Review of Related Literature and Studies
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Cagayan de Oro City is subdivided into 80 barangays with Cagayan de Oro River as its
boundary. Living near the Cagayan de Oro River, some of these barangays may be prone to
Escherichia coli or E. coli infections which may be due to contaminated water or food.
Symptoms of this infection includes diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, fatigue, and loss of
appetite or nausea. A research was done on December 2010 by Dr. Lesley Lubos on the extent
of fecal contamination on nine river barangays near the Cagayan de Oro River. This research
will be a reassessment on those findings, whether there were any changes for this past nine
Escherichia coli (or E. coli) is the most prevalent infecting organism in the family of
referred to as the best or most studied free-living organism (Eisenstein et al., 2000; Jay, 2000).
A great body of knowledge regarding its biochemistry and genetics is well-documented, and
E. Coli is normally found in large numbers as a resident of the colon (Brown and Smith,
2014) and the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals (Allan and Lockyer, 2013), and is
considered an endogenous bacterium, meaning infections occur when E. Coli grows outside
its natural site (Brown and Smith, 2014). Most strains however, are harmless (Allan and
Lockyer, 2013), but some strains of E. coli can be a cause of gastrointestinal and urinary tract
infections (Tortora, 2010). There are four different subgroups of E. coli – all of which produce
major clinical relevance. This includes enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enterohemorrhagic E.
coli (EHEC), entero-invasive E. coli (EIEC) and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) – all of
which produce a variety of diseases such as traveler’s diarrhoea [Kumar, Abbas et. Al, 2014],
haemolytic-uremic syndrome (Bhat et al, 2016), typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and other
intestinal viral diseases (Brown and Smith, 2014). Such diseases are caused by contamination
of E. coli which can occur in meat during the animal slaughtering process (Allan and Lockyer,
2013), or fecal contamination of water which can be a medium for spread of disease (Brown
Indeed, its ability to cause a wide variety of diseases in a broad array of species have
coli 1st edition). The strain usually responsible for contamination of beverages are those that
produce the Shiga toxin – so called because the toxin is identical to that produced by Shigella
dysenteria type 1 (Griffin et al,. 1991), which mediates nonbloody diarrhoea, hemorrhagic
colitis and thrombotic purpura (Papadakis and McPhee, 2006). Among the most notorious of
these is E. coli O157:H7 (Eisenstein et al., 2000; Griffin et al,. 1991), classified under the
entero-hemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) subgroup (Kumar et al, 2018), which is responsible for
most cases in the United States and most severely affects elderly individuals and young
As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), 600 million people suffer
E.coli-related illnesses every year, and 32,000 cases of food and waterborne diseases in the
Philippines have been recorded by the Department of Health (DOH) in September 2017 (SGS
PH, 2017).
sample. Out of the several criteria that classifies an indicator organism, the most important
criterion is that the microbe be consistently present in human feces in substantial numbers so
that its detection is a good indication of human wastes entering the water. The indicator
organisms should also survive in the water long enough to be detected, and should be detectable
by simple tests carried out by people with little experience in microbiology (Tortora, 2010).
Among the many potential organisms that fit this criteria, the usual indicator organisms
in fresh water are the coliform bacteria – aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, gram-negative
bacteria that are non-endospore-forming and are rod shaped bacteria that ferment lactose to
form gas after being placed in lactose broth at 35 degrees Celsius for 48 hours (Tortora, 2010).
Indeed, E. coli is the most common coliform bacteria among the intestinal flora of warm-
blooded animals, and its presence is related to fecal contamination (Rompré et al. 2002). As a
result of its ubiquity, the presence of E. coli is used as an indicator to estimate fecal
contamination levels of water and can be easily enumerated by existing methods (U.S. EPA,
and water quality in the Philippines and other tropical climates from 1991 found that diarrheal
diseases could still be predicted by E. coli, no matter the type of water source (Moe et al.,
1991). In 2000, Edberg, Rice, Karlin and Allen published the paper “Escherichia coli: the 9
Best Biological Drinking Water Indicator for Public Health Protection,” where the advantages
of using E. Coli for determining water quality was aptly observed. This is also confirmed by
Luby et al. (2014) where the clear relationship between E. coli and childhood diarrhoea was
also observed, and found that the risk of diarrhoea increased, even with mild increases in E.
coli levels.
According to Wilson et al. (2014), detecting the presence of E. coli in water will most
likely indicate that other fecal pathogens such as giardia, cryptosporidium and vibrio – all
responsible for the outbreak of deadly diseases such as cholera and giardiasis, which is one of
the reasons why promulgating clean water and sanitation is a global goal for future sustainable
The methods for determining the presence of coliform in water are based mainly on the
lactose-fermenting ability of coliform bacteria (Tortora, 2010). The multiple tube method can
be used to estimate coliform numbers by the most probable number (MPN) method, whilst the
membrane filtration method is a more direct method of determining the presence of numbers
of coliforms. The latter is the most widely used in North America and Europe, and it utilizes a
filtration apparatus that acts to collect bacteria on the surface of a removable membrane filter,
placed on a medium and then incubated. The resulting coliform colonies have a distinct
appearance and are counted. This method is suitable for low-turbidity waters that do not clog
the filter, and have relatively few non-coliform bacteria that would mask the results (Tortora,
A more convenient method of detecting coliforms makes use of a media containing two
glucoronide (MUG). Coliforms produce B-galactosidase which acts on ONPG and forms a
yellow colour, indicating their presence in the sample. Note that E. coli is unique among
coliforms as it almost always produces the enzyme B-glucoronidase, which acts on MUG to
form a fluorescent compound that glows blue when illuminated by UV light. These tests can
detect the presence or absence of coliforms such as E coli and can be combined with the
multiple-tube method to enumerate them. It can also be applied to solid media such as that of
the membrane filtration method, and the colonies would fluoresce under UV light (Tortora,
Coliforms have so far, been useful as indicator organisms in water sanitation but they
have limitations. One problem is the growth of coliform bacteria embedded in biofilms on the
inner surfaces of water pipes. These coliforms do not represent external fecal contamination of
water, and so they are not considered a threat to public health. Standards governing the
presence of coliforms in drinking water require that any positive water sample is reported and
occasionally these indigenous coliforms have been detected. This has led to unnecessary
community orders.
A more serious problem however, is that some pathogens – especially viruses and
protozoan cysts and oocysts – are more resistant than coliforms to chemical disinfection, and
via the use of methods in detecting viruses, it has been found that chemically disinfected water
samples free from coliforms are often still contaminated with enteric viruses. The cysts of
Giardia lamblia and occysts of Cryptosporidium are so resistant to chlorination that completely
eliminating them by this method is probably impractical. Mechanical methods such as filtration
is also necessary. And so the rule for chlorination is that viruses are more resistant to treatment
than E. coli and that the cysts of Cryptosporifdium and Giardia are a hundred times more