances or who must be on drugs that are tox¬
ic to the liver. It has even been helpful in reversing cases of alcohol-
induced cirrhosis of the liver. Silymarin is also a potent antioxidant.
Note: Pregnant women should not undergo detoxification be¬
cause toxins released from fat stores can expose the fetus.

A Summary of Things to Do
1. Limit your use of synthetic materials.
2. Sauna regularly to help purge toxic compounds from
your body.
3. Do a periodic cleansing of your internal body using the
Metabolic Clearing Therapy or some variation. Many with
sluggish immune systems experience dramatic
improvement following such programs. Even those who
are not ill experience a heightened sense of well-being.
4. If you suffer from chronic or recurrent infections, you may
be toxic. Have an evaluation done by a doctor familiar
with environmental medicine. Certain blood and urine
tests can detect exposure to toxins you may not be aware
5. If you work in an occupation in which chemicals are used,
have regular check-ups and consider having blood and
urine analysis to detect toxic exposure. It may be
especially important that you do a cleanse.
6. Avoid synthetic personal hygiene products.
7. Take extra antioxidant nutrients including vitamins C and
E, beta-carotene and selenium. Also use zinc and
8. Use liver-protecting herbs such as milk thistle seed extract.
9. Drink water purified by carbon filtration and reverse
osmosis, especially if you live in an area with landfills or
known chemical contaminants.
10. Wear protective gloves and clothing whenever working
with toxic chemicals at home or at work. This includes
common lawn and garden products.

Heredity and Lifestyle
“Like the food we eat and the environment that pervades us, our
personal behavior—or lifestyle—plays a fundamental role in shap¬
ing our health.”
Joseph D. Beasley, M.D.
The Institute of Health Policy and Practice1

Most medical experts now agree that the major causes of death
today—cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.—are related to lifestyle
and habits. There is strong evidence that modification of these
habits results in substantial improvements in health and a decline
in the number of deaths due to these illnesses. Though the
“experts” recognize this, they have not extended their thinking to
include common infectious conditions for which antibiotics are
routinely given. Immunity and resistance to infections are clearly
responsive to changes in lifestyle and habits. By making practical
use of knowledge currently available, we can help reduce the inci¬
dence of infectious diseases and further reduce our reliance on
antibiotic drugs.

Is it in Your Genes?
Genes play a crucial role in determining our individual make-up.
From hair color to eye and skin color, the genes determine our
basic appearance. Genes also influence specific metabolic needs
at the cellular level. The fundamental machinery that drives every
biochemical process in the body is similar in everyone, but there are
vast differences in efficiency and needs among individuals.

Why We Get Sick

In a massive undertaking to map the human genome, scientists

have learned that even though a gene for a specific tendency, dis¬
ease or condition may exist, its expression is subject to environ¬
mental factors. The environment referred to here is both the
external and the nutritional environment. For instance, carriers of
a particular gene are predisposed to the development of rectal
polyps that develop into benign tumors and eventually colon can¬
cer. These people have 14 times the risk of developing colorectal
cancer than the average person. When such patients were given
vitamin C (4 g/day), vitamin E (400 IU/day), and a grain fiber sup¬
plement (22.5 g/day), the development of these polyps was stopped.
Presumably their risk of developing colon cancer was reduced as
well.2 This study suggests that such patients have metabolic needs
very different from those we consider to be “average.” Likewise,
carriers of a gene that predisposes to lung cancer might be able to
prevent the expression of that gene, i.e., lung cancer, by not smok¬
ing and by consuming more vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin
C. It was unheard of decades ago to think that a genetic condition
could be modified by nutritional means.
Another example of the genetic link is children with Down syn¬
drome, who suffer from more frequent infections (usually treated
with antibiotics) than do other children. While no one is likely to
suggest that Down syndrome can be reversed, there are certain
“expressions” associated with Down syndrome that can be modified
with nutrition. Recently it was found that children with Down syn¬
drome have a defect in an enzyme that makes them more suscep¬
tible to the ravages of free-radicals. This makes their need greater
for antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins C and E. Some immune
deficiency problems experienced by Down syndrome children can
be reversed by zinc supplementation.
Children with Down syndrome are especially prone to respira¬
tory bacterial infection, evidently because they do not make enough
antibodies to fight the bacteria most commonly found in upper
respiratory infections—Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococ¬
cus pneumoniae. When these children are given the trace element
selenium, antibodies against these bacteria increase and the fre¬
quency of respiratory infections goes down.3
People with a genetic condition called Chediak-Higashi disease

Heredity and Lifestyle

suffer from severe infections that occur because their white blood
cells do not respond normally. It was shown over 15 years ago that
increasing the intake of vitamin C protects these people against
infection. It does not correct the underlying genetic fault, but some
effects of the disease are rectified.4
These genetic conditions do not affect the majority of individ¬
uals. However, intolerance to the milk sugar lactose and the cow’s
milk protein casein are common and familiar to many of us. These
genetically determined conditions can result in trouble ranging
from chronic digestive difficulty to recurrent tonsillitis. Those who
are affected by these problems improve their health by avoiding
the offending agents.
Allergy can also be inherited. The term “atopy” is used to de¬
scribe a common inherited predisposition to develop allergy. If
both parents are atopic, there is a 75 percent chance that a child will
have allergic symptoms. If one parent has atopy, the child has a 50
percent chance. Atopy can set the stage for recurrent infections
of the ear, nose and bronchial tract by creating a mucus-rich envi¬
ronment for the invasion and multiplication of bacteria, viruses or
yeast. Atopy itself is not treated with antibiotics, but some of the
complications, such as ear infections, are treated with antibiotics.
Atopic individuals have been shown to have a defect in an enzyme
system that influences inflammation and immunity. By altering the
diet and supplementing with specific vitamins, minerals and essen¬
tial fatty acids, the problems associated with this condition can be
reduced for many sufferers.
One way to understand the importance of genetics in our sus¬
ceptibility to disease is to look at twins. Identical twins—derived
from the same egg who share the same genes—have uniquely sim¬
ilar resistance to infection. If one identical twin has the clinical dis¬
ease tuberculosis, the other twin has roughly a 75 percent chance of
developing it as well. In contrast, a non-identical twin has only a 33
percent chance of developing the disease.5 Racial differences are
revealing as well. Pneumonia, rheumatic fever and tuberculosis
are much more prevalent and severe in African-Americans than
in those of European heritage.
Even hair color may have an indirect association with infection
susceptibility. It is a well-known but poorly understood phenome-

Why We Get Sick

non that red-haired people have a tendency toward hypothyroidism.

Those with low thyroid function are unusually susceptible to infec¬
tion by bacteria and viruses. According to Stephen E. Langer,
M.D., “I had never seen a naturally red-haired person who was
not at least slightly hypothyroid.... An auburn-haired person who
is not hypothyroid is a rare bird.”*
Such examples underscore the fact that each of us is individually
unique. While our genetic makeup may not render us seriously
impaired, there are differences in each of us. Your need for a cer¬
tain vitamin or mineral may be greater than that of your neigh¬
bor. Your immune system may require greater amounts of a
substance in order to function optimally. This concept of bio¬
chemical individuality was advanced in great depth by pioneering
researcher Roger Williams, formerly at the University of Texas.
Dr. Williams spent many years studying animals thought to be
genetically uniform. To his surprise (and that of the scientific com¬
munity), the body chemistry of these animals varied widely. Accord¬
ing to Dr. Williams, “Early in our experience, especially after we
became interested in biochemical individuality, my coworkers and
I observed many disparities among those supposedly uniform ani¬
mals. Some inbred rats on identical diets excreted eleven times as
much urinary phosphate as others; some when given a chance to
exercise at will, ran consistently twenty times as far as others; some
voluntarily consumed consistently sixteen times as much sugar as
others; some drank twenty times as much alcohol; some appeared
to need about forty times as much vitamin A as others; some young
guinea pigs required for good growth at least twenty times as much
vitamin C as others.”6’78 Dr. Williams’ work has been confirmed in
Whether one is right—or left-handed also appears to have
influence on immunity. While handedness is not necessarily a genet¬
ic trait, there is evidence that it has familial origins. Studies have
now shown that individuals who are left-handed suffer from
immune disorders at nearly three times the rate of their right-hand¬
ed counterparts.9

*Langer, SE, Scheer, JE Solved: the riddles of illness, New Canaan, Con¬
necticut: Keats Publishing, 1984;39.

Heredity and Lifestyle

So what is our point in discussing these issues? Medicine has

spent much of its time studying what some refer to as “statistical
humans.” Statistics tries to find averages and norms and tries to fit
everybody into some sort of category. It does not take into account
the differences in each of us. Doctors often admonish us to “eat a
normal diet.” But how do they know if that diet is best for you—
supposing there is such a thing as a normal diet. If your need for vit¬
amin C is 10 times the average, you will only experience good
health if your need is met. If your need for zinc is twice the average,
you will eventually become ill if you receive less. If you are genet¬
ically inclined to deficiencies in immune function, you might suffer
from infections until your nutritional optimum is found. It is real¬
ly quite exciting, for we will increasingly have the means to improve
health by specifically providing what each individual needs. So
remember, although genes are important, we are not hostages to
our genes. They make us who we are. But recognize that you are
unique, and strive to find a diet and lifestyle that optimize your
ability to be well!

A Legacy for Our Children

Doctors have known for some time that the dietary habits and
nutritional status of a pregnant mother affect her unborn offspring.
Poor nutrition can lead to prematurity, developmental delays, learn¬
ing difficulties and immune deficiency. Dr. Lucille Hurley and her
co-workers at the University of California at Davis looked at the
impact of parental nutritional status on offspring. To do this, they
placed pregnant mice on a moderately zinc-deficient diet and
observed for changes in immune function. The first-generation off¬
spring (FI) showed depressed immune function as a result of the
parents’ low-zinc diet. Remarkably, the next two generations of
mice (F2 and F3) also experienced lowered immune function despite
the fact that they and the parents were fed a diet containing normal
levels of zinc.10
There also seem to be genetic implications if the parents do not
consume adequate amounts of vitamin C. It seems that low levels
of vitamin C can lead to genetic damage in sperm. Dr. Bruce Ames
at the University of California at Berkeley found that men who

Why We Get Sick

were fed diets low in vitamin C (10 or 20 mg per day) experienced

more damage to the DNA in their sperm than those who consumed
higher amounts of vitamin C. Such damage to DNA could poten¬
tially lead to genetic disorders, birth defects, immune deficiency
or cancer in children.11
If the work of Drs. Hurley and Ames is true, it would suggest
that the dietary choices of your parents have the potential to affect
both you and your children. Your children’s immune competence
may in turn be affected by your dietary choices. This is of great
concern given the poor dietary habits of many people in the Unit¬
ed States. For instance, the levels of zinc and essential fatty acids,
both necessary for proper immune function, do not even meet the
very conservative RDA in almost half of all nursing mothers. Most
infant formulas contain little or none of the important fatty acids
needed for development of the brain and immune system. Many
people consume less than optimum amounts of vitamin C. This is
especially true of those who smoke. It is also true of all who must
live in an increasingly polluted world. A 1982 report showed that 78
percent of (76) healthy pregnant American women had one or
more glaring vitamin deficiencies.12
What impact does this have on the immune competence of our
children? Is it a coincidence that the occurrence of ear infections,
bronchial infections, meningitis, allergies, parasitic infection, asth¬
ma and other childhood disorders is on the rise? Couple poor
parental nutrition with poor infant and childhood nutrition and
one can imagine why these problems have emerged. Add to this
the overuse of antibiotics, which further disrupts intestinal ecology
and nutrient assimilation, and one is led to believe that the riddle of
the increase in such illness will not be solved until doctors adopt a
more holistic view of health.

Hygiene, Lifestyle and Personal Habits

According to physician and epidemiologist Thomas McKeown,
the factor perhaps most responsible for the dramatic decline in
infectious disease was improvement in hygiene—both personal
and public. In his book The Role of Medicine he points out that
“The largest contribution of biomedical science was the extension

Heredity and Lifestyle

of hygiene measures” and that “control of infections resulted main¬

ly from modification of the conditions under which they occurred ”13
Tremendous improvements in our resistance to disease can be
made by modifying our lifestyle, habits and hygiene. Below are
numerous factors important to boosting immunity and preventing

Turn Up the Heat

Perhaps one of today’s most overlooked hygienic practices for
improving health is the use of saunas and steambaths. These have
been used by people from many cultures for centuries. Virtually
all of the Indians of North America used steambaths. According to
anthropologist Jack Weatherford, “The widespread and persistent
use of the steambaths and of the water baths by the Indians paral¬
leled the practices of ancient Mediterranean cultures, but stood in
sharp contrast to the practice of the Europeans who arrived in the
New World. The bathing probably served to reduce disease among
the Indians prior to the European arrival and thereby partly account¬
ed for the general freedom from epidemic diseases. The destruction
of the lodges by the Europeans and their denunciation of frequent
bathing quite probably contributed to the rapid spread of Old World
epidemics among the natives of North America. ” [emphasis added]14
Steambaths and saunas are also a well-known component of
the Finnish repertoire of healthy living. The Finnish people have
long contended that weekly saunas are an essential part of pre¬
venting disease and living a long life. They also serve as a kind of
social encounter in which families and friends gather to share sto¬
ries, laugh and play.
But is there a scientific basis to these beliefs about the benefits
of saunas and steambaths? The answer appears to be “yes.” Ger¬
man researchers recently studied 22 kindergarten children who
partook of a weekly sauna and compared them with a control group
who took no saunas. The children were followed for 18 months
and a careful record was made of their incidence of ear infections,
colds and other upper respiratory problems. Children who took
no saunas suffered from twice the number of sick days as their
steamier counterparts. The conclusion: children who sauna regularly
have an improved resistance to infections.15 The same probably

Why We Get Sick

holds true for adults.

In 1992, Dr. Schmidt interviewed members of a Minnesota
health club as they exited the sauna. Many reported that the num¬
ber of colds, sinus infections, bouts with the flu and bronchial infec¬
tions went down or became non-existent after they began to sauna
regularly. One man remarked, “I used to get sinus infections that
typically lasted the entire winter. Since I take a sauna every week or
so, I rarely ever get an infection.” In the midst of one of the nasti¬
est epidemics of influenza in recent memory, another man stated,
“My wife was sick for nine days and I thought I was next. I felt the
same symptoms coming on and took a 20-minute sauna for each
of the next four days. That did it. I never got sick!”
Frequent use of steambaths or saunas probably helps reduce
infections by stimulating profuse perspiration that enhances elim¬
ination of metabolic toxins from the body while also raising body
temperature. Elevated body temperature (fever) is a common
means used by the body to wage war with microbes of all types.
In fact, one expert has called fever “Mother Nature’s best anti¬
Another practice that has survived the ages is vigorous rubbing
of the skin in the bath, shower or sauna. This helps remove old
dead skin, stimulates circulation and aids in the elimination of tox¬
ins. The skin is the largest organ of elimination in the entire body.
Dr. Sehnert tells his patients, “Your skin is like a third kidney—it
constantly gets rid of toxins of all kinds.” When we treat the skin
well and make use of its inherent cleansing abilities, we put the
odds for good health on our side!

Light and the Immune Response

The average person in our Western world spends less than one
hour daily outdoors. We sleep in darkness, awaken indoors to
artificial light, drive to work in a car, toil for eight hours under
artificial fluorescent light, complete our work, drive home, eat din¬
ner indoors and go to bed. Depending on the day of the week or the
season, we may get a few hours outdoors. But generally, we’re
short on natural light.
In contrast, our predecessors of 100 years ago spent the bulk
of their day outdoors. Artificial light had nowhere near the impact

Heredity and Lifestyle

it does today. There is now evidence that the absence of light expe¬
rienced by most of us exacts a measurable toll on our mood, behav¬
ior, productivity and general level of health.
In some people, absence of adequate sunlight leads to devel¬
opment of a condition called seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
This condition is characterized by lethargy, fatigue, depression,
insomnia and irritability. It is most pronounced during the winter
months—especially in northern climates where it has been called
“cabin fever.” Sufferers respond dramatically to daily exposure to
full-spectrum light. These people have found by trial and error
that a winter week in Florida, Arizona or the Caribbean dramati¬
cally improves their outlook on life.
SAD is not the only condition that responds to sunlight. We’ve
known for decades that treatment of jaundiced babies with blue
light results in a rapid elimination of excess bilirubin from the body
(full-spectrum lights work even better).
Light is as vital to our health as vitamins and minerals. In fact,
the manufacture of vitamin D is actually dependent upon adequate
exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. We are only beginning to
discover the many bodily processes that are dependent upon daily
exposure to natural light. Whether light actually enhances immune
function or increases resistance to disease is another question.
However, recent reports suggest that light plays a role in these vital
functions as well.
German researcher Dr. Fritz Hollwich discovered that when
subjects sat under standard cool-white fluorescent lights, the levels
of ACTH and cortisol (stress hormones) rose to levels comparable
to those found in people under stress. In contrast, those sitting
under full-spectrum light experienced no such rise in stress hor¬
mones. High levels of these hormones are known to have an
adverse effect upon immune function. In view of this research,
German hospitals are no longer allowed to use cool-white fluores¬
cent bulbs.16
It was recently found that switching from cool-white fluores¬
cent lights to full-spectrum lights reduced the number of work¬
place absences due to illness. Based on this and other evidence,
some doctors suggest that full-spectrum light boosts immune func¬
tion much like natural sunlight.

Why We Get Sick

Studies in Germany and Russia suggest that providing adequate

ultraviolet light can be useful in managing infectious diseases in
schools and in the workplace.171819 In one study conducted in the
1940s, modifying environmental factors such as lighting in the class¬
room of school children resulted in a 43.3 percent reduction in the
incidence of chronic infections.20

A Sneeze and a Handshake

How does illness spread from one person to another? The answer
depends upon which illness and which microorganism you look at.
In his book Cold Cures, author Michael Castleman reviews the
debate that has waged over how common cold viruses are trans¬
mitted. Citing numerous research studies that have sought to answer
the question, Castleman concludes that airborne droplets serve as
the route of transmission for a percentage of viruses while hand-
to-hand contact is the vehicle for others. Viruses are deposited on
the hands while blowing or picking one’s nose or by sneezing. The
viruses are then passed to others via handshakes or contact with
inanimate objects that are later touched by unsuspecting victims.
Likewise, bacteria can be spread by either airborne routes or
by contact. In addition, some are spread via the fecal-oral route,
contaminated food or contaminated water.
Castleman recommends the following to prevent the transmis¬
sion of colds:21
1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water,
especially if you or a housemate or workmate suffer
from a cold.
2. Keep your hands away from your nose and eyes. Nose
pickers are more prone to upper respiratory infections.
3. Use disposable facial tissue, not cloth handkerchiefs.
4. Disinfect children’s toys and household and workplace
objects and surfaces with Lysol.
5. Try to stay home for the first day or two of cold
symptoms—when virus shedding peaks.
Researchers in Japan have recently discovered that toothbrushes
act as a breeding ground for some very pesky germs. When they
examined the toothbrushes of 150 children they observed that most

Heredity and Lifestyle

contained over one million bacteria! A thorough rinsing of the

toothbrush only cut the number of bacteria in half.22 Thus, the
toothbrush may be a source of transmission of germs among fam¬
ilies. A solution is to thoroughly clean the toothbrush with soap
and water followed by hydrogen peroxide after someone has been
ill. Replace toothbrushes every two to three months.
These recommendations can be helpful in preventing the spread
of other contagious illnesses as well. Remember, while colds are
not due to bacterial infections, they commonly lead to conditions
such as earaches and bronchitis, which are often treated with anti¬

Where There’s Smoke There’s ... Illness

Information about the adverse health effects of cigarette smoke
is nothing new. We know those who smoke are more likely to devel¬
op heart disease, lung cancer and a variety of other ills. The nega¬
tive effects of second-hand smoke are receiving more attention
lately. In fact, the EPA has recently listed second-hand cigarette
smoke as a carcinogen (cancer-causing agent).
Beyond its ability to cause cancer, second-hand smoke serves
as a respiratory irritant that can contribute to recurrent ear,
bronchial and sinus infections. Kids who live in homes with smok¬
ers have up to a four-fold greater risk of developing middle ear
infections than kids who live in homes without smokers. Hospital¬
ization for respiratory illness is also higher among those who live in
homes with smokers.
Cigarette smoke causes excessive amounts of vitamin C to be
eliminated from the body and increases the need for other nutrients
such as vitamin E and beta-carotene. In a recent study, only one-
third of smokers consumed enough vitamin C to meet the very
conservative RDA. Moreover, the smokers required over twice as
much vitamin C daily to achieve the same amount of vitamin C in
the blood as nonsmokers.23
If there’s a smoker in the house, do one of two things: get them
to quit or have them smoke outside the home. Also, for second¬
hand smoke take at least 250 to 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 200 IU of
vitamin E and 25,000 IU of beta-carotene daily. If you smoke and
choose not to quit, take at least 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C,

Why We Get Sick

400 IU of vitamin E and 50,000 IU of beta-carotene daily. Your

health may depend upon it!

Do Couch Potatoes Suffer More Illness?

This is a difficult question to answer. People who watch hours of
TV tend to snack more, eat more junk food, exercise less, and to be
more sedentary and overweight. These factors may influence nutri¬
tional status to the extent that immunity is impaired—but no one
is certain. Another problem is that constant TV viewing causes
fatigue, emotional exhaustion and irritability. Viewers generally
feel more anxiety after watching TV than before. In addition, both
children and adults who watch a lot of TV tend to view the world
as a more hostile and violent place than those who watch little or
no TV.
TV-viewing couch potatoes pay another price—obesity, which
is twice as prevalent in people who watch 3 to 4 hours of televi¬
sion per day.24 With obesity often comes elevated blood fats, which
results in sluggish immune function. The fact that couch potatoes
exercise less should also not be overlooked. When you’re on the
couch, you’re not out and about. Moderate exercise improves resis¬
tance to virtually all diseases.

Exercise: Good Preventive for Most Ailments

Exercise stimulates circulation, improves muscle tone, improves
cardiac function and boosts immunity. It is also a way to eliminate
toxins from the body. In Chapter 5 we discussed the myriad tox¬
ins that build up in the body as a result of regular bodily processes,
in addition to exposure to man-made chemicals. Exercise is a crit¬
ical component in the elimination of these “poisons” from the body
for three simple reasons. First, when we exercise we breathe more
deeply, more forcefully and more often. In doing so, we release
toxic by-products through the lungs. Second, when we exercise we
also perspire. Perspiration is another means to eliminate meta¬
bolic waste material from the body. Finally, muscular activity is the
only way to move waste material through the lymphatic vessels.
If we don’t sweat, don’t breathe heavily and don’t move our mus¬
cles, these toxins must find another way out. Unfortunately, they
usually remain in the body, only to foul the biochemical machinery

Heredity and Lifestyle

that makes our immune system operate efficiently. The result: sus¬
ceptibility to illness.
An article published in the International Journal of Sports Medi¬
cine illustrates the effect exercise can have on infections. In this
study, only 45 minutes of brisk walking per day was shown to low¬
er the incidence of upper respiratory symptoms, cut the duration of
illness in half and increase natural killer-cell activity in people
prone to upper respiratory tract infections.25
The exercise credo of the eighties, “no pain, no gain,” has for¬
tunately given way to a more realistic notion that moderate exercise
confers as many health benefits as strenuous exercise. Moderate
exercisers have the added benefit of suffering fewer injuries. So
don’t feel you have to pump iron with Schwarzenegger, sprint with
Carl Lewis or cycle the Alps with Greg LeMond to get in shape. In
fact, highly strenuous training can temporarily weaken immune
function. When researchers at Loma Linda University studied run¬
ners of the Los Angeles Marathon, they found immune function
to be depressed for several hours. According to Dr. David Nie-
man, “Those who train more than 60 miles a week double their
odds of getting sick, compared with a runner training less than 20
miles a week.”26
Runners of the 1982 Marathon in Cape Town, South Africa,
had twice the incidence of upper respiratory infections in the two
weeks following the race of non-runners. Runners with the fastest
times suffered from more infections than runners with slower
times.27 Whether these effects are due to the act of running, the
stress of anticipating a big race or both, no one is sure. However, if
you are a heavy trainer who suffers from frequent infections, you
may do well to consider decreasing the intensity of your training
While intensive training, or “pushing it to the wall” is what
some prefer, rest assured that dancing, hiking, golfing (if you walk),
walking, cross country skiing, swimming, volleyball, bicycling, bowl¬
ing, shoveling snow, chopping wood and even sex provide your
body with health and immune benefits. The key: make sure you
exercise regularly and moderately, and make sure it’s fun! (If you
have an existing medical condition, see your doctor before embark¬
ing on any exercise plan.)

Why We Get Sick

The Power of Prayer

Saying “grace” or giving thanks before a meal has been a component
of many spiritual traditions for centuries. It is a display of gratitude
to the Creator who has provided for basic needs. Recently, scien¬
tists have begun to study the effects of prayer on the body with some
interesting results. In one study, investigators wondered whether
prayer had any impact on digestive efficiency as measured by after¬
meal comfort. Subjects were asked to rate the feeling in their “tum-
my”on a scale of 1 to 10,1 being poor and 10 being excellent. They
then sat down and consumed a meal and rated their feeling. The
average was about 3. In the next test, each member said a silent
prayer—the number rose to 4. On another day, they had one person
in the group say a prayer of thanks aloud — the average score
increased again. Then, each group member prayed aloud in unison
with the others—the score rose further. Finally, all members held
hands and prayed aloud together—the score rose to 8.28 Do the
results of this subjective test mean prayer improves digestion or
anything else? Is it the prayer itself or the state of mind and body that
occurs with the introspection brought about by prayer? It is hard
to draw conclusions, but this study suggests that, if nothing else, the
meditative state of active prayer may enhance digestive activity.
This raises the equally intriguing question of whether praying for
another person has any real merit. Religions throughout the ages
have believed the power of prayer to be boundless, unaffected by
time or distance. Cardiologist Randy Byrd, a former professor of
medicine at the University of California, attempted to answer the
question of whether prayer influenced recovery from illness by
enrolling 393 coronary care patients in a landmark study. One hun¬
dred ninety-two patients were to be prayed for each day by anony¬
mous participants. The prayers were specific, including the name of
the patient, their condition and a request that there be “beneficial
healing and quick recovery.” The 201 remaining coronary patients
received no prayer. Patients were unaware they were being prayed
for. This study was conducted under the most stringent scientific
During the next 10 months, Dr. Byrd’s research team followed
these patients and analyzed the data. The subjects receiving prayer

Heredity and Lifestyle

suffered significantly fewer complications than the control group.

Remarkably, the prayed-for patients were five times less likely to
require antibiotics than those who received no prayer.29
Another group of researchers showed that prayer had a dra¬
matic effect on the growth of plants, especially when the plants
were unhealthy. Again, these studies were conducted under the
most rigorous double-blind, placebo-controlled conditions.30
Prayer does not guarantee that one will not become ill. Indeed,
those who pray suffer from the same maladies as those who do
not. Yet, prayer has the potential to move us beyond our limited
perceptions of the world and of illness. In the next chapter we
speak of illness as metaphor. Prayer and meditation may help give
us insight into the greater meaning of periods of illness (assuming
there is greater meaning to such periods).

Drugs and Alcohol

Earlier in this chapter, we discussed the adverse effects of smoking
and how it suppresses the immune system. The same is true for
drugs (both legal and illegal) and alcohol. Whether these substances
come from the chemistry tubes of a pharmaceutical company, the
vats of a distillery or winery, or the slopes of Colombian hillsides,
the end result is the same: Toxic Overload.
Humans do not have ethanol or cocaine or Prozac or nicotine
“deficiencies.” They use these recreationally or medically, then
gradually suffer the ill effects as their body tries its best to detoxi¬
fy these foreign substances. When they are detoxified, they are
excreted in the urine, the stool, sweat or in our breath as we exhale.
If not excreted in these ways, these complex chemicals/poisons are
stored in the liver, body fat or somewhere in the lymph nodes or
other parts of the lymphatic system. When this overload exceeds the
body’s ability to function, illness follows.
AIDS is often cited as an example of how the immune system is
impacted by drugs. Many of the first people who contracted AIDS
had abused alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine or other drugs
for years prior to the invasion of the HIV virus. They often led
single, lonely and stressful lives. Their nutritional status was often
suboptimal. Many had suffered from depression and were treat¬
ed with antidepressants. Antibiotics were commonly overused,

Why We Get Sick

especially in homosexuals to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

In many such cases, their immune systems were “wobbly.” Often,
they simply shut down. Such people were commonly sick before
they got AIDS.

Lack of Sleep
Shakespeare wrote that sleep is the “chief restorer of life’s feast.”
In modern terms that would mean that nearly one-third of Amer¬
icans are “underfed.” Because of that, they are irritable, moody,
and unable to concentrate on their work and make mistakes in
everyday tasks.
James Walsh, director of the Sleep Disorders and Research
Center at Deaconess Hospital in St. Louis, attributes the 1984
Bhopal gas leak and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in part to mis¬
judgements by sleep-deprived workers. The U.S. Department of
Transportation estimates that drowsy drivers contribute to as many
as 200,000 automobile accidents each year.
We all have different sleep needs. Leonardo da Vinci is said to
have slept only two hours a day. Others need up to eight or ten
hours of sleep to function at their best. According to the Institute
of Medicine, an estimated 29 to 39 percent of Americans over the
age of 18 have significant difficulty sleeping each year.31 Failure to
get adequate sleep leads to fatigue, which can impair our resis¬
tance to illness and our ability to cope with stressful events. Noted
British physician James Paget once wrote, “Fatigue has a larger
share in the promotion and transmission of disease than any other
single condition you can name.”32
Dr. J. M. Krueger reports that the onset of slow-wave sleep cor¬
relates with a surge in the blood levels of chemicals that stimulate
immune function.33 Lack of sleep is associated with increased sus¬
ceptibility to stress and infections.

Rules for Better Sleep Hygiene34

1. Sleep as much as needed to feel refreshed and healthy
during the following day, but not more. Curtailing the time
in bed seems to solidify sleep; excessively long times in
bed seem related to fragmented and shallow sleep.

Heredity and Lifestyle

2. A regular arousal time in the morning strengthens

circadian cycling, and finally, leads to regular times of
sleep onset.
3. A steady daily amount of exercise probably deepens sleep;
occasional exercise does not necessarily improve sleep the
following night.
4. Occasional loud noises (e.g. aircraft flyovers) disturb sleep
even in people who are not awakened by noises and
cannot remember them in the morning. Sound-attenuated
bedrooms may help those who must sleep close to noise.
5. Although excessively warm rooms disturb sleep, there is
no evidence that an excessively cold room solidifies sleep.
6. Hunger may disturb sleep; a light snack may help sleep.
7. An occasional sleeping pill may be of some benefit, but
their chronic use is ineffective in most insomniacs.
[Valerian root is an effective alternative to sleeping pills.]
8. Caffeine in the evening disturbs sleep, even in those who
feel it does not.
9. Alcohol helps tense people fall asleep more easily, but the
ensuing sleep is fragmented.
10. People who feel angry and frustrated because they cannot
sleep should not try harder and harder to fall asleep but
should turn on the light and do something different.
11. The chronic use of tobacco disturbs sleep.

The Search for Meaningful Touch

The skin is the largest sense organ in the body. Stimulation of the
skin of the entire body is an important component of maintaining
healthy contact with our external world and fostering health in our
internal world. Unfortunately, many of us have become touch-
When premature babies were massaged three times per day,
they gained 28 percent more weight over a 10-day period than did
babies who were not massaged. They were also less easily startled
and smiled more often. In a study at Duke University, researchers
showed that massage increased levels of certain digestive hor-

Why We Get Sick

mones, allowing babies to more efficiently absorb nutrients from

their food. Massage also lowers anxiety in children.35
Appropriate touch benefits growth, development and immune
function. In a series of animal experiments, those given frequent
touch utilized food better, developed more rapidly, learned more
efficiently and showed greater emotional stability in stressful situ¬
ations. Remarkably, when confronted with stressful stimuli, the out¬
put of stress hormones was considerably lower in animals that
received frequent touch than in those receiving less touch.36
When animals are touched or handled extensively in infancy
they show, as adults, more efficiently developed immune systems
than animals that have received less tactile stimulation. They suffer
fewer infections and have a lower mortality rate than their lesser-
touched counterparts.37
In subtle, but profound ways, touch even influences our per¬
ception of people and events. Robert Tisserand reports on a study
conducted at Purdue University in 1986. As students left the library
after checking out books, they were asked questions regarding
their opinion of the library and whether the librarian smiled at
them. The library assistant treated everyone the same way, except
that every other student was lightly touched on the hand as their
library card was handed back to them. Those who were touched
formed a more positive view of the library than those who were
not and often thought that the assistant had smiled at them, even
though she had not.38
Could you enhance immunity by more frequently touching your
spouse and your children? Could you enhance your resistance to
disease by getting a periodic massage? The evidence suggests that
touch influences multiple aspects of human function and perception.
Immunity is definitely among them.

Noise Pollution: A Twentieth-Century Creation

Noise pollution is a growing problem in our world of machinery
and gadgets. Unwanted noise can create stress and contribute to a
variety of physiological ills. Noise pollution can cause these prob¬
lems alone, but it is more apt to cause problems if you perceive to
have little or no control over the source of the noise or the noise

Heredity and Lifestyle

In Chapter 7, we discuss the impact of emotions, perception,

coping and stress on immune function. Noise can have an insidious
effect upon how we interpret and respond to events around us.
For example, in a report published in Psychology Today, a
researcher with a cast on one arm carried an armload of books
and papers down the sidewalk and dropped them as another pedes¬
trian approached. The researcher would then helplessly attempt
to gather up the books. Nearby, another researcher was operating
a power lawn mower. When the lawn mower was on, only 15 per¬
cent of the passers-by stopped to help pick up the books. In con¬
trast, when the mower was silent, 80 percent stopped to lend a
According to Glenda Ochsner, professor at the University of
Oklahoma Health Science Center, you can keep noise to a mini¬
mum by:40
• Using wallcoverings—fabric is best.
• Hang paintings or other art to break up a flat surface,
which can bounce back sound.
• Use plants and furniture, both of which reduce echoing.
• Use rugs or carpets on floors.
• Place pads under countertop appliances.
• Designate a quiet place—a room in the house where
people can relax without unwanted background noise.

