Karl Fisher Determinacion de Agua

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Fresenius J Anal Chem (1997) 359 : 285–287 © Springer-Verlag 1997


H.-J. Neu · R. Sprenger

Trace analysis of epichlorohydrin in water samples

Received: 20 February 1997 / Revised: 11 April 1997 / Accepted: 15 April 1997

Abstract According to a recent proposal of a new coun- account. According to data published in the literature the
cil directive of the Commission of the European Commu- half-life of epichlorohydrin in water at a pH of 7 and
nity concerning the quality of water intended for human 20° C is only 6.2 days [2]. At higher or lower pH the sta-
consumption, the maximum concentration of epichlorohy- bility is much lower.
drin allowed in potable water is intended to be limited to Methods for the analysis of epichlorohydrin in water
0.5 µg/L. To our knowledge no practical analytical tech- described in the literature are based on sample pretreat-
nique for routine analysis purposes of aqueous samples is ment by static or dynamic headspace techniques [2, 3] or
available at present. In this paper an analytical method is liquid-liquid extraction using hexane [4] or diethylether
described using solid phase extraction (SPE) for the en- [5], followed by gas-liquid chromatography with ECD or
richment of epichlorohydrin from water samples with MS-detection. As far as detection limits are cited in the
subsequent determination by gas-liquid chromatography literature they range from 1 to 50 µg/L. The most sensi-
with electron capture detection. Quantitative recovery was tive technique seems to be given by a purge and trap pro-
achieved. Using a sample volume of 100 mL a detection cedure using a water volume of 200 ml to which 60 g of
limit of 0.1 µg/L can be reached. The method has suc- Na2SO4 is added followed by a stripping with a helium
cessfully been applied to the analysis of epichlorohydrin flow of 25 mL/min over 20 min [3]. The purged analyte is
in tap water, surface water and waste water. trapped by a Tenax® column from which it is thermally
desorbed by heating the trap to 200°C for 8 min. During
this time the analytes are transferred to the inlet of a GC-
1 Introduction column where cryofocussing of the organic vapour takes
place. Chromatographic separation is started by applying
Due to its toxicity epichlorohydrin has been listed for a temperature program to the GC-column. The yield of
many years by the Commission of the European Commu- this complicated gas extraction procedure is apparantly
nity among compounds dangerous for the water environ- strongly matrix dependent, ranging from 26% in tap water
ment. In a new proposal for a council directive concerning to only 3–4% in waste water. Considering these aspects
the quality of water intended for human consumption, and the overall complexity of the whole procedure, it is
epichlorohydrin is listed with a limiting value of 0.5 µg/L doubtful whether this method can easily be applied to the
in potable water. At present no practical routine analytical routine analysis of epichlorohydrin in samples of different
technique is available for the determination of epichloro- type and origin.
hydrin in water samples at such low concentrations. The Efforts made in our laboratory to substantially simplify
problem with the analysis of epichlorohydrin in water the above described procedure by using a static headspace
samples mainly arises from its high solubility in water (66 technique achieved little success. The same holds true for
g/L) [1], preventing an effective enrichment by the usu- methods using liquid-liquid extraction which suffer from
ally applied techniques using extraction with lipophilic poor recovery rates and tedious manual procedures. On
media or by vapour phase techniques. Furthermore, the the other hand, the extractability of epichlorohydrin from
hydrolytic behaviour of the substance has to be taken into water by lipophilic media is indicating that other extrac-
tion techniques like solid phase extraction (SPE) may also
be used. SPE has some advantages over liquid-liquid par-
Dedicated to Professor Dr. Karlheinz Ballschmiter titioning. First of all it can be completely automated, avoid-
on the occasion of his 60th birthday ing many steps of manual work. Additionally, higher en-
H.-J. Neu · R. Sprenger (Y)
richment factors can be achieved more easily than by liq-
BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Umweltanalytik, uid-liquid partitioning. We therefore have tried to develop
D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany a method for the routine analysis of epichlorohydrin in

water samples using solid phase extraction (SPE) for the lyze epichlorohydrin by injecting an aqueous solution directly into
enrichment of the analyte. The procedure is described below. the GC injector at 200° C without any significant hydrolytic de-
composition of the compound.

