Lubrizol Corzan Understand CPVC Piping Special Report

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Piping Special Report

Consider Integrated Technology

An ERP system should be easy to implement, use and upgrade as business evolves

By David Berger, Contributing Editor

The chemical processing industry has a unique automation systems where data is generated, all the
set of requirements that makes shopping for Enter-
prise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and business Understand
way to decision support and executive information
systems at the highest level in the organization.

systems in general, a challenging experience. Al- Advanced business systems can integrate directly
though the more advanced business systems continue with a variety of plant-floor equipment, in order to
to add features applicable to functions throughout maximize the timeliness and accuracy of data. This
the enterprise, including operations management, includes connectivity with programmable control-
supply chain, finance, and so on, only a few ven- lers (PC), manufacturing execution systems (MES),
dors offer systems that meet the particular needs human-machine interface (HMI) equipment, and

of chemical processors. The chemical processing even a direct interface with individual produc-
industry faces numerous challenges that drive these tion, material handling or safety equipment. Broad
unique requirements, such as availability of supply, categories of data that may be filtered or consolidated
ever-changing commodity prices, intensifying global for use in business systems are as follows:
competition, and the growing influence of numerous • Product (e.g., production volumes, product
regulatory bodies. quality)
Process industries such as chemical manufacturing • Process (e.g., schedule/routing compliance,
and distribution are highly integrated, from the plant statistical process control)
floor to the executive suite, across the many functions • Health, Safety and Environment (e.g., incidents,
and business units of a given enterprise, and all along events)
the supply chain. These companies typically have • Asset (e.g., asset availability, performance,
large capital investments in physical assets and plant reliability)
automation, for the continuous manufacturing of fin- Fully integrated business systems should provide
ished products. This is in contrast to other industries easy, real-time reporting capability for supervisors
that may be less integrated and more labor-intensive. and managers. For example, reports should provide
Chemical processors and shippers also require so- planned versus actual data for any relevant categories
phisticated tools for monitoring and managing risk, above, including dashboards to facilitate management
especially in light of growing regulatory pressure.
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These and other distinctive characteristics of chemical
by exception for each role (e.g., planner, quality con-
trol supervisor, production manager). At the highest
Start u
processors are discussed in more detail below. level, senior management requires reporting and busi-
ness intelligence on profitability by product category,
VERTICAL INTEGRATION business unit, etc., as well as variance reporting on
Most chemical processing plants use technology at productivity. But ultimately, given the huge invest-
every level in the organization. More sophisticated ment chemical processors make in physical assets,
business systems are able to interface with plant top management must be able to set targets and track
By David Berger, Contributing Editor

Table of Contents
Put CPVC Piping in Its Place 4
Understand where it fits in terms of cost and performance

Challenge Pipe Specifications 8

Opting for alternative materials or designs may offer significant benefits

Understand CPVC Piping 10

Carefully consider this material for industrial process water applications

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Corzan Industrial Piping Systems inherently

offer superior resistance to corrosive chemicals
and highIndustrial
Corzan temperatures
Pipingcommonly found in the
Systems inherently
harshest of processing
offer superior resistanceapplications.
to corrosive chemicals
and high temperatures commonly found in the
In fact, Corzan
harshest pipe, fittings
of processing and valves are
inert to most acids, bases and salts, as well as
aliphatic hydrocarbons.
In fact, Corzan pipe, fittings and valves are
inert to most acids, bases and salts, as well as
As a result
aliphatic of their corrosion resistance and
durability, Corzan Industrial Systems have over
As years ofof
a result success in a wideresistance
their corrosion array of and
processing applications
durability, Corzan around
Industrial the world.
Systems have over
50 years of success in a wide array of
processing applications around the world.
Contact us for a free chemical resistance, process suitability and
technical consultation: [email protected] or 1.216.447.7397
Contact us for a free chemical resistance, process suitability and
technical consultation: [email protected] or 1.216.447.7397
© The Lubrizol Corporation 2016, all rights reserved. All marks are property of the The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway Company.
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© The Lubrizol Corporation 2016, all rights reserved. All marks are property of the The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway Company.
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Put CPVC Piping in Its Place
Understand where it fits in terms of cost and performance

By Donald Townley, Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.

