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A Project Proposal

Submitted By
T.U. regd. No.:7-2-0278-0977-2015
Pashupati Multiple Campus

Submitted To
The Faculty of Management
Tribhuwan University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of


Kathmandu, Nepal
February 2019

Background of the study:

Although in 2011 only about 9.0% percent of Nepal’s population used the internet,
use of the internet in Nepal is growing rapidly. The total percentage of internet user
as of 2017 is an out 54%. This figure too increased in 2018.
People are now taking internet as the basic service of their life. This is the usual
feeling now in Nepal, as people in cities are mostly found to use internet each and
every moment. The data trend also shows the same. The no of internet users in
Nepal has increased rapidly in the last year. According to nkp, Nepal adds 2.25
million internet users in the last year.

The competition between major telecom operators encouraged them to provide

cellular coverage to different parts of the country. The cellular/ mobile coverage is
one of the main driver of this internet connectivity and usage. As per the tkp data,
around 95.62 percent of people live within the coverage area of mobile tower.
Other drivers for increment in internet users include the inexpensive cellular phone
and availability of different browsers, applications.

This is the result of a competitive internet service provider (isp) market. Above
hundreds private isps offer internet access to businesses and consumers, through
few, loop networks, subisu, websurfer and mercantile, dominate the market with a
combined share of more than 70 percent. Cyber cafés are important sources of
internet access for nepali; the country is believed to have the highest concentration
of cybercafés in the world. Much of Nepal’s internet access is concentrated in the
more-developed Kathmandu valley region, as the mountainous terrain and low
income in remote regions of the country make access more difficult. However, one
effort to bring internet access to rural populations—the Nepal wireless networking
project—has already wirelessly connected seven remote mountain villages to the
internet, with plans to network twenty-one villages in all. With recent availability
of the state-owned Nepal telecom's nationwide WiMAX based wifi hotspot
services, the reach of internet has widen with marginal success.
Manufacturing industries has main functions of producing goods or the products.
But only producing is not all in all. Different aspects plays vital role for the
success. One is marketing or the marketing strategies of a particular firm.

A strategy is a long-term plan to achieve certain objectives. A marketing strategy is

therefore a marketing plan designed to achieve marketing objectives. For example,
marketing objective may relate to becoming the market leader by delighting
customers. The strategic plan therefore is the detailed planning involving
marketing research, and then developing a market mix to delight customers. Every
organization needs to have clear marketing objectives, and the major route to
achieving organizational goals will depend on the strategy. Marketing strategies
serve as the fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fill market
needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives are generally tested for
measurable results. Commonly marketing strategies are developed as multiyear
plans, with a tactical plan detailing specific actions to be accomplished in the
current year. Time horizons cover by the marketing plan5 vary by company, by
industry, and by nation, however, time horizons are becoming shorter as the speed
of change in the environment increases. Marketing strategies are dynamic and
interactive. They are partially planned and partially unplanned. Marketing
strategies involves careful scanning of the internal and external environment which
are summarized in a SWOT analysis. Internal environmental factors include the
marketing mix, plus performance analysis and strategic constraints. External
environmental factors include customer analysis, competition analysis, target
market analysis, as well as evaluation of any elements of the technological,
economic, cultural or political legal environment likely to impact success. Two key
component of the marketing strategy is often to keep marketing in the line with a
company's overarching mission statement. Once a through an environmental scan
is complete, a strategic plan can be constructed to identify business alternatives,
establish challenging goals, determine the optimal marketing mix to attain these
goals, and detail implementation. Two final step in developing marketing strategy
is to create a plan to monitor progress and a set of contingencies if problems arise
in the implementation of the plan. So marketing occupied the significant space to
the overall improvement of any firm as well as for the profitability of the firm.
There are many companies especially those in the consumer package goods (cpg)
market that adopt the theory of running their business centered on consumer
shopper: retailer needs. Their marketing departments spend quality time looking
for, growth opportunities in their categories by identifying relevant insights both
mindsets and behaviors on their target consumers and reseller partners.

Statement of problem

These days, we can see that various internet companies are in the state of
break down. This is due to absence of proper marketing policies. This is
not only reduces the sales but also reduces the firm’s profit. Profit is the life
blood of the organization, which means without profit a firm cannot run for long
time. Therefore, a firm should deeply consider while making marketing strategies.
Marketing helps in creating awareness among the customers, or any other interest
group. Therefore, marketing strategies of the concern internet company is the main
issue of the study. This research has specially focused on whether the firm’s
spending much of its resources and time on marketing of the services or not.

Objective of study

The main objective of this study is to give an insight about the marketing policies
or strategies of subisu cable net.
The specific objectives of this study are as follows:

 To find out the promotional policies of Subisu Cable Net Pvt. Ltd.
 To analyze the distribution policies of subisu.
 To see the market policies of Subisu Cable Net Pvt. Ltd.
 To suggest appropriate recommendation.

Importance of study

The marketing concepts of building an organization around the profitable

satisfaction of customer needs has helped firms to achieve success in high
growth, moderately competitive market. Whoever, to be successful in markets in
which economic growth has leveled and in which there exist many
competitors who follow the marketing concept, a well-developed marketing
strategy is required. This study will be helpful to all the firms, consumer, retailer
etc. In the following senses:

 The study of distribution, promotional policies and the market trend

would provide the information to the management of the firm that
will help to take corrective action in the field of marketing.

 The distributor (new) would get the information about the criteria
of the firm for the distribution of the services.
 The entire consumer can know the types of services provided by
Subisu Cable Net Pvt. Ltd. and the area of its availability.

Limitations of the study

Limitations of this study are as fallow:

 This is a case study conducted on only one Internet Company.

 This study ignores primary data.
 This study can’t cover overall dimensions of the subject matter.
 This study is based on limited references and time.

Organization of the study

This study will be organized in three chapters:

Chapter I: introduction

The first chapter of this study includes general background, statement of problems,
objectives of the study, importance of the study, limitations of the study and
organization of the study.
Chapter II: Results and Analysis

The chapter deals with presentation of the data using appropriate tables and figures
and their interpretation.

Chapter III: Summary and Conclusion

This chapter includes the brief sketch of the study, conclusion and implications of
the study.

Subisu Cable Net Pvt. Ltd.



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