Crowding has historically been shown to contribute to the devel¬
opment and spread of infections. Animals who rarely succumb to
infections in the wild succumb when confined in zoos. A classic
example is the spread of infections in day care. Place a large num¬
ber of children together in a crowded setting and a common out¬
come is the spread of parasites, coughs, colds, pneumonia, diarrheal
illness and other common childhood disorders.
There has been a gradual trend toward urbanization in the
West—more people are moving from the country to the city. Some
believe that as this continues there will be a gradual increase in
infectious illness. Air pollution, traffic, stress and crowding may
act in concert to tax our immune systems.

Why We Get Sick

Relaxation: The Immune Booster

When relaxation crept onto the medical scene, it was met with
great skepticism. Gradually, it was shown that relaxation helped
those with heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a variety of physi¬
cal ills. Researchers then began to ask whether relaxation might
cause an overall boost in immune function. The answer appears
to be “yes.” Today, hospitals and clinics all over the world are pre¬
scribing relaxation or meditation to patients for many different
But one need not be seriously ill to engage in meditation or
relaxation. When practiced as a part of the daily routine, meditation
can improve health at almost every level. According to Janice
Kiecolt-Glaser, a researcher at Ohio State University, “. . . relax¬
ation may be able to enhance some component of cellular immu¬
nity, and thus perhaps ultimately might be useful in influencing the
incidence and course of disease.”41 In our clinical experience,
patients who have learned to meditate and relax indeed seem to
be healthier and more resistant to illness.

Are Doctors’ Children the Healthiest?

The true test of the value of any health-promotion strategy is
whether it actually works in real life. We (the authors) have pro¬
posed that by adopting practices of balance and holism in the way
one lives, it is possible to prevent much illness and avoid antibi¬
otics when one becomes ill with what appears to be an infection.
One way to evaluate the effectiveness of such an approach is to
study the families of groups of people who live by different philo¬
sophical beliefs and lifestyle practices.
The children of medical (allopathic) doctors would be a great
bunch to study because they would theoretically have access to
the “best” care available. Comparing the families of doctors who
operated under different medical philosophies would be even bet¬
ter. Such a study was carried out by Drs. Wendy and Juan van
Breda. The two researchers surveyed 200 pediatricians and 200
chiropractic physicians regarding the health status of their chil¬
dren. One can say in general that chiropractic physicians are more
inclined to use nutrition, dietary therapy, homeopathy, herbs,

Heredity and Lifestyle

acupuncture and spinal manipulation than their medical colleagues

in pediatrics. Chiropractic physicians are likewise less inclined to
resort to antibiotics when illness strikes. The findings of the
researchers were striking. Nearly 50 percent of the children of chi¬
ropractors had never received antibiotics. This was in sharp contrast
to that of the pediatricians’ children in whom less than 12 percent
had not used these drugs.
Were the chiropractors’ children more healthy? Or did the fact
that they had not taken antibiotics suggest they were receiving
inferior care? According to the researchers, 69 percent of the chi¬
ropractic children reported no occurrence of middle ear infection
and 73 percent reported no tonsillitis. Of the children raised under
allopathic care, only 20 percent reported no ear infections while
57 percent reported no tonsillitis. The researchers offered this con¬
clusion. They wrote, “This study has shown that children raised
under chiropractic care are less prone to infectious processes such
as otitis media and tonsillitis, and that their immune systems are
better able to cope with allergens such as pollens, weeds, grasses,
etc., as compared to children raised under allopathic [medical]
While one could choose to argue with the conclusion of the
researchers, the findings at least deserve serious consideration. At
best, they suggest a breakthrough in the prevention and treatment
of illness in children. If a study came out showing that a new drug
could reduce our reliance on antibiotics by 40 percent or that we
could dramatically reduce the incidence of ear infections, tonsilli¬
tis, allergy and asthma, it would be heralded as one of the greatest
medical discoveries of this quarter century. Yet the above survey
does not deal with a drug and has received scant attention.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) should be busy study¬
ing the families who have reduced their rate of illness (in compar¬
ison to the population at-large) and who have reduced their reliance
on antibiotics. Given the problems with antibiotics outlined in
Chapter 2, it seems only logical. Unfortunately, the NIH is not
likely to do so. However, one doesn’t need the NIH to show the
way. By adopting a strategy of balance and holism in your life you
can optimize wellness. You also have freedom to choose the doctor
of your choice.

Why We Get Sick

Healthy Pleasures
Doctors tend to be risk managers. Usually that means they tell you
what to avoid in order to stay healthy. Indeed, this book is filled
with some of the same admonitions. But a question always arises
over why some people, despite horrible dietary habits, coffee con¬
sumption, late-night voyeurism, and altogether decadent lifestyles
seem to “get off” with little or no illness, while one who works
hard, eats right, sleeps well and takes vitamins is beset with health
problems. Chapter 7 may hold some of the answers because attitude
and emotional make-up play an important role. Yet there is more.
Is it possible that “going for the gusto,” taking pleasure in all of
life’s moments, exploring some of the “no-nos,” is the key to well¬
being? Is it possible that laughing at the world’s travails as well as
your own foibles, while ignoring the dogged realism of life pro¬
motes health? Could it be that chocolate is the way to happiness?
Robert Ornstein, Ph.D., and David Sobel, M.D., might argue
that the answer is “yes.” In their book Healthy Pleasures, they
write, “Many people today are concerned about living longer, feel¬
ing better, and having more energy, so there is a continuing demand
for good health advice. Still, something is missing from all these
recommendations, be they about nutrition, exercise, surgery, drug
therapy, meditation, or stress relief: the vital role of pleasure.
Healthy Pleasures proposes a new approach to the way women
and men manage their health. We believe that it can be done bet¬
ter with less effort and with much more fun.”
They state that “the healthiest people seem to be pleasure-lov¬
ing, pleasure-seeking, pleasure-creating individuals.” So, while we
share many ideas that help promote wellness, be aware that rigid
determinism and suffering for the cause of good health is not like¬
ly to bear fruit. The search for optimum health can be enjoyable.43

A Summary of Things to Do
In this chapter we have discussed just a few of the important factors
that influence our resistance to infection. There are certainly many
more. We believe that by adopting some basic changes in lifestyle,
one can enhance immunity. A summary of helpful things is below.

Heredity and Lifestyle

1. Get moderate exercise on a regular basis. Make sure it

is interesting and enjoyable.
2. Don’t smoke or use chewing tobacco.
3. Avoid excessive TV viewing. If you watch TV, get up and
turn down the sound whenever a commercial appears. It
will prevent you from stagnating on the couch and free
you from advertisements for high-sugar, high-fat junk
4. Pray or meditate each day.
5. Look at the health of your parents and siblings. If they are
prone to certain types of illness, you may be likewise. Take
preventive steps regarding lifestyle and nutrition.
6. Drink alcohol only moderately, if at all.
7. Avoid overuse of prescription drugs.
8. Avoid use of illicit drugs.
9. Get plenty of sunlight, especially in winter months. In the
summer, avoid excessive sunlight. Balance is the key.
10. Take a weekly sauna, especially in winter months. First
check with your doctor if you are pregnant or have
cardiovascular or other medical problems.
11. Get adequate sleep. Most people need 6 to 8 hours a night
of uninterrupted sleep. A short nap in the afternoon is
often helpful, provided it does not disrupt your evening
12. Limit the amount of noise present in your home and
workplace. If you cannot limit the source of the noise, take
steps to limit its effect on you.
13. Bring more touch into your life. Consider getting a
periodic massage from a professional massage therapist.
14. Have fun. Seek pleasure and meaning in all you do.

Mood, Mind,
Stress and Infections
“Our susceptibility to infectious disease ... has now been convinc¬
ingly linked to the way we cope with our life and environment.”
Blair Justice, Ph.D.
Who Gets Sick1

In 1991, an article appeared in the journal Stress Research esti¬

mating that 60 percent of all visits to family doctors are prompted
by emotionally induced, stress-related symptoms. According to
Bernice C. Sachs, M.D., “Stress has probably now surpassed the
common cold as the most prevalent health problem in America.”2
Workers’ compensation claims related to stress tripled during the
first half of the 1980s. Today, of disability claims by professionals,
the vast majority are stress-related. The fact that the top-selling
prescription drugs in the United States are those used for nervous
disorders and depression further suggests that stress and emotional
factors are among the major health problems in this country.
There are many definitions of stress. Psychiatrist Stephen Locke
describes stress as “the perception of individuals that their life cir¬
cumstances have exceeded their capacity to cope.”3 Noted person¬
ality researcher H. J. Eysenck points out that we must distinguish
between “stress” and “strain” much as an engineer or a physicist
would. Stress is the outside force brought to bear upon the indi¬
vidual. Strain is our reaction to the outside force.4 Dr. Hans Selye,
who is credited with bringing the concept of stress to public atten-

Why We Get Sick

tion, gave this definition: “Stress is the nonspecific response of the

body to any demand made upon it.”5 Selye realized that some stress
was necessary for survival. He made a distinction between plea¬
surable or ‘eustress’ and painful or ‘dis-stress.’
During the past two decades, scientists have learned that stress
can have a profound effect on immune function and susceptibility
to disorders ranging from infectious disease to arthritis to cancer.

Stress, Life Events & Infections

Infectious disease expert Dr. Tohru Ishegami observed at the turn
of the century that the principal factor determining whether tuber¬
culosis patients would survive or succumb to this infectious dis¬
ease was their emotional state. He realized that stressful life events
took a toll on patients suffering from tuberculosis (TB). Stress
seemed to be predictive of who became sick and who did not
become sick. It also seemed to explain why reasonably healthy
individuals became seriously ill. Dr. Ishegami commented on the
factors that influence susceptibility to TB. He stated, “The per¬
sonal history usually reveals failure in business, lack of harmony
in the family, or jealousy of some sort. Nervous individuals are
especially prone to attacks of this type, and the prognosis is gen¬
erally bad.” He continued, “Again, in chronic cases, patients may go
on apparently well until some misfortune happens. This immedi¬
ately alters the course of the disease.”6
This “novel” concept that stress and life events might influence
the course of infectious disease was published in 1919. Since Dr.
Ishegami’s time, the germ theory of disease and antibiotic treat¬
ments dominated the medical scene. Little attention was given to
the psychosocial aspects of infection. Only since about 1980 have we
seen the emergence of a concerted effort to understand infection
from this perspective.
Dr. W. Thomas Boyce and his colleagues raised several impor¬
tant questions regarding infections in children. They wrote,
“Despite major advances in the microbiology of respiratory dis¬
ease, why and how a child becomes ill remain poorly understood. In
over half of respiratory illnesses, complete cultures fail to yield an
etiologic [infectious or causative] agent. Conversely, 30 percent of

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

a school-age population can harbor group A Streptococci without

developing symptoms, three-quarters of preschool children infect¬
ed with Mycoplasma pneumoniae remain asymptomatic, and as
many as 42 percent of upper respiratory tract cultures from well
children yield pneumococci.”7
Dr. Boyce and his colleagues at the University of North Car-
olina-Chapel Hill believed that stressful events in the life of children
played a role in why some children became sick while others
exposed to the same infectious germs did not. They also theorized
that having well-established routines such as waking, bathing, eat¬
ing, napping and playing at the same time each day would be pro¬
tective against the adversity of stressful events.
They sought to test their hypothesis through a carefully designed
study. Each child was scored on a “Life Events” test that looked at
the relative degree of stress brought about by difficult life changes
such as death of a grandparent, parental divorce, a move to a new
city and so on. (These were based on the original work by Holmes
and Rahe, who developed the Social Readjustment Rating Scale.)
Each child was then observed daily for signs of respiratory illness.
In addition, nasopharyngeal cultures were taken to determine
whether viruses or bacteria were present.
After factoring out all variables such as age, sex, race, income and
family size, the researchers found that “life change scores were sig¬
nificantly and independently predictive of the average duration of ill¬
ness.” Then a surprising finding emerged. High life change (or life
event) scores coupled with rigid family routines were together relat¬
ed to the severity of illness. According to Boyce, “It appears that
illnesses became more severe as the magnitude of life change and the
strength of family routines jointly increased.” Dr. Boyce was sur¬
prised to find that routine helped to increase rather than decrease
susceptibility to severe illness. The researchers concluded that:
• Life change was the strongest single predictor of how long
a child stayed ill.
• Major life change in the setting of a highly ritualized family
appeared to predispose to greater illness severity.
• Scores for life change and family routines had no
noticeable influence on the growth of harmful bacteria or

Why We Get Sick

viruses from the respiratory tract in either health or

While life changes and routine affected duration and severity of
illness, they did not affect the presence of germs in the respiratory
tract. In other words, bacteria and viruses were present in both
high-stress and low-stress children, but the high-stress children suf¬
fered from more prolonged and severe illness.
This finding is similar to that of an earlier study in which 16
families were followed for one year. Every three weeks each fam¬
ily member had a physical exam that included a throat culture for
streptococcal bacteria. Family members also kept diaries docu¬
menting events that occurred during the one-year test period.
At the end of one year, researchers reviewed the data to deter¬
mine whether there was an association between stressful life events
and illness. They discovered that:
• Stress was four times more likely to precede an infection
as to follow an infection.
• When throat cultures revealed a streptococcal infection,
one-half of those under high stress became ill.
• Of the low-stress individuals with a positive strep, culture,
only one-fifth became ill.
• One out of four outbreaks of illness followed some form
of family crisis.8
No one has gone so far as to say stress causes infections. But
as the above studies show, stress and life events indeed have a sig¬
nificant impact on susceptibility to infection. Dr. Hans Selye offered
this observation in 1978. He wrote, “If a microbe is in or around us
all the time and yet causes no disease until we are exposed to stress,
what is the ‘cause’ of our illness, the microbe or the stress? I think
both are and equally so. In most instances the disease is due . . .
to the inadequacy of our reactions against the germ.”9
This raises the important question, “how appropriate are antibi¬
otics when stressful events might be at the root of infection sus¬
ceptibility?” Are doctors acting inappropriately when they prescribe
antibiotics without understanding the context in which infections

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

Consider the following case. David was a 35-year-old accountant

with a wife, two small children and another child on the way. He
was unhappy in his job, had recently moved to a new home, but
was unable to sell his previous home. After nearly one year of pay¬
ing for two homes, he found a party interested in buying his home.
Then, just as they were getting ready to sell, a week of torrential
rains caused the basement to flood. The FHA agent in charge of the
sale decided that many costly improvements (to prevent further
flooding) had to be made in order to grant the loan. On several
successive occasions, the deal was to close, only to have the FHA
agent demand another round of compliance. With each new edict,
Dave became further enraged, further out of control. Meanwhile,
his pregnant wife had fallen down the stairs and began contrac¬
tions. They thought the baby was injured and coming prematurely.
Fortunately, mother and child were OK.
After several thousand dollars in additional expenses, months of
extra work and weeks off his job, the closing date finally arrived.
The night before closing, the agent called Dave to say his buyers
would no longer pay the “points”—he would have to pay. Dave
was ready to take the whole matter to court, but then relented.
The deal closed, Dave went home, crashed into bed and woke up
hours later with a high fever, flaming red swollen tonsils, delirium
and chills. Dave’s immune system was “rattled” by stress. He
reached the breaking point and succumbed to an opportunistic
“germ” that might not have otherwise affected him.
The imbalance with which our current medical system address¬
es the issue of infection—favoring the germ theory and antibiotic
therapy—can be further illustrated by a research project conducted
by Donald M. Cassata, Ph.D., while on staff at the University of
Minnesota. Cassata described a case in which a father entered a
medical clinic with his young daughter who was suffering from
recurrent ear infections. The resident doctor entered the exami¬
nation room and immediately questioned the father about his
daughter’s complaint. The doctor examined the ears, listened to
her lungs, checked her eyes and nasal passages and performed a
general physical exam. The physician concluded that the girl was
suffering from upper respiratory congestion and otitis media (mid¬
dle ear inflammation). He then pulled out his prescription pad and

Why We Get Sick

wrote a prescription for four different drugs, one of which was an

antibiotic. After writing the prescription, the doctor left the exam¬
ination room.
One focus of this study was to evaluate the medical resident’s
performance. He received high marks from his professors who
were observing via video hook-up. The resident asked the “right”
questions, did the “right” exam, and prescribed the “right” drugs.
Then came Dr. Cassata, who thought it odd that a father had
brought his daughter to the clinic rather than the mother. (At the
time of this study, fathers were rarely seen bringing sick children to
a clinic.) Dr. Cassata asked how the family was doing. The father
broke into tears as he described the tragic battle his wife had waged
with cancer. He described the toll his wife’s illness had taken on
the family. His young daughter had taken her mother’s illness espe¬
cially hard, becoming ill with recurrent earaches not long after her
mother learned of her cancer.10
Loss of a family member, threat of loss of a family member and
prolonged illness of a parent are always listed among events pro¬
ducing the greatest degree of stress in both children and adults.
Bereavement has been repeatedly shown to produce deficiencies in
immune function.
From the previous studies, it is clear that bacteria and viruses do
not necessarily cause disease. A combination of the infectious
organism and lowered resistance to infection may be required in
order for one to become ill from infection. In this girl’s case, was
antibiotic treatment appropriate? It may have been. Then again, in
the absence of dealing with the family dynamics and the loss of
the girl’s mother, antibiotic therapy may have been wholly inap¬
propriate. Since antibiotics do nothing to enhance immune function,
they would likely not improve her resistance to infection. This girl
may well have mounted the tragic treadmill of repeated antibiotics
and recurrent infections.

Stress and the Common Cold

The most universal affliction of humans—the common cold—also
appears to be influenced by stress. When individuals were exposed
to one of five common cold viruses, 90 percent of those under high

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

stress became infected compared with only 74 percent of those

under low stress. Of those in the low-stress group, only 27 percent
actually became ill. This was in contrast to 47 percent of those in the
high stress group suggesting that stress nearly doubles the likeli¬
hood of becoming ill when exposed to a cold virus.11
Dr. Sheldon Cohen and his associates in the Department of
Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University observed that the stress-
infection connection occurred among three very different viruses
(rhinovirus, coronovirus and respiratory syncytial virus), leading
them to conclude “.. . stress is associated with the suppression of
a general resistance process in the host, leaving persons suscep¬
tible to multiple infectious agents . . . stress is associated with the
suppression of many different immune processes, with similar

Black Monday Syndrome

Perhaps nothing illustrates the mortal effects of stress better than
what has come to be called “Black Monday Syndrome.” More fatal
heart attacks occur between 8 and 9 a.m. Monday morning than
at any other time or day of the week. This was a startling finding to
many doctors, but has since been confirmed by at least fourteen
studies. Researchers have suggested that the stress of returning to
a job one dreads causes the release of chemicals within the body
that can trigger a heart attack in someone at risk. The larger mean¬
ing here is that job stress can have significant physiological effects.
The ones who die are the ones we hear about. According to Larry
Dossey, M.D., of the Dallas Diagnostic Association, humans are
the only species on the planet that die more frequently on one day
of the week.13

Stress and the Immune System

It was not long ago that doctors believed the immune system oper¬
ated completely independent of all other body systems. As research
began to support a link between mind and immunity, however, it
became evident that thoughts, feelings and images have a direct
impact upon immune function. But how?

Why We Get Sick

Many researchers were stunned with the discovery that the

immune system is “hard wired” to the nervous system. Nerve fibers
of the autonomic nervous system—our automatic pilot—branch
directly into the tissue of the lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow
and thymus gland. They are in direct communication with pools of
white blood cells. Moreover, white blood cells have been shown
to possess receptors on their surfaces for neurochemicals such as
adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Scientists once believed that these neurochemicals acted only on
nerves. They were the messengers that carried information from
nerve cell to nerve cell. With the remarkable finding of a direct
neurochemical link between the nervous and immune systems
came implications for our understanding of health and disease.
Mind and immunity are connected. The brain and immune system
are engaged in a constant dialogue. The immune system increas¬
ingly seems to act like a “wandering nervous system” that is inex¬
tricably linked to our state of mind.
When the body is under stress, it releases chemicals that play a
survival role. An ancient hunter startled by a charging tiger need¬
ed quick action to save himself. His body released adrenaline and
cortisol, which provided an instant burst of strength and energy.
He sped for cover—the “flight” phase of the “fight or flight”
An auto mechanic working under a car is trapped when the
jack fails. His coworker, seeing the threat of death or injury to his
partner, experiences a sudden surge of cortisol and adrenaline. In
a display of near-superhuman strength, he lifts the car off his
friend—the “fight” phase.
These brief threat and response situations can have adverse
immune consequences. Fortunately, the effects of this type of stress
are generally short-lived and produce little difficulty.
When stress is prolonged, however, the release of stress hor¬
mones like cortisol continues. The bereaved spouse, the executive
continually having to meet deadlines, the commuter mired in dai¬
ly rush-hour traffic, mates embroiled in bitter divorce proceed¬
ings—all are faced with persistent and ongoing stress. They are
in a constant “fight or flight” mode with no one to fight and
nowhere to run! Prolonged elevation of cortisol can cause destruc-

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

tion of T-cells in the thymus gland and the release of T-cells before
they mature. This combination leads to a gradual shrinking of the
thymus, the master gland of the immune system.
The effect of stress on immune function is not thoroughly under¬
stood. We do know that the nervous and immune systems com¬
municate in complex ways. Some compounds stimulate immune
function while others suppress it. Prolonged physical, psychologi¬
cal or social distress decreases immune vigilance and increases sus¬
ceptibility to disease by a variety of means. The most common
stressors include:
1. Biological Stressors: Bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast,
mold and fungi.
2. Environmental Stressors: Noise, extremes of temperature,
extremes of humidity, lack of sunlight, excess sunlight, air
pollution, water pollution, traumatic accidents.
3. Emotional Stressors: Anger, hostility, cynicism,
resentment, fear anxiety, hatred.
4. Deprivation Stressors: Lack of humor, laughter, joy, love,
touch, fun, silliness, meaningful relationships, sleep,
exercise ...
5. Social Stressors: Crowding, world events, crime, racism,
6. Family Stressors: Divorce, marriage, separation, death,
birth of child, changes in work status, abusive
relationships, changes in financial status, college.
Usually, one of these factors alone is insufficient to alter our
resistance to disease. However, when we accumulate stressors, our
resistance gradually declines, rendering us more susceptible to a
variety of ills, especially infections by organisms already present
in our bodies and environment.

Negative Effects from Stress Are Not Inevitable

The discovery of a link between stress and immune function was
one of the greatest discoveries of this century (although adherents
to ancient traditions would rightly argue it was merely recognition

Why We Get Sick

and verification of what has been known for centuries). Yet, as this
work progressed, a puzzling finding emerged. Some individuals,
despite innumerable stressors and tragedy upon tragedy, seemed lit¬
tle affected. What were the “mysterious” qualities that allowed
some to rise above the heavy hand dealt by fate and circumstance?
What allowed them to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds?
That story is unfolding today. It is clear that many human quali¬
ties are important determinants of whether we succumb to the rav¬
ages of stress or whether we “carry on.” As Larry Dossey, M.D.,
states, “We should always recall that, no matter how stressful the
event, we can always bring our attitudes, beliefs, and meanings to
bear on the situation and change its effects on us.”14

It’s Not Always the Stress, But How We Cope

As we noted previously, stress is brought about by many different
phenomena: social, personal, climatic, environmental, nutritional
and so on. Someone once likened stress to a hurricane. It can whip
through town and leave damage that might take years to repair.
How one recovers from the damage and how quickly depends on
many factors. Why some people are more vulnerable than others is
something the experts still struggle with, but it seems to be linked
to our perception of events and our ability to cope. Events that
might be crippling for one individual might be seen as a challenge
for another. Those that might trigger depression in one person may
spur another to greater achievement. Why the difference?
While we recognize the importance of stress as a factor in illness,
we emphasize that humans are not merely unwitting victims of
life’s events. Given adequate coping skills, social support, attitude
or whatever the key, you can overcome the effects of stress in your
life. Though some of the darts of stress may stick, you can become
more efficient at deflecting the bulk of those that come your way.
The ability to cope with stressful events may be what sets those
who rise above the forces of stress apart from those who succumb
to them. Coping skills can be learned, but there may be aspects of
your personality coupled with the environment in which you find
yourself that affect how you cope. For instance, managers who
are of the Type-A personality (competitive, driven, overly time-

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

conscious) prefer a working environment that allows them a great

degree of autonomy and individuality. When working in an envi¬
ronment that encourages independence, these individuals are less
stressed and at less risk to illness from stress. Put this person in a
highly structured environment where someone else calls all the
shots, and their blood pressure skyrockets.
In contrast, Type-B people who are more laid-back, less time-
urgent and generally less competitive* prefer structure. When
working in an environment that requires independence and auton¬
omy, these people become more stressed and suffer higher blood
pressure. The Type-B person is often more comfortable and copes
better in a more structured environment.15

Perception and Control

One’s coping skills are greatly affected by the perception of events.
In fact, perception may be one of the most critical determinants
of how people respond to stress. For example, in surveys of what
people say they fear most, public speaking is always listed at the top
(well ahead of fear of heights and even death). Someone unaccus¬
tomed to public speaking may begin to develop anxiety attacks
months in advance of the speaking date. As the date approaches,
the anxiety grows. Some individuals are so affected, they become ill.
They perceive public speaking as a threatening experience. On the
other hand, seasoned speakers look forward to speaking engage¬
ments as an opportunity to share their ideas, challenge the crowd
and get feedback. To them, speaking in public is just part of their
job or perhaps a means to advance a social cause. To them, speak¬
ing is exhilarating, not stressful.
For roughly 25 percent of the population, flying in an airplane is
a stressful event. Some venture bravely onto airplanes simply
because it is the only way to get where they want to go. Others
avoid flying altogether. For the bulk of the population, however,
flying is “no big deal.” There is little stress involved other than air¬
port hassles, flight delays and lost luggage.

*Type-B people are certainly competitive and succeed to the same degree
as Type-A people. They are just not competitive to the extreme that Type-A
people are competitive.

Why We Get Sick

Consider the case of Bill and Beth. Beth was scheduled to have
major surgery the day after Christmas. A uterine tumor had caused
a number of chronic health complaints. Beth was eagerly await¬
ing removal of the tumor, anticipating that her health problems
would soon be solved. Her chronic illness, the stress of the holi¬
days and the impending surgery seemed a heavy burden—not to
mention the fact that most of her family was out of town, unable to
support her. However, her optimistic view of the likely outcome
minimized the impact of these stressors. She went into surgery
feeling reasonably well and recovered quite well.
Bill was a different story. It was Christmas and his wife was fac¬
ing major surgery. He would have to care for her and their small
children during the recovery period; he was not totally convinced
the surgery was best; he was worried about what else the surgeons
might find; and he was unfamiliar with surgical procedures. He
had no control. On Christmas Eve Bill came down with the flu
accompanied by two full days of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
By the day of Beth’s surgery, he had recovered sufficiently to go
to the hospital with her and offer support.
You might imagine that Beth had more stress than her husband
since she was to have surgery. Why then did Bill succumb to the
flu (a common stress reaction) while Beth remained unaffected?
Why did he appear to respond differently to stressful events that
similarly faced Beth? There may be several reasons. Beth had an
optimistic view of the outcome of her surgery. She perceived the
surgery as an opportunity to improve her health. Moreover, Beth
had more control—Bill had little. Control, real or perceived, is a
critical element in how we manage stress. It affects whether we
succumb to the forces of stress or whether we rise above them.
A remarkable study was performed to illustrate how profoundly
control affects us. Two groups of people were exposed to a very
annoying and stress-inducing noise. One group was exposed to the
noise with no means to reduce or control it. The other group was
told that if they pushed a button on the arm of their chair, the noise
would be reduced. Subjects in the second group were unaware that
the button had no effect whatsoever on the noise level. The stress
response of the two groups was dramatically different. The group
able to push the button, even though the button had no effect on

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

the noise, suffered far fewer symptoms of stress than the other
group. The reason: they believed they had control over their envi¬
ronment and the belief translated into real bodily changes.16
Perception of our own health status can have an equally dra¬
matic effect on our well-being. Researchers posed the following
question to 2,800 people over the age of 65, “At the present time,
how would you rate your health: excellent, good, fair, poor or bad?”
It was discovered that men who answered “excellent” were nearly
seven times as likely to be alive four years later than men in appar¬
ently similar states of health who answered “poor” or “bad.”
Women who answered “excellent” were more than seven times as
likely to be alive as similar women who answered “poor” or “bad.”
According to Dr. Ellen Idler, health and aging researcher at Rutgers
University, similar studies comparing self-perception with the results
of complete physical exams have led to similar findings in people of
all ages.1718 These findings suggest, in essence, that even though
two people might be similar in their “actual” physical health, one
who perceives his health as excellent lives longer and is healthier,
while one who perceives his health as “poor” or “bad” suffers more
illness and dies sooner.

Power Coping and the Art of Letting Go

One of the most dramatic tools for coping with our lives is the
ancient but simple act of confession. James W. Pennebaker, pro¬
fessor of psychology at Southern Methodist University (SMU) in
Dallas, has made a career of studying the effect of confession on
health. He has shown that those who share their deepest feelings
about past or present trauma are better able to cope and are health¬
ier than those who do not share such feelings.
The two most common means of confession are talking and
writing. In a study at SMU, Pennebaker asked his freshmen stu¬
dents to write about their deepest anxieties and their feeling about
the dramatic changes involved in beginning college. He calls this
“power coping.” Those students who wrote about their current
anxieties had fewer illnesses and visits to the doctor over the next
four months. Those who wrote about only trivial or superficial top¬
ics showed a gradual increase in visits to the doctor.

Why We Get Sick

Pennebaker wondered if such a decrease in illness was due to an

actual increase in immune vigilance. In another study he and his col¬
leagues actually measured the activity of T-cells, important in pro¬
tecting us from infectious disease. His group found that those who
wrote about past trauma had an increase in T-cell activity. Sub¬
jects who wrote about trauma they had not previously shared with
anyone had the most dramatic rise in T-cell activity. As expected,
those who wrote about traumas also had a decrease in visits to the
health center.
Pennebaker’s findings suggest that confession is a most power¬
ful means of promoting a healthy immune system and health in
general. There are several important keys to remember. Positive as
well as “negative” experiences or emotions can be stressful or trau¬
matic. Great and small events or experiences can also be stress¬
ful. Writing or verbal confession can be a superbly valuable way
of letting go during these times.
It is important that you write for at least three or four days to
achieve any benefit. Writing about trivial topics is generally not
helpful. Writing about feelings and emotions is an essential part
of deriving value from confession. One need not write every day,
but when times are difficult or you sense your health level declin¬
ing, writing may be a boon to well-being. Pennebaker’s work is
discussed in his excellent book Opening Up: The Healing Power
of Confiding in Others (Avon, 1991). (An interview with Dr. Pen¬
nebaker appears in EastWest Natural Health July/August, 1992.)

Are You An Optimist or A Pessimist?

Your Cells Know
In his wonderful book Who Gets Sick, medical writer Blair Justice
begins a section with the definition of a pessimist. He writes, “A
pessimist is someone who, when confronted with two unpleasant
alternatives, selects both.”19 Taking his definition a step further,
you might say that an optimist is one who, when confronted with
these alternatives chooses neither, diminishes their significance or
finds the positive possibilities in each. The American Heritage Dic¬
tionary defines an optimist as one who usually expects a favorable

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

Optimism is increasingly being viewed as an important part of a

healthy immune system, while pessimism appears to be associated
with lowered immunity. In an oft-cited study, researchers at the
University of Michigan studied the effects of optimism/pessimism
on the health of Harvard University graduates who were first inter¬
viewed in 1946 and followed for 35 years. Subjects were asked
about difficult experiences encountered in World War II. The
accounts were classified as global (“It will ruin my whole life”),
stable (“It will never go away”), or internal (“It was all my fault”).
Those with negative or pessimistic interpretations of their experi¬
ences were found to be consistently sicker than their more opti¬
mistic peers.20
The leader of this study, Dr. Christopher Peterson, listed a num¬
ber of reasons why pessimism may contribute to more frequent
• Pessimism may be linked to poor problem-solving ability
and therefore to serious problems—hence, vulnerability to
• Pessimism may lead to social withdrawal, behavior also
associated with illness.
• Pessimism-related helplessness may affect immune
There is also direct evidence that optimists enjoy better immune
function than pessimists. In their book Healthy Pleasures, David
Sobel, M.D., and Robert Ornstein, Ph.D., report that when the
blood of optimists is compared with that of pessimists, the opti¬
mists have higher levels of T-helper cells in relation to T-suppres-
sors. Recall that T-helper cells stimulate immune function while
T-suppressors suppress immune function. A high “helper” to “sup¬
pressor” ratio is desirable since resistance to infection and other
illness would be enhanced.21
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., is Director of Clinical Training in Psy¬
chology at the University of Pennsylvania and is the leading
researcher in the study of the effects of optimism on immune func¬
tion. His observations after decades of extensive research include
the following:

Why We Get Sick

• Pessimists make twice as many visits to the doctor as

• Pessimists have twice as many infectious diseases as
• Optimists have more active and more efficient immune
• Pessimism often leads to depression, which causes a
downturn in immune function.
• Major life changes can cause a decrease in immune
function. In optimists the effects are less severe than in
• Statistically, pessimists encounter more negative life
events. The more bad life events we encounter, the more
illness we will likely experience.

According to Seligman, “If your level of pessimism can deplete

your immune system, it seems likely that pessimism can impair
your physical health over your whole life span.”22
This finding of enhanced immunity among optimists appears
to have some historical precedent. Infectious disease expert Dr.
Tohru Ishegami, observed at the turn of the century that the prin¬
cipal factor determining whether tuberculosis patients would sur¬
vive or succumb to the disease was their emotional state. Even in
some of the most severe cases, patients prevailed over their ill¬
ness. Commenting on such cases, Dr. Ishegami remarked, “These
patients are found to be optimistic and not easily worried.”23
The “eternal optimist” is often chided by her peers for putting
a happy face on sometimes not-so-happy circumstances; for always
finding the silver lining in every cloud; for downplaying the nega¬
tives of a situation while accentuating the positives. Yet it is becom¬
ing evident that the optimist’s view of the world may, in fact, be
the healthy view.
We can be comforted by the fact that pessimism is not a fate
to which any of us are destined. According to Dr. Seligman, pes¬
simism can be unlearned and optimism learned. The tools necessary
for embarking on the road to optimism are outlined in his book
Learned Optimism. A healthy dose of optimism, while not a cure

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

for disease, may begin to give your immune system a boost. An

added benefit is that it may make life more enjoyable.