Savvy specifiers know it’s not just the At the other extreme are high performance metals
purchase price that matters when choosing a prod- such as nickel, titanium and zirconium and alloys.
uct that’s designed for long-term performance. Combination systems such as steel lined with rub-
When evaluating a piping system this certainly is ber, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or glass fall in
the case. The key is to identify the best value forthe middle.
today, as well as tomorrow and beyond. And that Metals. Historically metals have dominated
the industrial piping market, largely because
typically requires a lifecycle cost analysis tailored
they’ve been used longer than any other material
to your specific plant, to reflect its fluid tempera-
tures, line pressures, chemical environments, etc. in such applications. In general metal offers higher
pressure-bearing capabilities than alternative
For such an analysis for piping materials, start
materials. Additionally, metal systems’ pressure-
by calculating the cost to install the system. Don’t
focus only on the direct material costs — labor bearing capabilities aren’t significantly reduced
and related installation expenses can account for by increases in temperature. And metal’s rigidity
more than one-half of the total investment made allows hangers to be spaced farther apart to save
in a piping system. on installation costs.
Then consider the cost to maintain the system However, metal poses numerous disadvantages
and how maintenance requirements affect pro- — the most serious of which is vulnerability to
ductivity, downtime and lost opportunity. Also internal and external corrosion. Certain substanc-
evaluate expected service life — how long the sys- es may cause metal to corrode from within, while
tem should last before a total repipe will become elements such as salt in the air or low pH levels
financially or operationally necessary — and its in the ground (for underground applications) can
impact on profitability. prompt external corrosion. Even high-end pricey
Here’s how chlorinated polyvinyl chloride metals such as titanium, which generally resist
(CPVC) piping typically stacks up. corrosion, are susceptible to degradation in certain
Many choices Metal also is subject to flow-restricting scale
Depending on the demands and environment of the buildup, which increases pressure drop and can
operation, you could consider dozens of materials contaminate the process. In addition, compared to
for a plant’s piping system. On the low end of the plastic piping systems, metal is heavier and more
cost spectrum are PVC, CPVC and carbon steel. expensive to install, both in material and labor

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cost. And, because metal has poor insulating prop- bearing capabilities as metal. Such pipe is immune
erties, it sweats more when handling cold fluids, to internal corrosion but still subject to external
can create a burn hazard when transporting hot corrosion. A major disadvantage of plastic-lined
fluids, and is less energy-efficient — all of which pipe is cost. In addition, it requires a difficult
create the need to add costly insulation. labor-intensive joining process. And, any break
Plastics. Today many different plastics success- that occurs in the lining can become a source for
fully serve in industrial environments. In general future pipe failures.
one of the greatest benefits of plastic pipe is its Of course, cost always is an overriding factor
corrosion resistance. Various types of plastic pip- in pipe selection. An authoritative study docu-
ing can be buried in alkaline or acidic soils with- mented that when allowing for direct and indi-
out requiring any paint or special coating. Plastics rect costs — material cost, labor, maintenance,
containing TiO2 for ultraviolet protection strongly productivity, etc. — CPVC was the bottom-line
resist weathering. best choice. Its nearest rival, strictly from a total-
Most plastic pipe also isn’t susceptible to scal- installed-cost standpoint, was carbon steel. At the
ing — so, such piping systems maintain their full extreme high end were PVDF and titanium.
fluid-handling capability throughout their entire
service life. This means it’s often possible to down- Specifying CPVC
size the diameter of the pipe when converting Due to its high heat distortion temperature,
from metal, reducing material costs, and to opt for chemical inertness and outstanding mechanical,
smaller pumps, saving energy. dielectric, flame and smoke properties, CPVC
Of course, the various plastics differ in cost likely can serve a role in nearly any chemical plant
and capabilities. PVC, for example, offers sig- today. Indeed, wherever corrosion resistance and
nificant economic advantages but can’t handle mechanical strength are crucial, consider CPVC.
high-temperature applications. CPVC, on the Applications extend beyond processing operations
other hand, provides superior chemical resistance — the material often is the most effective choice for
as well as a high heat distortion temperature, due cleaning systems involving high temperatures and
to its molecular structure — large chlorine atoms harsh cleaning agents.
surround the carbon backbone to protect it like CPVC piping can handle chemicals that cause
armor plating. So, CPVC has
grown in popularity in both Plant installation
corrosive and high-tempera-
ture applications.
Hybrids. In recent years,
manufacturers have been able
to increase CPVC’s tem-
perature and pressure-bearing
capabilities by wrapping it
with fiberglass. Other hy-
brid systems include various
plastic-lined metallic pipe,
which combines the advantag-
es of metal and plastic while
minimizing many of their
disadvantages. This type of
piping system eliminates scale
buildup concerns while offer-
Figure 1. CPVC piping has a proven itself at plants for about 50 years; new formulations extend the
ing the same superior pressure- applicability of the material.

