Coagulation Flocculation Process and Slu PDF
Coagulation Flocculation Process and Slu PDF
Coagulation Flocculation Process and Slu PDF
Received 19 May 2006; received in revised form 20 July 2006; accepted 24 July 2006
Available online 27 July 2006
Attempts were made in this study to examine the effectiveness of coagulation and flocculation process using ferric chloride and polyelectrolyte
(non-ionic polyacrylamide) for the treatment of beverage industrial wastewater. Removal of organic matter (expressed as chemical oxygen demand,
COD), total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solid (TSS) using ferric chloride and organic polyelectrolyte during coagulation/flocculation
process were investigated. Also, the optimum conditions for coagulation/flocculation process, such as coagulant dosage, polyelectrolyte dosage,
and pH of solution were investigated using jar-test experiment. The effect of different dosages of polyelectrolyte in combination with coagulant
was also studied. The results revealed that in the range of pH tested, the optimal operating pH was 9. Percentage removals of 73, 95 and 97 for
COD, TP and TSS, respectively, were achieved by the addition of 300 mg/L FeCl3 ·6H2 O, whereas 91, 99 and 97% removal of COD, TP and
TSS, respectively, were achieved with the addition of 25 mg/L polyelectrolyte to 100 mg/L ferric chloride. The volume of sludge produced, when
ferric chloride was used solely, was higher compared to the use of combination of polyelectrolyte and FeCl3 ·6H2 0. The combined use of coagulant
and polyelectrolyte resulted in the production of sludge volume with reduction of 60% of the amount produced, when coagulant was solely used
for the treatment. It can be concluded from this study that coagulation/flocculation may be a useful pre-treatment process for beverage industrial
wastewater prior to biological treatment.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
been found to be cost effective, easy to operate and energy sav- 2.2. Experimental
ing treatment alternatives [1,13]. Coagulant dosages vary in a
wide range aiming at maximum removal efficiency of pollutants 1. 100, 300, 500, 750, or 1000 mg FeCl3 ·6H2 O was added to 1 L
using minimum doses at optimum pH [14,15]. wastewater sample. After rapid mixing for 2 min at 200 rpm
FeCl3 ·6H2 O is a widely used coagulant. It has been used for and slow mixing for 30 min at 60 rpm, the liquid was clar-
the treatment of wastewater of industries that are concerned with ified for 1 h, then, the supernatant was withdrawn from a
the production of potato chips [16], soap/detergent [17] and cork point located about 2 cm below the top of the liquid level of
processing [18]. the beaker to determine the COD, TP and TSS by using stan-
The objectives of this study were to simulate coagu- dard methods [19] so that the effect of coagulant dose could
lation/flocculation process efficiency for beverage industrial be studied. The raw and treated samples were repeatedly ana-
wastewater treatment plant with respect to removal of COD, lyzed in order to validate/evaluate the produced results and
TP and TSS using ferric chloride and non-ionic polyacrylamide the analytical errors were less than ±5%. All chemicals used
and also to investigate optimum coagulant dosages, optimum for the analytical determinations were of analytical grade.
coagulation pH and effect of polyelectrolyte addition on the 2. The pH value of 1 L wastewater sample was adjusted to pH
coagulation process. in the range of 7–11, respectively, by using 1.0 M H2 SO4 or
1.0 M NaOH, after the addition of 300 mg/L FeCl3 ·6H2 O to
2. Materials and methods the sample. After stirring and clarifying as described in (1)
above, the supernatant was withdrawn to determine the COD,
Samples of the wastewater were collected three times weekly TP and TSS, so that the effect of pH on coagulation could be
for 9 months between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. of each sam- studied.
pling day from pipe conveying all the wastewater out of Fum- 3. Pre-determined optimum value of FeCl3 ·6H2 O (300 mg/L)
man Agricultural Products Factory that produces juice drink was added to the wastewater sample. After rapid mixing for
from orange, grape, and guava, etc. Each time a sample was 2 min at 200 rpm, the pH was adjusted to the pre-determined
collected, the rate of flow was determined with the aid of a value by using 1.0 M H2 SO4 or 1.0 M NaOH. Different con-
flow-meter. Samples were collected every hour between 9.00 centrations (5, 25, 45, 65, 85, or 100 mg/L) of polyelectrolyte
a.m. and 3.00 p.m. to make six samples at the end of each were added and the liquid was mixed slowly for 30 min at
day of sampling; a composite sample was generated by adding 60 rpm, the supernatant was withdrawn as earlier described to
together volumes of samples proportional to their rates of flow. determine the optimum polyelectrolyte that enhances coag-
The estimated annual outputs of the factory at the time of sam- ulation. The pH was again measured after the optimal poly-
pling were 7.73 × 108 kg (773,000 t). The average volume of electrolyte dose had been determined. After the withdrawal of
wastewaters generated daily from the factory was 3.20 × 104 L. supernatant, the volume of wet sludge produced was deter-
The composition of the beverage wastewater is as shown in mined from the sludge level on the bottom of the jar-test
Table 1. beakers.
Each time a sample was collected, the temperature, pH and 3.1. Effects of coagulant dose on coagulation
dissolved oxygen (D.O.) were determined at the spot of sampling
with a good grade Celsius thermometer (Zeal, England), portable The results of the effects of different dosages of ferric chloride
pH meter and portable D.O. meter (model 9071 D.O2 meter, as sole coagulant on the removal of COD, TP and TSS from the
Phillips, England), respectively. wastewater are as presented in Fig. 1. The tests were conducted
at the pre-determined optimum pH of 9.