2 Experimental 2.2 Gas chromatography

2.1 Solid phase extraction Epichlorohydrin from a chromatographic point of view is a weakly
polar compound and causes no problems in gas chromatographic
At present, cartridges filled with reversed-phase material are most systems which would impose special requirements for the type of
commonly used as solid phase adsorbent but our experiments column or stationary phase. In real samples it may be advanta-
showed that this type of adsorbent gives essentially no recovery of geous to shift the epichlorohydrin peak to higher k′-values in order
epichlorohydrin from water. It is well known that for the extraction to improve the separation from other non-polar compounds con-
of more polar analytes resin adsorbents on the basis of styrene-di- tained in the sample. Therefore, capillary columns with a polyeth-
vinylbenzene copolymers (e.g. XAD®) are much better suited than yleneglycol stationary phase (Carbowax®) were used in this study.
reversed-phase adsorbents. Cartridges filled with such resins have Besides the FID and MS, the ECD can be used as GC-detector.
been made commercially available recently. It turned out that they Using a solvent volume of 1 µL and a split ratio of 10 :1, the re-
show excellent recovery rates for epichlorohydrin. sponses of these detectors for epichlorohydrin are quite different
and range from an absolute detection limit of 1 ng for the FID and
2.1.1 Sample preparation procedure. Epichlorohydrin was supplied about 0.1 ng for the MS in single ion detection mode (m/e: 31, 57,
by Aldrich (Nr. E 105-5) with a purity of 99% determined by GC. 62) down to 2.5 pg for the ECD. The low detection limit achieved
Solid phase extraction cartridges (trade name: SDB-1) containing with the ECD is somewhat surprising if compared with other
200 mg of resin adsorbent were supplied by J.T. Baker, Phillips- mono-chloro compounds and can only be explained by the specific
burg USA. After preconditioning successively with 3 mL acetone, molecular structure of epichlorohydrin.
3 mL methanol and 3 mL distilled water, 100 mL of the water sam- In this study a Hewlett Packard 5880 gas chromatograph
ple was pumped at a rate of 5 mL/min over the cartridge using an equipped with an HP 7673A autosampler, split/splitless injector,
AutoTrace™ SPE workstation (Zymark, Hopkinton USA). After FID and ECD (8 mCi 63Ni) was used. The carrier gas flow was 2
the sample had passed the cartridge, most of the remaining water mL/min helium. The injector was set to 200° C and a split ratio of
was removed by a stream of nitrogen (20 mL/min, 5 min) followed 1:10, the split valve beeing closed during injection for 0.5 min.
by an elution step with 2 mL diisopropylether. For the following The detector was held at 250° C and purged with 20 mL/min ni-
determination by gas liquid chromatography the extract was trans- trogen as make-up gas. For optimized separation of real samples
ferred to a 2 mL GC sampler vial and a defined amount of 2- including waste water, the following temperature program was ap-
chloropropionic acid-ethylester in diisopropylether was added as plied: injection at 20°C for 2 min; ramp rate 1: 10°C/min to 85°C;
an internal standard to characterize the total volume of the extract. ramp rate 2: 5° C/min to 150° C; ramp rate 3: 20° C/min to 200° C.
The procedure described above has been optimized with re- Under these conditions the epichlorohydrin peak eluted at about
spect to sample and eluent volumes. A sample volume of 100 mL 5.2 min. The column was a 30 m × 0.25 mm DB-WAX fused sil-
must not be exceeded in order to prevent a breakthrough of epi- ica capillary coated with a cross-linked film of polyethyleneglycol
chlorohydrin. The elution step requires at least 2 mL of solvent, of 0.5 µm thickness supplied by J & W Scientific, Folsom USA.
otherwise substantial losses of epichlorohydrin are observed. The The injected sample volume was 1 µL.
remaining water content of the cartridge seems not to be a critical
point if it is not dryed extensively. It was found that a remaining
amount of 40–60 mg water, which can easily be determined by dif- 3 Results
ferential weighing, does not influence the recovery of epichlorohy-
drin, whereas losses are observed after excessive drying. The wa-
ter remaining in the diisopropylether does not affect the determi- Using the above described conditions, gas chromatogra-
nation by GC, making it unnecessary to dry the extract before GC phy with electron capture detection of epichlorohydrin so-
analysis. We even made the experience that it is possible to ana- lutions in diisopropylether shows an excellent linearity

Fig. 1 GC-ECD calibration

curve for epichlorohydrin dis-
solved in diisopropylether.
Data points correspond to con-
centrations of 2.5, 5, 10, 20,
30, 50, 70 and 100 µg/L

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