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process leaks, flow restrictions easy joining
and, ultimately, premature
failure in metal systems.
CPVC withstands most min-
eral acids, bases and salts, as
well as aliphatic hydrocarbons.
However, not all CPVC
compounds on the market
perform similarly. You can
gauge how well your specific
CPVC piping system will per-
form from its cell class, which
is defined by ASTM D1784
and certified by NSF Inter-
national. There’re now two
cell classifications — 23337
and 24448. A large majority
Figure 2. Solvent cement creates a permanent bond stronger than either the pipe or fitting.
of CPVC pipe falls into the
standard 23337 level. Pipe
systems that meet the 24448 classification — all CPVC can safely handle certain organic
are made from second-generation CPVC formula- solvents that are soluble in water, such as alcohols,
tions — exhibit three times the impact strength below a specific concentration. (The acceptable
of standard CPVC, resulting in fewer breaks and concentration level varies with the type of solvent
fractures, a lower scrap rate and easier cutting. — consult the CPVC manufacturer for specific
They also provide a higher heat distortion tem- recommendations.) However, solvents insoluble in
perature, 230°F compared to 212°F for standard water, such as aromatics, likely will be absorbed
CPVC. This translates into a lower probability of by the piping system over time, even when they’re
sagging or bending. present at very low levels in the water. This may
Second-generation CPVC systems also unique- lead to a decreased service life expectancy for the
ly feature fittings made from pressure-rated com- system depending on the operating conditions.
pounds. These fitting compounds carry the same Temperature and pressure also pose restric-
pressure-rating classes as the pipe compound. The tions. In general CPVC can safely be used at up to
fittings provide improved creep resistance and 200°F in pressure applications and up to 220°F in
can better withstand long-term high-temperature non-pressurized applications.
hydrostatic pressure. Pipe size and temperature determine the spe-
It’s important to check with the manufacturer of cific pressure rating — the smaller the pipe size,
the pipe and fittings being specified to confirm how the higher the pressure rating allowed; the higher
well they will perform in a specific application. the temperature, the lower the pressure rating. For
example, ½-in. pipe operating at room tempera-
Material limitations ture can handle up to 900 psi., while 16-in. pipe
No single material is ideal for every application. operating at the same temperature only can with-
CPVC isn’t recommended for use with most polar stand 200 psi. All pressure ratings are based on a
organic materials, including various solvents. 50-yr. service life with a safety factor of two.
CPVC test samples exposed while under stress to Another limitation relates to hanger spacing.
surfactants, certain oils or grease have shown signs Because CPVC piping systems aren’t as rigid as
of environmental stress cracking, softening and metal, hangers must be installed closer together,
swelling. resulting in more hangers. In certain situations,