It is clear from the results that COD, TP and TSS removals
Table 1 increased substantially as the dosage of ferric chloride increases.
Characteristics of beverage industry wastewater
It was observed that removal of TSS increased linearly up to
Parameter No. of Mean Minimum Maximum 300 mg/L. However, TSS increased in a diminishing fashion
samples with increasing doses of ferric chloride above 300 mg/L. This
pH 80 7.24 7.02 7.66 may be as a result of re-suspension of solids at this concentra-
TSS (mg/L) 40 1620 367 2940 tion [16]. Furthermore, the high concentrations (>300 mg/L) of
Conductivity (S cm−1 ) 40 2995 1460 3740 the coagulant confer positive charges on the particle surface (a
Alkalinity (mg CaCO3 /L) 40 371 270 465
positive zeta potential), thus re-dispersing the particles [20]. For
COD (mg/L) 40 1750 620 3470
BOD5 (mg/L) 40 894 728 1745 COD and TP, the removal efficiencies increased rapidly up to
Total phosphorus (mg P/L) 40 89.5 62.4 100.2 73 and 97%, respectively, with the use of 300 mg/L dose of fer-
Orthophosphate (mg P/L) 40 41.2 25.5 70.6 ric chloride, whereas between 300 and 500 mg/L the removal of
Nitrate–nitrogen (mg N/L) 40 28.4 8.3 62.5 COD and TP increased slowly. Addition of the coagulant above
Total iron (mg Fe2+ + Fe3+ /L) 40 2.4 1.2 4.5
500 mg/L caused the removal efficiency to appear constant. At
BOD5 : Biochemical oxygen demand at 5 days. this point it is important to note that optimum dose of ferric
Fig. 3. The effect of polyelectrolyte dose on the removal of COD, TP and TSS
Fig. 1. The effect of coagulant doses on the removal of COD, TP and TSS from from the wastewater.
the wastewater.
coagulant, when discharged into surface water, interferes with
chloride that enhanced maximum removal of COD, TP and TSS fish survival and growth [22].
was 300 mg/L.
3.3. Effects of polyelectrolyte dose on the removal of the
3.2. Effects of pH on coagulation contaminants
A treatment set-up comprising of only ferric chloride at Polyelectrolytes act as coagulant aids in the treatment of
300 mg/L was selected to examine the effect of different pH water and wastewater; they may also be used as primary coagu-
of solution on the removal of COD, TP and TSS in the wastew- lant for the same purpose [1,23,24]. Many polyelectrolytes are
ater. These effects are shown in Fig. 2. It was observed that advantageous over chemical coagulants because they are safer
optimum pH value of 9 enhanced substantial removal of the con- to handle and are easily biodegraded [24,25]. The percentage
taminants. Increasing the pH above 9 markedly deteriorated the removal of COD, TP and TSS as functions of different doses of
quality of the wastewater. In the pH range of 7–9, contaminants polyelectrolyte is as shown in Fig. 3. The dose of polyelectrolyte
level decreased as pH increases. was varied from 0 to 100 mg/L. The removal of COD, TP and
Coagulation pH as a factor that influences coagulation is TSS increased with increasing dose of polyelectrolyte.
important because addition of metallic cation (in this case Fe3+ )
automatically lowers pH, which may cause further reduction in 3.4. Effects of polyelectrolyte on coagulation process
the removal of the contaminants. The need to employ higher
dose of coagulant may pose health hazard as a result of residual Several studies had reported the use of combination of poly-
quantities of excess chemical additives [21]. The excess residual electrolyte (as a coagulant aid) and chemical coagulant in the
treatment of abattoir wastewater [1,19,23,26,27,28]. The dose
of polyelectrolyte (non-ionic polyacrylamide) was varied from
0 to 100 mg/L and the ferric chloride dose was made constant at
either 100 or 300 mg/L. In order to determine the optimal dose
of the polyelectrolyte, the percentage removal of COD, TP and
TSS was considered (Tables 2 and 3).
From Table 2, it can be seen that removal of COD reached
70% during the use of 100 mg/L ferric chloride and 5 mg/L
polyelectrolyte. The COD percentage increased to 91% when
Table 2
The effects of addition of different doses of polyelectrolyte to 100 mg/L dose of
FeCl3 ·6H2 O on the removal of COD, TP and TSS from the wastewater
Parameter Dose of polyelectrolyte (mg/L)
5 25 45 65 85 100
COD (%) 70 91 93 95 95 96
TP (%) 81 99 99 99 99 99
Fig. 2. The effect of different pH on the removal of COD, TP and TSS from the TSS (%) 74 97 96 94 90 82
Table 3 Table 4
The effects of addition of different doses of polyelectrolyte to 300 mg/L dose of Residual concentration of iron (Fe2+ + Fe3+ ) (mg/L) as a function of coagulant
FeCl3 ·6H2 O on the removal of COD, TP and TSS from the wastewater dose
Parameter Dose of polyelectrolyte (mg/L) Coagulant dose (mg/L) Residual (Fe2+ + Fe3+ ) (mg/L)
5 25 45 65 85 100 0 2.40
100 2.07
COD (%) 84 95 96 96.6 97 98 300 1.83
TP (%) 97 99 99 99 99 99 500 1.23
TSS (%) 88 85 72 63 50 41 750 0.52
1000 0.11