Great Expectations
It is healthy to succeed as students, athletes, musicians, parents,
as human beings. To place high expectations on ourselves is natural
and generally beneficial. However, when expectations take the
form of demands or we fall far short of our expectations, the effect
can be negative. Parents who place unusual demands or expect
too much of their children may be setting the stage for lowered
immune function; likewise with spouses and co-workers.
Research conducted at Yale University by Stanislav Kasl and
his colleagues lends support to this view. They looked at the enroll¬
ment and medical records of West Point cadets. Contained in the
record was information about family history and background,
including personal and parental expectations. The investigators
were particularly interested in laboratory tests for Epstein-Barr
virus, the cause of infectious mononucleosis. They wondered why
some cadets infected with the virus became ill while others seemed
The answer appeared to lie in the psychosocial record. Kasl
found that the cadets who became ill shared three common fea¬
tures: The fathers were described as “overachievers”; the cadets
were strongly committed to a military career; the cadets were per¬
forming poorly academically. The combined effect of poor perfor¬
mance and high expectations seemed to increase the likelihood of
succumbing to infection. Surprisingly, as academic rank went down,
the severity of the infection went up.24
When our performance does not meet our expectations, it can
affect our health. To cope we must either work harder to improve
our performance or lower our expectations. In the above study,
cadets who did one or the other did not become sick or had rela¬
tively short illnesses.

Abuse and Illness
The rising tide of physical and emotional abuse in society is a sad
reality. We are only beginning to understand the many ways in
which humans are affected by abuse. One adverse effect of abuse
seems to be an increase in susceptibility to disease. Tamerra P.
Moeller and Gloria A. Bachmann of the University of Medicine
and Dentistry of New Jersey recently tried to assess the effects of
childhood abuse on the rate of illness in women. Their findings
showed that 53 percent of the women reported suffering one or
more kinds of abuse as children (physical, emotional or sexual).
The women reporting abuse were more likely to report symptoms
such as fatigue, insomnia and headaches. They also reported more
illness and required more hospitalization than did those not report¬
ing a history of childhood abuse.25

Power and Self-Efficacy

One’s susceptibility to infection can presumably be affected by the
level of power they are given over their lives. Individuals who are
constantly told “you won’t be able to do that,” or “you’ll never
amount to anything,” or “you’re no good,” or similar admonitions
will often feel that they have limited capability. This is often referred
to as self-efficacy. When confronted with tasks that are challeng¬
ing or unfamiliar, such persons come under extreme emotional
stress. Fearful that they will not perform or will be reprimanded if
they perform poorly, they withdraw. In one study, such persons with
a low feeling of self-efficacy were found to produce increased levels
of adrenal hormones when asked to perform a difficult task. The
amount of stress hormone released was often dependent upon the
person’s perceived ability to perform the task.26 As noted earlier,
the stress hormones have an adverse effect upon immune function.

Social Support and Meaningful Relationships

The North American Indians, the Australian Aborigines, the tribes
of the Kalahari and countless other groups have throughout his-

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

tory relied on a close-knit social structure for survival. The social

groups were important for gathering food and for protection. But
there was more to the social group than fulfillment of physical
needs. Close social networks provided stability and support for
every group member during good times as well as during times of
pain and deprivation. Following the death of a loved one, griev¬
ing tribal members were supported by the group. During illness,
the sick were cared for not only by the healer (or shaman), but by
parents, grandparents and other tribal members. During childbirth,
mothers were supported by the “wise women” of the tribal group.
This social support network provided the greatest insurance for
survival of individuals and the group as a whole.
In today’s individualistic and fast-paced world, the social net¬
work is eroding. We often sit idly in our living rooms with the VCR
playing old movies. We work in communities far from those in
which we live. We live thousands of miles from our parents and
grandparents. Far too often we are not members of churches, syn¬
agogues or faith communities that were an integral part of our par¬
ent’s traditions. The sense of community or belonging is critical to
our well-being, but is sorely lacking today.
Having stable social ties apparently helps us resist disease even
when known risk factors to disease are present. In the Surgeon
General’s report on smoking released in 1975, it was shown that
there were 1,560 deaths per 100,000 people in those who smoked
20+ cigarettes per day. There were only 762 deaths for non-smok¬
ers. After careful analysis of the data, biophysicist Harold
Moskowitz made a startling discovery. Divorced non-smokers suf¬
fered nearly the same death rate (1,420) as did married smokers. In
smokers who were divorced, the death rate climbed to 2,675.27
What was it about marriage that seemed to be protective?
For many years we’ve known that the Japanese have lower rates
of heart disease than Americans. It was shown decades ago that
Japanese moving to the United States developed heart disease at
roughly the same rate as their American counterparts. This has
been attributed primarily to differences in dietary habits between
Americans and Japanese and has been supported by much research.
However, recent studies of the Japanese provide a surprising twist.
Japanese men who emigrated to the United States, but retained

Why We Get Sick

strong social ties and links to Japanese culture, suffered from far
lower rates of heart disease than their Japanese cohorts who did
not retain such ties. This was despite a relatively high-fat diet, high
serum cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking and alco¬
hol consumption among many of the Japanese emigres.28
While strong social ties and a close-knit support network appear
to protect us from illness, there are obvious risks as well. Accord¬
ing to Robert Ornstein, Ph.D., and David Sobel, M.D., “... social
support is not a cure-all. Maintaining one’s health is not as simple
as four hugs a day or to smile and say ‘have a nice day’ to everyone.
In fact, relationships can have their negative side. The more fami¬
ly members or close friends one has, the more vulnerable one is
to experience the loss of a loved one. Relationships can be finan¬
cially and emotionally draining; just ask the spouse of an alcoholic
or children caring for invalid parents.”29
Even so, humans are by nature social creatures. We need inter¬
action and support from an inner circle of people who share our
ideals and with whom we can bond. We need a feeling of connect¬
edness to other people and to our environment.

Anger, Cynicism and Hostility

According to Dr. Redford Williams, a researcher in behavioral
medicine at Duke University Medical Center, “Our studies indi¬
cate that hostile, suspicious anger is right up there with any other
health hazard we know about.” It seems that the risk to disease
from anger is on a par with the risk posed by smoking, obesity and
high fat diets.30
Dr. Mara Julius, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan,
designed a study to assess the effects of anger on women over an 18-
year period. Each woman was asked to complete a questionnaire
that helped pinpoint signs of long-term, suppressed anger. Dr. Julius
found that women who scored high on the anger profile “were
three times more likely to have died during the study than women
who did not harbor such hostile feelings.”31
While many studies now point to the ability of anger and hos¬
tility to contribute to early death, heart disease and other prob¬
lems, no one has yet shown a link to infection susceptibility.

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

However, the work of Dr. Paul Ekman, a psychologist at the Uni¬

versity of California at San Francisco, has shed some interesting
light on the response of the body to different states of mind. Ekman
found that anger caused heart beat and skin temperature to rise
significantly. He also discovered that simply mimicking the facial
expressions of anger produced the same response. Others have
shown that visualizing oneself angry also produces dramatic changes
in pulse, blood pressure and other physiologic functions.
Anger and hostility eat away at the substance of the human
psyche. These emotions foster an atmosphere of negativity that
clouds every human endeavor. Researchers are increasingly show¬
ing a link between anger, hostility and cynicism and the develop¬
ment of disease and premature death.
Redford Williams offers the following suggestions for curbing
cynicism and hostility:32
1. Monitor your cynical thoughts. Keep a log of situations in
which you respond cynically and attempt to evaluate them
from a different perspective.
2. Confess that you recognize your own hostility.
3. Force yourself to stop cynical thoughts in progress.
4. Examine situations reasonably.
5. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes.
6. Learn to laugh at yourself.
7. Learn to relax. Techniques such as yoga and meditation
can be very useful.
8. Practice trust. Make a special effort to place trust in
someone, even if in an unimportant matter.
9. Learn to listen.
10. Learn to be assertive. When difficult situations arise,
assert your point of view calmly rather than reacting
11. Pretend today is your last. Williams reflects that after
people experience major illnesses, their hostility is often
12. Practice forgiving others.

The Power of Beliefs
Perhaps nothing illustrates the influence of mind over bodily func¬
tion more aptly than the placebo effect. Placebo means literally
“to please.” A placebo is a substance that lacks intrinsic or remedial
value, done or given to pacify or satisfy someone. It works because
the recipient believes it has value. The placebo effect has long been
considered a nuisance in medical research. It “gets in the way” of
our attempts to study drugs and medical procedures. Only recent¬
ly have scientists begun to investigate the implications of the place¬
bo response as it relates to how and why we become ill. In reality,
we should understand the mystery behind the placebo effect and
harness its power to our advantage, much like the shamans of old.
Two cases illustrate nicely the power of the mind working
through the placebo effect. Surgeons in Denmark performed an
endolymphatic sac shunt on 15 patients with Meniere’s disease, a
disease of the inner ear with symptoms of dizziness, deafness and
buzzing in the ear. These doctors also performed a placebo (some¬
times called “sham”) operation on 15 more patients suffering from
Meniere’s disease. After three years, roughly 70 percent of the
subjects in each group experienced almost complete relief of their
symptoms. According to the surgeons, the placebo effect was the
most likely cause for improvement in these patients. The patients
believed they were undergoing a beneficial surgery, thus there was
a favorable outcome.33 34
In another instance, a patient suffering from nausea was told
he would be given a new drug that would take care of his symp¬
toms. Without his knowledge, he was given syrup of ipecac, a sub¬
stance commonly used to induce nausea and vomiting. Within 15
minutes his symptoms disappeared.35 Beliefs can drive the immune
system so severely that some people with asthma suffer full-blown
attacks as a result of looking at artificial flowers.36
Beliefs are critical to the placebo effect. They are critical to the
healing response. When we realize that we have control over our
belief systems, we can begin to exert greater control over our lives
and over our health.

Giving Mirth:
Laughter May Be the Best Medicine
A short article about the health benefits of laughter appeared in
a 1990 issue of Mothering magazine with the title Giving Mirth?1 It
is a curious title because it associates laughter with the birth process.
Giving birth is a jubilant event that brings new life into the world.
When we give mirth, * we breathe new life into our cells, our mind,
our outlook. Giving mirth stimulates the senses. It relieves pain,
reduces stress. It helps us, if only temporarily, forget our troubles.
For some, giving mirth has literally meant bringing a new life
into the world. Norman Cousins, author of Anatomy of an Illness,
attributes his recovery from a “terminal” disease in part to laugh¬
ter. Hour after hour, day after day, Cousins viewed old comedy
movies. Through his laughter, he was able to give birth to a new
body and mind, from what was once a diseased and dying human
Researchers from all walks of medicine are beginning to rec¬
ognize the healing powers of humor and laughter. Lee S. Berk,
DHSc., M.P.H., of Loma Linda University, has discovered some
of the reasons why laughter so efficiently reverses the adverse
effects of stress. He has found that levels of adrenaline (epineph¬
rine) and cortisol drop significantly following a good laugh. This
results in relaxation of muscles and blood vessels and improve¬
ment in immune function. The research of Lee and others shows
that humor contributes to greater optimism, cooperation and social¬
ization—all aspects of a healthy self and a healthy society.40
Dr. Kathleen Dillon of Western New England College mea¬
sured the levels of salivary IgA (an immunoglobulin) concentra¬
tions in students before and after viewing humorous and
non-humorous video tapes. Salivary IgA is a substance that pro¬
tects against viral infections. Her work showed that those viewing
humorous videos increased their IgA levels, while those viewing

*The definition of mirth even sounds uplifting: Gladness and gaiety, espe¬
cially when expressed by laughter; rejoicing or enjoyment, especially when
expressed in merrymaking.39

Why We Get Sick

non-humorous videos experienced no change. Dr. Dillon also

observed that those who used humor as a means of coping with
difficult life situations had higher levels of IgA initially.41
So, can laughter be transferred to the cells of our immune sys¬
tem? Are there sad and happy cells? Consider the remarks of not¬
ed author and physician Deepak Chopra: “Outfitted with a
vocabulary to mirror the nervous system’s in its complexity, the
immune system apparently sends and receives messages that are
just as diverse. In fact, if being happy, sad, thoughtful, excited, and
so on all require the production of neuropeptides and neurotrans¬
mitters in our brain cells, then the immune cells must also be hap¬
py, sad, thoughtful, excited—indeed, they must be able to express
the full range of ‘words’ that neurons do.”42
Perhaps humor and laughter should be ranked with eating and
sleeping in the realm of healthy habits.

Illness As Metaphor
Jacob was a 7-year-old boy who developed recurrent sore throats.
His tonsils became swollen followed by general achiness and low-
grade fever. Throat cultures were always negative and his blood
counts were within normal limits. Jacob did not respond to the
antibiotics prescribed by his doctors. After two weeks his sore
throat would improve, only to return in another two weeks. This
cycle of recurrent sore throats went on for several months. Dr.
Schmidt saw Jacob and asked him to talk about his family, his
school or anything else that might be on his mind. After some time
spent building trust, Jacob revealed that he had recently changed
schools and was having a difficult time making friends. He was also
“picked on” and called names. Any effort to convey this to his par¬
ents was met with a blunt “Oh, it will get better Jacob, just try
harder.” He was never able to fully express the pain he experi¬
enced, nor was his distress acknowledged by his loving but over¬
worked parents.
Dr. Schmidt counseled Jacob’s parents on the importance of
allowing him to speak freely of the pain and frustration he experi¬
enced at school. The parents made a special effort to encourage
Jacob to talk about his experiences and helped him come up with

Mood, Mind, Stress and Infections

ways to cope with his dilemma. Jacob’s recurrent sore throats

cleared up shortly after he was able to speak freely of his feelings.
Another patient, David, was a 35-year-old doctor. He was in
the midst of a career crisis, uncertain of what he wanted to do.
Medicine was unrewarding and he needed a change. His main com¬
plaint was sprained ankles. It seemed whatever he did resulted in a
sprained ankle. He sprained them easily playing basketball or golf.
He sprained them walking down the street, or stepping off a curb.
He once stepped on a small stone and turned his ankle. The injuries
were never serious, merely constant. One day while talking with
a friend about his career, David realized that he had been afraid to
take any steps to improve or clarify his situation. He was, in effect,
paralyzed with indecision. Then it occurred to him. Perhaps his
“failure to take the next step” in his career was being reflected in his
body—the constantly sprained ankles. He was literally unable to
take another step without spraining his ankles. Once he realized
this possible connection, he took decisive measures to solve his
career crisis. His ankles improved with no more episodes of injury.
What do these stories tell us? Perhaps they show that physical
illness is sometimes a reflection of our inner state. Jason’s story is a
classic example. His sore throats would not respond until he got
to the cause. Speech takes place in the throat. The pain of his psy¬
che translated into pain in the one area that would allow him to
express his hurt—the throat. We see cases like this fairly often.
One only has to look.

Don’t Blame the Victim

Throughout this book we have discussed hundreds of factors that
seem to influence immunity and susceptibility to infection. With
this comes an apparent onus of personal responsibility. “If I got
sick, I must have done something wrong,” or “I didn’t do enough,”
or “I did too much.” While personal responsibility is an important
part of remaining well and preventing disease, we sometimes place
too much emphasis on personal responsibility for our health based
upon disease risk factors. We must recognize that some things are
beyond our control, that events happen which are unknown to us,
that illness occurs despite our best efforts, despite the most restric-

Why We Get Sick

tive diets, despite the most healthful lifestyle, despite the best of
intentions. We must be more understanding with ourselves and
recognize that imposing guilt is not a useful motivator. We can use
the information in this book as a reference point. From there we
should adopt the principles espoused by Sobel and Ornstein in
their book Healthy Pleasures. In essence, live a life of balance and
find pleasure in all you do. Show compassion, love and caring for
yourself. Realize that this life is a journey, and that illness is often
a teacher.

Is There an Immune-Competent Personality?

Ever since the “discovery” (rediscovery, actually) that the mind
affects immune function, doctors have tried to find a formula that
describes the psychological profile of the immune-healthy person.
Indeed, in this chapter we have explored a multitude of factors
that influence our immune system. What seems to be emerging is
the belief that there are no simple formulas. Rather, there is a com¬
plex interaction between attitude, behavior, traits, tendencies and
events that influences immunity.
George F. Solomon, M.D., is one of the pioneers in the study of
mind and immunity, known as psychoneuroimmunology. When
pressed to describe the immune-competent personality, he was
quick to acknowledge that there are no simple equations. He then
went on to describe seven important features outlined below:43
1. Being in touch with your psychological and bodily needs.
2. Being able to meet those needs by assertive action.
3. Possessing coping skills, including a sense of control, that
enable you to ward off depression.
4. Expressing emotions including sadness and anger.
5. Being willing to ask for and accept support from loved
6. Having a sense of meaning and purpose in your work,
daily activities and relationships.
7. Having a capacity for pleasure and play.

A Summary of Things to Do
1. Practice regular relaxation exercises or meditation.
2. Work at becoming more of an optimist. Optimists have
healthier immune systems, suffer from fewer infections
and are not as adversely affected by stressful life events.
They in fact experience fewer negative events. Pessimism
is reversible. Learn how to be an optimist. See Learned
Optimism by Martin Seligman, Ph.D.
3. Guard against cynicism and hostility. If you find yourself
reacting to events with hostility, stop yourself, take some
deep breaths and feel how your body is responding. Death
rates in people who are hostile, cynical or suspicious are
four to seven times higher than in people who are not.4445
4. Learn to express your feelings and emotions. Suppressed
anger, sadness, grief or other emotions can lead to
suppressed immunity. We all experience anger and sadness
and need to express it in healthy ways. Suppressed anger
has been associated with more frequent illness.
5. Take control. If you are in a situation that seems outside
your control, find little things over which you can exert
control. A sense of control seems to help our immune
systems function more efficiently.
6. Be willing to ask for and accept support from friends and
loved ones.
7. Find a sense of meaning and purpose in your relationships,
work and daily activities.
8. Learn to say “no” (when you need to) when others ask
for your help or services. While service and giving are
important parts of a healthy life, being unable to assert
yourself and claim your needs is not.
9. Keep a daily journal of your feelings, especially during
important life events. It gives the immune system a boost
that can be verified as long as six weeks after the journal¬
keeping has been discontinued.

Why We Get Sick

10. Take classes in relaxation. Self-relaxation techniques have

been shown to boost immunity, relieve pain and improve
life in general.
11. Take life less seriously. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “Act as
though what we do really matters, but realize that it does
12. If you are depressed, seek help from a professional. Seek
out people you trust. Get moderate exercise. People
suffering from depression have weakened immune systems
and are more susceptible to infection.
13. Laugh as much as you can. Attend funny movies, read
funny stories, socialize with funny people and try to see
the humorous things in life.
14. Become more idealistic. Realists often have a more
accurate view of the world, but are also more apt to be
depressed, which may lead to sluggish immunity.
15. When stressful life events strike, take extra time, do
relaxation exercises, write in a journal, discuss your
feelings with someone you trust, stay away from junk
food, take extra vitamins. During high stress periods, we
are vulnerable. The extra effort spent caring for yourself
will pay off.
16. Begin to view yourself as healthy. Rate your health high.
Those who do actually live longer and feel better. This
does not mean conscious denial or avoidance of problems
that actually exist.
17. Take control of your health. Do not rely on doctors. When
you use doctors, try to form a health partnership. Find a
doctor whose philosophy of care is similar to your own.
You will be more likely to trust his/her advice and follow
through with recommendations. In such a relationship,
doctors are less likely to respond negatively to your

Natural Medicine
Vitamin C: Powerful
Preventive and Treatment
“Vitamin C has value in preventing and treating not only the com¬
mon cold and influenza, but also other viral diseases and various
bacterial infections. Its main mechanism of action is through
strengthening the immune system.”
Linus Pauling, Ph.D.
Nobel Laureate1

Most of us have heard of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Most of us

have probably tried it to see if it would help fight a cold or the flu.
If it didn’t work, perhaps we scorned it. Many have been helped
through an infection when they took extra vitamin C. Why doesn’t
it work for everyone? Is it the dose taken? Is there some other
catalyst that must be taken to make it work?
Enough research using double-blind, cross-over, placebo-con¬
trolled studies has been done to indicate that ascorbic acid has
many valuable functions. Enhancing the immune system is the
important one we want to discuss in this chapter.
Almost all of us have heard about the British sailors who got
scurvy on their long sea voyages in the 16th and 17th centuries.
We know that we need some fresh fruit every day or two, or we
might come down with bleeding gums, depression, fatigue or a
nasty infection. If we grow up and stay alive without those prob¬
lems, does it mean we are getting enough vitamin C? How can we

Natural Medicine

Primates such as monkeys, apes and humans cannot manufac¬

ture vitamin C from a simple sugar as can almost all other verte¬
brates (except guinea pigs). Apparently when we evolved as
humans, our livers were so busy processing other things, and the
ancient diets had so much raw fruit and vegetables anyway, evo¬
lutionary forces figured the unneeded enzyme, 1-gulonolactone
oxidase, that converts glucose to ascorbic acid, could be dropped.
Dr. Linus Pauling calculated that our ancient relatives, the hunters
and gatherers, consumed about 600 mg of vitamin C daily in their
diet of lean meat, vegetables and fruit. This amount is about 100
times the amount needed to prevent scurvy and about 10 times
the current RDA (recommended daily allowance).2
In latitudes generally devoid of fruit, the natives discovered
that to stay healthy they had to eat raw adrenal glands. They would
rip open the flanks of newly felled animals, locate the kidneys and
the adjacent adrenals, pull the latter out and divide them among
members of the tribe. They knew if they did not eat some of this
every few days, they might sicken and die. There is more vitamin C
concentrated in the adrenals than in any other organ of the body.
(This may hint why vitamin C is so necessary in helping prevent
stress-related illness.)3

Different Needs
Many of us know the RDA set by the National Academy of Sci¬
ences and the National Research Council hovers around 50 to 60
mg of vitamin C daily. The scientists who arrived at this dose knew
that an amount below roughly 20 mg a day could lead to scurvy.
By tripling this “minimum” they reasoned that no one could get
scurvy and no one would overdose. It was considered a “safe,”
generous and scientifically determined daily amount.
What the scientists did not realize was that there is an enor¬
mous difference between the clinical disease called scurvy and a
condition of optimum health: freedom from disease, sense of well¬
being, ability to handle the stressors of life, the energy to awaken
refreshed after seven to eight hours of quality sleep, and a cheerful,
optimistic ambiance. The researchers believed that if you did not
have scurvy, you did not need any extra vitamin C. They were con-

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

vinced that any improvement in health or mental attitude attributed

to the intake of vitamin C must be due to other factors.
Dr. Joseph Beasley in The Kellogg Report cited the work of
the late biochemist Dr. Roger Williams, who in 1950 pointed out
how different we all are. Individual requirements for a nutrient
may not be met by diet. Chronic disease results from these unmet
requirements.4 Dr. Frederick Klenner suggested the following rea¬
sons why we all have different needs for vitamin C:
• age • habits
• alcohol • drugs
• exposure to pesticides • carbon monoxide
• tobacco • sleep
• trauma • infection
• emotional stress • surgery
• kidney threshold • loss in stools
• absorption • differences in body chemistry
• acidity or alkalinity • climate
• physiological stress • weight
• poor vitamin storage
The National Academy of Sciences gave little consideration
to these differences when determining the RDA. However, their
assertion that 60 mg of vitamin C is enough for all of us has been
challenged by recent findings. Smokers were found to need 200
mg of vitamin C daily just to maintain the same blood level of non-
smokers getting only 60 mg of vitamin C a day.5 This suggests that
exposure to chemicals or differences in lifestyle alter our vitamin C
More striking are findings of a recent symposium sponsored
by the National Cancer Institute. In an evaluation of 47 studies of
vitamin C and cancer, 380 mg of vitamin C daily was found to be
protective against cancer of the lung, larynx, oral cavity, esophagus,
stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, bladder, cervix, endometrium
and breast, as well as childhood brain tumor. People in the top 25
percent of vitamin C intake have approximately one-half the can¬
cer risk of those in the bottom 25 percent of vitamin C intake.6

Natural Medicine

This work and more suggests that our individual needs for vit¬
amin C (and other nutrients) varies widely, and that increasing our
intake of vitamin C is protective against some of humankind’s most
devastating ills.

On the Wrong Course

During the 1930s, after vitamin C was synthesized in the labora¬
tory, many clinicians began to accumulate anecdotal evidence that
substantial doses of vitamin—many times the RDA—were able
to make people feel well or get well. It was also during the 1930s
that chemists were beginning to extract and synthesize drugs that
could be shown to have antibiotic properties against infections,
especially bacterial infections.
The Germans first synthesized Prontosol, a type of sulfa drug.
The race was on. Penicillin was manufactured in the early 1940s
from a common mold. Mycins were discovered that could be
extracted from plants and molds. The benefits of vitamin C as a
safe therapeutic agent did not capture the attention of the world as
did the miracles that the manufactured drugs provided. The promise
of modem medicine was becoming a reality. One of the most potent
healing substances known, vitamin C, was relegated to archives of
medical journals and the clinics of a few noble physicians.
Dr. Beasley points out that the drug era shifted funding to the
development of new drugs despite the promise of nutrition.7 In
the last few years, the National Cancer Institute has spent only
about 1 percent of its funds on nutritional research: this despite
the statement of the deputy director in 1977 before the Senate
Select Committee that about 60 percent of cancers in women and
40 percent of cancers in men appear to be related to diet. The role
of vitamin C in the treatment of infections was almost forgotten.

Vitamin C and Infectious Disease

Frederick Klenner, M.D., was impressed back in the 1930s with
the curative effects of vitamin C. He experimented on his own chil¬
dren and patients and found he could stop diseases—especially
the viral contagious diseases of children—within minutes or hours

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

with large doses of vitamin C. He was one of the first to detect

decreased levels of vitamin C in the blood of patients with infectious
diseases; the longer the disease lasted and the more severe the
symptoms, the lower the level of vitamin C. It seemed obvious to
him that many such diseases were due to a sub-scurvy condition
in the victim. He felt that patients with these low levels of vitamin
C were at risk for viral encephalitis and possible coma and death.
He knew that vitamin C was needed to make the intercellular sub¬
stance that holds the capillaries together. Those spaces could be
weakened, and the virus or bacteria could slip through to the brain.
Capillaries become fragile when the level of vitamin C in the blood
drops to one mg per liter. This was known and published in the
In the 1960s, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, a physician with the Aus¬
tralian Health Service, noticed that when Australian Aborigine
children were given DPT immunization shots, every other child
died. Kalokerinos believed that these children had truncated im¬
mune systems because of their impoverished diet: no fresh food, but
plenty of white bread and canned goods. So, very logically, he pro¬
vided vitamin C to them in the dose of 100 mg/day/month of age.
For example, a six-month-old would get 600 mg daily. A one-year-
old would receive 1,200 mg/day and a two-year-old 2,400 mg/day.
The result at the next immunization go-around? Nobody died.12
Others have since repeated this work. Some doctors now give 1,000
mg of vitamin C to a child at the time of vaccination. (For parents
unable to talk their doctor into this method, they can give the infant
or child 1,000 mg of C, 1,000 mg of calcium and 100 mg of B6 by
mouth on the day before, the day of and the day after the shot.
All very safe and quite effective.)
Another report, this one published in 1950, showed vitamin C
was helpful in caring for childhood diseases. According to an arti¬
cle in the Journal of the American Medical Association90 chil¬
dren with whooping cough (pertussis) were treated using
intravenous vitamin C, oral vitamin C or vaccine. Vitamin C dosage
began at 500 mg daily and was reduced by 100 mg each day until a
daily dose of 100 mg was reached. Thereafter, children were main¬
tained on 100 mg per day until they recovered. Children receiving
intravenous vitamin C were well in 15 days. Those treated with

Natural Medicine

oral vitamin C were well in 25 days, while those treated with vaccine
were well in an average of 34 days. What was perhaps most impres¬
sive was that in roughly 75 percent of cases in which vitamin C was
started in the catarrhal stage, “the spasmodic stage was wholly pre¬
Much research has been done on the use of vitamin C and viral
infections. There have also been reports of vitamin C and bacteri¬
al infections. In one study a concentration of one milligram per
deciliter prevented the growth in culture of the tuberculosis bac¬
terium. Vitamin C has also been shown to inactivate other bacteria
including those causing typhoid fever, staphylococcal infections
and tetanus. It has also been shown to inactivate the toxins of
tetanus, dysentery, diphtheria and staphylococcus.141516
Vitamin C probably works by having a direct effect on certain
viruses and bacteria and also by boosting certain aspects of the
immune system. Dr. Pauling has reported that vitamin C is needed
for effective phagocytosis by white blood cells.17 Phagocytosis is
the process by which white cells (leukocytes) gobble up bacteria.
When white cells are high in vitamin C, they gobble heartily. When
they are low, they don’t. Members of a Scottish population in good
health on an ordinary Scottish diet were found to have slightly
more vitamin C in their leukocytes than was needed for proper
phagocytic activity. However, after contracting colds, the level of vit¬
amin C fell to half the original level and remained low for several
days. (This renders one more susceptible to secondary bacterial
infection.) Each was given 250 mg of vitamin C daily, but this was
not enough to raise the leukocyte levels of vitamin C sufficiently to
permit phagocytosis. It was discovered that six grams per day was
required at the beginning of the cold and one gram per day there¬
after to maintain phagocytosis at the appropriate level.18 Antibi¬
otics are often given to people with viral infections in an effort to
prevent secondary bacterial infection. According to Drs. Cathcart,
Pauling and Cameron, vitamin C can be helpful in limiting the
development of secondary bacterial infection—probably by stim¬
ulating phagocytosis.
In 1977, Dr. J. Asfora carried out one of the best studies on
the therapeutic benefit of vitamin C. One hundred thirty-three
medical students, physicians or clinic patients were given either

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

1,000 mg vitamin C (two tablets, three times daily) or a placebo.

Some began taking the tablets on the first day of the cold, others on
the second day and others on the third day. Those taking vitamin C
fared much better with regard to cold symptoms. Most interesting
was the finding that those who took vitamin C on the first day of the
cold suffered fewer bacterial complications than those not taking
vitamin C or those starting vitamin C on the second or third day of
symptoms. Only 13 percent of those who began vitamin C on the
first day developed secondary bacterial infection. This was in com¬
parison to 20 percent who began the vitamin on the second day,
41 percent who began on the third day and 39 percent who took the
Vitamin C also has a direct effect on antibodies—the proteins
formed by white cells (B-cells) that enable the bodily defenses to
recognize and destroy bacteria. After giving healthy college stu¬
dents one gram of vitamin C per day for 75 days, a significant rise
occurred in the kind of antibodies needed to fight bacteria and
With the emergence of an ever-increasing array of infectious
diseases from hepatitis B and C, to AIDS and pneumocystis, the
value of vitamin C grows. Dr. Smith once attended a sick, semi-
comatose young man with the AIDS complication of pneumonia.
His skin was blue-tinged despite six to eight liters of oxygen per
minute flowing into him by nasal catheter. Dr. Smith administered
five grams of vitamin C into each of four muscles (deltoids and
glutei). The patient was so obtunded he did not know that the
shots had been given without local anesthetic (intramuscular vita¬
min C is painful without procaine). He was better in eight hours—
still sick of course, but he needed only four liters of oxygen and
was home in a week.
There is a famous story of a little three-year-old girl who devel¬
oped encephalitis after a flu-like disease. She had lain in the hospital
for a week like a vegetable, receiving her meals a sip at a time.
Her father asked the doctor about vitamin C.
“Nonsense. If you give her those vitamins, you can find anoth¬
er doctor for her,” was the stern reply.
“Would it be alright if I gave her some ice cream instead of
the hospital gelatin?” the father asked obsequiously. That was fine.

Natural Medicine

The father came back daily with her favorite flavor, vanilla,
but with a teaspoon of vitamin C powder (4,000 mg) in each dish¬
ful. In just four days the child was sitting up, eating and moving
about. She was discharged in another few days. The doctor signed
out the chart as a “spontaneous recovery from encephalitis.”

Vitamin C in Action: What It Can Do

Research has demonstrated that ascorbic acid acts as an oxidizing
agent, a reducing agent, an anticlotting agent, an antihistamine
(stabilizes mast cells containing histamine) and, of course, as an
anti-infectious agent. For the immune system, it supports stressed-
out adrenal glands, stimulates the production of interferon, and
enhances the antiviral and antibacterial action of white blood cells.
A deficiency of vitamin C will produce a decrease in the T-cells
needed by the immune system.
Vitamin C has other related benefits. It is the most powerful
protector against free radicals known. Free radicals are highly reac¬
tive chemical species that can destroy proteins, fats, DNA and cell
membranes, contribute to aging and cause cancer. Free radicals
are present throughout the environment and also are produced
within the body. No substance protects the body from damage like
vitamin C. Vitamin C protects against toxic metals like mercury,
lead, cadmium, excess chromium and aluminum. It protects against
excess x-radiation and ultraviolet radiation. When mice with large
malignant skin tumors were exposed to ultraviolet radiation, those
with the highest levels of vitamin C in their diet were least affected
by the radiation—the incidence of tumors in the high vitamin C
animals went down.21
Vitamin C is essential for collagen formation; this is the sub¬
stance that holds all our body tissues together. Vitamin C coun¬
teracts the damage of cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoking uses
about 100 mg of vitamin C per cigarette. Vitamin C helps those
taking oral contraceptives, cortisone and some antibiotics. Use of
aspirin and alcohol will reduce the storage of vitamin C in the body.
Vitamin C proceeds into each cell and interferes with the pro¬
duction of new viruses. The cells rupture and die, so there are no
virus particles to infect new cells. From the research done in the

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

1930s Dr. Klenner concluded, “The degree of neutralization in a

virus infection will be in proportion to the concentration of the
vitamin and the length of time it is employed.”22 This is the best
explanation for those who have been disappointed in their response
to vitamin C therapy: not enough C for too short a period. The
vitamin C combines with the virus, bacteria or chemical substance
and a new compound is formed, which must be oxidized by more C.
Hence, vitamin C therapy must be continuous and prolonged
beyond the initial response.
Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin was able to show that the higher the
daily dose of vitamin C, the fewer symptoms one reported. He also
showed that vitamin C was able to improve the functional capaci¬
ty of white blood cells. (Dr. Klenner said that a white blood cell
without C is like a soldier without bullets.)23 When one gets sick, for
whatever reason, the sickness itself acts as a stressor to further
deplete the immune system. Dr. Klenner was able to see the
progress of a simple but prolonged cold lead to a complication
such as otitis, bronchitis or encephalitis. His motivating slogan:
“Give vitamin C while pondering the diagnosis.”
Two to five grams of vitamin C daily will increase the activity of
lymphocytes and improve the migration and mobility of leuko¬
cytes. During a serious infection, vitamin C is mobilized to fight
the intruders. This depletion can make one more vulnerable to
allergies, arthritis, depression and other maladies. No matter what
the infection, one should take vitamin C during and after.