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space limitations may preclude the additional performance of the solvent cement.
hangers required for CPVC installations. Although solvent cementing is the preferred
joining method for CPVC piping systems, there are
Joining methods alternatives. If it’s necessary to connect to an existing
It’s impossible to accurately assess the cost to metal pipe or if the system needs to be disassembled
install a piping system without considering the for any reason, the CPVC pipe can be joined via
joining system. That’s because the joining method flanges or threading. Full lines of transitions,
directly impacts labor costs and productivity. threaded connections and flanges are available — as
CPVC offers a number of benefits over metal are CPVC valves. It’s possible to create an all-CPVC
with regard to joining. Because no welding is in- system that facilitates maintenance in the future.
volved, no hot work permits or specialized, cumber-
some equipment are required. In the majority of Choose wisely
situations CPVC pipe is joined with solvent cement. An analysis of piping should go beyond initial
This is a fast, easy and highly reliable process that price to consider lifecycle costs. The challenge is
produces a joint that’s actually stronger than either choosing a system that meets the performance and
the pipe or fitting alone. This contrasts with other budget criteria at installation and over the long
piping systems, in which the joint typically is the term. On that basis, CPVC has proven to be a
weakest part of the system and the most likely to fail. highly viable option for many chemical processors.
Although some people liken solvent cement to CPVC offers a material cost highly competi-
glue, it’s very different — the solvent cement actually tive with most other options, especially high-end
creates a welded permanent bond. The solvents in metallics. Its fast and easy joining system reduces
the cement soften the surfaces of the pipe and fitting labor costs. And its corrosion resistance and ability
socket. Because the socket is tapered, the softened to withstand harsh chemicals, high temperatures,
surfaces bond once they are fit together. CPVC in pressure and impact lead to reduced maintenance
the solvent cement fills in any gaps that might oth- requirements, less downtime and greater produc-
erwise exist in the joint. As the solvent cement cures, tivity over an extended service life.
the solvents flash off.
Only CPVC solvent cement should be used. For Donald Townley, P.E., is global standards and ap-
applications in exceptionally harsh chemical environ- provals manager for CPVC, Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.,
ments, check with the manufacturer regarding the Cleveland, Ohio. E-mail him at [email protected].

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Challenge Pipe Specifications
Opting for alternative materials or designs may offer significant benefits

By Dirk Willard, Contributing Editor

Ineos hired Organic Technologies (OT) of material cost comparisons, sometimes even showing
Coshocton, Ohio, to toll manufacture synthetic lubrica- stainless steel cheaper than fiberglass. However, they
tion oil. I think part of the reason why Ineos’ engineers don’t consider construction and lifetime costs.
visited during commissioning was to see how the toller Part of this lifetime savings comes from reduced
undercut the competition by a quarter. As a consultant friction losses — and, thus, lower pumping costs. For
hired by OT to help with the campaign, I was curious new pipe, fiberglass can cut energy costs 25% versus
myself. steel. When replacing old steel pipe, the savings could
OT’s secret, or at least one of its secrets, was tubing: reach up to 200%. This might allow a designer to use a
the company used 1-in.-dia. tubing for the process pipe. smaller line size for fiberglass compared to steel, thereby
Strong, easy to assemble, and ideal for small processes, making construction easier or reducing construction
i.e., ones below 25 gpm, the tubing significantly costs further. However, under no circumstances use
speeded up construction; it only took days instead fiberglass pipe less than 1½ in. in diameter because it’s
of weeks. No welding was required, which meant no difficult to prevent glue globs from restricting flow at
qualification tests for welders. OT didn’t even need small fittings.
isometrics because the whole thing would be torn down Limit ordinary fiberglass pipe to operating tem-
after the campaign. This is but one example of safely peratures no higher than 150°F, pressure below 200
cutting corners in pipe specifications. psig and vacuum no more than 500 torr abs. Some
Let’s consider some others. high-temperature resins can handle services of 250°F or
First, check if fiberglass pipe can handle the service. more.
Such pipe doesn’t require welding, is easily cut and Other plastic pipe such as PVC and CPVC can of-
glued, and stands up to most chemicals. I reckon the to- fer alluring savings compared to steel but at the expense
tal construction cost — i.e., materials, labor and profit of lower operating temperatures and pressure. Never
— of a 2-in.-dia. fiberglass pipe is 46% of a schedule-40 use PVC if the maximum operating temperature can
stainless steel one. Some sources give less-favorable rise above 140°F. Instead, consider CPVC because it

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can operate up to 200°F at an allowable pressure of 50 DBB valves, see:; and http://goo.
psig for 2-in. schedule-40 pipe. Hybrid materials, such gl/n9mN7X.)
as CPVC wrapped with fiberglass, can provide higher Early in my career I ran into a dilemma over
temperature and pressure capabilities. (For more on material standards. Millennium Inorganic Chemicals
using CPVC piping, see the article,“Put CPVC Piping required a nickel/copper alloy for control valves used in
in Its Place.”) pure oxygen service. It turns out that Union Carbide
You can cut costs in construction in other ways blew up an O2 furnace a century ago and the leading
besides choosing plastic pipe. Why not avoid heat trac- cause was rust rushing through a control valve at high
ing and insulation by burying pipe? This could raise velocity; Carbide’s solution was a nickel/copper alloy
a red flag with environmental regulators — but there (Monel). The trouble is that it takes six months to get a
are ways to construct reliable double-pipe systems that 4-in.-dia nickel/copper-alloy control valve. There had to
avoid costs and spill problems. be a better solution — there was. I knew steel makers
Here’s another thought. For product isolation, use used pure O2 in their furnaces, so I started making
a double-isolation-and-bleed (DIB) valve with internal calls; the steel companies had changed to type-316
relief instead of two double-block-and-bleed (DBB) stainless decades ago. Type-316 stainless steel valves are
valves. A DIB valve is more compact; you’re buying two off-the-shelf items. The moral of this story is to always
valves in one. It utilizes bidirectional seats that provide challenge pipe specifications and design practices. They
isolation, without contamination, from either direction. could be obsolete.
DBB valves typically have unidirectional seats In addition, always remember that good pipe
and, so, provide isolation only from one side, allowing specifications are crucial both for economics and safety.
contamination when the body cavity relieves to the low- (See: “Get Pipe Specifications Right in the Beginning,”
pressure side. If a flammable, volatile liquid is present,
this could pose a safety issue. If a heated liquid is pres-
ent, this could result in seal rupture if the liquid fouls or dirk willard, Contributing Editor
thermal relief is insufficient. (For more about DIB and [email protected]

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Understand CPVC Piping
Carefully consider this material for industrial process water applications

By Jorge Solorio, Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.

The safety performance of industrial piping industrial process water applications worldwide,
material cannot be overstated — these environments such as:
have hundreds, often thousands, of lives at stake, Corrosion resistance. Corrosion is a common,
causing them to be closely monitored and regulated ongoing problem in industrial environments. CPVC
by government bodies, such as the U.S. Occupa- pipe and fittings demonstrate superior resistance to
tional Safety and Health Administration and the internal and external corrosion, virtually eliminat-
Environmental Protective Agency (EPA). Add cost ing process leaks, flow restrictions and, ultimately,
and reliability to the list of important factors when premature pipe failure. Unlike metallic systems,
considering industrial piping choices, and it’s clear CPVC industrial piping will never pit or scale, as it is
why material selection for process water applications inert to most mineral acids, bases, salts, and aliphatic
is such an important one. Among the many piping hydrocarbons. CPVC is formulated to stand up to
choices in the industry, the superior strength, perfor- many of the same aggressive chemicals that corrode
mance and safety of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride steel, and it does so in very extreme temperature
(CPVC) make it an ideal system for industrial pro- environments.
cess water applications. Ease of installation. Because CPVC is light-
Traditionally, engineers and procurement weight—roughly one-eighth the weight of comparably
professionals have relied largely on steel and other sized steel piping—and requires less complex tools,
higher alloys for industrial piping. However, an installation and maintenance are simplified, reducing
overall analysis reveals that CPVC often outper- labor time. CPVC pipe and fittings are installed using
forms metallic systems, and is more cost-effective, a simple two-step solvent cementing process, which
over a longer period of time. Yielding an overall creates a highly reliable joint by chemically fusing the
lower installation cost, fewer maintenance and pipe to the fitting. When properly installed, a solvent-
safety concerns, and strong performance with a cemented CPVC joint becomes the strongest part of
wide variety of chemicals, CPVC is a material that the entire system, offering more durability than either
is gaining the attention of many. And the benefits the pipe or fitting alone.
don’t stop there. CPVC offers numerous advantages Little or no maintenance. A CPVC piping system
that can and have improved the bottom line of requires little or no maintenance when properly