The Right Dose

Dr. Robert Cathcart recently championed the benefits of large dos¬
es of vitamin C. After some clinical experience, he was able to cat¬
egorize the sickness into the need for vitamin C: “This patient has
a 20,000 mg (20 g) cold” or “She needs 100 grams for her mono.”
The more ill patients seemed, the more vitamin C they required
and the more often the dose needed repeating. He learned from
Klenner who said, “If a patient does not respond to vitamin C, it
means he was not given enough.”24
In one study, one gram of vitamin C daily reduced the dura¬
tion and severity of colds by 37 percent. Higher doses are usually

Natural Medicine

recommended and produce a more pronounced improvement. In a

study using matched pairs of twins, those receiving vitamin C got 19
percent fewer colds, the duration was 38 percent shorter, severity
was 22 percent less and the intensity was 20 percent less. An intra¬
venous infusion of seven grams of vitamin C nearly eliminated
hepatitis due to transfusion passage of the virus.
Much important research has been done on finding the opti¬
mum dose of vitamin C by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D..
He correlated symptoms and complaints in students, dentists and
their spouses with the daily doses of vitamin C they were swal¬
lowing. He also pointed out that in the Journal of the American
Medical Association in 1985, somewhere between 3 and 50 per¬
cent of the population had signs of scurvy, and 17 to 72 percent
had suboptimal intake of vitamin C or sub-clinical scurvy. His mul¬
tiple findings: In those who took at least 400 mg of vitamin C daily,
the incidence of respiratory symptoms was fewer than in those
who took less than 400 mg daily. The higher the intake of vitamin
C, the fewer cardiovascular symptoms. Since fatigue is the first
symptom that patients have when they are coming down with
scurvy (it takes 90 days to get a full-blown case), those who were
taking less than 400 mg had many complaints of fatigue, while
those getting at least 400 mg of vitamin C had almost no fatigue.
Eighty-one subjects who got less than 100 mg of vitamin C had a
fatigability score twice that of those who ingested more than 400 mg
of vitamin C daily. In addition, there were more skin symptoms in
those on less than 400 mg daily.25
Healthy people can take up to 10 grams daily with no side
effects. If they ingest more, they are likely to develop watery bow¬
el movements. There is no set afiiount that is considered just right,
as there is a 400 percent difference in the amount of vitamin C
absorbed by human subjects. Most patients and doctors individu¬
alize the dose depending on bowel tolerance. When the daily dose
is found that begins to loosen the stools, that is the saturation dose.
The next day the dose is reduced about 10 percent to the dose that
does not cause this rectal irritation.
To find the right dose for you will take some experimentation.
Linus Pauling takes 18,000 mg daily. If you’re healthy, you proba¬
bly require much less on a daily basis, but during times of illness,

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

you may require more than Dr. Pauling. The key is to identify the
amount that is optimum for you, recognizing that the need can
change with seasons, sleep, illness, stress, eating habits and numer¬
ous factors mentioned earlier.

Vitamin C and Animals

One reason Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling became interested in
studying vitamin C was the extraordinary finding that most ani¬
mals manufacture 10,000 mg per day, when one corrects for human
body weight. In testing animals that can manufacture their own vit¬
amin C when stressed or sick, Klenner found that animals do not
stop at the ridiculously low level established by the government
agencies. The animals, when stressed, manufacture the equivalent
of a human swallowing 15 grams of C each day that the stressors
are operative. Dr. Klenner pointed out that “the physiological re¬
quirements in man are no different from other mammals capable of
carrying out their synthesis of vitamin C.”
Research in 1934 found that the vitamin C level in the adrenal
glands was greatly reduced in animals succumbing to polio, show¬
ing that even animals that manufacture their own vitamin C can
be at risk.26 Canine pups suffering from distemper, an often fatal dis¬
ease, can almost be assured of survival if given adequate vitamin C.

Deficiency Signs
Deficiency of vitamin C probably affects almost all body systems.
The most obvious and well-researched symptoms are listed below.
Not all symptoms need be present.
Bleeding gums Easy bruising
Fatigue Tiredness
Malaise Loose teeth
Depression Frequent infections
Irritability Poor wound healing

Is Vitamin C Safe?
Vitamin C is believed to be one of the safest substances that
humans ingest. However, many in the medical community contin¬
ue to criticize the use of vitamin C based on what now appear to be
erroneous conclusions. Critics of the use of vitamin C generally
cite a litany of complaints that focuses on four areas:
• Vitamin C is said to increase destruction of vitamin B12
contributing to the loss of this vitamin.
• Vitamin C is said to contribute to iron overload.
• A condition dubbed “rebound scurvy” is said to occur
when consumption of high doses of vitamin C is abruptly
• Vitamin C is said to contribute to the formation of kidney
It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss each of these top¬
ics in great depth. However, a brief response to each of these asser¬
tions is warranted. We should first note that there has never been a
report in the medical literature of poisoning, death or hospitaliza¬
tion related to vitamin C use. This stands in stark contrast to the
many poisonings and hospitalizations related to over-the-counter
and prescription drugs reported each year.
In 1987, Dr. Jerry M. Rivers, then of Cornell University, wrote
a paper published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sci¬
ences entitled “Safety of High-Level Vitamin C Ingestion.” In this
extensive review of the available research, he comments on each of
the assertions mentioned above.27
Regarding B12 destruction: “The evidence has consistently
demonstrated that vitamin B12 in food and the body is not destroyed
by ascorbic acid.”
Regarding iron overload: “. . . it appears highly unlikely that
large doses of the vitamin would lead to excessive iron accumula¬
tion in the body.”
Regarding rebound scurvy: “The claim that abrupt cessation
of large doses of ascorbic acid will lead to scurvy because of con¬
ditioning [rebound scurvy] is not supported by the evidence.”

Vitamin G Powerful Preventive and Treatment

Regarding formation of kidney stones: “It seems safe to con¬

clude that ingestion of large quantities of the vitamin [C] does not
constitute a risk factor for calcium oxalate stone formation in most
healthy persons.” He goes on to state that . recurrent stone for¬
mers should avoid high-dose ascorbate intake. Patients with renal
impairment and patients on chronic hemodialysis should also be
advised not to ingest large quantities of the vitamin.”
Dr. D. Hornig of the Department of Human Nutrition and
Health, Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd., further remarks on the
safety concerns of vitamin C. He states, “There is not a single case
reported in the literature demonstrating clinically that ascorbic
acid causes kidney stones.” As for rebound scurvy, Hornig reports
on a study his group conducted in collaboration with the presti¬
gious Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden, in which 5 grams
of vitamin C was given daily, then stopped. According to Hornig,
“The results indicate no such effect [i.e., no rebound scurvy] on
the basis of plasma, leukocyte, or urine ascorbic acid concentra¬
Nutrition researchers Emanual Cheraskin, M.D., and W. Mar¬
shall Rinsdorf, D.M.D., in their book The Vitamin C Connection
state rather bluntly, “As for the other grim tales—ranging from
B12 deficiency to kidney stones—let us simply say that the reports
of C’s evils are greatly exaggerated! Indeed, in the absence of sci¬
entific evidence more convincing than the negative studies we’re
aware of and have mentioned in this chapter, we are inclined to
think C is innocent of the bad effects ascribed to it.”29
Another final complaint levied at vitamin C is the vitamin’s
ability to alter certain blood tests. The solution is quite simple. If
you’re having blood work done, notify your doctor that you have
been taking vitamin C. If you know in advance that you will be
having a blood test done, simply stop taking vitamin C for several
days before the test.

The Vindication of Vitamin C

Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, Ph.D., has received decades of
undeserved criticism over his views about vitamin C. His early
work surrounding vitamin C as an anticancer agent was perhaps

Natural Medicine

met with the greatest scorn of all. Despite all the published research
he presented to make his case, allopathic doctors refused to budge
from their comfortable antivitamin stance. Recently, the tables
have begun to turn. In 1991, the prestigious National Cancer Insti¬
tute (NCI) convened a conference on vitamin C and cancer.
According to Dr. Gladys Block, an epidemiologist in the Divi¬
sion of Cancer Prevention and control at NCI, vitamin C has been
shown to be protective against cancer of the lung, larynx, oral cav¬
ity, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, bladder, cervix,
endometrium and breast, as well as childhood brain tumor. Of a
total of 47 studies, 34 found vitamin C to be protective against
these cancers. According to researchers, “If chance alone was at
work here, out of these 47 studies undertaken only one or two
would have proven to be statistically significant.” More dramatic,
people in the top 25 percent of vitamin C intake have roughly one-
half the cancer risk of those in the lowest 25 percent of vitamin C
Morton A. Klein, health economist and former consultant to the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare, spoke with many of
the doctors and scientists after the conference. Many of them were
so intrigued with the findings presented at the conference that
“they intended to increase their personal daily intake of vitamin
C to 1,000 mg/day or more.”31
Now that such impressive work has been released on the
benefits of this simple but remarkable vitamin, perhaps the pio¬
neering work of Drs. Klenner, Cathcart and others regarding the
use of vitamin C and infections will be given a fresh and objective
look. When this occurs it is likely that vitamin C will be found to be
one of the most efficient antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boost¬
ing substances available.

Basic Rules for Vitamin C Use

Vitamin C is vital to a variety of body functions. Most humans
probably don’t get enough of this vitamin. Certainly during times of
increased vitamin C need, most humans never have their needs
met. How do we meet our daily need and know when there is
increased need?

Vitamin C: Powerful Preventive and Treatment

Remember, vitamin C has a very wide margin of safety. It is

not going to harm anyone to take 500 mg every day. This would
be considered a bare minimum. Dr. Pauling recommends between
1,000 and 18,000 mg daily, while Dr. Roger Williams suggested
about 2,500 mg daily. During times of infection this can easily be
increased to 10,000 or 20,000 mg daily. A physician administering
intravenous ascorbic acid for infectious mononucleosis might use
100 grams (lg = 1,000 mg) or more daily until symptoms improve.
There has been virtually no toxicity associated with these higher
doses, especially when used over the short term.
Intravenous is the most effective means of administering ascor¬
bic acid (in combination with calcium and magnesium salts), but
it is not always necessary or practical. When vitamin C is taken by
mouth, it is best to take frequent doses over time rather than few¬
er large doses. A substantial amount of vitamin C can be absorbed
through the mouth, so vitamin C lozenges are a good way to obtain
the vitamin. (But brush your teeth afterward. The acid could dis¬
solve your tooth enamel.) Powdered vitamin C is more efficiently
utilized than tablets. As a daily supplement, tablets are fine. Dur¬
ing illness, powder may be best.
Dr. Robert Cathcart has championed the concept of bowel tol¬
erance to determine the correct dose of vitamin C. Take large dos¬
es until the stools become loose. Then reduce the dosage gradually
until diarrhea ceases. This will be the optimum dose. For exam¬
ple, if the flu has been going around and you feel symptoms coming
on, begin to take vitamin C in doses of roughly 20 grams per day. If
you experience softening of the stool, reduce the dose to 18 grams.
If the stool is still loose, reduce the dose to 15 grams and so on.
Once the stool is firm, you will have reached the right dose for you
at that time. When you are over the flu, 15 grams may produce
diarrhea because your need has decreased.
A small percentage of people say they are allergic to vitamin C.
In most cases, it is probably an allergy to one of the excipients
used in manufacture of the tablet. It may also indicate a sensitivity
to corn, since some brands of vitamin C are derived from corn. If
you react adversely, try another brand of vitamin C. If you still
react, get some vitamin C that is not derived from corn.
If you use vitamin C to manage an illness and don’t feel yourself

Natural Medicine

improving to your satisfaction, you probably have not taken enough

vitamin C. It may also be that you need other nutrients or that you
have a concurrent condition that requires medical attention. Antibi¬
otics can be useful for some types of infections, but even when
antibiotics are used, vitamin C should be supplemented to boost
immunity and assist in combating the invaders.
Vitamin C is among the most powerful antioxidants. However,
the body uses a number of other antioxidant nutrients that work in
concert with vitamin C. Whenever you take vitamin C it is impor¬
tant that you also take vitamin E, beta-carotene and other antiox¬
Vitamin C is never taken “in vain.” It is a substance used active¬
ly by the body. If you are using vitamin C and do not notice dra¬
matic improvement, do not discontinue. By nature, vitamin C levels
fall during infection. At the very least, you will be keeping up with
that which is being lost.
The advice offered to physicians by Dr. Klenner can also be
offered to non-physicians: “Give vitamin C while pondering the
diagnosis.” If you feel an illness coming on and you are unsure
whether it is viral, bacterial, allergy, dry air or trauma, take vitamin
C. It will always do some good.

Boosting Immunity Naturally:
Complementary Treatments
Old and New
“It is the body that is the hero, not science, not antibiotics, not
machines or new devices.”
Ronald J. Glasser, M.D.
The Body is the Hero1

By now we hope to have made it clear that a major pitfall of the

“antibiotics only” approach to infection is that it gives little regard
to the immunity of the host, natural elimination mechanisms and
healing of tissues. A beautiful feature of holistic medical approach¬
es such as herbology, homeopathy or use of essential oils (often
referred to as aromatherapy) is that not only do the substances
used often kill or inhibit organisms directly, but they also stimu¬
late immune function, encourage elimination of bacterial toxins,
stimulate kidney and liver function, and speed recovery. With these
approaches, we often have the best of both worlds.
In this section we review the use of herbs, essential oils, homeo¬
pathic medicine and hands-on healing as means to enhance or
balance immune function. This is not meant to be an extensive
presentation, but an introduction to approaches that have been
effectively used for centuries and are growing in popularity today.
Though none of these methods represent a panacea, they are
extremely effective when properly used.

Natural Medicine

We use the term “complementary treatments” to show that

they complement, enhance and support natural body functions.
They can also be used to complement or enhance other forms of
medicine such as the allopathic use of antibiotics or surgery.

Herbal Medicine: Is the Cure in the Jungle?

While many Western allopathic doctors would have us believe
there is no value to herbal medicine, the evidence shows other¬
wise. Seventy-five percent of drugs are based on knowledge of
plant substances. One-fourth of all prescription drugs contain one
or more plant-derived ingredients. For instance, childhood leukemia
once had a mortality rate of 80 percent. Today there is an 80 percent
survival rate thanks to the drug vincristine, derived from the rosy
According to Technology Management Group of New Haven,
Connecticut, there are more than 200 companies and research firms
investigating plants for new drugs.2 This suggests there is more
than a casual interest in plant substances. So why do we hear neg¬
ative press about herbal medicine, and why do we hear herbs den¬
igrated by the medical establishment? The main reason is
ignorance. Most health professionals and media people who com¬
ment on herbal medicine have little or no knowledge of the subject.
The second reason is that herbal medicines cannot be patented,
thus there is no incentive for the medical-industrial complex to
develop them. On the other hand, drugs derived from plant extracts
can be synthesized, patented and sold to the tune of millions of
dollars. Therefore, the FDA has provided no incentive to devel¬
op herbal medicines with their full complement of active sub¬
stances. Instead, it provides incentive to develop only the active
constituent “believed” to have therapeutic activity.
Below is a discussion of common herbs used to boost immu¬
nity during bacterial, viral and parasitic illness.

Citrus Seed Extract. Derived from grapefruit seeds, this sup¬

plement has been used by the food industry for the past decade
because of its antimicrobial activity. It is used in food to prevent
spoilage. It has also been used outside of the United States for

Boosting Immunity Naturally

many years in treating human illness. Only recently has it been

used here for medical purposes. It is a very potent antibacterial
and antifungal. It is one of the first choices in treating Candida
albicans infection of the intestines and is used for other intestinal
disorders. Because of its powerful action, the Pasteur Institute in
France is testing the extract on the HIV virus associated with AIDS.

Echinacea. This is one of the most widely used and heavily stud¬
ied immune-boosting herbs in the world. According to Dr. Daniel
B. Mowrey in The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, “Lab¬
oratory studies show that the herb increases the ability of white
cells to surround and destroy bacterial and viral invaders in the
blood. It stimulates the lymphatic system to clean up waste mate¬
rial and toxins, and it has definite antimicrobial activity.”3 In his
book Echinacea: Nature's Immune Enhancer, herbalist Steven Fos¬
ter summarizes many scientific studies conducted on the use of
echinacea in viral and bacterial infections. This herb has been used
effectively in bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, Candida infec¬
tions and viral upper respiratory infections. It was also shown to be
a 30 percent more potent T-cell stimulator than the most potent
T-cell stimulator known at this time.4

Garlic. Garlic has been used to treat illness for thousands of

years. It is a powerful antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial herb. It
has been proven effective against staph and strep, E. coli, Salmo¬
nella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Candida albicans and other microbes.5
In an impressive study conducted in China, 11 patients with the
usually-fatal cryptococcal meningitis were given garlic extract by
mouth or by injection. Side effects were minimal and all patients
recovered.6 Garlic has been shown to be more effective than peni¬
cillin for sore throats.7 In fact, a study appeared in the Journal of the
American Chemical Society showing that one milligram of the
major garlic constituent, allicin, is equal to 15 standard units of
Garlic is helpful in preventing colds and influenza and is useful in
other forms of viral illness. While garlic is widely used and extreme¬
ly helpful, there are certain conditions in which garlic may not be the
best choice. In people with “hot” conditions, garlic is often not

Natural Medicine

appropriate. This includes certain forms of arthritis and the treat¬

ment of people who are hot, energetic and quick-tempered. Gar¬
lic is also not the best choice in conditions of burnout or exhaustion
accompanied by insomnia and lack of energy.

Goldenseal. Goldenseal has a long history of use in infections

including bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic. Staph, strep, E. coli,
Vibrio cholera, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and even
the tuberculosis bacterium have proven sensitive to this herb.9
Since goldenseal has strong antibiotic properties, it should not be
used for extended periods because it can cause disruption of the
normal inhabitants of the intestines.
Goldenseal should not be used when there are digestive symp¬
toms or, since it is a central nervous system stimulant, when there
is nervousness, anxiety or excitability. This herb is considered “cool¬
ing,” the opposite effect of garlic. It should be avoided in people
who tend to have aversion to cold drinks, cold surroundings, who
need extra covers or who have cold hands and feet. It should also
be avoided during pregnancy.

Licorice Root. Licorice root is antibacterial, antiviral and anti¬

inflammatory. In one Japanese study, strains of Staphylococcus
aureus that proved resistant to penicillin and streptomycin were
inactivated by licorice root extract. This herb also stimulates pro¬
duction of interferon, a compound produced by the body to defeat
viruses.10 Inflammation often accompanies infection, and licorice has
been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent.

Shiitake Mushrooms. Lentinus edodes, or shiitake mushroom, is

a powerful immune stimulant. It has been shown to stimulate T-
cell activity, macrophage phagocytosis and the body’s production of
interferon. It is able to increase resistance to bacterial, viral and
parasitic fungal infection.1! This herb is often used as a preventive
in people susceptible to viral and bacterial infection. The shiitake
mushroom purchased in grocery stores does not provide enough
of the active constituents to be clinically effective. For medicinal
purposes, the mycelia of the mushroom are gathered and concen¬

Boosting Immunity Naturally

Health professionals who use herbs commonly utilize those

listed above to manage infection or treat immune deficiency. They
usually use these in combination with other herbs to optimize
The following report illustrates the beauty, simplicity, and effec¬
tiveness of summoning the plant world during infection. The case
involves Dr. Susan Esch, who practices in St. Paul, Minnesota. Dr.
Esch had experienced a puncture wound of the finger while gar¬
dening. After carefully cleaning the area, she began to use several
natural remedies. The remedies seemed to keep the infection from
spreading to the bloodstream, but the finger was obviously not
improved. She then went on a course of antibiotic, believing a
strong-acting medication might solve the problem. After one course
of antibiotic there was no improvement in the finger, which was
now noticeably infected.
She then consulted with a colleague who had been in practice
some 50 years. He suggested she use a flax seed poultice made by
placing V2 cup of flax seeds in water and cooking until the mixture
reached the consistency of oatmeal. This mucus-like material was
put on a gauze pad and placed over the infected wound. The poul¬
tice was replaced once daily (four times daily was suggested for
serious infections or tumors). After four days, Dr. Esch felt a pulling
sensation at the site of the puncture, as though something was
being drawn out. The next day she noticed something sticking out
of the puncture site. She grasped it with a tweezers and pulled out
a one and one-half inch plant stem compressed into an accordion
configuration. Attached to the bottom of the stem was a tiny sac
of pus. Dr. Esch cleaned the wound with hydrogen peroxide and
it healed in short order.

For more information on herbal medicine see:

The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine by Daniel B.
Mowrey (Cormorant Books, 1986).
The Way of Herbs by Michael Tierra (New York: Pocket,
The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman (Emmaus, PA:
Rodale, 1991).

Essential Plant Oils:
A Medical Breakthrough for Infection?
European physicians have been carrying out extensive research
into the use of plant oils in the treatment of infections. Plant oils are
biologically active components of the plant that are extracted
through a process called distillation or, in the case of citrus oil,
pressing. One of the advantages essential oils have over antibiotics
is that bacteria do not develop resistance to essential oils. It seems
almost too good to be true, but it appears that many of the antibac¬
terial plant oils work by interfering with the bacteria’s ability to
breathe.12 The bacteria literally suffocate to death.
Another advantage to essential oils is that some actually stim¬
ulate immune function. Thus, some are directly bactericidal, fungi¬
cidal and virucidal while others boost immune defenses.
The therapeutic use of essential oils is applied through a system
of treatment known as aromatherapy. The term “aromatherapy” is
used because these oils easily evaporate and it is often the vapors
(or aroma) that have therapeutic benefit. For example, eucalyp¬
tus oil can be inhaled to reduce spasmodic coughing. The oil of
Inula graveolens can be inhaled to treat heavy bronchial congestion.
Essential oils are also easily absorbed through the skin. Oil of
lavender, which has many active chemical constituents that boost
immunity, can be rubbed on the body whenever a cold, flu or bac¬
terial illness is going around. The oil is absorbed through the skin
into the bloodstream and boosts immunity. (These oils are absorbed
through the skin within 20 to 40 minutes—100 times faster than
water.)14 Illness can often be prevented in this way.
Drs. E. Gildemeister and F.R. Hoffmann wanted to test the
antibacterial and antifungal activity of common essential plant oils.
They used phenol as their reference point and assigned it an arbi¬
trary reference value of 1.0. If a plant oil was less antibacterial or
antifungal than phenol, it would receive a number less than 1. If
the plant oil was more antibacterial or antifungal than phenol, it
would receive a value greater than 1.0. Recall that phenol is an
antiseptic substance found in Lysol®, Pinesol®, Chloraseptic® throat
spray and other commonly used items. The findings were quite a

Boosting Immunity Naturally

surprise. All the oils tested proved to be more active antimicro¬

bials than phenol. Oil of lavender, very safe, pleasant and widely
used, scored 1.6. Oil of oregano received a score of 21. Below is a
list of the oils tested in reference to phenol.15


The essential oil of Thymus vulgaris was tested against com¬

mon infectious organisms such as Candida albicans, Klebsiella
pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus and was found to be an
effective antibacterial.16 Dr. H. Rommelt and his associates showed
in 1988 that essential oils in inhaled air, even in small concentra¬
tions, increased bronchial secretion, thinned mucus and significant¬
ly reduced bronchial spasms.17 An Indian study published in 1971
showed that lemongrass oil was more effective against Staph, aureus
than penicillin and streptomycin.18
According to Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.,* a leading U.S. re¬
searcher and educator in the chemistry and therapeutic applica¬
tion of essential oils, infectious illness is an area where essential
oils have been most effectively applied. He has reported on numer¬
ous studies that have shown essential oils to directly stimulate
specific immunoglobulins—what we typically think of as antibod¬
ies designed to fight infection. Tea tree (Melaleuca a.), Thyme
(Thymus v.) and other oils are able to boost immunity by enhanc¬
ing the body’s own manufacture of gamma-globulin. According to
one study published by essential oil researcher H. M. Gattefosse, all
oils tested showed the ability to stimulate phagocytosis to some

* Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, P.O. Box 6723,

San Rafael, California 94903 (415) 479-9121.

Natural Medicine

As we discussed in Chapter 2, more than $500 million are spent

each year on antibiotics to treat ear infections in children. In one
study, doctors found a mixture of essential oils to be superior to
that of the antibiotic neomycin. They treated 170 children with
eardrops consisting of borneol (20 percent) and walnut oil, and
another group of 108 children with drops of the antibiotic neomycin.
All children in both groups suffered from purulent otitis media—
infection of the middle ear with pus. The bomeol-walnut oil mixture
was effective in 98 percent of children while neomycin was effective
in 84 percent. The researchers concluded, “Due to its simple com¬
position, significant therapeutic effects and nontoxic reactions, the
borneol-walnut oil has been proven a promising external remedy
for the treatment of purulent otitis media.”20
Treatment of bladder infections in women is an area where
essential oils perhaps have their most dramatic impact. Dr.
Schnaubelt describes cases of acute bladder infections in which
the symptoms are reduced in minutes to hours using the oil of
Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree oil). Even in cases of chronic cysti¬
tis, a combination of tea tree and thyme oil is often all that is
required to remedy the condition. Dr. Paul Belaiche, of the Medical
Faculty at the Universite de Paris Nord, “has achieved a success
rate of better than 80 percent with herbal treatment of several
thousand women suffering from cystitis who had failed to respond
to conventional treatment.”21
Below is a list of some common essential oils and their use in
infectious illness.

Tea tree oil. The scientific name is Melaleuca alternifolia. This is

one of the most widely used of all essential oils. It is antibacterial and
antifungal. In World War II, it was blended with machine cutting
oils to protect workers against infections of cuts produced by met¬
al filings. Tea tree oil is being used by some physicians to effective¬
ly treat bladder infections in women. It is also being used to treat
vaginal and intestinal candidiasis. This is one of the safest essen¬
tial oils and can be used for extended periods with little irritation.

Oil of thyme, oregano and savory. These oils are often consid¬
ered together because they are similar in their potent action during

Boosting Immunity Naturally

infection. They are bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal and also stim¬

ulate the immune system by their effect on immunoglobulins. They
are used in infections of the throat, respiratory tract, digestive tract
and urogenital tract. These oils are quite potent, so only small
amounts are required. They are not to be taken for more than a
week unless directed by your doctor. (Author and aromatherapy
researcher Robert Tisserand does not consider regular thyme oil
safe for home use.)22

Thyme (thuyanol). Different from the thyme mentioned above,

this chemotype of Thymus vulgaris has been shown to inhibit many
microorganisms including Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli and Can¬
dida albicans. Clinically it is used as a chest rub in respiratory prob¬
lems, and as part of a mixture in treating both vaginal and bladder
infections. It is non-irritating, non-toxic and is an effective liver
stimulant, which helps support recovery from illness.

Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is used widely in upper and lower res¬

piratory infections. It is exceptional in conditions of viral and bac¬
terial origin. When using eucalyptus, one must distinguish between
the different forms. Eucalyptus purchased for two to four dollars at
a drug store has limited value (it is adulterated). Eucalyptus radiata
is an inexpensive and highly effective antiviral oil. It also works
well as an expectorant. This might be used when there is loose
mucus that is not easily brought up. Eucalyptus globulus is an
expectorant and a mucolytic agent. This can be used when there is
heavy mucus congestion. Eucalyptus is administered by inhalation
or chest rub. It is used in bronchitis, cold, influenza and sinusitis.

Inula graveolens. This oil is used in problems of the bronchial

tract. It is an immune stimulant that has a relaxing effect on the
muscles of the respiratory tract. It helps reduce mucus production
and inflammation. Inula is helpful in laryngitis, chronic bronchitis
and asthma. Inhalation is the usual way this oil is used. Inula is
rather expensive, but its effectiveness (and the small amounts re¬
quired) is worth it.

Natural Medicine

Lavender. Lavender is one of the most widely used and effective

of the essential oils. It is generally not used in the acute stages of
bacterial infection, but can be used to boost immunity as a pre¬
ventive. Lavender has been shown to be helpful against herpes
simplex, or cold sores, and perhaps for genital herpes. It is a useful
antiseptic with cuts or burns.

To some it may seem odd that the oil of a plant would possess
such potent effects against infectious illness. Indeed, flowery names
such as rosemary and lavender conjure more an image of perfume
than a potent biological substance. But do not be deceived. Moth¬
er Nature has designed plants to produce substances that are help¬
ful in protecting them against predatory and parasitic insects as
well as the microbial world. It is the plant’s own form of defense.
These same substances have proven extremely useful in human
illness. With recent advances in chemistry, scientists are beginning
to unravel the mystery of why and how these plants act as such
potent healers.

Application of Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used through the nose and lungs via inhalation,
through the nose via drops, by mouth via drops or a liquid mix¬
ture, through the skin via rubbing, and rectally via suppository.
Each has advantages in different situations. Some oils are skin irri¬
tants and are best taken other ways. Others are delivered more
quickly by inhalation, such as in lung congestion. One way to
accomplish this is by use of a diffusor, which vaporizes the oil so it
can be breathed. Many different diffusors are available. AromaSys,
Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota manufactures the most techno¬
logically advanced diffusor available. The cost is in line with other

Safety of Essential Oils

The essential oils discussed in this book are generally safe when
used in the recommended dosages. Various oils have the poten¬
tial for toxicity when used in excess. However, most of these oils are
not employed in aromatherapy. Some people experience allergic
reactions to essential oils, but this is uncommon. Certain essential

Boostins Immunity Naturally

oils taken for extended periods may cause chronic toxicity. Con¬
sult a physician before using essences internally with small chil¬
dren or pregnant women. In his book The Art of Aromatherapy,
Robert Tisserand addresses safety issue in some depth, conclud¬
ing with this remark: “There is minimal risk of allergic reaction,
and no risk of toxicity if essences are prescribed in the doses given
for no longer than the period of time given. There is even less risk
when using essences externally... .”23 Anyone taking essential oils
who is concerned about safety issues should read Tisserand’s book.

Using Essential Oils to Prevent Infection

and Boost Immunity
Essential oils can be used very effectively to prevent microbes from
gaining a foothold and to boost immunity. There are two basic
approaches. First, they can be used once or twice a week during
the winter months when common infections are most probable.
Second, they can be used daily when family members or co-work¬
ers have become sick with something you want to avoid. The basic
approach is to use certain oils in the shower or bath when your
skin is wet. The oil constituents are absorbed into the skin and
transported through the blood, where they exert their immune-
boosting action.
Any of the following oils or oil mixtures may be tried:
Mix one drop of savory oil in a 2 ounce bottle of tea tree oil. In
the middle of your shower, rub the oil on your chest, back and legs
and let stand for 10 seconds. Then simply rinse the oil off with cool
An alternative is to use Niaouli (or MQV) liberally as you
would the above mixture. Another option is to use Eucalyptus
radiata or lavender oil as above. If this process causes drying of
the skin, you may wish to follow your shower with a body oil rub or
oil of Rosa rubiginosa.
For more information on the use of essential oils, see:
The Art of Aromatherapy by Robert Tisserand (Rochester,
Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 1977).
The Practice of Aromatherapy by Jean Valnet (Rochester,
Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 1982).

Natural Medicine

Aromatherapy to Heal and Tend the Body by Robert

Tisserand (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Lotus Press, 1988).

Homeopathic Medicine:
Stellar History, Brilliant Future
While many people in the West are unfamiliar with homeopathy, its
use and popularity are growing worldwide. Homeopathic medicine
has historically been an effective means of combating infectious
disease. Dana Ullman, M.P.H., has written extensively on the use of
homeopathy. In a chapter on infectious disease, published in his
book Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century, he writes, “A lit¬
tle known fact of history is that homeopathic medicine developed its
popularity in both the United States and Europe because of its suc¬
cesses in treating epidemics that raged during the 19th century. Dr.
Thomas L. Bradford’s The Logic of Figures, published in 1900,
compares in detail the death rates in homeopathic versus allopathic
(conventional) medical hospitals and shows that the death rate per
100 patients in homeopathic hospitals was often one-half or even
one-eighth that of conventional medical hospitals.”24 25
Ullman continues, “In 1849, the homeopaths of Cincinnati
claimed that in over a thousand cases of cholera only 3 percent of
the patients died. To substantiate their results, they even printed in
a newspaper the names and addresses of patients who died or sur¬
vived. The death rate of cholera patients who used conventional
medicine generally ranged from 40 to 70 percent.”26 “The success of
treating yellow fever with homeopathy was so impressive that a
report from the United States Government’s Board of Experts dis¬
cussed the value of several homeopathic medicines, despite the
fact that the Board was primarily composed of conventional physi¬
cians who despised homeopathy.”2728
The following contemporary examples illustrate the value of
homeopathy in managing bacterial disease. In the mid-1970s, an
epidemic of meningitis was ravaging the children of Brazil. Amidst
the epidemic, physicians in that country gave a homeopathic prepa¬
ration of Meningococcus 10c (a homeopathic preparation of the
bacterium Neisseria meningitidis) to 18,640 children. Those given the
homeopathic preparation had significantly fewer cases of meningitis

Boosting Immunity Naturally

than did other children living in the same community.29 In

1991-1992, a cholera epidemic raged through the continent of South
America. Physicians at Sam Marcos University in Lima, Peru have
found homeopathic medicine to be so effective in a pilot study of
cholera, that they have now undertaken a large double-blind, place¬
bo-controlled trial to further understand its role. According to a
report published in the British Homeopathic Journal, “The easily
applied treatment and readily obtained clinical results have con¬
vinced the physicians of the Cholera Health Centers.”30
Homeopathy is also effective in a variety of viral illnesses. A
remedy called Oscillococcinum has been used widely in France for
treatment of the flu. Researchers have found that when taken with¬
in the first 48 hours of the flu it is 80 to 90 percent successful. Many
viral illnesses of childhood can also be treated with homeopathy.
Treatment of chickenpox with Rhus tox relieves itching, reduces
severity and often shortens the duration of illness to only three to
five days.
The value of homeopathy can be further illustrated by the fol¬
lowing example. Kevin was a 38-year-old pharmacist and avid
sportsman. One evening, while playing baseball, he slid into second
base and sustained a severe cut to his leg from the spikes of an
opposing player. The injury was quite deep and bled heavily. He
cleaned and carefully bandaged the wound. After several days he
developed swelling and redness around the injury and a fever of
103 degrees—signs of a systemic bacterial infection. Kevin con¬
sulted his physician G. William Jones, M.D., an internist who also
practices homeopathic medicine. Dr. Jones initially felt the case
required antibiotics. However, Kevin reminded him of his history
of serious adverse reactions to most antibiotics. Instead of antibi¬
otics, Dr. Jones prescribed Belladonna and Pyrogen, homeopathic
medicines often helpful during this type of infection. Within 24
hours, the fever began to fall and the swelling around the injury
decreased. After only three days, Kevin had fully recovered from
what was clearly a bacterial infection resulting from a contami¬
nated wound.
The lesson here is that homeopathy has a vital role to play in
the care of bacterial, viral and parasitic illness. There obviously
are still instances when antibiotics are required, but homeopathy

Natural Medicine

can be an important adjunct even when antibiotics are used. By

using homeopathy, one can take advantage of its ability to boost
immunity and speed convalescence.
To single out remedies used in infectious illness is difficult since
there are so many that might be considered in the care of a par¬
ticular illness. However, a description can be given of those com¬
monly used in a home-care setting. Descriptions include a few of the
common symptoms associated with the particular remedy. Reme¬
dies that boost immunity during infection include:

Aconite. This remedy is used within the first 24 to 48 hours of an

illness or fever that comes on rapidly without warning. Symptoms
often come on after exposure to cold, trauma, shock or surgery.
Aconite has been successfully used with cold, fever, influenza, sore
throat and earache.

Apis mellifica. This remedy is used when there is acute pain

accompanied by stinging, burning pain with swelling, such as in a
sore throat. Symptoms are aggravated by heat and made better by
cold water or cold air. Apis has been successfully used in sore
throats, coughs, colds, injuries and conjunctivitis.

Arsenicum. This is often associated with burning pains. The

throat, eyes, nose, ears, or stomach are commonly, but not always,
affected. The patients feel cold and crave warmth. Arsenicum has
been successfully used in colds, coughs, influenza, measles, mumps
and sore throat.

Belladonna. Used in acute illness that comes on rapidly and

without warning. There is often fever and acute pain. The cheeks
are often red and the pupils dilated. Belladonna has been success¬
fully used in sore throats, fevers, earaches, coughs, bladder infection
and skin infections.

Rhus toxicodendron. This remedy is for symptoms of a painful

throat that comes on after exposure to cold or wet weather. Rhus
tox has been successfully used in sore throat, measles, mumps,
chickenpox, coughs, colds, influenza and impetigo.

Boosting Immunity Naturally

Mercurius. There is often severe sore throat accompanied by

fever and weakness. The tongue is often swollen. There is heavy,
foul perspiration, foul breath and a tendency to drool. Symptoms
are worse with almost any environmental influence. Mercurius is
often used when infections have produced pus. This may occur in
sore throat, ear infection, conjunctivitis, urinary infections and

Hepar Sulph. This remedy is used in earaches, sore throats,

coughs, colds and skin infections. Areas of illness are extremely
sensitive to touch or pressure, and to cold. Any cold exposure
makes symptoms much worse. These patients often have foul
breath. Their perspiration, nasal discharge and stools also have an
offensive odor.

Lachesis. This remedy is commonly used in sore throats but is

also used in coughs, colds, influenza and infections of the skin.
With sore throats, the pain is usually worse on the left side or
begins on the left side. The throat is sensitive to touch and painful
if clothing is worn around the neck. A sensation of swelling in the
throat is common.

This is just a brief summary of remedies used in infectious illness.

For more information on homeopathic medicine, see:
Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine by Stephen
Cummings and Dana Ullman (Los Angeles: Jeremy P.
Tarcher, 1984).
Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century by
Dana Ullman (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1992).

Hands-On Healing
The laying on of hands has been a component of healing systems for
centuries. Certain forms of touch stimulate the body’s healing and
defense mechanisms. There is evidence that hands-on treatment
has an important role to play in prevention of illness as well as in
treatment during illness.

Natural Medicine

One of the tools of the chiropractic physician is the adjustment,
or manipulation of the spine and the extremities.* Over the years,
chiropractic physicians have reported success in treating a variety
of conditions associated with bacterial and viral infection. Manip¬
ulation of the vertebrae has an influence on neurologic function,
lymphatic drainage, blood flow and muscle tension. Recent research
by Patricia C. Brennan, Ph.D., suggests that manipulation may
also have a direct effect on certain aspects of immune function.
Her group showed that when the thoracic spine (mid-back) was
adjusted, the respiratory burst cycle of white blood cells was
enhanced.31 Manipulation is thought to stimulate immune func¬
tion, in part by promoting the release of endorphins—long asso¬
ciated with improving immunity.
There is also a growing body of clinical evidence. In 19S/, Got¬
tfried Gutmann, M.D., a leading researcher in the field of manipu¬
lative medicine, reported on the examination and treatment of more
than 1,000 infants and small children using manipulation of the ver¬
tebrae. His findings reveal that many common ear, nose, throat and
bronchial disorders of childhood respond more favorably to adjust¬
ment of the vertebrae than to medication. He states, “If the indi¬
cations are correctly observed, chiropractic can often bring about
amazingly successful results, because the therapy is a causal one.”32
German physician K. Lewit, writing in a textbook of manual
medicine, reported that 92 percent of youthful patients with chron¬
ic tonsillitis had blockage, or misalignment, of the first cervical ver¬
tebra and the occiput (base of the skull). According to Dr. Lewit,
“After removal of the blockage [by adjustment of the vertebrae],
recurrence is absent.”3334 Pediatrician U. Mohr has reported on
cases of chronic tonsillitis in which tonsillectomy was planned.
However, after treatment of the functional disturbances of the

*Many chiropractic physicians also employ the use of acupuncture, homeo¬

pathic medicine, herbal medicine, dietary therapy and lifestyle counseling.
They are one of the largest groups of health professionals in the U.S. who
use clinical nutrition in their practice. Unlike medical licensing exams, the
chiropractic exams include testing of proficiency in nutrition.

Boosting Immunity Naturally

spine using manipulation, the problem resolved and no tonsillec¬

tomy was needed.35
Recall the study by Drs. Wendy and Juan van Breda in which
the rate of tonsillitis and otitis media was much lower in the children
of chiropractors compared with the children of pediatricians. This
might be attributed in part to fact that spinal manipulation was a
part of the health care received by the chiropractic children.36
At the Department of Maternal and Child Health, Center for
Clinical Studies at Northwestern College of Chiropractic, Carol J.
Phillips, D.C., has reported on numerous cases of ear infections in
children that have responded to manipulation of the vertebrae. In
many cases, these children had received multiple doses of antibi¬
otics followed by tubes, with little improvement. Dr. Phillips also
reports that many cases of acute earaches respond quickly to manip¬
We are not saying that manipulation is the cure for infectious
diseases. However, there is an aspect of manipulation that appears
to stimulate resistance to disease. Manipulation also corrects
mechanical blockages that occur following injuries. This form of
treatment is worthy of consideration, especially when there is a
history of birth trauma or injury later in childhood. The same holds
true for adults, in whom ear, nose, throat and sinus problems are
commonly seen after injuries.

Therapeutic Massage
Massage is another area known to promote healing. It is now being
used in hospitals throughout the world to reduce stress, aid in pain
control, improve circulation, promote relaxation and stimulate the
release of toxins that build up in the body. There is some evidence
that massage also enhances immune function. We reported in Chap¬
ter 6 on studies showing that when animals are massaged or handled
in infancy, they have better-developed immune systems later in life.
Massage also stimulates movement of lymphatic fluid through
the lymph vessels. This network is an important part of the immune
system and the system of elimination of toxins. Lymphatic vessels
have no muscles, thus the only way fluid can move is through mus¬
cle activity created by exercise, or by physically manipulating mus¬
cles through massage. Massage may enhance immunity, in part by

Natural Medicine

improving lymphatic circulation.

Some massage therapists have reported that their clients are
able to get over the flu, colds, tonsillitis and other disorders more
quickly when massage is part of their care. Whenever you or your
child become ill, you should consider providing a full-body mas¬
sage or seeking the services of a massage therapist. Massage with
essential oils further enhances the treatment. During times of good
health, massage can be used as part of your healthy living or pre¬
vention program. The best part may be that massage is extremely
enjoyable. Treat yourself!

Acupuncture is another form of healing that is being used to boost
immunity and improve resistance. In a 1991 issue of the American
Journal of Chinese Medicine published by the Institute for
Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine, it was report¬
ed that acupuncture stimulation increased some parameters of
immune function, (increased beta-endorphin in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells and increased T-lymphocyte proliferation to
mitogen). The investigators in this study concluded their paper by
stating, “Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that the
immune system might be modulated by traditional acupuncture.”38
Acupuncture is also being investigated as a means to stimu¬
late immunity in people with AIDS and other immunosuppressive
disorders. Acupuncture is generally not used a sole means of ther¬
apy during times of lowered immunity or during infection. However,
it is being used concurrently with other therapies such as botanical
medicine to promote enhanced immunity.

The Logical Step

We have presented substantial evidence that antibiotics are often
misused and that there may be better approaches to managing
common infections. With the growing evidence suggesting immune-
building methods might better serve our health needs, it seems
logical to take a new approach. This approach would involve the
use of natural substances as preventives or in the early stages of
illness. If this approach is unsuccessful, antibiotics can be brought

Boosting Immunity Naturally

in to assist the healing process. There are certain circumstances

and disorders in which antibiotic therapy is the prudent choice.
But even in such cases, we must include in our treatments ways to
stimulate immunity and promote healing. As we stated in the intro¬
ductory remarks of this book, “Antibiotics alone are never the
answer” because they do nothing to promote immunity or heal¬
ing of injured tissue. We hope that doctors will some day recog¬
nize that their treatments will be more effective when this basic
philosophy is followed. In this way, we can utilize the inherent val¬
ue of antibiotics more wisely, while respecting the human body.

Common Conditions
for Which Antibiotics Are
Prescribed: What You Can Do
Throughout this book we describe a variety of ways in which antibi¬
otics are misused or inappropriately applied. Many illnesses for
which antibiotics are used are common complaints that can be
managed with home care. Others may require antibiotics for a
brief period, but in such cases home-care remedies can also be
used to stimulate natural resistance and speed recovery.
Many conditions for which people seek medical care are relat¬
ed to allergies, viruses or inflammation and cannot be helped by
antibiotics. On the other hand, certain bacterial infections can be
serious and life-threatening and require antibiotics. It is difficult
for you to know precisely the cause of you or your child’s health
problems—that’s why there are doctors. However, as we showed in
Chapter 2, doctors are not always certain of their diagnosis. In
addition, doctors are inclined to use antibiotics, sometimes in spite
of research that suggests antibiotics might be of little help. That’s
why you need to be an informed consumer of health care. You will
be better able to protect you and your child’s health and your
Dr. Sehnert has advocated for many years in best-selling books
such as How to be Your Own Doctor (Sometimes) and SelfcarefWell-
care the concept of the “Activated Patient” in which the patient
assumes an active role in the management of common health prob-


lems rather than the passive role preferred by many doctors. He

has trained thousands of people over the past 20 years by following
three important assumptions:
1. Ordinary people with accurate information can treat
many common health problems earlier and cheaper
(and sometimes more effectively) than professionals.
2. People don’t need a formal medical education to be
trusted to take care of themselves.
3. Knowledge about health should not be a guarded secret
for doctors, nurses and health professionals, but should be
shared with lay people, particularly when the information
is clearly stated. This is part of medical self care.
When illness arises in your family, both you and your doctor
should ask the following questions.
1. Is the problem related to bacterial infection?
Was a culture done?
2. If so, what type of bacterium is present?
3. Which antibiotic will be effective against this particular
4. If an antibiotic is required, is it best to give it immediately?
5. Is it best to give the antibiotic later and allow the immune
system to do its work? What are the consequences if you
6. Is it best to withhold antibiotics altogether?
7. Are there alternatives to antibiotics?
8. What are the likely consequences if you do not use
Ask your doctor these questions. The doctor may be reluctant or
unable to answer them. However, if he gives you good reasons for
proceeding with antibiotic therapy, you should follow his advice. If
the doctor has not addressed the above questions or has not given
you a satisfactory answer to them, you should be more cautious.
Below is a directory of common conditions for which antibi¬
otics are prescribed and remedies that can be used at home. When¬
ever symptoms persist see your doctor, but remember that the

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

supportive methods listed below can also be helpful when med¬

ical care is sought.

The Nature and Cause. Acne is the most common of all skin dis¬
orders. Males are more often affected than females. It usually
occurs in children, beginning at puberty and persisting through
adolescence. In some individuals, acne can remain a problem to
age 50 or 60. The cause is unknown, although doctors believe it is
due to problems in the sebaceous glands of the skin.
The Diagnosis. Pimples usually occur over the face, back and
Customary Treatment. Acne is usually treated with antibiotics
or with Retin-A® and with a topical steroid (cortisone derivative)
drug. Oral contraceptives are sometimes found to be helpful. The
antibiotics most often used include erythromycin and tetracycline
Complications. Cyst formation can be a problem. Permanent
scarring may also occur, especially in severe acne. Perhaps the
greatest complication is psychological.
Natural Remedies. Although certain individuals respond well to
dietary manipulation, many doctors consider this approach con¬
troversial. Numerous studies have shown zinc to be one of the
most important nutrients used in acne treatment. Amounts used
in these studies were generally between 90 and 135 milligrams dai¬
ly for one to three months (a doctor should be consulted before
using this amount of zinc). In addition to zinc, the following pro¬
gram has produced good to excellent results in 92 percent of
1. Avoid inorganic iron (inactivates vitamin E).
2 Avoid female hormones (antagonistic to vitamin E).
3. Avoid extra iodine (can aggravate acne).
4. Avoid commercial soft drinks with brominated vegetable
oil (can make acne worse).
5. Avoid over 1 glass of milk daily (hormones in the milk can
aggravate acne).


6. Avoid excess vitamin Bn (can produce or aggravate acne).

7. Vitamin A (water-soluble) 50,000 IU twice daily before
meals. Do not use this amount without the advice of a
8. Vitamin E 400 IU twice daily before meals.
9. Pyridoxine (B6) 50 mg once or twice daily for
premenstrual and menstrual acne.
10. Benzoyl peroxide 5 percent gel applied at night after
washing gently with nonmedicated soap. Some Australian
dermatologists use 5 percent tea tree oil gel with better
11. Well-balanced diet, low in fat and sugars.
Essential plant oils are sometimes used to care for acne. Rose¬
wood oil or tea tree oil dabbed onto emerging blemishes can be
very effective. The scars of acne (and scars due to other causes)
can be effectively treated using the daily topical application of
Rosa rubiginosa and helichrysum.* With several month’s use, the
results can sometimes be astonishing.

Bladder Infection (Cystitis)

The Nature and Cause. Bladder infections, or urinary tract infec¬
tions, (UTI) affect roughly 25 million American women each year.
They are rare in men until after age forty. Girls under the age of two
are commonly affected because of improper wiping after a bowel
movement, which forces fecal bacteria into the urethra. Seventy
percent of infections are caused by the common intestinal bac¬
terium E. coli. UTIs appear to be more common among sexually
active women, in part because E. coli is spread from the rectum
to the urethra during intercourse. In some individuals UTIs occur
repeatedly, suggesting an underlying problem such as poor nutrition
or improper hygienic practices.

* Information on the use of essential oils was provided with the assistance
of Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, PO. Box 6723,
San Rafael, California 94903 (415) 479-9121.

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

Bladder infections can also occur following antibiotic treatment

for an upper respiratory tract infection3 or from use of spermicidal
preparations such as those containing nonoxynol-9 (e.g. Semicide®
Vaginal Contraceptive Inserts and Today® Vaginal Contraceptive
Roughly 500,000 women in America who have symptoms of
urinary tract infection may actually suffer from a condition known
as interstitial cystitis (IC)—not responsive to antibiotics or even
many natural treatments, though food allergy is often found to be
a contributor. The only way to determine if IC is present is by cys¬
toscopy, or viewing the inside of the bladder with a fiber optic
The Diagnosis. The most common symptom is burning pain on
urination. Thirty percent of those with bladder infection have no
symptoms. Sometimes cloudy, foul-smelling or dark urine will be
present. The presence of nitrates in the urine suggests but does
not confirm the presence of bacteria. The most accurate laborato¬
ry test is a urine culture for bacteria.
Customary Treatment. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and
ampicillin are among the antibacterials commonly used to treat
UTIs. The antibiotics Chloromycetin and tetracycline (for peni¬
cillin-allergic patients) are also used. People with recurrent UTIs
often harbor bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. Antibiotic treat¬
ment of UTIs in women commonly triggers a vaginal yeast infection
(see “vaginitis”).
Complications. Although they can be quite painful, UTIs are
rarely serious except in pregnant women. Occasionally the infection
will spread to the kidneys, producing back pain and fever. In men
over 40, UTIs often indicate the presence of prostatitis, or inflam¬
mation of the prostate.
Natural Remedies. Cranberry juice remains one of the most
effective means of combating UTIs. Researchers reporting in the
New England Journal of Medicine found that the juice of cranber¬
ries and blueberries (consumed by mouth) prevented the attach¬
ment of bladder-infecting E. coli to body cells. According to
Harvard professor Dr. Edwin Kass, “Cranberry juice can elimi¬
nate bacteria even in those whose bladder infections have been
resistant to previous antibiotic therapy.”4 Substances in cranberry


juice inhibit attachment of bacteria to the wall of the bladder or

urethra and work as a preventive and treatment. There is one draw¬
back, however; most brands of commercial cranberry juice con¬
tain only 10 percent cranberry juice, which is mixed with sugars
that counteract the beneficial components of the cranberry.
Raw, flash pasteurized (low heat method) cranberry juice is
available and should be the form used to care for UTIs. Walnut
Acres (Penns Creek, PA, 17862, 800-433-3998) markets a juice that
is 100 percent pure cranberry. A supplement is also available,
Crangel, that contains 3,000 mg of concentrated cranberry juice
powder—the equivalent of 8 ounces of pure cranberry juice (Nutri¬
tion Dynamics, Maple Plain, MN 55359, 800-444-9998). Vitamin
C and bioflavonoids work synergistically to enhance the effective¬
ness of cranberry or blueberry juice.
Also helpful in UTIs: 3,000-8,000 milligrams of vitamin C dai¬
ly; acidophilus; 5,000 IU vitamin A; 50,000 IU beta-carotene; Can-
tharis, a homeopathic medicine, 3x daily; drink extra fluid; good
hygiene; frequent urination; urinate after intercourse; avoid the
use of spermicides.
Oral supplementation with acidophilus in addition to use of
acidophilus in a vaginal douche (two capsule of acidophilus in 4
ounces of warm water) can be very helpful in managing bladder
infections. In one study, acidophilus suppositories were used intrav-
aginally once per week for one year in women who suffered from
frequent bladder infections. There was a dramatic 78 percent reduc¬
tion in infections.5 Any time antibiotics are taken for a bladder
infection, acidophilus by mouth should be used concurrently.
Essential plant oils are extremely effective in controlling blad¬
der infections. They are especially helpful in reducing the acute
pain. Take 2 drops of tea tree oil by mouth every 15 minutes for the
first 6 to 8 hours of symptoms. After that, gradually extend the
time between doses. For chronic bladder infections, combine 5
parts thyme oil with 95 parts tea tree oil: take 2 drops of this mix¬
ture 4 times a day. This can safely be used for several months if
needed. In one doctor’s experience, this regimen has been effective
in more than 90 percent of simple bladder infections.6 Essential
oils can be obtained from Original Swiss Aromatics (P.O. Box 6842,
San Rafael, CA 94903, 415-459-3998) or from a specialty herb

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

store. Make sure the oils are listed as “genuine and authentic” as
there is a vast difference in the purity of essential oils sold to con¬

The Nature and Cause. The bronchi are the large breathing tubes
that lead from the trachea to the lungs. Bronchitis can be due to
bacterial, fungal or viral infection, or allergy. Exposure to particu¬
lates and pollutants can also contribute to irritation of the airway.
Both food allergy and airborne allergy can lead to excessive mucus
buildup in the respiratory tract. Symptoms usually include any
deep, chesty cough where there is no involvement of the actual
lung tissue. Pneumonia, on the other hand, describes a condition
where fluid accumulates in alveoli, or tiny air sacs, in the lungs.
Pneumonia should be treated by your doctor.
The Diagnosis. The doctor examines the lungs using a stetho¬
scope, observing for various respiratory sounds. Chest x-rays may
be taken to determine the severity of lung involvement. Sputum
(coughed-up phlegm) cultures are sometimes done to determine
whether bacteria or viruses are present. A blood test called a “CBC
with a differential” will probably be done. A CBC with differential
includes a count of the total number of red and white blood cells in
addition to their size and type. It also includes a test for hemoglo¬
bin, which gives some indication of iron status (though there are
better tests for this).
Customary Treatment. Antibiotics used in bronchitis believed
due to bacteria usually include tetracycline, ampicillin or trimetho¬
Complications. Complications of bronchitis, especially in older
individuals or children can be serious. In chronic bronchitis, res¬
piratory failure, pneumonia and cardiovascular problems can occur.
If congestion moves into the lung tissue pneumonia can develop.
Natural Remedies. Vitamin A deficiency can predispose chil¬
dren to infections of the respiratory tract. In a study of children
with measles complicated by pneumonia, those given vitamin A
recovered twice as quickly, had less croup and spent fewer days in
the hospital. In those treated with vitamin A, the risk of serious


complications or death was reduced by 49 percent.7 In another

study, vitamin A supplementation caused a significant reduction
in respiratory tract complaints.8
Vitamin C should be taken, 6,000 to 10,000 mg per day, along
with 10,000 IU of vitamin A, 100,000 IU of beta-carotene, and 25
mg of zinc.
Essential oils can be very helpful when bronchitis strikes. For
bronchitis that is accompanied by heavy mucus and unproductive
cough, use Rosemary verbinone and Inula graveolens in equal por¬
tions (anise seed oil can be added for extra benefit). This can be
inhaled through a diffusor four times per day and rubbed on the
chest four times per day.
For bronchitis not associated with heavy mucus, use Eucalyptus
radiata and Niaouli. This can be rubbed on the chest and inhaled.

The Common Cold

The Nature and Cause. The common cold is the most common
infection of humans and is due to viruses. Bacteria do not cause
this illness. Emotional status, stress, nutritional status and other
factors all affect susceptibility to the common cold. Colds are more
serious among the elderly. In one study of people over 65, cold
symptoms persisted from two to 46 days, with a period of “gen¬
uine symptoms” for 18 days.9
Cold viruses do not spread as easily among family members as
influenza viruses, but it is still important to wash your hands and fol¬
low the guidelines presented in Chapter 6.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis is usually made based on symp¬
toms that include runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion,
scratchy throat, headache, chills and sometimes low fever (101°F).
Laboratory tests for viruses are occasionally done to rule out more
serious infection. When acute respiratory symptoms are present,
doctors must rule out pneumonia, influenza and other diseases.
The blood test CBC with a differential may be helpful.
Customary Treatment. There is no successful medical treatment
for the common cold, although symptomatic treatments are avail¬
able. A recent article published in Medical World News reveals
that many methods commonly used to treat colds may be coun-

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

terproductive. Antihistamines have been shown to have minimal

benefit. Researchers investigating aspirin, ibuprofen and aceta¬
minophen found that all produced “a significant increase in nasal
stuffiness.” Another negative report was that aspirin and aceta¬
minophen suppressed immune function. Cold specialists agree that
taking multiple-agent cold preparations is ill-advised. It is better
to take one or two with a narrow spectrum of action that matches
your symptoms.10
In 1983, more than 3 million people sought medical care for
the common cold or flu. Of these, 51 percent were needlessly given
antibiotics. Antibiotics do nothing for the common cold.11 Accord¬
ing to the text Infections: Recognition, Understanding and Treat¬
ment, ‘Antibiotics are not indicated even when the patient is febrile
[feverish]. Many controlled prospective studies have shown that
therapy with penicillin, tetracycline, or a macrolide neither in¬
fluences the course of the disease nor diminishes the frequency of
bacterial superinfection either in young children, or when fever is
Complications. Serious complications of the cold usually occur
only in immune-suppressed individuals. In generally healthy chil¬
dren, the most common complication is middle ear inflammation,
or otitis media. Roughly 50 percent of all earaches are preceded
by an upper respiratory problem such as a cold. Bronchitis or sinus
infection may sometimes follow. Pneumonia is another complication
of the cold that, although uncommon, can be serious. This com¬
plication is more common among the elderly.
Doctors often justify their use of antibiotic treatment of colds by
their wish to prevent secondary bacterial infection. However, use of
antibiotics to treat colds often gives rise to super-infections, such as
pneumonia, by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Natural Remedies. There are a number of natural remedies
that seem to shorten the duration and severity of the common cold
or flu. Zinc lozenges or zinc and vitamin C lozenges can reduce
the symptoms of colds.13
High doses of vitamin C, 1 gram per hour (especially when giv¬
en intravenously) can stop a cold in hours to days. Cold expert Dr.
Eliot C. Dick was recently surprised when his study of the com¬
mon cold showed that use of vitamin C resulted in “symptoms and


signs that were much, much milder” than their counterparts receiv¬
ing placebo.14
Another product that has met with good clinical success in ter¬
minating common cold symptoms is Perque 1, an amino acid cap¬
sule that has free-radical quenching properties (Seraphim, Inc.)
Essential plant oils can be used to dramatically speed recovery
from the common cold. Eucalyptus radiata can be inhaled and
rubbed on the chest several times a day. If there is fever and joint
pain, take one or two drops of Ravensare aromatica by mouth every
4 hours or so. This oil often gives a tremendous burst of energy,
especially when used in the early stages of a cold.

The Nature and Cause. Earache, or otitis media, is the most com¬
mon condition for which parents bring their children to the doc¬
tor. Sensitivity (or allergy) to food or airborne substances is a
common contributor to earaches. Dairy products such as milk and
cheese are common culprits. Infection by the bacteria Haemophilus
influenzae or Streptococcus pneumoniae accounts for the middle
ear problems of some children. Infection by viruses occurs in some
children, especially those who have been unresponsive to antibiotic
treatment. This is often accompanied by yeast/fungal infections as
an aftermath of broad-spectrum therapy.
Dietary and nutritional factors also play a role in the develop¬
ment of earaches. Zinc and vitamin A deficiency lead to changes in
the middle ear cells and contribute to the buildup of fluid. Con¬
sumption of the wrong types of dietary fats sets the stage for inflam¬
mation in the middle ear.
The Diagnosis. Diagnosis is based primarily on examination of
the eardrum using an otoscope. Tympanometry (electronic moni¬
toring of the eardrum) is more reliable and is also commonly used.
Physical symptoms are considered but are not a consistent indica¬
tor of the middle ear condition. Cultures of middle ear fluid are
the best way to be certain of whether an inflamed middle ear con¬
tains bacteria. However, cultures are rarely done because an incision
in the eardrum is required, and most doctor’s offices are not set
up to do this. The blood test CBC with a differential may be done,

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

but it does not indicate anything about middle ear status. Blood
tests are of little value in middle ear problems.
In one study of almost 4,000 children involving doctors from
nine countries, doctors were certain of their diagnosis of otitis
media in only 58 percent of children under one year of age.15 With
this great a margin of error, the possibility of prescribing antibi¬
otics to a child with no bacteria in the middle ear is quite high.
Customary Treatment. Antibiotic therapy is the most common
form of treatment for otitis media. Roughly 42 percent of all antibi¬
otics prescribed to children are prescribed for otitis media. Thera¬
py usually is recommended for 10 days. Recent studies have shown
that antibiotics may not be effective for many children with otitis
media. An article published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association in 1991 showed that children who received amoxicillin
for chronic earaches suffered two to six times the rate of recurrent
ear problems. Similar results were reported for Pediazole® and
cefaclor.16 In addition, the appropriateness of the 10-day course of
therapy has been questioned. Antibiotic schedules of two, three, five
and seven days have yielded results comparable to the typical 10-
day course.17’18’19’20’21
Experts point out that 30 to 50 percent of painful middle ears
contain no bacteria.22 Antibiotics would be of little use in such chil¬
dren. Moreover, up to 70 percent of children who have been unre¬
sponsive to antibiotic therapy or surgery have no bacteria in their
middle ears.23 24
The placement of tubes in the eardrums of children with recur¬
ring earaches is the most common surgical procedure performed on
children. A patient recently seen by Dr. Sehnert had had six sets of
tubes placed in his ears despite little evidence of any benefit. While
many doctors recommend this procedure, controversy surrounds its
use. In one study, children with two infected ears were treated by
placing a tube in one ear and leaving the other ear to chance. The
two ears were then compared over a five-year period. In the first
couple of months, the ear with the tube did slightly better. However,
beyond six months there was no difference in the two ears with
regard to fluid and rate of recurrent infections. In fact, there was
slightly more eardrum scarring and hearing loss in the ear in which
the tube had been placed.25 Similar findings were reported in a


1990 issue of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.2621

Complications. Eardrum scarring, cholesteatoma, etc., are
among the physical complications associated with otitis media.
Hearing loss, intellectual impairment and delays in language devel¬
opment can occur when middle ear problems are long-standing.
Meningitis and mastoiditis are the most serious complications of
otitis media. They usually require antibiotic or surgical treatment.
Natural Remedies. Eardrops made from a tincture of Planta-
go major can be placed in each painful ear provided there is no
drainage (or tube). This herb can be obtained from an herb store or
health food store. Plantago major can provide significant sympto¬
matic relief.
According to ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Fred Pullen of
Miami, Florida, “Seventy-five percent [of children with recurrent
ear problems] respond by the simple procedure of taking away
milk products.”28 It is very important to consider food intolerance
as a possible contributor, especially if there is a history of antibiotic
use or a family history of allergy.
Children with earaches can usually benefit from an acidophilus
supplement. Infants should use a bifidus supplement, but aci¬
dophilus is acceptable. Vitamin C, 1,000 mg three times a day, can
be given to children with earaches. Zinc, 15 mg a day can also be
helpful, but don’t continue for more than a few weeks without a
doctors advice. Avoid all processed food and refined sugar.
Homeopathic remedies can be quite helpful during acute ear¬
aches. Pulsatilla is often used when an earache follows a cold.
There is often a greenish discharge from the nose. The child is gen¬
tle, weepy, sensitive and wants to be held all the time. Chamomil-
la is also used in acute earaches when the child is irritable and
cranky and does not want to be held. This remedy is also helpful for
teething discomfort. Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy that is
used in acute earaches that come on rapidly with great pain. There
is usually a fever with flushed cheeks and a hot face.
Essential plant oils can be used effectively as eardrops. Mix 5
parts lavender oil in 95 parts flax oil, or 5 parts clary sage oil in flax
oil. Drop three drops in each ear where you do not see drainage.
Inula graveolens can be rubbed onto the skin around the painful
ear several times a day.

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

There are many, many factors that affect middle ear problems in
children. The causes and practical solutions are discussed in depth
in the book Childhood Ear Infections: What Every Parent and
Physician Should Know About Prevention, Home Care and Alter¬
native Treatment, by Dr. Schmidt (North Atlantic Books, Berke¬
ley, CA 1990).

The Nature and Cause. Fever is the response of the body to inva¬
sion by an infectious agent. It is a beneficial sign that the body is
mounting resistance. Fever is not generally a cause for concern
• It persists for more than three days.
• It occurs in a child under 3 months of age.
• It is associated with vomiting, listlessness or irritability.
• It is associated with neck stiffness or difficulty breathing.
• Your child is making twitching movements.
Fever can be caused by viral, bacterial, yeast/fungal or para¬
sitic infection. The degree of fever gives little indication of the
severity of the child’s condition (unless a high fever of 105°+ is
associated with poisoning or encephalitis). A low-grade fever with
few or no symptoms gives little cause for concern.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis is made by thermometer. The
thermometer is taken orally, rectally or in the armpit. It is nearly
impossible to determine the degree of fever by touching the fore¬
head, face or other body part.
Customary Treatment. Acetaminophen (found in Tylenol®),
aspirin and antibiotics are commonly used to control fever. There
is a growing number of doctors who believe that fever should not be
treated or suppressed. In one study, children with chickenpox who
were given acetaminophen for the fever and discomfort recovered
more slowly than did those not given acetaminophen. The author
of this study, Dr. Timothy Doran, comments, “We should be advis¬
ing parents to treat the child and not the thermometer. If there’s a
fever, and they [the child] are not uncomfortable with it, there is no
reason to give it [acetaminophen].”30


The use of aspirin in any viral illness is ill-advised because of

the likelihood of children developing Reye’s Syndrome, an often-
fatal inflammation of the brain. In addition, aspirin can block the
body’s own inflammation-fighting machinery.
The wisdom of giving antibiotics for fever has also been seri¬
ously questioned. Dr. David M. Jaffe studied the course of high
fever in 955 children under 3 who were treated at hospital emer¬
gency rooms. He wondered if antibiotics should be given routine¬
ly in such cases. One half of the children were given amoxicillin
while the other half received a placebo. Dr. Jaffe found that there
was virtually no difference in fever outcome in antibiotic-treated
children when compared with those given the placebo. Only a few
children, who were later found to have bacterial infection, respond¬
ed to amoxicillin. Dr. Jaffe concluded that antibiotics are “not
advisable” for most children with high fever.31
Complications. Febrile convulsions can occur with high fever.
These are frightening to parents, but generally result in no per¬
manent harm. If your child experiences febrile convulsions, check
with your doctor just to be safe. Antiseizure medication used to
be given to children who develop febrile seizures, but this has been
found to be unnecessary and harmful. Complications can occur if a
fever is associated with conditions such as severe measles or pneu¬
Natural Remedies. Though it is best not to suppress most fevers,
we recognize that some parents will become uncomfortable when
a fever rises too high or their child feels ill. For this reason, we
have recommended a few natural fever-controlling remedies.
Essential plant oils that help with the pain and discomfort asso¬
ciated with fever include German chamomile oil or tea tree oil.
One drop of either oil can be added to hot water and consumed
every three hours. Acidophilus mixed in water is also helpful in
some cases of fever.
A mixture sometimes used to aid the body during times of fever
consists of a tea made from 2 parts bonset, 2 parts yarrow and 1
part echinacea. The tea can be consumed hot every two hours.32

Influenza (The Flu)
Nature and Cause. The common cold is sometimes compared to a
“drippy faucet,” while the flu is likened to Niagara Falls. The flu
is caused by a virus different from that of the common cold. The ill¬
ness is highly contagious and comes on suddenly. The time from
exposure to the onset of symptoms is only two to three days. Symp¬
toms include fever (two to four days), muscle aches, chills, headache,
loss of appetite, malaise and lethargy. Sneezing and coughing can
occur but are not as common as with colds. Influenza (along with
pneumonia, a common complication of influenza) is responsible
for more bed disability days than any other cause.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis is made primarily based on the
symptoms listed above.
Customary Treatment. There is no medical treatment for
influenza. Antibiotics are sometimes used to treat bacterial com¬
plications should they occur. However, if antibiotics are used too
early, they can undermine the healing process. Vaccination against
the flu is often recommended for the elderly.
Complications. Influenza can result in serious complications in
some population groups, especially the elderly. Pneumonia is the
most serious of the complications. In the early 20th century, millions
of Americans died as a result of a particularly virulent influenza
Natural Remedies. Vitamin C (mineral ascorbate or esterfied
ascorbate) 1,000 milligrams per hour should be taken with the first
signs of the flu and continued until symptoms subside. Rest is essen¬
tial. Stay in bed for a few days. Drink plenty of fluids. You may
wish to soak in a hot bath containing oil of lavender and clary sage.
As with the common cold, the product Perque 1, two tablets or
more (up to five have been prescribed and found to be helpful)
three times daily, have a beneficial result.
The essential oil Eucalyptus radiata can be rubbed on the chest
and inhaled several times a day. One drop of Ravensare aromatica
can be taken occasionally by mouth to improve energy.
The homeopathic remedy Oscilococcinum can be taken sever¬
al times a day by mouth and is best taken within the first 48 hours


of the onset of symptoms. This remedy is widely used in Europe. It

is usually available at health food stores.