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installed. In addition, external pipe coatings are Not All CPVC Is Equivalent
not necessary because CPVC remains unaffected It’s important to note that not all CPVC performs
by even the most aggressive soil and air condi- the same. CPVC products are made with base resins
tions. However, should a portion of the piping need having different molecular weights and varying
replacing, a repair can be made easily without the chlorine contents, as well as different compound
need for a welder or lifting device to hoist equip- additives that can affect compatibility and long-term
ment into place. performance. It’s recommended that you check with
Optimum flow rates. CPVC piping offers opti- your piping supplier to determine what specific tests
mum flow rates, meaning more liquid can be moved the pipe manufacturer has performed on its finished
using smaller pumps and less energy. This type of product with regard to minimum burst pressure
industrial piping has a smooth inner surface that requirements, dimensional tolerances, residual stress
resists scaling and fouling, which minimizes friction requirements, drop impact requirements and fusion
pressure losses in the fluid flow from the beginning. property testing to ensure the system’s long-term
Superior Mechanical Strength Even at elevated tem- performance.
peratures at which industrial plants often operate, CPVC industrial piping systems offer numerous
CPVC has exceptional mechanical strength, with benefits for industrial process water applications and
a pressure rating 25% higher than standard CPVC can be safely used throughout nearly any industrial
at 180°F (82°C). In addition, most systems can be plant because of their durability, long service life and
expected to maintain their pressure-bearing capabili- high-performance characteristics. With its excellent
ties for 50 years or more, providing long-lasting balance of mechanical strength, low thermal conduc-
performance. tivity and limited flame propagation and low smoke
Additional safety. Not only is CPVC safer than generation, CPVC is a cost-effective material that
metal to install, but it is also often safer to operate. provides an outstanding value in terms of safety.
CPVC piping has a lower thermal conductivity; While CPVC is resistant to a broad range of cor-
this not only reduces heat loss, but it keeps the rosive environments, it’s important to note that not all
surface temperature of the pipe lower, reducing chemicals are compatible for use with CPVC. Lubrizol
the chance of burns to maintenance and operating CPVC, the manufacturer of the superior compounds
personnel. that create Corzan Industrial Systems, and its cus-
Low flame and smoke. CPVC has a flash ignition tomers, have tested hundreds of different chemicals
temperature of 482°C (900°F), which is the low- to determine the system’s chemical resistance with
est temperature at which combustible gas can be Corzan pipes and fittings and have developed a chemi-
ignited by a small, external flame. Not able to sustain cal resistance program to list the solutions that can be
combustion, CPVC has an exceptionally low limit- used with Corzan, providing installers confidence in
ing oxygen index (LOI) — the percentage of oxygen the long-term performance of the system.
needed in the atmosphere to support combustion When choosing a material, it’s important to look
— of 60, performing exceptionally well in the harsh for support beyond the product. Lubrizol CPVC is
conditions of industrial plants. dedicated to providing training and education for
Long service life. CPVC starts with a C-factor of those who work with its CPVC piping systems, in-
150 and maintains that interior surface smoothness cluding its Corzan Industrial Systems. From job-site
throughout its life by resisting the effects of cor- training, to cost-effective solutions, to market leader-
rosives. This leads to greater efficiency and reduced ship, a partnership with Lubrizol CPVC can ensure
costs to facilities because smaller pipes, smaller project success.
pumps and less energy can be used to move fluids
at the same rate. CPVC industrial piping can also Jorge Solorio is Americas Industrial market manager
withstand long-term exposure to even the harshest for Corzan, a global Lubrizol brand of piping systems that
environments without significant adverse effects, handles corrosive and chemical fluids. He can be reached at
making it ideal for long-term outdoor installations. [email protected].

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