Intestinal Infections with Diarrhea

The Nature and Cause. Intestinal infection can occur from bacteria,
viruses, fungi, yeast or parasites. These infections can be contract¬
ed from food, water, siblings, playmates, foreign travel or day care.
The latter is probably one of the most common sources of infections
among preschool children. Infection by the bacteria Salmonella
and Campylobacter is a common form of food poisoning.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis can only be accurately made by
examining a stool specimen or by intestinal biopsy (not usually
Customary Treatment. Once the diagnosis is made, the prop¬
er antimicrobial substance can be chosen. Antibiotics are used
when bacteria such as Salmonella are found. Antiparasitic drugs
are used when parasites such as Giardia lamblia are identified.
When viruses are found, there is little that conventional medicine
has to offer. In all of the above cases, there are natural remedies
that can be used that have a broad spectrum of action. In many
cases, these remedies are superior to the commonly used drugs.
When the infection is severe, drugs must be used. However, the
natural remedies can be used concurrently to enhance results and
minimize side effects.
Complications. The complications from intestinal infection are
generally not severe, but are too numerous to mention in detail.
The most common complication is disruption of digestion and
absorption of nutrients. Another is disruption of the normal balance
of bacteria that reside in the gut. Development of food allergies
frequently accompanies intestinal infection, especially in children.
Intolerance to cow’s milk products is common following any kind
of intestinal infection.
If diarrhea persists for more than one week, it can affect nutri¬
ent status and immune function. When diarrhea persists for sev¬
eral weeks, these effects can be serious.
Natural Remedies. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobac¬
terium bifidus can be taken by mouth to restore normal balance

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

and compete with and kill many harmful organisms. The dosage
is usually V2 teaspoon in a glass of warm water three times per day
for children and two to three capsules (one to two teaspoons pow¬
der) three times daily for adults. Acidophilus or bifidus made by
Ethical Nutrients or by UAS Laboratory are of high quality.
Inner Strength® (also known as Probioplex®) is a food supple¬
ment that can thwart the activity of up to 17 different intestinal
invaders including the yeast Candida albicans,the bacteria E. coli
associated with travelers diarrhea and Shigella, associated with
dysentery. When taken with acidophilus, the activity of Inner
Strength® is enhanced many-fold. One teaspoon in a glass of warm
water three times per day is a common adult dose during illness. For
a child, V4 teaspoon three times daily. Inner Strength® is available
from Ethical Nutrients (971 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA
92672, 800-692-9400).
A child with diarrhea due to any cause should be given plenty of
fluids that are high in electrolytes. Dr. Leo Galland recommends
giving a drink made from one part fruit juice to two parts water
with a pinch of salt. This helps supply fluid, sodium, potassium and
sugar. (We generally don’t recommend extra sugar for children,
but during prolonged diarrhea it can be life-saving.) Also, give
your child a ripe, mashed banana. If the diarrhea is liquid, the juice
and banana should be given every ten minutes. As the diarrhea
becomes more firm, the time can be extended gradually.33

Post-Antibiotic Syndrome
The Nature and Cause. You’ll seldom find this illness listed in any
medical textbooks. Yet, many doctors are beginning to recognize
that the prescribing of round after round of antibiotics to children
and adults has resulted in a complex series of events that sup¬
presses the immune system while trapping the patient in a general
state of poor health. These individuals often suffer from problems
ranging from skin disorders to recurrent infections, from diarrhea
to depression.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis is based in part on the history.
These individuals have often suffered from a bout of otitis media,
sinusitis or some upper respiratory problem (often viral) in early life


that was treated with antibiotics. The condition commonly did not
respond to one course of antibiotics, so another was prescribed.
This pattern continued for many months or even years. Throughout
this period, the true cause of the illness went unnoticed and there¬
fore untreated. Meanwhile, the adverse effects of the antibiotic
treatment itself were setting in.
Signs and symptoms fall into the following categories:
1. Intestinal (pain, bloating, flatulence, poor digestion,
diarrhea, constipation).
2. Allergic (food and airborne allergies).
3. Behavioral (irritability, depression, lethargy, chronic
4. Immunologic (susceptibility to recurrent infections).
5. Dermatologic (rashes, hives, yeast infections).
6. Respiratory (chronic cough, postnasal drainage, chronic

A test called the Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis

(CDSA) should be performed to assess the function of the digestive
system and intestines, and to determine the balance of bacteria in
the intestines. A stool test for parasites should also be done. Tests
are also available that test for permeability of the intestine. This test
helps determine if you have a “leaky gut” and why digestive prob¬
lems and food intolerance may persist (Great Smokies Diagnos¬
tic Laboratory, 18A Regent Park Boulevard, Asheville, NC 28806,
800-522-4762). Tests for food intolerance or allergy are also helpful.
Customary Treatment. This condition has been given little atten¬
tion in Western medicine because the syndrome is largely iatro¬
genic (doctor-induced). What makes it all the more difficult is that
the syndrome does not fit into the neat package of signs and symp¬
toms that doctors prefer to work with. Its falls into the category
of what clinicians call a “wastebasket diagnosis,” or one that is
used because others have been excluded. However, the syndrome
is all too real to its sufferers.
Complications. The main complications are immune suppres¬
sion, digestive problems, fatigue and chronic poor health. Chronic
problems falling into one or more of the six categories listed above

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

are significant complications and must be considered in anyone

who has received repeated doses of antibiotics.
Natural Remedies. This condition is not highly responsive to
home care practices because it is so complex and often involves
so many body systems. A health professional who is skilled at
working with this should be consulted. There are a few home reme¬
dies that can be used with some success.
Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus can be
taken by mouth to restore their numbers. These “good” bacteria are
the first to be wiped out by antibiotic therapy. Acidophilus and
Bifidus also compete with and kill many harmful organisms that
might invade the intestines. The dosage is usually V2 teaspoon in a
glass of warm water three times per day for children and two to
three capsules (one to two teaspoons powder) three times daily
for adults. Acidophilus or bifidus made by Ethical Nutrients or by
UAS Laboratory are of high quality.
Inner Strength® (also known as Probioplex®) is a food supple¬
ment that can thwart the activity of up to 17 different intestinal
invaders including the yeast Candida albicans,the bacteria E. coli
associated with travelers diarrhea and Shigella, associated with
dysentery. When taken with acidophilus, the activity of Inner
Strength® is enhanced many-fold. One teaspoon in a glass of warm
water three times per day is a common adult dose during illness. For
a child, V4 teaspoon three times daily. Inner Strength® is available
from Ethical Nutrients (971 Calle Negocio, San Clemente, CA
92672, 800-692-9400).
Vitamins A, E and C, the B-vitamins, flax oil, primrose oil, beta-
carotene, zinc, magnesium, and selenium are other important nutri¬

Rhinitis/Stuffy Nose
The Nature and Cause. The image of the “runny-nosed toddler”
with dark circles under the eyes and thumb in the mouth is proba¬
bly forever burned into the memory of most parents. It is not a
serious illness, yet it alerts you to the fact that something is not
quite right. For some children it can interfere with breathing and
disrupt sleep. In others it can be a prelude to earaches. Rhinitis is


all too common in adults as well. Rhinitis or stuffy nose is usually

due to allergy or viral infection, but can be linked to nutritional
In the winter months, furnaces recirculate millions of particles
that can irritate the nasal lining. Furnaces also dry out the air inside
the home, lowering humidity and drying out mucous membranes
that are supposed to protect children from viruses, bacteria and
allergens. Cold outdoor air can also trigger or aggravate rhinitis, but
this form is usually short-lived.
The Diagnosis. Diagnosis is made based on a history of a runny
or stuffy nose and evidence of nasal discharge or obstruction. Cul¬
tures for respiratory syncitial virus (RSV) or rhinoviruses are some¬
times done.
Customary Treatment. Antihistamines and decongestants are
commonly used to manage the symptoms. Antibiotics are also
sometimes used. However, since this condition is not typically due
to bacterial infection, antibiotics are of questionable value.
Complications. Earaches can follow a chronic stuffy nose. In
children with lowered immunity, viral or allergy-related rhinitis
can sometimes move into the lower respiratory tract.
Natural Remedies. Vitamin C has been shown to be effective at
doses of 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams, and higher amounts may be
needed. Beta-carotene is also helpful.
Allium cepa is a homeopathic medicine that can be given four
times per day when there is sneezing associated with watery eyes
and runny nose. Nasal discharge is clear, watery and irritates the
skin of the upper lip. The tears are non-irritating.
The homeopathic medicine Euphrasia can also be given when
there is nasal discharge with watery eyes. However, this medicine is
used when the nasal discharge is non-irritating and the tears are
highly irritating. The symptoms are the reverse of Allium cepa.
Nosedrops can be made from the following oils: add 0.25 percent
oil of Inula graveolens, 2.0 percent Calophyllum inophyllum and
0.25 percent Rosemary officinalis (verbenone) into a base of hazel¬
nut oil. Put two to three drops of this mixture into the nose 5 to
10 times each day or as needed. This mixture is very effective
whether you have a dry stuffy nose or a runny nose.
Also, humidify the air in the room in which you or your child

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

sleep as well as that of the entire house if possible. Change the fur¬
nace filter every one or two weeks.

The Nature and Cause. Sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses,
is one of the most common health problems in America, affecting
an estimated 2 million people annually. It occurs more commonly
in adults and less commonly among children. The maxillary sinus¬
es, located in the cheekbones, are most often affected. The frontal
sinuses in the forehead are the second most affected area in adults,
but in children are not affected until after age 10.
Sinusitis can be caused by bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoni¬
ae or Haemophilus influenzae), and less commonly by viruses and
fungi. Dental abscess is a cause of sinusitis in 10 to 15 percent of
adult cases.34 Allergy to food or airborne substances can lead to
acute or chronic sinus congestion as can exposure to cigarette
smoke. Indoor air pollutants such as mold, fungi and vapors
released from building materials are believed to be a common
cause of persistent sinus problems.
The Diagnosis. The diagnosis is based on symptoms that com¬
monly include sinus pain, congestion, nasal discharge, fever and
malaise that often follow an upper respiratory infection. Pain is
worse from bending over. Nasal cultures are of little value. Sinus X-
rays are taken if one does not respond to treatment or experiences
severe symptoms and is sicker than might be expected.
Dr. Sehnert teaches patients to test their sinuses with a simple
method he calls the “toe test.” This consists of firmly pressing the
tips of the second, third and fourth toes between your thumb and
index finger. Unusual tenderness on the left foot indicates sinus¬
es on the left of your face are likely infected. Tenderness on the
right spells trouble on the right. In many cases both sides will be
Customary Treatment. Most people with sinusitis are treated
with ampicillin, amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or cefa¬
clor. In children, ampicillin or amoxicillin are usually used. Curious¬
ly, in an article published in Primary Care, Dr. Howard Rabinowitz
states, “Uncomplicated sinusitis usually responds spontaneously


without antibiotics in 80 percent of patients.”35 According to Low¬

ell Jones, M.D., antibiotics, when used, should be closely monitored
and “are not recommended for long-term treatment.”36
Topical decongestants (nasal sprays or inhalants) should not
be used for more than three or four days. If used longer, rebound
congestion may occur.
Complications. Complications are uncommon but can be serious.
They include periorbital cellulitis, orbital abscess, cavernous sinus
thrombosis, meningitis, brain abcess, subdural empyema and frontal
osteomyelitis.37 If you have symptoms that persist or increase in
severity, or a fever develops, see a physician.
Natural Remedies. The herb Ephedra sinica is one of the most
widely used sinus remedies available. (Avoid during pregnancy.)
It is often combined with the herbs Echinacea purpurea, ginger
root and goldenseal root. In addition, 50,000 IU beta-carotene and
6,000 mg vitamin C daily may be helpful.
Inhalation: Mix the oils of Eucalyptus radiata and Eucalyptus
globulus in equal parts and inhale through a diffusor or vaporizer.
Internal: One drop of rosemary oil can be placed on a cotton
swab. The swab can then be put through the nostril and held for a
few seconds against the tissue deep in the nasal cavity. This gives a
very strong sensation but is very helpful. Use this with adults only.
Topical: A mixture of the following oils can be rubbed on the
skin over the sinuses. Add 2.5 percent oil of Inula graveolens, 4.0
percent Calophyllum inophyllum and 2.5 percent Rosemary offic¬
inalis (verbenone) into a base of 91 percent hazelnut oil. This can
be used several times each day.
• Humidify the air in your home or office. This helps thin
the mucus. Place a few drops of tea tree oil in the water
to prevent the growth of mold.
• Avoid the overuse of topical decongestants (nasal sprays).
They can prolong symptoms.
• Avoid airborne allergens such as cigarette smoke, pollen
and animals.
• Avoid known or potential food allergens such as dairy

Teething in Children
The Nature and Cause. Teething is obviously a natural part of
childhood that requires no medical treatment. However, condi¬
tions commonly associated with teething such as earaches, stuffy
nose, coughs and colds often prompt parents to take their child to
the doctor. Teething-associated problems like those above almost
never require antibiotics. Yet a surprising number of doctors will
treat, for example, a teething-associated middle ear problem with
antibiotics. Left untreated, these types of problems usually heal
with no treatment. Natural remedies can be used to make your
child more comfortable without the adverse effects of antibiotics.
The Diagnosis. When you notice development of a cold, a stuffy
or runny nose, or an earache, first check to see if there is irritation
of your child’s gum tissue or teeth that are beginning to erupt
through the gums. This is especially true at six months of age with
the first teeth and again at one year when the molars begin to come
in. When a child cuts upper teeth, the nose is likely to run. When
the child cuts lower teeth there is often a cough.
Customary Treatment. Teething is not usually treated, but as
mentioned above, some doctors will treat the associated condi¬
tions with antibiotics. This is almost never necessary.
Complications. Complications from teething are rare. In some
cases, a teething-associated otitis media will persist and require
Natural Remedies. When teething is associated with irritability
or earache, the homeopathic medicine Chamomilla should be used
4 times per day until symptoms are gone or irritable behavior has
A tincture of the herb Plantago major can be placed on the
inflamed gum tissue three to five times per day. This not only helps
with teething discomfort, but also relieves ear pain associated with
teething. It occasionally eliminates the pesky diaper rash that fre¬
quently accompanies teething. Tea tree oil, or Melaleuca alterni-
folia, can be rubbed on the gums several times each day as needed
to help ease pain. It is also antibacterial and antiviral and may help
prevent opportunistic infections that sometimes accompany


teething. Use one of these applications, but not both.

Massaging the point He gu, or LI-4, located in the web between
the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand, can help relieve
discomfort associated with teething.

Tonsillitis/Sore Throat
The Nature and Cause. Roughly 80 percent of sore throats are
caused by viruses against which antibiotics have no effect.38 Some
sore throats are due to streptococcal bacteria. These can be helped
by antibiotic treatment. Airborne allergy, food allergy, dry indoor
air, polluted indoor or outdoor air, cigarette smoke and perfume can
also contribute to sore throat. Cow’s milk consumption is one often-
overlooked contributor to chronic or acute tonsillitis.
Tonsillitis is rare in children under two. Beyond this, it can occur
at any age. Sore throat is common among adults of any age. Cough
and cold symptoms are less likely to accompany a bacterial sore
throat than a viral sore throat.
The Diagnosis. Diagnosis is made by feeling and observing for
enlarged glands on the neck just behind the angle of the jaw and by
observing enlarged glands in the throat.
Throat culture is the only reliable way to determine whether a
sore throat is due to strep. In a study of 222 people with sore throat,
doctors believed that 50.5 percent had strep infections. However,
culture results showed that only 13.5 percent were positive for
strep. Most of these patients would have been given antibiotics
needlessly.39 A positive throat culture is no guarantee that strep
bacteria are the cause of symptoms. Twenty percent of people in
good health harbor the strep germ in their throats normally.
Customary Treatment. Several different antibiotics are used to
manage sore throats. When antibiotics are used, the timing of treat¬
ment is important. When antibiotics are used in the first 48 hours of
a strep throat infection, the chance of a child suffering recurrent
strep infections increases by two to eight times. When antibiotic
treatment is delayed a few days, the risk of recurrent episodes
decreases. The down side of delaying treatment when there is a
positive culture is that the risk of complications (although small)

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

A child with a positive throat culture should definitely receive

antibiotics. However, home care methods should be used concur¬
Complications. Rheumatic fever and kidney problems are the
most common complications of sore throat due to streptococcal
bacteria. However, these are rare. From 1985 to 1987, only 100
new cases of rheumatic fever were reported in the U.S. This has
some doctors concerned, because this is a rather sharp increase
from previous years.41 Yet when compared to the general popula¬
tion, the numbers are small. Furthermore, from 33 to 50 percent of
cases of rheumatic fever occur without sore throat symptoms.42 In
general, rheumatic fever is uncommon. This is especially true for
children under age four and adults. Complications from viral sore
throats are also uncommon. According to Dery, “Antibiotics effec¬
tively prevent rheumatic fever even if treatment is put off for sev¬
eral days—specifically the time required to obtain the results of
a throat culture.”43
If the glands become too large, they can obstruct the airway
and interfere with breathing. This can be frightening to a child. In
severe cases, it can be life-threatening. In such instances, immedi¬
ate medical attention is required.
Natural Remedies. Homeopathic Belladonna can be given in
the first 24 hours of a sore throat that has come on rapidly, espe¬
cially if accompanied by fever and flushed skin. Apis mellifica or
Mercurius are other commonly used remedies for sore throat.
Essential plant oils can be used both in the case of viral sore
throat and bacterial tonsillitis. When you feel a sore throat com¬
ing on, take one drop of the essential oil Cypress. When symptoms
return (10 to 20 minutes), take another drop. When symptoms
return (one to two hours), take another drop. When symptoms
return, take another drop. Gradually, the interval between symptoms
grows larger until the pain is gone. You have averted the sore throat.
You can take cypress as often as needed to relieve symptoms.
For more severe forms of sore throat that have progressed, the
following oils can be used. One drop of savory, oregano or thyme oil
can be placed on a charcoal tablet (available at health food stores).
One tablet can be chewed or dissolved slowly in the mouth three to
four times a day. An alternative is the following: Make a mixture of


20 drops savory oil, 20 drops thyme oil and five drops clove oil.
Place one drop of this mixture on a charcoal tablet and let dissolve
slowly in the mouth. Repeat three or four times a day.
These remedies should not be the only method used to treat a
streptococcal sore throat. They can be very valuable in viral sore
throats and to help relieve some of the discomfort associated with
a bacterial sore throat (even when antibiotics are used).

Vaginitis (Yeast Infection)

The Nature and Cause. Though there are more than 20 known
causes, vaginitis commonly results from an infection of the vagi¬
na by yeast, usually Candida albicans. It is not usually treated with
antibiotics; however, it is often caused by antibiotic treatment,
which is why we’ve included it here. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
indiscriminately kill normal vaginal bacteria that usually keep yeast
under control. Vaginal bacteria also help keep the vagina acidic,
which prevents the growth of yeast. With no competition, the yeast
grow unchecked.
Vaginitis can also be brought on by pregnancy, use of birth con¬
trol pills, diabetes, stress, high-sugar diet, excessive or frequent
douching, use of synthetic undergarments, and use of spermicides
(such as those containing nonoxynol-9) or cortisone. The most
common cause of susceptibility to vaginal infection is a change in
the acidity of the vagina.
The Diagnosis. Symptoms include excessive vaginal discharge,
which may smell bad and cause itching. Frequent urination and
painful intercourse are common. Diagnosis is best made by a wet
smear to determine which organism is present. Sometimes more
than one organism is present.
Customary Treatment. Flagyl® is commonly used to treat Tri¬
chomonas vaginitis. Nystatin®, ketoconazole (Nizoral®) or flucona¬
zole (Diflucan®) are used to treat Candida vaginitis. Though
effective, long-term use of Flagyl® or ketoconazole should be avoid¬
ed because of the risk of liver damage. Ironically, Flagyl® can cause
yeast infections because it alters the acidity of the vagina.
Complications. Vaginitis is rarely serious. The greatest prob¬
lem occurs when more serious causes of vaginal discharge have

Common Conditions for Which Antibiotics Are Prescribed

been ignored, such as gonorrhea or cancer. Vaginal infections can

be passed from mother to child during birth. Children born to a
mother with vaginal candidiasis develop oral thrush, a fungal infec¬
tion of the mouth characterized by white patches or coating in the
mouth and on the tongue.
Natural Medicine. While certain infections sometimes require
specific treatments, general suggestions can be made that will cre¬
ate a better environment for healing.
Douche with unsweetened yogurt twice each day. Make sure
the yogurt has not been pasteurized. Better yet, mix up a solution
of acidophilus in milk, let it stand twenty minutes, and douche
twice each day. It is also important to take acidophilus by mouth
each day to help balance the flora of the intestinal tract. This has a
significant impact on the flora of the vagina. In a recent study,
women prone to recurrent vaginal infections who ate an eight-
ounce carton of unpasteurized yogurt daily, suffered a dramatic
decrease in symptoms. When they went off yogurt, the symptoms
returned.44 Many forms of yogurt do not contain viable forms of
acidophilus. Acidophilus taken by mouth (provided the supple¬
ment is of good quality) is a very favorable option.
Also helpful for vaginitis is 1,000 mg vitamin C three times dai¬
ly, 15 mg zinc, 300 mg magnesium, 10,000 IU vitamin A, 50,000 IU
beta-carotene and 400 IU vitamin E.
Essential oils can be applied as follows:
Make a mixture of 50 drops tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifo-
lia), 10 drops Thymus vulgaris (CT thymol) and 60 drops of hazel¬
nut oil. Soak a tampon in this mixture and insert into the vagina and
leave for several hours. This can be repeated three times per day.
A mixture that has mucolytic action can be made from two
drops rosemary, two drops helichrysum and 60 drops hazelnut. This
also can be used with a vaginal suppository. For best results, alter¬
nate the tea tree oil suppository with the rosemary suppository.

In General
In addition to the specific recommendations above, the following
general strategies are often helpful.
1. Get extra rest.
2. Drink plenty of fluids.
3. Eat light if that is what your body feels.
4. Eliminate all dairy products.
5. Eliminate all sugar and processed foods.
6. Avoid cola beverages and other soda pop.
7. Avoid illicit or recreational drugs.
8. If you are on medication, especially cortisone or
antibiotics, see your doctor to make sure it is necessary.
These drugs commonly aggravate health problems. They
should be used only when essential.
9. Incorporate laughter and humor into your healing arsenal.
Remember, we usually succumb to infection for a reason. Use of
antibiotics alone rarely addresses the underlying reason one be¬
comes ill. The above home-care remedies can often be used with
great success when you become ill. Remember also to evaluate your
diet, lifestyle, emotional state, stress levels and other factors dis¬
cussed previously. If symptoms persist, see your doctor.

1. The following herbs should be avoided during pregnancy:

ginseng, ephedra, goldenseal, thyme, yarrow, savory,
rosemary, oregano.
2. Some dairy-sensitive individuals may react to Probioplex®
or Inner Strength®. If you are dairy-sensitive, begin with
very small doses or see your doctor before using.

50 (or so) Ways
to Boost Immunity
and Avoid Antibiotics
This chapter is designed to show at a glance things that influence
infection-susceptibility and improve well-being. While no one can
guarantee that you will not succumb to infection by following this
advice, it is probable that you will increase your resistance. Each of
the items below has been discussed in previous chapters. For more
information on items of interest, please refer to the index.
Lists of “dos” and “don’ts” often seem like admonishments.
They may seem reminiscent of an authority figure depriving you of
free choice. That is not the intent here. As you read the points
below, keep in mind that the key is to invigorate your life with fun,
enthusiasm, joy, laughter and good health. Good health should
never be boring. It should be vibrant. You can follow the sugges¬
tions below and still satisfy your palate, take risks, stimulate your
mind, experience beauty, and have a good time. The key is common
sense, balance, moderation, compassion and listening to your body.

Mood, Mind and Emotions

• Work at becoming more of an optimist. Optimists have
healthier immune systems, suffer from fewer infections and
are not as adversely affected by stressful life events. They
in fact experience fewer negative events. Pessimism is


reversible. Learn how to be an optimist. See Learned

Optimism by Martin Seligman, Ph.D.
• Guard against cynicism and hostility. If you find yourself
reacting to events with hostility, stop yourself, take some
deep breaths and feel how your body is responding. Death
rates in people who are hostile, cynical or suspicious are
four to seven times higher than in people who are not.
• Express your feelings and emotions. Suppressed anger,
sadness, grief or other emotions can lead to suppressed
immunity. We all experience anger and sadness and need
to express it in healthy ways. Suppressed anger has been
associated with more frequent illness.
• Take control. If you are in a situation that seems outside
your control, find little things over which you can exert
control. A sense of control seems to help our immune
systems function more efficiently.
• Be willing to ask for and accept support from friends and
loved ones.
• Find a sense of meaning and purpose in your relationships,
work and daily activities.
• Learn to say “no” (when you need to) when others ask for
your help or services. While service and giving are
important parts of a healthy life, being unable to assert
yourself and claim your needs is not.
• Keep a daily journal of your feelings, especially during
important life events. It gives the immune system a boost
that can be verified as long as six weeks after the journal¬
keeping has been discontinued.
• Take classes in relaxation. Self-relaxation techniques have
been shown to boost immunity, relieve pain and improve
life in general.
• Take life less seriously. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “Act as
though what we do really matters, but realize that it does
• If you are depressed, seek help from a professional.
Seek out people you trust. Get moderate exercise. People

50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics

suffering from depression have weakened immune systems

and are more susceptible to infection.
• Laugh as much as you can. Attend funny movies, read
funny stories, socialize with funny people and try to see the
humorous things in life.
• Become more idealistic. Realists often have a more
accurate view of the world but are also more apt to be
depressed, which may lead to sluggish immunity.
• When stressful life events strike, take extra time, do
relaxation exercises, write in a journal, discuss your
feelings with someone you trust, stay away from junk food,
take extra vitamins. During high-stress periods, we are
vulnerable. The extra effort spent caring for yourself will
pay off.
• Rate your health high. Begin to view yourself as healthy.
Those who do actually live longer and feel better.
• Take control of your health. Do not rely on doctors. When
you use doctors, try to form a health partnership. Find a
doctor whose philosophy of care is similar to your own.
You will be more likely to trust his/her advice and follow
through with recommendations. In such a relationship,
doctors are less likely to respond negatively to your

• Get regular exercise, even if it’s only walking for 30
minutes each day. Remember, kids need exercise, too.
Those who exercise moderately are more resistant to
infection. Make sure the exercise is fun. Do it with a friend
if at all possible. Heavy exercisers can be more susceptible
to infection. If you are a heavy exerciser who gets ill
frequently, modify your workouts.
• Partake of a weekly or biweekly sauna (especially during
the high-risk winter months). It helps cleanse the body of
waste products and impurities and can cut the incidence of


infection. If you have heart disease, are pregnant or have

circulatory problems, see your doctor before proceeding.
• Get more touch in your life. Treat yourself to a weekly
therapeutic massage. Touch your spouse more often. Touch
and hug your kids throughout the day. Babies especially
love touch.
• Get adequate sunlight, especially if you live in a northern
climate, during winter, or if you work indoors under
artificial lights. Get outside on sunny winter days. Sun
exposure on your hands and face is often enough, but full
body is better. Avoid excessive sun exposure during
• If you smoke, give it up. If there is a smoker in your home,
encourage them to quit. Smokers and those who live with
smokers get more respiratory infections.
• If you are a workaholic, STOP! Take time to find out what
drives the working obsession. Smell the flowers.
• Limit TV viewing hours. It contributes to a more sedentary
life, obesity and poor nutrition. It takes time away from
interacting with family and friends, and from introspection.
It also gives the impression that the world is more violent
and treacherous than it really is.
• Designate a “quiet room” in the house—especially if you
have children. This is a room that allows you to escape
from the stressful noise and chatter. The room should
contain no TV or radio and should be off limits to others
while you are inside. Try arranging quiet time for your kids
as well.
• During the winter months, use essential oils daily on your
skin or in the bath. The active constituents in these oils
boost immune function and help prevent against infectious
• Pray or meditate each day.
• Look at the health of your parents and siblings. If they are
prone to certain types of illness, you may be likewise. Take
preventive steps regarding lifestyle and nutrition.

50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics

• Drink alcohol only moderately, if at all.

• Avoid overuse of prescription drugs.
• Avoid use of illicit drugs.
• Get adequate sleep. Most people need 6 to 8 hours a night
of uninterrupted sleep. A short nap in the afternoon is
often helpful, provided it does not disrupt your evening

Diet and Nutrition

• Reduce your intake of refined sugar. Excess sugar can
make the immune system sluggish.
• Reduce your intake of fat (unless it is already at or below
20 percent of your total calories). Avoid margarine and
hydrogenated fats. If your triglycerides are high, work to
lower them. Elevated blood fats can slow immune function.
• Increase your intake of omega-3 essential fatty acids such
as those found in flax oil and fish oil (salmon, mackerel,
herring, sardines, trout). You may also wish to take a perle
of evening primrose oil daily, which contains the omega-6
oil gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). Those in the
industrialized world often consume too little of these oils.
When taking additional oils always take additional vitamin
E (50-400 mg).
• Avoid white bread and refined flour products. They are
devoid of essential nutrients including the essential fatty
acids mentioned above.
• Include fiber in your diet in the form of fruits, vegetables,
nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. These foods are also
high in vitamins and minerals.
• Reduce your intake of pastries, doughnuts, french fries,
chicken nuggets, candies and other foods containing
“funny fats,” or trans fatty acids. When these foods are
consumed in excess, sluggish immunity may follow.
• Eat several smaller meals a day as opposed to three large
meals a day. It is easier on all aspects of your body.


• Reduce your intake of coffee. Try the many varieties of

herbal tea available.
• Reduce your intake of soft drinks. They can leach calcium
and magnesium from the body.
• Follow the rhythms of your body. Eat when you’re hungry,
stop when you’re full. Don’t let the clock rule mealtime.
Try mealtime without the paper, TV or radio.
• Rotate your foods to avoid boredom and monotony.
Eating the same foods every day can also lead to the
development of food intolerance.
• If you have a health problem, consider the possibility that
the foods you consume might be part of the problem.
Remember, allergies don’t cause everything, but they can
cause anything!
• Take a multivitamin each day with meals. It should contain
no artificial colors or preservatives and should be free of
wheat, corn, soy, dairy and other products likely to cause
problems in sensitive people.
• Take extra vitamin C each day. 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams is
a good start. Some believe higher amounts are even better.
• Take other antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin E
and selenium. Antioxidants are important in immune
• Don’t be obsessive about nutrition. While a healthy,
balanced diet is important to wellbeing, fretting about it
may negate much of the good you’ve accomplished.
• Splurge on your favorite treats now and then. If you’ve
followed the guidelines above, reward yourself. Rigidity
and abstinence are not the order of the day—just

• Find a community with whom you share interests. Close
social ties are important to our resistance to disease.

50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics

• Cultivate interpersonal relationships. Those with more

close personal ties have healthier immune systems. Those
who isolate themselves are more susceptible to illness that
is more severe and long-lasting.
• Play, play, play. The less we play, the more somber and
serious our world becomes. Play is an absolute necessity
for health and well-being.
• Plan an outing with your spouse or mate at least once a
week. Plan an outing with your children where they get
your undivided attention.
• Take vacations. It doesn’t have to be far, just a change of

• Give thanks for the gifts you’ve been given. Say a prayer
before you eat. Say a prayer before bed. Give thanks for
the blessings of the day. These things are inherent in all
religious traditions.
• In times of trouble, seek the solace of prayer and
• Ask for prayers from others when you become ill. Pray for
yourself when ill and believe that it will be helpful.
• Recognize the sacred nature of our planet and the
creatures that inhabit it.
• Whatever your religious conviction, understand the
sanctity of seasonal rituals. Celebrate them and avoid the
commercialization that many have come to represent.
• Avoid rigidity. Rigidity or inflexibility in one’s beliefs may
translate into a rigid and inflexible immune system.
Remember, rigid routines were associated with increased
infection duration and severity.

When You Feel Illness Approaching
• Get extra rest. Failure to get adequate rest can slow
recovery and prolong illness. However, don’t lie around
all day. Some movement is important to recovery.
• Eliminate all junk food immediately.
• Eliminate all dairy products immediately.
• Eliminate all sugar (unless a child suffers from severe
diarrhea, in which case special recommendations are in
• Slow down. Cut back your schedule, take time off work or
leave work early. Don’t be a martyr for work. Try to reduce
the stress in your life at that time.
• Begin to take extra vitamin C, zinc and other nutrients.
• Begin taking the herb Echinacea. It is a good immune
• Select the homeopathic medicine that best fits your
condition. This can bring you out of an episode of illness
with sometimes remarkable speed.
• Evaluate your life. Is sickness a signal that you need to
slow down or take better care of yourself? Is it a sign
you’re not attending to some of your basic needs?
• Don’t rely on doctors to solve your health problem. You
are the healer. Take charge of your health. Use doctors for
diagnosis and advice, but use their advice thoughtfully.
• Meditate using deep breathing.

• Limit your use of synthetic materials.
• Sauna regularly to help purge toxic compounds from your
• Do a periodic cleansing of your internal body using the
Metabolic Clearing Therapy or some variation. Many with

50 (or so) Ways to Boost Immunity and Avoid Antibiotics

sluggish immune systems experience dramatic

improvement following such programs. Even those who
are not ill experience a heightened sense of well-being.
• If you suffer from chronic or recurrent infections, you may
be toxic. Have an evaluation done by a doctor familiar with
environmental medicine. Certain blood and urine tests can
detect exposure to toxins you may not be aware of.
• If you work in an occupation in which chemicals are used,
have regular check-ups and consider having blood and
urine analysis to detect toxic exposure. It may be especially
important that you do a cleanse.
• Avoid synthetic personal hygiene products.
• Take extra antioxidant nutrients including vitamins C and
E, beta-carotene and selenium. Also use zinc and
• Use liver-protecting herbs such as milk thistle seed extract.
• Drink water purified by carbon filtration and reverse
osmosis, especially if you live in an area with landfills or
known chemical contaminants.
• Wear protective gloves and clothing whenever working
with toxic chemicals at home or at work. This includes
common lawn and garden products.

Medicine Has Become Serious Business

Don’t eat too much fat, stay away from the salt, exercise three
times a week, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, and on and on.
Our daily lives are constantly filled with dos and don’ts. Doctors
have become risk managers of our health much like attorneys are
risk managers in other areas of life. It all seems like such serious
business. But, good health does not have to be serious business.
We don’t advocate that you become a health fanatic. We don’t
advocate that you make every decision based on whether or not
it is healthy. Nor do we suggest that health be a regular topic of
conversation in your daily life. The business of good health should
be a benefit of your road to personal growth and discovery. It


should be an outgrowth of a personal philosophy that balances

healthy eating with healthy attitudes, healthy play with healthy
habits. As we’ve shown, people with the best of habits are not
always healthy and those with the worst habits are not always ill.
Quite often the difference is attitude, passion and zest. So don’t
make good health serious business. Take your health seriously, but
enjoy its pursuit.

About The Healthier Options
Our goal in writing this book has been to show people ways to
build immunity. In building immunity, one minimizes the chances of
succumbing to bacteria, viruses and parasites to which one is
exposed. We hope we have conveyed a central point: given the
role of diet, nutrition, lifestyle, hygiene, genetics, environment,
attitude, stress and social factors in resistance to disease, does it
make sense to merely give antibiotics when infection occurs? Hope¬
fully this book will stimulate doctors and patients to view infec¬
tion and immunity in a broader context.
In the introduction to this book, we reviewed the options one
has in the care of illnesses for which antibiotics are often pre¬
scribed. The options are:

1. Use antibiotics alone. Although this is how antibiotics are usually

used, it is never the healthier option because it does not:
• Address the underlying reasons we become sick.
• Address the side effects that can occur with antibiotic
• Address the bodily effect of infection itself (e.g. zinc and
vitamin A loss).
Example: A child develops recurrent ear infections and is giv¬
en amoxicillin only (which is typical). This is simply not enough.
The doctor has not looked at the child’s diet or nutritional status.
Perhaps the child is allergic to cow’s milk, is consuming too much
sugar or is zinc deficient. The child may be on a poor diet low in


vitamin C and B-vitamins. Perhaps the child’s ear infection fol¬

lowed a vaccination or viral infection, which depleted her stores
of vitamin A. This would render her more susceptible to bacterial
infection. Perhaps the child’s parents argue incessantly, are
embroiled in bitter divorce proceedings or are abusive. Less dra¬
matically, the child may have begun day care and the separation
has been stressful. Such stress commonly lowers immunity.
The above example illustrates the problem in thinking that
antibiotics are the sole solution to treating infections.

2. Address the dietary, nutritional, psychological, social, lifestyle,

environmental and other factors discussed in this book in con¬
junction with antibiotics. Used in this way, antibiotics may be the
healthier option.
Example 1: A house painter suffers from recurrent sinus infec¬
tions which are determined to be bacterial. He is given the antibi¬
otic ampicillin or cefaclor. In addition, the doctor prescribes
antioxidant nutrients (A, E, C, beta-carotene, selenium, etc.) that
help protect the respiratory tract and sinuses from the chemicals to
which the painter is exposed. The doctor also recognizes that the
man has been exposed to the toxins present in paint, varnish, and
solvents for years, which have made his immune system sluggish. A
detoxification program is prescribed. The man is given one tea¬
spoon of acidophilus powder three times daily to counteract the
intestinal effect of the antibiotic.
Example 2: A 10-year-old boy develops a severe sore throat.
The throat culture reveals that it is due to Group A beta-hemolyt¬
ic streptococci. For this, an antibiotic is appropriate and is pre¬
scribed. However, the doctor also knows that the boy’s nutrient
stores will likely be depleted by the infection. In fact, the infec¬
tion may have come about because of poor nutritional status or
food intolerance. The doctor also knows that certain nutrients will
help boost the activity of white blood cells needed to fight the
bacteria and create a hostile environment for the bacteria. For
this reason, the doctor prescribes vitamin A, E, beta-carotene, B-
vitamins, selenium, echinacea and 10,000 to 20,000 milligrams of
vitamin C each day. The homeopathic remedy Belladonna is given
every two hours to relieve symptoms. The boy is given one tea-

About The Healthier Options

spoon of acidophilus powder three times daily to counteract the

intestinal effect of the antibiotic.
In both of the above examples, antibiotics were appropriate
and helpful. However, the use of additional therapies would likely
shorten the course of the illness, reduce complications, and improve
recovery. This kind of approach takes into account many aspects of
illness and treats the patient rather than the bacteria alone. This is
a very important advancement in the care of infections that only a
handful of doctors currently practice.

3. Address the factors discussed in this book, thereby eliminating

the need for antibiotics. Sometimes, avoiding antibiotics is the
healthier option.
Example 1: A 35-year-old woman develops burning when she
urinates, slightly cloudy urine, and a feeling of heaviness in the
bladder area. Her initial urge is to rush to the doctor for antibi¬
otics. Yet, she knows she often develops yeast infections after such
treatment. She decides to spend 24 to 48 hours treating this at
home. During the initial period, she takes 2 drops of tea tree oil
by mouth every 15 minutes. As symptoms improve, she extends
the period of time between doses. In addition, she takes 25,000 IU
of vitamin A daily and 1,000 mg of vitamin C each hour. Her symp¬
toms begin to improve within four hours. By nightfall, she is much
better. By the following evening she is nearly completely recov¬
In a case like this, many doctors and patients would have rushed
to use antibiotics. However, using common sense and some sim¬
ple home care remedies, the woman was able to heal under her
own care.
Example 2: A 30-year-old man comes down with symptoms
that include a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion,
scratchy throat, headache and chills—all symptoms of the com¬
mon cold. He is certain it is a cold because his wife just got over
one. He avoids taking antibiotics because he knows the common
cold is viral and cannot be helped by antibiotics. (Recall that rough¬
ly half of the 3 million people who saw doctors for the common
cold [1983] needlessly received antibiotics.)


4. Avoid becoming sick. This is perhaps the healthiest option. If

one uses some basic strategies, common illnesses can be avoided. In
this way, the use of antibiotics is avoided.
Example 1: Each winter, a 50-year-old business executive suffers
from repeated sore throats for which antibiotics are often pre¬
scribed. He decides he is tired of this annoying problem and begins
to make changes in his life. He eliminates dairy products, sugar,
ice cream, filet mignon, wine and martinis from his diet, and begins
to eat more vegetables and grains. He limits his TV watching and
swims for 30 minutes each day at the health club. After the swim, he
takes a 15 minute sauna. He takes a multivitamin supplement with
some extra antioxidants and drinks several glasses of pure water
daily. To start and end each day, he spends 10 minutes doing deep
breathing, relaxation exercises. This change in lifestyle brings him
major improvements in health and eliminates his chronic winter
sore throats. In this way, he has avoided the antibiotics that he had
so frequently been given.
Example 2: A child has experienced recurrent ear infections
over the past three years for which antibiotics had been repeated¬
ly prescribed. Her parents have taken her to countless doctors,
none of whom seem to offer solutions other than antibiotics and
surgery. After talking to numerous other parents and reading books
about alternative means of caring for childhood illness, the par¬
ents decide to take their daughter off all dairy products. After sev¬
eral weeks she is much improved. Several months pass and it is
clear the child is having fewer problems than in the past. In the
ensuing months, she is more vibrant and healthy than during any of
the previous three years. As long as she limits her intake of dairy
products, the child is well. The family has avoided antibiotics by
keeping their daughter healthy.

Should You Say "No"

When the Doctor Says "Yes"?
When confronted with evidence that antibiotics are associated with
problems such as those described in this book, one is tempted to say
“no” when the doctor recommends these drugs. But should you
say “no” when the doctor says “yes” to antibiotics? An interest-

About The Healthier Options

ing question. Most medical authorities would say publicly that you
should always follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding
prescription drugs and take them for the prescribed length of time.
Yet, if you simply accept your doctor’s advice passively, you have
given up your power as an important participant in the healing
Rather than saying “yes” or “no” when the doctor says “yes” to
antibiotics, you may wish to explore with her many of the ques¬
tions raised in this book. Are you sure it is bacterial? Are you sure
it is the right antibiotic? Should a culture be performed? Are there
alternatives to antibiotics? What are the risks if we don’t use them?
What are the risks if we wait one or two or four days? Are there
dietary or nutritional factors that need consideration? Should vit¬
amins be prescribed along with the antibiotic? Should acidophilus
supplements be given to minimize the intestinal effect of the antibi¬
otic? Could it be food allergy? Have you considered or investigat¬
ed the role of food allergy?
If the problem is chronic or recurrent, you are certainly justified
in getting another opinion or in seriously questioning the value
and safety of the antibiotics your doctor has prescribed. Be aware,
that when you approach your doctor with questions such as those
mentioned above, she may not respond in the kindest tone. Many
doctors do not wish to be health partners (although more are
becoming interested). But it is your health in question, not theirs!
Get all the answers you can.
So, should you say “no” when the doctor says “yes” to antibi¬
otics? No. Should you ask questions and try to find the most com¬
prehensive solution to your health problem? Absolutely.

Your Health Care Team

On November 4, 1991, an article entitled “Alternative Medicine”
appeared in Time. A survey was reported that undoubtedly sent
a wave of surprise and dismay through the medical community.
The authors surveyed 500 Americans and posed three questions:
1. Have you ever sought medical help from a chiropractor,
acupuncturist, herbalist, homeopathic doctor or faith
healer? Thirty-one percent said they had sought care from


a chiropractor. Lesser percentages were reported for other

providers (6, 5, 3, and 2 percent respectively).
2. Would you ever consider seeking medical help from an
alternative doctor if conventional medicine failed to help
you (among those who have not previously sought help
from an alternative practitioner)? Sixty-two percent of
respondents said “yes.”
3. Would you go back to an alternative doctor (asked of
those who had sought care from an alternative
practitioner)? Eighty-four percent said “yes,” reflecting a
high degree of satisfaction with their care.

The results of this survey seem to reflect a growing degree of

dissatisfaction with medicine as it is practiced today and a grow¬
ing degree of satisfaction with more holistic forms of healing. This
is indeed a shifting paradigm.
In addition to embracing more holistic forms of healing, patients
are forcing changes in the doctor-patient relationship. The con¬
cept of the health partnership is growing in importance along with
the concept of the health care team.
Many patients have developed a personal team of doctors and
allied health professionals with whom they work. For certain types
of problems they see their medical physician. For others, they see
their chiropractor. They may also see a massage therapist, nutri¬
tionist, acupuncturist or homeopath when they feel the need. Many
patients have found they are more in control of their health care
decisions. These patients have begun to develop a keen ability to
discern which member of the health care team to summon at which
time. Also emerging from the health care team concept is the
notion that the patient responds more favorably when he or she
shares a common philosophy with the doctor.

The Cause of Illness

For many decades, medical scientists have pretended to know and
understand the origin of many of our most common afflictions.
They have also believed that they possess effective means of treat¬
ing these maladies. This is especially true of “infectious” illness.

About The Healthier Options

Holistic doctors have a different view of the origin of illness and of

the “appropriate” treatment of illness. It is more broad and inclu¬
sive and is based upon viewing the human as a whole.
Many believe, including ourselves, that the holistic model is a
more accurate and comprehensive way of viewing illness. Indeed,
what we have presented here suggests that we (the authors) under¬
stand the causes of illness, the mystery of immunity, and successful
means of combating disease. Yet, both the allopathic model and
the holistic model (as it exists today) are incomplete.
We realize that our current understanding of this wonderful
entity we call the human body, is insufficient to explain health and
disease. It may be that love, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion
are the true means by which wholeness and healing are brought
about. Work with cancer patients, alcoholics and others suggests
that higher principles may be at work. Perhaps connection to a
spiritual source is the key to healing. Perhaps understanding that we
are connected to one another on this planet is a key to healing.
Noted physician and author of Space, Time and Medicine and
Recovering the Soul, Larry Dossey, M.D., describes three eras of
medicine. Era I medicine is the medicine of the past 100 years. It is
based on the reductionist idea that the body is a machine that
becomes dysfunctional as a result of disordered chemistry or micro¬
bial invasion. The principle forms of treatment involve the pre¬
scribing of drugs and treatment by surgery. In many ways, it
represents a great leap forward in our understanding and treat¬
ment of human illness. But its shortcomings become more evident
as our knowledge grows.
The next era of medicine described by Dossey, Era II medi¬
cine, involves the understanding that body and mind are intricate¬
ly connected. Doctors and healers are beginning to look to the
mind for the healing solutions of a host of bodily ills. This model is
gaining momentum and respectability. It recognizes the enormous
healing potential inherent in the human mind and spirit. In fact,
an entire field of medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, was spawned
with this realization.
But Dossey sees an emergence to still another form of medicine,
Era III. Era III is based on the recognition that we are all con¬
nected to a universal mind, a collective unconscious, as Jung called


it. Dossey calls it the non-local mind. The findings of quantum

physics have suggested mathematically and in some cases experi¬
mentally, that this group mind, or non-local mind exists. The study
of prayer and Randolph Byrd’s cardiac patients (Chapter 6) fur¬
ther suggests that this non-local effect exists.
The implications of Era III medicine are that ultimate healing
may take place on a much grander scale than previously thought. If
we all share the same mind and are part of the organism we call
earth, we all share in the pain of another’s illness. We all share the
pain of the planet. Perhaps true healing involves a transcendence
beyond ourselves—a rejection of the notion that we are alone,
isolated and fundamentally different from one another. It may
involve an understanding that we are each integral parts of a greater
Dossey is quick to point out that the evolution to each era of
medicine does not reject the truly valuable accomplishments of
the former era. Emergency medicine, molecular medicine, and
physical forms of healing still have a role, as does mind-body heal¬
ing. The three eras of medicine will exist together in time, the best
being utilized of each. As Dossey writes, “So Era III medicine does
not require us to eliminate the physically based methods of Era I,
or the mind-body therapies of Era II; it only adds another dimen¬
sion that goes beyond their limitations.”
The next great evolution in healing may come with the healing
of the spirit and the heart. For some 100 years, Western society
has revered the intellect. We have deified physicians and scien¬
tists—in effect, worshiped scientific achievement. In this quest for
knowledge, we have lost touch with a fundamental part of our¬
selves—the heart. In Chinese medicine, the heart is associated
with spirit. They use the term Shen to describe this. We use the
terms “aching heart” and “broken heart” to describe deep emo¬
tional pain. Science has recently shown that the heart is inextrica¬
bly linked with the mind, brain and emotions. Evidence that heart
disease may be linked to the person’s sense of meaning in life has
also emerged. So the notion of the heart as more than a pump is a
historical corollary and modern fact.
In essence, true healing recognizes the total interdependence of
all body systems and strives to achieve wholeness. Symptom sup-

About The Healthier Options

pression will be viewed as a thing of the past because it denies the

features that give rise to illness. In the late 21st century, scholars will
likely look back at today’s view of disease and treatment the same
way we now view bloodletting and mercury treatments used 100
years ago.
Healing is something quite profound. Our understanding of
the nature of illness and the means by which healing occurs are
likely to undergo a dramatic evolution. It is the unfolding of a great



At one point in modern medical history, doctors believed they had

the means to eradicate all infectious disease. The elimination of
smallpox suggested this was possible. Since then, medicine has been
on a course to immunize against an increasing number of infectious
diseases and liberally prescribe antibiotics whenever an illness ap¬
pears to be associated with bacteria. Yet, history has repeatedly
shown that the microbial world is far more adaptable than previ¬
ously thought. It is increasingly clear that the goal to eliminate infec¬
tious disease is not presently, and may never be, within reach.
This view was highlighted in a recent report published in the
Annals of Internal Medicine with the somber title, “The Conquest
of Infectious Diseases: Who Are We Kidding?” The introduction
reads, “Almost a quarter century ago, the Surgeon General of the
United States testified to Congress that it was time to ‘close the book
on infectious diseases.’1 The wide use of effective antibiotics, the
potential for universal vaccination for many major childhood ill¬
nesses, and success stories such as the eradication of smallpox in
1977, encouraged the perception that infectious diseases had been
conquered. The stark reality is that infectious diseases are the lead¬
ing cause of death worldwide and remain the leading cause of ill¬
ness and death in the United States.” Moreover, “Our once seemingly
invincible array of antimicrobial drugs is declining in effectiveness
for many hospital and community-acquired infections.”2
In response to this problem, the Institute of Medicine in Wash¬
ington, D.C. prepared an extensive report entitled Emerging Infec¬
tions: Microbial Threats to Health in the United States. In this report,
the authors discuss a variety of complex issues that are central to
controlling and minimizing infections and their spread. They insist
that “improvement of antibiotic usage” and “... enhancement of
health-promoting behaviors” are critically important for respond¬
ing to the mounting threats of infectious disease.3


Improvement of antibiotic usage might be taken positively to

mean more judicious, cautious, and appropriate use. Avoiding the
overuse that so easily leads to development of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria is a focal point of this effort to improve antibiotic usage.
Enhancement of health-promoting behaviors refers to modifying
those things within our control that reduce the spread of microbes
and improve our defense against them.
The central theme of Beyond Antibiotics is that each of us must
take it upon ourselves to modify our behavior in ways that opti¬
mize immunity. We can no longer rely on the “magic bullets” of
antibiotics to do for us what we must try to do ourselves. Reports
such as those mentioned in the Annals of Internal Medicine and
Emerging Infections suggest that the message contained within
Beyond Antibiotics is perhaps more critical than ever.
In this regard, it should be emphasized again that making health
enhancing changes in diet, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, and
psychological behavior are important means by which we can fos¬
ter optimum immunity. This is not simple musing on the part of a
few concerned doctors. On the contrary: there is a strong scientific
movement toward understanding the influence of these areas on
immune function. This is evidenced by the emergence of several
new scientific disciplines, which include:
• Nutritional immunology: the study of the influence of nutrients
on immune function.
• Neuroendocrine immunology: the study of the influence of the
brain, nervous system, and hormonal (endocrine) system on
immune function.
• Immunotoxicology: the study of the influence of environmen¬
tal toxins on immune function.
• Psychoimmunology or psychoneuroimmunology: the study of
the influence of the mind on immune function.
• Molecular immunology: the study of genetic influences on
immune function.
• Neuromusculoskeletal immunology: the study of the influence
of musculoskeletal factors, specifically the spine and cranium,
on immune function.


The focus of these disciplines parallels our discussion of factors

that influence immunity and resistance to infection.
The following section provides an update of findings published
since the original publication of Beyond Antibiotics in 1993 and
builds upon our central thesis.

Nutrition and Immunity

The evidence that our nutritional status influences our immune
response continues to grow. In a recent study, people over sixty-
five who were given a vitamin and mineral supplement were com¬
pared with those given a placebo and followed for one year. The
supplement contained nutrients known to effect immune function,
but only at levels comparable to the RDA. It was found that those
receiving the supplement experienced only half the days of infec¬
tion as those receiving the placebo.4
Further evidence suggests that deficiency of nutrients important
to immune function is more common than previously thought. A
recent study showed that children in the United States had the low¬
est blood vitamin E levels of all the industrialized nations. The vit¬
amin E levels of U.S. children was only one-half the level of Japanese
children. Dr. Adrian Bendich, author of this study, pointed out that
vitamin E is directly related to the immune response. She also noted
that autopsies of children have shown degenerative changes typi¬
cally associated with aging or old age.5 This phenomena is thought
to be due to free-radical damage that occurs with the daily expo¬
sure to chemical pollutants.
AIDS is widely known as a disease that cripples the immune
system. The conventional medical view of AIDS contends that it is
a viral disease that will inevitably destroy the immune system of
the host. Therefore, the virus must be killed, and likewise, any oppor¬
tunistic bacterial infection must be vigorously treated with antibi¬
Another view of AIDS is somewhat more hopeful. This view
contends that the immune system of people with AIDS has been
compromised by a number of factors that may include such things
as recreational drug overuse, antibiotic overuse, poor nutritional
status, stressful lifestyle, environmental chemical exposure, poor


gastrointestinal function, and, of course, infections. A complex inter¬

action between these factors, in part, gives rise to lowered immu¬
nity. This view of AIDS shifts the focus to enhancing the defenses
of the person as opposed to merely killing viruses and bacteria.
There is mounting evidence that the latter view has merit. A
study of 296 well-nourished HIV-positive men found that those who
took a multivitamin supplement developed AIDS at a rate one-
third less than those who took no supplement. Daily use of a vita¬
min supplement was associated with 40 percent lower risk of
developing low numbers of T-helper cells.6 In another study, vita¬
min A deficiency was found to be an important risk factor for the
progression of HIV infection.7 Another study showed that the
immune damage associated with AIDS was partly due to free-rad¬
ical reactions and that antioxidant nutrients were protective.8
A review article in Allergy and Immunopathology states that
AIDS patients are commonly low in zinc, selenium, B12, and folic
acid. Moreover, intestinal malabsorption, which is common in AIDS
patients, leads to poor uptake of fat soluble nutrients such as vita¬
min A, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids—all impor¬
tant in immune vigilance.9
Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., a senior researcher with the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, studied the effects of vitamin C on the
activity of white blood cells. He showed that there was a striking
relationship between wbc activity and vitamin C intake. At 500 mg
(almost ten times the RDA) white blood cells were highly active.
At 250 mg their activity declined substantially.10

Vitamin C and Balanced Antioxidants

In chapter 8, the value of vitamin C as an immune modulator was
discussed. While vitamin C is able to exert these potent effects, it
should be kept in mind that the antioxidant system of which vita¬
min C is a part relies on numerous other nutrients to function effi¬
ciently. For example, vitamin E helps protect lipid membranes from
damage by free radicals. However, once a molecule of vitamin E
has been transformed into a tocopheryl radical itself, it no longer
has antioxidant activity. Vitamin C must come to the rescue to con¬
vert the tocopheryl radical back into its useful form. Vitamin C is


used up in this process and more must be obtained from the diet.
Carotenoids and bioflavenoids are also important in this particular
Glutathione is an antioxidant made of three amino acids that
protects against damage by peroxides and foreign chemicals. Super¬
oxide dismutase (SOD) is a trace mineral-dependent antioxidant
that protects against superoxide radicals. The list of important, inter¬
dependent antioxidants is becoming quite lengthy. It includes:

Vitamin E Vitamin C beta-carotene

Glutathione Coenzyme Q10 Lycopene
Lutein Zeaxanthin alpha-carotene

Antioxidant compounds that rely on trace minerals and vita¬

mins for their activity include:

Superoxide dismutase relies on copper, zinc, manganese

Glutathione peroxidase relies on selenium
Glutathione transferase relies on riboflavin (B2)
Aldehyde oxidase relies on molybdenum

The point to keep in mind is that taking antioxidants in a bal¬

anced formula appears to be the most scientifically sound approach
to their use. Thus, when taking vitamin C or any other antioxidant,
it is wise to also use other antioxidants.

Dietary Nucleotides: A Potential

Breakthrough for Immune Modulation
The use of dietary nucleotides as supplements is an exciting area
of nutrition we are going to hear much more about in the future.
Nucleotides are substances that are made by the body, though at
enormous energy expense. They can also be obtained from the diet.
The two major groups of nucleotides are purines and pyrimidines.
They play a major role in energy production, growth, cell division,
regulation of blood flow, RNA and DNA synthesis, manufacture
of lipids, manufacture of glycogen (the storage form of sugar), and
many other indispensable functions.
The entire January 1994 supplement to the Journal of Nutrition
was devoted to nucleotides and nutrition. A focus of several of the


articles was the influence of nucleotides on immune function. The

evidence appears to suggest that nucleotides enhance immune func¬
tion and resistance to infection, especially when the individual is
somewhat deficient in nucleotides. Nucleotides may be one impor¬
tant reason breastfed babies get fewer infections than bottlefed
babies, since breastmilk is high in nucleotides. Nucleotides appear
to enhance several important aspects of adult immune function as
well. In animal studies, nucleotide supplementation increased sur¬
vival from bacterial infection (Staph aureus) by 50 percent.11
Presently, there is no standard for supplementation. Research
is ongoing and we are likely to see much more about these critical
substances in the coming years.

Environmental Toxins and Immunity

There is increasing concern that exposure to chemicals can have a
negative effect on immune function. One effect may be immune
activation, meaning the immune system becomes hypervigilant and
attacks the body’s own tissues. Another effect may be immune sup¬
pression, in which infection and tumor fighting ability is compro¬
With recent reports suggesting that exposure to chemicals is
more prevalent than previously thought, the issue of chemical expo¬
sure and immune function is becoming more urgent. In 1992, the
EPA published results of a study in which they analyzed the urine
of 7,000 Americans for the presence of toxic chemical residue. Chem¬
icals such as pentachloraphenol, a wood preservative, were found
in 71 percent of those tested. The subjects of this study were not
people who worked in chemical plants or those who lived near land¬
fills; they were selected at random from all walks of life.12
According to William Rea, M.D., author of Chemical Sensitiv¬
ity, some toxic chemicals, such as pentachloraphenol and hexa-
chlorobenzene, will suppress the ability of white blood cells to engulf
and destroy bacteria. Hexachlorobenzene and PCB (polychlori¬
nated biphenyl) have been found in 51 percent of the chemically
sensitive patients studied by Dr. Rea.13 These and other chemicals
reduce resistance to infection in mice by 20 to 30 percent.14
Dr. Rea has also observed that patients with recurrent respira-


tory tract infection, recurrent vaginal infection, and some children

with recurrent middle ear infection have decreased resistance to
infection because of chemical exposure. When the chemical load is
reduced, recurrent infections cease; when reexposure occurs, rein¬
fection follows. Dr. Rea also found that the greater numbers and
the higher levels of organochlorine pesticides in the body corre¬
sponded to lower levels of T-cells in the immune system.15
In another study, ninety women referred for endocrine abnor¬
mality were tested for chemicals such as pentachloraphenol and lin¬
dane. Twenty-two were found to have elevated levels of one or both
compounds. Of these, 71 percent had immune system abnormali¬
ties. When the source of toxic exposure was removed, symptoms
improved in twelve out of twelve women. Only two of twelve cases
where chemical exposure was not reduced showed improvement.16
A group of 289 people who worked at a computer manufactur¬
ing plant were evaluated for chemical exposure and immune func¬
tion. Phthalic anhydride, formaldehyde, isocyanate, trimellitic
anhydride, and aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons were among the
chemicals to which they were exposed. A significant adverse effect
on immune function was found based on many different measure¬
ments of immune health. Some individuals experienced a decline in
immune function, while others experienced an autoimmune response
wherein the immune system attacks the body’s own tissue.17
In chapter 5, we reviewed work showing that mercury amalgams
can contribute to development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Other
environmental chemicals may do likewise. A report published in
Infectious Disease News noted that spraying lawns with chemical
fungicides and bacteriocides increases bacterial resistance. The
authors state that treated lawns harbor bacteria that are resistant to
multiple drugs, that lawn chemicals can increase the number and
amount of drug-resistant bacteria in the environment, and that they
might possibly cause serious problems in the treatment of life-threat¬
ening bacterial infections.18
Swimmers experience much higher exposure to chlorine byprod¬
ucts, such as chloroform, than the average person. A recent study
compared people who spent varying amounts of time in a swim¬
ming pool and measured the level of chloroform in their blood.
Those who spent the greatest number of days in the pool each week


had the highest levels of chloroform in their blood.19 Roughly three-

fourths of swimmers who develop asthma do so after taking up
swimming. Asthmatics are more susceptible to respiratory tract
infection for which they often receive antibiotics. Chlorine byprod¬
ucts are thought to be responsible for this.

In chapter 6, we noted that the lack of physical activity can lead to
sluggish immunity and that excessive physical activity can do like¬
wise. The evidence that overtraining can suppress immunity in ath¬
letes is growing. Just a few of those studies are listed below:
• Athletes are more susceptible to bacterial infections.20
• Elite swimmers are more susceptible to infections as the sea¬
son progresses.21
• In 530 runners followed for one year, infections were related
to weekly mileage.22
• Runners were twice as likely to suffer upper respiratory infec¬
tions following a race.23
• Distance runners lose more training days to infection than to

This does not mean one should avoid exercise or that athletic
training is inherently bad. Indeed, when properly done, athletic
training improves immune function. Any athlete wishing to opti¬
mize the effects of training so that immune function is bolstered
rather than suppressed should do the following:

1. Avoid overtraining.
2. Tailor workouts to the level of fitness.
3. Optimize antioxidant nutrient status.

Antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-

carotene, glutathione, selenium, and others are important tools in
protecting athletes from potential adverse immune consequences
of heavy exercise. For example, a group of ninety-two marathon
runners (a group at risk to respiratory infections) was placed on
either a vitamin C supplement or a placebo for three weeks prior


to a race. Of those taking the placebo, 68 percent showed signs and

symptoms consistent with upper respiratory infection, while only
33 percent of those on vitamin C showed such signs.25 Vitamin E
supplementation also reduces the oxidative damage that occurs
with exercise.

Low Back Problems and Infections

Bladder infection (cystitis) is one of the most common infections
experienced by women in the United States. About 25 million
women succumb to this illness each year. In many cases, the prob¬
lem is recurrent and treated repeatedly with antibiotics. We dis¬
cussed some of the causes and treatments in chapter 10.
Commonly overlooked in the causation of bladder infection is
low back problems. For decades, chiropractic physicians have
reported success in the care of bladder infections using adjustment
of the spine, low back exercises, and other methods to restore nor¬
mal neurologic and biomechanical function. The rationale is that
nerves supplying the muscles of the bladder emanate from the spinal
column between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. Any com¬
pression or interference with neural conduction to the bladder
effects normal bladder function and may create an environment
conducive to bacterial growth.
It appears there are a growing number of medical physicians
who have also come to understand this relationship and recognize
low back problems as a significant contributor to bladder infection.
In her book You Don’t Have to Live with Cystitis! Larrian Gille¬
spie, M.D. gives a detailed account of how correcting low back prob¬
lems resolves the bladder infections of many women. She states,
“Lower back pain is also a leading cause of urinary tract infections
in women.” This fact is rarely addressed at urology meetings and
few physicians have taken the trouble of studying the relationship
in detail. Nevertheless, the fact that lower back damage can cause
bladder infections has long been known by urologists everywhere.26
Gillespie and other physicians are now recommending what chi¬
ropractic physicians have advocated for years to help women with

Antibiotics, the Gut, and Joint Disease
The effect of antibiotics on the intestinal tract (gut) has always been
a concern. There now appears to be increasing evidence that the
gut has an influence on the development of conditions such as
rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and other joint-related
diseases. Journals such as Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North Amer¬
ica are pointing out that alterations in the balance of intestinal bac¬
terial can lead to changes in permeability of the gut wall, which
allows food antigens and fragments of bacteria to enter the blood¬
stream. In some cases, the immune response triggered leads to white
blood cells attacking joint tissue. Excessive antibiotic use is cited
as one possible reason for such a disruption of bacterial flora.27
For example, ankylosing spondylitis is a crippling disease in which
the spinal joints fuse, forming what has been called a “ram-rod
spine.” People with this disease have been found to have overgrowth
of the gut bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. Ankylosing spondyli¬
tis is generally considered unbeatable and progressive. Yet, certain
dietary therapies directed at the gut bacteria and gut permeability
now show some promise.28

Oligosaccharides and Beneficial Gut Bacteria

Continuing research points to the importance of a healthy gut and
a healthy population of gut bacteria to good health. Lactobacillus
acidophilus has gained the most attention as an important benefi¬
cial gut organism, but the great importance of bifidobacteria is being
more fully realized. A recent paper in Nutrition Reviews highlights
this importance. According to Dr. Tomotari Mitsuoka, “... the pres¬
ence of bifidobacteria in the large intestine helps to maintain health
... these species are far more important throughout life as benefi¬
cial intestinal bacteria than is Lactobacillus acidophilus. In other
words, the reduction or disappearance of bificobacteria in the human
intestine indicates an unhealthy state.”
In his study of health and gut bacteria, Mitsukoa noted that
health was directly related to the level of bifidobacteria in the stools.
Various substances promote the growth of bificobacteria. One of
great current interest is a substance known as fructooligosaccha-


ride, or FOS. Fructooligosaccharides are undigestible and reach the

large intestine where bifidobacteria use them as a source of food.29
FOS seem to be somewhat specific to enhancing the growth of bifi¬
dobacteria and are now being used as a supplement for people with
various gastrointestinal disorders. These substances often work
when supplementation with bifidobacteria alone does not.
Consuming supplements of beneficial bacteria has, up to now,
been the most important means of restoring their numbers. As we
learn more about various foods that enhance the growth of these
friendly microbes, dietary supplements that achieve this end will be¬
come more readily available. Fructooligosaccharides are presently
one of these substances.

Lyme Disease
Lyme disease deserves special consideration because it has been a
topic of immense public interest. It is also a condition in which
proper use of antibiotics can be enormously helpful, but improper
use can cause serious problems.
Lyme disease is caused by a spiral-shaped bacterium called Bor-
relia burgdorferi. It is contracted by being bitten by an infected deer
tick. While the tick is attached it injects the bacteria into the human
bloodstream where it begins to do its dirty work. The first sign to
appear after being bitten by the tick is the appearance of a rash
called erythema migrans, usually from two to thirty-two days after
a tick bite or known tick exposure. This unusual rash commonly
begins as a small circle, and as the outer ring of the circle contin¬
ues to expand and retains a red outer border, it somewhat resem¬
bles a bull’s eye. Not all bites appear this way, however. Some
patients experience multiple skin lesions. Other symptoms may
include muscle aches, dizziness, heart palpitations, headaches, arthri¬
tis or joint swelling, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and symptoms
that may mimic many other conditions. Some patients describe feel¬
ing like they have the flu.
The standard treatment for confirmed Lyme disease is a ten- to
thirty-day course of the antibiotics doxycycline, amoxicillin, or amox¬
icillin plus probenecid for early infections.30 For severe cases, intra¬
venous antibiotics are often prescribed. Antibiotic therapy can be


extremely helpful in alleviating the symptoms of confirmed Lyme

disease, especially when begun in the early stages. But, just when to
use antibiotics and in which cases has not been clearly established.
In a report in the New England Journal of Medicine, 205 people
bitten by deer ticks were given preventive doses of amoxicillin and
182 bitten by deer ticks were given a placebo. Only 15 percent of
the deer ticks sent to the laboratory were infected with Borrelia
burgdorferi. The risk of infection for those receiving amoxicillin
was 0 percent, while the risk of infection for those on placebo was
an insignificant 1.2 percent. The authors concluded that, .. even
in a high risk area for Lyme disease, the risk of infection with Bor¬
relia burgdorferi after recognized deer tick bite is so low that pro¬
phylactic antimicrobial therapy is not routinely warranted.”31
Many doctors believe that Lyme disease is overdiagnosed and
overtreated, and that substantial numbers of people are receiving
antibiotics for a disease they do not have. This leads to antibiotic
overuse and all the attendant problems. According to an article in
the Journal of the American Medical Association, of 788 patients
referred for suspected Lyme disease, 57 percent were found not to
have the disease. Prior to referral, 409 of the 788 had been treated
with antibiotics. In 322 of these patients, the reason for lack of
response was incorrect diagnosis—the patients did not have Lyme
disease. The most common symptoms of those who did not have
Lyme disease were chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.32 The author
of this study, Dr. Allen Steere of Tufts University (who first iden¬
tified Lyme disease in 1975) has been criticized by many patients
and doctors as being too quick to minimize the scope of the Lyme
disease problem. Nevertheless, he highlights an important point—
antibiotics can be enormously harmful when given to a patient who
does not have Lyme disease.
A recent report emphasizes these concerns. In one instance cited
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), four¬
teen children had to have their gallbladders removed and twenty-
two suffered bloodstream infections because of complications from
long-term treatment with intravenous antibiotics.33
According to experts appointed by the New Jersey Health
Department, “The bulk of the evidence suggests that Lyme disease
is overdiagnosed and that many of those given the diagnosis do not


have the disease and will not benefit from antibiotic treatment.”
They added that “underdiagnosis can be just as serious a problem as
overdiagnosis,” but emphasized that the greater number of patients
risk hazardous side effects from “antibiotics given for a disease they
do not have.”34
Experts say there is no simple conclusive test for Lyme disease.
There is also lack of agreement over how common the infection
really is. If you receive a positive test for Lyme disease you should
probably have it repeated just to be sure. There are many false pos¬
itives with these tests, and you would not want to undergo antibi¬
otic therapy needlessly. If the test is positive, you may benefit from
antibiotic therapy, especially if the infection is caught in its early
A test is being made available in 1994 that appears to be much
more accurate than previously available tests. In this test, fluid is
drawn from a swollen joint such as a knee. The sample is then mixed
with a DNA probe that matches a gene sequence of the Lyme bac¬
teria. This test is currently expensive, but it is said to be the most
accurate available.35
If your doctor confirms a diagnosis of Lyme disease based on
your history, symptoms, and laboratory tests the proper course of
antibiotics may be what you need. It is important that you recog¬
nize, however, that taking steps to optimize immune function is also
very important with this condition. You may wish to review some
of the factors discussed in this book and make efforts to build immu¬
nity in addition to antibiotic therapy.

The Era of Host Defenses

Medicine is at a crossroads. There is a clear recognition that it is
not within our capability to eliminate infectious diseases. The authors
of Emerging Infections state that, “Pathogenic microbes can be
resilient, dangerous foes. Although it is impossible to predict their
individual emergence in time and place, we can be confident that
new microbial diseases will emerge.”36 In essence, we must be mind¬
ful of the great power held by microbes (bacteria, viruses, parasites,
etc.) to cause disease and difficulty in humans. This is one aspect of
living on earth that is unlikely to change.


On the other hand, we must also be aware of the formidable

defense system with which the human body is endowed. We should
be aware of the capacity of this system, when properly cared for,
to protect us. The years ahead will likely find us impressed by the
powerful ability of microbes to adapt and to do harm. Likewise, we
may be astonished at the breakthroughs in finding the means to
optimize our defenses against microbes. It is a system in flux; a
dynamic balance.
The era of host defenses will not be one of killing microbes, but
one of optimizing the human healing response. In the meantime
and as a matter of course, we should respect the power inherent in
the microbial world, respect the value of an antibiotic used wisely,
and treat our bodies with respect in all ways so that when when our
health is threatened, our bodies can realize the optimum response.


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Abuse, 172 Annals of the New York Academy

Acne, 225-226 of Sciences, 196
Acetaminophen, 46, 235. Antibiotics
See also Tylenol® allergic reactions, 28-29
Aconite, 214 and animals, 30
Acupuncture, 218 attitudes about, 43-45
AIDS, 145-146,191, 203, 218 and bacterial susceptibility,
Air pollution, 120-122 30-32
indoor, 118-120, 243 and birth control pills, 37
Alcohol, 82, 91,108,109,145,187, broad spectrum, 23
192 and chronic complaints, 25
Allergies, 114,121,133 and chronic fatigue syndrome,
and antibiotics, 4 24
and vitamin C, 193,199 dental use, 41-42
Allium cepa, 242 economic costs, 29-30
‘Alternative Medicine,” 265 and the elderly, 33
American Dental Association, 41 and fever, 48, 236
American Heart Association, 41 and food allergy, 28
American Journal of Chinese hospital use, 38^10
Medicine, 218 and immune suppression, 25-26
American Journal of Clinical infants and children, 35-36
Nutrition, 72, 84 and infection, 15-18
American Journal of Medicine, 25 misprescribed, 4, 47-48
American Journal of Public and nutrient loss, 27-28
Health, 119 overprescribed, 4
Ames, B., 135 parasite infection, 26-27
Amino acids, 112 physicians knowledge of, 49-51
Amoxicillin, 32-33, 233, 236, 243 and pregnancy, 37
Ampicillin, 20, 27, 227, 229 prescriptions rise, 3-4, 35
Anatomy of an Illness (Cousins), preventive, 5,16, 39
117 proper use, 55
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 9-21 public perception, 45^16
dental amalgams, 113-115 and recurrent infections, 25-26
electromagnetic fields, 116 self-test, 53-54
essential oils, 206 sinusitis, 243-244
Anger, 174-175 and stress, 158-160


teenagers, 38 Beyond the Magic Bullet (Dixon),

tonsillitis, 246 13,70
and urinary tract infection, 5, Bifidobacterium bifidus, 22, 27, 56,
226-227 241
and vaginal flora, 5 Bioflavonoids, 102
and vitamin C, 188,190,192, 200 Bladder infection, 3, 7, 21, 23, 36,
women’s health, 37 37, 53, 75,125-126, 208, 209,
Antibodies, 25, 63, 74, 79,191, 207 214-215, 226-229, 263
Antifungal, 203, 204, 206, 208, 209 Bland, J.S., 82-83,125
Apis mellifica, 214, 247 Bliznakov, E.G., 101
Aromatherapy. Block, G., 198
See essential plant oils Blood cells, white, 6,13, 25, 63-68,
Aromatherapy to Heal and Tend 84-85, 99,114,162
the Body (Tisserand), 212 and chiropractic, 216
Arsenicum, 214 and echinacea, 203
The Art of Aromatherapy and vitamin C, 190-192,193
(Tisserand), 211 Blueberry, 53
Ascorbic acid. See vitamin C The Body Electric (Becker), 116
Asfora, J., 190 The Body is the Hero (Glasser),
Aspirin, 45-46, 77,107-108,192, 201
235 Bonset, 236
Asthma, 120, 209 Borneol, 208
Boyce, W.T., 156-158
Bachmann, G.A., 172 Bradford, T.L., 212
Bacitracin, 27 Brain Allergies, 90-91
Bacteria, 14, 46, 61-67 Breastfeeding, 20, 37
electromagnetic fields, 116 Breneman, J.C., 74
chiropractic, 216-217 Brennan, P.C., 216
essential plant oils, 206-210 British Homeopathic Journal, 213
herbs and, 202-204 Bronchitis, 52, 75, 209, 229-230
homeopathy and, 212-215 Buchman, D.D., 95
stress and, 157-158 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, 32
vitamin C, 190-191,198 Burkitt, D., 85
Bacterial endocarditis, 18, 41-42 Burwell, D., 3
Barnes, B., 92 Byrd, R., 144-145, 268
Basal Temperature Test, 92-93
Bauman, D.S., 25 Calcium, 103,113,128
Beasley, J., 40,123,131,187,188 Calophyllum inophyllum, 242,
Becker, R.O., 116-117 244
Belaiche, P., 208 Cameron, E., 190
Beliefs, 176 Campos, F.A., 72
Belladonna, 213, 214, 234, 247, 262 Campylobacter, 30, 93, 238
Berk, L.S., 177 Cancer,
Beta-carotene, 98,102,122,124, and cigarette smoke, 141
128,129,141, 200, 228, 262 and nutrition, 132

and vitamin C, 187,188,192, Clindamycin, 27, 225
197,198 Clostridium dificile, 27, 34
Candida albicans, 5, 7, 27, 62, 65, Clove oil, 207, 248
109, 239, 241. See also Yeast Coenzyme Qio, 100-101,102
citrus seed extract and, 203 Cohen, M.L., 21
echinacea and, 203 Cohen, S., 161
garlic and, 203 Cold, 3, 4, 29, 45-46, 83, 99,119,
and immune suppression, 23 125,140-141, 263
thyme oil and, 207, 209 antibiotics, 231
and vaginitis, 248-249 eucalyptus, 209
Candida-related complex (CRC), garlic, 203
24 homeopathy, 214-215
Candidiasis, 208 massage, 218
Cantekin, E., 32-33 selfcare, 230-232
Cantharis, 228 stress, 160-161
Cassata, D.M., 159-160 vitamin C, 190-191,193,194
Castleman, M., 140, 205 Cold Cures (Castleman), 140
Cathcart, R., 190,193,198,199 Cold sores, 210
Cefaclor, 33, 233 Comprehensive Digestive Stool
Cefoxitin, 21 Analysis, 240
Centers for Disease Control Confession, 167-168,175
(CDC), 21 Conjunctivitis, 214, 215
Cephalexin, 28 Coping, 89-91,164-167,180
Chamomilla, 234, 245 Copper, 93,102
Chediak-Higashi disease, 132-133 Cortisone, 248
Cheraskin, E., 193,194,197 Cousins, N., 177
Chickenpox, 18, 64, 72, 213, 214 Cow’s milk, 69, 75-77,133, 232,
Childhood Ear Infections 238, 246, 261,264
(Schmidt), 19, 37, 76, 235 Cranberry, 53, 227-228
Chiropractic, 73, 216-217, 206 Crook, W.G., 23, 24, 36, 38, 56, 75,
Cholera, 13 95
homeopathy and, 212, 213 Cross Currents (Becker), 117
Vibrio cholera, 204 Crowding, 149
Chopra, D., 178 Cultures, 30-31, 47
Chronic fatigue syndrome, 73,101, Cummings, S., 215
114 The Cure is in the Kitchen
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the (Rogers), 95
Yeast Connection (Crook), Cypress, 246
24 Cystitis. See Bladder infection
Cigarette smoke, 117-118,123,
141-142,173 Dadd, D.L., 129
and vitamin C, 187,192 Dairy products. See Cow’s milk
Citral, 207, Day care, 149
Citrus seed extract, 202 Dentist, 40-42,115
Clary sage, 234 Depression, 114,125,139,193,195


Detoxification, 123, 262 homeopathy, 214-215

Diarrhea, 6,13, 34, 72, 111, 194, and hyperactivity, 36
199,238-239 politics, 32-33
Dick, E.C., 231 rhinitis and, 241
Diet, selfcare, 232-235, 261, 264
and acne, 38, 225-226 stress and, 159-160
consumption habits, 81 teething and, 245
and coping, 89-91 Echinacea, 52, 203, 236, 244, 262
and ear infections, 35-36 Echinacea: Nature’s Immune
food allergy, 74-79 Enhancer (Foster), 203
Diet Prevents Polio (Sandler), 83 Ekman, P., 175
Diflucan, 248 Elderly, 33-35, 71
Digestive enzymes, 89 Electromagnetic pollution,
Dillon, K., 177-178 115-117
Diphtheria, 15,190 Emotions, 163,180
Discovering Homeopathy: Encephalitis, 189,191-192,193
Medicine for the 21st Century Entamoeba histolytica, 110, 204
(Ullman), 212, 215 Environment, 11, 67,105-130,163
Disney, F.A., 49 Environmental illness, 29,107,
Distemper, canine, 82,195 120-122
Dixon, B., 13, 70,121 Environmental Protection
Doran, T., 235 Agency, (EPA), 120,141
Dossey, L., 161,164, 267-268 Environmental toxins, 67,
Down syndrome, 132 107-110,142
Dr. Berger’s Immune Power Diet dental amalgams, 113-115
(Berger), 95 detoxification, 125
Drug Information, 20 exposure, 117-118
Drugs, 145,155,187 heavy metals, 109,111-113
Dyer, W., 182 malnourishment, 123
Dysentery, 19,190 occupational, 122
and pregnancy, 111
E. coli, 20, 27, 203, 204, 209, protective nutrients, 112-113
226-227 testing for, 126-127
Ear infection, 3, 6, 7, 23, 30-31, 45, and vitamin C, 192
151. See also otitis media Ephedra sinica, 244
antibiotic prescriptions and, 36 Erythromycin, 27, 72, 225
antibiotics and recurrence, 26 Esch, S., 205
and chiropractic, 216-217 Essential fatty acids, 73, 93
cigarettes smoke and, 141 Essential plant oils, 206-212, 218
cost of treatment, 29 Eucalyptus, 206, 209
doctor/patient attitudes, 43-45 Eucalyptus globulus, 209, 244
duration of treatment, 29 Eucalyptus radiata, 209, 211, 230,
essential oils and, 208 232, 237, 244
and food allergy, 75 Euphrasia, 242
heavy metals and, 111 Evening primrose oil, 98, 103

Everybody’s Guide to 204, 238
Homeopathic Medicines, 215 Gilbert, W., 19
Exercise, 142-143 Gildemeister, E., 206
Expectations, 171 Glasser, R.J., 201
Eysenck, H.J., 155 D-glucaric acid, 126-127
Goldenseal, 204, 244
Family physician, 3, 50 Gonorrhea, 18, 20-21
Fat, 84, 95-96 Gutmann, G., 216
Fatigue, 6, 24-25,120,125,139,
142,194,195. See also Chronic Haemophilus influenzae, 8, 20, 21,
fatigue syndrome 121,132,232
Feed Your Kids Right (Smith), 37 Hagglund, H.E., 25
Internal Medicine News, 39 Flair analysis, 113
Fever, 15, 48, 72, 111, 138, 214, Hands-on healing, 215
230, 235-236 Hauser, W., 25
Fiber, 85-87, 95 Hazelnut oil, 242, 244, 249
Flagyl, 248 Headaches, 119,120,125,126, 263
Flax seed oil, 96,103, 205, 234 The Healing Herbs (Castleman),
Fleming, A., 19 205
Flu, 3, 46, 83, 213, 218. Healthy Pleasures (Ornstein,
See also Influenza Sobel), 152,169,180
Food additives, 28, 87-88,108,109 Heart attack, 161
Food allergy (and intolerance), Heavy metals.
74-79 See Environmental toxins
and antibiotics, 28 Helichrysum, 226, 249
causes of, 77 Hepar sulph, 215
common offenders, 75-76 Hepatitis, 191,194
and ear infection, 75 Herbal medicine, 202-205
and respiratory infection, 75 Heredity. See Genetics
symptoms of, 77-79 Herpes, 210
tests for, 78-79 Hoffmann, F.R., 206
and tonsillitis, 75 Hollwich, F., 139
and toxicity, 125 Holmes and Rahe, 157
Foodborne infection, 93-94 Homeopathic medicine, 212-215
Foster, S., 203 Hornig, D., 197
Free radicals, 192 Hospital, 21, 34, 38-40
Frieden, T.R., 72-73 Huggins, H., 114
Human and Experimental Toxicol¬
Galland, L, 24, 27, 80, 95, 239 ogy, 125
Gard, Z., 128 Hurley, L., 135
Garlic, 203-204 Hygiene, 136-137,140-141
Gattefosse, H.M., 207 Hyperactivity, 8, 36, 90
Genetics, 67,131-136 Hypericum triquetrifolium, 52
German chamomile, 236
Giardia lamblia, 7, 77, 87,110, Ibuprofen, 77


Idler, E., 167 Intestinal infection, 238

Immune system, Inula graveolens, 206, 209, 230,
and acupuncture, 218 234,242, 244
beta-carotene, 98 Iron, 100,196
botanical medicine, 20 Ishegami, T., 156,170
and chiropractic, 216
and coenzyme Qio, 100-101 Jaffe, D.M., 48, 236
complementary treatments, 201 Jaffe, R.M., 10
description of, 61-68 Jessop, C., 24
essential plant oils, 206-210, 211 Jones, G.W., 213
and expectations, 171 Jones, L., 244
and homeopathy, 214 Jones, M.H., 95
and iron, 100 Journal of Advancement in
laughter, 177-178 Medicine, 25
and massage, 217-218 Journal of the American Chemical
and optimism/pessimism, Society, 203
169-170 Journal of the American Medical
selenium, 100 Association, 26, 33,189,194, 233
and social support, 172-174 Journal of Environmental Health,
stress, 161-163 27
suppression by Candida Journal of Infectious Disease, 16
albicans, 23 Journal of the Royal Society of
and thyroid function, 92 Medicine, 75
and vitamin A, 97-98 Journaling, 181
and vitamin C, 190,192,198 Julius, M., 174
and vitamin E, 98 Justice, B., 155,168
and zinc, 99-100
Immunization, 16,189 Kalokerinos, A., 189
Impetigo, 214 Kanamycin, 27
Infection, Kasl, S., 171
effect on nutrition, 72-73 Kass, E.H., 16
and vitamin C, 188-192 Keflex, 28, 29
Infections in Medicine, 23 The Kellogg Report, 123, 187
Infections: Recognition, Ketoconazole, 22, 248
Understanding, Treatment Kiecolt-Glaser, J., 150
(Pechere), 48, 231 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 203, 207,
Infectious Disease Society of 209
America, 16 Klein, M.A., 198
Influenza, 203, 209, 214-215, Klenner, F., 187,188,193,194,
237-238. See also Flu 198,200
Inner Strength®, 94, 239, 241 Kidney stones, 196-197
Interferon, 66, 204 Krause, R., 19
International Journal of Sports Krueger, J.M., 146
Medicine, 143
Internist, 3, 50 Lachesis, 215

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 2, 22, Measles, 53, 72-73, 97, 214, 236
56, 66 Medical World News, 231
and B-vitamins, 22 Meditation, 145,150
and bladder infections, 228 Melaleuca alternifolia, 245, 249.
and fever, 236 See also tea tree oil
and foodborne infection, 94 Meniere’s disease, 176
and intestinal infections, Meningitis, 203, 212
238-239 Meningococcus, 212
and parasites, 27 Mercapturic acid, 126,127
post-antibiotic syndrome, Mercurius, 215, 247
240-241 Mercury amalgams, 113-115
and vaginitis, 37, 249 Metchnikoff, E., 13-14
Lancet, 8, 20, 72 Mind, 162
Langer, S.E., 92,134 Moeller, T.P., 172
Lappe, M., 16, 27 Mohr, U., 216
Laughter, 177-178 Mold, 118,120
Lavender oil, 206, 207, 210, 211 Mononucleosis, 199
Leaky gut, 22, 77 Moskowitz, H., 173
Learned Optimism (Seligman), Mothering, 177
170 Mowrey, D.B., 203, 205
Lemon oil, 207 Mumps, 214
Lemongrass oil, 207 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 157
Leukemia, 202
Lentinus edodes, 52, 204. National Academy of Sciences,
See also Shiitake mushroom 117,187
Lewit, K., 216 National Cancer Institute, 10,187,
Licorice root, 204 188,198
Lidefelt, K.J., 36 National Institute of Allergies and
Life events, 156-157 Infectious Diseases, 19
Light, 138-140 National Institutes of Health, 10,
Lincomycin, 27 19, 32,151
Locke, S., 155 National Research Council, 186
The Logic of Figures, 212 Neisseria meningitidis, 212
Lymphatic system, 162 Neomycin, 27, 208
and chiropractic, 216-217 Nervous system, 162
and echinacea, 203 Neu, H.C., 21
and exercise, 142 Newberne, P.M., 69, 71
and massage, 217-218 New England Journal of Medicine,
33, 44, 227
McKeown, T., 11,15-16, 71,136 Niaouli, 211, 230
McKinlay, S.M. and J.B., 16 Nieman, D., 143
Macrolide, 231 Noise, 148-149
Magnesium, 27, 73, 90,103,113, Non-Toxic and Natural (Dadd),
128,139 129
Massage, 147-148, 217-218 The Non-Toxic Home (Dadd), 129

Novobiocin, 27 Pediatricians, 3, 50,150-151
Nsouli, T.M., 75 Pediatrics, 49
Nutrition, Pediazole, 33, 233
absorption, 77 Pennebaker, J.W., 167
anti-nutrients, 87-88 Penicillin, 5,14-15,19, 20-21, 46,
and coping, 89-91 188, 203, 204, 207, 227, 231
and hospital patients, 39 Penn, N.D., 34
and immunity, 70-72 Perception, 165,166-167
and infection-susceptibility, 70-72 Pertussis. See Whooping cough
physician’s knowledge of, 51-52 Pessimism, 168-171
content of refined food, 86 Pesticides, 19,117,187
Nutritional Influences in the Cause Peterson, C., 169
of Infectious Disease, 71 Phagocytosis, 25, 63,190, 207
Nutritional supplementation, Phenol, 206-207
96-102 Phillips, C.J., 217
Nystatin, 37, 56, 248 Philpott, W., 90
Obesity, 82-83 diagnostic accuracy, 47-48
Obstetrician/gynecologist, 3, 50 knowledge of antibiotics, 48-51
Ochsner, G., 149 knowledge of nutrition, 51-52
Omega-3 fatty acids, 96,103 Physician’s Desk Reference, 30-31
Opening Up: The Healing Power Placebo, 176
of Confiding in Others Plantago major, 234, 245
(Pennebaker), 168 Please, Don’t Drink Your Milk
Optimism, 168-171 (Oski), 77
Oregano oil, 207, 208, 247 Pleasure, 152
Ornstein, R., 152,169,174,180 Pneumonia, 5,15,18-19, 21, 34,
Oscillococcinum, 213, 237 53,75, 97,120-121,191,
Oski, F., 77 229-230, 231, 237
Otitis media. Polymixin, 27
See also Ear infections Porter, R.R., 15
antibiotics as a cause, 4 Post-antibiotic syndrome, 239-241
and chiropractic, 217 Power, 172
and essential oils, 208 The Practice of Aromatherapy
and vitamin C, 193 (Valnet), 211
Prayer, 144-145
Paget, J., 146 Pregnancy, 37, 80, 82, 98,100, 111,
Paradox of antibiotics, 14-15 129,135-136, 204, 211
Parasites, 26-27, 77,110 herbs to avoid, 250
and essential oils, 210 Probioplex®, See Inner Strength®
and herbs, 202 Prontosol, 188
and homeopathy, 213 Prostatitis, 227
Pasteur, L, 14 Proteus, 203, 233
Pauling, L., 185,186,190,194-195, Psychoneuroimmunology, 180
197,198 Pullen, F., 76, 234

Pulsatilla, 234 (SAD), 139
Pyrogen, 213 Sehnert, K.W., 52,138, 223
Selenium, 100,102,112,113,122,
Ravensare aromatica, 233, 237 124,128,129, 262
Recovering the Soul (Dossey), 267 Seligman, M., 169-170
Red meat, 95 Selye, H., 155,158
Relationships, 172-174 Shigella, 241
Relaxation, 150 Shiitake mushroom, 204
Remington, J., 25 Sick building syndrome, 118-120
Respiratory infection, 21, 36, 52, Silymarin, 129
72,75,120-122,140-141 Sinus, 3, 45, 83,141, 209, 217,
and echinacea, 203 243-244, 262
and eucalyptus, 209 Skoner, D.R, 31
and stress, 156-159 Sleep, 146-147,187
and thyme, 209 Smith, L.H., 37, 90,191
Rheumatic fever, 15, 247 Sobel, D., 152,169,174,180
Rhinitis, 241-243 Solomon, G., 180
Rhus tox, 213, 214 Solved: The Riddle of Illness
Ringsdorf, W.M., 197 (Langer), 92
Rivers, J.M., 196 Sore throat, 3, 47, 111, 121,
Roberts, D.W., 105 214-215, 246-248, 262.
Rogers, S., 95,117 See also Tonsillitis
The Role of Medicine Space, Time and Medicine
(McKeown), 136 (Dossey), 267
Rommelt, H., 207 Spectinomycin, 21
Rosa rubiginosa, 211 Speirs, R.S., 105
Rosemary officinalis (verbinone), Staph, 19, 27,190, 203, 204
230, 242, 244, 249 Staphylococcus aureus, 27,110,
Rowe, A., 78 204,207
Stitt, P.A., 84
Saccharin, 28 Strep, 9,18,19, 27, 47, 203, 204,
Sachs, B.C., 155 246,262
Salmonella, 30, 93, 203, 238 Streptococci, 27, 57,158
Salmonella newport, 8-9 Streptococcus pneumoniae, 21,
Sandler, B., 83 132,232
Sauna,127-128,137-138, 264 Streptococcus viridans, 110
Savory oil, 208, 211, 247 Streptomycin, 204, 207
Schmidt, Michael A., 19, 37, 69, Stress, 67
75, 76,138,178, 235 and common cold, 160-161
Schnaubelt, K., 207, 208 and coping, 164-167
Science, 19, 21 and immunity, 161-163
The Scientific Validation of Herbal and infection susceptibility,
Medicine (Mowbrey), 203, 205 155-160
Scurvy, 185,186,194,196 and laughter, 177
Seasonal affective disorder and massage, 217


and vitamin C, 186,187 Tuberculosis, 16,19,156,170,190,

Sucrose, 28 204
Sugar, 83-85, 91, 95 Tylenol®, 235
Sulfonamide, 7,14-15, 25 Type A personality, 164-165
Superimmunity for Kids Type B personality, 165
(Galland), 80, 95 Typhoid, 190
Supplements. See Nutritional
supplementation Udintsev, Y.N., 116
Support, 172-174 Ullman, D., 212, 215
Surgeons, 50 UltraClear®, 83,126
Susceptibility testing, 30-32
Syphilis, 18 Vaginal infection, 125-126, 23, 30,
Tagamet, 124 selfcare, 248-249
Tea tree oil, 53, 207, 208, 211, 228, and tea tree oil, 208
236, 245, 263. See also Melaleuca and thyme oil, 209
alternifolia van Breda, W. and J., 150, 217
Teething, 245-246 Victims, 164,179-180
Television, 89,142 Viruses, 4, 9, 26, 29, 36, 45-46,
Tetanus, 190 61-67,140
Tetracycline, 25, 37, 38, 72, 225, cold, 231
229,231 Epstein-Barr, 73,171
Thyme oil, 207, 208-209, 247-248 and essential oils, 206-209
Thymus, 97,101,162,163 and herbs, 202-204
Thymus vulgaris. and homeopathy, 213-215
See also Thyme oil influenza, 237
thuyanol (CT), 209 RSV, 242
thymol (CT), 249 and stress, 157-158
Thyroid dysfunction, 91-93, and vitamin C, 190-191,198
133-134 Vitamin C, 34, 40, 52, 71, 73, 93,
Tierra, M., 205 98,102,112-113,122,123,124,
Time, 265 128,129,135,136,141
Tisserand, R., 148, 209, 211, 212 and bladder infection, 228
Toluene, 123,125 and bronchitis, 230
Tonsillitis, 4, 6, 7, 9-10, 30, 48, 49, and cancer, 187
52, 69, 72, 83,97,119,133,157, different needs for, 186-187
203. See also Sore throat dosage of, 193-194
and chiropractic, 216-217 and infectious disease, 188-192,
and massage, 218 231-237
selfcare, 246-248 and rhinitis, 242
Touch, 147-148, 215 RDA, 186
Trans fatty acids, 96,103 rules for use, 198-200
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, safety, 196-197
25, 227, 229 and scurvy, 185-186
Tschetter, D., 42 signs of deficiency, 195

and stress, 186 Weatherford, J., 137
and tetracycline, 72 Weinstein, L., 16
and vaginitis, 249 Werbach, M.R., 80
The Vitamin C Connection When Antibiotics Fail (Lappe), 27
(Cheraskin), 197 Witkin, S.S., 23
Vitamins, Who Gets Sick (Justice), 155,168
A, 34, 53, 71, 72-73, 80, 93, 97, Whooping cough, 15, 52,189, 203
101,123,124, 226, 228, 229, Williams, G., 69, 71
230,249 Williams, R., 134,174-175,187,
B-complex, 112,128, 262 199
B2, 93 World Health Organization, 61, 69
Bs, 93
Bs, 102 Yarrow, 236
B6, 93,102,123, 226 The Yeast Connection (Crook), 22
B12, 95,196, 226 The Yeast Connection Cookbook
D, 139 (Crook, Jones), 95
E, 34, 71, 93, 98,101,112,123, Yeast, 5, 31, 36, 37
124,128,129,141, 200, 226, description of, 46
249 vaginal, 23, 30, 38
von Pettenkofer, M., 13 Yellow fever, 212
Yogurt, 249
Walnut oil, 208
Walsh, J., 146 Zinc, 27-28, 71, 72, 80, 93, 99-100,
The Way of Herbs (Tierra), 205 113,123,14,128,129,135, 225,
Welch, G.H., 20 231,249, 261


About the Authors

Dr. Michael A. Schmidt is the author of

Tired of Being Tired, Healing Childhood
Ear Infections, and Feeding the Body, Heal¬
ing the Mind. He is a visiting professor of
Applied Biochemistry and Clinical Nutri¬
tion at Northwestern College and is a Fel¬
low at the Functional Medicine Research
Center in Gig Harbor, Washington.

Dr. Lendon H. Smith is the author of the

best-selling Feed your Kids Right. A for¬
mer professor of pediatrics at the Univer¬
sity of Oregon School of Medicine, he is an
internationally recognized physician,
author and lecturer. He is a frequent guest
on the Tonight and Phil Donahue shows
discussing health and nutrition in family
settings. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
Dr. Keith W. Sehnert,is credited with hav¬
ing started the medical self-care move¬
ment in a series of classes for lay-people
to learn basic medical skills at Reston-
Herndon Medical Center in Virginia, as
well as later at Georgetown University,
where he founded the Center for Contin¬
uing Health Education. Known as “The
George Washington of Medical Self Care,”
he has been a popular guest on national
talk shows, and has reached a wide audi¬
ence in such publications as Parade, News¬
week, McCalls, Money and Reader’s Digest
He was a medical director at Sandoz Laboratories in Switzerland,
and works as a medical consultant in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He
is the author of How To Be Your Own Doctor (Sometimes) and

For More Information

For more information on publications and educational materials

by Dr. Schmidt contact:

Dr. Michael A. Schmidt

Functional Medicine Research Center
5800 Soundview Drive
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Practitioner Referrals

For information on locating a health-care practitioner in your geo¬

graphic area who is familiar with functional medicine, nutritional
medicine, or integrated medicine, please call 1-800-245-9076. You
will be asked to leave your name and address, along with your tele¬
phone number (in case it is necessary to clarify the spelling of the
information you provide). The names of practitioners in your area
will be sent to you at no charge.
$18.95 Family Health

Officials from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for
Disease Control have reported that the overuse of antibiotics in
medicine has created an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Doctors fear that if antibiotic use is not curtailed, we may soon
approach the day when untreatable infections are rampant. In
Beyond Antibiotics, Drs. Schmidt, Smith, and Sehnert explore the
problems presented by the overuse of these drugs. More impor¬
tantly, they show how to build immunity, improve resistance to
infections, and avoid antibiotics when possible.

“A compelling book you’ll find hard to put down. This is truly a re¬
markable book!”
Doris J. Rapp, M.D., author of Is This Your Child?

“Fascinating, thought-provoking and comprehensive!”

William G. Crook, M.D., author of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and The Yeast Connection

“A major contribution to the field ”

Jeffrey S. Bland, Ph.D., HealthComm, Gig Harbor, Washington

MBeyond Antibiotics is a magnificent book about your health. It has

been a delight to read.”
Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Meaning & Medicine,
Recovering the Soul, Beyond Illness, and Space, Time & Medicine

“Beyond Antibiotics contains much valuable information unknown

to most regular physicians ”
Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Health and Healing
and Natural Health, Natural Medicine

“One of the best written, most informative, and consistently enlight¬

ening books Tve read ”
Audrey DeLaMartre, Minneapolis Star Tribune

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